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Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Peter Pidgeon, Eltham Primary School, Dalton Street, Eltham, 2 Aug. 2022
... Eltham Primary School Headmaster's Residence State School No. 209 ...View looking up Dalton Street from near Main Road where the former pond was situated. The pond was drained by Council in 1932 due to concerns of mosquitoes, etc against the wishes of long standing residents such as Thekla Jarrold (39 years) and John Clark (22 years). On the right is the Eltham Primary Schoool No. 209 with the former Headmaster's residence.Born Digitaleltham, dalton street, main road, eltham primary school, headmaster's residence, state school no. 209 -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Peter Pidgeon, Site of the former Village Pond, Main Road, Eltham, 2 Aug. 2022
View looking up Dalton Street from near Main Road where the former pond was situated. The pond was drained by Council in 1932 due to concerns of mosquitoes, etc against the wishes of long standing residents such as Thekla Jarrold (39 years) and John Clark (22 years). On the right is the Eltham Primary Schoool No. 209 with the former Headmaster's residence and to the left is Eltham Clinic once the site of the Grant home.Born Digitaleltham, dalton street, main road, eltham clinic, eltham primary school, headmaster's residence, state school no. 209 -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Peter Pidgeon, White Cloud Cottage, 701 Main Road, Eltham, 2 Aug. 2022
Jarrold Cottage built c.1853, also known as 'White Cloud", located at 701 Main Road, Eltham, opposite Dalton Street. The house remains intact and is listed on the Victorian Heritage Database and considered historically significant to the Shire of Nillumbik. The cottage was originally located closer to the Diamond Creek but was subject to flooding. It was dragged by horse to the present site shown, which was chosen for the higher ground that had been created as a result of land fill being deposited here from the quarry further around the bend on Main Road (site of present-day Eltham Primary School carpark) where the stone had been quarried for building the State School in Dalton Street. It had previously been rented for use as a Police Station / residence prior to the building of the permanent police house and station at the corner of Maria and Brougham streets in 1859. The cottage was purchased by Lena Skipper after the death of Thekla Jarrold in 1943 and remains in the family to present day (2022). Comparison photo: SEPP_0749 Part of a presentation by Peter Pidgeon to the Society, 13 August 2022 showcasing a series of photographs taken by John Henry Clark over the period 1895 to 1930. John Henry Clark was the youngest of three boys born to William Henry Clark (1823-1877) and Maria White (1843-1914). He and his brothers, William Charles Clark (1872-1945), Clement Kent Clark (1874-1912) operated a photography business (Clark Bros.) from 25 Thomas Street, Windsor near Prahran during the period c.1894 to 1914. Following death of Clement in September 1912 and their mother in 1914, the Clark Bros business appears to have dissolved, the premises demolished, and a new house was under construction in 1915. John set up business independently in 1914 operating out of 29 Moor Street, Fitzroy where he is registered in the 1914 and 1915 Electoral Rolls. By 1916 John had relocated to Eltham where he continued his practice as a photographer and took many of the early images around the district of Little Eltham. Around 1930 John changed professions and opened a small cobbler's shop in 1931 near the pond opposite Dalton Street adjacent to the Jarrold family cottage. He never married and continued his profession as a bootmaker from this little shop, maintaining a close relationship with Mrs Jarrold for the rest of their lives. His bootmaker shop remains today beside the Whitecloud cottage and is one of only three remaining shops in the area from the early 20th century.Comparative photo taken 2022 with one taken from same location over 100 years earlier by noted local photographer J.H. ClarkBorn Digitaleltham, j.h. clark photo (2022), dalton street, main road, bootmaker's shop, jarrold cottage, white cloud cottage, avenue of honour -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Peter Pidgeon, White Cloud Cottage, 701 Main Road, Eltham, 2 Aug. 2022
