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Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat Illustrated for Enterprise, Education & Health
Green, red and black soft covered facsimile booklet. The book includes numerous illustrations including Ballarat City Municipal Chambers, Ballarat Banking Co. Ltd, Art Gallery of Ballarat, Ballarat Trustees, John McLeod, Pty Ltd, Ballaarat Gas Co., J. J. Goller, Star Office, Ballarat Courier Office, Morsheads, M.B. John, Rowlands, Huttons the Jewellers, Millers the Clothiers, James Smith Agricultural Machinery, Coles and Pullum, City Baths, Benoit's Sun Foundry, William Paterson Drapers, Eureka Terra Cotta and Tile Co., Ballarat Woollen & Worsted Co. Ltd, Sunnyside Woollen Mill, Red Shop tea Rooms, Allchine Bros., Brind's Dunnstown, Ballarat Breweing Co., R. Tunbridge & Sions, Ballarat Zoological Gardens, A. Cant Plumber, Hugh Jones, Eureka Reserve, W.F. Coltman, Loveland & Haslem, G. Warner, W. Cornell, Craig's Hotel, Electric Supply Company of Victoria (Ballarat), Longhurst's, P.C. Thornton, Cowley's Eureka Ironworks, W. Owen, Clarendon Ladies College, Lal Lal Falls, Corckers, Evening Echo Office, Campbell & Wilson and Broadbent brothers. A number of portraits associated with the above organisations are also reproduced in the booklet.non-fictionballarat, w miller, af alchin, a polson, wf longhurst, pj pringle, george crocker, r maddern, as rusden, w cornell, pc thorthon, w owen, cs benoit, h jones, d davies, j scullin, c walker, jh jones, j tyler, jj crifiths, n clark, s clark, cf taylor, tt hollway, morton, f davies, f herman, w knox, a cant, mb john, mwb john, wf coltman, w moir, j macleod, jj mcgowen, a hancock, j osborne, ao stubbs, rw baxter, g baxter, cg harvey, gh warner, cj coles, wj pullum, a mackenzie, jr petterson, ec chamberson, ba john, te miller, g miller, a bell, jh shelley, f sutton, re loveland, tr haslem, re loader, cuthbert, ballarat city municipal chambers, ballarat banking co. ltd, art gallery of ballarat, ballarat trustees, john mcleod, ballaarat gas co., j. j. goller, star office, ballarat courier office, morsheads, m.b. john, rowlands, huttons the jewellers, millers the clothiers, james smith agricultural machinery, coles and pullum, city baths, benoit's sun foundry, william paterson drapers, eureka terra cotta and tile co., ballarat woollen & worsted co. ltd, sunnyside woollen mill, red shop tea rooms, brind's dunnstown, ballarat breweing co., ballarat zoological gardens, a. cant plumber, hugh jones, eureka reserve, w.f. coltman, loveland & haslem, g. warner, w. cornell, craig's hotel, electric supply company of victoria (ballarat), longhurst's, p.c. thornton, cowley's eureka ironworks, w. owen, clarendon ladies college, lal lal falls, evening echo office, allchin brothers, r. tunbridge and sons, campbell and wilson, broadbent brothers, ballarat asylum, crockers -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Magazine, Sun News-Pictorial, Bush Fires: A pictorial survey of Victoria's most tragic week, January 8-15, 1939, 1939
THE WEEK REVIEWED (Article; Bush Fires: A pictorial survey of Victoria's most tragic week, January 8-15, 1939. Published in aid of the Bush Fire Relief Fund by the Sun News-Pictorial in co-operation with its newsagents, pp2-3) THE fiercest bush fires Australia has known since its discovery are quiescent at the moment, and Victoria, in the comparative coolness of the change which came with rain on Sunday night, has begun·to count its losses. In the fiery eight days, from Sunday to Sunday, at least sixty-six men, women and children have lost their lives in forest fires, or have succumbed to burns and shock; many others have died from heat; and several serious cases of burns are being treated in hospitals. Two babies in Narrandera district have died, and ten others are in hospital, because of milk soured by the record temperatures of those eight days. Forest damage totals at least a million pounds, and incalculable damage has been done to the seedlings which were to have been the forests of the future. Water conservation will be seriously affected by the silting-up of reservoirs and streams from which protective timber has been taken by the all-engulfing flames. More than a thousand houses have been destroyed, and these, with 40 mills, and schools, post-offices, churches, and other buildings, represent a loss of at least half a million. At least 1500 are homeless. For their aid, money raised in appeals has now passed the £50,000 mark, and the biggest relief organisation ever set up in peace time has swung into operation. The First Hint Victoria's first hint of what was to come appeared on Sunday, January 8, when most parts of the State awoke to find a blistering day awaiting. At 12.20 p.m., when the thermometer reached its highest for the day, 109.6 degrees, the first fire victims were at that moment going to their death on a bush track five feet wide off the main road to Narbethong. They were the forestry officers Charles Isaac Demby and John Hartley Barling, who went to warn Demby of his danger when he parted from his companions, and was himself surrounded by the treacherous fire. It was not until 8 o'clock next morning that the tragic news was flashed throughout the State. Searchers found the two charred bodies close together, one seeking protection in the nook of two logs. Barling's watch had stopped at 1.20. In the meantime, tragedy was spreading its cloak. By Monday, big fires were raging at Toolangi, Erica, Yallourn, Monbulk, Frankston, Dromana, Drouin South, Glenburn, and Blackwood, with smaller outbreaks at many other centres. In the ensuing week, while women and children were evacuated as fast as the flames would permit, Erica-scene of the 1926 fire disaster-thrice escaped doom by a change of wind. Indeed, those who have been in the fire country these past days say that the numbers of times a change of wind has saved towns from destruction is amazing. In the towns they speak of miracles. Monday's Miracles The escapes from Monett's Mill at Erica and from the Hardwood Company's Mill at Murrindindi, near where Demby and Barling went to their death, were Monday's miracles. Twenty came out alive from each mill. At the first a 60ft. dugout provided an oven-like refuge; at the second, 12 women and children survived in the smoke-filled gloom of a three-roomed cottage while their eight men, their clothes sometimes afire, poured water on the wooden walls. Three houses out of ten remained when the fire had passed. Record Temperatures Sunday had been the hottest Melbourne day for 33 years; Monday dropped to a 76.1 degree maximum; but Tuesday dawned hotter than ever, the mercury reaching 112.5. By now rumor was racing ahead of fact; whole towns were being reported lost; the alarm was raised for scores of missing persons. But fact soon overtook rumor, and within a few days the staggering toll began to mount to a figure beyond the wildest imaginings of the panic-stricken. Six died from heat on this torrid Tuesday, and the fires spread in a wide swathe from south-west to north-east across the State. Fish died in shallow streams. A curtain of smoke hid the sky from all Victoria, and hung far out to sea. It alarmed passengers on ships. On the Ormonde, on the voyage to Sydney from Burnie, women ran on deck, believing fire had broken out in the hold. Days later the smoke reached New Zealand. In Melbourne thousands of fire-volunteers were leaving in cars: vans, motor-buses-anything reliable on wheels-to aid the country in its grim fight. In the fires at Rubicon and. Narbethong, seventeen were facing death this day. But not till Wednesday, when Melbourne breathed again in a cool change, while the country still sweltered in temperatures up to 117 degrees, did the news come through the tree blocked roads. A woman and her little daughter, trapped on the road, were among those who died. Their bodies, and those of menfolk with them, were found strewn out at intervals along the road, where the furnace of the surrounding fire had dropped them in their tracks as they ran. Twelve died at a Rubicon mill, five on the road at Narbethong. At Alexandra, not far distant, a baby was born while the fires raged, and stretcher-bearers brought in the injured. On Thursday the State Government voted £5000 for the relief of fire victims. The Governor (Lord