Showing 378 items
matching scientific instruments
Federation University Historical Collection
Scientific Instrument, J.L. Williams Scientific Instruments, Decade Box
... Scientific Instrument...scientific instruments...J.L. Williams Scientific Instruments... scientific instruments J.L. Williams Instruments resistance box ...Resistors 5 decade set, Type ^85. Black top panel eith elector knobs and terminal posts mpunted on polished wood box. scientific instruments, j.l. williams instruments, resistance box, decade box -
Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
Analgesia device, patient controlled, Janssen Scientific Instruments
... Janssen Scientific Instruments...Janssen Scientific Instruments... Flinders Medical Centre Janssen Scientific Instruments Patient ...Patient controlled analgesia, or PCA, was developed in the 1960s. This mode of opioid administration allows patients to directly respond to their individual levels of pain. It is estimated there are now somewhere between six and 15 million uses annually.Two parallel sections enclosed in cream coloured metal casing and joined in the centre via a brown metal section that also forms the base and stand. The left side has a dark brown perspex cover with a small brushed metal latch and handle. The right has a grey metal panel with dial, knobs and a rolled paper dispenser. A clear plastic intravenous bag is attached to the device by a clear plastic tube.There is also a black plastic coated wire attached to a handle with a red button on top. This is used for the patient to administer the analgesia. analgesia, intravenous, flinders medical centre, janssen scientific instruments, patient controlled -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Booklet, The Institute of Physics Handbook: Exhibition of Scientific Instruments and Apparatus, 08/1960
... The Institute of Physics Handbook: Exhibition of Scientific...The Exhibition of Scientific Instruments and apparatus... to an exhibition of scientific instruments and apparatus held at the School... The Exhibition of Scientific Instruments and apparatus was set up to show ...The Exhibition of Scientific Instruments and apparatus was set up to show the professional scientist the latest tools of trade and glimpses of future developments in the field of instrumentation .Cream soft covered book of 198 pages relating to an exhibition of scientific instruments and apparatus held at the School of Chemistry, University of Sydney. Exhibitors in the exhibition include: Advance components, Airmec, Akashi, Aladdin Industries, Amalgamated Wireless, Applied Physics Corporation, Ardente, Austral Engineering Supplies Pty Ltd, Avo Limited, Baird Atomic, Baker, Baldwin Instrument Co., B. and Relays, Barnstead Still and Steriliser Co., Beckman, Bender, Boonton Radio Corporation, Bosch, British Electric Resistence, British Physical Laboratories, Buccho, Bundenberg, Buehler, Bureau of Analysed Samples Ltd, Business Equipment Pty Ltd, Cambridge Instrument Co, Casella, Chamberlain and Hookham, Cossar, Cooke Troughton, Counting Instruments Co, CSIRO, Dawe Instruments, Difco, Duff and Macintosh, Dumont, Dupree, Dynatron Rodio Ltd, East Lancashire Chemical Co., Edwards High Vacuum Ltd, Eletircal Equipment Australia, Electronic Industries, Electroscientific Industries, Electrothermal Heating, Elema Schonanda, EMI, Englehard, Epprect, ERD Engineering, Ericsson Telephones, Esdaile, Ether Ltd, Evershed and Vignoles, Faraday Electronic Instruments, Federal Products, Filtron, Fischer, Fluke, Foot, Fortiphone, PX Fox, Foxall Instruments, Gambrell Bros, Gardener and Salmon, Garlick, Gelman , Gossen, Griffen and george, Gurr, Guthrie. Hasler, Headland Engineering