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matching john oakes
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... John Oakes... is John Oakes and the flower girl is Nola Boys, Written... is John Oakes and the flower girl is Nola Boys, Written at the top ...Pink laminated card with three photos. The first is a group of children. The second is half a photo of some children who won awards. Their names are: Peter Crocos, Dawn Lindrea, Fay Mamouney, Denise Sutherland, Pauline Hooper, Joy Pilgrim, Dianne Lee, Phyllis Rowe, Glenys Boland, Susan Forbes and Andrea? Woodman? The third photo is a photo of a decorated float in a procession.It has a small church and a wedding party. The page boy is John Oakes and the flower girl is Nola Boys, Written at the top of the photo is Easter Fair 1957?education, primary, golden square laurel st p.s., golden square primary school 1189 collection - newspaper cuttings, advertiser, peter crocos, rev f v winn, golden square methodist church, major a new dick, salvation army, golden square rural school, dawn lindrea, fay mamouney, denise sutherland, pauline hooper, joy pilgrim, dianne lee, phyllis rowe, glenys boland, susan forbes, andrea? woodman?, john oakes, nola boys -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Administrative record (item), Borough of Kew, Pound Fees Book, 1874-1896
... john oakes... j. smith john oakes samuel b. cash edward s. delaney emma ...While the first successful land sales in Boroondara occurred in Hawthorn in 1843, and Kew in 1845, these areas were to be without local pounds until April 1858, when the Governor of Victoria, in accordance with Act 18 Victoria No 30, was pleased to direct the establishment of a Pound at Glass’s Creek on that part of land bounded by the Kilby Road, Burke Road and High Street. While the Governor was required to proclaim the establishment of a pound, the appointment of a poundkeeper was the responsibility of the Justices of the Peace in the local Court of Petty Sessions. The Pound took its name from the most distinctive natural feature of the area, Glass’s Creek, named after the early pastoralist Thomas Glass.The register is of historic significance as an indicator of suburban life in the second half of the 19th Century. It shows how farming and city life on the urban fringe were intimately connected. It is also significant to the early history of Hawthorn and Kew, who both claimed the Pound following their separation from the Boroondara Roads Board in 1861."Kew Pound Book"glass creek pound (kew), animal pound, dog pound, kew pound, j. smith, john oakes, samuel b. cash, edward s. delaney, emma oswin, samuel cash -
Bendigo Military Museum
Postcard - POSTCARDS, PHOTOGRAPHIC WW1, Various et al, c.1914 - 1918
... , Maryborough East .9) L/Sgt D D Bruce, Sig W J Wair .10) John Oakes... East .9) L/Sgt D D Bruce, Sig W J Wair .10) John Oakes .11 ....1) Trooper Jack Miller .2) M J O'Donohue .3) & .4) F C Cotton .5) Pte Peter Williams .6) Pte A Bellingham, Queensland .7) D Kearin, G Thorn .8) Pte Roger Fitzpatrick, Maryborough East .9) L/Sgt D D Bruce, Sig W J Wair .10) John Oakes .11) Leslie Bryant .12) Cpt W Turner .13) Sgt T Marshall .14) R W Mattingley .15) Sgt A T Power .16) Sgt Walter Yates .17) Charles Drury .18) Joe O'Neill .19) Les J MartinPhotographs of Australian Servicemen WWI..17) Names on, military history, passchendaele barracks trust -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Victoria Education Gazette and Teachers' Aid, 1921-1930, 1921-1930
... Stradbroke, Grevilia Robusta, Silky Oak, Redwood, John E. Grant... Stradbroke, Grevilia Robusta, Silky Oak, Redwood, John E. Grant ...The Victoria Education Gazette and Teachers' Aid was published for Victoria's teachers and was sent to all school on the state. In 1920 The Ballarat School of Mines had donated 136 pounds 14 shillings and 10 pence to the Victorian Education Department's War Relief Account, and the Ballarat Junior Technical School had donated 10 pounds 6 shillings and 10 pence.Ten black hard covered volumes with red tape spine, covering 1921 to 1930. The gazettes include Education Department appointments, transfers, resignations and retirements, vacancies, notices, queries, notices of books, examination papers, original articles, lesson plans, suggestions for lessons, drawing, obituaries, notes on nature study, mathematics, music, sloyd woodwork, English grammar, Victorian State School Swimming Clubs, Geography, penmanship, science, History, Latin, Geography, The School Garden, horticulture, singing, World War One; ANZAC Day, lifesaving, Astronomy, Empire Day, ANZAC Buffet London, Victorian Education Department's War Relief Fund .1) 1928. Articles include: New Caledonia, Swimming and Lifesaving, School forestry, a visit to the pyramids, Exploration of Gippsland, paul de Strezelecki, Angus McMillan, Villers Bretonneux Memorial School, American Black Walnut, Red Gum, Messmate Stringybark, The Great Barrier Reef, retirement of Frank Tate, Stawell High School, Report on Some Aspects of Education in the United States, Jubilee Education Exhibition , New School Readers; measured Drawing Images include: Macarthur Street School's Plantation, Maryborough School Plantation, Pinus Insignis (Radiata) ready for Milling, Creswick State Forest, Metalwork, Daylesford Pine Plantation four years old, Henry Harvey (art Inspector); Omeo School Endowment Plantation; Frank Tate; Stawell High School Drawings From Casts; Lake Tyers School Endowment Plantation, measured drawing, Thomas H. Stuart, GEorge Swinburne. J.R. Tantham-Fryer, Cookery Class, John Edward Thomas. .3) War Savings Stampsm Swimming and Life-saving, Teh Rural School System of Victoria, Imaginative Composition, ANZAC Day, Retardation, Teh Bright Child Hudson Hard Obituary, Leeches, Relief for Distress in Europe, Dental, Teachers' Library, History of Portarlington, J.E. Stevens Obituary, Victorian Teachers in England Images: Swimming and Life-Saving Medallion .3) Swimming and Lifesaving, Bronze medallion, Victoria Leage of Victori, War Savings Stamps, Rural School Sytem of Victoria, .4) War Relief, Talbot Colony for Epileptics Masonmeadows, Discipline New and Old (Percy Samson), Soldier teachers, Preservation of Australian Birds, Arbor Day, Jubilee of Free Education, Teaching Geography, Poery in Schools, School Committees, Shelter Pavilion, Mysia Memorial School, Clovers, Jubilee Exhibition, Domestic Arts, Louis Pasteur, .5) Victoria League of Victoria, An Endowment Scheme (Pine Plantations), School Endowment Plantations, Protecting our trees by Owen Jones,. Victorian State Schools Horticultural Society, Sloyd Woodwork, School Forestry, Thomas Brodribb Obituary and portrait, Imperial Education Conference London, school Management and Method, School plantations, Eucalypt plantations in the Bendix and Heathcote District, Junior Red Cross, Jubilee Education Exhibition, Gould League Competitions, handwriting, The School Magazine, Frank Tate in London, Victorian beetles, Council of Public Education, Villers Bretonneux and its new School, Death of Samuel Summons, Woodwork Summer School, Swimming, Japanese Relief Fund, Retirement of John Cross, reminiscences of the Late Mr Albert Mattingley .6) Thomas H. Trengrove and the Villers Bretonneux School hall and pilaster carvings, forestry, visit of Maryborough teachers to Ballarat Water Reserves, noxious weeds, relief for Distressed Europe, The Dalton Plan, Empire Day, Retirement of Mr Fussell, Centenary of Hume and Hovell Expedition, League of Kindness, Effective Nature Study in a Rural School, Some Facts About Paper and their Bearing Upon School Plantations, Council of the Working Men's College Melbourne, Maria Montessori, University Vacation School, Horticulture in State Schools, An Informal Chat About French Schools (C.R. McRae), The Vacation School, Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, Inspector's Report on a 5th-class School, Can Children Write Verse, John Adams, Victoria League of Victoria, R.F. Toutcher, Sir James Barbie's Address to High-School Girls, Impressions of a High School Teacher Abroad (R.D. Collman), The Spirit of the School Plantation Scheme, Monument of the Late Mr and Mrs A.T. Sharp at Box Hill Cemetery, The Teaching of Geography, The Treatment of Poetry in Class, Two Difficult Arithmetic Lessons, Location of Principal Australian Timbers, Dr John Smyth, Stammering and its Influence on Education, Wireless Broadcasting as an Educational Medium, Boys School at Villers Brettonneux, The New School at Villers Brettonneux, Bird Day, Messmate or Stringybark, What Every Woman Knows, Director's Report on Denmark .7)1925 . Includes: School Forestry, horticulture, J.H. Betheras retirement, Ivanhoe School, Coburg School, Moorabool Junior Technical School, Villers Bretonneux School hall and pilaster carvings, Francis Ormond, William Charles Kernot, Corsican Pnes at Creswick, Ballarat High School Plantation, Workin Men's College, RMIT, Naorrow LEafed Peppermint, Education and World Peace, Eucalypts of Victoria, John C. Eccles, Blue Gum. Manners, Giving the Poorly Nourished Boy A Chance, Native Ferns, Marybourough Technical School, Memorial School at Villers-Brettonneux .8) Experimental Plots in Country Schools (W.W. Gay), Villers Bretonneaux and its Memorial School. nominated classes for Art Teachers, The Teachers Act 1925, Horsham High School, Richmond Technical School, Farewell to Messrs C.R. Long and Ponsonby Carew-Smyth, Frank Tate, Phyiscal Training, Arbor Day, ANZAC Day, Shakespeare Day,Bendigo Junior Techncial School, Musical Appreciation, Motor Dental Unit, School Camps, Education Act of 1872: Mr Angus McKay's Part (George Mackay), A Bush Fire Experience (Irene Stable), Black Sunday, Californian Red Pine, Women's Education in America, Farewell to Lord and Lady Stradbroke, Grevilia Robusta, Silky Oak, Redwood, John E. Grant, The Need for Research (Donald Clark), Junior Drama, Ida D. Marshall, John Pounds, Australian Books, Fish Creek School, State Boundaries, History in the Curriculum, Ceramic Art in Australia (Percy E. Everett), Choice of School Songs, Tasmanian Beech, Should History be Taught on a National or an International Basis, Hydatid Disease, James Holland Obituary, Florrie Hodges, Queensland Maple, Post Bushfire Ruins at Fumina, Arbor Day at Fumina, Queensland Rosewood, Omeo Endowment Plantation, Bird Day, Junior Red Cross, Pioneers' Day, Edward Henty, Junior Technical Schools, Yellow Pine, History and Progress of Needlework, A.B.C. of Astronomy, Northumberland Mental tests, Queensland Red Cedar, Teh Globe Theatre, .9) 1927 includes The ABC of Astronomy, Atr Theatre, English Beech, Angus McMillan Art Pottery, School Singing, State Schools' Nursery, School endowment plantations, Making a Man, experimental proof of Charles's Law, John Smyth obituary and portrait, Linton Pine Planation, motivation of arithmetic, Women's Classes at Dookie, Swimming and Lifesaving, Pioneers Day, Drawing, Ballarat High School planation, biting fly, Tir-Na-N'og, John Byatt retirement and portrait, Technical Schools Conference at Daylesford, Ethel Osborne and portrait, library. Francis Thompson portrait, Adam Lindsay Gordon, Solar movement, motor transport, Liverpool Cathedral, Teh Story of the Cathedral, Bendigo School of Mines, Omeo School pine plantation, Egypt and the Nile, Self-Criticism Images include Ballarat High School Pine Plantation, Vale Park, Francis Ormond, Woking Men's College (RMIT), W.N. Kernot, A Stand of Corsican Pines at Creswick, Victoria .10) Some Remarks on the Relationship of the technical Schools to the University (Donald Clark) , Present Day Education in England , Memorial to Joseph Cornwall, Spelling, motivation, Singing, State Scholarships, Agriculture, T.W. Bothroyd, The Swimmer - A Summer School Sketch (H.H. Croll), Swimming woodwork, Farewell to Dr Sutton. ,Drowning, War Savings Movement, White Beech. George S. Browne , Example of School Honor Book, Blackwood, Optimistic teacher, Soldier settlement around Shapparton, Oral Hygiene, Cinema Machines, Basketball, Wakter M. Camble obituary, ANZAC day Pilgrimage in England, Froebel's System, Montessori Method, War Relief Fund, New Zealand Kauri Tree, Bat Tenis at a Bush School., Advice to Australian Girls, Chrysanthemums, Royal Visit, National Parks of Victoria, Maurice Copland Obituary, total eclipse of the Moon, School libraries, The teacher and the COmmunity (A.M. Barry), The Reading Lesson, Swimming and Life-saving, MElbourne Teachers' College War Memorial Windows Old Trainees War Memorial, Cultivating a Natinoal Art education gazette, school, education, teaching, teacher, world war one, school plantations, macarthur street pine plantation, school forestry, creswick state forest, anzac day, armistance celebrations, frank tate, frank tate retirement, drawing from cast, education department school readers, lake tyers pine plantation, w.n. kernot, rmit, working men's college, francis ormond, pine plantations, calenbeem park, creswick, villers-brettonneux school hall and carvings, thomas trengrove, corsican pines, creswick, pine endowment plantations, mccarthur st primary school pine plantation, ballarat high school pine plantation, vale park, mount pleasant primary school pine plantation, golden point pine plantation, angus macmillan, paul de strzelecki, gippsland, villers-bretonneaux memorial school, francis thompson, english ash, pestalozzi centenary, shakespeare day, swimming classes, clear pine, cinema in education, american black walnut, red gum, thomas wolliam bothroyd obituary, and portrait, physical training displays, teaching of spelling, ohm's law, blue gum -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Weapon - Cannon, Alexander Hall and Son, c. 1855