Huntingfield) and the Lord Mayor (Cr. Coles) visited some of the stricken areas, and dipped into their pockets personally. Later, the City Council, too, voted £5000. Friday, The 13th Friday, the Thirteenth, justified its evil name. A blistering northerly came early in the morning, presaging destruction, and forcing the mercury to a new record of 114 degrees. Racing fires killed at least ten in those terrible 12 hours. Four children were engulfed in the furnace at Colac. Panic drove them, uncontrollable, into the smoke-filled road when the fire raced down behind their home. They choked to death. In other parts fires were joining to make fronts of scores of miles. Kinglake was being menaced on two fronts, £60,000 worth of timber was going up in smoke in Ballarat district. Warburton was surrounded. Residents at Lorne, favoured resort, were being driven to the sea-front by a fire which destroyed at least 20 homes. Healewille. with flames visible from the town at one stage, was in a trough between two fires which burned four guest-houses, seven homes and left its surrounding beauty-spots wastes of bowed-over, blackened tree-fern fronds; with its famous Sanctuary, however, intact. Most of Omeo was destroyed this black day: Noojee. while 200 residents crouched in the river, was being reduced to a waste of buckled iron and smoking timber; Erica was once again saved by a change of wind. Beneath a pall of smoke, the Rubicon victims were buried at Alexandra. Friday night and the early hours of Saturday saw the streets of beleagured towns strewn with exhausted fire-fighters. Their flails beside them, ready for the next call, they lay where exhaustion overtook them-on footpaths, beside lamp-posts, in gutters, in cars, under trucks. Saturday's dawn brought clear skies and lower temperatures in many parts, and from the burnt-out areas came a great rush of tragic reports. The death-roll rushed past the fifty mark with incredible speed. Some had been trapped on roads, others at mills; some, after burying their treasures, had clung too long to the places they had made their homes for many years. Four men lost their lives because one went back for his dog. By Sunday, when the first of the saving rain came, nearly another score of names had been added to the list.Newspaper magazine, 48 pages (incl. covers). Fully digitised and searchable PDFPublished in aid of the Bush Fire Relief Fund by the Sun News-Pictorial in co-operation with its newsagents.bushfires, 1939 bushfires, black friday, warrandyte -
Federation University Historical Collection
Books, H.E. Daw Government Printer, Ballarat School of Mines and Industries Departmental Papers, 1914-1950, 1914-1950
Used at the Ballarat School of Mines and the Ballarat Technical Art SchoolThis collection of examinations is significant because of its completeness with the full range of examinations between 1914 and 1950.Large leather bound books, with leather spine, containing all examinations held at the Ballarat School of Mines (including the Ballarat Technical Art School and Ballarat Junior Technical School). The examination papers were supplied and printed by the Education Department, Victoria. Examinations include: Agriculture, Algebra, Architecture, Arithmetic, Applied Mechanics, Assaying, Biology, Botany, Boilermaking, Building Design, Blacksmithing, Bricklaying, Carpentry and Joinery, Coachbuilding, Cabinet Making, Civil Engineering, Cabinet Making, Commercial, Chemistry, Engineering Drawing, Economics, English, Electrical technology, Electricity and Magnetism, Electric Wiring, Electric Welding, Electrical Fitting, Electrical Trades, Food Analysis, Geology, Geological Mapping, Graphics, Geometry, Heat Engines, Heat Treatment, Hydraulics, Hand Railing, Instrument Making, Millinery, Milling and Gearouting, Machine Shop Practice. Metal Founding, Mining, Metallurgy, Mineralogy, Mathematics, Motor Mechanics, Mine Surveying, Mining Mechanics, Petrology, Physics, Painting and Decorating, Pattern Making, Plastering, Plumbing and Gasfitting, Printing, Refrigeration, Spelling, Science , Shorthand, Surveying. Signwriting. Sheet Metalwork, Toolmaking, Ladies Tailoring, Trigonometry, Typewriting, Welding, Commercial Geography. Millinery, Dressmaking, Needlework, Decorative Needlework, Architecture, Building Design and Construction, Art (Composition in Form and Colour), Art (Casting Clay MOdels) Art (Drapery), Art (Drawing the Human Figure From Casts), Art (Drawing the Antique from Memory), Art (Drawing from Memory); Art (Drawing Plant Forms from Nature, Art (Drawing Plant Forms From Memory), Art (Drawing from Models and Objects), (Drawing From a Flat Example). Art (Drawing in Light and Shade from a Cast of Ornament or Lower Nature), Art (Drawing Ornament from the Cast), Art (Drawing from Models or Objects), Art (Drawing fro Dressmakers' and Milliners' Fashions), Art (Drawing With the Brush), Art (Drawing from a Flat Example); Art (Modelled Design), Art (General Design), Art (Embossed Leatherwork), Art (Practical Plane Geometry), Art (Practical Solid Geometry), Art (Geometrical Drawing), Carpentry and Joinery, Art (Human Anatomy), Art (Historic Ornament), Art (House Decoration), Art (LEttering), Signwriting, Art (Light Metalwork), Art (Modelling), Art (Modelling the Human Figure from a Life), Art (Stencilling); Art (Wood Carving) Refrigeration, Teaching, Boilermaking, Blacksmithing, Carpentry and Joinery, Coachbuilding and Carriage Drafting, Electric Wiring, Electrical Fitting, Graining and Marbling, Instrument Making , Machine Shop Practice, Metal Founding, Milling and Gear Cutting, Motor Mechanics, Painting and Decorating, Sheet Metalwork, Toolmaking, Printing, Pattern Making, Plumbing and gasfitting, examinations, ballarat school of mines, ballarat technical art school, trades, education department victoria, agriculture, algebra, architecture, arithmetic, applied mechanics, assaying, biology, botany, boilermaking, building design, blacksmithing, bricklaying, carpentry and joinery, coachbuilding, cabinet making, civil engineering, commercial, chemistry, engineering drawing, economics, english, electrical technology, electricity and magnetism, electric wiring, electric welding, electrical fitting, electrical trades, food analysis, geology, geological mapping, graphics, geometry, heat engines, heat treatment, hydraulics, hand railing, instrument making, millinery, milling and gearouting, machine shop practice, metal founding, mining, metallurgy, mineralogy, mathematics, motor mechanics, mine surveying, mining mechanics, petrology, physics, painting and decorating, pattern making, plastering, plumbing and gasfitting, printing, refrigeration, spelling, science, shorthand, surveying, signwriting, sheet metalwork, toolmaking, ladies tailoring, trigonometry, typewriting, welding., dressmaking, needlework, decorative needlework, architecture, building design and construction, art (composition in form and colour), art (casting clay models), art (drapery), art (drawing the human figure from casts), art (drawing the antique from memory), art (drawing from memory), art (drawing plant forms from nature, art (drawing plant forms from memory), art (drawing from models and objects), (drawing from a flat example), art (drawing in light and shade from a cast of ornament or lower nature), art (drawing ornament from the cast), art (drawing from models or objects), art (drawing for dressmakers' and milliners' fashions), art (drawing with the brush), art (drawing from a flat example), art (modelled design), art (general design), art (embossed leatherwork), art (practical plane geometry), art (practical solid geometry), art (geometrical drawing), art (human anatomy), art (historic ornament), art (house decoration), art (lettering), art (light metalwork), art (modelling), art (modelling the human figure from a life, art (stencilling), art (wood carving), teaching, coachbuilding and carriage drafting, graining and marbling, milling and gear cutting, commercial geography, exams, examination book -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Postcard (item) - Black and white postcard, Rose Stereograph Company, Cora Lynn Falls, Marysville, Victoria, 1913-1967
