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Sunshine and District Historical Society Incorporated
Photograph (1950), The Migrant Ship HELLENIC PRINCE, Copy 27/01/2014 - (Original Post Card circa 1950)
In 1949 the HELLENIC PRINCE with its 3 hospitals, 2 cinemas, and air conditioned accommodation was chartered by the International Refugee Organisation to transport displaced persons from Europe to Australia. Its first trip was to Sydney where it arrived with 1000 passengers on 5 December 1949. On the third trip it left Naples on 23 March 1950, and arrived in Fremantle on 20 April 1950, and in Melbourne on 25 April 1950. The men and women were separated for the voyage with my father sleeping on a hammock in a large room with other men, while my mother, my brother, and I had bunks in a shared cabin. On board were displaced persons ex Bagnoli Camp Italy, some of whom later built their bungalows on the grassy and rocky paddocks near Sunshine Victoria, and began to establish a new life in a new country. A few of the families that arrived on the third trip and purchased land in the Dunkeld Ave - Sandford Ave area of North Sunshine (Birmingham Estate) were Janczak, Kolanowicz, Mroz, Pawlak, Rasztabiga, Skrobalak, Szydlowski, Witkowski, and Zielinski. Some friends settled elsewhere in Sunshine. The family Tabaka went to West Sunshine just over the Derby Rd Bridge, while the family Wojcik went to Ardeer. The ship first started service in 1929 for the Royal Australian Navy as the HMAS ALBATROSS. It had a standard displacement of 4,800 tons and was 443 feet 7 inches (135.2 metres) long, and its top speed during trials reached 22 knots (41 km/hr). It was built at Cockatoo Island Dockyard as Australia's first Aircraft Carrier (seaplanes), but the aircraft that it was designed for were retired just before the ship went into service. A new plane specifically designed to work with the Albatross began operations after the ship was decommissioned in 1933, and placed into reserve in Sydney Harbour. Seaplanes continued to operate from the anchored ship. (Click on the Link 'HMAS Albatross (1)' situated above the Object Registration number to view pictures of the HMAS Albatross on the Navy web site). In 1938 the ship was recommissioned and transferred to the Royal Navy as part payment for the light cruiser Hobart. The ship then did military service for the Royal Navy during World War 2. It did patrol and escort duties in the southern Atlantic, and from mid 1942 in the Indian Ocean. By early 1944 the ship was converted so that it could repair landing craft and other support vessels off Sword and Juno beaches. The ship managed to return 132 craft into service and to save 79 others from total loss. On 11 August 1944 Albatross was torpedoed with the loss of either 50 or 66 personnel, but was able to be towed back to Portsmouth. After repairs she did a short service as a minesweeper depot ship, and following that was placed into reserve on 3 August 1945. In August 1946 the ship was sold for commercial use but the plans to convert it into a luxury liner or a floating cabaret fell through. The ship was again sold on 14 November 1948 to the British-Greek Yannoulatos Group, who renamed it HELLENIC PRINCE in recognition of the birth of Prince Charles and his Greek heritage. After conversion into a passenger ship the Hellenic Prince made several trips to Australia transporting displaced persons, however apparently not all trips were pleasant for the passengers. In the on board newsletter 'Kangaroo' dated 5 January 1951, the ship's master P. C. King expressed his indignation about the behaviour of passengers and made accusations of mutiny. According to some immigrants the conditions were appalling and overcrowded with 1200 passengers. Passengers were supposedly required to work and were paid with Woodbine cigarettes. The drinking water ran out, the freezer broke down, and fresh food that was brought on board went to the crew. Sea sickness was rife because the ship was rarely level due to malfunctioning pumps. (The newsletter 'Kangaroo' can be viewed at the Museum Victoria web site by clicking the Link 'Newsletter - Kangaroo'). In 1953 during the Mau Mau uprising the Hellenic Prince was used to transport troops to Kenya, and in 1954 the ship came to an end in a scrap yard at Hong Kong. THE ABOVE INFORMATION WAS COMPILED FROM; (1) (accessed 11/2/2013), (2) An article by Graeme Andrews found at _forties_and_fifties#.UuYY6ou4apo (accessed 27/1/14), (3) (accessed 27/1/14), (4) National Archive search starting at; (accessed 27/1/14), (5) (accessed 29/1/14). Hellenic Prince has a significance to Sunshine Victoria because some of the displaced people from Europe, who arrived in Melbourne on Anzac Day 1950, were among the first people to settle in the grassy and rocky paddock areas of North Sunshine. These settlers established a residential suburban area out of the paddocks. In those early days there were no services and the planned roads were basically just drawings on a map. The ship is also significant because it was named in recognition of the birth of Prince Charles. In the ship's former life as the HMAS Albatross the significance is that it was built in Australia as our country's first Aircraft Carrier (seaplanes).New photograph made from a scanned copy of a circa 1950 Post Card featuring the ship on calm water.Hellenic Prince / Hong Konghellenic prince, migrant ship, displaced persons, refugees, international refugee organisation, bagnoli camp, hmas albatross, yannoulatos group -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Marguerite Marshall, Former home of Professor William MacMahon Ball, York Street, Eltham, 24 May 2007
Situated at the eastern end of York Street, Eltham, 'Shinrone', the former home of Professor William (Mac) MacMahon Ball was one of the first in the Shire of Eltham to incorporate mud-brick. Professor MacMahon Ball, a political scientist, writer, broadcaster and diplomat and family moved to York Street, Eltham in 1945 into a timber cottage built around the 1890s and in poor repair. Mac asked Alistair Knox to renovate the home and he expanded the living area and added verandahs. In 1948 Montsalvat artist and sculptor Sonia Skipper supervised the building of most of the mud-brick studio. Neighbour Gordon Ford made the mud-bricks. Mac also asked John Harcourt, who had worked with him as a journalist in shortwave broadcasting, to build a pise (rammed earth) and stone addition to the largely timber house. Harcourt built two bedrooms - including an attic bedroom - a balcony with a shower and toilet, a nd a fireplace and chimney of local stone. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p141 At the eastern tip of York Street, Eltham, stands Shinrone, the former home of one of Australia’s intellectual leaders. Professor William Macmahon Ball, was one of the first to bring Asia as a foreign policy issue to the Australian public.1 He was a political scientist, writer, broadcaster and diplomat. The house was one of the first in Eltham Shire to incorporate mud-brick,2 because of the acute shortage of building materials after World War Two. Its novice builders later become leaders in Eltham’s built and garden design. Mac (as he was usually called), who was the son of a Church of England minister, was born in Casterton, Victoria in 1901 and died in 1986. In 1945 he helped establish the United Nations, as political consultant to the Australian Delegation at the San Francisco Conference.3 Then in 1946 Mac was appointed British Commonwealth Representative on the Allied Council for Japan, which is recorded in detail in his diary.4 In 1948 Mac led an Australian Government Goodwill Mission to South East Asia. However, Mac was perhaps most successful as an academic and public speaker.5 He was a commentator on the Australian Broadcasting Commission, from the early 1930s to the early 1960s. He was also Controller of the Short-Wave Broadcasting Unit during World War Two, which later became Radio Australia. From 1923 he taught at The University of Melbourne, then became foundation Professor of Political Science in 1949 and was Chair until his retirement in 1968.6 In 1942, as the government expected a Japanese invasion, Mac’s wife Katrine and their only child Jenny, moved from Kew to Eltham as temporary evacuees. However Mac and Katrine lived in Eltham for almost the rest of their lives. After staying with friends, they rented a house in Reynolds Road, where, as it was wartime, they needed to keep horses for transport and a cow and poultry for milk and eggs. In 1945 the family moved to the house at York Street, which was then a timber cottage, built around the 1890s and in poor repair. The underground well, cellar and part of the garden are all that remain of what stood on the original 18 acre (7.3ha) allotment. Thanks largely to Katrine’s hard work, the house was gradually renovated and extended. The long rambling house was partially built by several young neighbours, who were inspired by the cheap mud-brick and stone building style of Montsalvat, the Eltham artists’ colony. Mac asked Alistair Knox to renovate Shinrone, named after an Irish village near Katrine’s family home. Knox later popularised the mud-brick style of house construction, for which Eltham became known. He expanded the living area and added verandas. In 1948 Montsalvat artist and sculptor Sonia Skipper supervised the building of most of the mud-brick studio. Another neighbour, Gordon Ford, who was to have a major influence on the Australian garden style, made the mud-bricks. Mac also asked John Harcourt, who had worked with him as a journalist in short-wave broadcasting, to build a pisé (rammed earth) and stone addition to the largely timber house. Harcourt built two bedrooms – including an attic bedroom – a balcony with a shower and toilet, and a fireplace and chimney of local sandstone. With pioneering work naturally came mistakes, including one particularly dramatic incident when Harcourt was building walls with unsupported sections. Jenny Ellis, Mac’s daughter, remembers being awakened from sleep by a thundering shudder. The wall of her room had fallen down – fortunately away from her! In 1950 artist Peter Glass – another neighbour and later landscape designer – built Katrine a mud-brick pottery. As a result, the house features at one end Harcourt’s characteristic steep gable roof, while at the other the flatter construction characteristic of Knox. Mac referred to the home as the Eltham ‘experimental building site’.7 Surprisingly, the combination works, perhaps partly because it has the warm inviting feel of timber, mud-brick and stone.This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, eltham, alistair knox, gordon ford, john harcourt, mudbrick construction, pise construction, professor macmahon ball, shinrone, sonia skipper, york street -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Alan King, Original Kangaroo Ground Primary School No. 2105 building, Eltham-Yarra Glen Road, Kangaroo Ground, 28 December 2007
Kangaroo Ground's first school began in 1851 with 22 pupils from the district's ten families. It was a single room school located further south on the site, which also served as a Presbyterian church. The first teacher was Andrew Ross. The school building was used as a Post Office between 1854 and 1858 and during 1857 also served as a Court of Petty Sessions. With a growing farming community, a new building was warranted and the original Sate School No. 352 was closed and a new building, State School No. 2105 was oipened October 1, 1878. A residence for Head Teacher Henry Wallace School was erected in 1879 attached to the left of the school building. That residence is now home to the Andrew Ross Museum, which opened in 1993. Covered under Heritage Overlay, Nillumbik Planning Scheme. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p35 In a corner of the Kangaroo Ground Primary School playground stands an old weatherboard building. This structure, attached to the former teacher’s weatherboard residence facing Main Road, first served as a school in 1878. The former residence, built in 1879, houses the Andrew Ross Museum, which opened in 1993. It is named after the school’s first teacher,1 who also founded The Evelyn Observer newspaper, which began on the site in 1873. Later the printing presses were moved to brick newspaper offices by the Kangaroo Ground Hotel, which became the Shire of Eltham offices. However Kangaroo Ground’s first school began in 1851 for 22 pupils from the district’s ten families, in a slab building further south on this site. Andrew Harkness and other settlers campaigned for the building, which was built on half an acre (0.2ha) donated by local farmer, James Donaldson. Builder was Samuel Furphy, father of the novelist Joseph.2 The single room measuring 30 feet x 18 feet (9m x 5.5m), was unlined and the green slabs shrank, allowing the wind and rain entry through cracks except when they were stuffed with paper.3 The building served as a Presbyterian church as well as a school, where fees were 18 pence a week for education. Young men also attended evening classes there in winter. At one stage, a corner of the room was curtained off for the schoolmaster’s living space, and the platform, which was used for sleeping, was also the pulpit during church services. Teacher Andrew Ross also took church services when the minister was unable to attend, which happened frequently as he had long distances to travel on the bad roads. In 1857 the school building was also used as the Court of Petty Sessions, and from 1854 until 1858, it served as a post office. During the gold rush fossickers on their way to the Caledonia Diggings at Queenstown (now St Andrews) prospected the district, but did not remain long, as the fields were not rich in gold. But the farming community grew, until by 1878 the population warranted the building of State School No 2105 – the present one-roomed tongue-and-groove lined building measuring 49 feet x 18 feet (15m x 5.5m), to accommodate 60 children. The old school, No 352, was closed, and the new one opened on October 1, with Henry Wallace as head teacher, assisted by work mistress Annie Johnston. Early teachers included Messrs Smith, Hamilton and Prosser, with sewing teachers Misses Sweeney, Limerock and Oliver. In the early 1920s a small room was built on the front veranda of the teacher’s residence, and used as a State Savings Bank agency until about 1934. In 1928 the schoolroom’s three-tiered floor was replaced by a flat floor and teacher’s platform (which has since been removed). A half-glassed partition wall then divided the large room into two rooms in which the old style form-type desks were replaced with dual desks. The small playground, surrounded by pine trees and a picket fence, was extended in 1931 with an additional acre or so (0.4 ha) of land. During World War Two the school faced closure because of a fall to seven in the enrolment, but by 1946 it had increased again to 45. Mr Eric Morgan was head teacher and Mrs Margaret Banks was assistant head teacher, a position she held for ten years. In 1955, under the head teacher Mr V Gardiner, who taught there for 13 years, the school won a prize for the best-kept garden and school ground in the inspectorate. A district subdivision increased the enrolment in 1968 to 65 and a bus service was established. After the hall which had been used for lessons was demolished late that year, the pupils met in the original fire brigade meeting room (now the tennis club, diagonally opposite the general store). The new school building with a storeroom and staffroom was built in 1974.This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, kangaroo ground, andrew ross museum, eltham-yarra glen road, kangaroo ground primary school no. 2105, kangaroo ground state school, state school no. 2105 -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Leanne Hinton, The green book of Language revitalization in practice, 2008
1. Language Revitalization: An Overview /? Leanne Hinton 2. Diversity in Local Language Maintenance and Restoration: A Reason For Optimism /? Anna Ash, Jessie Little Doe Fermino and Ken Hale 3. Federal Language Policy and Indigenous Languages in the United States /? Leanne Hinton 4. "... To Help Assure the Survival and Continuing Vitality of Native American Languages" /? Robert D. Arnold 5. Language Planning /? Leanne Hinton Introduction to the Pueblo Languages /? Leanne Hinton 6. Native Language Planning: A Pilot Process in the Acoma Pueblo Community /? Christine P. Sims 7. The Key To Cultural Survival: Language Planning and Revitalization in the Pueblo de Cochiti /? Regis Pecos and Rebecca Blum-Martinez The Navajo Language: I /? Ken Hale 8. Navajo Head Start Language Study /? Paul R. Platero 9. Introduction to Revitalization of National Indigenous Languages /? Leanne Hinton Introduction to the Welsh Language /? Leanne Hinton 10. Welsh: A European Case of Language Maintenance /? Gerald Morgan Introduction to the Maori Language /? Ken Hale 11. Te Kohanga Reo: Maori Language Revitalization /? Jeanette King An Introduction to the Hawaiian Language /? Leanne Hinton 12. The Movement to Revitalize Hawaiian Language and Culture /? Sam L. No'Eau Warner 13. "Mai Loko Mai O Ka 'I'ini: Proceeding from a Dream": The 'Aha Punana Leo Connection in Hawaiian Language Revitalization /? William H. Wilson and Kauanoe Kamana 14. Teaching Methods /? Leanne Hinton The Karuk Language /? Leanne Hinton 15. Teaching Well, Learning Quickly: Communication-Based Language Instruction /? Terry Supahan and Sarah E. Supahan The Navajo Language: II /? Ken Hale 16. Tsehootsooidi Olta'gi Dine Bizaad Bihoo'aah: A Navajo Immersion Program at Fort Defiance, Arizona /? Marie Arviso and Wayne Holm 17. The Master-Apprentice Language Learning Program /? Leanne Hinton 18. Linguistic Aspects of Language Teaching and Learning in Immersion Contexts /? Ken Hale 19. New Writing Systems /? Leanne Hinton An Introduction to Paiute /? Leanne Hinton and Ken Hale 20. Language Revitalization in the San Juan Paiute Community and the Role of a Paiute Constitution /? Pamela Bunte and Robert Franklin 21. Audio-Video Documentation /? Leanne Hinton Australian Languages /? Ken Hale 22. Strict Locality in Local Language Media: An Australian Example /? Ken Hale The Arapaho Language /? Ken Hale 23. Reflections on the Arapaho Language Project, or When Bambi Spoke Arapaho and Other Tales of Arapaho Language Revitalization Efforts /? Stephen Greymorning Irish /? Ken Hale 24. Continuity and Vitality: Expanding Domains through Irish-Language Radio /? Colleen Cotter The Mono Language /? Ken Hale 25. On Using Multimedia in Language Renewal: Observations from Making the CD-ROM Taitaduhaan /? Paul V. Kroskrity and Jennifer F. Reynolds 26. Can the Web Help Save My Language? /? Laura Buszard-Welcher 27. Training People to Teach Their Language /? Leanne Hinton Inuttut and Innu-aimun /? Ken Hale 28. The Role of the University in the Training of Native Language Teachers: Labrador /? Alana Johns and Irene Mazurkewich Languages of Arizona, Southern California, and Oklahoma /? Leanne Hinton 29. Indigenous Educators as Change Agents: Case Studies of Two Language Institutes /? Teresa L. McCarty, Lucille J. Watahomigie and Akira Y. Yamamoto /? [et al.] The Navajo Language: III /? Ken Hale 30. Promoting Advanced Navajo Language Scholarship /? Clay Slate 31. Sleeping Languages: Can They Be Awakened? /? Leanne Hinton 32. The Use of Linguistic Archives in Language Revitalization: The Native California Language Restoration Workshop /? Leanne Hinton The Ohlone Languages /? Leanne Hinton 33. New Life for a Lost Language /? Linda Yamane.Maps, b&w photographs, tables, word listslanguage policy, language planning, language maintenance, language revitalization, language immersion, language literacy, media and technology, language education and training, sleeping languages, navajo, arapaho -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Pioneers of Ballarat
