We are dedicated to the collection, preservation and making available for research (eg,, by digitisation and cataloguing) of Cockatoo's historical records. The current collection is largely the work of one person.
We are dedicated to the collection, preservation and making available for research (eg,, by digitisation and cataloguing) of Cockatoo's historical records. The current collection is largely the work of one person.
After the devastating fires that hit Cockatoo on February 16th 1983. Dot Griffin recorded many of Cockatoo's earlier residents so their stories weren't lost like so much of Cockatoo's written history.
Audio File, originally recorded on cassette
recording, cockatoo, cockatoo creek, audio file
Myrtle Grayson (nee McKay) was the Grand Daughter of John and Sarah Orchard (two of Cockatoo's first settlers) and worked for James and Caroline McBride in 1911 at the age of 14
Handwritten letter by Mrs Myrtle Grayson on foolscap paper. Letter written in 1984
Blue pen on foolscap paper
letter, history of cockatoo, myrtle grayson, cockatoo creek,
An early Barratt photo of the Cockatoo Creek, looking towards the McBride St bridge. The four men depicted in the image, look relaxed and are taking in the serenity of the creek below.
Dear Florrie, just a card to let you know I haven't quite ? altogether am up here among the ferns and ? It is a lovely place for a quiet holiday the fern gullys are just lovely you can see the Ranges in the distance as blue as the sea. This view is the bridge over Cockatoo creek near the R. Station. As space is short I will close Best Love from ?
Original Barratt Photo, of four men standing on the McBride St bridge over the Cockatoo Creek
Rear of the postcard includes handwritten correspondence in ink, to someone called Florrie
a. t barratt, postcard, cockatoo creek, cockatoo, views of cockatoo,
Cockatoo's Tourist Track featured in many postcards that were produced. It was an important attraction for the many holiday makers that came to Cockatoo in the early part of last century.
The Tourist Track extended along the Cockatoo Creek, crossing the creek in various parts. It seemingly followed the creek until it ended in the vicinity of Mountain Rd and started near the swimming pool.
Original Postcard - The Rose Series P 1619
cockatoo creek, tourist track, rose series postcard, cockatoo victoria
Thomas Fairbridge came to Cockatoo about 1919 to manage the store for his brother-in-law Henry Knight and later bought it. The shop continued to operate as Fairbridges after Thomas died in 1941. On his death he was First Principal of the Belgrave Holy Royal Arch Chapter, this in memoriam book was given to the Fairbridge family on Feb 14th, 1942
The lodge stated in the book -- The desire to pay homage and respect to the memory of our Most Excellent First Principal who passed to the Great Beyond in November of last year has prompted the Companions to present this token of the love and esteem in which he was held. To his loved ones we extend sincere sympathy. We offer it without reserve and with the most profound understanding.
Leather bound book maroon in colour, with gold embossing. Held together with a maroon cord. Contained in its original maroon cardboard storage box.
Includes a family photo, of Thomas, Mary and Dorothy Fairbridge. Newspaper obituary, tributes and memorial service cuttings with handwritten descriptions. Signatures of members from the Belgrave Holy Royal Arch Chapter.
cockatoo, fairbridge, masonic,
In 1976, the Shire of Pakenham recognising that Cockatoo was the second largest township within the shire, acknowledged requests for the provision of recreation facilities. Council purchased four hectares of land strategically located in the Town Centre and in conjunction with the local community, embarked upon a programme of staged development of the site. The first stage saw the construction of the kindergarten building which was opened in 1977, followed by the bowling green, tennis courts, netball courts and public toilets. The Community Complex Building was the final development of the site.
The Cockatoo Community Complex building, was the final stage of the development and was opened on the 20th November 1982. It was a replacement for the old Cockatoo Hall, which had not been renovated since 1936. The old Cockatoo Hall was lost in the Ash Wednesday fires on the 16th February 1983. The community complex played an integral part in the recovery stages after Ash Wednesday.
Four page document, including Acknowledgements, Order of Ceremony, Menu and Site Plan of the Cockatoo community Complex
Two punctured holes for folder storage
cockatoo community complex, cockatoo hall, hall opening, cockatoo
Carved by an elderly Cockatoo resident and given to the history and heritage group
Wooden hand carved walking stick
Carved wooden walking stick, snake entwined down the full length
walking stick, cockatoo, carving, snake
Cockatoo Primary School Centenary Memorial Shortbread Box
Empty cardboard box which originally contained shortbread biscuits. Box includes the primary school logo and images of the old rural school when it was situated in Ivy St.