A postcard in a series produced by the Rose Stereograph Company in Victoria, Australia as a souvenir of Marysville.A black and white photograph of the Cora Lynn Falls which are in Cambarville. These falls are located on the Marysville-Wood's Point Road. Cambarville is notable for its giant mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans) trees within the Cumberland Memorial Scenic Reserve, and relics from former sawmills and gold mining. The Big Culvert is located nearby on the Marysville - Woods Point Road, which was historically part of the Yarra Track. Cambarville was established as a timber mill town in the 1940s. Timber mill owners A Cameron and FJ Barton named Cambarville. They established the mill to salvage timber from trees destroyed in the 1939 bushfires. Cambarville was impacted by the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires and any remaining structures were destroyed. POST CARD The "Rose" Series/ De Luxe A Real Photograph/ Produced in Australia Published by the Rose Stereograph Co.,/ Armadale, Victoria. Kitchener House,/ Marysville/ Monday Dear Gwen,/ Just a line now/ as it's nearly dinnertime./ We went to these falls/ last week & also to the/ Cumberland falls. I took/ some photos but it was/ too dark with all the/ ferns in the gullies./ We went to the Eildon/ Weir on Friday - do you/ remember what part that is/ in? We also went to the/ Rubicon Power Station & to/ 2 of the big timber mills that/ were burnt out 2 yrs ago./ Well I must stop/ now & write to Bub/ Love from Joan Love from Auntie Mimacora lynn falls, cambarville, marysville, victoria, waterfalls, p. 2327, rose series postcard, postcard, souvenir, a cameron, fj barton, black saturday bushfires, mountain ash, mining, timber mills, 1939 bushfires -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Household item, The Army and Navy Needle Case, c.1928
This is a needle book containing needles. It appears that the Army and Navy Needle books were not issued to soldiers or sailors but were made for home use in the Western World - Europe, America and presumably Australia. They were made mainly in Germany and some were made in Japan but were not sold in wartime. They were sold before and after World War Two and often featured images of well-known ships of the day. This folder has images of the Europa and the Bremen, two ships made in Germany which belonged to the Norddeutscher Lloyd Line (N.D.L.) and which were launched in the late 1920s. They were the two most advanced high speed steam turbine ocean liners of their day. The Bremen was gutted by fire in 1941. The Europa was captured by the Allies in 1945 and used as a troopship, then it went to France where it was became an ocean liner named Liberte. It was scrapped in 1963. The newspaper cutting tells of a presentation by the Warrnambool Woollen Mill to Private Les Lawlor on his embarking for overseas service. It is not known to which war the cutting refers and no reference can be found to Private Les Lawlor. No connection between the two items (needle book and cutting) has been established but they have always been together in our collection. The needle book is of social significance but has no known local provenance. The cutting contains information suitable for our files.1 This is a piece of thickened paper folded in two to make a folder containing four packets of needles. The folder is green with two images of ships on the back and the front. The images are multi-coloured and have an ornamental edging. The needles of different sizes are contained in black paper folded four times to enclose the needles (13 still in the folded paper – all rusty). It appears one needle packet may be missing. .2 This is a cutting from a newspaper regarding a soldier leaving for overseas military service. There is no date.‘The Army and Navy Needle Book’ ‘Made in Germany’ ‘Silver Steel’‘Superior Quality Royal Drilldeyd Sharps 1 Made in Germany’ ‘Superior Quality Royal Drilldeyd Sharps 1/5 Made in Germany’ ‘Superior Quality Royal Drilldeyd Sharps 5 Made in Germany’ ‘Superior Quality Royal Drilldeyd Sharps 6 Made in Germany’ needle books, ship bremen, ship europa, private les lawlor, warrnambool woollen mill -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Photograph - Building of Myrtleford Ski Club
Myrtleford Ski Club is a non-commercial, family friendly club. It was one of the earliest lodges to be built at Falls Creek and was one of the earliest ski clubs formed and celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2013. In 1949, Myrtleford Ski Club obtained permission for occupancy and began planning the MSC Lodge. There were only three other huts on the mountain, Bogong Ski Club in an old Army hut, Skyline as the Ski Club of Victoria lodge and the Albury Ski Club lodge. The lodge was built mostly from donated materials. The basement was dug out and lined with stone from the Ruined Castle area, timber was cut (using cross-saws) from the Walpole properties and was milled then carted up to Falls Creek on either the Walpole or Calvert trucks. The iron on the roof was originally a tobacco kiln on Billy McNamara's property. The lodge has undergone many improvements over the years including a second storey added in the 1950’s, updating of accommodation, shower and toilet facilities to meet the changing needs of members. The lodge now caters for 38 people in a variety of shared rooms from two to eight beds per room. Toilet and shower facilities are also shared. The club has a Lodge Managers for the winter season. Myrtleford Ski Lodge was one of the earliest ski lodges built in the Falls Creek area in 1938. It is an excellent example of early sporting and community activities in the Upper Kiewa Valley area. Photograph shows family members, including women, involved in the construction.Sepia photograph of the building of the Myrtleford Ski Club about 1948Handwritten on the back of photograph in black pen - Building Myrtleford Ski Club (about 1948) Stamped on back of photograph - 6 2511myrtleford ski club, skiing, snow sports, victorian alps, falls creek -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Mick Walsh, Mick Walsh Stawell Studio Colour Negatives, 1975 to 1986
Negatives from Stawell Photographer. Discarded from Penna Print Ararat. Son contacted and gave approval for Stawell Historical Society to keep them. Only those of a non personal nature scanned. Willett family Peterborough Holidays 77 Gunning Suares Tennis 77 Hannett & Hosken Newton & Payne O’Grady & Bigmore Bryant & Holmes Brown Nicholls & Driscoll Franklin family Dalkin Family Crawford family Sue Marshall & Greg Holmes Warren & Morton Jones Baby Lois Ralph Baby Dark & Hay Ryan Children Whelan baby Kath Sluga Ken Potter family Barbara McDonald baby North Western Woolen Mills Tina Walters McArthur family Frencham & Templeton Keith Boyd Tony Beck Axford family Jean Taylor 70th birthday Winkley family Wayne Shalders Kims baby Dunlop baby Mex & Upson Blackie family Snowfall 7/6/1977 Gready reunion Stawell Golf 1976 Flowers May 1977 Hank Neil presentation Harris & Collier McKenzie & Dryburgh wedding Monteith baby Tennis Giles & Cameron Pulley & Griffin wedding Simpson & Whelan wedding Baird & Lewis wedding Rundell & Dreher Colour negatives of families, weddings and other. Nineteen Lever Arch Folders Mick Walsh 52 Patrick Street Stawellphotography -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Skaters in 'The Seasons', 1969
A photo from 1969 of three girls dressed in Christmas costumes. It was taken to showcase the annual demonstration. A newspaper article from 16 October 1969 shows the girls were to perform as skaters in the production of "The Seasons" in the annual demonstration. Their names are Cathy Richardson, 9 of Avondale Heights, Karen Mills, 11 of West Footscray, and Thelma Richardson, 10 from Avondale Heights. A photo of girls in similar costumes posing with a snowman appears in a newspaper clipping at 01824 from 1959 which shows that Legacy reused the elaborate costumes that were produced for the demonstrations. This photo provides an example of the beautiful costumes worn by Junior Legacy girls for Legacy's Annual Demonstrations at the Melbourne Town Hall. Throughout the year Melbourne Legacy provided classes for Junior Legatees such as dancing, gymnastics and eurythmics, the Demonstration was an annual event to showcase their skills. Melbourne Legacy conducted Annual Demonstrations / Parades from 1928 through to the late 1970's, usually held at Melbourne Town Hall or Olympic Pool Stadium. The beautiful costumes were made by members of the Junior Legacy Mothers' Club and the Melbourne Legacy Wives' Association. Whilst the cost to Legacy was very small, the quality of the work produced was truly professional.This photograph is of historical and social significance as it serves as photographic evidence of the work that the Legacy Wives' Association and Junior Legacy Mothers' Club produced over the years.Black and white photo of three girls posing together in Christmas costumes.Stamped on the back of the photo: "COPYRIGHT / THE HERALD & WEEKLY TIMES LTD. / MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA / NOT TO BE REPRODUCED / OR DISPLAYED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION", "17 October 1969"junior legatee, annual demonstration, costumes -
