Showing 24 items
matching captain ferguson
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Article - Newspaper clipping, Argus newspaper, Seamen's floating church in Hobson's Bay, 2 July 1857
... Captain Charles Ferguson (1813-1868)... to welcome seamen for service. Captain Charles Ferguson (1813-1868... to welcome seamen for service. Captain Charles Ferguson (1813-1868 ...After an attempt of building a Seamen's Hospital in Williamstown, the ship Emily was transformed in a floating chapel to welcome seamen for service. Captain Charles Ferguson (1813-1868) was one of the members of the committee who founded the floating church. The ship Emily may have been a convict ship sailing from England to the Van Diemen's land in 1842 and 1844. Before 1856, it was used as a "water police hulk" then transformed in an accommodation for Reverend Kerr Johnson and his large family and fitted to receive 200 attendees in the chapel.The article is significant as it describes the ship and its location: "The hulk is moored midway between Sandridge and Williamstown, and is distinguished by a blue flag flying at the mainmast with "Bethel" inscribed on it; and in one corner of the flag is the star of Bethlehem, in another a dove with an olive branch."1 column article in the Argusship emily, floating church, reverend kerr johnston, 1812-1887, hobson's bay, sandridge, captain ferguson, captain charles ferguson (1813-1868), convict ships -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Poster - Notice of meeting, Public Meeting - 25 February 1858, 1858
... captain charles ferguson..., Sir Henry Barkly, KCB, chaired the meeting. Captain Charles..., Sir Henry Barkly, KCB, chaired the meeting. Captain Charles ...Notice advertising a public meeting taking place on 1858 and regarding a Seamen's church, Hobson's Bay, Melbourne . The Governor, Sir Henry Barkly, KCB, chaired the meeting. Captain Charles Ferguson (died in 1868) was the harbourmaster of the Port of Melbourne, and previously the captain of the barque Rajah.Example of poster of very early Melbourne public meeting "of persons interested in the welfare of sailors". Demonstrates beginnings of Melbourne-based organisation and support for seafarers. Small paper poster with mixed/ornate text, housed within two cardboard frame mats, front window frame mat cut to size of poster see imageseaman's church, hobson's bay, mechanics institute, governor, sir henry barkly, w. fairfax, friends of the sailor, sandridge, port melbourne, seamen's mission, mission to seafarers, mission to seamen, captain charles ferguson -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Booklet - Manual, Sailing directions for Port Phillip, in the colony of Victoria including the ports of Melbourne and Geelong, 1854
... Captain Charles Ferguson (1813-1868)...Captain Charles Ferguson was born in Scotland in 1813. He... melbourne Captain Charles Ferguson was born in Scotland in 1813. He ...Captain Charles Ferguson was born in Scotland in 1813. He was the Master of the "Rajah" from 1838 to 1850 on voyages from England to Australia and vice versa. He became the First Chief Harbour Master for the port of Melbourne in 1852 after being the first Harbour Master and Water Police Officer in Geelong for 12 months. On the 5th of April 1841, the Rajah sailed with James Donovan M.D. as Surgeon Superintendent, and the Rajah sailed from Woolwich with 180 female convicts. The Rajah arrived on the 19th of July in Hobart, with 179 females (one died during the voyage) and 10 children. Miss Kezia Elizabeth Hayter was the matron on board. On page 28 of the "Sailing directions for Port Phillip, in the colony of Victoria including the ports of Melbourne and Geelong", a mention is made of the Mariner's Hospital and Floating Church soon to be established. There were discussions to built the hospital in Williamstown but instead the Government decided to build it in Melbourne. The Harbour Master and a commiittee decided to use the water police hulk, Emily, left unsold in 1856, to create a floating church: the Bethel was open in July 1857 with Reverend Kerr Johnston as Chaplain. Latrobe wrote a letter to Captain Cole in 1869, a few months after learning his death : "To Captain George Ward Cole † [from a draft in another’s hand] Clapham House, Lewes, Sussex, January 28th, 1869. My dear Captain Cole, Last mail will have taken out the sad intelligence of the death of our excellent old friend, Captain Ferguson. This will have been a terrible blow to his children and to his friends in the colony, who may have held reason to expect his early return to his home, with a not unreasonable prospect of ultimate restoration to health and activity. In the course of last October I went up to town with one of my children, mainly with the purpose of finding my way to Pinner, where he and Mrs. Ferguson were staying with an intimate friend. I found him in excellent health and spirits, and enjoying the prospect of a speeding resumption of the service to which he had devoted his best days, and upon the furtherance of which his entire energy was still directed. A week or two later Captain and Mrs. Ferguson went to Dover for change of air, and being still under the impression received from the advisers by whom they had been guided during their residence at a hydropathic establishment at Matlock, felt encouraged to plan almost immediate return to the colony by the Jerusalem early in December. However, certain misgivings in the mind of a medical gentleman, then in England, under whose care Captain Ferguson had at one time placed himself in Williamtown, led them to consider it judicious before departure to take the advice of some surgeon of eminence in London. Accordingly they came up to town at the close of November. The first London practitioners they consulted shook their heads, and advised consultation with Sir Wm. Ferguson. The result was that amputation, without loss of time, was pronounced necessary. The rest is soon told. He received the painful intelligence with calmness and full resignation to God's will, and underwent the operation at King's College Hospital with exemplary firmness and Courage on the 28th of November. Perfect success seemingly attended it, and there seemed, humanly speaking, to be every prospect of a prompt cure and early convalescence; everything seemed in his favour. A few days later, however, all was clouded by symptoms of hospital fever (pyoe æm ia). This resisted all control, and finally carried him off on the 27th of December, just one month after the operation. He had lived a Christian life, and his death was the peaceful and resigned death of a Christian. It was a melancholy satisfaction to me to be able to join a few friends in following his remains to their resting place in one of the outlying London cemeteries on the last day of the year. You know Mrs Ferguson well, and will be prepared to hear me say that her whole conduct and demeanour throughout this period of suspense and bitter trial has been worthy of her high character and steadfast principle. Come what will, and happen what may, I have the fullest conviction that neither the widow nor the children will be forsaken, however doubtful and clouded the future may appear, in consequence of the irreparable loss which, they have sustained. And now, dear Captain Cole, it is possible that you may already have heard all this from other sources, but I have dictated it to you under strong impulse, for I feel assured that there is no member of the community in which you live who will more sincerely deplore the loss of Captain Ferguson on private grounds; at the same time that there is no one who, from long acquaintance with his official character and services, will be in a better position to estimate their real value or the loss which the colony has sustained. The circumstances in which Captain Ferguson's family are left not only demands the utmost display of sympathy and interest on the part of friends, but may call for decided and prompt action; therefore I cannot rest satisfied without discharging what I consider my duty, and seeking to strengthen your hands as far as I may in bringing the character of his long services before the existing colonial authorities. Of his private career previous to his entering the service of the Colonial Government in 1851 nothing need be said. Captain Ferguson was appointed as the Harbour Master at Geelong in April, 1851 – a few months before the separation of the colony from New South Wales. He there did excellent service in a variety of ways calculated to advance the interests of the port, and to introduce 27 order, where, from circumstances, but little order had hitherto prevailed. His was the first appointment of this class in that locality. The separation of the colony from New South Wales took place in the month of July following. Shortly after, the late Captain Bunbury resigned the Harbour Mastership of Port Phillip. Captain Ferguson was at once (February, 1852) appointed to succeed him, and from that time performed all duties of Chief Harbour Master of the colony. The previous year (May 1851) the first gold discoveries in New South Wales had taken place, and in the month of August those of our colony followed. At the time of Captain Ferguson’s taking charge of the Port of Melbourne their influence had begun to be fully felt, and in no department more seriously than in that of the Harbour Master. This is no place for statistical details, but they must bear me out in reminding you of a few facts connected with our late friend’s career. At the time of separation that department comprised only 30 individuals of all ranks, and when he took charge the number was much reduced. There were at that time, according to the returns, no fewer than 54 vessels, registering 26,785 tons, in Hobson’s Bay alone. The crews on arrival numbered 1,235 men. Of this number only 463 remained on board, 500 having deserted, and the rest having been discharged by arrangement or pure necessity. For the first six months after Captain Ferguson’s assumption of office as Harbour Master the duties of Police Magistrate and Chief of the Water Police were superadded, and how much labour they involved may be surmised from the fact that from 1st of April to the 31st July, 1852, four months only, no less than 236 marine cases were brought before the bench at Williamstown - sometimes as many as 30 in a day. A year later (March 1853) the returns show that the number of vessels in the harbour in Hobson’s Bay alone were 91, tonnage 43,754; and passing on to the still later returns of May, 1853, two years after Captain Ferguson’s assumption of office, we find from the records that the number of ships in port had increased to 129; tonnage, 63,292; crew on board on arrival, 2872, and at the date of report, 1628; the amount of desertions at that time having, however, proportionally diminished, in consequence of the abatement of the gold fever, caused by the non-success attendant upon the labours of thousands at the goldfields. The above numbers take no account of the large number of vessels and amount of tonnage lying at the wharves at Melbourne or elsewhere. From these figures alone it may be judged what must have been a struggle in which the Chief Harbour Master was engaged from the very outset to secure order, and answer the innumerable calls on every branch of his department, at the same time that there was for many months an almost complete impossibility of securing subordinate agency, such as boatmen, pilots, and police, at any price. But I may bear witness to the untiring diligence, energy, and self-devotion with which Captain Ferguson grappled with the difficulties of his position, and the seemingly insurmountable obstacles which stood in his way. Ashore and afloat he was always ready, showing the same directness of purpose, intelligence, and forgetfulness of self. He shunned no responsibility, and turned his hand from no work, whether within or beyond the ordinary scope of his duty, which the hard necessity of the times forced the Government to bring under his notice. Already in 1852, when the overflowing of our gaol and stockade rendered the adoption of other methods of restraint absolutely necessary, and addition to the existing buildings could not be thought of, it was Captain Ferguson who first suggested the employment of hulks; and it was with his personal assistance and supervision, and under his unflagging energy, that the three first of these – the Success, the President, and the Sacramento – were purchased, fitted up, and made available for the purpose in view, and the rules and regulations for the employment and safety of the men afloat and ashore prescribed and carried out. He carried the same energy into every branch of his department, and his influence was soon apparent. His subordinates of every class became actuated by his spirit. As time moved on, the range of his duties, both ordinary and extraordinary, increased. In the formation of the quarantine station at the heads, in the management if not the erection of lighthouses, sailing directions, port and wharf regulations, buoys, signal stations, 28 steam dredging &c., he was the main and most active agent. The whole pilot establishment and regulations, men, and vessels, were under his charge; and when I left the colony in May, 1854, the entire range of ports outside Port Phillip Heads from Point Lonsdale to Portland, as well as that of Geelong had felt the influence of his intelligent supervision and care. The entire department of Chief Harbour Master, which I have numbered at the period of separation about thirty individuals, then numbered 230. The character of Captain Ferguson’s unbroken service during the fourteen years which have elapsed since I left the colony must be well known to the Government and the people he has served so long and so faithfully. I confine myself to recalling to mind those earlier, and what must have been the hardest and most difficult, period – none can know how difficult but those who were in that fierce struggle for the maintenance of order under so many disadvantages; and on this subject I have spoken advisedly and with reason, for I may truly say he worked under my own eye. I had sincere regard for the man, and just pride in the qualities of his heart, head, and hand. Whatever mistakes may have been made by the Government of the colony in those hard and difficult times (and I am quite ready to admit that there were many, especially if the past is to be judged by the light of the present), I never have hesitated in believing that, in appointing Captain Ferguson to the office he has so long filled, it was the right man in the right place. I shall be heartily rejoiced to find that the Government and inhabitants of the colony admit that this has been the case, and to learn that they have not forgotten the strong claims of one who has served them so long and so faithfully, and who, removed by God’s providence, so to say, in the maturity of his powers, has left a widow and young family behind him. I have done, I leave you to make use of this communication, or any portion of it, which you may think judicious and called for. There may be among Ferguson’s friends those who may not be sorry to be reminded of facts. By-the-bye, I may mention as a proof how completely Captain Ferguson’s mind was engrossed by devotion to his public duty, that while in Dover, only ten days before the operation, he took an opportunity to drag himself up into the lantern of the S. Foreland Lighthouse, and made a most careful scrutiny of the whole apparatus and arrangement, with a view of the adoption of any hint for the perfection of those under his charge in the colony. And now, goodbye. I trust this will find you in good health, and in comparative vigour. Believe me ever, dear Captain Cole, Yours very truly, C. J. La Trobe"The attempt for a floating church was made as early as 1853 following similar examples in London like the Seamen's Hospital. Captain Ferguson was instrumental in the foundation of the Bethel Church.Digital copies of the 37 pages ; 22 cm.1854, hobsons bay, geelong, melbourne, williamstown, sandridge, mariner's hospital, floating church, seamen's hospital, captain charles ferguson (1813-1868), kezia elizabeth hayter (1818-1885), rajah quilt, prison hulks, water police, harbour master, harbor master, gaols -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Rowlock, early 20th century
