Historical information

Purchased by Mr. & Mrs. H. N. Lord in Japan in 1960. The Japanese word for Cloisonne ware is SHIPPPO or seven treasured ware. It is an ancient technique for decorating metalwork objects. The resulting objects can also be called cloisonné.

The decoration is formed by first adding compartments or cells to the metal object. This is done by soldering or sticking silver or gold wires or thin strips placed on edge. These are visible in the finished piece, separating the different compartments.
Coloured enamel is the usual filling for the cells. Cloisonné enamel objects are worked on with enamel powder made into a paste, which then is fired in a kiln. In older times inlays of cut gemstones were often used. They were decorated with geometric or schematic designs, with thick cloison walls.

Physical description

Small Japanese Cloisonne iridescent red vase, with pale pink flowers on black wooded stand.
