Showing 50 items
matching shelford
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Clare Gervasoni, Shelford Iron Bridge. 2024, 2024
Photographs of the Shelford Iron Bridge which was designed by C.A. WIlson, and built in 1874 by John Price of Ballarat. It is an unusual early example of box girder construction in Victoria. shelford iron bridge, bridge, shelford -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Helenslea now Shelford CEGGS, Hood Crescent, Circa 1972
This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. The mansion has been the site of Shelford Church of England Girls’ Grammar School - now Shelford Girls’ Grammar School - since circa 1922.From Victorian Heritage Database citation for HO115: "Helenslea" 3 Hood Crescent, Caulfield North as at 21/10/2020 ''Helenslea'' was built for Sir George Stephen, MLA, barrister and mining investor by 1863. It was built with an address to Glen Eira Road with the driveway gates close by the present Helenslea Road corner. The present address is no. 3 Hood Crescent, Caulfield North. It is historically, aesthetically and socially significant. It is historically significant (Criterion A) as the home of Sir George Stephen, MLA for Collingwood, barrister and mining investor and for its capacity to demonstrate Caulfield's early attraction as a residential retreat for Melbourne's eminent citizens. It is aesthetically significant (Criterion E) as a villa residence characteristic of the mid Victorian period, predating the use of cast iron and comparing in this respect with Charles Webb's "Farleigh" (1865) at 6 Farleigh Grove, Brighton. Its substantial nature causes it to be the earliest surviving mansion house in the Municipality. The porch, external austerity and opulent entrance hall and staircase are important contributory elements whilst the survival of the exterior surfaces predominantly in an unpainted state enhances its level of integrity. It is socially significant (Criterion G) for its association with Shelford C.E.G.G.S. since 1922. Page 86 of Photograph Album with three photographs (two portrait and one landscape ) of different views of Helenslea. One is a photo of a photograph.Handwritten: "Helenslea" now C.E.G.G.S Hood Cres [top right] / third photo is of a photograph titled "Shelford" / 86 [bottom right]trevor hart, hood crescent, helenslea, c.e.g.g.s., school, 1860's, sir george stephen, unpainted, mansion, shelford, villa residence, mid victorian, glen eira road, helenslea road, ceggs, porches, stairs, caulfield north, entrances, shelford church of england girls' grammar school, shelford girl's grammar, ivy -covered walls, caulfield -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Somerset Inn, Bannockburn
The Somerset Inn was built for Edward Carter Holmes by carpenter Isaac Sutherland and his two sons in 1855/1856. Situated on Bruce's Creek on the Shelford - Bannockburn Road. Bruce's Creek was the original name for current day Bannockburn. Black and white photograph of a house with slate roof and window shutters. The front fence is stone. The house is the former Somerset Inn (later a private residence). This building is located on the Leigh River at Bannockburn and was the home of Edward Carter and Sarah Holmes. Verso in blue ball point pen. "Somerset Inn on Leigh river Bannockburn. Home of Edward C. & Sarah Holmesholmes, leigh river, sarah holmes, ec holmes, holmes family collection, chatham-holmes family collection, edward carter holmes, farm, bannockburn -
Department of Health and Human Services
Message of Loyalty to Queen Elizabeth II from Shelford Church of England Girls' Grammar School Caulfield, Melbourne, Victoria 01/05/1960 - Signed by Sir Dallas Brook President and Sir Edmund Herring Chairman - 2 of 5 photos - Department of Health – National Fitness Office (Sports & Recreation) – Historical Press Release Photo Collection
Department of Health – National Fitness Office (Sports & Recreation) – Historical Press Release Photo - Empire Youth Day & Royals on Tour CollectionDepartment of Health – National Fitness Office (Sports & Recreation) – Historical Press Release Photo - Empire Youth Day & Royals on Tour Collection -
Shelford Girls' Grammar
Tie Pin, Stokes, 1922-1955
