Showing 8595 items
matching orbost-floods-1978
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, C1900
Harry Ingram delivered milk, bread, groceries and meat to towns between Delegate and Orbost with his eldest son. The pair generally drove a four wheeled wagon pulled by five horses along a hand carved winding track through the mountains. This is a pictorial record of transport in the early 20th century in Orbost. It is associated with the Ingram family settlers in Orbost from 1938.A black / white photograph of a man on a horse drawn cart.on back - "Harry Ingram"ingram-harry transport-c19th -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, C 1880
This photograph shows Orbost's first cricket team in the Lochiel paddock - C 1880's.Included are: Alec Cameron; Harry Richardson; Jo Swallow; Matt Lynch; Joe Roderick; ? Hatton; Alf Richardson; Janes Cameron; John Cameron;John FarquharSport is often regarded as an important part of life in rural Australia. Cricket is one of the most popular sports in Australia at international, domestic and local levels. It has been played in Australia for more than 200 years. This photograph is a pictorial record of an Orbost cricket team in the nineteenth century.A black / white photograph of a group of men standing in front of a cricket pitch. Two men are holding cricket bats and are wearing pads. One man is recreation-cricket -
Orbost & District Historical Society
writing desk, before 1888
This was presented to Mr A.D. Munro by the residents of Orbost on his retirement as postmaster in 1888. In 1883 the mail terminus was at Newmerella. In July 1883 it was extended to the north side of the river and Archie Munroe became Acting Post Master. He was Post Master until 1885 when the telegraph line came to Orbost.Archie Munro was a well-known Orbost identity who first operated a boot shop in Cameron's barn. He was also active in the promotion of the first brass band in Orbost. He was the son of Hector Munro.A large brown leather portable writing desk. It has a brass handle on the top. Inside are copies of some Munro family documents in a document folder.On a brass plate-Presented to Mr A.B. Munro by the RESIDENTS OF ORBOST on his retirement as Post Master. A.D. 1888munro-archie writing-desk post-office -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, 1917
This photograph shows the Orbost Butter factory, which in 1917, installed a very successful electric light. the dark heap to the left of the road is Supposedly the grave of "Dan the Cook" who was speared by Aborigines in 1857. Dan Moylan, known as "Dan the Cook"was speared to death in 1851 at Orbost Station, Snowy River as punishment for kidnapping a young Aboriginal girl and holding her for three days, refusing to release her. The men of the tribe congregated at Dan's hut. When Dan came outside, a volley of spears was launched at him, killing him. In the tragic aftermath, the camp at Milly Creek was attacked in retribution and a number of Gunai/Kurnai people were killed. The Orbost Butter and Produce Co. Ltd was registered on June 1st 1893 and was an important source of income to the Orbost district. These photos are pictorial records of the Orbsot Butter Factory.A black / white photograph showing a large white building and factory beside it. on the verandah are about thirty milk churns. There are three men standing astride bicycles in front of the verandah. On the left hand side is a mound of dark soil?? -
Orbost & District Historical Society
blazer, circa 1960's
This blazer was probably worn by Doris Trewin (nee Mehlert) in her role as a chaperone of the Orbost Marching Girls, the Waratahs.Together with a trophy, a uniform and photos this blazer forms part of the history of the Orbost Marching Girls group.An Orbost Marching Girls' Chaperone's blazer. It is navy wool, lined, has two pockets (one on each side) and fastens with two silver buttons. On each sleeve cuff is a smaller silver button.blazer uniform orbost-marching-girls -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Memorabilia, Ringwood Garden Club, Syllabus for the Ringwood and District Horticultural and Garden Club, 1975-1981
Ringwood and District Horticultural and Garden Club in 1975 shortened its name to Ringwood Garden Club circa 1978. Names and Presidents and Office Bearers were noted as well as meeting dates each month.Six small syllabi for the Ringwood and District Horticultural and Garden Club: 1975; 1978; 1979; 1980 (2); 1981. -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, late 19th century - early 20th century