Federation University Art Collection
Ceramic - Artwork - Ceramics, Woodfired Stoneware Platter by Tim Holmes, c1983
Tim HOLMES Born Wales Tim Holmes first became interested in pottery on a visit to New Zealand in 1969. After returning home he studied at the local art school, then enrolled at the Harrow School of Art in 1973. While there, he was introduced to Gwyn Hanssen Pigott's work, and returned to Australia to help her set up a pottery in Tasmania. He established his own Garden Island Creek Pottery in 1977, and started making wood-fired pottery, digging and milling his own clay. He used a two- chambered kiln, firing raw- glazed domestic stoneware in the first chamber and earthenware garden pots in the second. In 1988, he moved his pottery to the Potter's Croft at Dunalley on the east coast of Tasmania. He and his wife Tammy now run the Potter's Croft as a bed and breakfast with a craft gallery, and he is still making pottery using a wood-fired kiln. Garden Island Creek Pottery had its own impressed stamp, and work may also be impressed 'TH' or incised 'T. Holmes'. Tim Holmes was a visiting visitor to Gippsland Institute of Advanced Education (later Federation University) in 1983. He was a lecturer at 'Woodfire 86'.Woodfired Stoneware Platter tim holmes, ceramics, artwork, jan feder memorial ceramics collection, gippsland campus, artists, woodfire 86, garden island creek pottery -
Tarnagulla History Archive
Photograph of Commercial Road, Tarnagulla, June 1866
Murray Comrie Collection. Copy of an 1866 photograph by Aimé Marchand. Victoria Hotel and Theatre is the stone building at centre right. On the immediate left is Pierce's Southern Cross Store, later to be incorporated into the flour mill complex. The gentleman in the white hat in the group on the left is George Thomson. In June 1866, Aimé Marchand (1846-1910) made a series of fourteen photographs which were submitted to the 1866-67 Melbourne Intercolonial Exhibition, where they earned a 1st Class Honorable Mention. This is one of those fourteen images. Of French or Belgian origin and possibly formerly an assayer in California, Marchand appears to have begun his practice of photography in Tarnagulla around 1865 as an assistant to A.B. Clay. By the following year he had settled in Portland, where he opened the Royal Photographic Studio in Gawler Street. From his base in Portland he toured surrounding districts, offering portrait and view services. Little else is known about his life. He appears to have left Australia in 1878. A misprint of his name in a local directory as Annie Marchand created the misconception that he was one of only a few named women photographers in the colonies. Monochrome photograph looking south down Commercial Road, Tarnagulla from near the Victoria Hotel and Theatre, at northern end of Commercial Road.tarnagulla, views, victoria hotel and theatre, commercial road, local people, residents, aimé marchand, photographers -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Joe Drage and his Tiger Moth, Rob Elliott, 1993
This image is one from a series of portraits taken by Rob Elliott to record the character of the Border District through the faces if its identities. Born on 10 July 1931 in Walwa, Joseph Gordon (Joe) Drage operated a timber mill and earthmoving business, but his great passion was aviation. After obtaining his pilot’s licence at the age of 19, Mr. Drage set about buying vintage aircraft that he feared would be sold overseas. He bought his first aircraft, a Tiger Moth in 1965. In 1972 he established Drage Historical Aircraft Museum on about 60 ha of land in Wodonga, with 5 planes. Over time this grew to 21 planes which Joe maintained so that they were all in flying order. His museum was the location for several air shows which included fly-ins by members of the Antique Aeroplane Association. The land occupied by the Museum was compulsorily acquired by the Albury-Wodonga Development Corporation and Wangaratta council bought the aircraft collection for about $2 million. They opened Drage Airworld in 1984. The cost of maintaining the collection became too much for the council which closed it down in 2002. Joe Drage died on 9 August 2017.This portrait depicts a person who made a significant contribution to the Wodonga community.A portrait of Joe Drage sitting on the wheel of his Tigermoth. The photo has been mounted in a metal frame.joe drage airworld, aircraft museum wodonga, joe drage -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document, Certificate of Title - Harold Claude Howship, Nurseryman, Ringwood, Vic. - 1928
A4 copies of Landata Victoria Historical Search documents - Vol 5485 Fol 1096804. Harold Claude Howship of Mt. Dandenong Road Ringwood, Nurseryman, is now the proprietor of an Estate in Fee-simple subject to the Encumbrances notified hereunder ... 5 acres 3 roods 10 perches or thereabouts, part of Crown Section Twenty, Parish of Warrandyte, County of Evelyn, together with a right of carriage way over roads coloured brown. Subdivision map includes Wonga Road (later Warranwood Road), Grandview Grove (later Bemboka Road), and Plymouth Road, Ringwood. Proprietors and Transfers include Emily Mills, Plymouth Road Ringwood, Widow - 27th January, 1939. William George Carter, Grandview Grove Warranwod - 14th March, 1947 - 3 acres Evelyn Goudie and Beverley Gwen Goudie, Wonga Road Warranwood - 23rd October, 1950 - 1 acre -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklets, Ballarat Historical Society, Spievogel Papers, volumes 1,2, & 3
Nathan Spielvogel was a local historian. The Spielvogel Papers consist of the articles he prepared for a series of weekly talks on Radio 3BA in 1936 and 1937. According to Alex Barnett there is a reference in the Spielvogel Papers to the moving of the bodies of diggers killed at the Eureka Stockade to the old cemetery on 26 November 1857.3 soft covered books with text relating to the history of Ballarat. .1) yellow cover .2) blue cover .3) green cover .1) includes topics such as Gold discovery, Eureka, Main Road, Ballarat Fire Brigade, Ballarat Benevolent Home, Buninyong, Burke and Wills Monument, Chinese in Ballarat, Dana Street School, Ballarat Hospital, Lost Trades of Ballarat, Ballarat Military, Mount Pleasant, Old Colonists' Club, Phoenix Foundry, Ballarat Post Office, Railways, Ballarat School of Mines, South Street Society, Martin Hosking, Charles Curnow Phillips, James Sainsbury, and William Cross Yuille. .2) includes topics such as Ballarat streets, bowls, cricket, football, hotels, Little Bendigo, Lake Wendouree, Ballarat Quartz Mines, Sebastopol, Ballarat Turf Club, Ballarat Zoo, water supply. .3) includes topics such as the Kohinoor Nugget, Eureka, Black Hill, Sebastopol, oddietown, Joe the bellman, Trades Hall, Lal Lal Iron, Ballarat Library, Yuille Creek, Martin Hosking, Stonewall Jackson, steeplechase, Lemonade Paddock, Ivey's Flour Mill, Salvation Army, Stick Jaw Davey, Unicorn Hotel, doctors, Alfred Bells, Ballarat School of Mines Museum (War Museum), Joseph Orange, Ballarat East Post Office.ballarat, speilvogel, nathan spielvogel -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Nineteen Hanro Australia Financial Statements and Annual Reports 1926-1933. (Insert Attached List). Contained in light weight pale blue card folders. Some stapled and some loose sheets. Hanro Knitting Mills Pty Ltd (Aust) a). Financial Statements 30th June, 1926 b). First Annual Report 30th November, 1926 c). Financial Statements 30th June, 1927 d). Second Annual Report 30th November, 1927 e). Third Annual Report 25th October, 1928 f). Financial Statements 29th February, 1928 g). Financial Statements 30th June, 1928 h). Financial Statements 30th June, 1928 i). 