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matching show society committee
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Wodonga Show Society Inaugural Committee, 1948
... Wodonga Show Society Inaugural Committee...Wodonga Show Society Inaugural Committee...Show Society Committee... of an original 25 member Wodonga Show Society Committee. These committee... of an original 25 member Wodonga Show Society Committee. These committee ...In 1947 Shire President Cr. Charles F. Pollard called a public meeting for the purpose of discussing the forming of an Agricultural Society to raise funds for the proposed Wodonga Hospital. Cr. Pollard was the inaugural President of the Wodonga Show Society and joined by seven past Shire Presidents as part of an original 25 member Wodonga Show Society Committee. These committee members are captured in this photo. In addition to the committee, there were 150 members of the inaugural society. The first Wodonga Show was held on Saturday 6th March 1948. The catalogue for this event is included here. Forty district farmers guaranteed £400 in prize money; £321 was taken at the gate, and money from entry fees totalled £50. A profit of £50 was made for the Wodonga Hospital. This photograph is significant as it records the founding members of the first Pastoral, Agricultural and Horticultural Society in Wodonga.A framed black and white photograph of the members of the Inaugural Wodonga Show Committee. The unframed photo has a title handwritten in copperplate script at the top of the image. On the framed image, names have been typed an the left hand side.Handwritten above photo: Members of Committee of Wodonga P.A.H. Society Inaugural Show held 6th March 1948. Names typed with framed image:- Back R to L: Cliff Sheather, Charlie Ryan, Arnie Ford, Jack Hore, Bob Hall, Bill Richardson, Perc. Newbound, Peter Frawley Snr., Ernie Mann Centre Row L- R:- Sam Manning, Jack Street, Val Hempel, Arthur Arnold, Arthur Bert Winnett, Jack Turner, Tom Snowden, Des Klinge Front Row L - R:- Mel Lambourne, Bob Richardson, Charlie Pollard, Ken Watson, George Hancockwodonga show society, show society committee -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Booklet - Albury Show Society Biography of Committee Members 1901 & 1918, Jan Hunter and Helen Livsey, 2012
... Albury Show Society Biography of Committee Members 1901...Albury Show Society Biography of Committee Members 1901... development. Albury Show Society Biography of Committee Members 1901 ...The Albury Show Society is one of the oldest organisations in Albury, NSW. In 1857, forty people attended a meeting in Albury called by Robert Brown. From that meeting, 150 years ago, the Albury and Murray River Agricultural and Horticultural Society was born. It was eventually to evolve into the Albury Show Society through the work of many dedicated members. This publication includes a brief history of the Society and biographies of key people in its development.non-fictionThe Albury Show Society is one of the oldest organisations in Albury, NSW. In 1857, forty people attended a meeting in Albury called by Robert Brown. From that meeting, 150 years ago, the Albury and Murray River Agricultural and Horticultural Society was born. It was eventually to evolve into the Albury Show Society through the work of many dedicated members. This publication includes a brief history of the Society and biographies of key people in its development.albury show society, agricultural shows new south wales, biographies -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Ringwood Horticultural Society Show Committee - March 1919, Mar-19
... Ringwood Horticultural Society Show Committee - March 1919... Ringwood Town Hall, 1919. Ringwood Horticultural Society Show ...Black and white photographs- 2 large, 2 smaller copies. Photograph taken outside Mechanics Hall, later Ringwood Town Hall, 1919.Back Row (L to R) T Hamilton, - , Claude Howship, F Wright, Alf Bloom, - , Harry Brewer Middle Row Herman Pump, J Aird, AT Clarke JP, H Pratt, A Milner, Bessie Mackinlay, Tilley, Stuart C Wallace, P Laurie, Nick Madden Front Row W Everard MLA, PT Young, - , A Kennedy, L Burghard, F Pollard Photographer was Darge, The Soldier's Photographer, 176 Collins Street, Melbourne -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Ringwood Horticultural Society- Show Committee outside Club Hotel,1897
... Ringwood Horticultural Society- Show Committee outside Club... Ringwood Horticultural Society- Show Committee outside Club Hotel ...Black and white photograph (3 copies) Newspaper cutting from "Mail" dated 14/11/46Typed on front of one photograph- "Ringwood Show Committee outside Club Hotel 1897". Written on back of photograph- "First Rwd Horticultural Soc Show Committee and VIP's, March 1897. Photo taken outside Club Hotel." Newspaper article shows same image asking- 'Can you name them?. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Ringwood Horticultural Society- Show Committee 1904
... Ringwood Horticultural Society- Show Committee 1904.... Society- Show Committee 1904. Photograph ...Black and white photographs (3 copies), and newspaper cutting from Ringwood Mail, dated 26 November 1959.Written on back of one of the photographs: "Ringwood Horticultural Show Committee 1904 listing the following names: Back Row- L to R: Ecklestin, Hembrow, A. Dickson, Stan Falconer, O.J. Pratt, Dick Kent, H. Thatcher, T.S. Falconer. Middle Row- L to R: A. Blood. H. Wilkins, Codlin, Hon. Evans M.L.C, J. Hann, J. B. McAlpin, G. Wiggins, H. Pratt, Geo Parker. Front Row- L to R: Tortice, Sam Maggs, John Parker, Broadley. An additional annotation states that the first show was in 1897. Newspaper cutting shows copy of photograph with the heading "Ringwood Horticultural Show Committee, 1904. -
City of Whittlesea
Photograph - Photographs - Whittlesea Show, C Lucas, Whittlesea Show Committee 1913, 1913
