Showing 33 items
matching dawes john
Glen Eira Historical Society
... Dawes John... Giles Alfred Grafton Street Elsternwick Dawes John Chloris ...This file contains nine pages about people related to this property: 1/Copy and pasted eight pages taken from Census Records and Trove items. Articles include the death of Thomas Livingstone Cleland during WWI. Various social notes regarding his family up to 1953. There are articles on the W.J. Mathieson family, who also resided there, as well as residing in Benalla. 2/Print from Trove of an article from the 23/11/1934 edition of The North Eastern Ensign (Benalla, Vic) about the wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs W.J. Mathieson, held at Cumbernauld on 27/10/1934.cumbernauld, thornleigh grange, house names, cleland thomas livingstone, cleland annie, gardeners market, clayton road, ‘hillside’, caulfield, anderson street, cleland sydney, cleland margaret, cleland james, cleland adelaide, cleland robert, cleland bessie adelaide, cleland agnes, cleland lily, cleland alick douglas milkman, cleland aggie, cleland tom h.s. draftsman, cleland kenneth malcolm, cleland ethel, cleland hector, cleland edna may, mathieson w.j., mathieson isabel, burrows f.a. lieut., east st. kilda, hawthorn road, ‘thornleigh grange’, south caulfield progress association, south caulfield junction, caulfield court, jenkins harry, giles alfred, grafton street, elsternwick, dawes john, chloris crescent, st. john’s presbyterian church, mathieson evelyn mary, marks theodore leslie, mathieson kitty, masonic hall, st. george’s road, haverfield frank, haverfield mrs, haverfield robert ross, rynn mary buckley, cyclists, cycling, donald alexander, martin lottie, whitelaw joan, trinity hall, brighton road, gilmore patricia phyllis, brooklyn ave., point nepean road, north road, brighton court, cleland nora, seaview drive, cleland john stuart, mathieson isabella cristina, kalymna grove, mathieson catherine m., tailor, mathieson william james, councillors, social events and activities, births deaths and marriages, anniversaries, world war 1914-18, soldiers -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - FATHER SYDNEY MACEWAN - TENOR, 16 Aug, 1956
... Dawes, Sir John Medley, The Hon. Dame Enid Lyons, P W Nette, P.... Programme Notes. R J Boyer E R Dawes Sir John Medley The Hon. Dame ...The Australian Broadcasting Commission has pleasure in presenting Father Sydney MacEwan (Tenor). Victorian Country Tour 8.15pm. Associate Artist: John Douglas Todd, Pianist. Albury, Regent Theatre, Wed., 25th July. Ballarat, Regent Theatre, Thurs., 2nd Aug. Bendigo, Princess Theatre, Thurs., 16th Aug. Programme One Shilling. Listing of records by Father Sydney MacEwan imported in from England and 2 Australian made records available in local music stores. Father Sydney MacEwan is on his third visit to Australia. The first in 1936 and second in 1948, when he was invited to attend the Centenary of the Roman Catholic Diocese in Melbourne. It was not long after the first trip to Australia, and tours of Canada, the USA and Europe that Sydney MacEwan decided to become a priest, and renounced tempting radio and concert contracts. During the war he was an officiating Chaplin to the RAF Father MacEwan's normal duties as a parish priest . . . John Douglas Todd Tasmanian born in Tasmaniabut lived most of his life in Sydney. As associate artist with father MacEwan, John Douglas Todd, Sydney pianist, is making his sixth tour for the ABC and his second tour with Father MacEwan. He previously toured for the ABC with violinist Jeanne Gautier and singers William Warfield, Lord Lurgan and John Dudley. . . Programme Notes. Australian Broadcasting Commission R J Boyer, E R Dawes, Sir John Medley, The Hon. Dame Enid Lyons, P W Nette, P Vanthoff, C W Anderson, Charles Moses, Conrad Charlton, Dorrie O'Neil. Alceo Galliera conducting the Victoria Symphony Orchestra, Soloist Mervyn Simpson, Trumpet. Coming concert dates Bendigo & Albury. Peter Dawson, Baritone with the Victorian Symphony Orchestra Concert Date. Advertisements for Georges of Collins St., Berlei, Wynvale Wines. Includes photographs of Father Sydney MacEwan & John Douglas Todd. 8 pages plus cover.program, theatre, father sydney macewan, the australian broadcasting commission pesenting father sydney macewan (tenor). victorian country tour associate artist: john douglas todd, pianist. bendigo, princess theatre, thurs., 16th aug. programme one shilling. records by father sydney macewan imported and 2 australian made records available music stores. 3rd visit to australia. 1st in 1936 & 2nd in 1948, centenary of the roman catholic diocese in melbourne. 1st trip to australia, and tours of canada, the usa and europe that sydney macewan decided to become a priest. during the war he was an officiating chaplin to the raf. john douglas todd tasmanian born lived life in sydney. associate artist with father macewan, john douglas todd, sydney pianist, 6th tour for the abc and 2nd tour with father macewan. he toured for the abc with violinist jeanne gautier and william warfield, lord lurgan and john dudley. programme notes. r j boyer, e r dawes, sir john medley, the hon. dame enid lyons, p w nette, p vanthoff, c w anderson, charles moses, conrad charlton, dorrie o'neil. alceo galliera conducting the victoria symphony orchestra, soloist mervyn simpson, trumpet.. peter dawson, baritone with the victorian symphony orchestra georges of collins st., berlei, wynvale wines. photographs of father sydney macewan & john douglas todd. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... M.A. Vice-Chairman: E R Dawes. Members: Sir John Medley..., Chairman: R J F Boyer, M.A. Vice-Chairman: E R Dawes. Members: Sir...-Chairman: E R Dawes. Members: Sir John Medley M.A. Mrs Ivy Kent J S ...Capital Theatre, Bendigo, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra Orchestra. Direction: Australian Broadcasting Commission. Conductor: Joseph Post. Solo Violinist: Bertha Jorgenson. Wednesday 30th June, 8pm. Programme 6d. Australian Broadcasting Commission, Chairman: R J F Boyer, M.A. Vice-Chairman: E R Dawes. Members: Sir John Medley, M.A. Mrs Ivy Kent, J S Hanlon. General Manager: Charles Moses. Manager for Victoria: Conrad Charlton. Director of Music: W G James. Federal Concert Manager: R G Lamb. Concert Manager for Victoria: Dorrie O'Neal. Joseph Post. With this concert appearance, for which he is coming specially from Sydney, Joseph Post is making a return visit among his former orchestra, for he was stationed in Melbourne as resident conductor of the ABC's Melbourne Orchestra for several years. When the Sydney Symphony was formed on a permanent basis, with Eugene Goosens in charge, Mr Post was appointed his deputy as junior conductor to the Sydney Symphony - at the same time resuming his earlier position as director of the . . . Photo of Joseph Post. Bertha Jorgensen It is a notable occasion for music lovers when Melbourne's esteemed 'First Lady' of the Orchestra steps out of her place as leader and is heard as soloist. Bertha Jorgensen gave her first public performance as a five year old prodigy in Castlemaine, where she then lived, and a few years later she began travelling each week the 60 miles to Melbourne for lessons with Alberto Zelman, Junior. At fifteen, still adorned with pigtail, she came to Melbourne with her family and joined his orchestra. Since then Miss Jorgensen has been constantly engaged in orchestral work, and in attaining the exacting role of leader of the Melbourne Symphony is holder of a unique position. No other major orchestra in the world is led by a woman, and many are the evidences of amazement expressed by visiting conductors. Some have been taken aback and inclined to scepticism at the outset, but all have gone away with high praise for her ability. Photo of Bertha Jorgensen. Programme. Oberon. Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring. Gavotte. L'Apres-Midi D'un Faune. Violin concerto. Allegro Moderato. Adagio. Allegro energico. Symphony. Adagio. Allegro molto. Largo. Scherzo. Allegro. Scherzo. Allegro vivace. Poco Sostenuto. Allegro con fuoco. Personnel of the Orchestra Conductor: Joseph Post. Soloist Bertha Jorgensen, Violinist. Leader of the Orchestra: Bertha Jorgenson. Violins 1: Jorgenson B. Hutchens H. Schieblich F. Prockter M. Di Gilio A. Morton K. Glassford W J. Haslam J. Violins 2: Lenzer H. Bradley R. Pattison B. Gaunson B. Tregear U. Clancy I. Violas: Kerr C. Jones G K. Roberts, W. Yoxon T. 'Cellos: Bate M. Prockter G. Fox E. Kalmikov Z. Basses: Fraillon G C. Morton W. Howley T. Flutes: Walklate A. Middlebrough G. Oboes: Richmond E. Moore K. Clarinets: White T. Anderson A. Hunt N. (Bass Clar). Bassoons: Morgan F. Horns: Norton K. Miller G. Grieves G. Hudson F. Trumpets: Simpson M. Geary J. Trombones: Codes S. McGlade J. Willis H. Tymps: Craige G. Percussion: Lighton E. Harp: Bendall A. _ Direction: Australian Broadcasting Commission, Bendigo Town Hall - Saturday, 14th August, Ginette Neveu, Violin Genius, Accompanist: Jean Neveu. Gunette, who will appear in Bendigo before her Melbourne appearances, had played with enormous success throughout the Continent, England and the Americas. During her American tour last year she was immediately re-engaged for . . . Extracts from New York Press notices agter her performances of the Brahms Violin Concert last season. . . Programme Chaconne. Sonata. Poeme. Hora Stacco. 24th Caprice. Variation on a Theme of Rossini. Bookings at Allan's from Monday, 9th August. Advertisments: R O Henderson (Beehive) Pty Ltd. Bendigo. Seymour Furs, Melbourne. C1943, 54 or 65program, theatre, melbourne symphony orchestra, capital theatre, bendigo, melbourne symphony orchestra orchestra. direction: australian broadcasting commission. conductor: joseph post. solo violinist: bertha jorgenson. wednesday 30th june, 8pm. programme 6d. australian broadcasting commission, chairman: r j f boyer, m.a. vice-chairman: e r dawes. members: sir john medley, m.a. mrs ivy kent, j s hanlon. general manager: charles moses. manager for victoria: conrad charlton. director of music: w g james. federal concert manager: r g lamb. concert manager for victoria: dorrie o'neal. photo of joseph post.bertha jorgensen gave her first public performance as a five year old prodigy in castlemaine, where she then lived lessons with alberto zelman. at fifteen she came to melbourne and joined his orchestra. miss jorgensen has attained the role of leader of the melbourne symphony a unique position. no other major orchestra in the world is led by a woman. some have been taken aback and inclined to scepticism, but all have gone away with high praise for her ability. photo of bertha jorgensen. programme. oberon. jesu, joy of man's desiring. gavotte. l'apres-midi d'un faune. violin concerto. allegro moderato. adagio. allegro energico. symphony. adagio. allegro molto. largo. scherzo. allegro. scherzo. allegro vivace. poco sostenuto. allegro con fuoco. conductor: joseph post. soloist bertha jorgensen, violinist. leader of the orchestra: bertha jorgenson. violins 1: jorgenson b. hutchens h. schieblich f. prockter m. di gilio a. morton k. glassford w j. haslam j. violins 2: lenzer h. bradley r. pattison b. gaunson b. tregear u. clancy i. violas: kerr c. jones g k. roberts, w. yoxon t. 'cellos: bate m. prockter g. fox e. kalmikov z. basses: fraillon g c. morton w. howley t. flutes: walklate a. middlebrough g. oboes: richmond e. moore k. clarinets: white t. anderson a. hunt n. (bass clar). bassoons: morgan f. horns: norton k. miller g. grieves g. hudson f. trumpets: simpson m. geary j. trombones: codes s. mcglade j. willis h. tymps: craige g. percussion: lighton e. harp: bendall a. saturday, 14th august, ginette neveu, violin genius, accompanist: jean neveu. gunette, who will appear in bendigo before her melbourne appearances, had played with enormous success throughout the continent, england and the americas. during her american tour last year she was immediately re-engaged for . . . extracts from new york press notices agter her performances of the brahms violin concert last season. . . programme chaconne. sonata. poeme. hora stacco. 24th caprice. variation on a theme of rossini. bookings at allan's from monday, 9th august. advertisments: r o henderson (beehive) pty ltd. bendigo. seymour furs, melbourne. c1943, 54 or 65 -