... captain ferguson... by both sail and oar. At that time Captain Ferguson was Chief.... At that time Captain Ferguson was Chief Harbour Master and Mr Beagley ...This row lock was fitted onto the Warrnambool Lifeboat, which is also on-site at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village. The construction of the lifeboat 'Warrnambool' began 15th September 1909 and was completed almost 12 months later 1st September 1910. It was built at the Government Dockyard in Williamstown, Victoria, along the lines designed by Great Britain's Royal Lifeboat Institution, and included whale back decks fore and aft, mast and centre board, and rudder and tiller hung from the stern post. It could be propelled by both sail and oar. At that time Captain Ferguson was Chief Harbour Master and Mr Beagley was a foreman boat builder. Mr Beagley built the lifeboat with his fellow workmen. It had all the latest improvements in shape, disposition of weight with watertight compartments, and it had space for a large number of people in addition to the crew. It appears that 'H Meiers' whose signature was on the plaque that was found concealed in the hull, was involved with the building of the lifeboat. His signature and the dates of the start and finish of the boat's construction are penciled on the raw timber 'plaque' found in the hull in the early 1990s when the lifeboat was being restored. It is interesting that the 'Melbourne Directory' of 1911, published by Sands and MacDougal, lists McAuley and Meiers, boat builders, Nelson Place foreshore, between Pasco and Parker Streets, Williamstown, It is quite possibly the business of the person whose name is inscribed on the lifeboat plaque. Flagstaff Hill's documentation also mentions that the keel was laid at 'Harry Myers, boat builders, Williamstown, Melbourne the name 'Myers' can also be spelled 'Meiers', which could be the same person as the Meiers in "McAuley and Meiers" (as mentioned in genealogy lines of Myers). The new lifeboat, to be named 'Warrnambool' was brought to town by train and launched at the breakwater on 1st March 1911 using the Titan crane (the old lifeboat built-in 1858, was then returned to Melbourne in 1911). This new lifeboat was stationed at Warrnambool in a shed located at the base of the Breakwater, adjacent to the slipway. The lifeboat ‘Warrnambool’ was similar in size to the old lifeboat but far superior in design, with new sea-going qualities such as greater maneuverability. The ‘self-righting, self-draining’ design was made the vessel difficult to capsize and even if the boat overturned it would right itself to an even keel and the water would drain away. The hull was built of New Zealand Kauri, using double diagonal planking, laid in two layers at right angles, with a layer of canvas and red lead paint between the timbers to help seal the planking. It has plenty of free board. The backbone timbers were made of Jarrah. The Warrnambool lifeboat was one of several rescue boats used at Port Fairy and Warrnambool in the early 1900s. In late 1914 the Warrnambool lifeboat and crew were used to help find what was left of the tragic wreckage of the Antares and were able to discover the body of one of the crewmen. Between 1951 and 1954 the lifeboat was manned under the guidance of Captain Carrington. He held lifeboat practice each month on a Sunday morning, to comply with the Ports and Harbour’s request that lifeboats be ready for action in case of an emergency. In the early 1960’s it ended its service as a lifeboat and was used in Port Fairy as a barge to help dredge the Moyne River. Flagstaff Hill obtained the Warrnambool lifeboat in 1975. In 1984 it was on display at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, Warrnambool. On 23rd May 1990, she was lifted from the water and placed in a cradle for restoration. The name 'WARRNAMBOOL could be seen faintly on the lifeboat before it was restored. It was during the restoration that Flagstaff Hill's boat builder discovered the 'plaque' inside the hull. A copy of the blueprint plans has the name “V.E.E. Gotch” printed on it. His advertisement in Footscray’s ‘Independent’ newspaper of Saturday 11th May 1901 states he is “Principal and Skilled member (Naval Architect) to the Court of Marine Inquiry of Victoria and holds classes for naval architectural drawing and arithmetic.” The subject row lock is significant due to its association the Warrnambool Lifeboat which was an integral part of an important service to the local community as a lifesaving vessel for a half-century. One of the lifeboats many achievements was when it was used to help retrieve the body of a shipwrecked crew member of the ship Antares. Rowlock from the Warrnambool Lifeboat.Noneflagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, lifeboat warrnambool, life boat, life saving vessel, 1910 vessel, port fairy, boat builder plaque, rescue boat, beagley, government dockyard, williamstown, v.e.e. gotch, royal lifeboat institution, captain ferguson, non-capsizeable lifeboat, self-righting lifeboat, antares shipwreck, double diagonal planking, captain carrington, rowlock, lifeboat rowlock -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Rowlock, early 20th century
... captain ferguson... by both sail and oar. At that time Captain Ferguson was Chief.... At that time Captain Ferguson was Chief Harbour Master and Mr Beagley ...This row lock was fitted onto the Warrnambool Lifeboat, which is also on-site at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village. The construction of the lifeboat 'Warrnambool' began 15th September 1909 and was completed almost 12 months later 1st September 1910. It was built at the Government Dockyard in Williamstown, Victoria, along the lines designed by Great Britain's Royal Lifeboat Institution, and included whale back decks fore and aft, mast and centre board, and rudder and tiller hung from the stern post. It could be propelled by both sail and oar. At that time Captain Ferguson was Chief Harbour Master and Mr Beagley was a foreman boat builder. Mr Beagley built the lifeboat with his fellow workmen. It had all the latest improvements in shape, disposition of weight with watertight compartments, and it had space for a large number of people in addition to the crew. It appears that 'H Meiers' whose signature was on the plaque that was found concealed in the hull, was involved with the building of the lifeboat. His signature and the dates of the start and finish of the boat's construction are penciled on the raw timber 'plaque' found in the hull in the early 1990s when the lifeboat was being restored. It is interesting that the 'Melbourne Directory' of 1911, published by Sands and MacDougal, lists McAuley and Meiers, boat builders, Nelson Place foreshore, between Pasco and Parker Streets, Williamstown, It is quite possibly the business of the person whose name is inscribed on the lifeboat plaque. Flagstaff Hill's documentation also mentions that the keel was laid at 'Harry Myers, boat builders, Williamstown, Melbourne the name 'Myers' can also be spelled 'Meiers', which could be the same person as the Meiers in "McAuley and Meiers" (as mentioned in genealogy lines of Myers). The new lifeboat, to be named 'Warrnambool' was brought to town by train and launched at the breakwater on 1st March 1911 using the Titan crane (the old lifeboat built-in 1858, was then returned to Melbourne in 1911). This new lifeboat was stationed at Warrnambool in a shed located at the base of the Breakwater, adjacent to the slipway. The lifeboat ‘Warrnambool’ was similar in size to the old lifeboat but far superior in design, with new sea-going qualities such as greater maneuverability. The ‘self-righting, self-draining’ design was made the vessel difficult to capsize and even if the boat overturned it would right itself to an even keel and the water would drain away. The hull was built of New Zealand Kauri, using double diagonal planking, laid in two layers at right angles, with a layer of canvas and red lead paint between the timbers to help seal the planking. It has plenty of free board. The backbone timbers were made of Jarrah. The Warrnambool lifeboat was one of several rescue boats used at Port Fairy and Warrnambool in the early 1900s. In late 1914 the Warrnambool lifeboat and crew were used to help find what was left of the tragic wreckage of the Antares and were able to discover the body of one of the crewmen. Between 1951 and 1954 the lifeboat was manned under the guidance of Captain Carrington. He held lifeboat practice each month on a Sunday morning, to comply with the Ports and Harbour’s request that lifeboats be ready for action in case of an emergency. In the early 1960’s it ended its service as a lifeboat and was used in Port Fairy as a barge to help dredge the Moyne River. Flagstaff Hill obtained the Warrnambool lifeboat in 1975. In 1984 it was on display at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, Warrnambool. On 23rd May 1990, she was lifted from the water and placed in a cradle for restoration. The name 'WARRNAMBOOL could be seen faintly on the lifeboat before it was restored. It was during the restoration that Flagstaff Hill's boat builder discovered the 'plaque' inside the hull. A copy of the blueprint plans has the name “V.E.E. Gotch” printed on it. His advertisement in Footscray’s ‘Independent’ newspaper of Saturday 11th May 1901 states he is “Principal and Skilled member (Naval Architect) to the Court of Marine Inquiry of Victoria and holds classes for naval architectural drawing and arithmetic.” The subject row lock is significant due to its association the Warrnambool Lifeboat which was an integral part of an important service to the local community as a lifesaving vessel for a half-century. One of the lifeboats many achievements was when it was used to help retrieve the body of a shipwrecked crew member of the ship Antares. Rowlock from the Warrnambool Lifeboat.Noneflagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, lifeboat warrnambool, life boat, life saving vessel, 1910 vessel, port fairy, boat builder plaque, rescue boat, beagley, government dockyard, williamstown, v.e.e. gotch, royal lifeboat institution, captain ferguson, non-capsizeable lifeboat, self-righting lifeboat, antares shipwreck, double diagonal planking, captain carrington, rowlock, lifeboat rowlock -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Rowlock, early 20th century
... captain ferguson... by both sail and oar. At that time Captain Ferguson was Chief.... At that time Captain Ferguson was Chief Harbour Master and Mr Beagley ...This row lock was fitted onto the Warrnambool Lifeboat, which is also on-site at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village. The construction of the lifeboat 'Warrnambool' began 15th September 1909 and was completed almost 12 months later 1st September 1910. It was built at the Government Dockyard in Williamstown, Victoria, along the lines designed by Great Britain's Royal Lifeboat Institution, and included whale back decks fore and aft, mast and centre board, and rudder and tiller hung from the stern post. It could be propelled by both sail and oar. At that time Captain Ferguson was Chief Harbour Master and Mr Beagley was a foreman boat builder. Mr Beagley built the lifeboat with his fellow workmen. It had all the latest improvements in shape, disposition of weight with watertight compartments, and it had space for a large number of people in addition to the crew. It appears that 'H Meiers' whose signature was on the plaque that was found concealed in the hull, was involved with the building of the lifeboat. His signature and the dates of the start and finish of the boat's construction are penciled on the raw timber 'plaque' found in the hull in the early 1990s when the lifeboat was being restored. It is interesting that the 'Melbourne Directory' of 1911, published by Sands and MacDougal, lists McAuley and Meiers, boat builders, Nelson Place foreshore, between Pasco and Parker Streets, Williamstown, It is quite possibly the business of the person whose name is inscribed on the lifeboat plaque. Flagstaff Hill's documentation also mentions that the keel was laid at 'Harry Myers, boat builders, Williamstown, Melbourne the name 'Myers' can also be spelled 'Meiers', which could be the same person as the Meiers in "McAuley and Meiers" (as mentioned in genealogy lines of Myers). The new lifeboat, to be named 'Warrnambool' was brought to town by train and launched at the breakwater on 1st March 1911 using the Titan crane (the old lifeboat built-in 1858, was then returned to Melbourne in 1911). This new lifeboat was stationed at Warrnambool in a shed located at the base of the Breakwater, adjacent to the slipway. The lifeboat ‘Warrnambool’ was similar in size to the old lifeboat but far superior in design, with new sea-going qualities such as greater maneuverability. The ‘self-righting, self-draining’ design was made the vessel difficult to capsize and even if the boat overturned it would right itself to an even keel and the water would drain away. The hull was built of New Zealand Kauri, using double diagonal planking, laid in two layers at right angles, with a layer of canvas and red lead paint between the timbers to help seal the planking. It has plenty of free board. The backbone timbers were made of Jarrah. The Warrnambool lifeboat was one of several rescue boats used at Port Fairy and Warrnambool in the early 1900s. In late 1914 the Warrnambool lifeboat and crew were used to help find what was left of the tragic wreckage of the Antares and were able to discover the body of one of the crewmen. Between 1951 and 1954 the lifeboat was manned under the guidance of Captain Carrington. He held lifeboat practice each month on a Sunday morning, to comply with the Ports and Harbour’s request that lifeboats be ready for action in case of an emergency. In the early 1960’s it ended its service as a lifeboat and was used in Port Fairy as a barge to help dredge the Moyne River. Flagstaff Hill obtained the Warrnambool lifeboat in 1975. In 1984 it was on display at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, Warrnambool. On 23rd May 1990, she was lifted from the water and placed in a cradle for restoration. The name 'WARRNAMBOOL could be seen faintly on the lifeboat before it was restored. It was during the restoration that Flagstaff Hill's boat builder discovered the 'plaque' inside the hull. A copy of the blueprint plans has the name “V.E.E. Gotch” printed on it. His advertisement in Footscray’s ‘Independent’ newspaper of Saturday 11th May 1901 states he is “Principal and Skilled member (Naval Architect) to the Court of Marine Inquiry of Victoria and holds classes for naval architectural drawing and arithmetic.” The subject row lock is significant due to its association the Warrnambool Lifeboat which was an integral part of an important service to the local community as a lifesaving vessel for a half-century. One of the lifeboats many achievements was when it was used to help retrieve the body of a shipwrecked crew member of the ship Antares. Rowlock from the Warrnambool Lifeboat.Noneflagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, lifeboat warrnambool, life boat, life saving vessel, 1910 vessel, port fairy, boat builder plaque, rescue boat, beagley, government dockyard, williamstown, v.e.e. gotch, royal lifeboat institution, captain ferguson, non-capsizeable lifeboat, self-righting lifeboat, antares shipwreck, double diagonal planking, captain carrington, rowlock, lifeboat rowlock -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Rowlock, early 20th century
