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matching architects – kew (vic.)
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Series) - PURCHAS, Albert
... Architects – Kew (Vic.)... Albert Purchas – Kew (Vic.) Architects – Kew (Vic.) Archive ...Various PartiesReference, Research, InformationArranged by Secondary Values (value of records to users)Albert Purchas was an architect and civil engineer in the early colonial period of Victoria and was responsible for many of the early buildings both within the area of Kew, but also throughout Melbourne all the way down to Geelong. He immigrated to Australia in 1851, and would help design banks, churches, offices, and homes. He would serve for several years as the vice-President of the Victorian Institute of Architects, before being elected as President in 1887. The file includes: A recreation of a monthly meteorological journal that mentions him as a weather surveyor for Kew, as well as research notes completed by the Kew Historical Society.albert purchas – kew (vic.), architects – kew (vic.)albert purchas – kew (vic.), architects – kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (series) - Subject File, MCINTYRE family
... architects -- Kew (Vic.)....) architects -- Kew (Vic.) National trust of victoria Kew Court house ...Kew Historical SocietySince its foundation in 1958, members of the Kew Historical Society have been compiling and storing information about subjects relating to the history of Kew and its environs, of which this file is an example. Arranged by Secondary Values (value of records to users)Subject file created by researchers of the Kew Historical Society containing primary and secondary sources relevant to the McIntyre family of Kew, and in particular to the involvement of architects Peter and Dione McIntyre in the activities of the Kew Historical Society. This file contains numerous newspaper articles and documents relating to their professional achievements and community involvement. Both Peter and Dione were descended from significant Kew families. Many items donated by them are included in the collection. Both were instrumental in the campaign to Save the Kew Court House. peter mcintyre, dione mcintyre, mcintyre family -- kew (vic.), architects -- kew (vic.), national trust of victoria, kew court housepeter mcintyre, dione mcintyre, mcintyre family -- kew (vic.), architects -- kew (vic.), national trust of victoria, kew court house -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (series) - Subject File, Victoria Park : Concept Management Plan, Research Papers, 2004, 2004
... architect victoria park - kew (vic) heritage studies - kew (vic ...Graeme Butler & AssociatesProject FilesProvenance OrderRed cardboard wallet containing historical research by Graeme Butler, heritage architect, into the history of Victoria Park, Kew. The file also includes a draft Victoria Park Concept Master Plan, 2004. The research includes memoranda, maps, photocopies of plans, forms, notes, aerial photos, and sundry references.graeme butler - heritage architect, victoria park - kew (vic), heritage studies - kew (vic.)graeme butler - heritage architect, victoria park - kew (vic), heritage studies - kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Kew Historical Society, KEMP, Henry H, 1958
Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Subject file containing historical notes on the architect Henry H. Kemp, summarised from a discussion with Mary Kemp, as well as a photocopy of a newspaper article on 7 Adeney Avenue, and a photocopy of Historic Environment Vol.2, No.2, 1882, containing an article by George Tibbits on “The So-Called Melbourne Domestic Queen Anne". The file includes an original business card used to send a greeting by Henry H Kemp, Heald Lawn East Kew, donated by Mr & Mrs Jean Dyke, 1981.kew - history, architects - victoria - henry kemp, henry h kemp, heald lawn - 5 adeney avenue - kew (vic)kew - history, architects - victoria - henry kemp, henry h kemp, heald lawn - 5 adeney avenue - kew (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Plan, Dorner Rice Pty Ltd, City of Kew Municipal Depot, 1984
