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Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Commander 3rd Military District Visit – Army Survey Regiment Fortuna, Bendigo, 1989
This is a set of 16 photographs of a visit to the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo by the Commander 3rd Military District BRIG P. Davies AM, ADC on the 23rd and 24th of October 1989. In this set BRIG P. Davies AM, ADC was taken on a tour through the orthophoto production area. In photos .1P to .3P and .6P BRIG P. Davies AM, ADC presented a productivity award to CO LTCOL John Winzar in Fortuna’s Ballroom. LTCOL Winzar was the CO of the Army Survey Regiment from 1987 to 1989. The WILD OR1 orthophoto projector and workstation featuring in photos .7P to.10P and .12P to .14P was introduced in the mid-1980s. It was the second-generation equipment used to orthorectify colour and monochrome film aerial photography, replacing the system introduced in 1973. See items 6124.5P, 6133.4P and 6228.4P for more photographs of orthorectification equipment. Photos .15P and .16P feature contractors preparing the foundations for the construction of Lithographic Squadron’s new Printing Building at Fortuna, Bendigo. The building was purpose built to house a new computer-controlled Heidelberg Speedmaster five colour lithographic offset Printing Press. The print room was named Wayzgoose Hall after a medieval printing house festival. See item 6131.18P for more photographs of contractors preparing the foundations. This is a set of 16 photographs of a visit to the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo by the Commander 3rd Military District (CMDR 3MD ) BRIG P. Davies AM, ADC on the 23rd and 24th of October 1989. The photographs are on 35mm negative film and were scanned at 96 dpi. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) to .3) - Photo, colour, 1989. L to R: CO LTCOL John Winzar, CMDR 3MD BRIG P. Davies AM, ADC. .4) - Photo, colour, 1989. L to R: SGT Chris Edwards, CMDR 3MD BRIG P. Davies AM, ADC, SGT Graham Johnston, unidentified, SGT Martin Evans. .5) - Photo, colour, 1989. L to R: WO1 Allan Adsett, WO2 Keith Fenton RE UK Exchange, SGT Bob Garritty, WO2 Rob Bogumil, SSGT Peter Imeson, WO1 Ralph Chant. .6) - Photo, colour, 1989. L to R: CO LTCOL John Winzar, WO2 Pat Lumsden, SSGT Di Chalmers. .7) - Photo, colour, 1989. L to R: MAJ Terry Edwards, CMDR 3MD BRIG P. Davies AM, ADC, CPL Graeme Priestley, WO2 Rob Bogumil, SGT Bob Garritty. .8) - Photo, colour, 1989. L to R: CMDR 3MD BRIG P. Davies AM, ADC, CPL Graeme Priestley, SGT Bob Garritty. .9) & .10) - Photo, colour, 1989. L to R: CPL Trevor King, CMDR 3MD BRIG P. Davies AM, ADC, MAJ Terry Edwards. .11) - Photo, colour, 1989. L to R: ADJT CAPT Greg Tolcher, unidentified. .12) - Photo, colour, 1989. CPL Pat Drury, WILD OR-1 Orthorectification Workstation. .13) & .14) - Photo, colour, 1989. CPL Pat Drury, WILD OR-1 Orthorectification Workstation equipment. .15) & .16) - Photo, colour, 1989. Contractors prepare the foundations for Lithographic Squadron’s new Printing Building - Wayzgoose Hall..1P to .16P – no annotations. CMDR 3MD BRIG P. Davies AM, ADC and the date are identified on the film negative sleeve cover sheet.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr, litho sqn -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - AUTOMAP 2 Production - Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo, c1986
This collection of 23 photos of map production on the AUTOMAP 2 computer-based system in Air Survey and Cartographic Squadrons, was most likely taken in 1986. The AUTOMAP 2 system was an upgrade to the AUTOMAP 1 system, comprising Intergraph graphic edit workstation terminals networked to VAX 750/785 main frame computers. Unlike AUTOMAP 1, operators could display digital topographic features on monitors for editing. Successful adaptation of this system meant RASvy was at the forefront of digital mapping/cartographic systems in Australia and overseas. The system comprised Input (Wild B8 Aviograph feature extraction) Raster Scanning (digitising from compilation sheets, Graphic Edit (cartographic completion) and Plot Verification Sub Systems. The system was operational from 1984 to its ‘Newheart’ upgrade in 1993. Throughout its life, the system was progressively refined with productivity gains, achieved from award winning technical development in-house by talented and innovative Army Survey Regiment personnel.This is a set of 23 photograph of AUTOMAP 2 production at the Army Survey Regiment at Fortuna, Bendigo, c1986. The photographs were on 35mm colour slides and were scanned at 96 dpi. Photos .5P and .6P are also printed on photographic and scanned at 300 dpi. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) - Photo, colour, c1986, AUTOMAP 2 Production - Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo. c1986. .2) - Photo, colour, c1986, AUTOMAP 2 Wild B8 Aviograph stereoplotter. .3) - Photo, colour, c1986, AUTOMAP 2 Wild B8 Aviograph stereoplotter feature extraction, unidentified technician. .4) - Photo, colour, c1986, Wild B8 Aviograph stereoplotter feature extraction, LCPL Raelene (Munting) Brodie. .5) - Photo, colour, c1986, AUTOMAP 2 computer tape maintenance, SPR Steve Linane. .6) - Photo, colour, c1986, AUTOMAP 2 Graphic Edit Workstation, SPR Steve Linane. .7) to .8) - Photo, colour, c1986, AUTOMAP 2 Graphic Edit Workstation, unidentified technician. .9 to .10) - Photo, colour, c1986, AUTOMAP 2 Graphic Edit Workstation. .11) - Photo, colour, c1986, AUTOMAP 2 Graphic Edit Workstation feature coding and command menu. .12) - Photo, colour, c1986, AUTOMAP 2 high resolution computer monitor. .13) to .16) - Photo, colour, c1986, AUTOMAP 2 production output comparison to AUTOMAP 1. .17) to .18) - Photo, colour, c1986, AUTOMAP 2 computer system components. .19) - Photo, colour, c1986, AUTOMAP 2 Intergraph 7596 verification plotter. .20) - Photo, colour, c1986, AUTOMAP 2 Benson verification plotter, SPR Steve Coulson. .21) - Photo, colour, c1986, AUTOMAP 2 drainage, contour, roads and cultural digital data verification plot. .22) - Photo, colour, c1986, AUTOMAP 2 drainage, contour, roads and cultural digital data on computer monitor. .23) - Photo, colour, c1986, AUTOMAP 2 3D digital terrain model on computer monitor. .1P to .23P - Some of the equipment is annotated on the frame of the 35mm slides. .5P & .6P prints annotated incorrectly ‘Steve Lenane’. Correct spelling is - ‘Steve Linane’ royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr, automap 2 -
Bendigo Military Museum
photograph - AUTOMAP 1 Production – Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo, c1980
This collection of 20 photos was most likely taken in 1980. The AUTOMAP 1 computer assisted cartography and mapping system was introduced in 1975. The components of AUTOMAP 1 were the Input Sub-System of four Wild B8s stereoplotters and three Gradicon digitising tables, the Optical Line Following Sub-System – Gerber OLF, the Verification Sub-System – Gerber 1442 drum plotter, the General Purpose Sub-system – HP21MX computer and the Output Sub-System – Gerber 1232 flatbed plotter). The first map was published in 1978 (Strickland 3665-3, 1:50,000). AUTOMAP 1 was the first computer assisted cartography and mapping system utilised by the Survey Corps and was the first system used by Australian mapping organisations. The history of the AUTOMAP 1 system is covered in more detail with additional historic photographs, in pages 116-118 of Valerie Lovejoy’s book 'Mapmakers of Fortuna – A history of the Army Survey Regiment’ ISBN: 0-646-42120-4. See items 6410.24P, 6183.19P, 6184.20P, 6200.5P, and 6222.17P for additional photographs of the AUTOMAP 1 system.This is a set of 20 photographs of Air Survey Squadron military and civilian personnel operating AUTOMAP 1 equipment at the Army Survey Regiment at Fortuna, Bendigo, c1980. The photographs were on 35mm negative film and were scanned at 96 dpi. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. Photos .19P and .20P are printed on photographic and scanned at 300 dpi. .1) - Photo, black & white, c1980, Gerber plotter. .2) - Photo, black & white, c1980, Gerber plotter, LT Rob John .3) - Photo, black & white, c1980, Gradicon edit table, SPR Jamie McRae .4) - Photo, black & white, c1980, Gradicon edit table, SPR Steve Linane .5) - Photo, black & white, c1980, 1130 System administration, unidentified. .6) - Photo, black & white, c1980, Wild B8 stereo plotter, SPR Van Dalen? .7) - Photo, black & white, c1980, Wild B8 stereo plotter, SPR Van Dalen? .8) - Photo, black & white, c1980, Gerber Optical Line Follower (OLF). .9) - Photo, black & white, c1980, Gerber OLF. .10) - Photo, black & white, c1980, Gerber OLF. .11) - Photo, black & white, c1980, Gerber OLF. .12) - Photo, black & white, c1980, Gerber OLF. .13) - Photo, black & white, c1980, Data management, CPL Greg Gilbert. .14) - Photo, black & white, c1980, Data management, CPL Greg Gilbert. .15) - Photo, black & white, c1980, 1130 Operating System administration, SGT Denis Marshall. .16) - Photo, black & white, c1980, Programming System, L to R: unidentified, SGT Alan Toogood. .17) - Photo, black & white, c1980, Programming System, L to R: Robert Cox, WO1 Bob Mason, John Dean. .18) - Photo, black & white, c1980, Programming System, L to R: Robert Cox, WO1 Bob Mason, John Dean. .19) - Photo, black & white, c1980, Gradicon edit table, CPL Chris Carter. .20) - Photo, black & white, c1980, Gerber plotter, LT Rob John..1P to .18P - No personnel are identified .19P - ‘CPL Chris Carter’ annotated on backroyal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr, air survey, automap -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Royal Australian Survey Corps Surveyors in the Field – Project Cutlass, New Guinea, 1956 – 1957