The Schomberg Cannon was recovered from the 1855 wreck of the SCHOMBERG in 1974 by Flagstaff Hill divers Peter Ronald, Colin Goodall and Gary Hayden. The wreck site was discovered in August 1973 by Stan McPhee and John Laidlaw. ABOUT THE SCHOMBERG When SCHOMBERG was launched in 1855, she was considered the “Noblest ship that ever floated on water.” SCHOMBERG’s owners, the Black Ball Line, commissioned the ship for their fleet of passenger liners. The ship was built by Alexander Hall of Aberdeen at a cost of £43,103. It was constructed with three skins: one planked fore and aft and two diagonally planked, fastened together with screw-threaded trunnels (wooden rails). Its first-class accommodation was simply luxurious; velvet pile carpets, large mirrors, rosewood, birds-eye maple, mahogany, soft furnishings of satin damask; an oak-lined library and a piano. Overall she had accommodation for 1000 passengers. At the launch, the SCHOMBERG’s 34-year-old master, Captain ‘Bully’ Forbes, had promised Melbourne in 60 days, "with or without the help of God." James Nicol Forbes was born in Aberdeen in 1821 and rose to fame with his record-breaking voyages on the famous Black Ball Line ships; MARCO POLO and LIGHTNING. In 1852 in the MARCO POLO he made the record passage from London to Melbourne in 68 days. There were 53 deaths on the voyage but the great news was of the record passage by the master. In 1954 Captain Forbes took the clipper LIGHTNING to Melbourne in 76 days and back in 63 days, this was never beaten by a sailing ship. He often drove his crew and ship to breaking point to beat his own records. He cared little for the comfort of the passengers. On this, the SCHOMBERG’s maiden voyage, he was going to break records. SCHOMBERG departed Liverpool on her maiden voyage on 6 October 1855 flying the sign “Sixty Days to Melbourne”. The ship departed with 430 passengers and 3000 tons of cargo including iron rails and equipment intended to build the Melbourne to Geelong Railway and a bridge over the Yarra from Melbourne to Hawthorn. She also carried a cow for fresh milk, pens for fowls and pigs, and 90,000 gallons of water for washing and drinking. It also carried 17,000 letters and 31,800 newspapers. The ship and the cargo was insured for $300,000, a fortune in those times. The winds were poor as she sailed across the equator, slowing SCHOMBERG’s journey considerably. Land was first sighted on Christmas Day, at Cape Bridgewater near Portland, and Captain Forbes followed the coastline towards Melbourne. Forbes was said to be playing cards when called by the Third Mate Henry Keen, who reported land about 3 miles off, Due in large part to the captain's regarding a card game as more important than his ship, it eventually ran aground on a sand spit near Curdie's Inlet (about 56 km west of Cape Otway) on 26 December 1855, 78 days after leaving Liverpool. The sand spit and the currents were not marked on Forbes’s map. Overnight, the crew launched a lifeboat to find a safe place to land the ship’s passengers. The scouting party returned to SCHOMBERG and advised Forbes that it was best to wait until morning because the rough seas could easily overturn the small lifeboats. The ship’s Chief Officer spotted SS QUEEN at dawn and signalled the steamer. The master of the SS QUEEN approached the stranded vessel and all of SCHOMBERG’s passengers and crew were able to disembark safely. The SCHOMBERG was lost and with her, Forbes’ reputation. The Black Ball Line’s Melbourne agent sent a steamer to retrieve the passengers’ baggage from the SCHOMBERG. Other steamers helped unload her cargo until the weather changed and prevented the salvage teams from accessing the ship. Later one plunderer found a case of Wellington boots, but alas, all were for the left foot! Local merchants Manifold & Bostock bought the wreck and cargo, but did not attempt to salvage the cargo still on board the ship. They eventually sold it on to a Melbourne businessman and two seafarers. In 1864 after two of the men drowned when they tried to reach SCHOMBERG, salvage efforts were abandoned. Parts of the SCHOMBERG were washed ashore on the south island of New Zealand in 1870, nearly 15 years after the wreck. The wreck now lies in 825 metres of water. Although the woodwork is mostly disintegrated the shape of the ship can still be seen due to the remaining railway irons, girders and the ship’s frame. A variety of goods and materials can be seen scattered about nearby. Flagstaff Hill holds many items salvaged from the SCHOMBERG including a ciborium (in which a diamond ring was concealed), communion set, ship fittings and equipment, personal effects, a lithograph, tickets and a photograph from the SCHOMBERG. One of the SCHOMBERG bells was in the old Warrnambool Library. The Schomberg cannon is currently on loan to the Port Campbell Visitor Information Centre.The SCHOMBERG collection is of historical and archaeological significance at a State level, listed on the Victorian Heritage Register VHR S612. Flagstaff Hill’s collection of artefacts from the SCHOMBERG is significant for its association with the Victorian Heritage Registered shipwreck. The collection is primarily significant because of the relationship between the objects, as together they have a high potential to interpret the story of the SCHOMBERG. The SCHOMBERG collection is archaeologically significant as the remains of an international passenger ship. The shipwreck collection is historically significant for representing aspects of Victoria’s shipping history and its potential to interpret sub-theme 1.5 of Victoria’s Framework of Historical Themes (living with natural processes). The collection is also historically significant for its association with the shipwreck and the ship, which was designed to be the fastest and most luxurious of its day. The SCHOMBERG collection meets the following criteria for assessment: Criterion A: Importance to the course, or pattern, of Victoria’s cultural history. Criterion B: Possession of uncommon, rare or endangered aspects of Victoria’s cultural history. Criterion C: Potential to yield information that will contribute to an understanding of Victoria’s cultural history.Cannon; 6-POUNDER (6pdr) smooth bore cannon, mounted on a wooden frame. The cannon has a metal lug on each side. It is commonly known as the Schomberg cannon. It was recovered from the wreck of the Schomberg in 1974.warrnambool, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, schomberg, shipwrecked-artefact, clipper ship, black ball line, 1855 shipwreck, aberdeen clipper ship, captain forbes, peterborough shipwreck, ss queen, cannon, the schomberg cannon, schomberg cannon, peterborough, 1855, sailing ship -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Mann, John and Violet and family
John Mann arrived from Forfar, Scotland, on the clipper packet "Ellen Stuart" in 1857 and rented a farm "Overton" at Janefield. Soon after he met Melbourne-born Violet McKimmie, whose parents had a property near Darebin Creek. They married on 25 September 1862, John 26 and Violet 19. In 1874 John selected a block on Arthurs Creek and built a slab and bark hut (still standing in 1984) and called their farm "Carseburn" after John's parish in Scotland. They had seven children: John, Jane, Christine, David, Walter, James and Violet. John was drowned in the Yarra in May 1875 and Violet struggled to meet the lease commitment. She wrote to her brother-in-law David Mann in New Zealand who came to her aid, and on 10 September 1876, they married at the Victorian Free church, Smith Street, Collingwood. They improved the farm and built a three-room house. in July 1883 they bought neighbouring land from Ann Welsh. With David, Violet had four more children: Robert, William and twins Thomas and Henry. In 1883, David died and was buried in the same grave as his brother in Preston Cemetery. The twins also died, Thomas just before and Henry just after their father. the children assisted with the farm and orchard, the business including crops, a dairy herd, Carseburne sheep, and breeding horses. Violet died at Yan Yean in 1925, aged 83. A grandson of John Mann, James Mann, lived in Henry Street, Greensborough and had given a talk at the Whittlesea Historical Society in 1983 on his family. Descendant Lindsay Mann was part of a creative writing group that published a book including a short story "The Mountain Tramway" is loosely based on his childhood and stories he was told then but was planning to write his family story. Contents Newspaper article: "Tragedy couldn't stop this pioneer", Diamond Valley News, 31 January 1984, story of Mann family. Newspaper article: "Tracing the history of ordinary. people," Diamond Valley News, 29 July 1986, story of Mann family, researched by descendant Lindsay Mann who grew up at the Mann property She-Oak at Yan Yean and has numerous family records. Newspaper article: "A realist who captures light," Diamond Valley News, 29 July 1986, David Moore, a realist painter had been working from a studio at Montsalvat and his exhibition of work from that period was to open 1 August 1986 at the Victorian Artists Society Galleries.Newspaper clippings, A4 photocopies, etcjohn manan, violet mann nee mckimmie, clipper packet "ellen stuart", forfar scotland, darebin creek victoria, arthurs creek victoria, "overton" at janefield, "carseburn" at arthurs creek, jane mann, christine mann, david mann, walter mann, james mann, violet mann, victorian free church smith street collingwood, ann welsh, robert mann, william mann, thomas mann, henry mann, preston cemetery, carseburne sheep, yan yean cemetery, lindsay mann, david moore, montsalvat -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Letter - St Pauls Anglican Church, 530 Dandenong Road, Caulfield North