The Pioneers of Ballarat may have been created to the Ballarat Old Colonists' Association and the reunions held by the early Ballarat pioneers. The dates given after the pioneers time is their date of arrival into the colony.Photograph showing numerous portraits of men who were considered Pioneers of Ballarat as complied by R. Walker and produced by Chuck Vice Regal Photo. The men depicted are: J. Smith; W. Gay; W. Downie; G. Goddard; B. Varcoe; A.F. Seidal; Loius Balhausen; J. McKenzie; William irwin; M. Box; Thomas Bath; James Oddie; William Tulloch; J.W. Graham; J. Ward; W. Curnow; R.J. Binder; F.J.L. Turner; W. Eyres; C.A. Welch; B. Welch; G. Welch; J. Lake; H. Smith; J. King; R.T. Wreford; Ernest Balhausen; J. Ward; T. Trengrove; J. Truswell; J. Taylor; W. Seeley; J.P. Murray; Hon. David Ham; Andrew Anderson; E. McCartney; J.H. Smith; Joseph Edward Cowley; A. Jones; W.H. Furness; F.N. Martin; James Anderson; G. Becher; James Meek; T. Hawkins; P. Drummond; C. Barker; J. Malcolm; R. Brown; G. Tupper; A. Rose; W. Pinkerton; A. Clinton; A. Sheppard, F.C. Downes; J.A. Blight; J. Blight; T. Blight; J. Richardson; C.W. Toy; W.C. Elder; E. Towl; S. Walker; W.P. Martin; J.T Langley; J.A. Abramowitch; R, Allan; S.W. Woodward; G. Hunt; J. Bishop; F.L. Graham; R. Graham; W. A.G. Fraser; J. Davies; J. Paterson; B.G. Tucker; E. McElroy; W.H. Burton, T.C. Coates; J. Williams; J.P. Roberts; J. Ritchie; T.W. White; J. F. Harvey; Natale D'Angri; D. McCallum; W. Chisholm; P. Kohl; J. Moncrief; J.P. Marshall; R.U. Nicholls; G.L. Holthouse; C. Gray; W. Gale; James Long; Theo Williams; J.R. Ellsworth; W. Scott; Henry Josephs; D. Cooke; William Little; T.H. Thompson; E. Morey; J.G. McDonald; C.C. Shoppee; G. Douglas; W. H. Ellis; W. Hicks; J. Cameron; W. B. Koppers; F. Marendez; G. Herrmann; J. Kelly; E. Jermyn; P. Murray; P. Gay; D. McNaught; T.D. Wanliss; G. Lord; H. Glenny; J. Trethowan; J. Blandford; J. Goujon; W. Coad; A. Colliver; J. Nunn; J. Munro; W.C. Burbidge; J. Jarvie; C. Ferguson; C. Morris; J. Russell; J. Phillips; J. Coghlan; R. Clark; Thomas Stoddart; M. Wasley; B. Retallack; John Reid; M.C. Carey; P. Maloney; E. Newman; J. Lamb; J,. Pryor; J. Gibson; James Mitchell; J. Rowe; James Vallins; A. Roxburgh; A. Cant; O. Thomas; J.Y. McDonald; W.M. Acheson; A. Jack; R. Gibbings; E.W. Chamberlain; J.H. Ellsworth; J. Falconer; G.G. Lorimer; James M. Bickett; T. Sayle; Andrew McIntyre; W. Hambley; K. Coutts; T. Muir; R. Scott; G. Leach; E. Richards; R. Hearn; J. Hughan; D. Miliani; E. Parr; J. T. Irving; W.G. Williams; J. Marks; J. Darby; T. Ray; D. McKenzie; James Robson; J. Robson; J. Moore; J. Murphy; Robert M. Serjeant; C. Ford; E.E. Campbell; P. Folland; P.J. Rickard; A. McVitty; B. Angwin; J.T. Sleep; M.P. Whiteside; W. Curtis; H. Crisp; E. Major; R. Pearce; J. Waller; G. Waller; G. Abrams; J. McIntyre; J. Johnston; W. Johnston; W. Taylor; J. Knoth; J. Davey; G. Smith; N. Kent; E.O. Witherden; J.B. Cathcart; W.H. Harrow; G. Evans; L. Ure; W.T. Glen; T. Dickinson; D. Hughes; J. Strickland; J. Hillman; E. Jackson; R.J. Walker; D. Gunn; R.J. Gullan; T. McManamy; A. Gray; James trembath; W. Porter; J. Showman; C. Walker; J. Bowman; W.B. McDonald; P. Jago; J. Stout pioneers, ballarat, chuck, chuck vice regal photo, r. walker, ballarat pioneers, pioneers of ballarat, j. smith, w. gay, w. downie, g. goddard, b. varcoe, a.f. seidal, loius balhausen, j. mckenzie, william irwin, m. box, thomas bath, james oddie, william tulloch, j.w. graham, j. ward, w. curnow, r.j. binder, f.j.l. turner, w. eyres, c.a. welch, b. welch, g. welch, j. lake, h. smith, j. king, r.t. wreford, ernest balhausen, t. trengrove, j. truswell, j. taylor, w. seeley, j.p. murray, hon. david ham, andrew anderson, e. mccartney, j.h. smith, joseph edward cowley, a. jones, w.h. furness, f.n. martin, james anderson, g. becher, james meek, t. hawkins, p. drummond, c. barker, j. malcolm, r. brown, g. tupper, a. rose, w. pinkerton, a. clinton, a. sheppard, f.c. downes, j.a. blight, j. blight, t. blight, j. richardson, c.w. toy, w.c. elder, e. towl, s. walker, w.p. martin, j.t langley, j.a. abramowitch, r, allan, s.w. woodward, g. hunt, j. bishop, f.l. graham, r. graham, w. a.g. fraser, j. davies, j. paterson, b.g. tucker, e. mcelroy, w.h. burton, t.c. coates, j. williams, j.p. roberts, j. ritchie, t.w. white, j. f. harvey, natale d'angri, d. mccallum, w. chisholm, p. kohl, j. moncrief, j.p. marshall, r.u. nicholls, g.l. holthouse, c. gray, w. gale, james long, theo williams, j.r. ellsworth, w. scott, henry josephs, d. cooke, william little, t.h. thompson, e. morey, j.g. mcdonald, c.c. shoppee, g. douglas, w. h. ellis, w. hicks, j. cameron, w. b. koppers, f. marendez, g. herrmann, j. kelly, e. jermyn, p. murray, p. gay, d. mcnaught, t.d. wanliss, g. lord, h. glenny, j. trethowan, j. blandford, j. goujon, w. coad, a. colliver, j. nunn, j. munro, w.c. burbidge, j. jarvie, c. ferguson, c. morris, j. russell, j. phillips, j. coghlan, r. clark, thomas stoddart, m. wasley, b. retallack, john reid, m.c. carey, p. maloney, e. newman, j. lamb, j, . pryor, j. gibson, james mitchell, j. rowe, james vallins, a. roxburgh, a. cant, o. thomas, j.y. mcdonald, w.m. acheson, a. jack, r. gibbings, e.w. chamberlain, j.h. ellsworth, j. falconer, g.g. lorimer, james m. bickett, t. sayle, andrew mcintyre, w. hambley, k. coutts, t. muir, r. scott, g. leach, e. richards, r. hearn, j. hughan, d. miliani, e. parr, j. t. irving, w.g. williams, j. marks, j. darby, t. ray, d. mckenzie, james robson, j. robson, j. moore, j. murphy, robert m. serjeant, c. ford, e.e. campbell, p. folland, p.j. rickard, a. mcvitty, b. angwin, j.t. sleep, m.p. whiteside, w. curtis, h. crisp, e. major, r. pearce, j. waller, g. waller, g. abrams, j. mcintyre, j. johnston, w. johnston, w. taylor, j. knoth, j. davey, g. smith, n. kent, e.o. witherden, j.b. cathcart, w.h. harrow, g. evans, l. ure, w.t. glen, t. dickinson, d. hughes, j. strickland, j. hillman, e. jackson, r.j. walker, d. gunn, r.j. gullan, t. mcmanamy, a. gray, james trembath, w. porter, j. showman, c. walker, j. bowman, w.b. mcdonald, p. jago, j. stout, john smith -
Geelong Naval and Maritime Museum
The Orungal was originally built in Glasgow in 1923 for the Khedival Mail Steamship & Graving Dock Company of Egypt and named the S.S. Fezara. Due to the effects on steamship companies of the Great Depression including the steep costs of building new ships and increases in running costs and port charges, no new passenger ships had been ordered in Australia since before World War One. To meet demand for passenger berths, the Fezara (5826 tons) along with its sister ship the Famaka (5856 tons, renamed Ormiston), were chartered by the Australasian United Steam Navigation Company Ltd (A.U.S.N.Co.) in 1927. Both the A.U.S.N.Co and the Khedival Mail Steamship Co. were part of the P&O Group. The Orungal operated in this role as an interstate passenger and mail steamer between 1927 and 1940, being used mainly on the Melbourne to Queensland and Western Australian runs, with 240 single class berths. Following the outbreak of World War Two six of the nine large passenger liners servicing mainland Australian passenger and mail trades were requisitioned by the Government to ferry equipment, troops and supplies. Some of them were converted to armed merchant cruisers and used for patrol work and escort duties in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. The Orungal had originally been requisitioned by the government along with the Zealandia on 25 June 1940, to transport troops to Darwin, but was returned to commercial service because "of her unsuitability", perhaps too slow for the demands of the work. Despite being rejected for patrol and convoy duties the Orungal still had a vital role as one of only three passenger liners left to service the mainland Australian trade. Following its requisitioning by the Government shortly after war broke out, it had been fitted out with defensive armament. On its final voyage arriving at Port Phillip Heads from Sydney, Captain Gilling was attempting to enter the Heads ahead of a worsening south-westerly storm and, with a minefield known to have been laid in the area, had been warned by the Navy not to deviate from the swept channel. The captain and crew held fears that in the stormy seas a mine may have been carried away. In the worsening weather a blur of lights at Barwon Heads was mistaken for Port Lonsdale, and the Orungal steamed ashore onto Formby Reef, just east of the entrance of the Barwon River - instead of passing safely through the middle of the Rip. At the Marine Board Inquiry Capt. Gilling - who had been master of the Orungal since 1926 - stated that after becoming uneasy about his position and changing course to starboard one point: " At 10.21 pm I ordered the engine room to stand by and gave instructions for the patent log to be hauled in and for the sounding-gear to be got ready. Approximately two minutes later, in a flash of lightning, I saw land off the port beam. I immediately recognised it as Barwon Heads, and ordered the helm to be put hard to starboard, but the vessel struck before she had time to answer the helm" Barwon Heads and Ocean Grove residents were startled to hear the shrill blast of the ship's whistle, followed by the bright flares and explosions of signal rockets. The Queenscliff lifeboat crew, who had responded to the tragic collision between the Goorangai and another passenger liner the Duntroon in Port Phillip Bay less than 24 hours earlier, were later praised for their efforts in safely taking off all the passengers and crew. Most of the passengers were asleep at the time of the wreck, and were woken up by the commotion, the ship shaking "from stem to stern" and stewards ordering them to lifeboat stations in driving rain. It was a dramatic time with the ship siren wailing and distress rockets being fired. It was reported that "When it was found the ship was safe, the passengers all went to the music room. There they sang and danced for several hours. The ship's orchestra played merrily, and amateur performers among the passengers clowned, danced and sang to keep the laughter going. In the early hours of the morning passengers went to their cabins, most of them to sleep soundly while the keel grated on the rocks". At dawn the Queenscliff lifeboat arrived at the scene having been launched at 2.30am, and cautiously approached the ship which was being "battered by mountainous seas". By 5am oil from a burst oil line was helping to calm seas around the Orungal sufficiently enough for the lifeboat to approach, and all the passengers and crew were taken off in several trips by the lifeboat. A Court of Inquiry later found that the wreck was caused by an abnormal set of current to the north-west and cleared the officers and crew of neglect of duty. The sight of a huge liner almost on the beach saw an unprecedented amount of traffic as people drove an estimated 10,000 cars, using some 60,000 gallons of fuel in a time of strict petrol rationing, to see the spectacle. Salvage operations began in an attempt to refloat the vessel, scheduled for the high tide on 15 December 1940. However, during these operations, at 2.30 am on 13 December 1940, a major fire broke out, believed to have been caused by spontaneous combustion in the boiler room. The ship was soon ablaze, with smoke pouring from its hatches and ventilators, and at mid-morning the magazine exploded fiercely. Of the 60 men working aboard the vessel two were severely burned and had to be taken to Geelong Hospital. The gathered spectators witnessed the eerie sight of the ship's hull glowing red when night fell. The well-known building demolition contractor Whelan the Wrecker bought the salvage rights, and methodically proceeded to dismantle the ship and its fittings. The drama was not yet over for the wreckers when - without warning - the burnt-out hulk was 'attacked' by RAAF for strafing practice. Salvage rights were transferred to another private owner in 1963. By 1945 the combined effects of the exposed location, fire and salvage had seen what was left of the wreck disappear beneath the waves. The site today is marked by two of the four Scotch type boilers sitting upright and exposed at low tide, just north-east of the small boats channel at the entrance to Barwon Heads. Large sections of steel hull plating and framing, and impressively large pieces of ships structure and machinery including masts, booms, deck winches, propeller shaft, flywheel, and a thrust block lie scattered about and make the site an interesting shallow dive. It is interesting to compare the site of the Orungal with the intact remains of similar large passenger ships scuttled in deep water in the Ships' Graveyard, such as the Milora and Malaita. The site is subject to waves and surge, and is best dived on flat calm days The teacup originated from the SS Orungal and was likely used heavily in the ship's life as a passenger, mail and cargo carrier around Australia. The teacup is significant for its connections to SS Orungal and of this ships connected story of being sunk in extraordinary circumstances in the local region. A.U.S.N. Co. Ltd. Teacup salvaged from SS Orungal ss orungal, fezara, world war two, barwon heads, ocean grove -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Vehicle - Wagon, H.H. Smith & Co. Baker, Circa 1930s - 1940s
This baker’s wagon or cart transported and delivered bread and other baked goods in the Warrnambool area. It currently has advertising for H.H. Smith & Co. Henry Huntington Smith (1857-1941) owned and operated his Warrnambool bakery in the late 19th and early 20th century. However, the design of the wagon is similar to those used by local bakers in the 1930s and 1940s and probably originated from Stephenson’s Bakery in Warrnambool, which operated around that time. The wagon’s original internal shelves were removed in the early days of Flagstaff Hill so that children could have rides around the village in a horse-driven cart. BAKERS’ HISTORY There were many bakeries in Warrnambool in the 19th to mid-20th century. Each bread bakery made horse and cart deliveries in its allocated zone. SMITH’S BAKERY; – as shown on the wagon’s signage. Henry Huntington Smith (1857-1941) was born and educated in Warrnambool. He worked at Davis’ steam biscuit factory in Timor Street before he began his own bakery business in 1885 near the corner of Fairy and Koroit Streets. A few years later Smith built a new bakery on the corner of Fairy and Lava Street where it still stands today (2025) as Monaghan’s Pharmacy. The building was designed by James McLeod in 1892 as a bakehouse, shop and residence for Smith The address was known locally as Smith’s Corner. Next door to the bakery, at 136 Fairy Street, were stables built by Jobbins and McLeod in 1886 for William Cust. A photograph in the archives of the Warrnambool and District Historical Society shows the 1892 building with four fancy horse-drawn wagons on the street with white-clad drivers and a promotional stand erected with 5 bakers in uniform and the signage “H H Smith & Co, Pastry Cooks and Confectioners”. One of the wagons appears to have “H H Smith” painted on the side. H.H. Smith & Co. placed an Advertisement in the Weekly Times in December 1896 promoting its business as bakers, confectioners and pastry cooks, praising their shop as an ‘ornament to the town’ with ‘neat appointments’ and ‘dainty decorations’. It also boasted of supplying a large number of customers within a twelve-mile radius of Warrnambool. In November 1919 The Warrnambool Standard announced the marriage of Henry H Smith, Mayor of Warrnambool, to Jeannie Samson-Goodman in East Adelaide. In the same newspaper was a notice that Frank Crossley was to open as baker and pastry cook in H.H. Smith’s premises. As well as being the proprietor of the H.H. Smith Bakery, Henry Huntington Smith was a Councillor for the Warrnambool Municipality from 1913 to 1937 and Mayer for two terms. In December 1919 during his first term as Mayor, he was honoured for the work he had done with returning soldiers after World War I, receiving a document in recognition of this work, presented by the Mothers, Wives and Sisters of returned soldiers. Smith was very interested and involved in the community in many roles, including being the Vice President of the first Warrnambool and District Historical Society. STEPHENSON’S BAKERY: – believed to be the past owner of the wagon. The last owner of the bakery was Harold Stephenson. Stephenson was enlisted in the A.I.F. and was invalided home in 1943 before the end of the Second World War. He also served as a Councillor from 1958 to 1976, during which time he served six terms as Mayor for the City of Warrnambool (1966-1973) while he had the bakery. He was very involved in many local organisations including the Warrnambool Surf Life Saving Club and the Road Race Committee. He died in 1985, lauded as being one of Warrnambool’s “most distinguished civic leaders”. It has been said that the baker injured in World War II invented a special contraption to enable him to get up into the wagon and that he alerted his customers that he was in their vicinity by blowing a whistle. The customers would come out and choose their bread from the back of his wagon then pay him for it. However, another account is given by a man who once earned pocket money by helping the baker on his rounds. He says that it was Stephenson, the owner and manager of the bakery, and not the delivery baker who received a significant injury during the war, making him unable to climb the stairs of his upstairs accommodation at the bakery, therefore causing him to sleep downstairs. At this time in the early to late 1940 Stephenson’s bakery had three wagons, one for each of the delivery rounds. The wagons were painted black and yellow. Two of the drivers were Stan Lake and Ali (Alec) Dean who both had wagons with the covered cabin design. The third driver was Bill Lake who had a flat wagon. Stan Lake delivered in the area around Lava and Koroit Streets, Ali Dean had another round and Bill Lake had the Dennington area. Bread continued to be delivered into the 1960s but by this time the delivery vehicles were motorised. The goods produced at Stephenson’s bakery included bread baked in different shaped tins such as High Tin, Sandwich and Vienna. Some shapes were easily divided into half by breaking them apart, therefore the baker could make two-quarter loaves from a half loaf, satisfying different needs. There was the option of white or brown bread, sweet buns, fruit buns and Boston buns. The baker’s assistant was known to take great delight in ‘trimming’ the broken halves of excess bread and crust, enjoying his treat. THE BAKERY PREMISES: – Southeast corner of Fairy and Lava Streets, Warrnambool. The building retains the original cast iron veranda. Above the veranda, a motif of a wheat sheaf in ornamental plaster can be seen. Inside the building, there are still some of the original fittings. The building was classified by the National Trust in August 1979. After the Second World War, an official system of zoning was introduced as a fair way for the baking industry to operate. In 1949 different pricing was introduced by the Government for either delivered or retail purchased bread. Many of the small local bakeries went out of business after the Government banned zoning. The way was made open for the larger bread manufacturers to enter the local market with cheaper prices. Some of those companies were Mc Queens, Tip Top, Twisties, and Sunicrust, (Mc Queens ‘new’ bakery building was where the current Toyworld shop now stands, is, in the Ozone carpark.) O’Grady’s Bakery, later changing hands and known as Burkes Bakery, was on Fairy Street near the Timor Street intersection, on the North West side. There was also a bakery named Almay. The baker’s wagon is significant because of its association with H.H. Smith’s Bakery in Warrnambool.. The H.H. Smith’s Bakery building on the corner of Fairy and Lava Streets, built in 1892, is classified by the National Trust, August 1979. Smith Street Warrnambool was named after Henry Huntington Smith, who was a Warrnambool Councillor 1913 – 1937 and Mayor 1919 – 1921. Baker’s wagon, often referred to as a baker’s cart. Four wheeled horse-drawn delivery wagon, front wheels smaller than rear wheels. Wagon is clad with metal sheets and lined with varnished timber panels. Wheels have metal rims, wooden spokes and rear wheels have wooden brake pads. Horse shaft is timber with metal fittings. Front has a metal lamp holder, brake lever, metal hand grips and decorative metal foot plates. The wagon has suspension leaves on back and sides and double suspension leaves on the front. Driver’s area at front has a roof, glass side windows and wooden box seat with hinged compartment accessing wagon storage area. Door above back of seat has buckled leather handgrip strap attached, door slides open for access to wagon area. Back of wagon has a wooden step and a split door; top door has ventilation louvers, both doors have metal latches. Wagon is painted cream with brown trim and signage and green step. Remnants of red and green paint are visible; underside of seat panel is painted grey. Wagon advertises H.H. Smith & Co. Baker, a Warrnambool business established in 1885, but is of a more modern design seen around 1930’s and 1940’s and most likely belonging to Stephenson's bakery. Brown signwriting on sides of wagon “H.R. SMITH & CO. / BAKER” Brown signwriting across front of wagon “BAKER” warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, shipwrecked-artefact, great ocean road, baker’s wagon, h.h. smith baker, warrnambool, henry h smith, jeannie samson-goodman, frank crossley, mayor of city of warrnambool, vice president of warrnambool and district historical society, stephenson’s bakery warrnambool, harold stephenson, warrnambool surf life saving club, road race committee, national trust building, stan lake, bill lake, ali dean, 19th and 20th century bakers, davies steam biscuit factory warrnambool, james mcleod building designer, jobbins and mcleod, william cust, h h smith & co, pastry cooks and confectioners, bakery trade, bread delivery wagon -
Melton City Libraries
Postcard, Postcards from Fred and Mattie Myers, 1909-1914