Pigs were taken to Bairnsdale by coaxing them with maize thrown from a wagonette . From Bairnsdale they were freighted to market by train. The journey to Bairnsdale took about five days . This method of transport continued until the rail line to Orbost was opened in 1916. This photograph is a pictorial record of Orbost farming practices in the early 20th century.A black / white photograph of pigs being taken to market. There are men on horseback with them.on front - On the Way to Market W.S. Vogt Bairnsdaleagriculture farming-orbost pigs -
Orbost & District Historical Society
model, 1996
This model was constructed by Dudley Timmins at the age of 83 in 1996. Dudley drove his father's bullock team at the age of 16. His teams consisted of 16 bullocks per team. The model represents the team which was used in the Orbost area in 1928-1929 .This is a hand-crafted item which reflects the time of the bullock wagons used in the timber industry in the Orbost area.A hand-crafted model of a bullock jinker carrying logs. It is pulled by a team of 10 bullocks. A bullocky is holding a whip and there is a black dog. It is fixed to a base board and there is a fence behind it.bullock-team timmins-dudley model timber -
Orbost & District Historical Society
ticket, 1888
This ticket was for a grand ball to celebrate the second anniversary of the Loyal Orbost M.U.I.O.O.F. Lodge. It was held in the Mechanics Institute hall on Friday 20th July, 1888. The cost of a single ticket was 5/-. The secretary of the lodge was John Rowe, the first teacher of the state school in Orbost. From the estate of Elsie Cooke. Elsie Cooke lived all her life in Gippsland,. She was born at Brodribb in 1895 and died in 1970, Elsie Cooke lived at Bruthen for a short time and, in 1937, moved to live with her aunt, Miss Jean Munro. Miss Cooke was Librarian at the Mechanics Institute for many years. Kindness and consideration for other were Miss Cooke’s attributes and she endeared herself to all who knew her. She was a loyal member of the Presbyterian Church and a stalwart of the Ladies’ Guild, an energetic worker for the Municipal Auxiliary and a member of the Red Cross. (ref Mary Gilbert) Manchester Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows (MUIOOF) had its origins in Manchester, England. It was established in Melbourne on 7 December 1840 when Augustus Greeves, a member of the MUIOOF in England, migrated to Australia and formed the first friendly society. In 1840 Manchester Unity IOOF was founded in Victoria. Friendly Societies were founded in the Australian Colonies in the mid-19th Century by immigrants from England who had been members in Societies which dated back to the 18th Century. Like all working people these immigrants experienced sickness, accidents, unemployment, death and burial. They needed help of like fellows to tide their families over these times. So they formed a branch of one of the Friendly Societies back in the mother country. The idea was to make fixed contributions to a fund and when they were off work they would receive a payment. When they died funeral benefits would be paid and the widow and children would be cared for. It was a form of local insurance for hard times. This was a time of 'look after yourself' as the Colonial Governments did not provide pensions or benefits. This item reflects those times.A small white rectangular paper ticket with black print. It is for the Loyal Orbost Lodge M.U.I.O.O.F. Grand Ball.front - "Dancing to Commence at 8pm."public-event-orbost document-ticket m.u.i.o.o.f -
Orbost & District Historical Society
advertisement, 1902
Mrs Arthurena Dora Beattie (nee Morrison), had been teaching privately at Rosedale and came to Orbost with her husband and family in 1890. In 1892 she opened a private school in Salisbury Street (about the site of the Countryman Motor Inn) which she conducted for about 10 to 12 years. Her husband, John Wilson Beattie, a retired State School teacher, had been head teacher at the Rosedale School from July 1870 to August 1884. After coming to Orbost he selected land on Wall Creek. He was a widower with 7 of 11 surviving children when he married Arthurena in 1885. His fist wife, Georgina (nee KELLY) died at Rosedale in 1883 when the youngest child was just 5 weeks old. John and Arthurena had a further 8 children (5 born at Orbost), and after John's death she married George McCARLIE in 1916 at Sale and moved Mirboo North. (references:BEATTIE, Arthurena Dora Music teacher, Orbost - 1903 Electoral Roll. BEATTIE, Arthurena Dora Teacher, Orbost - 1912 Electoral Roll.) There was at least one other private school much earlier, in 1884. It was thought to be the first school in the district and conducted by William Ballantyne. It was located on the flat on the Newmerella side of the Snowy River near where the first railway crossing used to be. Wm Ballantyne had previously taught school at Sarsfield