Jarrold Cottage built c.1853, also known as 'White Cloud", located at 701 Main Road, Eltham, opposite Dalton Street. The house remains intact and is listed on the Victorian Heritage Database and considered historically significant to the Shire of Nillumbik. The cottage was originally located closer to the Diamond Creek but was subject to flooding. It was dragged by horse to the present site shown, which was chosen for the higher ground that had been created as a result of land fill being deposited here from the quarry further around the bend on Main Road (site of present-day Eltham Primary School carpark) where the stone had been quarried for building the State School in Dalton Street. It had previously been rented for use as a Police Station / residence prior to the building of the permanent police house and station at the corner of Maria and Brougham streets in 1859. The cottage was purchased by Lena Skipper after the death of Thekla Jarrold in 1943 and remains in the family to present day (2022). Part of a presentation by Peter Pidgeon to the Society, 13 August 2022 showcasing a series of photographs taken by John Henry Clark over the period 1895 to 1930.Born Digitaleltham, dalton street, main road, bootmaker's shop, jarrold cottage, white cloud cottage -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Peter Pidgeon, Main Road, Eltham, 2 Aug. 2022
Comparison photo: SEPP_0610 - Main Road near Railway Station, c.1911 Shows Luther and Ada Haley’s General Store, Bakery and Tea Rooms opened September 1902 directly opposite present day Arthur Street. This was the first building in what is now Eltham’s present shopping town centre. Haley previously ran the General Store and Bakery on the corner of Main Road and York Street until his lease expired and the premises were bought by Mrs Sarah Burgoyne in 1902. Haley sold the store to Hannah Lloyd in 1917 who operated it until 1920. It then went through a succession of owners until Eric Staff purchased it in 1939. Ray Staff succeeded his father in 1954 and eventually demolished the store in 1965 opening up a new supermarket, the Eltham Big Star Food Centre. That building still stands at 929 Main Road and is the Nongkhai Thai Restaurant. On the eastern (right) side of Main Street is Haley’s Paddock, which was used on occasions for community picnics. Capable of holding 10,000 people, with ample shade and hilly surroundings it was an ideal place for any community gathering such as the State Schools’ Picnic in 1904. It was not until the early 1920s that stores started to appear between Luck and Dudley Streets. Part of a presentation by Peter Pidgeon to the Society, 13 August 2022 showcasing a series of photographs taken by John Henry Clark over the period 1895 to 1930. John Henry Clark was the youngest of three boys born to William Henry Clark (1823-1877) and Maria White (1843-1914). He and his brothers, William Charles Clark (1872-1945), Clement Kent Clark (1874-1912) operated a photography business (Clark Bros.) from 25 Thomas Street, Windsor near Prahran during the period c.1894 to 1914. Following death of Clement in September 1912 and their mother in 1914, the Clark Bros business appears to have dissolved, the premises demolished, and a new house was under construction in 1915. John set up business independently in 1914 operating out of 29 Moor Street, Fitzroy where he is registered in the 1914 and 1915 Electoral Rolls. By 1916 John had relocated to Eltham where he continued his practice as a photographer and took many of the early images around the district of Little Eltham. Around 1930 John changed professions and opened a small cobbler's shop in 1931 near the pond opposite Dalton Street adjacent to the Jarrold family cottage. He never married and continued his profession as a bootmaker from this little shop, maintaining a close relationship with Mrs Jarrold for the rest of their lives. His bootmaker shop remains today beside the Whitecloud cottage and is one of only three remaining shops in the area from the early 20th century.Comparative photo taken 2022 with one taken from same location over 100 years earlier by noted local photographer J.H. ClarkBorn Digitaleltham, j.h. clark photo (2022), main road -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Doug Orford, 1914-1918 Roll of Honour Board, Eltham State School No. 209, c.2000