Post Card: Melton Railway Station 1909 Mattie to Fred My Dear Fred I received your letter and the L2 10/- I was very pleased to hear that I could write again. You say you will come home after the last shead. I should think so. I had a letter from E Jenkins so I am going down to see her next week we call the baby Fernie now I hope you will agree. Dear Fern has got the whooping cough. Written on the side: I suppose you will be away four weeks yet. Love from Mattie will write on Sunday. This letter appears to be connected with the post card Barwonleigh Saturday October 1908 handwriting My Dear Mattie I received your letter and was sorry to hear of our dear little babys misfortune how did it happen do you know what was the cause of it Mrs Watts must be a blind old fool not to have known what it was when you took him to her the first time poor dear you must be worried to death with all this trouble tell me what the doctor thinks of the rupture. I do hope dear he will get over this all right you must be nearly dead going without sleep for so long I had a bit of misfortune myself on Thursday the machine locked and jumped out of my hand and stuck in my bone I kept on working but it was very painful as all the holding is done with page ..knee the boss also has been chipping a good deal this week he says the next time he has occasion to speak to me I will have to go he is very particular. I would like to go through if possible even if I do a lot less. I have about sixteen hundred done up to now and would get another nine hundred if I was let alone but I suppose we will live lovie even if I go do you know if they are full handed at Eynesbury if I thought I could get a week there I would cut myself out here quick. Well dear lovie I am sending you a couple of pounds as I suppose you will want it to get a truss. I don’t think they are very expensive and hope things will find this better with you. Well my dear love I must close with fond love for you and baby from your loving Husband Fred Post Card: 16 Aug 1909 - Mathoura The card depicts a small sailing boat laden with blue flowers. Well Dear Wife you see I have kept my promise. I rode all the way up here and also carried all my luggage with me it came in handy as I had to camp on the road last night between Rochester and Echuca surrounded by water. I had to walk all the way pretty well from Rochester to Echuca. I am now waiting for the train to Deniliquin. Love to you and my little son Fred. From you loving Husband Fred Written along the top and side of the card. what do you think if the card comes in all right as I have been wading through water all day yesterday and this might be …? will write when I get to the Station, don’t forget to look after the little Freddie and remember me to mother. Post Card: 1909 - view across the Flat from the Creek looking to the Presbyterian Church in the distance with some small dwellings in the foreground. To Mr Fred Myers Wandook Stn Denniliquin NSW Dear Fred, received your letter I am sorry to hear you are having such wet weather I will write a letter tomorrow baby is better With Love from M Post Card: 1910 Postmark Stamp 1d Aug 12 1910 Moama NSW Melton postmark stamped Aug 25? Hare Street, looking south Echuca Mrs F Myers, Melton P O Vic Dear Mattie, Just a line to let you know I got here all right I go to Pericotta tonight and to Cobran to morrow best love to all from yours Fred Letter Cobran Stn Via Deniliquin N.S.W. Sunday 21st Aug extract I am having a good time here, a good cook and the best of everything no fires to light or kettles to boil just get up and wire in… plenty hard work the sheep are pretty tough but much better than Wandook. I am well among them here we had a little rain on Friday but not enough to stop us so we have got one full week in .. the weather is lovely. I have been basking in the sunshine mainly in the morning and feel strong and fit a as fiddle, they are a grand lot of men here I only knew one out of the lots but know them all pretty well now, we have a bit of a concert here every nights almost there are a few good singers here and we also had a phonograph up from the station with all the latest records we have two dancers among ourselves very boisterous affairs indeed thy do make the dust fly. I have not ventured to take part in it and don’t think I will either. I get enough dancing all day long and besides I have to furnish the music you ought to see them going when I rattle up the concertina. Letter Cobran Stn via Deniliquin Thursday Sept 1st 1910 [abbreviated] My Dear Mattie, I received your welcome letter today. I though I was never going to get one as it was Sunday fortnight when I wrote to you but we only the mail here twice a week so it takes a long time to write and get an answer. I also got a reply from Eynesbury and a favourable reply it starts on the 13th Oct. …. I have 800 sheep shorn up to date and am fifth among about 30 men. I am sending two more [Ls] this time which I drew on Saturday. I don’t like sending too much more this time as there is a chance of it going astray and it is not very easily earned…. Things must be humming in Melton with all them babies coming and people getting married… I suppose we will be having new neighbours soon. If Mr Watts is selling out he was getting more property then he could keep. I hope you will soon have rain…. you will have to watch our little boy the dear little rascal he must be getting very cute opening the gates he will be tumbling into the tank …. I love to think of the happy times we have had together and hope that we will love one another to the end .. the mail will not leave here until Monday Love to you dear wife and baby Fred Post Card: – I Cling to you like Ivy Cobran September 18th 1910 Fred awaits a letter from Mattie I still have three weeks here yet.. I am sending L2 tell if you got the other 1L 1911 Letters Fred to Mattie October Spring Plains Oct 1911 Mia Mia Post Office I had a great job to catch the train at Diggers Rest as after I turned off the Keilor Rd it was very way and muddy and I had to walk a lot of the way and got there just in time. I came right into Redesdale by the train and stopped there last night… they had heavy rain on thursday up here and a tremendous fall of hail which covered the ground over a foot deep. There are only 4 shearers here yet.. I saw some of the sheep they look very rough and big so there will be no big tallies done, the men are saying he is giving 2s per hundred extra, so that will help a little. We are going to start Cobran via Deniliquin. Post Card: three scenes of Mathoura 10/9/1914 EB on a photo copy 10/9/12 ? Mathoura Thursday Dear Mattie, Just a line to let you know I got up here all right. I rode the seat out of my trousers. I have done 100 miles on the bike. I met none of the old hands this time so will go out on my own… Your loving husband Fred, did Marjie miss me at all. Post Card: Cobran 15th Sept 1912 Hearts and intertwined flowers and little envelope he has written Marjorie …just a line to let you know I will cut out here Friday next in find, we have had two falls of rain since I wrote and it has bean blowing a hurricane for couple of days and may blow up again however if we are delayed I will send you a card Wednesday I am longing to see you and the two little kiddies again…. Fred Copy only Golf Hill Sep 26th Cut out 31 Oct Total 2332 1913 Post Card: Scene View Street, Bendigo August 1913 Mathoura Tuesday My Dear Mattie Just a line to let you know I got up here all right. Teddy Ginger and another couple of chaps on the way ……. Letter Cobran Sunday Aug 7th 1913 My Dear Mattie Just a line to let you know that weather permitting we will cut out here about Thursday morning….I have not got any more shearing here. I have not heard from the other place…. Expect me about Friday …. I suppose Freddie and Marjie will be glad to see me, Marjie will climb all over me. I will be glad to se you all again you will have a fortnight before Golf Hill starts. I see in the Express you sent that Annie McPherson of (Dunvegan) is engaged to Len Farrell, she appears to be going to take no risks with him she wont let him slip through her hands like the banker did…… Fred Post Card: 1914 Garland of roses Warrambeen Stn Shelford PO October 14th 1914 Birthday wishes. Post Card: Love’s Golden Chain Golf Hill Tuesday Oct 17 1914 Birthday wishes [ this one might be a different year] Letter Cobran Wed 2nd Sept 1914 My Dear Mattie, I received your welcome letter today and also the papers which were very acceptable as we don’t get many papers here we only get see one at odd times as we get none for the hut this year.. I have not seen a bit of butter since I left home as it is too dear for us for sinners here. Poor Marjie had a cold.. so the little kid wants to go to the war, she must think it is good like a picnic. We had light rain on Monday as usual only half a day’s shearing in the shed so that is all we done this week, we took a vote 9 to 6 no shearing so nothing till to morrow morning Thursday so there is still a good fortnights shearing to do, will do nothing Saturday polling day as we have to go 13 miles is near Services where I was last year so we will want the full day 50 men to vote and some will probably have to walk to get there, all solid for Labour. I have just had an interval for lunch, pudding, yeast buns and rock cakes… We are doing nothing but eating and sleeping this week. Fred I am sending L1 in this which will do you till I come back if I keep drawing up I will have none when I finish so make the most of it. Post Card: Two doves with violets 1915 Cobran Wed 18th Sept [could be 1912] Sorry to tell you we are delayed with rain so will not be home till next week… only 3 days of shearing to do…. expect me about the middle of next week….I wish I was with you now and the dear little ones Fred Post Card: Iris Flowers Barwonleigh Stn Tuesday Oct 14th 1918 Happy birthday greetings from Fred Post Card: Irrigation channel Swan Hill 5 Year not shown Swan Hill Tuesday night Just a few lines to let you know I got this far all right. I had to walk nearly all the way to Gisborne and got there last night and took the train here today. It has been raining all the way between Gisborne and here. Moulamein tomorrow. I think it will be another case of walking as it is wet here no metal roads all mud. best love to yourself and the little ones and also mother. will write Sunday Post Card: The White Man’s Burden.The writing on the back rubbed out Mattie has written, I was weighed and I am 8 stone 10 pounds. 14 Post Cards, some have the original dates, others have the date added later by Martha. Two envelopes, one with addressed to Melton postmark Moule, stamp torn off, the other Cards from my dear Fred. The letters and the notebooks can be cross checked according the their contents. Italics show the dates added by Mattie local identities -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Register, Ballarat School of Mines Donation Book, 1878 - 1895
The Ballarat School of Mines was the first School of Mines in the southern hemisphere. Its Museum was established in 1872. Donation 600, 4 July 1882, H. Sutton, Ballarat. Nature of Donation: 13th Annual report of the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain 2 papers 'from the proceedings of the Royal Society', Nos 217 & 218 - 1882 communicated by the President :on a new electrical Storage battery" by Henry Sutton, Ballarat, Victoria Donation 976, 8 May 1884, H. Sutton, Ballarat. Nature of Donation: * 1 volume "Pluttner on the Blowpipe: (Pluttner's manual of qualitative & quantitative analysis of the blowpipe. Donation 1682, 28 Feb 1887, James Lamb, Ballarat. Nature of Donation: Copy of "The Ballarat Times" newspaper of 3 December 1854, framed, and protected on both sides with glass. Donation 1712, 28 April 1887, Marg. Guerin, Ballaarat. Nature of Donation: Specimens nos (797-806) 797-801 from the New Reform Mine Luchnow, NSW (797) Serpentine with vein of quartz and calcite (798) Surpentine passing into silicous ferruginoous gossan; with drives of rock crystal (&99) Diorite with vein of calcite (800) Auriferous vein stuff (801) Auriferous arrenopyrite with calcite (802) noble opal filling cavities in decomposed traclyte (803-805) from Mr McDonald, NSW (806) arutute (carbonate of lead) in long schombie purni (?) Donation 1730, 23 May 1887, Miss Guerin, Ballaarat. Nature of Donation: Copy of the Victorian Review No 74 December 1 1885, Copy Wide Awake Vol 1 No 6 May 21st 1887Large rough calf covered book recording museum, laboratory and library donations to the Ballarat School of Mines. 4835 donations are recorded.Marbled end papers. Labels on spine and front cover.ballarat school of mines, ballarat school of mines museum, benjamin hepburn, ce clarke, j noble wilson, m hamburger, d christy, edwin jewell, ellery, john gray, go preshaw, cf crouch, henry brind, james darby, rm serjeant, george day, jf watson, stoddart, j hicks, hicks, james hector, sleep, jj sleep, james pearce, henry obree, newman, william tarrant, beilby, william bradford, george lansell, watson, edward gazzard, e morey, john lynch, j hector, rivett bland, bland, costin, whittle, crowther, mitchell, ferdinand krause, krause, joseph mitchell, john walker, bailey, duncan, mica smith, alfred mica smith, james buchanan, buchanan, whitehouse, dr bunce, bunce, james bklack, james bickett, js north, joseph flude, alfred lester, wagemann, fw niven, edwards, william evett, john addis, al elphinstone, henry sutton, ol olden, bh cross, robert hamilton, hancock, ferdinand von mueller, von meuller, berchevaise, j whitehouse, serjeant, henty, james shugg, john ross, james oddie, ralph tate, henry watts, wh wooster, wooster, luplau, rosenblum, heddington, albert furmedge, buley, robert wilson, e. rowlands, ne hall, henry pearce, lee young, nicholls, dusontory, daniel brohpy, brophy, klug, james donaldson, john cherry, ce jones, john feilds, thomas williams, enscoe, e price, shoppee, jacob drew, george wyatt, dimmock, james orr, john hardy, george wyatte, thomas rogers, james lamb, doepel, margaret guerin, bella guerin, guerin, george binns, william laplau, captain baker, baker, crisp, barnard, haffie, bateman, chalmers, richard parker, adam adamson, jn wilson, john noble wilson, papenhagen, towl, government astronomer, royal society, minister of mines, thoams blackett, burbury, denny, thys, p gay, james law, woolnough -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Photocopy, Diamond Valley News, Newspaper article: Fred looks back by Linley Hartley, Diamond Valley News, c.1985
Fred looks back; Report: Linley Hartley, Picture: Ron Grant Teaching himself German again after 70 years is just one of the many tasks Fred Golgerth, of Greensborough, has undertaken and succeeded in during his lifetime. As the two year old tenth child of a German descendent, Fred learnt to speak German from an Aunt. But World War 1 was raging. Fred’s older brother had gone to Europe with the Australian forces, changing his name … to ….. to sound less German. “I used to get my bottom slapped for speaking German at home,” Fred said. Even his name was changed from Otto to the more anglicised Frederick. Fred claims his involvement with Eltham started two years before he was born! His sister, two years older than him, was a babe in arms when his parents bought a piece of grazing property in Mount Pleasant Rd. “It was about 24 acres on a spur of Mt Pleasant,” Fred said. “My parents bought it from Mr and Mrs Hughes. There was a two-room mud hut in wattle and daub that we lived in from time to time. “My parents had a dairy farm and dairy in West Coburg, and they bought the Mt Pleasant land to put the dry stock on. “At one stage my mother got very ill and my older sister took my younger sister and myself to Eltham for four or five months. I went down to Eltham Primary School then.” That wasn’t the only time Fred stayed in Eltham. His sister, Wilhemina, known as Willa, married Jim Watson who had the Eltham hotel for some years from the end of World War 1. Pillar to post living was the way Fred described his youth, when he stayed with one married sister after another. “After a while Will and Jim lived in the big house at the top of Pitt St, next to the Council depot, and the hotel was managed by Fitzsimmons who had a big place near the river down there on Fitzsimons Lane. There was no bridge in Fitzsimons Lane but we used to cross the river at a ford, rolling up our trouser legs so they wouldn’t get wet, and carrying our shoes. I’d o down to visit some friends I had in Templestowe. And sometimes Jim Watson took his horse drawn lorry across the ford on his way to the brewery, instead of going don through Heidelberg.” “The bridge across the Yarra in Fitzsimons was not built until 1961.” Fred Golgerth, was only a teenager when he was rolled off his pushbike under a car on the bend between Mt Pleasant Rd and the Diamond Creek bridge. He was hospitalised in the little hospital on the east side of Eltham village that served the district in those days. He still carries the scars of the burns he received from the exhaust pipe and recent x-rays have revealed several broken vertebrae. At the time of the accident he was treated for a dislocated neck and was in plaster from his hip to the base of his head for about seven months. But nothing daunted Fred. Bouncing back he began work as an apprentice to a motor mechanic in Bell St, Preston, a man who is still living (at 90) in Queensland and who still communicates with Fred frequently. “He was like a father to me,” Fred declared. He was a marine engineer as well, so I …. that as well as blacksmithing. They taught us properly then.” After finishing his apprenticeship, Fred bought himself a 30 hundredweight Fargo truck and began his own contract carting business, doing most of the work for a firm called Carnegie’s and a subsidiary of that, Howard Radio. It was in the office Fred met his wife. “He taught me to drive the truck giving me lessons in my lunch hours up the Bourke St and Flinders St extension,” she said. “After work I’d have a driving lesson and all the girls from the Howard Radio would pile in the back to get a lift to Richmond Station.” In the 1939 bushfires, the Mt Pleasant Rd property was burnt out and the hut raised. Two years later, Fred and Dorothy were married. Fred paid £7.15.0 ($15.50) for the suit in which he was married. Dorothy had pulled out of the Women’s Air Training Corps to be married. Others with whom she trained went to Darwin and were in a convoy that was bombed. Fred went into the garage business in Brighton and continued his cartage business for a while. His company was employed to do all Brown Gouge’s motor repairs and factory maintenance. Because Fred had a certificate to do steam repair work he often got jobs maintaining industrial boilers. While he was in Brighton, Fred bought an eight-seater 1925 Silver Ghost Rolls Royce from Sir Keith Murdoch. When the couple moved to Rosanna in about 1943, it became a delivery van for the dairy they operated. “I thought I’d like to get back into a dairy business” Fred said. “We used to deliver the milk in the Rolls. “But it was hard work. We couldn’t get the labour and we’d drive to the farm and pick up the milk cans, take them back to the dairy, cool the milk, bottle it and deliver it. The inspectors would come regularly and the walls for bacteria.” Fred was exhausted. The couple gave up the dairy and moved to Eltham to live on the old property where a weatherboard house had now been built. It wasn’t a big house and the glassed in Rolls Royce limousine became the daytime nursery for the Golgerth’s second daughter. We’d put her in there to sleep during the day.” “Dorothy Golgerth was known to drive the Rolls at breakneck speed along Mt Pleasant Rd. Fred took some time off work then began driving a little local bus run by the Lyon Brothers before taking a maintenance job at the Athenaeum Club in the city. He’d ride an old Harley-Davidson to the station and travel into the city by train. Later, when the family moved to Pryor St. (their house stood where McEwans car park is now) Fred could walk to and from the station. “There was no resident doctor in the early days of Eltham,” Fred said. “Dr Cordner used to come from Greensborough to a room in the old house next to the old grocery shop on the corner of York St and Main Rd, Eltham (the grocery shop is now the Eltham Feed and Grain Store). The Golgerths lived in Eltham until “Dollar Day” – the day decimal currency became official. They eventually moved to Greensborough, when they have lived since. Fred has had his share of interesting jobs since then, retiring at 65 seven years ago when he was working in the engineering department at Larundel. Recently, two of his older sisters and a brother died, within a month. They were all in their 80s. They all had a profound influence on Fred, especially during his youth. His sharp wit and amusing anecdotes are the richer for his having been the youngest of a family that made the best of every circumstance. And now, as he enjoys his retirement, he is concentrating on relearning the language of his infancy; teaching himself German from tapes and a ‘teach yourself’ manual. He is fiercely proud of his German ancestry and treasures the diary, written in German in Gothic script, kept by his grandparents during their journey to Australia. On the inside in blue pen: "To Sadie, Wal Margaret & Elizabeth with lots & lots of love & best wishes from Mother"marg ball collection, eltham hotel, herbert james watson, otto (fred) golgerth, wilhemina watson (nee golgerth) -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Easter in Bendigo, Official Program1983. Premier Town Victoria 1982-85. Easter In Bendigo '83 Welcome to the 1983 Easter Fair. This is a special time for Bendigo. . . The Fair has a long history bating back to 1871. . . Bendigo Base Hospital, Home and Hospital for the Aged or Benevolent Asylum. . . Back in the 1800s. Gone are the days of the ladies' Fancy Bazaar, Fat Baby Contest, Greasy Pig Chase. . . Many old traditions remain. . . Bendigo's links with the Chinese community go back to the dates when the first settlers arrived seeking gold. The Chinese took a very active part in the fist Fair. . . Monday Procession has always been the most famous as many old photographs show. Some of these photos date back before the turn of the century. In those days many people made the journey to Bendigo by train from Melbourne or by horse and buggy from outlying districts.. . ''Sun Loong'', or ''New Dragon''. . . Horse and Harness Parade a great success each tear attracted an immense variety of horses and horse drawn vehicles. . . Torchlight Procession on Sunday Sports Carnival Fireworks. . . Easter Monday requires precise planning and discipline if it is to run smoothly. A volunteer committee meets through the year to see that this happens. The Popular Girl Contest was introduced in 1930, the four main Streets of Bendigo, Pall Mall, Mitchell Street, Hargreaves Street and Williamson Street (formerly View Street), sponsored a popular girl by means of fund raising events. Winner was announced from the Shamrock Hotel balcony Easter Saturday night by the Mayor of Bendigo. The contest is still being held. . . The Shamrock Hotel now fully restored and reopened. . . Sunday night special ceremony, in time for the winning Popular Girl to take pride of place in the Procession. . . The accent is on the cycling. The Easter sports Carnival dates back to the beginning of the Fair in 1871, seven years before the start of the famous Stawell Gift. Sid. Paterson, Hubert Opperman. . . Golden Mile Wheelrace, the final on Monday night. AFT Amateur Madison, woodchopping, boomerang throwing and gala fireworks Sunday and Monday. This year for the first time the Golden Mile goes Pro/Am, an Open event for the first time. This could see the first clash between Danny Clark and Kenrick Tucker. Hopefully Michael Grenda, Tony Hughes, Michael Turtur will also be starters against leading professionals, Terry Hammond, Murray Hall and Ross Forster. The Golden Mile has been conducted every year since 1956 when it was won by John McDonough. Ron Grenda (Tas) won in 1959, Barry Waddell was the first scratchman to win in 1962 and Frank McCaig (Bendigo) has won the event three times in 1963/5/7. The event carries total prize money of $3000 making it (with Wangaratta Wheelrace) the richest Wheelrace in Provincial Victoria. . . Newly completed Hargreaves Mall being a focus for all this activity. . . Rotary Art Show and Easter Fair Society amalgamated their art shows resulting in a combined exhibition of outstanding quality, since then the Rotary Club has added the Antique Fair. The Handcraft Bazaars, a more sophisticated version of the bazaars of old, offers. . . The Bathtub Derby at Lake Weeroona, Music Festival at Queen Elizabeth Oval. . . Easter Fair of 1871 was almost washed out. . . Necessary top abandon the ''Golden Mile'' Wheelrace on two occasions 1960 & 1979. . . 