Developments, Heraeus, Hersey Sparling Meter Co, Hewlett Packard, Heyneco, Hilger and Watts, Instron Engineering, Institute of Physics, Intermetal, Internation Resistance Corporation, Jacoby Mitchell and Co, Janke and Kinkel, JENA-er Glasswerke Schott and Gen, Keithly Instruments, Kelvin and Hughes, Kent, Kipp and Zonene, Kovo, Krautkramer, Kruss, Lambrecht, Land Pyrometers Leeds and Northrup, Leeds Meter Co, Leybold, Liddle and Epstein, Long Industrial Equipment, macdougall, McKinlay Fletcher, McLellan, Marconi Instruments, Masruements, Metrimpex, Metrohn, Metron, Mettler, Mica Corporation, Minneapolis Honeywell Regulator Company, Moisture Regulator, Morganite, Morris, Moseley, Muirhead, Mullard- Australia, Nagard, National Instrument Co, National Standards Laboratory, Negretti and Zamba, Nira, Northeastern Engineering, Nuclear Equipment Ltd, Ronald payne, Philbrick, Philips, Physik Instruments, Pincombe, Precision Tools and Instrument Co., Printed Electronics, Pye, Quicfit, Radion Corporation of Amerixa, Radio Frequency Laboratories, Radiometer, Rank Cintel, record Electric Co., Reichert Optische Werke, Rhode and Schwarz, Ridsdales and Co, Rocol, Rotameter, Rototherm, Rowe, George Sample, Santon, Sanders, Sartorious-Werke, Sauter August, Schneider, Scruttons, SEFRAM, Selby, Sensitive Research, Servomax Controls, shckman, Shimadzu, Siemens, Simpson, Sodeco, Soiltest, Solartorn, Southern Instruments, Albert Speck, Stanford X-Ray, Sunvic Controls, Sweda, Sydney County Council, Tamson, techne Cambridge, Tektronix, Telefunken, Telequipment, Andrew Thom, Thompson J, Langha,, Thronethwaite, Tinsley, Tokyo Opptical co., Townsen and Mercer, Treacerlab, Tylors, Unicam, Union OPtical Co, Varian Associated, Venner Electronics, Vidler Thornethwaite Engineering, Crosweller, Wandel and Golterman, Watson Victor Limited, Wayne Kerr Laboratories, waveforms, West Instruments, Herman Wetzer, Wild Instrument Supply Co, Yokagawa Electrical Works, Carl Seiss,, instruments, apparatus, scientific objects -
Federation University Historical Collection
Equipment - Scientific Instruments, Level
... Scientific Instruments...scientific instruments... scientific instruments level contractors level ballarat school ...A sensitive optical levelling instrument in a polished timber carry case. Instrument to be mounted on a tripod with 3.5 cm male thread. Matches Tripod Catalogue Number 4111.scientific instruments, level, contractors level, ballarat school of mines, surveying, mining -
Federation University Historical Collection
Equipment - Scientific Instruments, Level (Dumpy)
... Scientific Instruments...scientific instruments... scientific instruments level dumpy Surveying level - long bubble ...Surveying level - long bubble level on top. Magnet, compass under telescope. No crosshairs. External focussing. Four levelling screws. No transverse level. Housed in a polished timber storage box. Fits tripod Catalogue Number 429.scientific instruments, level, dumpy -
Federation University Historical Collection
Instrument - Scientific Instruments, Universal Stereoscope
... Scientific Instruments...scientific instruments... of Mines. Used in Surveying classes. scientific instruments ...Initially made for and used by the military forces. Subsequently acquired (as army surplus equipment?) by the Ballarat School of Mines. Used in Surveying classes.A stereoscope arranged for positioning over a horizontal surface stored in a sturdy grey wood carry case. Spare set of mirrors attached to inside of box lid.scientific instruments, surveying, ballarat school of mines, stereoscope, map reading -
Federation University Historical Collection
Instrument - Scientific Instruments, Sartorius Werke, Beam Balance, pre 1940?
