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matching dockers plains
Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch
Honour Board - Shield, Dockers Plains, 1921
... Dockers Plains ... Thomas Kidman contains the names of 14 past students of Docker's...Our Boys Docker's Plains Honor Book...Dockers Plains... made by the Sloyd students and head teacher of Docker's Plains ...This Honour Shield was the work of the school Sloyd pupils and Head Teacher. The honour book written by the Head Teacher Mr Thomas Kidman contains the names of 14 past students of Docker's Plains Primary School who served during the First World War. Handwritten summary of service pertaining to each past student including Nurse Alice M BYRNE who served in Egypt and France.Honour Board in the shape of a shield and carved from timber originally made by the Sloyd students and head teacher of Docker's Plains State School in 1921. The Honour Board centrally houses a casket with glass door containing a velvet covered book containing the names of 14 past students who served during World War 1. When the school closed in the 1940's resident were invited the take items and William Richardson, brother of Private Leslie George Richardson who died in June 1916 from meningitis prior to embarkation, chose the shield and framed photograph collection which his mother contributed to. After William died in 1964 and his wife in 1977 their daughter Clarice and husband Jim Tobias took on guardianship prior to donating to the RSL in 2003.An honour board in the shape of a shield ornamental carved ornamental from wood featuring a glass faced casket mounted in the centre,Our Boys Docker's Plains Honor Bookdocker plains, ww1, docker plains state school -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Slide - Glass slide, R.J. Evans Photo, 1891-1905
... dockers plains...Garden in the State School of Dockers Plains... '45. Dockers Plains SS Garden.' R J Evans Photo....45. Dockers Plains SS Garden/R J Evans Photo... Plains school gardens australia dockers plains 45. Dockers Plains ...Garden in the State School of Dockers Plains '45. Dockers Plains SS Garden.' R J Evans Photo.45. Dockers Plains SS Garden/R J Evans Photoschool gardens, australia, dockers plains -
Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch
Article - Framed Statement of Provenance, NE Framing Studio, Dockers Plains State School Number 1962 Honour Roll, 2003
... Dockers Plains State School Number 1962 Honour Roll...Docker Plains State School Number 1962 Honour Roll... Inc". docker plains state school ww1 Docker Plains State ...The statement reads as follows:- "The ornamental shield with a casket giving the History of all the pupils who offered for War service in the 1914 - 1918 War was made by the pupils of the Sloyd (woodwork) class and Mr Kidman headmaster. He also wrote the honour book in fine calligraphy. A framed collection of their photographs was donated by Mrs. J.B. Richardson. These were unveiled in a special ceremony at the school on the 17th October 1921. Also in 1921 an Avenue of Honour of gum trees was planted by schoolchildren and residents, along both sides of the Boorahaman road in front of the school. I do not know the exact date most of these trees remain. When the school was closed in 1949, local residents were invited to remove what ever they fancied, so Mr W.B. Richardson chose the two above mentioned items. After the death of both parents - last one in 1977 - Clarice Tobias and her Husband Jim took care of the shield and the photo`s. During 2002 the photo`s were presented to Wangaratta R.S.L. Sub/Branch, and the shield went to Brisbane where it was beautifully restored by Wallace Richardson and his son-in-law Reg Townsend shortly before he passed away. The shield returned to Wangaratta in July 2003 and is now in the care of Wangaratta R.S.L. Sub/ Branch Inc".Brown timber frame containing a statement of provenance with Australian Coat of Arms above black writing over RSL logo.Docker Plains State School Number 1962 Honour Rolldocker plains state school, ww1 -
Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch
Photograph - Framed photographs, Courtney's Thelma Studio, Wangaratta, WWI Honour Roll State School No 1962 (Dockers Plains)