This tie pin features the school crest used by Shelford Girls Grammar during the period 1922-1955 when the school was known as a Church of England Girls Grammar School. The school was closely linked to St Mary's Church of England, Glen Eira Rd, Caulfield, Victoria. The badge was designed by Canon Langley and Mr. W.E.L. Wears in 1922 when the school was taken over by the Church of England. The motto means "Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God."This tie pin is representative of tie pins worn by all students at Shelford C.E.G.G.S during the period 1922-1955. It forms an official part of the school uniform at that time. Metal tie pin featuring the crest of Shelford Church of England Grammar School. The crest is silver and dark royal blue and features a large silver "S" in the centre of a blue oval. The oval features the words "Querite Primo Regnum Dei. St Mary's C of E". A banner underneath reads "CAULFIELD" .STOKES stamped on reverseshelford, shelford church of england girls grammar school, shelford girls grammar, st. mary's, church of england, canon langley, w. e. l. wears -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Historical Caulfield to 1972, photo album by Jenny O’Donnell, Hood Cres
3 photos of Helenslea now Shelford CEGS, 3 photos of St Mary’s Vicaragecaulfield north, hood cres, helenslea, shelford, schools, o’donnell, jenny, caulfield north, hood cres, helenslea, shelford, schools, o’donnell, jenny -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Harvesting, 1960-1961
Jim was the youngest child of Charles Ernest Ernie Barrie “Darlingsford” of the farming family property Melton 1911. He was the brother of Ernest Wesley Bon, Charles Edgar, Thomas Lindsay. The family connection with this original property remained until the last part of the E W Barrie section was sold in 1982. Jim’s parents were Charles (Ernie) and Jessie Barrie of Darlingsford Melton. Tom farmed the family property with his father and brothers, and later the Ferris Road property which continued with his son Ian. His childhood interest in horses began with the draft horses kept at the bluestone stable and barn at Darlingsford. When the stables were empty in the late 1980s visit, he vividly recalled the names of the horses he had handled in his youth. When the draft horse became obsolete with the introduction of tractors and trucks this interest continued with the breeding and training of harness racersTom Barrie's harvest and Jim Barrie at Shelfordlocal identities, agriculture -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Book, Wood, F.L.W., M.A, A Concise History of Australia, 1947
A 1944 edition of a 1935 book written for students of Australian history. Covers various subjects up to World War II. Some illustrations. Indexed.Stamp - Shelford C.E.G.G.S. Caulfieldhistory, settlement, law -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - Helenslea, Shelford CEGGS
Four photocopies of a one page article from the Shelford Magazine of 06/1928 which gives a short history of Shelford and its association with Helenslea Mansion and St Mary’s Church and an enrolment history from 1922 to 1928. The article includes three black and white photographs (45mm x 70mm) of the exterior of Shelford in 1898, 1905 and 1922.homan freda, thomas miss, seymour road, glen eira road, palmer w e, palmer w e mrs, dixon emily, blundell d, langley canon, helenslea, st mary’s church, shelford, hood crescent, st margaret’s hall, ripley grove, caulfield north, shelford magazine, schools -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains 7 items relating to advertising for the school and its events: 1/1 2 page advertisement for Shelford, dated February 2010, from an unknown publication. 2/1 1 page advertisement for Shelford Scholarships from ‘DUX 2010’, South Edition, published by Leader News. 3/1 advertisement for Shelford tours and the opening of the Performing Arts Precinct 03/04/2011, published in the ‘Melbourne Weekly Bayside’ 23/03/2011. 4/1 advertisement for Shelford tours and the opening of the Performing Arts Precinct 03/04/2011 published in the ‘Caulfield/Port Phillip Leader’ 29/03/2011. 5/1 advertisement advertising Shelford school and its upcoming events, published in the ‘Melbourne Weekly Bayside’, 11/05/2011. 6/1 advertisement advertising Shelford school and its upcoming events, published in the ‘Caulfield/Port Phillip Leader’, 17/05/2011 7/1 advertisement for Shelford school from ‘DUX 2011’, South Edition, published by Leader, schools, shelford, music, sport, shelford girls’ school and kindergarten, art, anglican church, hood crescent, caulfield, ciolli judy, theatres, dillon paul, walker kathy, drama, tertiary education, secondary education, secondary schools, primary education, preschool education, advertisements, advertising -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Shelford CEGGS school
