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Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Tin Coffee Cylindrical, circa mid to late 1900's
This "coffee" tin has by the "art deco" appearance its origins in the late 1950's to 1960's. This time period was one of accelerated growth both in the physical (housing) sense and the mental (new ideas and inventions) changes in "attitudes". These occurred more rapidly in cities but had its effects on the rural environment. The drinking of coffee was spurred on by easier distribution of imported food and drinks. Advertising by stronger radio links and then by television brought the variety of foods and drinks to semi isolated rural regions. The accessibility through greater information channels becoming available brought with it unbelievable ranges of goods and foodstuffs. Rural regions still relied on bulk supplies and relatively larger storage containers than those in cities. This "bulk" buying and storage "syndrome" was a lingering result of many years of "drought" periods when road transports met delays from flooded roadways in supplying population centres in the Kiewa Valley. The construction phases in building the SEC Vic Hydro electricity Scheme in the eastern sections of the Victorian Alps brought many changes to the quiet rural regions in the Kiewa Valley. Changes in population and social mores. The influx of a varied , mostly temporary, and "European flavoured cuisine" changes the "cuppa tea only" flavour to the have a "coffee break". The subliminal influence of the "American" films changed those children growing up in the post 1950s from the "English tea" to the "American coffee". This "Americanisation process has influenced not only rural Australia but also other areas throughout the world.This "insignificant" coffee tin is very significant as it demonstrates that the Kiewa Valley was becoming more accessible to reliable coffee supplies and general food items.The container was part of a "set" of containers that included tea, sugar,biscuits,flour, rice and other family condiments. This type of kitchen storage containers was brought about through changing patterns in tea and coffee useage and overall consumption. Household demands for faster "self help" cooking especially beveridges and the greater choice of kitchen "utensils" was brought on by easier access to products due to a lessening of the area's "isolation" by having a reliable (all weather) road system and an ever increasing population growth. The need for travelling goods/merchant supply caravans to service the area became a diminishing factor, as a result of the establishment of grocery stores in Tawonga and Mount Beauty in the supply of previously "hard to get" groceries. This transition was precipitated by the SEC Vic Hydro Scheme of the 1940's to 1960's which increased the valley's population level three fold.This cylindrical tin has a pull/push lid(for easy access to the contents). The container is labelled for "coffee" however it has no commercial manufacturer's label to establish that it was bought with coffee ingredients in it. The majority of the container's external surface has a "metallic" light blue colour with two sets of silver rings confining black (horizontal spotted) rectangles. "COFFEE" within an elongated spherical "art deco" four pointed banner of silver and black colouringkitchen containers, domestic food storage, bulk stocks of dried condiments -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Spectacles Reading, circa early 1900s
These reading glasses plus the two additional replacement lenses were highly fashionable in the late 1800's and early 1900's due to their light frames ie. wire. They are of light material and are not as obtrusive, or heavy, as horn rimmed reading glasses.This minimisation of the eye wear was to allow the facial features to be presented without any obstructing eye wear, "au naturel". The "light weight" wire connections to nose and ears was to minimise weight upon those physical areas. It was an eye piece preferred by accountants and all forms of "book worms". This was a period when the "written word" was at its peak. This was well before the light enhanced computer screen and at an age where the "written word" was in the majority as compared to the typed word. These reading glasses are very significant to the Kiewa Valley as they provide additional material which supports the "isolational factors" which were prevalent in the 1800's and early 1900's. Poor lighting and lack of available optical technicians in rural areas, required those suffering with eye troubles in these rural areas to go to Melbourne. An advertisement placed by H B Bissel "eyesight specialist" in the "Independent" Newspaper in 1915 on page 3 " Every person's eyes are liable to be affected by some little weakness or other and these weaknesses, if not corrected at once, are apt to assume a most serious aspect as time goes on". This type of advertisement is putting "the fear of God" on those with slight eyesight problems. It also does not factor the poor lighting used by most in rural areas at this point in time. By the mid to late 1950's, electricity in the Kiewa Valley was available to all households and improved lighting helped nighttime readers. These reading glasses, made in Melbourne, highlight the fact that the Kiewa Valley and its region were still reliant on Melbourne based "specialists" and travel to and from these highly professional health practitioners not only involved a long, and time consuming journey, but also an expensive one.The frames of this oval wire reading glasses is made from gold plated copper wire. There are three nose bridges each with a slightly different angle and shape, each has a different magnification. This may suggest that they were in use at different developmental periods during the wearers ages. Each of the three lenses were fixed onto the frame by a screw and fastened directly onto the glass. Two of the glasses have nose "guides/rests" and one without.. The fine wire ear "loops" has a small "ball" feature at its end (to stop the glasses from slipping off the face).personal effects, spectacles, eye fashion, reading glasses -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Case Leather for Reading Spectacles