... WWI Honour Roll State School No 1962 (Dockers Plains)... State School No 1962 (Dockers Plains) Photograph Framed ...A framed collection of their photographs was donated by Mrs. J.B. Richardson. These were unveiled in a special ceremony at the school on the 17th October 1921. Also in 1921 an Avenue of Honour of gum trees was planted by schoolchildren and residents, along both sides of the Boorahaman road in front of the school. I do not know the exact date most of these trees remain. When the school was closed in 1949, local residents were invited to remove what ever they fancied, so Mr W.B. Richardson chose the two above mentioned items. After the death of both parents - last one in 1977 - Clarice Tobias and her Husband Jim took care of the shield and the photo`s. During 2002 the photo`s were presented to Wangaratta R.S.L. Sub/Branch,Timber frame with ornate edging containing 12 oval framed photographs of men in uniform with writing above and below. At top - State School No 1962 Roll of Honour Below - August 1914 - June 1916 The following soldiers are depicted from top left to right: Pte S Grossman, Pte S Plum, Pte W Byrne, Pte C Smith, Pte B Cummins, Pte H Perkins, Pte F Perkins, Pte A Perkins, Pte A C McDonald, Pte F Vonarx, Pte T Frasca, Pte G Richardson (centre)frasca, francis john vonarx 1981, william thomas byrne 5692, stanley w grossman, alexander mcdonald, richard cummins, sydney plum, leslie richardson, john claude smith, albert perkins, harry perkins, frederick perkins -
Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch
Document - Framed Certificate, Private Sidney PLUM
... dockers plains... Pioneer Battalion A.I.F, Born January 3rd 1894 at Dockers Plains... Battalion A.I.F, Born January 3rd 1894 at Dockers Plains. Father's ...Borough of Wangaratta Certificate of Thanks and Apppreciation presented to Private Sydney Spencer Plum. 3431 1st Pioneer Battalion A.I.F, Born January 3rd 1894 at Dockers Plains. Father's name Albert F Plum. Mother's name Mary Plum. He was educated at North Wangaratta and Docker's Plains State School. He was a blacksmith when he enlisted June 12th 1915. He trained at Flemington Racecourse and embarked on SS "Nestor" October 11th 1915. He fought in battles; Peronne, Cambrai, Somme. Being wounded 3 times. He embarked for home per SS "Orontes"; disembarked January 28th 1919 and was discharged March 16th 1919. Later, he entered the service of the Victorian Railways Department.Oak framed certificates were presented by the Borough of Wangaratta to the relatives of soldiers killed in action and returned soldiers who enlisted from the Borough during the First World War. These ceremonies were well attended by the local communities and held at intervals when the soldiers and nurses returned home from active service.Burgandy wooden frame with sand coloured mounting of a certificate of thanks and appreciation from Borough of Wangaratta to Pte Sidney S PLUM. At the top of the certificate, it has the Australian and Union Jack flags entwined over some wattle. At the bottom it has the rising sun surrounded by a wreath with two crossed rifles underneath. To the bottom right there is a large red leather seal. Mounted beneath the certificate is a black plaque. On the back is a typed history of S.Plum.Plaque is inscribed: 3451A Pte Sydney Spencer Plum. 1st Pioneer Battalion A.I.F. Served 12/6/1915 to 16/3/1919. Peronne, Cambrai and Somme. Born 3/1/1894 - Died 25/7/1958. Certificate: For King & Empire, Borough of Wangaratta. The Mayor, Councillors, and Ratepayers of the Borough of Wangaratta hereby place on record their Thanks and Appreciation for the conduct of S.S.Plum who served his King and Country in the Great War, which commenced 4th August 1914. In Witness Whereof the Corporate Seal of the Municipality is hereto attached in the presence of Mayor, Town Clerk. He answered his country's call. D.W Patterson Co PTY LTD 495 Collins St Melbsidney, plum, wangaratta, wwi, world war 1, peronne, cambrai, somme, north wangaratta, dockers plains -
Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch
Honor Book, Docker's Plains