... Scientific Instruments...scientific instruments... of Federation University Australia. scientific instruments surveying ...Used in the Ballarat School of Mines and Ballarat Institute of Advanced Education Physocs Laboratories. Both are predecessor institutions of Federation University Australia. A "late model" manual beam balance, with mechanically applied milligram masses and optically displayed balance point. Built into a resowood frame cabinet. Complete with: .2) light source .3) transformer. Serial Number 98700scientific instruments, surveying, physics, ballarat school of mines, ballarat institute of advanced education, beam balance, balance -
Federation University Historical Collection
Equipment - Scientific Instruments, Flash-Point Tester, 1898, 1898
... Scientific Instruments...scientific instruments... scientific instruments chemistry alfred mica smith daniel walker ...Probably used in the Ballarat School of Mines Chemisry Laboratories, at that time led by Professor Alfred Mica Smith, with lecturer Daniel Walker. From W. Watson & Sons, Block Arcade, MelbourneAn early model of a flashpoint apparatus, of mainly brass construction, heated by a spirit lamp. Complete with two mercury-in-glass tfermometers (50 degree to 70 degrees celcius x 1 degree, 10 degrees to 50 degrees celcius c 1 degree), and lamp-stand. Serial Number 1786.scientific instruments, chemistry, alfred mica smith, daniel walker, ballarat school of mines, w. watson & sons ltd, thermometer -
Federation University Historical Collection
Instrument - Scientific Instruments, Spectroscope
... Scientific Instruments...scientific instruments...-emitting substance. scientific instruments surveying microscope ...This item has applications in teaching Physics and Chemistry - obtaining information about the atomic structure of the light-emitting substance. An optical instrument that employed a monochromatic light source, a prism (missing), and viewing lenses mounted in a tube that can be in any radial position with respect to the vertical axis of the prism. House in a polished timber carry box.Manufacturers' and suppliers names stamped on the vernier disc: "Made by W. & J. George Ltd, Birmingham, England" and "For H.B. SELBY & Co, SYDNEY & MELBOURNE. No 266"scientific instruments, surveying, microscope, physics, chemistry, atomic structure, spectroscope -
Federation University Historical Collection
Instrument - Scientific Instruments, Beat Frequency Oscillator, pre 1955
... Scientific Instruments...scientific instruments.... scientific instruments beat frequency oscillator bill rofe colin ...Used in the Electrical Engineering Laboratories as a source of low frequency signal - for communications. Used by Bill Rofe and Colin Kline.Beat Frequency Oscillator (signal generator) AWA typy 14R7077, Range 0-13 kcycles, in a grey wrinkle-type finish metal box with a leather strap carry-handle on top.scientific instruments, beat frequency oscillator, bill rofe, colin kline -
Federation University Historical Collection
Scientific Instruments, Theodolite: Early 1900s, Early 1900s
... Scientific Instruments...scientific instruments... theodolite scientific instruments troughton & simms spirit levels ...Troughton & Simms - Londontheodolite, scientific instruments, troughton & simms, spirit levels, guages -
Federation University Historical Collection
Scientific Instruments, Boxed Weight Set
... Scientific Instruments...scientific instruments... timber box. Boxed Weight Set Scientific Instruments ...These weights would have been used with a Beam Balance. Forceps were to be used when moving weights from the box.Set of 17 weights in a hinged timber box.On Lid "Box No. 8. Check the weights before & after using them. Always use the forceps to handle the weights."weights, scientific instruments, grams, milligrams, beam balance weights -
Federation University Historical Collection
Instrument - Scientific Instruments, Abbott, Boxed Theodolite, c1850-1860s
... Scientific Instruments...scientific instruments... in 1883. theodolite scientific instruments francis abbott abbott ...This item was used at the Ballarat School of Mines. Francis Abbott was a watchmaker from Manchester. He arrived in Tasmania as a convict in 1845, and was granted a ticket of leave in 1849. He died in 1883.A theodolite in a timber boxEngraved Abbott Hobart Town Varley Londontheodolite, scientific instruments, francis abbott, abbott hobart town, varley london, convict -
Federation University Historical Collection
Instrument - Scientific Instruments, Tripod Location Chains