... Society's Show Committee 1913... of the Whittlesea Agricultural Society's Show Committee 1913 Whittlesea Show ...Digital copy of photograph of the Whittlesea Agricultural Society's Show Committee 1913Inscription on back of photograph: Mr J Thomas Whittlesea Show Committee 1913 -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Memorabilia - Miss Wodonga Show Girl Sash 1966
... of an original 25 member Wodonga Show Society committee. In addition... of an original 25 member Wodonga Show Society committee. In addition ...In 1947 Shire President Cr. Charles F. Pollard called a public meeting for the purpose of discussing the forming of an Agricultural Society to raise funds for the proposed Wodonga Hospital. Cr. Pollard was the inaugural President of the Wodonga Show Society and was joined by seven past Shire Presidents as part of an original 25 member Wodonga Show Society committee. In addition to the committee, there were 150 members of the inaugural Society. The first Wodonga Show was held on Saturday 6 March 1948. The first Sun-News Pictorial Miss Show Girl competition was held in Victoria in 1957, an annual tradition that lasted into the 1990s. Most country shows held heats to find a local winner before the final was judged at the Royal Melbourne Show each year. The first Miss Wodonga Show Girl competition was held in 1958. It was open to all girls between the ages of 16 and 23, born in Australia or naturalised Australians. Judging will be on the following basis of deportment, dress sense, grooming, general appearance, personality. Wodonga Show Society presented a prize to the winner who was accompanied to the final judging on People’s Day at the Melbourne Royal Show. This sash was awarded to Miss Wodonga Show Girl in 1966. The winner of the Senior Section was Ludmilla Bartosz of Wodonga. The Junior Show Girl section was won by Sue Maddison of Bandiana. First prize in the Senior section included this sash, $20 in case and a first class return rail fare to Melbourne for the final judging at the Royal Melbourne Show.A blue sash with gold trim and lettering and a fringe trim.WODONGA SHOW 1966 MISS WODONGA SHOW GIRL SASH DONATED BY PENNANT PRODUCTS MELB.wodonga agricultural society, wodonga show, miss wodonga show girl -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, 75th Annual Show, prior to March 1984
This magazine was produced as a program for the 75th Annual Show at Newmerella Recreation Reserve. The first meeting to form an Agricultural society in Orbost was convened by the then Orbost Progress Association and held in the Mechanics Hall on Saturday, 10th October 1891. Its first show was held on 3rd March 1904...on a site alongside the Bonang Road where the present Golf Club stands. It is currently held at the Recreation Reserve at Newmerella. Ref: In Times Gone By-Deborah HallThis item is associated with the Orbost Agricultural Society 's Annual Show which has been a major event in Orbost for over a century. Agricultural shows are an important part of cultural life in small country towns and the Orbost Show is an integral part of Orbost 's agricultural history. A small thin 40 pp paper booklet with a buff coloured cover. On the cover is the title, "75th Annual Show in black print. It is inside a black border with "Orbost Agricultural Show" at the top. There is the date of the event, details of the committee members and costs of admission beneath the title.orbost-annual-show -
Orbost & District Historical Society
account, 1st February, 1914
Saunders General Store was opened in 1900, overlapping part of the Mensland and Coultons stores. It was called "The ―Melbourne Store" which referred to it being a branch of their Melbourne store.The shop was burnt down in the early 1930‘s. Arthur Scott Saunders was born in 1864 and died 3-12-1913 (49) in Orbost. He was the son of Thomas Frederick Saunders and Lucy Beard Scott. He was a Storekeeper at Orbost, a member of the early Show Committees, a Rechabite in 1893, and was a member of the Board of Guardians of the Church of England from 1894 to 1913 where he served as secretary and treasurer of the Board. He was married to Agnes Louisa Stuart Morris. She sold the business in 1919 to Mr J. H. V. Dale and left Orbost with her two daughters for East Malvern in April 1927. ( more info. on the Saunders family in In Times Gone By by Deborah Hall; Orbost & District Historical Society Newsletter by John Phillips) Robert Pullar Cameron was a Shire Councillor for many years. He married Penuel Hossack and had a family of James, Flora, Penuel and Alex. This item is an example of a hand-written account from an Orbost business of the early 20th century. It is a useful research tool.A white paper account with red lines, hand-written black print. There is a yellow duty stamp and a green receipt from A.S. Saunders, Drapers, Grocer and Ironmonger, to R.P. Cameron.account saunders-family cameron-r.p. book-keeping -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, C1888 -1889
This is a photograph of the Saunders Family at Orbost 1888-89. It is Arthur and Agnes Saunders with their children, Beatrice, Cyril, Hilda and Vera. Arthur Scott Saunders was born 1864 in Orbost and died 3.12.1913 in Orbost where he is buried. He was the son of Son of Thomas Frederick Saunders and Lucy Beard Scott. He was a storekeeper at Orbost, a member of the early Show Committees, a Rechabite in 1893, and was a member of the Board of Guardians of the Church of England from 1894 to 1913 where he served as secretary and treasurer of the Board. His wife was Agnes Louisa Stuart Morriss who was born in 1862 and died 26-11-1938 at East Malvern and is buried in . Orbost cemetery. She sold the business in 1919 to Mr J. H, V. Dale. She left Orbost with her two daughters for East Malvern in April 1927. Saunders General Store was opened in 1900, overlapping part of the present Mensland and Coultons. The ―Melbourne Store‖ refers to it being a branch of their Melbourne store. The shop was burnt down in the early 1930‘s. ( info. from Saunders Family Newsletter by John Phillips)This is a pictorial record of a prominent early Orbost family and is a useful research item.A black / white photograph of a family group with the parents seated and their children standing around them. In the background is a wooden fence. It is on a beige coloured buff card.on front - "Saunders family at Orbost" on back - " Saunders family at orbost, 1888 - 1889"saunders-orbost -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, S.F. Gerberg & Bulmer, C 1908u