There have been a number of municipal depots in the former City of Kew (now part of the City of Boroondara). This perspective sketch by Dorner Rice Pty Ltd represents the original design of the depot at 31-35 Hutchinson Drive, on the grounds of the former Kew Mental Hospital. The large perspective drawing by W.A.D. Brodie in 1984 is an important record of the depot as originally designed.This architectural sketch is a key piece of evidence about public infrastructure developed in the former City of Kew. The facility has been modified from the original design.Large colour perspective drawing of the new Kew Municipal Depot at 31-35 Hutchinson Street, Kew. The drawing was completed by W.A.D. Brodie in 1984 on behalf of the project consortium. In addition to the projected layout of the depot, the drawing includes details of the consortium drawn together to bid for the project: project managers - McGinley & Partners; consulting engineers - D. G. Hill & Harvey Pty Ltd; and project architects - Dorner Rice Pty Ltd.Architectural Perspective Sketch : City of Kew Municipal Depot: Perspective sketch : W.A.D. Brodie 1984 : McGinley & Partners Pty Ltd Project Managers : D.G. Hill & Harvey Pty Ltd Project Engineers : Dorner Rice Pty Ltd Project Architectscity of kew (vic) - municipal depot, w.a.d. brodie, mcginley & partners pty ltd, d. g. hill & harvey pty ltd, dorner rice pty ltd -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Robert Baker, Vicarage of Holy Trinity Church (Kew), 2013
The Vicarage at Holy Trinity Church in Kew faces Pakington Street. It was designed by the architect Charles Vickers. Th building has been 'restored' at various stages in the 20th century.Born digital image of the facade of the bluestone vicarage in Pakington Street (Kew), designed by Charles Vickers. holy trinity church - kew (vic), churches - vicarages - kew (vic), charles vickers -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Robert Baker, Grave of George Wharton, Boroondara General Cemetery, 2013
The Victorian-era architect George Wharton, the initial surveyor of Kew. In 1866, he designed and had built Fernhurst in Studley Park, the house a prominent landmark. He resided there until his death, aged 69, on 26 November 1891. He was buried on 27 November in Grave 1520, Church of England Compartment B, Boroondara General Cemetery. Fernhurst Grove is named after his house, which was demolished in 1979.Born digital image of the grave and headstone of the architect George Wharton in the Boroondara General (Kew) Cemetery, 2013. George Wharton created the first survey of Kew and was elected the Municipality's first Chairman in 1861.victorian architects - george wharton, chairmen of kew (vic) - george wharton, boroondara general (kew) cemetery -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (series) - Subject File, ANNEAR, Harold Desbrowe (1865-1933), 1991
Various PartiesReference, Research, InformationKHS Imposed OrderReference file containing a single text by Ms. Kirby A. Foreman, entitled Harold Desbrowe Annear’s Early Works, (completed as a major project (AJ901) in the Department of Architecture of Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology). Ms Foreman donated a copy of the Study to the Society in 1991. The 147-page project report includes a history, and appendixes of documents, designs and photographs of buildings. architects - victoria, springthorpe memorial, fairview - wrixon street - kew (vic.), harold desbrowe-anneararchitects - victoria, springthorpe memorial, fairview - wrixon street - kew (vic.), harold desbrowe-annear -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Buildings (Kew), 1964
Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Subject file containing newspaper articles/clippings, research and correspondence from and to the Society. The earliest item, dating from 1964 is a letter from the Society to the City of Kew seeking Council support for the use of Ellesmore, 80 Princess Street as a cultural heritage centre. Other items of correspondence relate to the Masonic Hall (Walpole Street), Fernhurst, Southesk, Roberts House, Park Hill, Butleigh Wooton, Villa Alba, D’Estaville, Charleville, Roseneath, Merridale, La Verna, Otira, Raheen, Willsmere, Holy Trinity Church. Some of these letters contain information about construction of the buildings and architects. In addition to this correspondence, the file includes brief undated research notes on the Clock Tower at the Kew Cemetery, Tarring, Southesk, the Alexandra Gardens, Studley House (Burke Hall), Ellesmore, the Masonic Hall, Xavier College, Genazzano, Trinity Grammar, Carey Baptist College, Abbotsford, Fernhurst, Illapa, Madford, Morganville, Otira, Parkhill, Monnington, Field Place, Lalla Rookh, Merridale, Kew Mental Hospital, and D’Estaville.buildings -- kew (vic.), heritage -- kew (vic.)buildings -- kew (vic.), heritage -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Carey Baptist Grammar School (Kew), 1958