... Board, Eltham State School No. 209 Photograph Photograph Doug ...1914-1918 Roll of Honour board located at Eltham Primary School Scholars of Eltham No. 209 State School Who Fought In The Great War Anderson, H. Ball, A. Bird, E. * Bromfield, C. * Bromfield, P. Brown, G. * Brown, J. * Cameron, T. * Cameron, W. Carrucan, J. Clayton, T. Cone, L. Crellin, W. * Crossley, N. Gilsenan, H. Gollings, L. Hill, G. Hill, Reg MM Hill, R. MM Jarrold, J. Knapman, E. Lyons, M. Morris, A. Morris, C. Morris, F. Morris, H. McColl, J. McGavin, G. McGavin, P. Orford, F. Orford, W. Pryor, J. Pryor, R. * Scarce, H. Scott, R. Shillinglaw, E. MM Somerville, G. * Thomas, L. Thomas, P. Williams, G. * * - Paid the ultimate sacrifice for their country MM - Awarded the Military Medal1918, a. ball, a. morris, aif, c. bromfield, c. morris, e. bird, e. knapman, e. shillinglaw mm, eltham state school no. 209, f. morris, f. orford, first world war, g. brown, g. hill, g. mcgavin, g. somerville, g. williams, great war, h. anderson, h. gilsenan, h. morris, h. scarce, honour board, honour roll, j. brown, j. carrucan, j. jarrold, j. mccoll, j. pryor, l. cone, l. gollings, l. thomas, m. lyons, n. crossley, p. bromfield, p. mcgavin, p. thomas, r. hill mm, r. pryor, r. scott, reg hill mm, roll of honour, t. cameron, t. clayton, w. cameron, w. crellin, w. orford, ww1, eltham primary school -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Document, Identity Card: Douglas Frederick Orford, 1943
Civilian Registration Identity Card issued to Douglas Frederick Orford of Irvines Road, Eltham, a student of Eltham Higher Elementary School, signed by subject and witnessed by E.T. Orford, farmer of Eltham. This type of card was issued to British subjects who were civilians. During World War II everyone in Australia was issued with a personal identity card and was required to report changes of address to the government. These cards were particularly important in the identification and monitoring of Aliens (non-citizen residents) , particularly non-Europeans and Asian residents.civilian registration (british subjects), eltham, ernest thomas orford, identity card, irvines road, second world war, ww2, douglas frederick orford, eltham higher elementary school, 1943 -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Badge, HES: Eltham En Avant, c.1934
Badge attached to caps worn by boys of Eltham Higher Elementary School The motto "Eltham En Avant" was adopted in 1934 and means Eltham look forward/ahead/in front. This particular badge was owned and worn by long standing local Elthamite, Doug Orford eltham higher elementary school, school badge, school motto, school boys cap -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Badge, Eltham Higher Elementary School 1928, 1928
... Higher Elementary School 1928 Photograph Badge ...Badge issued to students of Eltham Higher Elementary School in celebration of the opening of the school building in 1928eltham higher elementary school, school badge, 1928, badge, button -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Slide - Photograph, St Andrews Primary School Banner, 1985
... St Andrews Primary School Banner Slide Photograph ...St Andrews Primary School was one of thirteen primary schools and one high school to participate in the banner project. A picture of the St Andrews Primary School banner was included in page 10 of The banner habits of the Eltham tribes : Eltham Shire "as we are" Community Banner Project report / by Jacky Talbot. The 'As We Are' Community Banner Project was the first major Community Arts project initiated and co-ordinated through the resources of the Shire of Eltham. It was originally conceived and inspired by a local textile artist, Tracey Naughton, who, together with the Community Services Manager of this local government council, made the idea a very concrete and flourishing reality. The project grew from the original fourteen or so intending participant groups to fifty-seven banners; expressions of those diverse groups' interests and identities. As a first major project it was rightly felt by Tracey Naughton, who became the Shire's first Community Arts Officer in March 1985, that it should be fully documented, so that an appraisal of the extensive growth of this community arts development process could be assessed. Given the time and money available to do this, Jacky Talbot, and her advisors, decided it was appropriate to select fifteen or twenty banners for detailed analysis. This was done by taping interviews with members of the chosen groups. The groups were chosen to cover all ages participating, from the toddlers in the Playhouse to our grand elder citizens in their Nursing Horne, and to cover a wide range of different types of groups - schools, scouts, churches, youth issue based, and the numerous women's groups of various combinations, localities and concerns. ·. Some groups who presented their banners for the culminating highlight of this project - the Exhibition, held at the Eltham Community Centre on October 9th, 1986, had no contact with the Shire or project co-ordinator, but heard about the project through the local news' networks or other participants. The extent of community participation was enormous. It involved hundreds and hundreds of people. It changed some people's lives, enlivened others. As a first step on a new road its success is notable. The 'As We Are' Community Banner Project took place in the Shire of Eltham and neighbouring environs for approximately 12 months, from October 1985.35mm colour positive transparency Mount - Cardbanners, st andrews primary school, banner project, community, emblems, flags, shire of eltham -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Colour Print, Children's artwork and display, Proposed Community Arts Project for Were Street, Montmorency, c.Dec. 1993
