Showing 1865 items
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Certificate, Bendigo Easter Fair Charity Carnival, 1939
The first Bendigo Easter Fair was held on April 10th and 11th 1871 and remains one of Australia’s longest running annual community events. Its purpose was to raise funds in aid of two local charities; The Bendigo Hospital, and The Bendigo Benevolent Asylum. In the first year the event raised 2,560 pounds which was split between the two charities, each receiving f 1,280. A fundraising event called the Popular Girl was held from 1930 to 1996 in which well-known local young ladies raised money for charity. The woman who raised the largest amount of money was crowned as Miss Popular Girl. The competition is no longer held. The 2010 parade contained a section in which a number of past Popular Girls paraded once again. The Popular Girl contest was preceded by the Queens' competition from about 1916 to 1929. The winner was selected by receiving the most votes which translated to funds raised for their respective charities. Lorna Dorothy Stevens (Jamieson) born in Eaglehawk in 1910 d 2000 in South Australia, daughter of William Eccles Jamieson and Emma Jane Jamieson.Printed certificate featuring gold on cream coloured paper. Text is printed inside pattered boarder. In 1939 is was presented to Lorna Jamieson for fund raising one thousand and one pounds for the Bendigo Easter Fair. 1939 / Bendigo Easter Fair / Charity Carnival / Mitchell St. / Popular Girl / Miss Mena Bailie / Presented to / Lorna Jamieson / in appreciation of services / rendered and to commemorate / the citory of the Mitchell St. / Popular Girl (Miss Mena / Bailie) with the record sum of / One Thousand and One / Pounds / For and on behalf of the / Mitchell St. Popular Girl Committee / H. Muller, Pres / Geo. A. Wright, Treas. / M Hammill, of greater bendigo easter fair, city of greater bendigo tourism, making a nation exhibiton, city of greater bendigo community groups, city of greater bendigo events -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Ceramic - Jug, Emu Jug by Albury Pottery, c1980s
Albury Pottery was established in the late 1970s to supply pottery for the party plan company Cooperware, a spin-off from Faberware. Located in Hudson Crescent, Lavington, the pottery was managed by Rudolph Dybka until 1983, then by Ron Petch, who had previously worked as sales manager for Cooper Pottery, one of Cooperware's UK suppliers. By the mid-1980s, the pottery had four throwers and a further 5-6 employees, and was specialising in stoneware with distinctive ribbed forms and light blond glazes. In 1985, the pottery was sold to the NSW Government as a workers' cooperative, and Petch moved to Old Ballarat Pottery as production manager. In 1987, the Petch's bought back into the business with partners Pat and Ken Snape, moving to slip casting, doubling the operating area, opening a terracotta plant in a separate location and establishing a tourism presence in the Old Cheese factory between Albury and Wodonga. As the business grew it took on more partners and this proved problematic in a declining market for production pottery. The Petch's pulled out in 1991 and the pottery closed shortly afterwards. (CC BY NC SA Judith Pearce, accessed, 15 October 2024.)A ceramic jug with a brown top, and an emu on a white ground.albury pottery, emu -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Accessory - Superba Skin Food - Cosmetic
When Carl Sandner began Sandner and Sons Eucalyptus Distillery in 1875, he probably had no idea his archives would end up in the National Library. The distillery operated until 1967 and the Uley Street site was the subject of archaeological monitoring in 2011 prior to Bendigo’s new ambulance station being built there. But his great great grandson Alec Sandner handed over some mint-condition documents that he has held on to for many years. “I had this tin and the more I opened it, the more interested in it I became,” Mr Sandner said. “There was a letter from the Kaiser in 1888 because the business had written to them asking them to endorse. They had politely refused. “There was also a letter from the Italian consulate saying the King of Italy was satisfied with the product he received. From then the advertising said the products had been approved by the King of Italy.” At its peak, Sandner and Sons had agents up and down the east coast of Australia as well as in New Zealand and the United States of America. Rectangular cream coloured box with attached fold back lid. Printed in purple on the lid and also inside the lid "SUPERBA" SKIN FOOD Brings Beauty. All Chemists & Stores.1/3. No Lady should be without it. SANDER & Sons. BENDIGO, Victoria, Australia. A centred circle frame includes the following Removes wrinkles, tan, sunburn blemishes &c. Beautifies the complexion. Heals chapped hands and inflemed skin. Inside the box is a loose advertising card for the product. The box contains eleven small tins of the skin cream. Each tin has a small red wax seal on one side. Seven appear to be intact and unopened and four have been opened. Some of the printing on the tins is gold coloured in places but all tins show various stages of wear Two of them are inside original smaller boxes. The tins contain a waxy substance covered with a piece of waxed paper. Folded information sheet inside one of the boxes. There are no ingredients listed. sandner, cosmetics, eucalyptus distillery -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Postcard, New Sutherland Home, 28 Drummond Street, Diamond Creek, c.1912
Postcard: Leader (Melbourne, Vic. : 1862 - 1918, 1935), Saturday 15 June 1912, page 48 ________________________________________ NEW SUTHERLAND HOME. OPENED BY THE PREMIER. A new home for destitute and neglected children, erected for the purpose of carrying on the work of the late Miss Sutherland, was formally opened by the Premier (Mr. Watt) at 28 Drummond-street on Thursday. The new building has been erected at a cost of £1600, of which only £300 has been provided by the Government. A similar sum has been raised by private contribution, but there is still a debt of £800 or £900, which the committee hopes to liquidate shortly - to some extent by means of a sale of gifts, which was 'opened in the building, and will be continued this afternoon and evening. The Premier, in performing the opening ceremony, said the home was a monument to the life work of one of the most distinguished social servants this country had known. (Applause.) Although Miss Sutherland was dead her good work lived on. It was too often true, as Shakespeare said, that "the evil that men do lives after them - the good is oft interred, with their bones." But the statement was contradicted by this noble building, erected for the commemoration of the work Miss Sutherland had instituted. After referring to the good work done by Mrs. Alexander Smith in connection with the building, Mr. Watt said that Victoria owed to the ladies and gentlemen who associated themselves with asylums, refuges, orphanages and homes of this sort a deep and abiding debt of gratitude. (Applause.) With no coercion from the Legislature, or from anyone, these ladies and gentlemen, were endeavouring to organise and keep alive the services that surrounded these institutions. There was no form of organised charity with which he was acquainted that deserved better