... Scientific Instruments...scientific instruments.... Tripod Location Chains Instrument Scientific Instruments ...Surveying instrument accessories. Two sets. Used in conjunction with item 4129 - Collapsible leg surveying instrument, tripod. Could also be used with item 4130 - Plane Table which goes with the tripod mentioned.A set of three steel discs, connected in star configuration by three brass chains of equal length. Used to contain tripod ends on hard smooth surfaces.surveying, metal, steel discs, scientific instruments, location chains, plane table -
Federation University Historical Collection
Scientific Instument, Potentiometer: Type D - 73 - E
... scientific instrument...J.L. Williams Scientific Instruments...J.L. Williams Scientific Instruments... scientific instrument potentiometer physics electrical engineering ...Used in Physics and Electrical Engineering laboratory experimentsPotentiometer, Type D-73-E in polished wood box with lift out circuit diagram inside the lid. Black top panel with terminal posts, switches and selector knobs.Black Dymon tape on lid "Ass.No. 50"scientific instrument, potentiometer, physics, electrical engineering, laboratory -
Federation University Historical Collection
Electrical Instrument, Volt Ratio Box: Serial No 3021
... scientific instrument...J.L. Williams Scientific Instruments...J.L. Williams Scientific Instruments... scientific instrument volt ratio box physics laboratory electrical ...D.C. Volt ratio box. 100 OHMS per volt. Black terminal post pane;, inside a polished box with hinged lid and leather carry handle. Serial Number: 3021scientific instrument, volt ratio box, physics, laboratory, electrical instrument, electrical engineering -
Federation University Historical Collection
Scientific Instrument, H.B. Selby & Co. Pty Ltd, Magnetic Dip Needle
... Scientific Instrument...scientific instruments...Brass scientific instrument used by students...magnetic dip needle scientific instruments Made specially ...Brass scientific instrument used by students at the Ballarat School of Mines. Made specially for H B Selby & Co Pty Ltd (Melbourne)magnetic dip needle, scientific instruments -
Federation University Historical Collection
Instrument - Scientific Instruments, Single Pan Balance, mid 1960s ?
... Scientific Instruments...scientific instrument... chemistry scientific instrument ballarat school of mines sartorius ...According to lecturer in Chemistry, John Murray, this item was principally used by M.K. Aston, lecturer in Chemistry at the Ballarat School of Mines from 1947, and later Head of Chemistry until 1980. This balance was kept in M.K. Aston's office. A sartorius single-pan weighing machine, with optical balance display, in off whote cylindrical housing with domed lid. Front access sliding curved panels. Colour-coded weighing knob either side. Selecta Semi-micro, 100g x 0.01 mg Serial Number 104262m.k. austin, john murray, chemistry, scientific instrument, ballarat school of mines, sartorius, sartorius werke -
Federation University Historical Collection
Equipment - Scientific Instruments, Quickfit Chemistry Set: basic set of 9 items
... Scientific Instruments...scientific instrument... scientific instrument Model No. 27BU/M Solid cardboard box ...Collected from the chemistry laboratory at School of Mines. The was being dismantled due to the cutbacks in funding to TAFE and science was no longer being taught. The Quickfit Chemistry Set was the most popular set for schools, colleges and universities. There are nine basic items. It allows the construction of at least eight combinations by adding sections together. A labelled diagram included in the box. Included in the box is a BRANNAN 76mm Immersion Glass Thermometer. These are also used in beer and wine making.Solid cardboard box with molded insert for glass instruments.Model No. 27BU/Mchemistry, ballarat school of minestafe, quickfit chemistry set, schools, colleges, universities, thermometer, brannan, immersion thermometer, scientific instrument -
Federation University Historical Collection
Scientific Instruments, Specific Gravity: Metal Cubes - boxed set of seven
... Scientific Instruments.... Specific Gravity: Metal Cubes - boxed set of seven Scientific ...Used in Physics Laboratory at Ballarat School of Mines for calculating/confirming relative density (or the specific gravity) of given metal samples. This would have been in Elementary physics experiments.A set of seven 2-cm cubes, individually numbered 1 - 7, in a hinged-lid storage box with black surface finish.Number and metal of cubes: 1) Brass; 2) Lead; 3) Steel; 4) Copper; 5) Aluminium; 6) ? a ferrous alloy; 7) ? a ferrous alloy.physics, laboratory, ballarat school of mines, relative density, specific gravity, metal, elementary physics, brass, lead, steel, copper, aluminium, ferrous alloy -
Federation University Historical Collection
Instrument - Scientific Instruments, W.& L.E. Gurley, Collapsible Leg Surveying Instrument: Tripod
