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matching social development
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Booklet, Vietnam: the view beyond the battle
community development -- vietnam., vietnam war, 1961-1975., vietnam -- social conditions. -
City of Ballarat
Artwork, other - Public Artwork, Leaf Design Studio, Coming Home to Nest by Katherine Masiulanis
At the crossover between placemaking and public art, this space designed and constructed by Katherine Masiulanis embeds local stories to enliven the local community centre. Masiulanis has designed the public artwork to reflect the lines of crops and ploughed fields and mountains in the surrounding landscape. The artwork also refers to the seasonal travel of Aboriginal people from Wendouree to Burrumbeet and migratory birds making a similar journey. The style of the refurbished courtyard will reflect the 1970s positivity style reflected in the Community Centre architectural design and the history of the first development of the ‘Village’. Cardigan Village is home to about 450 residents on the outskirts of Ballarat. It was established in the 70s, with all the positivity and optimism of the period.Painted walls, metal bird shapes, metal cut out wall shapes, stone bowl -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Manuscript, Robin Boyd, America in Australia
A critique of the adaption of American culture in Australian popular culture, where only the worst or silliest things from the US are adopted. Boyd suggests the colonial, unambitious and rigid brand of masculinity that characterises the "Aussie myth" hinders the development of an imaginative and creative social climate that manifests in a superficial appropriation of American culture. Boyd is not critical of US culture itself, in fact he has a great appreciation of US culture. He suggests that the Australian brand of Americanisation is only a superficial commercial exploitation of the American dream. It concludes with Boyd rallying for the development of a unique Australian originality with increasing connections to Asia.Typewritten, pencil edits (pages 22a and 22b added after page 22), quarto, 24 pagesamericanisation, american culture, australian culture, masculinity, cultural myths, australian values, social attitudes, ussr, asia, california, sidney nolan, alan moorehead, patrick white, donald horne, john anderson, robin boyd, manuscript -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Periodical, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Australian Aboriginal studies : journal of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, 2008
1. Rock-art of the Western Desert and Pilbara: Pigment dates provide new perspectives on the role of art in the Australian arid zone Jo McDonald (Australian National University) and Peter Veth (Australian National University) Systematic analysis of engraved and painted art from the Western Desert and Pilbara has allowed us to develop a spatial model for discernable style provinces. Clear chains of stylistic connection can be demonstrated from the Pilbara coast to the desert interior with distinct and stylistically unique rock-art bodies. Graphic systems appear to link people over short, as well as vast, distances, and some of these style networks appear to have operated for very long periods of time. What are the social dynamics that could produce unique style provinces, as well as shared graphic vocabularies, over 1000 kilometres? Here we consider language boundaries within and between style provinces, and report on the first dates for pigment rock-art from the Australian arid zone and reflect on how these dates from the recent past help address questions of stylistic variability through space and time. 2. Painting and repainting in the west Kimberley Sue O?Connor, Anthony Barham (Australian National University) and Donny Woolagoodja (Mowanjum Community, Derby) We take a fresh look at the practice of repainting, or retouching, rockart, with particular reference to the Kimberley region of Western Australia. We discuss the practice of repainting in the context of the debate arising from the 1987 Ngarinyin Cultural Continuity Project, which involved the repainting of rock-shelters in the Gibb River region of the western Kimberley. The ?repainting debate? is reviewed here in the context of contemporary art production in west Kimberley Indigenous communities, such as Mowanjum. At Mowanjum the past two decades have witnessed an artistic explosion in the form of paintings on canvas and board that incorporate Wandjina and other images inspired by those traditionally depicted on panels in rock-shelters. Wandjina also represents the key motif around which community desires to return to Country are articulated, around which Country is curated and maintained, and through which the younger generations now engage with their traditional lands and reach out to wider international communities. We suggest that painting in the new media represents a continuation or transference of traditional practice. Stories about the travels, battles and engagements of Wandjina and other Dreaming events are now retold and experienced in the communities with reference to the paintings, an activity that is central to maintaining and reinvigorating connection between identity and place. The transposition of painting activity from sites within Country to the new ?out-of-Country? settlements represents a social counterbalance to the social dislocation that arose from separation from traditional places and forced geographic moves out-of-Country to government and mission settlements in the twentieth century. 3. Port Keats painting: Revolution and continuity Graeme K Ward (AIATSIS) and Mark Crocombe (Thamarrurr Regional Council) The role of the poet and collector of ?mythologies?, Roland Robinson, in prompting the production of commercial bark-painting at Port Keats (Wadeye), appears to have been accepted uncritically - though not usually acknowledged - by collectors and curators. Here we attempt to trace the history of painting in the Daly?Fitzmaurice region to contextualise Robinson?s contribution, and to evaluate it from both the perspective of available literature and of accounts of contemporary painters and Traditional Owners in the Port Keats area. It is possible that the intervention that Robinson might have considered revolutionary was more likely a continuation of previously well established cultural practice, the commercial development of which was both an Indigenous ?adjustment? to changing socio-cultural circumstances, and a quiet statement of maintenance of identity by strong individuals adapting and attempting to continue their cultural traditions. 4. Negotiating form in Kuninjku bark-paintings Luke Taylor (AIATSIS) Here I examine social processes involved in the manipulation of painted forms of bark-paintings among Kuninjku artists living near Maningrida in Arnhem Land. Young artists are taught to paint through apprenticeships that involve exchange of skills in producing form within extended family groups. Through apprenticeship processes we can also see how personal innovations are shared among family and become more regionally located. Lately there have been moves by senior artists to establish separate out-stations and to train their wives and daughters to paint. At a stylistic level the art now creates a greater sense of family autonomy and yet the subjects link the artists back in to much broader social networks. 5. Making art and making culture in far western New South Wales Lorraine Gibson This contribution is based on my ethnographic fieldwork. It concerns the intertwining aspects of the two concepts of art and culture and shows how Aboriginal people in Wilcannia in far western New South Wales draw on these concepts to assert and create a distinctive cultural identity for themselves. Focusing largely on the work of one particular artist, I demonstrate the ways in which culture (as this is considered) is affectively experienced and articulated as something that one ?comes into contact with? through the practice of art-making. I discuss the social and cultural role that art-making, and art talk play in considering, mediating and resolving issues to do with cultural subjectivity, authority and identity. I propose that in thinking about the content of the art and in making the art, past and present matters of interest, of difficulty and of pleasure are remembered, considered, resolved and mediated. Culture (as this is considered by Wilcannia Aboriginal people) is also made anew; it comes about through the practice of artmaking and in displaying and talking about the art work. Culture as an objectified, tangible entity is moreover writ large and made visible through art in ways that are valued by artists and other community members. The intersections between Aboriginal peoples, anthropologists, museum collections and published literature, and the network of relations between, are also shown to have interesting synergies that play themselves out in the production of art and culture. 