Showing 355 items
matching trams 1972
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Insurance for Tram Passengers", 13/12/1972 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper Clipping possibly from The Courier, Ballarat, 13/12/1972 about the Bendigo City Council or the Trust being responsible for arranging Insurance cover for passengers. Item follows a question in the Legislative Assembly from Mr. Floyd, Labour Williamstown, answered by the Minister of Transport, Mr. V. Wilcox. Appears to be from the Courier, as starts with "MELBOURNE - (AUP)" credit."13/12/72" in top right hand corner in black ink.trams, tramways, bendigo, insurance, bendigo trust, v. wilcox -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Tourist Trams for Bendigo", 4/11/1972 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper Clipping possibly from The Courier, Ballarat, 4/11/1972, about the opening of the Bendigo Tourist tram service by the Premier Mr. R. Hamer on Dec. 9, 1972. Item mentions the keeping the Birneys in Bendigo, against them going to Adelaide and the Bendigo Trust. Item possibly from the Courier, as mentions the GBA (Greater Ballarat Association), Mr Melton Foo and Mr. Edgar Bartrop."4/11/72" on bottom edge in blue ink and a red ink arrow pointing to the Clipping.trams, tramways, bendigo, opening, bendigo trust, mr. r. hamer -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Tourist Trams for Bendigo", 24/10/1972 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper Clipping possibly from The Courier, Ballarat, 24/10/1972 about questions to be asked in the Legislative Assembly today by Mr. Floyd (Labour Williamstown) about the running of the trams in Bendigo for tourists and running of trams in Ballarat. Item notes that approved the service between the North Deborah mine and the Chinese Joss House. Item possibly from the Courier as it has Ballarat people funeral notices on the rear."24/10/72" in top right hand corner in black ink.trams, tramways, bendigo, parliamentary questions, mr. floyd, mr. v. wilcox -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, "Government to finance Bendigo Tourist Trams", 13/9/1973?
Newspaper Clipping possibly from a newspaper dated 13/9/1973 (should this be 1972 given item 1236?)about the State Government approval of a tourist tram service as a trail between the Central Deborah Mine and the Chinese Joss House for a period ending Easter 1974. Quotes the Minister for Local Government, Mr Hunt. Also mentions local member Mr. Bob Tretherwey MLA and MLC's for Bendigo. Does not appear to be a Melbourne paper, as it gives AUP as the source."13.Sept.73" in pencil in top right hand corner.trams, tramways, bendigo, tourist trams, mr. hunt, bendigo trust -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, Herald & Weekly Times Ltd, "Bendigo gets the rumble again", 9/12/1972 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper Clipping possibly from The Sun, Melbourne, 9/12/1972 with two photographs about the preparation for the opening of the Tourist tram service in Bendigo. Quotes Bendigo Trust Publicity Officer, Daryl McClure, gives details of Government financial assistance and details of the opening on the following day by the Premier, Mr. R. Hamer. Photos are of No. 25 and James Lerk.trams, tramways, bendigo, tourist trams, mr. hamer, opening, bendigo trust -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Form/s, Letter/s, Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society (BTPS), Form - BTPS Co-Op appeal, Feb. 1972
A letter or memo to members of the BTPS reminding them that the BTPS Co-Operative was seeking funds, refers to a previous application form sent out. Gives details of minimum share holdings, funding arrangements and where the application should be sent to. Printed on foolscap paper using a stencil, folded into four and has two punch holes on the left side. Has been dated with a green ink date hand stamp "18 Feb. 1972" in top right hand corner."18 FEB 1972" in top right hand corner - green ink from hand date stamp.trams, tramways, btps, btps co-operative, appeals, fund raising -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newsletter, Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society (BTPS), Notice to BTPS members about a Social Meeting t, Jan. 1972