This small, slim case was manufactured to contain reading spectacles in a secure but yet "manageable pocket or purse" environment. It was manufactured to contain reading glasses that would not exceed 12mm in thickness. The product was targeting the "professional" reader ie. accountant, lawyer, business and property managers. Because it was made for a "eyesight" specialist to contain "prescription" reading spectacles the quality had to be of a higher level than cheaper "off the shelf" ones. This case was made and used in the late 1800's and early 1900's.This case, for spectacles, holds a significant position in that it points to a time in history when rural Australian families required to travel long distances to obtain professional "eyesight" treatment which, on the whole, were only available in the capital cities (in this case Melbourne). In the pre 1960's, the greater the distance from capital cities for Australian rural folk to seek professional medical, dental, nose ,eye and throat specialists the greater the time involved resulting in the greater expense. This "isolation" brought about increased costs not experienced by city residences. The quality and durability of this case was a pre-requisite for the Kiewa Valley based resident.This slim spring lid spectacle case has a body of light steel over layered by a fine skin dyed(dark brown) leather coating. The inside, of the case, has a 1mm lip opposite the hinged end (to secure the reading spectacles within the case). The inside is fully covered by a "royal" purple felt (to provide the spectacles with a scratch free enclosure).At the outside base in gold lettering "H.B. BISSELL" underneath "EYESIGHT" underneath "SPECIALIST" underneath "BARKLY st", underneath "FOOTSCRAY"personal effects, spectacles, eye fashion, reading glasses -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Box Spectacles, Circa 1960
This eye wear transportation box was forwarded from and returned to Kiewa Valley in the 1960's. This period in time, the Kiewa Valley was still a semi remote location, and specialist eye facilities were not available in the region. It was not until the Australian Government proceeded with a "regional development Centre" (for relocating some Federal Departments from Canberra) that the Wodonga/Albury townships developed into a medium city, allowing "specialist" facilities to become available and multiply.This item is very significant to the Kiewa Valley as it demonstrates that even in the 1960's early 1970's the Kiewa Valley residents still had to obtain "specialist" services from MELBOURNE. The "isolation" of the Kiewa Valley was still in place due to unreliable transport routes, long distance travel needed to visit cities and a relatively "small" population. The slow but progress marketing of recreational areas in the region and the movement of retirees away from "city violence" and to a quieter location has been on the increase. The expansion of the existing small airfield to one that can accommodate larger aircraft will hasten the expansion of the population in the region, bringing an ever increasing "visiting specialists" covering among other fields, eye and medical practitioners.This brown coloured cardboard box was used by Coles and Garrard (Sight Testing Opticians) to transport spectacles to one of their clients. The box lid has four staples holding the four folded sides in place. The base is of similar proportions and fastened together.Printed on the top outside lid, in small print "When forwarding your spectacles for repairs, your co-operation is requested in placing name and full address inside the packet. This will obviate delay in repairing and returning spectacles", underneath and in bold print "COLES & GARRARD pty ltd", underneath "Sight Testing Optticians" underneath "We visit over 100 towns in Victoria. Local Newspapers give full details"eye specialist treatments, kiewa valley "isolation", cardboard packaging, personal eye wear -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Binder Victorian Education 1947, Circa 1947
These educational publications covering a topical monthly theme and providing a slice "of the era" in general knowledge, was used by schools in Victoria as a basic starting point for a particular level of perceived knowledge. The general articles and extracts contained within, were not targeting a specific gender or socio economic sector but designed for all children at a particular stage of their development. This publication did have a format of: 1st page topical, e.g. ANZAC day scouting (U.N.), one page of regional Victoria, one page of poetry, one page of short stories, one page of world history and the last page of a song, complete with appropriate notes. These publications were produced during the second World War and made special references to it. This publication occurred during a period when the Education Department was highly authoritarian in its approach to State levels of learning. Fragmenting "special" schools like later "New Age" teaching methods and doctrines (home schooling) were repressed with considerable force.This binder full of monthly educational studies was particularly important to "hidden away" rural communities such as in the Kiewa Valley, especially at this point in time (World War II). The teaching methods used by local schools provided the necessary break through required by local school children to stop any adverse knowledge deficiencies due to factors of regional isolation. School children with in the Kiewa Valley would be able to integrate with children from all regions, weather in cities or larger towns. This hard cover (card) binder contains 11 monthly publications produced by the Victorian Department of Education for Grades 7 and 8 in the year 1947. Each issue has 16 pages with the cover page covering the major theme for the month. Each issue is placed within the folder by the folded middle page constrained by a thin cord. This is the only method to contain each monthly edition as they have no clasp or are stapled.The folder"SCHOOL PAPER COVER" underneath and to the left is a sketch of the world (revolving desk top stand) on top of a book and next to this "Name ------------ " underneath "Grade-----------" underneath "School---------" all enclosed by a thin border paper, victorian education curriculum, education news letters, loose leaf educational binders -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Reference Remedial Education, "Backwardness in the Basic Subjects", 1942 First Edition, reprinted 1952
