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University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Document - Register, William Clarson et al, Fruit Tree Register, 1860-1872
On the front: "Burnley Clarson writing about 1860," unknown author. Signed THK (T. H. Kneen) "(Probably much later) Clarson was Hort. Director from 1868-1872. Before then Mr Phillips was in charge of the gardens." "This is a list of proved varieties."register, fruit trees, lists of fruit trees, william clarson, t h kneen, mr phillips -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Newspaper - Newspaper Cutting, The Weekly Times, Horticulture as a Career for Girls, 1957
Photocopy of article in "The Weekly Times" 26.06.1957. Description of life for students at School of Horticulture Burnley and the kinds of employment they can obtain. 2 photographs (1) Second year students at work on their vegetable plots: Pam Bond (1957), Sandra McAlley, Jocelyn Care (1957). (2) Students harvesting lettuce: Marjorie Hall, Germaine O'Dwyer and Yvonne Winterbottom (all 1957). burnley school of horticulture, women gardeners, female students, pam bond, sandra mcalley, jocelyn care, marjorie hall, germaine o'dwyer, yvonne winterbottom, the weekly times, employment -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Newspaper - Newspaper Cutting, Gardening Experts, 1957
Two identical photos from two different newspapers on May 31, 1957. Burnley College staff member Bill Nicholls (1946-1979), Rod Kefford (Department of Agriculture, 1957) and Graham White (ABC Rural Dept), in the ABC Feature " In Your Garden," The three men are sitting alongside one another, while considering some flowers on the table in front of them. staff, bill nicholls, rod kefford, graham white, abc, in your garden, dept of agriculture -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Newspaper - Newspaper Cutting, Bringing home the oats, 1944
Newspaper cutting with a photo of 6 male students standing on a cart of oats being pulled by a draught horse. The caption below the photo reads: "This rustic scene was photographed yesterday within 3 miles of the GPO. It shows students of the Burnley Horticultural School harvesting oats for the school stock. All students graduated in 1944 except L. Woolcock, who graduated in 1945.Helen Dudley has written above the photo: 1944 R. Grant, N. Rooney, J. Flannery, R. Lay, L. Woolcock, B. Ebbs.leslie woolcock, helen dudley, r. grant, n. rooney, j. flannery, r. lay, b. ebbs, students working outside, horses, oats, draught horse -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Newspaper - Newspaper Cutting, The Leader, The Flowers That Bloom, 1927
(1) Photograph from a newspaper. Caption: "This fine show of hydrangeas was photographed at the Burnley Horticultural gardens. Not for years has there been such a fine display of these beautiful flowers." Comments from George Russ, who is probably the man in the photograph. (2) Photograph from "The Leader," September 10, 1927 of 4 female students standing with a staff member who is holding a plant, in the Gardens.the leader, flowers, hydrangeas, burnley horticultural college, george russ, female students, outside class, staff -
Richmond & Burnley Historical Society
Condom Mould
This wooden condom former has no defined manufacture date and was used in the production of rubber condoms in Melbourne by the rubber goods manufacturer Ansell. Wooden formers of this type were used from 1905 till 1945. The condom former would be dipped tip first into liquid rubber and the covering left to dry, and then the resulting condom packaged and sold. This object was acquired by the Richmond and Burnley Historical Society in the 1970’s on the closing of the Ansell factory located on River St, Richmond. This object has historical significance at a national level, as it is associated with the use and manufacture of sexual health devices within the broader Australian context. It also holds local historical significance as a marker of local manufacturing and industry in Victoria. Alongside these points it is also a large part of the story that surrounds the creation of Ansell Industries as we know them in a modern context. Wooden condom former/ mold. Frame consists of 11 individual upright moulds. Used by the Ansell Rubber Co. Pty Ltd in the production of condoms. Obtained in 1970's from an old factory site occupied by Ansell. None visibleansell, condom machinery, richmond industry, moulds, rubber products, sexual health, contraception, condom -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, Student Amenity Building (Citriodora) Courtyard, 1988-2000