from June 1873 to November 1879. (information from John Phillips) This advertisement was for educational tuition by Mrs Beattie. Tuition would be from 10.00am - 12.00 and from 1.30pm - 3.30pm. Costs were thirteen shillings per quarter for children under the age of 12 years and one guinea for those over 12 years. A reduction would be given for more than one child in the same family. The 1872 legislation required all children aged 6-15 years to attend school unless they had a reasonable excuse. Parents who did not send their children to school were liable for fines up to five shillings for a first offence, with the penalty increasing to 20 shillings for each repeat offence. The Orbost State School had opened on 19th of March 1886 and this "private school" appears to have been a small private enterprise school. This is a useful research item associated with education in Orbost.A white A5 size paper advertisement which has black print. It is an advertisement for private educational tuition. Details of costs and hours are included.beattie education school advertising -
Orbost & District Historical Society
bridge spikes, 1922
These spikes are from the old Snowy River bridge (the second) constructed in 1922 alongside the previous suspension bridge. Its building was a combined effort of the Victorian Railways and the Country Roads Board at a cost of 35,000 pounds. It was replaced in 1976 by the present bridge after several major floods.These items are from a significant piece of infrastructure built in Orbost in the early 20th century. This bridge no longer exists.Twenty-four iron spikes of four different lengths. They are probably hand-made and have round shafts and heads. They are very rusty.snowy-river-bridge bridge-spikes bridge orbost -
Orbost & District Historical Society
account, April 29 19??
A. J. Royce & Co. were general merchants in Orbost. Royce's was essentially a bakery in Nicholson Street on the site of the present supermarket. Robert Pullar Cameron was a Shire Councillor for many years. He married Penuel Hossack and had a family of James, Flora, Penuel and Alex.This item is an example of the hand-written book-keeping of an early 20th century business in Orbost. It is a useful research tool.A small paper account, black print and blue writing. At the top are illustrations of two young girls with an advertisement for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy between them. The account is from A.J. Royce & Co. to R. P. Cameron.account book-keeping royce-a.j. cameron-robert-pullar -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, Hicks, Arthur, November 1908
Sunday School at that time involved a lot of commitment on the part of the teachers towards the children and this was reflected in the efforts they went to to make Sunday School an interesting and enjoyable event. Going to Sunday School was an important part of children's lives in the early 20th century in small towns such as Orbost.This item reflects the importance of Sunday Schools and the churches in Orbost in the early 20th century.A Sunday School exercise book with a black leather cover. It contains hand -written information - bible stories - and some printed material pasted in.inside front cover - Arthur Hickssunday-school hicks-arthur -
Orbost & District Historical Society
certificate, 25th May 1911
This certificate is part of the Lawless Collection. The Lawless family lived in Orbost from 1907 - c 1920. John Francis Lawless had a saddlery shop. He died at an early age - 47 years - June 7 1912, leaving his wife, Elizabeth and seven children. The eldest son, Victor Rowland lawless volunteered for service in WW1 but did not leave Australia because of illness. The second son, Edward Vincent Lawless (b 1895 d 1917) worked for McCoy & Co. in Orbost, coachbuilding, undertakers, general blacksmiths and farriers, prior to enlisting in WW!. He was trained as a signaller and was sent to France where he was killed in action on 9.10.1917. Elizabeth Lawless worked as a ladies' nurse (midwife) in Orbost prior to leaving the district in 1920. She lived to 6.6.1975 aged 104 years.These personal documents, photographs and books give an insight into the human element of World War 1 ensuring that those who were part of the Orbost community and died while playing a vital role during this time are remembered.A communion and baptism certificate for Edward Vincent Lawless. It is dated 25th May 1911. The communion took place at St James Church Orbost. This communion certificate is part of the Lawless collection.certificate lawless-family religious-text baptism ww1 -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, Segerberg & Bulmer, late 19th century