... captain ferguson... sail and oar. At that time Captain Ferguson was Chief Harbour... by both sail and oar. At that time Captain Ferguson was Chief ...Rowlock from the Lifeboat Warrnambool, which is on site at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village. The construction of the lifeboat ‘Warrnambool’ began 15th September 1909 and was completed almost 12 months later, 1st September 1910. It was built at the Government Dockyard in Williamstown, Victoria, along the lines designed by the Great Britain’s Royal Lifeboat Institution, and included whaleback decks fore and aft, mast and centreboard, and rudder and tiller hung from the sternpost. It could be propelled by both sail and oar. At that time Captain Ferguson was Chief Harbour Master and Mr Beagley was foreman boat builder. Mr Beagley built the lifeboat with his fellow workmen. The boat was described as “… a fine piece of workmanship and does credit to her builders and designers…” It had all the latest improvements in shape, disposition of weight and watertight compartments, and it had space for a large number of people in addition to the crew. It appears that 'H Meiers' whose signature was on the plaque that was found concealed in the hull, was involved with the building of the lifeboat. His signature and the dates of the start and finish of the boat’s construction are pencilled on the raw timber 'plaque' found in the hull in the early 1990’s when the lifeboat was being restored. It is interesting that the ‘Melbourne Directory’ of 1911, published by Sands and MacDougal, lists McAuley and Meiers, boat builders, Nelson Place foreshore, between Pasco and Parker Streets, Williamstown, (Victorian Heritage Database, ‘Contextual History, Maritime Facilities’), It is quite possibly the business of the person whose name is inscribed on the lifeboat plaque. Flagstaff Hill’s documentation also mentions that the keel was laid at ‘Harry Myers, boat builders, Williamstown, Melbourne’ – the name ‘Myers’ can also be spelled ‘Meiers’, which could be the same person as the Meiers in “McAuley and Meiers” (as mentioned in genealogy lines of Myers). The new lifeboat, to be named ‘Warrnambool’ was brought to town by train and launched at the breakwater on 1st March 1911 using the Titan crane (the old lifeboat built in 1858, was then returned to Melbourne in 1911). This new lifeboat was stationed at Warrnambool in a shed located at the base of the Breakwater, adjacent to the slipway. A winch was used to bring it in and out of the water. The lifeboat ‘Warrnambool’ was similar in size to the old lifeboat but far superior in design, build and sea-going qualities such as greater manoeuvrability. The ‘self-righting, self-draining’ design was “practically non-capsizeable” and even if the boat overturned it would right itself to an even keel and the water would drain away. The hull was built of New Zealand Kauri, using double diagonal planking, laid in two layers at right angles, with a layer of canvas and red lead paint between the timbers to help seal the planking. It has “… plenty of freeboard, high watertight spaces between the deck and bottom… through which pipes lead…” The backbone timbers were made of Jarrah. The lifeboat Warrnambool was one of several rescue boats used at Port Fairy and Warrnambool in early 1900's. In late 1914 the Warrnambool lifeboat and crew were used to help find what was left of the tragic wreckage of the Antares, and were able to discover the body of one of the crewmen, which they brought back to Warrnambool. Between 1951 and 1954 the lifeboat was manned under the guidance of Captain Carrington. He held lifeboat practice each month on a Sunday morning, to comply with the Ports and Harbour’s request that lifeboats be manned by a strong and competent crew, ready for action in case of emergency. In the early 1960’s it ended its service as a lifeboat and was used in Port Fairy as a barge to help dredge the Moyne River, bolted to the Port Fairy lifeboat. Flagstaff Hill obtained the Warrnambool in 1975. In 1984 it was on display at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, Warrnambool. On 23rd May 1990 she was lifted from the water and placed in a cradle for restoration. The name ‘WARRNAMBOOL could be seen faintly on the lifeboat before it was restored. It was during the restoration that Flagstaff Hill's boat builder discovered the 'plaque' inside the hull. A copy of the blueprint plans has the name “V.E.E. Gotch” printed on it. His advertisement in Footscray’s ‘Independent’ newspaper of Saturday 11th May 1901 states he is “Principal and Skilled member (Naval Architect) to the Court of Marine Inquiry of Victoria and holds classes for naval architectural drawing and arithmetic.” The rowlock is significant for its association with the lifeboat WARRNAMBOOL, which is significant for its half century service to the local community as a lifesaving vessel. She was also used to help retrieve the body of a shipwrecked crew member of the ANTARES. Rowlock, iron, upper ends scroll over, from the Lifeboat Warrnambool.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, life boat, life saving vessel, 1910 vessel, port fairy, boat builder plaque, rescue boat, beagley, government dockyard, williamstown, v.e.e. gotch, royal lifeboat institution, captain ferguson, non-capsizeable lifeboat, self-righting lifeboat, antares shipwreck, double diagonal planking, captain carrington, rowlock, lifeboat rowlock, lifeboat warrnambool -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Vehicle - Vessel, Lifeboat Warrnambool, 01/09/1910
... captain ferguson.... At that time Captain Ferguson was Chief Harbour Master and Mr Beagley... sail and oar. At that time Captain Ferguson was Chief Harbour ...The construction of the lifeboat ‘Warrnambool’ began 15th September 1909 and was completed almost 12 months later, 1st September 1910. It was built at the Government Dockyard in Williamstown, Victoria, along the lines designed by the Great Britain’s Royal Lifeboat Institution, and included whaleback decks fore and aft, mast and centreboard, and rudder and tiller hung from the sternpost. It could be propelled by both sail and oar. At that time Captain Ferguson was Chief Harbour Master and Mr Beagley was foreman boat builder when he and his fellow workmen built the boat. The boat was described as “… a fine piece of workmanship and does credit to her builders and designers…” It had all the latest improvements in shape, disposition of weight and watertight compartments, and it had space for a large number of people in addition to the crew. It appears that 'H Meiers' whose signature, along with building dates, is pencilled on a concealed timber 'plaque' in the hull, was involved with the building of the lifeboat. It is interesting that the ‘Melbourne Directory’ of 1911, published by Sands and MacDougal, lists McAuley and Meiers, boat builders, Nelson Place foreshore, between Pasco and Parker Streets, Williamstown, (Victorian Heritage Database, ‘Contextual History, Maritime Facilities’), It is probably the company of the person whose name is inscribed on the lifeboat plaque. Flagstaff Hill’s documentation also mentions that the keel was laid at ‘Harry Myers, boat builders, Williamstown, Melbourne’ – the name ‘Myers’ can also be spelled ‘Meiers’, which could be the same person as the Meiers in “McAuley and Meiers” (as mentioned in genealogy lines of Myers). The new lifeboat, to be named ‘Warrnambool’ was brought to town by train and launched at the breakwater on 1st March 1911 using the Titan crane (the old lifeboat built in 1858, was then returned to Melbourne in 1911). This new lifeboat was stationed at Warrnambool in a shed located at the base of the Breakwater, adjacent to the slipway. A winch was used to bring it in and out of the water. The lifeboat ‘Warrnambool’ was similar in size to the old lifeboat but far superior in design, build and sea-going qualities such as greater manoeuvrability. The ‘self-righting, self-draining’ design was “practically non-capsizeable” and even if the boat overturned it would right itself to an even keel and the water would drain away. The hull was built of New Zealand Kauri, using double diagonal planking, laid in two layers at right angles, with a layer of canvas and red lead paint between the timbers to help seal the planking. It has “… plenty of freeboard, high watertight spaces between the deck and bottom… through which pipes lead…” The backbone timbers were made of Jarrah. The lifeboat Warrnambool was one of several rescue boats used at Port Fairy and Warrnambool in early 1900's. In late 1914 the Warrnambool lifeboat and crew were used to help find what was left of the tragic wreckage of the Antares, and were able to discover the body of one of the crewmen, which they brought back to Warrnambool. Between 1951 and 1954 the lifeboat was manned under the guidance of Captain Carrington. He held lifeboat practice each month on a Sunday morning, to comply with the Ports and Harbour’s request that lifeboats be manned by a strong and competent crew, ready for action in case of emergency. In the early 1960’s it ended its service as a lifeboat and was used in Port Fairy as a barge to help dredge the Moyne River, bolted to the Port Fairy lifeboat. Flagstaff Hill obtained the Warrnambool in 1975. In 1984 it was on display at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, Warrnambool. On 23rd May 1990 she was lifted from the water and placed in a cradle for restoration. The name ‘WARRNAMBOOL could be seen faintly on the lifeboat before it was restored. It was during the restoration that Flagstaff Hill's boat builder discovered the 'plaque' inside the hull. A copy of the blueprint plans has the name “V.E.E. Gotch” printed on it. His advertisement in Footscray’s ‘Independent’ newspaper of Saturday 11th May 1901 states he is “Principal and Skilled member (Naval Architect) to the Court of Marine Inquiry of Victoria and holds classes for naval architectural drawing and arithmetic.”The lifeboat WARRNAMBOOL is significant for its half century service to the local community as a lifesaving vessel. She was also used to help retrieve the body of a shipwrecked crew member of the ANTARES. Lifeboat "Warrnambool", a wooden, clinker hull, 'self-righting, self-draining design, single mast, pivoting centreboard. Complete with sail and yardarm. A 'plaque' was found inside the hull of the lifeboat, made of untreated wood, disc-shaped with one straight edge (Diam 15.5cm), inscribed by one of the boat builders in pencil script "Life Boat Start building / 15/9/09 - complete 1/9/10 / (signature looks like H Meiers) / Boat Builder)."'Plaque' inside body of boat is inscribed in pencil, script writing "Life Boat Start building / 15/9/09 - complete 1/9/10 / (signature looks like H Meiels) / Boat Builder)." flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, lifeboat, life boat, vessel, life saving, 1910 vessel, port fairy, boat builder plaque, rescue boat, beagley, williamstown, government dockyard, v.e.e. gotch, royal lifeboat institution, captain ferguson, meiers, nelson place, non-capsizeable, self-righting, titan crane, double diagonal planking, captain carrington, barge, antares, self righting, crew of twelve, capacity of 30 survivors -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Article, Argus newspaper, The propose Seaman's Hospital at Williamstown, 9 June 1852
... Captain Charles Ferguson (1813-1868)... Captain Charles Ferguson (1813-1868) The propose Seaman's Hospital ..."A meeting for the purpose of considering the best means of estabishing an Institution of this kind, at the above place was held at the Ship Inn on Monday evening. Charles Ferguson, Esq, being voted to the Chair, briefly stated the intention of the present meeting, and that all must concur as to the necessity of founding same Institution for the relief of the numerous cases daily occuring in this port, amongst so great a number of ships, large at present but small in comparison to what may be expected in a short time. For the last five months ending May 31st, five hundred and eleven vessels en-tered Hobson's Bay, amounting to a tonnage of ninety-five thousand three hundred and seventy-two tons, which, in tho same proportion for twelve months, would give two hundred thousand tons annually and, calculating four men for each one hundred tons, shows that eight thou-sand sailors arrive at this port in the space of a year, for whom, at present, there is no provision made for either sickness or accidents. A lengthened conversation ensued, in th» course of which several instances were pointed out of he great benefit conferred upon the ship ping interest, by the establishment of an hospital at various ports named, and all agreed that such would be a great boon here. After some further discussion as to the wording of the re solution, the following was proposed by Captain Beaseley, and seconded by Captain Goss, «That this meeting is convinced of the necessity exist ing for a Seaman's Hospital, at Williams Town; and that a committee be appointed to draw up a menorial to His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, respectfully praying, that a sum of money be placed on the Estimate for the en suing year, fur this purposoe ; and that the memorial be given to William Westgarth, Esq. M.L.C. in order to its presentation, -and that the committee accompany Mr Westgarth at the presenting of the said memorial. This proposi tion was carried unanimously, and the following gentlemen were appointed a committee to draw up the memorial: Captain Berzeley (Clifton), Captain Ross (Kashemy), Captain Baker (City of Manchester), Captain Goss (Candahar), Capt Luke (Diana), Captain Nicholson (Calphurnia), Captain Hammach (Cambodia); and for carrying out the above, a meeting is appointed to take place on board the Clifton, this day, at four p.m. A vote of thanks to the Chairman being proposed by Thomas Hunt, Esq, and seconded by A. A. Broadfoot, Esq. the meeting adjourned."With the increase of commercial and migrant shipping, it was made obvious that seamen needed specific attention. The hospital in Williamstown was the first attempt to provide such service.argus, seaman's hospital, williamstown, the ship inn, welfare, captain charles ferguson (1813-1868) -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - FRED CARLETON 2/23RD ALBUM, Alamein and the Western Desert
... 21, DOW’s on 13.7.1942, he held the rank of Captain. Gilbert... 21, DOW’s on 13.7.1942, he held the rank of Captain. Gilbert ...Frederick Lloyd Carleton VX1555 served in the 2/23rd Battalion, 9th Division in the Middle East and in the Pacific. The images detail his day to day life at the front and on leave. He served during the siege of Tobruk and at El Alamein, and was a lifelong member of the Bendigo sub-branch of the Rats of Tobruk Association. Refer Cat No 142.7 for his full service history. .07P) CSM Lee. Believed to be Leslie Douglas Lee VX69519, enlisted 23.12.1941, Middle East service listed as 28.2.1942 - 25.2.1943, discharged 27.11.1945. Lt Fallon. Believed to be John Francis Fallon VX48644. Enlisted 31.7.1940, embarked for the Middle East 16.11.1940, WIA Blast perforation injury 30.10.1942, RTA 9.1.1943 Discharged 20.5.1943 with the rank of Capt. Rupert Rattray VX38937, enlisted 21.10.1940, Middle East service listed as 6.11.1940? - 8.8.1942, New Guinea service 21.2.1943 - 14.9.1943, discharged on 4.4.1946 with the rank of Major. Awarded the MC on April 22 when leading a raiding Party in Tobruk 1941, also awarded C In C’s card in 1941. Graham Grantham Anderson VX48780, enlisted 5.8.1940 age 21, DOW’s on 13.7.1942, he held the rank of Captain. Gilbert Ferguson Urquhart VX48258 enlisted 25.7.1940 age 29, KIA 22.7.1942, hel held the rank of Major. He had pre War service in the CMF from 9.1.1939 - 24.7.1940.Collection of 76 photographs taken during service in 2/23rd in Middle East.Some photographs have inscriptions on the verso, and this information is included in the title information displayed when the images are clicked on.2/23rd battalion, tobruk, el alamein, western desert campain, fred carleton, cpt ferguson urquhart vx42858 -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Oar, early 20th century