children's art, montmorency, proposed community arts project for were street, school children, were street -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, D. Carrighan, The Lightning Photographers, 3rd and 4th Class, Eltham State School No. 209, 1888
... and 4th Class, Eltham State School No. 209 Photograph Photograph D ...Photo: D. Carrighan, The Lightning Photographers, Image No. 8 Bottom seated row, right side end, Alex and Alfbert (Tommy) Smart. Photo used on the cover of "We did open a school in Little Eltham", Eltham Primary School (2006) David Clark Head Teacher 1855-1889 and Assistant, Catherine Clark, his sister (believed to be on his left). He was replaced by John Brown. Note: Photo is a Class not Grade (examination level). PANEL 1875-1920 Panels began to be produced around 1875, and were particularly suited, because of their larger size, for capturing family, or even larger, groups. They measured 8.5 by 6.5 inches (22 cm x 16.5 cm). - Frost, Lenore; Dating Family Photos 1850-1920; Valiant Press Pty. Ltd., Berwick, Victoria 1991marg ball collection, shillinglaw family photo album 3, 1888, albert (tommy) smart, alex smart, catherine clark, class photo, d. carrighan the lightning photographers, dalton street, david clark, david george clark, edwin alexander (alex) smart, eltham, eltham primary school, eltham state school, eltham state school no. 209, may smart, state school no. 209, victoria may kamm (nee smart), william albert (tommy) smart -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, D. Carrighan, The Lightning Photographers, 1st and 2nd Class, Eltham State School No. 209, 1888
... Primary School Eltham State School Eltham State School No. 209 ...Photo: D. Carrighan, The Lightning Photographers, Image No. 9 Note: Photo is a Class not Grade (examination level). PANEL 1875-1920 Panels began to be produced around 1875, and were particularly suited, because of their larger size, for capturing family, or even larger, groups. They measured 8.5 by 6.5 inches (22 cm x 16.5 cm). - Frost, Lenore; Dating Family Photos 1850-1920; Valiant Press Pty. Ltd., Berwick, Victoria 1991marg ball collection, shillinglaw family photo album 3, 1888, catherine clark, class photo, d. carrighan the lightning photographers, dalton street, david clark, david george clark, eltham, eltham primary school, eltham state school, eltham state school no. 209, state school no. 209 -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Thomas Tennent, Class Photo, Eltham State School No. 209, Dalton Street, Eltham. Teacher Miss Ellen Sweeney, c.1894
Teacher Ellen Sweeney at rear. A former student of the school from 1879 (age 4) to 1889, Ellen was a teacher at Eltham State School from 1891-1898. She returned in 1915 until her marriage to William Hooley of Casterton at St Marys, Eltham, Tuesday, April 24, 1923. Based on Ellen Sweeney's hairstyle, the date is more likely to be in the earlier 1890s Thomas Tennant, photgrapher operated from 116 Johnston Street, Collingwood from c.1891 through to 1900. PANEL 1875-1920 Panels began to be produced around 1875, and were particularly suited, because of their larger size, for capturing family, or even larger, groups. They measured 8.5 by 6.5 inches (22 cm x 16.5 cm). - Frost, Lenore; Dating Family Photos 1850-1920; Valiant Press Pty. Ltd., Berwick, Victoria 1991marg ball collection, shillinglaw family photo album 3, 1891-1898, 1894, class photo, ellen hooley (nee sweeney), ellen sweeney, eltham primary school, eltham state school no. 209, thomas tennent photographer 116 johnston st collingwood -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Theodor Black, Girl Students, Eltham State School No. 209, c.1904