Various PartiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Subject file on Carey BGS includes both primary and secondary sources. The former include a 12-page photocopied manuscript of a talk presented to the Kew Historical Society in 1992 by Alfred B Mellor CBE, the Honorary Architect at Carey BGS. The file also includes a letter from Alfred Mellor describing the original house - Urangeline - and the early years of Carey. Other primary sources include lists of councillors, teachers and students in 1923, the 1966 Swimming Sports at the Richmond Baths. The remainder of the file contains modern newspaper articles/clippings.carey baptist grammar school, private schools - kew (vic)carey baptist grammar school, private schools - kew (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Carmelite Monastery (Stevenson Street), 1958
Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Subject file containing sundry newspaper articles/clippings relating to the Carmelite Monastery in Stevenson Street, Kew (Vic). One of the articles/clippings in the file from 1991 gives a brief history of the Monastery and notes that the architect was Mr. W.P. Connelly, and Massey Bros the builders.carmelite monastery - kew (vic.), carmelites - stevenson street - kew (vic), religion - kew (vic), religious orders - kew (vic)carmelite monastery - kew (vic.), carmelites - stevenson street - kew (vic), religion - kew (vic), religious orders - kew (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, 'Fairview', 34 Wrixon Street (Kew), 1979
Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Subject file containing information about Fairview (built 1924 for F.F. Robinson, proprietor of Yarra Falls Mills). The house replaced an earlier single-storey brick house, also called Fairview. A comprehensive report prepared by Alan Willingham in 2006 found that there was no evidence that the architect Desbrowe-Annear incorporated parts of the original building in the new construction. The work by Willingham is a ‘Cultural and Architectural History and Assessment of the Cultural Heritage Significance’ of the building, prepared for Carey Grammar School. The Willingham report was donated by Sr Ruth Anderson.kew (vic) - history, fairview - 34 wrixon street - kew (vic), cluny house - 34 wrixon street - kew (vic), f.f. robinson, alan willingham, harold desbrowe-annearkew (vic) - history, fairview - 34 wrixon street - kew (vic), cluny house - 34 wrixon street - kew (vic), f.f. robinson, alan willingham, harold desbrowe-annear -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Fernhurst (Kew), 1973
... sources. kew (vic) - history victorian architects - george wharton ...Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Subject file containing research related to George Wharton and his house Fernhurst, originally situated on the corner of Princess Street and Studley Park Road, but later subdivided. The house was in the 20th century converted into flats and later bought by the Catholic Church, who established St Paul’s School for the Blind on the site. The situation was complicated as the Church also bought the neighbouring Neama and Mandalay. Villa Maria and St Paul’s School currently occupy the site. Part of the site was later subdivided to create Elphinstone Court. The file contains photocopied extracts from histories and detailed research and correspondence between the School, the Kew Historical Society, the National Trust of Victoria, and the Historic Buildings Preservation Council relating to both Neama and Fernhurst. There is a reference in a letter from St Paul’s inviting the Society to collect artefacts from the site. There are no known current items in the collection relating to the collection of these. kew (vic) - history, victorian architects - george wharton, fernhurst (kew), st paul’s school for the blindkew (vic) - history, victorian architects - george wharton, fernhurst (kew), st paul’s school for the blind -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Kew Historical Society, Hotels, 1958
Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Subject file containing primary and secondary sources relating to each hotel in Kew, including the Woodman Inn, Clifton Hotel, Greyhound Hotel, Princess Hotel, Harp of Erin, Kew Hotel, and the Council Family Hotel. Each file includes correspondence, histories, etc. The general section of the archive file includes a copy of McWilliam, Gwen, ‘Hotels, Vineyards and Licenses in Boroondara & neighbourhood in the Nineteenth Century (revised 1998) [21 pages]. The earliest original document is an original bound contract with costings, provided by E S Clementson Pty Ltd (1956) to Robert H McIntyre & Associates for rebuilding the Harp of Erin Hotel.kew - history, hotels - kew (vic), prospect hill hotel, clifton hotel - kew junction, greyhound hotel, woodman inn, harp of erin hotel, kew hotel,, e s clementson pty ltd, architects - melbourne, robert mcintyre - architectkew - history, hotels - kew (vic), prospect hill hotel, clifton hotel - kew junction, greyhound hotel, woodman inn, harp of erin hotel, kew hotel,, e s clementson pty ltd, architects - melbourne, robert mcintyre - architect -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Lyons, Dorothy File, Kew Historical Society, 'Ivy Grange', 1-3 Malmsbury Street, 1970
Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Subject file containing brief notes on the history of the Ivy Grange compiled from various sources plus correspondence and planning documents relating to plans submitted to the City of Kew to alter the portico facing Malmsbury Street, Kew. These plans predated the first Kew Urban Conservation Study (Sanderson, 1988). There is also one newspaper article relating to the sale of the house in 2005.kew historical society - archives, kew - history, ivy grange - 1-3 malmsbury street - kew (vic), mansions - kew (vic), david beath (1835-1922), architects - victoria - charles vickerskew historical society - archives, kew - history, ivy grange - 1-3 malmsbury street - kew (vic), mansions - kew (vic), david beath (1835-1922), architects - victoria - charles vickers -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Interior of the Kew Congregational Church, Walpole Street, The Sears Studio, 1920s
The first Kew Congregational Church in Walpole Street, was designed by Charles Vickers, and opened in 1860. The second church on the site, designed by the architect Charles Wharton was demolished in 1970s. Rare photograph of the interior decoration and layout of an important and now demolished church in KewBlack and white photograph, on card, featuring the interior of the Kew Congregational Church. Shows detail of pews, pulpit and ornate brickwork. Front: "The Sears Studio" "Melbourne" [printed on mounting board]. Reverse: "P. Inside of Kew Congregational Church" wapole street - kew (vic), congregational churches - kew (vic), chirch interiors -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Book, Judging Architecture: Issues, Divisions, Triumphs, Victorian Architecture awards 1929-2003, 2003
Melbourne, Vic. : Royal Australian Institute of Architects, 2003 316 p. : ill. ; 29 cm. + poster (86 x 60 cm) non-fictionarchitecture - victoria - awards, architecture - history - victoria -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Plan, Kew Heights Sports Club Proposed Redevelopment 2012, 2012
Sports Clubs in Kew in the final decades of the 19th century and in the early 20th century were often umbrella organisations with facilities for a number of sports. Typically in Kew, this included teams in lawn bowls, tennis and croquet. The Kew Bowling Club was formed in 1880 while the privately owned Auburn Heights Recreation Club was opened in 1904. By 1998, the two Clubs decided to amalgamate at the Auburn Heights site in Barkers Road, forming the Kew Heights Sports Club. The combined club was itself taken over by the Melbourne Cricket Club in 2012 becoming MCC Kew Sports Club. In 2017 MCC Kew closed and its landholding was subsequently sold to Carey Baptist Grammar School. Both the Kew and Auburn Heights Clubs assembled important collections. These historically significant and large collections were donated to the Society in 2020. The collections include manuscripts, pictures, trophies, plans, honour boards