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Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, The School of Mines Ballaarat: Descriptive papers relating to the institution by the special reporter of "The Ballarat Star", 1875 (exact)
The booklet comprises of a series of papers published in the Ballarat Star, with some revisions. The Administrative Council hoped the publication would increase interest in Technical Education, especially the Art of Mining. He would also hope the public would recognise the Ballarat School of Mines as an institution adapted to supply technical education. The Ballarat School of Mines Council listed at the front of the book includes: Redmond Barry (President and Trustee), Judge Rogers (Vice-President), Somerville Livingstone Learmonth (Trustee), Rivett Henry Bland (Trustee), Charles Gavan Duffy, John A. MacPherson (MLA), William McLellan (MLA), Duncan Gillies (MLA), F. McCoy (University of Melbourne), John I. Bleasdale, W.H. Barnard, James M. Bickett, Henry Richards Caselli, P. Chauncy, J.M. Davey, Joseph Flude, R.F. Hudson, Robert Lewis, James Oddie, Robert M. Serjeant, J. F. Usher, John Walker, J. Williamson, Mayor of the City of Ballaarat, chairman (for the time being) of each of the seven Mining Boards of Victoria. The President of Examiners was Judge Rogers, and the Honorary Auditor was Richard Ford.Stapled, brown soft covered booklet of 48 pages. Section I outlines the establishment of the Ballarat School of Mines, the buildings and land used by the school, describes in detail the former Ballarat Circuit Court and describes the lecture rooms. Section II describes the Ballarat School of Mines Museum, including a description of exhibits. Section III describes the lecture hall, and the apartments on either side of the hall, including the office of the registrar W.H. Barnard, mathematical classroom, chemical laboratory, and metallurgical laboratory. Section IV outlines the subjects offered by the Ballarat School of Mines, including Mathematics taught by John Victor of Grenville College, who had been educated at Trinity College Dublin. Mining and Land Surveying was taught by C.W. Thomas. Mr Croll taught mechanical drawing, followed by Jonathan Robinson of the Union Foundry, and finally S. Keast. It then lists some text books used in the school. Section V mentions the School Council, lack of funds, future directions, mining laboratory. Vi- Describes the land and out buildings, and the proposed building for metal and wood turning, brass foundry, blacksmith, working engine, etc. This section describes some large donations to the school - 50 pounds from the Misses Meglin of Melbourne, 10 pounds 10 shillings to the 'Pyrites fund' by the Walhalla and Long Tunnel Companies in Gippsland. Section VII covers the teaching of chemistry by Joseph Flude. Section VIII outlines the metallurgy classes and the process of assaying. Section IX covers telegraphy taught by Mr Bechervaise Section X describes the examination process at the Ballarat School of Mines. Examiners in mathematics were G.J. Russell (Buninyong) and John Lynch (Smythesdale), mining and land surveying John Lynch and P.C. Fitzpatrick (Ballarat), Principles and Practice of Mining R.M. Serjeant (Band and Albion Consols), Mechanical Engineering John Lewis (New North Company Clunes, Mineralogy and Geology G.H. F. Ulrich, Assayign and Chemistry J. Cosmo Newberry, and Telegraphy R.L.J. Ellery (government astronomer) and Sam W. Macgowan. Underground managers and captains in quart mining was examined by Henry Rosales (Walhalla Company), and alluvial mines by Messrs Bockett, Kent, Martin and Mitchell. Engineers and Engine driving was examined by W.H. Keast,Peter Matthews, Jonathan Robinson and J.M. Troup. Section XI - Covers Annual reports of the school, and honorary correspondents of the school including: John Day (Geelong); R. Evan Day (London); W.W. Evans, M.J.C.E. of New York; J.Y. Fishburne, M.B. of Ararat; Felice Giordano, Inspector of Mines, Italy; Julius Von Haast, Ph. D.F.R.S., Government Geologist of Canterbury; James Hector, M.D., F.R.S., Government Geologist of Wellington, New Zealand, W.F. Hopkins (Grant); Charles A. La Trobe, C.E. (Engineer-in-Chief International Railway Plant, London); Archibald Liversidge, F.G.S. (Professor of Mineralogy and Reader in geology at Sydney University; J.J. Macgregor, M.D. (Creswick); J.T. McKenna (1st class of SMB underground management - Northern Territory); Henry Rosales, M.E. and M. (Walhalla); Harrie Wood (SMB founder and Under-secretary for Mines, Sydney); John Walthew (Stockport, England) .2) Signed 'E.J. Tippett', former President of the Ballarat School of Mines Council melbourne, mla, ballarat school of mines, redmond barry, j f usher, james bickett, w f hopkins, rivett henry bland, s m b, judge rogers, somerville learmonth, charles gavan duffy, gavan duffy, john macpherson, william mclellan, duncan gillies, f mccoy, university, john bleasdale, henry richards caselli, henry caselli, p chauncy, j m davey, joseph flude, r f hudson, robert lewis, james oddie, robert m serjeant, john walker, j williamson, richard ford, ballarat court house, assay, john victor, grenville college, trinity college dublin, c w thomas, jonathan robinson, union foundry, s keast, blessdale, john day, r evan day, w w evans, j y fishburne, felice giordano, julius von haast, james hector, charles a la, trobe, archibald liversidge, j j macgregor, j t mckenna, henry rosales, harrie wood, john walthew, fees, frederick mccoy, w.h. barnard -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, The Ballarat School of Mines and Industries 1870-1920 Jubilee Booklet, 1920 (estimated)
The first school of Mines in Australia was established at Ballarat in 1870. At the time of its jubilee (1930) the following people were members of the School Council: W.H. Middleton (President), W.T. Humphreys (VP), J.S. Vickery (VP), F. Barrow, Col. W.K. Bolton, William Baragwanath, A.E. Cutter, J.N. Dunn, G. Fitches, W.H. Fleay, F. Herman. W.D. Hill, T. Hurley, K. Kean. J. Kelly, L. Lederman, Mayor of Ballarat, Mayour of Ballarat East, D. Maxwell, M. Martin, R. Maddern, D. Ronaldson, F. Saunders, R. Stephenson, A.O. Stubbs, R.E. Tunbridge. The School Staff in 1920 comprised: Herbert H. Smith, Walter Rowbotham, Reginald L. Cutter, M.C. Young, Hilda Wardle, M. Wiliamson, P.S. Richards, L.H. Archibald, J. Woods, Ken Moss, W. Kenneth, Mrs McIlvena. B. Robinson, S. Rowe, E. Hope-Jones, Miss Abrams, L.St.G.P. Austin, Alfred Mica Smith, J.R. Pound, Herbert R. Murphy, N.H. Junner, Maurice Copland, L.H. Archibald, E.J.A. McConnon, Newton King, D.m. Hull, T.R. Gordon, John M. Sutherland, T.K. Jebb, Dick Richards, C. Tonkin, A.W. Steane, J. Paterson, H.W. Malin, R.V. Maddison, S.M. Mayo, F.A. King, W.H. Steane, T.R. Gordon, T.A. Williams, H. Waldron, G. Black, E.J. McConnon, R.V. Duncan. R. Cutter, E.G. Vawdrey, Hilda WardleWhite stapled booklet - landscape format - 20pp + soft covers with blue writing. Includes an historical sketch of the Ballarat School of Mines. Contains images of the school from around 1920. The history outlined in the booklet follows: 'Ballarat has helped to influence the life and destinies of Australia in many ways, the recital of which would perhaps prove tedious to the citizens of less favoured localities! However, it can be said, without much fear of contradiction, that only less known thought Australia than its fame as a gold field is the reputation won for it by its school of Mines, ... Ballarat was still quite a new place when the School was founded, but a very propserous and popular place all the same, with a go-ahead lot of citizens brim full of the spirit of enterprise which seemsto animate mining populations generally. Money was plentiful, and they launched out into ventures, which later, were to develop and take the place of the gold mines, while what is more to the point, they understood the value of education. the old digging days were passing away. So far as Ballarat itself was concerned the day of the cradle and tin dish had already passed into an antiquity "as dead and distant as the age of the Tubal Caon," said dir redmond Barry on declaring the School open. Mining had become a serious business, and the mining engineer, the metallurgist, and the geologist had become a power in the land. In these circumstances the suggestions to found a School of Mines met with ready acceptance. The late Mr James M. Bickett had the honor of bringing forward the proposition at a meeting of the Ballarat Mining Board in October, 1869. it was agreed to, and the Government, having been approached for assistance, granted a lease of the old Supreme Court buildings at a nominal reantal. A modest sum, including 100 pounds from the Borough Council of Ballarat West, was subscribed by a number of sympathisers, and on the 26th October, 1870, the inaugural address was delivered by Sir Redmond Barry, the first President of the School. Classes were commenced on the 23rd January, 1871. The students at first were mostly adults. They were chiefly men emloyed at the mines, who had the wisdom and energy to devote their spare time to study, and, though their attendance was somewhat irregular, they made very good progress. Old prints which have been preserved show them at work at furnaces, big bearded men of the old-fashioned type of miner. It is interesting to note that among those who gave evidence and encouragement was Sir Roderick Murchison, who many years before had advised Cornish miners to emigrate to Australia to search for gold, and who in 1848 was in possession of gold ore sent from this country. Sir Roderick sent a parcel of books for the library, and gave useful advice as to the curriculum which should be adopted. The Museum, which now contains a most valuable collection of minerals, was one of the first things attended to, and the reports presented to the Council from time to time speak of additions being made from all parts of the world. New equipment was