Showing 243 items
matching fruit gardens
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Fruit Gardens French Island, 1925-1926
... Fruit Gardens French Island...Fruit Gardens French Island... fashions Fruit Gardens French Island Sepia photograph of 5 women ...See 405-01Sepia photograph of 5 women and a young girl sitting on a bench and the ground outdoors. Girl is eating fruit and a basket of fruit is on the ground.Fruit Gardens French Islandphotographs, french island, fashions -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Booklet - Schedule Booklet, horticultural prizes, "1879 Schedule of Prizes Brighton Horticultural Society", 1879
... fruit gardens... for the best fruit garden in the Brighton District. The Proprietors... for the best fruit garden in the Brighton District. The Proprietors ...This booklet from 1879 was given to the Moorabbin Historical Society when the Robert Keys Leader Cup Trophy, 1882-1883 was re-discovered at 'Box Cottage' Museum in 2009. The Leader Cup Trophy, MAV 00001, is also itemised in this booklet (p9) The Leader Newspaper offered the 'Silver Cup, value Five Guineas for the best fruit garden in the Brighton District. The Proprietors of the English, Scottish and Australian Chartered Bank offered an second prize of three Guineas Commencing in 1856, the Brighton Horticultural Society only disbanded in 2009, and most of their archival holdings were given to the Brighton Historical Society. This booklet gives a good idea of the large varieties of plants, poultry and the skills of the pioneer settlers of the Brighton District.This Booklet describes the Schedule of Prizes for the 1879 Grand Annual Exhibition of the Brighton Horticultural Society in Brighton Victoria. The Booklet was donated to the Moorabbin Historical Society in 2009 upon the disbanding of the Brighton Horticultural that time. The Moorabbin Historical Society possesses the 1882 'Leader Cup Trophy' (cat 00001) presented to Robert Keys for the best Fruit Garden. This booklet is kept in the same cabinet as the Robert Key's Silver Trophy. After Henry Dendy's Special Survey in 1841 allotments of land were sold or rented to pioneer settlers who developed market gardens , fruit gardens and poultry farms in the Brighton area. Their produce was sold at the St Kilda and Melbourne Markets for the growing population of MelbourneBooklet with mauve paper cover and 16 pages listing the Schedule of prizes for the 1879 annual exhibition of the Brighton Horticultural Society to be held in Brighton, Victoria."1879/ SCHEDULE OF PRIZES/OFFERED FOR COMPETITION BY THE/ BRIGHTON HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY,/ AT THEIR/ GRAND ANNUAL EXHIBITION/ OF / ROSES,/ CUT FLOWERS, POT PLANTS,/ FRUITS, VEGETABLES,/ POULTRY, PRODUCE, &c.,/TO BE HELD IN THE/ ARTILLERY PARADE GROUND, CRESCENT, / BRIGHTON,/ Near the North Brighton Railway Station, / ON / SATURDAY, 8th NOVEMBER, 1879./ ADMISSION 1s. / Doors open at 2 o'clock. / Brighton: / G. H. ORFORD, MACHINE PRINTER, NEXT NORTH BRIGHTON STATION. / 1879 ;melbourne, keys robert, trophy, leader newspaper, leader cup, brighton, silver, moorabbin, bentleigh, markets, dendy henry, st kilda, bent thomas, market gardens, brighton horticultural society, fruit gardens, banks chartered -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Award - Trophy, c.1880
... his own 15 acre 'fruit garden' in Keys Rd Moorabbin.../ 1881-82/ Leader Cup/ Awarded To/ Robert Keys/ For Best Fruit... 15 acre 'fruit garden' in Keys Rd Moorabbin and in 1881-82 ...Robert Keys,1818-87 b.Ireland, arrived Australia 1841 and joined parents on a farm in Brighton.Victoria. 1870 he commenced his own 15 acre 'fruit garden' in Keys Rd Moorabbin and in 1881-82 was awarded the 'Leader Cup', by the Leader Newspaper, as the Winner of the Brighton Horticultural Society 'Best Fruit Garden' competition. Robert Keys, early settler 1841, was a talented orchardist , Brighton Councillor 1860 and Moorabbin City Coucillor until his death 1887. Item donated by Keys Family c1985 The 1879 Schedule of Prizes booklet of the Brighton Historical Society ( MAV 00022),describes in detail this trophy, prize moneys and rules and regulations of the competition. The booklet, cat. no. 00022, is on display with this trophyThis item is significant because of its connection with the Keys Family who were early settlers in District of Brighton/ Moorabbin and were greatly involved in community activities. After the 1841 Dendy Special Survey allotments of land were sold or rented to pioneer settlers who developed market gardens, fruit farms ( orchards), vineyards, poultry farms in the area now known as Bentleigh, Cheltenham, Oakleigh. They were very proud of their fine produce and hence enthusiastically entered these 'Annual Exhibitions' by the Brighton Horticultural Society.The Sterling Silver goblet shaped Trophy. Base has engraved beaded rim with chevron type motif. Embossed ring midway up stem and fern leaves engraved on bowl of goblet engraved on bowl of goblet " Brighton Horticultural Society/ 1881-82/ Leader Cup/ Awarded To/ Robert Keys/ For Best Fruit Garden/ Brighton District." Hallmarked 'GU', Birmingham, UK. George Unite circa 1880keys robert, trophy, 1881, leader newspaper, leader cup, brighton, horticultural, silver cup, silver, moorabbin, brighton horticultural society -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Book - Register, Register of Fruit Trees Burnley Gardens revised to October 1916, 1916