... Touzeau Mme Triller Lily Lawrence Jean Falkingham John Bonsal ...Ring out Wild Bells!', an all-encompassing history of St Pauls Anglican Church from 1904 – 2004 by Southern cross The book takes in all aspects of the church’s ministry, from acquiring the first building, church festivals, Dramatic Club, Social dances, Annual fetes, tennis club, St Pauls Preparatory School; Darish Heros, the 16 memorial stained glass windows, St Pauls dance group, Home group, the healing team, St Pauls Juvenile Orchestra and womens guilds. Correspondence to Claire Barton, dated 29/04/2010 from Cynthia Nyholm, with enclosed book – Ring out Wild Bells the centenary book for St Pauls Anglican Church; Caulfield North paul’s anglican church, lynch frank rev., nyholm cynthia, falkingham john canon, north caulfield, ivens george walter dr., kircher godfre rev., saunders harriet eleanor (nelly), wilson albert rev., thewlis brian rev., saunder elizabeth (topsy), meredith charles rev., rutherford. graeme rev., arnold leonard rev, drought john rev., hannaford. john rev., rich roger rev., grully/moore alison, charles oliver, bell towers, clarke henry lowther, roberts frank, ngaruk william, boon wurrung, aboriginal peoples, the black chapel, hawthorn road, balaclava road, glen eira road, taylor rev., seddon rev., edith street, park street, st. mary's parish, shelley edgar, ellerslie, roe thomas, salisbury street, st. elmo's community, mccartney hugh, herring nigel, robinson john, mollinson a.j., derby parade, vance george, statham rev., priest rev., cox rev., queen's hall caulfield, jolly edith, evans jan, societal event and activities, clubs and associations, sporting clubs, cohen leslie, cohen doris, 'anselm', manses, wilson albert mrs, wainwright emily, ivens eleanor, roberts frank, falkenstein lynaire, dove bill, lawn david, edwards peter, jenkins barry, backhouse gerald, triller henrietta, monahan marjorie, wainright bill, 'yanga', alma road, dandenong road, fitzwater mr, lovell house girls school, st paul's preparatory school, independent schools, kindergartens, hoggart mrs, jackson miss, davidson bob, hutchens bernard, meredith benjamin, mannett david, hutchins harry, vicars, foote sheila, scholes lillian, mee elroy, driver marjorie, manton betty, bottomley hilda, west joan, finn grace, dell hazel, guild of the holy spirit, carrigan john rev., allen douglas, thompson norman, hardy don, moroney john, scott-simmons harry, morphet george, houghton robert, drought tom, stringer alf, miller eddie, michie bill, roberts david, hardy bill, cohen vernon, cohen leon, thewlis jeremy, tanner simon, lambert luke, wainwright bill, wilson albert, meredith charles, williams louis r., architects, dawson and smith, builders, monuments and memorials, st. paul apostle and martyr, red hill, ackland a.l., drought peter, kircher virginia, martinu ignaz, metal working, crafts and craft equipment, mathieson w., stained glass, morgan kerr w., cohen ursula, french anne maree, stephens evelyn, roberts janet, tanner john, oliphant alison, oliphant david, drought alison, widdowson charles rev., rich regina, fettel rex, amson evan, amson angela, stonehouse elwyn, thewlis elsbeth, cranswick jim, byrne meredith, jackson jill, jackson family, fitzgerald anne, molineux john, pilkington merridee, wood noel, major paula, major tracy, kaines fiona, west ed, nelson jenny, booth anne, pental road, carnarvon road, daynes alysa, tanner john, tanner winkie, jackson les, thornton graham, thornton gwyn, drought gladys, mcgillivery joan, glennen jim canon, wood maureen, wood david boyle, wood felicity, corrie ian, corrie lesley, sharrock heidi, sharrock lynette, sharrock david, rutherford david, samuel anto (hilda), hannaford john, palliar bob, golden hope healing sanctuary, hostels, moore alison, johnson wendy, stringer barbara, carson penny, edwards joan, glen eira intercessary group, smith beverly, daynes aylsa, lyon tryphena, fitzgerald anne, de bibra (peggy) margaret, de bibra florence, singleton george, darke guy, thompson norman, hutchinson jay, lawry margaret, woddy julie, mcgrath lesley, amson angela, prashanthi samuel, mclean rob, st. elmo's fire alpha in victoria, kainey john, kainey dick rev., amson evan, hannaford janine, hannaford john rev., playgrounds, shinkfield thelma, west joan, staham clive, batey mandy, walker david rev., stokes tom rev., batey david, freeman lesley, social services, pittaway geoff, jones greg, turf club hotel, the angel, conway carolyn, razmaran (raz) rameen, moore peter, thewlis sharon, walker stephen, turuwhenva jo maka maka, redman dylan, jolly david, toombs nicole, hannaford/akins christy, akins ben, edwards rozanne, masson andrew, batey kyle, batey ailsa, kovars aranka, graffiti, mcallister alison, buchanen noel, cocks damien, holland m.w., artists, akins robert, barberis irene, reynolds chris, wolstencroft ivor, gully/moore alison, moore peter, engineers, kovacs joseph, architects, vicars-foote bequest dorothy, hallock shanta, newman philip, molineux john, stained glass, molineux kim, moorhouse philip, o'farrell gavan, smith beverley rev., peppercorn miss, corrigan mrs, choirs, thomas ronald, geo fincham and sons, wicks mr, mcgillivery alf, organs, mcgillivery ian, touzeau mme, triller lily, lawrence jean, falkingham john, bonsal/boone peter, tweeddale alistair, worsnop paul, stonehouse pam, rutherford graeme, rutherford caroline, braun doug, naughton celia, correll madge, edwards joan, paranavitana darshini, gebert barb, wood felicity, cowell alison, mannaford lawson, ellankoon robby, knight sheila, thornton graeme, kyle estelle, davies john, roberts frank, welch ian, de saint-ferjeux, francis peggy, gill heather, lambert dale, newing joyce, young rosemary, mcallister (pownell/washington), roeland linda, mcdonald brendan, lewis irene, lewis graham, fitzgerald anne, hoffman tim, kaines fiona, marriott dianne, stryk angela, leaf narelle, choo lucy, fitzgerald narelle, nunis mark, waterman roma, beggs joshua, cramer deb, beggs camilla, gebert kelvin, oakes joanne, sargeant john, schulz wendy, smith lerisse, austin adrian, mitchell stephanie, oakes jessica, cropley stan, banks caroline, banks peter, chen caroline, west rob, chen family, mcgough virginia (now mcdonald_, fin tania, stonehouse elwyn, ryan luisa, knight sheila, savage ian rev., kircher jillian, kircher pamela, kircher margaret, bernaldo darryl, rich cassandra, rich leighton, james scott, correll madge (nee gamble), correll tony, o'brien maureen, rodwell kevin, de vries isabella, de vries andre, de vries darren, cummins mr, roberts mr, de vries ngaio (nee morre), wainright emily, wainright william, massauelli lionel, roberts frank, foster muriel, thomas janet, laycock gordon, shiel john, langmuir keith, langford alan, burns jack, manson ian, manton john, mclean robert, lund milton, carr sylvia, ross margie, naughton michael, edwards joan, chappele ethel, chappele marion, pollard mrs, moorhouse michelle, shipp joyce, hayman jean, bright-parker kath, stringer thelma, armstrong wendy, martin neil, stonehouse janet, eddy elsie, gras elsie, macartney kitty, ormond special school (katandra), herring nigel, roe sisters, watson w.g., nicholls w., beith harley, cullen phyllis, burns leline, hayman eric, boyd-jones ennys, roberts frank, ellankoon chrissie, blommestein michael, ahn sil -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Letter - LePage Family
This file has 7 items. 1.Certified copy dated 28/05/1975 of birth certificate of Phoebe Elizabeth Marsh on 08/05/1869 in Chewton Victoria, and certified copy dated 22/05/1975 of marriage certificate of Ignatius John LePage and Phoebe Marsh on 14/06/1906 in Bendigo. 2.Photocopy of will of Ignatius John LePage dated 07/09/1933 and of inventory and probate application dated 1940. 3.Photocopy of will of Phoebe LePage dated 06/11/1971. 4.Photocopy of praecipe to probate registrar concerning will of Phoebe LePage dated 28/11/1941. 5.Photocopy of inventory of possessions in the estate of Phoebe Marsh dated 17/03/1942. 6.Correspondence dated 30/01/1994 and 10/05/1994 to Felicity Campbell, of Caulfield Historical Society from William Norris concerning his LePage family history notes. 7.Handwritten notes titled ‘The Marsh Bayle LePage Caulfield Connection’ by William Morris dated 10/01/1994 concerning the LePage family history in the Caulfield area.marsh phoebe elizabeth jane, lepage phoebe elizabeth jane, lepage ignatius john, elsternwick, carre street, orrong road, st joseph’s elsternwick, state savings bank elsternwick, norris william, bentleigh, vickery street, caulfield historical society, keating betty, holland grove, north caulfield, ford hazel, campbell felicity, vallati gladys, imperial avenue, hawthorn road, glenhuntly road, alder street, liquor shops, halesowen, grocers, marsh victor james bernard, berklea private hospital, kooyong road, briggs street, marsh alice, newstead street, marsh lucie, marsh charlie e.c., marsh dudley ward, murrumbeena state school, oak street, phoebe theatre, bayly james b., chloris crescent, bambra road, lepage catherine, turnbull charles, murrumbeena road, murrumbeena, dandenong road, renown theatre, quantrelle madge, gunning margaret, grange road, glenhuntly, mcnamara madge, st george road, lepage winnie, marsh edwin charles, lepage ellen, orrong grove, sandham street, st joseph’s convent -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Register, Register of Significant Trees, Shire of Eltham, 1993, 1993c
In 1983, the National Trust advised the Shire of Eltham that it was investigating a number of trees within the shire which had been nominated for recording the Register of Significant Trees of Victoria. The trees involved were described in the Shire of Eltham Historical Society Newsletter No. 29, March 1983 as follows:- 1. Eucalyptus melliadora (Yellow box) . a) An outstanding mature specimen 42 metres high in Laughing Waters Road, Eltham. b) Another mature specimen in Arthurs Creek road, Hurstbridge is reported to be the tree under which the bushranger Robert Bourke was tied after he shot and killed Henry Hurst in 1866 . 2. Quercus robur (English Oak). a) "Donaldson's Oak", Donaldsons Road, Kangaroo Ground was planted by John Donaldson from seed collected from Windsor Great Park in 1878. b) "Wippells Oak". This now misshapen tree is located on the St. Andrews Road near the Kangaroo Ground Fire Station. Its origins may have been similar to Donaldson's Oak, and as a young tree it apparently slipped from higher up the hill during wet weather. Both oaks are of local historical importance. 3. Eucalyptus globulus (Blue Gum). A large mature specimen at the corner of the Kangaroo Ground-St. Andrews Road and Bakehouse Road, Panton Hill. 4. Plantanas acerifolia (Plane tree) A number of trees forming the Avenue of Honour to Eltham's First World War soldiers along Main Road between Dalton and Pitt Streets, Eltham. 5. Pinus canariensis (Canary Island Pine), Pinus pinea, (Stone pine) and Cedras altlantica, (Cedar) These trees are located at the Hurst family graves in the grounds of the Hurstbridge Pre-school Centre. In 1991 the Shire of Eltham introduced controls into its planning scheme to protect sites of architectural, historic or conservation interest and significant trees. The controls were approved by the Minister for Planning and Housing. As advised in the Shire of Eltham Historical Society Newsletter No. 78, May 1991, a planning permit is required to demolish or alter any listed building or to destroy, lop or remove any listed tree. Provision is made for comments to be obtained from the National Trust or Historic Buildings Council in considering any applications. The buildings and trees listed were: Buildings: 250 Bolton Street Eltham (former Walter Withers home) "Rosehill" - Bonds Road Lower Plenty St Andrews Church of England - St Andrews "Montsalvat" - Hillcrest Avenue Eltham St Margarets Church and former vicarage - Pitt Street Eltham Presbyterian Church - Kangaroo Ground Parks and Environment Office (former police quarters) Main Road Eltham Former Court House - Main Road Eltham "Shillinglaw Cottage" - Main Road Eltham "The Robins" - Kangaroo Ground Road Warrandyte Trees: "Donaldsons Oak" - Donaldsons Road Kangaroo Ground Yellow Box - Laughing Waters Road Eltham Yellow Box - Arthurs Creek Road Hurstbridge Wippells Oak - St Andrews Road Kanqaroo Road Pines and Cedar - Hurst family cemetery Greysharps Road Hurstbridge Yellow Box - Parsons Road Eltham A large Blue Gum at Panton Hill has been listed but has recently died (1991). In 1993 work by Council Parks and Environment staff and volunteers resulted in the preparation of a Significant Tree Register listing forty-one trees or groups of trees. According to Shire of Eltham Historical Society Newsletter No. 91, March 1993, a similar number remained to be assessed for inclusion in the register. There is a wide range of indigenous and planted trees on private and public land and extending through the Shire of Eltham from Lower Plenty to Kinglake. Most can be viewed from publicly accessible locations. The Significant Tree Register lists 41 trees or groups of trees throughout the Shire. It contains a wide range of naturally occurring and planted trees. They have been assessed according to eleven criteria including size, age, rarity, historical value and the like. The list includes large old Red Gums at Lower Plenty, historic Oaks at Kangaroo Ground and Mountain Ash at Kinglake. The register includes a set of slides showing each tree. Garry Bartlett of the Council's Parks and Environment Section and Faye Shepherd were extensively involved in establishment of the register (Newsletter No. 93, November 1993). In 1999 Niliumbik planners prepared an amendment to the Planning Scheme to provide protection for approximately 200 of the places listed in the heritage studies and also in the Significant Tree Register commenced by the Eltham Council (Eltham District Historical Society Newsletter No. 127, July 1999. In 2004, The Register of Significant Trees was presented to the Eltham District Historical Society by Nillumbik Shire Council as part of a wider collection of of its memorabilia of the former Eltham Shire Council (EDHS Newsletter No. 159, July 2004. Album of loose handmade paper sheets contained within a handmade slip cover constructed of handcrafted card with encapsulated flora material (flowers, vines, ferns) and tinted. Each page also contains an embedded/adhered fern leaf also tinted with lacqueur or similar, text as appropriate in ink by hand calligraphy. Each page also has a white protective sheet cut to size and adhered to back surface with sticky tape and folded over face of page. Pages variously have photographs and coloured masks adhered with a gum resin. Over time much of this resin has let go and photos/masks have been reattached using acid free archival safe adhesive. 15 pages 41 x 29 cm inclusive of 3 blank pages. Slip case 42 x 30 x 1 cm; face cover of slip case has broken off at left hand margin as insufficient depth/flexibility for contents.arthurs creek road, blue gum (eucalyptus globulus), canary island pine (pinus canariensis), couties road, donaldsons oak, donaldsons road, eltham, english oak (quercus robur), eucalyptus melliodora, graysharps road, hurst tree, hurstbridge, ironbark (eucalyptus tricarpa), ironbark hill, kangaroo ground, kangaroo ground-kinglake road, laughing waters road, panton hill hotel, panton hill, parsons road, significant trees register, sonia van bodegraven, sonjart, stone pine (pinus pinea). atlantic cedar (cedrus atlantica), wippells oak, yellow box gum (eucalyptus melliodora), yellow box gum -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, "Pindarri" - John Serle, 1968, 1971