... Docker's Plains Honor Book... pages beautifully written in fine calligraphy by Docker's Plains ...This is a velvet covered book with gold edged pages beautifully written in fine calligraphy depicting the history of all the pupils who offered for War service in the 1914-1918 war. Nurse Alice M Byrne, William Thomas Byrne, Richard Cummins, George Delaney, William George Elliot (Military Medal), Stanley William Grossman,29th Battalion; Alexander Cluny McDonald, Albert Arthur Perkins,KIA 1/10/1917; Harry Perkins,37th and 38th Battalions; Frederick Perkins,37th Battalion; Sydney Spencer Plum, Leslie George Richardson,trained at Wangaratta before contracting menigitis and died 25/6/1916; John Claude Smith,18th Battalion KIA 18/4/1916; This is a velvet covered book with gold edged pages beautifully written in fine calligraphy by Docker's Plains Head Teacher Mr Thomas Kidman, recording the military history of all the pupils at Docker's Plains State School who offered for War service in the 1914-1918 war. . Fixed inside the book's back cover are four original newspaper articles, two relating to the unveiling of the Honour Roll and Book at the children's annual picnic held on 17/10/1921 and dated 19/10/1921. The other two articles relate to the death and funeral of Albert D Lowerson VC of Myrtleford in 1946.The school was closed in 1949 and no longer existsA brown velvet covered book with gold edged pages written in fine calligraphy depicting the history of past pupils who offered for War service in the 1914-1918 war.Docker's Plains Honor Bookdocker's plains, ww1, honour book -
Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch
Letter - Letter and Life Summary, W. T. BYRNE
... by William Thomas Byrne of Docker's Plain whilst at training camp... by William Thomas Byrne of Docker's Plain whilst at training camp ...1.Photocopy of letter dated 24/12/1914 handwritten by William Thomas Byrne of Docker's Plain whilst at training camp - 3rd light horse brigade train - to his sister. 2.Photocopy of brief summary of W.T.Byrne's life to when he was discharged in 1918 - photocopied from Docker Plains School Honor Book William Thomas BYRNE was born on 21/9/1890 at Docker Plains to William and Johanna Byrne. He was educated at Docker Plains and Wangaratta State schools. A farmer when he enlisted on 13/10/1914. He trained at Broadmeadows and embarked on Hororata on 17/4/1915. He served with the 3rd Light Horse and 12th and/or 27th ASC - Army Service Corps as a Driver. Newspaper article dated 7/11/2003 states letter was found inside second hand book and the writer of the letter identified as the uncle of local Wangaratta resident and historian Bill O'Callaghan. The letter written prior to embarking overseas was addressed to Mrs Connell Ford Street Wangaratta but intended for his sister Nora, a Nun at Brigidine Convent, Albert Park. Photocopy of handwritten letter and life history summary in black ink on white paper 3rd Light Horse Brigade train 24/12/14william thomas byrne 5692, docker's plains -
Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch
Mixed media - Framed photograph and objects, Pte Sidney Spencer Plum
... on 3/1/1894 at Dockers Plains via Wangaratta. He attended both... on 3/1/1894 at Dockers Plains via Wangaratta. He attended both ...Collection of personal effects that belonged to Private SIdney Spencer Plum, 3431 1st Pioneer Battalion. SIdney was born on 3/1/1894 at Dockers Plains via Wangaratta. He attended both North Wangaratta and Dockers Plains schools. He was a Blacksmith aged 21 years when he enlisted on 12/6/1915 and embarked on 11/10/1915 on board HMAT Nestor. He was wounded three times and was discharged from the AIF on 16/3/1919. Items include oval photo of Sidney Plum in the centre surrounded by four post cards, one embroidered post card of a dove with an envelope in it's beak with the Union Jack and French flag, a Greetings From The Front" booklet, "The Armour of Light" bible, "A Form of Prayer for open air services" book, Soldier's Pay Book, a "To my dear Mother" card, a black leather pouch, a rising sun badge, round gold medallion. A framed montage of personal items belonging to Private Sydney Spencer PLUM compiled by his family to honour his memory and service. In addition to general military issue the remaining items were most likely