This is a set of 23 photographs of surveyors and support staff in the field undertaking tasks in New Guinea 1956 – 1957. The surveyors were employed in the establishment of mapping and geodetic control for Project Cutlass, the “Ship-Shore” survey of the New Ireland province. In this survey operation surveyors used theodolites to observe horizontal and vertical angles and chains to measure base line distances between survey stations. Bob Skitch shown in photo .7P was in the 2nd year of his career in the Australian Army. He achieved the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, and his last appointment was the CO of the Army Survey Regiment from 1976 to 1980.This is a set of 23 photographs of surveyors and support staff in the field undertaking duties during Project Cutlass located in New Ireland, New Guinea 1956 – 1957. The photographs were printed on photographic paper and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 300 dpi. .1) - Photo, colour, 1956. Surveyors travelling main road from Kavieng to Namatanai, New Ireland. .2) - Photo, colour, 1956. Unidentified surveyors assessing recovery of their vehicle after bridge collapsed on west side of New Ireland. .3) - Photo, colour, 1956. Unidentified surveyors assessing recovery of their vehicle after bridge collapsed over flooded creek on west side of New Ireland. .4) - Photo, colour, 1956. Survey personnel L to R: Bev Uwins, John Lambie, Bob Thompson, New Ireland. .5) - Photo, colour, 1956. Survey base camp, New Ireland. .6) - Photo, black & white, 1956-1957. Geoff Helsham with possible human remains, New Ireland. .7) - Photo, black & white, 1956-1957. Bob Skitch undertaking survey observations using Wild T2 theodolite, New Ireland. .8) - Photo, black & white, 1956-1957. Chas Beach undertaking survey observations using Wild T2 theodolite, New Ireland. .9) & .10) - Photo, black & white, 1956-1957. Kev Parker (cook) New Ireland. .11) - Photo, colour, 1957. Brian Berkery taking a break, Top Manor Island, Lihir Island Group off New Ireland. Latitude -2° 46”, Longitude 152° 40”. .12) - Photo, colour, 1957. Survey base camp L to R: Chas Beach, Bev Uwins, Feni Islands, New Ireland. Latitude -4° 05”, Longitude 153° 45”. .13) - Photo, colour, 1957. A Hous Kiap. (Kiaps, known formally as district officers and patrol officers, were travelling representatives of the British and Australian governments), New Ireland. .14) & .15) - Photo, colour, 1957. L to R: Joe Farrington, Tom Royle Bob undertaking survey observations using theodolites from an improvised timber tower, New Ireland. .16) & .17) - Photo, colour, 1957. US Army ship FS216 used for ship-to-shore triangulation docked at Rabaul, New Britain. .18) - Photo, colour, 1957. US Army ship FS216 used for ship-to-shore triangulation docked at Kavieng, New Ireland. Sight target on top of mast. .19) - Photo, colour, 1957. Survey personnel onboard US Army ship FS392, L to R: Peter Frodsham, Bob Thompson, Doc Reid, John Underwood, remainder unidentified, New Ireland. .20) - Photo, colour, 1957. Survey base line party heading ashore, New Ireland. .21) - Photo, colour, 1957. Survey personnel rowing US Army assault boat L to R: Kev Parker, Chas Beach, folded up survey beacons overhanging stern, New Ireland. .22) - Photo, colour, 1957. Les Bailey onboard US Army ship departing Rabaul, New Britain for Brisbane. .23) - Photo, colour, 1957. Ron Newman onboard US Army ship departing Rabaul, New Britain for Brisbane. Active volcano in background..1P to .23P annotated on back – ‘Operation Cutlass’, personnel names, the year and the location. royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, fortuna, a, army svy regt, asr, surveying -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph, c. 1870
This photograph was captured at an undisclosed location and at an unidentified time but likely dates to approximately 1870. The photographer's details are not recorded and the identities of the men in the image are also not known. This image depicts a group of 10 men in typical miners fashion. Four of them are sat on a large log with one holding a small dog. Six miners stand behind those sitting. All these men are wearing a white button-up shirt and tan coloured work trousers. They wear heavy boots and seven have included a dark vest over their shirt. The man holding the dog has a pipe in his mouth. Two of these men are clean shaven with the remainder sporting a moustache and two with a beard. The ages of these men vary from late 20s to middle age. This group of men are located in a mining location with what appears to be an open cut mine in the background of the image. The ground is muddy and has elements which can help identify it as a mining location based on the condition of the landscape. The bottom of the men's trousers are muddy which provides the assurance that these men were working in this location when their photograph was captured. In the background there is one structure, possibly a dwelling, and bush which identifies the location as Australia. Open cut sluicing is a method used to extract gold and other precious metals from beneath the surface of the earth. This technique involved the use of high-powered hoses which broke down the soil enabling miners to come along and search this soil for gold. After the gold rush of the early 1850s, diggers had to enlist the assistance of heavy machinery and techniques like hydraulic sluicing in order to reach gold because the surface alluvial gold had already been discovered and removed. This heavy machinery was not used until after 1853. The search for gold is ingrained into the history of Victoria and therefore, images like this one which portray an open cut sluicing site can reveal important information for society and technology for the date when the photograph was taken. This image is of important historical significance for its ability to convey information about sluicing and the methods used to find gold in the late 1800s and early 1900s. It also shows a location where sluicing was undertook which provides insight into the impact of sluicing on the environment at a time when it was done. Images, like this one, of Australian gold rush history can reveal important information about the social and environmental impact of this period. This image depicts diggers standing in a mining location and therefore, this image has the capacity to reveal or support significant information for researchers studying the fashion and social status of diggers in Australia in approximately 1870. It can also provide information on the landscape of Australia in this period and the impact of mining for gold on both society and the Australian landscape. The Burke Museum is home to a substantial collection of Australian mining photographs which can be used to gain a deeper understanding into life on the gold fields, technology used in mining, the miners themselves and the impact of the gold digging on the environment.Sepia toned rectangular photograph printed on matte photographic paper mounted on board.Reverse: 1997.2518mining, goldfields, beechworth, 1870, australia, australian goldfields, diggers, victoria, sluicing, gold mining, miners, diggers victoria -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Newman, Charles
British army officer Major Charles Newman was an early settler on the Yarra River at Templestowe after serving in India in the East India Company. Later be married and moved to Tasmania, farming at Black Brush near Pontville. In 1835 he came to the Port Phillip District and explored the Yarra River, returning with his family. David Crockett and Hazel Poulter researched, respectively, Charles Newman and the Templestowe area, identifying the Newman house, Pontville, on the Yarra banks. David Crockett also researched James and Anne Anderson. Contents Newspaper article: "David fills in the gaps", Diamond Valley News, 16 December 1986.29 October 1985, p62. Story of Charles Newman and of David Crockett and Hazel Poulter's researches. Letter, A (Tony) B Owen to Eltham Historical Society, 12 March 2018, enclosing information about Major Charles Newman. Email, Eltham District Historical Society to Tony Owen, acknowledging receipt of information about Major Charles Newman. Photocopy of pages from "Glimpses of Life in Victoria", pp38-43. Flier, "Heritage Events in Nillumbik, 2005". Photocopy of pages from unidentified volume, chapter headed "The Bush", and part chapter IV "Bushrangers". Warrandyte Historical Society publication "The Wurundjeri Clan of the Kulin". Whitehorse Manningham Heritage Network search results for "Andersons Station on the Yarra Yarra", "A brief history of Warrandyte", "The branch is broken", "Melbourne's historic home", "Land with infamous past", "Charles Newman's original grave at Monckton", and "Site of Major Newman's land". Photocopy of pages from "Templestowe - a folk history", Hazel Poulter, 1985,: "The squatter, Major Charles Newman".Newspaper clippings, A4 photocopies, etccharles newman, british east india company, templestowe vic, warrandyte vic, david crockett, hazel poulter, james anderson, anne anderdon, a b owen, wurundjeri clan of the kulin, andersons station on the yarra river -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Container - Bottle, 1840s to 1870s
This barnacled bottle is typical of those used for storing and transporting liquor. It was probably made from 1840s-1870s. The marine barnacles on the bottle support the fact that it was recovered from sea. The bottle was found at the site of an unidentified shipwreck along the coast of Victoria around 100 years from when it was made. It is part of the John Chance Collection. Black glass is one of the oldest bottle colours and was in use in the early 17th century. In the 1840s to late 1870s black glass bottles were mainly used for liquor and ale. All glass is made from silica, which is found in quartz sand. The naturally occurring sand has impurities, such as iron, that determine the colour of the glass. Residual iron leads to green or amber coloured glass, and carbon in the sand makes that glass appear as ‘black’. A strong light behind the glass will show its colour as dark green or dark amber. This handmade bottle appears to have been made in a dip mould, with the molten glass blown into a seamless shoulder-height mould to give the body a uniform symmetrical shape and size. After the body is blown, the glassblower continues blowing free-form (without the mould) to form the shoulder and neck, then the base is pushed up with a tool, leaving a slightly flared out heel. The dip mould gives the body a slightly textured and sometimes rippled surface, with the free blown shoulders and neck being smoother and shinier. The mouth of this bottle appears to have been left unfinished, with the glass cut off from the glassblower’s pipe. There is a line around the shoulder where the mould of the body meets the shoulder, and a lump or mark in the centre of the base, called a pontil mark, where the push-up tool was removed. Although the bottle is not linked to a particular shipwreck, it is recognised as being historically significant as an example of liquor bottles imported for use in Colonial Victoria in the mid-1800s to late 1800s and discovered in the State’s coastal waters. The bottle is also significant as it was recovered by John Chance, a diver in Victoria’s coastal waters in the late 1960s to early 1970s. Items that come from several wrecks have since been donated to the Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village’s museum collection by his family, illustrating this item’s level of historical value. Bottle; black glass, handmade. Applied square band around cut mouth. Bulbous neck, vague mould line around shoulder. Body surface has horizontal ripples, shape tapers inward to base. Shallow pushed-up base with outward flared heel. Cream and white barnacles on sides, base and in mouth.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, shipwreck artefact, john chance, glass bottle, antique bottle, handmade, dip mould, mouth blown, pontil mark, liquor bottle, ale bottle, 19th century bottle, collectable, black glass, buldge neck, bulbous neck, barnacles -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Black and White Print, Rural Photographic Service of Australia, Grade III, Eltham State School 209, Dalton Street, Eltham, 1953