... State School No. 209 Photograph Photograph Theodor Black ...Photo taken at the east end of the school. 1. Head Teacher John Brown served as HT from 1889 to his death in Sept 1906. 2. 53 Girls and 42 boys - 95 - attendance figures known between 1899 and 1906. 3. Female teacher in both photohraphs is Miss Amy E Barrowclough (Oct 1900 through 1904) [150th anniversary book incorrectly identifies her as Ellen Sweeney] 4. Youth in doorway is the Monitor, Harold Gilsenan (1904) 5. Post and rail fencing along Dalton Street (seen behind John Brown) was built in the upgrade of 1903 These facts date the photographs to be c.1904-c.1905 [Harry Gilham] Ina Falkiner is top row 4th from left Gertrude Falkiner is bottom row seated 4th from left. (Identified by Gertrude's garnddaugher and Ina's great neice, Judith Vun, email 26 May 2022) John Brown died 23 Sept 1906 after a short severe illness at age 55 and is buried in Box Hill Cemetery (Evelyn Observer 28 Sep 1906 p2). The book "We did open a school in Little Eltham" incorrectly states his date of death as 16/12/1906. Title The Evelyn Observer. (1906, September 28). Evelyn Observer and Bourke East Record (Vic. : 1902 - 1917), p. 2 (MORNING.) Url Description It is with sincere regret we record the death of Mr. John Brown, State school teacher, Eltham, which sad event took place at his residence, "Pine Brae," on Sunday night last, 23rd inst. after a severe illness of some few weeks' duration. The deceased gentleman was highly respected, and always took a lively and active interest in promoting the progress and prosperity of the district, and his loss will be much felt, He was only 55 years of age, and leaves a wife and large family to mourn their loss, and much sympathy is felt for them. The remains of the deceased were interred in the Box Hill cemetery on Wednesday afternoon last. PANEL 1875-1920 Panels began to be produced around 1875, and were particularly suited, because of their larger size, for capturing family, or even larger, groups. They measured 8.5 by 6.5 inches (22 cm x 16.5 cm). - Frost, Lenore; Dating Family Photos 1850-1920; Valiant Press Pty. Ltd., Berwick, Victoria 1991marg ball collection, shillinglaw family photo album 3, class photo, eltham primary school, eltham state school no. 209, 1904, gretrude falkiner, ina falkiner, john brown, miss amy e barrowclough, state school no. 209, theodor black photographer -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Theodor Black, Boy students, Eltham State School No. 209, c.1904
... State School No. 209 Photograph Photograph Theodor Black ...Photo taken at the east end of the school. 1. Head Teacher John Brown served as HT from 1889 to his death in Sept 1906. 2. 53 Girls and 42 boys - 95 - attendance figures known between 1899 and 1906. 3. Female teacher in both photohraphs is Miss Amy E Barrowclough (Oct 1900 through 1904) [150th anniversary book incorrectly identifies her as Ellen Sweeney] 4. Youth in doorway is the Monitor, Harold Gilsenan (1904) 5. Post and rail fencing along Dalton Street (seen behind John Brown) was built in the upgrade of 1903 These facts date the photographs to be c.1904-c.1905 [Harry Gilham] Ina Falkiner is top row 4th from left Gertrude Falkiner is bottom row seated 4th from left. (Identified by Gertrude's garnddaugher and Ina's great neice, Judith Vun, email 26 May 2022) John Brown died 23 Sept 1906 after a short severe illness at age 55 and is buried in Box Hill Cemetery (Evelyn Observer 28 Sep 1906 p2). The book "We did open a school in Little Eltham" incorrectly states his date of death as 16/12/1906. Title The Evelyn Observer. (1906, September 28). Evelyn Observer and Bourke East Record (Vic. : 1902 - 1917), p. 2 (MORNING.) Url Description It is with sincere regret we record the death of Mr. John Brown, State school teacher, Eltham, which sad event took place at his residence, "Pine Brae," on Sunday night last, 23rd inst. after a severe illness of some few weeks' duration. The deceased gentleman was highly respected, and always took a lively and active interest in promoting the progress and prosperity of the district, and his loss will be much felt, He was only 55 years of age, and leaves a wife and large family to mourn their loss, and much sympathy is felt for them. The remains of the deceased were interred in the Box Hill cemetery on Wednesday afternoon last. PANEL 1875-1920 Panels began to be produced around 1875, and were particularly suited, because of their larger size, for capturing family, or even larger, groups. They measured 8.5 by 6.5 inches (22 cm x 16.5 cm). - Frost, Lenore; Dating Family Photos 1850-1920; Valiant Press Pty. Ltd., Berwick, Victoria 1991marg ball collection, shillinglaw family photo album 3, class photo, eltham primary school, eltham state school no. 209, 1904, harold gilsenan, john brown, miss amy e barrowclough, state school no. 209, theodor black photographer -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, John Brown, Head Teacher, Eltham State School No. 209, Dalton Street, c.1906
