Physical description

A slim brown badly damaged paperback book with the title, Dainty Dishes for Children, Invalids and Convalescents printed in black lettering inside a black lined patterned square shape which has full details of the author and her qualifications as well as other titles available in the series. Price 1/-, 1/1 posted is listed too. There are many advertisements supporting the use of ingredients throughout the book as well as on both sides of the covers. There is a Preface and Index to Recipes. Pp. 46.

Publication type


Inscriptions & markings

Indiscipherable grey pencil writing of a name is on the top right of the front cover, as well as notes about recipes at the top of the Index to Recipes at the front. Various recipes have a grey pencil large bracket at the left side next to the stapled spine.


A useful third edition text book for Mothers and Nurses originally compiled by Miss Lucy Drake (Trained Cookery Teacher of the Education Department, Melbourne, Victoria) in the 1920's. Lucy trained as a Cookery teacher in London, England. This edition was revised and enlarged by Dorothy M Giles (Diploma of Domestic Economy, Trained Teacher of Domestic Arts, Melbourne, Victoria) and was used as a text book for Nurses' Cookery Certificate required by The Royal Victorian Trained Nurses' Association in Victoria. Both sometimes Head of Cookery Section of Swinburne Technical College, Glenferrie, Victoria.