etc. The combined collections of the four sporting clubs making up the collection number hundreds of items that are historically significant locally. They are also significant to the sporting history of the greater Melbourne area and to the sports of lawn bowls and tennis in Australia in the 19th and 20th centuries. The collection illuminates two of the Victorian historic themes - 'Building community life' through forming community organisations and 'Shaping cultural and creative life' by participating in sport and recreation.Architectural sketches on corflute of proposed designs for the new MCC Kew Sports Club by McIldowie Partners (Architects & Interior Designers), 2012.kew heights sports club - barkers road -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - 'Ross House' (formerly 'Charleville'), 292 Cotham Road, Progress Press, 1978
Ross House, formerly called Charleville, was built as a two-storey mansion in 1889 for Charles Donaldson. It was designed in the Italianate style by the architect H. Shallers and built by G. Ginham. Dr Tom King, surgeon purchased Charleville from Donaldson in 1939 and renamed it Ross House.Photographic print positive of 'Ross House' (formerly 'Charleville'), Cotham Roadross house, charleville, houses --- cotham road -- kew (vic.), mansions -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : May 1988
Garden Party for Kew / p1. Calling landscape architects / p1. Dates for May p2. New production of 'Ten Times Tables' [The Hartwell Players] / p2. Scouts in Kew [4th Kew Scouts] / p2. Community education / p2. Commentary / Cr Jim Tutt [Prue Leggoe (Sibree), Jan Wade] / p3. Rates reminder / p3. Ron retires after 19 years with Kew [Ron Cook, Kew By-Laws officer] / p3. News from Kew Bicentennial Committee / p4. Notices / p4. Kew's only Bingo game / p4. Neighbourhood Watch / p4. Do you play scrabble / p4. Immunisation date for Kew / p4. Happy Easter from local bakery / p5. Kew Cottages wins Advance Australia award / p5. New [Kew Council] Ward names [Prospect, Sackville, Studley Park, Willsmere] p5. Kew Community House / Judy Price p6. Annoyed by noise? / p6. Top honours to Kew [Citizens'] Band / p6. Training sessions for voluntary literacy tutors / p6. Cast wanted [Viola Musical Comedy Society] / p6. Historical horse trough and hitching post restored / p7. History making service club [Kew Lioness Club] / p7. Mothers matter to [Kew Nursing Mothers] / p8. [Citizens' Ceremonies - Citizens Advice Bureau] / p8. Interested in 'Jack High' [Kew Bowling Club] / p8. Footy News [Kew Football Club] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionGarden Party for Kew / p1. Calling landscape architects / p1. Dates for May p2. New production of 'Ten Times Tables' [The Hartwell Players] / p2. Scouts in Kew [4th Kew Scouts] / p2. Community education / p2. Commentary / Cr Jim Tutt [Prue Leggoe (Sibree), Jan Wade] / p3. Rates reminder / p3. Ron retires after 19 years with Kew [Ron Cook, Kew By-Laws officer] / p3. News from Kew Bicentennial Committee / p4. Notices / p4. Kew's only Bingo game / p4. Neighbourhood Watch / p4. Do you play scrabble / p4. Immunisation date for Kew / p4. Happy Easter from local bakery / p5. Kew Cottages wins Advance Australia award / p5. New [Kew Council] Ward names [Prospect, Sackville, Studley Park, Willsmere] p5. Kew Community House / Judy Price p6. Annoyed by noise? / p6. Top honours to Kew [Citizens'] Band / p6. Training sessions for voluntary literacy tutors / p6. Cast wanted [Viola Musical Comedy Society] / p6. Historical horse trough and hitching post restored / p7. History making service club [Kew Lioness Club] / p7. Mothers matter to [Kew Nursing Mothers] / p8. [Citizens' Ceremonies - Citizens Advice Bureau] / p8. Interested in 'Jack High' [Kew Bowling Club] / p8. Footy News [Kew Football Club] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : July 1984