Melbourne Legacy
Letter, Tobruk Photos, 1979
... Sapper Leslie John “Doc” Dawes, 2/3rd Field Company, Royal... Sapper Leslie John “Doc” Dawes, 2/3rd Field Company, Royal ...Letters regarding three photos of murals in near Tobruk in Libya. The photos were sent to Melbourne Legacy in 1979 by Legatee Syd Wilson of Yamba NSW. He thought Melbourne Legacy might be able to use them to generate money by selling them for advertising or publicity. He said they were enlargements of snapshots he had found in his old army trunk. Legatee Wilson's letter says the murals were: 'painted on three walls of a white concrete Italian block house (Police Check post I think), some 18/20 miles west of Tobruk, between Tobruk and Derna, and near a captured Italian airfield, somewhere about February 1941. Obviously they were painted by a Victorian Sapper. They were very well done, by a competent Sign-writer/artist, in correct and excellent colours (captured Itie paint no doubt - there was plenty in their Naval Stores at Tobruk).' (NB Itie was slang for Italian) From the AWM website the signs were painted by South Australian painter, SZ538 Sapper Leslie John “Doc” Dawes, 2/3rd Field Company, Royal Australian Engineers. There are several photos on the AWM site including the building the three murals were on.Photos taken by a Legatee when on active service in Libya in World War 2 and donated to Legacy when it was thought they could be used for fundraising, which shows that Legatees were conscious of that Legacy needs to generate funds to continue its work.Black and white enlargement of a photo taken in Libya of Abbotts Lager mural.tobruk, murals -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, A Mural West of Tobruk, 1941
... Sapper Leslie John “Doc” Dawes, 2/3rd Field Company, Royal... Sapper Leslie John “Doc” Dawes, 2/3rd Field Company, Royal ...A photo of a mural in Libya painted by a South Australian Sapper of a bottle of Abbots Lager. The photo, and two others, were sent to Melbourne Legacy in 1979 by Legatee Syd Wilson of Yamba NSW. He thought Melbourne Legacy might be able to use them to generate money by selling them for advertising or publicity. He said they were enlargements of snapshots he had found in his old army trunk. The text says 'Keep Going. Fill up in town, but a good drink is bloody hard to get'. Legatee Wilson's letter says the murals were: 'painted on three walls of a white concrete Italian block house (Police Check post I think), some 18/20 miles west of Tobruk, between Tobruk and Derna, and near a captured Italian airfield, somewhere about February 1941. Obviously they were painted by a Victorian Sapper. They were very well done, by a competent Sign-writer/artist, in correct and excellent colours (captured Itie paint no doubt - there was plenty in their Naval Stores at Tobruk).' (NB Itie was slang for Italian) From the AWM website the signs were painted by South Australian painter, SZ538 Sapper Leslie John “Doc” Dawes, 2/3rd Field Company, Royal Australian Engineers. There are several photos on the AWM site including the building the three murals were on.Photos taken by a Legatee when on active service in Libya in World War 2. They were donated to Legacy when it was thought they could be used for fundraising, which shows that Legatees were conscious of that Legacy needs to generate funds to continue its work.Black and white enlargement of a photo taken in Libya of Abbots Lager mural.tobruk, soldiers, lager, beer, abbots lager, murals -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, A Mural West of Tobruk, 1941
... Leslie John “Doc” Dawes, 2/3rd Field Company, Royal Australian... Australian painter, SZ538 Sapper Leslie John “Doc” Dawes, 2/3rd Field ...A photo of a mural in Libya painted by a South Australian Sapper of a tea pot saying '9,256 miles to Griffiths Bros Tea Headquarters, Melbourne'. The photo, and two others, were sent to Melbourne Legacy in 1979 by Legatee Syd Wilson of Yamba NSW. He thought Melbourne Legacy might be able to use them to generate money by selling them for advertising or publicity. He said they were enlargements of snapshots he had found in his old army trunk. The text says '9,256 miles to Griffiths Bros Tea Headquarters, Melbourne'. Legatee Wilson's letter says the murals were: 'painted on three walls of a white concrete Italian block house (Police Check post I think), some 18/20 miles west of Tobruk, between Tobruk and Derna, and near a captured Italian airfield, somewhere about February 1941. Obviously they were painted by a Victorian Sapper. They were very well done, by a competent Sign-writer/artist, in correct and excellent colours (captured Itie paint no doubt - there was plenty in their Naval Stores at Tobruk).' (NB Itie was slang for Italian) From the AWM website the signs were painted by South Australian painter, SZ538 Sapper Leslie John “Doc” Dawes, 2/3rd Field Company, Royal Australian Engineers. There are several photos on the AWM site including the building the three murals were on.Photos taken by a Legatee when on active service in Libya in World War 2. They were donated to Legacy when it was thought they could be used for fundraising, which shows that Legatees were conscious of that Legacy needs to generate funds to continue its work.Black and white enlargement of a photo taken in Libya of a Griffiths Tea mural.tobruk, tea, murals, world war two -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, A Mural West of Tobruk, 1941
... , SZ538 Sapper Leslie John “Doc” Dawes, 2/3rd Field Company, Royal..., SZ538 Sapper Leslie John “Doc” Dawes, 2/3rd Field Company, Royal ...A photo of a mural in Libya painted by a South Australian Sapper of a bottle of Victorian Bitter Ale being poured into the Melbourne Cup trophy and horses racing. The photo, and two others, were sent to Melbourne Legacy in 1979 by Legatee Syd Wilson of Yamba NSW. He thought Melbourne Legacy might be able to use them to generate money by selling them for advertising or publicity. He said they were enlargements of snapshots he had found in his old army trunk. The text says 'A good thing for the Cup but better for the tonsils'. Legatee Wilson's letter says the murals were: 'painted on three walls of a white concrete Italian block house (Police Check post I think), some 18/20 miles west of Tobruk, between Tobruk and Derna, and near a captured Italian airfield, somewhere about February 1941. Obviously they were painted by a Victorian Sapper. They were very well done, by a competent Sign-writer/artist, in correct and excellent colours (captured Itie paint no doubt - there was plenty in their Naval Stores at Tobruk).' (NB Itie was slang for Italian). 'The photos were there when we were coming back from Western Libya sometime in March 1941, prior to the 6th Division going to Greece.' From the AWM website the signs were painted by South Australian painter, SZ538 Sapper Leslie John “Doc” Dawes, 2/3rd Field Company, Royal Australian Engineers. There are several photos on the AWM site including the building the three murals were on.Photos taken by a Legatee when on active service in Libya in World War 2. They were donated to Legacy when it was thought they could be used for fundraising, which shows that Legatees were conscious of the way Legacy needs to generate funds to continue its work.Black and white enlargement of a photo taken in Libya of Victorian Bitter Ale for the Melbourne Cup mural.tobruk, beer, victorian bitter ale, ale, horse racing, murals, world war 2 -
Old Castlemaine Schoolboys Association Inc.
Honour Board, Chewton Primary School
... Schreck 1951 – John Dawe 1952 – Sally Smirftt 1953 – Keith... – Malcolm Archer 1950 – Brian Schreck 1951 – John Dawe 1952 – Sally ...1927 – Henry Hocking 1928 – Myr. Mortimer 1929 – B.M. Dennis 1930 – Bessie M Dennis 1931 – Mary. L. Archbold 1932 – Edith O. Strong 1933 – Victor Payne 1934 – Nancy Exon 1935 – Hilton Dyring 1936 – Edna Scoles 1937 – Olive Dennis 1938 – Bruce Addis 1939 – Tessie Priest 1940 – Myrtle Wright 1941 – Ailsa Dennis 1942 – Dorothy Scoles 1943 – Robert Briggs 1944 – Douglas Cracknell 1945 – B.L. Delmenico 1946 – Valmae Colling 1947 – Joy Cocks 1948 – Judith Botten 1949 – Malcolm Archer 1950 – Brian Schreck 1951 – John Dawe 1952 – Sally Smirftt 1953 – Keith Campbell 1954 – John Burch 1955 – J. Retallick 1956 – L. Williamson 1957 – P. Kouwenberg 1958 – Inge. Schuber 1959- Linday Burch 1960 – Garry Wiseman 1961 – Heather McMillan 1962 – Linda Preece 1963 – Gail Nancarrow 1964 – Robyn Retallick 1965 – Brian Jenkins 1966 – Reg. Ellery 1967 – Suzanne Skinner 1968 – Lynette Jenkins 1969 – Bettie Exon 1970 – Janice Cox 1971 – Kerry Pollerd 1972 – Norma Ellery 1973 – John Bari From 1983, The Chewton School awarded the award on their own behalf 1983 – Robyn Dredge 1984 – Sharon Tizzard and Shannon Grey 1985 – Julie Tizzard 1986 – Karen O’Meara 1987 – Tammy Smith 1988 – Maggie McCormack 1989 – Rebbecca Say &Trinity Mawson 1990 – Amber Mawson 1991 – Lucy Norwood 1992 – Emma Cohen & Aimee London 1993 – J. Troutbeck-Noy -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... , K.B.E., M.A. Vice-Chairman: E R Dawes, ESQ., C.M.G. Sir John... Boyer, K.B.E., M.A. Vice-Chairman: E R Dawes, ESQ., C.M.G. Sir ...Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Melbourne Town Hall. Australian Tour 1959. The first overseas symphony orchestra to visit this country. The Czech Philharmonic is one of the world's leading orchestras. It has s 60-year-old history which is backed by the rich musical traditions of its country. The Australian Broadcasting Commission in conjunction with the Musica Viva Society of Australia proudly presents the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra. Conductor: Ladislav Slovak Concertmaster: Bretislav Ludvik. Saturday, October 3, Monday, October 5. Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, article giving history of Orchestra from 1896 in Prague, photo of orchestra included. Ladislav Slovak, small article describing his work history, includes photograph. Programme. Analytical Notes. Musica Viva Society of Australia. Registered Office: 26 Paling's Building, Ash St., Sydney. President: Hon. Mr. Justice B P Macfarlan, Hon. Secretary: C J Berg, Hon. Treasurer: J B Elder, Manager: Regina Ridge. Victoria Branch: Registered Office: 5th Floor, 300 Lt. Collins St., Melbourne, C.1. President: F G Nicholls, Hon. Secretary: I G Spira, Hon. Treasurer: A Teague. Australian Broadcasting Commission. Chairman: Sir Richard Boyer, K.B.E., M.A. Vice-Chairman: E R Dawes, ESQ., C.M.G. Sir John Medley, KT., D.C.L., M.A. The Hon. Dame Enid Lyons, G.B.E. Mrs. G L Byth, O.B.E., B.A. A G Lowndes, M.Sc. H B Halvorsen, F.C.A., F.C.I.S. General Manager: Charles Moses, C.B.E. Manager for Victoria: Ewart Chapple. Concert Manager for Victoria: Ray Humphrey. Advertisements: AWA - Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia) Limited. Stereophonic Radiolagram. Philips Electrical Industries Pty Ltd. Fontana - Karel Ancerl recordings. The Ace of Clubs, 12'' LP Beethoven etc. Alfred Nott Pty. Ltd. H S Harvey, E Goetz, Opticians. Georges, shoes. Ernest Hiller, tailored suits. Philips Magnalux Television. TAA the nation's jet line. Cyclax, make-up and beauty preparations. Grutzner & Cartly Pty. Ltd. Furs. BNS Nylon - British Nylon Spinners (Australia) Pty. Ltd. Carinia Records - Czech Philharmonic Orchestra with World Famous Soloists now for the first time in Australia on High Fidelity Recordings. Suttons Pty. Ltd. 'The House of Music', you are cordially invited to inspect the fine Petrof pianos. RCA Records - recordings of Jan Peerce. Scala Record Import Co. Czech recordings. Boosey & Hawks (Australia) Pty. Ltd., Music and Books on Music. GMH - General Motors - Holden's Limited. Country Club Tailored by Buckwalter - Quiet Tone Sports Shirts. Allan's, Fine Pianos.entertainment, music, classical -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... Dawes, Vice-Chairman. Sir John Medley, KT, DCL, LLD, MA. P W... Dawes Vice-Chairman. Sir John Medley KT DCL LLD MA. P W Nette P ...a/ Town Hall, Bendigo, John Brownlee (Baritone), Associate Artist: Raymond Lambert (Pianist). Thursday, 5th June. Presented by The Australian Broadcasting Commission. John Brownlee Since he last visited Australian John Brownlee has been leading baritone of the Metropolitan Opera, New York. He had an enormous success with his singing and acting in the Metropolitan's recent new version of Fledermaus (Strauss), which had to be performed an unprecedented number of . . . Programme . . . Programme Notes . . . Photo of John Brownlee on cover, photo of Raymond Lambert on last page. Australian Broadcasting Commission: R J F Boyer, M.A., Chairman. E R Dawes, Vice-Chairman. Sir John Medley, KT, DCL, LLD, MA. P W Nette, P Vanthoff, MVO. TH Hon. C W Anderson, MLC. The Hon. Dame Enis Lyons, GBE. Charles Moses General Manager, Conrad Charlton Manager for Victoria, Dorrie O'Neil Concert Manager for Victoria. Advertisements: Victorian Symphony Orchestra, Conductor: Juan Jose Castro (Eminent South American Conductor). The ABC Presents Elena Nikolaidi, (Greek Dramatic Contralto). Town Hall, Bendigo, 15th July. Associate Artist: Jan Behr, Pianist. Burl Ives, America's Mightiest Ballad-Singer. 10th July. Georges of Collins Street. Furniture. Penfold Wine. Wynvale Wines. WEIGH and CONSIDER. Read not . . . To rake for granted . . . When the man in the street weighs and considers railway facts, he finds the Victorian system very much closer with the enormous tonnage of freight they hail for him and his fellows . . . The fruit he has for breakfast, his regular week-end joint, the flour in his daily bread, the timber, perhaps, for his house, the fuel for his factory, the products he has sold. Victoria’s railways moved, all told, more than seven million tons last year. Goods for home, factory, farm, warehouse. Goods that met basic needs and brought profit. Goods that were carried at the almost absurdly low average rate of 2.26d. A ton. Mile. Was all that Taken for granted? You should know: you are the man in the street. We know only what was done: we provided the RAILWAY PLANNED SERVICE b/ Insert: Please note the following alteration to item No. 2 ETUDE PATETICO, OP. 8, NO. 12 - Scriabin which has now been replaced by. . . c/ Capital Theatre 9, 10, 11 July Bendigo Book at Allan's. Victoria's Traveling Theatre proudly Presents The National Theatre Company - Direct from the Princess Theatre, Melbourne. Bernard Shaw's Greatest Play 'Saint Joan' (The Story of Joan of Arc) Produced by WM. P. Carr with June Brunell and Full National Theatre Cast. The biggest dramatic production to tour Victoria. (on rear) One Of The Greatest Plays Of Our Time, Critics from Melb. Herald, Melb. Advocate, Melb. Sun, Melb. Age, Melb. Argus, and Melb. Post. Renwick Pride.program, theatre, australian broadcasting commission, a/ town hall, bendigo, john brownlee (baritone), associate artist: raymond lambert (pianist). thursday, 5th june. presented by the australian broadcasting commission. john brownlee has been leading baritone of the metropolitan opera, new york photo of john brownlee on cover, photo of raymond lambert on last page. abc: r j f boyer, m.a., chairman. e r dawes, vice-chairman. sir john medley, kt, dcl, lld, ma. p w nette, p vanthoff, mvo. th hon. c w anderson, mlc. the hon. dame enis lyons, gbe. charles moses general manager, conrad charlton manager for victoria, dorrie o'neil concert manager for victoria. advertisements: victorian symphony orchestra, conductor: juan jose castro. elena nikolaidi, 15th july. associate artist: jan behr, pianist. burl ives, america's mightiest ballad-singer. 10th july. georges of collins street. furniture. penfold wine. wynvale wines. weigh and consider. read not . . . to rake for granted . . . when the man in the street weighs and considers railway facts, he finds the victorian system very much closer with the enormous tonnage of freight they hail for him and his fellows . . . the fruit he has for breakfast, his regular week-end joint, the flour in his daily bread, the timber, perhaps, for his house, the fuel for his factory, the products he has sold. victoria’s railways moved, all told, more than seven million tons last year. goods for home, factory, farm, warehouse. goods that met basic needs and brought profit. goods that were carried at the almost absurdly low average rate of 2.26d. a ton. mile. was all that taken for granted? you should know: you are the man in the street. we know only what was done: we provided the railway planned service b/ insert: please note the following alteration to item no. 2 etude patetico, op. 8, no. 12 - scriabin which has now been replaced by. . . c/ capital theatre 9, 10, 11 july bendigo book at allan's. victoria's traveling theatre proudly presents the national theatre company - direct from the princess theatre, melbourne. bernard shaw's greatest play 'saint joan' produced by wm. p. carr with june brunell and full national theatre cast. one of the greatest plays of our time, criticts from melb. herald, advocate, sun, age, argus, &. post. renwick pride. -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Newsletter, Miners Write: Ballarat School of Mines Staff Newsletter, 1994-1997, 1994-1997
... by Chancellor Geoffrey Blainey, Max Palmer, Matthew Barlow, Mark Dawe... by Chancellor Geoffrey Blainey, Max Palmer, Matthew Barlow, Mark Dawe ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. Photocopied newsletters with numerous newspaper clippings. 20 June 1994 - Mission, Women's Policy, Kate Wait, Walter Haller, Stewart Moors, Cynthia Jardine, Mark Lynch, R.J. Young Scholarship, David Thomas 22 August 1994 - Wimmera Community College Agreement, SMB/University of Ballarat Affiliation Agreement Signed by Chancellor Geoffrey Blainey, Max Palmer, Matthew Barlow, Mark Dawe, Phillip Lee, John Conaughton, Elizabeth White 05 September 1994 - Employment White Paper, Workcover, Ross Furness, Nance Jeffreys, Keith Chase, Michael Ronaldson, Ron Wild, Paul Jenkins 25 October 1994 - Staff Consultation Committee, Bendix Mintex Award, Rick Williams, Mike Hickey, Sexual Harassment, Ann McCaffrey, Brewery Complex building 07 November 1994 - Karpin Report, Edgar Bartrop Scholarship, Winsome McCaughey 13 June 1995 - Female Participation in TAFE, Lake Bolac Visit, Virginia Fenelon, Hairdressing, Ararat Community College, Brian MCLennan, Forestry Industry Contract, Ararat PRison Education, E.J.T. Tippett Award, Shane Lake, SMB Graduates 1995, Tony Leonard, Colin McCurry, Steph Pilmore 26 June 1995 - Child Care Centre, computer survey responses, Ellimatta, Sharna Whitehand, Jack Veeken, John Hanmer, Aaron Block, Kirsten Martin, Rowena Worth, Jan Croggon, Andrew McEvoy 24 July 1995 - Teaching, Engineering Liaison, Graham Shearer, Carol Durant, Brian McLennan, Market Research, Ararat Campus, Kevin Martin, Myrtle Muir, Hairdressing, Carol McDonald 07 August 1995 - Childcare, Playgroup, Disabilities, Judy Mills, Former Ballarat Gaol, Private Providers, Equal Opportunity, Equal Employment Opportunity 04 September 1995 - Keith Boast, Barkly Street Campus Library, Barrie Firth, Yuille Street Building, Painting and Decorating, Bricklaying, Disability Forum Committee, Belinda Morgan, Fay Guinane, Olivia Guinane, Robert Clarke Community Centre ceramic Tile Mosaic, Neville French, Annelies Egan, Judith Davies, Tanis Yuille, Margaret Komishon, Ruth Zegir, Ray Isaac 18 September - Competition Policy, Public Sector Reform, Brewery Building contract to S.J. Weir, Ararat Campus, BHP, Peter Bell, Mining Industry, Horticulture Facility (Gillies Street), Creche Fairy Mural, Shellagh Kentish, Daylesford Neighbourhood House and Learning Centre, Jenny Beacham, Tom Bates, Colin Trembath, Alan Scanosio, Zaiga Svanosio 16 October 1995 - Rural Studies Staffing, Robyn Greig, Ross Holton, Virginia Fenelon, Michelle Loader, Christina Elshaug, Cynthia Jardine, Morgan B. John death, Ian Pym, Melissa Cameron, hairdressing, Woolshed, Great Southern Woolshed, Graham Shearer October 1995 - Employment Relations Update, Enterprise Bargaining, Sue Wright, Ron Wild 30 October 1995 - 125th anniversary, 125th anniversary Medallions, Bill Murray (died 28 October 1995), Metal Fabrication, Ron Wild, Gael Ramsay, Paul Keating 20 November 1995 - Ceramics Exhibition, Heather Campbell, Marion Byass, Barry Norman, Helen Knowles, Michael Bracher, Brian McLennan, Rural Studies, Carpark, David Nicholson, Linetter Penhall, Suzanne Brown, Marie Bedggood 27 May 1996 - David Brown Farewell, Keith Boast, Educational Services, Wally Gradkowski, Dzintra Crocker, World Wide Web, Ann McCaffrey 17 June 1996 - Lifelong Learning Through Vocational Education and Training, Lyndal Cooper, Engineering Studies, David Manterfield, Rod MacKinney 19 August 1996 - SMB Strategic Plan 1997-2001, Ian Harris, Ararat Prison Education, Moongate 06 September 1996 - Tom Johnson, Bill Gribble, Ron Wild, INternational Projects Report, Cas Anderson, Court House Theatre, Former Court House, The Moongate 11 November 1996 - Brewery Complex Opening by Prime Minister John Howard on 09 December 1996, Human Resources, Marie Kerr, Fran Kisler, Karen Neale, Trudy Horwoood, Graham Hankin, Engineering Studies, David Manerfied, Sheilagh Kentish, Goroke College 12 May 1997 - Ballarat Group Training, Ballarat Aboriginal Co-operative, SMB Flexible Learning Centre, E.J. Tippett Library, Changing Role