purchased whilst on leave in France and England during the first world war. Postcards particularly embroidered postcards were sent home to loved ones and friends.Framed Collection of personal effects - Private Sidney Spencer Plum, 1st Pioneer Battalion. Includes oval photo of Sidney Plum in the centre surrounded by four post cards, one embroidered post card of a dove with an envelope in it's beak with the Union Jack and French flag, a Greetings From The Front" booklet, "The Armour of Light" bible, "A Form of Prayer for open air services" book, Soldier's Pay Book, a "To my dear Mother" card, a black leather pouch, a risen sun badge, round gold coloured medalion. Frame has a donation plaque.Front: Pte Sidney Spencer Plum, 1st Pioneer Battalion. Donated by Max & Hilary (Plum) Ryan and Sylvia Reed (Plum) of Wangarattaa Back: Wangaratta Picture Framers 9 Oct 2003. Also has messages from front postcards; Dear Mother, Just a few lines to let you know that I am alright hoping that you and all the rest is well too. We have had three fogs over here and it is very cold at night. I was picked in Cairo and they had some Turkey Officers an a German spy in gaol there. I wrote to Aunt Nelline. I got two letters from Alf. Maude Saxby hasnt wrote to me since I was up there on final leave. I get the letters quicker. I got Alf photos all right. I will be having Christmas in London. Well I think this is all this. I remain you son Sid. Tell Alf to send me over the Age so I can see how the war is going. I suppose Dad and the rest is busy harvesting now. Glad to hear that you got the photos all right. I think this is all this time from Sid same address as before. Dear Mother, Just a few lines to let you know that I am keeping well hoping that you and every body is the same. We have some great fogs over here, it rained all one night. We had a very good Christmas we got a billy issued to us and it had every thing in it. The Captain of our company gave me a Christmas pudding. All the same I wished I were back in Australia again. I think this is all this time. Yours truely son Sid, 25/12/15plum, sidney, world war 1, postcards, embroidered postcard, soldier's pay book, leather pouch, bible, prayer book, sydney -
Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch
Booklet - Army booklets, Private Alfred William VONARX VX29295
... on 5/1/1901 at Docker Plains near Wangaratta. He enlisted... on 5/1/1901 at Docker Plains near Wangaratta. He enlisted ...Collection of assorted Army standard issued books and personal papers including hand sketch of camp 'Kilo 89' in Palestine belonging to Private Alfred VONARX VX29295 who was born on 5/1/1901 at Docker Plains near Wangaratta. He enlisted on the 4/7/1940 at Seymour and assigned to the 2/7th Battalion which was deployed to the Middle East and later New Guinea.Soldiers Pay Book X 2, Bible & Meal Card, The Australian Soldiers Pocket Book, Clothing ration book and note book camp kilo 89, private alfred vonarx, vx29295, ww2, palestine -
Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch
Work on paper - Field Sketch, Camp Kilo 89 Area
... /1901 at Docker Plains near Wangaratta. He enlisted on the 4/7.../1901 at Docker Plains near Wangaratta. He enlisted on the 4/7 ...Hand sketch of 'Kilo 89' Camp in Palestine located in collection of assorted Army issued books and personal papers belonging to Private Alfred William VONARX VX29295 who was born 5/7/1901 at Docker Plains near Wangaratta. He enlisted on the 4/7/1940 at Seymour and served with the 2/7th Battalion in the Middle East during WW2. Written on back of sketch is - Pte B G HOY - Brian Goodwin HOY VX44031 born 20/4/1915 at Alphington.Detailed field sketch to scale of Camp Kilo 89 Area, Gaza Ridge in PalestineDetailed sketch to scale on cream coloured parchmentCamp Kilo 89 Area - Field Sketch Handwritten on rear - Pte B G HOYcamp kilo 89, palestine, ww2, alfred william vonarx, brian goodwin hoy, 2/7 infantry battalion -
Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch
Honour Board, North Wangaratta State School, c1920