Metal tag used on mail bags for delivery to and from Cockatoo, deliveries were made via Belgrave.
mail bags, postal deliveries, cockatoo
In 1977 residents of Cockatoo built a kindergarten in McBride Street Cockatoo to service the growing population in the area. The building was officially opened on the 22nd of November of that year. Residents formed a Co-op, raised all the money to build the kinder along with lawn bowls and tennis sporting facilities for the town. No small feat, let alone for a town with a population of around 3000. The land was provided by the council for the kinder to use and that was their sole contribution to the building of the kinder. The unique building, was designed by Richard Allen and depicted a children's carousel. The design was to provide a feeling of enjoyment and friendship to the children who used the building. The large glass windows that were installed on the north-eastern side of the building made up 1/3 of the exterior wall. This overlooked the playground of the kinder making it easy to see the children at play from inside. The site of the building is in a dominant position and is highly visible to all who travel through Cockatoo. It was used as a child care facility right up until 2005. The kindergarten has recently been granted heritage listing after Cardinia Council started demolishing the building. The local community were successful in putting a halt to the demolition and saved the building. It will become an integral part of the Cockatoo Ash Wednesday memorial. Details on the fight to save the kinder building can be found at https://sites.google.com/site/cockatoosheritageashwednesday/
Brass Plaque, depicting the opening of the Cockatoo Kindergarten by the Shire of Pakenham Shire President - Cr Owen
Shire of Pakenham Cockatoo Kindergarten Officially Opened by Cr E A Owen J.P Shire President 22nd November 1977
cockatoo, kindergarten opening,
Bronze Medal. Ribbon navy blue edged with silver & gold central strip. Observe (face or main design) the female figure represents Australasia placing a wreath on the head of a kneeling figure, under the Southern Cross. The Latin motto translates as "Bravery Rewarded". Reverse: the name of the awardee is inscribed inside a wreath of laurel and eucalyptus.
Awarded to DJ Griffin 16-2-1983
bravery awards, ash wednesday, bushfires, cockatoo victoria, dorothy joan griffin,
The Presbyterian Church owned three lots of land bounded by Pakenham Road and the northern side of Dorchester Road, between 1927 and 1964. Providence House opened in 1927 as a peaceful country rest home for “tired mothers” from the inner suburbs, and their children. It was also used, at different times, for kindergarten groups and in 1955 for a girls Bible Class for Easter “studies, fun and fellowship.”
Cockatoo had several guest houses which took paying guests. Providence House did not charge fees, but is the best-documented of the large houses which provided accommodation.
Framed landscape design plan under glass, with detailed plant listings. Original watercolour
Donated by Victoria & Digby Newcombe 2003
presbyterian church, rest home, landscape plan, garden design, cockatoo victoria, providence house, black n.c,
The Presbyterian Church owned three lots of land bounded by Pakenham Road and the northern side of Dorchester Road, between 1927 and 1964. Providence House opened in 1927 as a peaceful country rest home for “tired mothers” from the inner suburbs, and their children. It was also used, at different times, for kindergarten groups and in 1955 for a girls Bible Class for Easter “studies, fun and fellowship.”
Cockatoo had several guest houses which took paying guests. Providence House did not charge fees, but is the best-documented of the large houses which provided accommodation.
Framed regulations for the Presbyterian Church of Victoria's Providence House in Cockatoo.
providence house, cockatoo victoria, presbyterian church, regulations,
"Desmond", on the Cockatoo Creek, on land which now forms part of Alma Treloar Reserve, was the home of the O'Hara family ca. 1910. The poet John Bernard O'Hara, used to visit his mother there, and remembered many wonderful holidays with the "city folk" who travelled to Cockatoo on "Puffing Billy" and camped along the creek. The family in the foreground is most likely the O'Hara family.
The photograph is significant because it shows a Cockatoo home of around 1910.
Black and white photograph of "Desmond", home of the O'Hara family, with a family group in foreground. Situated on Cockatoo Creek, on land now known as Alma Treloar Reserve. Circa 1910.
cockatoo homes, "desmond", o'hara family, cockatoo creek, john bernard o'hara.
James and Caroline McBride built the store when their small "tack on" room at the side of "Fernholme Guest house" became too small. The Knight's, who had a general store in Gembrook, later bought it and put his sister and brother in law, Tom and Mary Fairbridge, in as managers and was run as a sub branch of the Gembrook store. This store was later known as Fairbridges when Tom and Mary bought it from the Knight's.
Photograph taken circa 1910 of Knight's General Store McBride St Cockatoo. The Knight's who had a general store in Gembrook, later bought it and put his sister and brother-in-law, Tom and Mary Fairbridge, in as managers. This store ran as a sub branch of the Gembrook store until Tom and Mary brought it. It then became known as 'Fairbridges". Local residents and a horse and cart are in the foreground of the photograph.
cockatoo victoria, mcbride, fairbridge, gembrook, horse, cart, mcbride st shops, knight bros, cockatoo residents,