This photograph shows members of the Orbost Agricultural Show committee about 1908 with L to R : S. Lynn; John Russell; Mat Lynch; W. Warren; John Johnson; Will Cumming & Geo. Perry. The first meeting to form an Agricultural society in Orbost was convened by the then Orbost Progress Association and held in the Mechanics Hall on Saturday, 10th October 1891. Its first show was held on 3rd March 1904...on a site alongside the Bonang Road where the present Golf Club stands. It is currently held at the Recreation Reserve at Newmerella. (Ref: In Times Gone By-Deborah Hall) This item is associated with the Orbost Agricultural Society 's Annual Show which has been a major event in Orbost for over a century. Agricultural shows are an important part of cultural life in small country towns and the Orbost Show is an integral part of Orbost 's agricultural history. A faded black / white photograph of seven men standing outside with trees in the background.on back - " Orbost Agricultural Show" and list of men in photograph.orbost-agricultural-society annual-show -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, 1930 - 1940
This photograph shows three generations of the Russell family in Orbost. On the left is John Russell with his son Bill Russell and his wife Ede and their son Ian. John Russell Senior was a blacksmith, wheelwright, farmer and chairman of the Orbost Butter Factory, makers of Sunny South Butter (today part of Murray Goulburn Co Ltd). Bill was born at Orbost in 1893, the youngest son of John and Elizabeth Maud (nee Clarke). Upon his father’s retirement he took over the homestead part of the holding, 1,000 acres of river flats and hill land. He was involved in dairying and was also a successful beef cattle breeder and maize grower. He was elected to the Orbost Shire Council in 1929 and shortly afterwards was President for 18 months (from May 1930 to August 1931). He served a further term as President in 1934-35. He represented the South riding. He was chairman of the Bean Board and a well-known horse and show judge and a member of the Royal Agricultural Society. He was an elocutionist of some note and a member of the committee of management of the Orbost Hospital. He was also a prominent member and Past Master of the Masonic Lodge and a Justice of the Peace. He served as president of the Orbost Golf Club and assisted with the preparation and layout of the present Orbost Golf course. This item is associated with the Russell family, early settlers in the Orbost district.A black / white photograph of a family. A lady is in the middle with a man on each side and a young boy in front. They are standing outside a house in the garden.on back - "3 generations, Johnny Russell, Ede & Bill Russell & Ian Russell"russell-family-orbost -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black / white photograph, early 20th century
This photograph shows an early Orbost Agricultural Show committee. Included in the photograph are: Phil Nixon; John Johnston; Percy Morris; Harry Richardson; Arthur Saunders; Archie Rodwell; Geo. Nixon; J. Warren; John Draffin; W. Fisher; D.R. Norris; Paul Hocking; Waller; JasHossack; Jim Cameron; John Cameron. The first meeting to form an Agricultural society in Orbost was convened by the then Orbost Progress Association and held in the Mechanics Hall on Saturday, 10th October 1891. Its first show was held on 3rd March 1904...on a site alongside the Bonang Road where the present Golf Club stands. It is currently held at the Recreation Reserve at Newmerella. (Ref: In Times Gone By-Deborah Hall) This item is associated with the Orbost Agricultural Society 's Annual Show which has been a major event in Orbost for over a century. Agricultural shows are an important part of cultural life in small country towns and the Orbost Show is an integral part of Orbost 's agricultural history. A large black / white photograph of a large group of men outside a wooden building. There is a tank on the left side. Some men are standing, some sitting and the man if front is lying , leaning on his elbow. There is a smaller copy of same photograph.on front - "show committee"orbost-agricultural-show-committee -
Orbost & District Historical Society
framed photograph, C 1904
The first meeting to form an Agricultural society in Orbost was convened by the then Orbost Progress Association and held in the Mechanics Hall on Saturday, 10th October 1891. Its first show was held on 3rd March 1904...on a site alongside the Bonang Road where the present Golf Club stands. It is currently held at the Recreation Reserve at Newmerella. (Ref: In Times Gone By-Deborah Hall) This frame was made by Mary Lynch, wife of Matt Lynch. Pictured in the photograph are: Back: W. Fisher, Archie Rodwell, Mat Lynch, Rupert Mosley, George Granter, Arthur Saunders, Arther Pardew, John Bird, John Gilbert. Front: Bill Ginning, George Perry (secretary) John Johnston (president), Carl Dreverman.This item is associated with the Orbost Agricultural Society 's Annual Show which has been a major event in Orbost for over a century. Agricultural shows are an important part of cultural life in small country towns and the Orbost Show is an integral part of Orbost 's agricultural history. It is also an example of the craft skills of women in the early 20th century.A black / white photograph of a group of thirteen men, some standing, some sitting in front of a wooden shed. The photograph is in an ornate frame made of dried seeds.on front - "Orbost Agricultural Show Committee probably 1904"orbost-agricultural-society lynch-mary orbost-show -
Orbost & District Historical Society
box of documents, 1966 - 1985