... sail and oar. At that time Captain Ferguson was Chief Harbour... by both sail and oar. At that time Captain Ferguson was Chief ...This oar is from the Lifeboat Warrnambool, which is on sit at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village. The construction of the lifeboat ‘Warrnambool’ began 15th September 1909 and was completed almost 12 months later, 1st September 1910. It was built at the Government Dockyard in Williamstown, Victoria, along the lines designed by the Great Britain’s Royal Lifeboat Institution, and included whaleback decks fore and aft, mast and centreboard, and rudder and tiller hung from the sternpost. It could be propelled by both sail and oar. At that time Captain Ferguson was Chief Harbour Master and Mr Beagley was foreman boat builder. Mr Beagley built the lifeboat with his fellow workmen. The boat was described as “… a fine piece of workmanship and does credit to her builders and designers…” It had all the latest improvements in shape, disposition of weight and watertight compartments, and it had space for a large number of people in addition to the crew. It appears that 'H Meiers' whose signature was on the plaque that was found concealed in the hull, was involved with the building of the lifeboat. His signature and the dates of the start and finish of the boat’s construction are pencilled on the raw timber 'plaque' found in the hull in the early 1990’s when the lifeboat was being restored. It is interesting that the ‘Melbourne Directory’ of 1911, published by Sands and MacDougal, lists McAuley and Meiers, boat builders, Nelson Place foreshore, between Pasco and Parker Streets, Williamstown, (Victorian Heritage Database, ‘Contextual History, Maritime Facilities’), It is quite possibly the business of the person whose name is inscribed on the lifeboat plaque. Flagstaff Hill’s documentation also mentions that the keel was laid at ‘Harry Myers, boat builders, Williamstown, Melbourne’ – the name ‘Myers’ can also be spelled ‘Meiers’, which could be the same person as the Meiers in “McAuley and Meiers” (as mentioned in genealogy lines of Myers). The new lifeboat, to be named ‘Warrnambool’ was brought to town by train and launched at the breakwater on 1st March 1911 using the Titan crane (the old lifeboat built in 1858, was then returned to Melbourne in 1911). This new lifeboat was stationed at Warrnambool in a shed located at the base of the Breakwater, adjacent to the slipway. A winch was used to bring it in and out of the water. The lifeboat ‘Warrnambool’ was similar in size to the old lifeboat but far superior in design, build and sea-going qualities such as greater manoeuvrability. The ‘self-righting, self-draining’ design was “practically non-capsizeable” and even if the boat overturned it would right itself to an even keel and the water would drain away. The hull was built of New Zealand Kauri, using double diagonal planking, laid in two layers at right angles, with a layer of canvas and red lead paint between the timbers to help seal the planking. It has “… plenty of freeboard, high watertight spaces between the deck and bottom… through which pipes lead…” The backbone timbers were made of Jarrah. The lifeboat Warrnambool was one of several rescue boats used at Port Fairy and Warrnambool in early 1900's. In late 1914 the Warrnambool lifeboat and crew were used to help find what was left of the tragic wreckage of the Antares, and were able to discover the body of one of the crewmen, which they brought back to Warrnambool. Between 1951 and 1954 the lifeboat was manned under the guidance of Captain Carrington. He held lifeboat practice each month on a Sunday morning, to comply with the Ports and Harbour’s request that lifeboats be manned by a strong and competent crew, ready for action in case of emergency. In the early 1960’s it ended its service as a lifeboat and was used in Port Fairy as a barge to help dredge the Moyne River, bolted to the Port Fairy lifeboat. Flagstaff Hill obtained the Warrnambool in 1975. In 1984 it was on display at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, Warrnambool. On 23rd May 1990 she was lifted from the water and placed in a cradle for restoration. The name ‘WARRNAMBOOL could be seen faintly on the lifeboat before it was restored. It was during the restoration that Flagstaff Hill's boat builder discovered the 'plaque' inside the hull. A copy of the blueprint plans has the name “V.E.E. Gotch” printed on it. His advertisement in Footscray’s ‘Independent’ newspaper of Saturday 11th May 1901 states he is “Principal and Skilled member (Naval Architect) to the Court of Marine Inquiry of Victoria and holds classes for naval architectural drawing and arithmetic.” The oar is significant for its association with the lifeboat WARRNAMBOOL, which is significant for its half century service to the local community as a lifesaving vessel. She was also used to help retrieve the body of a shipwrecked crew member of the ANTARES. Large wooden oar, shaped two handgrip with tapering shaft to large flattened blade, (2) copper reinforcing strips on blade. Sweep oar is from the Lifeboat Warrnambool. flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, oar, lifeboat warrnambool, sweep oar -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Plan - Vessel Line Drawing, Life Boat for Warrnambool, ca. 1900-1909
... by both sail and oar. At that time Captain Ferguson was Chief... by both sail and oar. At that time Captain Ferguson was Chief ...The plans were used for the construction of the lifeboat ‘Warrnambool’, which began 15th September 1909 and was completed almost 12 months later 1st September 1910. It was built at the Government Dockyard in Williamstown, Victoria, along the lines designed by Great Britain’s Royal Lifeboat Institution, and included whaleback decks fore and aft, mast and centreboard, and rudder and tiller hung from the sternpost. It could be propelled by both sail and oar. At that time Captain Ferguson was Chief Harbour Master and Mr Beagley was the foreman boat builder. Mr Beagley built the lifeboat with his fellow workmen. The boat was described as “… a fine piece of workmanship and does credit to her builders and designers…” It had all the latest improvements in shape, disposition of weight and watertight compartments, and it had space for a large number of people in addition to the crew. It appears that 'H Meiers' whose signature was on the plaque that was found concealed in the hull, was involved with the building of the lifeboat. His signature and the dates of the start and finish of the boat’s construction are pencilled on the raw timber 'plaque' found in the hull in the early 1990s when the lifeboat was being restored. It is interesting that the ‘Melbourne Directory’ of 1911, published by Sands and MacDougal, lists McAuley and Meiers, boat builders, Nelson Place foreshore, between Pasco and Parker Streets, Williamstown, (Victorian Heritage Database, ‘Contextual History, Maritime Facilities’), It is quite possibly the business of the person whose name is inscribed on the lifeboat plaque. Flagstaff Hill’s documentation also mentions that the keel was laid at ‘Harry Myers, boat builders, Williamstown, Melbourne’ – the name ‘Myers’ can also be spelled ‘Meiers’, which could be the same person as the Meiers in “McAuley and Meiers” (as mentioned in genealogy lines of Myers). The new lifeboat, to be named ‘Warrnambool’ was brought to town by train and launched at the breakwater on 1st March 1911 using the Titan crane (the old lifeboat built in 1858, was then returned to Melbourne in 1911). This new lifeboat was stationed at Warrnambool in a shed located at the base of the Breakwater, adjacent to the slipway. A winch was used to bring it in and out of the water. The lifeboat ‘Warrnambool’ was similar in size to the old lifeboat but far superior in design, build and sea-going qualities such as greater manoeuvrability. The ‘self-righting, self-draining design was “practically non-capsizeable” and even if the boat overturned it would right itself to an even keel and the water would drain away. The hull was built of New Zealand Kauri, using double diagonal planking, laid in two layers at right angles, with a layer of canvas and red lead paint between the timbers to help seal the planking. It has “… plenty of freeboard area, high watertight spaces between the deck and bottom… through which pipes lead…” The backbone timbers were made of Jarrah. The lifeboat Warrnambool was one of several rescue boats used at Port Fairy and Warrnambool in the early 1900s. In late 1914 the Warrnambool lifeboat and crew were used to help find what was left of the tragic wreckage of the Antares and were able to discover the body of one of the crewmen, which they brought back to Warrnambool. Between 1951 and 1954 the lifeboat was manned under the guidance of Captain Carrington. He held lifeboat practice each month on a Sunday morning, to comply with the Ports and Harbour’s request that lifeboats be manned by a strong and competent crew, ready for action in case of emergency. In the early 1960’s it ended its service as a lifeboat and was used in Port Fairy as a barge to help dredge the Moyne River, bolted to the Port Fairy lifeboat. Flagstaff Hill obtained the Warrnambool in 1975. In 1984 it was on display at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, Warrnambool. On 23rd May 1990, she was lifted from the water and placed in a cradle for restoration. The name ‘WARRNAMBOOL could be seen faintly on the lifeboat before it was restored. It was during the restoration that Flagstaff Hill's boat builder discovered the 'plaque' inside the hull. A copy of the blueprint plans has the name “V.E.E. Gotch” printed on it. His advertisement in Footscray’s ‘Independent’ newspaper of Saturday 11th May 1901 states he is “Principal and Skilled member (Naval Architect) to the Court of Marine Inquiry of Victoria and holds classes for naval architectural drawing and arithmetic.” The line drawing is significant for its connection with the lifeboat WARRNAMBOOL. The lifeboat is very significant to local and state history for its use in the lifesaving rescues of seafarers, particularly in Lady Bay. It was part of the local rescue equipment. It gave a half-century of service to the local community as a lifesaving vessel, including its involvement in retrieving the body of a shipwrecked crew member of the ANTARES. Line drawing in black ink and pencil on rectangular parchment or waxed linen. Drawing has diagrams of three profiles of a vessel, with measurements and connecting pencil lines on the left quarter. The plan is for the lifeboat named “Warrnambool”, which was built in Melbourne and completed in 1910. Old blue copies of the Lifeboat plan are archived also.“LIFE BOAT / FOR / WARRNAMBOOL” “Scale, One Inch to One Foot” “ “Length as shown 30’ – 8” “ “Breadth “ “ 8’ – 6 ½ “ “ “Depth “ “ 3’ – 4 ¾” “flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, lifeboat, warrnambool lifeboat, boat plans, lifeboat plans, boat construction, boat building, line drawing, plan for lifeboat, life boat, life boat 'warrnambool', clinker design, 1910 lifeboat, life saving equipment, shipbuilding -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Archive - Biographical material, Maggs Family of Ringwood and District (Parent Record)
... in the log and hundreds were too weak to help themselves. Captain... of the coastal trader "Champion", informed Captain Ferguson ...Transcript of the Maggs Family History, given by Joan Walker, former member of RDHS:- Pioneer Family - Maggs • James Maggs and wife Harriet Banfield migrated to Melbourne on the “Ticondergoa” which sailed from Birkenhead on 4th August 1852 with 812 assisted immigrants. • In 1856 James purchased 7 acres of land, part of section 75, in the parish of Nunawading where he developed an orchard. • Three children died young – Emma (before 1862), Jemima at Ticonderoga Bay and Mary Jane aged 3 weeks at Koonung Creek. Three sons and a daughter survived them. Harriet died in 1875, James in 1888 both buried in Box Hill cemetery. • Their sons Joseph, Samuel and James all established orchards in the Ringwood/Croydon district. Samuel Maggs • Born 11 May 1851, Somerset, England and grew up on his fathers property in Springfield Road, Blackburn, one block east of Surrey Road. • On 4 October 1876 Sam married Eliza Ann Barnes. • 1881 purchased a block, Allot. 39 Parish of Warrandyte and developed an apple and cherry orchard. The orchard occupied the area between White Horse Road and Mullum Mullum Creek from Oban Rd east to where White Horse Road takes a slight turn to the right, near Burnt Bridge. • Son George b.28 December 1876 Warrandyte married Annie Smith d.9 May 1947. • Daughter Eliza Jane b.27 July 1878 Ringwood married William Dobbin, d.31 May 1946 Camberwell. • Son James b.15 May 1880, Lilydale married Catherine Atkins d.28 July 1940 Ringwood buried Box Hill. • Daughter Jemima b.16 December 1881 Warrandyte married Edward Lindsay in 1905, d.2 November 1955 and buried in Box Hill. • Daughter Jane b.22 May 1884 Warrandyte married Thomas S Knee in 1912 d.31 January 1971, buried at Box Hill. • Son Samuel William b.1 Jan 1889 Ringwood married Mina Lillian Schuhkraft in 1911 d.15 Jan 1955 Ringwood. Joseph Maggs • Born 5 June 1845, Somerset England. • Married Mary Ann Reid in April 1867 at Templestowe. • Bought Sec. 26a, in Ringwood on the corner of Eastfield Road an Mt Dandenong Road in February 1870. Planted 4 acres with fruit trees. Was also a wood carter. During the 1880s white clay was mined here, which he carted for the Victorian Porcelain Clay Coy. • Daughter Emma b.8 Jan 1868 Templestowe d. 3 August 1939, Richmond married May 1890 Fredrick W. McGinnis. • Daughter Agnes b.16 June 1869 Templestowe married John D Miller c.1894. d.3 February 1912 Heathmont, buried Box Hill. • Son Albert b.1 May 1871 Nunawading d.15 Nov 1893. • Son Hubert b.10 May 1873 Nunawading married Isabella Atkins in 1898 Ringwood d.11 August Wagga Wagga and buried there. • Daughter Harriet Annis b.13 August 1875 Box Hill d.21 Sept 1875. • Son Joseph b.25 September 1876 Box Hill d.3 Oct 1900 Mitcham. • Daughter Harriet Annis b.18 Aug 1879, Ringwood married James R Miller d.8 May 1945. • Son William b.3 Sep 1881 married Mary E Hardidge. D.6 April 1950 South Melbourne. • Daughter Dora Jane Dulcie b.13 December 1883 Ringwood d.1973. • Daughter Delia Rose b.20 February 1886, Ringwood married William J Sharkie d.30 October 1914 James Maggs • Youngest (born 28 April 1862, Blackburn) and only Australian born son was also an orchardist. • Married Marianne Hardidge in 1880 (divorced in 1906) purchased land in what is now Kalinda Road, adjoining Sam’s land. • James lived with Teresa Shanks in the Hawthorn and Prahran districts and became a taxi driver. Died in 1925, buried at Box Hill. Marianne became a midwife who delivered over 500 babies in the area – was known as Nurse Polly Maggs, died in 1941 aged 81. • Daughter Mary Ann Hase Polly b.5 July 1881 Ringwood married Thomas Lawford d.9 November 1961 buried at Box Hill. • Daughter Jane Emma b.9 May 1883 Ringwood married Frederick Bloom 1910 d.28 July 1954. • Daughter James John b.17 Jan 1885 Ringwood married Johanna Ida Edith Bloom in 1912 d.24 August 1962 buried at Box Hill. • Daughter David Joseph b.31 Jan 1887 Ringwood married Violet Lepp married 1916, d.11 July 1966. • Son Samuel Arthur b.11 March 1888 Ringwood married Bertha Anna Pump in 1913 d.7 August 1957. • Son John William b.16 April 1890 Ringwood married Lillian Mabel May Smith in 1909 d.18 February 1959 Cobram. • Daughter Eliza Anne b.6 March 1892 Ringwood d.April 18 1892. • Son Robert Thomas b.7 March 1893 Ringwood married Edith E Britnell in 1919 d.12 March 1981 buried Box Hill. • Son Albert Edward b.12 April 1895 Ringwood married Florence Sarah Pearce in 1918 d.30 January 1976 buried at Springvale. • Daughter Evaleen Victoria b.28 Aug 1897, Ringwood married Sydney Till married 1920 d.5 September 1989 buried at Box Hill. • Daughter Harriet Banfield Chrissy b.14 December 1899 Ringwood d.28 Dec 1979 buried Box Hill. Jane Maggs • Born 19 December 1858 in Blackburn. Died 5 July 1926 buried at Box Hill. Married William Cook and had one child, Harriet Amy Cook who never married and lived in Whitehorse Road, Mitcham until her death in 1962. Details, extract from Family Tree Maker family tree:- Descendants of James Maggs Generation No. 1 1. JAMES5 MAGGS (JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)1 died 24 Sep 18881. He married (1) HARRIET MARTHA BANFIELD1 23 Dec 1841 in Bristol, Somerset, England1. She was born 19 Jun 1817 in Clutton, Somerset, England1, and died 12 May 1875 in Nunawading, Victoria, Australia1. He married (2) ROSENA MAHON1 09 Dec 1875 in Fitzroy, Victoria, Australia1. She was born in Deptford, London, England1. Notes for JAMES MAGGS: JAMES MAGGS, and his wife HARRIET BANFIELD, migrated to Melbourne on the "Ticonderoga", which sailed from Birkenhead 4th Aug 1852 with 812 assisted immigrants aboard. In the close confines of the ship fever broke out and by the time she arrived off Port Phillip Heads on or about 2nd Nov, 100 deaths had been recorded in the log and hundreds were too weak to help themselves. Captain Wylie of the coastal trader "Champion", informed Captain Ferguson, the harbourmaster at Williamstown, of the tragic plight of the passengers and crew, and he came with two doctors, in the "Empire", to their aid. They anchored just inside Port Phillip Heads on 5 Nov. at the "Sanatory Station", declared but not yet established by the local authorities. Those who were well enough were put ashore in tents made of spars and sails. The "Lysander" was despatched from Melbourne to act as a hospital ship, and 2 houses, built of the local limestone, were commandeered as a quarantine station. For six weeks the survivors were held near Point Nepean at a place still known as Ticonderoga Bay while the fever, propably typhus, a