6. Black on White: Or varying shades of grey? Indigenous Australian photo-media artists and the ?making of? Aboriginality Marianne Riphagen (Radboud University, The Netherlands) In 2005 the Centre for Contemporary Photography in Melbourne presented the Indigenous photo-media exhibition Black on White. Promising to explore Indigenous perspectives on non-Aboriginality, its catalogue set forth two questions: how do Aboriginal artists see the people and culture that surrounds them? Do they see non-Aboriginal Australians as other? However, art works produced for this exhibition rejected curatorial constructions of Black and White, instead presenting viewers with more complex and ambivalent notions of Aboriginality and non-Aboriginality. This paper revisits the Black on White exhibition as an intercultural event and argues that Indigenous art practitioners, because of their participation in a process to signify what it means to be Aboriginal, have developed new forms of Aboriginality. 7. Culture production Rembarrnga way: Innovation and tradition in Lena Yarinkura?s and Bob Burruwal?s metal sculptures Christiane Keller (University of Westerna Australia) Contemporary Indigenous artists are challenged to produce art for sale and at the same time to protect their cultural heritage. Here I investigate how Rembarrnga sculptors extend already established sculptural practices and the role innovation plays within these developments, and I analyse how Rembarrnga artists imprint their cultural and social values on sculptures made in an essentially Western medium, that of metal-casting. The metal sculptures made by Lena Yarinkura and her husband Bob Burruwal, two prolific Rembarrnga artists from north-central Arnhem Land, can be seen as an extension of their earlier sculptural work. In the development of metal sculptures, the artists shifted their artistic practice in two ways: they transformed sculptural forms from an earlier ceremonial context and from earlier functional fibre objects. Using Fred Myers?s concept of culture production, I investigate Rembarrnga ways of culture-making. 8. 'How did we do anything without it?': Indigenous art and craft micro-enterprise use and perception of new media technology.maps, colour photographs, b&w photographswest kimberley, rock art, kuninjku, photo media, lena yarinkura, bob burruwal, new media technology -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Periodical, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Australian Aboriginal studies : journal of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, 2010
'Whose Ethics?':Codifying and enacting ethics in research settings Bringing ethics up to date? A review of the AIATSIS ethical guidelines Michael Davis (Independent Academic) A revision of the AIATSIS Guidelines for Ethical Research in Indigenous Studies was carried out during 2009-10. The purpose of the revision was to bring the Guidelines up to date in light of a range of critical developments that have occurred in Indigenous rights, research and knowledge management since the previous version of the Guidelines was released in 2000. In this paper I present an outline of these developments, and briefly discuss the review process. I argue that the review, and the developments that it responded to, have highlighted that ethical research needs to be thought about more as a type of behaviour and practice between engaged participants, and less as an institutionalised, document-focused and prescriptive approach. The arrogance of ethnography: Managing anthropological research knowledge Sarah Holcombe (ANU) The ethnographic method is a core feature of anthropological practice. This locally intensive research enables insight into local praxis and culturally relative practices that would otherwise not be possible. Indeed, empathetic engagement is only possible in this close and intimate encounter. However, this paper argues that this method can also provide the practitioner with a false sense of his or her own knowing and expertise and, indeed, with arrogance. And the boundaries between the anthropologist as knowledge sink - cultural translator and interpreter - and the knowledge of the local knowledge owners can become opaque. Globalisation and the knowledge ?commons?, exemplified by Google, also highlight the increasing complexities in this area of the governance and ownership of knowledge. Our stronghold of working in remote areas and/or with marginalised groups places us at the forefront of negotiating the multiple new technological knowledge spaces that are opening up in the form of Indigenous websites and knowledge centres in these areas. Anthropology is not immune from the increasing awareness of the limitations and risks of the intellectual property regime for protecting or managing Indigenous knowledge. The relevance of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in opening up a ?rights-based? discourse, especially in the area of knowledge ownership, brings these issues to the fore. For anthropology to remain relevant, we have to engage locally with these global discourses. This paper begins to traverse some of this ground. Protocols: Devices for translating moralities, controlling knowledge and defining actors in Indigenous research, and critical ethical reflection Margaret Raven (Institute for Sustainability and Technology Policy (ISTP), Murdoch University) Protocols are devices that act to assist with ethical research behaviour in Indigenous research contexts. Protocols also attempt to play a mediating role in the power and control inherent in research. While the development of bureaucratically derived protocols is on the increase, critiques and review of protocols have been undertaken in an ad hoc manner and in the absence of an overarching ethical framework or standard. Additionally, actors implicated in research networks are seldom theorised. This paper sketches out a typology of research characters and the different moral positioning that each of them plays in the research game. It argues that by understanding the ways actors enact research protocols we are better able to understand what protocols are, and how they seek to build ethical research practices. Ethics and research: Dilemmas raised in managing research collections of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander materials Grace Koch (AIATSIS) This paper examines some of the ethical dilemmas for the proper management of research collections of Indigenous cultural materials, concentrating upon the use of such material for Native Title purposes. It refers directly to a number of points in the draft of the revised AIATSIS Guidelines for Ethical Research in Indigenous Studies and draws upon both actual and hypothetical examples of issues that may arise when requests are made for Indigenous material. Specific concerns about ethical practices in collecting data and the subsequent control of access to both the data itself and to published works based upon it are raised within the context of several types of collections, including those held by AIATSIS and by Native Title Representative Bodies. Ethics or social justice? Heritage and the politics of recognition Laurajane Smith (ANU) Nancy Fraser?s model of the politics of recognition is used to examine how ethical practices are interconnected with wider struggles for recognition and social justice. This paper focuses on the concept of 'heritage' and the way it is often uncritically linked to 'identity' to illustrate how expert knowledge can become implicated in struggles for recognition. The consequences of this for ethical practice and for rethinking the role of expertise, professional discourses and disciplinary identity are discussed. The ethics of teaching from country Michael Christie (CDU), with the assistance of Yi?iya Guyula, Kathy Gotha and Dh�?gal Gurruwiwi The 'Teaching from Country' program provided the opportunity and the funding for Yol?u (north-east Arnhem Land Aboriginal) knowledge authorities to participate actively in the academic teaching of their languages and cultures from their remote homeland centres using new digital technologies. As two knowledge systems and their practices came to work together, so too did two divergent epistemologies and metaphysics, and challenges to our understandings of our ethical behaviour. This paper uses an examination of the philosophical and pedagogical work of the Yol?u Elders and their students to reflect upon ethical teaching and research in postcolonial knowledge practices. Closing the gaps in and through Indigenous health research: Guidelines, processes and practices Pat Dudgeon (UWA), Kerrie Kelly (Australian Indigenous Psychologists Association) and Roz Walker (UWA) Research in Aboriginal contexts remains a vexed issue given the ongoing inequities and injustices in Indigenous health. It is widely accepted that good research providing a sound evidence base is critical to closing the gap in Aboriginal health and wellbeing outcomes. However, key contemporary research issues still remain regarding how that research is prioritised, carried out, disseminated and translated so that Aboriginal people are the main beneficiaries of the research in every sense. It