of the public than this one. (Hear, hear.) Their hospitals, it was true, relieved a vast amount of suffering and affliction, but there was a sacred duty resting on any civilised community to see that those who were forsaken by their natural parents or guardians should not be left absolutely to the mercy of circumstance. The new home, which is intended as a receiving, house for destitute children - prior to their departure for the home at Diamond Creek - has living accommodation for some 20 children, but when fully furnished will accommodate more. It is plainly, but neatly, fitted up, with an abundance of light and air, and of facilities for hot and cold water. Both outside and inside it is an acquisition to the charitable institutions of the city. NEW SUTHERLAND HOME. (1912, June 15). Leader (Melbourne, Vic. : 1862 - 1918, 1935), p. 48. Retrieved March 14, 2024, from See also Sutherland Homes for Children Nov 29, 2012 The building was replaced by a much larger building in 1929 See NNT_107tom fielding collection, diamond creek, drummond street, miss sutherland, new sutherland home, opening, sutherland home for children -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Little Gem tintype, American Studio, Portrait of a Woman, (exact)
The tintype (or ferrotype or Melainotype) was produced on metallic sheet (not, actually, tin) instead of glass. The plate was coated with collodion and sensitized just before use. It was introduced by Adolphe Alexandre Martin in 1853. The most common size was about the same as the carte-de-visite, 5.5cm x 9.0cm, but both larger and smaller ferrotypes were made. The smallest were "Little Gem" tintypes, about the size of a postage-stamp, made simultaneously on a single plate in a camera with 12 or 16 lenses. They were often produced by travelling photographers, and were cheaper than Ambrotypes so made photography available to working classes, not just to the more well-to-do. The print would come out laterally reversed (as one sees oneself in a mirror). Being quite rugged, tintypes could be sent by post. Tintypes were eventually superseded by gelatin emulsion dry plates in the 1880s, though street photographers in various parts of the world continued with this process until the 1950s. (Above information abridged from The firm of Gove and Allen opened in Sydney in 1880 and were responsible for the belated popularizing of the gem tintype in Australia. The firm traded as both The American Gem Studio and The American Studio. Others franchises were opened in Melbourne, Ballarat and Sandhurst (Bendigo). The Sandhurst branch closed in 1882 and Adelaide in 1884. All Gove and Allen studios had ceased trading by 1885. The studio addresses were: 23 King William St, Adelaide; 324 George St, Sydney; 95 Swanston St, Melbourne; Howard Place, Sandhurst; 7 Queen St, Brisbane; The card mounts used in Gove and Allen studios in Australia are identical to those used in America. They were initially made of plain white card with embossing around the oval image opening in the mount while some also had simple geometric and floral printed designs as well. Although Gove and Allen studios produced the majority of gem tintypes in Australia, other studios offered them including: - London, American & Sydney Photo Company, 328 George St, Sydney; - David Edelsten, 55 & 57 Bourke St, Melbourne; - Burman's Portrait Rooms, St. George's Hall, 209 Bourke St, Melbourne; - Bell's Gem Portrait Studio, 57 Bourke St East, Melbourne; - R. H. Kenny, Bridge St, Ballarat; - Marinus W. Bent, Sandhurst (Bendigo); - George Fisher, Victoria; - Anson Brothers, Hobart Town. (Abridged information from A tintype portrait of a woman's head, attached to a card.Printed lower left hand side of the card "American Studio, 324 Geo. St."tintype, american studio, woman, unidentified woman, women, photograph -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Tintype, Portrait of two young girls
The tintype (or ferrotype or Melainotype) was produced on metallic sheet (not, actually, tin) instead of glass. The plate was coated with collodion and sensitized just before use. It was introduced by Adolphe Alexandre Martin in 1853. The most common size was about the same as the carte-de-visite, 5.5cm x 9.0cm, but both larger and smaller ferrotypes were made. The smallest were "Little Gem" tintypes, about the size of a postage-stamp, made simultaneously on a single plate in a camera with 12 or 16 lenses. They were often produced by travelling photographers, and were cheaper than Ambrotypes so made photography available to working classes, not just to the more well-to-do. The print would come out laterally reversed (as one sees oneself in a mirror). Being quite rugged, tintypes could be sent by post. Tintypes were eventually superseded by gelatin emulsion dry plates in the 1880s, though street photographers in various parts of the world continued with this process until the 1950s. (Above information abridged from The firm of Gove and Allen opened in Sydney in 1880 and were responsible for the belated popularizing of the gem tintype in Australia. The firm traded as both The American Gem Studio and The American Studio. Others franchises were opened in Melbourne, 6 Sturt St Ballarat and Sandhurst (Bendigo). The Sandhurst branch closed in 1882 and Adelaide in 1884. All Gove and Allen studios had ceased trading by 1885. The studio addresses were: 23 King William St, Adelaide; 324 George St, Sydney; 95 Swanston St, Melbourne; Howard Place, Sandhurst; 7 Queen St, Brisbane; The card mounts used in Gove and Allen studios in Australia are identical to those used in America. They were initially made of plain white card with embossing around the oval image opening in the mount while some also had simple geometric and floral printed designs as well. Although Gove and Allen studios produced the majority of gem tintypes in Australia, other studios offered them including: - London, American & Sydney Photo Company, 328 George St, Sydney; - David Edelsten, 55 & 57 Bourke St, Melbourne; - Burman's Portrait Rooms, St. George's Hall, 209 Bourke St, Melbourne; - Bell's Gem Portrait Studio, 57 Bourke St East, Melbourne; - R. H. Kenny, Bridge St, Ballarat; - Marinus W. Bent, Sandhurst (Bendigo); - George Fisher, Victoria; - Anson Brothers, Hobart Town. (Abridged information from .2) A tintype portrait of two girls heads, attached to a card. The girls are wearing a cloak with a large bow at the frontlittle gem, women, children, photography, tintype -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Little Gem tintype, Portrait of a Man