1239.1 - Notice to BTPS members about a Social Meeting to be held at St. Cuthbert's Church Hall, Sturt St. West on 27 Jan. 1972. Notes an inspection of the proposed track to Wendouree Parade and work commenced on the depot foundations. Signed by Hal Cain, President. Printed on pink paper using Stencil process. 1239.2 - Appeal form or notice to members, seeking funds to cover the cost of acquisition of tram No. 33, ($750) and transport ($450) from Hamilton. Gives notes on history of 33 in Hamilton. Donations to be sent to the Treasurer, Mrs. Dean in Box Hill. Gives date of return of tram 33 to Ballarat as 28 April 1977. Printed on yellow paper with duplicator process.1239.2 has "Nancy's" in top right hand corner in blue ink.museums btps, appeals, hamilton, social meetings -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Album - Photo Album, Newstar, 1960s to 1970's
Photographic album containing 39 Colour postcards of Melbourne trams. The album consists of 30 leaves of dark grey heavy paper with three creases on left hand side of sheet, bound into a heavy bluey grey folder, embossed in gold 'Scrap Book" and bound with bluey grey string with two holes. The cover has been embossed with a the blue grey in swirls. Inside of back cover is a white label, "A New Star Product", with a please ask for No. with "425" stamped on. Postcards have been glued into the album. Entries have been kept to a single line - cards are able to be dated from buildings, whether the trams have marker lights, types of motor cars and general Melbourne history. Image files in page number order. Image 15 is of book. All taken with a electronic camera. Page 1 - Night photo - Flinders and Swanston St. - with "Greetings from Huntingdale" embossed in gold. Flinders St. station, with "Greetings from Huntingdale" embossed in gold. (post 1972 ) St. Kilda road with the Shrine of Remembrance in the background and W2 453 inbound on route 6. (post 1974) Page 2 - Bourke St, looking from Parliament House westwards, with Z8 inbound - after 13/8/1975 on route 89. Bourke St, looking east from Queen St., night photo, early 1970's. Princes Bridge looking towards Flinders St. Station Page 3 - Flinders St. Station, from Princes Gate buildings, - Photo E. Ludwig, John Hinde Studios. Bourke St. from Queen St, looking east, late 1960's - all W's. - W7 1026 east bound on route 88. Flinders St and Swanston St. corner, from Princes Bridge - night photo - W5 756 northbound route 15. Page 4 - W2 584 inbound route 64, St. Kilda Road and Nolan St., late 1960s - photograph. Princes Bridge, looking over Yarra River to the east. (pre Concert Hall) St. Kilda Road, with Shine of Remembrance in background, W2 303 inbound route 4D, mid 1960's. Page 5 - Flinders and Swanston St, W2 530 outbound route 8, early 1970's. Swanston and Collins St., W2 596 westbound in Collins St. City Square built - 1st version. (post 1972) St Kilda Road, with Shine in background, W2 298 and others, route 8 and 72. (post 1972) Page 6 - Flinders and Swanston St., W2, inbound route 5 on a wet evening. (mid 1970's) W2 515 outbound, Collins St., late 1960's, with Town Hall in background. (early 1970's, prior to lights) Collins St. looking west at Russell St with W2 637outbound route 42, early 1960's. Page 7 - Swanston St looking south at Little Bourke, W2's 373 route 67 and 374?(route 5), southbound, early 1970's Flinders St. Station, looking west in Flinders St., early 1970's, at dusk. Melbourne Town Hall with City Square from the North West (early 1970's) Page 8 - Bourke St looking east from Queen St. with W7 1005 inbound on route 96 - early 1970's. Bourke St. looking west from Exhibition St. with W6 976 outbound on route 95 - early 1970's. Swanston St. looking south from Lonsdale, with W2 484 on route 64, W2 228 and W2 364 in photo - early 1970's. Page 9 - Swanston looking south from north of Lonsdale St with many tramcars in photo - mid 1970's. St Kilda Road, with Shrine in background, W2 345 outbound route 4, SW6 913 inbound route 4 - prior to 1970. St Kilda Road, with Shrine in background, with trams in photo - early 1970's. (Photo loose in album - National View postcard by Murfett Ltd. Aust.) Page 10 - Postcard - TMSV? of 1041 and cable car set at Preston Workshops. 