1983 Official Programme, Good Friday April 1, Saturday April 2, Sunday April 3, Monday April 4, Tuesday April 5. . . Holy Week Ecumenical Services: . . The Chinese And The Bendigo Easter Fair, 3 pages on the history of the chinese involvment in the Bendigo Easter Fair. . . A Little Of Dragons: brief history on chinese and dragons. Sun Loong, Yar Loong. The Birth Of A Dragon: In China a story of the birth of a Dragon. . . Such Trial was set a group of Bendigo Businessmen led by Mr A Guy and comprising MR C Michelsen, Mr L Chon, Mr J Granter, Mr J Henderson, Mr B Andres. In 1969 they formed the ''Loong 100 Committee''. The purpose of the committee was to purchase a dragon to replace the ageing Loong, from donations raised. But who could build a worthy successor to the Great Loong? In Hong Kong a 47 year old dragon builder whose traditions and craft came from the famous dragon building city of Fat Shan on the Pearl River, near Canton where Loong was born. Mr Law On created the famous Sun Loong in his tiny 4x4 metre workshop in Hong Kong. . . 1970 Sun Loong was blessed and brought to life by 101 year old Mr James Lew, dotting his eyes with chicken blood. . . To Awaken A Dragon Dragons tend to sleep a lot and are quiet deaf. . . The Dragon is blessed and fed with pomolo leaves then the process of wakening begins with drums. . . 5000 crackers. The Easter Monday Chinese Procession have a long and varied history in China. The Bendigo Procession is no exception to this. In recent years much research has gone into . . The Procession may be divided into six sections. . . Dragon built in 1969 First Displayed in 1970, length-300ft plus, Extra 100ft added in 1980, number carrying: Head 1 plus 5 releifs, Neck 3, Body 52 plus 52 reliefs, head weight 63 lbs. tail weight 36 lbs.. Scales 4,500 approx. Mirrors 90,000 fins 50, beads 30,000 approx. . . Conclusion. . . Advertisements: Bendigo Pottery, Square Deal Cars, Bob Bell of Borough Bricklaying Pty Ltd, Pinups Wine Bar, Cumberland Hotel, Manchester Arms Hotel, British & American Hotel, Langley Hall BYO Restaurant, White Horse Hotel, Ascot Lodge Caravan Park, The Lemonade Factory, The Pepper Pot, M & M J Meade Mobil, Lakeview Motor Inn Restaurant, Truffles Restaurant, Marong Hotel, 4 Penny Dark BYO Restaurant, Chaplin's Coffee Shoppe, Copper Pot Restaurant, Skins of Australia, Central Deborah Gold Mine, Chris Wall Auto Sales, Brian Boru Hotel, The Green Carnation, Sandhurst Town, Dragon Court BYO Chinese Restaurant, Australian Fixed Trust Investors Services Ltd., The Mohair Farm, Bendigo Model Railroaders, Mexican Kitchen Restaurant, BP Super Shops, Coke, Southern Cross TV8.event, easter fair, bendigo easter fair society, easter in bendigo, official program1983. premier town victoria 1982-85. easter bendigo '83 welcome to the 1983 easter fair. this is a special time for bendigo. . . the fair has a long history bating back to 1871. . . bendigo base hospital, home and hospital for the aged or benevolent asylum. . . back in the 1800s ladies' fancy bazaar, fat baby contest, greasy pig chase. . . many old traditions. . . bendigo's links with chinese the first settlers arrived seeking gold. the chinese took a very active part in the fist fair. . . monday procession the most famous as many photographs show, the turn of the century. many people journey to bendigo from melbourne & from outlying districts.. . ''sun loong'', or ''new dragon''. . . horse and harness parade an immense variety of horses, horse drawn vehicles. . . torchlight procession on sunday sports carnival fireworks. . . easter monday precise planning and discipline to run smoothly. a volunteer committee meets through the year. the popular girl contest introduced in 1930, sponsored a popular girl by means of fund raising events. winner announced from shamrock hotel balcony easter saturday night by the mayor. . . the shamrock hotel now reopened. . . sunday night special ceremony, in time for the winning popular girl to take pride in the procession. . . accent is on the cycling. the easter sports carnival dates back to fair in 1871, seven years before stawell gift. sid. paterson, hubert opperman. . . golden mile wheelrace, final on monday night. aft amateur madison, woodchopping, boomerang throwing, gala fireworks sunday& monday. for the first time golden mile goes pro/am. danny clark and kenrick tucker. michael grenda, tony hughes, michael turtur will also be starters against leading professionals, terry hammond, murray hall and ross forster. the golden mile has been conducted every year since 1956, won john mcdonough. ron grenda (tas) won 1959, barry waddell the first scratchman to win 1962, frank mccaig (bendigo) has won 1963/5/7. prize money of $3000 making it (with wangaratta wheelrace) the richest wheelrace in provincial victoria. . . newly completed hargreaves mall. . . rotary art show and easter fair society amalgamated art shows, antique fair. handcraft bazaars, . . the bathtub derby lake weeroona, music festival queen elizabeth oval. . . easter fair of 1871 was almost washed out. . . necessary top abandon the ''golden mile'' wheelrace on two occasions 1960 & 1979. . . 1983 official programme, good friday april 1, saturday april 2, sunday april 3, monday april 4, tuesday april 5. . . holy week ecumenical services: . . chinese and the bendigo easter fair, . dragons: brief history. sun loong, yar loong. in china a story of the birth of a dragon. . . bendigo businessmen mr a guy, mr c michelsen, mr l chon, mr j granter, mr j henderson, mr b andres. 1969 formed ''loong 100 committee'' purchase a dragon to replace ageing loong, donations raised. build successor great loong? hong kong dragon builder traditions craft came from dragon building city fat shan on the pearl river, canton where loong was born. mr law on created the famous sun loong in his tiny 4x4 metre workshop in hong kong. . . 1970 sun loong was blessed and brought to life by 101 year old mr james lew, dotting his eyes with chicken blood. . . to awaken a dragon dragons tend to sleep a lot and are quiet deaf. . .dragon is blessed fed with pomolo leaves wakening begins with drums. . . 5000 crackers. the easter monday chinese procession have a long and varied history in china. the bendigo procession is no exception to this. in recent years much research has gone into… procession may be divided into six sections. dragon 1969 first displayed in 1970, length-300ft plus, extra 100ft added in 1980, number carrying: head 1 plus 5 releifs, neck 3, body 52 plus 52 reliefs, head weight 63 lbs. tail 36 lbs.. scales 4, 500 approx. mirrors 90, 000 fins 50, beads 30, 000 approx. advertisements: bendigo pottery, square deal cars, bob bell of borough bricklaying pty ltd, pinups wine bar, cumberland hotel, manchester arms hotel, british & american hotel, langley hall byo restaurant, white horse hotel, ascot lodge caravan park, the lemonade factory, the pepper pot, m & m j meade mobil, lakeview motor inn restaurant, truffles restaurant, marong hotel, 4 penny dark byo restaurant, chaplin's coffee shoppe, copper pot restaurant, skins of australia, central deborah gold mine, chris wall auto sales, brian boru hotel, the green carnation, sandhurst town, dragon court byo chinese restaurant, australian fixed trust investors services ltd., mohair farm, bendigo model railroaders, mexican kitchen restaurant, bp super shops, coke, southern cross tv8. -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Postcard - People, Bill Ferrier - rescuer, 11th November, 1905
The postcard shows a photograph of William Ferrier, the 25-year-old Warrnambool fisherman from South Warrnambool whose rescue of two sailors from the wrecked La Bella made him an overnight National hero, quoted as “one of the most heroic rescues in Victoria’s shipwreck history”. The La Bella was wrecked on 10th November 1905 and the photograph was taken on the next day. In the photograph, William Ferrier is seated in the centre, with four of the five survivors beside him: (from left to right) Leonard Robertson, R. Payne, Oscar Rosenholme and Jack Noake. The photograph was taken by Foyle Photography Studio in Warrnambool, originally owned by James Charles Foyle. He previously had a photographic studio in Melbourne 1882 1887, then opened “Foyle’s Photo Card Studios” in Liebig St, Warrnambool. James Foyle died on 13th July 1905 and his son and daughter, Charles and Lilian Foyle continued on with the business until 1945. This photograph was most likely taken by either Charles or Lilian Foyle. The story of William Ferrier’s brave act follows on below … The ship from which the sailors were rescued was the three-masted, iron and steel barquentine the La Bella, built in Norway in 1893. She was one of two iron and steel ships by Johan Smith, the company was one of the leading shipping families in Tvedestrand, Norway. She was significant to Norwegian shipping, being one of only 27 iron and steel ships ever built in Norway. She was registered in New Zealand and engaged from 1902 in inter-colonial trading of timber in the Pacific, between New Zealand and Australia and was often in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria. On 5th October 1905, the twelve-year-old La Bella left Lyttleton, New Zealand carrying a cargo of timber bound for Warrnambool, Australia. She was manned by a crew of twelve: the Master, (Captain Mylius, previously 1st Mate of La Bella, appointed Captain to La Bella on 6th February 1903) 2 Mates, Cook, six able seamen, one ordinary seaman and a boy. Bad weather en route caused her to shelter at Burnie on Tasmania's North West coast. On November 10th, the 37th day of her journey, La Bella approached Warrnambool. Captain Mylius steered her towards Lady Bay Channel in heavy south-west seas and evening mist. He ordered the helmsman to steer for the light. As the ship came round, a tremendous sea struck her on the port quarter, causing her to breach broadside in a northwesterly direction into breakers. The helm was brought round twice more, but each time heavy seas broke over her, the third time throwing the La Bella on to a submerged reef in Lady Bay now known as La Bella Reef (about 100 yards from the Warrnambool breakwater). The sea was so rough that it even wrenched a one-and-a-half ton anchor from its fastenings and into the sea. As Captain Mylius headed to the steel wheelhouse, intending to send up a rocket flare, a huge sea slammed the steel door into him (resulting in massive bruising front and back) Despite his injuries he still managed to set off a blue light, which he held up in his hands. La Bella’s lifeboats were filled with seawater and broke up on their chocks. The blue light was the first indication to people on the shore that there was a ship in distress. The Harbour Master, Captain Roe (who lived in the Harbour Master’s House opposite Flagstaff Hill), organised a group of volunteers to crew the lifeboat because the trained crew was unavailable; the crewmen were working on a steamer in Port Fairy at the time. He then poured oil onto the water to try and smooth the sea. At around 11 pm three of the crew took shelter in the steel forecastle but the sea crashed into it and broke it up. While the rest of the crew and onlookers watched helplessly in the moonlight the bodies were washed away into the sea, never to be seen again. Some of the crew lashed themselves to the weather rail to keep from being washed away. Watson, the ordinary seaman, became tangled in the rigging lines and was too weak to move, so the 2nd Mate, Robertson, put a line onto him so that he wouldn’t wash off. Around 11 pm three of the crew were unconscious from exhaustion. The situation on La Bella was becoming dangerous. The 2nd Mate moved to the ‘house’ and soon afterwards the ship slipped in the heavy sea. The lashings of the 1st Mate and the ‘boy’ Denham had kept them safe until about 2 am when they were washed overboard; no one was able to help. One by one, the exhausted crew were being washed overboard, too weak to hold on any longer. During the night the La Bella had broken into two and the deckhouse ran out towards the sea. Two more men drowned when trying to reach the lifeboat. By sunrise, the only survivors of the twelve were the Master, 2nd Mate and three seamen. Early in the morning, Captain Roe used the rocket apparatus on shore to try and shoot a line to the ship for a safer rescue but each attempt fell short of the target. Several attempts were made by the lifeboat to rescue the stricken sailors, but the rough conditions made this difficult for the boat to get close enough to the ship and the lifeboat had to return to shore. During a final attempt to reach the ship Captain Mylius ordered his men to jump into the sea. Leonard Robertson, 2nd mate, jumped and swam towards the lifeboat, taking hold of the boat hook offered to him. Oscar Rosenholme managed to reach the boat floating on a piece of timber from the ship’s load and a third survivor, Noake, also made the boat. Along with the lifeboat rescue crew, 25-year-old William Ferrier rowed his small dingy through the heavy seas and managed to rescue the Captain, whom he landed on the breakwater. Ferrier then returned to the ship to attempt a final rescue, losing his oars and rowlocks into the high sea. Using just a spare paddle he skulled towards the La Bella, reaching her stern in time to cut loose the lone surviving sailor, Payne, from the lashing that held him to the ship; the terrified sailor dropped from the ship and into the dingy. Shortly after the last man was rescued, the La Bella was lifted by a huge wave and crashed back down on the reef; she broke up and sank. The ordeal had lasted ten hours. The survivors were taken to the nearby Bay View Hotel and gratefully received warm food and clothing, medical attention and a place to sleep. In the following days, an unidentified body of a young person had washed ashore; it was either Watson or Denham. The body was buried in the Warrnambool cemetery with an appropriate gravestone and inscription. William Ferrier became a national hero as news of the daring rescue spread. In recognition of his bravery in the two daring rescues, he was awarded the Silver Medal for Bravery by the Royal Humane Society and was honoured in the letter from the Prime Minister and the Parliament of the Commonwealth, telegrams and a cheque for £20 from the Governor-General, over £150 subscribed by the public, including Warrnambool and district and readers of The Argus, and a gold medal from the Glenelg Dinghy Club of South Australia. Ferrier’s rescue efforts are one of the most heroic in Victoria’s shipwreck history. (William Ferrier’s son, Frank, received a similar award almost fifty years later when he helped rescue four members of the crew on the yacht Merlan after it ran on to a reef near the Point Lonsdale Lighthouse. ) The wreck of La Bella now lies on her port side in 13 metres of sheltered water inside the reef she struck. The bow section is relatively intact and part of the stern has drifted north-easterly towards the mouth of the Hopkins River. The reef the La Bella struck now bears its name. Those five rescued from the La Bella were Captain George Mylius, Leonard Robertson (2nd Mate, 21 years old), R. Payne, Oscar Rosenholme and Jack Noake. Those seven who lost their lives were Mr Coulson (1st mate), Charles Jackman (cook) Gustave Johnson, Pierre Johann and Robert Gent (all able seamen), Harry Watson (ordinary seaman) and Jack Denham (ship’s boy), Captain Mylius was found guilty of careless navigation; he had sailed into the bay without the services of a pilot. His Master Certificate was suspended for twelve months. Later he was also charged with manslaughter of one of the crew who had died when the La Bella was wrecked but found not guilty. The event’s adverse publicity and damage to his career took a toll on his health and he died of a heart attack six months after the wreck; he was only thirty-seven. His body was buried in the Melbourne General Cemetery. The La Bella was “the best documented of all sailing ships owned in New Zealand”. Her record books, ship logs, correspondence and supporting papers are still available. At the time of the tragedy, she was owned by Messers David C.Turnbull and Co. of Timaru, New Zealand timber merchants and shipping agents, who had purchased her on 13th December 1901. A detailed account of the last journey of La Bella can be read in “Leonard Robertson, the Whangaroa & La Bella” written by Jack Churchouse, published in 1982 by Millwood Press Ltd, Wellington, NZ. As well as this postcard, Flagstaff Hill’s La Bella Collection includes a photograph of the wrecked La Bella, a brass rail holder and the letter from the Prime Minister and other Members of Parliament that was sent to William Ferrier to commend him for his bravery. Some 15 – 17 ships are believed to have sunk in Lady Bay, but only two have been discovered on the seafloor; the “La Bella” and the “Edinburgh Castle”. Both wrecks are popular diving sites and are preserved as significant historical marine and marine archaeological sites. This postcard is part of the La Bella Collection and is significant at both a local and state level. Its connection to the La Bella shipwreck and the rescue of five survivors highlights the dangers of Victoria’s Shipwreck Coast. The photograph of William Ferrier and four of the five survivors demonstrates the bravery of ordinary Australians who risked their lives to save victims of shipwrecks along the coast. The postcard is significant to the history of Warrnambool as it portrays William Ferrier, a local fisherman whose descendants continue to live in the area. It highlights the way of life of people who lived in coastal towns in 19th century Victoria and the effects of shipwrecks upon them. The postcard connects to the congratulatory letter which was sent to William Ferrier by the Prime Minister and Government of Australia and demonstrates the importance they attached to his efforts for Victoria and to Australia. The postcard is also an example of the photography of Foyle Photographers who were in the town of Warrnambool from the late 1800’s. Charles and Lillian Foyle took over the business when their father James died in 1905. Lillian Foyle is significant as the first woman photographer in Warrnambool. It is not known whether Charles of Lillian took this photograph. This postcard is significant because of its association with the sailing ship “La Bella”. The “La Bella” is of local and state and national significance. It is one of the only two shipwrecks discovered in Lady Bay, Warrnambool, out of the 15-17 shipwrecks in the bay. Sepia photograph of William (Bill) Ferrier (seated in the middle), heroic rescuer of two crew members of the La Bella, wrecked at Warrnambool. The photograph is a postcard and shows five men dressed formally in suits and hats. Printed below the photograph are the name and place of the photographer, a royal crest and the details of two patrons of the photographer. Also below the photograph are some handwritten words in black pen. On the back of the postcard is a handwritten message in the same writing as the front.Printed on the front of the card is “Foyle, WARRNAMBOOL” “PATRONS: / HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF CORNWALL & YORK. / HIS EXCELLENCY LORD BRAS_ EY, R.O.B.” Handwritten on the front of the card is “Bill Ferrier / rescuer / Oh my hero _ _ _ “ Handwritten on the back of the card is a message. “La Bella” Wrecked off W.Bool Breakwater Nov. 1906 (_ _ _ _ show night) Payne Noake Rosenholme Robertson and Capt Mylius (saved) (moonlight bright) Watson (_ _ _ _ boy) Richwoud [possibly Richmond] drowned” and signed “Desdewoua [possibly Desdemona] Slogos”la bella, foyle, william ferrier, bill ferrier, lady bay, 1905, 10th november 1905, 11th november 1905, parliament of the commonwealth, royal humane society medal, flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Letter - William Ferrier, 14th November 1905