louse borne epidemic disease, ran its course and a further 68 passengers, 2 crew members and 4 newborn babes succumbed to the scourge. Among them was Jemima Maggs, 3 year old daughter of James and Harriet. The dead were buried at the waters edge, in a grove of titree, a site now marked by Heaton's monument. The remainder of the family, including Samuel, just one year old, lived through the ordeal to make a new life in Australia. James obtained work with Robert Wilson of Bulleen for a period of 3 months at a wage of 52 pounds per annum with rations. By 1856 he was able to purchase 7 acres of land, part of section 75, in the parish of Nunawading at 5 pounds per acre. Here he developed an orchard by means of various mortgages including one taken out 17 July 1872 for 50 pounds from the Victorian Permanent Property Investment & Building Society. Three of their seven children died young, Emma before 1862, Jemima at Ticonderoga Bay, and Mary Jane, the first of their three Australian born children, aged 3 weeks at Konung Creek.Three sons and a daughter survived them. Harriet died in 1875, James lived until 1888 and both are buried at the Box Hill Cemetery. Their sons, Joseph, Samuel, and James all established orchards in the Ringwood/Croydon district. Bur Reg 308 Box Hill Grave #64 Presbyterian More About JAMES MAGGS: Ancestral File Number: LN0V-G01 Burial: 26 Sep 1888, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia1 Christening: 20 Oct 1816, Clutton, Somerset, England1 Record Change: 03 Oct 20041 More About HARRIET MARTHA BANFIELD: Ancestral File Number: LN0V-N11 Burial: 14 May 1875, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia1 Christening: 31 Aug 18171 Record Change: 29 Nov 20041 More About ROSENA MAHON: Record Change: 01 Dec 20011 Children of JAMES MAGGS and HARRIET BANFIELD are: i. EMMA6 MAGGS1, b. 13 Nov 1843, Clutton, Somerset, England1. More About EMMA MAGGS: Record Change: 08 Jul 20031 2. ii. JOSEPH MAGGS, b. 05 Jun 1845, Clutton, Somerset, England; d. 24 Jun 1886, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia. iii. JEMIMA MAGGS1, b. 25 Oct 1848, Clutton, Somerset, England1; d. 1852, Ticonderoga Bay, Victoria, Australia1. More About JEMIMA MAGGS: Record Change: 24 Jan 20031 3. iv. SAMUEL MAGGS, b. 11 May 1851, Clutton, Somerset, England; d. 30 Aug 1942, Croydon, Victoria, Australia. v. MARY JANY MAGGS1, b. 03 Dec 1855, Konung Creek, Victoria, Australia1; d. 27 Dec 18551. More About MARY JANY MAGGS: Record Change: 23 Jan 20051 4. vi. JANE MAGGS, b. 19 Dec 1858, Blackburn, Victoria, Australia; d. 05 Jul 1926, , Victoria, Australia. 5. vii. JAMES MAGGS, b. 1862, Nunawading; d. 1925, Fitzroy. Generation No. 2 2. JOSEPH6 MAGGS (JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)1 was born 05 Jun 1845 in Clutton, Somerset, England1, and died 24 Jun 1886 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia1. He married MARY ANN READ1 01 Apr 1867 in Templestowe, Victoria, Australia1. She was born Abt. 1847 in of Templestowe, Victoria, Australia1, and died 1925 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia1. Notes for JOSEPH MAGGS: Joseph Maggs born 5 Jun 1845 at Clutton, Somerset, England, arrived in Australia age 7 years. He married Mary Ann Read, in Apr 1867 at Templestowe, selected land, Lot 26a,in Ringwood on the corner of Eastfield Road and Mt.Dandenong Road, approx 114 acres, at 11 o'clock 2 Feb 1870. He planted 4 acres with fruit trees valued at 80 pounds and by Sep 1874 his occupation was farmer and wood carter. A 4 room house of lathe and plaster with a paling roof, a kitchen, a slab and bark stable and a pigsty had been errected to a value of 71 pounds. A well, 3 dams, clearing and fencing valued at 96 pounds are also listed. He notes "from the nature of the land, being very poor and heavily timbered, I have not been quite able to clear the complement required, not having means sufficient to do so, neither will the land pay when cultivated." Traces of antimony were found on the land but not in commercial quantities, however during the 1880s white clay was mined here, which he carted for the Victoria Porcelain Clay Coy. In Mar 1880 he was granted freehold title at a price of one pound per acre. More About JOSEPH MAGGS: Burial: Box Hill, Victoria, Australia1 Record Change: 18 Feb 20011 More About MARY ANN READ: Burial: Box Hill, Victoria, Australia1 Record Change: 21 Jul 20021 Children of JOSEPH MAGGS and MARY READ are: 6. i. EMMA7 MAGGS, b. 08 Jan 1868, Templestowe, Victoria, Australia; d. 03 Aug 1939, Richmond, Victoria, Australia. ii. ALBERT MAGGS1, b. 01 May 1871, Nunawading, Victoria, Australia1; d. 15 Nov 1893, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia1. More About ALBERT MAGGS: Record Change: 12 Oct 19971 7. iii. HUBERT MAGGS, b. 10 May 1873, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia; d. 11 Aug 1956, Wagga Wagga, N.S.W., Australia. iv. HARRIET ANNIS MAGGS1, b. 13 Aug 1875, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia1; d. Ringwood, Victoria, Australia1. More About HARRIET ANNIS MAGGS: Burial: 21 Sep 1875, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia1 Record Change: 18 Feb 20011 v. JOSEPH MAGGS1, b. 25 Sep 1876, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia1; d. 03 Oct 1900, Mitcham, Victoria, Australia1. More About JOSEPH MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 20011 8. vi. HARRIET ANNIS MAGGS, b. 18 Aug 1879, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia; d. 08 May 1945. vii. WILLIAM MAGGS1, b. 03 Sep 18811; d. 06 Apr 1950, South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia1; m. MARY ELIZA HARDIDGE1, 24 Dec 1912, Goulburn, N.S.W., Australia1; b. Abt. 1884, , of Victoria, Australia1; d. 1956, Lilydale, Victoria, Australia1. More About WILLIAM MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 20011 More About MARY ELIZA HARDIDGE: Record Change: 18 Feb 20011 viii. DORA JANE DULCIE MAGGS1, b. 13 Dec 1883, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia1; d. 1973, Mitcham, Victoria, Australia1. More About DORA JANE DULCIE MAGGS: Record Change: 21 Jan 20021 9. ix. DELIA ROSE MAGGS, b. 20 Feb 1886, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia; d. 30 Oct 1914. 10. x. AGNES MAGGS, b. 16 Jun 1869, Templestowe, Victoria, Australia; d. 03 Feb 1912, Heathmont, Victoria, Australia. 3. SAMUEL6 MAGGS (JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)1 was born 11 May 1851 in Clutton, Somerset, England1, and died 30 Aug 1942 in Croydon, Victoria, Australia1. He married ELIZA ANN BARNES1 04 Oct 1876 in Nunawading, Victoria, Australia1. She was born 19 Sep 1848 in St Lukes, London, England1, and died 17 Feb 1923 in Croydon, Victoria, Australia1. Notes for SAMUEL MAGGS: SAMUEL MAGGS grew up on his father's property in Springfield Road, Blackburn, one block east of Surrey Road. West of Surrey Road and fronting to White Horse Road was James Barnes' property, so by walking through the Maggs land and crossing Surrey Road, one might enter the back of the Barnes land, an easy way to visit ELIZA ANN BARNES. On the 4 Oct 1876 Sam and Eliza were married at her father's house. Sam wrote to the Secretary for Lands on the 29 Sep 1880, requesting that Allot. 39 Parish of Warrandyte be made available for selection. This block had been refused for selection earlier on the objection of the Mines Department as it was believed that the area was auriferous. When told that the block was available, Sam marked it at 5 o'clock December 3rd and applied for a lease of 12 acres 3 rods and 34 perches on the 6th December. On the application it is noted that he already had leasehold of 104 acres. His license was approved 7 Mar 1881 at a rate of 6 shillings and 6 pence per halfyear. Previously paid fees and rental came to 3 pounds 18 shillings, and he paid another pound for a certificate fee, a pound lease fee, plus the first half years rental, then proceeded to develop the land into an apple and cherry orchard.In 7 Mar 1898 he had succeeded in securing the freehold grant of the area by paying 2 pounds 18 shillings 6 pence fees due,plus a 1 guinea grant fee and assurance fund contribution of 7 pence, a total of 4 pounds and 1 penny. The orchard occupied the area between White Horse Rd and Mullum Mullum Creek,from Oban Rd east to where White Horse Road, now the Maroondah Highway, takes a slight turn to the right, near the Burnt Bridge. Sam and Eliza built a house on Sec38 and planted Fivecrown apples grafted on a Maggs Seedling stock at 24 ft spacing. Trees put in about 1875 were yielding up to twenty bushells 30 years later. He didn't approve of regulations which required spraying for codlin moth and was reputed to have said when denied coolstorage space until he sprayed his trees, "No one is going to tell me how to grow apples and anyway a bit of codlin is good for you". More About SAMUEL MAGGS: Ancestral File Number: LN0V-8X1 Record Change: 20 Aug 19971 Notes for ELIZA ANN BARNES: ELIZA ANN BARNES married SAMUEL MAGGS, son of neighbouring land owner, James Maggs, 4 Oct 1876 and had 6 children. She had a stroke about 1921 but was able to attend her seventyfourth birthday party held at her daughter Jane Knee's home in Sep 1922 when over forty family members gathered for the celebration(see photo). She died 17 Feb 1923 at Croydon. More About ELIZA ANN BARNES: Ancestral File Number: LN0V-2W1 Record Change: 20 Aug 19971 Children of SAMUEL MAGGS and ELIZA BARNES are: 11. i. GEORGE7 MAGGS, b. 28 Dec 1876, Warrandyte, Victoria, Australia; d. 09 May 1947, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia. 12. ii. ELIZA JANE MAGGS, b. 27 Jul 1878, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia; d. 31 May 1946, Camberwell, Victoria, Australia. 13. iii. JAMES MAGGS, b. 15 May 1880, Lilydale, Victoria, Australia; d. 28 Jul 1940, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia. iv. JANE MAGGS1, b. 22 May 1884, Warrandyte, Victoria, Australia1; d. 31 Jan 19711; m. THOMAS SAMUEL KNEE1, 1907, , Victoria, Australia1; b. 07 Aug 1881, Lilydale, Victoria, Australia1; d. 19 Apr 19601. More About JANE MAGGS: Burial: Box Hill, Victoria, Australia1 Record Change: 18 Feb 20011 More About THOMAS SAMUEL KNEE: Burial: 21 Apr 1960, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia1 Record Change: 22 Aug 20031 14. v. SAMUEL WILLIAM MAGGS, b. 01 Jan 1889, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia; d. 15 Jan 1955, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia. 15. vi. JEMIMA MAGGS, b. 16 Dec 1881, Warrandyte, Victoria, Australia; d. 02 Nov 1955. 4. JANE6 MAGGS (JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)1 was born 19 Dec 1858 in Blackburn, Victoria, Australia1, and died 05 Jul 1926 in , Victoria, Australia1. She married WILLIAM COOK1 1880 in , Victoria, Australia1. He was born Abt. 1859 in Wickliffe, Victoria, Australia1, and died 09 Aug 19391. Notes for JANE MAGGS: Jane Maggs, the only surviving daughter of James and Harriet, married William Cook and had one child, Harriet Amy Cook, known to her relatives as Cousin Amy. She never married and lived in the house inWhitehorse Road, Mitcham built by her parents, for many years until her death in 1962. She took a keen interest in family history and was a great source of information and memorabilia about the early days of the Ringwood area. More About JANE MAGGS: Burial: Box Hill1 Record Change: 18 Feb 20011 More About WILLIAM COOK: Burial: 10 Aug 1939, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia1 Record Change: 05 Nov 20011 Child of JANE MAGGS and WILLIAM COOK is: i. HARRIET AMEY7 COOK1, b. 1881, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia1; d. 13 Sep 1962, Surrey Hills, Victoria, Australia1. More About HARRIET AMEY COOK: Burial: 17 Sep 1962, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia1 Record Change: 18 Feb 20011 5. JAMES6 MAGGS (JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)2,3 was born 1862 in Nunawading4, and died 1925 in Fitzroy4. He married (1) THERESA BROWN4 in Christchurch, New Zealand5. She was born 1869 in Clunes, Victoria, Australia5, and died 1930 in Prahran, Victoria, Australia5. He married (2) MARIANNE HARDIDGE6 1880 in Kew6. She was born 1860 in Doncaster6, and died 1941 in Mitcham6. He married (3) ADA JANE CROY7 19127. She was born 1883 in ,Victoria, Australia7. Notes for JAMES MAGGS: James Maggs, the youngest child and only Australian born son of James and Harriet, was an orchardist like his older brothers. He married Marianne Hardidge in 1880 and selected an area in what is now Kalinda Road, adjoining Sam's land. They constructed a four roomed house measuring 26 feet square valued at fifty pounds and stables valued at forty pounds. The buildings were made of palings with an iron roof. Here they raised ten children and lost a little girl, Eliza, aged three weeks. In 1900 James became seriously ill with a kidney disease and was visited during his illness by a wide section of his neighbours, including Mrs Theresa Shanks. He and Theresa became attracted to each other and broke up their marriages, with James and Marianne being divorced in 1906. James and Theresa lived in the Hawthorn and Prahran districts and he became a taxi driver. He contributed to the upkeep of his children although the divorce was a bitter affair. He died in 1925 in Fitzroy and Theresa only survived him by five years. They are buried in the same grave at Box Hill. Marianne became a midwife who delivered over 500 babies in the neighborhood. She was known as Nurse Polly Maggs and the people of Ringwood presented her with a wireless set in appreciation of her service to the community. She died at the age of 81 years in 1941. More About JAMES MAGGS: Burial: Box Hill Cemetery8 Record Change: 01 Sep 20018 Notes for THERESA BROWN: [Ringwood.ged] Theresa had a son Jim Shanks born1902 (father was James Maggs) Reg No 12243R More About THERESA BROWN: Burial: 05 Feb 1930, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia9 Record Change: 01 Sep 200110 More About MARIANNE HARDIDGE: Burial: Box Hill Cemetery10 Record Change: 01 Sep 200110 Marriage Notes for JAMES MAGGS and MARIANNE HARDIDGE: [Ringwood.ged] divorced in 1906 More About ADA JANE CROY: Burial: 15 Apr 1932, Geelong, Victoria, Australia11 Record Change: 10 Aug 200211 Child of JAMES MAGGS and THERESA BROWN is: i. JIM7 MAGGS12, b. 190212. More About JIM MAGGS: Record Change: 01 Sep 200112 Children of JAMES MAGGS and MARIANNE HARDIDGE are: ii. MARY ANN HASE7 MAGGS12, b. 188112. More About MARY ANN HASE MAGGS: Record Change: 01 Sep 200112 16. iii. JANE EMMA MAGGS, b. 1883; d. 28 Jul 1954. 17. iv. JAMES JOHN MAGGS, b. 1885; d. 24 Aug 1962, Parkville, Victoria, Australia. v. DAVID JOSEPH MAGGS12,13, b. 188714; d. 11 Jul 1966, Mt. Waverley, Victoria, Australia15; m. VIOLET ADELINE LEPP15, 1916, , Victoria, Australia15; b. 1888, Ballarat, Victoria, Australia15; d. 26 Mar 1966, ,Victoria, Australia15. More About DAVID JOSEPH MAGGS: Record Change: 01 Sep 200116 More About VIOLET ADELINE LEPP: Record Change: 21 Jan 200217 18. vi. SAMUEL ARTHUR MAGGS, b. 1888; d. 07 Aug 1957, Doncaster, Victoria, Australia. 19. vii. JOHN WILLIAM MAGGS, b. 1890; d. 18 Feb 1959, Cobram, Victoria, Australia. viii. ELIZA ANN MAGGS18, b. 189218; d. 189218. More About ELIZA ANN MAGGS: Burial: Box Hill Cemetery18 Record Change: 01 Sep 200118 20. ix. ROBERT THOMAS MAGGS, b. 1893; d. 12 Mar 1981. 21. x. ALBERT EDWARD MAGGS, b. 1895; d. 1976. 