Various plans for what is now known as the "Citriodora Courtyard." I copy tracing paper, 1 coloured original, 4 copies with additional notation 6 smaller copies with additional notation. (1) Planting Plan Plant Science Area V.C.A.H. Burnley designed by J. Hitchmough, drawn by S. Mullany 3 October 1988. (2) Student Amenity Quad Sketch Proposal by M. Green May '95. (3) Rough pencil design, New Design related to Horticultural pursuits of Burnley College. (4) Coloured, Proposed Citriodora Court Redevelopment. (5) 2 copies Citriodora Courtyard Presentation Concept Plan by Adrian Bonifacio. November 2000. (6) Landscape Graphics II Assoc. Diploma in Horticulture (Amenity) Assignment 2 - Planting Plan May 1988. (7) Laminated, Preliminary Plan 2 of 4 Citriodora Lawn Burnley by Kate Szmal B.A.S.H. (8) Laminated, Preliminary Plan Student Amenity Building Courtyard V.C.A.H. Burnley by Caroline Lodge. (9) 1 tracing paper and 1 paper copy University of Melbourne Burnley College Student Amenity Building Courtyard 19.8.99. (10) Setout Plan, Planting Plan & Surface Finishes, Details Courtyard & Entrance, ACM Landscape Architecture: Concrete Paving Topsoil, Mulch - notes. "Phil Tulk," handwritten on reverse. (11) Laminated, V.C.A.H. Preliminary Plan p3 of 5 Project No 1 Student Amenity Building Courtyard by K. Watson 15-8-95. (12) Citriodora Courtyard Redevelopment Concept Plan by Judy Brookes November 2000. 2 copies of Drawing 1 of 2, 1 copy Drawing 2 of 2. (13) Proposed Outdoor Eating Area Student Amenities Block: Scheme 1 pp 2-5 of 5, 16.10.96. Scheme 2 pp 3-5 of 5, 16.10.96. Scheme 8 3 copies p1 of 2, 2 copies p2 of 2, 23.6.97, Paving Types p1 of 1, 30.9.99, handwritten on reverse,"to Phil from Nicki." (14) 2 copies Entry from Rear Car Park Paving Plan. (15) Plan by Margaret Kitching 8.8.90. citriodora courtyard, vcah -
Yarra City Council
Artwork, other - Mural/Installation, Julia Gorman, Opening Lines, 2020
"The work gestures towards Utopian, modernist public art, like that of Miro, Matisse and Sainte-Phalle, but I was also inspired by Yarra's own Keith Haring murals, in the way that he repeats his personal iconography to fill a chosen space. I wanted to make an expansive, open and inclusive artwork. I drew legs from women playing footy, cricket and soccer, but tried to draw them in the least heroic, least literal way possible." Commissioned as part of an upgrade project at the Malcolm Graham Pavilion, Kevin Bartlett Reserve, Burnley, 2020. The existing facilities were upgraded to include female change rooms and amenities. The project funding comes from Yarra City Council and the State Government through its Female Friendly Facilities Fund. The commission is a result of Yarra's Public Art Policy 2015 - 2020 which ensures Council commits a percentage of the capital works budget for new community infrastructure projects. Matisse and Sainte-Phalle, Keith Herring, Miro, ModernistCopyright the artistA series of abstracted legs in various shapes that jump, kick and run across the wall, activating and animating the space with bold, bright colours.accompanying plaquesport, women, installation, modernism -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Newspaper - Newspaper Cutting, The Australian Women's Weekly, Lectures on Garden Design, 1932-1938
A clipping from "The Australian Women's Weekly," "What Women are Doing" section. A short article about Hilda Kirkhope, assistant at the Burnley Horticultural College, Melbourne. Includes a photo of Miss Kirkhope with 3 female students looking at an easel, with the caption: "Miss Hilda Kirkhope instructing senior pupils how to prepare a plan for a landscape garden. She teaches all aspects of garden design."the australian women's weekly, hilda kirkhope, burnley horticultural college, garden design, students in class -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Information Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture, Administration Building, 1960-1990