constantly being added to the School, a good deal of assay work was done, and some specimens were sent from the East Indies for examination as far back as 1873. By this time there was a difficulty in providing accomodation for the students who wished to enrol, and the number of instructors had grown from two to four. In 1882 the first building was being erected on what was then part of the gaol reserve. A little more than ten years afterwards a buildnig formerly serving as a Methodist Church was absorbed, while later on, the demand for accomodation increasing, the attack upon the gaol was renewed. The School continued to grow in reputation and size, and became the science centre of the district, and in 1889 a learge new building was opened by Sir Alexander Peacock. Students came from over seas as well as from all the States of Australia, and after going through their courses they took with them the name and fame of the old School to all parts of the globe. School of Mines boys have played a great part in developing the mining fields of Western Australia, South Australia, and africa, while old students who have made a name in their profession are constantly dropping in to see how the old place is getting along. It was not to be expected, however, that the Ballarat School would be left without rivals, its very success inspiring competition. Mining Schools were started in other parts of Australia, and, at the same time, Victoria ceased to hold first place as a mining state. On the other hand there was a great advance in manufacturing, and the demand for technicaly trained men became a great and as insistent as ever it had been for trained mining men. The Council was quick to adapt the school to the new conditions, and the result is seen in the institution, which is one of Ballarat's proudest possession. Instruction is given in all branches of technical work, and the classes are filled with students who are building up for Ballarat a reputation as an industrial centre, which promises to equal that which it formerly held as a mining town. Owing to its bracing climate, its abundant opportunities for recreations, and its accessibilty, Ballarat as a city is an ideal place for educational purposed, and is yearly becoming more and more appreciated throughout the State. The chairman of one of Ballarat's biggests industries claims that the workman can do twice the day's work here that he can do in Melbourne. he was a little enthusiastic over it, perhaps, but it is a well-known fact that the healthy and invigourating Ballarat climate is conducive to both physical and mental activity, and the records of the School provide ample proof of it. One of the most interesting and successful branches of the School of Mines and Industries - if the name be enlarged with the enlargement of its scope - is the Technical Art School. "The City of Statues" has from its earliest days been a stronghold of art. Art schools have flourised here, and in 1905 the Education Department came to the conclusion that the best thing to do with them was to place them under the management of the School of Mines Council. A magnificent new Technical Art School was built at a cost of some 12,000 pounds on the site of the old Supreme Court building, and was formally opened on the 23rd July, 1915. The results have not only been justified but surpassed all anticipations. The most comprehensive list of subjects is taught, and this list is constantly added to. Students have flocked to the art School, which may be said to occupy a unique position in Australia, and its record of success is really astonishing. Its students supply art teachers for the newer schools that are being built, and many occupy leading positinos in important business houses. So well is its reputation known that orders are constantly being received, not only from Victoria, but from other States, for honor boards and challenge shields to be designed and made. The most recent addition to the School of Mines and Industries is the Junior Technical School, for which a new building is now being erected on a portion of the gaol site, transferred to the School of Mines Counci by the Government. At the present moment temporary quarters are being occupied. Some students after passing through the Junior School go straight to employment, continuing perhaps to attend the evening trade classes, while others move on to the senior School. In a review of the work of the School of Mines mention must be made of a series of industrial research carried out under supervision of the Principal. One in particular, regarding the suitability of the local ores for the manufacture of pigments attracted much attention, while the experiemtns on the manufacture of white potery from Victorian clayes were considered of sufficient importance by the Federal Advisory Council of Science and Industry to warrant the appointment of a special investigator. The results of these have been most encouraging, and may have far-reaching consequences. The vocational training of returned soldiers also should not be overlooked. The work was taken in hand from the first, before the Repatriation Department gave assistance, and now with the help of the department of the School has become one of the largest vocational training centres in Victoria outside of Melbourne. The soldiers, trained in a variety of occupations, have made remarkable progress, and already considerable numbers have found employment in local workshops and factories. To sum up, the School is divided into the following departments, each well staffed and equipped: - The School of Mines, science, and Engineering; the Techncial Art School, the Boys' Junior Technical School, the Girl's Preparatory Technical Classes, Trade Classes, and the Commercial School. The school of Mines, science and Engineering, comprises the following branches: - Mining, Metallurgy, Geology, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Applied Chemistry, and Pharmacy. Battery treatments, Cyanide Testing, Smelting, Assays, and Clay Testing from a regular part of the School's work. Students gaining qualifications obtain concession in their courses at the university, should they proceed there to continue their studies. The technical Art school curriculum includes training in all branches of pictorial and applied art, an Architectural Diploma Course, a Draughtman's Course, technical Art teachers' Course, Photography,Ticket Writing, Art Metal Work, Woodcarving, Needlework, and Leather work. The Trade Classes give instruction in Telephone Mechanics, telegraphy, Carpentry, Cabinet Making, Plumbing, Blacksmithing, Fitting, Electric Wiring, and Printing. Numerous Scholarships are offered every year, and altogether students will find few places to equal the Ballarat School of Mines and Industries as a training place for their life's work. One of the first in the continent to be established, its Jubilee finds it still in the front rank, keeping pace with the times, and offering to the youths of this country the means of taking advantage of Australia's teeming opportunities. william, battery, smith, herbert, drawing from the antique, ballarat school of mines botanical gardens, ballarat school of mines, redmond barry, alfred mica smith, james bickett, museum, dick richards, ballarat junior technical school, s m b, ballarat school of mines and industries, ballarat technical art school, model mine, james m bickett, j m bickett, roderick murchison, vocational training rooms, wesley church, methodist church, alexander peacock, lathes, repatriation, repatriatin department, war service, school council, baragwanath, gold mining, mining laboratory, plaster cast, r.w. richards, anniversary, jubilee -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Extra Muros, 1947, 1947
Each year World War One and World War Two veteran, and Ballarat Teachers' College Principal addressed the College community for ANZAC Day. The following are excerpts of his 1947 address. "...But we should do more than remember, and instead of pausing once a year for this purpose is should be our aim to remember daily - every day should be an Anzac Day so that we shall be inspired to take stock of ourselves if we are tryig to be worthy of almidst 100,000 dead who died to keep this country free to progress nobly towards a worthy goal, What are we dong about it? As a body of teachers er should be particulalrly concerned, as in our hands largely the growth of the children lies. In the schools we can do much in our work of every day to develop right standards and a better outlook amongst the children it is our privilege to teach. We can successfully teach the three "R's" but if this is all we do then we have failed. Is should be our aim, living in the spirit of those who gace so much, to dedicate ourselfes to the work of teaching young people how to live; to train them gently in ethical standards of conduct; to take responsibility; to live through the operation with otherts; to be prepared to give service without thought of personal gain; to realise to the full all that is best in them for the good of all. What we should do and how it is to be done is difficult to descibe, but if we ourselves have taught something of the Anzac Sprit we shall not fail. In particular, we shold take care of the orphan and th child of the disabled soldier. We should explore all avenues to see what that these children get every opportunity for higher education. As far as it lies in our power we should see that these children do not suffer - thus the legacy of war is ours. In a few months you will be going out to your schools. You will have young children around you. Let you arims be high. Try to live worthily and let your little community be the better and the finer for your coming. If you achiec somethig of thise then 100,000 shall nit have died in vain." Blue soft covered, stapled booklet named 'Extra Muros', the magazine of the Ballarat Teachers College, ANZAC Day. The contents include: The Year's Sport, J. Arthur Rank; Music; Dingo Blood; Anzac Day 1947; History of Sport; J. Arthur Rank Named images include: staff and students; Sports Committee; Social Committee; Student Council; Magazine Committee' Daylesford Camp; Anglesea Camp; Grampians Camp; Exies, College staff and students;A number of authorgraps are written into the back page. ballarat teachers' college, ellwood, lord, robinson, tozer, connelly, pattenden, collins, blake, faulds, sunderland, miller, bryan, yeo, frank lord, lindsay w. harley, lindsay w. harley, anzac day -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1958, 1958
The Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine was published annually. 1958 editor was Peter Robinson. Contents include: School Council, Members of Staff, A Balanced Education, Retirement of the Principal, Principal's Page, Prominent Personalities, Have we the Right Approach?, Sweet and Sour, Paying Homage to the Dead, Sports Awards 1958, Italian Coachwork Sets the Fashion, The "White Australia" Policy, Wool, Roll CallYellow soft covered 56 page magazine with green ink. Contents include: New Students from Asia (Anthony Yeung Chai Shing, Yep Kwok Ming, Archari Kassibhrimi Sarikananda, Teddy Gan Ben Chiang, Richard Tann, Somsack Satapuntu, Chermsak Tanskul, Charles Tai, Chit Cheng Foo); Italian Coachwork Sets the Fashion; the White Australia Policy; Wool; Artists' Society; Literary Society; Maryborough Visit; Roll Call; Higher Education for Girls; Sports, Football, Baseball, Badminton, tennis, School of Mines Society of Artists; Girls' Association Images include: Craig's Royal Hotel, Dick Richards, Peter Robinson, Lansell groat, Elizabeth Scott, Patrick Collier, Nelson Hails, Biruta Mellins, William Widdop, Frank Pomeroy, Alan Clarke, Kaspar Bitans, Walter, Reimann, Gladys Hocking, Keith Alexander; Murray Gillan; John Skujaballarat school of mines, ballarat junior technical school, lansell groat, r. w. richards, elizabeth scott, patrick collier, nelson hails, biruta mellins, william widdop, walter reimann, gladys hocking, keith alexander, frank pomeroy, alan clarke, kaspars bitans, eric mcgrath, teddy gan, juris erdmanis, brian duthie, r. horgan, g. beveridge, t. stanley, p. agrums, d. vendy, j. whelan, a. atkins, b. dunstan, p. collier, d. kirton, i. weir, b. lonsdale, anthony yeung, k. alexander, a. rock, g. barnett, n. delosa, w. reimann, m. villani, a. clarke, john wynd, h. fletcher, c. fraser, p. h. collier, v. dorron, murray gillan, john skuja, chit cheng foo, k. bitans -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine, J.A. Hoskin & Son, Quadrangle: Magazine of the Junior Technical School Ballarat, 1960, 1960
The 1960 Quadrangle magazine committee were Kelvin Whitford, Bill Heywood, Ken Delayney, Daryl Burt, John Cornish, John McDonald, Ross Gray, and Messrs I. Chisholm and N. Watkins.Salmon coloured soft covered magazine of 46 pages. Contents include: Villiers Internal Combustion Engine, Geelong, School Song, Death of W.J. Paterson, Old Boys Newsletter (Keith Rash), Pine plantation. Robert Champneys, Air Training Corps, Mothers' Club Images include: R. Watson (headmaster), staff, prefects, tennis court, Peter Trezise, Doug Rash, Wong Chik Min, John Gilbert, John McDonald, Ray Bilney, Denis Moy, John Crawley, Roberto Venier, Reijo Karvinen, Cheetham Salt Works; Graeme Cummins, Gerald Kessel, James Colligan, Alan Everett, David Newman, Air Training Corps, Ken Wach, Athletics team, Tunnel Ball Team, Cross Country Team, Basketball Team, Softball Team, Football Team, Swimming team, Cycling Team, Cricket Team, ballarat junior technica school, ballarat school of mines, whitford, watson, paterson, w.j. paterson, george cornell, franklin, tresize, prefects, tennis court, peter trezise, doug rash, wong chik min, john gilbert, john mcdonald, ray bilney, denis moy, john crawley, roberto venier, reijo karvinen, cheetham salt works, graeme cummins, gerald kessel, james colligan, alan everett, david newman, air training corps, ken wach, athletics team, tunnel ball team, cross country team, basketball team, softball team, football team, swimming team, cycling team, cricket team, r. watson, kelvin whitford, bill heywood, ken delayney, daryl burt, john cornish, ross gray, william paterson obituary, ron kirner, keith rash, air training cadets, i. pym, c. antonio, k. woodyatt, b. middleton, a. everett, b. clarke, d. riddiford, i. trembath, j. myers, l. goldsmith, p. chanler, p. edge, s. riddiford, r. cook, j. holt, k. fellows, d. coldicott, douglas rash, g. angow, n. jones, john dellaca, j. angwin, w. scanlon, m. chung, g. holt, r. bilney, w. carey, r. carmichael, b. mckinnon, n. bedggood, r. robinson, c. cunninham, r. grubb, l. skevington, g. cole, w. whiting, ronaldson-tippett, palmer bros, h. dubberley & son, m.b. john and hatersley limited, h.a. davis motor service, alexandria tea rooms -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Victoria Education Gazette and Teachers' Aid, 1911-1919, 1910-1919
Black hard covered book with red spine, holding Victorian Education Gazettes for one calendar year. .1) 1910 .2) 1912 .3) 1911 .4) 1914 .5) 1918 Images: Open Air Classroom Black Rock; Open Air Classroom, Jeetho, Gippsland; Open Air Nurses bedroom, Mildura; Gym at Canterbury School ; Babies and Nurses at Melbourne Foundling Hospital; Camp at Portland; Alexander Peacock Opens a Melbourne School; Unveiling Major Mitchell Memorial at Mt Arapiles; Agricultural Plot; School Interior; Swimming Drill; Graham Dux Prize Board; Bathing Place; Classroom with blackboard and pictures; Major Mitchell's Map; Melbourne, Derbyshire; Market Place Melbourne; The Blackwood; World War One Send-off at The Athenaeum; Scarsdale Old Boy's logo; Sloyd articles for the Field Hospital; World War One; Gifts for Transport to the Wharf; soldiers; ANZAC Day; ANZAC Day Medalion .5) 1915: Education Department's War Relief Fund, William Park obituary, Closer Settlement Act 1912, Agriculture, needlework, Swimming and Life Saving, explorers, Gregory Blaxland, Matthew Flinders, Composition, Geography, potatoes, onions, gardens, Needlework for Infants, Iona and Staffa, Trained Primary Teacher's Course, Electricity, Electrical Technology, hygiene, Arbour Day, Horticulture, Wattle Day, Bird Day, Technical Schools, Landing at Gaba Tepe, Evils of Alcohol, Old Boys of Scarsdale, Belgium, Teachers' College Images: The British at War, The Sonnet, History and Patriotism, Male Swimming Teachers Summer School at Geelong, Women Swimming Teachers at Port Fairy, Buln Buln State School, Burwood East State School, needlework plans, methods of Rescue and Resucitation. plan of the journey of Gregory Blaxland, Macquarie House, teachers killed (William Ross Hoggart, Stanley Robert Close, William Roy Hodgson, Campbell McDiarmid Peter, William Henry Dawkins, William Hugh Hamilton, Frederick McRae Neal, Vernon Brookes, Frank J. Olle, Alfred J. Collins, Ernest R. Fairlie, William J. McLaren, A.E. Smith, Thomas Patton, Francis W. Kemp, Frederick G. Hall, Rupert O. Hepburn, Woolston J. Govan), Frederick Harold Tubb VC, Botanic Gardens Red Gum, Shelter Pavillions, Head of Wheat, Australian Commonwealth Flag, Iona Cathedral, Drawing exercises, ANZAC Madallion, School Rolls of Honor .6) 1916 - Nature Study, war relief, school gardening, horticulture, singing class, geography of the war, School Rolls of Honour, Ponsonby Carew-Smyth, Astronomy, ANZAC Day, Empire Day, Arbor Day, "Some Suul of Goodness in Things Evil" by Frank Tate, War Relief Gardeners' League, ANZAC Day medallion, Solar System, Abolition of German Schools in Victoria, ANZAC Avenues, avenues of honour, Geography of the War: The West, War relief and handwork, Victorian State Schools Horticultural Society, Patrick Maloney obituary, formalin lamps, Victoria League of Victoria, Wonwondah East Roll of Honor Images - Teachers killed (John Clarke, A.C.H. Jackson, Alexander Robertson, Noel Gambetta, Ralp E. Leyland, Laurance J. Woodruff, Walter E. Cass, Percy D. Moncur, Thomas M. Carmichael, Edward G. Brain, Reginald N.F. Woods, George E. James, William Colvin, David Dobson, Stanley L. Robinson, Charles Allen, G.E. James, H.F. Curnow, Franl L. Cousins, James R. Thompson, Henry H. Campbell, George E. Read, Ernest D. Morshead, Wilfred S. Merlin, Henry R. Wright, George B. Webb, Noel Nicholas, David H. Thomas, Charles A. Levens, Thomas R. Fenner, John M. Daniell, P.J. Larkin, Ralph Smith, Philip Ormsby), school rolls of honour, Swimming Instructors at Queenscliff, The Southern Sky, Map of the North Sea and its Littorals, Easter School of Horticulture at Oakleigh, Map of the Eastern Front, Map of Mesopotamia, Map of the War Area in the Egyptian Campaign, leeches for the Melbourne Hospital .7) 1917 - Swimming and Life-Saving, Childre's FLower Day, Education Department's War Relief Fund, State War Council, Horticulture, Bird Day, Swimming, Growing Chicory at Cowes Images - Teachers killed during World War One (G.M. Nicholas, William C.W. Spencer, J.W.C. Profitt, Ivon C. Bromilow, John Colwell, Robert W. Campbell, Arthur P. Bourchier, Francid G. Houston, Claude N. Harrison, Edgar Williams, Leslie A. Stevens, Charles E. W. Chester, Stanley R. Green, Walter Baker, Arthur G. Scott, Harry L. Swinburne, Horace W. Brown, Arnold Bretherton, Edward W. Jenkins Aubrey Liddelow, Ewen A. Cameron, Edmund R. Lyall, John H. Martin, Harry Bell, Frank L. Nicholls, Melville R. Hughes, Edwin W. Hauser, Walter S. Filmer, Walter G. Barlow, Henry A. Donaldson, Edward H. Jones, Walter W. Raw, Alfred W. Dean, Wiliam Lea, Frederick G. Drury, J.T. Richards, Norman G. Pelton, Lance-Corporal Doran, Kenneth F. McKenzie, William F. Robertson, Wiliam Jarrott, Norman Graham, George G. Paul, Victor Green, Arthur William Rennie, Alfred J. Glendinning, Robert B. Liston, Eward P. Toll, George Jones, Errol E. Rodda, Christian P. Christensen, Charles F. Sydes, H.G. Clements, Norman C. Fricker, J.M. Romeo. Eric N. Lear, Thomas J. Bartley, Norval Birrell, Frederick H. Tubb. J.T. Hamilton