The letter to William Ferrier of South Warrnambool from the Prime Minister and the Parliament of the Commonwealth recognised the significance of William’s brave and courageous lifesaving act to the people of Australia; “They all feel that your conduct was worthy of the best deeds done by British sailors in the past and they are proud to know that Australia can produce such as you.” The story of that brave rescue follows on below … The ship from which the sailors were rescued was the three-masted, iron and steel barquentine the La Bella, built in Norway in 1893. She was one of two iron and steel ships by Johan Smith, The company was one of the leading shipping families in Tvedestrand, Norway. She was significant to Norwegian shipping, being one of only 27 iron and steel ships ever built in Norway. She was registered in New Zealand and engaged from 1902 in inter-colonial trading of timber in the Pacific, between New Zealand and Australia and was often in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria. On 5th October 1905, the twelve-year-old La Bella left Lyttleton, New Zealand carrying a cargo of timber bound for Warrnambool, Australia. She was manned by a crew of twelve: the Master, (Captain Mylius, previously 1st Mate of La Bella, appointed Captain to La Bella on 6th February 1903) 2 Mates, Cook, six able seamen, one ordinary seaman and a boy. Bad weather en route caused her to shelter at Burnie on Tasmania's North West coast. On November 10th, the 37th day of her journey, La Bella approached Warrnambool. Captain Mylius steered her towards Lady Bay Channel in heavy south-west seas and evening mist. He ordered the helmsman to steer for the light. As the ship came round, a tremendous sea struck her on the port quarter, causing her to breach broadside in a north-westerly direction into breakers. The helm was brought round twice more, but each time heavy seas broke over her, the third time throwing the La Bella on to a submerged reef in Lady Bay now known as La Bella Reef (about 100 yards from the Warrnambool breakwater). The sea was so rough that it even wrenched a one-and-a-half ton anchor from its fastenings and into the sea. As Captain Mylius headed to the steel wheelhouse, intending to send up a rocket flare, a huge sea slammed the steel door into him (resulting in massive bruising front and back) Despite his injuries he still managed to set off a blue light, which he held up in his hands. La Bella’s lifeboats were filled with seawater and broke up on their chocks. The blue light was the first indication to people on the shore that there was a ship in distress. The Harbour Master, Captain Roe (who lived in the Harbour Master’s House opposite Flagstaff Hill), organised a group of volunteers to crew the lifeboat because the trained crew was unavailable; the crewmen were working on a steamer in Port Fairy at the time. He then poured oil onto the water to try and smooth the sea. At around 11 pm three of the crew took shelter in the steel forecastle but the sea crashed into it and broke it up. While the rest of the crew and onlookers watched helplessly in the moonlight the bodies were washed away into the sea, never to be seen again. Some of the crew lashed themselves to the weather rail to keep from being washed away. Watson, the ordinary seaman, became tangled in the rigging lines and was too weak to move, so the 2nd Mate, Robertson, put a line onto him so that he wouldn’t wash off. Around 11 pm three of the crew were unconscious from exhaustion. The situation on La Bella was becoming dangerous. The 2nd Mate moved to the ‘house’ and soon afterwards the ship slipped in the heavy sea. The lashings of the 1st Mate and the ‘boy’ Denham had kept them safe until about 2 am when they were washed overboard; no one was able to help. One by one, the exhausted crew were being washed overboard, too weak to hold on any longer. During the night the La Bella had broken into two and the deckhouse ran out towards the sea. Two more men drowned when trying to reach the lifeboat. By sunrise, the only survivors of the twelve were the Master, 2nd Mate and three seamen. Early in the morning, Captain Roe used the rocket apparatus on shore to try and shoot a line to the ship for a safer rescue but each attempt fell short of the target. Several attempts were made by the lifeboat to rescue the stricken sailors, but the rough conditions made this difficult for the boat to get close enough to the ship and the lifeboat had to return to shore. During a final attempt to reach the ship Captain Mylius ordered his men to jump into the sea. Leonard Robertson, 2nd mate, jumped and swam towards the lifeboat, taking hold of the boat hook offered to him. Oscar Rosenholme managed to reach the boat floating on a piece of timber from the ship’s load and a third survivor, Noake, also made the boat. Along with the lifeboat rescue crew, 25-year-old William Ferrier rowed his small dingy through the heavy seas and managed to rescue the Captain, whom he landed on the breakwater. Ferrier then returned to the ship to attempt a final rescue, losing his oars and rowlocks into the high sea. Using just a spare paddle he skulled towards the La Bella, reaching her stern in time to cut loose the lone surviving sailor, Payne, from the lashing that held him to the ship; the terrified sailor dropped from the ship and into the dingy. Shortly after the last man was rescued, the La Bella was lifted by a huge wave and crashed back down on the reef; she broke up and sank. The ordeal had lasted ten hours. The survivors were taken to the nearby Bay View Hotel and gratefully received warm food and clothing, medical attention and a place to sleep. In the following days, an unidentified body of a young person has washed ashore; it was either Watson or Denham. The body was buried in the Warrnambool cemetery with an appropriate gravestone and inscription. William Ferrier became a national hero as news of the daring rescue spread. In recognition of his bravery in the two daring rescues, he was awarded the Silver Medal for Bravery by the Royal Humane Society and was honoured in the letter from the Prime Minister and the Parliament of the Commonwealth, telegrams and a cheque for £20 from the Governor-General, over £150 subscribed by the public, including Warrnambool and district and readers of The Argus, and a gold medal from the Glenelg Dinghy Club of South Australia. Ferrier’s rescue efforts are one of the most heroic in Victoria’s shipwreck history. (William Ferrier’s son, Frank, received a similar award almost fifty years later when he helped rescue four members of the crew on the yacht Merlan after it ran on to a reef near the Point Lonsdale Lighthouse. ) The wreck of La Bella now lies on her port side in 13 metres of sheltered water inside the reef she struck. The bow section is relatively intact and part of the stern has drifted north-easterly towards the mouth of the Hopkins River. The reef the La Bella struck now bears its name. Those five rescued from the La Bella were Captain George Mylius, Leonard Robertson (2nd Mate, 21 years old), R. Payne, Oscar Rosenholme and Jack Noake. Those seven who lost their lives were Mr Coulson (1st mate), Charles Jackman (cook) Gustave Johnson, Pierre Johann and Robert Gent (all able seamen), Harry Watson (ordinary seaman) and Jack Denham (ship’s boy), Captain Mylius was found guilty of careless navigation; he had sailed into the bay without the services of a pilot. His Master Certificate was suspended for twelve months. Later he was also charged with the manslaughter of one of the crew who had died when the La Bella was wrecked but found not guilty. The event’s adverse publicity and damage to his career took a toll on his health and he died of a heart attack six months after the wreck; he was only thirty-seven. His body was buried in the Melbourne General Cemetery. The La Bella was “the best documented of all sailing ships owned in New Zealand”. Her record books, ship logs, correspondence and supporting papers are still available. At the time of the tragedy, she was owned by Messers David C.Turnbull and Co. of Timaru, New Zealand timber merchants and shipping agents, who had purchased her on 13th December 1901. A detailed account of the last journey of La Bella can be read in “Leonard Robertson, the Whangaroa & La Bella” written by Jack Churchouse, published in 1982 by Millwood Press Ltd, Wellington, NZ. As well as this letter, Flagstaff Hill’s La Bella Collection includes a photograph of the wrecked La Bella, a brass rail holder and a postcard of William Ferrier with four of the survivors. Some 15 – 17 ships are believed to have sunk in Lady Bay, but only two have been discovered on the seafloor; the “La Bella” and the “Edinburgh Castle”. Both wrecks are popular diving sites and are preserved as significant historical marine and marine archaeological sites. This original congratulatory letter sent to William Ferrier by the Prime Minister and Government of Australia demonstrates the importance attached to his efforts for Victoria and to Australia. The letter is part of the La Bella Collection and is significant at both a local and state level. Its connection to the La Bella shipwreck and the rescue of five survivors highlights the dangers of Victoria’s Shipwreck Coast. The letter to William Ferrier from the Australian Government acknowledges the bravery of ordinary Australians who risked their lives to save victims of shipwrecks along the coast. The letter is significant to the history of Warrnambool as it honours William Ferrier, a local fisherman whose descendants continue to live in the area. It highlights the way of life of people who lived in coastal towns in 19th century Victoria and the effects of shipwrecks upon them. The letter connects to the postcard of William Ferrier with four of the five rescued crew, the photograph of the wreck of the La Bella and the artefact from the wreck, the rail holder. This letter is significant because of its association with the sailing ship “La Bella”. The “La Bella” is of local and state and national significance. It is one of the only two shipwrecks discovered in Lady Bay, Warrnambool, out of the 15-17 shipwrecks in the bay. Letter to William Ferrier of South Warrnambool from the Prime Minister and Members of Parliament commending him on his bravery. The printed letterhead includes a coat of arms in the top centre and the official address. The letter is very neatly hand written in black pen and includes 4 signatures of Members of Parliament. The rectangular paper is cream coloured with some yellow/brown discolouring. It has the letterhead on the right hand side of it and the written letter begins below the letterhead. The paper has been folded so that the right side becomes the cover page of the letter. The writing is continued onto the inside right hand page of the folded paper and the writing ends here. There is more recent writing on the bottom right hand corner of the back page. The paper has been officially folded in half a total 3 times and there is heavy discolouration on the sections that form the front and back of the folded letter. There is a 4th fold line that is less pronounced that the other folds and would make the paper the size to fit into a pocket. At several fold creases the paper has worn through. The edges of the paper have minor tears. The printed coat of arms is that of the House of Representatives. Underneath is printed “The Parliament of the Commonwealth, / Parliament House / Melbourne”. The hand written, letter is dated “14th November, 1905” and addressed to “Mr. William Ferrier / South Warrnambool” The letter begins “The Speaker, the Prime Minister and Members of the Ministry and its supporters, the Leader and Members of the Opposition, the Leader and Members of the Labour Party, being all the Members of the House of Representatives of the Federal Parliament of Australia” … It continues “desire to express to you their appreciation of your bravery in skulling out to the wreck of the “La Bella” at Warrnambool on Saturday, 11th November, 1905, and recovering therefrom two of the crew who were in imminent danger of their lives. They all feel that your conduct was worthy of the best deeds done by British sailors in the past and they are proud to know that Australia can produce such as you.” The letter is “Signed on behalf of the Members – Speaker (Frederick Holder ), Deputy Leader of the Opposition (Joseph Cook ), Prime Minister (Alfred Deakin), Leader of the Labour Party ( J.C. Watson)” On the back of the letter is blue ink handwriting “OWNER / G. FERRIER / TO. BE. PHOTOGRAPHED / 27-4-76”la bella, william ferrier, bill ferrier, lady bay, 1905, 10th november 1905, 11th november 1905, parliament of the commonwealth, prime minister, australian government, new zealand, flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Rail holder, About 1893, when the ship was made
This brass rail holder fixture would have been used to hold the end of a rail in place. There is no information as to where the fitting or rail would have been placed on the ship; sailing ships had many brass fittings. It was recovered from the wreck of the La Bella, which lies at the bottom of the Warrnambool Harbour. Some 15 ships are believed to have been wrecked in Lady Bay, but only two have been discovered on the sea floor; the La Bella and the Edinburgh Castle. Both wrecks are popular diving sites and are preserved as significant historical marine and marine archaeological sites. The story of the final voyage of the La Bella is summarised as follows … The ship from which the sailors were rescued was the three-masted, iron and steel barquentine the La Bella, built in Norway in 1893. She was one of two iron and steel ships by Johan Smith, the company being one of the leading shipping families in Tvedestrand, Norway. She was significant to Norwegian shipping, being one of only 27 iron and steel ships ever built in Norway. She was registered in New Zealand and engaged from 1902 in inter-colonial trading of timber in the pacific, between New Zealand and Australia and was often in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria. On 5th October, 1905, the twelve year old La Bella left Lyttleton, New Zealand carrying a cargo of timber bound for Warrnambool, Australia . She was manned by a crew of twelve: the Master, (Captain Mylius, previously 1st Mate of La Bella, appointed Captain to La Bella on 6th February 1903) 2 Mates, Cook, six able seamen, one ordinary seaman and a boy. . Bad weather en route caused her to shelter at Burnie on Tasmania's North West coast. On November 10th, the 37th day of her journey, La Bella approached Warrnambool. Captain Mylius steered her towards Lady Bay Channel in heavy south-west seas and evening mist. He ordered the helmsman to steer for the light. As the ship came round, a tremendous sea struck her on the port quarter, causing her to breach broadside in a north-westerly direction into breakers. The helm was brought round twice more, but each time heavy seas broke over her, the third time throwing the La Bella on to a submerged reef in Lady Bay now known as La Bella Reef (about 100 yards from the Warrnambool breakwater). The sea was so rough that it even wrenched a one-and-a-half ton anchor from its fastenings and into the sea. As Captain Mylius headed to the steel wheelhouse, intending to send up a rocket flare, a huge sea slammed the steel door into him (resulting in massive bruising front and back) Despite his injuries he still managed to set off a blue light, which he held up in his hands. La Bella’s lifeboats were filled with sea water and broke up on their chocks. The blue light was the first indication to people on shore that there was a ship in distress. The Harbour Master, Captain Roe (who lived in the Harbour Master’s House opposite Flagstaff Hill), organised a group of volunteers to crew the lifeboat because the trained crew was unavailable; the crewmen were working on a steamer in Port Fairy at the time. He then poured oil onto the water to try and smooth the sea. At around 11pm three of the crew took shelter in the steel forecastle but the sea crashed into it and broke it up. While the rest of the crew and onlookers watched helplessly in the moonlight the bodies were washed away into the sea, never to be seen again. Some of the crew lashed themselves to the weather rail to keep from being washed away. Watson, the ordinary seaman, became tangled in the rigging lines and was too weak to move, so the 2nd Mate, Robertson, put a line onto him so that he wouldn’t wash off. Around 11pm three of the crew were unconscious from exhaustion. The situation on La Bella was becoming dangerous. The 2nd Mate moved to the ‘house’ and soon afterwards the ship slipped in the heavy sea. The lashings of the 1st Mate and the ‘boy’ Denham had kept them safe until about 2am when they were washed overboard; no one was able to help. One by one, the exhausted crew were being washed overboard, too weak to hold on any longer. During the night the La Bella had broken into two and the deckhouse ran out towards the sea. Two more men drowned when trying to reach the lifeboat. By sunrise the only survivors of the twelve were the Master, 2nd Mate and three seamen. Early in the morning Captain Roe used the rocket apparatus on shore to try and shoot a line to the ship for a safer rescue but each attempt fell short of the target. Several attempts were made by the lifeboat to rescue the stricken sailors, but the rough conditions made this difficult for the boat to get close enough to the ship and the lifeboat had to return to shore. During a final attempt to reach the ship Captain Mylius ordered his men to jump into the sea. Leonard Robertson, 2nd mate, jumped and swam towards the lifeboat, taking hold of the boat hook offered to him. Oscar Rosenholme managed to reach the boat floating on a piece of timber from the ship’s load and a third survivor, Noake, also made the boat. Along with the lifeboat rescue crew, 25 year old William Ferrier rowed his small dingy through the heavy seas and managed to rescue the Captain, whom he landed on the breakwater. Ferrier then returned to the ship to attempt a final rescue, losing his oars and rowlocks into the high sea. Using just a spare paddle he skulled towards the La Bella, reaching her stern in time to cut loose the lone surviving sailor, Payne, from the lashing that held him to the ship; the terrified sailor dropped from the ship and into the dingy. Shortly after the last man was rescued, the La Bella was lifted by a huge wave and crashed back down on the reef; she broke up and sank. The ordeal had lasted ten hours. The survivors were taken to the nearby Bay View Hotel and gratefully received warm food and clothing, medical attention and a place to sleep. In the following days an unidentified body of a young person was washed ashore; it was either Watson or Denham. The body was buried in the Warrnambool cemetery with an appropriate gravestone and inscription. William Ferrier became a national hero as news of the daring rescue spread. In recognition of his bravery in the two daring rescues he was awarded the Silver Medal for Bravery by the Royal Humane Society and was honoured in the letter from the Prime Minister and the Parliament of the Commonwealth, telegrams and a cheque for £20 from the Governor General, over £150 subscribed by the public, including Warrnambool and district and readers of The Argus, and a gold medal from the Glenelg Dinghy Club of South Australia. Ferrier’s rescue efforts are one of the most heroic in Victoria’s shipwreck history. (William Ferrier’s son, Frank, received a similar award almost fifty years later, when he helped rescue four members of the crew on the yacht Merlan, after it ran on to a reef near the Point Lonsdale Lighthouse. ) The wreck of La Bella now lies on her port side in 13 metres of sheltered water inside the reef she struck. The bow section is relatively intact and part of the stern has drifted north-easterly towards the mouth of the Hopkins River. The reef the La Bella struck now bears its name. Those five rescued from the La Bella were Captain George Mylius, Leonard Robertson (2nd Mate, 21 years old), R. Payne, Oscar Rosenholme and Jack Noake. Those seven who lost their lives were Mr Coulson (1st mate), Charles Jackman (cook) Gustave Johnson, Pierre Johann and Robert Gent (all able seamen), Harry Watson (ordinary seaman) and Jack Denham (ship’s boy), Captain Mylius was found guilty of careless navigation; he had sailed into the bay without the services of a pilot. His Master Certificate was suspended for twelve months. Later he was also charged with manslaughter of one of the crew who had died when the La Bella was wrecked, but found not guilty. The event’s adverse publicity and damage to his career took a toll on his health and he died of a heart attack six months after the wreck; he was only thirty-seven. His body was buried in the Melbourne General Cemetery. The La Bella was “the best documented of all sailing ships owned in New Zealand”. Her record books, ship logs, correspondence and supporting papers are still available. At the time of the tragedy, she was owned by Messers David C.Turnbull and Co. of Timaru, New Zealand timber merchants and shipping agents, who had purchased her on 13th December 1901. A detailed account of the last journey of La Bella can be read in “Leonard Robertson, the Whangaroa & La Bella” written by Jack Churchouse, published in 1982 by Millwood Press Ltd, Wellington, NZ. Some 15 – 17 ships are believed to have sunk in Lady Bay, but only two have been discovered on the seafloor; the “La Bella” and the “Edinburgh Castle”. Both wrecks are popular diving sites and are preserved as significant historical marine and marine archaeological sites. As well as this letter, Flagstaff Hill’s La Bella Collection includes a photograph of the wrecked La Bella, a brass rail holder and a postcard of William Ferrier with four of the survivors. This original congratulatory letter sent to William Ferrier by the Prime Minister and Government of Australia demonstrates the importance attached to his efforts for Victoria and to Australia. The letter is part of the La Bella Collection and is significant at both a local and state level. Its connection to the La Bella shipwreck and the rescue of five survivors highlights the dangers of Victoria’s Shipwreck Coast. The letter to William Ferrier from the Australian Government acknowledges the bravery of ordinary Australians who risked their lives to save victims of shipwrecks along the coast. The letter is significant to the history of Warrnambool as it honours William Ferrier, a local fisherman whose descendants continue to live in the area. It highlights the way of life of people who lived in coastal towns in 19th century Victoria and the effects of shipwrecks upon them. The letter connects to the postcard of William Ferrier with four of the five rescued crew, the photograph of the wreck of the La Bella and the artefact from the wreck, the rail holder. This item is significant because of its association with the sailing ship “La Bella” . the “La Bella” is of local and state and national significance. It is one of the only two shipwrecks discovered in Lady Bay, Warrnambool, out of the 15-17 shipwrecks in the bay. Brass rail holder from the wreck "La Bella". This rail holder would have been used as a fitting for the end of a rail. It is made up of two parts and looks a little like a goblet in shape. The top is a hollow spherical shape with a circular hole cut out on one side, into which the end of a round rail would fit. There are two gouge marks close to each other on one side of the hole, about one centimetre apart, at 1 and 2 o’clock position. The sphere has a hollow pipe-like stem with a screw thread turned into the outside of the lower section and the bottom of the stem has been flared out after having the base fitted. The base is round and has a mound in the centre. The edge has four evenly spaced fixture holes around its edge. The metal shows signs of pitting and has mild encrustation. The fitting of the base is loose, allowing it to swivel in a complete circle. The top of the sphere is rough and has a dent in it. Underneath the base there is verdigris; some has flaked off and reveals a bright golden colour underneath. rail holder, brass rail holder, la bella, lady bay, norway, 1893, new zealand, captain mylius, william ferrier, flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Letter, Property for sale - Ringwood Shop and Dwelling Estate, Ringwood, Victoria - circa 1925
