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matching lettering book
Mont De Lancey
Book, Elizabeth Weatherell et al, The Old Helmet, C1868
A religious story written by Elizabeth Wetherell aka Susan Warner, set in the English countryside in the late 1800'sBlue hardcover book, The Old Helmet by Catherine Shaw, with floral design on front cover and spine. Gold lettering with Coles Favourite Library stamped on front cover.fictionA religious story written by Elizabeth Wetherell aka Susan Warner, set in the English countryside in the late 1800'sfiction books, religion fiction -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Gordon & Gotch (Australasia), Ltd, The New Nature Book for Boys and Girls, Unknown
The book contains many facts about a range of animals and nature by various authors. It has coloured plates.A large hardcover children's non fiction book with an illustration on the front cover of a giraffe eating grass. The title is written in red and black lettering at the top. It has coloured plates inside.non-fictionThe book contains many facts about a range of animals and nature by various authors. It has coloured plates.children's books, non-fiction books, animals, nature -
Mont De Lancey
Book, T.S. Millington, A Great Mistake - a Story of Adventure, 1880
A novel from The Boy's Own Bookshelf No IV - a story of adventure of three boys who ran away from school, and later go to war and the siege of Paris.A blue cloth hardcover book, A Great Mistake by Rev. T.S. Millington, with a gold, red and brown illustration of a boy climbing into a hot air balloon basket already in flight and a city skyline in sunset at the bottom of the cover. The title and author are printed in gold and black lettering on the front. An illustration in gold and brown is on spine of a soldier and a woman holding hands. Black initials RTS for the publisher are at base of the spine. Numerous black and white illustrations are inside. On the middle of the back cover black leaves are printed on it.fictionA novel from The Boy's Own Bookshelf No IV - a story of adventure of three boys who ran away from school, and later go to war and the siege of Paris.children's books, adventure, war, friendship -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Annie Gray, Denny; or from Haven to Haven, 1883
A children's adventure story about a lost little boy and how he was saved. Religious influences throughout.Tan cloth covered hardcover book, Denny or From Haven to Haven, by Annie Gray, with gold and brown lettering for title and author's name. Green, brown and gold illustration of father holding oars, embracing daughter in a field in Scotland. Boat in background along with flowers and leaves as decoration. Spine has gold title, child, lines and leaves. Back cover has embossed design in middle. Gold on edges of all pages.,fictionA children's adventure story about a lost little boy and how he was saved. Religious influences throughout.fiction, adventure, religion, children's books -
Mont De Lancey
Book, National Temperance Publication Depot, The National Temperance Reader, C1885
Recitations, Readings, Dialogues &c. Original and selected. All teaching temperance or moderation in action, thought or feeling: restraint. Habitual moderation in or abstinence of alcohol, moderation in indulgence of appetites or passions.Green cloth covered hardcover book, The National Temperance Reader, with gold rectangle at top with title in green lettering. Picture in black on cover of a well in the countryside and inset at table in a dining room with gold chandelier. Back cover has initials NTPD for publisher - setting is a table and lamp.non-fictionRecitations, Readings, Dialogues &c. Original and selected. All teaching temperance or moderation in action, thought or feeling: restraint. Habitual moderation in or abstinence of alcohol, moderation in indulgence of appetites or passions.religion, poetry, plays, temperance, books, non fiction -
Mont De Lancey
Book, J.T. Collins, M. A., LLM.M, The Local Government Act 1903 with notes of amendments and index, 1903
A Local Government Act book with notes of amendments and index - also table showing showing how sections of consolidated acts have ben dealt with.Black cloth hardcover book, The Local Government Act 1903 with notes of amendments and index, with title pressed into front cover. Gold title and publisher lettering on spine.non-fictionA Local Government Act book with notes of amendments and index - also table showing showing how sections of consolidated acts have ben dealt with.books, local government acts, law -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Catherine Shaw et al, The Promised Land, 1928