1 copy made by A.P. Winzenried as a possible inclusion in, "Green Grows Our Garden." Note by T.H. Kneen 16 March, 1992, The "Administration Building" referred to frequently in these photographs was the building erected to replace the old Pavilion which housed the School of Primary Agriculture & Horticulture and also the Pasture & Fruit Preserving Branches of the Department of Agriculture. The new building also provided for a future Plant Breeding Branch and some additional facilities such as the Assembly Hall, Library, two additional class rooms." Another comment on 8 April 1992, "The willow, a basket willow, was heavily pollarded annually."3 copies black and white photographs, different sizes. Photograph taken about 1960 showing Administration Building, pond, lawns and garden bed in foreground, student mowing in background. On reverse of 2 copies, "Photograph by Information Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture Ref. No. D1099C." On reverse of 1 copy, "from box the Garden/Land." On reverse, "The Main Building at Burnley photo taken winter approx 1960. This building replaced the original building - The Pavilion."administration building, pond, lawns, garden beds, students, mowing, a.p. winzenried, green grows our garden, school of primary agriculture & horticulture, pasture & fruit preserving branches, department of agriculture, plant breeding branch, assembly hall, library, basket willow, student working outside -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Booklet, Nursery and developments, 1978
Proceedings of the short courses on 1.Potting media and nutrition, and 2. Nursery Structures. Co-ordinators I. McCure, G. Connellan, P. May, 2 bookletsnurseries, g. connellan, burnley, i. mccure, nurseries, courses, p.may -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Album - 35mm Colour slides, Miscellaneous, 1985
Several series of 56 slides dated Oct 85. Includes Nursery. Most unidentified. 2. View of Dairy from the Library. 4. Library. 5 . Nursery. 6-11 Student flower plots in the Orchard? 12-18 Graftingnursery, burnley, grafting, flower plots, orchard, dairy, library -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - CD, Joss Tonkin, Joseph Harris, 2008
CD produced for Joss Tonkin for the Archives dated 02 December 2008. Archival photographs with some photoshopping. 1. B11.0391 enhanced. Horticultural Board of Advice 1894, 2. B91.72 enhanced Jubilee Show of the Victorian Horticultural Society (RHSV), c. 1909. 3. B91.445 enhanced A.E. Bennett, Group of Men, 1894. Dated 02 December 2008.joss tonkin, burnley, joseph harris, horticultural board of advice, a e bennett, victorian horticultural society, rhsv -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
BHS CollectionThe 'Pearlite' Housewives pocket Book: Small Memo Book brown cover, cream paper inside that has perforations in the paper for removing page. Has two large staples at the top to secure the pad. In black print on the front *The 'Pearlite' Housewives Pocket Book * Shopping List Memo Book. With Compliments of Pearlite Manufacturing Co. Pty Ltd. 171 Stawell Street Burnley - Victoria.* Box 625commerce, advertising, pearlite manufacturing co., pearlite manufacturing co. burnley -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Letter - G. J. Coles and Coy. Ltd
This file contains three items. 1. Typed letter, dated 10/06/1987, from the Coles Myer corporate archivist, Stella Barber, to Caulfield Historical Society accompanying photographs of Coles stores donated to the society. 2. Typed brief history of the Coles Myer company up to September 1986, author unknown. 3. Printed newsletter dated February 1986 of the city of Richmond and Burnley Historical Society containing a brief history of G. J. Coles and Co. Ltd by Stella Barber.g. j. coles and co. ltd., barber stella, caulfield historical society, elsternwick, caulfield, coles stores, ballantyne r., caulfield south, retail trade, shops, general stores, coles variety stores -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Album, J. L. Provan Photograph Collection, 1942-1949
James Leslie Provan graduated 1923, Principal 1942-1946. Collection of 67 photographs. Negatives with B09.0001.T939. These photographs are identical with many of those of B09.0001 but larger, some of which are labelled. The numbering system also relates to that of B10.0030 for Series 1, 2. 4. 6 and 76. E.M. Gibson may have picked out the ones she wanted. Also box of 84 b/w slides that have been made of these photographs.The J. L. Proven and Emily Gibson Collections have been combined back to their original arrangement in 2 albums.Handwritten note attached, "Burnley Photos (1942-43 35 mm. (JLP). 1. Mar-Apr 1942 Excellent set of photos. 2. Sept 1942 Good photos. 3. Good photos - no negatives. 4. Useful photo - negative damaged beyond recovery."james leslie provan, students, principals, j.l. provan -
Mont De Lancey
Book, W. Fream, LL.D, Elements of Agriculture A Textbook, 1892