ID 5225 note: Further information relating to allotments marked on the hand-drawn plan are included in ID 5224 - Ringwood Station Estate.Typewritten letter from A.V. Greenwood with hand drawn plan of Ringwood Shop and Dwelling Estate, detailed description of property for sale, and top and side elevation views of house. (7 pages)(Transcript of first page - to unknown recipient) Phone 988 Central, 331 Canty Greenwood Pty. Ltd. 5 Flinders Street Melbourne. Dear Sir, 1. Attached please find drawings of my house at Ringwood. 2. It is for sale at £4,865 or to let at £5 per week to an approved tenant. 3. I sold it to Mr. De Garis and vacated it, but it is now back on my hands. 4. I leased another place instead of living in my own. I may be able to cancel same; in the meantime, however, I propose to sell or let my own. The painters are now going through the place; re-varnishing, re-oiling and re-polishing so that in about five days it will look "spick and span". 5. The house was specially built under my own supervision. 6. It is very suitable for a high class Guest House, Doctor's residence, Hospital or Convalescent Home. If you know of anyone whom it might suit, please communicate with them. DESCRIPTION 7. It stands on 305 feet of land facing Greenwood Avenue. It is cement, roughcast and hardwood, well oiled, and is now being redone so that the house is as good as new; red tile roof; verandahs three sides; two sleep-outs; five bedrooms; large dining room; very large music room with nooks, upstairs lounge, study; sewing room; built-in wardrobes and cupboards throughout; handsome kitchen with handsome pantry cupboard with drawers and glass front; one bath room; one shower room; wash house with patent copper and laundry. Every modern convenience, hot water system (through copper pipes with large copper cylinder) electric lights everywhere, outside and in, Yan Yean water laid on everwhere throughout house and gardens. Floors throughout are the very best, close set, stained and polished; dainty lead light windows etc. 8. There is a big garage, with tiled roof and two rooms with all conveniences for a married couple. Property is well drained with a system of its own. The house stands upon the top of a hill close to Railway Station, say 500 feet from the Footbridge. 9. The garden has expansive shrubs; sheds; fernery; tennis court. 10. A handsome piece of furniture goes with the house; a combination pantry and storeroom for groceries, milk, bread etc., consisting of drawers, glass and wire doors, as mentioned above. 11. It is within easy distance of Melbourne as it is only two minutes from Ringwood Station, which is a frequent electric train service bringing it within 39 minutes of the City. It is thought better by some to go further out into the country atmosphere and walk a short distance at the end than to go by train 20 minutes then walk 15 to 20 minutes. 12. The price quoted of £4,865 is made up as follows - 305 feet of land @ £5 ... £1,515 Garage and dwelling ... £300 House hot water system, American cupboard ... £2,600 Water, fencing, sheds & drain ... £250 For the lot ... £4,865 Should you require copies of the enclosed drawings I shall be pleased to supply same. 13. Mr. J.B. McAlpin is the local agent, Phone Ring. 7 (after hours Ring. 44) or you may phone me Central 988. 14. The house is south of the line, facing Greenwood Avenue and immediately at the back of Ringwood House, which is also my property. Yours sincerely, A.V. Greenwood (illegible) ..... (Transcript of second page) RINGWOOD SHOP AND DWELLING ESTATE See these letters on plan attached (H.) Ringwood House and Shops on 100 by 150 feet of land fronting Bedford Road 100 feet @ £10 per foot - £1,000 House and shops - £2,400 ... £3,400 Ringwood House consists of Boarding House, (Phone 101) and two shops, mainly brick; 9 inch walls. Will carry another story. Has music room, dining room, entrance halls, 10 bedrooms, large verandahs, all conveniences, hot and cold water, and stands on what will become a most valuable business corner. (F.)(G.) Mr. Greenwood's house, garage and sheds, stands on 307 feet of land fronting Greenwood Avenue. See detailed description attached ... £4,865 (J.) Cottage on Block 81 in William Street ... £750 (K.) Cottage in Pitt Street ... £650 (Total) £9,665 ..... (Description of third page - Subdivision Plan) Drawn by Edyth Greenwood, phone 988 Central. Subdivision includes Station Street, Pitt Street, Bedford Road, Wantirna Road, James Street, William Street (later Kendall Street), Greenwood Avenue, Ellison Street, and Haig Street. Circles denote blocks for sale. Squares denote house properties for sale. Other features marked include location of businesses along Main Street (Maroondah Highway), cool store, railway station, shop and police station on Bedford Road, church on Station Street, site of schoolmaster's residence and State School, and location of proposed public baths -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Folder, Commercial Bank of Australia Eltham Branch Hold-Up, 15 December 1949
Thursday, December 15, 1949, the quiet little bank was embroiled in an infamous wild shoot-out between a daring thief and two bank officers. Today, the building still carries the scars ; a bullet hole remains visible in a cedar bench testifying to the events that played out that day. 3.30 a.m., Friday, December 9. The manager of the Commercial Bank branch at Greensborough, Mr Harry Wallace and his wife are asleep in their bedroom of the little house behind the branch. Harry is awakened by a noise and sees an intruder in a corner of the bedroom. He calls out but the intruder who has switched off the power in anticipation flees through a side door and scarpers down Main Street. Harry summons the police but a search by First Constable Thomas of the Greensborough Police assisted by a wireless patrol car is unsuccessful. A report is filed noting the theft of a .25 calibre pistol from the wardrobe. Thursday, December 15th. It is 1pm and the Commercial Bank has just opened. The branch is only open Mondays and Thursdays from 1-3pm. The morning started off a little cool with some scattered showers but it has fined up and the temperature is now around 61 degrees (16 C). A new grey Singer sports car with soft-top pulls up on the opposite side of the road and a young man, neatly dressed in a dark blue suit, wearing a grey hat and carrying a brief case exits the vehicle. He looks around then crosses the road and walks up the steps and through the door into the bank. There are three people inside; Mr. Jack Burgoyne whose grocery store is situated just 50 yards up the road, Mr. Lindsay A. Spears, the Eltham Agency Receiving Officer and by chance, Mr Harry Wallace, manager of the Greensborough branch. Jack Burgoyne takes note of the young stranger; thinking to himself he appears nervous. The man approaches the counter and introduces himself as John Henderson of Greensborough and explains that he wishes to open a new account. He places his hat and £3 on the counter. Mr Spears attends to the paperwork. He asks the young man to sign two forms, which he does but then he withdraws from the counter and starts walking towards the door. Suddenly he spins around pulling an automatic pistol from his right-hand pocket. He exclaims forcefully; “The game’s on! I’ll take the lot!” Spears appears to comply by pretending to open a drawer. The man shouts loudly, “Keep your hand away from that drawer.” Spears instead reaches for a pistol in his pocket and challenges the man, “Here it is. Come and get it!” At the same time, Harry Wallace pulls a pistol from his pocket as well. The bandit fires a shot but misses, the bullet striking the counter. Both Spears and Wallace open fire and Jack Burgoyne ducks for cover. As the bandit turns and runs for the door leaving his £3 behind, he fires another shot, which strikes the ceiling. Spears fires back, and thinks he may have hit him in the foot. The bandit flees the bank and heads for the grey Singer car, registration NO-106, parked opposite. Wallace and Spears pursue him to the door and open fire again, striking the car three times around the driver’s door. Spears lets off eight shots and Wallace, seven before his gun jams. The getaway car initially heads slowly down Main Road towards Bridge Street. About 100 yards down the road, Dave Adams, a PMG employee, who has heard the shots, throws a steel manhole step at the driver. It hits the roof of the car nine inches above the driver’s head and tears the hood. Another witness claims to have seen the door blow open and the driver raise his hand. The car gathers speed and swings left into Bridge Street racing along at about 60 miles an hour careering recklessly past council employee, Mr. Percy Williams, who is driving a dray along Smarts Road [believed to be Bridge Street]. At the end of the road the Singer fails to get round the sharp turn and crashes into an embankment skidding to a stop outside the home of Mr John Clifford. One side of the car is wrecked. Mr Clifford, an aircraft engineer hears the fast travelling car bump heavily into the road bank at about 1.25 p.m. Hearing the whine of an engine he goes outside to find the grey Singer parked at the side of the road. Jack George also lives at the corner and hears the car crash. “The bandit opened the car door, ran 50 yards, and suddenly turned back,” exclaims Jack. “He took something from the car. It might have been a gun.” In his haste, the bandit drops his grey felt hat, size 6 7/8, on the road and dashes up Sherbourne Road for about 200 yards then disappears into the scrub carrying a brief case and a bundle in which a sailor’s cap can be seen. About 3 p.m., Mr H.D. Pettie of Mountain View Road, Montmorency is looking through his field glasses and notices a young man walking through thick scrub on private property some distance from his house. The man is wearing a sailor’s cap and disappears along the railway track toward Montmorency. As the day progresses, ten police cars, one motor cycle, and about 40 police led by Det. Sgt. McMennemin of Malvern CIB are searching for him. They believe he is hiding in thick scrub along the bank of the creek about half-a-mile outside Eltham township. Wireless patrol cars, four mobile traffic cars and the CIB area cars from Malvern and Kew are taking part. Police check the thief’s car and discover it was stolen from Helen Baxter, of Doncaster Road, North Balwyn from outside Victoria Barracks. Harry Wallace informs the police that he believes he recognised the bandit as the man who took his pistol from his bedroom the previous Friday morning. As night falls, armed police are posted at strategic points in the Eltham-Greensborough district. Police in cars are watching the roads. Others are searching the bush and checking passengers on trains. Little do they realise the young man has already slipped out of the net. SEQUEL YOUTH OF 19 CHARGED WITH ATTEMPTED ARMED ROBBERY OF BANK AT ELTHAM Weekly Times, Wednesday 15 February 1950, page 6 Detectives who raided a house in Bell St., Coburg, Melbourne, charged a 19-year-old youth, of South Yarra, with attempted armed robbery at the Commercial Bank’s Eltham (Vic.) receiving depot on Dec. 15. Police say they recovered a loaded automatic pistol, diamond and signet rings worth more than £200, a complete set of house-breaking instruments, a sailor’s uniform, and chloroform gauze in the raid. The youth was charged that while armed with an offensive weapon, he attempted to rob Lindsay George Spears of a sum of money. He was further charged on six counts of breaking, entering and stealing. Police allege that the person who tried to hold up Mr Spears in the Commercial Bank receiving depot at Eltham on December 15. escaped in a stolen car, after Mr Spears and Mr Henry Wallace, manager of the bank’s Greensborough branch, had fired at him. After the car crashed, he escaped into thick scrub and is alleged to have changed into a sailor’s uniform. On December 9 an automatic pistol was stolen from Mr Wallace’s bedroom at the Greensborough bank. The chloroform pad recovered is alleged to have been stolen from the Dental Supply Company, Plenty Road, Preston. The rings are alleged to have been taken in a £513 burglary from the shop of James Paton. Sydney Road, Coburg. Det. Sgt. H. McMennemin conducted the investigations with Senior Dets. R. Newton and M Downie, Detectives l. Dent, R. Rayner, P. Pedersen and M. Handley and First Constable A. Thomas. The youth will appear at Eltham Court on February 22. Manager’s Gun Used in Holdup at Bank The Age, Thursday 23 February 1950, page 4 It was stated in Eltham court yesterday that a youth who robbed a bank manager of his pistol, later used it in an attempt to hold-up the bank. Kay Arthur Morgan, 19, draftsman, of Castle-street, South Yarra, was committed for trial on charges of breaking and entering, and stealing a pistol and attempted robbery while armed with an offensive weapon. He pleaded guilty. The manager of Eltham branch of the Commercial Bank of Australia Ltd., Henry Clifton Cabot Wallace, said he disturbed someone in the bedroom, in which he and his wife were sleeping, at 3 a.m. on December. 9, 1949. Later he found that his automatic- pistol was missing. On December 15 a youth, who said his name was John Henderson, entered the bank and opened a new account. As the youth was leaving the bank he turned round with a pistol in his hand and said: — “I want the lot.” Spear indicated a drawer under the counter; and said.— “Here it is. Come and get it.” The youth said:— “Keep your hand away from that drawer.” Witness said Spear then drew his pistol from his hip pocket. The youth fired at them, and Spear returned the fire. “I pulled my pistol and fired, too” said witness. The youth fired again, ran out to a car and drove off. Witness and Spear fired several shots at the car. The youth was the accused Morgan, sitting in court, witness said. Evidence was given that one bullet was found in the celling and the other in the bank. Morgan was allowed £100 bail on each charge. Morgan ended up serving three years for the failed armed robbery and became a notorious criminal. He had twin sons, Peter and Doug and even though only ten years old, Morgan would get his sons to act as lookouts whilst he committed burglaries. The lads became building contractors but when the industry suffered a downturn in 1977 and they were short on cash, they returned to the family business. Over the following 23 months they undertook 24 raids on country and outer-suburban TABs and banks. Whilst robbing one country bank for the third time, just like their father, it all went wrong ending up with a police officer shot. They were nick-named the “After-dark” bandits and are considered to be Australia’s last bushrangers. They were convicted and served 17 years in prison.5 x A4 photocopied pagesbank hold-up, cba bank, det sgt mcmennemin, eltham, h.d. pettie, harry wallace, jack burgoyne, kay arthur morgan, lindsay a. spears, main road -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Painting - Maritime painting, The La Bella, 1980s
This painting of the “La Bella” is associated with Flagstaff Hill’s collection of artefacts from the wreck of the “La Bella”. It was painted around the 1980s by maritime artist Philip J. Gray. Some 15 – 17 ships are believed to have sunk in Lady Bay, but only two have been discovered on the seafloor; the “La Bella” and the “Edinburgh Castle”. Both wrecks are popular diving sites and are preserved as significant historical marine and marine archaeological sites. The Kosnar Picture Framing and Mirrors Shop identified the "GRAY 3135, Y04/111" as their job number for the framing and said that the label "ANOTHER KOSNAR FEATURE" was last used before about 1990. About artist Philip J. Gray “Philip is one of Australia’s leading maritime artists and his meticulous research and social commentary paintings of ships, such as, the Loch Ard and Schomberg form an important part of Warrnambool’s Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum.” [Dr Marion Manifold, Artist and Art Historian, 2014] Philip James Gray was born in London but has lived most of his life in Australia. He graduated from a London school of art as an illustrator, specialising in technical and scientific illustration as well as other commercial and applied art. He was also a student for a time of Fyffe Christie - British figurative artist, mural painter and humanitarian – who had a great influence on his career. Philip has always worked as a professional artist and illustrator. Many publications on maritime history have featured his work. His paintings have been released and sold all over the world as limited edition prints. The State Library of Victoria’s ‘Latrobe Collection’ holds two of his paintings. His street painting of ‘The Ashes Contest’ decorates the brick wall of Old Bakery Laneway in Sunbury and a Sunbury café owner commissioned him to paint the ‘Sunbury Pop Festival’ as a remembrance of local history. Philip has been an active member of the Sunbury Art Society in Victoria for several years, serving on the committee for some of that time and being involved in exhibitions. He enjoys helping new artists and sharing his skills and experience. About the “La Bella” The wreck of the La Bella lies at the bottom of the Warrnambool Harbour in Lady Bay. Some 15 ships are believed to have been wrecked there but only two have been discovered on the sea floor; the La Bella and the Edinburgh Castle. Both wrecks are popular diving sites and are preserved as significant historical marine and marine archaeological sites. The story of the final voyage of the La Bella is summarised as follows … The ship from which the sailors were rescued was the three-masted, iron and steel barquentine the La Bella, built in Norway in 1893. She was one of two iron and steel ships by Johan Smith, the company being one of the leading shipping families in Tvedestrand, Norway. She was significant to Norwegian shipping, being one of only 27 iron and steel ships ever built in Norway. La Bella was registered in New Zealand and engaged from 1902 in inter-colonial trading of timber in the pacific, between New Zealand and Australia and was often in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria. On 5th October 1905 the twelve year old La Bella left Lyttleton, New Zealand carrying a cargo of timber bound for Warrnambool, Australia . She was manned by a crew of twelve: the Master, (Captain Mylius, previously 1st Mate of La Bella, appointed Captain to La Bella on 6th February 1903) 2 Mates, Cook, six able seamen, one ordinary seaman and a boy. Bad weather en-route caused her to shelter at Burnie on Tasmania's North West coast. On November 10th, the 37th day of her journey, La Bella approached Warrnambool. Captain Mylius steered her towards Lady Bay Channel in heavy south-west seas and evening mist. He ordered the helmsman to steer for the light. As the ship came round, a tremendous sea struck her on the port quarter, causing her to breach broadside in a north-westerly direction into breakers. The helm was brought round twice more, but each time heavy seas broke over her, the third time throwing the La Bella on to a submerged reef in Lady Bay now known as La Bella Reef (about 100 yards from the Warrnambool breakwater). The sea was so rough that it even wrenched a one-and-a-half ton anchor from its fastenings and into the sea. As Captain Mylius headed to the steel wheelhouse, intending to send up a rocket flare, a huge sea slammed the steel door into him (resulting in massive bruising front and back) Despite his injuries he still managed to set off a blue light, which he held up in his hands. La Bella’s lifeboats were filled with sea water and broke up on their chocks. The blue light was the first indication to people on shore that there was a ship in distress. The Harbour Master, Captain Roe (who lived in the Harbour Master’s House opposite Flagstaff Hill), organised a group of volunteers to crew the lifeboat because the trained crew was unavailable; the crewmen were working on a steamer in Port Fairy at the time. He then poured oil onto the water to try and smooth the sea. At around 11pm three of the crew took shelter in the steel forecastle but the sea crashed into it and broke it up. While the rest of the crew and onlookers watched helplessly in the moonlight the bodies were washed away into the sea, never to be seen again. Some of the crew lashed themselves to the weather rail to keep from being washed away. Watson, the ordinary seaman, became tangled in the rigging lines and was too weak to move, so the 2nd Mate, Robertson, put a line onto him so that he wouldn’t wash off. Around 11pm three of the crew were unconscious from exhaustion. The situation on La Bella was becoming dangerous. The 2nd Mate moved to the ‘house’ and soon afterwards the ship slipped in the heavy sea. The lashings of the 1st Mate and the ‘boy’ Denham had kept them safe until about 2am when they were washed overboard; no one was able to help. One by one, the exhausted crew were being washed overboard, too weak to hold on any longer. During the night the La Bella had broken into two and the deckhouse ran out towards the sea. Two more men drowned when trying to reach the lifeboat. By sunrise the only survivors of the twelve were the Master, 2nd Mate and three seamen. Early in the morning Captain Roe used the rocket apparatus on shore to try and shoot a line to the ship for a safer rescue but each attempt fell short of the target. Several attempts were made by the lifeboat to rescue the stricken sailors, but the rough conditions made this difficult for the boat to get close enough to the ship and the lifeboat had to return to shore. During a final attempt to reach the ship Captain Mylius ordered his men to jump into the sea. Leonard Robertson, 2nd mate, jumped and swam towards the lifeboat, taking hold of the boat hook offered to him. Oscar Rosenholme managed to reach the boat floating on a piece of timber from the ship’s load and a third survivor, Noake, also made the boat. Along with the lifeboat rescue crew, 25 year old William Ferrier rowed his small dingy through the heavy seas and managed to rescue the Captain, whom he landed on the breakwater. Ferrier then returned to the ship to attempt a final rescue, losing his oars and rowlocks into the high sea. Using just a spare paddle he skulled towards the La Bella, reaching her stern in time to cut loose the lone surviving sailor, Payne, from the lashing that held him to the ship; the terrified sailor dropped from the ship and into the dingy. Shortly after the last man was rescued, the La Bella was lifted by a huge wave and crashed back down on the reef; she broke up and sank. The ordeal had lasted ten hours. The survivors were taken to the nearby Bay View Hotel and gratefully received warm food and clothing, medical attention and a place to sleep. In the following days an unidentified body of a young person was washed ashore; it was either Watson or Denham. The body was buried in the Warrnambool cemetery with an appropriate gravestone and inscription. William Ferrier became a national hero as news of the daring rescue spread. In recognition of his bravery in the two daring rescues he was awarded the Silver Medal for Bravery by the Royal Humane Society and was honoured in the letter from the Prime Minister and the Parliament of the Commonwealth, telegrams and a cheque for £20 from the Governor General, over £150 subscribed by the public, including Warrnambool and district and readers of The Argus, and a gold medal from the Glenelg Dinghy Club of South Australia. Ferrier’s rescue efforts are one of the most heroic in Victoria’s shipwreck history. (William Ferrier’s son, Frank, received a similar award almost fifty years later, when he helped rescue four members of the crew on the yacht Merlan, after it ran on to a reef near the Point Lonsdale Lighthouse. ) The wreck of La Bella now lies on her port side in 13 metres of sheltered water inside the reef she struck. The bow section is relatively intact and part of the stern has drifted north-easterly towards the mouth of the Hopkins River. The reef the La Bella struck now bears its name. Those five rescued from the La Bella were Captain George Mylius, Leonard Robertson (2nd Mate, 21 years old), R. Payne, Oscar Rosenholme and Jack Noake. Those seven who lost their lives were Mr Coulson (1st mate), Charles Jackman (cook) Gustave Johnson, Pierre Johann and Robert Gent (all able seamen), Harry Watson (ordinary seaman) and Jack Denham (ship’s boy). Captain Mylius was found guilty of careless navigation; he had sailed into the bay without the services of a pilot. His Master Certificate was suspended for twelve months. Later he was also charged with manslaughter of one of the crew who had died when the La Bella was wrecked, but found not guilty. The event’s adverse publicity and damage to his career took a toll on his health and he died of a heart attack six months after the wreck; he was only thirty-seven. His body was buried in the Melbourne General Cemetery. The La Bella was “the best documented of all sailing ships owned in New Zealand”. Her record books, ship logs, correspondence and supporting papers are still available. At the time of the tragedy she was owned by Messers David C.Turnbull and Co. of Timaru, New Zealand timber merchants and shipping agents, who had purchased her on 13th December 1901. A detailed account of the last journey of La Bella can be read in “Leonard Robertson, the Whangaroa & La Bella” written by Jack Churchouse, published in 1982 by Millwood Press Ltd, Wellington, NZ.This painting of the La Bella by Philip J. Gray is part of the La Bella Collection and is significant at both a local and state level. Its connection to the La Bella shipwreck and the rescue of five survivors highlights the dangers of Victoria’s Shipwreck Coast. The painting connects with other objects and artefacts associated with the wreck of the La Bella. This painting is significant because of its association with the sailing ship “La Bella” . the “La Bella” is of local and state and national significance. It is one of the only two shipwrecks discovered in Lady Bay, Warrnambool, out of the 15-17 shipwrecks in the bay. Large framed painting of the three masted barquentine "La Bella" fully rigged. Painted by Phillip J Gray. A fine printed line squares off the painting. Beneath painting and line is a gold plate with black copper plate designating "La Bella" is encased in glass, surrounded by a silver-metal frame. Yellow and brown paper label is adhered to back of painting. Picture framed by Kosnar in Melbourne."The La Bella" on gold plaque Logo of "K" inside a brown square. "GRAY 3135, Y04/111", "ANOTHER KOSNAR FEATURE" flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, painting, la bella, artist phillip j gray, maritime painting, lady bay warrnambool -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Article, A Woman's Melbourne Letter
A detailed description of the Mission and its activities written by a woman: Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954), Friday 13 December 1918, page 34 A WOMAN'S MELBOURNE LETTER. Melbourne, Dec. 4. There is an idea abroad, which as regards Melbourne, at any rate, is quite erroneous, that our sailors are not as well looked after as our soldiers, and that the noble men of the Mercantile Marine are much neglected ! For once, perhaps, my readers will pardon a letter dealing with only one subject, but the steady, unostentatious work done by the Ladies' Harbour Light Guild, in connection with the mission to seamen in Melbourne could not be adequately explained if dismissed in the usual short paragraph. Some of the most prominent names in Melbourne are associated with this guild and with the Mission Chaplain, and Mrs. Gurney Goldsmith, the members have made the Seamen's Institute a real home for those sailors of the Mercantile Marine, who touch our port. What we as a community owe to those men by their heroism in recent hostilities is certainly more understood by this band of enthusiastic workers than by the community generally. By using their unflagging energies, and influence on the sailor's behalf they endeavour to discharge a debt to which in some way or other we could and should all contribute. Even the most casual person can, if he thinks at all, sum up a few of the things our sailors - other than those belonging to our glorious navy - have done for us. On the spur of the moment we remember that those of the Mercantile Marine, are the men who manned our transports, who carried our wheat and wool, to oversea markets; who kept us in touch with our loved ones abroad; who kept the fires going in the furnaces of the great leviathans, bringing our wounded soldiers home again; who never flinched when self-sacrifice was demanded; who cared, with that tenderness, innate in all sailors, for the women and children, when the passenger ships were struck a dastardly blow by the wicked enemy; who, mocking death, gave up life with a heroism all the more heroic because it was always taken as a matter of course! Is it any wonder, then, that the members of the Ladies' Harbour Light Guild make it their business to provide a bright, homelike, spot in Melbourne, where the sailors are always certain of a cherry welcome ashore? The members of the guild are admirably drafted! The 360 non-workers each pay £1 1s. per annum. The workers, of whom there are between 700 and 800, donate 2s. 6d. and school members - it is confidently hoped that gradually all the schools will take an active interest in the mission - 1s. a year. The knights of the guild - as the men members are designated - are responsible for any sum they wish to name, from 5s. a year upwards. Everything is paid for out of these revenues, with the exception of a small grant from the Home Mission Fund - and such is the organisation, and management, that the entire concern is quite free from debt. The Seamen's Church and Institute, where the "Harbour Lights" gleam so brightly, is situated right in the midst of all the bustle and turmoil of the wharves, at the end of Flinders-street. The building, comprising chapel, and institute under the one red tiled roof, is grey stuccoed, with a small tower, from which flaunts the flag of 'The Flying Angel" - the badge of the guild. A visit to the institute makes one fully appreciate the boon the place must be to the voyage worn, weary, sailor. The atmosphere is eminently social in its best sense. While the architecture imparts an elegance, and quiet dignity which soothes by the very subtlety of its charm. With its comfortable furniture, its wealth of flowers, and the happy, wholesome, feminine influence which prevails everywhere, the quality which stands for the magic word "home" abounds. The Chaplain in the course of conversation said: -"We try to make this really a free club for sailors." But the habitues would probably tell you it was far more than that to them. The Institute is excellently appointed, and every little corner seems to have its particular history. It was built after the model of one of the old mission churches in California, and retains something of the old world attraction, while yet it combines all the advantages of modern, practical, conveniences. On entering the door the first thing, one notices is a huge compass, inlaid upon the floor, evidently to indicate one's proper bearings for it points due north - to the chapel! Only one other seamen's mission in the world boasts such a compass. As the sailor swings through the entrance he finds the office on his right, and there is, here, always a smiling face to welcome the shy, or timid, new comer. Quite a real post office is staffed by members of the guild, and all the letters received are listed alphabetically. Therefore, the expectant sailor has just to run his eye down the list, and he can immediately see whether there is a letter for him or not. If he is fortunate, he comes up to the member in charge, who unlocks the box, and produces the longed for missive. The boys are always encouraged to answer letters - and to write them. Often a few words about their mother, and their own home, will provoke a sleeping memory into activity. The writing room is well stocked with paper, envelopes, pens, and ink. The tables are so divided to ensure the utmost privacy, and through a calculated chain of circumstances, many an anxious mother receives a letter from her sailor lad, who, perhaps, might not have written but for these kindly inducements. The central hall - where social evenings are held every other night besides two special concerts a week - is inviting in the extreme. A handsome piano affords opportunity for those musically inclined. The tables are strewn with papers. The walls are bright with pictures, and here, and there, is a carved model, of a ship. One, of especial interest, is a model of "The Roon" carved, and presented by a French sailor. This German vessel will always be remembered in Australia. For it was across her bows that the first hostile shot was ever fired in Australian waters. In the corner is the canteen. It was fitted up entirely from the proceeds of a quotation calendar compiled by one of the members. The sailors may at any time, get a teapot of tea, or a tray of eatables, at a nominal cost. Before the canteen was in existence they had to go out for refreshments! - and sometimes they did not come back! Groups of sailors sit chatting at the tables. Half a dozen Swedes laugh and talk among themselves, for the simple reason they know no other language than their own. Several British sailors cluster about a dark-eyed Welsh lad - a perfect Celtic type - who, although only about twenty years of age, has been the victim of the Hun five times. Mines and torpedoes sank the ships he was in, either in the Channel or off the English coast, four times; and it is to his fifth experience, when the Inverness was wrecked, that everyone is eagerly listening. "We were in the boats eight days," he was saying, "I was pretty well mangled when they picked me up. The sufferings we endured were awful. At last we managed to reach Rapa, a Hawaiian island. The natives thought we were Germans, and came at us with spears. When they found we were British, they were awfully good to us. They even cried when we left, and the day before the rescue boat arrived they begged us to go into the hills and hide." At another table a Canadian lad - once a sailor - then a soldier, who trained at the Broadmeadows camp - was telling his experiences : - "The voyage which will always stick in my memory," he said, "was to a place which must be nameless. We left the United States not knowing whether we were bound, or what we were going to do. After some weeks we sighted a group of wonderfully beautiful islands, and we headed for the most remote and most lovely of them all. Then, and only then, we learned our mission from the skipper. We were taking their year's supply to a leprosy station! Oh no! I don't blame the skipper for not telling us ! Someone has to do these things, you know. A naval guard saw they didn't come near - and we all got sixty dollars extra. When the job was over we were quarantined on another island for two months, and one little chap - the baby of the crew, not eighteen - developed leprosy, and died before we left. Yes! I'll never forget that voyage, mates! Sometimes, I seem to see Leper's Island yet, with its lavish tropical vegetation and the gorgeous sunsets which stained all the water with blood. Then, too" - here the voice deepened - "there was an English girl - a leper - there. We heard she used to be an actress, and she contracted the disease somehow or other. She was always alone, and always watching us. In the distance we could see her come to the water's edge, and from there she would watch. Just watch . .. . watch . . .watch. ..." "Here come a couple of North Sea chaps," broke in an elderly man after pause. "One of them wounded, too, poor lad." It is not strange that all the sailors flock to the Institute. It is so comfortable, and essentially inviting, besides being full of human interest. The men's quarters comprise reading, writing and dressing rooms - hot and cold baths are always available - billiard room, and a special baggage room, where any sailor may leave his kit for as long as he likes. The payment of 3d. covers its complete insurance. Upstairs are the officers' quarters. These also have their own billiard room, writing and reading rooms, bath and dressing rooms. Just close are the apprentices' quarters - "The Half Deck," as popular parlance has it! The lads also have a billiard room of their own, and indulge in an easy armchair - amongst others - which was a donation from the Milverton School branch of the Guild. It is hoped by the committee to some day utilise the huge empty rooms, which run the length of the whole building. Their ultimate intention is to fit them up as cubicles, or "cabins," as they are to be called. They trust these "cabins" will be donated, either in memory, or in honour, of someone dear to the donor. Another forward movement soon to be put in hand, now that materials are available, is the establishment of "Norla Gymnasium." In a sailors' club such facility for exercise is absolutely essential. The men both need, and miss, exertion. As one boy, who had been backsliding, once said pathetically : -"If only there was something to do to get me into a good sweat, I would be all right." Soon such an one will be helped to swing from the trapese of the Norla Gymnasium into the right track! Sunday is always a fete day at the Institute, for 40 or 50 sailors generally come into tea. The up-to-date kitchen, which is fitted with every labour-saving appliance - all paid for out of working members' half crowns - is then a hive of animation, and methodical order. A formidable row of teapots await filling. Mrs. Goldsmith -, the chaplain's wife - rightly thinks it is far more homely to pour out the tea from a pot, than to serve it straight from the urns. So tea is poured out by a member, who sits at the head of a table gay with flowers, and chats to the guests. These latter are of all nationalities. But the French, the Spanish, Scandinavian, Norwegian - or any other sailor is equally welcome with the British. Two enthusiasts belonging to the Guild actually learnt Norwegian, so that men of this nation would have someone to talk to, and so be less lonely when they reached this, to them, foreign port ! The members of the Guild have their own private suite where they arrange the flow-err and do other necessary odds and ends undisturbed. No one appreciates flowers like a sailor, and the earliest and most beautiful may always be seen adorning the tables and rooms. Teas are served and lectures are held in the "Celia Little Hall," one of the most beautiful portions of the institute. It was erected by the chaplain in memory of his aunt from whom the hall takes its name. The Gothic windows open upon the cloisters, where, in the hot weather, the sailors enjoy their meals out of doors. The cloisters, indeed, form an exquisite spot. They are between a series of sweeping arches which lead to the chapel, and are sheltered by the open balcony of the chaplain's quarters. Grace of contour marks the architecture on every turn. Just around the corner is the chaplain's garden - a patch of green and colour, transformed from a desert waste, by a well-known woman horticulturist. The book room is a department especially valued by the sailors. There are two secretaries, one for home and the other for foreign literature. Books in French, English, Spanish, Scandinavian, Norwegian, and German may be found on the shelves. Each week about 36 convenient parcels of reading stuff are made up. These contain illustrated papers, books in various languages, and magazines. These parcels are eagerly accepted by the sailor with a long monotonous voyage before him. But complete as is every corner of the institute, no part is so well equipped as the memorial chapel erected by the Ladies' Harbour Light Guild, in memory of the officers and men, who have lost their lives during the war. St Peter's - for it is called after the sailor's patron saint - with its hallowed gentle dignity is a veritable sanctuary of peace, perhaps all the more so because it sprang out of war. The fittings are entirely of Australian wood. The pews, given in memory of some loved one by one of the members, are of Tasmanian hardwood. The reredos and altar chairs of carved blackwood. The rich carpet was provided by the members' magical half-crowns. Already this chapel holds memorials of peculiar historical interest. The altar lectern was given in memory of Commander Elwell, who, it will be remembered, was killed at Rabaul, in the early part of the war. The font commemorates two heroes - Nigel Hockley and Fred Hyde, who lost their lives at the hands of the Germans, although they survived the actual torpedoing of their ships, the Galgorn Castle off the coast of Ireland. The mother of one of them wrote out that her son had died as an Englishman should - fighting for the right. This noble sentiment is suitably paraphrased upon the inscription engraved upon the font. Practically every-hing enshrined in the chapel has its own sentimental value. The alms salver of beaten copper, studded with agate, is fragrant with the memory of a saintly woman.The eye of the sailor is caught and held by the pulpit, which is fashioned like a ship's hull and only a twist of rope guides the chaplain up the steps. For the last 13 years the Rev. A. Gurney Goldsmith, M.A., has acted as chaplain to the Seamen's Mission in Melbourne. Before that he and his wife worked in China. Mr Goldsmith visits all the boats and gets in touch personally with the sailor, over whom he has great influence. He is not only their chaplain and friend, but, amongst a wide range of other things, their banker besides. An exchange system exists between the various Missions, and the sailor who has "banked" his money with the chaplain, upon going away, receives a cheque which is cashed - minus exchange - by the chaplain of the next port. Mr. Goldsmith will tell you he has a soft spot in his heart for on old sailor he calls "Paddy." This ancient mariner has been wrecked ten times. It was a long time before the chaplain prevailed upon "Paddy" to partake of the spiritual and secular advantages afforded by the institute. He would not come, he said, until he could do so "with a good heart." Finally he frankly admitted that he had no "friends like those of 'the Flying Angel,' " and that he eventually proved his own "good heart" will be shown in this story. One day he came in to the chaplain and said bluffly, "Well, sir, I've been payin' off some old scores up Carlton way, an' I tells yer, plain, sir, not one of 'em would have seen a penny of their money but for the Mission." The Ladies' Harbour Light Guild has over thirty working suburban branches, and the excellent results achieved at the Institute now will no doubt be considerably augmented in the future. The practical actions of the members do more than anything else to convey the subtle meaning of the name of the Guild. To the visiting sailors the word "ladies" signifies the bread givers; "harbour" safety ; "lights" welcome; "guild" the welding of fraternity, and they one and all tell you the ideals thus embodied are unselfishly carried out by all the ladies who have banded together to care for the sailors' welfare.The article describes the Mission and the use of several spaces a year after its opening and gives details about the daily activities.Digital copy of an article published in the Western Mail on the 13th of December 1918. 717 flinders street, seamen's mission, norla dome, lhlg, reverend alfred gurney goldsmith, celia little room, garden, frederica godfrey -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Ledger, Ballarat School of Mines Donation Book, 1878 - 1895, 1878-1895
