Physical description

Notification of meeting for election of members including 5 members elected by parents, 5 nominated by District Inspector and Head Master, 1 representative nominated by municipal council.

Inscriptions & markings

PARENTS' NOMINATIONS: (5 to be elected)
Mrs. C. R. Badger, Housewife, RINGWOOD NORTH.
Mr. A. G. Harding, Chief Navigation Instructor T.A.A., WARRANDYTE,
Mr. R. W. Holt, Solicitor, Loughnans Rd. RINGWOOD.
Mr. F.J. Loosley, Factory Manager, NORTH RINGWOOD,
Mr. W. Matthew, Branch Supervisor, EAST RINGWOOD.
Dr. Paul Matthews, Medical Practitioner. RINGWOOD.
Mrs. Pullin, Secretary, Mullum Rd., RINGWOOD.
Mr. A. R. Wilkins, Electrical Supplier, RINGWOOD.
Mrs. W. Coombs, Housewife, MITCHAM.
Mr. J, Fullarton, Departmental Manager, WARRANDYTE.
Mr, D. Purdie, Auditor, Loughnans Rd., RINGWOOD.
Cr. R. Spencer, Statist, Hillcrtest Ave., RINGWOOD.
Cr. P. Vergers, Orchardist, Mullum Rd., RINGWOOD.
MUNICIPAL REPRESENTATIVES: ( Nominated by Municipal Councils. No election)
Cr. B. Hubbard, Borough of Ringwood.
Cr. W. R. Wilson, Shire of Doncaster & Templestowe.
Not yet notified - City of Nunawading.
Not yet notified - Shire of Eltham.