of the TAFE Teacher, Maree Greig, Colin Prowse, Performing Arts, Dave Knowles, Karyn Kilroy 20 August 1997 - Amalgamation Update, Graham Paynter, Heather MacLeod, Performing Arts 05 September 1997 - From TAFE to VET, Leoda Atkinson, Daniel James, Ararat campus, Mark Bevelander, computers, Craftsmanship Awards, Koorie Programs Unit, Deanne Jakiel, Stephen Burns, Women's Access Program, Internet 20 October 1997 - amalgamation update, Flexible Learning Centre, Andrea Bateman, Val D'Angri, Leoda Atkinson, Paul Mason, Andrea Bateman 10 November 1997 - Ballarat School of Mines/University of Ballarat Amalgamation, Shenzhen Polytechnic China, Videoconferencing, John Ferrier (Science), Performing Arts 08 December 1997 - Last Edition of Miners' Write Ron Wild, Brian McLennan, Max Palmer, Jeanetter John, Farewell to SMB, Time Capsuleminers write, ballarat school of mines, ron wild -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... Bickford. Trumpets: Mervyn Simpson, John Geary. Trombones: Stanley...; R J F Boyer M.A. Chairman. E R Dawes Vice-Chairman. Sir John ...Victorian Symphony Orchestra, Royal Princess Theatre, Bendigo. Direction: Australian Broadcasting Commission. Conducted by Juan Jose Castro. Soloist: Donald Westlake (Clarinet). This series of concerts is arranged by the Australian Broadcasting Commission in Conjunction with the Government of Victoria. Royal Princess Theatre, Bendigo, Thur., 12 Nov. 8 p.m. Programme. Juan Jose Castro. Since he left Australia last November on six months' leave, Mr. Castro has been conducting and holidaying in Europe, and with his wife re-visited South America for the first time in eighteen months. In Italy he corrected the publisher's proofs of his opera, 'Proserpina and the Stranger,' which won the Verdi Prize award by La Scala I 1952, and is now . . . Analytical Notes . . . Personnel of the Orchestra. Conductor: Juan Jose Castro. Associate Conductor: Clive Douglass. First Violins: Bertha Jorgensen (leader), Harry Hutchins (Assistant Leader), Frank Schieblich, Norman Deerson, Paul O'Brien, William Glassford, Ruth Michael, Alex Burlakov. Second Violins: Hyman Lenzer, Robert Pattison, George Paton, Donald Weekes, Marie Bull, Harvey Davis. Violas: Coin Kerr, Mischa Kogan, Marion Ogilvie, Winifred Roberts. Cellos: Don Howley, Henri Touzeau, Valerie Awburn, Ezio Neri. Basses: Guill Fraillon, Frank Cerbasi, Samuel Shiffron. Flutes: Richard Chugg, Leslie Barklamb, Audrey Walklate. Oboes: Jiri Tancibudek, David Woolley. Clarinets: Thomas White, Isobel Carter. Bassoons: Roy White, Gordon Miller, Gordon Grieve, Graham Bickford. Trumpets: Mervyn Simpson, John Geary. Trombones: Stanley Code, John McGade. Bass Trombone: Harold Willis. Tuba: Ron Stevens. Tympani: Gordon Craig. Percussion: Ernest Lighton, Bert Crawford. Harp: Adrian Bendall. Australian Broadcasting Commission; R J F Boyer M.A., Chairman. E R Dawes, Vice-Chairman. Sir John Medley, KT., D.C.L., L.L.D., M.A. P Vanthoff, M.V.O. The Hon. Dame Enid Lyons, G.B.E. J C Stewart, M W O'Donnell, B.E.C. Charles Moses, General Manager. T S Duckmanton, A./Manager for Victoria. Dorrie O'Neil, Concert Manager for Victoria. Photos: Juan Jose Castro, Donald Westlake. Advertisements: Notice to subscribers; Annual General Meeting for Albury, Bendigo, Shepparton, for 1954. TAA serves the Nation. Country Club, Tailored by Buckwalter. GMH, The whole story from A to Z. Carnegie's, 106 Elizabeth St. b/ Victorian Symphony Orchestra, Conducted by Juan Jose Castro, Soloist: Joan Jones (Contralto). This series of concerts is arranged by the Australian Broadcasting Commission in conjunction with the Government of Victoria. Town Hall, Swan Hill. Programme. Juan Jose Castro, (first 4 paragraphs reads as per 4280a). At the end of his 1953 Australian season, Mr. Castro is in conduct concerts in Italy, Paris and London, as well as being re-engaged for Yugo-Slavia, which he visited for the second time last December. With his wife he had the thrill of experiencing . . . Analytical Notes. Personnel of the Orchestra. Conductor: Juan Jose Castro. Associate Conductor: Clive Douglas. First Violins: Bertha Jorgensen (Leader), Harry Hutchins (Assistant Leader), Frank Schieblich, Norman Deerson, Paul O'Brien, William Glasford, Ruth Michael, Alex Burlakov. Second Violins: Hyman Lenzer, Reginald Bradley, Robert Pattison, Donald Weekes, Marie Bull, Harvey Davis Violas: Colin Kerr, Mischa Kogan, Marion Ogilvie, Winifred Roberts. Cellos: Don Howley, Henri Touzeau, Valerie Awburn, Ezio Neri. Basses: Guill Fraillon, Frank Cerbasi, Milinor Morton. Flutes: Richard Chugg, Leslie Barklamb, Audrey Walklate. Oboes: Jiri Tancibudek, David Woolley. Clarinets: Thomas White, Isobel Carter. Bassoons: Thomas Wightman, Noel Hunt. Trumpets: Mervyn Simpson, Standish Roberts. Trombones: Stanley Code, John McGlade. Bass Trombone: Harold Willis, Tuba: Ron Stevens. Tympani: Gordon Craig. Percussion: Ernest Lighton, Bert Crawford. Harp: Adrian Bendall. Australian Broadcasting Commission; committee members. Photos: Juan Jose Castro, Cover. Joan Jones, page 4. Advertisements: QANTAS and B O A C , Qantas Empire Airways LTD. (incorporated I Queensland) in parallel with BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION. Coming orchestra dates for: Shepparton & Bendigo. Country Club, Tailored by Buckwalter. Carnegie's 'The House of Pianos'.program, theatre, orchestra, a/ victorian symphony orchestra, royal princess theatre, bendigo. direction: australian broadcasting commission. conducted by juan jose castro. soloist: donald westlake (clarinet). this series of concerts is arranged by the australian broadcasting commission in conjunction with the government of victoria. royal princess theatre, bendigo, thur., 12 nov. 8 p.m. programme. juan jose castro. which won the verdi prize award by la scala i 1952, and is now . . . analytical notes . . . orchestra. conductor: juan jose castro. associate conductor: clive douglass. first violins: bertha jorgensen (leader), harry hutchins (assistant leader), frank schieblich, norman deerson, paul o'brien, william glassford, ruth michael, alex burlakov. second violins: hyman lenzer, robert pattison, george paton, donald weekes, marie bull, harvey davis. violas: coin kerr, mischa kogan, marion ogilvie, winifred roberts. cellos: don howley, henri touzeau, valerie awburn, ezio neri. basses: guill fraillon, frank cerbasi, samuel shiffron. flutes: richard chugg, leslie barklamb, audrey walklate. oboes: jiri tancibudek, david woolley. clarinets: thomas white, isobel carter. bassoons: roy white, gordon miller, gordon grieve, graham bickford. trumpets: mervyn simpson, john geary. trombones: stanley code, john mcgade. bass trombone: harold willis. tuba: ron stevens. tympani: gordon craig. percussion: ernest lighton, bert crawford. harp: adrian bendall. australian broadcasting commission; r j f boyer m.a., chairman. e r dawes, vice-chairman. sir john medley, kt., d.c.l., l.l.d., m.a. p vanthoff, m.v.o. the hon. dame enid lyons, g.b.e. j c stewart, m w o'donnell, b.e.c. charles moses, general manager. t s duckmanton, a./manager for victoria. dorrie o'neil, concert manager for victoria. photos: juan jose castro, donald westlake. bendigo, 1954. taa. buckwalter. gmh, the whole story from a to z. carnegie's, 106 elizabeth st. b/ soloist: joan jones (contralto). this series of concerts is arranged by the australian broadcasting commission. town hall. juan jose castro. 1953 australian season, analytical notes. personnel of the orchestra. first violins: second violins: reginald bradley. violas: cellos: don howley, henri touzeau, valerie awburn, ezio neri. basses: guill fraillon, frank cerbasi, milinor morton. flutes:. oboes:. clarinets:, bassoons: thomas wightman, noel hunt. trumpets: standish roberts. trombones:. bass trombone:, tuba:. tympani:. percussion:. harp:. photos: juan jose castro. joan jones, qantas and b o a c , qantas empire airways ltd. british overseas airways corporation: bendigo. country club, buckwalter. carnegie's a/ victorian symphony orchestra, royal princess theatre, bendigo. direction: australian broadcasting commission. conducted by juan jose castro. soloist: donald westlake (clarinet). australian broadcasting commission government of victoria., thur., 12 nov. 8 p.m. juan jose castro. mr. castro has been conducting and holidaying in europe, and with his wife re-visited south america in italy he corrected the publisher's proofs of his opera, 'proserpina and the stranger, ' verdi prize award by la scala i 1952, .associate conductor: clive douglass. first violins: bertha jorgensen (leader), harry hutchins (assistant leader), frank schieblich, norman deerson, paul o'brien, william glassford, ruth michael, alex burlakov. second violins: hyman lenzer, robert pattison, george paton, donald weekes, marie bull, harvey davis. violas: coin kerr, mischa kogan, marion ogilvie, winifred roberts. cellos: don howley, henri touzeau, valerie awburn, ezio neri. basses: guill fraillon, frank cerbasi, samuel shiffron. flutes: richard chugg, leslie barklamb, audrey walklate. oboes: jiri tancibudek, david woolley. clarinets: thomas white, isobel carter. bassoons: roy white, gordon miller, gordon grieve, graham bickford. trumpets: mervyn simpson, john geary. trombones: stanley code, john mcgade. bass trombone: harold willis. tuba: ron stevens. tympani: gordon craig. percussion: ernest lighton, bert crawford. harp: adrian bendall. abccommittee: r j f boyer m.a., chairman. e r dawes, vice-chairman. sir john medley, kt., d.c.l., l.l.d., m.a. p vanthoff, m.v.o. the hon. dame enid lyons, g.b.e. j c stewart, m w o'donnell, b.e.c. charles moses, general manager. t s duckmanton, a./manager for victoria. dorrie o'neil, concert manager for victoria. photos: juan jose castro, donald westlake. advertisements: notice to subscribers; annual general meeting for albury, bendigo, shepparton, for 1954. taa. country club, . gmh, b/ victorian symphony orchestra, conducted by juan jose castro, soloist: joan jones (contralto). at the end of his 1953 australian season, mr. castro is in conduct concerts in italy, paris and london, as well as being re-engaged for yugo-slavia, . analytical notes. personnel of the orchestra. associate conductor: clive douglas. first violins: bertha jorgensen (leader), harry hutchins (assistant leader), frank schieblich, norman deerson, paul o'brien, william glasford, ruth michael, alex burlakov. second violins: hyman lenzer, reginald bradley, robert pattison, donald weekes, marie bull, harvey davis violas: colin kerr, mischa kogan, marion ogilvie, winifred roberts. cellos: don howley, henri touzeau, valerie awburn, ezio neri. basses: guill fraillon, frank cerbasi, milinor morton. flutes: richard chugg, leslie barklamb, audrey walklate. oboes: jiri tancibudek, david woolley. clarinets: thomas white, isobel carter. bassoons: thomas wightman, noel hunt. trumpets: mervyn simpson, standish roberts. trombones: stanley code, john mcglade. bass trombone: harold willis, tuba: ron stevens. tympani: gordon craig. percussion: ernest lighton, bert crawford. harp: adrian bendall. australian broadcasting commission; committee members. photos: juan jose castro, cover. joan jones, page 4. advertisements: qantas and b o a c , qantas empire airways ltd. (incorporated i queensland) in parallel with british overseas airways corporation. coming orchestra dates for: shepparton & bendigo. country club, tailored by buckwalter. carnegie's 'the house of pianos'. -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, The Bridge, 1930's