The Donation Book relates to the Ballarat School of Mines Museum which opened in 1872. Very few of these items are still held by Federation University. The Museum was emptied in the 1960s with items being distrubuted to the Ballarat Historical Society, returned to original lenders (ie Pern Collection), of disposed of. Donations to the Ballarat School of Mines include: 34. M. Hamburger, Ballarat - bunsen burner 41. W.H. Shaw, Phoenix Foundry - 81 nos of 'Engineer' 89. Juvenile Industrial Exhibition Association Committee per Joseph Flude - dies used for striking medals awarded to successful exhibits. 165. Ferdinand Von Mueller 172 Ferdinand Von Mueller o hortus siccus 6 197. James Stoddart 203. Edward Gazzard, North Creswick - Model of safety Cage invented and made by donor 218. E. Morey 222. Alfred Lestor 228. J.J. Sleep, Ballarat, patent Lever escarpment Clock (displayed in laboratories) 237. Bernard Smith (Warden) per favor of James M. Bickett - Bust of Mr John Lynch, Smythesdale. (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection) 241. James Oddie, J.P., Ballarat, Copy of 'the Chemist and Druggist' 267. John Lynch Junior, Smythesdale - Cast of "Golden Age" nugget, found at Browns by Co-operative party, 12 men. Weight 75 oz, 12 dwts, 12 grs.(Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection) 270. Isaac Davis, Main Road, Ballarat 294. W. H. Shaw, Ballarat - 94 nos of 'The Engineer' 295. Rivett Henry Bland, Clunes - Specimen of water pipe from the Port Phillip Company's mine encrusted with carbonites of lime and magnesium (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection) 299. D.J. Williams, Queenscliff - 1 case shells from Fiji 305. C. Retallack, Ballarat 314. William Henry Shaw, Ballarat - glass case 323. W. Longley, Ballarat - Botanical Specimen (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection) 327. W. H. Angove, Perth 337. J. Cosmo Newbery, B Sc, Melbourne 343. James Hector, M.D., New Zealand 353. R.S. Mitchell, Ballarat - 8 specimens live plants (medicinal) (for the Ballarat School of Mines Garden) 355. W. Magee, Ballarat - Sugar cane plants and seeds (for the Ballarat School of Mines Garden) 363. James Hector, Wellington, new Zealand 371. William Wesley, 28 Essex St, Strand, London - Scientific book circular 380. Jacob Upfold (deceased) per favor of the trustees - bequest of steam engine indicator and belongings (boothe and case) 381. Joseph Mitchell, 22 Macarthur Street, Ballarat - sod of turf cut from Warboy's High Few, County Huntingdon, England, 1872. 394. W.H. Barnard 401. James Orr 418. F. Ratte, Sydney 440. Alfred Mica Smith, Sandhurst (Bendigo), Inaugural Address, delivered to the Bendigo School of Mines Science Society, June 20. 1881 by P.H. Macgillivray, MA, MRCS, FLS, President. (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection) (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection) 446. C. C. Shoppee, Ballarat 462. Dr Bunce, Ballarat 468. James Black, Mining Manager "Kerrit Bureet' 479. J.S. North, Mining Manager No. 2 Queen Co, Black Hill Ballarat. 505. Smith Tibbitts - A block of ancient leaves from the Nigtingbool Estate near Haddon on the Ballarat district from shaft 80 feet deep. (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection) 512. F.W. Niven, Ballarat - "A Handy Book to Tasmania" 522. James Hector, Wellington, New Zealand 549. C.E. Grainger, Manager Ballarat Woollen Mills - samples of dyed and raw wools 600. (4 July 1882) Henry Sutton, Ballarat - 13th annual report of the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain; 2 papers from the Proceedings of the Royal Society, nos 217 and 218- 1882, "One a new electrical storage battery by Henry Sutton, Ballarat, Victoria. 608. H. Glenny J.P., Ballarat - Specimen of Asbestos from Tasmania 610. M.H. Edelmann, Munich, Germany 674. W.H. Shaw, Phoenix Foundry - Steel boring 95 feet long taken from bed-plate of locomotive engine. 675 - H.R. Hancock J.P. pre favour Mr James Pryor, Moonta Mines 676. Baron Ferdinand Von Mueller KCMG, etc, Melbourne 678. E.F.A. Gaunt, Royal Navy, H.M.S. Nelson, per favour Lyde Gaunt - Specimen of manganese ore from the mines - Russell - New Zealand 728. Dr Pinnock, Ballarat 760. Simon Morrison, Ballarat 784. James Shugg, Hamilton - 1 case fossils from Muddy Creek, near Hamilton. (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection) 786. W. Bolam (inspector of Schools), Melbourne - 2 spears and 1 fishing prong Fijian 806. James Oddie, Ballarat 708. Henry G. Hanks, San Francisco 786. W. Bolam (Inspector of Government Schools Melbourne) - 2 spears and one fishing prong Fijian 824. Henrique Gorceixm Onro Preto, Brazil 840. W. Laplau, Ballarat - Gas furnace with a large assortment of fittings, also large gas holder and oil-heating apparatus 854. Robert Borch, Main Road, Ballarat - Improved safety chain (Note: This item is not in the present Federation University Historical Collection) 928. James Oddie 944. James P. Munroe, Registrar, Massachusetts 952. L.E. Cutter per favour of Mr F.J. Martell - Unexploded bomb shell from the Eureka Stockade 957. H. Glenny, Hobart 962. George Hart, Ballarat - eagle 976. Henry Sutton, Ballarat - 1 volume "Plattner on the Blowpipe" 978. J.W. Flatow, 45 Madeline Street, Carlton, Melbourne 984. Charles C Shoppee Ballarat - Copies of ancient coins 989-95 - Specimens from Moonta, South Australia 985. W.H. Wooster BOlwarra - books microscope related 1179. James Oddie - Live hedgehog 1181 C. Crisp, Bacchus Marsh, Portugal Copper Coin, 1785 1248 James Oddie, Solomon Islands - Bow and arrows & Spears 1285. C. Colyer, Smythesdale 1327. John L. McKenna, Smeaton - Fragment of Stone Axe. 1395. Mrs O. Skoglund, Nerrina 1428. Daniel Brophy, Ballarat - Collection of mineral specimen form Silverton (Collected by Mrs James Murray) 1442. Henry Sutton, Ballarat - Specimens of fossil fruits collected at Haddon by Charles Brown. 1444. Mining Department - Underground Mine Workings from Band of Hope and others. 1517. W.H. Wooster, Ballarat 1592. Bishop of Ballarat - Stone Axe and other native items 1669. H. McHaffier, Napoleons - 1 Spanish silver coin 1681. James Oddie, Dunedin 1688. W. Burbridge, Ballarat - Native Tomahawk from Metung 1708. A. Doepel, Ballarat 1712. Marty Guerin, Ballarat 1735. Bella Guerin. M.A., Ballarat - Copy Wide Awake Vol 1 No 7 May 28th 1887 and The Bulletin, March 19th 1887. 1747. Bella Geurin M.A., Ballarat - Copy Wide Awake Vol 1 No 8 June 4 1887 1751. Bella Geurin M.A., Ballarat - Copy Wide Awake Vol 1 No 9 June 11th 1887 1842. Linnean Society, London England - Charter, By Laws, Proceedings, Transactions, Journals 1853. W.J. Corbould, Silverton, NSW - chloride of silver from Pinnacles, Broken Hill, Silverton 1888. W. J. Corbould, Sample of metallic silver from Silverton, NSW 1928. E. Morey, Ballarat - Steam Engine 1937. Henry Sutton A.S.I.E., Ballarat - Plate Electric Machine, chimes and Sportman (number crossed out) 1951. Henry Sutton A.S.I.E., Ballarat - Plate Electric Machine, chimes and Sportman 1981. Harrie Wood (per W.H.B.[Barnard?), Ballarat 1996. W.H. Shaw, Phoenix Foundry - Papers "The Vict Engineer July 1887, May June July August 1888 and others 2014. Harrie Wood, Sydney - Report Department of Mines, 18872027. W.J. Bechervaise - Copy of Book by Baldwin Spencer 2034. A.G. Randall - Native Hatchet 2045. W.H. Corbould, Silverton, Collection of silver ores 2051. Fowler, Tarnagulla - Native Tomahawk 2123-2131. James Oddie, London 2163. Roff. F. Taplier, Sturt Street - Native Tomahawk 2178. Syd. Johnson, Meredith - Native Tomahawk, Greenstone 2184. Mr Tupp for Hall - Native Spear and Club 2292. Emmanuel Steinfeld, Melbourne 2313. A. Atwood, Rowlands Factory, Dana Street 2361. Dr Pinnock, Ballarat - Collection of Living Sponges 2363. P. Curnow, Ballarat - Piece of wood with stone naturally embedded 2364. R. Dowling, Waubra 2875. Mrs C, Flude, Ballarat - Collection of (5) mineral specimens 3460. Joseph Weir, Ballarat - Sample of rolled Annibar 3466. J. Hart, Ballarat - Native Shield - supposed to have been made by King Billy 4784. Mr. O. Woolnaugh, Pleasant Street - Four Native Tomahawks 6469. L. Balhausen, Ballarat 3472. John English, Smeaton - three samples of auriferous wash dirt 3607. Columbia College, New York - Handbook of Information of the Columbia College in the Ciry of New York 1892-3. 3672. L.A. Samuels, Bendigo 3724. P. Paperhagen 3736. The Late Rivett Henry Bland per John Noble Wilson - Collection of mineral specimens and fossils 3752. G.A. Denny, South Africa 3755. J. Carroll, Ballarat - Specimen of Native bread found in Ballarat East. 4765. J. Donnelly, Springs, Bungaree I. Fowler, Coolgardie, Specimen of Gold Bearing Quartz ballarat school of mines, doantions, museum, ballarat school of mines museum, safety cage, botanical garden, materia medica garden, library, bella guerin, james oddie, phoenix foundry, w.h. shaw, john lynch, henry sutton, aboriginal, stone axe, tomahawk, geological specimens, moonta, fedinand krause, oddie collection of minerals, thomas bath, spears, solomon islands, king billy, bows and arrows, ancient coins, birds eggs, snakes -
Bendigo Military Museum
Equipment - SLEEPING BAG OUTER, Wonderest, 1968
See Patterson Cat 5825This is a green nylon rectangular 'bag'. One side is open and can be button shut using metal press studs. Inside around the hems are 30mm loops of a nylon strap.vietnam war, equipment -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Stretcher - canvas x2
Canvas stretchers were portable and easily carried by pack horses. They were more luxurious than a hard wooden bed or the ground. Canvas was the best material to use at the time. This canvas stretcher may have been used on camping trips or by the cattlemen when visiting their huts on the Bogong High Plains.Used as a stretcher or camp bed and is very heavy. It is made of wood and 4 pieces of canvas sewn together. It has sides of elongated cubed wood with 4 handle extensions which are also cubed wood partly carved out near their ends for a more comfortable grip. The top has canvas attached to the wooden sides. The bottom has wood attached including the handles and a piece in the middle. Also attached are 4 steel rollers. A nail sticks out and stops the handles from going any further than the rollers. 4 metal strips are also attached for guidance of the sliding handles. 2 metal flat rods are attached to the sides at each end and joined in the middle by hinged nail enabling movement creating a metal strip at right angles to the length of the stretcher. The metal handles are attached here too. stretcher. bogong high plains. camping. sleeping. -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - Cantala
Two photocopied articles, including 3 original prints of photographs, all unattributed, about the house and property known as Cantala, owned by Septimus Miller. 1/The first article is from the Australasian newspaper, dated 18/03/1893, including two original prints (from 6 photographs in the article). The article is accompanied by one page of handwritten notes, undated and unattributed, detailing and summarising the Australasian article. 2/The second article (2 copies) is from Punch, dated 29/10/1903 and includes one original print (from 7 photographs in the article).miller septimus, salway mr, miller mrs, lauderdale mr, redleap (horse), echo (sculpture), sleeping ariadne (sculpture), cantala, caulfield, caulfield north, dandenong road, kooyong road, wiora, australasian, punch, victoria racing club, photographs, towers, italianate style, mansions, balconies, stairs, drawing rooms, bay windows, architectural features, architecutral styles, gates, gardens, stables, art, sculpture, statutes, racehorses, horses, horseracing, business people, commerce, miller helen, miller damien, garden parties, social life and customs -
Bendigo Military Museum
Equipment - BED ROLL, WW1
Used by Medical Officer Captain Harold Jackson, 8th Battalion, who served on Gallipoli and was mentioned for gallantry. Captain Jackson was a Bendigo based doctor.Khaki canvas bed roll with padded calico mattress built in. Large side flap to cover occupant. The top has a hood which doubles as a cover for the rolled up bed. Leather straps to secure the rolled up bed are missing but brown leather keepers are present. Various rep[airs are evident including a hessian patch sewn on the outside, that partially obscures the owner's name.Printed on the outside of the cover in black: 'Captain H. Jackson, Med Officer, 8th Battalion'.medical officer, 8th battalion, sleeping equipment, captain h. jackson -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Technical School Reports, Ballarat School of Mines and Ballarat Junior Technical School Term Reports on Apprentices, 1949-1969
Numerous reports for students at the Ballarat Junior Technical School . Lists many students, and results in a range of subjects and techniques.apprentice, ballarat junior technical school, neil williams, eclipse motors, j.a> hoskin and son, s. wilson, victorian railway apprentices, g.r> middleton, n.g. tappscott, n. thomson, l.m. cook, m.r.duncan, j.w. halliday, p.e. kelly, b.g. matthees, p.m. nestor, d.c. sharp, g.g. anglow, d.f. barton, d.a. ewens, r.g. parry, b. jennings, d.b. wilkie, blacksmiths, d. blake, p.j. lattom, coppersmithing, car painter, fitter and turner, k.g. comrie, electrical fitting, boilermaker, springmaker, d. baddeley, a.w. bradley, a.r. burns, h.w. goldsmith, engineering, d. vurlow, electrical wiring, aca, j. dellaca, b. penhall, p.w. stoddart, a. segrott, b.d. ritchie, a.j. rinaldi, k. mcilvena, c. van caans, t. vorstenbosch, m. wasley, j. bell, p. van beveren, h. van dreven, w. butterworth, j. salziel, r. alston, g. boak, k. eddy, b. schoenberg, s. steenhuis, r. eastman, panel beating, r. singleton, plumbing and gasfitting, ivan f. crowley, g.d. sleep, printing, composing, r.e. littlehales, carpentry and joinery, p.w. lamb, john gallagher, ian lepp, donald tozer, john m. blight, r.w. richards, richard w. richards, dick richards, a. petrie, apprenticeship commission of victoria, a.j. vagg, j.c. anwyl, p. lattin, r.a. hazlett, james skilbeck, parrern making, b.s. blenkiron, e.j. twaits, t.k. dunster-jones, i.m. parrott, william cutter, william creati, maurice forte, a. mong, k.f. canny, donald f. snowden, john r. czynski, laurence chisholm, r.d. alston, b. bosworth -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Technical School Reports, Ballarat School of Mines and Ballarat Junior Technical School Term Reports on Apprentices, 1949-1963
Numerous reports for students at the Ballarat Junior Technical School . Lists many students, and results in a range of subjects and techniques.apprentice, ballarat junior technical school, victorian railway apprentices, blacksmiths, coppersmithing, car painter, electrical fitting, boilermaker, springmaker, engineering, electrical wiring, panel beating, plumbing and gasfitting, printing, composing, carpentry and joinery, apprenticeship commission of victoria, d. baddelry, s. bridges, r. vincent, j. burrow, w. prowse, w. twaites, r.e. crump, bruce linklater, l.l. wood, john g. schepis, b. antonio, j. colligam, l. goldsmith, d. gilbin, r. skinner, w. vagg, p.w. stoddart, a.g. yarwood, d. england, w. loo, p.j. reidy, g.d. sleep, p. frempton, d.g> kelso, m.m.l. boersma, geoffrey hayes, a. blackburn, w. liddicoat, r.s. pike, a. bamford, v. mason, r. adriaans, j. gullock, j.p. dellaca, j. rinaldi, j. minehan, n. spicer, keith mcilvena, chris van gaans, william warren, instrument maker, ivan f. crowley, r. eastman, c. maccann, r.s. young, kevin bell, g. carroll, g. waldron, l.w. wilson, r. morrison, s. ellis, r.h. holmes, b. hubbard, r. quick, k. roberrts, j. blood, k. peacock, w. mott, r.f. rea, j. colligan, n. d'angri, s. fumberger, john gallagher, donald tozer, james skilbeck, a.j. mong -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Clothing - Nightgown, Vera and Aurelia Giles, 1880-1920
There are many 19th century items of furniture, linen and crockery donated to Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village by Vera and Aurelin Giles. The items are associated with the Giles Family and are known as the “Giles Collection”. These items mostly came from the simple home of Vera’s parents-in-law, Henry Giles and his wife Mary Jane (nee Freckleton), whose photos are in the parlour. They married in 1880. Henry Giles was born at Tower Hill in 1858. He was a labourer on the construction of the Breakwater before leaving in 1895 to build bridges in N.S.W. for about seven years. Mary Jane was born in 1860 at Cooramook. She attended Mailor’s Flat State School where she was also a student teacher before, as family legend has it, she became a governess at “Injemiara” where her grandfather, Francis Freckleton, once owned land. Henry and Mary’s family of six, some of whom were born at Mailor’s Flat and later children at Wangoom, lived with their parents at Wangoom and Purnim west, where Henry died in 1933 and Mary Jane in 1940. The Giles family collection has social significance at a local level, because it illustrates the level of material support the Warrnambool community gave to Flagstaff Hill when the Museum was established.Nightgown, white cotton with Broderie Anglaise yoke. Nonewarrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, nightie, giles collection, henry giles, tower hill, cooramook, warrnambool breakwater, mailor’s flat, wangoom, 19th century household goods, sleep wear, nightgown, nightdress, night dress, nightwear, sleepwear, clothing, fashion, 19th century, handmade clothing -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph - Photograph, Colour, 1988
The photograph taken in 1988 before it was demolished shows the Art Deco style building also known as the King George V memorial Building, commissioned by merchant and philanthropist, Alfred Michael Nicholas (1881-1937) and designed by prolific Melbourne-based architect Harry A. Norris (1888-1966) in 1937 best known for his commercial work in Melbourne city centre. Architect Harry A Norris, one of Melbourne's early designers in the Moderne style had a strong relationship with the wealthy Nicholas family who made their fortune on the production of Aspro, a replacement for the German Aspirin when it was made unavailable during WWI. After the Nicholas Building on Swanson Street (1926), the Nicholas Factory in South Melbourne, and the mansion 'Burnham Beeches' in the Dandenongs (1931), the former Missions to Seamen building in Port Melbourne (1937) was a gift from Alfred Nicholas to the Church of England. “The new Institute will be a modern two story building in brick, with a high clock-tower, a memorial chapel, a hall for talking pictures, lounges, and billiard-rooms. It will stand in about an acre of ground between the two piers at Port Melbourne. The building of the mission has been made possible by a bequest of about£15,000 by the late Mr. A. M. Nicholas.” – The Argus 19th May, 1937. The building had a cruciform floor plan which contains a chapel, a large hall, other recreation rooms, sleeping accommodation on the first floor and a sundeck and living quarters for the chaplain and the caretaker. After being left derelict for years, it was demolished in 1994 to Colour photograph of Port Melbourne Missions to Seamen demolished in 1995.harry a. norris, alfred m. nicholas, art deco, 1937, missions to seamen, brick, king george v memorial building, 1988, zeitgeist, arts centre -
Greensborough Historical Society
Map, Heidelberg: Historic River Landscape Assessment. Historical maps. Map D 1864 -1901 "Sleepy Hollow" and "Sleeping beauty", 1985c
Geographical area of c. 35 sq. kilometres marked with physical features such as major roads, rivers, vegetation and properties, with locations and notes on the increasing number of farms, orchards and vineyards that had been developed in addition to pastoral runs. Bounded by Shire of Diamond Valley to the North, Darebin Creek to the West, and Plenty River to the East.Black and white sketch on white paper. Second copy 600 x 430 cm printed in black on semi-opaque paperheidelberg, heidelberg - maps -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, "Boy they sure work us hard at that school" Christopher Field, Eltham Christian School, 1982, 1982
"Boy they sure work us hard at that school" Christopher Field asleep on a couch, Eltham Christian School, 1982 From a series of photographs (some cropped) from a magnetic photo album relating to the staff, students and activities of the Eltham Christian School which operated as part of the Eltham Christian Church at Nyora Road, Eltham. See also entries for each photograph.colour photographeltham christian school, nyora road, christopher field, sleeping -
Orbost & District Historical Society
boudoir cap, c. 19th, early 20th century
This beautiful cap has been passed down through the McKeown family. It was donated by Marjorie McKeown (nee Ford). Womens art / handcrafts.A boudoir cap made from cream silk, sections are crochet silk thread with an insertion of silk brocade. Small pieces of bone have been inserted into the sides of the cap giving a stiffening effect over the ears of the wearer. boudoir-cap sleep-apparel female-costume