The tintype (or ferrotype or Melainotype) was produced on metallic sheet (not, actually, tin) instead of glass. The plate was coated with collodion and sensitized just before use. It was introduced by Adolphe Alexandre Martin in 1853. The most common size was about the same as the carte-de-visite, 5.5cm x 9.0cm, but both larger and smaller ferrotypes were made. The smallest were "Little Gem" tintypes, about the size of a postage-stamp, made simultaneously on a single plate in a camera with 12 or 16 lenses. They were often produced by travelling photographers, and were cheaper than Ambrotypes so made photography available to working classes, not just to the more well-to-do. The print would come out laterally reversed (as one sees oneself in a mirror). Being quite rugged, tintypes could be sent by post. Tintypes were eventually superseded by gelatin emulsion dry plates in the 1880s, though street photographers in various parts of the world continued with this process until the 1950s. (Above information abridged from The firm of Gove and Allen opened in Sydney in 1880 and were responsible for the belated popularizing of the gem tintype in Australia. The firm traded as both The American Gem Studio and The American Studio. Others franchises were opened in Melbourne, Ballarat and Sandhurst (Bendigo). The Sandhurst branch closed in 1882 and Adelaide in 1884. All Gove and Allen studios had ceased trading by 1885. The studio addresses were: 23 King William St, Adelaide; 324 George St, Sydney; 95 Swanston St, Melbourne; Howard Place, Sandhurst; 7 Queen St, Brisbane; The card mounts used in Gove and Allen studios in Australia are identical to those used in America. They were initially made of plain white card with embossing around the oval image opening in the mount while some also had simple geometric and floral printed designs as well. Although Gove and Allen studios produced the majority of gem tintypes in Australia, other studios offered them including: - London, American & Sydney Photo Company, 328 George St, Sydney; - David Edelsten, 55 & 57 Bourke St, Melbourne; - Burman's Portrait Rooms, St. George's Hall, 209 Bourke St, Melbourne; - Bell's Gem Portrait Studio, 57 Bourke St East, Melbourne; - R. H. Kenny, Bridge St, Ballarat; - Marinus W. Bent, Sandhurst (Bendigo); - George Fisher, Victoria; - Anson Brothers, Hobart Town. (Abridged information from .4) A tintype portrait of a man, attached to a card. little gem, tintype, man, unidentified man -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Little Gem tintype, Possibly American Studio, Portrait of a child
The tintype (or ferrotype or Melainotype) was produced on metallic sheet (not, actually, tin) instead of glass. The plate was coated with collodion and sensitized just before use. It was introduced by Adolphe Alexandre Martin in 1853. The most common size was about the same as the carte-de-visite, 5.5cm x 9.0cm, but both larger and smaller ferrotypes were made. The smallest were "Little Gem" tintypes, about the size of a postage-stamp, made simultaneously on a single plate in a camera with 12 or 16 lenses. They were often produced by travelling photographers, and were cheaper than Ambrotypes so made photography available to working classes, not just to the more well-to-do. The print would come out laterally reversed (as one sees oneself in a mirror). Being quite rugged, tintypes could be sent by post. Tintypes were eventually superseded by gelatin emulsion dry plates in the 1880s, though street photographers in various parts of the world continued with this process until the 1950s. (Above information abridged from The firm of Gove and Allen opened in Sydney in 1880 and were responsible for the belated popularizing of the gem tintype in Australia. The firm traded as both The American Gem Studio and The American Studio. Others franchises were opened in Melbourne, Ballarat and Sandhurst (Bendigo). The Sandhurst branch closed in 1882 and Adelaide in 1884. All Gove and Allen studios had ceased trading by 1885. The studio addresses were: 23 King William St, Adelaide; 324 George St, Sydney; 95 Swanston St, Melbourne; Howard Place, Sandhurst; 7 Queen St, Brisbane; The card mounts used in Gove and Allen studios in Australia are identical to those used in America. They were initially made of plain white card with embossing around the oval image opening in the mount while some also had simple geometric and floral printed designs as well. Although Gove and Allen studios produced the majority of gem tintypes in Australia, other studios offered them including: - London, American & Sydney Photo Company, 328 George St, Sydney; - David Edelsten, 55 & 57 Bourke St, Melbourne; - Burman's Portrait Rooms, St. George's Hall, 209 Bourke St, Melbourne; - Bell's Gem Portrait Studio, 57 Bourke St East, Melbourne; - R. H. Kenny, Bridge St, Ballarat; - Marinus W. Bent, Sandhurst (Bendigo); - George Fisher, Victoria; - Anson Brothers, Hobart Town. (Abridged information from A tintype portrait of a child, attached to a card. little gem, child, hat -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Little Gem tintype, American Studio, Portrait of a Woman
The tintype (or ferrotype or Melainotype) was produced on metallic sheet (not, actually, tin) instead of glass. The plate was coated with collodion and sensitized just before use. It was introduced by Adolphe Alexandre Martin in 1853. The most common size was about the same as the carte-de-visite, 5.5cm x 9.0cm, but both larger and smaller ferrotypes were made. The smallest were "Little Gem" tintypes, about the size of a postage-stamp, made simultaneously on a single plate in a camera with 12 or 16 lenses. They were often produced by travelling photographers, and were cheaper than Ambrotypes so made photography available to working classes, not just to the more well-to-do. The print would come out laterally reversed (as one sees oneself in a mirror). Being quite rugged, tintypes could be sent by post. Tintypes were eventually superseded by gelatin emulsion dry plates in the 1880s, though street photographers in various parts of the world continued with this process until the 1950s. (Above information abridged from The firm of Gove and Allen opened in Sydney in 1880 and were responsible for the belated popularizing of the gem tintype in Australia. The firm traded as both The American Gem Studio and The American Studio. Others franchises were opened in Melbourne, 6 Sturt St Ballarat and Sandhurst (Bendigo). The Sandhurst branch closed in 1882 and Adelaide in 1884. All Gove and Allen studios had ceased trading by 1885. The studio addresses were: 23 King William St, Adelaide; 324 George St, Sydney; 95 Swanston St, Melbourne; Howard Place, Sandhurst; 7 Queen St, Brisbane; The card mounts used in Gove and Allen studios in Australia are identical to those used in America. They were initially made of plain white card with embossing around the oval image opening in the mount while some also had simple geometric and floral printed designs as well. Although Gove and Allen studios produced the majority of gem tintypes in Australia, other studios offered them including: - London, American & Sydney Photo Company, 328 George St, Sydney; - David Edelsten, 55 & 57 Bourke St, Melbourne; - Burman's Portrait Rooms, St. George's Hall, 209 Bourke St, Melbourne; - Bell's Gem Portrait Studio, 57 Bourke St East, Melbourne; - R. H. Kenny, Bridge St, Ballarat; - Marinus W. Bent, Sandhurst (Bendigo); - George Fisher, Victoria; - Anson Brothers, Hobart Town. (Abridged information from A tintype portrait of a woman's head, attached to a card. Printed on the lower edge of the card "Allen & Gove, American Studion, 6 Sturt St, Ballarat"ballarat, american studio, little gem, allen gove, tintype, woman, unidentified woman, photography -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Little Gem tintype, Portrait of a Woman in a hat