4th Annual Report 30th October, 1929 j). 30th June 1930. 1 k). 30th June 1930. 2 l). Director's Report 30th June, 1930 m). Financial Statements 31st July, 1931 n). Sixth Director's Report 22nd October, 1931 o). Seventh Annual Report 31st July, 1932 p). Balance Sheet and Financial Statements 31st July, 1932 q). Balance Sheet and Financial Statements 31st July, 1933 r). First Annual report (after Company name changed) 13th November, 1933.Includes, H. Longstaff, Charles Handschin, Geo, retail, hanro financial records -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Textiles. Calico bag printed on one side in red and green. ''McAlpin's Self Raising Flour''. Alpine Brand. There's no other 25 lbs net when packed. Malto Pepsin Process. Prepaired with phosphate Aerator Aerophos. J.McAlpin & Sons, Abbotsford, Melbourne, Phone JA 3126. Centre picture of three mountain peaks in oval frame. Border edge of wheat stalks on either side. Remnants remain of stitching used to seal the top of the bag. The collection has other uncatalogued samples of McAlpin wheat bags as listed. Eight 25 lb bags. Three bags with slogans ''Enriched Self Raising Flour, Sure success every pack''. Four bags with slogans,''Pre-sifted Self Raising Flour. Sifted through silk seven times''. One bag with slogan ''Malto Calcium Enriched''. These eight bags are packed by McAlpine Flour Pty., Ltd., Abbotsford, Victoria. Three 7 lb bags. All bags include the slogans''Specially Milled, No Substitutes used''. "There's no other''. These bags packed at ''Factory Abbotsford, Melbourne, Phone JA 3126''. McAlpin's was a major Victorian flour company in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Owned and operated by J. McAlpin and Sons, the company sold its flour products across Australia and overseas.textiles, domestic, mcalpin flour calico bag -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Map, Greater Ballarat Association and George Netherway, "Map of Ballarat", c1950
Yields information about Greater Ballarat, including trams, buses, locations and streets. Has a strong association with George Netherway.Four colour map of Ballarat, showing streets, places of interest, Parks, tram routes, bus routes, railway lines, prepared by G. C. Netherway, Greater Ballarat Association. Shows suburbs names, location of places of interest, some development north of Howitt St, in Wendouree. Map is part diagrammatic and is not entirely to scale. Includes the Lake Wendouree Rowing course On rear is a road map of the Ballarat area, lists of statistics, beauty spots, look outs, art and culture, points of historical interest, industrial products and recreation. Printed by Waller & Chester on paper produced by Ballarat Paper Mills Pty Ltd. See Reg item 2074 for photographic image of this version of the map. See Reg Item 2776 for another version of this map. Contained originally within Reg Item 5507 at the back of the binder. For items see btm5507 loose items list.pdf John Whiting in an email of 17-9-2021 noted: The rowing course along Lake Wendouree is noted, so perhaps this map is post 1956? The Mt Pleasant tram line is shown to terminate at Morton St, not Cobden St (which of course is incorrect) Someone's come along and drawn in black ink the branch of the View Point tram line!trams, tramways, ballarat, tram routes, bus routes, map, lists -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Beautiful Ballarat, 02/1918
Purple soft covered booklet of 102 pages. Includes numerous advertisements and black and white illustrations. Topics include: Ballarat history, Eureka, Railway facilities, Railway fares to Ballarat, Lake Wendouree, Ballarat Botanical Gardens, Ballarat Zoological gardens, Ballarat Statues, Ballarat Mines and Mining, Illustrations include: Ballarat Brewing Company, passenger steamer on Lake Wendouree, Provincial hotel, Eureka Lead, Lydiard Street, Sturt Street, Ballarat Town Hall, Ballarat East Town Hall, Sunnyside Woollen Mills, Fairyland, Loch Leven Trout caught in Lake Wendouree, Ballarat Botanical Gardens, Boer War Monument, New Imperial Gold Mine, South Street Competitions, Art Gallery of Ballarat, Ballarat School of Mines, Ballarat Grammar School, Ballarat College, St Patrick's College, Ballarat Agricultural High School, Mt Clear flowering grass trees (Xanthorea Australis), Eureka Stockade Monument, Ballarat YMCA, Lake Burrumbeet, Bo-peep Creek, Moorabool Falls, Lal Lal Falls Advertisements include: Ronaldson bros. and Tippett, Charles Morris undertaker, James Smith, Huttons the jewellers, Allchin Bros, Wallace Butter Factory, F.W. Barnes and Son, Berry, Anderson and Co., Rowlandsballarat, new imperial gmc, sunnyside woollen mill, brewery, royal standard brewery, st patrick's college ballarat, ballarat grammar school, ballarat school of mines, ballarat east town hall, ballarat east botanical gardens, abc grill & tea room, a.m. palmer chemist, thomas' supply stores, ballarat brewing company, stevens the furriers, summerscales, paddlesteamer on lake wendouree, hutton's the jewellers, allchin brothers, fiat motor garage, eureka stockade, w. cornell, cornell's liver pills, f.w. barnes and son, w. rotchie's, railway, lake wendouree, w.f. coltman, bert skinner, frank besemere, fred a. reed, ballarat zoological gardens, jelbarts, brinds, rowlands soda water, american club hotel, armstrong street south, ballarat woollen mill, southern cross hotel -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Book- Syllabues, Education Department, Victoria, Technical School. Syllabuses for subject, 1914, 1914
... milling ...Used at the Ballarat School of MinesBook with no front cover with courses for technical schools. Back cover is pale blue. ballarat school of mines, education department, technical school, chemistry, food analysis, assaying, metallurgy, mathematics, geology, mineralogy, mining, mechanics, electricity, sound and light, surveying, engineering, hydraulics, irrigation, biology, agriculture, commerical, telegraphy, postal mechanics, turning and fitting, milling, blacksmithing, carpentry, joining, plumbing, printing, dressmaking, photography, millinery, cookery, petrology, wool classing, sorting, junior technical school syllabus, courses for diplomas -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Audio - Oral History, Jennifer Williams, Barry Pope, 26/6/2000
Barry Pope left Melbourne at the intentions of travelling around Australia, met a local girl in Beechworth and decided to stay. He worked firstly in logging operations at the mill in Stanley, had some bartending jobs at Beechworth hotels, then got a job as a kitchen-hand at the Mayday Hill Hospital. Taking up new opportunities to advance his career and earning potential, he trained as a prison officer, working for several months at Pentridge Prison and Fairlea Women's Prison in Melbourne. He then returned to Beechworth to work in the prison system. In his story Mr Pope discusses many aspects of prison life for both prisoners and prison officers, from the food and daily routine, attitudes to discipline and rehabilitation, industries and opportunities available to prisoners and how prisoners were viewed in society after their period in prison was finished. This oral history recording was part of a project conducted by Jennifer Williams in the year 2000 to capture the everyday life and struggles in Beechworth during the twentieth century. This project involved recording seventy oral histories on cassette tapes of local Beechworth residents which were then published in a book titled: Listen to what they say: voices of twentieth century Beechworth. These cassette tapes were digitised in July 2021 with funds made available by the Friends of the Burke.Barry Pope's account of his career is historically and socially significant as it details practices within the prison industry in the Twentieth Century as well as the operations of regional hospitals. This oral history account is socially and historically significant as it is a part of a broader collection of interviews conducted by Jennifer Williams which were published in the book 'Listen to what they say: voices of twentieth-century Beechworth.' While the township of Beechworth is known for its history as a gold rush town, these accounts provide a unique insight into the day-to-day life of the town's residents during the 20th century, many of which will have now been lost if they had not been preserved.This is a digital copy of a recording that was originally captured on a cassette tape. The cassette tape is black with a horizontal white strip and is currently stored in a clear flat plastic rectangular container. It holds up 40 minutes of recordings on each side.Barry Pope /beechworth, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, stanley mill, logging, hotel wentworth, oral history, hospital garden, mayday hill hospital, met hospital, social welfare department, loyola, lyolla, pentridge prison, fairlea women's prison, prison officer training, drug crimes, prison daily life, prison farm, prison wood workshop, prison industry, prison escapes, beechworth prison, prison suicides, prison violence, prisoner attitudes to crime, mental health, isolation cells, walking dog scheme, guide dogs, prison concerts, prison plays, george smee, prison food, prison officer accommodation -