This book was written by Dr J. J. C. Bradfield, (John Job Crew), 1867-1943. Dr JJC Bradfield was a visionary Australian engineer who worked with enormous energy and vision to build the infrastructure which he foresaw that Sydney would need as it grew. As early as 1903 Bradfield was making the case for the Sydney Harbour Bridge, in his presidential address as President of the Sydney University Engineering Society. Bradfield’s proposal — at that stage for a cantilever bridge between Dawes Point and Milsons Point — won the committee’s support and they recommended it be accepted. However, the First World War put a stop to these plans. While a bill to authorise the project passed the lower house of the NSW parliament in 1916, it failed to pass the upper house, on the grounds that funds should not be diverted from the war effort. With the war over, in 1922 the Sydney Harbour Bridge Act was passed by the NSW Parliament. The Sydney Harbour Bridge was officially opened in 1932 after Museum and St James railway stations were built. This book was written from the story broadcast by Dr. J.J.C. Bradfield. This item is a useful reference tool.A staple soft cover 16 pp booklet with a buff coloured cover. It has a sketch of the Sydney Harbour Bridge behind the title "The Bridge" in dark brown print. It contains information and photographs of the history and construction of Sydney Harbour bradfield-dr-j-j-c -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Journal, Peter Doughtery, ArtStreams: News in arts and cultural heritage; Vol. 2, No. 1, Feb-Mar 1997, 1997
Vol. 2, No. 1, Feb-Mar 1997 CONTENTS MEDALS AND MODERNISM A retrospective look at the cultural impact of the Melbourne Olympics 3 CD REVIEWS 6 NEW HORIZONS Judy Jacques takes a new direction 6 LA MAMA 30 YEARS ON Liz Jones at the helm 10 PAST AS POST CUBISM Annita Furey on Heather Shim men 14 GRAPE GRAZING FESTIVAL Food, wine and music in the Yarra Valley 16 SHORT STORY Fantasia on a cup of coffee 18 WHAT'S ON A round-up of events for February 22 WHO'S TEACHING WHAT Classes in the region 24 FRANCES DUFFY RETROSPECTIVE An artist who extended the boundaries of tonalism 26 ANDY WARHOL AND THE CAN OF SOUP More than 15 minutes of fame 27 A ‘DUTCH’ FESTIVAL COMES TO ST ANDREWS 28 LISTINGS Artists, performers and galleries 29 "Peter Dougherty has been involved in the local art scene for many years. As publisher and editor of the arts magazine Artstreams, his comments on the various branches of the arts are widely respected. His "The Arts" column in the Diamond Valley Leader presents a brief summary for a much wider cross section of the local community. Peter also operates his own gallery and the Artstreams Cafe at the St Andrews market. Peter has a wealth of knowledge about present day and historical aspects of local art and artists." - Eltham District Historical Society Newsletter No. 161, March 2005Colour front and back cover with feature articles and literary pieces with photographs and advertisements printed in black and white. 36 pages, 30 cm. Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 1996) - Vol. 10, no. 5 (summer ed. 2005/06) 1956 melbourne olympics, 1956 olympics, 1995 eltham arts ball, a.d. (archie) colquoun, abu baku, adams of north riding, afandi siyo, albert namatjira, alice (1956), andy warhol, annita furey, anthony dymke, art streams magazine, ballarat school of mines, bathing in the dark, bob sedergren, bob valentine, bourbo's belly, brian brown quntet, bulleen art & garden centre, cafe margot, charles blackman, christine edwards, circushead, clifton pugh, cottlesbridge, council amalgamation, cuddlefish, dave pithouse, david lord, david tolley, dawn sime, dione mcintyre, dixon's creek, edward grigoryan, eltham college concert band, eltham wiregrass gallery, erika mcgilchrist, fergusson winery, food for all seasons, frances duffy, fred williams, frenzi, geoff achison, geoff mainwaring, graeme bell, grape grazing festival, half caste child, heather shimmen, hoodangers, isobel lindsay, james wakeling, janette geri, john brack, john mcall, john murphy, jordie albiston, judy jacques, kath mckinnon, katherine's silly women, kelly 1956, ken harrison, kevin borland, kim harriss quartet, la mama theatre, lauurie dawes, leonard french, lighthouse, liz jones, lloyd jones, lothlorien, lovegroves, lovey's estate, luxum, maelstrom, max meldrum, may grigg, michelle nicolle, mighty servant, mirka mora, miss suzannah espie, moma, montsalvat jazz festival, moonee valley drifters, moonlight shadow, museum of modern art at heide, mystery train, the melbourne jazz band, nicole eveleigh, nigel shipley, olympomania, peter mcintyre, phyllis murphy, pip avent, portrait of georges mora (1956), ray horsfield, red shed theatre company, reed's gallery, richardson house (1955), river house (1955), robin boyd, sandro donatti, secret of the west wind, seville, shantell vineyard, shedlevellers bush band, shirley bourne, sigmund jorgensen, sir william dargie, soul sister swing, sydney nolan, that handsome couple, the band who knew too much, the broken fence (1956), the gusset rustlers, the rhonda movement, the russian gypsey jazz quartet, three amigos, victorian artists supplies, warburton, wholefood delights, yarra valley grape grazing festival, yellow dog jazz band, yering station, art streams -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Coleman family and home, Main Road, Eltham, c.1909
Coleman family and home, Coleman’s Corner, Eltham, c.1909 L-R: Tom Newton (school teacher and nephew of Mrs Coleman), Mary Agnes Coleman (later Mrs Dawes 1904-1957), Mrs Mary Ann Coleman nee Bourke (1877-1927); mother of Jack (John Lawrence 1895-1969), George Lawrence (1906-1953) and Mary Agnes (1904-1957). John (Jack) Coleman was father of John Jnr and father in law to Margaret (nee Dare). The cottage was located on a bend of Wattletree Rd near Main Road. Built about 1905 and later extended. Demolished c.2000 for development of units. Main Road before it was realigned used to take in the current Coleman Crescent. Same as 1678A. Not in register. Source: Mrs. M. Coleman, Coleman's Corner, Eltham This photo forms part of a collection of photographs gathered by the Shire of Eltham for their centenary project book,"Pioneers and Painters: 100 years of the Shire of Eltham" by Alan Marshall (1971). The collection of over 500 images is held in partnership between Eltham District Historical Society and Yarra Plenty Regional Library (Eltham Library) and is now formally known as the 'The Shire of Eltham Pioneers Photograph Collection.' It is significant in being the first community sourced collection representing the places and people of the Shire's first one hundred years.Digital image 4 x 5 inch B&W Neg Print 16.5 x 25 cmshire of eltham pioneers photograph collection, coleman cottage, coleman crescent, coleman family, coleman's corner, eltham, george lawrence coleman, jack coleman, john lawrence coleman, main road, mary agnes dawes (nee coleman), mary ann coleman (nee bourke), tom newton, wattletree road, 1909 -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Ringwood State School - Grade 5A, 1963
Black and white photograph - Grade 5A, 1963."Attached to photograph" Back Row- L to R: Russell Borke, John Snellders, Craig Austin, Barbara Donald, Janet Conlon, Diana Rankin, Debbie Lawrence, Russell Paine, Neil Ratray, Gavin Philips. 2nd Row- L to R: Tommy Colston, Greg Peters, Leslie Reed, Jeffrey Taylor, Gary McCubbin, Gary Davies, ?, John Moon, Barry McDonald, Malcolm Pearson, ?. 3rd Row- L to R: Stephen Gross, Neil Dawe, Jeffrey Fielding, David Kennely, Ian (?), Philip Bates, Jeffrey Ratten, David Kimberly, Robyn Hagar, Malcolm Williams. Front Row- L to R: Karen Williams, Debbie Monk, Elizabeth Clarke, Judy Parker, Linda (?), Jan Thompson, Sally Shaw, Cheryl O'Brien, Rosaland Wiggle, Julie Cook, Rhonda McLeod. On Ground: Michael Craddock, David Connell. Teacher: -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Ringwood State School - Football Team, 1962
Black and white photograph - Football Team, 1962."Attached to photograph" Back Row- L to R: Peter Evans, ?, Peter Bullock, Peter Jenkins, Geoffrey Bomford, ?, Colin Doake, Ian Cannan, John Gadsden. 2nd Row- L to R: Peter Brown, Perry Kaighan, Robert Russell, Geoff Stogren, David Buchan, Dennis Ratten, David Webb, Allan Allingham, ?. Front Row- L to R: ?, Rodney Baker, Terry Martin, Michael Lawrence, John Arnott, Jim Morgan, Robert Bradley, Peter Crettenden, Steven Dawes. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Ringwood State School - Grade 4A, 1962
Black and white photograph - Grade 4A, 1962"Attached to photograph" Back Row- L to R: Russell Bourke, Robert Taylor, Malcolm Pearson, Russell Paine, Gavin Phillips, Neil Rattray, Gary Davies, ?, Barry McDonald, Craig Austin, Gary McCubbin, John Moon. 2nd Row- L to R: Julie Cook, Jan Thompson, Leslie Gray, Leanne Thorpe, Laurie Simpson,, Debbie Lawrence, Elizabeth Clarke, Roslyn wiggle, Diana Rankin, Wilemina Cook, Janet Conlon. 3rd Row- L to R: Tommy Colston, Stephen Cross, Jeffrey Ratten, Roslyn (?), Sally Shaw, Debbie Monk, Rhonda McLeod, Karen Williams, Ian Jones, Leslie Reed, David Connell. Front Row- L to R: Robin Hagar, Greg Peters, Malcolm Williams, Phillip Bates, David Kimberley, Michael Craddock, David Kennely, Neil Dawe, Jeffrey Fields. Teacher: Mr Delacca -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Letter - Rosstown Railway