22. xi. EVALEEN VICTORIA MAGGS, b. 1897; d. 05 Sep 1989. xii. HARRIET BANFIELD MAGGS18, b. 189918. More About HARRIET BANFIELD MAGGS: Record Change: 01 Sep 200118 23. xiii. MARY ANN HASE POLLY MAGGS, b. 05 Jul 1881, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia; d. 09 Nov 1961. xiv. HARRIET BANFIELD CHRISSY MAGGS19, b. 14 Dec 1899, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia19; d. 28 Dec 1979, Blackburn, Victoria, Australia19. More About HARRIET BANFIELD CHRISSY MAGGS: Burial: Box Hill19 Record Change: 18 Feb 200119 Children of JAMES MAGGS and ADA CROY are: xv. CLENCIE JOAN7 MAGGS19, m. ARTHUR RODERICK PITTER19. xvi. CLYDE MAGGS19, b. 1917, Collingwood, Victoria, Australia19; d. 1917, Collingwood, Victoria, Australia19. More About CLYDE MAGGS: Record Change: 10 Aug 200219 Generation No. 3 6. EMMA7 MAGGS (JOSEPH6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)19 was born 08 Jan 1868 in Templestowe, Victoria, Australia19, and died 03 Aug 1939 in Richmond, Victoria, Australia19. She married FREDRICK WILLIAM MCGINNIS19 May 1890 in , Victoria, Australia19. He was born in , of Victoria, Australia19. More About EMMA MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200119 More About FREDRICK WILLIAM MCGINNIS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200119 Children of EMMA MAGGS and FREDRICK MCGINNIS are: i. RENIRA EDDA8 MCGINNIS19. ii. FREDRICK HENRY MCGINNIS19, b. 1894, , of Victoria, Australia19; d. 195819. More About FREDRICK HENRY MCGINNIS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200119 7. HUBERT7 MAGGS (JOSEPH6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)19 was born 10 May 1873 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia19, and died 11 Aug 1956 in Wagga Wagga, N.S.W., Australia19. He married ISABELLA ATKINS19 09 Mar 1898 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia19. She was born Abt. 1875 in St Arnaud, Victoria, Australia19. More About HUBERT MAGGS: Burial: Wagga Wagga, N.S.W., Australia19 Record Change: 23 Jan 200519 More About ISABELLA ATKINS: Record Change: 23 Jan 200519 Children of HUBERT MAGGS and ISABELLA ATKINS are: i. HUBERT CARLYLE8 MAGGS19. ii. ANNE THORA MAGGS19. iii. RAYMOND MAGGS19, b. 09 Jun 1905, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia19; d. 20 Jul 190519. More About RAYMOND MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200119 8. HARRIET ANNIS7 MAGGS (JOSEPH6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)19 was born 18 Aug 1879 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia19, and died 08 May 194519. She married JAMES RICHARD MILLER19 26 Sep 1910 in Ringwood East, Victoria, Australia19. He was born 1878 in Collingwood, Victoria, Australia19. More About HARRIET ANNIS MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200119 More About JAMES RICHARD MILLER: Record Change: 18 Feb 200119 Children of HARRIET MAGGS and JAMES MILLER are: i. DUDLEY8 MILLER19. ii. IRENE DOROTHY MILLER19, b. 10 Nov 1913, , of Victoria, Australia19; d. 29 Sep 199019. More About IRENE DOROTHY MILLER: Burial: Lilydale, Victoria, Australia19 Record Change: 18 Feb 200119 iii. CYRIL MILLER19, b. 26 Sep 1915, , of Victoria, Australia19; d. 05 Apr 197319. More About CYRIL MILLER: Burial: Springvale, Victoria, Australia19 Record Change: 18 Feb 200119 9. DELIA ROSE7 MAGGS (JOSEPH6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)19 was born 20 Feb 1886 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia19, and died 30 Oct 191419. She married WILLIAM JAMES SHARKIE19. More About DELIA ROSE MAGGS: Burial: Box Hill, Victoria, Australia19 Record Change: 18 Feb 200119 Child of DELIA MAGGS and WILLIAM SHARKIE is: i. RONALD8 SHARKIE19, b. Abt. 1914, , of Victoria, Australia19; d. Abt. 1964, , N.S.W., Australia19. More About RONALD SHARKIE: Record Change: 15 Oct 200119 10. AGNES7 MAGGS (JOSEPH6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)20,21 was born 16 Jun 1869 in Templestowe, Victoria, Australia21, and died 03 Feb 1912 in Heathmont, Victoria, Australia21. She married (1) JOHN DOMONIC MILLER22 189423,24, son of FRANK MILLER and KATE MADDEN. He was born 187025,26, and died 194227,28. She married (2) JOHN DOMINIC MILLER29 1894 in , Victoria, Australia30,31. He was born 1870 in Box Hill, Victoria, Australia31. More About AGNES MAGGS: Burial: Box Hill, Victoria, Australia31 Record Change: 11 Sep 200132 More About JOHN DOMONIC MILLER: Record Change: 11 Sep 200132 More About JOHN DOMINIC MILLER: Record Change: 18 Feb 200133 Children of AGNES MAGGS and JOHN MILLER are: i. ALBERT JOHN8 MILLER33, b. 1894, , of Victoria, Australia33. More About ALBERT JOHN MILLER: Record Change: 18 Feb 200133 ii. LOUIS NICHOLAS MILLER33, b. 1901, , of Victoria, Australia33; d. 197433; m. LILA MERTON33. More About LOUIS NICHOLAS MILLER: Record Change: 18 Feb 200133 iii. LESLIE DOMINIC MILLER33, b. 1904, , of Victoria, Australia33; d. 198933. More About LESLIE DOMINIC MILLER: Record Change: 18 Feb 200133 11. GEORGE7 MAGGS (SAMUEL6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)33 was born 28 Dec 1876 in Warrandyte, Victoria, Australia33, and died 09 May 1947 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia33. He married ANNIE GRACE SMITH33 26 Mar 1902 in , Victoria, Australia33. She was born Abt. 1878 in of Ringwood, Victoria, Australia33, and died 1967 in Box Hill, Victoria, Australia33. More About GEORGE MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200133 More About ANNIE GRACE SMITH: Record Change: 21 Jan 200233 Children of GEORGE MAGGS and ANNIE SMITH are: i. CLYDE8 MAGGS33, m. VIOLET OXENBURY33. 24. ii. GEORGE ALBERT MAGGS, b. 17 Jul 1902, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia; d. 1974, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia. iii. HILDA GLADYS BILLIE MAGGS33, b. 05 Sep 1903, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia33; d. 15 Oct 198733; m. LENARD DRYSDALE REID33. More About HILDA GLADYS BILLIE MAGGS: Burial: Springvale, Victoria, Australia33 Record Change: 18 Feb 200133 iv. MYRTLE OLIVE MAGGS33, b. 24 Dec 1905, Kew, Victoria, Australia33; d. 02 Jan 198333; m. ROBERT SAMUEL BOB HEAD33, 1924, , Victoria, Australia33; b. 1898, , of Victoria, Australia33; d. 15 Oct 1980, Mermaid Beach, Queensland, Australia33. More About MYRTLE OLIVE MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200133 More About ROBERT SAMUEL BOB HEAD: Burial: 17 Oct 1980, Nerang, Queensland, Australia33 Record Change: 18 Feb 200133 v. FREDERICK STANLEY MAGGS33, b. 10 Jul 1907, of, Victoria, Australia33; d. 26 Jan 1975, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia33; m. (1) RUBY EMILY BRIERLEY33; m. (2) SARAH MRS FREDERICK MAGGS33; m. (3) ISABEL WOOD33. More About FREDERICK STANLEY MAGGS: Record Change: 21 Jul 200233 vi. ALFRED FRANCIS MAGGS33, b. 19 Jun 1909, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia33; d. 06 Feb 198733; m. FRANCES ESTELLE WILLOUGHBY33. More About ALFRED FRANCIS MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200133 vii. ERIC RAYMOND MAGGS33, b. 29 Nov 1910, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia33; d. 29 Jan 198633; m. THELMA THOMPSON33. More About ERIC RAYMOND MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200133 viii. MARJORIE FLORENCE MAGGS33, b. 21 Jun 1912, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia33; d. 20 Aug 197433; m. COLIN ADDISON33. More About MARJORIE FLORENCE MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200133 ix. CLARICE MAGGS33, b. 20 Dec 1913, , Victoria, Australia33; m. RONALD STONE33. More About CLARICE MAGGS: Burial: , Queensland, Australia33 Record Change: 18 Feb 200133 12. ELIZA JANE7 MAGGS (SAMUEL6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)33 was born 27 Jul 1878 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia33, and died 31 May 1946 in Camberwell, Victoria, Australia33. She married WILLIAM NEWCOMB DOBBIN33 14 Mar 1900 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia34,35. He was born 02 Aug 1878 in Bendigo, Victoria, Australia35, and died 12 May 1960 in Brighton, Victoria, Australia35. More About ELIZA JANE MAGGS: Ancestral File Number: LN0T-NV35 Record Change: 20 Aug 199735 Notes for WILLIAM NEWCOMB DOBBIN: WILLIAM NEWCOMB DOBBIN, the second child of William Edward Jones Dobbin and Amelia Matilda Shoman, was born at Bendigo in the state of Victoria, on the 2 August 1878. He spent his early childhood years in the goldfields towns of Bendigo and Ballarat but by the time he was of age to start school his family had moved to Melbourne and he commenced his education at the Richmond State school. His first job as a baker's boy in Ringwood included delivering bread by bicycle to homes in that area, and that was how he met ELIZA JANE MAGGS. By the time he turned 17 he had decided to go to Western Australia so in 1895 he embarked on a ship named the "Inaminka" which carried a deck cargo of draught horses. While crossing the Great Australian Bight a severe storm was encountered and three of the fifteen horses on deck were killed. He found work in a timber camp in the south west,near Albany, and lived in a hut made of palings for a time with five other men. While he was there an itinerant Indian photographer named S.Bhan took a picture of the hut with its inhabitants standing outside. Approaching the turn of the century his mind turned to thoughts of marriage. He returned to Victoria and proposed to Eliza Jane. They were married on the 14 March 1900 at Lilydale Road Ringwood according to the rites of the Church of Christ by Thomas Hagger in the presence of George Maggs,the brother of the bride and Elizabeth Frances Bell. He and his bride returned to Western Australia on a ship called the "Oruba" and when their first child was born at Denmark, on the 18 January 1901 he named her VERA ORUBA DOBBIN. Eliza Jane found the living conditions very rough and because of poor health she returned to Victoria when Vera was three months old. William followed on a ship called the "Suvic". Their second child, Cyril William Dobbin was born at Ringwood in October 1902 where William worked an orchard owned by his father-in-law, Sam Maggs. He purchased from Sam an area in Wonga Park Rd, (now Kalinda Rd) north of the creek which had been planted as a cherry orchard and part of the area on the corner of Oban Road He also worked in a pottery and in the 1905 Sands and McDougall directory he is listed as a brick and tile maker. In 1917 he rented premises in Main Street (Whitehorse Road), Ringwood, then newly built by J.B.McAlpin, the estate agent, on the corner of Melbourne Street. The shop between A.C.Beilby's store and McAlpin's office on the corner was opened as "The Railway Fruit and Confectionary Palace" and a shop in Melbourne Street, which adjoined the Main Street shop at the rear, became "The Fernery Refreshment Rooms". Three more children were born at Ringwood, Leonard Suvic in 1905, Clarence Newcomb in 1907, and the youngest child, a daughter named Elvie Olive in 1909. A fruit shop in Melrose Street, Sandringham, "The Covent Garden Fruit Palace" was purchased in 1921 and later taken over by his son Cyril. During the early 1930's his marriage failed and he went to Williamstown and opened a florist shop in the name of Walter Dobson which did very well. He married again and settled down to a life of retirement in Prahran, but his second wife, Elsie Fritzlaff (formerly Mrs Wilson) died unexpectedly and he was left alone once more. His eyesight deteriorated badly in his later years and he eventually entered the Mair Street Home for the Blind in Brighton where he died on the 12 May 1960. More About WILLIAM NEWCOMB DOBBIN: Ancestral File Number: LN0S-PW35 Record Change: 31 Mar 200135 Children of ELIZA MAGGS and WILLIAM DOBBIN are: i. ELVIE OLIVE8 DOBBIN35, m. ROY STEWART35; b. 1904, Landsborough, Victoria, Australia35; d. 30 Jun 1992, , Victoria, Australia35. More About ROY STEWART: Record Change: 18 Feb 200135 ii. VERA ORUBA DOBBIN35, b. 18 Jan 1901, Denmark, W.A., Australia35; d. 16 May 1995, Warwick, W.A., Australia35; m. ALEXANDER FRANCIS LAIRD35, 16 May 1923, Hampton, Victoria, Australia35; b. 24 Sep 1898, Collingwood, Victoria, Australia35; d. 21 Jul 1981, Kallaroo, W.A., Australia35. More About VERA ORUBA DOBBIN: Record Change: 02 Sep 200435 More About ALEXANDER FRANCIS LAIRD: Ancestral File Number: LN0Q-QS35 Record Change: 02 Sep 200435 iii. CYRIL WILLIAM DOBBIN35, b. 22 Oct 1902, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia35; d. 10 Aug 1989, Frankston, Victoria, Australia35; m. FLORENCE CONSTANCE DAVIDSON35, 22 Mar 1925, Brighton, Victoria, Australia35; b. 08 Mar 1903, South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia35; d. Jun 1987, Australia35. More About CYRIL WILLIAM DOBBIN: Record Change: 18 Feb 200135 Notes for FLORENCE CONSTANCE DAVIDSON: Notes: written by Carol Humphrey (daughter) 2001 Florence Constance Davidson, born in South Melbourne, was the second eldest child in her family. Her father worked for the Victorian railways and while stationed in Hamilton, Victoria, had met and married her mother. The family moved to the city from Hamilton, in 1903. They spent a brief period in South Melbourne before taking up residence in Ringwood. Throughout her life Florence answered to many different versions of her name. When she was small could never manage to say her full name, the best she could come up with was “Wonnie Connie Davie”. All of her life her immediate family called her “Won” (a shortened version of “Wonnie”). Her husband, Cyril, called her Florrie and her close friends called her Flo. She attended State School 2997, at the corner of Whitehorse Road and Ringwood Street, Ringwood. In the later stages of her schooling, each Wednesday, she travelled to Glenferrie Technical College (now Swinburne College) in Burwood Road, to attended cooking and laundry classes. She travelled by train to attend these classes and was given 1/- (one shilling) to cover the expenses for the day. A three course meal, which she helped to prepare, cost 3d. (three pence), her train fare cost 8d. (eight pence), leaving her one penny. Depending on the family finances for that week, sometimes she was allowed to spend the change. After leaving school she signed up as an apprentice tailoress. She began her apprenticeship on 9th May 1919, with Charles Lane & Co., whose workroom was in Flinders Lane Melbourne, between Elizabeth and Market Streets; the shop was on the corner of Flinders Lane and Elizabeth Street. Her wages for the first six months were 7 shillings and 6 pence and they increased gradually over the four year period of the apprenticeship to 35 shillings. After completing her apprenticeship she worked at Jimmy Oliver’s workroom at the back of Melbourne Town Hall, in Little Collins Street. She left this position when she married Cyril Dobbin in 1925. During her married life Florence worked in the family business in Melrose Street, as well as raising a family of 6 children. She sewed and knitted for her children, was a great cook and she was very meticulous with her laundry, which was probably a reflection of her lessons in cooking and laundry taken years earlier. In later life, when she had more time to herself, she loved to read and was a wizard at crossword puzzles, cryptic crossword puzzles and Scrabble (a word game). More About FLORENCE CONSTANCE DAVIDSON: Record Change: 18 Feb 200135 iv. LEONARD SUVIC DOBBIN35, b. 04 Jan 1905, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia35; d. Jan 194435; m. ALMA WEBSTER35. More About LEONARD SUVIC DOBBIN: Record Change: 18 Feb 200135 v. CLARENCE NEWCOMB DOBBIN35, b. 17 Mar 1907, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia35; d. 22 Jun 1977, Prahan, Victoria, Australia35; m. ELLEN PEARL ISELIN35, 04 Jul 1936, Camberwell, Victoria, Australia35; b. 17 Nov 1910, Richmond, Victoria, Australia35; d. 24 Aug 1979, Burwood, Victoria, Australia35. More About CLARENCE NEWCOMB DOBBIN: Record Change: 18 Feb 200135 More About ELLEN PEARL ISELIN: Record Change: 18 Feb 200135 13. JAMES7 MAGGS (SAMUEL6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)35 was born 15 May 1880 in Lilydale, Victoria, Australia35, and died 28 Jul 1940 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia35. He married CATHERINE ATKINS35 24 Apr 1901 in , Victoria, Australia36,37. She was born 04 Nov 1882 in St Arnaud, Victoria, Australia37, and died 11 Oct 1960 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia37. More About JAMES MAGGS: Burial: 30 Jul 1940, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia37 Record Change: 23 Jan 200537 More About CATHERINE ATKINS: Burial: 18 Oct 1960, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia37 Record Change: 18 Feb 200137 Children of JAMES MAGGS and CATHERINE ATKINS are: i. RUBY ISABEL GENIVEVE8 MAGGS37, m. (1) RODERICK CASSIDY37; m. (2) CHARLES BRUCE37. ii. BEULAH LEAH DRUCILLA DAPHNE MAGGS37, m. HERBERT BOPPEL37. iii. OLIVER SAMUEL JAMES MAGGS37, b. 10 Jan 1903, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia37; d. 1974, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia37; m. RITA MARGUERITE PICKETT37; b. Abt. 1903, of, Victoria, Australia37; d. 1971, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia37. More About OLIVER SAMUEL JAMES MAGGS: Record Change: 22 Jul 200237 More About RITA MARGUERITE PICKETT: Record Change: 21 Jan 200237 iv. DOUGLAS LINDSAY GORDON MAGGS37, b. 30 Dec 1904, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia37; d. 1977, ,Victoria, Australia37; m. EDITH EMMA ANNE MEYLAND37, Abt. 1930, , Victoria, Australia37; b. 01 Oct 1905, of, Australia37; d. 1980, ,Victoria, Australia37. More About DOUGLAS LINDSAY GORDON MAGGS: Record Change: 21 Jul 200237 More About EDITH EMMA ANNE MEYLAND: Record