The tintype (or ferrotype or Melainotype) was produced on metallic sheet (not, actually, tin) instead of glass. The plate was coated with collodion and sensitized just before use. It was introduced by Adolphe Alexandre Martin in 1853. The most common size was about the same as the carte-de-visite, 5.5cm x 9.0cm, but both larger and smaller ferrotypes were made. The smallest were "Little Gem" tintypes, about the size of a postage-stamp, made simultaneously on a single plate in a camera with 12 or 16 lenses. They were often produced by travelling photographers, and were cheaper than Ambrotypes so made photography available to working classes, not just to the more well-to-do. The print would come out laterally reversed (as one sees oneself in a mirror). Being quite rugged, tintypes could be sent by post. Tintypes were eventually superseded by gelatin emulsion dry plates in the 1880s, though street photographers in various parts of the world continued with this process until the 1950s. (Above information abridged from The firm of Gove and Allen opened in Sydney in 1880 and were responsible for the belated popularizing of the gem tintype in Australia. The firm traded as both The American Gem Studio and The American Studio. Others franchises were opened in Melbourne, Ballarat and Sandhurst (Bendigo). The Sandhurst branch closed in 1882 and Adelaide in 1884. All Gove and Allen studios had ceased trading by 1885. The studio addresses were: 23 King William St, Adelaide; 324 George St, Sydney; 95 Swanston St, Melbourne; Howard Place, Sandhurst; 7 Queen St, Brisbane; The card mounts used in Gove and Allen studios in Australia are identical to those used in America. They were initially made of plain white card with embossing around the oval image opening in the mount while some also had simple geometric and floral printed designs as well. Although Gove and Allen studios produced the majority of gem tintypes in Australia, other studios offered them including: - London, American & Sydney Photo Company, 328 George St, Sydney; - David Edelsten, 55 & 57 Bourke St, Melbourne; - Burman's Portrait Rooms, St. George's Hall, 209 Bourke St, Melbourne; - Bell's Gem Portrait Studio, 57 Bourke St East, Melbourne; - R. H. Kenny, Bridge St, 6 Sturt St Ballarat; - Marinus W. Bent, Sandhurst (Bendigo); - George Fisher, Victoria; - Anson Brothers, Hobart Town. (Abridged information from .9) A tintype portrait of a woman's head, attached to a card. The cheeks have been hand coloured.little gem, woman, unidentified woman, women, photography -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Little Gem tintype, Possibly American Studio, Portrait of a Boy
The tintype (or ferrotype or Melainotype) was produced on metallic sheet (not, actually, tin) instead of glass. The plate was coated with collodion and sensitized just before use. It was introduced by Adolphe Alexandre Martin in 1853. The most common size was about the same as the carte-de-visite, 5.5cm x 9.0cm, but both larger and smaller ferrotypes were made. The smallest were "Little Gem" tintypes, about the size of a postage-stamp, made simultaneously on a single plate in a camera with 12 or 16 lenses. They were often produced by travelling photographers, and were cheaper than Ambrotypes so made photography available to working classes, not just to the more well-to-do. The print would come out laterally reversed (as one sees oneself in a mirror). Being quite rugged, tintypes could be sent by post. Tintypes were eventually superseded by gelatin emulsion dry plates in the 1880s, though street photographers in various parts of the world continued with this process until the 1950s. (Above information abridged from The firm of Gove and Allen opened in Sydney in 1880 and were responsible for the belated popularizing of the gem tintype in Australia. The firm traded as both The American Gem Studio and The American Studio. Others franchises were opened in Melbourne, Ballarat and Sandhurst (Bendigo). The Sandhurst branch closed in 1882 and Adelaide in 1884. All Gove and Allen studios had ceased trading by 1885. The studio addresses were: 23 King William St, Adelaide; 324 George St, Sydney; 95 Swanston St, Melbourne; Howard Place, Sandhurst; 7 Queen St, Brisbane; The card mounts used in Gove and Allen studios in Australia are identical to those used in America. They were initially made of plain white card with embossing around the oval image opening in the mount while some also had simple geometric and floral printed designs as well. Although Gove and Allen studios produced the majority of gem tintypes in Australia, other studios offered them including: - London, American & Sydney Photo Company, 328 George St, Sydney; - David Edelsten, 55 & 57 Bourke St, Melbourne; - Burman's Portrait Rooms, St. George's Hall, 209 Bourke St, Melbourne; - Bell's Gem Portrait Studio, 57 Bourke St East, Melbourne; - R. H. Kenny, Bridge St, 6 Sturt St Ballarat; - Marinus W. Bent, Sandhurst (Bendigo); - George Fisher, Victoria; - Anson Brothers, Hobart Town. (Abridged information from .9) A tintype portrait of a child's head and torso, attached to a card. The boy is wearing a suit and the cheeks have been hand coloured.little gem -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Little Gem tintype, Portrait of a Woman in a Hat
The tintype (or ferrotype or Melainotype) was produced on metallic sheet (not, actually, tin) instead of glass. The plate was coated with collodion and sensitized just before use. It was introduced by Adolphe Alexandre Martin in 1853. The most common size was about the same as the carte-de-visite, 5.5cm x 9.0cm, but both larger and smaller ferrotypes were made. The smallest were "Little Gem" tintypes, about the size of a postage-stamp, made simultaneously on a single plate in a camera with 12 or 16 lenses. They were often produced by travelling photographers, and were cheaper than Ambrotypes so made photography available to working classes, not just to the more well-to-do. The print would come out laterally reversed (as one sees oneself in a mirror). Being quite rugged, tintypes could be sent by post. Tintypes were eventually superseded by gelatin emulsion dry plates in the 1880s, though street photographers in various parts of the world continued with this process until the 1950s. (Above information abridged from The firm of Gove and Allen opened in Sydney in 1880 and were responsible for the belated popularizing of the gem tintype in Australia. The firm traded as both The American Gem Studio and The American Studio. Others franchises were opened in Melbourne, Ballarat and Sandhurst (Bendigo). The Sandhurst branch closed in 1882 and Adelaide in 1884. All Gove and Allen studios had ceased trading by 1885. The studio addresses were: 23 King William St, Adelaide; 324 George St, Sydney; 95 Swanston St, Melbourne; Howard Place, Sandhurst; 7 Queen St, Brisbane; The card mounts used in Gove and Allen studios in Australia are identical to those used in America. They were initially made of plain white card with embossing around the oval image opening in the mount while some also had simple geometric and floral printed designs as well. Although Gove and Allen studios produced the majority of gem tintypes in Australia, other studios offered them including: - London, American & Sydney Photo Company, 328 George St, Sydney; - David Edelsten, 55 & 57 Bourke St, Melbourne; - Burman's Portrait Rooms, St. George's Hall, 209 Bourke St, Melbourne; - Bell's Gem Portrait Studio, 57 Bourke St East, Melbourne; - R. H. Kenny, Bridge St, 6 Sturt St Ballarat; - Marinus W. Bent, Sandhurst (Bendigo); - George Fisher, Victoria; - Anson Brothers, Hobart Town. (Abridged information from A tintype portrait of a woman's head and shoulders, attached to a card. The cheeks have been hand coloured.little gem, woman, unidentified woman, women, photography -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photo - Little Gem tintype, Possibly American Studio, Portrait of a child