This file contains four items: 1/A black and white photocopy of a letter dated either 07/08/1889 or 09/08/1889, from Robert Lundon to an unidentified recipient discussing an agreement reached between the author – on behalf of the recipient – and Soon Hang Hi in regard, in regards to the allotment known as Webber’s. The agreement is outlined in the letter in what appears to be Chinese characters, and includes the marks of Robert Lundon and Soon Hang Hi. File note from Joy Wu states that the calligraphy is not Mandarin or traditional Chinese. 2/Three sheets of hand-written working notes with information taken from the Victorian Government Gazette on THE ROSSTOWN AND MURRUMBEENA LAND COMPANY LIMITED, THE ROSSTOWN JUNCTION RAILWAY AND PROSPERITY COMPANY LIOMITED, and THE ROSSTOWN JUNCTION, ELSTERNWICK, AND OAKLEIGH RAILWAY COMPANY LIMITED, covering dates between 1887 and 1894. The notes concern meetings and creditors claims relevant to the companies, with reference numbers for the information source. Date and author of the notes are not recorded. 3/A black and white photocopy of the a partial map of the Rosstown Railway and surrounding area, undated. The map includes the names of landholders in the areas of Brighton, Garden Vale and Elsternwick, as well as other railway lines present in the region. 4/A fold-out map and guide of the Rosstown Rail Trail, including a brief general history of Caulfield as well as a more extensive biography of William Murray Ross and the Rosstown Railway. The map marks and describes significant sites along the trail, including photographs of some of these sites, provided by DF Jowett.documents, correspondence, webber’s, lundon robert, chinese characters, ethnic communities, signatures, text, settlements, taxes, fraser john grieves, lovell r.h., price davies, meetings, communication activities, soon hang hi, commercial events and activities, the rosstown and murrumbeena land company limited, victorian government gazette, bulmer richard, parry john, osment henry, shareholders, creditors claims, the rosstown junction railway and property company limited, finch and best, lawyers, the rosstown junction elsternwick and oakleigh railway company limited, cameron w.c., phillips p.d., garden vale, elsternwick, elsternwick railway station, rosstown, rosstown railway, thomas street, bay street, kooyong road, melbourne and brighton railway, hawthorn road, bambra road, caulfield and frankston railway, booran road, grange road, koornang road, murrumbeena road, north road, north road railway station, east brighton railway station, south road, railway routes, railway lines, railways, land transport, murphy j., caulfield, hamilton t.f., dane p., holloway, webb, ailee john, payne t.b., brodie chas, dane john, o’neil h., mccombie john, mcmillane a., smyth c.d., cooper, ebden, landholders, jeffrey j.d., gill j., balcombe a.e., cooper h., mcnab j., white j., sutherland j., greeves a.f.a., newton m.c., chamley f.b., fowler j., inglis p., grant t., stooke j., swanson g., cochrane c., adams e.b., mccombie thas, keyes robert, brighton cemetery, burials grounds and graveyards, war-ein road, were j.b., holland j., mcmahon c., winter t.l.m., dendy henry, mitchell w., jackson s., were j.e., wickham francis dawe, bryant jane, east brighton railway station, railway stations, maps, allotments, land titles, roads and streets, rosstown rail trail, city of glen eira, tourism, trains, tourism information bureaus, tours, pamphlets, elsternwick railway park, oakleigh junction, princes park, ee gunn reserve, packer park, sites, jowett d.f., weickhardt i.g., return to rosstown: railways land sales and sugar beet ventures in caulfield, land sales, walking trails, ross william murray, transport objects, locomotion, walking, cycling, driving, sports, country mansions, people, caulfield john, builders, construction and demolition workers, occupations, careers, professionals, topography, geology, landforms, horticulture, market gardens, primary industry workers, city of caulfield, mood kee, pennington harold, annual general meetings, caulfield town hall, glen eira city council, carnegie, carnegie station, rosstown station, people by circumstance, migrants, sugar beet, sugar beet mill, sugar beet industry, mills, factories, sea beach lines, bent thomas, parliamentary representatives, neville street, miller street, lemann’s swamp reserve, koornang park, cane sugar industry, breweries, rabbit processing plants, health establishments, hospitals, food production establishments, abattoirs, thieves, social problems, vagrants, theft, squatting, financial economics, debt, finance industry, insurance companies, company managers, bentleigh, ross leila, the grange, leila road, wild cherry road, financial trouble, mortgages, gisborne street, archibald street, riddell parade, victoria railways, glen huntly road, clarence street, college street, gladstone parade, parrell street, aileen avenue, seaview street, drion estate, land subdivisions, dover street, sussex street, landfill, marara road, booran road, woodville avenue, dorothy avenue, ormond park, royal avenue, ormond railway station, oakleigh road, melten avenue, miller street, munro avenue, lord reserve, neerim road, toolambool road, the rosstown hotel, rosanna street, murrumbeena crescent, commercial establishments, the national bank, rosstown road, kangaroo road, poath road, freda street, hughesdale kindergarten, oakleigh council, hughesdale community centre, civic establishments, galbally reserve, plaques, warrigal road, out and about brochures -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains 13 official documents pertaining to the Rotary Club of Caulfield: 1/A typewritten copy of the constitution of the Rotary Club of Caulfield (undated). Said document is essentially an instruction manual detailing how the Club is to be administered and the duties of officials. 2/A page (unclear if intended for use as a poster or letter) announcing a Business Persons Breakfast to be held at St. Anthony’s Parish Hall on 19/11/1986, wherein Jeff Kennett, M.L.A., Leader of the Opposition of the Parliament of Victoria, will deliver a speech titled ‘Responsibility Before Rights’. 3/A booklet announcing the 25th anniversary celebration of the Rotary Club of Caulfield, to be held at Tudor Court on 24/02/1987. Contains the menu, national anthem, programme, and two lists – one of the founding members of the Club and one of the extant members of the Club. 4/Two copies of a booklet announcing a dinner, to be held at Tudor Court on 10/11/1987, wherein charter will be presented to the Rotary Club of Caulfield-Rosstown by District Governor Ian Knight. Contains a list of extant staff, the menu, the programme, a description of the history of the ‘Wembley Wheel of Friendship’, a list of charter members, and an account of the etymology of the name ‘Rosstown’. 5/Two copies of a page featuring four items of relevance to the Rotary Club of Caulfield. The first is an article (titled ‘Rotary scholar makes it’, author unspecified, source unspecified, undated) about Club scion Mark Collard receiving an MBA from Clarkson University. The second is an article (titled ‘New Caulfield Rotary’, author unspecified, source unspecified, undated) about the presentation dinner to which item 7 pertains. (This article is not present in its entirety, trailing off at the end.) The third is an announcement of a ‘progressive dinner’ to be held on 28/11/1987, also containing an announcement of a bicentennial conference to be held on 19/03/1988. The fourth is an announcement of what appears to be the initiation of some sort of historical re-enactment, the proceeds of which will fund the Rotary Club’s ‘Polio Plus’ project. A title (‘A Long Haul Through Caulfield’) suggests this item may be the header section of an article about said event, but if so, the remainder is not present. Contains three black-and-white photographs; one of Collard with an unidentified woman (presumably his wife), one of Club President Howie Dunlop congratulating Charter President Geoff Oscar, and one of some men riding on a horse-drawn cart. 6/Two copies of a booklet announcing a President Changeover Dinner, to be held on 28/06/1988. Contains the menu, programme, and a list of extant members. 7/Two copies of the weekly bulletin of the Rotary Club of Caulfield, dated 28/06/1988. Contains lists of faculty, notification of the Club’s decision to admit women, notification of upcoming events, a biography of guest speaker Fred Epstein, and a list of the times and places of alternative meetings. 8/Two photocopied statements of the receipts and expenditure of the Rotary Club of Caulfield, one for the period 01/10/1989 – 30/06/1990, and one for the period 01/07/1990 – 27/08/1990. 9/The photocopied minutes of a New Members Committee Meeting of the Rotary Club of Caulfield, dated 02/08/1990. Objects of discussion include fundraising methods and application of funds. 10/A booklet announcing Change Over Night, dated 21/06/1994. Contains the programme, menu, national anthem, and a list of extant faculty. 11/4 unbound pages announcing the winners of the Rotary Youth Photographic Awards, dated 1995 (a more specific date than this is not given). (Pages contain no photographs.) 12/A small note announcing the Murrumbeena Community Market, to be held on 04/12/2010, of which the Rotary Club of Caulfield is one of the sponsors. 13/A booklet announcing a dinner to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Rotary Club of Caulfield, to be held on 23/02/2012. Contains the programme, menu, a list of past presidents, a description of the history of the Gifu Vase (a trophy in the Club’s possession), and a list of some of the charity projects the Club has been engaged in.rotary club of caulfield, clubs and associations, charitable organisations, kennett jeff m.l.a., st. anthony’s parish hall, grange road, neerim road, glenhuntly, festivals and celebrations, tudor court, gray robin, baird jack, lord john, king john, crittenden doug, gelme anthony, hunkin ed. rev., fryer roy, quine john, bedford f., bell jim, bunny d., cripps e., don john, epstein fred, hattam j., howard w., kerry g., kumnick j., kurrie s., lord l., morrison charles, nelson h., parton willis, perry bruce, pollard r., price f., skuse e., stillwell g., tilley norman, tomlinson charles, watson don, webster j., wilson duncan, fincher roy, wheller john, allen selwyn, christopher don, cohen godfrey, davis keith, davis lloyd, dornbierer w., dunlop howie, fillmore wally, ford john, ford peter, forshaw ken, gales brian, green myer, hind jim, humphreys john, hunter ian, lewis ray, melville jack, oscar geoff, penaluna harry, perlen louis, rampling ross, ronaldson keith, sherlock max, sicklemore graham, smith barry, stapleton ted, summers ron, tovey david, rotary club of caulfield-rosstown, knight ian, tudor court, kooyong road, bellmaine mark, langfelder kurt, morris rob, rome graeme, alma club, wilks street, wills david, blankfield mark, awards, wembley wheel of friendship, bellmaine loretta, cunningham david, cunningham jean, davis pam, davis rex, davis judith, forshaw hannah, graham jeremy, graham kara, hassing andre, hassing arlette, jacobs frank, jacobs june, langfelder judy, morris robert, morris angela, nettlebeck rosalie, oscar enid, rattray john, rattray diana, rome lorraine, sarah ted, sarah denise, sherlock helen, smith suzanne, stapleton jackie, turner brook, turner vicki, tuhiwai tamati, tuhiwai ravina, will arnold, will claire, rosstown, ross william murray, rosstown sugar works, collard mark, rotary foundation, keller chuck, campbell felicitie mrs., campbell jack cr., knight genny, albury civic centre, green tess, tantram avenue, quine gwen, beaver street, rosalind ray, rosalind lweis, devon street, little company of mary hospital, polio plus, smith ian, jackson adrian, miller peter, spence bert, wheller denise, coffey bill, financial documents, receipts, gilmartin e., moran d., kaan a., fillmore wal, coleman peter, coleman moyrha, wesley college elsternwick big band, puddy mark, fradkin barry, fitzgerald gerald, renton robert, herschberg gedeon, kinston david, montgomery peter, dawes shane, silberberg henry, zazryn ben, cohen michael, rotary youth photographic awards, photographic competitions, photography, terry ted mr., terry e. a. mr., eldridge hannah, cottral anne, abdullahi khalid, gostin cassie, podlabeniouk lena, diyab ahmed, draca julijana, pevkoski danilla, wooster heath, lesar dion, sansoni rachel, leatham chelsea, townsend jessie, barker megan, fitzgerald megan, maokhamphiou anthony, smith naomi, fraser sue-ellen, white tanya, murrumbeena community market, koornang uniting church, murrumbeena road, welsh heather, robinson david, kesselschmidt sima, potasz sophie, southwick david, cheyne gordon, ryall keith, arianti listy, westbrook natasha, pollard bob, hancock irey, lovett jack, cooper alby, rundle john, patkin nehama, mcmullen adele, douglas jennie, preston mark, resubal loreto, gifu vase, aoki seiichi, operation firewood, alfred hospital, bus of knowledge, australia day breakfast, bethlehem hospital, caulfield hospital -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine - Magazines, Paul Gulick, Universal Weekly, 1929/30, 1929 - 1930