... was born on 21/9/1890 at Docker Plains. He was educated at Docker... at Docker Plains. He was educated at Docker Plains and Wangaratta ...North Wangaratta State School 2391 was opened in May 1881 and closed October 26 1969. Today a plaque commemorates the site of the old school in Eldorado Road North Wangaratta. The Honour Board preserves the names of past students who enlisted to serve their country during the First World War and commemorates those who lost their lives. In 1965 after being stored in a woodshed for two years the Honour Board was put on display at The Eldorado Memorial Hall. The Eldorado Memorial Hall Committee became Trustees of the Honour Board and 1992 approved its transfer to the Vine Hotel Museum for public display. In 1996 at a meeting held on February 7, the Wangaratta North State School No 2391 Memorial Committee moved a motion that all memorabilia pertinent to the Wangaratta North State School be displayed at the Vine Hotel Museum under the guardianship of trustees appointed by the Wangaratta North State School Memorial Committee. In 2005 The North Wangaratta State School Trustees donated the Honour Board along with two photographs of WW1 soldiers to the Wangaratta RSL for safe keeping and display to the public. Students who enlisted include:- Private (Shoeing Smith) John BLAIKIE 2341 who was born at Wangaratta. He was a Blacksmith and at the age of 42 enlisted on May 28 1915. He embarked on August 10 1915 and served with the 14th Battalion. He returned to Australia in January 1918 and discharged medically unfit on April 10 1918. 5692 Private William Thomas BYRNE was born on 21/9/1890 at Docker Plains. He was educated at Docker Plains and Wangaratta State schools. A farmer when he enlisted on 13/10/1914. He trained at Broadmeadows and embarked on Hororata on 17/4/1915. He served with the 3rd Light Horse and 12th and/or 27th ASC - Army Service Corps as a Driver. 5347 Private Cyril BUCKLER, 14th Battalion. A postman from Wangaratta, Victoria, prior to enlistment on 16 February 1916 he embarked from Melbourne aboard HMAT Euripides on 4 April 1916 for Egypt. His unit relocated to the Western Front, France, in June 1916. Pte Buckler was killed in action near Pozieres, France, on 7 August 1916. He has no known grave and he is commemorated on the Villers-Bretonneux Memorial 3451A Private Sydney Spencer PLUM 1st Pioneer Battalion A.I.F, Born January 3rd 1894 at Dockers Plains. He was educated at North Wangaratta and Docker's Plains State School. He was a blacksmith when he enlisted June 12th 1915. He was trained at Flemington Racecourse and embarked on SS "Nestor" October 11th 1915. He fought in battles; Peronne, Cambrai, Somme. Being wounded 3 times. He embarked for home per SS "Orontes"; disembarked January 28th 1919 and he was discharged March 16th 1919. He died on July 25 1958. 483 Private Percy Albert TIPPETT served with the 6th Battalion AIF and was wounded on the 25/4/15 during the initial landing at Gallipoli and later died on 28/4/1915. 1981 Private Francis John VONARX Enlisted at Wangaratta on 15/6/1915 aged 33 years and embarked on 26/8/1915. Served with the 23rd Infantry Battalion and 2nd Machine Gun Battalion. Returned to Australia on 8/4/1919 On 13/4/2024 the Honour Board was deaccessioned from the RSL collection for permanent display at North Wangaratta CFA Brigade.Honour Board listing the 52 names of North Wangaratta State School students who enlisted to serve their country during the First World War and commemorates those who lost their lives. Large solid timber Honour Board with two carved minature cannons on top and above side columns."North Wangaratta State School/Roll of Honour/The Great War 1914 to 1919" 52 names in gold paint.north wangaratta state school 2391, honour board ww1 -
Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch
Photograph, F J Vonarx
... - Docker Plains State School Roll of Honour. fj vonarx ww1 23rd ...Photograph of Francis John VONARX 1918 - enlisted at Wangaratta on 15/6/1915 aged 33 years and embarked on 26/8/1915. Served with the 23rd Infantry Battalion and 2nd Machine Gun Battalion. Returned to Australia on 8/4/1919Refer to item 30 - Docker Plains State School Roll of Honour.Unframed sepia photograph of male in full army uniform with rifle at shoulder standing outside tent.F Vonarx 1918 - on white paper taped to photographfj vonarx, ww1, 23rd battalion, wangaratta