The tintype (or ferrotype or Melainotype) was produced on metallic sheet (not, actually, tin) instead of glass. The plate was coated with collodion and sensitized just before use. It was introduced by Adolphe Alexandre Martin in 1853. The most common size was about the same as the carte-de-visite, 5.5cm x 9.0cm, but both larger and smaller ferrotypes were made. The smallest were "Little Gem" tintypes, about the size of a postage-stamp, made simultaneously on a single plate in a camera with 12 or 16 lenses. They were often produced by travelling photographers, and were cheaper than Ambrotypes so made photography available to working classes, not just to the more well-to-do. The print would come out laterally reversed (as one sees oneself in a mirror). Being quite rugged, tintypes could be sent by post. Tintypes were eventually superseded by gelatin emulsion dry plates in the 1880s, though street photographers in various parts of the world continued with this process until the 1950s. (Above information abridged from The firm of Gove and Allen opened in Sydney in 1880 and were responsible for the belated popularizing of the gem tintype in Australia. The firm traded as both The American Gem Studio and The American Studio. Others franchises were opened in Melbourne, Ballarat and Sandhurst (Bendigo). The Sandhurst branch closed in 1882 and Adelaide in 1884. All Gove and Allen studios had ceased trading by 1885. The studio addresses were: 23 King William St, Adelaide; 324 George St, Sydney; 95 Swanston St, Melbourne; Howard Place, Sandhurst; 7 Queen St, Brisbane; The card mounts used in Gove and Allen studios in Australia are identical to those used in America. They were initially made of plain white card with embossing around the oval image opening in the mount while some also had simple geometric and floral printed designs as well. Although Gove and Allen studios produced the majority of gem tintypes in Australia, other studios offered them including: - London, American & Sydney Photo Company, 328 George St, Sydney; - David Edelsten, 55 & 57 Bourke St, Melbourne; - Burman's Portrait Rooms, St. George's Hall, 209 Bourke St, Melbourne; - Bell's Gem Portrait Studio, 57 Bourke St East, Melbourne; - R. H. Kenny, Bridge St, Ballarat; - Marinus W. Bent, Sandhurst (Bendigo); - George Fisher, Victoria; - Anson Brothers, Hobart Town. (Abridged information from .5) A tintype portrait of a child, attached to a card. little gem, photography, child, portrait -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document - Booklet, Blue & Gold - Ringwood Cricket Club Through the Years
Scanned, searchable PDF of photocopy version. 49 pages. Provided by Peter Vergers (junior) through Neville Burns.Not sure of author - either David Penny or Peter Alford, as per inscriptions on the document. Covering the years from 1901 to 1980. Also partially on RCC website -|37459h. Note that the last paragraph of page 44 should read, "While the 4th Eleven Pennant was intended to close up this brief history, we cannot possibly finish without the tremendous news that in 1979/80, the fourths again got into the Final again led by Jim Myerscough and again won. They were set 295 runs to win and finished with 9/296. Plenty of heart attack and blood pressure material there! The star performer was Stephen Crump who made 138. While he would be the last to agree there is little doubt that the "Myerscough" guidance and skill played a major part in the victory and history will show that many of these lads gained enormously from Jim’s guidance and would go on to outstanding individual successes with the club." Also note that much of the Ringwood history seems to have been copied from the "Place of Many Eagles" book. Some further research on Trove has revealed that a Ringwood team was playing in 1886. -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Equipment - Gauze & Box, Early - Mid 20th Century
When used as a medical dressing, woven gauze is usually made of cotton. It is especially useful for dressing wounds where other fabrics might stick to the burn or laceration. Many modern medical gauzes are covered with a perforated plastic film such as Telfa or a polyblend which prevents direct contact and further minimizes wound adhesion. Also, it can be impregnated with a thick, creamy mixture of zinc oxide and calamine to promote healing, as in Unna's boot. (An Unna’s boot is a special gauze (usually 4 inches wide and 10 yards long) bandage, which can be used for the treatment of venous stasis ulcers and other venous insufficiencies of the leg. It can also be used as a supportive bandage for sprains and strains of the foot, ankle and lower leg. The gauze is impregnated with a thick, creamy mixture of zinc oxide and calamine to promote healing. It may also contain acacia, glycerin, castor oil and white petrolatum.) Gauze is also used during procedures involving accidental tooth loss; either the gauze is used to provide pressure as the tooth is moved back into its corresponding socket, or the tooth is wrapped in gauze and placed in milk or saline to keep it alive while the tooth is being transported or prepared for reinsertion. to emergency medical help in early settlement days of Victoria could take quite some time, especially in remote areas. From 1888 First Aid Kits and instructions became available for work sites, offices, community groups and individuals, helping to bridge the gap between the accident and the arrival of medical assistance. Gauze was widely used in many medical conditions.Gauze and maroon box with sliding top, purple bandage (gauze) inside. Gold rim top and bottom. None.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, first aid bandages, dressings, medical -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Equipment - Gauze & Box, Flexlock Products, Early - Mid 20th Century
When used as a medical dressing, woven gauze is usually made of cotton. It is especially useful for dressing wounds where other fabrics might stick to the burn or laceration. Many modern medical gauzes are covered with a perforated plastic film such as Telfa or a polyblend which prevents direct contact and further minimizes wound adhesion. Also, it can be impregnated with a thick, creamy mixture of zinc oxide and calamine to promote healing, as in Unna's boot. (An Unna’s boot is a special gauze (usually 4 inches wide and 10 yards long) bandage, which can be used for the treatment of venous stasis ulcers and other venous insufficiencies of the leg. It can also be used as a supportive bandage for sprains and strains of the foot, ankle and lower leg. The gauze is impregnated with a thick, creamy mixture of zinc oxide and calamine to promote healing. It may also contain acacia, glycerin, castor oil and white petrolatum.) Gauze is also used during procedures involving accidental tooth loss; either the gauze is used to provide pressure as the tooth is moved back into its corresponding socket, or the tooth is wrapped in gauze and placed in milk or saline to keep it alive while the tooth is being transported or prepared for reinsertion. to emergency medical help in early settlement days of Victoria could take quite some time, especially in remote areas. From 1888 First Aid Kits and instructions became available for work sites, offices, community groups and individuals, helping to bridge the gap between the accident and the arrival of medical assistance. Gauze was widely used in many medical conditions.Gauze and box entitled "MASTISAC?. The Combination Bandage" Bandage is complete with instructions for use inside.Mastisac ‘The combination Bandage. A convenient and effective FIRST AID. Prepared and distributed by Flexlock products, 15 Mills Street, Albert Parkflagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, first aid, bandages, dressings, medical -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, W.J. Burman, Eva Carmichael, sole surviving passenger of the wreck of the Loch Ard, 1878