These documents show the beginnings of the society with a committee in 1966 leading to the formation in 1967,These documents record the history of the Orbost & District Historical Society.A cardboard box of documents of Orbost & District Historical Society, It contains minutes, correspondence, accounts, receipt and cheque books. There are also two keys. orbost-history-documents -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Account Book, Ringwood State School - account book of Mothers Club showing fund raising accounts. Book started 1938 then a gap; started again 1950. Shows lists of members at meetings, 1930s
Used at Mother's Club, Ringwood State SchoolRingwood State School - account book of Mothers Club showing fund raising accounts. Book started 1938 then a gap; started again 1950. Shows lists of members at meetings.School Committee Book for Accounts. (on a cloth spine) -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Exercise Book, A St George Product, Heatherdale Show 1954 sub-committee minute book, 1953-1954
Used by the sub-committee for the 1954 Heatherdale Show.St George Exercise Book - cover mottled green. Heatherdale Show 1954 sub-committee minute book, plus three foolscap pages with notes and drawings.1954 Show - sub-committee minutes -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document, Packet: Agriculture (Ringwood): Cuttings, Handwritten ""Sowing Wheat" Notes (Greg Dawson), 1909-1986
Agriculture; Poultry; Wheats; Dams; Mud Bricks; Ringwood Show Committee 1910 +Additional Keywords: Dawson, GregPacket includes: . Newspaper cutting showing Ringwood Show Committee, 1910, and Ringwood Orchard, 1910. . Letter from the Ringwood Fruit Association Limited dated 3 September, 1921 re supply of bluestone. . Hand written note on report of Ringwood Show 1909. . Extract from "The Victorian Poultry Journal" 1931 about the formation of a branch at Ringwood. . Extract from notes written by Mr. Greg Dawson of Merrigum aged 94, 1967, re sowing wheat, dams, mud bricks, and school. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Ringwood Show Committee. Circa 1920's
2 photographs- 1 black and white, 1 sepia."Attached to photograph" Names of Members: Top row - left to right. 1 A.Blood, 2 - 3 Thiele, 4 Thatcher, 5 -- ,6 --, 7 J.Hann Middle row - 1 Tortice, 2 Falconer, 3 --,4 --,5 --, 6 Wiggins, 7 Hembrow, 8 --,9 J B McAlpin Bottom row - 1 --, 2 --, 3 Graham, 4 Evans, 5 --, 6 --, 7 Eckelestein, Sitting on ground - Left 1 --, Right 1 --Parker. -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Administrative record - Minutes Book Sub Committees, Warrnambool City Council 1950-1973, Circa 1950
This book contains the minutes from a wide range of community groups such as Sun Youth Travel Scheme, Foreshore Reserve Committee of Management, Victorian Centenary Celebration, and Testimonials for various councillors, Freedom from Hunger Campaign, Historical Society, Miss Australia Quest, Meals on Wheels, Winston Churchill Memorial Appeal, and Warrnambool Cricket Grand Reserve. The meetings were held in the period 1950 to 1973.An interesting collection of minutes with a very diverse cross-section of community groups. It shows the workings of councillors with a range of community groups some of which such as Meals On Wheels have become an important part of community support for people. Red cover. Navy blue and white patterned inside front and back covers.188 blue lined pages with handwritten minutes for various sub committees and community groups.The letter M on base of spine. A shell series Product No 4222. warrnambool, minute book minutes book 1950- 1973, warrnambool and district historical society, sun youth travel scheme, warrnambool foreshore reserve committee of management, victorian centenary celebration, freedom from hunger campaign, miss australia quest, meals on wheels, winston churchill memorial appeal, warrnambool cricket grand reserve -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Ephemera - Token, Hickford Mayoral token
This so-called Hickford medal was a medal struck in 1897 by the Town of Warrnambool (bearing Walter Hickford’s name as the Mayor at the time) to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the reign of Queen Victoria. Walter John Hickford was Mayor of Warrnambool 1895-6-7 and President of the Committee that organized the Warrnambool Industrial and Art Exhibition of 1896-7. A skilled decorative artist, Hickford carried out art work in many private houses, business and churches in Warrnambool. His shop in Liebig Street supplied paint materials for households, businesses and artists. Hickford Parade is named after him. The 60th anniversary of Queen Victoria’s reign was celebrated widely throughout Australia and the British Empire. This medal is one of several owned by the Warrnambool and District Historical Society. It is of some importance as it shows the extent to which civic authorities and individuals in places like Warrnambool were concerned with all things British and the influence of the British monarchy in Australian affairs in the late 19th century. It also shows the importance attached at the time to the position of Mayor, with his name being inscribed on the medal.This is a medal, possibly bronze, with the logo of the Town of Warrnambool on one side and two images of Queen Victoria on the other. Side one: Town of Warrnambool, W.J.Hickford, Mayor Side two: 1837-1897, Queen Victoria’s 60th Year of Reign queen victoria, town of warrnambool walter hickford -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Journal - State Electricity Commission of Victoria - May - July 1948, May - July 1948, 1948