Charles Henry [Carl] Grove died on 17/4/1938 at Box Hill at the age of 88 and was buried in Orbost. Prior to coming to the Snowy River district, Carl worked as overseer on Buchan Station. In 1880, he selected land at Newmerella after first coming here in 1874 with early selector James A Robertson. He married Annie Robertson in 1876. Carl was a farmer, hop and seed grower and nurseryman. He was an elected Councillor of the newly formed Tambo Shire in 1882, and then in 1892 to the Orbost Shire where he served for many years filling various public roles. In 1911, he shifted to Queensland, but later returned to Victoria and died at Box Hill. (info. Newsletter 113)Two black / white photographs of a woman in a pen feeding two emus and some chickens.grove-annie grove-carl -
Orbost & District Historical Society
lining board, 1899
These items are from the Heyfield estate in 1899 from the pine lining of the old Orbost School residence which was opposite the school on the corner of Tennyson Street. The Orbost State School opened on 19th of March 1886 .The school had first operated temporarily in a leased building, and on a half-time basis with SS2745 Jarrahmond. The first head teacher was HT Campbell Mackay. However he remained in charge only until 12th of May 1886. The second HT, John Rowe, served until 1908. On 30th of June 1887, a portable room was provided; it being brought to the area by schooner. The school then had accommodation for 30 pupils; the teacher's welfare was considered because quarters of two rooms were attached.This item is part of the history of education in Orbost.Two pieces of pine wood lining boards with newspaper glued on to a blue painted background. 715.1 is the larger if the two pieces. On the larger piece is a tattered label with a hand-written description of the history of the board. The smaller piece has a nail on each side at the top with a piece of string tied to each ( for hanging). orbost-school education-orbost -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, April 1979
In this photograph are : L -R Margory Smith, Margaret Vincent, Michael Pardew, Rob Young and George Thomas. Orbost Apex Club donated $1,800 to the Orbost Continuing Care Appeal (now Lochiel House). The money had been raised at a successful New Year's Eve Ball. Margory Smith and Margaret Vincent, Acting President, were the O.C.C.A representatives. Michael Pardew was the co-ordinator of the New Year's Eve Ball, Rob Young was the Apex President and George Thomas was the Apex Social Director. Apex clubs were made up of volunteers who "raise awareness about social justice issues, assist the needy in a practical way and contribute resources to causes" (ref Apex website) The Apex Club of Orbost was a volunteer service club which contributed to the Orbost community. A declining population has led to the demise of many social groups in the area.A black / white photograph of two women and three men standing in front of a wall. The men are wearing wearing long - sleeved tops with a triangular shaped logo at the top left shoulder,on back -a list of namesorbost-clubs apex-club-orbost service-club -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photographs, 3281.1 : September 1987
3281.1 is a photograph of Terry Martin. "Terry Martin travelled to Melbourne to Melbourne to display his extensive collection of axes and to demonstrate the art of broadaxe cutting. The axe Terry is holding is over 200 years old and is believed to have been used by ship builders in their trade. Terry makes his own axe handles from district timber." (Snowy River Mail 23 September 1987) 3281.2 is of Erasmo Giove. who came to Australia with his wife, Mina. They eventually settled in Orbost where Erasmo worked as a sleeper cutter withn his wife working alongside him. The Gioves lived with their four children, Tina, Rocco, Benodino and Graziela, in Forest Road, Orbost,These photographs are associated with the timber and sleeper-cutting industry in the Orbost Region. Timber sleepers were superceded by concrete sleepers in c. 1970s. Orbost has historically been based on the timber industry, but that industry has declined considerably over the last 20 years..The number of locals involved in the timber industry has declined and many of the mills have closed. This item reflects a time when that industry was a significant contributor to the economy of the district.3281.1 is of a man standing holding a long handled axe. 3281.2 is of a man holding a cross cut saw and holding in the other hand a framed photograph of a swing saw.woodcutting-tools axe saw-cross-cut saw-swing timber-orbost sleeper-cutting giove-erasmo martin-terry -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazines, Croajingolong 1971, 1971
