Historical information
Stereo-graphs were popular 1850 - 1930
Most stereoscopic methods present two offset images separately to the left and right eye of the viewer. Stereo-graphs feature two photographs or printed images positioned side by side about two and half inches apart, one for the left eye and one for the right. When a viewer uses a stereoscope, a device for viewing stereo-graphs,
these two-dimensional images are then combined in the brain to give the perception of 3D depth. The London Stereoscopic Company quickly developed technologies for mass - producing stereo-graphs; and between 1854 and 1856 the company sold over half a million stereo-graphs.
Physical description
Small, hand-held metal and timber steroeographic view-finder. The metal goggles are engraved with a free-flowing design. The rim of the goggles are covered in red velvet. A timber handle is attached with a metal hinge to the timber extension that has a wire frame to hold the stereo photographs.
The streographic photos comprise 2 identical black and white photos mounted, side by side on brown card.
Inscriptions & markings
Photocards 'ROSE'