is widely acknowledged that, historically, research on Indigenous groups by non-Indigenous researchers has benefited the careers and reputations of researchers, often with little benefit and considerably more harm for Indigenous peoples in Australia and internationally. This paper argues that genuine collaborative and equal partnerships in Indigenous health research are critical to enable Aboriginal and Torres Islander people to determine the solutions to close the gap on many contemporary health issues. It suggests that greater recognition of research methodologies, such as community participatory action research, is necessary to ensure that Aboriginal people have control of, or significant input into, determining the Indigenous health research agenda at all levels. This can occur at a national level, such as through the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Road Map on Indigenous research priorities (RAWG 2002), and at a local level through the development of structural mechanisms and processes, including research ethics committees? research protocols to hold researchers accountable to the NHMRC ethical guidelines and values which recognise Indigenous culture in all aspects of research. Researching on Ngarrindjeri Ruwe/Ruwar: Methodologies for positive transformation Steve Hemming (Flinders University) , Daryle Rigney (Flinders University) and Shaun Berg (Berg Lawyers) Ngarrindjeri engagement with cultural and natural resource management over the past decade provides a useful case study for examining the relationship between research, colonialism and improved Indigenous wellbeing. The Ngarrindjeri nation is located in south-eastern Australia, a ?white? space framed by Aboriginalist myths of cultural extinction recycled through burgeoning heritage, Native Title, natural resource management ?industries?. Research is a central element of this network of intrusive interests and colonising practices. Government management regimes such as natural resource management draw upon the research and business sectors to form complex alliances to access funds to support their research, monitoring, policy development, management and on-ground works programs. We argue that understanding the political and ethical location of research in this contemporary management landscape is crucial to any assessment of the potential positive contribution of research to 'Bridging the Gap' or improving Indigenous wellbeing. Recognition that research conducted on Ngarrindjeri Ruwe/Ruwar (country/body/spirit) has impacts on Ngarrindjeri and that Ngarrindjeri have a right and responsibility to care for their lands and waters are important platforms for any just or ethical research. Ngarrindjeri have linked these rights and responsibilities to long-term community development focused on Ngarrindjeri capacity building and shifts in Ngarrindjeri power in programs designed to research and manage Ngarrindjeri Ruwe/Ruwar. Research agreements that protect Ngarrindjeri interests, including cultural knowledge and intellectual property, are crucial elements in these shifts in power. A preliminary review of ethics resources, with particular focus on those available online from Indigenous organisations in WA, NT and Qld Sarah Holcombe (ANU) and Natalia Gould (La Trobe University) In light of a growing interest in Indigenous knowledge, this preliminary review maps the forms and contents of some existing resources and processes currently available and under development in the Northern Territory, Queensland and Western Australia, along with those enacted through several cross-jurisdictional initiatives. A significant majority of ethics resources have been developed in response to a growing interest in the application of Indigenous knowledge in land and natural resource management. The aim of these resources is to ?manage? (i.e. protect and maintain) Indigenous knowledge by ensuring ethical engagement with the knowledge holders. Case studies are drawn on from each jurisdiction to illustrate both the diversity and commonality in the approach to managing this intercultural engagement. Such resources include protocols, guidelines, memorandums of understanding, research agreements and strategic plans. In conducting this review we encourage greater awareness of the range of approaches in practice and under development today, while emphasising that systematic, localised processes for establishing these mechanisms is of fundamental importance to ensuring equitable collaboration. Likewise, making available a range of ethics tools and resources also enables the sharing of the local and regional initiatives in this very dynamic area of Indigenous knowledge rights.b&w photographs, colour photographsngarrindjeri, ethics, ethnography, indigenous research, social justice, indigenous health -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Conference proceedings, Barbara Burnaby, Indigenous languages across the community, 2002
Language - Preservation and use. Language - Social function. [Maori: New Zealand Latin]. Language planning. [Language planning in a trans-national speech community]. [The way of the drum - when earth becomes heart] [The need for an ecological cultural community] Community language management. [Methods of madness: The Tuscarora Language Committee] [Daghida: Cold Lake First Nation works towards Dene language revitalization] [The Jicarilla Apache language summer day camp] [Report on the workshop "World of Inukitut"]. Arizona. New Mexico. Oklahoma. Adult education. Women's literacy. [Teaching reading with puppets] [Assessing Lakota language teaching issues on the Cheyenne River Reservation] [Incorporating traditional Nehiyaw/Plains Cree education in the university] [Collecting texts in Crao and Portuguese for teaching] [Early vocabularies and dictionary development: A cautionary note] [The process of spelling standardization of Innu-Aimun (Montagnais)] Pidgin. Creole. [Ojibway hockey CD-ROM in the making] [The use of multimedia and the arts in language revitalization, maintenance and development: The case of the Balsas Nahuas of Guerreo, Mexico] [The languages of Indigenous Peoples in Chukotka and the media] [Meeting of the Inukitut and Yupik family of languages on May 12, 2000]B&w photographs, diagrams,international language forum, community based practice, language research, conference papers, language policy, language and whole community development, literacy development, media, educational advances, canada, united states, new zealand, zimbabwe, mexico, russia, caribbean, inui, yupik -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Rev. Ron Albiston, Undated c.1940s
The Rev. Ronald W Albiston 28/9/1919–16/08/2006 was educated at Melbourne Boys' High School, the Victorian Congregational College and the University of Melbourne. From a young age he held positions within the local church, was secretary of the East Kew Congregational Church at the age of 16, as well as superintendent of the Sunday School from the age of 15. Ron was supported during his life and ministry by his wife of 63 years, Dorothy. He was ordained at Northcote Congregational Church on 21 December 1942. His ministry was exercised in Northcote/Clifton Hill (1942–45), Yarrawonga and associated district (1945–50), Ballarat Dawson Street and "Zion" Sebastopol (1950–68), and Rockdale Congregational, Sydney, later Uniting (1968–83). Due to ill health, Ron retired on the 30th of April 1983. He was President of the Australian Council of Churches from 1971 to 1973, President of the Congregational Union of NSW from 1973 to 1975. As a member of the Joint Planning Committee he was involved in the development of the Uniting Church and inaugural Chairperson. Following union, he was a member and later Chairman of the Board of Social Responsibility. He was instrumental in founding the Mayflower Village for the Aged, the Rockdale Community Aid Service, and helped form the St George Community Conference.The Rev. Ronald W Albiston 28/9/1919–16/08/2006 was educated at Melbourne Boys' High School, the Victorian Congregational College and the University of Melbourne. From a young age he held positions within the local church, was secretary of the East Kew Congregational Church at the age of 16, as well as superintendent of the Sunday School from the age of 15. Ron was supported during his life and ministry by his wife of 63 years, Dorothy. He was ordained at Northcote Congregational Church on 21 December 1942. His ministry was exercised in Northcote/Clifton Hill (1942–45), Yarrawonga and associated district (1945–50), Ballarat Dawson Street and "Zion" Sebastopol (1950–68), and Rockdale Congregational, Sydney, later Uniting (1968–83). Due to ill health, Ron retired on the 30th of April 1983. He was President of the Australian Council of Churches from 1971 to 1973, President of the Congregational Union of NSW from 1973 to 1975. As a member of the Joint Planning Committee he was involved in the development of the Uniting Church and inaugural Chairperson. Following union, he was a member and later Chairman of the Board of Social Responsibility. He was instrumental in founding the Mayflower