Street trees in Kew [Carol Frank-Mas & Associates, Landscape Architects Report] / p1. Community [Gamblers Annymousl Action Programme; Save the Children Fund; Kew Garden Club; Native Plant Group; Kew Baptist Church; Hyde Park Fellowship; Film afternoon; Toy Library; Kew Junction Traders - advertising] / p2. Raoul Wallenberg Gardens / p3. Kew Recreation Centre / p3. Kew Historical Society / p3. Kew Community House / p4. Youth Pages [New Youth Centre for Kew; Unemployed? / p5. International Youth Year 1985 [What is it? So..., In Kew! Plans] / p6-7. [Youth] Talkback / p7. Things to do in Kew [&] A bit further afield [Kew Drop-in; After school activities; The Gap; Teen Club; Community House] / p8. Mayoral Comment - "Villa Alba" / Cr Jill O'Brien [Mayor of Kew] / p9. Community Directory updates / p9. Sahara Yoga [Centre] / p10. Community artists / p10. Highbury Grove Playgroup / p10. Kew Senior Citizens' Centre / p10. Powerlines and street trees / p11. Kindergarten enrolments / p11. Immunisation sessions / p11. Roadworks / p11. Drivers needed [Kew Community Bus] / p11. Domestic noise / p11. C.A.B. [Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p11. Kew (Daytime) Garden Club / p11. Kew people for nuclear disarmament / p11. H.K.C. Activities Centre / p11. Children's Services in Kew [Occasional Care Centre; Children's Services Officer; Full-Time Day Care Centre; Three Year Old Kindergarten; After School Programme; Extended Hours Kindergarten] / p12.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionStreet trees in Kew [Carol Frank-Mas & Associates, Landscape Architects Report] / p1. Community [Gamblers Annymousl Action Programme; Save the Children Fund; Kew Garden Club; Native Plant Group; Kew Baptist Church; Hyde Park Fellowship; Film afternoon; Toy Library; Kew Junction Traders - advertising] / p2. Raoul Wallenberg Gardens / p3. Kew Recreation Centre / p3. Kew Historical Society / p3. Kew Community House / p4. Youth Pages [New Youth Centre for Kew; Unemployed? / p5. International Youth Year 1985 [What is it? So..., In Kew! Plans] / p6-7. [Youth] Talkback / p7. Things to do in Kew [&] A bit further afield [Kew Drop-in; After school activities; The Gap; Teen Club; Community House] / p8. Mayoral Comment - "Villa Alba" / Cr Jill O'Brien [Mayor of Kew] / p9. Community Directory updates / p9. Sahara Yoga [Centre] / p10. Community artists / p10. Highbury Grove Playgroup / p10. Kew Senior Citizens' Centre / p10. Powerlines and street trees / p11. Kindergarten enrolments / p11. Immunisation sessions / p11. Roadworks / p11. Drivers needed [Kew Community Bus] / p11. Domestic noise / p11. C.A.B. [Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p11. Kew (Daytime) Garden Club / p11. Kew people for nuclear disarmament / p11. H.K.C. Activities Centre / p11. Children's Services in Kew [Occasional Care Centre; Children's Services Officer; Full-Time Day Care Centre; Three Year Old Kindergarten; After School Programme; Extended Hours Kindergarten] / p12. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Former Kew Court House : Window in Court Room, 1996
A civic campaign for new public offices developed in Kew in the 1880s. After much deliberation, the location chosen was the junction of Bulleen and Cotham Roads. The buildings were designed by George Watson and John Henry Harvey, architects within the Department of Public Works (Victoria). Building was commenced in 1887, and after one year, the buildings were opened. The Post Office was transferred to the new Commonwealth Government in 1901. The Police Station and Court House, sold by the Victorian Government to the City of Boroondara in 2007, are now a community cultural centre and performing arts venue.The buildings were listed on the Victorian Heritage Register Register (HO885) in 1991. They are historically and architecturally significant to the State of Victoria because Watson and Harvey's designs exhibit diversity in integrating civil offices, they accommodate the apex of road junctions, and they demonstrate a departure from the contemporaneously favoured High Victorian Classical to the Queen Anne style in the design of civic buildings.Dione McIntyre, Kew architect and member of Kew Historical Society, standing in front of a window in the former court room of the Kew Court House.kew court house, public offices -- kew (vic), kew police station -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - 'Otira', 73 Walpole Street, 1978
