Showing 22 items
matching l. a. westcott
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines, Student Magazine, First Term, 1908, 1908
... l. a. westcott.... smith l. seward leslie coulter t. williams f. treloar whitington ...Table of Contents: The location and pegging of a tramway route, The unity of things, Students' third annual dinner, The transmission of power by rope driving, Visit to the Briseis main and new brothers home, School of Mines' sports committee, School of Mines' magazine committee, Diabolo, Limericks sluiced at Snake Valley, Obituary, Hints to the inexperienced, Fossilistic love, Past students, Some bunsen memories, Quaint and curious coincidences, Notes on analytical chemistry, New students, News and notes, Students' library, Sports and pastimes, School of Mines' annual dinner, Correspondence, Answers to correspondents, Editorial notes. Images.Booklet of 26 pages.pegging a tramway route, transmission of power by rope driving, briseis main and new brothers home, diabolo, snake valley, obituary, analytical chemistry, students' library, john brittain, a. e. c. kerr, w. smith, l. seward, leslie coulter, t. williams, f. treloar, whitington, hart, murphy, o. w. williams, l. knight, w. kingston, g. w. sides, w. gelard, w. t. sayer, s. r. white, a. c. hesselmann, r. j. moore, r. g. walker, j. a. peart, newton g. king, w. e. eyres, g.h davenport, a. d. r. galloway, j. e. b. crossley, j. smart, h. hylton, j. blayney, t. lennon, h. s. sheppard, p. c. osbourne, c.w. nash, les smith, w. b. tucker, c. w. white, a. j. robin, h. f. owen, l. a. westcott, e. m. boyer, ernie strick, isadore wittowski, m. tyler, h. m. conran, h. g. conran, h. g. cornell, l. j. middleton, j. d. orr, j. r. blight, w. g. taylor, l. hall, c. bult, g. o. ramsay, o. w. williams, stanley r. heron, john a. grant, william t. sayer, frederick l. treloar, patrick s. anderson, robert mitchell, frederick j. martell -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines, Student Magazine, Second Term, 1911, 1911
... l. a. westcott.... vaughan s. b. vial c. h. bale o. c. witherden e. m. weston l ...Table of Contents: Editorial, A hydro-electric scheme for Tasmania, Ore crushing and re-grinding, Dust breathing, Cyanide practice, Mr James Oddie, Mining, The estimation of caustic lime, Some geographical features of Ballarat, Art school notes, Chemical notes and abstracts, Mica and mica compounds used in Dynamo Insulation, Rock drills, News and notes, Correspondence, Sports, Past students, Editorial notes, Procession and theatre party, Answers to correspondents. Images.Booklet of 26 Pages.hydro-electric scheme for tasmania, ore crushing and re-grinding, dust breathing, cyanide practice, james oddie, mining, estimation of caustic lime, geographical features of ballarat, art school notes, mica and mica compounds used in dynamo insulation, rock drills, alumni, j. andrew wauchope, wilfred b. avery, f. brinsden, b. h. bennets, e. bieske, j. r. booth, a. s. coyte, h. b. cooke, t. a. cooper, t. e. copeland, leslie coulter, j. dickinson, g. h. davenport, w. e. eyres, e. frazer, w. e. figgis, g. govett, j. a. grant, e. gregory, a. a. gibson, w. gelard, e. c. hurdsfield, o. e. jager, oliver jaeger, herbert a. krause, w. kingston, h. r. kofoed, f. a. marriot, h. s. martin, d. mcdougall, c. w. nash, j. a. reid, s. h. sheppard, j. sutherland, w. t. sayer, g. sides, e. trend, rupert m. vaughan, s. b. vial, c. h. bale, o. c. witherden, e. m. weston, l. a. westcott, j. watson, j. worthington, william baragwanath, c. c. corrie, r. g. walker, g. g. sams, r. a. j. roberts, r. blight, j. cornell, v. booth, l. johnson, f. retallack, r. tinworth, r. roberts, h. whittingham, frederick j. martell -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine - Magazine of 24 pages, Baxter & Stubbs, Print, Ballarat School of Mines, Student Magazine, Second Term, 1912, 1912
... l. a. westcott.... h. vale o. c. witherden e. m. weston l. a. westcott j ...Table of Contents: Editorial, Quick combination methods in smelter assays, Twelve health precepts, News and notes, Correspondence, A neglected path of duty, Past students, A friendly castigation, Scientific brotherhood, The material constituents of a student, Henry Sutton, Old companions, Rapid methods for proximate analyses, Football, Temperance, Gas in the mine, The steam shovel at Panama, Physical properties of iron in relation to its chemical composition, The smallest engine on record, The diesel engine, Bendigo's rich goldfields, Concrete and steel, Dredging in Brazil, Editorial notes.Green booklet of 24 pageseditorial, quick combination methods in smelter assays, twelve health precepts, news and notes, correspondence, a neglected path of duty, past students, a friendly castigation, scientific brotherhood, the material constituents of a student, henry sutton, old companions, rapid methods for proximate analyses, football, temperance, gas in the mine, the steam shovel at panama, physical properties of iron in relation to its chemical composition, the smallest engine on record, the diesel engine, bendigo's rich goldfields, concrete and steel, dredging in brazil, editorial notes., alumni, f. brindsren, b .h. bennets, e. bleske, j. r. booth, a. s. coyte, h. b. cooke, t. a. couper, t. e. copeland, l. j. coulter, j. dickinson, g. h. davenport, w. e. eyres, e. fraser, a. a. gibson, g. govet, j. a. grant, e. c. hurdsfield, h. a. krause, w. kingston, h. r. kofoed, f. a. marriot, h. s. martin, d. m'dougall, c. w. nash, j. a. reid, j. sutherland, g. sides, e. trend, r. m. vaughan, s. b. vial, c. h. vale, o. c. witherden, e. m. weston, l. a. westcott, j. watson, j. worthington, j. adam, wilfred avery, h. baxter, h. caulfield, a. cropper, e. b. crossley, w. currie, dave don, hilary dowling, chas. fraser, a. d. galloway, w. geldard, hubert hall, g. s. hart, w. b. hirt, h. e. hawksworth, carl janssen, w. t. lakeland, l. j. lambert, c. lund, k. bryon moore, f. a. moss, jack orr, d. a. bunting, l. seward, h. s. sheppard, c. e. sands, n. stuckey, r. vale, r. watts, reg. williamson, wm. blythe, l. w. g. buchner, thos. davis, w. e. figgis, e. o. gregory, jack grieves, a. s. leathes, dave lilley, wm. macartney, guy ramsay, carl. moore, vic. nicholls, garnet nightingale, g. m. roberts, r. r. robin, len. seal, h. valentine, r. g. walker, n. buley, a. campbell, h. cornell, a. guy, h. hull, o. e. jaeger, m. mitchell, r. i. moore, j. r. sides, h. j. whittingham, c. s. whykes, colin c. corrie, h. miles, vic. milington, r. a. j. roberts, john r. booth, w. l. allen, f. c. hall, v. m. booth, e. s. anderson, r. blight, b. serjeant, m. williamson, fred j. martell, editorial, quick combination methods in smelter assays, twelve health precepts, news and notes, correspondence, a neglected path of duty, past students, a friendly castigation, scientific brotherhood, the material constituents of a student, henry sutton, old companions, rapid methods for proximate analyses, football, temperance, gas in the mine, the steam shovel at panama, physical properties of iron in relation to its chemical composition -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, G.S. Hart, Ballarat School of Mines Student's Magazine, First Term, 1904, 1904
... l. westcott.... kingsbury f. bicknell, a. bendallack l. westcott a. gibson g. s ...Table of contents: Editorial, The analysis of water for technical purposes, Standard and other solutions, Bucket dredging in Ballarat and its vicinity, A visit to Dapto, Life in British Guiana, Deep alluvial mining, The S.M.B. camp, In the magazines, Practical experience for mining engineers, Balance sheet students' magazine for the year ending 1903, Past students', Our illustrations, Diplomas and Certificates, Sports, Meeting of student association, New students', News and notes, Editorial notices.Pale gray booklet of 19 pagesballarat school of mines, students' magazine, j. t. d'oliveyra, j. r. mckenzie, j. dickenson, h. kingsbury, f. bicknell,, a. bendallack, l. westcott, a. gibson, g. s. hart, j. brangan, v. barton, w. a. gabriel, a. turner, a. woods, f. futter, v. vicol, h. w. blyth, f. m. lush, s. b. vial, l. nash, p. f. d. elliott, a. s. burdekin, w. playford, s. j. lindsay, lloyd petersham, j. wallis, johnstone, j. mcfeeters, d. w. b. arthur, f. fryer, h. giles, a. s. coyte, f. malin, j. m. currie, d. thomas, k. moore, w. edwards, h. alston, w. white, n. fraser, s. adamson,, w. brokenshire, w. f. brinsden, h. edgar, j. hil, h. leggo, p. e. marmion, j. don, f. cooper, f. dalton, c. eeles, r. elliott, e. trend, h. dowling,, d. elder, r. ford, a. paramour, a. gillespie, a. walters, w. bolte, h. burrows, p. v. barnard, l. lambert, w. j. lakeland, a. mcburney, j. ramsay, b. reid, f. a. marriott, s. radcliff, america, o. e. jager, p. a. millar, m. gray, r. j. allan, f. f. bradbury, w. a. gosman, a. g. s. morton, m. marks, t. vincent, j. vincent, r. nevett, d. urquhart, south africa, r. suter, h. l. krause, c. bailey, a. c. atkins, g. s. hart, e. j. a. mcconnon, o. e. jager, j. t. philbin, w. j. lakeland, l. w. nott, o. w. williams, f. r. williams, c. h. magennis, w. e. dempster, w, featherstone, j. smart, g. h. davenport, alan cropper, w. e. eyres, j. w. pearce, a. j. robin, a. c. leathes, w. o. avery, g. sides, c. milligan,, g. elliott, l. w. seward, e. r. gaunt, w. macartney, n. buley, s. r. white, r. king, c. s. stephenson, alfred mica smith, g. j. dawbarn, r. w. hawken, kerr gran, professor ferdinand krause, w. atherton, j. w. hawthorne, p. a. millar, f. a. marriott, f. c. futter., g. w. cornell, j. adam, h. w. nevett, v. g. anderson, c. mctaggart, d. don, w. tucker, h. eklund, kildhal -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines, Student Magazine, Second Term, 1910, 1910
... l. westcott... e. prendergast godfrey stephen hart t. s. hart l. westcott ...Table of Contents: Editorial, Open Night, Process in Ore Treatment at Kalgoorlie, Notes on Surveying, Artesian Wells, Concrete: Its use in mining, Description of the I. R. Process, "Old Boys" at Mt Morgan, News and Notes, Past Students, Correspondence, Answers to Correspondents, Handy to Know, Sporting Notes, Discovery of Chloroform, Say!, A Tragedy, The Berdan Pan, Editorial Notes. Orange coloured booklet of 28 pages.ballarat school of mines, students' magazine, king edward vii, m. w. bernewitz, angus a. gibson, r. ingram-moore, philpot f. brown, w. avery, e. prendergast, godfrey stephen hart, t. s. hart, l. westcott, a. r. booth, w. t. lakeland, lewis westcott, leo m. seward, reginald williamson, stanley white, clyde allan, charles laird, w. e. eyres, virgil tucker, h. hawkesworth, h. j. saw, h. meadows, fred g. brinsden, c. stephenson, fred treloar, j. peart, e. m. weston, dick galloway, h. b. bennetts, g. r. curry, will watson, don cameron, eric bieske, cliff garrard, lindsay d. cameron, phil brown, w. p. avery, j. foster, j. bickett, f. h. inglis, g. davenport, l. c. courbould, t. lennon, h. wilkins, g. h. reid, c. hesselmann, e. fraser, e. c. hurdsfield -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Berry, Anderson and Co., Printers, Bookbinders, &c, Ballarat School of Mines, Student Magazine, Second Term, 1910, 1910
... , godfrey stephen hart, t. s. hart, l. westcott, a. r. booth, w. t..., godfrey stephen hart, t. s. hart, l. westcott, a. r. booth, w. t ...Table of Contents: Editorial, Open night, Process in ore treatment at Kalgoolie, Notes on surveying, Artesian wells, Concrete: Its use in mining, Description of the I. R. process, "Old Boys" at Mount Morgan, News and notes, Past students, Correspondence, Answers to correspondence, Handy to know, Sporting notes, Discovery of Chloroform, Say!, A tragedy, The Berdan pan, Editorial notes. Ballarat School of Mines Associates. Images.Booklet of 28 pages.table of contents: editorial, open night, process in ore treatment at kalgoolie, notes on surveying, artesian wells, concrete: its use in mining, description of the i. r. process, "old boys" at mount morgan, news and notes, past students, correspondence, answers to correspondence, handy to know, sporting notes, discovery of chloroform, say!, a tragedy, the berdan pan, editorial notes, images. ballarat school of mines associates., alumni: fred j. martell, m. w. bernewitz, angus a. gibson, r. ingram moore, philpot f. brown, w. avery, e. preddergast, godfrey stephen hart, t. s. hart, l. westcott, a. r. booth, w. t. lakeland, lewis westcott, leo m. seward, w. e. eyres, virgil tucker, h. hawkesworth, h. j. saw, h. meadows, fred g. brinsden, c. stephenson, fred treloar, j. peart, e. m. weston, dick galloway, h. b. bennetts, g. r. curry, h. meadows, will watson, don cameron, eric bieske, cliff garrard, lindsay d. cameron, phil brown, w. p. avery, j. foster, j. bickett, f. h. inglis , g. davenport, l. c. courbould, t. lennon, h. wilkins, g. h. reid, c. hesselmann, e. fraser, reg callister, e. c. hursfield, w. baragwanath, c. c. corrie, r. i. moore, j. l. sampson, h. conran, w. geldard. -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Book - Glenhuntly Women’s Amateur Athletic Club
This file contains two items. 1. A book, ‘History, Glenhuntly Women’s Amateur Athletic Club, 1929-1979’ by Dorothy Neal (1979) including a typed, one page, bibliography. 2. A booklet, ‘Glenhuntly Women’s Amateur Athletic Club 1929-1979, 50 years of Photos’.ryan bill, davis bob, ryan patsy, smith doris, mills l. c. miss., quinlan miss., wilkinson mrs., rae b. miss., nicholls miss., hughes beryl, westcott o. mr., glenhuntly, glenhuntly cricket ground, caulfield racecourse, athletic clubs, athletics, neal dorothy, women’s athletics, women athletics, duncan mackinnon reserve -
Federation University Historical Collection
Letter - Letterbook, Ballarat School of Mines Letterbook, 1915 to 1916, 1916
... westcott w.l. carroll turnbull l. vernon s. nightingale cathcart ...The letter book related to outward letters from the Ballarat School of Mines.A bound leatherbound book with marble endpapers. The contents are copies of outward letters from the Ballarat School of Mines from July 1915 to May 1916. Page 807 relates to the Ballarat Eight Hours' Anniversary Committee (J. Kean) Page 906 - Letter from L. Austin (Ballarat School of Mines Registrar) concerning the appointment of Winifred Joy and Hestor Darby as assistants to Miss Abrams to the Ballarat School of Mines Senior Commercial Classes. ballarat school of mines, correspondence, murphy, vaughan, victor greenhalgh, irvine coulter, lancelot austin, l.s.g.p. austin, adcock, james bickett, bickett, tunbridge, tucker, desnoy, phillips, edgar mcconnon, revill tinworth, r.o. buchanan, john dulfer, stanley westcott, wolfram, assay, anzac medallion, beaufort house, ballarat eight hours' anniversary, last chance mine, evan walker, norman carmichael, doney, thomas doolan, harold wakeling, bowman, james early, garry eason, abrams, bennett, duthie, harry fern, hetherington, hutchinson, collyeer, colom, carew-smyth, ponsonby carew-smyth, donald clark, george swinburne, bev syliva, hestor darby, joy winifred, barry judd, c.c. campbell, cathcart centrel gold mining co, adcockbawden, benevolent asylum, ditchburn, doctor spring, doepel and chandler, eureka tile company, pitfield, edwads pyrites works, embling, fleay, c.e. fenner, mount rowan, gower, greenhalgh, c. hosking, murtoa, c.a. hoadley, harold herbert, jolly, kenny, kelsall, kerr, architect, a.m. lilburne, lemmon, andrew land, leipson, h.s. lawson, a. levy, scarsdale gold mines, w.k. moss, fred martell, e.j. mcconnen, read murphy, h. morris, leongatha, maurice claude, j. middleton, j.c. molley, e. merlin, e.f. pitman, p. pringle, rumble, dr robin, edgar richard, g. remfry, g. robertson, james rich, a. ross, d. l. stirling, s. stretch, c. skilbeck, r. strachan, w.k. thomson, grant taylor, j.h. tundbury, v.e. reeves, tin mining co. hobart, vernon, hilda wardle, daylesford, waller, whitloa, w. watson, b. whitington, j.b. robinson, k. hamilton, photography, j.m. sutherland, j.h. scullin, scholarship, w.h. wesley, gundagai, a.t. o'meara, associated smelters port pirrie, assayer, telegraphy, t. williams, d.l. stirling, edward finnis, norman tinworth, j.y. mcdonald, h.s. summers, geology, homeward bound bon accord gmc, e.t. vane, a.d. dunstan, maughan, cox, g.s. richards, westcott, w.l. carroll, turnbull, l. vernon, s. nightingale, cathcart central gold mining company cathcart, a.j. moffit, v.e. reevesr. mcmillan, w. nankervis, w.h. clutterbuck, j.m. wesley, e. dooley, olive mckillop, dana street primary school shelter shed, ballarat junior technical school, british nationality and aliens act, war relief fund, s. hylton bravo, queensland molasses co, ethel merlin, a.e. poulton, commercial, winifred joy, c. adcock, lancelot st.g.p. austin, herbert p. bennett, a. bray, fonald clark, walter collyer, o.f. colom, g.e. desnoy, f.w.r. doney, brian h. duthie, a. gordon, g.m. hetherington, kath hutchinson, baryr judd, j. kean, john y. mcdonald, j. murray, a.f. phillips, c.c. phillips, john mck. sutherland, bev sylvia, r.e. tunbridge, miachel vaughan, p. vawdey, h.j. vernon, harold g. wakeling, pharmacy board, pharmacy, r. cutter, ballarat technical art school building, dalgety & co., h.s.w. lawson, a.h. powell, australian institute of engineers, eight hours' anniversary committee, silberberg, beckman's thermometer, miss abrams business college -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Student's Magazine, First Term, 1903, 1903
Table of contents: Editorial, The analysis of Portland cement, Copper smelting in Western America, Notes of travel in Central Africa, Aboriginal research, The conservation of matter, A bit of Australian history, Trip to Ascot, S.M.B. Dirge, Students' Association annual meeting, News and notes, New students, Past students, The annual sports, Cricket, Football, Answers to correspondents, Editorial notes.Pale brown booklet of 20 pagesballarat school of mines, students' magazine, bill cairncross, lew westcott, kerr grant, oliver jager, j. e. o'dwyer, h. j. saw, j. l. vetter, t. lennon, c. king, a. c. officer, j. glasgow, p. davies, w. figgis, j. f. anderson, r. e. cowles, d. l. thomas, s. g. turrell, w. hicks, c. j. reid, w mccready, n. s. stuckey, l. mitchell, d. t. thomas, e. h. best, h. owen, h. eklund, j. judd, alex fraser, w. brokenshire, syd adamson, arthur coyte, h. couturier, archie hay, w. brinsden, w. herman, d. deane, h. leggo, w. white, w. meldrum, f. dalton, j. hill, p. e. marmion, w. parramore, d. ryan, a. l. n. walters, t. uthwatt, v. a. nicol, a. f. gillespie, f. c. futter, h. alston, j. philbin, d. t. elder, r. c. mccracken -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Student's Magazine, Second Term, 1903, 1903
Table of contents: Editorial, Bad language in Sturt Street, The Greatest Mining Camp on Earth, A method for estimating arsenic in ores, S.M.B. camp, Some engineering experiences, Some reminiscences of W. A., Science notes, Notes on Mt Lyell, Students afield, Estimation of titanium, Illustration - students' abroad - No. 1, Past students, Ballarat scientific and literary society, Students' reunion, News and notes, Special notice, A sentimental ditty, International atomic weights. Pale gray booklet of 20 pagesballarat school of mines, students' magazine, o. e. jager, obituary, alfred gersham johnston, w. b. blyth, s. b. vial,, d. w. b. arthur, s. radcliffe, r. j. allen, tom vincent, angus gibson, lew westcott, reg robin, r. a. suter, b. nicholls, cecil eeles, gerald young,, harold edgar, fred cooper, h. l. krause, len seal, r. m. stubbs, dave lilley, e. w. trend, austin woods, j. phillipson, j. brangan, e. prendergast,, w. j. lakeland, w. a. gosman, a. basil reid, students' reunion, alfred mica smith, dr salmon, j. b. pearson, e. shew, j. m. currie, h. alston,, h. irwin, f. j. martell, a. m. ritchie, professor dawbarn, a. m. ritchie, t. s. hart, j. a. reid, a. e. kerr, a. gillespie, thomas hart, frederick martell -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Baxter & Stubbs, Print, Ballarat School of Mines, Student Magazine, First Term, 1911, 1911
Table of Contents: Editorial, Annual Report of the S.M.B.S.A. 1910, Annual Dinner, S.M.B.S.A. Notes, Sports, Correspondence, Motor Maxims, Answers to Correspondents, Little Drama, Radium in Australia, Shaft Sinking as practised in Ballarat, Mining Notes, Geological Notes, Treatment by Clancy Process, Mining in Bendigo, Cyanimid, A Locally made Gramophone, The Miners' Chorus, Past Students, Editorial Notices.Green coloured booklet of 21 pages plus advertisements.ballarat school of mines, students' magazine, geo. g. sams, professor t. h. laby. past students': j. r. booth, w. t. lakeland, lewis westcott, leo. m. seward,, reginal williamson, stanley white, clyde allan, charles laird, w. e. eyres, virgil tucker, h. hawkesworth, h. j. saw, fred. g. brinsden, c. stevenson,, j. peart, e. m. weston, dick galloway, h. b. bennetts, g. r. curry, h. meadows, will watson, don. cameron, eric bieske, cliff. garrard, lindsay d. cameron,, phil brown, w. p. avery, j. foster, j. bickett, f. h. inglis, g. davenport, l. c. courbould, t. lennon, h. wilkins, g. h. reid, c. hesselmann, e. fraser,, reg. callister, f. bicknell, leslie blick, w. t. sayer, h. f. hall, o. e. jager, w. geldard, p. c. downes, g. sides, f. bruce, chas. stubbs, ralph ingram-moore. -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet - Magazine, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1916, 1916
Editorial, Fumes from the Lab, First Principles, Excursion to Melbourne, General Principles of the Cinematograph, Arts & Crafts gossip, In Memoriam, Public notices, Answers to correspondents, Echoes of the past, Science School, Technical Art School, Shun Military notes, The Camp Concert, The Junior Techs, Past members of the staff, Swinburne Technical School visit. Blue soft covered magazine of 62 pages.ballarat school of mines, magazine, charles w. whyte, patrick s. anderson, william t. sayer, william f. m. johnson, robert m. sergeant, harold t. w. dixon, harrie wilson, ernest s. morsehead, carl jensen, t. wilkins, james fairbairn fairley, l. c. blick, f. maxwell, n. turnball, j. a. greenshields, e. eimering, l. tonkin, h. smith, r.cox, r. o. buchanan, l. vernon, w. h. steane, n. henry, r. dale, ted cannon, john walter sutherland, basil sawyer, charles burbury, herbert r. sleeman, eustace m. weston, oliver e. jaeger, godfrey s. hart, lionel j. lambert, charles g. fraser, l.w.g. buchner-malcolm, james a. reid, richard g. walker, leslie j. coulter, herbert e. hawkesworth, leslie de jersey grut, frederick g. brinsden, lewis j. westcott, angus d. gibson, henry j. whittingham, virgil tucker, norman c. tinworth, charles e. finnis, benjamin h. bennett, valentine g. anderson, ernest s. anderson, ralph i. moore, john a. grant, william gerldard, francis c. hall, harold g. cornell, robert b. lamb, sydney radcliff, george a. denny, frederick p. paul, j. lipson hancock, edgar c. hursfield, david w. bonar, wilfred l. allen, william j. lakeland, frederick a. marriott, eric byron moore, karl byron moore, norman stuckey, percy r. osborne, john f. sporn, horace l. giles, maurice troup, albert e. davies, thos. h. trengrove, garnet nightingale, walter h. bennett, cyril theimeyer, stanley tomkins, harold herbert, viola jackson, hilda wardle, elsie naples, jessie pridgeon, gertrude owen, alfred berryman, herbert malin, cedric white, arthur lilburne, donald j. johnson, arthur kennedy, eulalie perry, rex l. cutter, ronald ferguson, murdoch spencer, john b. sutcliffe, elliott gower, james leckie, richard craze, thos. r. pridgeon, d. hambly, harold n. ferguson, mabel morris, jack blaikie, robert allen, aubrey simmons, janet white, harold brown, kenneth moss, robert tremain, j. m. hobba, f. g. davis, e.j. cannon, reginald callister, r.c. callister, f.g. procter, gladstone procter -
Federation University Historical Collection
Certificate, Education Department, Victoria, Victorian Education Department Certificates, 1916-1928
Ballarat Technical Art School was a division of the Ballarat School of Mines.373 certificates in 2 boxes. Most appear to be related to subjects undertaken at the Ballarat Technical Art School. Director of education stamped signature Frank Tate.Stamped Ballarat School of Mines No.10 Stamped signature "Frank Tate"ann duke, plain needlework, victor greenhalgh, frank tate, ballarat technical art school, arnold j. allen, florence allen, m.a. ansen, dressmaking, modelling human figure from cast, ruby e. allison, drawing fro memory, nancy b. angwin, maude arberry, douglas w. arch, muriel j. arch, eileen bailey, annie c. baker, percy j. baker, general design, light metal work, bessie m. barbery, commerical arithmetic, decorative needlework, bert bernaldo, drawing from a flat example, lorna m. mccallum, brush drawing, stanley g.a. barnett, millinery, mavis g. beacham, theodore k. beckwith, isabel j. bell, kelva e. bellingham, leslie bennett, olive van berkel, elizabeth e. berry, beatrice m. blake, thomas g. blake, catherine m. bowers, nancy w. bowe, clarice v. branagh, harold r. brown, architecture, modelling the head from life, henry bull, light metalwork, ivan d. brown, thyra j. brown, henry j. bull, leila m. burford, embossed leathwork, lettering, drawing fro dressmakers, irene m. burke, josephine m. callery, modelling, mona r. callow, herbert cameron, lillias cameron, william e. carlyon, doris l. carter, ruth e. catt, hiram e. chamberlain, stephen chambers, jack d. chand, jack d. chard, clara v. clegg, beryl e. coad, john c. collins, keith m. collins, robert g. collins, kathleen m. conway, athol b. cornish, ballantyne cottier, douglas s. cotton, lilith s. christmas, perspective, doreen coughlan, ivy g. crompton, phyllis culliver, joan m. cuthbertson, alan r. cutter, john l. daniel, arthur dansey, katherine d'arcy, dorothy f. darling, myrtle f. darling, reginal a. davey, gwladys h. davies, annie dellaca, henry a. deller, ivy f. denovan, joyce doepel, bessie donacaster, charles o. dowie, horace b. dowsing, walter dunstan, mary dwyer, allan r. egglestone, melville g. ellingsen, hugh o. elliott, beryl r. ellis, cecil f. engish, allan e. evans, matson l. eves, olive j. fairlie, robert j. falla, mavis felstead, lena featherston, albert c. ferguson, alma ferguson, hilda m. ferguson, john f. ferguson, beatrice m. field, clarice f. fisher, philip h. fleischer, building construction, olive p. francis, agnes fraser, essie gale, gilbert foster, pearle fricke, effie gascoigne, enid m. gates, clarice gear, james a. geary, sylvia f. greenhalgh, evelyn f. geddes, thomas j. gibson, wavie b. gilbert, edna m. gilmer, nancy govan, eula h. gower, doris e. gray, lesley j. gower, henry n. graham, victor e. greenhalgh, melva e. gribble, human anatomy, roy k. griggs, jack gullan, robert gullan, alma m. gunn, dorothy j. hallan, lucy hamilton, james hammer, dorothy e. hamond, christopher j. hanlon, catherin hardess, lily haymes, gladys hedges, irene h. hewitt, john hill, victor j. hill, olive hillings, john a. hobill, frances k. holmes, gertrude m. hopkins, alice horan, marjorie hudson, linda m. hughes, lydia hughes, winifred humphreys, commercial english, agnes a. humphries, colin hunt, kathleen hutchinson, francis n. king, jean king, hilda knox, john kopke, isabel a. kopke, hazel jackson, freda jacobi, agnes james, william r. james, alexander johnson, edward j. jones, eleanor w.h. jones, nellie kau, thomas kean, francis kelly, roy k. kelly, thomas g. kierce, theo e. leonard, esther f. leviston, bessie lockett, norman h. long, ena mackay, gwenda e. mann, robert v. maddison, herbert w. malin, dorothy m. marriott, john c. mcarthur, james p. mcculloch, doris mcdougall, cyril mcgibbony, thelma mcgibbony, jean mcgregor, kenneth mciver, constance m. mckenzie, elsie j. mckissock, alexander k.mcleod, grace b. mclean, john f.w. mclean, rebecca mcphan, vera meeny, edna merritt, dougald miller, florence h. mingst, agnes m. monteith, doreen j. montgomery, jean e. montgomery, robert w.p. montgomery, margaret b. moore, harry e. morrish, james mow, gwendoline r. neagle, gerald r. newson, robert j. nicol, helen f. nicholl, george m. norton, edward s. oliver, mavis e. oliver, hector h, osborne, henry parker, norma e. parr, doris m. patterson, elsie pearce, celia pearlman, leslie pearlman, edna pearson, william j. perriman, eulalie perry, ernest b. pinney, charles e. peverill, clarence r. pittock, raymond b. pitts, phyllis polson, cynthia b. power, bessie puzey, john m. punshon, evelyn a.v. ramsay, robert i ramsay, william a. rattray, drawing for builders and artisans, george h. reed, fred reeves, mavis i. regelhuth, george r. renkin, annie e. reynolds, lizzie rice, eileen l. richards, henry c. riegelhuth, gladys m. riley, charles a. rimmington, amy robson, ernest w. robson, florence a. rogers, dorothy rppney, kathleen rooney, hugh n. ross, stella m. rowe, agnes w. ryan, rosaling e. sage, cora sandberg, eric c. sanders, douglas f. scott, sylvia e. selkirk, dorine a. shearer, gladys sheldon, emily e. simper, veri slattery, florence c. smith, hilda m. spencer, rose spiers, mopna g. spiller, alma m. stapleton, joyce w. stark, marcus m. stone, commercial correspondence, beatrice m. stuart, ena v. sullivan, margaret a. sydes, rita tainsh, norman b. tamlyn, arthur w. thane, alma m. thomas, david e. thomas, william h. thompson, william m. thomas, edgatr j.t. tippett, sidnet tippett, gladys tongway, mavis toop, hugh d. trainor, annie e. treloar, john h. treloar, eilleen trumain, linda f. treewk, percival a. trompf, percy trompf, jean tunbridge, ruth e. tunbridge, allan j. twaits, irene m. utting, elizabeth van beek, william a. wade, agnes a. walker, james a. walker, vera v. aller, john walsh, marjorie walters, rex warrillow, edith watson, bernice e. webb, constance i weeks, ina m. westcott, pearl whan, violet wheeler, myrtle d. whitfield, annie whitl, richard l. whitla, charles f. whitla, grace a. wilcock, murray a. wilkie, andrew w. william, arthur williams, baden p. williams, david d. williams, grace f. williams, maude h. williams, mavis m. williams, james williamson, ivy wilson, hector g wilson, frederick w.r. wilson, david s. wood -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine - Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines, Student Magazine, Third Term, 1910, 1910
Booklet of 30 pages. Table of Contents: Editorial, Theatre party, Economic Geology of Victoria, Obituary - Andrew Anderson Esq., J. P., Our President, Coal, History of roasting at Kalgoorlie, Melbourne electric supply co, Australian coinage, Pilbarite, Liquid air, What is the "Expression" for "Success in the electrical engineering professions?", Students' annual excursion to Melbourne, Melbourne city council's electric light station, Modern tunneling, Estimation of copper, Oxozone - a fume destroyer, News and notes, Sporting notes, Answers to correspondents, Past Students, Editorial notes. Images.Pink coloured booklet of 32 pages. Page 25 outline the whereabouts of past Ballarat School of Mines Students: A.R. Booth, W.T. Lakeland, Lewis Westcott, Leo M. Seward, Reginald Williamson, Stanley White, Clyde Allan, Charles Laird, W.E. Eyres, Virgil Tucker, H. Hawkesworth, H.J. Saw, H. Meadows, Fred G. Brinsden, C. Stevenson, Fred Treloar, J. Peart, E.M. Weston, Dick Galloway, Richard Galloway, G.R. Curry, H. Meadows, Will Watson, Don Cameron, Eric Bieske, Cliff Garrard ballarat school of mines, staff, obituary - andrew anderson, esq., j.p., l. w. g. buchner, a. r. booth, w. t. lakeland, lewis westcott, leo. m. seward, reginald williamson, stanley white, clyde allan, charles laird, w. e. eyres, virgil tucker, h. hawkesworth, h. j. saw, h. meadows, fred. g. brinsden, c. stevenson, fred treloar, j. peart, e. m. weston, dick galloway, h. b. bennetts, g. r. curry, will watson, don. cameron, eric bieske, cliff. garrard, lindsay d. cameron, phil brown, w. p. avery, j. foster, j. bickett, f. h. inglis, g. davenport, l. c. courbould, t. lennon, h. wilkins, g. h. reid, c. hesselmann, e. fraser, reginald callister, a.r. booth, w.t. lakeland, leo m. seward, w.e. eyres, h.j. saw, fred g. brinsden, e.m. weston, richard galloway, g.r. curry, don cameron, cliff garrard -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine - Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines, Student Magazine, Fourth Term, 1910, 1910
Table of Contents: Editorial, Rotary converter notes, Ambulance, Slime treatment for attraction of gold, Description of slime settler or dewaterer in use at the Brownhill Consols mine Kalgoorlie, Transvaal geology, Chlorine produced electrolytically, Scaling of copper plates, The eucalyptus, Sports meeting, Rowing, Past students, News and notes, Answers to correspondents, Editorial notices. Images.Magazine of 24 pages. Page 17 lists the whereabout of past Ballarat School of MInes students: J.R. Booth, W.t. Lakeland, Lewis Westcottm Leo M. Seward, Reginald Williamson, Stanley White, Clyde Allan, Charles Lamb, W.E. Eyres, Virgil Tucker, H. Hawkesworth, H.J. Saw, Fred G. Brisnden, C. Stevenson, Fred Treloar, J. Peart, E.M. Weston, Dick Galloway, H.B. Bennetts, G.R. Curry, H. Meadows, Eric Bieske, Cliff Garrard, Phil Brown, Lindsay D. Cameron, Phil Brown,, W.P. Avery, J. Foster, J. Bickett, F.H. Inglis, G. Devenport, t. lennon, h. wilkins, g.h. reid, c. hesselman, E. Fraser, Reginald Callister, F. Bicknell, Leslie Blick, W.T. Sayer, W.F. Hall, O.e. Jaeger, W. Gelard, P.C. Downes, G. Sides, F. Bruce, Frank Bruce.rotary converter, ambulance, slime treatment for attraction of gold, slime settler or dewaterer, brownhill consols mine kalgoorlie, transval geology, chlorine produced electrolytically, scaling of copper plates, eucalyptus, alumni, rollo e. huntley, j.r. booth, w. t. lakeland, lewis westcott, leo m. seward, reginald williamson, stanley white, clyde allan, charles laird, w. e. eyers, virgil tucker, h. hawkesworth, h. j. saw, fred g. brinsden, c. stevenson, fred treloar, j. peart, e. m. weston, dick galloway, h. b. bennetts, g. r. curry, h. meadows, will watson, don cameron, eric bieske, cliff garrard, lindsay d. cameron, phil brown, w. p avery, j. foster, james bickett, f. h. inglis, g. davenport, l. c. courbould, t. lennon, h. wilkins, g. h. reid, c. hesselmann, e. fraser, reginald callister, f. bicknell, leslie blick, w. t. sayer, h. f. hall, o. e. jaeger, w. geldard, p. c. downes, g. sides, f. bruce, e. c. hurdsfield, william baragwanath, r. i. moore, j. l. sampson, h. conran, w. gelard, frederick j. martell, h. cornell, g.c. klug, great fingall consolidated ltd, transvaal geology, eucalyptus gum tree, w.t. lakeland, lewis westcottm leo m. seward, charles lamb, w.e. eyres, h.j. saw, fred g. brisnden, e.m. weston, h.b. bennetts, g.r. curry, w.p. avery, j. bickett, f.h. inglis, g. devenport, g.h. reid, c. hesselman, w.t. sayer, w.f. hall, o.e. jaeger, p.c. downes, frank bruce., mt morgan, kalgoorlie, mt elliott copper mine, ballarat city baths, r.b. young -
Creswick Museum
Honour Board, 1920 approx
Pupils who listed World War 1. Wooden Board with 80 small glass panels holding photographs. Four wooden panels listing 157 names of the pupils in gold lettering with red cross against the names of the soldiers who were killed. Top Creswick School Roll of Honour Botton: A tribute to the Students of this school who served the Empire. The Great War 1914-1919. Photos in LHS 1. JS Anderson 2 A Anderson 3 R Anderson 4 A Beckerleg, 5 R Bell 6 A Bernado 7 J Bernado 8 EG Booth 9 M Boradale 10 R Boradale 11 R Boradale 12 WJ Bowley 13 FA Canning 14 HGN Cassell 15 E Clarkson 16 A Clausen 17 V Crougey 18 HG Dean 19 W K Dean 20 CV Gardner 21 WG Gardner 22 RJ Gardner 23 EH Goats 24 R Gray 25 B Gray 26 AB Grose 27 CT Grose 28 BA Grose 29 JB Grose 30 W Hadler 31 W Hartley 32 GT Hewitson 33 CC Hewitson 34 W Howie 35 R Howie 36 C Howie 37 WH James 38 P Kennedy 39 WJ Lambert 40 A Lambert 41 F Lambert RHS 42 H Lambert 43 WH McFarlane 44 VH Malone 45 PJA Malone 46 J Maughan 47 J Mendham 48 AE Merriman* 49 AC New 50 T New 51 W Parkes* 52 R Pasco 53 FH Pavarno 54 EP Pavarno 55 AB Peters* 56 G Petrie* 57 T Porter 58 G Porter 59 F Porter 60 H Praetz 61 R Praetz 62 S Reeves 63 W Sherriff 64 P Short 65 J Skewes 66 N Slade 67 JC Smith 68 J Still 69 GW Tait 70 DG Toohey 71 A Tonkins 72 SH Townshend 73 E Townshend* 74 HE Townshend 75 H H Townshend 76 S Treloar 77 RJ Ward 78 WE Westcott* 79 FC Whitfield* 80 AC Wisby* Writen Names T Anderson, T Arnold, S,D,G & W Barclay, G Beaucort, B Bentwich, J Berry, E&C Blake, S&A Bush, AF, WJW & R, Bowley, J,F & HB Brady, Alex Bowley, L Brotherton, JC Caddy*, J Canning, SF Carlyon, R Chaulkey, F Clausen, F*,G & J Clifton,V Creati,B Crosbie, H* & V Clover, A Chandler, J&G Davidson, S Dean, W Denny, W Digby, C Douglas D,H* & J Drummond, G Donald*, JP Dooley, W*&A Edmends, Percy Ellis, P,SW & T Ellis, A Egglestone, W & R Fricker, A,C & Clive Falla, G Fricker, A* & W Gibson, H Gardner, EJA Gray, WEC, N & H Grose, H Green, M Glass, FP Grady, W Hadler, W Hartley, N&T Hammon, H & J Harris, W & L Hartland, R Hawkey, PA Hertford, T Hogo, R Forrestor, A,F & N James, J Jebb, Alex,A & FT Johnson, WE Jordan, P Jory, E Jane, HC,RJ & JW Kelly, A King, S knight* M Lang(Sister), Clint'n Lavas, Mat Lang, C&TJ Liddicoat, RG* & ED Lindsay, W Little, L Lucas(navy), W & C Mann, WHS Merriman, J Mitchell, S Northcott, S New, W Nicholas, V Northcott, L Orange, JT & HC Packham, E Pearce, E Pilling, J Praetz, R Williams, AM & F* Robertson, A Romeo, J Rowe, H Russell, H & C Woods, C Sandford, G Sherriff, W & F Smith, J & R Snell, A & J* Spence, W Stephenson, J A Still, W,WL & AJ Surredge, J Shaw, Jas Wisby, A Treeby, F Tregonning, FL & W Treloar, A Tremearne, R Tilt, H Vague, A Wade, H Wall, BT,IW & J Ward, J,M & O Whatman, D Wilson, H & A Wood, DG Wormald, A Wright, L Watt, A Whitfield*. -
Northern District School of Nursing. Managed by Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Training School 72, 12 Aug 1968
The Northern District School of Nursing opened in 1950 to address the issues around nurse recruitment, training and education that had previously been hospital based. The residential school was to provide theoretical and in-house education and practical training over three years. The students would also receive practical hands-on training in the wards of associated hospitals. The Northern District School of Nursing operated from Lister House, Rowan Street, Bendigo. It was the first independent school of nursing in Victoria and continued until it closed in 1989.School 72 final night at the Shamrock Hotel Bendigo, graduation ball. At Right standing is Anne Connolly and Margaret Frazer (Mrs Hassell). Kneeling L-R: Elizabeth Crooks, Glenda Hose (Mrs Westcott). Martin Washington Photographers 811 Williamson Street, Bendigo.nurse training, ndsn, lister house, school 72 -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph, Ballarat Trained World War One Nurses Honour Board from the Ballarat Base Hospital, 2017, 2017
Timber Honour Board on display at the Ballarat Base Hospital. nurses, world war one, ballarat base hospital, quarterman, m. anderson, j. borwick, g. bennett, l. cannon, t. dunn, r. douglas, e. davidson, d. furness, l. howarth, r. just, a. brown, s. bell, m. bolton, m. butler, a. brawn, e. keane, g. larkan, r. medwell, m. morrow, m. matthews, g. munro, l. mckenzie, e. popplewell, r. pratt, d. llewellyn, l. mcdonald, e. mcleod, l. rogers, a. roberts, s. semmens, a. serjeant, m. slater, b. thompson, f. vines, v. woinarski, l. whidburn, p. wardell, b. williams, l. mcgregor, s. morris, l. poultney, i. peady, b. peady, j. reeves, r. tyers, j. thomas, a.m. westcott, b. wallace -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Junior Legacy Classes, 1951
A photo of a class of young legatees in 1951, in a garage, called the East Brighton Group. There are 29 boys, of various ages, in gymnastic gear with the Legacy logo on the chest and 4 men who could be the instructor and a Legacy member. Legacy clubs ran classes for junior legatees for many years, such as gymnastics and swimming classes. It was part of providing for the children of their deceased comrades. The skills they learned were show cased in an annual demonstration usually at the Melbourne Town Hall. It appears to be photo taken professionally, as there are several photos of different classes (see 00862 - 00867) perhaps to record Legacy classes for promotion purposes. The notes on the back mentioned there are 6 other groups of boys (perhaps those in Kew, Fitzroy, Footscray, Malvern and Auburn in the other photos mentioned). The names are: From the left, rear: L/. W Blackall, Bob Watson, Leon Wicks, L/. Evans, Bill Luck, Kev Gleeson, David Endean, Rex Mason, Douglas Grigg, Don Paulson, Bernard Hubbard, Bob Lancaster, Neville Trevena, Alan Barrett, Bob Gleeson, Eric Scott, Doug Wylie, Bill Gleeson, Mr G. Nelson Instr., Mr H. Singleton Instr. Front: Don Scott, Peter Luck, Tony Minogue, Gavan Carr, Warwick Leeming, Peter Marsh, John McLennan, Bruce Grigg, Robin Barker, Stephen Westcott, Barry Larkam, Roger Falahey, Tom Cocksam. Absent: J. Paulson (Capt.)A record of a way Legacy provided classes for junior legatees.Black and white photo of a class of Legacy boys in a garage.Handwritten in blue ink "East Brighton Group 7 Dec 1951. There are 6 other groups for boys". Stamped '2668' in grey ink Handwritten 'P4 Legacy' in blue pen and 'Reduce to 6 and half " wide' in pencil. Blue ink notes detail the boys' names.junior legatee, boys' classes -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine - Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1916, 1916
School Council, Members of Staff, Editorial, Fumes from the Lab, Ancient Craft Classes and the Apprenticeship Question, Magazine Editorial Staff, The Trip to Bradshaw's Creek, Arts & Crafts Gossip, In Memoriam - E. J. Cannon, Echoes of the Past, The Haunted Tram Car, Old Boys', Sport, Shun!! Military Notes, The Junior TechsBlue soft covered magazine of 62 pages. Former students mentioned are John Walter Sutherland, Basil Sawyer, Charles Burbury, Herbert Sleeman, Eustace M. Watson. Oliver E. Jaeger, Oliver e. Jager, Godfrey Stephen Hart, Lionel J. Lambert, Charles G. Fraser, L.W.G. Buchner-Malcolm, James A. Reid, Richard G. Walker, Leslie J. Coulter, Herbert E. Hawkesworth, Leslie de Jersey Grut, Frederick G. Brisnden, Reginald Callister, Lewis J. Westcott, Angus D. Gibson, Henry Whittingham, Virgil Tucker, Norman C. Tinworth, Charles E. Finnis, Benjamin H. Bennett, Valentine G. Anderson, Ernest S. Anderson, Ralph I. Moore, John A. Grant, William Geldard, Francis C. Hall, Harold G. Cornell, Robert H. Lamb, Sydney Radcliff, George A. Denny. Frederick P. Paul, H. Lipson Hancock, Edgar C. Hurdsfield, David W. Bonar. Wilfred L. Allen, William J. Lakeland, Frederick A. Marriott, Eric Byron Moore, NOrman Stuckey, PErcy H. Osborne, John F. Spornballarat school of mines, magazine, f. maxwell, n. turnbull, g. procter, e. seimering, l. tonkin, w. carrol, h. smith, r. cox, j. a. greenshields, jnr, r. o. buchanan, l. vernon, a. bowman, w. h. steane, n. henry, r. dale, e. j. cannon, ted cannon, lance-corporal e. j. cannon, charles w. whyte, patrick s. anderson, william t. sayer, william f. m. johnson, robert m. sergeant, harold t. w. dixon, harrie wilson, ernest s. morsehead, carl jensen, corpl. r. sergeant, sergt. h. dixon, q.m.s. t. wilkins, captain james fairbairn fairley, sergt. e. morshead, sergt. hy. wilson, lieut. l. c. blick, f. g. procter, f. g. davies, gladstone procter, bradshaw's creek, edwin cannon, art library -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine - Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Student's Magazine, First Term, 1907, 1907
Table of contents: Editorial, Obituary, Professor A. Mica Smith, The choice of an economical heat engine, The direct estimation of Antimony, Electrical developments, R. B. Lamb, Easter geological camp, Sumitomo Bessi; The Great Copper Mine of Japan, Sporting notes, Professor Mica Smith's 25th Anniversary and students' second annual dinner, Correspondence, Modern treatment of gold ores, Answers to correspondents, News and notes, Past students, New students, Editorial notes.Orange coloured booklet of originally 26 pages, pages 3 to 14 are missing.ballarat school of mines, students' magazine, obituary, john heath ray, professor alfred mica smith, a. d. galloway, w. e. figgis, l. seward, a. c. stanger-leathes, h. r. murphy, c. dawson, g. h. davenport, j. m. sutherland, s. k. heron, f. treloar, t. s. hart, thomas hart, a. e. tandy, e. e. booth, figgis, pearce, p. a. pratt, past students, p. lewis, j. a. reid, r. d. nevett, j. mcfeeters, p. d. elliott, j. farrell, f. merton, w. b. tucker, j. peart, h. r. kofoed, w. h. macready, a. e. tandy, arthur elton tandy, lewis westcott, m. marks, latham watson, j. wallace, duncan mcdougal, e. e. booth, l. g. coulter, f. beaumont, g. w. evans, j. davidson, f. howell, a. e. ebbels, r. a. clinton, a. g. campbell, j. sides, m. j. roberts, r. ingram-moore, l. g. w. buchner, f. harvey, h. crabbe, colin c. corrie, h. manchester, glyn evans -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph, Glen Studios, "Kew Malvern Tramway Football Club Premiers", 1935
Photograph of the Kew - Malvern Tramway Football Club, Premiers 1935. Comprises 20 players, 3 trainers (in white) and 7 men in suits. Names are: Back Row: A Fogarty, L Montgomery, L Shaw, T Fuller, J Callum, P Davey, A Barr, R Tucker, C Bourke (Vice President) Second Row: R Irving (Trainer), L Ryan, H Gillam, E Henderson, J Murphy (President), L Duke, H Hinds, W Benson (Trainer), G Dudgear? Third Row: A Trevendale (Asst Secretary), H Mitchell, A Westcott, J Doherty (Vice Captain) C Peterson (Captain), C Jobe, R Maxwell, R Davidson Front Row: H Fry, C Ryder (Treasuer), D Tait. In front are two cups and a presentation shield. Photo by Glen Studios.Yields information about the members of the Kew Malvern Tramway Football clubs. Photograph mounted on heavy card with red colours painted onto the jerseys and socks.On rear in ink "Great Grandfather Clive Alfred Michael Peterson (Bill), Born 10-7-1899, Died 27-10-1975"tramways, sports, kew depot, football, malvern depot