This is the twenty-fourth issue of the annual magazine of Orbost High School. The name Croajingolong derives from the Australian Aboriginal Krauatungalung words galung, meaning "belonging to" and kraua, meaning "east". 2219.1 belonged to Mary Gilbert, a former teacher at the school. 2219.2 belonged to Peter Traill.This magazine is a useful reference tool.Three copies of Croajingolong 1971. The magazine is in landscape format and has a white cover with a free form shape filled with mosaic type patterns in black and white. 2219.2 has Peter Trailll written in blue pen on the front cover.croajingolong orbost-high-school -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazines, Croajingolong 1972, 1972
This is the twenty-fifth issue of the annual magazine of Orbost High School. The name Croajingolong derives from the Australian Aboriginal Krauatungalung words galung, meaning "belonging to" and kraua, meaning "east. 2220.1 belonged to Mary Gilbert, a former teacher at the school. 2220.2 belonged to Andrew Murray.This magazine is a useful reference tool.Two copies of Croajingolong 1972. It has an orange cover with dark brown print.2220.2 has Andrew Murray written in blue pen on the front cover.croajingolong orbost-high-school -
Orbost & District Historical Society
cardboard containers, second half 20th century
These items were used or were available for sale by chemists in Orbost. Chemists who worked in Orbost included Henry Cottman; James Alfred Dubois Williams; Harry Arthur Murray; Miss P.E .Mason (Phyllis Estelle?); Miss Sybil Monica Buzza; Thomas James Frayer; Australia Shaw; James David Torley; John William Zimmer; Dalkeith William Steele; William Thomas Hollingsworth; E.E. Cohen; R.S. Anderson; Frances John Perry Faith Everard Pardew and Charles Anthony Wurf.The practices of early pharmacists are revealed through these glass bottles. The items have a clear association with Orbost.Four rectangular cardboard medication boxes. 3210.17 is orange with red print. It has a small white price sticker from "Zimmer Phcy Orbost $1.02". it contains a tube of unused cream with an information sheet. 3210.18 is white with blue and black print. It has a small white price sticker from " Zimmer Phcy Orbost $4.19". It contains a tube and information sheet. 3210.19 is yellow and white with green print. It contains ten yellow tablets in cellophane. 3210,20 is a red cardboard box with black and red print. It contains a glass atomiser and instructions, a box with ASPAXADRENE in a brown glass bottle with a white lid. there is a price sticker " TORLEY'S PHCY Orbost- $6.75"3210.17 - MORRHUOL ACRIDINE CREAM (M.A.C.) HAMILTON LABORATORIES PTY LTD..." 3210.18 - AKILEINE - PROFESSIONAL FOOT CARE SUPERACTIVE CREAM FOR ROUGH DRY FEET.....distributed by George Hagley Pty Ltd.... 3210.19 - 10 Reliable Efficacious Valuren Sedative J McGloin Pty Ltd...... 3210.20 - CAUTION S3 to be used strictly as directed - ASPAX ATOMISER and ASPAXADRENE INHALANT A,H, CRUNDALL PTY LTD......medications orbost-pharmacies zimmer-john containers-medications -
Orbost & District Historical Society
certificate, Phillips, John, 2012
Colin Francis McLaughlin was born January 5, 1933 in Orbost and died May 2, 2008 in Ringwood. He was the son of Phillip Henry McLaughlin and Ethel Olive Morgan . This copy was produced by John Phillips for 2012 Centenary of Education in Orbost. A laminated copy of Proficiency Certificate No 39851 issued to Colin McLaughlin on 1.12.46. It is signed by the Director of Education J.A. Seitz. On the back of the original is : The candidate has completed a course of study in the following subjects with points as indicated.On back : Produced by John Phillips for the Orbost Secondary College Centenary Celebrations on Saturday 28th April and Sunday 29th April 2012.certificate education orbost -
Peterborough History Group
Newspaper articles pertaining to Peterborough from 1990 to 1999
... floods ...Various newspaper articles kept by Mrs Dawn Irvine, all pertaining to Peterborough - river flooding and quality, concerns over council boundary realignment. Article titles: 6/10/1992 Flooding at Peterborough 28/6/1994 Residents undecided over River 4/7/1994 Letter from Warren Moore. Peterborough is alive, the way residents like it. 26/12/1994 Letter from R. Irvine. Apprehension over changes 17/6/1998 Algae fear prompts call to open Curdies River 13/4/1999 Battlelines on the Curdies 14/4/1999 Peterborough residents urge BHP to find alternative waste disposal optionHistoric overview of the towns' concerns at that time. Seven newspaper cuttings of various sizes all regarding aspects of Peterborough. Includes objection to BHP discharging waste into the Curdies River and flooding. warren moore, ronald irvine, curdies river, moyne council, council boundary realignment, curdies river flooding, floods, peterborough, blue green algae, river quality, bhp waste management, bhp -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Bones Day - Army Survey Regiment Versus RAAF School of Radio. Fortuna, Bendigo, 1978