Photograph of Shelford CEGGS, formerly Helenslea, mansion of Sir George Stephen QC and Mr Justice J Hood, date unknownshelford ceggs, schools, helenslea, mansions, stephen, sir george qc, hood, mr justice j -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains 9 items relating to the purchase of ‘Helenslea’ for Shelford Girls’ School and its early years there. 1/1 photocopy of a notice advertising a public meeting on 04/12/1922 concerning fundraising for the purchase of ‘Helenslea’ for Shelford Girls’ School, dated 29/11/1922, publication unknown. 2/1 leaflet requesting donations and gifts for the purchase and fitting out of ‘Helenslea’ for Shelford Girls’ School, dated 04/12/1922, publication unknown. 3/1 photocopy of 2 pages from the ‘St Mary’s Church Chronicle’ dated 16/12/1922., describing Shelford’s history, the purchase of ‘Helenslea’ and related fundraising efforts. 4/1 photocopy of an invitation to Mr & Mrs Reeves to attend the dedication of ‘Helenslea’ for use by Shelford Girls’ School on 22/02/1923. 5/1 photocopy of an article and 5 photographs in ‘Punch’, 01/03/1923, about the dedication of ‘Helenslea’ for use by Shelford Girls’ School. The photographs are of various visitors, staff and students with one showing the front of ‘Helenslea’. 6/1 photocopy of a one-page prospectus including rules for Shelford Girls’ School and Kindergarten with a photograph of the school dated approximately 1922-23. Date and publication unknown. The photograph shows ‘Helenslea’ prior to the alterations done for the school. 7/1 Photocopy of a photograph titled ‘Retrospect’ of the staff of Shelford Girls’ School in 1923 including E.H. Naylor, Rev. James Townsend, A.M. Thomas, D. Champion, P.M. Evans, and L. Fulton. Another photocopy of a second photograph of the school approx. 1923 and a list of teaching staff. Date and publication unknown. 8/2 photocopies of an article from an unknown, undated publication containing an extract from the ‘The Argus’, December 1928 describing the Shelford Speech Night. Also contains several notes about Shelford events and a photograph of the school in 1929. 9/1 photocopy of an undated photograph of Shelford Girls’ School from an unknown publication. Development of the gardens indicates a later date than mary’s church, caulfield, shelford girls’ school and kindergarten, glen eira road, ‘helenslea’, hood crescent, hayman archdeacon, eggleston f.w., fundraising events, public meetings, schools, st mary’s school hall, blundell dora miss, allison road, school committees, mansions, stables, hood justice mr, views, churches, clergy residences, classrooms, halls, langley h.t., st mary’s church of england, moffit graham j, swale. d.h. mr, children, kindergartens, smith ogg and serpell (architects), smith sydney, dodgson miss, falls councillor, prendergast a.i. (churchwarden), slaney f miss, dumas mr, thomas miss, pollard mr, gill miss, beggs f.g. miss, beggs c miss, hollow s mr, irwin t mr, lloyd m.c. mr, graham j.m. mr, fredrickson mrs, langley canon, askew a.j. mr, scales a.w. mr, dixon emily miss, seymour road, stephen george sir, douglas sholto mr, ludbrook e.c. mr, langley mrs, reeves mr, reeves mrs, openings (events), lees harrington mrs, brookes mrs (mayoress), mayors, crotty c reverend, crotty mrs, wells j.s. reverend, wells mrs, scheiger c.p. reverend, scheiger mrs, cole t. reverend, cole mrs, gumas g. mr, gumas mrs, creswick h.e. mr, creswick mrs, askew mr, askew mrs, falls mrs, mowle councillor, mowle mrs, scales mr, scales mrs, welshford smithers t mr, welshford smithers mrs, walker h.k. mrs, lansell clarke mrs, head mrs, slaney miss, moffit graham mrs, whittington mrs, horsley a. mrs, townsend l. reverend, britten a.e. reverend, burns h. reverend, burns mrs, crockett reverend, crockett mrs, mclennan mr, mclennan mrs, mclellan miss, schofield reverend, brain reverend, wagg reverend, reeves