This publication was produced in the mid 1900s when the study of learning disabilities in children was in its infancy stage. The complexities of teaching methodologies to cover various symptoms uncovered by pre-school and primary school education facilities was that "one method suites all". This format changed in the later 1900s when specific "tailor made" teaching facilities where introduced and the "average" pre-school and primary school teaching professionals where not "on the whole" faced with the requirement to apply special remedial programs themselves but instead instigated a referral to dedicated specialists. This book covers the rural student with slow reading, comprehension and writing problems, in an environment where specialist speech therapists and child psychologists were and are still rare.This book although very thorough and highlights the major "communication and reading symptoms, in school children" and remedial treatment, places undue pressure upon those teachers, who, at some rural schools are faced with teaching classroom of students varying in age and thereby abilities of comprehension. Schools in rural Australia sometimes had smaller numbers of classrooms and facilities due to their small feeder population and their regional isolation. The Kiewa Valley before the dramatic increase in population in the mid 1950s (SEC Hydro Scheme) was one of these rural communities whose "schooling population" was diverse and small. This reference book, which was used at a Kiewa Valley primary school, reflects upon the Department of Education in Victoria as a highly professional organisation readily applying "modern" learning techniques to all of the department's regional areas. By this broad based application, no school was seen as having any disadvantage due to physical and/or financial isolation.This book has a plain red, cloth bonded, hard cardboard cover with an envelope attached to the inside back cover. The book has a one front blank flyleaf and two rear flyleaves. All lettering ,diagrams, sketches are in black on white as is the only photograph.There is three double sided "preface" pages and nine "contents" pages. There are 508 double sided pages covering 20 chapters and 25 double sided Appendices (5) and four double sided "Index Of Subjects". The cover has printing only on the spine.On the spine at the top "BACKWARDNESS IN THE BASIC SUBJECTS" underneath "SCHONELL" and at the bottom "OLIVER & BOYD"teacher reference books, remedial programs for disadvantages school children, special needs education programs, teacher training -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Mould Candle Making, Circa mid 1900's
Candle stick manufacturing moulds were extensively used throughout the Kiewa Valley and its regions to provide rural homes and businesses with illumination during times of limited light e.g. night time. These candles were used before the Kiewa Valley was placed of the electrical grid. The candles were made from parrafin wax. Before the 1920"s electricity was in limited supply due to the inability of the private electricity suppliers to service isolated rural regions. It was not until the Victorian State Government passed legislation (1920) to improve electricity supplies by forming the State Electricity Commission of Victoria (S.E.C.V.) Isolated rural communities could not meet the higher costs to have electricity supplies connected and therefore it was not until the 1950's that adequate domestic electrical power could be supplied.The isolation that the Kiewa Valley provided was of a greater hindrance to any utility (power,roads & telephone) where the cost per instillation was beyond the rural population's ability to pay either directly or indirectly. One of the benefits that the "closed" community of Mount Beauty had, when it was administered by the SECV was that some utility costs were a lot lower than that of the other settlements in the Kiewa Valley. This disparity led to a conference in 1928 of the rural and regional councils to demand from the Government an equality of electricity tariffs. This equality did not take place until 1965. The demand and usage of cheaper and affordable lighting that wax candles provided was for some rural families a way of life until the mid 1900's.This candle making mould is made from mild rolled sheet steel(tin). The top basin is rectangular in shape with beveled edges(facing in on all sides. There are six holes in the top basin for vertical hollow tubes to feed off. The six tapered cyclindrical tubes running from the top basin to the bottom raised platform base. All connections are welded together. The bottom of each cylinder has an opening for the candle wick. The wick is positioned in place before the molten wax is poured into the cylinders. A positioning ring has been welded to one bottom ring for stability.parrafin wax, candles, domestic household ighting -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Scoop metal, no makers identification, circa mid to late 1900's