A collection of Bible stories about The Promised Land retold by Catherine ShawHardcover children's religious instruction book, The Promised land, with picture of an Egyptian chariot race in biblical times with red lettering for title at top of illustration. Brown spine with black printed title, 6 crowns and publisher name. Black and white and coloured illustrations throughout.fictionA collection of Bible stories about The Promised Land retold by Catherine Shaw books, fiction, biblical stories, children's books -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Anna B Warner et al, Cross Corners, late 1800's
A late 18th Century novel with religious themes. The life of a young girl in the late 1800's and her family.Hardcover novel, Cross Corners by Anna B Werner with red cover and coloured illustration of a young girl seated on a chair reading with her dog at her side. Black lettering for title and author on cover and spine which also has a floral pattern and publisher listed.fictionA late 18th Century novel with religious themes. The life of a young girl in the late 1800's and her family.fiction, children's books, books, religion -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Annie S. Swan et al, Shadowed lives, 1903
A romance novel by Annie S. Swan.Blue hardcover fiction book, Shadowed Lives by Annie S Swan. Has white vertical stripes on front cover with gold lettering for title and author - same details plus publisher on spine. Indented floral pattern around title and author on front cover. Has a black and white illustration opposite the title page of a woman leaning out of a window.fictionA romance novel by Annie S. Swan.romance, teenage fiction, fiction, children's books -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Evelyn Everett-Green et al, Lenore Annandale's Story, C1880
A romance adventure story with morals for young people set in heroic times or picturesque locations - written by Evelyn Everett-Green.Green hardcover book - Lenore Annandale's story by Evelyn Everett-Green, with gold lettering for title on front cover and spine with author and publisher. Title is surrounded by indented gold ornate rectangular pattern. Black and white illustration opposite the title page of a woman, man and dog near a pond.fictionA romance adventure story with morals for young people set in heroic times or picturesque locations - written by Evelyn Everett-Green. adventure, romance, young people's fiction, fiction, morals -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Ruth Lynn et al, Penfold. A Story of the Flower Mission, C 1880
A Children's religious fiction book about a father whose daughter ran away with a young man and the troubles fraught by this as she bears a child and leaves it at a workhouse door.Blue hardcover book, Penfold. A Story of the Flower Mission, by Ruth Lynn. Has black floral design all over covers and spine, with gold lettering for title on front and spine. Black and white illustrations throughout. Black and white decorative illuminated style lettering is at the beginning of each chapter. Gold lettering for title on caver and spine.fictionA Children's religious fiction book about a father whose daughter ran away with a young man and the troubles fraught by this as she bears a child and leaves it at a workhouse door.children's fiction, religious fiction, family fiction -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Ruby M Ayres et al, The Princess Passes, Reprint 1932
A romance novel with a sweet storyline by Ruby M Ayres. Priscilla Marsh is in a bind, she needs money as her brother is in debt and she is looking after her invalid father. In love with one man she finds herself engaged to "new money" Jonathan Corbie whom she doesn't really love. A drama tears their carefully laid plans apart. Love prevails.Red cloth covered hardcover book, The Princess Passes, by Ruby M Ayres with black lettering of title, author and publisher on spine. Flower, lines and publisher initials embedded on front cover. fictionA romance novel with a sweet storyline by Ruby M Ayres. Priscilla Marsh is in a bind, she needs money as her brother is in debt and she is looking after her invalid father. In love with one man she finds herself engaged to "new money" Jonathan Corbie whom she doesn't really love. A drama tears their carefully laid plans apart. Love prevails.romance fiction, fiction -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Emma Leslie et al, The Lost Baby - a Story of a Flood, c1880
A schoolgirl story about friendship clashes. A baby is accidentally left in a washing basket and is washed away in a flood. All is resolved and the baby is reunited with the family. Strong religious theme.Brown small hardcover book with black leaf design and lines on front and back cover. Back cover also has the Publisher initials in a swirled design. Gold lettering of title: The Lost Baby - a Story of a Flood. Black and white illustrations throughout. Researched author as none listed on title page - Emma Leslie c. late 1800.fictionA schoolgirl story about friendship clashes. A baby is accidentally left in a washing basket and is washed away in a flood. All is resolved and the baby is reunited with the family. Strong religious theme.children's fiction, friendship, school, religion -