Port of Echuca
Coloured Photograph, 04/03/1984
The P.S Adelaide was launched on 21st July 1866. It was owned by J.G.Grassie from Poon Boon Station and the Officer Family of Murray Downs Station Swan Hill. The Adelaide was named after the niece of the Officer Bros, Adelaide Blackwood. The shipwright who built her was George Linklater. The Adelaide brought wool and passengers from the wool stations on the Murray and Darling Rivers down to the Echuca Wharf. In 1872 she was sold to David Blair & Sons. She was used to bring timber from the Barmah Forest to the Echuca Wharf. She did this work for the next 80 years. In 1953 she was tied up near the Mill and left. In 1958 she went to Paringa South Australia to work in the sawmill industry again. In 1960 the Echuca Apex Club and The Echuca Historical Society raised enough funds to buy the P.S. Adelaide and return her to Echuca. In November 1963 she was lifted out of the water and placed in Hopwood Gardens as this was thought to be a way of preserving her. In 1984 it was decided to return her to the water to resume work as a passenger vessel. In that time the Port of Echuca and the Echuca Wharf had been restored as a Tourist Precinct. This photograph shows the beginning of the task to return her to the river. It took several weeks in March 1984.The P.S Adelaide is extremely significant as it it the oldest known wooden hulled paddle steamers in the world. She was built in Echuca in 1866 and still operates on the Murray River today. She has worked in the Wool Industry, the Timber Industry and the Tourist Industry.This is a coloured square photograph of an orange front end loader clearing a track from Hopwood Gardens down to the river. The track was used to bring the P.S Adelaide from the gardens back into the river. The P.S Adelaide is in the background. The paddle steamer appears to be up on a trailer of some sort and is surrounded but plastic orange temporary fencing. There are small mounds of soil in the foreground.On the orange front end loader are the numbers "5900" and the word "case." p.s. adelaide, grassie, j.g, port of echuca, linklater, george, poon boon station, blair, david, murray river, darling river, logging industry, officer brothers., barmah forest, fulton & shaw, hutchinson, kevin, murray downs station, blackwood, adelaide -
Port of Echuca
Photograph, 1984
The P.S Adelaide was launched on 21st July 1866. It was owned by J.G.Grassie from Poon Boon Station and the Officer Family of Murray Downs Station Swan Hill. The Adelaide was named after the niece of the Officer Bros, Adelaide Blackwood. The shipwright who built her was George Linklater. The Adelaide brought wool and passengers from the wool stations on the Murray and Darling Rivers down to the Echuca Wharf. In 1872 she was sold to David Blair & Sons. She was used to bring timber from the Barmah Forest to the Echuca Wharf. She did this work for the next 80 years. In 1953 she was tied up near the Mill and left. In 1958 she went to Paringa South Australia to work in the sawmill industry again. In 1960 the Echuca Apex Club and The Echuca Historical Society raised enough funds to buy the P.S. Adelaide and return her to Echuca. In November 1963 she was lifted out of the water and placed in Hopwood Gardens as this was thought to be a way of preserving her. In 1984 it was decided to return her to the water to resume work as a passenger vessel. In that time the Port of Echuca and the Echuca Wharf had been restored as a Tourist Precinct. This photograph shows the beginning of the task to return her to the river. It took several weeks in March and April 1984.The P.S Adelaide is extremely significant as it it the oldest known wooden hulled paddle steamers in the world. She was built in Echuca in 1866 and still operates on the Murray River today. She has worked in the Wool Industry, the Timber Industry and the Tourist Industry.Colour photograph of the P.S Adelaide, having been hauled out and dry-docked. The P.S Adelaide is resting on a log platform with a winch attached to the front.p.s. adelaide, grassie, j.g, port of echuca, linklater, george, poon boon station, blair, david, murray river, darling river, logging industry, officer brothers., barmah forest, fulton & shaw, hutchinson, kevin, murray downs station, blackwood, adelaide, 1866, 1984 -
National Wool Museum
Machine - Noble Comb, Prince Smith & Sons, Burlington Shed, Keighley, 1915
Combing removes the short or broken fibres and draws out the long fibres into even strands suitable for spinning. The process is necessary to produce long and soft strands needed for worsted yarn. These machines remove the short fibres and blend the remaining long fibres together to form the top. The short fibres that are removed, known as the noil, are used in the woollen system. The long fibres are drawn together, ready for spinning. To retain as many of the valuable long fibres as possible, a skilled operator always needed to be on duty in the factory to precisely set the machine. A Nobel Comb separates short (Noils) fibres while also blending long (Tops) fibres together. The long fibres are used for worsted materials while the short fibres are used for woollen fabrics. Woollen materials are soft, bulky and fuzzy, such as a picnic blanket; whereas worsted materials are fine, smooth and crisp, such as a suit jacket. The Valley Worsted Mills in Geelong, now the Little Creatures Brewery, ran 12 noble combs up until 1981. Gold plaque on display with machine until 2018 read: G.H. Mitchell & Son, Adelaide have celebrated 125 Years of involvement with the Australian Wool Processing Industry by contributing the funds necessary to restore The Carding Machine, Noble Comb & The Gill Box.Noble Comb with plates - 'Prince Smith & Sons, Burlington Shed, Keishley' (One plate located on each gear box). 'Prince Smith & Sons, Burlington Shed, Keishley' (One plate located on each gear box).wool manufacturing, noble comb, textile industry, geelong, little creatures brewery, valley worsted mills, fibres, wool, factory -
National Wool Museum
Book - Notebook, c.1920
Nino Corda was a Geelong based textile designer who worked at various textile mills between 1957 & 2003. He travelled the world in search of the latest fashions and techniques and developed timeless designs that were much loved by Australians. These items are on rotational display at the National Wool Museum’s ‘In the Factory’ exhibition. For many years, Nino also worked as part of the Honorary Staff of the National Wool Museum. His passion for the world of textiles provided energy and knowledge to the visitors and staff of the museum. Although Nino has now retired from his honorary position and has hung up his Australian Tartan vest, these items will continue to serve the community in sharing the stories of Australian Textile design. This notebook contains information on how to calculate and enlarge a small sample pattern into a larger textile. It is a hand-written notebook that was passed from a master to an apprentice. This notebook is written in German and belonged to George Snchabel and was given to Nino Corda, who eventually donated it to the National Wool Museum. Nino only spoke basic German so many of the passages of writing were lost to him, regardless the illustrations and little bits of German he did know made this a useful resource which was often looked upon for inspiration and guidance.The notebook has a black cover on both the front and back with no writing. The spine is in bad condition and is being held together by three strips of tape. Internally, the pages have faded to a pale peach colour with a background blue square pattern. The notebook is completed with black ink used for writing and illustration. Occasional red ink is used for highlighting and illustration.textile calculations, textile design -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Bolt Cutter, 1878