These eight photographs were taken at Bones Day, an annual sports competition between the Army Survey Regiment and the RAAF School of Radio at Bendigo in November 1978. The two units took turns each year to host the event. The day competition usually comprised basketball, cross country, golf, sailing, squash, softball, tennis, touch football, rifle shooting, tug-of-war and volleyball. The “big bone” trophy comprising a large bone from a beast housed inside a wooden framed glass case, was awarded to the winner of the day competition. The evening competition often included darts, carpet bowls, hookey, quoits and billiards/snooker. The “little bone” (a mounted chicken bone) was the consolation trophy awarded to the winner of the evening competition. The 3-hour bus trip for the visiting unit on their return was typically very raucous. The history of the Bones Day competition is best described in the booklet titled - Bones of Contention Souvenir Program. 1965. Refer to Item 6267.These eight photographs were taken at Bones Day, an annual sports competition between the Army Survey Regiment and the RAAF School of Radio at Bendigo in November 1978. The photographs were printed on photographic paper and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 300 dpi. .1) - Photo, black & white, 1978, Softball Team Back Row L to R: Janet (Chopping) Justin, John Ashby, Scheryal Delforce, Tracey (Beckwith) Phillips. Front Row L to R: Zoe (Lisiewich) Ames, Di Chalmers, unidentified, Le-Anne (Smallshaw) Shirley, Lorraine (Daly) Talbot-Smith, Lynn Johnson. .2) - Photo, black & white, 1978, Tennis Team Back Row L to R: Mick Flynn, Chris Carter, Ken Delmenico. Front Row L to R: unidentified (x3), Adrian Rynberk. .3) - Photo, black & white, 1978, Golf Team Back Row L to R: George Austen, unidentified, Roger Rees. Front Row L to R: Peter Imeson, Greg Gilbert, unidentified officer, Paul Richards. .4) - Photo, black & white, 1978, Basketball action: Gill Park – No. 8 .5) - Photo, black & white, 1978, evening events: L to R: Garry Hudson, unidentified RAAF airwoman. .6) - Photo, black & white, 1978, evening events: L to R: Gary Warnest, Wayne Rothwell. .7) - Photo, black & white, 1978, evening events: L to R: Mick ‘Buddha’ Ellis, unidentified RAAF airwoman. .8) - Photo, black & white, 1978, evening events: L to R: Mick ‘Buddha’ Ellis, unidentified, Ian Belmont, Ken Slater. .1P to .8P – No personnel are annotated.royal australian survey corps, army svy regt, rasvy, army survey regiment, fortuna, asr, raaf school of radio, bones day -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, 1908 -1911
This correspondence book was used by the Orbost Shipping Company which was managed an partly owned by Henry James from 1906 until 1915.This item is associated with the Orbost Shipping Company (Henry James was the principal shareholder and manager of this company). The Stormbird, the Coringle and the Wongrabelle were the main steamers owned by this company. These boats also carried sails. The significance of this item lies with its association with the shipping trade which serviced this region prior to the railway coming in 1915/16.A hard back fabric covered correspondence book containing hand-written details of shipping movements, reports and correspondence concerning the Orbost Shipping Company. It has a black cover and a gold stamp on the spine.on spine - "Andrew Sherar Stationer Melbourne"orbost-shipping-company transport shipping -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazines, Atlas Press Pty Ltd, East Gippsland & Railway Extension, 10 September 1908
Orbost and East Gippsland Railway League had proposed a railway extension through East Gippsland in 1908, which aimed to develop an isolated part of the country. At the time, construction of a railway could be considered a beneficial investment for the country as it could increase the population in the region. The proposed railway length in 1908 was about 140 miles and the cost was estimated £800,000. The line was proposed to proceed from Bairnsdale by way of the Lower Nicholson to Bruthen. “After crossing the Tambo River, it would be carried to near Nowa Nowa; the head of Lake Tyers, forward to Orbost. From Orbost it would proceed in a north-easterly way to the New South Wales border. There were different suggested routes between Orbost and the New South Wales border, the first was through Bendoc, another by the Cann River and another which is located between these two. This item is associated with the history of the Orbost-Bairnsdale railway line and therefore reflects the role that the rail line played in the social and economic history of Orbost. The Bairnsdale-Orbost railway was opened in 1916 to serve the agricultural and timber industry. Because of the decline in traffic and heavy operating costs, the line was finally closed in August, 1987. Two small magazines showing the railway extension through East Gippsland. 