Inscribed on back by hand in ink: "With kind regards to Mr Shillinglaw from Jane E. Brown, 'Elthamville' Tinning Street, Brunswick, 22.11.06" PANEL 1875-1920 Panels began to be produced around 1875, and were particularly suited, because of their larger size, for capturing family, or even larger, groups. They measured 8.5 by 6.5 inches (22 cm x 16.5 cm). - Frost, Lenore; Dating Family Photos 1850-1920; Valiant Press Pty. Ltd., Berwick, Victoria 1991marg ball collection, shillinglaw family photo album 3, 1906, eltham primary school, eltham state school no. 209, head teacher, john brown -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Eltham State School No. 209, Dalton Street, Eltham, c.1907
PANEL 1875-1920 Panels began to be produced around 1875, and were particularly suited, because of their larger size, for capturing family, or even larger, groups. They measured 8.5 by 6.5 inches (22 cm x 16.5 cm). - Frost, Lenore; Dating Family Photos 1850-1920; Valiant Press Pty. Ltd., Berwick, Victoria 1991marg ball collection, shillinglaw family photo album 3, eltham primary school, eltham state school no. 209, 1907, class photo -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Grade 5, Eltham State School No. 209, c.1919
... School No. 209 Photograph Photograph W. Edmends ...Photo: W. Edmends, 168 Donald St., Brunswick Written on the back in ink "Ernest Bunker" and also noted in pencil (H. Gilham hand?) "Fred Dudfield Head Teacher" PANEL 1875-1920 Panels began to be produced around 1875, and were particularly suited, because of their larger size, for capturing family, or even larger, groups. They measured 8.5 by 6.5 inches (22 cm x 16.5 cm). - Frost, Lenore; Dating Family Photos 1850-1920; Valiant Press Pty. Ltd., Berwick, Victoria 1991marg ball collection, shillinglaw family photo album 3, eltham primary school, eltham state school no. 209, class photo, 1919, w. edmends photographer -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, W. Edmends, Grades 3 and 4, Eltham State School No. 209, c.1919
... Eltham Primary School Eltham State School No. 209 Class Photo ...Photo: W. Edmends, 168 Donald St., Brunswick Written on the back in ink "Ernest Bunker" PANEL 1875-1920 Panels began to be produced around 1875, and were particularly suited, because of their larger size, for capturing family, or even larger, groups. They measured 8.5 by 6.5 inches (22 cm x 16.5 cm). - Frost, Lenore; Dating Family Photos 1850-1920; Valiant Press Pty. Ltd., Berwick, Victoria 1991marg ball collection, shillinglaw family photo album 3, eltham primary school, eltham state school no. 209, class photo, 1919, w. edmends photographer -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Yeoman and Co, Florence May Shillinglaw, c.1906
Florence May Shillinglaw born September 21, 1886 at Eltham, Victoria was the tenth child of Phillip Shillinglaw and Sarah Ann (nee Kidd). She commenced school at Eltham State School No. 209 (Register No. 552) in 1891 at age 4. She married Edward Thomas Bunker September 6, 1906 and they had eight children all born in Eltham where they had a cherry orchard and all lived full lives. Florence died July 26, 1969 at Ivanhoe."Mary Shillinglaw"marg ball collection, 1883-1918, 1906, florence may bunker (nee shillinglaw) (1886-1969), yeoman & co photographer prahran -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Yeoman and Co, Florence May Shillinglaw, c.1906
Florence May Shillinglaw born September 21, 1886 at Eltham, Victoria was the tenth child of Phillip Shillinglaw and Sarah Ann (nee Kidd). She commenced school at Eltham State School No. 209 (Register No. 552) in 1891 at age 4. She married Edward Thomas Bunker September 6, 1906 and they had eight children all born in Eltham where they had a cherry orchard and all lived full lives. Florence died July 26, 1969 at Ivanhoe."Mary Shillinglaw"marg ball collection, 1883-1918, 1906, florence may bunker (nee shillinglaw) (1886-1969), yeoman & co photographer prahran -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Memorabilia - Photograph, Ellen Sweeney, In Loving Memory of Jean, 1920
Photo of the flower covered grave of Jean Watson who died as a result of an accident in 1920 at age 14 years; daughter of Christopher Watson and Carrie Watson (nee Shillinglaw. Inscribed on reverse in pen on deteriorating brown paper: "To dear Mrs Watson as a small tribute of our love to that memory of Jean from E. Sweeney & school mates Eltham School"marg ball collection, caroline (carrie) watson (nee shillinglaw 1876-1956), ellen sweeney, eltham cemetery, eltham state school no. 209, graves, jean watson (1906-1920) -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Aerial Photograph, Landata, Eltham, Main Road; Henry St to Bellevue Rd, Dec. 1945