Special Carte-de-Visite produced by W. Burman, July 3,1878 featuring the sole surviving passenger of the wreck of the ship, Loch Ard near Mutton Bird Island on the Shipwreck Coast of Victoria on June 1st, 1878. THE PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. (1878, October 12). The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved December 4, 2022, from According to Sands & McDougall Melbourne Directory, Burman's were operating from 209 Bourke St. East and St George's Hall (73 Bourke St. East) from 1879-1885 Back of photo is overtsamped "Registered Copyright by W. Burman, July 3rd 1878" CARTE-DE-VISITE (cdv) 1857-1890 Cartes-de-visite (cdv's) are the most common form of photograph from the nineteenth century, generally measuring two and a half inches by four and an eighth inches (6.3 x 10.5 cm) when mounted, sepia toned, mounted on a card which was generally printed with the photographer's name and address on the back or beneath the portrait. - Frost, Lenore; Dating Family Photos 1850-1920; Valiant Press Pty. Ltd., Berwick, Victoria 1991marg ball collection, 1878, 1878-1885, burman's photographer 209 bourke st east and st georges hall melbourne, shillinglaw family photo album 2, eva carmichael, loch ard (ship) -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Black and White Print, Lewis Tulk, Stage IV Scout Leader Training course, Gillwell Park, Gembrook, Vic, c.1960
With Alistair Clark Gilwell Park is a campsite and outdoor recreation area located in Gembrook, Victoria, Australia. It is primarily used by the scouting community as a training and camping facility. The site is owned and operated by Scouts Victoria, and is one of the largest and most popular campsites in the state. It covers over 95 hectares of natural bushland, and features a range of facilities including campsites, activity areas, a dining hall, and accommodation options. Gilwell Park has a long history within the scouting movement, and is named after the original Gilwell Park located in Epping Forest, England. The English site is considered the spiritual home of scouting, and was where the first Wood Badge training course was held in 1919. Today, Gilwell Park at Gembrook offers a range of training courses and programs for scouts, leaders, and other community groups. It is also a popular destination for school camps, corporate team-building events, and outdoor enthusiasts looking to explore the natural beauty of the region. [Source: ChatGPT Open AI - Gilwell Park in Australia.. (2023, March 23). Retrieved from] Donated by Lewis Tulk, former Scout Area Training Commisioner for Leaders. Lewis did his training at Gillwell Park in London.On reverse of print, stamped with film no. 6927scouts victoria, gillwell park, gembrook, scout leader training, lewis tulk collection -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Black and White Print, Lewis Tulk, Stage IV Scout Leader Training course, Gillwell Park, Gembrook, Vic, c.1960
Gilwell Park is a campsite and outdoor recreation area located in Gembrook, Victoria, Australia. It is primarily used by the scouting community as a training and camping facility. The site is owned and operated by Scouts Victoria, and is one of the largest and most popular campsites in the state. It covers over 95 hectares of natural bushland, and features a range of facilities including campsites, activity areas, a dining hall, and accommodation options. Gilwell Park has a long history within the scouting movement, and is named after the original Gilwell Park located in Epping Forest, England. The English site is considered the spiritual home of scouting, and was where the first Wood Badge training course was held in 1919. Today, Gilwell Park at Gembrook offers a range of training courses and programs for scouts, leaders, and other community groups. It is also a popular destination for school camps, corporate team-building events, and outdoor enthusiasts looking to explore the natural beauty of the region. [Source: ChatGPT Open AI - Gilwell Park in Australia.. (2023, March 23). Retrieved from] Donated by Lewis Tulk, former Scout Area Training Commisioner for Leaders. Lewis did his training at Gillwell Park in London.On reverse of print, stamped with film no. 6927scouts victoria, gillwell park, gembrook, scout leader training, lewis tulk collection -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Black and White Print, Lewis Tulk, Stage IV Scout Leader Training course, Gillwell Park, Gembrook, Vic, c.1960
Gilwell Park is a campsite and outdoor recreation area located in Gembrook, Victoria, Australia. It is primarily used by the scouting community as a training and camping facility. The site is owned and operated by Scouts Victoria, and is one of the largest and most popular campsites in the state. It covers over 95 hectares of natural bushland, and features a range of facilities including campsites, activity areas, a dining hall, and accommodation options. Gilwell Park has a long history within the scouting movement, and is named after the original Gilwell Park located in Epping Forest, England. The English site is considered the spiritual home of scouting, and was where the first Wood Badge training course was held in 1919. Today, Gilwell Park at Gembrook offers a range of training courses and programs for scouts, leaders, and other community groups. It is also a popular destination for school camps, corporate team-building events, and outdoor enthusiasts looking to explore the natural beauty of the region. [Source: ChatGPT Open AI - Gilwell Park in Australia.. (2023, March 23). Retrieved from] Donated by Lewis Tulk, former Scout Area Training Commisioner for Leaders. Lewis did his training at Gillwell Park in London.On reverse of print, stamped with film no. 6927scouts victoria, gillwell park, gembrook, scout leader training, lewis tulk collection -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Black and White Print, Lewis Tulk, Stage IV Scout Leader Training course, Gillwell Park, Gembrook, Vic, c.1960