... Scientific Instruments...scientific instrument... used. tripod surveying scientific instrument ballarat school ...Used with the Plane Table - Item 4130, in surveying classes at Ballarat School of Mines. Item 4127, Tripod Location Chains, may also have been used.A large tripod of timber construction. Concave top mount flange to receive matching spherical spigot. Spacer block halfway up each twin-strut leg.In white paint on the top "PTI" Manufacturer's stamp on each leg - circular. "W.& L.E. GURLEYtripod, surveying, scientific instrument, ballarat school of mines, plane table, location chains, w & l e gurley -
Federation University Historical Collection
Electrical Instrument, Potential Terminals: No L - 201136
... scientific instrument...) and scientific instruments....) and scientific instruments. scientific instrument cambridge instruments ...Cambridge Instrument Co Ltd, England operated from 1924 to 1967. They were makers of measuring instruments (electrical) and scientific instruments.Timber framed electrical instrument with interior metal conductor. Brass knobs that screw are at one end labelled 1.5 volts and 15 amps. Plates each end labelledscientific instrument, cambridge instruments, electricity, scientific objects, scientific instruments -
The Ed Muirhead Physics Museum
Resistance Decade Box, mid-20th Century
... scientific instruments... A4' Logo reading: 'J. L. WILLIAM / SCIENTIFIC / INSTRUMENTS... instruments Embossed plaque at front: 'J. L. WILLIAM / SCIENTIFIC ...Related to objects 450 and 451.Resistance decade box constructed from rectangular base of ferrous metal with black plastic top. Top displays five circular dials with three smaller circular dials on the right. Embossed plaque at front: 'J. L. WILLIAM / SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS / SERIAL No 3012 / TYPE RR5S / MELBOURNE / AUSTRALIA' Engraved and filled white on top plate from left to right: 'ABSOLUTE OHMS AT 20 C / MANGANIN' Label reading 'PHYSICS PT 2 222 A4' Logo reading: 'J. L. WILLIAM / SCIENTIFIC / INSTRUMENTS / MELBOURNE / SERIAL No 3012' 'ZERO RESISTANCE / 0.006 OHM' Dials labelled underneath with unit measurements engraved and filled white.decade box, resistance decade box, j. l. william, electrical equipment, scientific instruments -
The Ed Muirhead Physics Museum
Resistance Decade Box, mid-20th Century
... scientific instruments... / SCIENTIFIC / INSTRUMENTS / MELBOURNE / SERIAL No 3960' 'ZERO... equipment resistance decade box scientific instruments Embossed ...This object is believed to be associated with training at the Parkville Secondary Teaching College during the 20th Century.Related to objects 450 and 452This rectangular wooden resistance decade box features four large dials for controlling resistances. The dials are mounted atop a black plastic panel, each with a square base. Three smaller dials are mounted to the right of the large dials.Embossed plaque at front: 'J. L. WILLIAM / SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS / SERIAL No 3960 / TYPE RB4DS / MELBOURNE / AUSTRALIA' Engraved and filled white on top plate from left to right: 'ABSOLUTE OHMS AT 20 C / MANGANIN' Logo reading: 'J. L. WILLIAM / SCIENTIFIC / INSTRUMENTS / MELBOURNE / SERIAL No 3960' 'ZERO RESISTANCE / 0.004 OHM' Engraved on back edge of top panel: 'SECONDARY TEACHER COLLEGE PARKVILLE' Dials are labelled underneath with unit measurements for resistance settings, engraved and in-filled white.j. l. william, decade box, electrical equipment, resistance decade box, scientific instruments -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Scientific Instrument
... Scientific Instrument...Scientific Instrument...Photograph Scientific Instrument.... electrical engineering Federation University Scientific Instrument ...The electrical engineering department is part of Federation University.Photograph Scientific Instrumentelectrical engineering, federation university, scientific instrument -
Federation University Historical Collection
Ammeter, Henry Sutton (probably), Ammeter attributed to Henry Sutton, 1883 (estimated)
... scientific instruments...A crude scientific instrument that measures amps... instruments A crude scientific instrument that measures amps ...W.B Withers wrote of Sutton: "In the realm of science Ballarat has become of world-wide fame through the inventions by Mr Henry Sutton, a native of the place. His skill and acquirements in electricity, telegraphy, telephony, photography and also in astronomical and microscopal studies have won for him a high position as a practical scientist, and the credit is the greater as he is a self-taught student … Mr Sutton, before he was fourteen years old, had read every book on science to be found in the library of the Ballarat Mechanics' Institute." The Ballarat School of Mines (SMB) was fortunate to