Teacher: Mr Griffith Back Row (L-R): Mr Griffith, - , - , John Hopkins , Ronny Morris, Michael Oldfield, Rex Jobling , -, - , - , Geoffrey Jones, Barry Moar, David Stokes Middle Row (L-R): - , Avis Barnes , Pam Geer , Prue Kimber , Dirkie Herholdt, - , Bronwyn Conibear , Joy Chapman , - , - , Alan Pittman Front Row (L-R): Neil Twyford , - , Beverley Bradbury (nee Stokes), Susan Gill , Helen Taylor , Thelma Baxter , - . Students in grade either not present or unidentified include Faye Helmers, David Knight, Robin Hayes, Bruce Treganan Photography by Rural Photographic Service of Australia, 8a Bankly Avenue, Malvern, Vic. 5303/5 Digital copies scanned by EDHS from originals held by Barry Moar, of Greensborough, Vic, 17 Jul 2017 and Margaret Harding (nee Joy Chapman.) 15 Nov 2024. Keith and brother Barry Moar moved to Eltham in March 1944 where they attended the State School (elder brother Keith from 1949) in Dalton Street. They lived at 11 York Street in a house rented from Ernie Andrew at a cost of £2/week. Other items of note advised by Barry and Keith Moar: Michael Oldfield was killed in a car accident in South David Stokes, son of Frank Stokes who operated Stokes Orchard was killed in the Black Saturday fire of 7 Feb 2009. It snowed in Eltham in 1952 or 1953 Andy Matthews was on HMAS Voyager when it was sunk by HMAS Melbourne. Carleen Golgeth's mother used to drive her to school in a c.1928 Rolls Royce taxi (phaeton?)Digital copy of black and white photograph x 21953, eltham state school, state school no. 209, grade iii, alan pittman, barry moar, david stokes, geoffrey jones, michael oldfield, mr griffith, neil twyford, ronny morris, margaret harding (joy chapman) collection, barry moar collection, arthur roberts, avis barnes, barry (andy) matthews, ben rutley, beverley bradbury (nee stokes), bronwyn conibear, bruce treganan, carleen golgeth, class photo, david knight, dirkie herholdt, dorothy uren, eltham primary school, eltham state school no. 209, faye helmers, grade v, helen taylor, ian newlands, john hopkins, john squires, johnny morris, joy chapman, keith moar, margaret butterway, margie? reed, marjory bredle, maureen davis, max goldsworthy, michael sinclair, mr jobling, mr phillips, nina macbeth, pam geer, pat davison, peter brown, peter mccann, prue kimber, rex jobling, robert eisma, robin hayes, stafford davison, susan gill, teddie mynott, thelma baxter, yvonne box -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - 4th Field Survey Squadron OC’s Parades and Defence Force Service Medal Presentations, Keswick Barracks, Adelaide SA, 1987
This is a set of 12 photographs of a 4th Field Survey Squadron OC’s parade at Keswick Barracks, Adelaide SA in 1987. The OC - MAJ Peter Cates presented the Defence Force Service Medal to personnel in recognition of 15 years of efficient remunerated service, or the Clasp for 5 years of additional service. This is a set of 12 photographs of a 4th Field Survey Squadron OC’s parade and the presentation of the Defence Force Service Medal, at Keswick Barracks, Adelaide SA in 1987. The colour photographs are on 35mm negative film and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 96 dpi. .1) - Photo, colour, 1987. At left – SSM WO1 Bill Griggs. Front rank L to R: SPR Todd Hayley, CPL Roger Graf, CPL Jamie McRae, CPL Dave Irving, SPR Richard Cocker, LCPL Peter McCurdy, SPR Steve Ellis, CPL John Ratcliffe. Centre rank L to R: CPL Terry ‘TJ’ Wicker, SPR Perry Langeberg, unidentified, CPL Jeff Prince, SPR Bruce Graham. Rear rank L to R: SPR Shaun Hynes, SGT H. ‘Jock’ Young. Supernumerary on right: WO2 Brett ‘Dutchy’ Van Leeuwen. .2) - Photo, colour, 1987. Inspection L to R: SSM WO1 Bill Griggs, 2IC CAPT Terry Lord, OC MAJ Peter Cates. Front rank L to R: CPL Jamie McRae, SPR Richard Cocker, LCPL Peter McCurdy, SPR Steve Ellis. Centre rank L to R: SPR Perry Langeberg, CPL Peter Hardy, SPR Steve Nokes. Rear rank: SPR Damien Killeen. .3) & .4) - Photo, colour, 1987. Presentations: OC MAJ Peter Cates presents the Defence Force Service Medal to WO2 Brett ‘Dutchy’ Van Leeuwen. Background L to R: SSM WO1 Bill Griggs, SPR Todd Hayley, CPL Jamie McRae. .5) - Photo, colour, 1987. WO2 Brett ‘Dutchy’ Van Leeuwen departs with his Defence Force Service Medal. At far left – SSM WO1 Bill Griggs. Front rank L to R: SPR Todd Hayley, CPL Roger Graf, CPL Jamie McRae, CPL Dave Irving, SPR Richard Cocker. Centre rank L to R: CPL Terry ‘TJ’ Wicker, CPL Dave Longbottom, unidentified, Rear rank L to R: SGT Mick Hogan, SGT Stu Symonds. .6) & .7) - Photo, colour, 1987. Presentations: OC MAJ Peter Cates presents the Defence Force Service Medal to SGT H. ‘Jock’ Young. Background L to R: SSM WO1 Bill Griggs, SPR Todd Hayley, CPL Roger Graf, CPL Jamie McRae. .8) - Photo, colour, 1987. SGT H. ‘Jock’ Young departs with his Defence Force Service Medal. At far left – SSM WO1 Bill Griggs. Front rank L to R: SPR Todd Hayley, CPL Roger Graf, CPL Jamie McRae, CPL Dave Irving, SPR Richard Cocker. Centre rank L to R: CPL Terry ‘TJ’ Wicker, CPL Dave Longbottom, unidentified, Rear rank L to R: SGT Mick Hogan, SGT Stu Symonds. 9) - Photo, colour, 1987. Presentations: OC MAJ Peter Cates presents the Defence Force Service Medal to CPL John Ratcliffe. Background L to R: SSM WO1 Bill Griggs, SPR Todd Hayley, CPL Roger Graf, CPL Jamie McRae. 10) - Photo, colour, 1987. Presentations: OC MAJ Peter Cates presents the Defence Force Service Medal to CPL John Ratcliffe. Background L to R: SSM WO1 Bill Griggs, SPR Todd Hayley, CPL Roger Graf. .11) - Photo, colour, 1987. CPL John Ratcliffe departs with his Defence Force Service Medal. At far left – SSM WO1 Bill Griggs. Front rank L to R: SPR Todd Hayley, CPL Roger Graf, CPL Jamie McRae, CPL Dave Irving, SPR Richard Cocker. Centre rank L to R: CPL Terry ‘TJ’ Wicker, CPL Dave Longbottom, unidentified, Rear rank L to R: SGT Mick Hogan, SGT Stu Symonds. .12) - Photo, colour, 1987. Parade handover L to R: 2IC CAPT Terry Lord, OC MAJ Peter Cates. Background L to R: SSM WO1 Bill Griggs, Front rank: SPR Todd Hayley, CPL Roger Graf, CPL Jamie McRae..1P to .12P – There are no personnel identified. ‘Medal Presentation 1987 WO2 VAN LEEUWEN SGT YOUNG CPL RATCLIFFE’ annotated on negatives sleeve.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, 4 fd svy sqn -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Photographic Technicians performing tasks at the Army Survey Regiment, c1970s
These eleven photographs were most likely taken in the 1970s in Lithographic Squadron at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo. Although Photo .1P is not annotated the remainder have the technician’s name written on the back. The equipment operated by the technicians is not identified. The dates are unknown but most of these photos were probably taken the late 1970s. The main tasks undertaken by the technicians were most likely enlargements, reductions and duplication of map reproduction material, and aerial photography.This is a set of photographs of technicians operating photographic reproduction equipment at the Army Survey Regiment, Bendigo c1970s. The photographs were printed on photographic paper and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 300 dpi. .1) - Photo, black & white, c1970s, unidentified, Lithographic Squadron .2) - Photo, black & white, c1970s, Gary Drummond, Lithographic Squadron .3) - Photo, black & white, c1970s, John Scott, Lithographic Squadron .4) - Photo, black & white, c1970s, WILD U4A Diapositive Camera, Bob Chamberlain, Lithographic Squadron. 5) - Photo, black & white, c1970s, WILD U4A Diapositive Camera, Zoe (Lisiewich) Ames, Lithographic Squadron .6) - Photo, black & white, c1970s, Garry Hudson, Lithographic Squadron .7) - Photo, black & white, c1970s, Garry Hudson, Lithographic Squadron .8) - Photo, black & white, c1970s, Garry Hudson, Lithographic Squadron .9) - Photo, black & white, c1970s, Mick Ellis, Lithographic Squadron .10) - Photo, black & white, c1970s, Col Darch, Lithographic Squadron .11) - Photo, black & white, c1970s, Phil Beatty, Lithographic Squadron.1P – no annotation .2 to .11 – personnel names (less rank) annotated on back. royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr, litho -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Planeta Polygraph Printing Press operating at the Army Survey Regiment, c1970s to c1980s
These nine photographs of the Planeta Polygraph Printing Press were probably taken circa 1970s to 1980s in Lithographic Squadron at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo. The photos are not annotated except for .4P. The Planeta Polygraph Offset Printing Press was a two-colour offset press used to print Naval and medium format RAAF charts. The Planata Printing Press was one of the replacements for the George Mann Printing Presses. It was more reliable than the Komori Printing Press however procurement was difficult when spare parts were required. The Planeta Printing Press was built in East Germany and was in service at the Army Svy Regt from 1976 to 1994. It was replaced by the larger format Roland 8047B four colour Printing Press.This is a set of photographs of the Planeta Polygraph Printing Press operational at the Army Survey Regiment, Bendigo c1970s to c1980s. The photographs were printed on photographic paper and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 300 dpi. .1) - Photo, black & white, c1970s, c1980s, Lithographic Squadron .2) - Photo, black & white, c1980s, L to R: CPL Gary Kerr, Roy Hicks, Josh Degroot, Lithographic Squadron .3) - Photo, black & white, c c1970s, 1980s, George Austen, Lithographic Squadron .4) - Photo, black & white, c1970s, c1980s, George Austen, Lithographic Squadron .5) - Photo, black & white, c1980s, L to R: unidentified, Jim Ash, Lithographic Squadron .6) - Photo, black & white, c1970s, c1980s, Gary Kerr, Lithographic Squadron .7) - Photo, black & white, c1970s, c1980s, CPL Russ Mollenhauer, Lithographic Squadron .8) - Photo, black & white, c1980s, Stuart Ridge, Lithographic Squadron .9) - Photo, colour, c1970s, L to R: CAPT Gary Kenney, Peter Barrett, Ken Modra, Lithographic Squadron .1 – no annotation .2P to.5P – personnel annotated .6P to .9 – no annotation royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr, printing, litho -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, Geelong Advertiser, "Days of tram travel revived in Ryrie St. dig", "Museum next stop for unearthed tram tracks", 11/06/2002 12:00:00 AM