This scoop was professionally made and well before plastics and aluminium scoops were manufactured. It was in a period when mass production and cheap imports where not common. This item would have been produced well after World War II and before the cheap Asian imports. It was a period in time(the last years) when items such as this scoop were made to last and consumerism was not at the "throw away" mass consumption time of the late 1900's. The rural sector in the Kiewa Valley used this type of "made to last" domestic implement when home made cakes and pastries were commonly made in the household kitchen. Because of the relatively isolation of the valley, bulk supplies of flour, sugar and other cooking ingredients were the required quantity for both domestic household and farm use. Local general stores also had these scoops to provide clients with their required flour, sugar and other bulk loose grains (processed or unprocessed) This lite galvanised rolled steel flour/sugar scoop has a tapered handle extruding from a small cone shaped base. It has a half circle scoop extending from a full circular base which has a small containment ridge which acts as a collection rim. The collection scoop has its front shovel end tapered and rolled edge (outwards) presenting a barrier and air relief when thrust into the flour/sugar. All the edges are rolled and connection links have been soldered. The handle is not of solid steel which accounts for the light weight. The base of the "shovel" is slightly concave to allow gravitational forces to keep the flour centre of mass. The handle has a ridge pressed in the sheet metal at about two thirds up the shaft All metal to metal joins have been pressed and soldered together.loose grains, sugar, millet, nus, nails, loose grocery items. -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Cushion Pin, unknown, circa mid to late 1900's
This pin cushion was in use when home spun "fashion" clothing was manufactured or altered. When this item was used it was in a period when distances from haberdashery stores was too far and mail ordered clothing would take weeks to arrive.The ability to make and alter clothing for families within the Kiewa Valley and its regions was a domestic requirement up until the later period(1960's onwards)This pin cushion, although rarely used in the 21st Century, with the availability of "cheap" throw away clothes, was very important to a well run rural household. The emphasis for girls to be able to sew and repair clothing was generated by mothers and continued at high schools. Part of the role of women(in this time frame) within the family was to manufacture children's clothing and adjust the growing waistline of their men folk. This item is very significant to the rural households in the Kiewa Valley because of the relative isolation of the region and the amount of wear and tear that clothes go through in a typical rural environment.This pin cushion is "home" made, circular and covered in a blue floral material, encircled with a light blue ribbon (glued on) for extra adhesion. The material encloses a padded surface(allows pins to be safely inserted for storage(future use).sewing, pin-cushion, haberdashery -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Hat Child's Felt, Circa mid 1900's
This brown wool felt hat with a broad brim was, by its style, used by a adolescent child for church services. This was worn in a period where church services on Sunday was an important weekly ritual by the whole family. Special (church only) dresses and hats were worn not only to show respect to the church but also part of expected community mores relating to religious beliefs. This behavioural pattern was more entrench in the rural communities than within larger cities. The closeness of smaller rural communities is the main factor regarding social norms. The visible standing within the community was uppermost. The period pre 2000 was a more coheasive family environment ( due to greater intra family activities) which provided better communication and family activities.This "church styled" hat is very significant to the rural lifestyle and its mores. It clearly demonstrates the coheasive force that religion has on the Valley population. The closeness that the semi isolation (at this time) brought about by the Valley's physical land formation and the poor roads within the valley brought families closer together. Not turning up for important social functionsw was duely noted by all (and frowned upon). Mrs E. Fisher lived at Mongan's Bridge in the Kiewa Valley.Brown child's all felt hat size 6 1/4. A broad brim with a lighter brown velvet ribbon head band. Head band has a crossover to the left front with 100 mm extension flowing over the brim. The top of the inside of the head pocket is lined with a soft silk fabric.6 and one quarter (size tag). Unreadable crest / monogramchildren's head wear, social head dress, church hats -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Towel Tea CWA, circa mid to late 1900's
This tea towel was manufactured in 1978 in Ireland and shipped to Australia. This was in a period when the C.W.A. was the major women's organisation which had the greatest influence amongst rural women (especially in isolated areas). This was a period when broad based communications were mainly by radio,women orientated magazines and the telephone. The relay of television to "remote" rural areas was not yet established. The CWA was therefore a very important organisation that catered exclusively to women's needs. The C.W.A. motto "Honour our God, Loyalty to the throne, Service to the country, Through country women, For country women, By country women." The atmosphere was one of "sisterhood" and covered nearly all the needs of rural based women. This one organisation incorporated knowledge and learning targeting women who physically may be isolated but not mentally. On the tea towel are portrayed all the activities that would be beneficial to rural women.This tea towel with its respective motifs is very significant to the Kiewa Valley as it related especially to women who felt the limitations of social interactions within a rural area. This tea towel represents a era where communications was relatively based on radio, magazines, books and limited telephone access. Within these restrictive interactive communication levels, the isolation of a "back o' Bourke" location applied tremendous mental fatigue on women more than on men.This CWA Victoria Golden Jubilee (1928-1978) tea towel is made from Irish flax at the Blackstaff Flax Spinning and Weaving factory. It is therefore of high quality and very durable. The major colours projecting from a light blue background are red, yellow, green, orange and black. The motives portrayed the activities of the CWA in 1978. These activities are embroidery, crocheting, dress making, knitting, cooking, art, macrame, drama, music, patchwork, toy making and community relief, pennies for friendship, emergency relief and welfare, residential club flats, the thanks giving and Papua New Guinea.The main or central theme of this tea towel is presented in the central area within three rings. "1928" on the left and "1978" on the right. On the top part "GOLDEN JUBILEE" and at the bottom "COUNTRY WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION OF VICTORIA" There are various shapes representing the activities listed above.cwa promotional material, cwa golden jubilee, women only organisations, country women's association -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