reverend, archer f.h., archer mrs, akehurst miss, hoggart mrs, mcgowan mr, mcgowan mrs, chalk a.s. mr, chalk mrs, godley mrs, nattrass miss, gill miss, farmer mrs, biggs mrs, fulton mrs, armstrong mrs, thompson g.h. mr, thompson mrs, hall councillor, hall mrs, murray councillor, murray mrs, robertson h.j. mrs, thomas a.m. miss, education, naylor e.h. miss, townsend james reverend, champion d. (female), evans p.m. miss, fulton l. (female), davidson m.j. miss, allen e miss, smart m mrs, giderson h mrs, dunstan g mrs, forte e mrs, morres t miss, pollard e miss, varley m miss, tuckwell charles, howden l miss, massey ella miss, mitchell m miss, mollison f miss, lascelles k miss, england s.p. mr, miller e miss, smith m miss, speech nights, baker donald bishop, patton councillor (mayor), old girls association, dances and balls, green bishop, scarlett captain, king frank reverend, choirs, hayman archdeacon, awards -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains 6 items relating to newspaper articles about the school: 1/ 1 newspaper article from the ‘Caulfield Leader’ titled ‘Ultimate sacrifice’ about the death of Shelford school teacher Paul Simpson, written by Jenny Ling, Natalie White and Marty Shevelove, 08/03/2011. Contains 2 colour photographs, 1 of a Shelford student at Southside beach and 1 of Paul Simpson, photography by Eliza Sum. 2/ 1 newspaper article from the “Caulfield/Port Phillip Leader’ titled ‘Emotional farewell’ about the funeral of Shelford teacher Paul Simpson, written by Jenny Ling and Natalie White, 15/03/2011. Contains 2 colour photographs, one of the pallbearers and one of students at the funeral, photography by Jason Sammon. 3/ 1 newspaper article from the ‘Caulfield/Port Phillip Leader’ titled ‘Students hunger to help’ about Shelford students taking part in the charity event ‘Care Australia’s Walk In Her Shoes Campaign’ raising awareness of the hardships facing women in developing countries, 29/03/2011, author unknown. Contains a colour photograph of Shelford students, photographer unknown. 4/ 1 newspaper article from the ‘Caulfield/Port Phillip Leader’ titled ‘Music to their ears’ about the opening of Shelford’s Performing Arts Centre 03/04/2011, published 12/04/2011, author unknown. Contains a colour photograph of Shelford music students, photography by Jason Sammon. 5/ 1 newspaper article from the ‘Caulfield/Port Phillip Leader’ titled ‘Shelford is winning awards, and all that jazz’ about Shelford Teacher Mat Duniam winning the music director’s award at the Mount Gambier Festival Generations in Jazz competition, 31/05/2011, author unknown. Contains a colour photograph of teachers Mat Duniam and Gemma Horbury, as well as Shelford jazz ensemble students, photograph by Marcella Davie. 6/ 1 newspaper article from the ‘Herald Sun’ titled ‘I am doing it for Dad’ about the basketball debut of Sienna Simpson, daughter of deceased Shelford teacher Paul Simpson, written by Amelia Harris, 04/02/2012. Contains 2 colour photographs, one of Paul Simpson and the other of Sienna Simpson and her friend Camille Letts, photography by George Salpigtidis.shelford girls’ school and kindergarten, simpson paul, ling jenny, white natalie, shevelove marty, shelford girls grammar, caulfield, drowning, camping, sum eliza, science, schools, secondary education, basketball, students, parents, smith chloe, flanagan poly, quinn fiona, funerals, rescues, sammon jason, charitable organisations, care australia’s walk in her shoes, fundraising events, fleming lyrian, music, theatres, dancing, art, danby michael, southwick david, esakoff margaret, openings (events), duniam mat, horbury gemma, davie marcella, musical ensembles, musical events and activities, awards, festivals, audiences, letts camille, harris amelia, salpigtidis george, primary education, death and dying, simpson sienna -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains 2 items relating to school magazines and publications: 1/1 photocopy of a page from the school magazine ‘Quaerite’, 1968, with a photograph of many students in front of the assembly hall and an article about the opening of the assembly hall on 05/06/1968 author unknown. 