Change: 21 Jul 200237 v. LAURENCE REGINALD VIVIAN MAGGS37, b. 26 Jun 1906, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia37; d. 04 Jul 1955, Ashburton, Victoria, Australia37; m. DOROTHY CLAIRE SKURRIE37. More About LAURENCE REGINALD VIVIAN MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200137 vi. BASIL RODERICK SYLVESTER MAGGS37, b. 06 Sep 191037; d. 04 Oct 1969, Aspendale, Victoria, Australia37; m. DOROTHY BURLOCK37. More About BASIL RODERICK SYLVESTER MAGGS: Record Change: 21 Jan 200237 vii. LEWIS KEVIN MAXWELL MAGGS37, b. 30 May 1912, , of Victoria, Australia37; d. 11 Nov 1948, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia37. More About LEWIS KEVIN MAXWELL MAGGS: Record Change: 13 Jul 200037 viii. RONALD ALBURY RUSSEL MAGGS37, b. 25 Sep 1914, , Victoria, Australia37; d. 20 Mar 1960, St Kilda, Victoria, Australia37; m. ELVIE MARY IRENE MAGGS37, Abt. 1946, , Australia37; b. 02 Jun 1920, , of Victoria, Australia37; d. 04 Feb 196837. More About RONALD ALBURY RUSSEL MAGGS: Burial: 23 Mar 1960, Springvale, Victoria, Australia37 Record Change: 18 Feb 200137 More About ELVIE MARY IRENE MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200137 ix. JAMES RALPH MCKENNA MAGGS37, b. 17 Nov 1921, , Victoria, Australia37; d. 18 Aug 1973, Ashwood, Victoria, Australia37; m. SYLVIA GRACE MAGGS37, Abt. 194237; b. 1925, of, Victoria, Australia37; d. 22 May 200237. More About JAMES RALPH MCKENNA MAGGS: Burial: 22 Aug 1973, Templestowe, Victoria, Australia37 Record Change: 18 Feb 200137 More About SYLVIA GRACE MAGGS: Record Change: 24 Mar 200337 14. SAMUEL WILLIAM7 MAGGS (SAMUEL6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)37 was born 01 Jan 1889 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia37, and died 15 Jan 1955 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia37. He married MINA LILLIAN SCHUHKRAFT37 21 Jun 1911 in , Victoria, Australia37. She was born 21 Jun 189037, and died 1974 in Leongatha, Victoria, Australia37. More About SAMUEL WILLIAM MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200137 More About MINA LILLIAN SCHUHKRAFT: Record Change: 21 Jan 200237 Children of SAMUEL MAGGS and MINA SCHUHKRAFT are: i. BRIAN LESLIE8 MAGGS37, m. JEAN AIRD37. ii. CLIVE LIONEL MAGGS37, m. ALBERTA HARRIS37. iii. DONALD FREDERICK MAGGS37, m. PAULEEN HIGGS37. iv. RUSSELL IAN MAGGS37, m. VINA ANDERSON MILLAR37; b. 21 Jan 1928, Kew, Victoria, Australia37; d. 04 Nov 199437. More About VINA ANDERSON MILLAR: Record Change: 10 Jul 200237 v. MINA LYLA MAGGS37, m. WILLIAM ERNEST MATTHEWS37. vi. NANCY ELIN MAGGS37, m. ROBERT JOHN BRUCE37. vii. KEITH ALAN MAGGS37. 15. JEMIMA7 MAGGS (SAMUEL6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)38,39 was born 16 Dec 1881 in Warrandyte, Victoria, Australia39, and died 02 Nov 195539. She married EDWARD LINDSAY40,41 190542, son of JAMES LINDSAY and HELEN CORMLEY. He was born 188242, and died 194243,44. More About JEMIMA MAGGS: Burial: 04 Nov 1955, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia45 Record Change: 16 Jul 200146 Notes for EDWARD LINDSAY: [Ringwood.ged] See Borough Visitors Book 14 Borough Voters Roll 1924 Borough of Ringwood Voters List 12,13 More About EDWARD LINDSAY: Burial: Box Hill Cemetery46 Record Change: 15 Aug 200146 Children of JEMIMA MAGGS and EDWARD LINDSAY are: i. MYRTLE IVY8 LINDSAY46,47, b. 190648; d. 197948; m. BERT QUICK49. More About MYRTLE IVY LINDSAY: Record Change: 15 Aug 200150 ii. EUNICE EVELYN LINDSAY50,51, b. 190952; d. 197552; m. ROY LONG53. More About EUNICE EVELYN LINDSAY: Record Change: 15 Aug 200154 iii. CLUTHA BRUCE LINDSAY54,55, b. 191156; d. 198156. More About CLUTHA BRUCE LINDSAY: Record Change: 15 Aug 200156 16. JANE EMMA7 MAGGS (JAMES6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)56,57 was born 188358, and died 28 Jul 195459. She married FREDERICK ALFRED BLOOM59 14 Oct 1910 in , Victoria, Australia59. He was born 1882 in Doncaster, Victoria, Australia59. More About JANE EMMA MAGGS: Record Change: 01 Sep 200160 More About FREDERICK ALFRED BLOOM: Record Change: 18 Feb 200161 Child of JANE MAGGS and FREDERICK BLOOM is: i. HAROLD GRIFFITHS8 BLOOM61, b. 25 Nov 191161; d. 18 Jun 200061; m. MARJORIE HORSBURGH61. More About HAROLD GRIFFITHS BLOOM: Burial: 23 Jun 2000, Anderson's Creek, Victoria, Australia61 Record Change: 13 Jul 200061 17. JAMES JOHN7 MAGGS (JAMES6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)62,63 was born 188564, and died 24 Aug 1962 in Parkville, Victoria, Australia65. He married JOHANNA IDA EDITH BLOOM65 23 Oct 1912 in , Victoria, Australia65. She was born 1880 in Doncaster, Victoria, Australia65, and died 22 Sep 1964 in Box Hill, Victoria, Australia65. More About JAMES JOHN MAGGS: Burial: Springvale, Victoria, Australia65 Record Change: 01 Sep 200166 More About JOHANNA IDA EDITH BLOOM: Record Change: 18 Feb 200167 Children of JAMES MAGGS and JOHANNA BLOOM are: i. MERLE ADRIENNE8 MAGGS67, m. EDWARD BARNFATHER67. ii. LINTON DAVID MAGGS67, b. 31 Jan 1915, , Victoria, Australia67; d. 28 Nov 198667; m. DOROTHY JEEVES67. More About LINTON DAVID MAGGS: Burial: , Queensland, Australia67 Record Change: 26 Feb 199967 iii. RALPH LINDSAY MAGGS67, b. 05 May 1921, , Victoria, Australia67; d. 1960, , N.S.W., Australia67; m. MAVIS HYLAND67. More About RALPH LINDSAY MAGGS: Record Change: 15 Oct 200167 iv. BETTINA MIRIAM MAGGS67, b. 30 Apr 1923, , Victoria, Australia67; d. 12 Feb 194967. More About BETTINA MIRIAM MAGGS: Burial: Box Hill, Victoria, Australia67 Record Change: 05 Mar 199967 18. SAMUEL ARTHUR7 MAGGS (JAMES6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)68,69 was born 188870, and died 07 Aug 1957 in Doncaster, Victoria, Australia71. He married BERTHA ANNA PUMP71 01 Oct 1913 in , Victoria, Australia71. She was born 1887 in Doncaster, Victoria, Australia71, and died 13 Nov 1963 in Box Hill, Victoria, Australia72,73. More About SAMUEL ARTHUR MAGGS: Record Change: 01 Sep 200174 More About BERTHA ANNA PUMP: Record Change: 18 Feb 200175 Children of SAMUEL MAGGS and BERTHA PUMP are: i. NELLIE8 MAGGS75, m. THOMAS WHITMORE75. ii. MARY MAGGS75, m. (1) HECTOR WHITMORE75; m. (2) THOMAS BAKER75. iii. LESLIE JOHN MAGGS75, m. PATRICIA BONNEY75. 19. JOHN WILLIAM7 MAGGS (JAMES6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)76,77 was born 189078, and died 18 Feb 1959 in Cobram, Victoria, Australia79. He married LILLIAN MABEL MAY SMITH79 20 Nov 1909 in Fitzroy, Victoria, Australia79. She was born 1888 in Walhalla, Victoria, Australia79, and died 18 Jul 1969 in Fitzroy, Victoria, Australia79. More About JOHN WILLIAM MAGGS: Record Change: 01 Sep 200180 More About LILLIAN MABEL MAY SMITH: Record Change: 21 Jan 200281 Children of JOHN MAGGS and LILLIAN SMITH are: i. BASIL ROBERT BOB8 MAGGS81, m. (1) FRANCES MAY CUNNINGHAM81; b. 05 May 1907, North Melbourne, Victoria, Australia81; d. 21 Jan 1947, Lilydale, Victoria, Australia81; m. (2) MARGARET JESSIE PEG LINCOLN81. More About FRANCES MAY CUNNINGHAM: Record Change: 21 Jul 200281 ii. RONALD JNO. MAGGS81. iii. GLADYS ELLA MAGGS81, m. CHARLES KEATING81. iv. EDNA LILLIAN MAGGS81, m. ALBERT ROWE81. v. CLIFFORD HENRY MAGGS81, m. SHIRLEY SMITH81. vi. EVELYN CHRISTINA MAGGS81, m. (1) FREDERICK HENRY CROSS81; b. 18 Aug 1928, of, Australia81; d. 25 Aug 196881; m. (2) LEONARD LLEWELYN HUGHES81; m. (3) RONALD FRANK BOLLARD81. More About FREDERICK HENRY CROSS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200181 vii. IVOR CYRIL EDWARD MAGGS81, b. 03 Mar 1910, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia81; d. 09 Mar 1992, Lilydale, Victoria, Australia81; m. ISABELLA CUNNINGHAM81. More About IVOR CYRIL EDWARD MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200181 viii. LORNA AGNES MAGGS81, b. 31 Jul 1915, , Victoria, Australia81; d. 1981, Ararat, Victoria, Australia81; m. ALBERT HUNTER81. More About LORNA AGNES MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200181 ix. EDWARD WILLIAM TINY MAGGS81, b. 08 Feb 1918, , Victoria, Australia81; d. 24 Aug 198281; m. MURIEL EMILY MORELAND81, 23 Jan 194381; b. 07 Dec 1917, of, Australia81; d. 27 Dec 2001, Bega, N.S.W., Australia81. More About EDWARD WILLIAM TINY MAGGS: Record Change: 07 Jan 200281 More About MURIEL EMILY MORELAND: Record Change: 07 Jan 200281 x. JOHN DAVID JACK MAGGS81, b. 05 Jun 192281; d. 04 Feb 1942, Rabaul, New Guinea, Ww281. More About JOHN DAVID JACK MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200181 xi. MAUREEN LESLEY MAGGS81, b. 12 Jul 1929, , Victoria, Australia81; d. 05 Jul 1989, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia81; m. STEPHEN BELL81. More About MAUREEN LESLEY MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200181 20. ROBERT THOMAS7 MAGGS (JAMES6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)82,83 was born 189384, and died 12 Mar 198185. He married EDITH ELLEN BRITNELL85 30 Mar 1919 in , Victoria, Australia85. She was born 1893 in , of Victoria, Australia85, and died 07 Sep 1973 in Box Hill, Victoria, Australia85. More About ROBERT THOMAS MAGGS: Burial: Box Hill, Victoria, Australia85 Record Change: 01 Sep 200186 More About EDITH ELLEN BRITNELL: Record Change: 18 Feb 200187 Children of ROBERT MAGGS and EDITH BRITNELL are: i. GRACE ANNIE8 MAGGS87, m. JACOB BENNETT87. ii. BERYL ELLEN MAGGS87. iii. DOROTHY OLIVE PAT MAGGS87, m. ARTHUR BRYAN87; b. 08 May 1928, of, Australia87; d. 06 Jun 2004, ,Victoria, Australia87. More About ARTHUR BRYAN: Record Change: 08 Jun 200487 iv. GORDON ROBERT MAGGS87, m. MARY ELIZABETH BETTY GRAHAM87; b. , , of Victoria, Australia87; d. 28 Oct 1995, Swan Hill, Victoria, Australia87. More About MARY ELIZABETH BETTY GRAHAM: Record Change: 18 Feb 200187 v. WINIFRED FLORENCE MAGGS87, m. FRANK MCMILLAN87. vi. ELVIE MARY IRENE MAGGS87, b. 02 Jun 1920, , of Victoria, Australia87; d. 04 Feb 196887; m. (1) JAMES ANDERSON87; m. (2) RONALD ALBURY RUSSEL MAGGS87, Abt. 1946, , Australia87; b. 25 Sep 1914, , Victoria, Australia87; d. 20 Mar 1960, St Kilda, Victoria, Australia87. More About ELVIE MARY IRENE MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200187 More About RONALD ALBURY RUSSEL MAGGS: Burial: 23 Mar 1960, Springvale, Victoria, Australia87 Record Change: 18 Feb 200187 vii. ALEXANDER NORMAN MAGGS87, b. 19 Jan 192787; d. 199387. More About ALEXANDER NORMAN MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200187 viii. ARTHUR THOMAS MAGGS87, b. 22 Jun 1936, , Victoria, Australia87; d. 15 Apr 1945, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia87. More About ARTHUR THOMAS MAGGS: Record Change: 21 Jan 200287 21. ALBERT EDWARD7 MAGGS (JAMES6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)88,89 was born 189590, and died 197690. He married FLORENCE SARAH PEARCE91 06 Jul 1918 in Box Hill, Victoria, Australia91. She was born Abt. 1898 in , of Victoria, Australia91, and died 1973 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia91. More About ALBERT EDWARD MAGGS: Burial: Springvale, Victoria, Australia91 Record Change: 01 Sep 200192 More About FLORENCE SARAH PEARCE: Record Change: 21 Jul 200293 Children of ALBERT MAGGS and FLORENCE PEARCE are: i. JEAN EVELYN8 MAGGS93, b. 31 Oct 1918, Mitcham, Victoria, Australia93; d. 31 Mar 199093; m. ALBERT ERNEST BENNETT93. More About JEAN EVELYN MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200193 ii. STANLEY EDWARD MAGGS93, b. 17 Mar 1920, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia93; d. 26 Mar 1980, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia93. More About STANLEY EDWARD MAGGS: Record Change: 22 Jul 200293 iii. RUTH FLORENCE MAGGS93, b. 20 Dec 1923, , Victoria, Australia93; d. 15 Aug 197193; m. THOMAS BOYCE93. More About RUTH FLORENCE MAGGS: Record Change: 18 Feb 200193 22. EVALEEN VICTORIA7 MAGGS (JAMES6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)94,95 was born 189796, and died 05 Sep 198997. She married SYDNEY NORMAN TILL97 12 Jun 1920 in , Australia97. He died 10 Mar 193197. More About EVALEEN VICTORIA MAGGS: Burial: Box Hill, Victoria, Australia97 Record Change: 01 Sep 200198 More About SYDNEY NORMAN TILL: Record Change: 18 Feb 200199 Children of EVALEEN MAGGS and SYDNEY TILL are: i. ALISON8 TILL99. ii. ALWYN TILL99, b. 09 May 192199; d. 28 Aug 1944, , Ww299. More About ALWYN TILL: Record Change: 18 Feb 200199 23. MARY ANN HASE POLLY7 MAGGS (JAMES6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)99 was born 05 Jul 1881 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia99, and died 09 Nov 196199. She married THOMAS CAREY LAWFORD99 1906 in , Victoria, Australia99. He was born 1883 in Box Hill, Victoria, Australia99. More About MARY ANN HASE POLLY MAGGS: Burial: Box Hill, Victoria, Australia99 Record Change: 18 Feb 200199 More About THOMAS CAREY LAWFORD: Record Change: 18 Feb 200199 Children of MARY MAGGS and THOMAS LAWFORD are: i. LINDA ISOBEL8 LAWFORD99, b. 14 May 190799; d. 08 Mar 199699. More About LINDA ISOBEL LAWFORD: Record Change: 26 Feb 199999 ii. MELBA LAWFORD99, b. 08 May 190899; d. 199599. More About MELBA LAWFORD: Record Change: 26 Feb 199999 iii. OLIVE LAWFORD99, b. 30 Apr 190999; d. 24 Mar 198799; m. ERIC BLANCHFLOWER99. More About OLIVE LAWFORD: Record Change: 26 Feb 199999 Generation No. 4 24. GEORGE ALBERT8 MAGGS (GEORGE7, SAMUEL6, JAMES5, JOSEPH4, WILLIAM3, WILLIAM2, SAMUEL1)99 was born 17 Jul 1902 in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia99, and died 1974 in Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia99. He married THELMA LILIAN SMITH99 17 Oct 1923 in , Australia99. She was born Abt. 1906 in of, Victoria, Australia99, and died 1974 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia99. More About GEORGE ALBERT MAGGS: Record Change: 21 Jan 200299 More About THELMA LILIAN SMITH: Record Change: 22 Jul 200299 Child of GEORGE MAGGS and THELMA SMITH is: i. SYLVIA GRACE9 MAGGS99, b. 1925, of, Victoria, Australia99; d. 22 May 200299; m. JAMES RALPH MCKENNA MAGGS99, Abt. 194299; b. 17 Nov 1921, , Victoria, Australia99; d. 18 Aug 1973, Ashwood, Victoria, Australia99. More About SYLVIA GRACE MAGGS: Record Change: 24 Mar 200399 More About JAMES RALPH MCKENNA MAGGS: Burial: 22 Aug 1973, Templestowe, Victoria, Australia99 Record Change: 18 Feb 200199 This is the parent record for the archives collection of the Maggs family in the Ringwood area. -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet - Report, John Ferres, Government Printer, Royal Commission on Industrial and Reformatory Schools and the Sanatory Station, 1872 and 1874
The Industrial Schools and Quarantine Station Royal Commission took place in 1872, with the final report published in 1874..1) First report of the Royal Commission on Industrial and Reformatory Schools and the Sanatory Station. 65 pages. .2) Second and final report of the Royal Commission on Industrial and Reformatory Schools and the Sanatory Station. 16 pages. This report included defects in the system and recomendations.On front cover "From Tom Evans MLA"quarantine, industrial schools, reformatory schools, royal commission, gavin duffy, st kilda road industrial school, industrial schools commission, red hill philanthropic school, flat islands port phillip bay, pauper children, johanna margaret hill, american industrial schools, cuthbert fox, james walker, pilot schooner rip, captain h.h. o'neil, william mccrae, t.m. girdlestone, william austin zeal, j.a. panton, industrial schools and quarantine station royal commission, quarantine station point nepean, sanatory station, queenscliff, point nepean, philanthropic school red hill, rip, george ferguson bowen, orphan asylums -
Glen Eira Historical Society
