Book - Reference Maths, George Bell & Sons, Elementary Algebra Part 11, 1905

Historical information

This item was a standard maths book used in Victoria. It would have been a continuation of the Part 1 of the same name. Elementary level would have been in the early years of secondary school.


This has historic significance as it shows what Elemenetary Algebera was taught in the early - mid 20th century. This book would have been used in the Kiewa Valley schools by a local identity Wilma Davies therefore has social significance and research value. This book is now out of print and is a collectible item.

Physical description

A blue maths book with faded blue coth cover. It has gold lettering on the side of the book stating the name, author and publisher with their logo.
It would have had its name on the cover at one stage but it no longer on it due to water damage.

Inscriptions & markings

Cover has a triangle with Cambridge Mathematical Series enmbossed around the three sides. At the points of the triangle is the letters B D C with the letter A in the middle of the triangle


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