2124.1 - Photocopy of a newspaper cuttings, titled "Days of tram travel revived in Ryrie St. dig "and from the Geelong Advertiser, 6/6/2002, page 5 written by Peter Begg about the excavation of tram rails / tram tracks in Ryrie St. and the acquisition of these by Tramway Museum Society of Victoria. Quotes Mr. G. Jordan of the TMSV. Has a photo of Brian Bourke, a worker, looking at the tram tracks. Photo by Phillip Stubbs. On the rear of the photocopy is a photo copy of item 2124.2. Photocopied onto an A4 size sheet and has been folded into three. 2124.2 - Newspaper cutting titled "Museum next stop for unearthed tram tracks" from the Geelong Advertiser 11/6/2002, page 10, written by Peter Begg about the recovery of tram tracks in Ryrie St. Geelong and the acquisition of these by the TMSV. Also quotes TMSV Secretary, Mr. Graham Jordan. Item has two photos of Geelong trams - one of trams Geelong 4 and 8 in Ryrie St. and a third unidentified tram with the Geelong Theatre in the background in 1954 and No. 32 running past the T&G Building in Moorabool St.geelong, tram track excavation, tmsv, ryrie st. -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Certificate - Photograph, colour, Melbourne District Nursing Society certificate of employment, 08.07.1913
This Certificate was presented to Trained nurse, known as 'Nurse' in those days, Nettie Osborne on completion of six months employment with Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS). This is the only example of a MDNS Nurses certificate in the RDNS collection. In 1913 the MDNS Nurses had their board and residence, uniforms, bicycles and laundry expenses provided. Newly employed Nurses were paid £50 a year for her first six months. At the end of a year her salary was increased by £5, and later she earned £60 a year. .Following the founding of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) in February 1885 to care for the sick poor in Melbourne, subsequent meetings were held to form a Committee and to draw up a Code of Rules of the Society. It was decided that only nurses who had attended a Hospital Nurses Training School and were fully qualified would be employed by the Society. After interviewing several candidates, it was on the first of May 1885 when the first Trained nurse, known as 'Nurse' in those days, Mrs. Ferguson, was employed by MDNS with a salary of £100 per annum. She was employed for three months initially, but this was soon extended, "on the understanding she will make arrangements to live in the more immediate vicinity of her district". A Doctor agreed to assist the Nurse with advice at any time. In rotation, a member of the Superintendence Sub-Committee supervised the Nurse’s visits and could assist to alleviate some poor social conditions they found. A second Nurse, Mrs. Joanna Cannon was employed by MDNS six months later, with a trial period of six months which was extended. They were the stalwarts of the Society in the early years, Nurse Cannon remaining with the Society for four years and Nurse Ferguson for five years, though both had a short break due to illness through the heaviness of the work. Nurses salaries were reduced to account for the cost of uniforms, and then when establishments were rented by the Society and the Nurses could now live in the Nurses Home. The Nurses worked in the now CBD, ie from Spencer Street to Spring Street and from Victoria Parade to Flinders Street. From its inception the Society was at the forefront of health care. They liaised with Doctors and provided high quality trained nursing care; educated their patients in the curing and prevention of disease; teaching the importance of cleanliness, fresh air and good nutrition, both by verbal instruction and demonstration, even supplying soup and milk when needed. At that time they walked the streets and lane ways amid the slums of inner Melbourne carrying their nursing bag containing lotion, ointments, powders, liniment, bandages, dressings, a case of spirits, and the Nurse's own clean apron, soap and small towel. They supplied equipment on loan, such as earthenware hot water bottles, splints, urinals, bed pans, bed cradles, feeding mugs, and air-cushions as well as providing blankets and clean bed linen, and nightdresses as necessary. They provided nursing care to a range of people, often in destitute situations, some lying on rags on the floor as they had no bed, others with just a bed and maybe a thin blanket, a chair and nothing else. Their ages ranged from babes, children, adults to the elderly. The Nurses gave medications as ordered, dressed wounds e.g. to the injured, and surgical cases, and to those with leg ulcers; attended to patients with ‘surgical ailments’ such as ‘hip disease’; gave care to those with acute illnesses such as bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, measles, and scarlet fever, as well as those with chronic illnesses such as consumption (tuberculosis), heart disease, arthritis, cancer, debility, neuritis and paralysis. As the work increased a third Nurse was employed but this was arduous work, particularly in the heat of summer and many nurses only remained with the Society for several months. A Trained Midwife was employed in August 1893. The work was arduous, particularly in the heat of summer. Permission to use bicycles was given to the Nurses in 1898 and the Society decided to purchase their own in 1903. A business man offered ‘new free wheel’ bicycles at £13 each which included maintenance for one year. Bells and wooden frames were added, at a cost of £5 per frame, so the Nurses could carry extra equipment. Nurses’ bags were strapped to the handlebars. Soup was made for those in need 2-3 times a week and if patients could not arrange to have it collected the soup was delivered by the Nurses on their bicycles. The use of bicycles caused a change in uniform, with white pith helmets, and veils covering them and tied under their chin, now being used; straw hats were worn in summer. Over the years the Nurses complained that their veils became wet in the rain and asked for a change of uniform but this did not occur until 1921. Bicycles continued to be used in inner areas until 1945. Public transport was also used over the years, in conjunction with a Motor Auxiliary from 1929 to 1971. MDNS began with its own small fleet of vehicles in the early 1950s which gradually expanded into a full fleet.The coloured Certificate is made of white paper attached to a buff card forming a boarder. It is in gold print on the white background which has a thin gold border. In large bold script are the words "Melbourne District Nursing Society" In between the words "District" and "Nursing" is a red Maltese cross which extends above and below the writing. Underneath this, in smaller capital letters, are the words "For Nursing Sick Poor In Their Own Homes"/. Below this in bold script are the words "This is to Certify that"/. Under this, written in black handwriting, is "Nurse Nettie Osborne"/; below this in script is "has acted in the capacity of District Nurse", then in black handwriting the words "Six Months"/. The next two lines read "having fulfilled her Duties to the satisfaction of her Committee, /"and appreciation of her Patients". The Certificate is signed in black by Mary Leeper, Vice President; Kate Hood; Hon. Treasurer; C.M. Tatham Hon. Secretary, and has Date; 8th July 1913 in black handwriting. On paper attached with tape to the back of the Certificate, is a copy of a photograph of two unidentified people. [Possibly Nettie and her husband]. Some small marks, and in one area a small area of cracking is seen on the white background of the certificate.certificates, mdns, melbourne district nursing society, rdns, royal district nursing service, nurse nettie osborne -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Farewell to MAJ John Sinclair, Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo, 1978
This is a set of 20 photographs featuring MAJ John Sinclair being farewelled by several officers of the Army Survey Regiment at Fortuna, Bendigo in 1978. MAJ Sinclair served in the Australian Army from 1973 to 1978. It is evident in these photos this was his last day at Fortuna. This is a set of 20 photographs featuring MAJ John Sinclair and several officers of the Army Survey Regiment at Fortuna, Bendigo in 1978. The photographs are on 35mm negative film. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographic negatives were scanned at 96 dpi. There are additional photos in this set that have not been scanned due to poor quality or low historical value. .1) - Photo, black and white, 1978. L to R: unidentified, MAJ John Sinclair. .2) - Photo, black and white, 1978. L to R: MAJ John Sinclair, CAPT Dennis Puniard. .3) - Photo, black and white, 1978. MAJ John Sinclair. .4) - Photo, black and white, 1978. L to R: MAJ John Sinclair, MAJ Sam Schwartz EXCH-US. .5) - Photo, black and white, 1978. L to R: MAJ Ian Whittington EXCH-UK, MAJ John Sinclair. .6) - Photo, black and white, 1978. MAJ John Sinclair. .7) - Photo, black and white, 1978. L to R: MAJ John Sinclair, CAPT Don Maskew. .8) - Photo, black and white, 1978. L to R: MAJ John Sinclair, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch. .9) - Photo, black and white, 1978. L to R: unidentified Indonesian officer, MAJ Peter Eddy MAJ Frank Bryant, MAJ John Sinclair. .10) - Photo, black and white, 1978. MAJ John Sinclair, MAJ Robin Wilson. .11) to .12) - Photo, black and white, 1978. MAJ John Sinclair. .13) - Photo, black and white, 1978. CAPT Don Maskew, MAJ John Sinclair. .14) - Photo, black and white, 1978. L to R: CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, MAJ John Sinclair. .15) - Photo, black and white, 1978. L to R: MAJ John Sinclair, MAJ Sam Schwartz EXCH-US, CAPT Don Maskew. .16) - Photo, black and white, 1978. L to R: CAPT Terry Edwards, CAPT Gary Kenney, MAJ John Sinclair. .17) to .18) - Photo, black and white, 1978. MAJ John Sinclair. .19) - Photo, black and white, 1978. L to R: CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, MAJ John Sinclair. .20) - Photo, black and white, 1978. MAJ John Sinclair.Film negative sleeve labelled: “Farewell to MAJ Sinclair Undated” .1P to .20P – No personnel are identified.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