1041 in Bourke St., looking east from Queen St. - early 1970's - 1974? Collins St. looking east from Elizabeth St. with W2 253 inbound route 11, and W2 224 outbound - rout 47, early 1970's Page 11 - TMSV Postcard, X217 in Dandenong Road with L class in background. Shrine of Remberance from BP building, looking towards the city with St. Kilda Road on the left. Princes Gate and Flinders St. from the SEC buildings in Flinders St. looking south east - mid 1960's. Page 12 - Swanston St. at Flinders St. looking north at dusk. Flinders St. station at Swanston St with trams crossing at intersection - late 1960's Flinders St. station with W2 327 outbound. Page 13 - Temporary City Square at Collins and Swanston St. with tramcars at intersection. Wellington Parade (Mugs Alley), looking towards the City, with W2 546 inbound on route 38 - mid to late 1960's. Page 14 - Swanston St. looking south, at Lonsdale St, W2 432 inbound route 7 - late 1960's or early 1970's. Partly loose in album - National View postcard by Murfett Ltd. Aust. trams, tramways, photo album, melbourne, postcards -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "A long slow operation", 19/06/1972 12:00:00 AM
... The Courier, Ballarat 19/6/1972 of the moving of tram 26 ...Newspaper cutting from The Courier, Ballarat 19/6/1972 of the moving of tram 26 into the depot. Has photo of tram 26 being moved into the depot using steel channels and rails on their side. Also Bob Davies crane in photo assisting with move. The method of moving 26 was slow and difficult, having derailed it at the depot access road and dragged it up the road and then onto steel channels pushing it into the shed. Information to members for June-July 1972 gives the moving date as 16 June and completed on 17 June. The other trams were not moved until temporary track had been laid between the depot and the kerb in Wendouree Parade, roughly along the same route as the depot access track. The September 1972 issue gives full details of the move and the date. The photo was taken on Sat. 17 June. See Reg Item No. 1858 for Courier Print of the photo. Second copy added 5/11/2018 from donation of Glenise Kellett. See Information for Members (BTPS) - June-July 1972 and Sept. 1972."June 19 -1972" in top right hand cornerbtps, moving trams -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Ballarat Trams are on the move", 17/06/1972 12:00:00 AM
... for Members (BTPS) - June-July 1972 and Sept. 1972. "Ballarat Trams ...Newspaper cutting from The Courier, Ballarat 17/6/1972 of the moving of tram 26 into the depot the previous day. Has photo of tram 26 at Gardens Loop with a "TRAM DISPLAY" sign at the end. Caption notes as being moved from the old to the new depot. Quotes BTPS Vice President, Mr. M. Calnin about the move, the future plans and interest created during the move. Article also mentions that the old depot is to be auctioned by the SEC that day (17/6/1972). Demolition commenced within one month - see Reg. item 1791. Gives details of the move arrangements. See Reg. item 1788 and 1792 for further references and Information for Members (BTPS) - June-July 1972 and Sept. 1972. btps, moving trams, gardens loop -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Magazine, Tramway Museum Society of Victoria (TMSV), "Running Journal Vol 9, No. 1, Feb. 1972", Feb. 1972
Demonstrates aspects of publication of material in an enthusiast based magazine for a Melbourne based organisation, with a detailed article on the overhaul of trams at Preston workshops for Melbourne.Feb. 1972 issue of "Running Journal", consisting of formally printed cover on glossy paper which has been folded, containing seven wax stencil cut, duplicated sheets, pages 3 to 16. Published by the Tramway Museum Society of Victoria. Sheets have been stapled into the folded covers. See condition notes also. Cover has W2 277 undergoing a "O2" overhaul at Preston workshops Page 2 - photos of 928, 733 and 921 undergoing various overhaul stages Pages 3 to 9 - article by Norm Cross on MMTB tramcar overhauls at Preston Workshops Page 9 - News from Ballarat (BTPS - foundations for new shed) Page 10 - 11 - Tramway Quiz Page 12 - 14 - TMSV Museum news (muses) Page 15 - Answers to quiz Page 16 - Back issues of Running Journal Page 17 - Photos of 980 and Museum activities Page 18 (back cover) - 18 in Sturt St., July 1970, Ballarat 18 - in Vickers St. Sebastopol shed, trams 31, 30 and 32 stored at the SEC Ballarat North Power station grounds awaiting transport, in October 1971 and MMTB 469 arriving as the last Footscray tram. Loose sheet - duplicated, advertising, Last Mail Covers - Bendigo Tramways, prior to closure on 16/4/1972. Second copy ex ARHS 9/2003 added 21/09/2006. 