Village for the Aged, the Rockdale Community Aid Service, and helped form the St George Community Conference.The Rev. Ronald W Albiston 28/9/1919–16/08/2006 was educated at Melbourne Boys' High School, the Victorian Congregational College and the University of Melbourne. From a young age he held positions within the local church, was secretary of the East Kew Congregational Church at the age of 16, as well as superintendent of the Sunday School from the age of 15. Ron was supported during his life and ministry by his wife of 63 years, Dorothy. He was ordained at Northcote Congregational Church on 21 December 1942. His ministry was exercised in Northcote/Clifton Hill (1942–45), Yarrawonga and associated district (1945–50), Ballarat Dawson Street and "Zion" Sebastopol (1950–68), and Rockdale Congregational, Sydney, later Uniting (1968–83). Due to ill health, Ron retired on the 30th of April 1983. He was President of the Australian Council of Churches from 1971 to 1973, President of the Congregational Union of NSW from 1973 to 1975. As a member of the Joint Planning Committee he was involved in the development of the Uniting Church and inaugural Chairperson. Following union, he was a member and later Chairman of the Board of Social Responsibility. He was instrumental in founding the Mayflower Village for the Aged, the Rockdale Community Aid Service, and helped form the St George Community Conference.Informal B & W photo of the Rev. Ron Albiston. Albiston is standing, hands clasped behind back, smiling into the camera. He's dressed in a suit with clerical collar and waistcoat. The photo has been taken outdoors, possibly at a picnic."Rev. Ron Albiston"albiston, ron, congregational minister -
Melbourne Athenaeum Archives
Video - ABC 7.30 Report: The Athenaeum 's 170th birthday, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Melbourne, Athenaeum building celebrates 170 years, 11/11/2009
... history that reflects the cultural and social development ...Transcript: Athenaeum building celebrates 170 years Australian Broadcasting Corporation Broadcast: 11/11/2009 Reporter: Lisa Whitehead Tomorrow marks the 170th birthday of one of the nation's historic cultural landmarks. Melbourne’s Athenaeum building has, in one form or other, provided education and entertainment for the Victorian colony as it became a city; and along the way, documented its growth. Transcript KERRY O’BRIEN, PRESENTER: Tomorrow marks the 170th birthday of one of the nation's historic cultural landmarks. Melbourne's Athenaeum building has, in one form or another, provided education and entertainment. For the Victorian colonies it became a city and along the way documented its growth. The building's original library and theatre still draw devotees and as Lisa Whitehead reports, a loyal band of volunteers. KEVIN QUIGLEY, ATHENAEUM PRESIDENT: There's nothing like us that has been here from day one, four years after the boat pushed ashore, here we are. It's a thread that runs through the life of Melbourne. LISA WHITEHEAD, REPORTER: In the heart of Melbourne's CBD, the Athenaeum is a celebrity in disguise, the oldest cultural icon in the city, but barely noticed. MARJORIE DALVEAN, VOLUNTEER HISTORIAN: People of Melbourne walk past this area and they have no idea what it is. RAY LAWLER, PLAYWRIGHT: It seemed to me to be a place that absolutely, or breathes Melbourne, I suppose, culture. LISA WHITEHEAD: Just four years after Melbourne was founded, the colony built a Mechanic's Institution, one of the first in the world, a place where the working class could meet and learn. KEVIN QUIGLEY: People think of it as Wild West sort of place where these hearty types drank and rushed about, but Melbourne was freely settled. It was a city of people who wanted to better themselves - entrepreneurs. And the Mechanic's Institution was that innovative idea that had grown up in Edinburgh and London about providing an opportunity for education for the working people. LISA WHITEHEAD: Mark Twain lectured there. Later, other buildings were added and a theatre to host classic plays. And it adopted its more bourgeois friendly title of the Athenaeum. Crucially from the start there was the library, the first to offer affordable lending to the working man. And it still attracts devotees. Former University lecturer Margaret Bowman, 89, comes in every Wednesday, along with her dog to join an enthusiastic band of volunteers sorting through the archives. MARGARET BOWMAN, FORMER UNIVERSITY LECTURER: Doing research is something that I find actually I enjoy more than anything. Every old lady needs to have a project and now I've got a project. MARJORIE DALVEAN: Margaret, Christine has just found out that Alfred Deakin was a member here from 1874 to 1877. This place is not flashy, we've never been flashy. But book lovers walk in here and they know this is the place for them. ARCHIVAL FOOTAGE: Old times and old names. The Athenaeum theatre in Melbourne for more than 40 years has been one of the city's best known cinemas. LISA WHITEHEAD: In the 20th century, the theatre surrendered to the new craze of talking pictures, and one particular fan was famous Australian playwright Ray Lawler. At 13, he dropped out of school to work in a Footscray factory and two years later his first trip to the glamorous Athenaeum cinema hinted at the education he was missing. RAY LAWLER: It just had a style about it which I responded to, I think. I was looking for something and this seemed to be part of it. Ray Lawler went on to write "Summer of the Seventeenth Doll" and found literary fame overseas. About a century after it had started as an educational place for the working man, Ray Lawler had, in effect, become an Athenaeum graduate. RAL LAWLER: If they had been looking for the sort of person that they were hoping to encourage along the way, I suppose I would have been somebody that might have fitted the mould, you know. LISA WHITEHEAD: In time, the cinema was returned to its theatrical roots. FRANK THRING, 1977: It has a great resemblance to the Theatre Royal in Hobart which Larry Olivier has called the best theatre he's ever worked in. And it's almost identical. It is the true Victorian playhouse. The horseshoe shaped thing: stalls, dress circle and gallery. And you're close to the audience and they're close to you. Marvellous feeling. LISA WHITEHEAD: Today, it's still a theatre. But time has brought compromises. The once vaunted art gallery has now covered its windows and become a comedy club and performance space. TV and suburban life have eaten away at the library membership. It offers an online service now, and a recent federal government grant will pay for the upkeep of its gracious interior, including the 1930s elevator Ray Lawler used to ride. For him, it's money well spent on history quietly made and discreetly observed. RAY LAWLER: It's the lack of awareness, I think, that people don't know what they've got here. They've really got the whole history of Melbourne almost. KEVIN QUIGLEY: It was a similar organisation in Sydney but we are the only one that's got a continual lineage on the same spot. We started here and we're still here and we'll be here for another 100 years. KERRY O'BRIEN: Lisa Whitehead on a great Melbourne landmark. © 2010 ABC | Privacy Policy Beginning as the Melbourne Mechanics' Institution in 1839, the Melbourne Athenaeum has a long history that reflects the cultural and social development of Melbourne. It continues to be managed as a not-for-profit organisation by a volunteer board, with a subscription library (maintained since 1839) and a leased theatre.Video broadcast ABC 7:30 Report for 11/11/2009. "Tomorrow marks the 170th birthday of one of the nation's historic cultural landmarks. Melbourne’s Athenaeum building has, in one form or other, provided education and entertainment for the Victorian colony as it became a city; and along the way, documented its growth."athenaeum, australian broadcasting corporation, kerry o’brien, kevin quigley, lisa whitehead, marjorie dalvean, ray lawler, margaret bowman, frank thring. -
Nillumbik Historical Society Incorporated
Book - Softcover book, T & S Printers, St Andrews A Village Built on Gold - The History to Present Times of St Andrews and District, 1998
Produced by St Andrews Primary School, covering the area's history from early settlement, discovery of gold, the Caledonia Diggings, social and community history, fruitgrowing and development through the latter half of the 1900's into and covering the 20th century.A concise history of the origins of St Andrews, Victoria, Australia from gold mining to the diverse community it is todaySoftcover book with orange brown tones and black and white lettering and highlights, with historic photographs on front and back cover and 149 pages.#gold, #goldmining, #caledoniadiggings -
Brighton Historical Society
Clothing - Dress, Day dress, circa 1875-1876