The photograph on the obverse side of the postcard was taken some time between 1914-1918. Depicted are five unidentified Australian soldiers. They are all dressed in military uniforms. It is believed that these soldiers were part of The Australian Imperial Force during World War I. This can be inferred by the 'Rising Sun' collar badges on their coats. Australia, unlike most other Commonwealth countries, did not adopt metal regimental badges during the First World War. All units were issued with the Australian Army General Service Badge, better known as the 'Rising Sun’ badge. This insignia is almost always identified with the Australian Imperial Force. Another characteristic of the Australian Imperial Force uniform are rectangular colour patches. One is visible on the soldier in the front row, first from the left on this postcard. In March 1915, a new scheme of unit identification was devised to replace the wearing of unit titles. This consisted of cloth colour patches on the right arms of a soldier’s tunic. The sepia nature of the record means that we cannot determine the colour, and therefore cannot establish which battalion this soldier was part of. Furthermore, the man seated in the middle of the front row has an Overseas Service chevron patch on his coat. In January 1918, the Australian Imperial Force approved the wearing of the overseas service chevrons which had been adopted by the British Army. These were embroidered or woven inverted chevrons worn above the cuff on the right arm. Due to a shortage of supply, some men had chevrons privately made. For each year of war service, a blue chevron was awarded, and those men who had embarked in 1914 received a red chevron to indicate that year’s service; however, the sepia nature of the postcard makes it difficult to determine what colours are on this man's patch.The record is historically significant due to its connection to World War I. This conflict is integral to Australian culture as it was the single greatest loss of life and the greatest repatriation of casualties in the country's history. Australia’s involvement in the First World War began when the Australian government established the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) in August 1914. Immediately, men were recruited to serve the British Empire in the Middle East and on the Western Front. The first significant Australian action of the war was the Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force’s (ANMEF) landing on Rabaul on 11 September 1914. The ANMEF took possession of German New Guinea at Toma on 17 September 1914 and of the neighbouring islands of the Bismarck Archipelago in October 1914. On 25 April 1915, members of the AIF landed on Gallipoli in Turkey with troops from New Zealand, Britain, and France. This specific event holds very strong significance within Australian history. The record has strong research potential. This is due to the ongoing public and scholarly interest in war, history, and especially the ANZAC legend, which is commemorated annually on 25 April, known as ANZAC Day.Sepia rectangular postcard printed on paper.Reverse: CARTE POSTALE / hyossest (?) / 6538 /military album, army, aif, australian imperial force, postcard, wwi, world war i, portrait, soldiers -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph, Walter William McLean Thwaites, c.1870
This photograph depicts a large group of men in their work clothing situated in front of a large bank of earth. They are identified as miners working in an unidentified location in Australia. This photograph was taken by photographer Walter Thwaites sometime during the period of 1865-1908, likely c.1870. It is unsure where this image was taken since Thwaites travelled a lot over his photography career and the photograph is not annotated with this information. In addition, the identities of the men in the photograph are also unknown. These men are photographed in front of a large bank of earth where they had presumably been mining for gold or other precious metals. The men, with the exception of four, are wearing wide brimmed hats to protect their faces from the sun. They are also wearing loose fitting white shirts which are often worn beneath a darker coloured vest. They wear pale coloured work pants and boots. The men are mostly clean shaven with the exception of the moustache and a couple of beards. Two of the men have pipes in their mouth. Their clothing is basic and much less dramatic than the outfits worn by the gold diggers of the 1852 gold rush. These men, by wearing similar outfits, are expressing a sense of comradery or equality between them. It is likely that they are from the same, or similar, social status. They have an air of independence and share social equality in their stance and clothing. Walter William McLean Thwaites (1840-1908) was a professional photographer born in Sydney, Australia. He learnt the craft in his father's Hobart studio, but later embarked on his own solo career and toured every existing Australian colony between 1860 to 1888. The Thwaites family were a long line of photographers and artists with Thwaites' father Walter WIlliam Thwaites Sr working as an artist and photographer in Australia after moving from England in 1834. Walter Thwaites Sr's father, also named Walter Thwaites, was a British miniature portrait artist.Images, like this one, of Australian gold rush history can reveal important information about the social and environmental impact of this period. This image depicts over 30 diggers standing in front of a bank of earth and therefore, this image has the capacity to reveal or support significant information for researchers studying the fashion and social status of diggers in Australia in approximately 1870. It can also provide information on the landscape of Australia in this period and the impact of mining for gold on both society and the Australian landscape. The Burke Museum is home to a substantial collection of Australian mining photographs which can be used to gain a deeper understanding into life on the gold fields, technology used in mining, the miners themselves and the impact of the gold digging on the environment.Sepia toned rectangular photograph printed on matte photographic paper and mounted on board.Reverse: 1997.208 / MINERS. / W. Thwaites / Photography /australia, australian photography, photography, miners, gold rush, australian landscape, diggers, walter thwaites, thwaites photography, w. thwaites photography, social history -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Army Survey Regiment Officers Group Photos, Fortuna Villa, Bendigo, c1986
This is a set of 13 photographs of officers posted to the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna Villa, Bendigo Victoria in circa 1986. The photos were taken in the gardens next to the front steps of Fortuna Villa. LTCOL Don Swiney MBE was appointed as CO of the Army Survey Regiment from 1985 to 1987. He was subsequently promoted to Colonel and was Director of the Royal Australian Survey Corp from November 1988 to January 1991, and the honorary position as Colonel Commandant from January 1993 to January 1996.This is a set of 13 photographs of officers posted to the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna Villa, Bendigo Victoria in circa 1986. The photographs are on 35mm negative film and were scanned at 96 dpi. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) - Photo, colour, c1986. L to R: CAPT Peter ‘Blue’ Blaskett, CAPT Danny Galbraith, CAPT John South, MAJ Doug Campbell – US Exchange. .2) - Photo, colour, c1986. MAJ Doug Campbell – US Exchange. .3) - Photo, colour, c1986. L to R: unidentified (x2), CAPT Roger Rix, CAPT Andrew McLeod, CAPT Laurie Newton (civvies), MAJ Kim Weston, MAJ Doug Campbell – US Exchange. .4) - Photo, colour, c1986. L to R: CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE, MAJ Rene van den Tol, MAJ Alex McLennon, CAPT Roger Rix, LT Greg Oaten, MAJ Kim Weston, CAPT Andrew McLeod, CAPT Laurie Newton (civvies). .5) - Photo, colour, c1986. L to R: CAPT Peter ‘Blue’ Blaskett, CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE, MAJ Rene van den Tol, MAJ Alex McLennon, CAPT Roger Rix. .6) - Photo, colour, 1986. L to R: unidentified, MAJ Kim Weston, MAJ Rene van den Tol, CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE, MAJ Alex McLennon. .7) - Photo, colour, c1986. L to R: Mr Tony Spurling, CAPT Peter ‘Blue’ Blaskett, MAJ Daryl Hockings CSM, MAJ Kim Weston, LT Brenton McDonald. .8) - Photo, colour, c1986. L to R: Mr Tony Spurling, LT Carol Dunstan, CAPT Peter ‘Blue’ Blaskett, MAJ Daryl Hockings CSM, MAJ Kim Weston. .9) - Photo, colour, c1986. L to R: MAJ Rene van den Tol, LT Brenton McDonald, CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE, MAJ Bob McHenry, MAJ Alex McLennon, CAPT Roger Rix, CAPT Andrew McLeod, LT Greg Oaten. .10) - Photo, colour, c1986. Mr Tony Spurling, CAPT Peter ‘Blue’ Blaskett, LT Carol Dunstan, MAJ Daryl Hockings CSM, MAJ Rene van den Tol, MAJ Mick Byrne, MAJ Bob McHenry, CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE. .11) - Photo, colour, c1986. L to R: Mr Tony Spurling, Mr Pat Thwaites, CAPT Peter ‘Blue’ Blaskett, LT Carol Dunstan, MAJ Daryl Hockings CSM, MAJ Rene van den Tol, MAJ Mick Byrne, LT Brenton McDonald, CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE, CAPT Andrew McLeod, MAJ Alex McLennon, unidentified, LT Greg Oaten, CAPT Roger Rix, CAPT Danny Galbraith, CAPT Laurie Newton (civvies). .12) & .13) - Photo, colour, c1986. L to R: MAJ Doug Campbell – US Exchange, Mr Pat Thwaites, Mr Tony Spurling, MAJ Daryl Hockings CSM, MAJ Mick Byrne, CAPT John South, LT Carol Dunstan, CAPT Danny Galbraith, CO LTCOL Don Swiney MBE, MAJ Rene van den Tol, MAJ Bob McHenry, LT Brenton McDonald, LT Vicky Thompson, CAPT Roger Rix, MAJ Alex McLennon, MAJ Kim Weston, CAPT Peter Cates, CAPT Peter ‘Blue’ Blaskett, LT Greg Oaten, CAPT Andrew McLeod, CAPT Laurie Newton (civvies). .1P to .13P – no annotations. No personnel are identified.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Army Survey Regiment Open Day – Lithographic Squadron, Fortuna, Bendigo, 1990
These 18 photographs were taken at an Army Survey Regiment Open Day at Fortuna Villa, Bendigo on the 24th of February 1990. This occasion was one of several events held to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the formation of the Royal Australian Survey Corps. Although historical tours of Fortuna occurred on a regular basis, this was the first technical open day since 1972. The Royal Australian Survey Corps recognised that an Open Day was the best way for the local community in Bendigo to gain an insight into the unit’s important role as Defence’s map production agency, its technical equipment, and its economic importance to Bendigo. It also gave them an opportunity to tour through historic Fortuna Villa. This occasion is covered in more detail in page 143 of Valerie Lovejoy’s book 'Mapmakers of Fortuna – A history of the Army Survey Regiment’ ISBN: 0-646-42120-4. Refer to items 6434.27P and 6435.35P for more photos of the Open Day taken inside Fortuna, the garden areas and Map Production areas of Air Survey and Cartographic Squadron. Photo prints of some of these photos were scanned and catalogued in items 6247.30P and 6291.6P.These 18 photographs were taken at an Army Survey Regiment Open Day held at Fortuna, Bendigo on the 24th of February 1990. The 35mm colour and black & white negatives photographs were scanned at 96 dpi and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) - Photo, colour, 1990. Print Troop – WO2 Rob Bogumil with visitors. .2) - Photo, colour, 1990. Print Troop – L to R: SPR Ross Anza, LCPL Janet Murray with visitors. .3) - Photo, black & white, 1990. Print Troop – L to R: LCPL Janet Murray, MAJ Bob Coote, SPR Gary Lord with visitors. .4) - Photo, black & white, 1990. Photo Troop – L to R: WO2 Keith Fenton RE UK Exchange, SGT Steve Burke with visitors. .5) - Photo, colour, 1990. Photo Troop – SGT Steve Burke with visitors. .6) - Photo, colour, 1990. Photo Troop – L to R: unidentified, SGT Steve Burke with visitors. .7) - Photo, colour, 1990. Print Troop – L to R: CPL Peter Breukel, WO2 Keith Fenton RE. UK Exchange with visitors. .8) - Photo, black & white, 1990. Photo Troop - WO2 Keith Fenton RE. UK Exchange. .9) - Photo, black & white, 1990. Print Troop - civilian