Aram, Arthur Wilcock, William M. Conroy, Alex. H. Miller, Patrick J. Cunningham, Charles S. Mitchell, John R. Maddern, James Roadknight, Harry Arundel, Jack C. McKellar, duncan M. McKellar, George S. Manfield, Edgar C. Holmes, George A. Young, Raymond A. Gardiner, William B. Bell, William Opie, George R. Scott, Richard V.B. Vine, Herbery S. Marshall, Hugh St Omer Dentry, George B. Fullerton, Harry Oulton, Iva F. Morieson), School Honor Books, Drawing, Presentation of 30,000 pounds to the British Red Cross at Melbourne Town Hall .8) 1918 .9) 1919 - Photographs of World War One soldiers from the Education Department, Margaret Montgomery Memorial, 1918 Act relating to State School Teachers, State Scolarships, Victorian State Schools' Horticultural Society, Pneumonic Influenza, Spanish Flu, epedemic, swimming and life savinfJunior cadet training, vacancies in Fiji, School Committees, Arbor Day, Arbour Day, Henry Harding of Yinnar, Planting Trees and Shrubs, Juvenile Crime, The use of 'Get', Soldier-Teachers from Overseas in Congress London, Australia's Effort in the War, Military, Working Bees, Tree Planting, fence building, Welcoming Home a Returned Soldier, Avenue of Honour planting, Discipline, Unveiling an Honor Board, School gymnasium, school tennis court, E. E. Crogger grave at Aldershot, The School Honor Book. War Relief Fund, Commonwealth War Record, Caulfield Military Hosptial, ANZAC Day Pilgrimage, Jimmie Panikin, Donald Fraser, Arthur Mee, Card Sun Dial, Balboa Day in Honolulu, William Hamilton, Alfred Jackson, The Backward Child, Flies, Language Teaching and Learning, Spelling, The Education of the Adolescent, victorian education gazette, education gazette and teachers' aid, sloyd, william a. cavanagh, james i froebel, school, education, world war one, memorials, alfred williams, exploration and settlement, cadets, australian naval college, bernard o;dowd, birds, swimming, drawingempire league, eucalypts, paper in history, forestry, arbor day, identification of trees, forestrey museums, fiji, gravel hill school band, horticulture, hygiene, gould league of bird lovers, life saving, la perouse, bandin, j. holland, w. hamilton, charles sturt, principles of archimedes, james holland, william hamilton, scarsdale old boys' reunion, foundling home melbourne, montessori education, open air schools, james hughes, marie corelli, flinders sydney harbour, major mitchell's map, tooth brushing, r.h.s. bailey -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet - Magazine, J.A. Hoskin & Son, Extra Muros, 1959, 1959
The Publications Committee were Ken McDougall, Kath Hayes, Brian Haig, Sue Tucker, heather Bell, Dawn Brown, Ian george, elizabeth Lemmon, Janette Leviston, Leah Harwood, Tony scanlon. Mal Wordsworth. Ian Walshe. The Year Book Committee were Carmel Keys, Judy Krahe, Jill Mayo, and Mr Ryan was the staff representative. The Students' representative council for 1959 were J. O'Neill, I. Ferguson, I. Jenkins, E.Davies, B. Matthews, M. Robinson, R. Cummings, B. Vandenberg, N. Wright, D. McKimmie, K. McDougall, D. Eldridge, N. Beacham, K. Ryrie, J. Rae and D. Wise. The social committee comprised R. Power, G. Briggs, D. Ryan, G. Wallace, V. Delbridge, S. Dawe, Miss Lloyd, Mr Bourke, R. Kelly, M. Grey, J. Cadzow, E. Davies, Monica Miller, G. Commons and F. Mason. A black and white soft covered magazine of the Ballarat Teachers' College. The cover design was by Doug Sheen. Articles include: education in North Borneo, Webster St Hostel, Gillies Street Girls Hostel, Victoria Street Hostel, Camp Street Hostel, Gillies Street Boys Hostel, Ex-Students' association, The Joys of caravaning, How to Spend One's Leisure, Ideas from the Design Club, Faces Behind the Wheel, Life's Bitterness, Characterization, Such is Life. ballarat teachers' college, margaret brown, ken mcdougall, kath hayes, brian haig, tom turner, k. mcdougall, noel beacham, norma mchenry, heather speedie, ted doney, north borneo, webster street hostel, victoria street hostel, students residences, . o'neill, i. ferguson, i. jenkins, e.davies, b. matthews, m. robinson, r. cummings, b. vandenberg, n. wright, d. mckimmie, d. eldridge, n. beacham, k. ryrie, j. rae, d. wise, r. power, g. briggs, d. ryan, g. wallace, v. delbridge, s. dawe, miss lloyd, mr bourke, r. kelly, m. grey, j. cadzow, e. davies, monica miller, g. commons, f. mason, camp street hostel, gillies street hostel -
Federation University Historical Collection
Letter - Letterbook, Ballarat School of Mines Letterbook, 1915 to 1916, 1916
The letter book related to outward letters from the Ballarat School of Mines.A bound leatherbound book with marble endpapers. The contents are copies of outward letters from the Ballarat School of Mines from July 1915 to May 1916. Page 807 relates to the Ballarat Eight Hours' Anniversary Committee (J. Kean) Page 906 - Letter from L. Austin (Ballarat School of Mines Registrar) concerning the appointment of Winifred Joy and Hestor Darby as assistants to Miss Abrams to the Ballarat School of Mines Senior Commercial Classes. ballarat school of mines, correspondence, murphy, vaughan, victor greenhalgh, irvine coulter, lancelot austin, l.s.g.p. austin, adcock, james bickett, bickett, tunbridge, tucker, desnoy, phillips, edgar mcconnon, revill tinworth, r.o. buchanan, john dulfer, stanley westcott, wolfram, assay, anzac medallion, beaufort house, ballarat eight hours' anniversary, last chance mine, evan walker, norman carmichael, doney, thomas doolan, harold wakeling, bowman, james early, garry eason, abrams, bennett, duthie, harry fern, hetherington, hutchinson, collyeer, colom, carew-smyth, ponsonby carew-smyth, donald clark, george swinburne, bev syliva, hestor darby, joy winifred, barry judd, c.c. campbell, cathcart centrel gold mining co, adcockbawden, benevolent asylum, ditchburn, doctor spring, doepel and chandler, eureka tile company, pitfield, edwads pyrites works, embling, fleay, c.e. fenner, mount rowan, gower, greenhalgh, c. hosking, murtoa, c.a. hoadley, harold herbert, jolly, kenny, kelsall, kerr, architect, a.m. lilburne, lemmon, andrew land, leipson, h.s. lawson, a. levy, scarsdale gold mines, w.k. moss, fred martell, e.j. mcconnen, read murphy, h. morris, leongatha, maurice claude, j. middleton, j.c. molley, e. merlin, e.f. pitman, p. pringle, rumble, dr robin, edgar richard, g. remfry, g. robertson, james rich, a. ross, d. l. stirling, s. stretch, c. skilbeck, r. strachan, w.k. thomson, grant taylor, j.h. tundbury, v.e. reeves, tin mining co. hobart, vernon, hilda wardle, daylesford, waller, whitloa, w. watson, b. whitington, j.b. robinson, k. hamilton, photography, j.m. sutherland, j.h. scullin, scholarship, w.h. wesley, gundagai, a.t. o'meara, associated smelters port pirrie, assayer, telegraphy, t. williams, d.l. stirling, edward finnis, norman tinworth, j.y. mcdonald, h.s. summers, geology, homeward bound bon accord gmc, e.t. vane, a.d. dunstan, maughan, cox, g.s. richards, westcott, w.l. carroll, turnbull, l. vernon, s. nightingale, cathcart central gold mining company cathcart, a.j. moffit, v.e. reevesr. mcmillan, w. nankervis, w.h. clutterbuck, j.m. wesley, e. dooley, olive mckillop, dana street primary school shelter shed, ballarat junior technical school, british nationality and aliens act, war relief fund, s. hylton bravo, queensland molasses co, ethel merlin, a.e. poulton, commercial, winifred joy, c. adcock, lancelot st.g.p. austin, herbert p. bennett, a. bray, fonald clark, walter collyer, o.f. colom, g.e. desnoy, f.w.r. doney, brian h. duthie, a. gordon, g.m. hetherington, kath hutchinson, baryr judd, j. kean, john y. mcdonald, j. murray, a.f. phillips, c.c. phillips, john mck. sutherland, bev sylvia, r.e. tunbridge, miachel vaughan, p. vawdey, h.j. vernon, harold g. wakeling, pharmacy board, pharmacy, r. cutter, ballarat technical art school building, dalgety & co., h.s.w. lawson, a.h. powell, australian institute of engineers, eight hours' anniversary committee, silberberg, beckman's thermometer, miss abrams business college -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Prospectus A: Science and Engineering, 1935, 1935
W.H. Middleton, School Council President F. Barrow, School Council Vice-President D. Maxwell, School Council Vice-President L. Lederman, School Council Honorary Treasurer Council members: William Baragwanath, J.C. Bush, A.J. Darling, E. Hall, R.W. Hill, N.C. Heathcote, H.N. Hornabrook, M.W.B. John, M. Martin, A.W. Nicholson, D. Ronaldson, A.S. Rusden, J. Smail, G. Stone. Brown soft covered book of 28 pages. Includes the school council , teaching staff, facts about the Ballarat School of Mines, General regulations, diploma courses, certificate courses, regulations of the tutorial board, students' clubs, list of Ballarat School of Mines Associationsballarat school of mines, ballarat school of mines associates, student clubs, student association, william baragwanath, j.c. bush, a.j. darling, e. hall, r.w. hill, n.c. heathcote, h.n. hornabrook, m.w.b. john, m. martin, a.w. nicholson, d. ronaldson, a.s. rusden, j. smail, g. stone, student association, w.h. middleton, f. barrow, d. maxwell, f.e. ferguson, j.m. barker, j.b. robinson, a.f. heseltine, j.r. pound, hubert r. murphy, g. cornell, richard w. richards, hector yates, l. finch, e.j.a. mcconnon, s.j. chambers, t.r. gordon, w.h. goldsmith, d.e. mullins, s. parker, john m. sutherland, l.j. hillman, m. mctaggart, h. darby, j. hewitt, w.g. coates, j. lockhead, v.h. dorron -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Book - Ledger, Ballarat School of Mines Council Minute Book,1883-1888, 1883-1888