Mont De Lancey
Book, C. French et al, A Handbook of the Destructive Insects of Victoria, with notes on the methods to be adopted to check and extirpate them, 1891
A non fiction handbook describing pest insects of Victoria published by the Victorian Department of Agriculture.Faded purple hardcover book, A Handbook of the Destructive Insects of Victoria by C. French, F.L.S., F.R.H.S., with gold lettering for title and author. Delicate brown and white floral endpapers. Describes pest insects of Victoria. Coloured illustrated plates throughout as well as black and white illustrations.. Has an added yellow flap to title page - With the Compliments of the Secretary for Agriculture. non-fictionA non fiction handbook describing pest insects of Victoria published by the Victorian Department of Agriculture.insects, pest control, entomology victoria -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Emma Jane Worboise et al, Married Life or, The Story of Philip and Edith, 1885
A young married couple navigate the ups and downs of wedded life, their growing family and developing their business. Strong religious themes throughout.Brown fabric covered hardcover novel with black floral and patterned design on front cover with title and author in ornate gold lettering - Married Life by Emma Jane Worboise. Spine has title, author and sun design at bottom with Christian World Library written in gold lettering.fictionA young married couple navigate the ups and downs of wedded life, their growing family and developing their business. Strong religious themes throughout.marriage fiction, family life fiction, religion fiction -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Martha Finley (Martha Farquharson et al, Mildred's Boys and Girls, copyright 1886, 1914
A family story of Mildred's life with her children and husband set in the time of the Civil War in America. The Landreths harbour a family of fugitive slaves and fear the possibility of sending fathers, sons brothers and cousins off to fight. Strong religious themes throughout.Tan coloured floral fabric hardcover novel, Mildred's Boys and Girls by Martha Finley (Martha Farquharson) with black lettering for title and author. Spine has title, author and publisher in black lettering and a coloured flower.fictionA family story of Mildred's life with her children and husband set in the time of the Civil War in America. The Landreths harbour a family of fugitive slaves and fear the possibility of sending fathers, sons brothers and cousins off to fight. Strong religious themes life fiction, civil war united states, children's fiction, religious fiction -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Ethel Turner ( Mrs. H.R. Curlewis) et al, Mother's Little Girl, 1904
An Australian story of a family that has too many children and not enough money, so gave up for adoption their last baby, Sylvia to its aunt.Dark green fabric covered novel, Mother's Little Girl by Ethel Turner (Mrs H.R. Curlewis) and illustrated by A.J. Johnson, with gold lettering on front cover for title and author with a gold illustration of two children sitting on a bank. Spine has gold title and author and floral pattern. Has black and white illustrations throughout.fictionAn Australian story of a family that has too many children and not enough money, so gave up for adoption their last baby, Sylvia to its aunt. young people's fiction, australian fiction, family life -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Mrs Sophie Amelia Prosser et al, The Cheery Chime of Garth and Other Stories, C 1874
Three Short Stories with strong religious themes, the Cheery Chimes of Garth set in a small village in England where a new vicar has been appointed. Mrs S. A. Prosser was known for her sentimental morality tales and fables.Red fabric hardcover book of three short stories, The Cheery Chime of Garth and Other Stories by Mrs Sophie Amelia Prosser, with a floral design in black on front cover with gold lettering for title. And Other Stories and author printed in black. Ornate Illumination style lettering for the first letter of each new chapter with some black and white illustrations throughout.fictionThree Short Stories with strong religious themes, the Cheery Chimes of Garth set in a small village in England where a new vicar has been appointed. Mrs S. A. Prosser was known for her sentimental morality tales and fables.religion fiction, morals fiction, young people's fiction -
Mont De Lancey
Book, C.A Mercer et al, Rob and I: OR, "By Courage and Faith.", C 1870's