Gilwell Park is a campsite and outdoor recreation area located in Gembrook, Victoria, Australia. It is primarily used by the scouting community as a training and camping facility. The site is owned and operated by Scouts Victoria, and is one of the largest and most popular campsites in the state. It covers over 95 hectares of natural bushland, and features a range of facilities including campsites, activity areas, a dining hall, and accommodation options. Lewis Tulk centre front Gilwell Park has a long history within the scouting movement, and is named after the original Gilwell Park located in Epping Forest, England. The English site is considered the spiritual home of scouting, and was where the first Wood Badge training course was held in 1919. Today, Gilwell Park at Gembrook offers a range of training courses and programs for scouts, leaders, and other community groups. It is also a popular destination for school camps, corporate team-building events, and outdoor enthusiasts looking to explore the natural beauty of the region. [Source: ChatGPT Open AI - Gilwell Park in Australia.. (2023, March 23). Retrieved from] Donated by Lewis Tulk, former Scout Area Training Commisioner for Leaders. Lewis did his training at Gillwell Park in London.On reverse of print, stamped with film no. 6927scouts victoria, gillwell park, gembrook, scout leader training, lewis tulk collection -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Black and White Print, Lewis Tulk, Original Training Hut, Gillwell Park, Gembrook, Vic, c.1960
Gilwell Park is a campsite and outdoor recreation area located in Gembrook, Victoria, Australia. It is primarily used by the scouting community as a training and camping facility. The site is owned and operated by Scouts Victoria, and is one of the largest and most popular campsites in the state. It covers over 95 hectares of natural bushland, and features a range of facilities including campsites, activity areas, a dining hall, and accommodation options. Gilwell Park has a long history within the scouting movement, and is named after the original Gilwell Park located in Epping Forest, England. The English site is considered the spiritual home of scouting, and was where the first Wood Badge training course was held in 1919. Today, Gilwell Park at Gembrook offers a range of training courses and programs for scouts, leaders, and other community groups. It is also a popular destination for school camps, corporate team-building events, and outdoor enthusiasts looking to explore the natural beauty of the region. [Source: ChatGPT Open AI - Gilwell Park in Australia.. (2023, March 23). Retrieved from] Donated by Lewis Tulk, former Scout Area Training Commisioner for Leaders. Lewis did his training at Gillwell Park in London.On reverse of print, stamped with film no. 6927scouts victoria, gillwell park, gembrook, scout leader training, lewis tulk collection -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Black and White Print, Lewis Tulk, Stage IV Scout Leader Training course, Gillwell Park, Gembrook, Vic, c.1960
Gilwell Park is a campsite and outdoor recreation area located in Gembrook, Victoria, Australia. It is primarily used by the scouting community as a training and camping facility. The site is owned and operated by Scouts Victoria, and is one of the largest and most popular campsites in the state. It covers over 95 hectares of natural bushland, and features a range of facilities including campsites, activity areas, a dining hall, and accommodation options. Gilwell Park has a long history within the scouting movement, and is named after the original Gilwell Park located in Epping Forest, England. The English site is considered the spiritual home of scouting, and was where the first Wood Badge training course was held in 1919. Today, Gilwell Park at Gembrook offers a range of training courses and programs for scouts, leaders, and other community groups. It is also a popular destination for school camps, corporate team-building events, and outdoor enthusiasts looking to explore the natural beauty of the region. [Source: ChatGPT Open AI - Gilwell Park in Australia.. (2023, March 23). Retrieved from] Donated by Lewis Tulk, former Scout Area Training Commisioner for Leaders. Lewis did his training at Gillwell Park in London.On reverse of print, stamped with film no. 6927scouts victoria, gillwell park, gembrook, scout leader training, lewis tulk collection -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Black and White Print, Lewis Tulk, Stage IV Scout Leader Training course, Gillwell Park, Gembrook, Vic, c.1960
Gilwell Park is a campsite and outdoor recreation area located in Gembrook, Victoria, Australia. It is primarily used by the scouting community as a training and camping facility. The site is owned and operated by Scouts Victoria, and is one of the largest and most popular campsites in the state. It covers over 95 hectares of natural bushland, and features a range of facilities including campsites, activity areas, a dining hall, and accommodation options. Gilwell Park has a long history within the scouting movement, and is named after the original Gilwell Park located in Epping Forest, England. The English site is considered the spiritual home of scouting, and was where the first Wood Badge training course was held in 1919. Today, Gilwell Park at Gembrook offers a range of training courses and programs for scouts, leaders, and other community groups. It is also a popular destination for school camps, corporate team-building events, and outdoor enthusiasts looking to explore the natural beauty of the region. [Source: ChatGPT Open AI - Gilwell Park in Australia.. (2023, March 23). Retrieved from] Donated by Lewis Tulk, former Scout Area Training Commisioner for Leaders. Lewis did his training at Gillwell Park in London.On reverse of print, stamped with film no. 6927scouts victoria, gillwell park, gembrook, scout leader training, lewis tulk collection -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Black and White Print, Lewis Tulk, Stage IV Scout Leader Training course, Gillwell Park, Gembrook, Vic, c.1960
Avenue of trees leading up to Chapel Gilwell Park is a campsite and outdoor recreation area located in Gembrook, Victoria, Australia. It is primarily used by the scouting community as a training and camping facility. The site is owned and operated by Scouts Victoria, and is one of the largest and most popular campsites in the state. It covers over 95 hectares of natural bushland, and features a range of facilities including campsites, activity areas, a dining hall, and accommodation options. Gilwell Park has a long history within the scouting movement, and is named after the original Gilwell Park located in Epping Forest, England. The English site is considered the spiritual home of scouting, and was where the first Wood Badge training course was held in 1919. Today, Gilwell Park at Gembrook offers a range of training courses and programs for scouts, leaders, and other community groups. It is also a popular destination for school camps, corporate team-building events, and outdoor enthusiasts looking to explore the natural beauty of the region. [Source: ChatGPT Open AI - Gilwell Park in Australia.. (2023, March 23). Retrieved from] Donated by Lewis Tulk, former Scout Area Training Commisioner for Leaders. Lewis did his training at Gillwell Park in London.On reverse of print, stamped with film no. 6927scouts victoria, gillwell park, gembrook, scout leader training, lewis tulk collection -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Black and White Print, Lewis Tulk, Stage IV Scout Leader Training course, Gillwell Park, Gembrook, Vic, c.1960