have this genius appointed as the lecturer-in-charge of the new Electricity and Magnetism department from 23 April 1883. Although Henry Sutton submitted his resignation to the Council of SMB in October 1884 it was resolved that he be asked to reconsider, and Mr Sutton continued to teach at SMB until the end of 1886. He was a prominent member of the Camera Club, and many of the other SMB clubs. Sutton had an active and fertile brain, and was known for his inventions, especially his work on the telephone, telephane and carbon lamps. Sutton presented a vacuum pump, worked by water jet, for use in SMB Chemistry classes. His report of 1883 states: ‘A telephonic circuit has been laid down between the [SMB] engine-house and workshops, to be used for experimental purposes.’ Henry Sutton spent much thought on artificial flight, and made some interesting experimental studies with flying birds. The storage of electricty also attracted his attention, and, after much work and thought evolved the Sutton Secondary Battery. A paper on this battery was presented to the Royal Society, London, and was afterwards printed in the 'Transactions'. Henry Sutton is listed on the Federation University Honour Roll at crude scientific instrument that measures amps, with a timber base and frame. Terminal posts and sliders contacts are positioned on top of the base, with flex attached. Henry Sutton lectured at the Ballarat School of Mines (SMB) in Electricty and Magnestism between 1883 and 1886. In 1883 Sutton reported: ‘…The class has been unfortunately situated, by having to wait for instruments of precision ordered from England, but which have not come to hand. The delay has caused us to start constructing instruments, which it is hoped will bear favourable comparison with those of older date.'ammeter, henry sutton, electrical, inventor, electricity and magnetism, sutton, scientific instruments -
The Ed Muirhead Physics Museum
Electro Magnet, between 1881 and 1968
... cambridge scientific instrument company..., was a founding partner of the Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company... SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT CO LTD. CAMBRIDGE. ENGLAND' Engraved on side..., was a founding partner of the Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company ...Horace Darwin, youngest surviving son of Charles Darwin, was a founding partner of the Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company in 1881 ( object with three feet supporting two squared cylinders attached to a clamping device and metal block with four current terminals. Cylinders are covered with red leather. Metal block and clamp base appear painted.Engraved on terminal block: 'No 15548 / THE CAMBRIDGE SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT CO LTD. CAMBRIDGE. ENGLAND' Engraved on side of terminal block: 'To be excited from 200 volts circuit / with coils in series. Connect terminals 2 & 3.'cambridge scientific instrument company, electro magnet, electrical equipment, electrical instrumentation -
Loreto Australia and South-East Asia
Orrery, mid 19th century
... A clockwork scientific instrument modelling the solar... A clockwork scientific instrument modelling the solar system. Orrery ...Donated by founder, Mother Gonzaga Barry's, brother, John Barry, to Loreto's Ballarat school, Mary's Mount, in 1887. Brought back by Mother Gonzaga on her return from Europe in 1887. Maintained by Captain Henry Evans Baker, Superintendent of the Oddie Observatory, Mount Pleasant Ballarat, who subsequently made the students a telescope. Used in the curriculum for the study of astronomy.Connection with founder of Loreto in Australia and her family. Evidence of early curriculum. Rare artefact.A clockwork scientific instrument modelling the solar system.Paterson & Son Maker Liverpoolorrery, astronomy, science -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Instrument - Marine Telescope, 1870-1880
... scientific instruments... was particularly well known for his scientific advances in the fields... of numerous scientific instruments. He was also the recipient ...This telescope was amongst various items collected from a sea dive in Port Phillip Bay. The diver was the caretaker of the Port Lonsdale Lighthouse, who dived on various wrecks in the bay during the 1960's. After the caretaker's death, his son sold off many of the shipwreck artefacts. The telescope was purchased from the caretaker's son in the 1990's by a previous owner of the Marine Shop, Queenscliff, Victoria. John Browning was particularly well known for his scientific advances in the fields of spectroscopy, astronomy, and optometry. Between 1856 and 1872, Browning acquired provisional patents for designs of numerous scientific instruments. He was also the recipient