An English textbook for elementary work on Agriculture adapted for use in rural and other schools and classes.A plain blue hardcover textbook, Elements of Agriculture by W. Fream, LL.D. The spine has the title, author symbol for The Royal Agricultural Society of England, price 2/6 and the publisher John Murray written in gold lettering. it has three parts to the contents, the soil, the plant and the animal along with an Index of plants and a general index. At the back there are listed pamphlets published by the Society and books relevant to the topic. Diagrams, illustrations, tables and charts are included. 450p.non-fictionAn English textbook for elementary work on Agriculture adapted for use in rural and other schools and classes.agriculture, farming -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Journal, R.J. Cantrill, The Flower Garden: Colours in Autumn, 1967
Journal of Agriculture, Vol. 65, Part 4, April 1967, cover: Mr. E.T. Beruldsen, retiring Chief, Division of Agricultural Education, shares a look at the prize book with dale Moon, 1966 dux, College of Horticulture, Burnley. Messrs. W. B. Miller, Deputy Director of Agriculture (left) and T. A. (sic) Kneen, Principal look on. Article by R.J. Cantrill: The Flower Garden, Colours in Autumn pp170-173.r.j. cantrill, journal of agriculture -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, Campus Plan, Buildings and Fire Protection Services
site plan, buildings, administration building, plant science laboratories, quad, library, student amenities building, engineering, urban horticulture, nursery -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Newspaper - Newspaper Cutting, June de Chaneet, Off to the Orchard, C. 21.06.1939
Photograph of carthorse and dray with 8 girls seated on it. Front left seated: Eleanor Parsons, front right seated June de Chaneet. 3 out of the 8 girls were identified as: Eleanor Parsons (1939), June de Chaneet (1939) and Jay Leach (M.J. Leitch? 1939) in 1938 or 1939. Caption, "Off to the Orchard - Girls of Burnley Horticultural School setting off for work in a farm dray yesterday." female students, eleanor parsons, jay leach, m.j. leach, students working outside, horse, dray, june de chaneet -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Colour prints, Wewndy Hansen, Garden Views, c2002
Collection of colour photographs donated by FOBG (Friends of Burnley Gardens) member Wendy Hansen. (1) Field Station looking through wire fence. (2) Wendy Hansen seated on bench beside Luffmann Ponds. (3, 4) Orchard Border. (5) Luffmann Ponds and resident heron. (6) Sunken Garden. (7) Rose Garden. (8, 9) Kath Deery Native Garden. (10) Sunken Garden.fobg, wendy hansen, field station, luffmann ponds, orchard border, sunken garden, rose garden, kath deery native garden, friends of burnley gardens, lily ponds -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Burgess House, Victoria Street (Abbotsford), 1880-1900
Major floods recurred of the Yarra River on a regular basis. A flood in 1901 destroyed this house in Victoria Street, Abbotsford. Later print copy of an original photograph. Home of C/N Burgess on the south side of Yarra River. The buildings were washed away in a flood in 1901 The house was in the same location as that on which Handley & Tilly was later built. This would locate it on the north side of Victoria Street, Abbotsford between Burnley Street and the Victoria Street Bridge. Photo shows three men and one woman working in an established garden in front of a weatherboard cottage."Home of C/N Burgess on south side of river; washed away in 1901; Handley & Tilly on site"yarra river -- floods, yarra river flood -- 1901, burgess family -- victoria street -- abbotsford (vic.) -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Album - Black and white and sepia prints, Noelle Kendall (Vaughan), Noelle Kendall's (nee Vaughan) Photograph Album, 1916-1918
Donated by Noelle Kendall (née Vaughan) for the 1991 Centenary. She graduated in 1919.45 black and white and sepia photographs. Attached to cardboard pages tied with ribbon to make an album. Photographs tucked into slits in the cardboard pages.. Most photographs labelled. Some loose photographs. Burnley scenes, mainly students working outside, garden views, visit to Rippon Lea. Some photographs appear in other collections. Also 2 pages of proofs. Many of these photographs were included in A. P. Winzenried, "Green Grows Our Garden."noelle kendall (née vaughan), centenary, 1919, 1991, students working outside, pavilion, luffmann ponds, orchard, horses, bees, potting shed, vegetables, poultry, summer house, orchard border, oak lawn, pruning demonstration, garden scene, luffman ponds, ripponlea excursion, ponds, planting out annuals, garden views, lily pond, steps, beehives, draught horses, vegetable rows, plum block, cherry block, planting plums, bird proof cage, pruning, pruning pear tree, winter, plant frames, maize, vegetable garden, single testing pens, public day, p j carmody, rock garden, principal's residence, pruning apple tree, noelle kendall, noelle vaughan, shelter shed -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, [Historical Maps of Richmond Park], 1862-2000