Hardcovered book, quarter leather bound containing handwritten minutes of the Ballarat School of Mines Council. 27 July 1887 - proposal for lectureship in Mechanical Photographyballarat school of mines, ballarat school of mines council, ballarat school of mines council minutes, theo williams, samual e. figgis, thomas mann, frederick martell, j.m. bickett, james oddie, alfred mica smith, ferdinand krause, nicholls, e.j. rosemblum, w.r. bechervaise, barbara ramsay, lizzie clarke, mary burrows, matilda latter, fiddian, w.h. nicholls, henry r. caselli, e. rosenblum, thornton, williams, john b. irwin, joan rosenblum, gredrick given, william mcdougall, alexamder reid, william legg, tennis, c.h. ellis, h. bradbury, i.j. jones, j. lonie, agar wynne, fanny trebilcock, wmily h. walker, james lonie, william davies, edwin blomeley, charles walker, charles nicholls, william manners, john scott, george cairns, alfred kerr, h.w. bull, astronomy, g. wilkins, electricity, frederick gray, e.h. coltman, maggie gilchrist, w. sharwood, e.j. rosenblum, surveying, a.f. laplau, r. ghee, a. bragazzi, oscar skoglund, mine manager, r.f. taplin, j.w. sutherland, william cotter, w.j.gronow, e. wilfred robinson, adelaide jubilee exhibition, mechanical photography lectureship, photography, university of melbourne, john warrington rogers, william john clarke, rivett henry blandalfred lynberg, hugh reid resignation, mary ann cameron, mary jane guthrie, maude louisa millett, harry mortimer martell, r.j. vale, mining laboratory -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Register, Berry Anderson & Co, Ballarat School of Mines Gold Entry Book. 1908-1976, 01/06/1908-01/12/1976
The Ballarat School of Mines had a model mine used by students, and to conduct assays for a fee. The Register of Gold Entry Book had to be kept by the Licensed Gold Buyer or Assayer under the Gold Buyers Act.Brown half leather bound register registering receipt of gold. Columns include date, nature of transaction (eg assaying/purchase), age, where employed, business (eg mining, fossicking, assayer, etc), Abode, Signature, Witness, Claim, Mining Division, District, Where Obtained, Character of Gold (eg alluvial, smelted, quartz, etc), Weight, Value, How Gold Treated, To whom delivered after assay or smelting, Date of Assayer's Certificate. ballarat school of mines, model mine, battery, assay, smelting, gold, robinson, frederick martell, r. callister, a. garrard, peter tong, lee sue, ah lung, chinese, f.w. calaby, ah kit, charlie ah lung, ah sung, ah chee, dep choon, charlie ah hing, frederick greaves, peter fong, george ah ki, ah hing, william mong, thomas bell and party, brown hill, dentist, amalgam, albert sydney sergeant, plumber, plumbing, george spence, plumber, commonwealth bank, j. hutton-jones, golden duke mining syndicate, blackwood, d.e.j. grant, eganstown, linton gold mining company, mining, d. bernard, g. peron, john page, david bernard, harry webb, ah fou, w.d. thompson, a.b. tolliday, m. webb -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Report Register, Ballarat School of Mines Monthly Reports, 1918-1929, 1918-1929
Ledger monthly reports from the Registrar to the Ballarat School of Mines Council. Information includes student numbers, new enrolments, financial reports, reports of Council member and staff deaths. 1915 World War One Staff Enlistments. 1916 Advertisement for Teaching Positions 1917 Enlistment of Colin C. Brittain to the 'Miners' and Engineers'. 1919 Pg 75 - Low student numbers due to the influenza pandemic (Spanish Flu) Pg 76 - Ruby Lonie suffering from influenza (Spanish Flu). 1922 * Page 146 Plaster casts from Victoria & Albert Museumplaster casts, letter, letterbook, ballarat school of mines, monthly reports, principals reports, world war one, student involvement in world war one, aboriginal male skeleton, ralph g. moore, robert a. clinton, ralph ingram moore, japanese warship officers visit, c.h. vale, g.d. evans, geoffrey ballantyne tundbridge, w.j. paterson, new guinea, mica smith schola, mica smith scholarship, nolrfolk island pine, primock mineral specimen donation, e. duncan, e.j. mcconnon, j.r. gordon, j.c. molloy, j.c. molloy death, c. fenner, h.h. smith, w.h. collyer, a.f. tweedie, colin brittain, australian mining corp, w.h. clutterbuck, a.l. ronaldson, thomas hurley, j.c. hurley, alan t. perry, wolfrey henry clutterbuck, miss abrams' commercial classes, norman barker, australian flying corps, l.h. vernon, h.c. smith, rowland c. valentine, repatriation department, returned soldiers, t.h. shattock, returned soldiers league, ina smith, john keith, caledonian society, w.g. coates, percival j. ripper, s.h. mayo, fees in arrears, j.b. robinson, bannerman, stenotype machine, influenza, ruby lonie, pharmacy, ballarat, e.g. vawdry, annie a. jones, lancelot austin, l. stg. p. austin, spanish flu, rubie lonie, pandemic -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Panel plough plane, S. Robinson stamped on one end, J. Heath stamped on the other end, maker: Mosely& Sonflagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1922, 1922
... j. b. robinson.... evans j. b. robinson myrtle turner clyde lukeis w. k. moss ken ...Editorial, Fumes from the Lab (by J.R. Pound), Trade Topics, Answers to correspondents, Arts & Crafts gossip, Echoes of the past - Past Students', In Memoriam: Clyde Lukeis, W. K. Moss, Hints to students who are leaving school, Sport, Military news, The Junior Techs, List of Past Students', First Steps in Assaying, Some Notes on the Plasticity of Clay (by Reginald Callister). The Factory Chemist (by George W. Cornell), Lal Lal V MorwellTwo brown soft covered magazine with navy blue inscriptions. Images include: Clyde Lukeis, Ken Ross, Ballarat School of Mines Football Team, Ballarat School of Mines Athlectics Team, Prefects and Scholarship WinnersSigned on inside first page by Harold Jolly.ballarat school of mines, magazine, h. a. palmer, g. r. simons, p. a. trompf, h. e. nicholls, c. mcilvena, g. tunbridge, v. gilchrist, e. mckissock, g. w. cowdell, m. timmings, a. w. middleditch, r. s. russell, h. jolly, harold jolly, d. r. evans, j. b. robinson, myrtle turner, clyde lukeis, w. k. moss, ken moss, a. nicholson, middleton and morris, j.r. pound, percy trompf, cyril callister, r. tinworth, victor greenhalgh, william baragwanath, old boys associaiton, reunion, john dulfer, d.a. runting, s.r. vial, george cornell, plasticity of clay, assaying, lal lal, morwell, reginald callister -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine - Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1933, 1933
... j. b. robinson.... hopwood f. longhurst j. b. robinson a. gray k. keith w. clift ...List of Full Course Students' 1933, Editorial, Obituary, Personal Column, Fumes from the Lab, Arts & Crafts Gossip, Sport, Echoes of the Past, Commercial Notes, Trip to Yallourn, The Junior Techs.Yellow soft covered magazine of 56 pages.Signed on front cover by "H. Darby".ballarat school of mines, magazine, dr. j. r. pound, g. netherway, s. allan, h. maddern, f. faram, j. elliott, k. jones, j. walters, e. george, c. mcgregor, j. hewitt, j. muntz, e. crossthwaite, m. wilson, r. elsworth, f. g. procter, m. brazil, l. molineaux, e. l. fidge, j. hopwood, f. longhurst, j. b. robinson, a. gray, k. keith, w. clift, a. collins, d. ferguson, r. nimon, s. hillman, w. selkirk, c. martin, j. capuano, p. mcgregor, d. flynne, g. berriman, t. lynch, r. warnock, k. windsor, m. patterson, k. p. jones, n. mckenzie, d. lakeland, o. lyons, j. king, e. curnow, a. bosher, a. watson, l. bailey, e. burnett, m. jenkins, claude creelman, n. gude, alex j. bell, r. s. russell, h. d. trezise, g. foster, robert h. davis, william t. dewart -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine - Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1939, 1939
Editorial, Personal, Literary Society, S.M.B. Old Boys', Fumes From the Lab, Arts and Crafts, Senior Sport, Commercial Notes, Junior Tech, Junior Tech Sport, House Notes, List of Full Course Students' 1939 Blue, green and gold soft covered magazine of 70 pages including advertisements.j. bickart, r. mchutchinson, e. gribble, m. coward, n. rigney, o. raisbeck, g. myers, f. malseed, e. fitzgerald, m. linklater, j. wilkinson, m. dolan, j. woolcock, b. martin, g. downing, h. j. hassell, n. tatlock, a. wilson, h. trevenan, w. hender, dr pound, a. r. gordon, mr procter, a. helm, r. desnoy, frank ponsonby, g. t. myers, h. christensen, enid johnston, k. h. wilkie, isobel boustead, a. h. gilpin, w. m. lonie, violet d'angri, m. hayes, marian peirce, mr hillman, k. gingell, g. crouch, r. menhennett, j. menhennett, mr cornell, e. mann, a. vaughan, d. jelbart, a. moorhouse, d. gilmore, p. richards, j. nott, r. monteith, j. martin, f. jelbart, k. waller, a. gilpin, b. robinson, d. coad, m. dalla, u. kersey, j. cooper, p. coombs, l. stapleton, u. chisholm, l. peoples, l. stephens, j. hall, h. patterson, a. brown, v. evans, j. hallidale, c. clogan, d. ditchfield, j. daniel, e. theobald, g. james, w. row, winsome hender, c. w. rowe, j. hosie, e. stephens, i. mclachlan, r. stoneman, m.gleeson, k. stoneman, h. tonkin, f. harland, r. bulluss, t. davis, r. gladman, m. thomas, e. salter, d. mcgregor, a. spence, g. taylor, j. pyke, r. allisey, i. clow, r. p. flower, l. taylor, b. neale, j. norman -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, J.A. Hoskin & Son, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1949, 1949