2/1 copy of the Shelford Old Grammarians publication ‘GOSSIP’ (Grammarians of Shelford Social Interest Paper) issue no. 85, dated 1st quarter of 1988. The publication includes details about the running of and events held by the Shelford Old Grammarians as well as details about the lives of former Grammarians. Written by David Waxman.shelford girls’ school and kindergarten, schools, openings (events), delacombe rohan sir, woods dr. archbishop, choirs, orchestras, musical events and activities, dances and balls, stevenson nan, henderson margot, pianos, old grammarians association, shelford old grammarians, ‘grammarians of shelford social interest paper’, ‘gossip’, anderson jean mrs, olinda street, caulfield south, thompson debbie mrs, rome lorraine, wilson lorraine, st georges road, elsternwick, guala lynne, parke lynne, halstead simone, barrington street, bentleigh east, kendall debbie, webb jean, deller lynne, franzoni lynne, brown nola, jenkinson nola, nelms jenny, bond jenny, waite janine, brown helen, clubs and associations, meetings, events and activities, sport, gleadell linda, koch linda, barbecues, dawson sally, richards sally, richards bronwyn, barnacle bronwyn, crocker susan, waxman susan, hosford margaret, hoult margaret, francis dyanne , franzoni dyanne, baxter dorothy, scott maureen, ahearne robyn, summer louise, ballantyne robyn, hill robyn, painsh elizabeth, mayne lyn, eshelby shirlene, looker margaret, hunter dale, martin colleen, evans julie, froomes vicki, plaisted leonie, leah leonie, pull lisa, patxy godby, currer liz, crawshaw pam, shaw debbie, milner cheryl, hopkings wendy, tietgens jenny, gill janet, edwards leigh, hannon lisa, folley melinda, sport, bray jennifer, birch jennifer, graham sally, smith sally, bosquet rue, masters anne, dalton anne, murray michele, brown michele, sutton kaye, griffiths kaye, faragher sue, butterfield anne, thompson anne, cassidy julie, lynes yvonne, van buuren vanessa, vanselow elizabeth, hall elizabeth, riley vicki, rowed elizabeth, strugnell peter, caulfield grammar school, graham andrew, murray peter, hoad ian, amos emma, carr vanessa, mallaby kirstienne, valentine karen, calderwood jan, perkins jan, perkins jan, humphries karen, asher kim, hannon lisa, mardardy mischel, sanford belinda, sherlock natalie, barklamb kate, levy sally, mathew jennifer, stahmer sally, gray mrs, australia day, howell marilyn, harley robyn, elms liz, johnston liz, mcilveen bronwyn, calderwood simone, zacharin pat, williamson pat, waite pamela, wilson pamela, perkins jan, woodburn bettina, bromley bettina, stuchbury leanne, dalton sue, dalton leigh, myers jean, sligo pam, gibson pam, collins sue, baddams miss, limb lois, rice lois, bishop myra, planner betty, planner pam, smart arlie, lambert dorothy, goode sandra, harris margaret, chamberlain margaret, elms elizabeth, johnston elizabeth, rome lynne, waxman dawn, clements dawn, weddings, halls -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Pamphlet - St. Mary’s Church, Caulfield
Three leaflets from St. Mary’s Church, Glen Eira Road Caulfield. The first one hundred years 1863-1963. Includes a message from the eighth vicar, Rev. C.C. Cowling, it includes a brief history of the early days, the wooden church, early parishioners and past vicars. Lists clergy assistants 1863-1963. Mentions the buildings of St. Mary’s and a brief history of the beginning of Shelford. The church officers and organisations are also listed. Eleven photos are also included. Correspondence to Dr. Solomon from C.G. Weickhart mentioning his discussion about the church history and his inclusion of copies of 1963 centennial booklet, and a copy of the History of the Music, which has additional aspects of church mary’s church, glen eira road, caulfield, cowling c.c. rev., macartney h.b. rev., priest alfred j.h. rev., cooper e.f. rev., manses, shelford, schools, collie r.w.s. rev., all saints caulfield -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains 2 items relating to the History of Shelford Girls’ School and Kindergarten: 1/1 set of typed notes by Betty Snowball, titled ‘History of Shelford Church of England Girls’ Grammar School’, date unknown. The notes detail the history of the school from 1898 to 1973 including a period from 1922 when boys and girls were enrolled. 