DVD - Tawonga Hospital, early 2000's
This DVD of the development of the Tawonga and Mount Beauty General Hospital covers the time period 1949 to 1996. It was a period of intense evolution of both the expansion in population and the increase in the medical facilities provided by a once slightly remote rural hospital to that of one of a regional and alpine advanced hospital. The population expansion of the region during this period was due to the greater growth of local (Kiewa Hydro Scheme) and tourism population provided the need of advancement in the modus operandi of hospital treatments.This DVD details the medical evolution in rural areas and the greater availability of medical professionals to rural areas. The relative isolation of the Kiewa Valley before transport and communications were greatly advanced in the mid to late 1900's resulted in not only increases in population but also the tourism trade. These two important factors required the degree of professionalism for the hospital and with an increasing aged population the diversity into aged care.This DVD has a coloured photograph of the Tawonga District Hospital as a background drop. Printed in black on the front 'An Historical Record / Tawonga District General Hospital / 1949 - 1996.'On the DVD label "An Historical record" below this "Tawonga District General Hospital" below this "1946-1996"hospital dvd, tawonga, mount beauty hospital, specialised treatments -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Booklet - Pre-natal, Pre-Natal Booklet - A Practical Guide for every Expectant Mother by Department of Health Victoria
The Maternal, Infant, and Pre-school Welfare division of the Victorian Health Department published this booklet to assist expectant mothers with information regarding their confinement.Pre-natal information was important for expectant mothers especially those living in isolation eg. the farming community in the Kiewa Valley.Cream coloured booklet with 65 pages held by 2 staples. It has 10 chapters on pre-natal and 4 chapters on post natal. It is very comprehensive with a few black & white illustrations. There is an 'Obstetric Table' on page 5 "To calculate the date of confinement." It was produced by the Maternal, Infant, and Pre-School Welfare Division. prenatal, victorian health department -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Dress Knitted
This dress was possibly manufactured by a local seamstress in the period circa early 1900.The quality of the dress suggests that the lady who wore it was from middle to upper range of the socio-economic structure within the Kiewa ValleyHistorically this item dating in the early 1900s was made by a very competent seamstress (lack of manufacturer's label). It demonstrates that the conditions of relative isolation within the Kiewa Valley was not extreme and that local manufacture of clothing items were available and at a very high level of quality. This item demonstrates that the hand made era was alive and an essential part of community/social adhesion within the valley.Beige knitted dress, sleeveless ladies pin weaved running from waist to bottom. Fine pin weave from bust to waist. Two mother of pearl buttons fastening opening front neck 11cm from neck to upper breastno manufacturer's label suggesting manufacturer was a very talented local seamstress costume, woollen, knitted, dress, female clothing -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Pillow Sham, circa 1900
This Item is one of four bedroom items hand made in circa 1900 by Amalihe Pierin. Her Son brought the item when he emigrated to Australia and members of the family still reside in the Kiewa Valley. Historically this item represents the requirement by families to manufacture a whole range of bedroom coverings due to the lack of professionally manufactured goods. Isolation from big towns or cities required local seamstress activities and therefore closer social bonding was a necessity. Although this item was transported from Italy to Australia by the son of Amalihine Pierin the significance still remains the sameLinen (white) cut work and hand embroidered central floral scene with decorative cut work above, leaf shapes 2cm border with triangular hand stitching tatting embroidery, handcrafts, bedroom linen, trimmings, cut work -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Pillow Sham
This Item is one of four bedroom items hand made in circa 1900 by Amalihe Pierin. Her Son brought the item when he emigrated to Australia and members of the family still reside in the Kiewa Valley. Historically this item represents the requirement by families to manufacture a whole range of bedroom coverings due to the lack of professionally manufactured goods. Isolation from big towns or cities required local seamstress activities and therefore closer social bonding was a necessity. Although this item was transported from Italy to Australia by the son of Amalihine Pierin the significance still remains the sameLinen (white) cut work and embroidered central floral scene with decorative cut work above leaf shapes 2cm border with triangular hand stitching attine.embroidery, handcrafts, bedroom linen, trimmings, cut work -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Bed Runner, circa 1900