... Register of Fruit Trees Burnley Gardens revised to October.... Includes index, numbers and position in Orchard. Register of Fruit ...Bound register of fruits at Burnley College, Lower Orchard, 1916. Apples, pears, citrus, Japanese plums, cherries, apricots, figs, peaches, nectarines, vines. Includes index, numbers and position in Orchard.register, fruits, burnley college, orchard, 1916, apples, pears, citrus, plums, cherries, apricots, figs, peaches, nectarines, vines, east orchard -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph-B&W, Hill's Dairy, Canterbury Road, Ringwood 1989-Back Garden Fruit Trees, 6/07/1989
... Hill's Dairy, Canterbury Road, Ringwood 1989-Back Garden...Hill's Dairy, Canterbury Road, Ringwood 1989-Back Garden...Back Garden / Fruit Trees / The big tree is the Mulberry... Road Ringwood North melbourne Back Garden / Fruit Trees ...Hill's Dairy, Canterbury Road, Ringwood 1989-Back Garden Fruit Trees. The big tree is the Mulberry TreeBack Garden / Fruit Trees / The big tree is the Mulberry Tree -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Pomona, Roman Goddess. Wikipedia, Pomona, Goddess of Fruit Trees. Ballarat Botanical Gardens' Statue
... Pomona, Goddess of Fruit Trees. Ballarat Botanical Gardens...Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group George ...john garner collection, ballarat botanical gardens, gardens, ballarat, pomona, mythology, statue -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document - Photocopy of Land Title 1881, c1881
... fruit gardens... merchants fruit gardens markets smith robert box william henry ...This is a Certificate of Title for an acre of land in 'Tucker's Road' purchased by Jabez Gurr in 1881, in the area that was part of the Crown Block known as Henry Dendy's Special Survey 1841, in the Parish of Moorabbin, County of Bourke, Victoria. Following the 'Transfer of Land Statute' allotments in the area of Henry Dendy's Special Survey of 1841 were sold to early settlers. This Certificate of Title shows the passage of history in Moorabbin Shire . Jabez Gurr, a wheelwright, of East Brighton, now Bentleigh East, purchased an acre of land in 'Tucker's Road' , near Centre Road, in 1881. In 1889 he sold to a produce merchant, Robert Smith, and in April 1916 this block was purchased by William Henry George Box, a market gardener and relative of William and Elizabeth Box, who owned the land until 1926. The land was then purchased by Charles John Greenlaw Coates and remained with this family until 1971. All these Family names appear on Councils and Community Boards during the foundation and development of City of Moorabbin3 photocopied pages of the Certificate of Title for approximately 1 acre of land near the corner of Centre Road and Tucker Road, Parish of Moorabbin, County of Bourke, Victoria that was part of the 5,120 acre Henry Dendy Special Survey in Brighton in 1841 and purchased in 1881 by Jabez Gurr. It records subsequent proprietors up to 1971Stamped CANCELLED 12 OCT 1994 (top Right) / Entered in the Register Book / Vol.1245 Fol. 248877/ signed Henry Crowe / Assistant Registrar of Titles / Coat of Arms / VICTORIA / Certificate of Title / UNDER THE ' TRANSFER OF AND STATUTE' /dated ' eleventh day of April one thousand eight / hundred and eighty one' / signed 'Henry Crowe' / Assistant Registrar of Titles/ ENCUMBRANCES REFERRED TO / circular Stamp 'OFFICE OF TITLES VICTORIA' / Drawn and shaded on the left side is the area of land in "Tucker's" Road 3331/3 links fro Centre Road, 150 links x 6662/3 links / The measurements are in linksdendy henry, dendy's special survey 1841, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, market gardeners, early settlers, pioneers, wheelwrights, merchants, fruit gardens, markets, smith robert, box william henry george, gurr jabez, county of bourke, victoria, melbourne, land statutes, tucker road, centre road, box william, box elizabeth, box cottage museum -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document - Medical Health, vaccination notice, Martha Jones, c1888
... fruit gardens... bentleigh market gardeners fruit gardens jones james jones mary ann ...The loss of life from infectious diseases such as Typhoid in the pioneer settlements of Australia, was very high Hence the free, compulsory vaccination of infants within 6 months of their birth. This Notice To Parents was sent by the Deputy Registrar of Births and Deaths in District of East Brighton , now known as Bentleigh. The notice states that all Public Vaccinators ‘ are supplied with Calf lymph. Parents can chose which Lymph they prefer”James Jones and Mary Ann Moore were born in Brighton c1857 and c 1859 into pioneer market gardener families in the area of the Dendy Special Survey of 1841. They married in 1883 and raised their family in East Brighton, now Bentleigh. Sadly infectious diseases took the lives of many infants throughout the Colony of Victoria due to the poor state of water supply and sewerage disposal and locally the swamps of the Elster Creek were a constant breeding ground. An original paper Notice To Parents for the Compulsory Vaccination Act , First Schedule, 13th August 1888 following