Sanderson P (1988): '73 Walpole Street (Kew), 'Otira'. Built 1887. Original use - Residence. Architect - Crouch. Henry Berry, a noted philanthropist and salt merchant of Melbourne, was the original owner of this two-storey, boom-period house. Berry occupied the residence until his death in 1923 while in February the following year, the property was auctioned. Subsequently purchased by the Methodist Church for use as a training college for missionaries, a number of additions and alterations were made at that stage including a memorial chapel that was built on the property in 1957.' Otira is now a private residence. Original colour positive photograph (polaroid) of 'Otira', 73 Walpole Street, Kew, taken in 1978 by students in Form 3R at Trinity Grammar School as part of a project. The view in the photograph is of the front of the house, minus the first floor verandah that had been removed some decades before and preceding the reinstatement of the verandah sometime after 1988. Prue Sanderson, in the City of Kew Urban Conservation Study, Vol.2 (1988) stated that: 'The house originally had a fine cast iron verandah to two facades, however despite its removal, it remains as a most preposessing structure, The small cast iron perch is not original. Overall the design is in Italianate styling and the walls are clad in render, with extremely fine incised medallions in the render at both levels. The treatment of the tripartite windows with rounded upper corners is also atypical and is repeated in the joinery of the front entrance.'"Photo one / Trinity Grammar Project 1978 / Form 3R / "Otira" Walpole St"otira - 73 walpole street, henry berry, historic houses -- kew (vic.), trinity grammar school, melbourne architects -- crouch -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - 'Otira', 73 Walpole Street, 1978
Sanderson P (1988): '73 Walpole Street (Kew), 'Otira'. Built 1887. Original use - Residence. Architect - Crouch. Henry Berry, a noted philanthropist and salt merchant of Melbourne, was the original owner of this two-storey, boom-period house. Berry occupied the residence until his death in 1923 while in February the following year, the property was auctioned. Subsequently purchased by the Methodist Church for use as a training college for missionaries, a number of additions and alterations were made at that stage including a memorial chapel that was built on the property in 1957.' Otira is now a private residence. Original colour positive photograph (polaroid) of 'Otira', 73 Walpole Street, Kew, taken in 1978 by students in Form 3R at Trinity Grammar School as part of a project. The view in the photograph is of the panelled entrance hall."Photo 2 / Otira entrance / Trinity Bays Project"otira - 73 walpole street, henry berry, historic houses -- kew (vic.), trinity grammar school, melbourne architects -- crouch, interior design -- entrance halls -- 1880s -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - 'Otira', 73 Walpole Street, 1978
Sanderson P (1988): '73 Walpole Street (Kew), 'Otira'. Built 1887. Original use - Residence. Architect - Crouch. Henry Berry, a noted philanthropist and salt merchant of Melbourne, was the original owner of this two-storey, boom-period house. Berry occupied the residence until his death in 1923 while in February the following year, the property was auctioned. Subsequently purchased by the Methodist Church for use as a training college for missionaries, a number of additions and alterations were made at that stage including a memorial chapel that was built on the property in 1957.' Otira is now a private residence. Original colour positive photograph (polaroid) of 'Otira', 73 Walpole Street, Kew, taken in 1978 by students in Form 3R at Trinity Grammar School as part of a project. The view in of a fire surround and overmantel in the house."Photo 3 / Walnut mantle Otira / Trinity Form 3R"otira - 73 walpole street, henry berry, historic houses -- kew (vic.), trinity grammar school, melbourne architects -- crouch, interior design -- overmantels -- 1880s -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - 'Otira', 73 Walpole Street, 1978
Sanderson P (1988): '73 Walpole Street (Kew), 'Otira'. Built 1887. Original use - Residence. Architect - Crouch. Henry Berry, a noted philanthropist and salt merchant of Melbourne, was the original owner of this two-storey, boom-period house. Berry occupied the residence until his death in 1923 while in February the following year, the property was auctioned. Subsequently purchased by the Methodist Church for use as a training college for missionaries, a number of additions and alterations were made at that stage including a memorial chapel that was built on the property in 1957.' Otira is now a private residence. Original colour positive photograph (polaroid) of 'Otira', 73 Walpole Street, Kew, taken in 1978 by students in Form 3R at Trinity Grammar School as part of a project. The view is of the painted glass panels surrounding the main door, viewed from the hall."Photo 4 / Stained glass door panels Otira"otira - 73 walpole street, henry berry, historic houses -- kew (vic.), trinity grammar school, melbourne architects -- crouch, interior design -- front doors -- 1880s, interior design -- painted glass -- 1880s -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - 'Mynda', 5 Molesworth Street, 1979