A story of a family and the children's adventures in a country village in England. The carved motto written in Latin over the fireplace in their home, translates to - 'By Courage and Faith' and their father comments it is a strong reminder to all of a good way to live.Blue fabic hardcover Children's book, Rob and I, by C.A. Mercer with a coloured front cover illustration in a fancy border and rectangle of a boy and girl out walking in the country. Red lettering for the title and black for the author. The spine has a res box for the title with the publisher at the bottom in a yellow box.fictionA story of a family and the children's adventures in a country village in England. The carved motto written in Latin over the fireplace in their home, translates to - 'By Courage and Faith' and their father comments it is a strong reminder to all of a good way to live. children's fiction, adventure fiction, morals fiction -
Mont De Lancey
Book, R.C. Haldane et al, Subtropical Cultivations and Climates - A Handy Book for Planters, Colonists, and Settlers, 1886
A non fiction book by R.C. Haldane on subtropical cultivations and climates - agriculture for Australian planters, colonists and settlers.A green hardcover book, Subtropical Cultivations and Climates - a Handy Book for Planters, Colonists, and Settlers, by R.C Haldane, on agriculture for subtropical countries especially Australia. Plain front cover, gold lettering on spine of title, author and publisher. Contains some black and white illustrations and charts.non-fictionA non fiction book by R.C. Haldane on subtropical cultivations and climates - agriculture for Australian planters, colonists and settlers.agriculture, subtropical plants, australian climate, early settlers -
Mont De Lancey
Book, W.T. Fernie, M.D., et al, Herbal Simples approved for Modern Use of Cure, 1914
A non fiction book on herbal simples approved for modern uses of cure in the 1900's.Green fabric covered hardcover book, Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cures, by W T Fernie, M. D., containing information on herbal cures. Title and author blind tooled on front cover, gold lettering on spine of title, author, edition and publisher.non-fictionA non fiction book on herbal simples approved for modern uses of cure in the 1900's.herbal cures, herbal medicine -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Tom Bevan, G.G. Jackson, Alastair Kennedy, Schoolboys' Story Bumper, Mid 1930's
A collection of English schoolboy adventure stories by Tom Bevan, G.G. Jackson and Alastair Kennedy and others.Medium sized orange covered hardcover fiction book with a large coloured illustration of a group of young cheering cricketers holding one boy on two of their shoulders. The title Schoolboys' Story Bumper is printed in black lettering at the top of the cover. Spine has black lettering of title, publisher and a black illustration of a boy playing soccer. Has a coloured picture opposite the title page with black and white illustrations throughout.Lance, with love from Auntie Tillie. Christmas 1936.children's fiction, adventure stories, school stories -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Robert Wolstenholme Holland, Pitman's Commercial Self-Educator - A Comprehensive Guide to Business - Volume 11, 1922
non fictionLarge plain blue hardcover book, Pitman's Commercial Self-Educator with diagonal triangle markings on top and bottom of cover front and back. Spine has gold lettering for title, and edited by R.W. Holland O.B.E., M.A., M.Sc.., LL.D. Pitman with gold bands. Contains photographs, diagrams, maps, charts, drawingsFrom Don Gaudion. On endpaper at back of book pencil name, Marcus Stevenson'sbusiness, study guide, commercial reference, non fiction book -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Blackie and Son Limited, The Big Budget for Boys, c1930's
Book read by family members, especially Lance Sebire who was awarded it from Sunday School in 1936Large hardcover children's book for boys with coloured picture on front cover of two boys sitting on a rock, one looking through binoculars and the other pointing into the distance. The title, The Big Budget for Boys is printed in black lettering on the front and spine with an illustration of another boy and the publisher. The back cover is also illustrated in colour with two more boys reading a map. The collection of adventure stories have black and white illustrations throughout.Mrs Les Gaudion's Class - Methodist Sabbath School Wandin Yallock. Awarded to Lance Sebire for Diligence and Attendance. Mr J H Lord Supt. Harold Blanksby Sec. May 18th 1936. The Book Depot, 288 Little Collins Street (Methodist Book Buildings)adventure, young people's fiction, children's fiction, children's book -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Blackie and Sons Limited, The Big Budget for Boys, unknown