Pindarri was the name of the property on which artist John Serle lived on Pindari Road, St. Andrews. Colour painting reproduced on page 11 of "Pioneers & Painters: One hundred years of Eltham and its Shire" by Alan Marshall (1971). This chapter 1 "In the beginning" gives a physical description of the area: "Thick forest covered all the higher mountain ranges .. These areas were all heavily timbered, associated grasslands and eucalyptus extending from the thick forest country across undulating hills to the Yarra... The timber in general is gum, oak and Banksia, the two later are small, the gum two to four feet of diameter and from then to thirty feet high; on some of the low ground somewhat larger. The forest was open with little scrub..." The artist John Serle (born 1928) was the first local artist to become a councilor for the Shire of Eltham. He also worked for the Shire of Eltham grading roads. The Shire of Nillumbik hold a similiar painting in their collection (access via Victorian Collections) titled: Untitled (bush) Donor details on file. Location of original painting unknown. Most probably held in Serle family collection. Painting produced in 1968. Reproduced in "Pioneers and Painters", 1971 This photo forms part of a collection of photographs gathered by the Shire of Eltham for their centenary project book,"Pioneers and Painters: 100 years of the Shire of Eltham" by Alan Marshall (1971). The collection of over 500 images is held in partnership between Eltham District Historical Society and Yarra Plenty Regional Library (Eltham Library) and is now formally known as the 'The Shire of Eltham Pioneers Photograph Collection.' It is significant in being the first community sourced collection representing the places and people of the Shire's first one hundred years.4 x 5 inch colour reversal film (1) Condition: May not be true to colour of original work. Scanned from a 4 x 5 inch colour transparency which was taken c.1970 (approx. 50 years old) and which has undergone significant colour degradation towards the red spectrum. Allowances made for colour cast correction in scan with best guess for white balance. Significant light flare is reflected off glossy surface of original work at camera lens at lower left and right sides causing quality issues.pioneers and painters, sepp, shire of eltham pioneers photograph collection, john serle, pindarrri, bush -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Slide - Photograph, Donaldson's Oak, Donaldson Road, Kangaroo Ground, c.1993
... Quercus Robur (English Oak) - Was planted by John Donaldson... melbourne Quercus Robur (English Oak) - Was planted by John ...Quercus Robur (English Oak) - Was planted by John Donaldson from seed collected from Windsor Great Park in 1878.35mm colour positive transparency Mount - Black and Whitedonaldson road, donaldson's oak, heritage tree, kangaroo ground, significant tree -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Memorial plaque
The WWI Death Plaque (Dead Man's Penny) was issued to the next of kin of servicemen/women who had fallen in the Great War between 1914 and 1918. John Mercer Walker entered ballarat College in 1902 and was Dux of the school in 1904. He enlisted as a Private in the 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance and served on Gallipoli. He transferred to 21st Squadron AFC in November 1917 and served in Palestine. He was killed a 22 August 1918 and buried at the Ramleh War Cemetery. Of the 305 Ballarat College old collegians who enlisted in WW1 65 gave their lives for their country. This 'death penny' is representative of the incredible sacrifice given by this huge percentage of the school's community. Round disk cast in bronze gunmetal, which incorporates the following; an image of Britannia holding an oak spray with leaves and acorns, an imperial lion, two dolphins representing Britain's sea power, the emblem of Imperial Germany's eagle being torn to pieces by another lion. The medallion is incased in a heavy card envelope. The medallion is accompanied with Walker's wings RFC and RAAF,Inscribed around face of medallion: He died for freedom and honour A rectangular tablet cast on front of medallion inscribed: John Mercer Walkerjohn-mercer-walker, death-penny, ballarat-college, w-w-1, world-war-one, -
Bendigo Military Museum
Award - MEDAL, Post WWI
John Fawcett Shawe No 1190 enlisted in the 8th Batt AIF on 17.9.1914 age 32 years. Embarked for Eygpt 22.12.1914, embark for Gallipoli 5.4.1915, WIA 25.4.15 GSW right leg, rejoin unit 31.5.1915, WIA 12.7.1915, GSW's, records state both thighs, sides then finally chest. Return to Australia 17.3.1916, discharged from the AIF 6.8.1916. (The medal was previously used to show awards in a different context, Shawe did not win a MID) Medal, court mounted, (1) re J F SHAWE. Victory medal with metal oak leaf MID.1190 PTE J F SHAWE 8 BN AIFmedals, military, history, passchendaele barracks trust -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book, Hearts of Oak
This book was part of a large group of books referred to as the Pattison Collection, which belonged to the Warrnambool Public Library, part of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute. About RALPH ERIC PATTISON and the ‘PATTISON COLLECTION’ The ‘Pattison Collection’ is a collection of books and records that was originally owned by the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute, founded in Warrnambool in 1853. By 1886 the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute (WMI) had grown to have a Library, Museum and Fine Arts Gallery, with a collection of “… choice productions of art and valuable specimens in almost every branch and many wonderful national curiosities are now to be seen there, including historic relics of the town and district.” It later included a School of Design. Although it was very well patronised, the WMI was led to ask the City Council to take it over in 1911 due to lack of financial support. In 1935 Ralph Pattison was appointed as City Librarian to establish and organise the Warrnambool Public Library as it was then called. Ralph Eric Pattison was born in Rockhampton, Queensland, in 1891. He married Maude Swan from Warrnambool in 1920 and they set up home in Warrnambool. In 1935 when Pattison accepted the position as City Librarian for the Warrnambool City Council his huge challenge was to make a functional library within two rooms of the Mechanics’ Institute. He tirelessly cleaned, cleared and sorted a disarrayed collection of old books, jars of preserved specimens and other items reserved for exhibition in the city’s museum. He developed and updated the library with a wide variety of books for all tastes, including reference books for students; a difficult task to fulfil during the years following the Depression. He converted all of the lower areas of the building into a library, reference room and reading room for members and the public. The books were sorted and stored using a cataloguing and card index system that he had developed himself. He also prepared the upper floor of the building and established the Art Gallery and later the Museum, a place to exhibit the many old relics that had been stored for years for this purpose. One of the treasures he found was a beautiful ancient clock, which he repaired, restored and enjoyed using in his office during the years of his service there. Ralph Pattison was described as “a meticulous gentleman whose punctuality, floorless courtesy and distinctive neat dress were hallmarks of his character, and ‘his’ clock controlled his daily routine and his opening and closing of the library’s large heavy doors to the minute.” Pattison took leave from 1942 to 1945 to serve in the Royal Australian Navy, Volunteer Reserve as Lieutenant. A few years later he converted one of the Museum’s rooms into a Children’s Library, stocking it with suitable books for the younger generation. This was an instant success. In the 1950’s he had the honour of being appointed to the Victorian Library Board and received more inspiration from the monthly conferences in Melbourne. He was sadly retired in 1959 after over 23 years of service, due to the fact that he had gone over the working age of council officers. However, he continued to take a very keen interest in the continual development of the Library until his death in 1969. THE NEW WARRNAMBOOL LIBRARY When the WMI building was pulled down in 1963 a new civic building was erected on the site and the new Warrnambool Library, on behalf of the City Council, took over all the holdings of the WMI. At this time some of the items were separated and identified as the ‘Pattison Collection’, named after Pattison. Eventually, the components of the WMI were distributed from the Warrnambool Library to various places, including the Art Gallery, Historical Society and Flagstaff Hill. Later some were even distributed to other regional branches of Corangamite Regional Library and passed to and fro. It is difficult now to trace just where all of the items have ended up. The books at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village generally display stamps and markings from Pattison as well as a variety of other institutions including the Mechanics’ Institute itself. WARRNAMBOOL PUBLIC LIBRARY The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute (WMI) was formed by a voluntary community group in 1863, within six years of Warrnambool’s beginnings, and its Reading Room opened in 1854. The WMI operated until 1963, at which time it was one of the oldest Mechanics’ Institutes in Victoria. Mechanics’ Institutes offered important services to the public including libraries, reading rooms and places to display and store collections of all sorts such as curiosities and local historical relics. In 1886 a Museum and Fine Arts Gallery were added to the WMI and by the beginning of the 20th century, there was also a billiards room and a School of Art. By this time all Mechanics’ Institutes in country Victoria had museums attached. Over the years the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute Library was also known as the Warrnambool Public Library the Warrnambool Library and the Free Library. Early funding from the government was for the “Free Library”. The inscription in a book “Science of Man” was for the “Warrnambool Public Library”, donated by Joseph Archibald in 1899. Another inscription in the book “Catalogue of Plants Under Cultivation in the Melbourne Botanic Gardens 1 & 2, 1883” was presented to the “Warrnambool Library” and signed by the author W.R. Guilfoyle. In 1903 the Warrnambool Public Library decided to add a Juvenile Department to library and stock it with hundreds of books suitable for