This Item is one of four bedroom items hand made in circa 1900 by Amalihe Pierin. Her Son brought the item when he emigrated to Australia and members of the family still reside in the Kiewa Valley. Historically this item represents the requirement by families to manufacture a whole range of bedroom coverings due to the lack of professionally manufactured goods. Isolation from big towns or cities required local seamstress activities and therefore closer social bonding was a necessity. Although this item was transported from Italy to Australia by the son of Amalihine Pierin the significance still remains the samelinen white cut work and embroidered central oval shape with matching floral design at either end with leaf leaf shapes above 2cm border with triangular stitching tattine embroidery, handcrafts, bedroom linen, trimmings, cut work -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Table Runner Dressing
This Item is one of four bedroom items hand made in circa 1900 by Amalihe Pierin. Her Son brought the item when he emigrated to Australia and members of the family still reside in the Kiewa Valley. Historically this item represents the requirement by families to manufacture a whole range of bedroom coverings due to the lack of professionally manufactured goods. Isolation from big towns or cities required local seamstress activities and therefore closer social bonding was a necessity. Although this item was transported from Italy to Australia by the son of Amalihine Pierin the significance still remains the sameLinen (white) cut work and embroidered central design tatting diamond shape with embroidered scrolls either side cut work leaves top and bottom L shaped tatting inner border with triangular tatting 2cm outer bordered hole patternembroidery, handcrafts, bedroom linen, trimmings, cut work -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Slate - School, early 1900
Historically this school writing slate pre-dates paper and electronic writing pads. This was used for non permanent written communication within or outside the classroom. It use was mainly as a quick temporary method and could be easily erased by cloth or fingers. As it could be used repeatedly without additional cost and was therefore a very cheap method of teaching and learning outdoors as well as indoors. This was especially relevant to country schools and outdoor excursions. It was fairly robust but could shatter if allowed to fall on the ground.This item evolved from a form of communication, that of primitive engravings on stone. This tablet was a refined writing/drawing pad that did not require any electronic/battery power input. This writing slate was so useful in an era where relative isolation (Kiewa Valley Schools) from electronic and cheap writing pads was the reality and the norm. This was a time when the hand writing and hand drawing was a basic form of non spoken communication. Students used this slate pad to reinforce their skills which would come in handy when they needed to produce temporary notices on slate information boards, e.g. rail/bus-time/route alterations.Writing slate used for Primary School classes. Wooden frame. Has hole in frame and string threaded through to allow it to be hung on a hook or nail.slate pads, chalk boards, school learning utensils -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Iron Hand Kerosene, circa 1948
This item was in use before electricity and was manufactured after the flat stove irons.The weight of the iron base, is heavy, helping in smoothing out crinkly material being ironed. This item permitted ironing of clothes to be separate and away from heating stoves. It permitted greater flexibility for ironing clothes and permitted more control (consistency) of the temperature of the iron.Historically and significantly this item enforces the relative isolation of the Kiewa Valley and period when and where this domestic item was in use(manufactured circa 1950). A rural setting with mining, beef , milk and tobacco production in the early 1900s. Even though the community was in a rural setting, the standards of dress was the same as in the bigger towns and cities. Social and religious mores and values demanded that the personal appearance be clean and crisp no matter where a person was living or working. Heavy laborious work was considered by some religions as virtuous, therefore the heavy and tiring work of ironing during this period had its rewards. Rural areas where the last to be connected to electricity and therefore this item was a domestic necessity far into the 1950's.This iron has a steel base and a metal body coated with green coloured enamel. The wooden hand grip is painted dark green. The kerosene (spirit) container is a chrome metal cylinder with a flat bottom and top. The top has a small filler/air plug is located on the top side. There are two control knobs located next to and under the metal cylinder. The close to the cylinder is a lock which locks the top lid of the iron and the other knob controls the airflow to the heater rodOn the base of the handle "PEERMAN" and below this P/46, C.I. Thomas & Son Pty Ltd household, ironing, domestic kerosene, dry cleaning -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Iron - Flat, Circa early 1900s
Historically this item was used before the spirit and the electrical iron took over Circa 1930s -1950s. The main body of the iron was placed on a flat heated surface of a stove (wood, coal or gas fired). It was mainly used by women in their domestic role, ironing the family clothes and linen. In the Kiewa Valley the supply of coal or gas was not available or too expensive than the locally cut hard wood trees. This particular iron was an improvement on the fixed handled iron because it allowed (by use of its easily detachable handle) to use multiple bases and thereby allowing a constant heat supply to be maintained and not having to waste time for a base to reheat to the required level of application.The significance of this item was that it allowed for a faster method of ironing clothes and linen. It's invention was a progress towards reducing the time it took to undertake a very labour and intensive domestic function. The reduction of time taken for this household duty provided women great flexibility to undertake other activities. These type of improvements to basic domestic tasks liberated housewives not only physically but also mentally from the isolation of the home environment.This flat iron has a removable, clip-on handle. The handle and its release knob are of wood. The base of the handle together with the heavy flat body are made of cast iron. The body of the iron is oval shaped tapered at each end and is 40mm thick.Underneath the handle frame and on the main body, on one side, in raised lettering is "Mrs Potts" and on the other side "Iron". Both are clearly visible when viewed from an aerial position. Under removable handle and on a plate (screwed onto the main body) is "No 2"iron, antique, household, pressing clothes, domestic, laundry -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Bag Camera, circa 1920s