Large hardcover children's book with coloured illustration spreading the front and back covers of two boys and a dog in a rowboat. The title - Big Budget for Boys is in black lettering on the front and there are black and white illustrations throughout the.18 separate adventure stories.Mr Riseborough's Class 1st Prize Methodist Sabbath School Wandin Yallock Awarded to Lance Sebire for dilegence and attendance. J H Lord Supt. H Blanksby Sec. 31st March 1937children's book, adventure stories, children's fiction -
Mont De Lancey
Sculpture, John F. Shaw (1928) & Co. Ltd. et al, Fireside Tales, 1928
A collection of nursery stories for young children. This book was awarded to Lance Sebire in 1932 for diligent Sunday School attendance.Large hardcover children's nursery book with coloured illustration on the front cover of a small boy and girl in pyjamas and nightie holding toys surrounded by fairies. The title Fireside Tales is in black lettering at the top. The spine has faded title and pubilsher, Shaw. Black and white illustrations throughout with some coloured plates.Kindergarten. Methodist Sabbath School Wandin Yallock 32 days. Awarded to Lance Sebire for 1st Prize of Mrs S. Gaudion's Class. W.J. Sebire Supt. A.J Sebire. Ada Gaudion. Sec. 27.3.1932.children's fiction, young people's fiction, children's books -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Renwick of Otley, Holiday Yarns, early 1900's
This Book Belongs To Lance Sebire Dec 22nd Christmas 1934Hardcover children's book with a coloured picture of two boys rowing at sea in a boat called Saucy Sally on the front and back covers. The title Holiday Yarns is in large red lettering at the top on the front cover. There are black and white as well as some coloured illustrations.De Lancey Francis Sebire Christmas 1934 is written on the front right hand endpaper in grey pencil. Written inside on the page that says - This Book Belongs to - Lance Sebire Dec 22nd 1934children's fiction, adventure stories, young people's fiction -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Balfe et al, The Bohemian Girl, Unknown
Red hardcover book of an Opera in three acts composed by Balfe and words by Alfred Bunn. The ornate cover has red, gold and blue print of the title - Balfe's Bohemian Girl, The Royal Edition and Publisher Boosey & Co London. The damaged spine has Bohemian Girl Balfe written in faint gold lettering. There are 226 pages of vocal score. At the back of the book are lists of other Boosey & Co's Standard Publications, Musical Cabinet and Instrumental Library.John Sebire Melbourne is written in ink in copperplate text on the title page with books, musical scores, opera scores -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Grace Beaumont, Aunt Judith - the story of a loving life, 1889
A pretty tale of a wilful schoolgirl, Winnie Blake. Her brother Dick is mischievious and loveable. They both come under the benign influence of Aunt Judith, who is an author of books for girls and a happy Christian woman and learn some valuable lessons which help them in later years.Small blue hardcover with title and author written in gold lettering in a decorated linear square - Aunt Judith by Grace Beaumont. A blue and brown floral pattern is featured at the top and bottom of the from cover and spine. The title and publisher on the spine is written in a gold box. There are are black and white illustrations on pages at the front of the book. 220p.fictionA pretty tale of a wilful schoolgirl, Winnie Blake. Her brother Dick is mischievious and loveable. They both come under the benign influence of Aunt Judith, who is an author of books for girls and a happy Christian woman and learn some valuable lessons which help them in later years.children's fiction, religious stories, school life fiction -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Crona Temple, The Old Endeavour, a Book for Boys, c. late 1800's
An adventure story of a shipwreck and rescue.small dark green hardcover book with an illustration imprinted on the front in black ink of men and a woman standing on the shore retrieving items from a shipwreck. A barrel, ropes and anchor are shown on a wharf at the bottom left. The back cover has the initials of the publisher RTS ( Religious Tract Society) ornately written in black on a lifebuoy with the ocean bed below. The title, The Old Endeavour is imprinted with a gold coloured rope style lettering. The frontispiece illustration opposite the title page depicts rescue boats, a man saving a child in the sea with his mother close by. Some black and white illustrations throughout and ornate floral strips of decoration at the top of each new chapter. 158p.fictionAn adventure story of a shipwreck and rescue. ships fiction, adventure stories, stories for boys