678.1 has a dark maroon cover with gold print writing. It contains b/w photographs. 678.2 has a red cover with black print writing. Both are bound. 678.1 - inside front cover - M. Beattie ???????? Newmerella 678.2 - inside front cover - Gordon Fisher Orbosteast-gippsland-railway-league railway -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Pamphlet, Life and living in Nunawading, 1978
Nunawading City community guide for 1978.Nunawading City community guide for 1978.Nunawading City community guide for of nunawading, community services -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, January 1, 1897
This photograph shows Mr John Bird ( 3rd from left) ; Mr John Gilbert and Mr Lance Herbert among others having a picnic at the popular beach paddock at Old Station, Corringle, on January 1, 1897. Late in 1857 Mr Thomas T. Stirling took over Corringle Run ("Corringle" means "shallow water"). Mr Stirling and his family came from the wester district - Winchelsea. He settled at the Old Station. A few people were employed at the Orbost Stationb and there was settlement on the Orbost flats, Mr T. T. Stirling held the land from Lake Tyrers to Bemm River as a cattle run. About 1888 he became Secretary of the new Tambo Shire.This photograph is a portrait of rural life in the late 19th century. It is an insight into the dress, manners and activities of the first settlers of Orbost.Two copies of a black / white photograph of a group of men and women picnicking on the sand under tall trees.on back - "Beach Paddock - Old Station -1897" with a list of namesold-station-orbost rural-family-life -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, late 19th - early 20th century
Mr Carl Otto (Clyde) Drevermann was born at Lucknow and worked in various parts of Victoria before coming to Orbost in about 1902. In July 1902 he entered into partnership with Mr Edward Fisher Reynolds and the ironmongery, hardware and tinsmithing business was carried on by the new firm as Drevermann and Reynolds. In about 1905 Mr Drevermann assumed proprietorship and the tinsmith and plumbing section of the business was sold off to Mr Edward Swan. The ironmongery, hardware and timber business was known as Carl Dreverman & Co until 1917 when it was changed to Orbost Hardware and Timber Co. This shop had a row of nails on the window sill to prevent people sitting on the ledge. He married Carrie Bird and had children: Molly and Bill. Carl died in 1946.This is a pictorial record of a general store in early Orbost. It carried general merchandise, a variety of goods and staples needed by the surrounding community. The rural general store played a vital in regional communities throughout the 19th century and into the 20th century.. A black / white photograph of the inside of a shop with many good displayed on the floor, walls and ceiling.on back - "In Dreverman's shop"dreverman-carl-orbost shops-hardware-general -
Orbost & District Historical Society
ledger, first quarter 20th century
This ledger was used by the Shire of Orbost from 1910 -1925. The item was donated to Orbost & District Historical society from P.R.O.V. as a Place of Deposit (POD) item for safe keeping by a local history group or museum. The shire covered an area of 9,347 square kilometres and existed from 1892 until 1994 when it became part of the East Gippsland Shire Council. Orbost was at first included in the Bairnsdale Shire from 1882 and was later part of the Tambo Shire. Because of travelling distances the Croajingalong Shire was created in 1892 (name changed to Orbost Shire 17.2.1893 with James Cameron as the first Shire President. In 1994 it amalgamated to become part of East Gippsland Shire Council. This item is a hand-written record of the accounts of the Orbost Shire local government. It pre-dates computer records. The Orbost Shire council no longer exists having been absorbed by the East Gippsland Shire council.A ledger with ablack cover with brown leather binding.Pages have marbled edges. It contains hand-written records of transactions relating to the Bete Bolong South Drainage Area.on spine - gold lettering on red " Cash Book" and "Bete Bolong South Drainage Area" ; gold lettering on black " Shire of Orbost"ledger orbost-shire accounts bete-bolong-south-drainage-area