This dress belonged to Ethel Nina Blundell (1876-1949), having been first made for her mother Jane Blundell (nee Burkitt, 1845-1878). Born in Dublin, Jane married James John Blundell Jr at the Black Street Congregational Church in Brighton on 16 March 1874. The Blundells were a socially prominent Brighton family who played an important role in the development of the area. James' father, publisher and bookseller James John Blundell Sr, served as a Brighton Borough Councillor between 1862 and 1867 when the local government was still in its formative years, including holding the position of Mayor in 1864. He was involved in the foundation of the Brighton Volunteer Rifle Corps and was also a strong supporter of the Brighton Ladies Benevolent Society. The Blundell family were active members of the Brighton Congregational Church and supported the construction of the Black Street church, where James Jr served as a deacon for sixty years, in addition to his work in the Crown Land and Survey Department. The dress is believed to have been made for Jane in 1875 or 1876 during her early pregnancy, likely by a local dressmaker. Jane died in 1878 when Ethel was very young, and Ethel was then raised by her father and paternal grandmother. As she never married, Ethel remained living in the family home of 'Eumana', 164 Church Street, and as an adult she assumed the role of hostess whenever she or her father had guests. On these occasions, she reportedly wore her mother's dress. The family home was sold on James Jr’s death in 1924 and Ethel was living at 52 Black Street Brighton when she died in 1949. In the 1930s, Ethel gifted the dress to a close family friend, Dr Jean Kelly. She told Jean that the garment held precious memories, perhaps due to the connection it provided to the mother she had never known. Jean donated the dress to the Merimbula Old School Museum in NSW in 1987, where it was on display for many years. The Museum donated the dress to Brighton Historical Society in 2023.This is a good example of a late nineteenth century day dress, made from two different patterns of russet brown silk brocade and featuring a lobster tail style bustle. The lack of boning combined with waist and hip measurements indicates it may have been made as a maternity dress. It is lined with beige leaf pattern cotton fabric. The princess line fitted bodice of herringbone pattern brocade has a high round neck with small 'mandarin' style collar and buttons down the front to below the waist where it forms an overskirt which is bordered with a band of coffee bean patterned brocade. The overskirt drops down to hem length at the back but from the centre front it is draped up to the back to a point below the waist level. Here it is sewn to the edge of the lobster tail style bustle which is also bordered by the coffee bean fabric. There is a concealed pocket with the opening under the right edge of the bustle. The buttons on the front of the dress have a decorative circlet of small blue flowers around a russet silk covered dome. The long sleeves are set in and slightly full with a contrasting three pleat band of coffee bean fabric with an ornamental turn back from the pleats sewn just above the wrist. The skirt section of the dress is in four 20 cm bands of alternate fabric patterns with the top and third band of coffee bean pattern slightly gathered and the second and fourth bands of herringbone forming pleated ruffles.1870s, ethel nina blundell, jane blundell, jane burkitt, eumana -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Bessant, Bob, Australian History: the Occupation of a Continent, 1978
... developments, labour relations and social changes in the context ...This book has been written as an introduction to the history of Australia and attempts to place issues such as racism, nationalism, immigration, constitutional reform, economic developments, labour relations and social changes in the context of their times, in the hope that the [reader] will gain some appreciation of the interrelation of historical events.411 P.; facsimiles; index; 22 cm.This book has been written as an introduction to the history of Australia and attempts to place issues such as racism, nationalism, immigration, constitutional reform, economic developments, labour relations and social changes in the context of their times, in the hope that the [reader] will gain some appreciation of the interrelation of historical events.australia, to 1975. secondary school texts | australia -- history. -
National Wool Museum
Booklet, El ovino tipo "Junin"
El ovino tipo "Junin": una futura raza Peruana, a publication of the Sociedad Agricola de Interes Social 1970 (Peru) describing the development of the Peruvian breed of sheep "Junin".sheep breeding junin sheep, australian corriedale association, pettitt, mr r. w., sheep breeding, junin sheep -
National Wool Museum
Booklet, El ovino tipo "Junin"
El ovino tipo "Junin": una futura raza Peruana, a publication of the Sociedad Agricola de Interes Social 1970 (Peru) describing the development of the Peruvian breed of sheep "Junin".sheep breeding junin sheep, australian corriedale association, pettitt, mr r. w., sheep breeding, junin sheep -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Giblin, R. W, The early History of Tasmania: the Geographical era 1642-1804, 1928
The history of Tasmania before Australian Federation took place in 1900 may be conveniently divided into three periods which were, by their nature, entirely distinct from the others. Tvhe first of these was the Geographical Era dating from the discovery of the island in 1642 to the years 1803 and 1804, when the first settlements were formed. The second division may be termed the Penal Establishment Era. This last from 1804 to the recall of Lieutenant Governor Arthur in 1836. the final phase might be called the Progressive Era, and was marked by a continuous improvement and development in all the conditions which made for a better social order for the inhabitants of the country.p341; fold-outmaps; illus: appendices; notes; bibliography; chronological tables; index; 22 cm.The history of Tasmania before Australian Federation took place in 1900 may be conveniently divided into three periods which were, by their nature, entirely distinct from the others. Tvhe first of these was the Geographical Era dating from the discovery of the island in 1642 to the years 1803 and 1804, when the first settlements were formed. The second division may be termed the Penal Establishment Era. This last from 1804 to the recall of Lieutenant Governor Arthur in 1836. the final phase might be called the Progressive Era, and was marked by a continuous improvement and development in all the conditions which made for a better social order for the inhabitants of the country.tasmania -- history. | tasmania. -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Nunawading Council in the 60s, 2012
Talk given by Keith Rooney to a General Meeting of Whitehorse Historical Society, 9 Jun 2012.Talk given by Keith Rooney to a General Meeting of Whitehorse Historical Society, 9 Jun 2012, on Nunawading Council development of facilities and his involvement in social welfare. CD at NP3923Talk given by Keith Rooney to a General Meeting of Whitehorse Historical Society, 9 Jun of nunawading, rooney, keith -
Unions Ballarat
Book - Labour History No. 66 May 1994 (D.J. Spiers Collection), Irving, Terry
Published semi-annually, contains refereed, scholarly articles about social and labour history in Australasia, - labour politics, trade unions, management labour practices, co-operatives, gender and ethnicity. This edition includes these articles: -Labourism: a Political Genealogy -Class, Populism and Labour Politics in Victoria, 1890-1914 -Keynesianism, Socialism and Labourism and the Role of Ideas in Labour Ideology -A Century of Laborism and the State, 1891-1993: An Historical Interpretation -We are of Age: Class, Locality and Region at Port Kembla, 1900-1940 -Researching Industrial Relations History: The Development of a Databas on Australian Trade Unions 1825-1900 -Loyalty and Communists: an interview with Bill Gollan -International Women's Day in Newcastle in the Fifties and Sixties: A Personal Account -Forthcoming: A Bibliography of Australian Communism -Postcard from California: the Hoover Institute -The ACTU Congress of 1993 -Australian Canadian Labour History Conference -The Australian Society for the Study of Labour History -The Classing Gaze: Sexuality, Class and Surveillance -Book reviews -Newcastle's Special Day; Australians in Spain Memorial UnveilingLabour and class politics; direct relevance to industrial relations; social issues in general that fall within the purview of the union movement.Book; paper.btlc, ballarat trades and labour council, history - labour, labourism, politics - class, industrial relations, economics, politics - communism, women's rights, book reviews, conference reports -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Report, Les Stewart, "Proceedings of the joint Conference of the COTMA", 1993
