Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Photos - Mills Family x 15
Brian and Jill Mills lived with their children at Lakeside Ave. Mt Beauty. Brian was in the airforce.4 photos were taken during the construction of the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme. 1. The "Mills Kids" beside the river - show the fashion of the time and how families spent their recreational time. 2.& 3. The "70 Lakeside Ave" photos show the type of housing provided by the SECV and that the garden hadn't been created. 4. SEC marshalling yards, Mt Beauty c 1940s-50s. An historic photo of 1940s/50s buses used to transport KHES workers to their work sites, some of which were on the High Plains.15 large photos scanned in colour. 5 have labels written on the backOn the back "Brian Mills" (in airforce uniform); "Mills Kids / 78 L/side Ave"; "70 Lakeside Ave"; "70 L/side Ave" and "SEC Marshalling yards - Mt Beauty (and Donor's name and address.lakeside ave mt beauty, brian mills