Cyrus Chambers was a self-described mechanic who started out winding bobbins in his father's woollen mill and went on to invent machines that changed their industries. Cyrus Chambers came from Quaker parents the ninth of thirteen siblings, he once said a year before his death. “I believe I have succeeded because, first, I was industrious; second, because I made a study of the subject that was before me.” At age 7, Chambers went to work in his father’s mill. His job was to monitor bobbins—wooden spindles around which thread was wound and to remove and replace them as they became full. "There was no child labour law at that time," he later recalled. Chambers loved machinery and always regarded himself as a mechanic rather than an inventor. At age 16, Chambers was sent to learn dentistry with an older brother, (Edwin) who was already in the field and willing to take him on as an apprentice. Chambers was talented at working with small parts. He used his brother's dental instruments to build a miniature high-pressure steam engine of silver. It ran at 3,000 revolutions per minute and weighed less than a half-ounce. At that time it was the smallest engine that had ever been constructed. The engine was displayed at the 1876 Centennial and is now in a permanent collection at the Franklin Institute USA. Chambers major invention was the paper folding machine and came from reading that school teachers made less than the young girls who were employed to fold book pages as they came off the press. He told friends that his first efforts were to make the machine that would fold newspapers after demonstrating his device he met with Horace Greeley of the New York Tribune who advised Chambers would never invent the machine that would be able to fold his newspaper or books. In less than a year Chambers had built a full-size machine capable of folding large newspapers and books and was installed at J B Lippincott & Co folding pages for the "Comly Speller" this machine ran successfully for twenty-five years until the printing works burnt down. Chambers then went into partnership with a brother and they established the firm "Chambers, Brother & Co" at a plant in Philadelphia. It was also observed in 1910 and a fact that there was not a periodical or newspaper printed or recently published book that had not gone through one of Chambers inventions. Chambers went on to produce many mechanical inventions and improvements to existing tools and machinery most notable was his invention for the machine that would make clay bricks. This machine made forty bricks per hour and by the end of Chambers life after many improvements, it could make more than four hundred. Although there were a large number of bold cutters made of this patent at Cyrus Chamber’s foundry in Philadelphia, the item is associated with a notable American inventor of the nineteenth century. This particular patent for a bolt and rivet cutter won Chambers the prestigious Elliott Cresson Medal. This cutter is just one of the many inventions and mechanical improvements that Cyrus Chambers made during his lifetime, contributing to the ongoing development of mechanical improvements that were occurring in American industry of the time and therefore a notable addition to the Flagstaff collection.Cast iron bolt cutter with removable tempered steel cutter. Chambers New No. 2.Raised embossed lettering on cast body of cutter "New No 2" on one side, "Chambers Bros & Co" on the other sideflagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, cyrus chambers, bolt cutter, paper folding machine, brick making machine, elliot cresson, elliot cresson medal, franklin institute, gold medal, rivet cutter -
Federation University Historical Collection
Letter - Correspondence, Letter on Bendigo United Pyrites Company Letterhead, 1898, 1898
"The United Pyrites Company's Works are situated about three quarters of a mile from Spargo Brothers, and are on the northern side of the Marong road, in Pinch-gut Gully. Two processes are followed at these works, viz., the amalgamating process and the treatment by means of chlorine gas. The latter is called the Newbery-Vautin system, and the mode pursued is that laid down by Mr. Cosmo Newbery and Mr Vautin, whose names have been given to the process. Mr. Edwards manages these works. Three reverbatory furnaces are used to roast the pyrites, which is weighed in the truck before being put into the furnaces. At this weighbridge a sample of each lot is kept, and if the yield is not equal to expectation, the works are carefully gone over to see where the fault occurs. Care is taken at the furnace to regulate the heat, otherwise the pyrites might slag instead of roasting evenly right through. An immense revolving furnace (made of boiler iron) was used at these works. It was found to be suitable for treating blanket sand, but was not a success for roasting coarse pyrites. The process of amalgamating by means of Chilian mills is the same in these works as at the Western Works, but the United Works are on a larger scale, and eleven mills are utilised. It is the chlorine gas process which is most interesting here. The gas is made from sulphuric acid, black oxide of manganese, and common salt, and the gas is introduced into huge vats, where it works its way through a filter of pieces of quartz and then through the bed of roasted pyrites lying above. The action of the gas transforms the gold into chloride of gold. This is easily dissolved in water, and in that form is drawn off into huge delf jars, where the use of sulphate of iron precipitates the gold to the bottom. A small battery—eight head of stamps in two boxes—is in use here to crush small consignments of stone sent for trial. Test crushings come from all the Australasian colonies, and even from India. The jars used are manufactured at Epsom, and some of the salt used is also of home manufacture, from the Salt Lakes on the Northern plains. Mr. Edwards took us over a new building in course of erection, and in which the chlorine gas is to be generated in the midst of the pyrites— a still further advancement in the new process. There is some very good machinery in this new building, and the tailings from the ordinary pyrites works will also be treated by this chlorine gas system, which has been found to work well at Mount Morgan, in Queensland. The purest of gold is obtained by this process, the gold passing in solution into a charcoal filter, from which it emerges in the shape of metallic gold. We saw some nice cakes of retorted gold at the works. One of 26oz. was from some New Zealand pyrites (2½ tons), and assayed over 23 carats. There were also cakes of Avoca gold, of silver, and of the tremulous amalgam." (The Argus, 4 February 1887)Two handwritten letters to the Ballarat School of Mines on Bendigo United Pyrites Company Letterhead.bendigo united pyrites company, pyrites, ballarat school of mines, j.j. deeble, joel deeble, joel james deeble, a.m. dean, fred j. martell, martell, s.h. cowan, letterhead -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Signboard, 1972