3rd copy added 28/10/2007, ex Graeme Breydon Collection.Has Graeme Breydon address stamp on front cover.trams, tramways, tmsv, running journal, ballarat, overhauls, preston, mmtb -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - List, Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society (BTPS), MMTB Allocation of Tramcars as at 1/1/1972", early 1972
List of the depot allocation of Melbourne trams (MMTB) as at 1/1/1972, published early 1972 by the BTPS as a members service. Printed by typed wax stencil then duplicated, on both sides of a green sheet of foolscap paper. Gives the depot, tram numbers, summary of trams at each depot by class and total number, and those in storage and used for training. Also gives a summary of each class of tram and a total number on register (696), and abbreviations used for depots. Image of document and second copy from donation of the Tom Murray Estate added 20-11-2016.mmtb, depot allocation, tramcars, melbourne -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, The Courier Ballarat, 17/06/1972 12:00:00 AM
Black and white photograph print of a photo that appeared in The Courier, Ballarat 19/6/1972 of the moving of tram 26 into the depot. Note use of steel channels and rails on their side. Assisting is Bob Davies' crane. See Reg. Item 1788 for further details and of the newspaper cutting that the photo appeared in. Taken on Sat. 17 June 1972. See Information for Members (BTPS) - June - July 1972 and Sept. 1972.On rear in purple stamp "Copyright, The Ballarat Courier Proprietary Limited"trams, tramways, btps, moving trams, tram 26 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, The Courier Ballarat, mid to late 1970's
Black and white photograph of a Ministerial / government inspection party boarding a bogie tram at Gardens Loop. Attached to the bottom left hand corner of the photo is part of a cutting from the Courier, giving the name of the people boarding the tram. Photograph and cutting undated - possibly late 1960's. Attachment with a piece of 'sticky tape' On rear of photograph is a Ballarat Courier Copyright stamp. Name of people in photograph are given as: Tramways Superintendent - Mr. L. J. Denmead, Mid-Western Electricity Supply branch manager, Mr. I. F. Pellas, Secretary to the Minister of Transport, Mr. B. Newton Mr. Tom Evans MLA Transport Regulation Board, regional officer, Mr. Alan Stott Minister of Transport, Mr. Wilcox, Minster of Public Works, Mr Byrne Mr. Bill Stephen, MLA. Note: Murray Byrne was Minister of Public Works from June 1970 until August 1972. This would narrow down the photo to between June 1970 and September 1971 and probably in 1970. (Research note from Peter Winspur 14-12-2012). From the shadows etc, probably late 1970, very early 1971.On rear of photograph, in black ink is stamped "Ballarat Courier / Press Photograph / - copyright -"trams, tramways, closure, ballarat, gardens loop, ministerial visit, transport -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Manual, Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society (BTPS), BTPS Council/Board Meeting Minutes 7/71 to 6/73, 1971 to 1973
Set of meeting minutes of the BTPS Board (known as both Board or Council at the time) for period 7/1971 to 6/1973 that were held by George Netherway. Most printed on foolscap paper using a stencil duplicator, others typed carbon, photocopied. Listing of minutes and associated papers: Minutes 2nd Council Meeting - 18 July 1971 - photocopy - 2pp. Minutes Combined BTPS Board - 20 September 1971 - photocopy - 1p - heat sensitive paper Minutes BTPS Board - 14 Feb. 1972 - duplicated - 3pp on blue paper Notes on motions etc of 14 Feb. 1972 meeting - 3pp on heat sensitive paper Notes on motions of 14 Feb. 1972 meeting from Melton Foo - 2pp on pink typing paper, carbon copy Notice of meeting 6/3/1972 - carbon copy - 133mm H. Minutes of Board Meeting - 6 March 1972 - duplicated 3pp - 2 copies Envelope address G.Netherway, 7c stamp, post marked 29 March 1972, with BTPS return stamp. Notice of