Eltham, Main Road; Henry St to Bellevue Rd, and east along Luck St to present day Eltham East School Historic Aerial Imagery Source: Aerial Photo Details: Project No :5 Project : MELBOURNE AND METROPOLITAN AREA PROJECT Run : 36 Frame : 60549 Date : 12/1945 Film Type : B/W Camera : EAG4 Flying Height : 10200 Scale : 6000 Film Number : 228 GDA2020 : 37°42'45"S, 145°08'59"E MGA2020 : 336903, 5824465 (55) Melways : 21 K4 (ed. 42)aerial photo, arthur street, bellevue road, bible street, diamond street, dudley street, elsa court, eltham, eltham east primary school, gahan house, henry street, livingstone road, luck street, main road, pryor street, neil webster collection -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Aerial Photograph, Landata, Eltham, Luck St; Bible St to Beard St, Dec. 1945
Centred on present day Eltham East Primary School, east of Main Rd along Luck St to Beard St Historic Aerial Imagery Source: Aerial Photo Details: Project No :5 Project : MELBOURNE AND METROPOLITAN AREA PROJECT Run : 36 Frame : 60548 Date : 12/1945 Film Type : B/W Camera : EAG4 Flying Height : 10200 Scale : 6000 Film Number : 195 GDA2020 : 37°42'46"S, 145°09'18"E MGA2020 : 337371, 5824456 (55) Melways : 22 A4 (ed. 42)aerial photo, eltham, arthur street, beard street, bible street, eltham east primary school, frank street, henry street, luck street, stanley avenue, wycliffe crescent, neil webster collection -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Black and White Print, Lewis Tulk, Stage IV Scout Leader Training course, Gillwell Park, Gembrook, Vic, c.1960
With Alistair Clark Gilwell Park is a campsite and outdoor recreation area located in Gembrook, Victoria, Australia. It is primarily used by the scouting community as a training and camping facility. The site is owned and operated by Scouts Victoria, and is one of the largest and most popular campsites in the state. It covers over 95 hectares of natural bushland, and features a range of facilities including campsites, activity areas, a dining hall, and accommodation options. Gilwell Park has a long history within the scouting movement, and is named after the original Gilwell Park located in Epping Forest, England. The English site is considered the spiritual home of scouting, and was where the first Wood Badge training course was held in 1919. Today, Gilwell Park at Gembrook offers a range of training courses and programs for scouts, leaders, and other community groups. It is also a popular destination for school camps, corporate team-building events, and outdoor enthusiasts looking to explore the natural beauty of the region. [Source: ChatGPT Open AI - Gilwell Park in Australia.. (2023, March 23). Retrieved from] Donated by Lewis Tulk, former Scout Area Training Commisioner for Leaders. Lewis did his training at Gillwell Park in London.On reverse of print, stamped with film no. 6927scouts victoria, gillwell park, gembrook, scout leader training, lewis tulk collection -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Black and White Print, Lewis Tulk, Stage IV Scout Leader Training course, Gillwell Park, Gembrook, Vic, c.1960
Gilwell Park is a campsite and outdoor recreation area located in Gembrook, Victoria, Australia. It is primarily used by the scouting community as a training and camping facility. The site is owned and operated by Scouts Victoria, and is one of the largest and most popular campsites in the state. It covers over 95 hectares of natural bushland, and features a range of facilities including campsites, activity areas, a dining hall, and accommodation options. Gilwell Park has a long history within the scouting movement, and is named after the original Gilwell Park located in Epping Forest, England. The English site is considered the spiritual home of scouting, and was where the first Wood Badge training course was held in 1919. Today, Gilwell Park at Gembrook offers a range of training courses and programs for scouts, leaders, and other community groups. It is also a popular destination for school camps, corporate team-building events, and outdoor enthusiasts looking to explore the natural beauty of the region. [Source: ChatGPT Open AI - Gilwell Park in Australia.. (2023, March 23). Retrieved from] Donated by Lewis Tulk, former Scout Area Training Commisioner for Leaders. Lewis did his training at Gillwell Park in London.On reverse of print, stamped with film no. 6927scouts victoria, gillwell park, gembrook, scout leader training, lewis tulk collection -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Black and White Print, Lewis Tulk, Stage IV Scout Leader Training course, Gillwell Park, Gembrook, Vic, c.1960