the registration of the birth of Martha Jones to James and Mary Ann Jones in Brighton Victoria.A / COMPULSORY VACCINATION ACT – FIRST SCHEDULE / Section 17 / NOTICE TO PARENTS. Typed along left side “ (N.B. All Public Vaccinators are supplied with Calf Lymph. Parents can chose which Lymph they prefer)” This paper notice naming the child Martha Jones is signed and dated by the Deputy Registrar of Births and Deaths of the District of East Brighton , W. Ward, on 13th August 1888, and gives the dates and times he will be in attendance ‘ at his residence’ for the said vaccination. vaccination, pioneers, early settlers, typhoid, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, market gardeners, fruit gardens, jones james, jones mary ann, jones martha, dendy henry, dendys special survey 1841, infectious diseases, water supply, elster creek, melbourne -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Functional object - Plateway horse-drawn wagon, c. 1883
... market gardens, vineyards and fruit gardens ( orchards ...This Plateway Wagon was built by Pengelly's Carriage Works, North Brighton 1883. The wagon was owned by the Corrigan family, market gardeners in Noble Park. It is an original, timber horse-drawn wagon that used the the Plateway or Wheelway from 1890. These heavily laden market gardener’s carts could travel relatively smoothly and safely, along the steel rails on the main roads of Moorabbin Parish to Melbourne and St Kilda markets to sell their produce, at a time when the road surfaces were rutted and hazardous.After the Henry Dendy Special Survey of the Parish of Moorabbin in 1841, land was sold to pioneer settlers who developed market gardens, vineyards and fruit gardens ( orchards ). These market gardeners took their produce in heavily laden horse-drawn Wagons along the steel Plateway to the markets in St Kilda and Melbourne. An original, timber horse-drawn wagon of a type that used the Plateway or Wheelway. The steel rails of the Plateway played such an important role from the 1890’s in the transportation of produce along the City of Moorabbin’s major roads, (including Centre Road, Bentleigh), to reach the markets in St Kilda and Melbourne. Heavily laden market gardener’s carts , drawn by a horse, could travel relatively smoothly and safely, along the steel rails to city markets, at a time when the road surfaces were rutted and hazardous. horse, melbourne, brighton, moorabbin, steel, henry, dendy, fruit, gardens, roads, plateway, wheelway, bentleigh, vineyards, orchards, draught, markets, st kilda, wagons -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph-B&W, Hill's Dairy, Canterbury Road, Ringwood 1989-Back Garden Fruit Trees, 6/07/1989
... Hill's Dairy, Canterbury Road, Ringwood 1989-Back Garden...Hill's Dairy, Canterbury Road, Ringwood 1989-Back Garden...Back Garden Fruit Trees, Mulberry Tree. The path visible... Road Ringwood North melbourne Back Garden Fruit Trees, Mulberry ...Hill's Dairy, Canterbury Road, Ringwood 1989-Back Garden Fruit Trees, Mulberry Tree. The path visible is that in Picture 11 (6502-009).Back Garden Fruit Trees, Mulberry Tree. The path visible is that in Picture 11 (6502-009). -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Richard's Orchard, C1915
... SAME\ AS ND280Auction of fruit garden sold by W.H... & son orchards blackburn Auction of fruit garden SAME ...Auction of fruit gardenSAME\ AS ND280Auction of fruit garden sold by W.H. Richards 1915 for subdivision into 20 home lots in Blackburn. Auctioneers T.R.B. Morton & Co.Auction of fruit garden land subdivision, richards, w.h., t. r. b. morton & son, orchards, blackburn -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Tool - Tools, Saw double sided pruning 20thC, 20thC
... saws, pruning saws, orchardists, fower gardens, fruit trees..., fower gardens, fruit trees, early settlers, market gardeners ...Among the early settlers in Moorabbin Shire were blacksmiths who made tools for the other settlers who were establishing the homes, market gardens, farms, orchards and various businesses. Early settlers were self reliant and repaired their own equipment for kitchen,dairy, farm, horses, carts using various tools . This is a double sided pruning saw with tapering blade used by orchardists and farmers This pruning saw is typical of the type used by early settlers in Moorabbin Shire c1900A steel saw with double sided tapering blade and wood handle for pruning trees. saws, pruning saws, orchardists, fower gardens, fruit trees, early settlers, market gardeners, blacksmiths, tools, building equipment, hammers, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, mckinnon, highett, cheltenham,mcewan james pty ltd, melbourne, bunnings pty ltd, -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Slide, Alan L. Mitchell, 1965
... Boulevard Richmond melbourne alan l. mitchell burnley gardens fruit ...Fruit Orchard (1965) looking towards Scotch College & Boulevard.alan l. mitchell, burnley gardens, fruit orchard -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Newspaper - Newspaper Cutting, The Leader, Orchard & Vineyard, 1897