meeting 18/4/1972 - typed - 88mm high Notice of meeting 5/4/1972 - handwritten - 90mm high Notice of meeting 1/5/1972 - typed - 135mm high Paper about the Formation of Publicity and Promotions Sub Committee - Paul Nicholson - 3pp duplicated Minutes of Board meeting 174/1972 - on pink paper, duplicated - 3pp Notice of meeting 4/6/1972 - typed - carbon copy, 110mm high Notice of meeting 8/7/1972 - carbon copy typed - 125mm high Notice of meeting 23/7/1972 - duplicated - 168mm high Handwritten notes dated 12/6/1972 Notice of meeting 5/8/1972 - typed carbon copy - 98mm high Notice of meeting 2/9/1972 - typed carbon copy - 115mm high Minutes of Board 2/9/1972 - duplicated - 1p Notice of meeting 23/9/1972 - typed carbon copy - 216mm high Handwritten notes - with date 18/4/1972 and notes re windows in tram 14. Balance sheet dated 30/6/1972 - 2pp on heat sensitive paper - pinned - going rusty. Minutes of meeting 23/9/1972 - handwritten by G.Netherway and minutes of AGM with election on rear. Minutes of Board meeting of 23/9/1972 - typed on light yellow carbon paper. Minutes of Board meeting of 23/9/1972 - photocopy on heat sensitive paper, different layout to above. 2nd copies of above Notice of Board meeting of 14/10/1972 - duplicated - 167mm high Notice of Motions from Clyde Croft - re Operating Staff and Driver Training dated 14/10/1972 Minutes of meeting of 14/10/1972 - on quarto heat sensitive paper - faded and on typed carbon paper Signature of Board members attending 14/10/1972. Letter to Richard Gilbert from George Netherway - re timing of Board Meeting, dated 31/10/1998 on green typing paper, carbon copy Notice of Board Meeting 4/11/1972 - duplicated - 167mm high Minutes of Board Meeting 4/11/1972 - duplicated 1p Envelope to G.Netherway, postmarked Mentone 20 Dec. 1972. Notice of Meeting on proforma agenda, yellow quarto paper, for Meeting 9/12/1972 Notice of Meeting on proforma agenda, yellow quarto paper, for Meeting 12/1/1973 Copy of letter from Murray Byrne, Minister of Tourism, dated 2 Feb. 1973 re funding Minutes of meeting to organise Labour Week Exhibitions dated 30/1/1973. Financial statement dated 10/1/1973 Notice of Meeting on proforma agenda, yellow quarto paper, for Meeting 9/2/1973 Minutes of Board meeting of 9/2/1973 - 1pp Notice of Meeting on proforma agenda, yellow quarto paper, for Meeting 12/2/1973 with handwritten notes Notice of meeting - 16/3/1973 - typed, carbon copy - 121mm high Minutes of Board Meeting 16/3/1973 - 2pp duplicated Notice of meeting 13/4/1973 - typed carbon copy - 126mm high Notice of meeting 18/5/1973 - typed carbon copy - 143mm high Minutes of Board Meeting - 8/6/1973 - duplicated - 3pp, includes financial statement George Netherway has written date received on most items.trams, tramways, btps, meeting minutes, notice of meetings, btps board -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Legal record - Legal Document, Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society (BTPS), "Memorandum & Articles of Association of the BTPS, 1971 late
31 page document on foolscap paper, duplicated. Draft Memorandum and Articles of Association for the BTPS to enable the organisation to be registered under the Companies Act 1961. Actual document not adopted and signed by subscribers until 24/8/1973. Final document based heavily on this document. This document drew heavily on the ARHS Vic. Div. Articles. Has staple in top left hand corner. Printed onto duplicator paper.In top left hand corner, in a box is "GCN 9-1-72", indicating a copy that George Netherway received on 9/1/1972.trams, tramways, btps, rules, memorandum of association, incorporation -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Advertiser, "A whole mile of tram car memories" - Adelaide tramway history & opening of AETM Track, 26/10/1972 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper Clipping from the Adelaide Advertiser dated 25/10/1972 in the Opinion section, written by Lance Campbell, of Father Graham Kaines providing a potted history of Adelaide's trams, the opening of the AETM's first section of tramway track and Fr. Graham's interest since a 14 year old in trams. Includes a photograph of three workers (unknown), trams No. 1, 282 (?) and Ballarat 21 on depot fan. Page 5 of newspaper. See also Other Information for personal note from cataloguer.In red biro on top of page "Nice Fite over car 29 at Bendigo 881"trams, tramways, aetm, tramway museums, adelaide, father graham kaines -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "The Last Chip", Jan. 1972