Fives copies of Universal Weekly was a magazine for Motion Picture exhibitors. Used by Keith Rash / Gem Pictures. Five copies of the Magazine 'Universal Weekly' and a publicity flyer. .1) 32 page magazine dated 17 August 1929 with Ken Maynard on the cover. It includes information on Broadway, Showboat, The wagon Master, Girl Overboard, Universal, Scotland, College Love. .2) .1) 32 page magazine dated 20 July 1929 with George Lewis and Dorothy Gulliver on the cover. Contents include College Love, Show Boat, The Drake case, Wagon Master, The Ace of Scotland Yard, Melody Lane. .3) 32 page magazine dated 24 August 1929 with Hoot Gibson on the cover. Contents include: Points West, Show Boat, The Ace of Scotland Yard, College Love, Wagon Master, Early to Wed, The Danger Line. .4) 32 page magazine dated 02 November 1929 with Paul Whitman on the cover. Contents include: All Quiet on the Western Front, Skinner Steps Out, Rhapsody in Blue, Shanghai Lady, Out to Kill, The College Racketeer, La Marseillaise, The Phantom of the Opera, The Mississippi Gambler, Skinner Steps Out, Uncle Tom's Cabin, The Wagon Master. .5) 32 page magazine dated 15 March 1930 with Cohens and Kellys Scotland on the cover. Contents include: The Storm. Hide Out, Phantom of the Opera, Showboat, Jade Box. .6) Small promotional flyer for Carl Laemmle's 'The Last Performance'. ken maynard, broadway, carl laemmle, news reels, mary nolan, john boles, louis cohen, eddie leonard, jack daugherty, frank merrill, gershwin. wynn holcomb, lupe velez, william boyd, tod brownning, e.m. asher, albert de mond, graham mcnamee, helen wright, gem pictures, wagon master, s.s. majestic, h.h. van loan, show boat, george sidney, charlie murray, jocelyn lee, carl larmmle, pennants, george lewis, the drake case, harry taylor, eddie leonard, josephine dunn, minstrels, newsreels, theatre, movies, graf zeppelin, paul whitman, the king of jazz revue, glenn tryon, merna kennedy, the shannons of broadway, bob shawkey, charles d. dawes, the college racketeer, charles rickford, fred kohler, raymond hutton, hell's heroes, the mississippi gambler, james murray, kathryn crawford, ted browning, joan marsh -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Ringwood State School - Grade 4B, 1960
Black and white photograph"Attached to photograph" Back Row- L to R: Bruce Taylor, ?, John Gadsden, Andrew Glavimans, Ray Reid, Jim(Bill) Noble, Glen Ennis, Peter Jenkins, Colin Doak, Michael Jackson, Geoff Sjogren. 2nd Row- L to R: Rosemary Cini, Karalee Bacon, Belinda Clarke, Rase Moller, Leonie Munro, Robyn Whitchurch, Stephanie Ivanovic, Janine Brooks, ?, Jeanne Myles, Marion Mitchell, Heinz Bansagi. 3rd Row- L to R: Robert Bradley, Terry Martin, Annette Bousaid, Cheryl-Ann Mitchell(?), Stephanie Tann, ?, Elizabeth Carter, Judith Flaherty, ?, ?, Billy Harding, Greg Jacobs, Stephen Dawe. Front Row- L to R: ?, Stephen Lavender, Robert Russell, David Buchan, Richard Carter, Ian Uren, Peter Evans, David Cleator, Gary Sinclair, Clive Connolly, Peter Brown. Teacher: -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Ringwood State School - Grade 5C, 1961
Black and white photograph"Attached to photograph" Back Row- L to R: Vincent Powell, John Arnett, Christian Kramer, Stephen Lavender, Greg Paine, Stephen Dawe, Charlie Rechnitzer, Rodney Barber, David Webb. 2nd Row- L to R: Kevin McCullough, Andrew Glavimans, Geoff Sjogren, Peter Jenkins, Peter Anderson, John Gadsden, Darryl McDonald, Perry Kaigan, Michael Jackson, Bruce Taylor. 3rd Row- L to R: Mr Delacca, Valerie Robinson, Stephanie Iwanowicz, Robyn Whitchurch, Jimmy Morgan, Jim(Bill) Noble, Sue Lewis, Wendy Long, Rae Moller, Georgina Brooks. Front Row- L to R: Valerie Harrison, Stephanie Tann, Glenda Mayers, Kaye Spencer, Carol Patten, Jeanette Hewlitt, Sandra Thomas, Belinda Clarke, Helen Marr, Robyn Dickson. Teacher: Mr Delacca -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Victorian Symphony Orchestra, Capital Theatre, Bendigo. Thursday, 20th October, 1960, 8pm. Conductor: Rudolf Pekarek. Soloist: Jiri Tancibudek (Oboist). Programme One Shilling. Rudolf Pekarek (includes photograph) Czech born. The A.B.C.'s resident conductor of the Queensland Symphony Orchestra, can look back on forty year's experience as a conductor of the symphony orchestras. He is chiefly remembered in has native Prague for his founding of the Film Opera Koncert Orchestra, the predecessor of the Prague Symphony Orchestra. Studied oboe and violin. Founded F.O.K Orchestra in 1933. Often a guest conductor of the Czech Philharmonic and Vienna Symphony Orchestras. During WWII spent four years working in Polish mines as a prisoner of the Germans. Escaped in 1944, joined Czech liberators. Appointed director of the Army of the Arts Ensemble of the Czechoslovakian Liberation Army. After coming to Australia in 1949, Pekarek spent four years in Perth as . . . Jiri Tanibudek ( including Photograph) Principle oboe with the Victorian Symphony Orchestra, formerly played with the Czech Philharmonics Orchestra in Prague. Appointed with the V.S.O. in 1953, naturalized in 1956. Played with Smetana String Quartet. Australia invited him as Professor of Oboe at the New South Wales Conservatorium. Returned overseas . . . Programme. Analytical Notes . . . The Australian Broadcasting Commission acknowledges with thanks the valuable advice and assistance received from The Wangaratta Arts Council and The Music Advancement Society of Bendigo in the presentation of these concerts. A.B.C. Sir Richard Boyer, K.B.E., M.A., Chairman. E R Dawes, C.M.G., Vice-Chairman. Sir John Medley, KT., D.C.L., LL.D., M.A. The Hon. Dame Enid Lyons, G.B.E. Miss Rhonda Felgate, M.B.E. A G Lowndes, M/SC. H B Halvorsen, F.C.A., F.C.I.S. Charles Moses, C.B.E., General Manager. Ewart Chapple, Manager for Victoria. Charles Buttrose, Director of Publicity and Concerts. H Cannon, Director of Music. Ray Humphrey, Concert Manager for Victoria. Advertisements: Brashs, His Masters Voice, Philips, Country Club.program, music, music advancement society bendigo, victorian symphony orchestra, capital theatre, bendigo. 20th october, 1960. conductor: rudolf pekarek. soloist: jiri tancibudek (oboist). rudolf pekarek (includes photograph) czech born. the a.b.c.'s resident conductor of the queensland symphony orchestra. remembered in prague for founding of the film opera koncert orchestra, the predecessor of the prague symphony orchestra. studied oboe and violin. founded f.o.k orchestra in 1933. often a guest conductor of the czech philharmonic and vienna symphony orchestras. during wwii spent years in polish mines as a prisoner of germans. escaped in 1944, joined czech liberators. director of the army of the arts ensemble of the czechoslovakian liberation army. australia in 1949, pekarek spent four years in perth. jiri tanibudek ( including photograph) principle oboe with the victorian symphony orchestra, formerly played with the czeh philharmonis orchestra in prague. appointed with the v.s.o. in 1953, naturalised in 1956. played with smetana string quartet. professor of oboe at the new south wales conservatorium. . programme. analytical notes . . . the australian broadcasting commission acknowledges with thanks the valuable advice and assistance received from the wangaratta arts council and the music advancement society of bendigo. a.b.c. sir richard boyer, k.b.e., m.a., chairman. e r dawes, c.m.g., vice-chairman. sir john medley, kt., d.c.l., ll.d., m.a. the hon. dame enid lyons, g.b.e. miss rhonda felgate, m.b.e. a g lowndes, m/sc. h b halvorsen, f.c.a., f.c.i.s. charles moses, c.b.e., general manager. ewart chapple, manager for victoria. charles buttrose, director of publicity and concerts. h cannon, director of music. ray humphrey, concert manager for victoria. advertisements: brashs, his masters voice, philips, country club. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - MY FAIR LADY, CAPITAL THEATRE, BENDIGO, 14 November, 1973
My Fair Lady, Capital Theatre, View Street, Bendigo. Commencing Wednesday, 14th November, 1973 for an eight night season. Souvenir Program for 50th Production. Bendigo Operatic Society, President: Mr J M Cannon, Vice President: Mr F Trewarne, Honn. Secretary: Miss A Ball, Hon. Treasurer: Mr L Spencely, Hon. Subscription Secretary: Mrs P Lyon. Committee: Mesdames I Brown, J Cannon, Misses P Speedy, M Welch, Messrs. J Beamont, J Boquest, G Daws. Photographs of Mr J Cannon, Max Collins, Carol McKenzie, John Beamont, Kathie Farn, Ralph Watkins, Patricia Lyon, Peter Pritchard, John Boquest, Russell Baxter, Max Rule, David Daenke, Gwen Grose, Diana Chon. Article on: Max Collins, Carol Mckenzie, John Beaumont. Synopsis of Scenes. Bendigo Operatic Society presents by arrangement with J C Williamson Theatre, Ltd., and Tams-Witmark Music Library of New York ' My Fair Lady.' Adapted from George Bernard Shaw's Play and Gabrial Pascal's Motion Picture 'Pygmalion'. Music by Frederick Loewe. Book and Lyrics by Alan J Lerner. Musical Director: Gwen Rose, Stage Manager Malcom Cannon, Wardrobe Miss M Welch, Choeography Miss M Welch & Mrs A Ball. Cast: Carol McKenzie, Max Rule, Kathie Farn, Ralph Watkins, John Beamont, Gary Burns, John Boquest, Russell Barter, Peter Pritchard, Patricia Lyon, Pauline Speedy, Jull James, David Daenke. Synopsis of Story. Bendigo Concert Orchestra from the following:- Violins: Mrs R Wheldon, Mrs A Boulton, Mrs M Robbins, Mrs C Messer, Mr C Gill, Mr P Phillips, Mr J Jordan. Violas: Mr E Jarratt, Mr J Werry. Cellos: Mrs C Bubb, Miss D Nankivell. Bass: Mr Chester White, Mr Tom French. Flute: Mr C Bubb. Clarinets: Mr R Holyoake, Mr G Ellul. Trombones: Mr W Neuman. Bassoon & French Horn: Mr Stuart Anderson. Trumpets: Mr D Aitken. Pianoforte: Miss Diana Cohn. Female Chorus: Marion Alcock, Wilma Baldwin, Mary Barbour, Valerie Barter, Gwen Cox, Shirley Dawson, Jo-anne Edgar, Dorothy Field, Valerie Griffith, Lorraine Hatch, Julie Howbert, Faye Hughes, Ruth Iredale, Sue Kemp, Dawn Mackay, Cheryl Marshall, Jull Matthews, Adrenne Nankivell, Fay Olive, Barbara Potter, Lois Semmens, Coral Rivett, Anne Truscott, Kathie Watson, Pamela Wiltshire, Marion Wright. Male Choras: Albert Charlton, David Aaenke, Graeme Dawes, Ken Deutchman, Jim Feteris, Philip Johnston, Hugh Sayle, Bryan Slattery, Len Symons, Fred Trewarne, Ian Unmack,Philip Wilkins. Ballet: Dianne Austin, Annette Bassett, Annette Galvin, Coral Rivett, Pam Sutton, Den Deutschman, Ian Unmack, Brian Slettery, Len Symons, Philip Johnston. Acknowledgements: Bendigo Advertiser, BVC 8, 3BO, 3CV. Publicity Officer: Mrs J Cannon. Scenery Design: Mr Malcom Cannon. Prperties: John Cannon, Jim Moncrieff, Gerard Fullarton, Peter Edgley. Art Work: M Cannon, Geoff Proctor, J Hall, Kerry Noakes, Michael Frayne, Mark Edebone & Pamela Caswell. Prompts: Mrs J Cannon, Mrs H