... curator gardens fruit exportation Copy of article in "The Leader ...Copy of article in "The Leader" (Melbourne) on 24 April, 1897 p 14. Statement that Mr Neilson has resigned as Curator of the Horticultural Gardens at Burnley but will continue to be employed by the Department of Agriculture supervising and providing information on fruit exportation.the leader, school of horticulture, mr neilson, resignation, curator, gardens, fruit exportation -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Newspaper - Newspaper Cutting, The Argus, Victorian Horticultural Society, 1866
... the argus fruit trees burnley gardens victorian ...Copy of article in "The Argus" 26 July, 1866 p7. Description of the annual meeting of members. Steadily advancing towards a collection of all fruit trees known. Able to distribute grafts to subscribers. Gifts of trees acknowledged.the argus, fruit trees, burnley gardens, victorian horticultural society, annual meeting, fuit trees, grafts of fruit trees, gifts of trees, donations -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Document, Grown in Victoria, 1985
... Invitation to summer fruit promotion at Burnley Gardens... Invitation to summer fruit promotion at Burnley Gardens Grown ...Invitation to summer fruit promotion at Burnley Gardensburnley gardens, victoria, fruits -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Newspaper - Newspaper Cutting, The Argus, Horticultural Society of Victoria, 1862
... . Ornamental portion. Praise for Mr Phillips, the gardener. Fruit tree...the argus mr phillips gardener curator fruit trees ...Photocopy of article in "the Argus" 17 July, 1862. Description of the Annual Meeting, mainly financial difficulties. Ornamental portion. Praise for Mr Phillips, the gardener. Fruit tree area cleared and planting commenced.the argus, mr phillips, gardener, curator, fruit trees, financial difficulties, annual meeting, ornamental garden -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society June 2009, June 2009
... ’ newspaper about the Robert Keys ‘Best Fruit Garden 1881 - 82...’ newspaper about the Robert Keys ‘Best Fruit Garden 1881 - 82’ Trophy ...The City of Moorabbin Historical Society was formed c 1960 by a group of Moorabbin residents who were concerned that the history of the area should be preserved. A good response to a call for items related to the historical area of Moorabbin Shire brought donations of a wide variety of artefacts which are now preserved by the current members of CMHS at Box Cottage Museum . Helen Stanley, Secretary of CMHS, began producing a Newsletter for members in April 2007 to provide current information and well researched items of historical interest.Helen Stanley has produced a bi-monthly Newsletter, 2007 - 2013, for the members of the City of Moorabbin Historical Society that contains well researched interesting historical items, notification of upcoming events, current advice from Royal Australian Historical Society , Museums Australia Victoria and activities of Local Historical Societies. The Newsletter is an important record of the activities of the CMHS. Jasper Hale , transported for theft, earned his ‘Ticket of Leave, and purchased land in Dendy’s Special Survey of 1841 later known as East Bentleigh. 2 x A4 paper printed on 3 sides Issue 12 of the bi-monthly, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter produced by Society member and Secretary, Mrs Helen Stanley in June 2009. Notices of the meeting June 28th , an article in ‘The Leader’ newspaper about the Robert Keys ‘Best Fruit Garden 1881 - 82’ Trophy Cup , a large vinyl banner purchased with Grant money, and while acknowledging the Cottage garden volunteer a request for more helpers at Open Days is made. Jan Rigby, CMHS member, has provided research information about Jasper Hale b 1805 in Gloucester, England, transported to NSW 1830, ‘freed man ‘ 1839, purchased land in Dendy’s Special Survey 1844, sold this land 1846 and died 1884 in Parkes NSW. On arrival as a convict in 1830 his occupation is bricklayer and he can ‘ read and write’. CITY of MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY / JUNE 2009 NEWSLETTERcity of moorabbin historical society, stanley helen, rigby jan, melbourne, moorabbin, brighton, cheltenham, ormond, bentleigh, market gardeners, pioneers, early settlers, moorabbin shire, box cottage museum, jasper road ormond, dendy’s special survey 1851, north road brighton, county of bourke, box h., box william, parish of moorabbin, were jonathan, hales jasper, port jackson penal colony, burgess s. william, kemble wiltshire england, stonemason, bricklayer, ‘york’ sailing ship, brummell mary, st. mary’s catholic church sydney, nelson mary ann, ‘george hibbert’ sailing ship, hale james, hale eliza, parkes new south wales gold rush, ballarat gold rush, clunes gold rush, forbes nsw gold rush, parkes historical society -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - 'Clutha', Studley Park Road, 1860-1890
