Newspaper - Clippings, Two local newspaper articles regarding temporary classroom accommodation at Norwood High School, Ringwood, Victoria, 1959

Historical information

Norwood High School started the school year in multiple temporary premises while the new school was being erected in Byron Street, eventually opening mid 1959.

Physical description

Ringwood Post 7 May 1959 Headline "Minister at Norwood to see for himself" article in response to earlier letter to the editor headed "Piecemeal Education" regarding inadequate temporary accommodation.

Inscriptions & markings

Deputation participants: Norwood High School Parents and Citizens' Association - Mrs. H. Couche, President, R.L. David, Honorary Secretary; Minister for Education, Mr. H.S. Bloomfield; Mr. J. Manson, M.L.A. (Member for Ringwood); Mr H. Hopkins, District Inspector; Mr. A. Gibson, Headmaster.

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