The SECV published a quarterly magazine during 1948 continuing on from previous years and the following years. It covered all their projects throughout Victoria including the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme. Contributions included articles (personal & general) that were of general interest to the employees and their families.This edition has an article on pages 22 - 23 titled 'Lord Major's Visit to Kiewa' & 'Repatriation Committee for Upper Kiewa Valley'. Page 24 has 3 articles on Kiewa. Page 26 "Show at Pretty Valley'. Page 48 "Kiewa Keynotes" (a regular column). Page 51 includes employees names in staff movements and latest births, marriages and deaths.Cardboard orange cover with two staples and 64 pages including black and white photos.kiewa hydro electric scheme, state electricity commission of victoria., magazine, kiewa keynotes, pretty valley -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Bridge and how to play it, 1901
This book belonged to the Warrnambool solicitor, Con O’Mahony (1863-1920). In 1883, he won the University of Melbourne Bowen Prize for his essay on the Federation of the Australian colonies. His prize, ten volumes of the ‘Lives of the Chancellors’, is today in the possession of the Warrnambool and District Historical Society. O’Mahony had a legal practice in Warrnambool in the Royal Chambers in Kepler Street at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. He was initially in a partnership with Messrs E.W. Klingender and Murray, then ,when this partnership was dissolved, he continued the business under the name of O’Mahony and later O’Mahony and Murray. He was actively involved in the management of the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute and was a member of the Warrnambool Hospital committee. The item here described shows O’Mahony’s interest in bridge-playing, a popular pastime at that time. This book is of some significance as it belonged to Con O’Mahony, a well-known lawyer in Warrnambool in the early 1900s. It also shows the interest in bridge-playing as a pastime during that period. This is a small hard cover book of 112 pages. It was published in 1901(eighth edition) and contains seven chapters on how to play bridge, a scoring table and an index. The last three pages are advertisements for other books on bridge. The cover is yellow with the title of the book, the author’s name and the publisher on the front cover contained within a scroll pattern with four coloured images of the four kings from a pack of cards. The back cover has a list of the British Chess Handbooks published by George Routledge & Sons Ltd. The pages have been annotated (presumably by Con O’Mahony, the Warrnambool solicitor) and some sentences and headings have been underlined.Four stamps – one of ‘May 24 1902’ and three of ‘C.O’Mahony, Solicitor, Warrnambool’.bridge-playing, con o’mahony, warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document, Docket Dr Bright's Phosphodyne, Mid 19th century
This label accompanied a bottle of Dr Bright’s Phosphodyne. It was a form of medicine also known as ozonic oxygen which was developed and patented in 1869 by Dr Charles Bright, a 19th century Resident Surgeon at St Mary’s Hospital London, The medicine claimed to ease ‘indigestion, liver complaints, nervous debility, female complaints, premature decline, local weakness and spermatorrhea’. It was widely sold by chemists throughout Australia in the 19th century and in this case was supplied by the Warrnambool chemist, James Astley Bromfield. He was a significant person in Warrnambool’s history as he produced the 1856 map of the Warrnambool district showing all the original landholders, a seminal resource for historians today. Bromfield had a chemist shop in Warrnambool from 1854 to the late 1880s, initially in Timor Street and then in Liebig Street (number 80 and later number 78). Bromfield was very active in local community affairs. This label is of considerable interest as it shows the use in the 19th century of medicine that today would be labelled ‘quack’. It is of particular interest as it was supplied by James Astley Bromfield’s chemist shop and he is an important early identity in Warrnambool, involved in many activities in the town. He was a Justice of the Peace, a Trustee of the Savings Bank, Chairman of the Western Steam Navigation Company, a Director of the Gasworks and on the committees of the Harbour Committee, the Fire Brigade and the Anglers Protection Society. He was a Warrnambool Councillor (1858-60; 1865-1870) and a Shire Councillor (1875-1883). This is a sheet of paper that accompanied a bottle of Dr Brights’ Phosphodyne medicine. It is buff-coloured with black printed material. It is in two pieces and dog-eared at the edges.warrnambool, dr bright's phosphodyne, james bromfield chemist, warrnambool chemists -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Pelling, Charis
Charis Pelling, daughter of Professor William Osborne and Dr Ethel Osborne, was active in local activities, including being Eltham Shire's first female president and a councillor. Contents Newspaper articles: About Whittlesea Show 1964, Diamond Valley News, 1964 (photocopy). Magazine article: "A woman who gets things done", The Australian Women's Weekly, 26 October 1966. Charis Pelling's life and activities. Note card: Thanks for sympathy following destruction of "Woodlands" and "The Hall" in 8 January 1969 bushfire. Newspaper article: "Quietly proud of her life", Diamond Valley News, 19 June 1984. Charis Pelling's childhood and activities. Note card: Thanks for sympathy following death of Edwin Oswald Pelling. Newspaper notice: Death notice, Charis Meta Aleander Pelling. Order of Service: Celebration of life of Charis Meta Aleander Pelling, 2006. Letter: Eltham District Historical Society to Charis Pelling, 21 June 1995, Invitation to be presented with certificate to her as foundation President of the Society. Note card: Charis Pelling, Thanks for presentation. Newsletter: Eltham District Historical Society, number 172, January 2007. Obituary of Charis Meta Alexander Pelling.Newspaper clippings, A4 photocopies, etccharis pelling, whittlesea show, kangaroo ground victoria, michael pelling, margaret pelling, nicholas pelling, deborah pelling, warrandyte water works trust, eltham arts council, eltham old people's committee, eltham art show, shillinglaw cottage preservation committee, woodlands kangaroo ground victoria, gareth jones roberts, peter glass, alkis astrix, matcham skipper, mervyn horton, the flavor of eltham, bush fire january 1969, the hall kangaroo ground victoria, professor william osborne, dr ethel osborne, william pelling, alistair knox, harold bartlett, gerald yunken, edwin oswald pelling, charis meta alexander pelling -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Folder, Pioneers & Painters; Shire of Eltham Historical Society notes, minutes, 1969-1971, 1969-1971