110 page A4 sized bound document - Proceedings of the joint Conference of the Council of Tramway Museums of Australasia and the National Federation of Rail Societies Inc. 1st - 8th June 1990. Has laminated plastic white covers front and back. Front cover has the title details. Edited by Les Stewart of the Wellington Tramway Museum. (10th Conference) Contents: 1. Participants and programme 2. Workshops Development of the Volunteer Worker NZ Railway and Tramway Safety Regime Code of Electrical Practice for COTMA Groups Archives Photography as an aid in the Museum Tram and Railway Carriage roof coverings Handy hints and new ideas for Restoration and Maintenance Trolley Buses Is Your Museum Dying? Brill 21E and other tram truck bogie/requirements Overhead Construction and maintenance MMTB instructions in Overhead Construction Facts and Data on Overhead Trolley Wire Construction Trolley Wire Renewal Wellington Tramway Museum 1990 Projects 3. Field and Social Activities 4. AGM of COTMA 5. AGM of the NZFRS. See item 1255 for a group photo of delegates.trams, tramways, cotma, wellington, proceedings, conferences -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Photocopy, "Progress in Ballarat", May 1936
Features a photo of a cooking lesson in Electra Hall and the Mayor of Ballarat driving No. 30, following its conversion to the Ballarat style of trams in September the previous year at the time of the inauguration of the new rolling stock. Notes the progress in Ballarat in the last 18 months, reconditioning of the tram lines, the "new" trams, the changeover from DC to AC, new sub-stations, distribution networks and electrical development, including work at the power station. Has an "Important Notice" advising readers of the scope of the Departmental Journal "CONTACT" and its relationship with the social and sporting activities magazine "SEC MAGAZINE". See Reg Item 3011 for a print of the photo of No. 30. Record revised 3/4/2019 to add digital images with those from Andrew Cook CD and to include an item titled "A Page from Geelong" about a fractured pole, two minutes of silence and the impact on power generation and a thankyou letter. Demonstrates the reporting and promotion of SEC activities to its staff and public in Ballarat.Photocopy of an article in the State Electricity Commission of Victoria Magazine, Contact, Vol 1, No. 1, May 1936 titled "Progress in Ballarat". trams, tramways, sec, ballarat, electricity supply, tramcars, power station, electra hall, geelong, poles -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Magazine, K. V. Newmann and MMTB Public Relations Officer, "MMTB News", 1965
Eight issues of "MMTB News" - The Magazine of the Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board. Two copies of each issue. Second copy added 31/8/2004. All issues printed with an off-white gloss paper cover with the rest of the magazine white glass paper. 2719.1 - Vol. 2, No. 1 - 16 pages, January 1965, with a photo of the Board meeting in the Board room of the MMTB, notes or articles on traffic congestion, a short history of public street transport in Melbourne, TMSV tour of 7/2/1965 with PCC 980, and" Some Views on Public Transport". 2719.2 - Vol. 2, No. 2 - 16 pages, February 1965, with a photo of Dusseldorf 3 section tramcar on the front cover, notes on the costs of concessions, press visit to the Carlton Power control supervisory centre, "Melbourne - 1985", Mark VI buses, tool safety, "Staggered Working Hours", hydro-foil on Sydney Harbour, "Traffic Congestion". 2719.3 - Vol. 2, No. 3 - 12 pages, March - April 1965, with a photo of W7 1012 and bus 751 on the front cover, notes or articles on "New Trams for Melbourne", retirement of D.H. Eakin, "Traffic Congestion", "Tramway buses at the Gippsland Fires", The Australian Good Neighbour movement. 2719.4 - Vol. 2, No. 4 - 16 pages, May - June 1965, with a photo of L 101 at West Maribyrnong terminus during an Association of Railway Enthusiasts tour (photo Robert Wilson), notes or articles; "A Motorist Speaks Up for Trams", "Tramways Hospital a Major Benefit", parking in the central city, tramway ambulance, "Radio Control is Human Nerve Centre", staff shortages, retirement of Mr. Stan Bowen, the ARE Tram Tour, and Port Melbourne Tramways Social Angling Club. 2719.5 - Vol. 2, No. 5 - 16 pages, July 1965, with a photo of the Doncaster Bus depot on the front cover, articles or notes; Freeways, Public Transport, Decimal conversion, Doncaster Bus depot, Melbourne in twenty years, Engineering Department - Bus branch, visit of Mr Ken Hall and Frank Kirby overseas to study new trams. 2719.6 - Vol. 2, No. 6 - 20 pages, August September 1965 with a photo of W6 921 being lowered at Preston Depot, with notes or articles; an abridged version of an address by R. J. Risson to the Constitutional Club in Melbourne, lost items on trams, Bus Engineering, and social or sporting club news. 2719.7 - Vol. 2, No. 7 - 16 pages, October - November 1965 with a photo of PCC 980 on the front cover, notes or articles on; free travel for USA City shoppers, safety, Stores Department printing section, Ballarat's Tramways Diamond Jubilee - TMSV tour to Ballarat on 15/8/1965 including two photos, PCC 980, Christmas functions, retirement of Arthur Wisdom and Bill Wallis. (Reference photos Reg. Item - 1877). See btm2819i9 for image of the article re the TMSV Tour to Ballarat. 2719.8 - Vol. 2, No. 8 - 16 pages, December 1965 with a photo of cable car set No. 1 on the front cover with notes or articles; Children's art show, "Quest for New Tram", "The Development of Melbourne's Trams" and sporting or social club news. Has a Christmas message from Chairman, Mr. Risson with photograph.Each issue has stamped on the front cover or inside "The Australian Railway Historical Society (S.A. Branch).trams, tramways, mmtb, carlton control, buses, pcc 980, ballarat, new trams, are, tmsv -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Magazine, Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "MMTB News", 1966
Eight issues of "MMTB News" - The Magazine of the Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board. Two copies of issues 1 to 6 held. Second copy added 31/8/2004. All issues printed with an cream colour paper cover with the rest of the magazine white gloss paper. 2720.1 - Vol. 3, No. 1 - 16 pages, January 1966, with a photo of the Mark VI bus No. 702 on the front cover, notes on Traffic Congestion, motor cars and supermarkets, depot masters, engineering, bus maintenance, sports and social club news. On rear cover includes a photo of a Christmas function with past senior employees - left to right - H. R. Steains (architect), H. S. McComb (Chief Surveyor), Mr. Aird, Mr. P. M. Ireland (Rolling stock engineer), J Fisher (Civil Engineer) and H. A. Warner (Secretary) 2720.2 - Vol. 3, No. 2 - 16 pages, February 1966, with a photo of counting decimal coins, Tribute to the W2 class tram written by Norm Cross, (with photo), Hawthorn Clothing Depot, retirement of Harry Munroe, introduction of decimal currency, donation of 1B bogies to SPER, tramways band, death of Neil Olsen, sports and social club news. See btm2720i9.jpg for image of the Norm Cross photograph. 2720.3 - Vol. 3, No. 3 - 12 pages, March - April 1966, with a photo of Tramways Bowl Tournament presentation on the front cover, Recent developments in public transport in North America, Vera Cruz Mexico, cable cars at Rushworth, sports and social club news and photo of the Melbourne bogies under Sydney tram. 2720.4 - Vol. 3, No. 4 - 16 pages, May 1966, with a photo of W2 321being overhauled at Preston Workshops, change over to decimal currency for accounting machines, "Tram Driver Salutes the L class tram" - written by A. Bailey, Melbourne's New Trams, retirement of Gordon Wilson, sports and social club news. 2720.5 - Vol. 3, No. 5 - 16 pages, June 1966, with a photo of the track relaying in Camberwell Rd with Camberwell fire station in background, Melbourne cable tram routes, opening and closing dates, retirement of G. H. Box, visit of SPER members to Melbourne, memories of Malvern Depot, sports and social club news. 2720.6 - Vol. 3, No. 6 - 16 pages, July - August 1966 with a photo of the view from the St Kilda Junction signal box, more trams for Russia, retirements of 31 Employees, a contest to win an old W2, St Kilda Road Junction box - and how it works - signalling and interlocking, closure of Port Melbourne bus depot, sports and social club news. 2720.7 - Vol. 3, No. 7 - 16 pages, September - October 1966 with a photo of 610 on the Maribyrnong River Bridge, during the SPER tour, "Public Transport in Big Cities" - R. Risson - with photo - see image i10, MMTB Ambulance division, new trams, trams or buses, death of Harry Hood, Chas Samuels, retirement of Jack Ferguson, Reg Maxwell, manufacture of trackwork, cable tram working, sports and social club news. 2720.8 - Vol. 3, No. 8 - 16 pages, November - December 1966 with a photo of a wedding party on a tram (Richards / Fuller), apprenticeship training, Christmas message from the Chairman, tramway canteens, art of rostering by R. Drummond, Wattle Park Chalet, clock and instrument shop at North Fitzroy, tramways band, sports and social club news.Each issue has stamped on the front cover or inside "The Australian Railway Historical Society (S.A. Branch).trams, tramways, mmtb, sper, wattle park, port melbourne, st kilda junction, decimal currency, w2 class, l class, hawthorn -
Heytesbury District Historical Society Inc.