School Council, Members of Staff, Principal's Page, Editorial, Magazine Committee 1949, News and Notes, Literary Society, Prize Presentation,The Corbould Travelling Scholarship, The Year's Sport with the Boys, Science School, The Apprentices, The Art School, The Preps and Dressmakers, The Girls' Associations, Commercial Notes, The Junior School, Junior School Sport, List of Full Course Students 1949, Students doing Trade Apprenticeship Courses, Junior Technical School Students 1949, FootballPale green soft covered magazine with purple font, 54 pages.ballarat school of mines, magazine, w. maddox, s. jones, a. fenton, h. tozer, s. ross, j. henderson, j. lyons, g. philpott, b. lette, m. grham, j. ellis, j. w. grove, b. bryan, r. w. richards, l. hillman, c. g. fairbank, j. barker, b. e. pitman, f. hamilton, m. morgan, r. l. cutter, g. w. mainwaring, lindsay pattenden, kevin whiter, bob davis, bruce tippett, geoff. edmonds, lance peach, crom. bray, alf. mckenzie, gwen mcdonnell, betty stafford, c. f. jeffrey, r. r. watson, maureen burt, hugh jeffrey, professor a. mica smith, william henry corbould, ronald g. berlyn, j. carmichael, n. campigli, r. spence, f. savage, d. powell, t. chapman, r. u'ren, a. mccallum, t. sawyer, c. k. mcdonald, c. restarick, j. brokenshire, i. durant, j. ballinger, j. dunstan, k. treloar, w. wray, c. sanos, j. wilson, m. mccarthy, j. boag, j. jopling, j. walton, t. duncan, j. hines, j. bethune, b. flavel, g. hindson, d. durant, b. pitman, r. tantau, g. hetherington, c. hobson, r. campbell, r. sheppard, n. morton, n. ludbrook, g. searle, m. murray, j. swain, j. vernon, g. r. mainwaring, margaret treganowan, w. tooth, j. andrews, s. quick, m. troon, g. george, m. lambert, v. daff, m. baker, j. bulluss, a. nelson, b. robinson, m. treganowan, c. fuller, l. greenbank, m. carroll, b. black, g. williams, p. reidy, b. nice, s. archibald, d. weatherill, h. coad, j. clark, wallace reid, j. sawyer, j. daly, l. regan, w. jenkins, l. mckenzie, c. lockhart, d. irish, m. mclean, r. kennedy, m. rough, g. allen, j. tolliday, r. bawden, w. mckenzie, b. thomas, r. ward, m. coleman, e. mackie, r. furlong, n. silvey, k. adams, j. blain, g. ching, h. saw, g. hannah, j. watts, j. mulrooney, n. andrews, s. hoffman, j. kimber, b. graham, j. boak, a. snell, r. wilkins, s. deans, g. delaland, a. johnston, n. hodder, a. mills, p. mclean, r. bunting, i. parrot, n. shiltz, j. bastin, h. clark, k. cooper, r. carter, l. owen, r. walters, l. whitcher, i. robertson, f. young, c. hay, i. connell, r. riddiford, a. whytes, h. flack, a. aggett, g. stimson, l. fuhrmeister, g. holmes, d. lochead, baseball, football, alfred mica smith, geoff mainwaring, richard w. richards, r.w. richards, dick richards, william corbould, corbould travelling scholarship, alfred mckenzie, geoffrey mainwaring, john vernon -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, J.A. Hoskin & Son, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1951. Gold Centenary Number, 1951
School Council, Members of Staff, Editorial, Principal's Page, Magazine Committee, News and Notes, Literary Society, Prominent Personalities, The Centenary and Jubilee Celebrations, Prize Presentation, Boys Sport, Cricket, Annual Sports, Football, Baseball, Tennis, Science School, A Day in Colombo, The Apprentices, The Art School, Ballarat's Achievement, The Girls Association, Dressmakers, Commercial Notes, Foundation Pupils of Ballarat Girls Junior Technical School, Junior School, Retirements Green soft covered magazine with gold font.ballarat school of mines, magazine, heather harris, c. g. fairbank, d. cotton, j. bethune, f. andrewartha, p. ditchfield, n. andrews, f. benjamin, s. deans, w. j. patterson, glenice lodington, esme atkins, rosemary hullick, heather browning, valerie jolly, eileen walsh, beverley robinson, b. bryan, jack ballinger, h. trudinger, l. garner, don stevens, kevin treloar, cliff restarick, jim brokenshire, john jopling, barbara wilson, margery troon, e. j. tippett, r. w. richards, w. kingston, joan cameron, lloyd veal, john mckenzie, crom. bray, pat maloney, betty dulfer, margaret martin, bill llewellyn, jacquiline bilston, alf mckenzie, grace laurie, john spittle, mina gallie, mrs willis brown, donald eltringham, mrs d. eltringham, geoff mounter, mrs g. mounter, alan wilson, ian mclachlan, doug dean, mrs d. dean, bill meinhardt, norman dalton, b. taylor, j. tinney, r. ingleton, a. kinnane, g. hindson, j. peyton, j. sawyer, j. watts, a. fareco, e. bartrop, m. frawley, l. matthews, j. blackburn, b. flavel, b. schreenan, b. smith, d. stevens, j. ballinger, c. livitsanos, a. johnson, r. archer, j. brokenshire, g. heyes, j. carmichael, c. restarick, m. phillips, m. gillin, don stewart, a. faneco, m. stevens, w. maddox, w. tooth, r. simpson, jim john, ruth buckland, ron simpson, max phillips, l. m. pedrazzi, ballarat, lake wendouree, don whitefield, dorothy robertson, glen gazzard, alison philp, audrey dunn, judith bryan, valerie blee, valerie hughes, carol seddon, brenda beaumont, elizabeth kinnane, noel batch, pat lavery, glenys perry, ann wright, margaret henderson, margaret winberg, faida lewis, diane o'beirne, lynette klein, gloria white, dorothy j. searle, isobel tyrell, l. j. blomeley, adelaide hocking, joyce wilson, j. edwards, lynette robson, lois snibson, janice rogers, joy mills, lynn gilbert, dawn searle, valerie mills, bonnie cody, dawn peacock, margaret paine, carole sneddon, valma vincent, raylee bennetts, kay buchanan, loris gilbert, dawn lang, margaret thompson, lorraine horwood, yvonne rowlands, janette sandwith, dawn parkes, doreen new, marion marshall, p. sullivan, k. r. hall, n. brogden, k. duncan, b. baldock, j. bastin, r. furlong, n. spiers, d. quillian, n. sutherland, a. mills, l. norman, w. saggers, m. hodder, r. hewitt, d. jones, p. reid, b. warrillon, g. edwards, j. bentley, m. hall, n. quick, b. mann, f. dolan, g. gilbert, e. mackie, w. davies, d. roberts, n. purdue, r. austin, r. dunstone, g. king, r. hill, i. nunn, g. hawkes, w. cowan, c. grose, c. garnham, j. white, d. snowden, b. darrington, m. drabsch, t. wilson, r. osborne, a. mcpherson, n. dixon, g. anderson, r. stevenson, b. musgrove, m. roberts, d. dow, a. hepworth, j. copeman, g. pike, j. collier, c. petrie, l. pitcher, r. sharpe, j. gilmer, k. hall, j. boak, j. hudson, k. mccoll -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine - Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1939, 1939
School Council, Members of Staff, List of Full Course Students 1939, Full Course Commercial Students, S.M.B. Magazine Committee 1939, Editorial, Personal Column, Obituary - Frank Ponsonby, The Old School, The Railway Workshops, The S.M.B. Literary Society, Papua: Land of Contrasts, Old Boys' Association, Snapshots in Berlin, Fumes from the Lab, Arts & Crafts Gossip, Sport, Commercial Notes, The Junior Techs, Junior Techs SportsBlue, yellow and green covered magazine with black and green font. 70 pages including advertisements.ballarat school of mines, magazine, r. mchutchison, e. gribble, m. coward, n. rigney, o. raisbeck, g. myers, f. malseed, e. fitzgerald, m. linklater, j. wilkinson, m. dolan, j. woolcock, b. martin, g. downing, h. j. hassell, n. tatlock, a. wilson, h. trevenan, w. hender, dr. j. r. pound, a. r. gordon, mr procter, a. helm, r. desnoy, frank ponsonby, g. t. myers, h. christensen, enid johnston, k. h. wilkie, isobel boustead, eric j. gashler, violet d'angri, m. hayes, marian peirce, mr hillman, k. gingell, g. crouch, r. menhennett, j. menhennett, mr cornell, e. mann, a. vaughan, d. jelbart, a. moorhouse, d. gilmore, p. richards, j. nott, r. monteith, j. martin, f. jelbart, k. waller, a. gilpin, b. robinson, d. coad, m. dalla, u. kersey, j. cooper, p. coombs, l. stapleton, u. chisholm, l. peoples, l. stephens, j. hall, h. patterson, a. brown, v. evans, j. hallidale, c. clogan, d. ditchfield, j. daniel, e. theobald, g. james, j. unsworth, helen stichnoth, w. rowe, winsome hender, c. w. rowe, j. hosie, e. stephens, i. mclachlan, r. stoneman, m. gleeson, k. stoneman, h. tonkin, f. harland, r. bulluss, t. davies, r. gladman, m. thomas, e. salter, d. mcgregor, a. spence, g. taylor, j. pyke, r. allisey, i. clow, r. p. flower, l. taylor, b. neale, j. norman, f. p. manning, paul manning -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Gippsland Institute of Advanced Education External Studies, 1977, 1977
Federation University Australia was established on 1 January 2014. Formerly known as the University of Ballarat, its enabling legislation was the University of Ballarat Amendment (Federation University Australia) Act 2013. Although formally created as a University in 1994, the University of Ballarat has a lineage back to 1870 with the establishment of the School of Mines Ballarat, making it the third institution of higher learning to be established in Australia and the first to be established in regional Australia. On 1 January 1994, Ballarat University College became the University of Ballarat and in 1998 the University merged with three TAFE Institutes to become a dual sector institution with multiple campuses. On 1 January 2014, the University of Ballarat amalgamated with the Monash University Gippsland Campus to form Federation University Australia. The Gippsland Campus also had a long lineage dating back to 1928 with the establishment of the Yallourn Technical School which became a predecessor institution to the Gippsland College of Advanced Education formed in 1968. In 1990, it was renamed the Monash University College and in 1993 became the Gippsland Campus of Monash University. In 2016, Federation University Australia announced plans to take possession, over a two-year period, of Monash’s Berwick Campus in the south-east corridor of Melbourne. Federation University Australia, or FedUni, is headquartered in Ballarat and offers programs in Higher Education and Vocational Education and Training to regional Victoria and beyond. The University’s commitment to educational and social equity, teaching excellence, research distinction, environmental sustainability and regional capacity building has enabled it to develop in a way that draws on its proud heritage to inform its future. Its regional character sets a framework for the University’s priorities but does not constrain it from serving wider community interests, nationally and internationally. The name Federation University Australia was chosen to convey the scope and capacity of an expanded regional university with a federated network of campuses.Soft covered booklet with an image of the area known as 'The Knuckle'. 30 pages. The booklet outlines semester offering, calendar, general information, enrolment form, and academic staff.gippsland institute of tafe, churchill, exteranal studies, external studies, applied science, arts, welfare studies, business studies, teacher education, librarianship, engineering, j. milton-smith, h.h. rappaport, r.h.b. tonkin, m.j vertigan, r.w. boyd, m.m. chakera, p.v. morgan, m.j. crowley, w.j. battersby, i.a. gibson, b.e. colebourne, n.c.w. courtney, m. griffiths, r.n. hanley, g.t. smart, g.b. nath, p.r. rayment, r.m. box, m.j. krautschneider, a.j. rahilly, p. farago, p.c. kerr, i.m. montgomery, a.k. pal, c.o fraser, a.k.a. rahman, d.e. nation, i.v. hamilton, a.j. peterson, a.m. robinson, p.k. roy, v. sabrinskas, j.r. lawry, b.m. deakin, l.j. cartledge, g.w. dettrick, k. frost, l.g. gordon, f.x. roberts, h.b. yee, b.r. groves, n.w. terrill, b.t. dunstan, keith hamilton, j.a. harris, p.j. higgins, r.j. hodges, m.a. hooper, s.g. abbott, h. edmonson, t.w. nest, j.c. ochsenbein -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Luplau, Hewood & Riderm Printers, The School of Mines Ballaarat Annual Report 1883, 1883