youth. In 1905 the Public Library committee decided to update the collection of books and added 100 new novels plus arrangements for the latest novels to be included as soon as they were available in Victoria. In July 1911 the Warrnambool Council took over the management of the Public Library, Art Gallery, Museum and Mechanics’ Institute and planned to double the size of the then-current building. In 1953, when Mr R. Pattison was Public Librarian, the Warrnambool Public Library’s senior section 10,000 of the 13,000 books were fiction. The children’s section offered an additional 3,400 books. The library had the equivalent of one book per head of population and served around 33 per cent of the reading population. The collection of books was made up of around 60 per cent reference and 40 per cent fiction. The library was lending 400 books per day. In 1963 the Warrnambool City Council allocated the site of the Mechanics’ Institute building, which included the Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery, for the new Municipal Offices and the Collections were dispersed until 1971. The Warrnambool Library took over the Mechanics’ Institute Library’s holdings on behalf of the Warrnambool City Council. Since the closure of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute the exact location and composition of the original WMI books and items have become unclear. Other materials have been added to the collection, including items from Terang MI, Warrnambool Court House and Customs House. Many of the books have been identified as the Pattison Collection, named after the Librarian who catalogued and numbered the books during his time as Warrnambool Public Librarian in the time before the Mechanics’ Institute closed. It seems that when Warrnambool became part of the Corangamite Regional Library some of the books and materials went to its head office in Colac and then back to Warrnambool where they were stored at the Art Gallery for quite some time. Some then went to the Warrnambool Historical Society, some stayed at the Art Gallery and some were moved to Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village. The various stamps and labels on the books held at Flagstaff Hill show the variety of the collection’s distribution and origin. The books in the collection at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village date from the 1850s to the late 1950s and include rare and valuable volumes. Many of the books are part of the “Pattison Collection” after the Warrnambool’s Public Librarian, Mr R. Pattison. The Pattison Collection, along with other items at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, was originally part of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute’s collection. The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute Collection is primarily significant in its totality, rather than for the individual objects it contains. Its contents are highly representative of the development of Mechanics' Institute libraries across Australia, particularly Victoria. A diversity of publications and themes has been amassed, and these provide clues to our understanding of the nature of and changes in the reading habits of Victorians from the 1850s to the middle of the 20th century. The collection also highlights the Warrnambool community’s commitment to the Mechanics’ Institute, reading, literacy and learning in the regions, and proves that access to knowledge was not impeded by distance. These items help to provide a more complete picture of our community’s ideals and aspirations. The Warrnambool Mechanics Institute book collection has historical and social significance for its strong association with the Mechanics Institute movement and the important role it played in the intellectual, cultural and social development of people throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The collection of books is a rare example of an early lending library and its significance is enhanced by the survival of an original collection of many volumes. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute’s publication collection is of both local and state significance. Hearts of Oak Author: Gordon Stables Publisher: John F Shaw & Co Date: 1930 Further Information: A Story of Nelson and the NavyThe label on the spine cover with typed text PAT FIC STA Pastedown front endpaper has a sticker from Warrnambool Public Library covered by a sticker from Corangamite Regional Library Service Front loose endpaper has a sticker from Warrnambool Public LibraryFront loose endpaper has a stamp from Corangamite Regional Library Service Flyleaf has a stamp from Warrnambool Public Library flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, book, pattison collection, warrnambool library, warrnambool mechanics’ institute, ralph eric pattison, corangamite regional library service, warrnambool city librarian, mechanics’ institute library, victorian library board, warrnambool books and records, warrnambool children’s library, hearts of oak, gordon stables, nelson -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph - Photograph, Black and white, Reverend John Reginald Weller, The Chaplain's Quarters: Dining Room, c. 1926
This photograph depicts the interior of the dining room of the Manse with the 6 chairs and table decorated with flowers. Behind the table is the arched cast iron fireplace (lost) with mantelpiece with a clock and candelabras. On the left side we can see the corner of the oak console and on the right another cupboard and a framed painting. The photograph also shows the wooden floor covered with rugs. Unfortunately it has been carpeted in the late 20th century.This photograph is a rare view of the Manse and the private life of a chaplain. It also depicts the original and now heritage listed arts and crafts furniture dating from around 1909.Black and white interior photograph of the dining table and chairs taken in the Manse room. Chaplain's quarter: dining roomreverend john reginald weller (1880-1969), manse, table, chairs, mantelpiece, fireplace, weller album, dining suite -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Furniture - Writing Desk, 1928
In the Jottings Midwinter 1928: " We have had a splendidement addition in the Apprentices' Room (Level 1) - a beautiful polistes oak writing table with a glass top. It is large enough for two people to write letters at the same time, and is the lift of the Misses Breaks, in memory of their mother." Alice Jobson was born in 1856 Alice, born at St. John’s Westminster, England. On the 23rd. May, 1876 she married James Lennox Breaks at Holy Trinity Church of England at Williamstown, Victoria. James Breaks was born c.1848 in Portsmouth, England. At age 22, he sailed on the maidden voyage of the HMVS Cerberus from England to Australia via the Suez Canal. He was one of the 3 junior engineers. James and Alice Breaks had two daughters – Louise Amy born at Williamstown in 1877 and Alice Maud born at Williamstown in 1879. James remained associated with the Cerberus until his death. On the 6th. February, 1919, James Lenox Breaks, “Engineer Commander R.A.N.”, died at 34 The Strand, Williamstown from Chronic nephritis and Cardiac failure. James, aged 70 years at the time of his death, was buried in the Williamstown Cemetery. In 1920, Alice donated the model of the Cerberus made by James, to the Melbourne Museum. Alice Breaks passed away on the 31st of May 1927 in her 71st year.The Breaks were a locals of Williamstown. James Breaks was Engineedr-Commander on the HMS Cerberus and Mrs Breaks and their daughters (Maud and Louise) were all volunteering at the Williamstown Mission.Wooden table with two drawers and plaque on the top.On the plaque: In memory of / Alice Breaks / Mother to many a sailor lad / Far from his native home / Whose praise is in the seven seasmaude breaks, louise (lulu) amy breaks, alice breaks nee jobson, ladies harbour lights guild, williamstown, hms cerberus, james l. breaks -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Donaldson Oak, Donaldson Road, Kangaroo Ground, 1986, 1986
... oak john anstruther davidson donaldson kangaroo ground ...Used for the Society's Banner project. [note written by Joy Ness, "View Hill", Kangaroo Ground, 11 June 1986:] In 1878 while on a trip to Scotland and England, John Donaldson visited Windsor Castle Park, where he collected some acorns which he brought back to Australia, to his property, "Kangaroo Hall" at Kangaroo Ground. He and his son John Anstruther Davidson Donaldson, who was then 10 years old, planted one near the present Donaldson's Lane, in 1878. This is now a very fine tree, 108 years old. This information comes from Miss Victoria Donaldson, daughter of John Anstruther Davidson Donaldson. Miss Donaldson suggests that Wippell's Oak at Kangaroo Ground may also have been grown from one of the same Windsor Park acorns.Colour photographactivities, banner project, donaldsons oak, john anstruther davidson donaldson, kangaroo ground, significant trees, william donaldson -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Donaldson's Oak, Donaldsons Road, Kangaroo Ground, c.1967
... Quercus Robur (English Oak) - Was planted by John Donaldson... melbourne Quercus Robur (English Oak) - Was planted by John ...Quercus Robur (English Oak) - Was planted by John Donaldson from seed collected from Windsor Great Park in 1878. Used for the Society's Banner project Joy Ness "View Hill" Kangaroo Ground June 11th 1986 In 1878 while on a trip to Scotland and England, John Donaldson visited Windsor Castle Park, where he collected some acorns which he brought back to Australia, to his property, "Kangaroo Hall" at Kangaroo Ground. He and his son John Anstruther Davidson Donaldson, who was then 10 years old, planted one near the present Donaldsons Lane, in 1878. This is now a very fine tree, 108 years old. This information comes from Miss Victoria Donaldson, daughter of John Anstruther Davidson Donaldson. Miss Donaldson suggests that "Wippell's Oak" at Kangaroo Ground may also have been grown from one of the same Windsor Park acorns.Colour Polaroid photographtrees, donaldsons oak, donaldson, donaldson road, kangaroo ground -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Booklet, Exercise Book, C 1946
... oils, A J Oakes Port Fairy, John Newton Port FairyAlex J King... clothing Warrnambool, X-L Motor oils, A J Oakes Port Fairy, John ...These books were provided free of charge to pupils thanks to the support of the advertisers. The front pages which possibly contained student's work have been torn from the book and the following pages contain lists of names, times and dates . The entries relate to work at places such as E A Wright, Infectious diseases hospital, Ray Barnes as well as many names of local people and areas. Most appear to be associated with electrical work.A link to the district containing names of local people and the cover provides an interesting snapshot of businesses around the district in the 1940's.Green card cover with exercise book inside.There are advertisements for businesses on the outside and inside front cover.Some are local businesses and others relate to businesses further afield. In the top RH corner "Homework Exercise Book" is printed.John M Reid is handwritten at top of front cover.Advertisements included are for the following businesses: J C Williams & Co Port Fairy, Vic Becker clothing Warrnambool, X-L Motor oils, A J Oakes Port Fairy, John Newton Port FairyAlex J King Port Fairy Mrs A V Smith Koroit, R S Corson Koroit , W F Brebner Warrnambool,W J Gee Koroit,Vacuum Oil Company, SPC canned fruits Shepparton.warrnambool, john m reid warrnambool, port fairy, koroit and district state schools, homework exercise book -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Document (Item) - Report, John F. Waghorn, Yarra Track, Unknown