2/2 copies of typed notes detailing the history of the school from 1898 to 1982. Author and date unknown.dixon emily miss, shelford church of england girls’ grammar school, ‘shelford’, glen eira road, st mary’s church, seymour road, blundell d miss, homain freda miss, schools, blundell f miss, alison road, langley h.t. canon, green bishop, anglican church, thomas a.m. miss, principals, students, bishops, ‘helenslea’, hood crescent, hood judge, ripley grove, st margaret’s hall, thewlis d miss, foundation stones, criswick wing, criswick mrs, cooper wing, cooper canon, woods f archbishop dr, baddams v.t. miss, baddams wing, cowling c.c. reverend, washington i.i. miss, ida washington library, delacombe rohan sir major general (governor), myers j.m. miss, parents clubs, classrooms, schoolhouses, davies margaret e miss, nicholson mabel miss, the nicholson primary library, st mary’s parish caulfield, caulfield, lloyd c mr, thewlis wing, henderson g mr, henderson mrs, hancock archdeacon, gates, watson normie, scholl reginald sir, gorton john senator, langley canon, langley dean, hone brian sir, caulfield grammar, excursions, construction (events and activities), britten e. miss, halls, theatres, ‘little shelford’, thewlis j.s. miss, coach houses, lofts, festivals and celebrations, primary schools, secondary schools, stables, clergy residences, fireplaces, towers, mansions -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains 2 pamphlets relating to Shelford Girls School: 1/1 pamphlet titled ‘St. Mary’s Church, Glen Eira Road, Caulfield, The First One Hundred Years, 1863-1963’ dated 01/06/1963, containing a brief history of the school on page x. Author unknown. 2/1 pamphlet from the ‘Dedication and Opening of the C. C. Cowling Wing’ at Shelford Girls School, 26/07/1987, containing an order of proceedings for the ceremony. Author mary’s church, glen eira road, caulfield, churches, shelford girls school and kindergarten, hood crescent, dixon emily miss, seymour road, blundell miss, cowling c. c. reverend, allison road, langley h. t. canon, green bishop, thomas a. m. miss, ‘helenslea’, hood judge, st. margaret’s hall, ripley grove, criswick wing, thewlis j. s. miss, thewlis wing, baddams v. t. miss, woods archbishop, cooper e. franklin, cooper wing, v. t. baddams wing, caulfield grammar school, c. c. cowling wing, wilson john bishop, mccaughey jean mrs., pitt marie e. j., welsford smithers esq., cowling nancy mrs., downie peter, gregson tom, frank mas carol miss, parents clubs, clubs and associations, schools, education, openings (events), centenaries -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - Helenslea, Shelford CEGGS
A photocopy of a one page article from Punch on 01/03/1923 detailing the opening of the new Shelford Girls’ School in Helenslea. A list of all present at the opening is provided.hood justice, brooks mrs, thomas miss, helenslea, shelford girls’ school, st mary’s church, caulfield north, hood crescent, st peter’s murrumbeena, caulfield grammar school, schools, preschools, clothing and dress, lees harrington mrs, langley canon, langley mrs, shelford old girls’ association -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains 2 items relating to plans for the buildings and grounds of the school: 1/2 copies (1photocopy, 1 original) of the July 1982 ‘Shelford Planning Brief: Church of England Girls’ Grammar School’, written by the Caulfield City Council. The brief describes the history of the school, its current grounds and plans for future expansion. It also contains 2 ground plans: one of the existing school site and 1 of the planned future school site. 2/1 copy of a City of Caulfield Council memo regarding the July 1982 Shelford Planning Brief, describing small changes to the brief. Written by J. Floyd, 24/11/ of caulfield, shelford c.e.g.g.s., caulfield, glen eira road, st mary’s anglican church, seymour road, allison road, ‘helenslea’, hood justice mr, hood crescent, st mary’s parish hall, helenslea road, education, gymnasiums, schools, students, secondary schools, primary schools, bentleigh, classrooms, car parks, libraries, traffic, playgrounds, teachers, windows, plans, shelford planning brief, kilvington planning brief, shelford church of england girls’ grammar school, floyd j, fences, kilvington baptist girls’ -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - Helenslea, Shelford CEGGS