... grounds and fruit garden. The house, erected under the plans..., and about 8½ acres of pleasure grounds and fruit garden. The house ...Clutha was the home of John Carson, the second mayor of Kew. Leonard Terry designed the house for him in 1856. Terry was the architect of the Melbourne Club (1858), the former London Chartered Bank (1861), Lothian Terrace in Carlton (1865), and the ES&A Bank in Hawthorn (1873). The commission for Clutha was won three years after Terry’s arrival in Victoria.An extremely rare photograph of a major residential architectural commission of Leonard Terry. The photograph of the house has statewide significance as the home of the Victorian pioneer and businessman, John Carson. A rare, nineteenth century photograph of ‘Clutha’ in Studley Park Road, Kew. The sepia-toned photograph is of the front of the house, with its bluestone foundations and its second storey balcony. A real estate advertisement in 1875 described the house as: 'First-class family mansion, and about 8½ acres of pleasure grounds and fruit garden. The house, erected under the plans and supervision of Mr. Leonard Terry, is most substantially built of brick, stuccoed, on solid bluestone pediment, forming a noble basement story, large entrance hall, and lobby, with conservatory on the left. *** A wide verandah and balcony, erected on cast-iron columns, runs round the house, the views from which are perhaps unequalled in extent and beauty in the neighbourhood of the city, commanding the bay, shipping, Mount Macedon, and Dandenong Ranges. Th e whole forming a most complete gentleman's residence, no expense having been spared in its erection and comfortable finish.'"Clutha West Side Studley Park Road Kew / Clutha West Side"clutha, john carson, leonard terry -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Clothing, Lady's white, long, half petticoat cotton c1900, c1900C
... , clothing, while developing their market gardens, fruit orchards..., while developing their market gardens, fruit orchards and dairy ...A Lady's white, long, cotton half petticoat with a gathered flounce and lace insert at hem. The petticoat has a placket on the side seam and is fastened with bone buttons, The pioneer families had to be self sufficient making their own tools, clothing, while developing their market gardens, fruit orchards and dairy farms in Moorabbin Shire The pioneer women in Moorabbin Shire had to make and repair the clothes for themselves and their families and were accomplished in dressmaking, needlework , craftwork and knitting A Lady's white, long, cotton half petticoat with a wide flounce lace edging and bone buttons at side seam clothing, brighton, moorabbin, pioneers, dressmaking, market gardeners, early settlers, craftwork , bentleigh, lacework, moorabbin shire blackburn nance, dairy farms, fruit orchards -
Clunes Museum
Photograph, ROGER PURCELL, 1994
Mont De Lancey
Functional object - Wash Tub, early 1900's
... was recycled by pouring it on the garden or fruit trees. It was used... was recycled by pouring it on the garden or fruit trees. It was used ...These large tubs had multiple uses including washing clothes or bathing infants or children when water was not connected to the laundry or home in the early 1900's. The water was recycled by pouring it on the garden or fruit trees. It was used for containing crop harvesting too.A large vintage round galvanised iron tub tapering slightly to the flat base. It is seamed on both sides, made from two sheets of iron. It has two handles riveted on the sides and an overhanging rim at the top. It has been painted cream coloured on the inside. There is a wide steel band around the base which has been soldered on.laundry equipment, wash tubs, household objects -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document - Genealogy Chart Henry Dendy (Photocopy), 19 thC
... with numerous market gardens, dairy farms, fruit gardens and vineyards... gardens, dairy farms, fruit gardens and vineyards supplying food ...In 1840 Henry Dendy, a farmer in Surrey, England acquired a "Special Survey" from the Commissioners for Land and Emigration which gave Dendy the right to choose land in Port Phillip for the "bargain basement" price of only £1 per acre for 5120 acres, (an area of 8 square miles). The Special Survey also included the right to "the shipment of a worker for every £20 spent on land, whose free passage was paid by the Crown, equalling a total of 100 workers ". Accordingly Dendy sold his English holdings and paid the required £5120 and arrived in Melbourne in February 1841. However by this time land in the new colony was selling for £5 - £40 per acre. Because Henry Dendy possessed the order from the Colonial Office in London he was able to successfully oppose Super-intendant LaTrobe's attempts to alter the price of the land. Dendy appointed Jonathan Were, (an entrepreneur, who had arrived in 1839), as his Manager and who later became a partner. Together, Dendy and Were decided on an area 5 miles south from Melbourne, bounded by North Road, East Boundary Road, South Road and to the west by Port Phillip Bay. Were and Dendy pitched their tents in the area now known as ' Park St, Brighton' and sank a well near the corner of 'St Andrew's St and Wells St'. By 1845 J.B Were and Company had bought almost half of Dendy's land and Were built himself "Moorabbin House" in Were St Brighton made from stone, quarried from local cliffs. It was still standing in 1924. Legend records Moorabbin is named after the Aboriginal word for ' Mother's Milk ' The soil is very fertile and well supplied with water especially in the area called 'East Brighton' - now known as Bentleigh and East Bentleigh - By 1850 the area had developed with numerous market gardens, dairy farms, fruit gardens and vineyards supplying food for the growing population of Melbourne.In 1840 Henry Dendy, a farmer in