Gilwell Park is a campsite and outdoor recreation area located in Gembrook, Victoria, Australia. It is primarily used by the scouting community as a training and camping facility. The site is owned and operated by Scouts Victoria, and is one of the largest and most popular campsites in the state. It covers over 95 hectares of natural bushland, and features a range of facilities including campsites, activity areas, a dining hall, and accommodation options. Gilwell Park has a long history within the scouting movement, and is named after the original Gilwell Park located in Epping Forest, England. The English site is considered the spiritual home of scouting, and was where the first Wood Badge training course was held in 1919. Today, Gilwell Park at Gembrook offers a range of training courses and programs for scouts, leaders, and other community groups. It is also a popular destination for school camps, corporate team-building events, and outdoor enthusiasts looking to explore the natural beauty of the region. [Source: ChatGPT Open AI - Gilwell Park in Australia.. (2023, March 23). Retrieved from] Donated by Lewis Tulk, former Scout Area Training Commisioner for Leaders. Lewis did his training at Gillwell Park in London.On reverse of print, stamped with film no. 6927scouts victoria, gillwell park, gembrook, scout leader training, lewis tulk collection -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Black and White Print, Lewis Tulk, Stage IV Scout Leader Training course, Gillwell Park, Gembrook, Vic, c.1960
Gilwell Park is a campsite and outdoor recreation area located in Gembrook, Victoria, Australia. It is primarily used by the scouting community as a training and camping facility. The site is owned and operated by Scouts Victoria, and is one of the largest and most popular campsites in the state. It covers over 95 hectares of natural bushland, and features a range of facilities including campsites, activity areas, a dining hall, and accommodation options. Lewis Tulk centre front Gilwell Park has a long history within the scouting movement, and is named after the original Gilwell Park located in Epping Forest, England. The English site is considered the spiritual home of scouting, and was where the first Wood Badge training course was held in 1919. Today, Gilwell Park at Gembrook offers a range of training courses and programs for scouts, leaders, and other community groups. It is also a popular destination for school camps, corporate team-building events, and outdoor enthusiasts looking to explore the natural beauty of the region. [Source: ChatGPT Open AI - Gilwell Park in Australia.. (2023, March 23). Retrieved from] Donated by Lewis Tulk, former Scout Area Training Commisioner for Leaders. Lewis did his training at Gillwell Park in London.On reverse of print, stamped with film no. 6927scouts victoria, gillwell park, gembrook, scout leader training, lewis tulk collection -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Black and White Print, Lewis Tulk, Original Training Hut, Gillwell Park, Gembrook, Vic, c.1960
Gilwell Park is a campsite and outdoor recreation area located in Gembrook, Victoria, Australia. It is primarily used by the scouting community as a training and camping facility. The site is owned and operated by Scouts Victoria, and is one of the largest and most popular campsites in the state. It covers over 95 hectares of natural bushland, and features a range of facilities including campsites, activity areas, a dining hall, and accommodation options. Gilwell Park has a long history within the scouting movement, and is named after the original Gilwell Park located in Epping Forest, England. The English site is considered the spiritual home of scouting, and was where the first Wood Badge training course was held in 1919. Today, Gilwell Park at Gembrook offers a range of training courses and programs for scouts, leaders, and other community groups. It is also a popular destination for school camps, corporate team-building events, and outdoor enthusiasts looking to explore the natural beauty of the region. [Source: ChatGPT Open AI - Gilwell Park in Australia.. (2023, March 23). Retrieved from] Donated by Lewis Tulk, former Scout Area Training Commisioner for Leaders. Lewis did his training at Gillwell Park in London.On reverse of print, stamped with film no. 6927scouts victoria, gillwell park, gembrook, scout leader training, lewis tulk collection