3 items about this person: 1/Two twelve page carbon copied documents, purportedly written by William Letchte, son of George, written in c1935/36. He writes of his jobs as a dairyman, cow minder at the age of ten tears. He recollects streets, people, residences, business and general landscape in the area, as he takes you on a tour of the area. 2/Photocopied photo of Katrina Lechte (nee Bolch?) donated by Ian Lechte, 15 Adrian Street, East Bentleigh. 3/Photocopied copy of first pages and cover of William Lechte’s booklet on ‘Caulfield 1869 – 1935 Memories of the Past’, published by the City of Caulfield, 1992. The Society has the full booklet in its book collection (not yet catalogued as of 07/07/2015).grange road, glenhuntly, glen huntly station, alma road, dairies, caulfield park, swamp, queens avenue, station street, cross street, racecourse, heywood j. g., turf club hotel, dandenong road, royal hotel, koornang road, north road, murrumbeena road, mclaurin archibald, crosbie j. w., poath road, newton mr., hooker mr., peck family robert farmer, dairies, ross murray, rosstown, hansen hans, arnott family, peppin family, ormond station, malane family, fraser simon, overtons, shepherds, spring road, mohlers, brighton cemetery, mall kim, market gardeners, long john farmer, fiedler mr., booran road, reservoir, summers mr., maddocks mr., holland mr., caulfield council, glen eira road, harriman benjamin c., kambrook road, bambra road, princess park, marriott john, hawthorn road, brickworks, hyam mr., cottages, jasmine street, sycamore street, paddy o’briens swamp, arnold tom, london tavern hotel, guess john-grocer, topp mr., poath road, pine trees, colonel le marehand, balaclava junction, chemist shop, bell mr., nicholls mr. william h., wine shop, orme mr., pepperorn mr. john, balaclava road, orchards, harvey mr. robert tailor, schubert mr., blew charlie – gardener, philpott mr. richard b., farquhar mr. william farmer, newing t. r., glen eira road, payne john, brockhoft mr., dickson mr. james, snipe t., bevan mr., mckean family john, murray family, francis mr., hart mr., mcdougall james, brady peter, cad, elsternwick station, webb mr., masters mr. samuel, master street, ford mr., anderson mr. joseph gardener, slaney mr., boxhill mr. richard, post office, newsagent, hotham street, service james, bunn mr., sargood mr., orrong road, arnold tom – dairy, officer mr., grimwade mr., alexandra street, oakleigh hall, degraves mr., wilson samuel, ‘manifold’, house names, miller septimus, alma road, knox mr. james gardener, smith mr., coachman, ‘cumloden’, lange mr., holyrood justice mr., cronin mrs. mary, mcgivenys dairy, ‘belle vista’, lloyd c. d., caulfield council, hughes mr., armstrong j. a., tom healey’s market garden, kooyong road, inkerman road, tom roe’s market garden, mcleod captain, daish captain, plumridger mr. frederick, gardeners, tester mr. thomas, kent mr., kent g., fiddes mr., billings mr., semple mr., fosberry mr., howitt or., merrett mr., orchards, hawthorn road, hines mr., ‘rosecraddock’, langdon h. j., ‘crotonhurst’, webb justice mr., renwick s., ‘garrell’, barry mr., drinsdale family, st. mary’s church, sunday school, newing miss, teachers, stephen justice mr., stephen wilberforce, mount l., grimwade’s, ‘grimwade house’, danby’s, spence mr., venables family, mr. moss’ congregational church, barnhill mrs., porter miss, webb’s, ferguson, orange, police stations, kooyong road, pennington mr., health inspectors, engineers, inkley mr., farriers, mckeon mr., ‘sylverly’, dixon mr. edward, turner mr., marriott robert, ‘ravenhurst’, thompson j. j., wott t., architects, perrin mr. francis, tennis courts, royal parade, sayce mr. joseph j. p., ricketson h., ‘glen eira’, mansions, hospitals, turner mr., evans family, stephens miss, registers, mcculloch lady, convalescent homes, prentice street, edward street, strickland, keany pat, brentwood charlie, fordham lewis, hopetoun gardens, higgins mr. joseph f. engineer, railway construction bill, evans mr., beavis mr., twycross family john, medina captain, cowderoy mr. benjamin, murray mr., moore mr., ‘glenfern’, st. georges road, glen huntly road, cedar street, hunt bill – ‘bandy hunt’, jessamine street, alder street, le page’s store, post offices, balaclava junction, stephens frank, solicitors, parkside street, robinson j., ilbery mr. and family, mclennan mrs., victoria street, savings bank, riddell parade, elworthy mr. richard, butchers, shaw mr. william, armstrong mr., guess’ hotel, sycamore street, bagshaw mr., clack joe, wawn alex, sisson family, north road, younger mr., kooyong road, sheridan joseph, anketell family – john, wren john – carpenter, wills mr. peter, attrills arnold, heffernan family, cox peter, ilbery john, hotham street, glen huntly road, page j. w., bakeries, forests, godfrey mr., blacksmiths, thompson j. j., olive street, cedar street, letchte w., tierney richard, alma road, st. kilda east, murray peter, letchte’ cows – grazing, holland grove, eskdale road, lechte katrina, lechte ian, lechte catherine, lechte warren, lechte stuart, lechte elaine -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Annual Report, H Thacker, The Geelong Harbor Trust Commissioners' Third Report for the year ending 31st December 1908, 1909
In 1908 the Geelong Harbor Trust commissioners were George Frederick Holden, Edward Harewood Lascelles and James Hill. The officers were Walter S. Crowle (Secretary), A.C. McKenzie (Engineer), Captain G.A. Molland (Harbor Master), E.R. Hitch, (Assistant Harbor Master, Portarlington.)Red soft covered foolscap report of 101 pages. Includes two photographic reproductions of teh New Cargo Shed on Yarra Pier, and Twin S.S. "G.F. Holden" (formerly the 'Pelican' (built in 1898 by Fleming & Ferguson, Paisley, England, for the Western Australian Government).Seal of the Geelong Harbour Trust Commissionersgeelong, harbour trust, commissioners, report, finance, properties, dredging, portarlington, barwon heads, ocean grove, shipping, engineer's report, assets, liabilities, harbor trust, geelong harbor trust, grain shipping berthage, corio quay, cool stores, dock accomodation, floating plant, hopetoun channel, moorabool pier shed, sparrovale irrigation farm, thomas gibson-carmichael, yarra pier cargo -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Detailed, handwriten account of the Governor's Visit to Sandhurst in 1873. It includes the day's activities and a visit to the Great Extended Hustlers Mine by His Excellency and party.document, the australian sketcher, the governor's visit to sandhurst, mr d mcdougall, sir george ferguson bowen kcmg, lady bowen, sir hercules robinson, lady robinson, miss robinson, miss bowen, cr aspinall, cr allingham, cr bayne, cr buckley, cr nall, cr hattam, cr clark, cr j holmes, mr fletcher, oddfellows, foresters, deutsche yerein, good templars, hibernians, st andrew's societies, druids, prince of wales light horse, captain moorhead, superintendent chomley, hallas's sandhurst band, shamrock hotel, bendigo rifles, captain josephs, great extended hustlers mine, mrs francis, mr carr, mr kay, corn exchange, bendigo hospital -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - SETTLERS UNDER SAIL, 15/03/1918
Typed notes mentioning the history of the Hepburn Family and Margaret Cotton McLachlan coming by sailing ship to Australia to marry her fiance who was a miner in Sandhurst and extracts from the diary of William Thompson.document, names of bendigo pioneers, bendigo historical society, settlers under sail, alexander hepburn stone, loch ard centenary commemoration committee, professor j. j. auchmuty, mr don charlwood, andrew hepburn, james hepburn, mary queen of scots, black bothwell, captain hepburn, the 'hope', george b crow, george baker, the 'marlbro', archives department of the latrobe library, mr loman, the 'david clarke', captain hepburn of the royal scots, sir john hepburn, mr howard hepburn, victoria reef lease no 60, ebenezer neill, becker, stirton, margaret cotton mclachlan, ina hepburn, the 'donald mckay', black ball line, james baines and company of liverpool, onedin line, passenger contract ticket, james mclauchlan, christian ferguson, robert miller, william thompson, mr stanwin, the 'shomberg', itchell and son, the 'dunbar', margaret stirton, canon horace stirton, dr james nish, p pentreath, jane pentreath, st andrew's presbyterian church sandhurst, james hepburn, corporate high school, bendigo high school, iron bark school of john rae, rae's hill school, mr john rae, rae anderson, bendigo branch of the royal historical society of victoria, victoria reef mine, 'gourdie farm', mr howard hepburn, john fortey, margaret cotton hepburn -
Ruyton Girls' School
Magazine, Ruyton Reporter, 2001
... / THE GREAT / debate / Back (L-R): James Watson, Brendan Ferguson... Watson, Brendan Ferguson (Scotch College / School Captain ...The Ruyton Reporter (formerly known as Ruyton Reports) captures the essential Ruyton Girls' School experience for the broader school community. It has been produced since 1986.The record has strong historic significance as it pertains to one of the oldest girls' school in Victoria, Australia. Ruyton was founded in 1878 in the Bulleen Road, Kew, home of newly widowed Mrs Charlotte Anderson (now High Street South). Thus, the record can be used as a reference example for research into Victorian school history. It also gives insight into the types of activities and events undertaken at Ruyton Girls' School during the period of its production. The record's significance is further enhanced by its exceptionally well-documented provenance, having remained the property of Ruyton Girls' School since its production.Colour publication printed on paper with staple binding. 16 pages.Front Page: 2 / 0 / the RUYTON / REPORTER / 0 / summer / 1 / THE GREAT / debate / Back (L-R): James Watson, Brendan Ferguson (Scotch College / School Captain), and John Ronan (Scotch Debating Prefect) / Front Row (L-R): Emma Purdue, Emma Peyton and Nicole / Siemensma (Ruyton Debating Captain) for more see Page 9 / STOP PRESS / Email: [email protected] / PRINT POST APPROVED / PP 341999 00026 / Global Girls 12 Selbourne Rd / Focus on Junior School: Kew VIC 3101 / R / Fairies, Hobbits & Goblins RECTE ET FIDE LITER Tel: 9819 2422 / Saints and Inquiring Minds / Fax: 9818 4790 / New International Links / 2002 Twilight Concert / Rock 'n Roll at Ruyton /ruyton girls' school, ruyton, school, students, newsletter, ruyton reports, ruyton news, kew, victoria, melbourne, girls school -
Wangaratta High School
WHS House Captains Honour Board, 1934-1945
Rectangular shield shaped wooden house Officials 1934-1945 honour board with WHS symbol at the top and gold lettering. HOUSE OFFICIALS 1934 (O) D. Francis, R. Rangott (K) G. Arnott, H. Keir 1935 (O) T. Brady. P. Arnold (K) G. Arnott, H. Keir 1936 (O) A. Smyth, M. Almond (K) G. Stone, L. Clark 1937 (O) R. Dinning, L. Living (K) G. Stone, L. Friday 1938 (O) D. Tilson, A. Clemers, K. Baker, B. Ewart, L. Living (K) E. Williams, K. Jackson, J. Emms, M. Matthews 1939 (O) L. Gorman, R. Baker (K) D. Lade, M. Matthews, M. Friday 1940 (O) W. Smyth, V. Hebard, H. Ronan, (K) C. Bryant, J. Goodwin 1941 (O) W. Nicholas, D. Roberts (K) W. Hempel, B. Johnson 1942 (O) J. McDonagh, A. Walpole (K) H. Orton, L. Mc Donald 1943 (O) W. Snowdon, H. Bunn (K) M. Christie, L. Mc Donald 1944 (O) A. Harrington, M. Pearce (K) M. Ferguson, L. Mc Donald, R. Saines 1945 (M) S. Oates, J. Bennett (K) I. Sadler, J. Bell, I. McSween -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Card and Paper Booklet Australian Commonwealth Military Forces 38th Battalion Australian Imperial Force. Presentation of Colours by His Excellency The Right Hon. Sir Ronald Munro Ferguson, P.C. G.C.M.G. Governor-General and Commander in Chief of the Commonwealth of Australia, on behalf of The Citizens of Bendigo Sunday June 11, 1916 at 3pm. Regimental Staff: Lieut-Colonel C.H. Davis Commanding; Major R.O. Henderson 2nd in Command; Captain A. Fraser Adjutant; Captain J.M. McCusker Medical Officer; Captain R.M. Marks Quartermaster, Captain W.N. Gunson Chaplain; R.S.M. Warrant Officer P.S. Spark; R.Q.M.S Warrant Officer P.J. Telfer Orderly Room Sergeant H.W. Joseph; Band Sergeant J.J. Coe; Armourer Sergeant A.Runting. On Parade with Colours:- Lieut, F.E. Fairweather King's Colours; Lieut, J.H. Moore Regimental Colour. Companies Present (A. Company) - Captain G.V. Lansell, O.C; Captain R.E. Trebilcock; Lieut F.E. Fairweather; Lieut, L. Lipshut; Lieut, W.J. Collins 2nd Lieut C.H. Peters. (B Company) Captain L.L. Smith, O.C; Captai, E.F. Moore; Lieut, H. Dench; Lieut, E. W. Latchford; 2nd Lieut, F.C. Morrison; 2nd Lieut, F.R.B. Martin. (C: Company) Major G. Hurry, O.C., Captain J. Akeroyd; Lieut, R.D. Tyres; 2nd Lieut, J.L. Whitehead; 2nd Lieut W. Maxwell; 2nd Lieut H. McColl. (D Company) Captain A.J.A. Maudsley O.C.; Captain H.F. Selleck; Lieut J.H. Moore; 2nd Lieut W.L. Bogle; 2nd Lieut W. Williams; 2nd Lieut A.L. Reid. (Reinforcements) 1st/38th Lieut W.H. Orchard, O.C.; Machine Gun Section 2nd Lieut J.B. O'Donnell. T.E. Green, Hon. Secretary.bendigo, clubs, australian imperial force 38th bat -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
In 1988, as part of a Defence of Mainland Australian policy, defence of facilities of strategic importance in northern Australia were allocated to Army Reserve units. ‘A’ Squadron was allocated the defence of Tindal Air Force base located 15 KM outside Katherine in Northern Territory. Consequently the Squadron deployed on Exercise ‘Northern Explorer’ to gain first-hand knowledge of operating conditions for mounted and dismounted patrolling in the area.Colour photograph of Captain C. Carrington, earing hat, and Sergeant Koschel of ' A ' Squadron 8/13 VMR during Exercise " Northern Explorer." Flood debris caught high in tree branches indicate water level during wet season on Ferguson River, Northern Territory. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo Operatic Society ''Rio Rita'' Capital theatre Bendigo Commencing 8th July 1964 for four Nights. Producer: Reginald Newson - Musical Director: Max O'Loghlen - Society Pianist: Mrs. Gwen Grose - Asst. Producer & Ballet Mistress: Miss M Welch. Cast in order of Appearance: Peter Ivarsen as Corporal McGinn of the Texas Rangers - Reg. Boromeo as Ranger Wilkins - Jack Werry as Posadero (Landlord of the Mesa Francesca) - Pat Lyon as Carmen (Cabaret Girl) - Wendy Bertram as Lolita (Cabaret Girl) - Fred Trewarne as Ed Lovett (An American Lawyer) - Victor White as Davalos (A local Bad Man) - Graham Filcock as Roberto Ferguson (Brother of Rio Rita) - Peter Houston as General Romero Esteban (Governor of the District) - Pat. McCracken as Rio Rita (A Cabaret Singer) - Annette Beckwith as Dolly(An American Cabaret Girl) - Ferd Lorenz as Chick Bean (An American) - Brian Thomas as Jim Stewart (Captain of the Texas Rangers) - George Steele as Captain Gonzales (Aide to General Esteban) - Joan Crane as Katie Bean (Chick's First Wife).program, theatre, bendigo operatic society -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Technical Reference, James Tait, Extra Master and Author et al, Tait's Home Trade Guide to the Board of Trade Examinations for Mates and Masters, 1943
The book includes navigational information, tables and maps, diagrams and formulas. It was written for Examiners and Students studying for their nautical Mates and Masters marine qualifications— notes have been handwritten inside the front and back covers. Notes in point form: 1. I have seen the back of a torpedo EBoat or UBoat in my starboard side 2. I _ _ _ to - - - - - - - - - Port side 3. at a distance ----------- 4. Enemy surface vessel in sight __________ 5. suspicious vessel in sight 6. enemy (undecipherable) 7. I have cut a _ _ _ adrift with my _ _ 8. FI_ _ WISE _ _ _ 9. STARWISE 0. OPEN FIREThis relatively rare book provided up-to-date navigational information during World War II. It was to be used by Examiners to assess whether students qualified to be a Ship's Mate or Ship's Master. The contents of the book were based on maritime knowledge gained over centuries. It is an aid to understanding the navigational methods of the time and the changes and improvements in more recent history.Title: Tait's Home Trade Guide: to the Board of Trade Examinations for Mates and Masters Author: James Tait, Extra Master Publisher: Brown, Son and Ferguson, Ltd. Glasgow, Great Britain Date: Revised Edition 1943 Further Information: Fourteenth Edition 1941, Reprinted Edition 1943. Revised and brought up to date by Captain H. T. Jefferys, Extra Master Printed by Nautical Press, Brown, Son & Ferguson, Limited, 52-58 Darnley Street, Glasgow Hardcover, small book, royal blue cover, silver embossed text on spine. Textbook for Mariners. Includes tables and maps, diagrams and formulas, and navigational information. The inside covers of this book contain handwritten calculations, diagrams and notes that refer to navigation. Notes inside the back cover refer to an enemy vessel and OPEN FIRE.Spint, in silver embossing "TAIT'S HOME TRADE GUIDE" Handwritten inside the back cover "R.A.D. / MOORE / PT. WELCH" Included with the text inside the back cover "Gascoyne" "506" and "RCM"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, james tait, brown, son and ferguson limited, torpedo, open fire, pt welch, vessel gascoyne, e-boat, u-boat, marine technology, world war ii, wwii, ww2, navigation exams, ship's mate, ship's master, wwii textbook, nautical textbook, navigational textbook, examination textbook, world war ii textbook, 1943 nautical textbook