A photocopy of a one page article from the Punch of 01/03/1923 showing five photographs taken on the opening day of Shelford Church of England Day School. The photographs show visitors to the opening, the exterior of the school building Helenslea, the principal with prefects and the archbishop opening the school.helenslea, shelford church of england day school, thomas miss, hood judge, caulfield north, schools, st mary’s church -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - Helenslea, Shelford CEGGS
Two photocopied articles concerning preliminary approval granted by Caulfield Council to Shelford Grammar School for a child minding centre in Hood Crescent and objections to this proposal. One article comes from the Southern Cross of 19/08/1992 and the other comes from the MCP of 24/08/1992.shelford grammar school, caulfield council, hood crescent, chessell pam, lyall peter, friedmann helen, anderson sandy, shelford anglican girls school, caulfield north, chessell pamela, helenslea road, schools, building permits, child care, protest groups, child minding centre -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - St. Mary’s Church, Caulfield
Inscriptions additional to those listed in the First One Hundred Years of the Church Building 1871-1971 (as at 10/08/1972) by J. McClure. St. Mary’s Anglican Church Caulfield, descriptive leaflet of major features of church including the garden of Remembrance, Shelford and Historical Records c.1984 (seven copies).fosberry john walcott, st. mary’s anglican church, caulfield, cummins alfred clarke, langley h.t., davis sarah, prior walter h. rev., joynt edward kelly, hugson ada, langdon leslie john, langdon elizabeth h., langdon montague w. -
National Wool Museum
Photo depicts Golf Hill, Shelford. Golf Hill was the estate of George Russell (1812-1888), the manager (from 1836) of the pastoral Clyde Company (a joint stock concern originally formed in Scotland). Russell's youngest daughter, Janet Biddlecombe (b. 1866) died in 1954 and part of the estate was subdivided and sold the following year.Krickeldorff / Melbournerussell, mr george - clyde company, 'golf hill' station, geelong -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - Helenslea, Shelford CEGGS
One page of handwritten and typed notes, undated and unattributed, about the architectural features and grounds of the house Helenslea also providing brief information about past owners and occupants of the house. The notes refer to George Stephen as the original grantee of land and subsequent ownership before purchase by the Shelford School in 1922. The notes also provide that old photographs before school additions are in possession of the school Head.hood judge, shelford church of england girls grammar school, stephen george sir, hood crescent, foote survey, architectural features, land surveys, caulfield north -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Newsletter - Helenslea, Shelford|CEGGS
A photocopy of a two page article from the St Mary’s Church Chronicle of 16/12/1922, documenting the purchase of Helenslea by the Shelford School for St Mary’s Church. The article gives the deposit, price and background to the purchase, a brief description of the purchased building and planned alterations and also makes an appeal for funds. The article includes a black and white photograph (88mm x 154mm) of the exterior of Helenslea.shelford school, hood crescent, st mary’s church, caulfield north, st mary’s church chronicle, caulfield north, graham j moffitt, swale d h, smith sydney, smith ogg and serpell architects, dodgson miss, eggleston f w, falls mr, prendergast a l, slaney f, dumas mr, pollard mr, blundell miss, gill miss, beggs f g, beggs c, head mrs, hollow s, irwin t, lloyd m c, graham j m, eggleston f w, frederickson mrs, langley canon, askew a i, scales a w, dixon emily, glen eira road, blundell dora, seymour road, stephen george sir, douglas sholto, hood justice, ludbrook e c, helenslea, allison road, schools -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Letter - St. Mary’s Church, Caulfield
Two documents about St. Mary’s Jubilee School. Roneoed correspondence to W.S. Feltham from S.R. Birch dated 22/03/1973 giving notification classification of St. Mary’s Jubilee School by the National Trust of Australia (Victoria). Caulfield Conservation Study by Andrew Ward in 1994 for Shelford, St. Mary’s Jubilee School. He describes the architecture and gives a brief history. The photocopied document includes a poorly reproduced mary’s jubilee school, schools, glen eira road, hood crescent, caulfield, feltham w.s., webb charles, birch s. r., architectural features, gothic style, porches, plaques, tudor style, shelford c.e.g.g.s., st. mary’s church -