(1) Proposed reserve for Horticultural & Experimental Garden in the Survey paddock Richmond. R.19A (1865). Shows Swan Street Extension. Gazettals 1877, 1887. (2) As (1). Half of map only Annotation by A. Purchas, 9 October, 1862. (3) Plan of Richmond park. A.L. Martin Authorised Surveyor, 31st August, 1872. [Dept. of lands & Survey Melbourne, J. Noone, 6th September 1872.] Map in 4 sheets. (4) Richmond Park. Surveyed by Geo. Black, Authorised Surveyor 13.8.91 (2 copies). (5) [Richmond Park] Shows road alignments gazetted 1871 & 1881 (part copy only - Neg. 18375). (6) City of Richmond Parish of Jika Jika County of Bourke. Department of lands & Survey, 1919 (annotations i.e. Melb. City Link, Amrad, etc. to 1994.) (7) Burnley gardens, 2000. Produced by P. Tulk, Institute of Land & Food Resources, Burnley College, 2000 (re area proposed for heritage listing.)richmond park, survey paddock -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Students Watching Pruning Demonstration, c. 1943
Note by T.H. Kneen 18 December 1991, "Students in photos are of the 1944 graduating year."Black and white photograph. Students seated on an upturned ladder watching an instructor pruning tree in the Orchard. Garden Staff member standing behind.On reverse," Burnley Horticultural College 1936 L to R Tom Trahair-Garden Labourer, Dennis Greiger-Student. Students: Bob Grant, Ian Ball, Grace Douglas (Mrs Tom Walker), Beth Nutting (Mrs Coutts), Gwen Watson (Mrs McCarthy). Lecturer Perc Trevaskis-F.A.I.P.R."burnley horticultural college, 1936, tom trahair, garden labourer, dennis greiger, students, bob grant, ian ball, grace douglas, mrs tom walker, beth nutting (mrs coutts), gwen watson (mrs mccarthy), lecturer, perc trevaskis, f.a.i.p.r., 1944, student outside class, pruning demonstration -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Book - Handbook, 1984-1995
Handbook for all Victorian Colleges of Agriculture and Agriculture dated 1984, 1986-1990, 1992-1995. See B24.0009 for 1991.handbook, victorian college of agriculture and horticulture, burnley, dookie, gilbert chandler, glenormiston, longerenong, mcmillan -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, Redevelopment of Old Car Park and Surrounds, 1993-1998
(1) Coloured plan, Concepts for discussion by Phil Tulk 27.11.97. (2) As above dated 15.5.98. (3) Coloured rough plan. (4) 1 tracing paper, 1 coloured paper copy and 2 copies, Burnley College Car Park Re-development and Entry by Jill Kellow. (5) Notes for discussion. (6) Site Plan VCAH Carpark Landscape Graphics Assignment No 1 by Ken Wallace, March 1993. Scale 1:100.jill kellow, phil tulk, ken wallace, vcah -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Newspaper - Newspaper Cutting, The Advertiser et al, Dedicated Gardener on a Grand Scale, 02.04.2004-02.10.2004
Thomas Robert Noel Lothian best known doe Directorship of Adelaide Botanic Garden and establishment of Mt Lofty Botanic Garden. Certificate of Competency 1934.obituary, thomas lothian, thomas robert noel lothian, stephen forbes, don riddell, andrew lothian, adelaide botanic gardens, mt lofty botanic garden, peter may, vivian lothian, andrew smith, noel lothian, tony lothian, janet lothian, certificate of competency in horticulture -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Work on paper - Student Work, Sandie Chaldjian, Assignments for Advanced Certificate of Horticulture, C. 1985
assignments, sandie chaldjian, peter may, pressed plants, weeds, soil, silverbeet, ivo dean -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Newspaper - Newspaper Cutting, The Sun, Down-to-earth-scientists, 1969
Newspaper cutting from The Sun, September 18, 1969, p. 29. Includes photos of some young women with a tractor and feeding cows in a country setting, and of Mr Farrance (staff, 1952-1975). Article by John Farrance and Ian Anderson which discusses the range of educational possibilities for school leavers interested in Agriculture. Includes information about Melbourne University, LaTrobe University, Dookie, Longerenong and Burnley. Discusses possible employment for graduates and the cost of education at the colleges.the sun, john farrance, ian anderson, agricultural schools, girls education, agriculture, employment