Book, The Shire of Heytesbury, The Infiltrators :A History of the Heytesbury 1840-1920 by Jack S. Fletcher, First Edition 1985
The book relates to the triumphs & the achievements, the hardships & the tribulations, of the pioneers & settlers of the district.This book gives a detailed history of the Heytesbury district, including the settlerment of the townships of Port Campbell, Timboon, Princetown. This incorporates the development and establishment of industry, commerce, agriculture, education and social and religious events. Reference to families from the area are listed in index. This book is one of 2 by the author. The other accompanying book is titled "And We Who Followed: A History of the Heytesbury, 1921-1987", and follows "The Infiltrators".A tan hard cover book with title in gold lettering & a dust cover with a photo of a bullock team & wagon carting a large log, with two bullockies driving. The book has a locality map.contents,index,ledger entries & black & white photographschurches, education, agriculture, history, port campbell, pioneers, timboon, cobden, heytesbury, princetown, sports -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
2 page article printer on A4 printer paper. Handwritten in greylead pencil across top of first page reads: Trad + Now Article written by John Williamson. Peter Ellis Order of Australia Recipient 2012 By John Williams. On 26th of January 2012 Peter Ellis was awarded the Order of Australia (OAM) for his services to the Arts through the collection and preservation of Australia's folk history. Peter has been a long time correspondent to this magazine and has provided the most detailed information on social dancing in Australia. There are many more things about Peter that readers should know. Peter has the largest collection of dance related material in the National Library Archives from over thirty years of collecting. His collecting trips have included Victoria, Western Australia and Tasmania. The Western Australia trip was with John Meredith who was a long time mate of Peter's. Peter is a founder, charter member and life member of the Bush Dance and Music Club of Bendigo and received the Graham Squance award from the Folk Song and Dance Society of Victoria. He was also awarded a life membership of the Victorian Folk Music Club. Peter is founder of the Celebrated Emu Creek Bush Band which has been performing for thirty years and has played at the opening of the Melbourne Museum, Victorian State Parliament and Centenaries of the Shamrock Hotel and Post Office in Bendigo among many other gigs. Peter has also produced twenty one CDs with Emu Creek in that time which cover quadrilles, couples dances and the History of the Bendigo over one hundred and fifty years. (Emu Creek are already booked for the Canberra Centenary Ball in 2013!) Peter has also played with the famous Wedderburn Old Timers for thirty years during which time that band has received two platinum and several gold recording awards. Peter has also found the time to write several books including his three well know volumes of dance music, 'Collectors Choice' and the definitive volume on social dance in Australia 'Merry Country Dance'. He has also co-authored 'Two Hundred Dancing Years' with Shirley Andrews and 'Music Makes Me Smile - The music of the Nariel Valley' with Harry Gardner. Peter has also contributed to books compiled by others such as Rob Willis, Graham Seal and Dave Di Santi. Peter has trained many young musicians and conducted continuing Ed classes and Deb sets. He is a gold medal standard ballroom dancer in his own right which many dancers say contributes to his understanding of the correct tempo for all the dances he plays for. Peter has also been instrumental in the Bendigo Field Naturalist's Club of which he is a life member. He has been heavily involved in campaigns that have led to the establishment of two flora reserves and extensions to the Greater Bendigo National Park when housing developments threatened native bushland. He has contributed text and photographs to the publication 'Wildflowers of Bendigo'. Peter's award was really well deserved as you can see. What is really fitting is that he received the award on Australia Day. How fitting for a man who has single handedly saved more of Australia's Social Dance music and history than any other person. Australian dancing, music and the environment really owes Peter a lot. Well done from all your Trad and Now readers.person, individual, peter ellis oam -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - Bendigo Advertiser Editor Amy Huxtable, 2/11/2023
Amy Isobel Huxtable was born in 1919 and moved to Bendigo in her teens. She completed her education at Bendigo High School before attending the Bendigo Business College. She then worked as a copywriter for local radio station 3BO for 8 years. She then moved to Melbourne to work in advertising before travelling to England in 1950 to study the new medium of television, still not available in Australia. In 1953 she returned to Bendigo and became the Eats Social Editor of the Bendigo Advertiser. This role led to a permanent position as the Women's Social Editor and later the editor for all Women's Affairs. Initially she wrote under the pen-name "Toora" but later used her own name. She remained in this position until her death in 1980. Throughout her life she was heavily involved in the development of women's roles and their status in life. A five page document detailing the life and contributions of Bendigo Advertiser editor Amy Huxtableamy huxtable, bendigo advertiser -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Merle Hall Collection - Arts Bendigo, Various sundry documents- a. One-page notice (''To All Teachers of Piano in the Bendigo Area'') of visit to Bendigo of former Bendigo student Tony Gray, notice date March 1993 - concert in the Banquet Room, Capital Theatre 14/3/1993; b. One-page notice of visit of Russian pianist Elisio Virsaladze and ''Moving Harps'' (trio) for October dates Year??; c. A5 brochure of information and dates for 1985 ''for many of the local and visiting arts-associated functions''. (3 pages of functions with dates, summary of performance and location of show; d. Single-page sheet of ''Arts Bendigo Activities Oct. '84 - Sept. '85 with paragraphs of ''Major Achievements'' and ''Disappointments'' and ''Thanks''. Also - ''Just Happened of Still To Come''; d. Six paged listing of 'Bendigo Subscribers' List 1979'' (Arts Council of Australia) with * annotations of being ''Financial'' - mostly personal names/addresses but some organizations. Approx 150 entries; e. two-paged list of ''Arts Bendigo Members July 1985'' with annotations of s= Single and F = Family members - approx 65 names; f. one-page Brief Report of Program Subcommittee June 1982, with rough analysis of attendance figures for recent shows; g. 3-page report of AB Development Sub-Committee meeting of 25/2/1985; h. two-paged report on ''Possible rehearsal and performing spaces in Bendigo area as known at June 1988 by Merle Hall, Secretary - brief details of 7 facilities and a number of ''Other'' facilities, with a final section on ''The Grand Vision''; i. One-page ''Proposals from Development Sub-committee'', prepared by Ellis C Blainer 3/3/87 - eight proposals in small detail; j. Bi-fold flyer ''Membership Information'' with description of AB activities and membership details/application form (not dated); k. A5 invitation of 'parchment' paper to ''25 Years of Achievement in the Arts'' (27/101995) - a brief AGM with a Social Evening from 8 pm; l. one-page invitation note accompanying the formal invitation to the special evening for 25th celebration of working with the arts in the Bendigo region. -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Book, Weston Bate, "Life after Gold - Twenthieth-Century Ballarat", 1993