Lindhe. Make-Up: Mrs J Cannon, B Downing, H Coia, Lighting: L Reed, H Bridges & T Vincent. Hairdressing: Ross Coiffure. House Managers: Basil Bennett, Ron Thomas, Bruce Ralph. Advertisments: Powneys Toyland, Golden Hills Motel 'The Inn', Marong Road, Bendigo. Ross Coifure Beauty Salon, Allans Walk, Bendigo. Don Semmens Photographic Studio, Hargreaves Street, Bendigo.program, theatre, bendigo operatic society, my fair lady, capital theatre, view street, bendigo. commencing wednesday, 14th november, 1973 for an eight night season. souvenir program for 50th production. bendigo operatic society, president: mr j m cannon, vice president: mr f trewarne, hon. secretary: miss a ball, hon. treasurer: mr l spencely, hon. subscription secretary: mrs p lyon. committee: mesdames i brown, j cannon, misses p speedy, m welch, messrs. j beamont, j boquest, g daws. photographs of mr j cannon, max collins, carol mckenzie, john beamont, kathie farn, ralph watkins, patricia lyon, peter pritchard, john boquest, russell baxter, max rule, david daenke, gwen grose, diana chon. article on: max collins, carol mckenzie, john beaumont. bendigo operatic society presents by arrangement with j c williamson theatre, ltd., and tams-witmark music library of new york ' my fair lady.' adapted from george bernard shaw's play and gabrial pascal's motion picture 'pygmalion'. music by frederick loewe. book and lyrics by alan j lerner. musical director: gwen rose, stage manager malcom cannon, wardrobe miss m welch, choeography miss m welch & mrs a ball. cast: carol mckenzie, max rule, kathie farn, ralph watkins, john beamont, gary burns, john boquest, russell barter, peter pritchard, patricia lyon, pauline speedy, jull james, david daenke. synopsis of story. bendigo concert orchestra from the following:- violins: mrs r wheldon, mrs a boulton, mrs m robbins, mrs c messer, mr c gill, mr p phillips, mr j jordan. violas: mr e jarratt, mr j werry. cellos: mrs c bubb, miss d nankivell. bass: mr chester white, mr tom french. flute: mr c bubb. clarinets: mr r holyoake, mr g ellul. trombones: mr w neuman. bassoon & french horn: mr stuart anderson. trumpets: mr d aitken. pianoforte: miss diana cohn. female chorus: marion alcock, wilma baldwin, mary barbour, valerie barter, gwen cox, shirley dawson, jo-anne edgar, dorothy field, valerie griffith, lorraine hatch, julie howbert, faye hughes, ruth iredale, sue kemp, dawn mackay, cheryl marshall, jull matthews, adrenne nankivell, fay olive, barbara potter, lois semmens, coral rivett, anne truscott, kathie watson, pamela wiltshire, marion wright. male choras: albert charlton, david aaenke, graeme dawes, ken deutchman, jim feteris, philip johnston, hugh sayle, bryan slattery, len symons, fred trewarne, ian unmack, philip wilkins. ballet: dianne austin, annette bassett, annette galvin, coral rivett, pam sutton, den deutschman, ian unmack, brian slettery, len symons, philip johnston. acknowledgements: bendigo advertiser, bvc 8, 3bo, 3cv. publicity officer: mrs j cannon. scenery design: mr malcom cannon. prperties: john cannon, jim moncrieff, gerard fullarton, peter edgley. art work: m cannon, geoff proctor, j hall, kerry noakes, michael frayne, mark edebone & pamela caswell. prompts: mrs j cannon, mrs h lindhe. make-up: mrs j cannon, b downing, h coia, lighting: l reed, h bridges & t vincent. hairdressing: ross coiffure. house managers: basil bennett, ron thomas, bruce ralph. powneys toyland, golden hills motel 'the inn'. ross coifure beauty salon. don semmens photographic studio. -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Photograph - Black and White, Ballarat East High School Form Photo, Form 4A, 1962, 1962
ian bruce, garry hillman, ron james, brian baker, rod goode, peter watts, bill langford, ian whitmore, thess hannah, simone clay, elizabeth sarah, michael ambler, rod eeles, maureen mcmillan, kerry archbold, marilyn cook, jenny moore, robyn sharp, ian mccallum, barb dawe, bill kirk, mr geoff hocking, carol trenfield, tom rees, jill palmer, graham chibnall, allan poynton, daryl bennett, kevin o’hehir, andrew vanrooyen, john mcclure, peter fraser. -
Ringwood RSL Sub-Branch
Photograph, Italian roadhouse, west of Tobruk
... Painted by Leslie John "Dod" Dawes ... melbourne Painted by Leslie John "Dod" Dawes Wooden frame, Italian ...Wooden frame, Painted by Leslie John "Dod" Dawes -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Fred Rochow Railways Collection - Driver Robert (Bobby) Thompson's Retirement, 1955
The Fred Rochow Railways Collection incorporates photos related to the operation of the Wodonga Railway Station including different types of trains and railways staff C. 1930 – 1990. It was donated to the Wodonga Historical Society by Fred Rochow, a railwayman who spent many years based in Wodonga. He joined the Victorian Railways on 17th June l947 and retired in 1988. For some time, he was a member of the Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen and served a term as a member of the Trades Hall Council. He had an extensive knowledge of the struggles that took place to achieve better conditions for railway workers. Fred worked for many years as a fireman and then worked his way up the ranks to driver, experiencing many changes from the days of steam locomotives through to diesel trains, locomotives and even the modern XPT train. He worked throughout Victoria at different stages of his career, with his final working years focused on the northeast of Victoria and the Albury to Melbourne line. After his retirement, Fred continued to share his love of steam miniature trains with the community.This collection has local and statewide significance as it captures images of trains, locomotives and personnel who operated the railway services in Wodonga and throughout Northeast Victoria. The railways played a critical role in opening up Victoria and connecting Australia for trade, business, social communication and transport.Gathering of Railway men at a retirement function for Driver Robert Thompson in 1955. Back row Left to right: Len Gregson, David Shannon, Les Cheesley, Tom Cosgrove, Roy Wagner, George Lloyd, Alan Elvish, Mick Seymour, John, Shannon, Unknown, Unknown, Gordon Scholes, Stan Warnock Centre row Left to right: Bill Welch, Unknown, George Taylor, Ted Jenkins, Buddy Straghan, Allan Smyth, Terry Farellly, Bob Burns, Morrie Larkins, Frank Boadle, Reg Matthews, Unknown, Vin Snow, George Kruss, Tom Fitzgerald, Bob Sangster Seated: Jack Anderson, Paddy McDonald, George Padgett, Alex Reid, Bobby Thompson, Vic Jones, Jack Dawe, Colin Whitehand, Harry Binder, Bill Odgers, Hughie Fraser Front row seated: Mick Kowalzuk, Wally Riley, Ton Guinane, Bill Baldock, Brian Putt, Norm Hughes, Garnett Reid, Johnny Hallawell, Frank Conway, Steve Cuperrailways wodonga, fred rochow, wodonga railwaymen, driver robert thompson -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Book - Ormond Amateur Football Club
This file contains two items: 1/A 50 page book on history of Ormond Junior Football Club, from its days as St. Annes Football Club to its amalgamation with Ormond Amateur Football. Book compiled by Claire Barton from AGM meetings 2009. 2/A copy of six football club addresses from the city of Moorabbin Community Directory 1987.ormond junior football club, stock jack, stevens harold r., st. annes church hall, halls, maylan street, east bentleigh, bentleigh mckinnon youth club, clubs and associations, smith brian, scott r. ken, steve stevens, keane adrian, oaten max, dight john, southam david, patterson don, stait ron, ceresa jack, forward cyril, moorehouse bob, forward may, heggert joan, morris jill, brabner martene, williams margaret, jackson judy, mcinery loris, mckinnon high school, walnut street, bailey reserve, boundary road, dowling russell, miller ian, keane david, starke neil “speedie.”, red cross, schweppes, sponsors, claremont junior football club, glenorchy football club, hudson peter, heggert keith, hilton ken, ormond blues, barassi ron, dargavel marita, beggs mr., smith mr., kaighal mr., gunn e. e., morcum glen, cochrane b., clark d., tate geoff, dargavel b., pappas sid, melbourne football club, brabner cameron, siderellis terry, morris wayne, burns robbie, kemp malcolm, siderellis tim, tinsley warwick, grant tom, middleton mick, dowling ian, clarke grant, young morgan, dawes bernie, dawes gerry, montgomery peter, peebles gordon, bentleigh bulldogs football club, mckinnon reserve, sheehy marnie, doble john, kerford phil, gleeson ian, rollasom brian, beynon wayne, societal events and activities, sheehy fay, wood ron, mckinnon butchers, brabner graham, begg john, moorabbin ufa, melbourne football club little league, interleague football matches, brandella cup, mccarthy justin, lough chris, montgomery stephen, carey tim, roe anthony, hardy chris, mccarthy justin, thomas matthew, perry richard, birch david, king denise, sparrow family, wilson ron, dupe stephen, karrageorgiov chris, hardy chris, borrett john, edgells darren, sparrow peter, ormond amateur football club, duncan john, beard j., warren e., pearson martin, waldron gary, marwood shane, collingwood vfl, jackson ricky, melbourne vfl, smith terry, richmond vfl, perkin phil, bentleigh juniors, beham m., neville david, taylor stephen, palmer tony, o’hara matt, ‘the cedric keane perpetual trophy’, st. anne’s football club, ormond east, valkstone, glenhuntly, st. patricks, primary schools, st. kilda junior leagues, lightening premiership, measures paul, msjfl u15 best and fairest, birch david, eishold lewis, eishold rohan, murrumbeena j. f. club, vic kick clinic, lough david, pennacchia luigi, best and fairest, buckley mark, rombotis john, d’astoli michael, msjfl team, king geoff, stumbles roger, williams cameron, byron noel, gillot heather, lehner elaine, oakleigh districts, stevens h. r., forward c. c., beggs j. w., scott k. k., kaighan t. a., dargavel m. mrs., forward n. c., keane m. j. mrs., woodhouse r. j. (dec), smith b. w., keane c. b., morgom g. m. (dec), dowling r. a., starke n., montgomery p., pearson p., kerford p., king d. mrs., lough d., perkin p., lehner e. mrs., russell r., interleague team, byron jason, guzzo anthony, kinsella trent, pym dominic, turner davis, b. f., artz ben, ralogaivav joe, jones alan, martin rick, editor, barton claire, australian rules football, sporting clubs, ormond, mckinnon, bentleigh, sports officials, committees of management, murrumbeena -
Linton and District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Robert Simeon, Mary Ann, John William, James and Thomas Nelson, circa 1868
... . Robert Simeon Nelson Mary Ann Nelson (née Dawe) William John ...Robert Simeon Nelson established a carpentry and cabinet making business in Linton from about 1858. His services included coffin making, and over time the business gradually evolved into "Nelson Bros Undertakers". R.S. Nelson married Mary Ann Dawe in 1864. They had six children, four of whom survived to adulthood.Black and white copy of original family portrait photograph, which shows Robert Simeon Nelson, his wife Mary Ann and their first three children - William John, b.1864, James, b.1866 and Thomas, b.1868 (d.1869).robert simeon nelson, mary ann nelson (née dawe), william john nelson, james nelson, thomas nelson