Edna Barrie handwritten notes – copied 18th October 2013 web The early story of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Victoria At Melton between Bal [Ballarat] and Melb [Melbourne] was introduced by the Revd Wlm Blamires in 1862 ably seconded by the late Mrs Westlake (afterwards Mrs Spargo). Mr J James, the active and indefatigable Revd Eb Taylor and such workers as Atkinson Corr and Ferris. Mawson and John Dare 1867 the foundation stone of the present church was laid. Revd D Waugh 1867. Melton and Toolern Vale have benefited by the generous help of Mr J Browne esquire of White Hills Station Diggers Rest and are now comprised in the Sunshine Circuit. Written at a later date – Wesleyan 16-4-1867 then Methodist 3-10-1867. Bluestone building cost Lsd 350-13-6. Seating 40 pounds Rev Ken Moore Methodist opened at Brooklyn Rd Melton South c1940 closed c 1972. Timber Church shifted from Staughton Vale, prior to this Services held in Victoria Hall Melton South. The source of the information – ? and date notes were made On the Chart outlining Melton Churches the following additional notes- At opening (nil Plaster, nil ceiling) Slate roof. Closed 1910-1911- most likely from 1867 Express My research - Melton Express noted 15th Aug 1939 porch added to Church at Melton South making the date earlier than 1940. Photographs taken when the building was being used as the UC Opp Shop and demolition of the building showing the porch. Charles Ernest Barrie was prominent in the life of the Methodist Church and established a thriving Sunday School. He built the Chaff Mills at Melton South in 1900. In 1910 he sold the Mill to Glover Onians and moved to a farm at Trundle NSW, where he lived for about a year. In May 1911 he purchased “Darlingsford” in Melton when it came on the market. The address Elizabeth St Moonee Ponds appears in the family records during this period and during WW 1 they also lived at Ascot Vale where the Lang parents lived. On returning after the war to Melton to occupy the Darlingsford house, which had been occupied by a caretaker. The family joined the Presbyterian Church. Evidenced in the Church Minute Book. 1920 What happened to the Methodist Church between 1910 – 1920? How long did it exist while in the Bluestone building in Palmerston St (Heritage listed 2008) When did the church commence in Victoria Hall? Built 1910 on land donated by C E Barrie. I attended the Methodist Church Melton Sth when monthly services were held in the afternoons. We were members of the Presbyterian Church and also supported the Melton Sth Church during the 1950’s Signboard from Melton South Methodist Churchchurches -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Two laminated copies of the La Trobe University Bendigo students who received their Graduate Diploma in Education 2002. It displays a photo and the names of the recipients. They are - Ben Lee, Etty Lerk, David Sinniah, Joceyln Rawlins, Rebecca French, Jessica Galvin, Emma Gouglan, Georgia-Lee Trudgen, Lyn Taylor, Hayley Bennett, Joanna Stackhouse, Clair Radcliffe, Jennifer Jones, Brett Harvey, Hayley Lamprell, Susan Ryan, Ross Hopkin, Karen Sellers, Imelda Saunders, Michelle Swanborough, Rebekah Pilley, Karyn Bryant, Mair Evans, Leonie Jepson, Jill Ward, Mitchell Elliot, Dan Hall, Sharon Pickering, Gabrielle Hodges, Christine Hopkins, Ember Middleton, Peter Girolami, Cara Gurney, Andrew Creek, Trevor Fogg, Meghann Hermans, Charon Freebody, Kim Young, Sharon Rossiter, Lauren Hicks, Jane McDermott, Lauren Shae, Jenny Frampton, Michelle Trudgen, Damien Perry, Nicole Pethica, Robert Muston, Luke Robson, Alison Buttle, Louise Nichols, Linda Morthorpe, Gail Stubbs, Angela Johns, Fiona Webb, Megan Hughes, Ross Williams, Ed Penhall, Greg Devany, Shannon Mills, Clinton Lobley, Adam Crossley, Marcellinus Blanks, Warren Duffy, Tara Sutton, Ashley Taylor, James Bourke, Simon Harry, Ben Hermans, Shane Worrell, Gavin Perri and Dianne Scott.bendigo, education, la trobe university bendigo, la trobe university bendigo collection, collection, bendigo, education, teaching, teachers, la trobe university bendigo, diploma, students, graduate diploma, tertiary education -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Various Inwards Correspondence from; Crafers Organ and Choral Music Society re Simon Preston; Bendigo Woollen Mills re Craft exhibition; Craft Council of Victoria; Sandhurst Trustees re sponsorship of Craft Exhibition; Regional Arts Victoria re 2001 closure of Arts Bendigo; Bendigo Advertiser re 1988 Annual Supplement; Don Mackay - 2001 congratulatory letter to AB; Barry Ackerman (Mayor) with congratulations to AB 2001; John Little congratulations 2001 to AB; Roman Rudnytsky (pianist) re forthcoming visit 1997; Marketing Images & Technology re visit of Simon Preston 1988 (with supplementary material); William Feasley- guitar?- re confirmation of Bendigo performance (no stated year); Geelong Society of Operatic and Dramatic Art re information as to their use of Plaza Theatre, Geelong; Public Record Office Victoria re application for Local History Grants Program; sue Prain re possible appointment as coordinator/rehearsal leader of Bells and Brass Project; Victorian Arts Council (1981) re performance of ''You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown''; Australian Dance Theatre re details of trip to Bendigo October 1987; Sandhurst Trustees Bendigo Easter Fair Festival (1997) re inclusion of AB/BRAC event - ''Facing the Music''; Victorian Arts Council re letter of agreement for ''Wish You Were Here'' (1993). -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
BHS CollectionHanro Spring Summer Catalogue Lingerie 1963: Black coloured card front cover with four point star Hanro Banner top centre with lime green background and Hanro in black print. Three oval white circles at the lower right hand side have writing Drama Colours in Black, which are listed to the left in white print. A three centimetre white coloured band placed horizontally a third from the top and three lime green bands arise from this white line at right and under the oval white shapes with one reaching the bottom of the page. Inside the front page it is advertising the line of the lingerie with its new Colours. It includes negligee/night set, night dresses, pyjamas, bedjackets, Princess slips and half slip, vests and spencers, briefs, panties and bloomers, and cotton vests. All Items included an item number, description, colour and sizes available. The back cover was white card with black print. The four star banner was lime green with Hanro printed in Black. Australian Knitting Mills Ltd heads the information about addresses and phone numbers of Bendigo and Interstate Offices. A 3 X 8.4cm black vertical stripe is found on the left-hand side from the top of the page. 3mm lime green band extends from the lower right hand side of the page for 17.7 cm. Box 116ACambridge Press Bendigobook, magazine, catalogue, hanro. catalogue. cambridge press bendigo. -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Container - Round Metal Shaker
The history of metal packaging began in Bohemia in the 1200s. Metal has been produced for a very long time. But the first metal used for packaging was tin. In particular, it was the process of tin plating that was invented in Bohemia. Before this no other metal was economically able to be used for packaging. Later, in 1667 Andrew Yarranton, and English engineer, and Ambrose Crowley brought the method to England. Here it was improved by ironmasters including Philip Foley. Then by 1697, John Hanbury had a rolling mill at Pontypool in South Wales. The method they developed involved rolling iron plates using cylinders. This process enabled more uniform blank plates to be produced than was possible by just hammering the tin. Fuller's Earth is any clay material that has the capability to bleach or dissolve oil or other liquids without the use of harsh chemical treatment. Modern uses of Fuller's Earth include as absorbents for oil, grease, and animal waste (cat litter) and as a carrier for pesticides and fertilisers. Minor uses include filtering, clarifying, and decolorising; active and inactive ingredient in beauty products; and as a filler in paint, plaster, adhesives, and pharmaceuticals. Fulling is an important step in the production of woollen garments, and can be traced back to ancient times. Cuneiform texts from Mesopotamia mention a raw material, which was delivered to fullers for the finishing of cloth. The use of tin to protect and store items, revolutionised the world. Fuller's Earth is a widely used product.Container of cylindrical sheet metal with perforated lid, used by Duerdin and Sainsbury Ltd, Sellers of Franbert's Fuller's Earth. Colour printed paper deteriorating. ‘Nett Contents 3½ oz.’ Ingredients still inside.Tin very rusty.'Franbert's Fuller's Earth. For the Toilet and Nursery. Protects the skin & Improves the Complexion. Nett Contents 3½ oz.'flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, tin, tin plating, containers