Material pertaining to the production of a history of the Shire of Eltham, "Pioneers & Painters: One Hundred Years of Eltham and its Shire" in recognition of the shire's centenary in 1971 Item Title Caption 04766-1 Background to publication of a Shire Centenary book from another shire, 7 February 1969 04766-2 Outcomes of Annual General Meeting held 11 February 1969, Shire of Eltham Historical Society, Advising office bearers for 1969 as well as notice for next meeting to be held 11 March 1969 at the Eltham War Memorial Hall where guest speaker Alan Marshall will talk on a proposal to compile a history of the Shire of Eltham to be published for the centenary of the Shire in 1971 04766-3 Letter: Russell Yeoman, Secretary, Shire of Eltham Historical Society to the Shire Secretary, Shire of Eltham seeking financial support for the publication of a history of the shire to celebrate its centenary in 1971, 21 February 1969 04766-4 Carbon copy Letter: Russell Yeoman, Secretary, Shire of Eltham Historical Society inviting Shire Councillors to next Historical Society meeting, 21 February 1969 Enclosed copy of letter sent to Shire Secretary, Shire of Eltham seeking financial support for the publication of a history of the shire to celebrate its centenary in 1971 04766-5 Notes following meeting with Alan Marshall regarding the publication of a history of the Shire of Eltham, 1969 In Russell Yeoman's hand writing 04766-6 Letter: M.B. Watson, Eltham Shire Secretary to Shire of Eltham Historical Society expressing support for the publication of a history of the Shire, 11 March 1969 04766-7 Alan Marshall's notes for talk to members of the Shire of Eltham Historical Society (March 1969) re research for Shire history publication, c.March 1969 04766-8 Minutes of the meeting of the Shire of Eltham Historical Society held 11 March 1969 04766-9 Letter: Russell Yeoman, Secretary, Shire of Eltham Historical Society to F. Endacott, President of Healesville Historical Society seeking information for the publication of a history of the shire to celebrate its centenary in 1971, 10 June 1969 Areas of Healesville were initially part of the Shire of Eltham 04766-10 Letter: Page 1 of letter from F. Endacott, President, Healesville Historical Society, to Russell Yeoman regarding the history of the Shire of Eltham extending beyond Healesville, 21 June 1969 04766-11 Notice to members of the Shire of Eltham Historical Society regarding publication of a history of the Shire to be edited by Alan Marshall and advising next meeting to be held 24 June 1969 04766-12 Letter: RHSV to Shire of Eltham Historical Society agreeing to place any source material at the disposal of the society for the upcoming publication on the history of the Shire of Eltham, 30 June 1969 04766-13 Letter: Russell Yeoman, Secretary , Shire of Eltham Historical Society to Melbourne & Metropolitan Board of Works seeking material for a history of the Shire. c.1969 Specific mention regarding the Maroondah Aqueduct 04766-14 Letter: Russell Yeoman, Secretary , Shire of Eltham Historical Society to Peter Cuffley of Hamilton seeking material for a history of the Shire. 8 July 1969 Specific mention regarding Sweeneys 04766-15 Letter: Rev. Donald Longfield to Russell Yeoman regarding potential sources of information and photographs for a history of the Shire of Eltham, 9 July 1969 04766-15-2 Letter: Rev. Donald Longfield to Russell Yeoman regarding potential sources of information and photographs for a history of the Shire of Eltham, 9 July 1969 04766-15-3 Letter: Rev. Donald Longfield to Russell Yeoman regarding potential sources of information and photographs for a history of the Shire of Eltham, 9 July 1969 04766-16 Letter: Russell Yeoman, Secretary , Shire of Eltham Historical Society to Royal Historical Society of Victoria seeking assistance on material for a history of the Shire. c.1969 Specific mention regarding the Maroondah Aqueduct 04766-17 Letter: Russell Yeoman, Secretary , Shire of Eltham Historical Society to the Editor, RHSV Newsletter on the Society seeking material for a history of the Shire. 24 July 1969 04766-18 Notice and Agenda for Shire of Eltham Historical Society Meeting to be held 26 August 1969 Peter Basset-Smith to show his films of Eltham & District in the 1930s 04766-19 Letter: L.J. Corben, Acting Assistant Secretary, Melbourne & Metropolitan Board of Works to Russell Yeoman, Secretary , Shire of Eltham Historical Society regarding availability of material on the Maroondah Aqueduct and Dam in support of a publication on the history of the Shire, 29 August 1969 Specific mention regarding the Maroondah Aqueduct 04766-20 Notice for Shire of Eltham Historical Society Meeting to be held 23 August 1969 Peter Basset-Smith to show his films of Eltham & District in the 1930s 04766-21 Notice of cancellation for Shire of Eltham Historical Society Meeting to be held October 1969 04766-22 Notice for Shire of Eltham Historical Society Meeting to be held 25 November 1969 04766-23 Notes regarding Shire of Yea's plans to publish a book on the shire's history for its centenary in 1969 04766-24 Draft notice for call-out of historical photographs and documents in support of a publication on the history of the Shire of Eltham, 1969 04766-25 Notes from meeting of Shire of Eltham Historical Society, History Publication Committee meeting, c.1969 04766-26 Note to Russell Yeoman advising sources of printed material, photographs, etc for Pioneers & Painters - A History of Eltham Shire, c.1969 04766-27 Letter: Russell Yeoman, Secretary , Shire of Eltham Historical Society to Heidelberg Historical Society seeking material for a history of the Shire. c.1969 Specific mention regarding floods in the area and the Heidelberg School of Painters 04766-28 Letter: Russell Yeoman, Secretary , Shire of Eltham Historical Society to Doncaster Historical Society seeking material for a history of the Shire. c.1969 Specific mention regarding Warrandyte and recent Fitzsimons Lane bridge 04766-29 Notice for Shire of Eltham Historical Society Meeting to be held 27 January 1970 04766-30 Notice for Shire of Eltham Historical Society Annual General Meeting to be held 24 February 1970 04766-31 Notice of Office Bearers elected at the Shire of Eltham Historical Society Annual General Meeting held 24 February 1970 and notice of next meeting to be held 24 March 1970 04766-32 Notice for Shire of Eltham Historical Society Meeting to be held 28 April 1970 04766-33 Notice from Russell Yeoman, Secretary, Shire of Eltham Historical Society to members advising on progress of the History Publication Committee, c. 1970 Also noted, the Society has a new P.O. Box address; P.O. Box 37 Eltham Vic. 3095 04766-34 Letter: Draft copy of letter from Russell Yeoman, Secretary, Shire of Eltham Historical Society expressing appreciation to Cr. Charis Pellis for chairing the committee which led to the publication of Pioneers & Painters, 23 August 1971 04766-35 Letter: Mrs Stella Graham of Diamond Creek to Secretary Shire of Eltham Historical Society, 1971; requesting the return of her personal papers lent in conjunction with the compilation of the history of the Shire of Eltham 04766-36 Letter: Mrs Stella Graham of Diamond Creek to Alan Marshall, 3 Aug. 1971; requesting the return of her personal papers lent in conjunction with the compilation of the history of the Shire of Eltham 04766-37 Letter: Margaret Orford of Nhill to Alan Marshall, 7 Feb 1970; advising she cannot help with any photos. Her Uncle who Alan Marshall had interviewed had all memorabilia however she definitely wanted to buy a book when available.The idea to develop a book on the history of the Shire of Eltham to be edited by noted author, Alan Marshall in celebration of the shire's centenary was initiated in 1969. The Shire of Eltham Historical Society undertook significant research in conjunction with Alan Marshall locating material at various institutions and other societies; interviewing longer term residents and a public campaign through the local press to acquire photographic material for duplication and use in the book. The public campaign received generous response and the material collected became the genesis for the Shire of Eltham Pioneers Photograph collection now held in partnership between Eltham District Historical Society and Yarra Plenty Regional Library (Eltham Library).Miscellaneous notes, copies of letters and minutes of the Shire of Eltham Historical Societyalan marshall, apted, arthurs creek, bridge street, burgoyne, cr. charis pelling, cracknell, dan glasgow, donald longfield, doncaster historical society, elsie reynolds, ethel williams, fitzsimons lane bridge, floods, frank berkery, heidelberg historical society, history publication committee, joslyn, kath stephenson, maroondah aqueduct, minutes, mmbw, motschall, panton hill, pioneers and painters, research (vic.), rev. jock ryan, rev. ken briarty, rev. longfield, rhsv, royal historical society of victoria, russell yeoman, shire of eltham historical society, shire of eltham, shire of eltham pioneers photograph collection, smith, stella graham, sweeney, yea shire council, margaret orford -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Souvenir Program, Official Program; Eltham Easter Horse Show and Goat Show, Easter Saturday April 20th, 1957, Eltham Park, 1957
1957 was the ninth show held in aid of the Eltham War Memorial Trust.20 pages, printed (black), folded and single centre stapleeaster gymkhana committee, eltham easter gymkhana 1957, eltham war memorial trust, goat show, horse show -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Program, Program Schedule; Eltham Easter Horse Show and Goat Show, Easter Saturday April 20th, 1957, Eltham Park, 1957
1957 was the ninth show held in aid of the Eltham War Memorial Trust.Single page, printed (black)easter gymkhana committee, eltham easter gymkhana 1957, eltham war memorial trust, goat show, horse show -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Souvenir Program, Official Program; Eltham Easter Horse Show and Goat Show, Easter Saturday, 5th April, 1958, Eltham Park, 1958
20 pages, printed (green), folded and single centre stapleeaster gymkhana committee, eltham easter gymkhana 1958, eltham war memorial trust, goat show, horse show -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Folder, Eltham War Memorial Trust; Easter Gymkhana Committee Minutes, 19 Nov 1954-6 Jun 1958
Contents: Notice from Honoury Treasurer of Easter Gymkhana Committee regarding completion of 1954 event and expression of thanks and that committee is now going into recess prior to commencement of planning for 1955 Notice of Easter Gymkhana Committee Meeting, Monday 24th October, 1955 at the Shire Hall, Eltham Letter from B.T. Taylor, Hon. Secretary, Eltham Easter Show Committee regarding the sale of tickets (c.1957) Letter from B.T. Taylor, President, Eltham Easter Show Committee to Georges Ltd regarding the supply of The Georges Cup for the Eltham Easter Show, 11 April 1958 Letter from Georges Ltd to B.T. Taylor, President, Eltham Easter Show Committee with payment for the minitiares of The Georges Cup, 6 June 1958 Letter from Eltham Shire Secretary to B.T. Taylor, President, Eltham Easter Show Committee advising of new procxess regarding raffle, 5 May 1958 Letter from Lilian Heath, Secretary, Judge Book Village Auxiallary to B.T. Taylor, Eltham Easter Show Committee, 24 May 1958 Letter from Mrs R.J. Godfrey on behalf of M.A. Godfrey of Dandenong to B.T. Taylor, President, Eltham Easter Show under threat of