The School of Mines Ballaarat. Annual Report 1883. Statement of Receipts and expenditure, general balance sheet, and list of subscriptions donations 1882. Sketch of School of Mines. Sketch Section from Lal Lal to the Moorabool (looking north) Geological map of Lal Lal. In the County of Grant. Annual Report, Balance Sheet, Certificates granted by the Council, Examination Papers - Elementary Science Classes (Appendix), Extracts from Visitors' Book, Fees, Form of Bequest, Honorary Correspondents. Life Governors, Museum - open to visitors, Notes on the Geology of Lal Lal (with Geological Plan & Sections), Obituary, Office Bearers, Paper of Particulars, Rules of the Ballaarat Field Club and Science Society (Appendix), Report of the Curator of the Museum and Library, Report of the Superintendent of Laboratories, Report of the Lecturer in Mathematics, Report of the Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, Report of the Lecturer in Telegraphy, Report of the Lecturer in Materia Medica, Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the year 1882, Subjects and Lectures, Subjects and Examiners, Subscriptions and Donations, from 1st January to 31st December 1882.Ballaarat School of Mines annual Report. Hard cover red book of 101 pages. Includes plans on Lal Lal and surrounds. ballarat school of mines, annual report, balance sheet, certificates granted by the council, examination papers, extracts from the visitors' book, fees, form of bequest, honorary correspondents, life governors, museum, notes on the geology of lal lal, obituary: charles william thomas. one of the examiners in mining and surveying, office bearers, paper of particulars, rules of the ballaarat field club and science society, report of the curator of the museum and library, report of the superintendent of laboratories, report of the lecturer in mathematics, report of the lecturer in mechanical engineering, report of the lecturer in telegraphy, report of the lecturer in materia medica, statement of receipts and expenditure for the year 1882, subjects and lectures, subjects and examiners, subcriptions and donations, from 1st january to 31st december 1882, alf. mica smith, professor of chemistry, alf. mica smith, metallurgy, f. m. krause - professor of geology, mineralogy, scientific mining, t. h. thompson, practical mining, w. h. shaw mechanical engineering, h. reid, mechanical enginnering, phoenix foundry company (limited), a. a. buley, mathematics, f. m. krause, land, mining and engineering surveying, w. d. campbell, telegraphy, james oddie, vice-president, alf. mica smith, natural philosophy (elementary mechanics and hydrostatics, magnetism and electricty, sound, light and heat), j. f. usher, materia medica, pharmacy and physiology, examiner, professor h. m. andrew, m. a., examiner, h. d. de la poer wall, m. a, c. e., examiner, thomas mann, b. a., examiner, p. c. fitzpatrick, c. s., examiner, h. rosale, j.p., f.g.s, m.e. and m, examiner, john lewis, examiner, w. c. kernot, m.a., c.e., examiner, professor mccoy, examiner, j. cosmo newbery, c.m.g., b. sc., examiner, baron von mueller, k.c.m.g., m. et ph. d., f. r.s., examiner, sam. w. macgowan, examiner, w. p. bechervaise, examiner, r. l. j. ellery, f.r.s. govt. astronomer, examiner, f. m. krause, c.e., examiner, j. m. bickett, examiner, n. kent, examiner, a. martin, examiner, r. s. mitchell, examiner, w. h. keast, examiner, p. matthews, examiner, d. milliken, examiner, j. t. richards, examiner, jonathan robinson, examiner, t. h. thompson, examiner, h. brookes allen, m.d., examiner, joseph bosisto, examiner, c. r. blackett, m.l.a., examiner, wm. johnson, analyst to the government of victoria, ferdinand krause, ballarat field naturalists club, ferdinand von mueller, thomas mann, a.a. buley, ferrdinand krause, alfred mica smith, james oddie, william johnson, jonathan robinson, james bickett, r.l.j. ellery, cosmo newbery, ballarat field naturalists -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, The School of Mines Ballaarat Annual Report 1883, 1883
The School of Mines Ballaarat. Annual Report 1883. Statement of Receipts and expenditure, general balance sheet, and list of subscriptions donations 1883. Annual Report, Balance Sheet, Certificates granted by the Council, Examination Papers - Elementary Science Classes (Appendix), Fees, Honorary Correspondents. Life Governors, Museum - open to visitors, Office Bearers, Paper of Particulars, Report of the Curator of the Museum and Library, Report of the Superintendent of Laboratories, Report of the Lecturer in Mathematics, Report of the Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, Report of the Lecturer in Telegraphy, Report of the Lecturer in Materia Medica, Report of the Lecturer of Astronomy, Scale of Charges for Assays and Analyses, Examinations Held, Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the year 1883, Subjects and Lectures, Subjects and Examiners, Subscriptions and Donations, from 1st January to 31st December 1883.Ballaarat School of Mines annual Report. Soft cover pale green booklet of 67 pages. Includes a colour Geological Map of Lal Lal and a sketch Section from Lal Lal to the Moorabool. Inscription on front cover 'Office Copy' On pages 4 and 5 some names have been crossed out and others added.ballarat school of mines, annual report, balance sheet, certificates granted by the council, examination papers, fees, honorary correspondents, life governors, museum, office bearers, paper of particulars, ballarat school of mines museum, library, superintendent of laboratories, mathematics, mechanical engineering, telegraphy, lecturer in materia medica, statement of receipts and expenditure for the year 1882, examiners, subcriptions and donations, alfred mica smith, chemistry, metallurgy, f.m. krause, ferdinand krause, geology, mineralogy, scientific mining, t.h. thompson, practical mining, w.h. shaw, h. reid, mechanical enginnering, phoenix foundry company (limited), phoenix foundry, arthur. a. buley, mining, engineering surveying, walter. d. campbell, j. wall, astronomy, james oddie, natural philosophy, elementary mechanics and hydrostatics, magnetism and electricty, sound, light and heat, j.f. usher, materia medica, pharmacy, physiology, w.h. shawmechanical engineering, h.m. andrew, h.d. de la poer wall, thomas mann, p.c. fitzpatrick, h. rosale, john lewis, w.c. kernot, mccoy, j. cosmo newbery, baron von mueller, samuel w. macgowan, w.p. bechervaise, r.l.j. ellery, astronomer, j.m. bickett, james bickett, n. kent, a. martin, r.s. mitchell, w.h. keast, p. matthews, d. milliken, j.t. richards, jonathan robinson, h. brookes allen, joseph bosisto, c.r. blackett, m.l.a., william. johnson, government of victoria analyst, moorabool, lal lal, skipton, coal, skipton coal discovery, lal lal creek, moorabool falls, lal lal race course, lal lal falls, moorabool river, william h. keast -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine - Booklet, Tulloch & King, Printers, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1925, 1925
... J. B. Robinson.... mcinnes C. J. Dennis, Junior J. B. Robinson Jas. Nunn Doug. Cotton ...Editorial, Answers to correspondents, Fumes from the lab, Trip to Newcastle, Arts & Crafts gossip, News items, Echoes of the past, The Mystery of the Atom, Inorganic Evolution, Sport, The Junior Techs. Red soft covered magazine.Signed on inside front page by Harold Jolly.ballarat school of mines, magazine, r. s. russell, g. richmond, r. mcinnes, c. j. dennis, junior, j. b. robinson, jas. nunn, doug. cotton, f. v. middleton, professor alfred mica smith, p. montford, r. s. russell, vera jefferies, gordon pearson, g. richmond, r. mcinnes, j. maude, g. roberts, e. j. mckissock, jean rodgers, f. sheehan, m. f. timmings, f. ewart, t. e. leonard, jean graham, vera jeffries, m. conlan, j. r. pound, e. n. schache, w. g. coates, jean ronaldson, r. warrillow, v. g. anderson, c. a. schache -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Ledger, Ballarat School of Mines Rough Cash Book, 1901-1907, 1901-1907