A report on the history of the Yarra Track by John Waghorn, a local amateur historian.A report on the history of the Yarra Track by John Waghorn, a local amateur historian. John Waghorn was an amateur historian, an authority on the history of Victoria's postal services. He could tell you how mail was delivered in the high country in the 1880s, where the town of Gobur was, or when the overland Melbourne-Sydney mail service began. He admitted that his hobby has got a little out of hand. He had 30 filing cabinets, and indexes of more than 70,000 postal workers over the past 160 years crammed into three rooms at his home. If an ancestor was a postmaster in a Victorian town, he may have been able to reveal the person's occupation, income and working conditions.yarra track, john waghorn, victoria's postal services, wood's point, sydney road, longwood, merton, mansfield, postmasters, bonnie doon, melville merton mansfield, eltham, healesville, marysville, walhalla, melbourne-warburton-wood's point line, loose bags, heidelberg post office, eltham post office, kangaroo ground post office, yarra glen post office, marysville post office, healesville post office, mansfield post office, jamieson post office, gaffney's creek post office, wood's point post office, postal department, george rieck, stockman, jones, beecher, stockman's reward, big river, mary mcdonald, upper yarra river, donovan's creek, cornelius donovan, bridget buggy, matlock, alexandra, william farrell, jordan diggings, new chum, watts river, black spur, narbethong, granton, acheron river, mount strickland, paradise plains, mount grant, mount arnold, jordan goldfields, william robley, robley's spur, big river crossing, great dividing range, cumberland valley, james mcguigan, w elliot, christopher harrison, james marsh, cobb and co, box hill, lilydale, fehrings, koehlers, shaws, bear creek, cairnsville, cumberland creek, walkers, golden bower mine, collins' mountain home hotel, walsh's creek post office, rosa mcveigh, frank barton, hitchins, matthew kennedy, william morris, e r nichols, t woods, tom burchell, peter kerr, henry kuyper, william podlech, george koehler, henry brockmann, henry petty, thomas smith, jacob butchart, john perry, slingsby davis, royal mail hotel, walter gray, john summers, travellers rest hotel, lockington, the oaks, the springs, st clair, thomas crawford, springvale hotel, john sinclair, saint clair hotel, gould, mathews, willie we have missed you hotel, germany, johan fehring, adelaide, linton, ballarat, gunbower, murray river, anna katerina fehring, 1890s depression, land boom, fehring place, fred baker, alf sparke, fehring's hotel, mcveigh's hotel, wood's point mountaineer, l cox, victorian country directories, letson cox, coburg, maria hayes, setson, fitzroy, richmond, john cox, jordan river, jericho, e. norris, le poidevin, newell, o'brien, alhambra, sinclair, parker, ellis, tripp, quin, vernon, thompson, charsley, james fahie, george locke, william chester, chesterville, kirwan, cumberland reserve, blue spruce, e.s. and a bank, selby joyce, selby charles joy, selby joseph joyce -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Document (Item) - Document-Table, Judith Vimpani, Yarra Track Hostelries- Marysville to Woods Point, Unknown
A document outlining all the hostelries that existed along the Yarra Track between Marysville and Wood's Point.A document outling all the hostelries that existed along the Yarra Track between Marysville and Wood's Point.yarra track, marysville, wood's point, woods point, fernshaw, paradise plains, black spur, mount grant, george edwards, walker family, melbourne, new chum, hit & miss restaurant, mr clifford, michael woods, glen watts, tri bhean hotel, ewen cameron, ewen hugh cameron, thomas barton, butler's wood's point directory, globe hotel, swanston street, mount juliet, ben more & c, jordan district, jefferson's watts bridge inn, matthew jefferson, reefer's hotel, boyle's hotel, william henry johnson, samuel boyle, black spur hotel, fisher's creek, narbethong, fisher's home hotel, black spur inn, frederick fisher, william hodson, wood's point road, acheron river, acheron bridge hotel, john robson, granton, clifford, wilks creek, wilks creek hotel, patrick maloney, steavenson, marysville hotel, australian hotel, junction hotel, the dutchman's restaurant, henry kuyper, william podlech, mount arnold, mount arnold hotel, charles schultz, james toohey, john gleeson, joy burchall, ian newman, henry brockman, belle isle, belle elle, bellell creek, upper yarra, guerin's bridge, bell's hotel, henry petty, celia moran, ruth petty, cumberland creek, cumberland creek store and restaurant, cumberland creek hotel, charles edwin hargreaves, annie hargreaves, urina hargreaves, alice hargreaves, healesville, josiah hargreaves, henderson drysdale, henry whelan, halfway house, thomas smith, svendson, gosling, donovans creek, chesterville, perry's hotel, john perry, perry's coach and horses hotel, edward courtney, scandinavian hotel, the swede's, walker's hotel, jacob burchart, golden fleece, theodore kappler, george koehler's hotel, david walker, millicent walker, elsie jowett, bill walker, big river, royal mail hotel, shaw's, slingsby davies, edwin jones, elizabeth jane parker, sandridge, archibald charles edwin jones, matlock, alexander myers, frank berwick frederick jones, ned jones, jennie jones, sophie milllicent parker jones, thomas shaw, dorothy walker, travellers rest hotel, reefton, summers, john fehring, f fehring, katerina fehring, john christoph blumeyer, anne fehring, john baker, evelyn observer, anna katrina baker, hannah catherine baker, john frederick baker, mcmahon's creek, oaks, the springs, st clair, sinclair's valley, mountain home hotel, neilson, collins, waters, jan emma sinclair, john sinclair, mr cox, peter sinclair, willie we have missed you hotel, spring vale hotel, robert matthews, thomas crawford -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Labassa, 4 Manor Grove, Circa 1972
This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. HISTORY:-- From Victorian Heritage Database citation for Labassa as at (26/10/2020) Labassa, Caulfield is one of Melbourne's most lavishly decorated nineteenth century mansions. It resulted from the extensive remodelling in 1890, of an earlier house, known as Sylliott Hill, which was begun in 1862-3 for lawyer, Richard A. Billing. The land at the corner of Balaclava and Orrong Roads was first acquired in 1854 by William Lyall, transferred to his partner, John Mickle, in 1859, who also acquired the adjoining allotment in Balaclava Road, and the three allotments were conveyed to Billing. His first eight-roomed house was extended significantly in 1873 into a twenty-roomed house by architects Crouch and Wilson, who were possibly also responsible for the first house. This reflected Billing's success as a barrister, and he resided at this property until his death in 1882. In 1883 prominent Melbourne businessman, Alexander William Robertson, leased the Sylliott Hill property from Billing's widow, and in 1885 he purchased the adjoining allotment in Balaclava Road. He purchased the Billing's property in 1887 and renamed the 6.31 hectare property, Ontario. In 1889-90, Robertson commissioned the German born architect, John A. B. Koch, to extensively remodel the house into a thirty-five roomed mansion. The existing house was extended and altered, largely resulting in the nineteenth century mansion as it now appears. After Robertson's death in 1896, the house was tenanted until it was eventually sold to the mining millionaire, John Boyd Watson, in 1904. He renamed the property Labassa and carried out repair and re-decoration work to the house. In the early twentieth century, many large estates were subdivided into smaller allotments as the demand for land grew and it became difficult to maintain such large estates. After Watson's death in 1911, portions of the Labassa estate were offered for sale, with Mrs Watson retaining a 1.73 hectare portion containing the house. In 1913 forty-six allotments were auctioned at Labassa Estate, with the formation of Labassa Grove and Ontario Street to the east of the property. Labassa was first recorded as containing flats in 1923 and in the late 1920s, the owner, Robert Hannon, built a red brick block of flats adjacent to the house. Subdivision continued, until the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) purchased the house in 1980 and subsequently purchased adjoining sites, one to the south-east in 1984 (house demolished in 1988) and to the west in 1988. Labassa as it now stands is substantially as it appeared when Koch completed the work in 1890. The original two storey house was transformed into a French Renaissance style mansion, with the addition of a two level L-shaped arcaded verandah and two prominent terminating bays to the south and the east. The building is of unpainted cement render with dressed bluestone plinths, balustraded parapet and steep, slate covered, flat topped mansard roofs behind. A truncated conical roof is a feature of the south bay and a helmeted head is incorporated in the parapet over the east bay. The main south and east facades incorporate many cast cement details, including sculptures, elaborate cornices, swagged Corinthian columns and caryatid consoles flanking the entrance porch, as well as pink marble panels and imitation marble, or scagliola, on curved surfaces. At the rear of the building is a two storey wing and a single storey cottage, the former being connected to the main house by a tower. This section of the house was constructed in 1873. The estate at its peak included stables (1873), conservatory (probably 1890) and a tennis pavilion (probably 1890). All of these outbuildings survive, with the stables and conservatory being converted for residential use after 1922. Internally a range of decorative treatments remain from the late nineteenth century and the early twentieth century, both from the Robertson and Watson periods of occupancy. These include wallpapers, ceiling decoration, chimney pieces, mouldings, joinery and decorative glass. From Victorian Heritage Database citation for H0135 Labassa 2/2A Manor Grove Caulfield North as at (26/10/2020) HOW IS IT SIGNIFICANT? Labassa, Caulfield is of architectural, aesthetic and historical significance to the State of Victoria. WHY IS IT SIGNIFICANT? Labassa, Caulfield is of architectural significance as the most prominent example of a small number of houses built in Australia in the French Renaissance style. It is of further note due to the German interpretation of the style and the use of Hellenistic sources, via Germany. It is exceptional for its lavish treatment externally, including marble, scagliola, caryatids, swagged columns, mansard roofs and ornamental cresting. Labassa is of architectural significance as the most important surviving example of German architect, John Koch's domestic work. He undertook a large variety of work in Melbourne, including a number of houses, however Labassa is the most lavish example of his work. Labassa is of aesthetic significance for its outstanding assemblage of late nineteenth and early twentieth century European style interior decoration, which remain remarkably intact. These include a trompe l'oeil ceiling, painted ceilings, embossed imitation leather and other papers, chimney pieces, ceramic tilework, oak parquetry and stained glass, including a tripartite window by Ferguson and Urie, probably dating from the 1873 period. Labassa is of historical significance as an illustrative example of the wealth acquired by a number of prominent Victorian families in the second half of the 19th century. The early development of the property, Sylliott Hill, was due to the wealth acquired by Richard Billing, barrister and fifth Victorian to be appointed Queen's Counsel in 1878. The significant development in 1890 of Ontario, is illustrative of the wealth of Alexander Robertson, a partner in Cobb and Co., a director of Goldsborough Mort & Co., and a pastoral speculator. John B. Watson, whose father had acquired great wealth from the goldfields of Bendigo and subsequently invested in city and country properties, was the third resident to impact on the house, particularly the interiors. The Labassa estate is of historical significance as an illustrative example of the development that occurred in such suburbs as Caulfield in the 1880s due to the land boom, its proximity to Melbourne and the establishment of the Melbourne to Gippsland railway in 1879. It is also illustrative of an estate which succumbed to the pressures of subdividing in the early twentieth century, as properties became difficult to maintain and demand for land close to the city grew. It was typically divided into flats in the 1920s and was used as such for about sixty years. It is of historical significance for its associations with the remnants of the earlier estate which remain extant. These include the stables, conservatory (H2005) and tennis pavilion which all remain on separate sites. Also significant are the remains of early electrical wiring and fittings. Labassa was one of the first houses in Caulfield to be electrified and some of the original wires remain. [Online Data Upgrade Project 2004]Page 128 of Photograph Album with four photographs (two portrait and two landscape) of Labassa.Handwritten: "Labassa" 4 Manor Grove [top right] / Neg 232 8 Oct 1966 [under bottom right photo] / 128 [bottom right]trevor hart, bracketed eaves, slate roof, bay windows, decorative brackets, caulfield north, labassa, richard a. billing, balaclava road, orrong road, sylliott hill, william lyall, crouch and wilson, alexander william robertson, ontario, 1880's, john a. b. koch, mansion, john boyd watson, labassa grove, french renaissance style, l-shaped arcaded verandah, bluestone plinths, balustraded parapet, flat topped mansard roofs, conical roof, elaborate cornices, corinthian columns, caryatid consoles, marble panels, imitation marble, scagliola, tower, conservatory, stables, tennis pavilion, mouldings, decorative glass, caryatids, swagged columns, ornamental cresting, trompe l'oeil ceiling, embossed imitation leather, oak parquetry, stained glass, tripartite window, triple window, ferguson and urie, 1870's, flats, 1920's, electric wiring, 1860's, verandahs, curved windows, arched windows, italianate, terraces, gargoyles, ornamentation, ornate entrance, la bassa, manor grove, st kilda east, victorian, cast iron work, john koch, richard billing, architects, electrification, john mickle, land subdivision, mrs watson, labassa estate, robert hannon, national trust of australia (victoria), sculpture -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Labassa, 4 Manor Grove, Circa 1972