of an award at the 1862 International Exhibition held in London. Also recognised for his temperature-compensated aneroid barometer. Browning's scientific instruments were used in physics, chemistry, and biology. The products he designed and manufactured included spectroscopes, telescopes, microscopes, barometers, photometers, cameras, ophthalmologist, and electrical equipment such as electric lamps. John Browning was born around 1831 in Kent, England. His father, William Spencer Browning, was a maker of nautical instruments. John Browning's great-grandfather was also an instrument maker as well as John’s brother Samuel Browning of the firms Spencer & Browning and Spencer, Browning & Rust, who also manufactured navigational instruments. The latter firm was in operation in London from 1784 to 1840 and was succeeded by the firm of Spencer, Browning & Co. John Browning initially intended to follow the medical profession and entered Guy's Hospital, a teaching hospital and a school of medicine. Despite having passed the required examinations, however, he abandoned his plans. Instead, he apprenticed with his father, William Spencer Browning. At the same time, in the late 1840s, he was a student attending the Royal College of Chemistry several days per week. By the early 1870s, practical optics had become John Browning's primary interest, and he listed his occupation as an optician on the census records from 1871 to 1901. He was well known among London's ophthalmic surgeons for his various ophthalmic instruments. He had a large part in reforming the art of crafting spectacles. Other achievements were as an author of the book, How to Use Our Eyes and How to Preserve them by the Aid of Spectacles. Published in 1883, the book included thirty-seven illustrations, including a diagram demonstrating the anatomy of the eye. In 1895, he was one of the founders of the "British Ophthalmology" the first professional organisation for optometry. He was not only its first president but also registered as its first member so many considered him to be the first professional optometrist. Other professional organisations he belonged too was as a member of “The Aeronautical Society of Great Britain”. In 1871 constructing the first wind tunnel located at Greenwich Marine Engineering Works. He was also a member of other scientific organisations, such as the “Microscopical Society of London”, the “Meteorological Society”, and the “Royal”. Then in 1908 the company of W. Watson & Son, opticians and camera makers, took over John Browning's company since 1901 John Browning had been semi-retired but in 1908 he fully retired and moved to Bournemouth in Hampshire. He died in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire in 1925.The telescope is significant for its association with one of the world’s leading scientific instrument makers and inventor of the 19th and early 20th century. It is believed the donation came off a wreck either in Port Philip Bay or between Point Lonsdale and the Nepean Heads making it a significant maritime historical artefact. Its provenance is good given it was taken off a wreck in this area by the Point Lonsdale lighthouse caretaker. Examples of John Browning's telescopes because of their scientific and historical importance are highly valued by collectors.Marine style single draw brass telescope with a sunshade. The single draw has no split and the second cartridge is held in a long brass tube within the single draw, mounted from the objective end. The eyepiece is flat and at the end of the first draw in a very faded engraving that is believed to read "John Browning, 63 Strand, and should read London under the word strand but this is hard to establish given the engravings condition. This interpretation of the engraving has been arrived at by examination of other John Browning telescope engraving examples."John Browning, engraved to the first tube in copper plate style "63 STRAND" Engraved under in capital textflagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, great ocean road, shipwreck coast, shipwreck artefact, port phillip bay, port lonsdale lighthouse, wreck, 1960’s diver, queenscliff marine shop, john browning, telescope, spectroscopy, optometry, scientific instruments, william spencer browning, optician, navigational instrument, microscopical society of london, aeronautical society, marine technology -
The Ed Muirhead Physics Museum
Electrometer, string T.H. Laby
... Plaque: “The Cambridge Scientific Instrument Co. Ltd...Plaque: “The Cambridge Scientific Instrument Co. Ltd ...Electrometer with black metal rectangular base and brass instrumentation. Base stands on three base legs. Optical telemicroscope is missingPlaque: “The Cambridge Scientific Instrument Co. Ltd Cambridge England No. 8626”