This item was manufactured in a period where the cheapest containers for portable equipment was canvas. The market place for cheap cameras was still restricted to European, England and its colonies. It was well before the post World War II explosion of the Asian manufacturing juggernaut.This item shows one of the most popular avenues of not only bringing new "modern" age equipment into the Kiewa Valley but also providing the local market with actual overseas inexpensive merchandise. It was a time when the new European fashion and "new age" equipment took years to permeate into regional Australia. The world, through Australia eyes, was still a very large planet and supply of "modern" lifestyle equipment emphasised the geographic isolation of Australia. Post World War II emigrants and an increasing flow of tourists to Australia provided the contact needed by rural settlements to open up not only their social contacts but lifestyle activities.Canvas, yellow, cream in color and with a weave pattern on the external side. It has stitched brown laminated fabric boarders containing all ends and corners. A flap opening top fastened on one side by a large press stud (15mm). A brown coloured leather carry strap (adjustable and 10mm wide) fasted at either of the longitudinal ends of the, case photography, hobby, personal equipment -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Polisher Floor, Hoover Appliances, Meadowbank
This appliance was a time saving method of cleaning floors. It appeared at a time (after World War II) when the domestic pressures faced by mothers and domestic staff was on the increase. The necessary "working parents" was through necessity becoming part of the "typical" family environment. It was the start of the ever increasing demand, from an economical reason, for both parents to work outside their property. Historically the period of the 1950s was one of extreme changes. It was an era where established role models were under pressure from an ever increasing demand for new and advancing consumerism. Communication levels via radio, newspapers and television was expanding at an ever increasing rate. Relatively isolated rural areas were opening up (post war) to foreign ideologies of consumerism. The basic restraints of "this will be alright mate, she'll do" was under a slow but effective take over. "I can get this done faster by this new whiz bang gadget that I saw on the TV last night!" was the new way to live by.This item is very significant in that it demonstrates the new consumerism at its infant stage of the social changes occurring due to greater communication levels between the rural Australian communities and other advancing communities world wide. The Kiewa Valley residents (mainly from the intermingling of rural and post World War II refugees working at the construction of the Victorian Hydro electricity installations, resulted in this rural area becoming integrated to new ways of living (both socially and economically). Once the attitude of "we have always done it this way mate!" was challenged and overcome, the acceptance of new time saving "gadgets" which started to pour in from foreign markets, the relative isolation of the Kiewa Valley (being mainly psychological entrenched), was over.This hoover electric floor scrubber and polisher has a main base containing two brushes (can be replaced with polishing pads). The two brushes/pads are fastened or removed from the base unit by pulling/pushing the heads from the small hexagonal shaft on the bottom of the machine motor. A pressure sensitive wire is inlaid at the brush/pad end to hold the brush/pad unit onto the shaft. The discs body and main body covering the electric motor are made from sturdy plastic. The rest of the appliance materials i.e. upright handle and the u framed attaching arm are made from lightweight powder coated steel. A small (350mm) red coloured foot switch protrudes from the back of the motor to release the the upright handle from the storage position to the action position.There are two fork shaped brackets on the rear of the handle, for securing the 6.5 metre long electrical cord and plug. There is no on/off switch on the appliance. A small stainless steel "u" framed clip (for hanging the appliance in the vertical position) for cupboard storage. Within the circle of the cleaning brush is stamped "1 above S.A.B.351" and on the opposite side P/No: 5023792". On the main plastic head of the brush discs are "TO CLEAN" and under this "USE ONLY WARM(underlined) WATER AND SOAP" on the opposite side, and within a circle is the Hoover Trademark. On the front of the blue coloured plastic dome covering the electric motor is (on a raised domed shaped plaque (on a red background) Hoover in slanted print from left to right(in a diagonal level)domestic appliances, floor cleaning, electric floor scrubbers and polishers -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Reference Teaching, Intermediate English J. Aughterson, Circa 1957