legal action requesting replacement of cheque for £10 (second prize Open Jumping Contest), which was lost, 24 May 1958 Reply by B.T. Taylor, President, Eltham Easter Show Committee to Mrs R.J. Godfrey to her letter of 24 May explaining circumstances and denying responsibility to forward a replacement cheque as it was cashed at the Golf Club Hotel; 6 June 1958 History of the War Memorial Following the end of the First World War, communities across Victoria and Australia typically erected memorials which were predominantly statues, cenotaphs, avenues of honour and plaques. The Shire of Eltham established the Avenue of Honour at the gateway to the shire as well as an obelisk at the corner of Main Road and Bridge street and the Shire of Eltham War Memorial Tower at Kangaroo Ground. After the Second World War communities once again desired to preserve the memories of those who served and paid the ultimate sacrifice. Resources were scarce so there was a transition away from the traditional style memorials that sprang up post 1918 to one of building facilities that would provide ongoing benefit to the community. Even before the end of the Second World War, the citizens of Eltham began to consider an appropriate form of memorial for those from the area who fought and died in the First and Second World Wars. In 1943 the Eltham Women’s Auxiliary raised funds for the construction of buildings to be established on land to be purchased for the proposed War Memorial. On March 27th, 1945, the Eltham District Progress Association called a meeting of local people who in turn set up and registered the Eltham War Memorial Trust Inc. As a focus for the purpose of the memorial, the newspaper notice read:- ‘Those who have had a member of their family in the fighting services will want to see that the form of a memorial we are concerned with is the one which will be a constant reminder to us of those who fought for us and the little ones for whom they fought and died.’ At that meeting it was decided the Memorial should take the form of a baby health centre along with a creche and children’s library. In late 1945, the newly formed Eltham War Memorial Trust purchased the land at 903-907 Main Road Eltham from Miss Shillinglaw, which once formed part of the Shillinglaw farm on Lot 90 of Holloway’s 1851 “Little Eltham” subdivision. The Governor of Victoria, General Sir Dallas Brooks, laid the foundation stone on November 24th, 1950, in memory of those who fell in the Second World War. The Eltham Infant Welfare Centre was opened November 15th, 1952, the Pre-school on December 1st, 1956, and the Children’s Library in 1961. In late 1966 the children’s library service was integrated into the Heideberg Regional Library Service and the building was officially renamed the Eltham War Memorial Hall. Following the opening of the Eltham Infant Welfare Centre, work began in 1953 planning for the entrance to the grounds, which is signaled by a wrought iron arch entitled “Eltham War Memorial” . In 1954 the Eltham War Memorial Trust decided that a legacy provided by the late Councillor Ernest James Andrew (d. 29 March 1950) in memory of his wife, Mrs. Ellen Andrew (d. 13 July 1946) and who are both buried at Eltham Cemetery, should be used to fund the construction of the entrance. A metal plate inscribed to this effect was attached to the gates. Work on the Memorial Gardens was undertaken throughout the following decade, with a Memorial Forecourt included in the final 1956 plans for the Pre-School Centre. A quote was accepted by the Trust in 1963 for the implementation of a memorial garden, which included grading of a sixty-five foot strip at the rear of the Trust buildings and construction of concrete paths. The stone retaining walls at the front of the site were installed in 1968 when Main Road was widened and it is believed that the Memorial Gates were relocated at that time also. Eltham Senior Citizens Centre In 1964, Eltham Shire Council purchased a section of land from the Trust at the northern end of the site, as a provision for Country Fire Authority buildings. At the same time the Elderly Citizens Club proposed a Senior Citizens Centre on the south western section of the Trust’s property. This was approved by the Trust with the provision that the building was constructed in ‘accord’ with those already existing. In 1965 Council took on board the plans for the Senior Citizens Centre and applied for a government grant. These could only be awarded if Council owned the site. In 1962 the Trust had resolved to hand over the assets to Council once the Memorial Gardens were completed. This was in line with Health Department requirements that grants for the ongoing operation and maintenance of the three facilities would only be made once the the facilities were completed and handed over to Council. In 1965 the Department of Health further demanded substantial alterations to the Pre-School playground as a result of the pending impact of the planned Senior Citizens Centre and Main Road duplication. As a consequence, handover of the Trust’s assets to Council was initiated with a formal ceremony held in the Children’s Library on August 28th, 1965. The Trust continued on as a committee of management for another twelve months. Plans and specifications for the Senior Citizens Centre were prepared by March 1966. Council obtained a grant from the Government which covered one third of the cost and the building was completed by April 1967. Whilst the Senior Citizens Centre is contained within the original Eltham War Memorial building precinct, it was not part of the original Memorial and was not funded by the Eltham War Memorial Trust.Nine copies of letters/notices inserted loose in Minute Book, 33 x 21 x 1 cm, green faux crocodile skin hard board end-covers with black spine binding; 82 pages (last 38 blank)b.t. (ben) taylor, easter gymkhana committee, eltham war memorial trust, georges ltd, golf club hotel, judge book village auxilliary, lilian heath, minutes, r.j. godfrey, the georges cup