This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. HISTORY:-- From Victorian Heritage Database citation for Labassa as at (26/10/2020) Labassa, Caulfield is one of Melbourne's most lavishly decorated nineteenth century mansions. It resulted from the extensive remodelling in 1890, of an earlier house, known as Sylliott Hill, which was begun in 1862-3 for lawyer, Richard A. Billing. The land at the corner of Balaclava and Orrong Roads was first acquired in 1854 by William Lyall, transferred to his partner, John Mickle, in 1859, who also acquired the adjoining allotment in Balaclava Road, and the three allotments were conveyed to Billing. His first eight-roomed house was extended significantly in 1873 into a twenty-roomed house by architects Crouch and Wilson, who were possibly also responsible for the first house. This reflected Billing's success as a barrister, and he resided at this property until his death in 1882. In 1883 prominent Melbourne businessman, Alexander William Robertson, leased the Sylliott Hill property from Billing's widow, and in 1885 he purchased the adjoining allotment in Balaclava Road. He purchased the Billing's property in 1887 and renamed the 6.31 hectare property, Ontario. In 1889-90, Robertson commissioned the German born architect, John A. B. Koch, to extensively remodel the house into a thirty-five roomed mansion. The existing house was extended and altered, largely resulting in the nineteenth century mansion as it now appears. After Robertson's death in 1896, the house was tenanted until it was eventually sold to the mining millionaire, John Boyd Watson, in 1904. He renamed the property Labassa and carried out repair and re-decoration work to the house. In the early twentieth century, many large estates were subdivided into smaller allotments as the demand for land grew and it became difficult to maintain such large estates. After Watson's death in 1911, portions of the Labassa estate were offered for sale, with Mrs Watson retaining a 1.73 hectare portion containing the house. In 1913 forty-six allotments were auctioned at Labassa Estate, with the formation of Labassa Grove and Ontario Street to the east of the property. Labassa was first recorded as containing flats in 1923 and in the late 1920s, the owner, Robert Hannon, built a red brick block of flats adjacent to the house. Subdivision continued, until the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) purchased the house in 1980 and subsequently purchased adjoining sites, one to the south-east in 1984 (house demolished in 1988) and to the west in 1988. Labassa as it now stands is substantially as it appeared when Koch completed the work in 1890. The original two storey house was transformed into a French Renaissance style mansion, with the addition of a two level L-shaped arcaded verandah and two prominent terminating bays to the south and the east. The building is of unpainted cement render with dressed bluestone plinths, balustraded parapet and steep, slate covered, flat topped mansard roofs behind. A truncated conical roof is a feature of the south bay and a helmeted head is incorporated in the parapet over the east bay. The main south and east facades incorporate many cast cement details, including sculptures, elaborate cornices, swagged Corinthian columns and caryatid consoles flanking the entrance porch, as well as pink marble panels and imitation marble, or scagliola, on curved surfaces. At the rear of the building is a two storey wing and a single storey cottage, the former being connected to the main house by a tower. This section of the house was constructed in 1873. The estate at its peak included stables (1873), conservatory (probably 1890) and a tennis pavilion (probably 1890). All of these outbuildings survive, with the stables and conservatory being converted for residential use after 1922. Internally a range of decorative treatments remain from the late nineteenth century and the early twentieth century, both from the Robertson and Watson periods of occupancy. These include wallpapers, ceiling decoration, chimney pieces, mouldings, joinery and decorative glass.From Victorian Heritage Database citation for H0135 Labassa 2/2A Manor Grove Caulfield North as at (26/10/2020) HOW IS IT SIGNIFICANT? Labassa, Caulfield is of architectural, aesthetic and historical significance to the State of Victoria. WHY IS IT SIGNIFICANT? Labassa, Caulfield is of architectural significance as the most prominent example of a small number of houses built in Australia in the French Renaissance style. It is of further note due to the German interpretation of the style and the use of Hellenistic sources, via Germany. It is exceptional for its lavish treatment externally, including marble, scagliola, caryatids, swagged columns, mansard roofs and ornamental cresting. Labassa is of architectural significance as the most important surviving example of German architect, John Koch's domestic work. He undertook a large variety of work in Melbourne, including a number of houses, however Labassa is the most lavish example of his work. Labassa is of aesthetic significance for its outstanding assemblage of late nineteenth and early twentieth century European style interior decoration, which remain remarkably intact. These include a trompe l'oeil ceiling, painted ceilings, embossed imitation leather and other papers, chimney pieces, ceramic tilework, oak parquetry and stained glass, including a tripartite window by Ferguson and Urie, probably dating from the 1873 period. Labassa is of historical significance as an illustrative example of the wealth acquired by a number of prominent Victorian families in the second half of the 19th century. The early development of the property, Sylliott Hill, was due to the wealth acquired by Richard Billing, barrister and fifth Victorian to be appointed Queen's Counsel in 1878. The significant development in 1890 of Ontario, is illustrative of the wealth of Alexander Robertson, a partner in Cobb and Co., a director of Goldsborough Mort & Co., and a pastoral speculator. John B. Watson, whose father had acquired great wealth from the goldfields of Bendigo and subsequently invested in city and country properties, was the third resident to impact on the house, particularly the interiors. The Labassa estate is of historical significance as an illustrative example of the development that occurred in such suburbs as Caulfield in the 1880s due to the land boom, its proximity to Melbourne and the establishment of the Melbourne to Gippsland railway in 1879. It is also illustrative of an estate which succumbed to the pressures of subdividing in the early twentieth century, as properties became difficult to maintain and demand for land close to the city grew. It was typically divided into flats in the 1920s and was used as such for about sixty years. It is of historical significance for its associations with the remnants of the earlier estate which remain extant. These include the stables, conservatory (H2005) and tennis pavilion which all remain on separate sites. Also significant are the remains of early electrical wiring and fittings. Labassa was one of the first houses in Caulfield to be electrified and some of the original wires remain. [Online Data Upgrade Project 2004]Page 129 of Photograph Album with three landscape photographs of Labassa. One of the photographs is of Labassa's drive and gates.Handwritten: 4 JUNE 1910 / SALE JUNE 28 1910 "LA BASSA' / "AUSTRALASIAN" FORMERLY "ONTARIO"/ RES OF JOHN B WATSON / 15 ACRES 3 ROADS [under bottom left photo] / 4 JUNE 1910 [under bottom right photo] / 129 [bottom left]trevor hart, bracketed eaves, intricate lacework, slate roof, bay windows, decorative brackets, caulfield north, labassa, richard a. billing, balaclava road, orrong road, sylliott hill, william lyall, crouch and wilson, alexander william robertson, ontario, 1880's, john a. b. koch, mansion, john boyd watson, labassa grove, french renaissance style, l-shaped arcaded verandah, bluestone plinths, balustraded parapet, flat topped mansard roofs, conical roof, elaborate cornices, corinthian columns, caryatid consoles, marble panels, imitation marble, scagliola, tower, conservatory, stables, tennis pavilion, mouldings, decorative glass, caryatids, swagged columns, ornamental cresting, trompe l'oeil ceiling, embossed imitation leather, oak parquetry, stained glass, tripartite window, triple window, ferguson and urie, 1870's, flats, 1920's, electric wiring, 1860's, verandahs, curved windows, arched windows, italianate, terraces, gargoyles, ornamentation, ornate entrance, la bassa, manor grove, st kilda east, gates, cast iron work, richard billing, architects, john koch, electrification, victorian style, drives, john mickle, land subdivision, mrs watson, labassa estate, robert hannon, national trust of australia (victoria), sculpture -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Book - St. Clement’s Church of England, Elsternwick
2 copies of ‘Our First 100 Years Saint Clement's Elsternwick’, a 48 page book on the history of the church. Includes early photos of church, church members, interior of church, church furniture, nine stained glass windows and photographs of Rev. John Hislop, Rev. H. B. Macartney, Rev. H. W. H. Adeney, Rev. George Sproule, Rev. Hugh H. Gardner, Rev. Alfred Ernest Albert Britten, Rev. John Henry Frewin, Rev. Karl Egbert Hamilton, Rev. Colin J. Cohn, Rev. George Tooth, Rev. John Rowse. Includes clement’s church of england, st. clement’s anglican church, elsternwick, covey joan, moore alison, parkinson stephen, hislop john rev., allman beatrice, cohn colin, frewin nell, morris phyllis, hayman miriam e., kirke clarice, rowse john rev., tooth george rev., foundation stone, stanley st., manses, macartney h. b. rev., adeney h. w. h. rev, sproule george rev., oak avenue, gardner hugh h. rev., britten alfred ernest albert rev., frewin john henry rev., patterson nellie, moore mary elizabeth, hamilton karl egbert, hamilton mrs. karl, britten alfred mrs., cohn charlotte, cohn lottie, tooth brenda, stanley street, rowse kay, roselea street, caulfield south, anglican church, sunday schools, religious groups, clergy, davies j. h., mccombie street, caulfield grammar school, st. mary’s caulfield, carre-riddell t. w., stained glass, organs -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Anthea Hyslop, The Aim in View: A Pictorial Guide to the History of Ballarat Base Hospital, 1984