visitors. .10) - black & white, Print Troop, 1990. - L to R: civilian visitors, SSGT Ian Nichols, CPL John ‘Flash’ Anderson. .11) - Photo, black & white, 1990. Print Troop - L to R: SSGT Ian Nichols, CPL Dale Hudson, Planeta printing press, with civilian visitors. .12) - Photo, colour, 1990. Print Troop - L to R: SSGT Ian Nichols, CAPT Roger Hancock with civilian visitors. .13) - Photo, colour, 1990. Print Troop - LT Marty Lyons with civilian visitors. .14) - Photo, black & white, 1990. Print Troop - L to R: LT Marty Lyons, unidentified with civilian visitors. .15) - Photo, black & white, 1990. Orthophoto Mapping Section - L to R: SSGT Peter Imeson, SGT Bob Garritty with civilian visitors. .16) - Photo, colour, 1990. Optronics raster scanner - WO2 Adrian ‘Charlie’ Creedy with civilian visitors. .17) - Photo, colour 1990. Outside Photo Troop office - L to R: SSGT Rhys De Laine, WO2 Rob Bogumil. .18) - Photo, black & white, 1990. Photo Troop - civilian visitors..1P to .18P – no annotationsroyal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr, litho sqn -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Taken some time between 1914-18, depicted is a large group of unidentified males. Four of them are dressed in Australian military uniforms. The remaining 19 men are dressed in striped uniforms. The male in the centre of the front row is cradling a football, suggesting that the group was part of a football or rugby league team. It is believed that the soldiers in this photograph were part of the Australian Imperial Force. This can be inferred by the chevron rank insignia visible on their uniforms. The placement of this insignia on the sleeve of the right arm suggests that this soldier was either a Warrant Officer or a Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO). Additionally, they are also wearing 'Rising Sun' collar badges on their coats. Australia, unlike most other Commonwealth countries, did not adopt metal regimental badges during the First World War. All units were issued with the Australian Army General Service Badge, better known as the 'Rising Sun’ badge. This insignia is almost always identified with the Australian Imperial Force. Sport has always been entwined with war. Both sport and war demand peak physical fitness, camaraderie, strategy, and allegiance to a team collaboratively working towards a common goal: to win. The connection between sport and war is especially strong in Australia since these two concepts form the basis of our national identity. The Australian War Memorial has a number of World War I recruitment posters linking war and sport in its collection. One of the posters produced in 1915 by the State Parliamentary Recruiting Committee in Victoria attempted to shame young men into enlisting by juxtaposing the image of an Australian soldier standing guard over his deceased mate with a photograph of a Victorian Football League match. Another poster, produced in 1917, features vignettes of different sports including cricket, bowling, boxing, kayaking and golf. Its slogan reads, "Join Together - Train Together - Embark Together - Fight Together: Enlist in the Sportman's 1000".The record is historically significant due to its connection to World War I. This conflict is integral to Australian culture as it was the single greatest loss of life and the greatest repatriation of casualties in the country's history. Australia’s involvement in the First World War began when the Australian government established the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) in August 1914. Immediately, men were recruited to serve the British Empire in the Middle East and on the Western Front. The record has strong research potential. This is due to the ongoing public and scholarly interest in war, history, and especially the ANZAC legend, which is commemorated annually on 25 April, known as ANZAC Day. Additionally, the record presents a unique opportunity to further explore the relationship between the arts, sport and war. This statement of significance has already established that war is integral to Australia's national identity - and sport is of equal importance. Specifically, the record begs to question how the peak physical fitness and camaraderie valued in team sports were creatively translated into military recruitment campaigns during World War I. Evidently, this record and its historic context demonstrates that there is potential here, and if further research is completed on this topic, it may provide insight into Australian military recruitment tactics used in the past and present, and into the future.Sepia rectangular photograph printed on matte photographic paper mounted on card.Reverse: 6529 / hyossest (?) / (?)1/11/1 /military album, army, military, war, wwi, world war i, sport, football, rugby, aif, australian imperial force -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Army Survey Regiment – Presentation to Charity Organisation, 1984
These photographs of a presentation to a charity organisation were taken in the grounds of Fortuna Villa, Army Survey Regiment in 1984. SPR Tracy (Parker) Ash was the unit’s Miss Golden North section entrant in the Miss Australia Quest. MAJ Bob Roche, RSM Bob Mason and SPR Parker presented a fundraising cheque to the unidentified representative from the Spastic Society. The the newspaper article is from the Bendigo Advertiser. The following wording is taken from the article: ‘Tracy Parker is a sapper in the Army, and a cartographic technician stationed at Fortuna, Bendigo. Originally from Melbourne, Tracy, 23, is the latest entrant in the Miss Golden North segment of the Miss Australia Quest. The highlight of Tracy’s quest will be an open day at Fortuna, once the magnificent home of Bendigo’s Quartz King, George Lansell. This open day at Fortuna, on Sunday, August 26, between 10 am and 4 pm, will give district residents a rare opportunity of inspecting this magnificent building and its gardens. Tracy said there will be handicrafts, rides, competitions and refreshments available at the open day. The main attraction, apart from the building and gardens, would be a hot air balloon. Admission to the open day would be: Adults $2, children and pensioners $1, family party $5. All proceeds from the open day at Fortuna will go to the Spastic Society. Tracy, like all other Miss Australia candidates work hard for the Spastic Society in fundraising activities. Getting further involved in fundraising, Tracy and her strong committee have organised a 6km fun run for Sunday August 19. Entry forms are available at Bendigo sports stores, and at the end of the fun run will be a barbecue. Apart from her vocation in the Army, and fundraising for the Spastic Society, Tracy Parker has a great love of horses, and associated activities of riding, jumping and showing her horses. Tracy is keen to do well in her fundraising, and with the Australian Army, or more particularly, the ranks of Fortuna behind her, Tracy looks like succeeding.’The first three items are photographs of a presentation to a charity organisation at the Army Survey Regiment, Bendigo in 1984. The fourth item is an article from the Bendigo Advertiser describing Army Survey Regiment’s fund-raising activities. The photographs were printed on photographic paper and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographic proof prints were scanned at 600 dpi. Photos .1P and .2P were scanned at 300 dpi. The newspaper article was scanned at 762 dpi. .1) to .3P) - Photo, black & white, 1984, L to R: MAJ Bob Roche, Regional Coordinator Mrs Jan Lamborn, SPR Tracy (Parker) Ash, RSM WO1 Bob Mason. .4) – Bendigo Advertiser newspaper article with photo, black & white, 1984, SPR Tracy (Parker) Ash. .1P to .2P – ‘Presentation of Certificate of Appreciation from Spastic Society. Presented by Regional Coordinator Mrs Jan Lamborn to MAJ Roche, SPR Tracy Ash (entrant in Miss Australia Quest (1984) and WO1 Mason.' .3P – No personnel identified. .4P – SPR Tracy Parker named in newspaper article.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - 4th Field Survey Squadron OC’s Parades and Defence Force Service Medal Presentations, Keswick Barracks, Adelaide SA, 1986
This is a set of 30 photographs of a 4th Field Survey Squadron OC’s parade at Keswick Barracks, Adelaide SA in 1986. The OC - MAJ Don Taylor presented the Defence Force Service Medal to personnel in recognition of 15 years of efficient remunerated service, or the Clasp for 5 years of additional service. This is a set of 30 photographs of a 4th Field Survey Squadron OC’s parade and the presentation of the Defence Force Service Medal, at Keswick Barracks, Adelaide SA in 1986. The colour photographs are on 35mm negative film and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 96 dpi. .1) - Photo, colour, 1986. L to R: WO2 Bob Rogister in background, SPR Bruce Graham, SGT Stu Symonds, SGT Bob Croxton. .2) - Photo, colour, 1986. SGT Bob Croxton. .3) - Photo, colour, 1986. Parade handover L to R: OC MAJ Don Taylor, 2IC CAPT Steve Cooper, unidentified. .4) - Photo, colour, 1986. Inspection L to R: SSM WO1 Bill Griggs, CAPT 2IC Steve Cooper, OC MAJ Don Taylor , unidentified, SSGT Brett ‘Dutchy’ Van Leeuwen, SGT Mick ‘Hoges’ Hogan, SGT Peter Imeson, SGT H. ‘Jock’ Young, PTE Paul Simpson, CPL Neale ‘Tex’ Houston. .5) - Photo, colour, 1986. Inspection L to R: SSM WO1 Bill Griggs, 2IC CAPT Steve Cooper, OC MAJ Don Taylor, PTE Paul Simpson, CPL Neale CPL Neale ‘Tex’ Houston. .6) - Photo, colour, 1986. Presentations L to R: SPR Todd Hayley, SGT Bob Croxton. .7) - Photo, colour, 1986. Presentations L to R: OC MAJ Don Taylor, SGT Bob Croxton. In background L to R: SSM WO1 Bill Griggs, SPR Todd Hayley. .8) - Photo, colour, 1986. Presentations: SGT Bob Croxton. In background: CPL Dave Irving. .9) - Photo, colour, 1986. Presentations L to R: SPR Simon Reynolds, 2IC CAPT Steve Cooper, OC MAJ Don Taylor, SGT Stu Symonds. In background: SSM WO1 Bill Griggs. .10) - Photo, colour, 1986. Presentations L to R: OC MAJ Don Taylor, SGT Stu Symonds. In background: SSM WO1 Bill Griggs. .11) - Photo, colour, 1986. Presentations: SGT Stu Symonds. In background L to R: SSM WO1 Bill Griggs, CPL Dave Irving. .12) - Photo, colour, 1986. Presentations: SGT Stu Symonds. In background: CPL Dave Irving. .13) - Photo, colour, 1986. Presentations L to R: SPR Simon Reynolds, OC MAJ Don Taylor, WO2 Gary Warnest. In background L to R: SPR Todd Hayley, CPL Dave Irving, remainder unidentified. .14) - Photo, colour, 1986. Presentations L to R: OC MAJ Don Taylor, WO2 Gary Warnest. .15) - Photo, colour, 1986. Presentations: WO2 Gary Warnest. In background: SSM WO1 Bill Griggs. .16) & .17) - Photo, colour, 1986. Presentations: WO2 Gary Warnest. In background: SPR Todd Hayley, CPL Dave Irving, CPL S. Asley. .18) - Photo, colour, 1986. L to R: SGT Stu Symonds, SGT Bob Croxton. .19) - Photo, colour, 1986. L to R: SPR Bruce Graham, SGT Stu Symonds, SGT Bob Croxton. .20) - Photo, colour, 1986. Parade handover L to R: 2IC CAPT Steve Cooper, OC MAJ Don Taylor. .21) - Photo, colour, 1986. Parade handover L to R: 2IC CAPT Steve Cooper, SSM WO1 Bill Griggs. In background L to R: SPR Todd Hayley, CPL Dave Irving. .22) & .23) - Photo, colour, 1986. SGT Bob Croxton. .24) & .25) - Photo, colour, 1986. SGT Stu Symonds. .26) & .27) - Photo, colour, 1986. WO2 Gary Warnest. .28) to .30) - Photo, colour, 1986. L to R: SGT Stu Symonds, WO2 Gary Warnest. SGT Bob Croxton..1P to .30P – There are no personnel identified. ‘1986 Presentations’ annotated on negatives sleeve.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, 4 fd svy sqn -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Photo Troop, Lithographic Squadron – Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo, 1988