Newspaper clipping from The Courier, late January 1972 showing a picture of the foundations of the tram shelter at Grenville and Sturt Streets being removed by a SEC worker (Mr. Ron Rathnie) using a large jackhammer. No date given on cutting, but on rear is an item about a visiting theological student, about a concert to be held on Feb. 1.trams, tramways, shelters, demolition, sturt st. -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Society of Former Tram Men", 19/09/1972 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper clipping from The Courier, 19/9/1972 about the formation of an association of former Ballarat tramway employees. Meeting attended by 27 people, President D. Thompson and Secretary/Treasurer Mr. D. McGregor.Date "19/9/72" on left hand edge at top.trams, tramways, employees, association, btps -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Tramway Officers", 25/09/1972 12:00:00 AM
Yields information and has a strong association with those involved in setting up the BTPS. Gives information about the Board members.Newspaper clipping from The Courier, 25/9/1972 about the election of Board Members to the BTPS. Reports on the AGM the previous Saturday. Names mentioned H. Cain, R.Gilbert, A.Harnwell, M. Calnin, C.Jessup, W.Doubleday, C.Croft, G.Netherway, H.Ballantyne, D.Clogan. with respective positions held and where from. Image added 20-11-2013Date "25/9/72" on top edge in black inktrams, tramways, board members, election, btps -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, Government funds for Ballarat's tourist trams?", 22/09/1972 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper clipping from The Courier, 22/9/1972 about the BTPS seeking government funding for the museum and its development. Quotes Publicity Officer, Mr Maurie Calnin. Also gives notes on progress so far, mentions Bendigo and power supply.Date "22/9/72" in headline area.trams, tramways, museum construction, funding, btps -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Temporary track proposal for tram removals", 22/12/1972 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper clipping from The Courier, 22/12/1972 about the proposal of the BTPS for the removal of trams from the SEC depot to its tram shed in Botanical Gardens being presented to the City of Ballaarat. Notes removal of tramcar 14, temporary fence around shed, construction of a short temporary line to Wendouree Parade and formation of a Co-operative to finance the construction of the building. Mentions Mayor Cr. J. Chisholm, Cr. A. Pittard and the City Engineer, Mr. R. in red ink of "22/12/72" in top right hand corner.trams, tramways, btps, track laying, new depot -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "$120,000 to take up lakeside tram lines", 25/10/1972 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper clipping from The Courier, 25/10/1972 about the acceptance of a tender of $78,081 for the removal of tram lines in Wendouree Parade and three adjoining streets. Cost of materials supplied estimated to be more $42,550, giving a total of more than $120,000. Contractor - P. Kennedy Pty Ltd. Various roadworks to be undertaken detailed in the article by Mr. Sharp, City Engineer. Mentions retention of tramway track for the BTPS (given as the Ballarat Tramway Protection Society)date in blue ink of "25/10/72" in top left hand corner.trams, tramways, btps, track removal, wendouree parade -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Tram Society puzzled by response", 13/12/1972 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper clipping from The Courier, 13/12/1972, with the BTPS Vice President Mr. M. Calnin expressing puzzlement at the official and public response to the Society's efforts to establish its tourist tram route near Wendouree Parade. He contrasted this to the enthusiasm in Bendigo. Also mentions the development of Sovereign Hill. Notes track laying work underway this in blue ink of "13/12/72" in top area of cutting.trams, tramways, btps, trackwork, museum establishment -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "All precautions on tram shed drainage", 14/11/1972 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper clipping from The Courier, 14/11/1972 about Mr Maurie Calnin for the BTPS expressing surprise that the Fish Acclimatisation Society had approached the City Council with its worries about drainage from the shed. Notes discussion with Mr. Sharp, the City Engineer and the hope that it would be able to have the tram line saved to Forest St. to enable passengers to disembark at Wendouree Railway in pencil of "14/11/72" in top right hand corner of cutting.trams, tramways, btps, fish hatchery, drainage -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, Herald & Weekly Times Ltd, When Hellfire Jack rode...", 15/04/1972 12:00:00 AM
1037 - Newspaper clipping from The Sun (Melbourne), April 15, 1972 in the Magazine section of the newspaper, called 'Then and Now' about the closure the following day of the Bendigo tramways. Gives an outline history of the tramway system, and two stories about the tramways, one about a driver named "Hellfire Jack" and an accident between a tram he was driving and a horse pulled dray loaded with tomatoes. Has six small photos on the top of the item, four of trams and two of Bendigo looking towards Charing Cross from the Post Office in 1880 and 1972. 1037.1 - added 23/10/2004 - duplicate cutting. Item written by John Fraser.trams, tramways, bendigo, closure, hellfire jack, charing cross -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, Eureka Times, "High Hopes for Trams", 2/10/1973 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper clipping (front page) from the Eureka Times, Vol. 1 No. 3 Wed. Sept. 20 1972, about the establishment of the BTPS, the work so far, its proposals, maintenance of trams and operation by volunteers. has photo of three workers in front of No. 40, inside the building. Twp copies heldtrams, tramways, ballarat, eureka times, btps, museum establishment -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "No more tram track works this year", 10/11/1971 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper clipping from The Courier, 10/11/1971 advising that no more work on the removal of tram tracks in Sturt St. will be undertaken by the Country Roads Board until early next year (1972). Quotes CRB Divisional Engineer (E.T.Oppy), saying that requests had been received from Council and shop keepers that Christmas shopping not be interrupted by roadworks. Mentions the period over which works were to be undertaken to remove the tram tracks (8 years), hope to do it in a shorter period of time, wet weather interfering with progress and agreements being negotiated by the Councils in Ballarat, Bendigo, the CRB and the SEC.Hand stamped in black ink "10 Nov. 1971" on right hand edge.trams, tramways, sec, country roads board, track removal, dismantling -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Ballarat seems a doomed city - says a man who cares", 22/01/1972 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper clipping from The Courier, 22/1/1972 about Ballarat seems doomed to become a city of silence, a dead city, unless something is done quickly to bolster its failing industrial and population growth. Quotes statements the previous day by Mr Maurie Calnin, the President of the Retired Railwaymen's Association. Notes the loss of the trams, decentralisation, transport problems, a bus service in Gregory St. and that the means test should be lifted for all people above 70 years.In blue ink near top right hand corner '22/1/72'trams, tramways, closure, ballarat, bus services -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, Herald Sun, "The trams come back', 12/05/1972 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper clipping from the Melbourne Herald, 12/5/1972, letter to the editor from David Menzies of Wattletree Road, Malvern about the lack of information in this country about the development of modern trams in Europe. Notes closure of Bendigo, modernisation of Ghent (Belgium), some US systems, 110 tramway system in USSR, and the long suffering commuter in Melbourne who has to put with cattle truck conditions on one of the largest tramway systems in the world.In red ink top right hand corner '12/5/72'trams, tramways, david menzies, tramways, bendigo, melbourne