The Ballarat Base Hospital opened in 1956. Since that time it became a 'vast, complex, modern establishment. 24 page booklet with brown and white cover illustrating the Cogne drawing of the Hospital. Text and pictures is in brown ink.Inside front cover: 'Sue Turale BCAE'hospital, freemason, henry cuthbert, ballarat college of advanced education, nursing, nurse, ambulance, bcae, thomas hillas, william whitcombe, walter lindsay richardson, william eyres, daniel brophy, ann neilson, sarah bishop, robert pinnock, saa zichy woinarski, george morrison, chinese morrison, thomas treloar, x-ray, jj fitzgerald, james coglan, william acheson, jessie vale, fj martell, rosa quarterman, influenza epidemic, mrs eagleton, john ross, victor stone, margaret mcgrath, george oakes, bill sorrell, jm little, charles molloy, jm langham -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Certificate, Poster presented to those who arrived in Australia prior to1866 Hearts of Oak in Oaken Ships.given to John and Anne Barker and 5 children in 1850
One of the Baker Granddaughter Amy Thelma married Stanley Wieland and this document is on page 84 of the book "Wiielands of Heathmont.Picture of Sailing ship Australia Bound . Hearts of oak in oaken ships. Founders of Australia.who arrived prior to 1866. In Commemoration of the Founders of Australian branch of this family. Recorded in the book "Founders of Australia".by Mrs. E.A. Butterworth (Granddaughter) added later in ink Name John and Anne Baker and 5 children Where from London Ship Omega Port of Arrival; Port Henry , Geelong Year 1850 -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White, 'Oak Bank' later 'Whitehouse' Ann St. McKinnon c1920, c1960
'Oak Bank ' , in Ann Street McKinnon, was originally owned by Mr Robert Smith. The house was later renamed 'The Whitehouse' and was still in use as a General Hospital in the 1950's, known as the Ann Street Hospital.. This small hospital handled some Surgery, Midwifery and general Medical cases from the fast growing Bentleigh / McKinnon area. As time progressed the Hospital became too small, and was unable to meet new medical standards When Moorabbin Community Hospital opened c1974 in Centre Road East Bentleigh, the Ann St Hospital closed. The Moorabbin Hospital is now a campus of Monash Medical Centre Clayton. 'The Whitehouse' was used as a general Hospital for the residents of McKinnon, Bentleigh, and Ormond for many years during the 20thC.Colour photograph showing Mrs John Marriott ( nee Ann Smith) , her son Fred Marriott standing outside 'The Whitehouse' undated ? c1960Back ; Handwritten informationoakbank house mckinnon, whitehouse mckinnon, ann street general hospital, moorabbin community hospital, monash hospital clayton, smith robert, lees seedling growers ltd. thomas street mckinnon,mith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Wood sample
This oak wood sample is part of the wooden barque, the Grange, built in 1840. The wood sample was recovered from the shipwreck of the Grange in around 1968, 110 years after the Grange was wrecked (see below for further details on the Grange). It is part of the John Chance Collection. THE GRANGE, 1840-1858- The wooden barque ’Grange’ was a three-masted ship built in Scotland in 1840 for international and coastal trade. On March 22, 1858, the Grange set sail from Melbourne under Captain A. Alexander, carrying a cargo of ballast. The barque had left the Heads of Phillip Bay and was heading west along the Victorian coast towards Cape Otway. The ship struck Little Haley’s Reef at Apollo Bay due to a navigational error and was stuck on the rocks. The crew left the ship carrying whatever they could onto the beach. Eventually, the remains of the hull, sails and fittings were salvaged before the wreck of the Grange broke up about a month later. About 110 years later, in 1968, the wreck of the Grange was found by divers from the Underwater Explorers Club of Victoria. They were amazed to find a unique, six to nine pound carronade (type of small cannon) and a cannonball on the site. There have been no other similar carronades recorded. In that same year the anchor of the Grange was recovered by diver John Chance and Mal Brown. The wood sample is significant historically as an example of hardware used when building wooden ships in the early to mid-19th century. The sample is historically significant as an example of the work and trade of blacksmith. The sample is also has significant as it was recovered by John Chance, a diver from the wreck of the Grange in the 1968. Items that come from several wrecks along Victoria's coast have since been donated to the Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village’s museum collection by his family, illustrating this item’s level of historical value. The sample is historically significant for its association with the 1840s wooden barque, the Grange. The Grange is an historical example of a Scottish built vessel used for international and coastal trader of both cargo and passengers in the mid-19th century. The Grange is an example of an early ship, designed with a wooden hull. It is significant as a ship still available to divers along the south coast of Victoria, for research and education purposes. The Grange is an example of a mid-19th century vessel that carried a weapon of defence onboard. Wood sample, oak wood fixed between plates and secured by a washer and bolt. There are five layers, each decreasing in size from base to the top. The bottom is a five-sided copper plate, above it is the oak sample that is crumbling and fragile, then a half-disc metal plate, then a square metal washer, then a round metal bolt head. The metal plate has unequal sides, the longest is parallel to the strait side of the half disc. flagstaff hill, warrnambool, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, west coast trader, apollo bay, mid-19th century shipwreck, the grange, scottish barque, little henty reef, captain a alexander, underwater explorers club of victoria, 1840s carronade, vhr 5297, coastal trader, wooden shipwreck, john chance, wood sample, wooden ship, oak timber, ship fitting -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Cow Bell, James Barwell, 1860s-1878
This brass cow bell was recovered from the wreck of the sailing ship ‘Loch Ard’ at Mutton Bird Island, near Port Campbell, Victoria, from late 1960s to early 1970s. Cow bells were listed as part of the cargo on board the Loch Ard. This bell is now part of the John Chance collection. Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village’s divers also recovered similar bells from the Loch Ard wreck in 1973. One of them was found in a sandy hole in the centre of the wreck site. All of the recovered cow bells are without their hangers. A bell of this size could have been used by horse or cattle teams. Cow bells were a common Colonial item. They were hung around the necks of grazing domestic cows and goats, bullock and horse teams, even camel teams so that they could be found again. Sheep and cattle drovers used them as a warning for night time disturbances such as wild animals. The maker of the cow bell, James Barwell, was a bell founder established in Birmingham, England, from 1784. In 1842 he acquired Fiddian’s firm of ‘Steam and Water’, keeping its name and stamping it on some of his products. According to his advertisement in the Exhibitors guide for the Church Congress of 1887, he made bells and fittings for churches and schools. He also made bells for cloches and chimes, and made tuned musical handbells. He repaired and reproduced bells, and he had a team of experienced ringers to “inspect towers and report upon the tone and condition of bells and fittings.” In 1903 he became incorporated as a Limited Company, ‘engineers’ and plumbers’ brasswork, and bell founders.’ In 1914 he advertised as ‘Cock and Bell Founders’, specialising in plumbing and engineering fittings, church bells, and “every description of hanging and hand bells.” Some of Barwell’s products were stamped with his maker’s mark (his initials J. B. either side of a cross entwined with a ‘B’ in an oval of oak leaves (for Birmingham)). James Barwell bells were no longer made after 1920. James Barwell was among makers who exported bells to the Australian colony from the 1860s. Early Australian iron animal bells were also made from the 1860s by blacksmiths such as Anthony Morgan from 1861, August Menneke from 1867, and Samuel Jones from 1868. Few brass bells were produced here in those times. This bell is historically significant as typical of a cow bell used by farmers and herdsmen in Colonial Victoria. Its significance is increased by being an artefact recovered by John Chance, a diver from the wreck of the Loch Ard and other wrecks in the late 1960s to early 1970s. Items that come from several wrecks along Victoria's coast have since been donated to the Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village’s museum collection by his family, illustrating this item’s level of historical value. The cow bell is also significant for being part of Flagstaff Hill’s collection of artefacts from LOCH ARD, which is significant for being one of the largest collections of artefacts from this shipwreck in Victoria. It is significant for its association with the shipwreck, which is on the Victorian Heritage Register (VHR S417). The collection is significant because of the relationship between the objects, as together they have a high potential to interpret the story of the LOCH ARD. The LOCH ARD collection is archaeologically significant as the remains of a large international passenger and cargo ship. The LOCH ARD collection is historically significant for representing aspects of Victoria’s shipping history and its potential to interpret sub-theme 1.5 of Victoria’s Framework of Historical Themes (living with natural processes). The collection is also historically significant for its association with the LOCH ARD, which was one of the worst and best known shipwrecks in Victoria’s history. Cow bell; heavy brass, flat top, pyramid shape, rectangular head, shoulders flare out to rectangular mouth. The head has two same-sized tooled holes for adding the hanging yoke. Inscription on top and one side. Encrustations are on the metal in places. The hanger and clapper are missing. Made by James Barwell of Birmingham.Stamped on the head "BARWELL / - - - / - - -- ING" [Perhaps BARWELL - - - BIRMING. Could size be in centre? 3 3/4 IN?] Stamped on side [motif] (undecipherable) flagstaff hill, warrnambool, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, john chance, loch ard, mutton bird island, glenample, eva carmichael, tom pearce, james barwell, cow bell, horse bell, bell founder, bell smith, vintage bell, birmingham bell foundry, farmer, shepherd, drover, stock bell -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - LET'S TRAVEL EAST IN 1858 - 60'S
Nine pages of handwritten account of businesses from Mitchell Street, along Lyttleton Terrace and McIvor Road to the City boundary on the Bendigo side of Murphy Street.document, let's travel east in 1858 - 60's, moorabbee sheep run, curr's sheep run, glasgow bakery, lachlan frazer, mr hardiman, steen and holm coach painters, mr h haisman coach builder, scholton and march, march and s brown, haisman factory, city hall, police court, city lockup, market square, senior citizens club, weighbridge, dunlop tyre service station, tommy burns, matt lynch, tom & mick kennedy, darling hotel, the innes, mr bullens fruit shop, bricklayers arms hotel, cheshire arms hotel, mr i boffey, newcombe's timber yard, quinns monumental establishment, alexandra fountain, cumberland hotel, sannaman's coach factory, town hall hotel, her majesties open air picture show, mr r anderson, john ohagan, sandhurst hotel, the melbourne café, haymarket hotel, the old haymarket hotel, the market ale house, the prince of wales theatre, manchester hotel, mr john doran, dr backhaus, manchester hall, the bendigo star, james griffen coach factory, mr george lansell, whitting's marine store, cartrights marine store, sandhurst flour mills, mr john buckley, moorhead hay and corn mills, brian boru hotel, mr m r?dea, mr worth, mr condon, mr c cahill, nolan family, mr sides, the nailons, mrs boyan, jacky bryant, john oconnell general store, mr pierce, mr matthews, mr neil ward, mr hagan, william clapton, mr joseph dowd, mr morris, ancient briton hotel, the woolpak, the railway bridge, ampol service station, farrells dairy, farringtons brickworks, jacksons hide & tallow yard, fergusons, royal oak hotel, mr jackson, mr knight, st marys common school no812, mrs rersol, w d quinn, mr march, mr fred randall, mr steeple, the limerick hotel, back creek police shooting range, police station, stone lockup, holts service station, steepe's butcher shop, joch, john hattam