This collection of 10 photos was most likely taken at Lithographic Squadron, Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo in 1988. The main tasks undertaken by technicians in Photo Troop were most likely enlargements, reductions and duplication of map reproduction material, and processing of aerial photography.This is a set of 10 photographs of Photo Troop personnel and equipment from Lithographic Squadron at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo, 1988. The photographs were on 35mm negative film and were scanned at 96 dpi. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) - Photo, black & white, 1988, BARCRO work area, SPR Gary Sievers. .2) - Photo, black & white, 1988, KLIMSCH Commodore camera, CPL Mick Gillham. .3) - Photo, black & white, 1988, KLIMSCH Commodore camera, CPL Mick Gillham. .4) - Photo, black & white, 1988, WILD U4A Diapositive Camera, SPR Rob Jones. .5) - Photo, black & white, 1988, WILD U4A Diapositive Camera, SPR Rob Jones. .6) - Photo, black & white, 1988, WILD U4A Diapositive Camera, SPR Rob Jones. .7) - Photo, black & white, 1988, WILD U4A Diapositive Camera, SPR Rob Jones. .8) - Photo, black & white, 1988, WILD U4A Diapositive Camera, SPR Rob Jones. .9) - Photo, black & white, 1988, Photographic camera enlarger, unidentified technician. .10) - Photo, black & white, 1988, SUPER CHROMEGA F Photographic camera enlarger. No personnel are identifiedroyal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr, litho -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Letter - Rosstown Railway
This file contains two items: 1/A group of eight letters, predominantly between Hon. Secretary of Caulfield Historical Society R. Ballantyne and members of the Caulfield City Council written between 1981 and 1983, regarding the installation of a plaque in commemoration of the centenary of the Rosstown Railway. The first two letters are handwritten from R. Ballantyne to G. Calder and Carol Camy, dated 01/06/1981 and 22/02/1982. The letter to G. Calder supports a suggestion in the May edition of the CAULFIELD CONTACT for the installation of a plaque in celebration of the centenary of the Rosstown Railway, suggesting a potential site for another plaque on Curraweena Road. The letter to Carol Harry discusses the costing of the plague and a possible contribution towards this cost from the Caulfield Historical Society. The letter appears to be incomplete, having no sign off from the author. Attached to the letter is what appears to be a suggestion for the inscription of the plaque. The letters addressed to R. Ballantyne are typed and dated 12/06/1981, 24/06/1981, 14/07/19891, 17/12/1981 and 08/09/1983, from A. Craig and D.B. Hogan on behalf of City Manager G.K. Calder and City Liason Officer Carol Harry. All letters concern the commemorative plaque, with these from Carol Harry including handwritten notes which appear to be in R. Ballantyne’s handwriting. The final letter is from Mayoral Secretary Norma Polglase to Miss B. Snowball, dated 23/08/1983, inviting her to attend the unveiling of the plaque. Also included in the item are Council Committee Meeting minutes, dated 16/05/1981, broaching the subject of installing the plaque in Koornang Road. 2/Four colour photographs and two black and white copies of one of the photographs, all dated 18/09/1983 and showing the opening of the commemorative plaque in Marrara Gardens. Two photographs picture Mayor Brian Rudski and City Manager Graham Calder with a crowd of unidentified people present. One photograph and both copies are of the inscription on the plaque, with the wording identical to that of the handwritten note by R. Ballantyne, in item one.caulfield, caulfield south, calder g.k., calder g., hawthorn road, glen eira road, ballantyne r., office workers, caulfield contact, norman peter, groups, glen huntly, koornang road, mills, sugar mills, caulfield historical society, caulfield city council, caulfield town hall, official buildings, glen huntly neville street fourteen, parliamentary representatives, rosstown, rosstown railway, rosstown railway centenary, festivals and celebrations, centenaries, historical markers, plaques, monuments and memorials, ross murray, railways, land transport, curraweena road, parts of buildings or structures, bluestone structures, construction materials, caulfield community liaison officer, harry carol, currency, finances, onley peter, elsternwick, oakleigh, council meetings, caulfield council chambers, caulfield municipal chambers, caulfield municipal offices, craig a., caulfield city manager, city of caulfield, caulfield physical environment committee, public meetings, meetings, ross james, hogan o.b., arrow engraving, campbell f., snowball miss., elsternwick gladstone parade nineteen, walters w.r., marara road gardens, marara road, marara gardens, narrawong road, ceremonies, caulfield mayors, polglase norma, mayoral secretaries, railways routes, documents, correspondence, rudski brian, calder graham, events and activities, official buildings, insignia, local government, local officials and employees, parks and reserves, buildings structures and establishments, official events, festivals and celebrations, occupations, political processes, local history, history, financial economics, local government finance -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Army Survey Regiment Warrant Officers and Sergeants, Fortuna, Bendigo, c1973
This photograph of the Army Survey Regiment’s Warrant Officers and Sergeants was taken on the parade ground at Fortuna Villa, Bendigo in c1973. WO1 John Hogan served as RSM of the Regiment from 1968 to 1976.This is a photograph of Warrant Officers and Sergeants posted to the Army Survey Regiment Fortuna Villa, Bendigo Victoria, c1973. The photograph was printed on photographic paper and is part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photograph was scanned at 600 dpi. .1) - Photo, black & white c1973. Back Row L to R: Irene Saunders, Bob Hayden, Lloyd Patterson, Chris Sharp, Sgts Mess Spvr, Lloyd Harvey, John Waight, Ivor Hastings, Ace Evans, Andy Covington, Gordon Haswell, Jim Jefferies, Mick Dempster, Bill Forrest, Max Neil, Ted Burgess, Chris Kelly, Graeme Beasley, Peter Mansell, Dave Miles, unidentified, Geoff Wasser, Errol Fletcher, Doug Malligan, Len Thirwell, Michael Wagland, Ian Bootland, Peter Dew, Jeff Lynch, John Rankine, George Austen, Jim Mitchell, Ken Slater, Alan Carew, Chris Wardley, Jim Mulqueen, Evan Giri. Front Row L to R: Marjorie Knight, Tom Pattison, Don Taylor, Bob McKenna, Bob Coultard, Stan Vote, Brian Rogers, Aub Harvey, RSM John Hogan, Neil Rankin, Clive Andrews, Tony Ellis, Alex Munro, Roger Rix, Joe Farrington, Tibby Szentirmay BEM, Fred Panknin, Ken Rich, Jack Williams, Ian Batt UK Exchange.There are no personnel annotated. ‘7744’ annotated on top left corner of photo.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
Photograph of A Company 2/21st Battalion Australian Infantry, c July to September 1940
Black and White photo Company "A" 2/21Rare item of historical value due to the battallion being taken prisoner by Imperial Japanese soldiers at Ambon. The Australians suffered at the hands of their captures.Photograph of members of " A" Company 2/21st Battalion Australian infantry Taken in Melbourne. Vic. Group portrait of A Company, 2/21st Battalion. Left to right: front row: Chafer, Hartley, Bailey, Fisher, Breen, Marsh, Lance Corporal (L Cpl) Billings, Smith, Knuckey, McKenzie, Wilson, Dallagh, Jones, Redwood, Turnbull, Rutley, Minetti, Gravener and Corporal Borr (?). Second row: Winter, Brander, M.F. Osborne, V.F.H. Hubbard, Gladigou, Alison, Davies, Blair, Edney, Tuddenham, B. Tucker, Sergeant (Sgt) Stanbridge, Captain (Capt) Wesley, Lieutenant (Lt) Thomas, Sgt Stayte, Beachley, Hallowell, A. Osborne, Thatcher, Watson, unidentified, Ericson, Hadlow, Tucker, McGregor, C.R. O'Bryan and Bradley. Third row: Walker, R.R. Hubbard, Hutchins, L Cpl Kirwan, Mason, J.M. Francis, Corson (?), Leslie, Dunbar, Arnold, Inkster, Balcombe, Corporal Leary, Beckwirth, Barclay, Blanks, Conway, Bolwell, Rigney, Orange, Taylor, Dihood, Mitchell, Donchi, Howard, Flintoff, Hill, Capon, Lewin, L Cpl Eouid (?), Sgt Jacobs. Fourth row: Sgt Seabrooke, Privates King, Jorgenson, O'Halloran, Simmons, Amesbury, Kofoid, Daff, L Cpl Guest, Cooke, Ordish, Stratton, three cooks named Keel, Tullett and Brown, Privates Turner, Dahlberg, Uren, Ansett, Moran, Fry, Penny, Phillips, Lock, Loch, Perrin, Snodgrass, Argus, Gee, Corp Boyce.Photo and frame A Coy 2/21 with names inscribed there on. Black ans white photo by H.M. Walker, Wentworht House, 203 Collins Street, Melbourne.a coy 2/21 battallion -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Royal Australian Survey Corps Aerial Surveys, c1980