... Parade Ballarat Ballarat goldfields Book looks at the Social ...Details the history of Ballarat following the 19th century gold discoveries and how Ballarat changed its industry and social life in particular after the 1st and 2nd world wars and the change of Government policies in respect of trade and social welfare.Book - 240 pages + end papers + hard covers + dust jacket titled "Life after Gold - Twenthieth-Century Ballarat" Dust jacket printed in colour, sewn sections, end papers glued to cover. Has table contents, list of illustrations, list of maps, acknowledgements, table of conversions, an index, appendices, abbreviations, notes, bibliography. non-fictionDetails the history of Ballarat following the 19th century gold discoveries and how Ballarat changed its industry and social life in particular after the 1st and 2nd world wars and the change of Government policies in respect of trade and social welfare.ballarat, local history, 20th century social history, social history -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (series) - Subject File, Kew Historical Society, 'Houghton', Princess Street, 1960
Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Small subject file which includes histories of the weatherboard house, Houghton (erected 1853, now demolished), which once stood in Princess Street near Ivy Grange. The file includes a typescript of the chapter on Houghton by Dorothy Rogers published in ‘Lovely Old Homes of Kew’ (1960) and an undated document written by Louisa Hamilton which provides some information about the early history of Houghton but also records the development behind Houghton of 14 self-contained units for war widows. A Vasey newsletter (Circular No.144, August 1984) includes a quote from 1960 relating to the opening of the flats by Hon Hugh Robertson, Minister for Social Services.kew historical society - archives, kew - history, houghton - princess street - kew (vic), mrs vasey obe, kitty gahan, annie bowden, vasey newsletterkew historical society - archives, kew - history, houghton - princess street - kew (vic), mrs vasey obe, kitty gahan, annie bowden, vasey newsletter -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Award - Kew Bowling Club : Skippers Average Trophy, 1931-40
... that are historically and socially significant to the development of Kew ...The Kew Bowling Club was formed in 1880 while the privately owned Auburn Heights Recreation Club was opened in 1904. By 1998, the two Clubs decided to amalgamate at the Auburn Heights site in Barkers Road, forming the Kew Heights Sports Club. The combined club was itself taken over by the Melbourne Cricket Club in 2012 becoming MCC Kew Sports Club. In 2017 MCC Kew closed and its landholding was subsequently sold to Carey Baptist Grammar School. The combined collections of the four sporting clubs making up the collection number hundreds of items that are historically and socially significant to the development of Kew. They are also significant to the sporting history of the greater Melbourne area and to the sports of lawn bowls and tennis in Australia in the 19th and 20th centuries. The collections illuminate two of the Victorian Historic Themes - 'Building community life' through forming community organisations and 'Shaping cultural and creative life' by participating in sport and recreation'.Kew Bowling Club : Skippers Average Trophy presented by S. R. PritchardKew Bowling Club presented by S. R. Pritchard / Skippers Average won by: 1931–2 G.H. Cole; 1932–3 W. Stronach; 1933–4 D.S.M. Norris; 1934–5 F.H. Rigg; 1935–6 A.E.H. Phillipps; 1936–7 P. Vance; 1937–8 D.B. Ross; 1938–9 C.G. Wood; 1939–40 W.H. Tregear; 1940–1 H. Coleman.kew bowling club, bowling clubs -- melbourne (vic.), sports awards, trophies -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (collection) - Papers of Irena Higgins, Health & Human Services, 1951-2010
... in the development of trained social work in mental health institutions ...Irena Higgins (1951-2014) > Barbara Higgins (2015) > Kew Historical Society (2015)Professional papersCollection (Fond) > Series > Sub-series > Items > SubitemsThe Irena Higgins Papers held by the Kew Historical Society include personal and professional papers, written by or collected by her, relating to child and adult mental health issues and treatment, particularly at the Kew Mental Hospital, the Kew Children’s Cottages and the establishment of the first emergency housing in Kew. Donated by her family following her death in 2014, the collection is housed in a number of archive boxes compartmentalised into folders (sub-series). Each folder contains items grouped by subject.department of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential services, kew lunatic asylum, kew mental hospital, willsmere mental hospital, willsmere unit, kew emergency housingdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential services, kew lunatic asylum, kew mental hospital, willsmere mental hospital, willsmere unit, kew emergency housing -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (collection) - Irena Higgins : Fol.2 Disability & Mental Health, 1951-2008
... of a significant actor in the development of trained social work in mental ...Irena Higgins (1951-2014) > Barbara Higgins (2015) > Kew Historical Society (2015)Professional papersCollection > Series > Sub-series (folder) > ItemOddments [Folder 1/2] | Newspaper article | Australian Children Ltd (magazine) | Contracting out or opting out | Organisation and structure of Mental Hygiene Department | Natural history of mental deficiency in a State hospital | Recreational trends in North American mental institutions (1958) | NSW Council for the mentally handicapped | American Journal of mental deficiency (1965) | Abstract reviews (1955) | Drug distribution pilot program (New Jersey 1958) | Seminar on evaluating community mental health programs (Jerusalem 1967) | The care of the mentally diseased in Sweden | Social provision for the mentally handicapped | The hyperkinetic child | Association of Special Teachers of Victoria - Whither after Special School (1978) | The occurrence of Anencephalus in the State of Victoria, Australia (Collman & Stoller) | Working Party on Services to Mentally Retarded People & their Families (1979) |Victorian Autistic Children’s Association newsletter (1968) | World Federation for Mental Health - Industrial work & mental deficiency (1964) | Incidence of mental retardation according to aetiological classification | Statistics related to mental retardationdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential servicesdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential services -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (collection) - Irena Higgins : Fol.5 Disability & Mental Health, 1951-2008
... of a significant actor in the development of trained social work in mental ...Irena Higgins (1951-2014) > Barbara Higgins (2015) > Kew Historical Society (2015)Professional papersCollection > Series > Sub-series (folder) > ItemWillsmere - Don’t dump intellectually handicapped into unreceptive community | Redevelopment of Kew Residential Services site (2002) | Children died in fire (1996) | Kew Cottages article - Parents launch action (1995) | New Willsmere (1988) | Willsmere report (1987) | Kew Cottages Coalition - Newsletter (2010) | Meeting held re Willsmere (July 1988)department of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential servicesdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential services