Showing 258 items
matching schools -- kew (vic.)
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Grade 1, Kew State School, 1920
... schools -- kew (vic.)... Primary School now stands. schools -- kew (vic.) government ...Kew Primary School is the oldest school in Kew and was established on November 1, 1870. It predates the commencement of State education with its genesis lying in the year the colony was founded, namely, 1851. Nicholas Fenwick was recognized as the founder of Kew when he purchased an area of 122 acres (Lot 87) on which Kew Primary School now stands.Photograph of 35 children in Grade 1, Kew State School, 1920. Inscription on front "Year 1920"; on reverse: "KH-285. Kew S. School. Donated by Mr Heward, 1978. Grade 1 1920." This photo, unlike 1978.0019 is on a cardboard mount.schools -- kew (vic.), government schools - kew (vic.), primary schools -- kew (vic), kew state school, kew primary school -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, J F Armstrong, Grade 6, Kew State School, 1926
... schools -- kew (vic.)... schools -- kew (vic.) government schools -- kew (vic.) primary ...Kew Primary School is the oldest school in Kew and was established on November 1, 1870. It predates the commencement of State education with its genesis lying in the year the colony was founded, namely, 1851. Nicholas Fenwick was recognized as the founder of Kew when he purchased an area of 122 acres (Lot 87) on which Kew Primary School now stands.Grade 6, Kew State School, 1926. Inscription on front: "Year 1926." and reverse: "KH-283. Kew State School. Donated by Mr Heward 1978." On mount - Photographer: "J Armstrong / 4 Armadale St., Northcote"kew state school, kew primary school, schools -- kew (vic.), government schools -- kew (vic.), primary schools -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (series) - Subject File, Kew Historical Society, Woodbury Ladies' College, 1986
... schools - cotham road - kew - vic... - kew (vic) schools - cotham road - kew - vic private schools ...Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Subject file containing information about Woodbury College, Cotham Road, Kew (Vic). The file includes historically significant primary sources relating to the former Woodbury College [c.1898-1920] and Lillsden Ladies' College, Edgevale Road, Kew (Vic) [c.1891-1903]. In addition to manuscripts, the file also includes photographs and ephemera such as a metal school badge, a hatband and printed programs and school magazines. The file [as of 2020] includes materials donated between 1986 and 2005 by descendants of the second principal (Miss Macey), and by former students and or their descendants. The contents of the reference file include: 1. School origins : undated handwritten manuscript [2pp]; 2. Annual Reports : Handwritten manuscripts for the years 1908, 1909, 1910, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1916, 1917, 1919, 1920 by Miss LJ Macey; 3. Prize List : undated manuscript [3pp]; 4. School Magazine ; undated handwritten manuscripts about the origin of the school's magazine; 5. Woodbury Chat [school magazine] : printed booklets from the years 1918, 1919, 1920 x 2; 6. Correspondence [sundry] : handwritten letters from a parent [1916] and a former pupil (sic) [1938] to Miss Macey; 7. Exercise Books : one containing a handwritten history of the school(s) and the names and addresses of former students and teachers; and the other containing information relating to the National Home Reading Union, Kew Circle [1912-c.1916]. 8. Metal school badge and photographic negative of students. The names of various donors are listed in the file: they include Ann Ransom, Muriel Coghlan, Helen Lade, and Lilian McRae (nee Houston).woodbury college, misses macey, schools - kew (vic), schools - cotham road - kew - vic, private schools - kew (vic), rev jt lawton, cotham road - kew (vic.)woodbury college, misses macey, schools - kew (vic), schools - cotham road - kew - vic, private schools - kew (vic), rev jt lawton, cotham road - kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Kew Historical Society, Genazzano FCJ, 1934
... private schools - kew (vic.)... 1934 private schools - kew (vic.) girls' schools - kew (vic ...Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Subject file containing information on Genazzano FCJ, Cotham Road. The file includes old and new newspaper articles/clippings, and a history of the Stanislaus Room. The most interesting item in the file is a damaged copy of ‘The Junior Argus’ (Thursday 10 May 1934), which includes a full-page article on Scouts and Guides: A survey of the Jamboree (by Lone Woolf), and a small article on the Genazzano Badge.genezzano fcj - kew (vic), boy scout girl guide jamboree 1934, private schools - kew (vic.), girls' schools - kew (vic.)genezzano fcj - kew (vic), boy scout girl guide jamboree 1934, private schools - kew (vic.), girls' schools - kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, J F Armstrong, Grade 4, Kew State School, 1924
... government schools -- kew (vic)... government schools -- kew (vic) primary schools -- kew (vic ...ew Primary School is the oldest school in Kew and was established on November 1, 1870. It predates the commencement of State education with its genesis lying in the year the colony was founded, namely, 1851. Nicholas Fenwick was recognized as the founder of Kew when he purchased an area of 122 acres (Lot 87) on which Kew Primary School now stands.Grade 4, Kew State School, 1924. Inscription on front: "Year 1924." and reverse: "KH-284. Grade IV, Kew State School. Donated by Mr Heward 1978."kew state school, kew primary school, government schools -- kew (vic), primary schools -- kew (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Grade 1, Kew State School, 1920
... primary schools -- kew (vic)... primary schools -- kew (vic) government schools-- kew (vic ...Kew Primary School is the oldest school in Kew and was established on November 1, 1870. It predates the commencement of State education with its genesis lying in the year the colony was founded, namely, 1851. Nicholas Fenwick was recognized as the founder of Kew when he purchased an area of 122 acres (Lot 87) on which Kew Primary School now stands.Grade 1, Kew State School, 1920. Inscription on front: "Year 1920". See similar 1978.0015.kew state school, kew primary school, primary schools -- kew (vic), government schools-- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Uniform - School Uniform, Woodbury Ladies’ College [Kew] Badge, circa 1918, c.1918
... schools - cotham road - kew - vic... relating to an early private school in Kew (Vic). The badge ...Woodbury College was an indirect predecessor of Preshil School in Kew. Woodbury College was founded in Glenferrie Road by a Miss Harcourt, former principal of Sydenham College, Moonee Ponds. Miss Harcourt maintained the school until the goodwill was purchased in 1908 by Miss LJ Macey, who had previously operated Lillsden Ladies' College in Edgevale Road, between c.1891 and c.1903. The first school was in a rented building on the south side of Cotham Road between Atkins and Davis Streets. In 1910, a new school building was built on the corner of Uvadale Grove and Cotham Road [the building is still extant as of 2020]. Woodbury College was operated by Miss LJ and Miss HJ Macey until 1920. In 1921, the school amalgamated with the newly formed St Andrew's College, Mont Victor Road, Kew (Vic) under the leadership of Rev JT Lawton [who had previously been principal of St Andrew's School of the 'Pathfinder' in South Yarra]. Miss Macey was for a period the Headmistress of the amalgamated school. Another teacher at the school was Miss Margaret JR Lyttle, who in 1931, left St Andrew's to form the Preshil School.Rare ephemera relating to an early private school in Kew (Vic). The badge was donated by Helen Lade.Brass school badge which includes the initials WL within a large C, surrounded with the school crest - VERITAS VINCIT [Truth Prevails] of Woodbury Ladies College (1903-1920). woodbury college, schools - cotham road - kew - vic, private schools - kew (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Uniform - School Uniform, Hatband of Woodbury Ladies’ College [Kew], circa 1918, c.1918
... schools - cotham road - kew - vic... relating to an early private school in Kew (Vic). The hatband ...Woodbury College was an indirect predecessor of Preshil School in Kew. Woodbury College was founded in Glenferrie Road by a Miss Harcourt, former principal of Sydenham College, Moonee Ponds. Miss Harcourt maintained the school until the goodwill was purchased in 1908 by Miss LJ Macey, who had previously operated Lillsden Ladies' College in Edgevale Road, between c.1891 and c.1903. The first school was in a rented building on the south side of Cotham Road between Atkins and Davis Streets. In 1910, a new school building was built on the corner of Uvadale Grove and Cotham Road [the building is still extant as of 2020]. Woodbury College was operated by Miss LJ and Miss HJ Macey until 1920. In 1921, the school amalgamated with the newly formed St Andrew's College, Mont Victor Road, Kew (Vic) under the leadership of Rev JT Lawton [who had previously been principal of St Andrew's School of the 'Pathfinder' in South Yarra]. Miss Macey was for a period the Headmistress of the amalgamated school. Another teacher at the school was Miss Margaret JR Lyttle, who in 1931, left St Andrew's to form the Preshil School.Rare ephemera relating to an early private school in Kew (Vic). The hatband was worn by Lilian McCrae in circa 1918 and donated by her sister Heather Houston. The badge was donated by Helen Lade.Navy blue hatband with narrow white and yellow stripes of Woodbury Ladies College (1903-1920). woodbury college, schools - cotham road - kew - vic, private schools - kew (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Book, Fitchett Brothers Pty Ltd, 40 Years at the Methodist Ladies' College 1882-1921 / by W. H. Fitchett BA LLD, 1921
... schools - kew (vic)...) william henry fitchett (1841–1928) schools - kew (vic) In his ...In his Forty Years at the M.L.C. … (1921) Fitchett gave his account of the school's founding and growth from an enrolment of 111 at the end of 1882.64 page illustrated history of MLC by Dr WH Fitchettnon-fictionIn his Forty Years at the M.L.C. … (1921) Fitchett gave his account of the school's founding and growth from an enrolment of 111 at the end of 1882.methodist ladies' college - history - kew (vic), william henry fitchett (1841–1928), schools - kew (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Work on paper, "South Wing" - Xavier College, 1978
... schools - kew (vic)... college - kew (vic) schools - kew (vic) Inscription: "South Wing ...Sydney Joy (joy) Stewart (1925-2018) was a founding member of the Kew Historical Society, and during the 1970s its secretary. During her residence in Kew, she completed numerous property illustrations on commission. These ranged from preliminary sketches, including architectural details to finished pen & ink and wash illustrations on paper. On moving to Queensland, Joy Stewart donated the remaining property illustrations in her possession to the Kew Historical Society. In 1987-88, she fulfilled a commission by the Society of designs for a series of embroideries completed by residents during the Australian Bicentennial commemorations.Pen and wash drawing, set in an external card mount, depicting the south wing of Xavier College, Kew by Joy Stewart.Inscription: "South Wing" - Xavier College." Signed lower right: "JStewart 78".joy stewart, xavier college - kew (vic), schools - kew (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Xavier College, Kew, c.1980
... schools - kew (vic).... schools - kew (vic) xavier college - senior school - kew (vic ...Promotional photograph created by officers of the Kew City Council.Enlarged photograph mounted on board, donated to the Kew Historical Society by the City of Kew on 10 April 1991.schools - kew (vic), xavier college - senior school - kew (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (series) - Subject File, Andale School, 1981
... andale school - kew (vic)... sources. andale school - kew (vic) schools - kew (vic.) Archive ...Various PartiesReference, Research, InformationKHS Imposed OrderReference file containing a 2-page of the history of the Andale School in Highbury Grove, Kew, by Pam Erwin, physical education teacher at the school. The history records the various locations of the school over time. There are also three folders (undated) of promotional material produced by the school. The file also includes various newspaper articles on the school and its students.andale school - kew (vic), schools - kew (vic.)andale school - kew (vic), schools - kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Carey Baptist Grammar School (Kew), 1958
... private schools - kew (vic)... sources. carey baptist grammar school private schools - kew (vic ...Various PartiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Subject file on Carey BGS includes both primary and secondary sources. The former include a 12-page photocopied manuscript of a talk presented to the Kew Historical Society in 1992 by Alfred B Mellor CBE, the Honorary Architect at Carey BGS. The file also includes a letter from Alfred Mellor describing the original house - Urangeline - and the early years of Carey. Other primary sources include lists of councillors, teachers and students in 1923, the 1966 Swimming Sports at the Richmond Baths. The remainder of the file contains modern newspaper articles/clippings.carey baptist grammar school, private schools - kew (vic)carey baptist grammar school, private schools - kew (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Clarence House (180 Cotham Road), 1958
... schools -- kew (vic.)... sources. clarence house - cotham road - kew (vic) schools -- kew ...Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Subject file containing a white metal badge “CLARENCE” from Clarence House girls’ school at 180 Cotham Road, Kew (Vic). An inscribed envelope accompanying the badge notes that: 180 Cotham Road, Kew. Built by Mr Justice A’Beckett. Later “Clarence House” school (a girls’ school) run by Misses Wymond. (This house was then owned but apparently not occupied by Jess and George Reed.)’clarence house - cotham road - kew (vic), schools -- kew (vic.)clarence house - cotham road - kew (vic), schools -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Book, Involving Learning: MLC 1982-2007 / [by] HistorySmiths Pty Ltd, 2007
... (kew, vic.) private schools methodist schools girls' schools ...The book is a history of the past 25 years of Methodist Ladies' College in Melbourne.ill. (some col.), portraits, bib., index, hbk ; ix, 219 p. : 28 cm.methodist church, methodist ladies' college (kew, vic.), private schools, methodist schools, girls' schools, kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Book, The Hawthorn Press Pty Ltd, By Courage and Faith: The first fifty years at Carey Baptist Grammar School, 1992
... carey baptist grammar school - kew (vic.)... carey baptist grammar school - kew (vic.) school histories ...School historyHistory of Carey Baptist Grammar School. 226 p., ill., index : hbk ; 25cm.non-fictionSchool historycarey baptist grammar school - kew (vic.), school histories, schools - kew (vic.), stuart sayers -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Award - Kew High School trophy, 1880
... Kew High School -- Kew (Vic.)... family. Dr N Vance Kew High School -- Kew (Vic.) private schools ...F.G.Barnard, writing in 1910, recorded that Ernest Ingle opened a boys' school in a private house in Cotham Road, Kew, in 1872. The school was later moved to larger premises in Charles Street, where suitable school rooms were added. Ingle's career was cut short by a fatal attack of typhoid fever in 1875. The school then passed into the hands of Mr. J. Henning Thompson. Under Thompson's management the school speedily became a strong rival to the neighbouring Hawthorn Grammar School. Barnard also lists in his Jubilee History of Kew, that Dr N.C. Vance [winner of the trophy for the 440 yards running event] was a notable alumnus of Kew High School. It is assumed that N.C. Vance was the son of Rev G.O. Vance who was appointed vicar of Holy Trinity Church, Kew, in 1870. This is a tangible memento of the first Kew High School, awarded to a pupil eight years after the school's establishment. The trophy is historically interesting as it was presented to N.C. Vance by Ann Bon, a notable Kew resident and a supporter of Indigenous People in Victoria, particularly William Barak and his family.Silver plated trophy in the form of a cup on a pedestal with two arms, each surmounted with pine cones. The trophy has a range of design features including convex and concave decorated surfaces created by repoussé (i.e.hammering). Specific decorative aspects include scrolling at the top of the cup and floral sprays at front and the rear of the trophy. There is a single inscription identifying the school, the event, the winner and the identity of the person presenting the trophy. The metal used in the cup section of the trophy is heavier and thicker than that used in the rest of the trophy.There are no compositional or maker marks on the trophy.Inscribed: "Kew High School / Old Boys Cup / Presented by / Mrs John Bon / Won by / N Vance 1880"dr n vance, kew high school -- kew (vic.), private schools -- kew (vic.), sports trophies -- kew (vic.), n.c. vance -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Book, Hilda Daniell, History of Ruyton 1878-1956
... History -- Education -- Schools -- Kew (Vic)... hilda daniell History -- Education -- Schools -- Kew (Vic ...History of Ruyton 1878-1956, by Hilda Y. Daniell, O.B.E., M.A. Foreword by Robert G. Menzies. With a preface by the author (who was former Principal of the school). Illustrated with b&w photographs. Sections on the school prayer, early Kew, the foundation of Ruyton, members of staff, the debating club, school library & clubs, the house system, sport, the Ruyton fire, Ruyton jubilees, music staff, the Queen's visit, the opening of the Hilda Daniell Wing, the tuck shop, school songs, special prizes, dux of Ruyton, captains of the school, etc.Bound in publisher's original dark blue buckram cloth with bright gilt lettering & design to front board, spine unlettered. Melbourne : Ramsay, Ware Publishing, [1957?] .136 p. : ill., ports. ; 26 cm. 136ppnon-fictionHistory of Ruyton 1878-1956, by Hilda Y. Daniell, O.B.E., M.A. Foreword by Robert G. Menzies. With a preface by the author (who was former Principal of the school). Illustrated with b&w photographs. Sections on the school prayer, early Kew, the foundation of Ruyton, members of staff, the debating club, school library & clubs, the house system, sport, the Ruyton fire, Ruyton jubilees, music staff, the Queen's visit, the opening of the Hilda Daniell Wing, the tuck shop, school songs, special prizes, dux of Ruyton, captains of the school, etc. hilda daniell, history -- education -- schools -- kew (vic), private schools -- victoria -- kew -- history., ruyton girls' school -- history., ruyton girls' school -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Book, Hilda Daniell, History of Ruyton 1878-1956
... History -- Education -- Schools -- Kew (Vic)... hilda daniell History -- Education -- Schools -- Kew (Vic ...History of Ruyton 1878-1956, by Hilda Y. Daniell, O.B.E., M.A. Foreword by Robert G. Menzies. With a preface by the author (who was former Principal of the school). Illustrated with b&w photographs. Sections on the school prayer, early Kew, the foundation of Ruyton, members of staff, the debating club, school library & clubs, the house system, sport, the Ruyton fire, Ruyton jubilees, music staff, the Queen's visit, the opening of the Hilda Daniell Wing, the tuck shop, school songs, special prizes, dux of Ruyton, captains of the school, etc.Bound in publisher's original dark blue buckram cloth with bright gilt lettering & design to front board, spine unlettered. Melbourne : Ramsay, Ware Publishing, [1957?] .136 p. : ill., ports. ; 26 cm. 136ppnon-fictionHistory of Ruyton 1878-1956, by Hilda Y. Daniell, O.B.E., M.A. Foreword by Robert G. Menzies. With a preface by the author (who was former Principal of the school). Illustrated with b&w photographs. Sections on the school prayer, early Kew, the foundation of Ruyton, members of staff, the debating club, school library & clubs, the house system, sport, the Ruyton fire, Ruyton jubilees, music staff, the Queen's visit, the opening of the Hilda Daniell Wing, the tuck shop, school songs, special prizes, dux of Ruyton, captains of the school, etc. hilda daniell, history -- education -- schools -- kew (vic), private schools -- victoria -- kew -- history., ruyton girls' school -- history., ruyton girls' school -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Series) - Preshil [The Margaret Lyttle Memorial School]
... Schools – Kew (Vic.)... Preshil – Kew (Vic.) Margaret Lyttle – Kew (Vic.) Schools – Kew ...Various PartiesReference, Research, InformationArranged by Secondary Values (value of records to users)Preshil School, also known as the Margaret Lyttle Memorial School, is an independent school known as the first ‘Progressive’ school in Australia. Established in 1931 by the namesake Margaret Lyttle, it hosts both primary and secondary students, and boasts itself as a school that breaks away from the predominant schooling offered by other schools in Victoria. Most notably in 2018, they chose to instead graduate students with an International Baccalaureate rather than a Victorian Certificate of Education, the first in the state to do so. The file includes: Newspaper articles regarding the school and Margaret Lyttle, as well as a 2004 report on the school by the National Trust of Australia.preshil – kew (vic.), margaret lyttle – kew (vic.), schools – kew (vic.)preshil – kew (vic.), margaret lyttle – kew (vic.), schools – kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Series) - Ruyton Girls' School
... Ruyton Girls’ School – Kew (Vic.)... Ruyton Girls’ School – Kew (Vic.) Henty House – Kew (Vic.) Alsop ...Various PartiesReference, Research, InformationArranged by Secondary Values (value of records to users)Ruyton Girls’ School is a private school in Kew, covering Kindergarten to Year 12, with Prep to Year 12 being girls only. First founded in 1878 by Charlotte Anderson, the school provides a wide range of programs both internally and externally. The land it resides on also consists of historical houses, mainly the Henty House which now exists as an integra part of the school. The file includes: Official school newsletters, a recreation of a logbook dated 1870-1900, a family tree of the ‘Alsop’ family with highlights for Ruyton students, a transcript of a speech given to the Kew Historical Society by Caroline Anderson, letters of correspondence between staff of the school and the Kew Historical Society, and a plan of the school and its facilities.ruyton girls’ school – kew (vic.), henty house – kew (vic.), alsop – kew (vic.), schools – kew (vic.)ruyton girls’ school – kew (vic.), henty house – kew (vic.), alsop – kew (vic.), schools – kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Series) - Schools [Kew]
... Schools – Kew (Vic.)... Schools – Kew (Vic.) Xavier College – Kew (Vic.) Methodist Ladies ...Various PartiesReference, Research, InformationArranged by Secondary Values (value of records to users)Kew is home to many different education institutions, many longstanding with extensive histories. The oldest still running school, the Kew State Primary School, began in 1872, with many influential private schools such as Xavier College and Methodist Ladies College being built and established within the next decades. Kew (and Boroondara by extension) is well-known for its quality of schooling compared with the rest of Melbourne, as well as it’s priciness as many private schools compete for students in such a small area. Kew is also home to Preshil, the first school of its experimental kind in the state. The file includes: Advertisements for many of the schools in Kew through newspapers, multiple newspaper articles, and a history of schools in Kew.schools – kew (vic.), xavier college – kew (vic.), methodist ladies college – kew (vic.), kew primary school – kew (vic.), kew high school – kew (vic.), kew east primary school – kew (vic.), genazzano college – kew (vic.), carey baptist grammar – kew (vic.), preshil – kew (vic.)schools – kew (vic.), xavier college – kew (vic.), methodist ladies college – kew (vic.), kew primary school – kew (vic.), kew high school – kew (vic.), kew east primary school – kew (vic.), genazzano college – kew (vic.), carey baptist grammar – kew (vic.), preshil – kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, W Edmends, Grade 2, Kew State School, 1915
... kew primary school -- peel street -- kew (vic.)... -- peel street -- kew (vic.) schools -- kew government schools ...Kew Primary School is the oldest school in Kew and was established on November 1, 1870. It predates the commencement of State education with its genesis lying in the year the colony was founded, namely, 1851. Nicholas Fenwick was recognized as the founder of Kew when he purchased an area of 122 acres (Lot 87) on which Kew Primary School now stands.Grade 2, Kew State School, 1915. One student, Ray Watson, front row, sixth from left is identified by an arrow and cross. Inscriptions front: "Kew State School. Grade 2. Year 1915. Ray Watson. Presented to the Kew Historic Society by Ray Watson, Oct 1978." Inscriptions reverse: "KH-229. Kew State School, Melbourne, Victoria. Grade 2 1915. Teacher Miss Thomas. Albert Raymond Watson. Age 7 years. Mrs Ivory's brother."kew state school, kew primary school -- peel street -- kew (vic.), schools -- kew, government schools -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Sunday School, Congregational Church, Walpole Street, c.1900
... Sunday schools -- Kew (Vic)...) Congregational church -- kew (Vic) Sunday schools -- Kew (Vic) Walpole ...The Congregational Church in Walpole Street, Kew (now demolished) was designed by Albert Purchas. The second church was built on the site of an earlier church designed by Charles Vickers.Sepia photograph on board of Sunday School students and teachers from the Congregational Church in Walpole Street. Reverse: "Kew Congregational Church / ? Sunday School. Miss A. Millist" [donor]. circa 1900"churches -- kew (vic), congregational church -- kew (vic), sunday schools -- kew (vic), walpole street -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Postcard, State School, Kew
... postcards -- schools -- kew (vic.)... -- schools -- kew (vic.) kew state school kew primary school ...One of a number of 'real photo' and commercial postcards created by or owned by members of the Christian and Washfold families of Kew. The postcards are part of a larger collection of photographs, postcards and publications donated to the collection in May 2021.Sepia postcard of Kew State School and what appears to be the building of a new fence. Note the fleche towers on the roof at right. postcards -- schools -- kew (vic.), kew state school, kew primary school, christian-washfold collection -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, J E & B L Rogers, Xavier College, c.1970
... schools -- kew (vic)... college -- kew (vic.) schools -- kew (vic) "Xavier College / Jim's ...This work forms part of the collection assembled by the historian Dorothy Rogers, that was donated to the Kew Historical Society by her son John Rogers in 2015. The manuscripts, photographs, maps, and documents were sourced by her from both family and local collections or produced as references for her print publications. Many were directly used by Rogers in writing ‘Lovely Old Homes of Kew’ (1961) and 'A History of Kew' (1973), or the numerous articles on local history that she produced for suburban newspapers. Most of the photographs in the collection include detailed annotations in her hand.The Rogers Collection provides a comprehensive insight into the working habits of a historian in the 1960s and 1970s. Together it forms the largest privately-donated collection within the archives of the Kew Historical Society.Small, black and white photo of the facade of Xavier College Senior School."Xavier College / Jim's / 35"xavier college -- kew (vic.), schools -- kew (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - 'Carronbank', Marshall Avenue, 1980s
... schools -- kew (vic.).... carronbank -- marshall avenue -- kew (vic.) schools -- kew (vic ...Carronbank (demolished) in Marshall Avenue, Kew was once the home of the Rev Graham Henty Balfour. It had extensive grounds, including a tennis court at the rear of the property. It remained a private residence until c.1960. The Department of Education purchased Carronbank as a school for partially sighted children, opening in February 1961 as State School No 4483. During the period 1961 to c.1980, the building housed a number of services. From 1969 to 1974, it was the site of Carronbank State School, later renamed Carronbank School for Deaf-Blind Children. In 1973, the Department established the Visiting Teacher Service for the Visually Impaired at the site. Its aim was to support teachers working in Victorian Government, Catholic and Independent Schools. From 1983 the school operated as Statewide Resource Centre for Visiting Teachers of the Vision Impaired. In 1988, the amalgamation of Princess Elizabeth Junior School for Deaf Children, the Monnington Centre and Carronbank School for Deaf Blind Students allowed the Victorian Government to sell each of the sites. Monnington [Adeney Avenue, Kew] reverted to private ownership, while Glendonald and Carronbank in Marshall Avenue were demolished and subdivided.The donor, Mr Murray Osler, was Principal of the Monnington Special Education Centre in Adeney Avenue (Kew) from 1976. This photo, and an accompanying drawing of 'Monnington' are important primary resources for the delivery of education to and for deaf-blind children in Victoria.The photograph, framed under perspex, shows the tennis court of Carronbank which had been converted into a play area for the students of the school. The flat roofed building may have been a toilet block, added for the school. The garage brick wall belongs to No 11. Grass is growing on the original asphalt court and there is equipment and tunnels for play. When sold the property was divided into three separate building blocks.carronbank -- marshall avenue -- kew (vic.), schools -- kew (vic.), carronbank -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Print - 'Monnington', Adeney Avenue, Trompf, 1977
... schools -- kew (vic.)... children in Victoria. schools -- kew (vic.) mornington -- adeney ...In the mid 1960s, the Monnington Special Education Centre was established at 15 Adeney Avenue as an offshoot to 'Glendonald' in Marshall Avenue. In 1988, the amalgamation of Princess Elizabeth Junior School for Deaf Children, the Monnington Centre and Carronbank School for Deaf Blind Students allowed the Victorian Government to sell each of the sites. Monnington [Adeney Avenue, Kew] reverted to private ownership, while Glendonald and Carronbank in Marshall Avenue were demolished and subdivided. The donor, Mr Murray Osler, was Principal of the Monnington Special Education Centre in Adeney Avenue (Kew) from 1976. This photo, and an accompanying drawing of 'Carronbank' are important primary resources for the history of the delivery of education to and for deaf-blind children in Victoria.Gift of Murray Osler, 2021This limited and numbered print [number 10/100], framed under perspex, is of Monnington in Adeney Avenue, Kew when it functioned as a Special Education Centre for deaf/blind children during the 1960s to the 1990s. . "Monnington Special Ed. Centre / 60s-90s / (Parent Guidance for Deaf/Blind Ch. / Adeney Ave, Kew / Murray Osler / Principal 76-80s"schools -- kew (vic.), mornington -- adeney avenue -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (series) - Subject File, Methodist Ladies' College
... private schools -- kew (vic.)... sources. methodist ladies' college -- kew (vic.) private schools ...Kew Historical SocietySince its foundation in 1958, members of the Kew Historical Society have been compiling and storing information about subjects relating to the history of Kew and its environs, of which this file is an example.Arranged by Secondary Values (value of records to users)The Methodist Ladies' College was founded in 1882, and is located on the corner of Barkers and Glenferrie Roads. This subject file was created by researchers of the Kew Historical Society. It contains primary and secondary sources relevant to the history of the school. The file contains booklets, correspondence, publications and newspaper articles. Included in these is: a history of the school from 1882-1921, a student handbook from 1882, a prize and honour list from 1892, a copy of a talk on the school given by Gwen McWilliam in 1981, and information about the opening of the Science Block in 1951. Some sections of the file deal with planning issues such as the demolition of 74 Glenferrie Road and various reports and correspondence relating to this and other planning issues. methodist ladies' college -- kew (vic.), private schools -- kew (vic.)methodist ladies' college -- kew (vic.), private schools -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Slide - 'Tarring', Ruyton Girls' School, 1979
... schools -- kew (vic.)... -- kew (vic.) 35mm colour transparency (slide) of 'Tarring ...One of a group of slides taken by members of the Society of built heritage in Kew in 1979-80. The selection of subject matter reflects the priorities of the period. The colour of some slides has degraded.The slides represent a snapshot in time of built architecture in Kew, much of which has changed in the forty-plus period since they were created. 35mm colour transparency (slide) of 'Tarring' on the corner of Wellington Street and Selbourne Avenue; now part of Ruyton. The photo was developed in May 1979.ruyton girls' school, tarring, schools -- kew (vic.)