City of Ballarat Libraries
Australian Historical Record Society papers, The First Visit of the Early Pioneers to Mount Buninyong
The Australian Historical Records Society existed in Ballarat between 1896 and 1906. They were one of Australia's first historical societies, and were in the position to still be able to talk to early pioneers. They invited such pioneers to either submit letters or memoirs, or to address the Society's meetings, where their reminiscences were taken down in shorthand and later typed up. The Society also attempted to preserve memorabilia from Ballarat's early days, but on the disbanding of the group in 1906, materials were stored at the Ballarat Town Hall and were later lost. It is not known how the papers made their way to the then Ballarat Municipal Library, but they have been part of the Library's collection for many years.Excerpt of George Russell's Manuscript Diary copied by William Lewis. George Russell, from Scotland joined his brother Philip in 1831 in Tasmania, and farmed there for five years under his supervision. He then followed John Batman's exploratory lead to Port Phillip in March 1836. George Russell later established Golf Hill Station at Shelford. These memoirs describe first visits by Europeans to Lal Lal falls (which weren't running) and Mt Buninyong. These records must have been sought out by the AHRS as Russell had died before the Society was established. -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Ephemera - St. Mary’s Church, Caulfield
Church Chronicles Caulfield for St. Mary’s and St. Margaret’s dated 17/02/1957, June 1973 and August 1928. Chronicles mention vicars, doings and events at St. Margaret’s. A brief article dated 1858-1928 on the parish history and the enlarging of St. Margaret’s on the acquiring of Helenslea in Hood Crescent for the establishing of Shelford girls school. St. Mary’s and St. Margaret’s Chronicle for 17/02/1957 gives annual report detailing each church group expenditures. June 1973 chronicle includes a letter from the vicar and summaries of events held by the clubs and guilds in the church.cooper e.f. canon, st. mary’s, manses, bade m.m., george miss, crellin john, paynter j., rowe mr., ethel f.g., russell i., church groups, langley h.t., allen leura, hart mrs., slaney family, seymour road, bambra road, glen eira road, st. margaret’s church, ripley grove, cumberland joseph k., balaclava road, opticians, f.a. arden, hawthorn road, caulfield, estate agents, leete’s pharmacies, carlisle street, inkerman road, caulfield north, pharmacies -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Pamphlet - St Margaret’s Church of England, Ripley Grove
A pamphlet with brief history of St Mary’s –St Margaret’s Caulfield 1860’s to 1948 written for parish dinner on 15/10/1957 by person mary’s church, st margarets church, glen eira road, hood crescent, st clement, st agnes, st catherine, shelford, bluestone, clergy residences, bells, halls, sunday schools, schools -
Federation University Historical Collection
Map, Doroq County of Grenville L4935, 1911, 28 June 1911
This plan is associated with former Ballarat School of Mines Student Richard Squire (1875-1876). Gift of the Squire FamilyParish Plan of Doroq in black ink printed on cream paper. It includes the township of Inverleigh and Barwon Rover. Some of the names on the plan are William McRobie, William MacRobie, Thomas Russell, W.C. Smith, John Bell, J. Moffatt, Thomas Moffatt, John Anderson, George Synnot, Charles Lloyd, William MacRobie, J. Flack, Alexander Campell, T. Maher, William Berthon. Thomas Jewell, James Carstairs, D. MCInnerney, F.H. Holland, Robert Morrison17 7/9 18 9 miles handwritten in pencil Photo lithographed at the Department of Lands and Survey Melbourne by T. E. McGauran 28.6.11 Price 1/-carrunge-murnong, murdeduke, carrah, shelford, inverleigh, barwon river, hesse, wingeel, george russell, george russell's pre-emptive section, john moffatt, w. c. smith, macrobie, john bell, thomas russell, t.f. mcgauran