Water activies at dam on site Gilwell Park is a campsite and outdoor recreation area located in Gembrook, Victoria, Australia. It is primarily used by the scouting community as a training and camping facility. The site is owned and operated by Scouts Victoria, and is one of the largest and most popular campsites in the state. It covers over 95 hectares of natural bushland, and features a range of facilities including campsites, activity areas, a dining hall, and accommodation options. Gilwell Park has a long history within the scouting movement, and is named after the original Gilwell Park located in Epping Forest, England. The English site is considered the spiritual home of scouting, and was where the first Wood Badge training course was held in 1919. Today, Gilwell Park at Gembrook offers a range of training courses and programs for scouts, leaders, and other community groups. It is also a popular destination for school camps, corporate team-building events, and outdoor enthusiasts looking to explore the natural beauty of the region. [Source: ChatGPT Open AI - Gilwell Park in Australia.. (2023, March 23). Retrieved from] Donated by Lewis Tulk, former Scout Area Training Commisioner for Leaders. Lewis did his training at Gillwell Park in London.On reverse of print, stamped with film no. 6927scouts victoria, gillwell park, gembrook, scout leader training, lewis tulk collection -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Black and White Print, Lewis Tulk, Stage IV Scout Leader Training course, Gillwell Park, Gembrook, Vic, c.1960
Water activies at dam on site Gilwell Park is a campsite and outdoor recreation area located in Gembrook, Victoria, Australia. It is primarily used by the scouting community as a training and camping facility. The site is owned and operated by Scouts Victoria, and is one of the largest and most popular campsites in the state. It covers over 95 hectares of natural bushland, and features a range of facilities including campsites, activity areas, a dining hall, and accommodation options. Gilwell Park has a long history within the scouting movement, and is named after the original Gilwell Park located in Epping Forest, England. The English site is considered the spiritual home of scouting, and was where the first Wood Badge training course was held in 1919. Today, Gilwell Park at Gembrook offers a range of training courses and programs for scouts, leaders, and other community groups. It is also a popular destination for school camps, corporate team-building events, and outdoor enthusiasts looking to explore the natural beauty of the region. [Source: ChatGPT Open AI - Gilwell Park in Australia.. (2023, March 23). Retrieved from] Donated by Lewis Tulk, former Scout Area Training Commisioner for Leaders. Lewis did his training at Gillwell Park in London.On reverse of print, stamped with film no. 6927scouts victoria, gillwell park, gembrook, scout leader training, lewis tulk collection -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Black and White Print, Lewis Tulk, Stage IV Scout Leader Training course, Gillwell Park, Gembrook, Vic, c.1960
Water activies at dam on site Gilwell Park is a campsite and outdoor recreation area located in Gembrook, Victoria, Australia. It is primarily used by the scouting community as a training and camping facility. The site is owned and operated by Scouts Victoria, and is one of the largest and most popular campsites in the state. It covers over 95 hectares of natural bushland, and features a range of facilities including campsites, activity areas, a dining hall, and accommodation options. Gilwell Park has a long history within the scouting movement, and is named after the original Gilwell Park located in Epping Forest, England. The English site is considered the spiritual home of scouting, and was where the first Wood Badge training course was held in 1919. Today, Gilwell Park at Gembrook offers a range of training courses and programs for scouts, leaders, and other community groups. It is also a popular destination for school camps, corporate team-building events, and outdoor enthusiasts looking to explore the natural beauty of the region. [Source: ChatGPT Open AI - Gilwell Park in Australia.. (2023, March 23). Retrieved from] Donated by Lewis Tulk, former Scout Area Training Commisioner for Leaders. Lewis did his training at Gillwell Park in London.On reverse of print, stamped with film no. 6927scouts victoria, gillwell park, gembrook, scout leader training, lewis tulk collection -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Black and White Print, Lewis Tulk, Stage IV Scout Leader Training course, Gillwell Park, Gembrook, Vic, c.1960
Water activies at dam on site Gilwell Park is a campsite and outdoor recreation area located in Gembrook, Victoria, Australia. It is primarily used by the scouting community as a training and camping facility. The site is owned and operated by Scouts Victoria, and is one of the largest and most popular campsites in the state. It covers over 95 hectares of natural bushland, and features a range of facilities including campsites, activity areas, a dining hall, and accommodation options. Gilwell Park has a long history within the scouting movement, and is named after the original Gilwell Park located in Epping Forest, England. The English site is considered the spiritual home of scouting, and was where the first Wood Badge training course was held in 1919. Today, Gilwell Park at Gembrook offers a range of training courses and programs for scouts, leaders, and other community groups. It is also a popular destination for school camps, corporate team-building events, and outdoor enthusiasts looking to explore the natural beauty of the region. [Source: ChatGPT Open AI - Gilwell Park in Australia.. (2023, March 23). Retrieved from] Donated by Lewis Tulk, former Scout Area Training Commisioner for Leaders. Lewis did his training at Gillwell Park in London.On reverse of print, stamped with film no. 6927scouts victoria, gillwell park, gembrook, scout leader training, lewis tulk collection -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Black and White Print, Lewis Tulk, Stage IV Scout Leader Training course, Gillwell Park, Gembrook, Vic, c.1960
Water activies at dam on site Gilwell Park is a campsite and outdoor recreation area located in Gembrook, Victoria, Australia. It is primarily used by the scouting community as a training and camping facility. The site is owned and operated by Scouts Victoria, and is one of the largest and most popular campsites in the state. It covers over 95 hectares of natural bushland, and features a range of facilities including campsites, activity areas, a dining hall, and accommodation options. Gilwell Park has a long history within the scouting movement, and is named after the original Gilwell Park located in Epping Forest, England. The English site is considered the spiritual home of scouting, and was where the first Wood Badge training course was held in 1919. Today, Gilwell Park at Gembrook offers a range of training courses and programs for scouts, leaders, and other community groups. It is also a popular destination for school camps, corporate team-building events, and outdoor enthusiasts looking to explore the natural beauty of the region. [Source: ChatGPT Open AI - Gilwell Park in Australia.. (2023, March 23). Retrieved from] Donated by Lewis Tulk, former Scout Area Training Commisioner for Leaders. Lewis did his training at Gillwell Park in London.On reverse of print, stamped with film no. 6927scouts victoria, gillwell park, gembrook, scout leader training, lewis tulk collection