Surrey, England acquired a "Special Survey" from the Commissioners for Land and Emigration which gave Dendy the right to choose land in Port Phillip for the price of only £1 per acre for 5120 acres. This land was called Brighton in the Parish of Moorabbin, County of Bourke and emigrants developed the land establishing market gardens , dairy and poultry farms that provided the food for the growing population of Melbourne. A photocopy of the Genealogy Chart of the Dendy Family that Henry Dendy brought with him when he emigrated to Melbourne 1841Genealogy signs and descriptionsdendy henry, dendy's special survey brighton 1841, governor gipps, captain lonsdale, super-intendant latrobe, port phillip, melbourne, new south wales, squatters, emmigrants, county of bourke, parish of moorabbin, early settlers, pioneers, market gardeners, dairy farmers, fruit farms, moorabbin, bentleigh, brighton, cheltenham, were jonathan binn, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document, Henry Dendy family Shield
... with numerous market gardens, dairy farms, fruit gardens and vineyards... gardens, dairy farms, fruit gardens and vineyards supplying food ...In 1840 Henry Dendy, a farmer in Surrey, England acquired a "Special Survey" from the Commissioners for Land and Emigration which gave Dendy the right to choose land in Port Phillip for the "bargain basement" price of only £1 per acre for 5120 acres, (an area of 8 square miles). The Special Survey also included the right to "the shipment of a worker for every £20 spent on land, whose free passage was paid by the Crown, equalling a total of 100 workers ". Accordingly Dendy sold his English holdings and paid the required £5120 and arrived in Melbourne in February 1841. However by this time land in the new colony was selling for £5 - £40 per acre. Because Henry Dendy possessed the order from the Colonial Office in London he was able to successfully oppose Super-intendant LaTrobe's attempts to alter the price of the land. Dendy appointed Jonathan Were, (an entrepreneur, who had arrived in 1839), as his Manager and who later became a partner. Together, Dendy and Were decided on an area 5 miles south from Melbourne, bounded by North Road, East Boundary Road, South Road and to the west by Port Phillip Bay. Were and Dendy pitched their tents in the area now known as ' Park St, Brighton' and sank a well near the corner of 'St Andrew's St and Wells St'. By 1845 J.B Were and Company had bought almost half of Dendy's land and Were built himself "Moorabbin House" in Were St Brighton made from stone, quarried from local cliffs. It was still standing in 1924. Legend records Moorabbin is named after the Aboriginal word for ' Mother's Milk ' The soil is very fertile and well supplied with water especially in the area called 'East Brighton' - now known as Bentleigh and East Bentleigh - By 1850 the area had developed with numerous market gardens, dairy farms, fruit gardens and vineyards supplying food for the growing population of Melbourne. dendy henry, dendy's special survey brighton 1841, governor gipps, captain lonsdale, super-intendant latrobe, port phillip, melbourne, new south wales, squatters, emmigrants, county of bourke, parish of moorabbin, early settlers, pioneers, market gardeners, dairy farmers, fruit farms, moorabbin, bentleigh, brighton, cheltenham, were jonathan binn, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document - Pedigree of Henry Dendy, c1840 Original ; Copy 1985
... with numerous market gardens, dairy farms, fruit gardens and vineyards... with numerous market gardens, dairy farms, fruit gardens and vineyards ...This is a copy of the document brought by Henry Dendy to the Colony in 1841. In 1840 Henry Dendy, a farmer in Surrey, England acquired a "Special Survey" from the Commissioners for Land and Emigration which gave Dendy the right to choose land in Port Phillip for the "bargain basement" price of only £1 per acre for 5120 acres, (an area of 8 square miles). The Special Survey also included the right to "the shipment of a worker for every £20 spent on land, whose free passage was paid by the Crown, equalling a total of 100 workers ". Accordingly Dendy sold his English holdings and paid the required £5120 and arrived in Melbourne in February 1841. However by this time land in the new colony was selling for £5 - £40 per acre. Because Henry Dendy possessed the order from the Colonial Office in London he was able to successfully oppose Super-intendant LaTrobe's attempts to alter the price of the land. Dendy appointed Jonathan Were, (an entrepreneur, who had arrived in 1839), as his Manager and who later became a partner. Together, Dendy and Were decided on an area 5 miles south from Melbourne, bounded by North Road, East Boundary Road, South Road and to the west by Port Phillip Bay. Were and Dendy pitched their tents in the area now known as ' Park St, Brighton' and sank a well near the corner of 'St Andrew's St and Wells St'. By 1845 J.B Were and Company had bought almost half of Dendy's land and Were built himself "Moorabbin House" in Were St Brighton made from stone, quarried from local cliffs. It was still standing in 1924. Legend records Moorabbin is named after the Aboriginal word for ' Mother's Milk ' The soil is very fertile and well supplied with water especially in the area called 'East Brighton' - now known as Bentleigh and East Bentleigh - By 1850 the area had developed with numerous market gardens, dairy farms, fruit gardens and vineyards supplying food for the growing population of Melbourne. A copy of a paper chart of the Pedigree of Henry Dendy in a wooden frame with glassPedigree / of the branch of the family / DENDY moorabbin, brighton, henry dend special survey 1841 y, early settlers, pioneers, market gardeners -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph - Map of Dendy's Special Survey, 1852 Map of Henry Dendy's Special Survey of 1841, 19th Century
... , fruit gardens and vineyards supplying food for the growing..., fruit gardens and vineyards supplying food for the growing ...A Map drawn in 1852 that shows the 5,120 acres that formed Dendy's Special Survey of 1841. In 1840 Henry Dendy, a farmer in Surrey, England acquired a "Special Survey" from the Commissioners for Land and Emigration which gave Dendy the right to choose land in Port Phillip for the "bargain basement" price of only £1 per acre for 5120 acres, (an area of 8 square miles). The Special Survey also included the right to "the shipment of a worker for every £20 spent on land, whose free passage was paid by the Crown, equalling a total of 100 workers ". Accordingly Dendy sold his English holdings and paid the required £5120 and arrived in Melbourne in February 1841. However by this time land in the new colony was selling for £5 - £40 per acre. Because Henry Dendy possessed the order from the Colonial Office in London he was able to successfully oppose Governor LaTrobe's attempts to alter the price of the land. Dendy appointed Jonathan Were, (an entrepreneur, who had arrived in 1839), as his Manager and who later became a partner. Together, Dendy and Were decided on an area 5 miles south from Melbourne, bounded by North Road, East Boundary Road, South Road and to the west by Port Phillip Bay. Were and Dendy pitched their tents in the area now known as ' Park St, Brighton' and sank a well near the corner of 'St Andrew's St and Wells St'. By 1845 J.B Were and Company had bought almost half of Dendy's land and Were built himself "Moorabbin House" in Were St Brighton made from stone, quarried from local cliffs. It was still standing in 1924. Legend records Moorabbin is named after the Aboriginal word for ' Mother's Milk ' The soil is very fertile and well supplied with water especially in the area called 'East Brighton' - now known as Bentleigh and East Bentleigh - By 1850 the area had developed with numerous market gardens, dairy farms, fruit gardens and vineyards supplying food for the growing population of Melbourne.This Map shows the birth of the Brighton and Moorabbin area. On 18th January1859 Brighton was proclaimed a Municipality and a Borough by October 1863. Meanwhile, following a Petition, the area of East and South Brighton, incorporating Mordialloc, Cheltenham, Mentone, Sandringham and Oakleigh separated from Brighton to form the Moorabbin District Roads Board becoming the first Local Government Authority. Col. William Mair was elected as the first Chairman of the Moorabbin Roads Board. Moorabbin Shire 1871 developed further and was declared a City in1934. The City of Moorabbin was the largest Municipality in Melbourne before the Amalgamation of Councils in 1994 when it was divided in the south to City of Kingston and in the north to City of Glen Eira A Photo-lithographed 1852 Map showing the 5,120 acres that formed Dendy's Special Survey of 1841. Henry Dendy & Jonathan Were chose an area 5 miles south from Melbourne, bounded by North Road, East Boundary Road, South Road and to the west by Port Phillip Bay. Moorabbin County of Bourke / Photo-Lithographed at the department of Lands and Survey. /Melbourne. / Price 1/- brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, cheltenham, dendy henry, bent thomas, were jonathan, special survey -
City of Kingston
Photograph - Black and white, Market Gardeners' Picnic Committee, c. 1930
... in 1884 in association with the Market Gardeners and Fruit Growers... in 1884 in association with the Market Gardeners and Fruit Growers ...The Market Gardeners' Picnic was an annual event, beginning in 1884 in association with the Market Gardeners and Fruit Growers’ Association. This image shows the committee who organised the picnic in 1930. Back Row: (left to right) N Woff, Unknown, W Sullivan, V Barnett, Unknown, C Baker, Unknown, C James. Middle Row: G Stayner, H Besant, E Le Page, B Kelly, Unknown, Unknown, A Bunny, Unknown. Front Row: T MarriottBlack and white image of three rows of men wearing suits. The front row is seated, the remaining two rows are standing, although it appears the back row is standing on a step. -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, 'Goathland', The Residence of Sir Malcolm D McEacharn, 1901-1911