In 1979, a series of photographs of significant gardens in Kew (Victoria) were taken during a tour by Peter Watts, Historic Gardens Coordinator of National Trust Victoria. These were later purchased to add to the collection. In the case of each photo the colour had badly degraded over time. Original colour (degraded) positive photograph of 'Mynda', 5 Molesworth Street , Kew. Architect - Lloyd Taylor.Annotated in ink on reverse: "Miss Anderson's cottage garden and home / Front view / Built 1884 by Lloyd Taylor architect / Photo taken by Peter Watts, Historic Gardens Project Coordinator, National Trust / Purchased by Society 14/11/1979."gardens -- kew (vic.), mynda, 5 molesworth street -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - 1 Molesworth Street (Kew), 1979
... .) architects -- lloyd tayler 1 molesworth st -- kew (vic.) Annotated ...No 1 Molesworth Street was at one stage the home of our member Elizabeth Mackie. She believed the house, like Mynda at 5 Molesworth Street was designed by the architect Lloyd Tayler. The Melbourne Mansion Database confirms that the house was built by Lloyd Taylor & Fitts in c.1898.Small, square, original colour positive photograph of 1 Molesworth Street, Kew, taken in 1979 by Elizabeth Mackie. Carport and driveway with grey rendered two storey house at left. Annotated in ink on reverse: " No.1 Molesworth St. / Architect - Lloyd Tayler 1880s [sic] / Gift of E Mackie"historic houses -- kew (vic.), mansions -- kew (vic.), architects -- lloyd tayler, 1 molesworth st -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - 'Mynda', 5 Molesworth Street, 1979
'A suburban villa of 1885 designed by Lloyd Tayler for his daughter and son-in-law on a plan centred upon an octagonal top-lit hall. A square bay window to the drawing room projects from the front corner of the house at 45 degress, showing for the first time the diagonal emphasis which was to be developed in other works of the architect and to become in due course a characteristic of the Federation Style.' (National Trust Victoria Citation)Original colour positive photograph (Kodak print) of the front garden of 'Mynda', 5 Molesworth Street, KewInk on reverse: "Miss Anderson's / No.5 Molesworth St. / Cottage garden / Taken and ***"historic gardens -- kew (vic.), mynda, 5 molesworth street -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Print - Subdivision Plan, Rosebank Estate, Kew, Nineteenth Century
This work forms part of the collection assembled by the historian Dorothy Rogers, that was donated to the Kew Historical Society by her son John Rogers in 2015. The manuscripts, photographs, maps, and documents were sourced by her from both family and local collections or produced as references for her print publications. Many were directly used by Rogers in writing ‘Lovely Old Homes of Kew’ (1961) and 'A History of Kew' (1973), or the numerous articles on local history that she produced for suburban newspapers. Most of the photographs in the collection include detailed annotations in her hand. The Rogers Collection provides a comprehensive insight into the working habits of a historian in the 1960s and 1970s. Together it forms the largest privately-donated collection within the archives of the Kew Historical Society.A photographic reproduction of a plan in the Vale Collection of the State Library of Victoria. The plan shows the Rosebank Estate in Kew which was offered for sale in 1881. The subdivision was located in Studley Park and included lots in Redmond Street; Fellows Street; Wills Street; Molesworth Street; Barry Street and Princess Street. The surveyor of the subdivision was the local architect George Wharton.rosebank estate (kew), subdivisions -- studley park -- kew (vic.), thomas wills, wills family