This particular edition was published in a period (1950s), when textbooks for primary and secondary schools were published by London based publishing houses such as LONGMAN. This particular publishing house brand is now only used by the Longman Schools in China. This reference book was one of the basic reading material for students learning the "English" language opposed to the "Americanised English". The two versions of English now in use are mainly influenced by the greater influx of American based media and the internet. At the time of this publication however print media was at its peak and the English used was from the United Kingdom. Although the written language is in English, the majority subject matter is of Australian origin. This text book is very significant in demonstrating the type of English taught in rural schools during the period and before the internet and the American based spell check programs now in use. The subtle changes in both the spoken and written English, due to the modern internet facilities, can be seen by the "texting" language of school aged students, post "world wide web" and mobile telephones. This English text book is a moment in time, when the isolation of rural communities had greater affect upon the standard of both the written and spoken language. It was a time when Britain was still thought of as "the mother land" and the English used was that brought to Australian by the original settlers and over time developed an "Australian flavour".Plastic covered soft green colored cardboard cover in black print. Pages (150) are printed in black ink on both sides and in different fonts.Front cover "INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH" underneath "J. Aughterson" underneath a squiggle of three half circles. underneath "LONGMANS". Spine: "AUGHTERSON INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH LONGMANS"school curriculum, secondary education, rural schools -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Michael Tyquin, Training for war : the history of headquarters 1st Division 1914-2014, 2017
Training for War encapsulates one hundred years of the history of Headquarters 1st Division and the Deployable Joint Force Headquarters. During that time the Headquarters has commanded subordinate formations and units; soldiers; and assets. They all have a place in this story as do many distinguished Australians who have had a close association with the Division, either commanding it or holding senior positions there. This study looks at the organisation's high water mark in World War One as well as quieter times between the world wars, before the tempo picks up again in the period closer to our own time. As with any military formation it cannot be studied in isolation from politics and policy and so reference is made to wider events in the Australian political and Defence environment. For those wanting new insights into one of the Australian Army's most historic divisions this work should satisfy their needs.Index, bib, ill, maps, p.254.non-fictionTraining for War encapsulates one hundred years of the history of Headquarters 1st Division and the Deployable Joint Force Headquarters. During that time the Headquarters has commanded subordinate formations and units; soldiers; and assets. They all have a place in this story as do many distinguished Australians who have had a close association with the Division, either commanding it or holding senior positions there. This study looks at the organisation's high water mark in World War One as well as quieter times between the world wars, before the tempo picks up again in the period closer to our own time. As with any military formation it cannot be studied in isolation from politics and policy and so reference is made to wider events in the Australian political and Defence environment. For those wanting new insights into one of the Australian Army's most historic divisions this work should satisfy their needs.australian army - organisation, australian army - 1st division -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Oxford University Press, ANZAC memories: Living with the legend, ????
What is taboo in any family or in any society is never fixed. And neither is that body of family information which everybody knows but no one talks about. Mental illness is one such subject, and it created a kind of fence around one central element of Thomson's work in the 1980s - his grandfather Hector's story. He has had the courage to take that fence down and use a range of sources to enter the no man's land of suffering and isolation which was a part of his grandfather's life, and perforce, that of his grandmother and the young child who became his father. When the first edition was in preparation, Alistair Thomson's father objected strenuously to any mention in the book of his father's (Alistair's grandfather's) mental illness; reluctantly Alistair agreed to leave out the subject. We can understand why the author's father, himself a soldier, felt so strongly. .Index, bib, ill, p.239.non-fictionWhat is taboo in any family or in any society is never fixed. And neither is that body of family information which everybody knows but no one talks about. Mental illness is one such subject, and it created a kind of fence around one central element of Thomson's work in the 1980s - his grandfather Hector's story. He has had the courage to take that fence down and use a range of sources to enter the no man's land of suffering and isolation which was a part of his grandfather's life, and perforce, that of his grandmother and the young child who became his father. When the first edition was in preparation, Alistair Thomson's father objected strenuously to any mention in the book of his father's (Alistair's grandfather's) mental illness; reluctantly Alistair agreed to leave out the subject. We can understand why the author's father, himself a soldier, felt so strongly. .world war 1939 – 1945 – personal narratives – australia, world war 1914-1918 - biography -
Ballarat Base Hospital Trained Nurses League
Isolation Ward at BBH
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Ballarat Base Hospital Trained Nurses League
Isolation Ward at BBH
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Ballarat Base Hospital Trained Nurses League
Isolation Ward at BBH
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Ballarat Base Hospital Trained Nurses League
1940 April, taken from Isolation Unit
Photo Album1940, isolation, unit