... grounds, tennis lawn, fruit and flower garden, and paddock.The... Park Road and Stevenson Street, including gardens laid out ...The architect, Edward Kilburn designed Byram in the Arts & Crafts style for the industrialist George Ramsden. Construction began in 1888 and was reputed to have lasted three years. The mansion had frontages to Studley Park Road and Stevenson Street, including gardens laid out with great taste, including pleasure grounds, tennis lawn, fruit and flower garden, and paddock.The size of many of the trees in the garden indicate that many survived from the garden of Clifton Villa, the previous single-storeyed house built on the site by the Stevenson brothers. Byram had views to Melbourne and Port Phillip Bay. The house was demolished in 1960, despite opposition from the National Trust (Victoria), and its gardens subdivided into residential allotments.An early photograph of Goathland (also known as Byram, Lowan and Tara Hall). The photo shows the front of the building during the period of Sir Malcolm McEacharn’s occupation of the house (1901-11). Edward George Kilburn, of Ellerker & Kilburn, had originally designed the house for the industrialist George Ramsden in 1888. When Sir Malcolm McEacharn purchased Byram, he was to rename it as Goathland. This has led to some confusion, as Goathland was also the name used for McEacharn’s other home in St. Kilda. The period of McEacharn’s ownership represented the high point of the mansion’s history. 'Lost Glories: a memorial to forgotten Australian buildings' was published by David Latta in 1986. It tells the story of a number of significant Australian buildings that had previously been demolished. A chapter in the book was devoted to Goathland, later known as Tara Hall. To supplement the text, he sourced photographs from a range of suppliers, chiefly the Royal Women's Hospital which had once owned Tara Hall, but had sold it in 1960. This is one of the photographs donated to KHS by the author."'Goathland', The Residence of Sir Malcolm D McEacharn"byram, goathland, tara hall, lowan, studley park road -- kew (vic.), melbourne mansions, e g kilburn - architect -
City of Kingston
Photograph - Black and white, c. 1900
... Gardeners and Fruit Growers’ Association on April 3, 1884... Gardeners and Fruit Growers’ Association on April 3, 1884 ...The first picnic was held in association with the Market Gardeners and Fruit Growers’ Association on April 3, 1884 at Lilydale. Groups of market gardeners travelled by train with their families from Cheltenham, and stations further north, to Lilydale at a cost of three shillings and six pence for adults and two shillings for children under 15 years. On arrival a band played music to accompany dancing ‘on the green’, and foot races were held as well as other sporting events. This pattern of activities was followed for more than fifty years although the location of the picnic changed and the mode of transportation varied.Black and white image of men and women sitting and standing together around a picnic laid out on the ground in front of them. Handwritten in pencil: A25 - CHAP 3 Handwritten in red ink on a white square sticker: A25 / 71%market garden, picnic, celebration, seaside, community -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, J F C Farquhar, A View in Studley Park Road, 1891
... Park Road and Stevenson Street, including gardens laid out... Park Road and Stevenson Street, including gardens laid out ...At the beginning of the 1890s, the Kew businessman and Town Councillor, Henry Kellett, commissioned J.F.C. Farquhar to photograph scenes of Kew. These scenes included panoramas as well as pastoral scenes. The resulting set of twelve photographs was assembled in an album, Kew Where We Live, from which customers could select images for purchase.The preamble to the album describes that the photographs used the ‘argentic bromide’ process, now more commonly known as the gelatine silver process. This form of dry plate photography allowed for the negatives to be kept for weeks before processing, hence its value in landscape photography. The resulting images were considered to be finely grained and everlasting. Evidence of the success of Henry Kellett’s venture can be seen today, in that some of the photographs are held in national collections.It is believed that the Kew Historical Society’s copy of the Kellett album is unique and that the photographs in the book were the first copies taken from the original plates. It is the first and most important series of images produced about Kew. The individual images have proved essential in identifying buildings and places of heritage value in the district.This is the earliest known photograph of the exterior of Byram (later Tara Hall). It shows the original red brick fence, its asymmetrical gate and gateposts, with a large terra cotta gargoyle surmounting the higher of the two. The architect, Edward Kilburn designed Byram in the Arts & Crafts style for the industrialist George Ramsden. Construction began in 1888 and was reputed to have lasted three years. The mansion had frontages to Studley Park Road and Stevenson Street, including gardens laid out with great taste, including pleasure grounds, tennis lawn, fruit and flower garden, and paddock. The size of many of the trees in the garden indicate that many survived from the garden of Clifton Villa, the previous single-storeyed house built on the site by the Stevenson brothers. Byram had views to Melbourne and Port Phillip Bay. The house was demolished in 1960, despite opposition from the National Trust (Victoria), and its gardens subdivided into residential allotments.A View in Studley Park Roadkew illustrated, kew where we live, photographic books, henry kellett, byram, tara hall, goathlands