Large ledger with marbled cover. It is a Ballarat School of Mines Rough Cash Book. The books list payments of students fees, assay fees, salaries and wages, guage testing, treatment of ores. Some student names outlined in keywords. cash book, ballarat school of mines cash book, assay fees, guage testing, treatment of ores, gold selling, student fees, a.p.wood, c. craddock, l. craddock, w.h. callister, c. fleahy, j.friend, edward horwood, james leckie, a. peacock, hilary dowling, f. horsfall, frank dalton, arthur howard, charles fryer, henry clark, r. allan, w. barton, r. mckay, wolliam albert, patrick anderson, joseph rickard, n. kavanagh, percy miller, h.e. gronow, david hamilton, andrew hamilton, cyril mctaggart, ernest lumley, fred bicknell, herbert bicknell, charles fleay, d.c. urquhart, r. clark, victor mckay, ralph mckay, j.b. robinson, r. mann, thomas de gruchy, j.r.m. blight, h. valentine, james galbally, a. mcd. ritchie, j. sutherland, h. herbert, p.a. pratt, w.m. williams, g. cornell, d. lilley, elsie cutter, g. bicknell, john g. brittain, f.l. cooper, g.s. hepburn, karl noone, a. hugelmann, h. heath, w.a. mason, thomas bradley, charles e. hill, r.r. mitchell, a. phillipson, thomas davies, l. lewin, william gilbert, a.e. loveland, c.r. mccracken, george lawri, h.b. cooke, john usher, d.m. lilley, james holt, j. kenna, charles lund, j. o'dwyer, charles quaddock, william e. figgis, j.k. sim, w. heinz, willis franklin, roy booth, f. herman, george christie, g. davenport, edward richards, j.f. murphy, i. holmes, f. sior, i sim, w. caldwell, james leggo, g. nightingale, rupert king, h.j. semmens, h.r. kofoed, theo holmes, h.b. waldron, w. bell, j. curnow, j.f. d'oliveyra, w. bolitho, m. bade, e. gregory, g. hopwood, j. o'bern, a. robin, a.e. tandy, a.d. galloway, j.f. boyce, n. buley, f.w. calaby, a. elshang, a.e. ebbels, j. leggo, r.e. holdsworth, k. thiessen, m. metz, l. bult, w. clift, e. bonwick, h. koefed, h.j. saw, j.l. sim, e. wardle, n.c. le gerche, e. crossley, b. humffray, l. blick, a.e. burgess, g. lides, p.f. browne, f.a. richardson, h. dahlenburg, miles webster, l. nott, j.d. brokenshire, beet wai, n. la gerche, e.m. boyer, h.g. hawkesworth, o. williams, f. abel, w.e. eyres, c. rawlings, a.j. robin, p. grenfell, f. eustice, j. brokenshire, w. mccartney, herbert stephenson, g. ditchburn, c. steele, f.j. webb, h.o.e. bieske, o. mccabe, art library, ballarat east school fees, a. miles, m. growcott, a. gent, arthur gates, ida farmer, gertrude bailey, d. brigstiche, d. bonan, a.a. buley, a.h. lilburne, a.b. benoit, l.e. waldie, i. dilena, harold herbert, ballarat technical art school -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1947, 1947
The Ballarat School of Mines was a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. Yellow front page soft cover of 55 pages with green and blue inscriptions on front cover Artwork Mr Bryan - By Peter Wilson Original book illustration - By Peter Wilson Hammerhead - By Peter Wilson Yank - By Joan Parker Herb - By Peter Wilson Tex - By Stanley Butson Rex - By Marjorie Gray Pen and Ink rendering - By Norman Whittaker Bet - By Evelyn or John Robinson Original Book Illustration - By William Ross Spud - By Marjorie Gray Dell - By Evelyn or John Robinson Fay - By Marjorie Gray Hazel - By Maurice Collins Thelma - By Ian Cooper Mickey - By Peter Wilson Wardy - By David Daykin Tiny - By Joan Parker ballarat school of mines students' magazine, staff, sports, james rogers, dr pound, mr procter, mr r. w. richards, mr h. j. edwards, mr r. p. flower, ken palmer, joan walter, mr john leslie burt, mr fisher, mr pattenden, mr scarfe, mr a. m. richards, mr j. woolcock, mr p. marxsen, obituary, mr david maxwell, a. f. heseltine, dorothy spence, p. wilson, n. whitaker, william ross, peter wilson, joan parker, stanley butson, david daykin, ian cooper, june baker, hazel barry, lesley bearup, winifred beckwith, david berlyn, william bolitho, daniel brazil, lawrence burchell, william bates, ronald cairns, leslie coburn, maurice collins, kenneth cowell, john dixon, francis eckermann, rexford fraser, elizabeth freeth, eric goon, marjorie gray, doreen hehir, joyce hicks, john lannen, stanley lawrie, charles layfield, ethel lloyd, robert looney, eileen maloney, gwendoline mcdonnell, ian mclenehan, colin nicol, mervyn oddie, john procter, shirley ross, frederic reeve, evelyn robinson, john robinson, graeme ross, ronald rosser, jean scott, lawrence sedgwick, john shergold, margaret sim, clifford skurrie, norma stafford, barbara strachan, iris sherritt, robert tantau, anthony tunbridge, clive venables, dorothy waller, wesley walters, harold ward, john willis, norman whittaker, ballarat school of mines football team, j. rogers, j. willis, hans fumberger, dave jelbart, j.mccoy, m. heatherington, mr hillman, r. rosser, bob davis, r. kibby, c. edmonds, j. blainey, w. brown. r. cairns j. morrish, k. whiter, a temby, b. tantau, n. rees, b. murrel, l. veale, robert davis -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine - Booklet, J. A. Hoskin & Son, Ballarat School of Mines and Industries Students' Magazine, 1958, 1958
Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1958, School Council, Members of Staff, A Balanced Education, Principal's Page, Prominent Personalities, Sports Awards, Sports, Italian Coachwork Sets the Fashion, The "White Australia Policy", Roll CallYellow front page soft cover with green inscriptions on front cover, 56 pagesballarat school of mines students' magazine, staff, sports, peter robinson, r. w. richards, lansell groat, elizabeth scott, patrick collier, nelson hails, biruta mellins, william widdop, frank pomeroy, alan clarke, kaspars bitans, walter reimann, gladys hocking, keith alexander, anthony yeung chai shing, yep kwok ming, archari kasibhrimi sarikananda, teddy gan ben chiang, richard tann, somsack satapuntu, chermsak tanskul, charles tai, chit cheng foo, bob skewes, john mckenzie, keith crouch, murray gillin, john skuja, mr ken scull -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1961, 1961
Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1961. Editorial, Prominent Personalities, The Principal's Pages, The Richard W. Richards Medal, Loyalty, Arts v. Science, Hong Kong Today, Conferring of Diplomas, Bath Push, Intellectual Pursuit, Never be a Woman, Man and Morality, The Old and the New, A Gentlemen's Excursion to Beaufort House, Awards 1961, Sports, The History of Electricity, School Council, Members of Staff, Roll Call Red front page soft cover with white inscriptions and black figures on front cover, 72 pagesballarat school of mines students' magazine, staff, sports, john w. boarmans, noel delosa, noel whitcher, bob coutts, noel kelly, les dobie, noel murphy, malcolm peel, peter agrums, ian weir, sue mole, val baker, neil bromley, kevin oscar rogers, h. e. arblaster, richard w. richards, daniel yung, m. b. john, morgan bevan john, sir william hudson, brian arthur bellingham, francis david benjamin, neil albert brogden, geoffrey angus chritian, william davison, brian harold duthie, thomas bernard gallagher, john robert gowan, william john spencer, lawrence grenville trevan, douglas james vendy, michael villani, walter john wynd, graeme robert bromley, david william brown, leonard ernest fox, ralph james hepburn, john gribble holloway, peter john matthews, peter mervyn robinson, chris peter livitsanos, david yan kai chung, thomas henry john coad, john neil mcarthur, john andrew watts, d. pollard, n. r. whitcher, peter agrumsk., e. ooi, t. smith, c. naylor, p. terry, gerald brenan, e. r. mcgrath, j. kavangh, a. bitans -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Tulloch & King, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1925, 1925
... ronaldson, r. warrillow, v. g. anderson, j. b. robinson, f. v.... anderson, j. b. robinson, f. v. middleton, professor alfred mica ...Editorial, Personal, Answers to Correspondents, Fumes from the Lab, Trip to Newcastle, Arts & Crafts Gossip, Echoes of the Past, Professor Alfred Mica Smith, Sport, The Junior Techs.1925 Red soft covered magazine. 1925 Signed on front cover "Hessie Darby" ballarat school of mines, magazine, harold jolly, j. maude, g. roberts, e. j. mckissock, jean rodgers, f. sheehan, m. f. timmings, f. ewart, t. e. leonard, jean graham, vera jeffries,, m. conlan, j. r. pound, e. n. schache, w. g. coates, jean ronaldson, r. warrillow, v. g. anderson, j. b. robinson, f. v. middleton, professor alfred mica smith,, c. a. schache, r. s. russell, g. richmond, r. mcinnes, gordon pearson. -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, 'Echoes of the Past': Ballarat School of Mines Past Student's Association, 1932, 1936, 1938, 1932-1938
Three booklets of the Ballarat School of Mines Past Student's Association. past students, reunions, alumni, a.f. heseltine, norman buley, john adam, william baragwanath, howard beanland, john bickett, guido brelaz, frank brind, lloyd brind, edwin brophy, alfred caldecoat, cyril callister, george callister, peter chatham, john dulfer, andrew elder, robert elsworth, israel flegeltaub, robert kneeshaw, harry kum yuen, james kydd, thomas lakeland, william lakeland, alan ludbrook, harold martell, samuel mayo, frankmoss, herbert moss, james pound, carl schache, eric steane, john sutherland, reville tinworth, gilbert tippett, fred treloar, fred barrow, allan bernaldo, albert davies, arthur davies, lionel davies, alan cutter, jesse hopewood, donald johnston, harold jolly, j. la gerche, fredeick longhurst, gladstone proctor, geoffrey richards, edwin robinson, l.s.smith, percy trompf, harold wakeling, albert williams, frederick allsop, victor millington, l.b. evans, arthur burdekin, harry caddy, donald cameron, william fleay, maxwell gaunt, alan gilpin, robert goodyear, leslie grut, francis horsfall, lionel lambert, olive pye, george rumpfe, ernest siemering, herbert siemering, charles vale, william williams, eric embling, oliver jager, reginald warnock, graham hopwood, assay laboratory, ballarat junior technical school, gladstone procter, f.g. procter -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Magazine, Science and Industries Illustrated: The Official Organ of the Working Men's College, 30 October 1891, 30/10/1891
12 page magazine of the Working Men's College. Includes advertisements for Brooks, Robinson and Co; Australian Mercantile Loan and guarantee Co. Ltd;W. Watson and Sons; McCracken's City Brewery; Federal Building Society working men's college, rmit, brennan torpedo, edward s. prior, planet mars, wood workers' tools, brooks, robinson and co, australian mercantile loan and guarantee co. ltd, w. watson and sons, mccracken's city brewery, federal building society, c.f. rojo, a.e. illingworth, j. mcilwraith, baker and rouse, remington, w. detmold, g. stuckey, walter j. turner, g. james, hammond typewriter, havelock tobacco, tangyes limited, arnall and jackson, h.p. gregory and co, foster's lager beer, james mcewan and co, phoenix spouting, ridging and curving works, joh ndanks and son, walter j. anderson, herbery v. hampton, alcock and co