This is a set of nine photographs of technicians from the Royal Australian Survey Corps operating aerial surveys equipment c1980s. In photo .1P, CPL Steve Gloster was operating a RC10 air survey camera mounted in an Australian Army Pilatus Porter aircraft. The Wild RC10 super wide-angle air survey cameras were first introduced in 1971, were equipped with virtual distortion free lenses for supplementary, spot and special photography. In photo .2P, Roger Rees was operating Air Profile Recorder (APR) equipment. it was possibly taken during OP NERVOSE 84, sometime between June – August 1984 when based in Ngukurr, Northern Territory. The APR was operated at this time in unison with an RC10 camera. In 1963 the Royal Australian Survey Corps introduced the radar airborne profile recorder (Canadian Applied Research Ltd, Mark V, Airborne Profiler Recorder) was introduced for 1:100,000 mapping to replace terrain heighting by aneroid barometry. Later in 1974-1975, the Australian developed WREMAPS II airborne laser terrain profile recorder was introduced. In photo .3P, Neil Jones appears at the door of Airsearch Beechcraft Queen Air aircraft, Registration / Serial VH-MWX. This aircraft was typically used by RA Svy on air survey operations flying mission with Aerodist, APR and RC10 camera equipment. The Australian Army’s Pilatus Porter (short take-off and landing turbo propeller) was also equipped with a Wild RC10 aerial mapping camera for identification photography. The Pilatus Porter was also used on RA Svy’s map field checking operations. Photo .9P was taken at a survey station at an unknown location. In this photo an Australian Army Kiowa Light Observation Helicopter (LOH) is supporting a field survey party undertaking Magnavox AN/PRR-14 portable Doppler satellite observations. The satellite receiver’s antenna is plumbed over the survey ground mark surrounded by white plastic panels. The panels were used to identify the survey station on aerial photography. Introduced in 1974–1975, the Magnavox AN/PRR-14 portable Doppler satellite (US Navy Navigation Satellite System – TRANSIT) receivers and computing system provided independent three-dimensional point positions anywhere in the world, anytime, in any weather accurate to about 1.5metres with precise satellite ephemerides. The Bell OH-58 Kiowa LOH was a family of military helicopters used for observation, utility, and direct fire support. It was identified by RA Svy in the mid-1970s that considerable time was lost in replacing unserviceable remote equipment by road. Therefore Aerodist operations (pre-dating satellite receiver operations) were fully supported by Army’s Kiowa LOH aircraft. This is a set of nine photographs of technicians from the Royal Australian Survey Corps operating aerial surveys equipment c1980s. .1P to .3P, .5P to .9P - Colour and black and white photos on photographic paper and scanned at 300 dpi. .4P - Colour photo on 35mm slide film and scanned at 96 dpi. .1) & .2) - Photo, black & white, c1980s, CPL Steve Gloster operating an RC10 air camera. .3) - Photo, colour, 1984, Roger Rees operating Air Profile Recorder (APR) equipment. .4) - Photo, colour, c1980s, Neil Jones at the door of an Airsearch Beechcraft Queen Air aircraft, typically used by RA Svy on air survey operations. .5) - Photo, colour, c1980s. A Beechcraft King Air aircraft, also used by RA Svy on air survey operations. .6) - Photo, colour, c1980s. An Australian Army Pilatus Porter, used by RA Svy on air survey and map field checking operations. SGT Peter Mustart is possibly in the foreground. .7) to .8) - Photo, colour, c1980s. An Australian Army Pilatus Porter and unidentified personnel, used by RA Svy on air survey and map field checking operations. .9) - Photo, colour, c1980s. An Australian Army Kiowa helicopter supporting a field survey party undertaking Magnavox AN/PRR-14 portable Doppler satellite observations. There are biro marks on photos .4P to .9Proyal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, asr, fortuna, aerial surveys -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Equipment and Personnel, Lithographic Squadron - Army Survey Regiment, Bendigo, c1975
This is a set of 21 photographs of Lithographic Squadron equipment and personnel as well equipment operated by Cartographic Squadron, Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo circa 1975. The photos were mainly taken in the Printing, Camera, proofing and external buildings. Cartographic Squadron’s CPL Arty Lane operated the Fotosetter type setting machine, as shown in photo .21P for many years in a room on the top floor of Fortuna Villa. There is more information on the Ultra-MAN-III Printing Presses, the KLIMSCH Commodore camera, Gavin Neilson and the Fotosetter type setting machine on pages 70-71, and the Newkoni Komori printing press on page 120 of Valerie Lovejoy’s book 'Mapmakers of Fortuna – A history of the Army Survey Regiment’ ISBN: 0-646-42120-4.This is a set of 21 photograph of Lithographic Squadron equipment and personnel, Army Survey Regiment at Fortuna, Bendigo, 1989. Black and white photographs .1P to .13P are on 35mm negative film and scanned at 96 dpi. Black and white photos .14P to .21P are on photographic paper and were scanned at 300 dpi. .1) - Photo, black & white, c1975, tri-linear film punch. .2) to .5) - Photo, black & white, c1975, Newkoni Komori printing press components. .6) - Photo, black & white, c1975, Newkoni Komori printing press components, Alex Cook. .7) - Photo, black & white, c1975, Newkoni Komori printing press components. .8) to .12) - Photo, black & white, c1975, northern exterior of print buildings. .13) - Photo, black & white, c1975, L to R: unidentified (x2), Jim Mulqueen, Ian ‘Lofty’ Turner. .14) - Photo, black & white, c1975, Log Electonics film processor. .15) - Photo, black & white, c1975, contact frame. .16) - Photo, black & white, c1975, film tri-punch stud registration table. .17) - Photo, black & white, c1975, Ultra-MAN-III Printing Presses. .18) to .19) - Photo, black & white, c1975, KLIMSCH Commodore camera, Gavin Neilson. .20) - Photo, black & white, c1975, map proof whirler. .21) - Photo, black & white, c1975, Fotosetter type setting machine.No personnel are identified. .14P, .16P to .19P and .20P to .21P are annotated with 5-digit numbers on top right corner of photo.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr, litho, carto -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Album - Colour prints, David Aldoud, Garden Views, 1983
(1) Herbaceous Border 1984-5 (pre-Rainforest) #277. (2) View Admin Building from between Emily Gibson Beds. (3) Admin Building. (4) View of Bull Paddock, Dairy and beyond from roof of Admin Building. (5) Rear of Burnley. Tennis Court replaced by PSL 4-6 (DA) (6) Shady Walk Mondograss (Ophiopogon japonicus) Umbrella Grass (Cyperus alternifolius) (David Aldous). (7) Admin Building and Student Amenities Building. (8-10) Luffmann Ponds. (11) Frank's/Rock Point. (12-13) Oak Lawn. (14) Oak Tree lawn on reverse "Please return to Stuart Miller, Burnley College." (15) E. cladocalyx. (16) The Victorian College of Agriculture & Horticulture-Burnley Campus. U. procera to the left E. cladocalyx to the right DA. (17) Sugar Gum E. cladocalyx Burnley Gardens 1989 DA. (18) Burnley College in background DA Crack Willow in winter. (19) Tree unidentified. DA (20) DA View of trees behind Luffmann Ponds. (21) View of Burnley Gardens Pinus canariensis to the left Agathis robusta centre and sequoia sempervirens to the right DA. (22) Students in Citriodora Courtyard. (23) View of Emily Gibson Beds from roof of Admin Building. (24) Admin Building from Oak lawn. Annotated by David Aldous and Stuart Miller. herbaceous border, administration building, emily gibson beds, bull paddock, dairy, tennis court, shady walk, luffmann ponds, oak lawn, david aldous, stuart miller, student amenities building, sugar gum, citriodora courtyard -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Lithographic Squadron Building Upgrades - Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo, 1990
This is a set of 11 photographs of Lithographic Squadron Building Upgrades at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo. 1990. These upgrades performed by Litho personnel occurred at around the same time as the construction of Lithographic Squadron’s new Printing Building. This is a set of 11 photograph of Lithographic Squadron building upgrades at the Army Survey Regiment at Fortuna, Bendigo, 1990. The photographs were on 35mm negative film and were scanned at 96 dpi. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) and .2) - Photo, colour, 1990, building construction. .3) - Photo, colour, 1990, building modifications, L to R: Dale Hudson, WO2 Keith Fenton RE. .4) - Photo, colour, 1990, building modifications, L to R: Roy Hicks, Lance Strudwick, Dale Hudson, Ian Nicholls, Gary Lord, Kim Reynolds, Peter Swandale (rear), Gavin McLean, Andrew Arman, Graham Spong, Mark McCullough. .5) - Photo, colour, 1990. building modifications, L to R: Ross Anza, unidentified, Damien Cole. .6) and .7) - Photo, colour, 1990, Old proofing hut. .8) - Photo, colour, 1990, building modifications, Brian Fauth. .9) - Photo, colour, 1990, building modifications, L to R: Roy Hicks, Brian Fauth. .10) - Photo, colour, 1990, building modifications, L to R: Peter Swandale, Gary Kerr, Ian Nicholls, Brian Fauth, Roy Hicks. .11) - Photo, colour, 1990, building modifications, L to R: Peter Swandale, Gary Kerr, Brian Fauth, Ian Nicholls, Roy Hicks. No personnel are identified. royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr, litho -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - RSM-Army Visit – Technical Tour, Army Survey Regiment Fortuna, Bendigo, 1989
This is a set of 16 photographs of a visit to the Army Survey Regiment, by the Regimental Sergeant-Major of the Australian Army (RSM-A) WO1 Kevin (Lofty) Wendt OAM, BEM on the 10th of August 1989. He was taken on a tour through the production areas and messes. RSM-A WO1 Kevin (Lofty) Wendt OAM, BEM was the 2nd RSM to be appointed to the position of RSM-A, the most senior Warrant Officer position in the Australian Army. His appointment was from 1987 to 1990. On this occasion he was escorted by WO1 Neville Stone, who was the RSM of the Army Survey Regiment from 1988 to 1990. Refer to item 6438.15P for photos of the SGT’s Mess function.This is a set of 16 photographs of a visit to the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo by the Regimental Sergeant-Major of the Australian Army (RSM-A) WO1 Kevin (Lofty) Wendt OAM, BEM on the 10th of August 1989. The photographs are on 35mm negative film and were scanned at 96 dpi. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) to .2) - Photo, black & white, 1989. Wild B8 plotting on the AUTOMAP 2 system, L to R: WO1 Russell ‘Rusty’ Williams, RSM-A WO1 Kevin (Lofty) Wendt OAM, BEM, SPR Stuart Bowd. .3) to .5) - Photo, black & white, 1989. RAAF Charting, L to R: SSGT Dennis Learmonth, RSM-A WO1 Kevin (Lofty) Wendt OAM, BEM. .6) - Photo, black & white, 1989. RAAF Charting, L to R: SSGT Dennis Learmonth, RSM-A WO1 Kevin (Lofty) Wendt OAM, BEM, unidentified visiting RSM, WO1 Stevo Hinic. .7) to .8) - Photo, black & white, 1989. Map data editing on AUTOMAP 2 system, L to R: SPR Charmian McKean, RSM-A WO1 Kevin (Lofty) Wendt OAM, BEM, WO1 Stevo Hinic. .9) - Photo, black & white, 1989. Map data editing on AUTOMAP 2 system, L to R: SGT Paul ‘Hutch’ Hunter, RSM-A WO1 Kevin (Lofty) Wendt OAM, BEM. .10) - Photo, black & white, 1989. Photo Troop L to R: RSM-A WO1 Kevin (Lofty) Wendt OAM, BEM, WO2 Rob Bogumil. .11) - Photo, black & white, 1989. Print Troop L to R: CPL Peter Swandale, RSM-A WO1 Kevin (Lofty) Wendt OAM, BEM. .12) - Photo, black & white, 1989. Print Troop L to R: RSM-A WO1 Kevin (Lofty) Wendt OAM, BEM, unidentified visiting RSM, CPL Peter Swandale. .13) - Photo, black & white, 1989. OR’s Mess Committee, Tavern L to R: RSM-A WO1 Kevin (Lofty) Wendt OAM, BEM, PMC CPL Brendon McKinless. .14) - Photo, black & white, 1989. OR’s Mess Committee, Tavern L to R: CPL Noel Brinsmead, CPL John Gilbert. .15) - Photo, black & white, 1989. OR’s Mess Committee, Tavern L to R: PMC CPL Brendon McKinless, RSM-A WO1 Kevin (Lofty) Wendt OAM, BEM, CPL Noel Brinsmead, CPL John Gilbert, CPL AM Verley. .16) - Photo, black & white, 1989. OR’s Mess Committee, Tavern L to R: RSM WO1 Neville Stone, PMC CPL Brendon McKinless, RSM-A WO1 Kevin (Lofty) Wendt OAM, BEM, CPL Noel Brinsmead, CPL John Gilbert, CPL AM Verley, CPL Dave Cook..1P to .16P – no annotationsroyal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr