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Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
TROVE : Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), Thursday 11 October 1928, page 13. NEW COMPANIES The following new companies were registered this afternoon :- Australian Essential Oils Ltd : Nominal capital. £50,000, in 93.000 ordinary and 7,000 deferred shares at 10/-. to engage in business of distillers, manufacturers of, and dealers in oils from vegetables and other sub-stances, chemists etc. First directors: N. H.B.Keynor, R.K.Allport, E.M Humphries, and H. James. Head office Sydney. TROVE : Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), Friday 26 July 1968 (No.89), page 3028 IN the matter of the Companies Act, 1961-1966, and in the matter of AUSTRALIAN ESSENTIAL OILS LTD (Receiver and Manager Appointed).—Roy Leslie Pegler, Receiver and Manager of Australian Essential Oils Ltd (Receiver and Manager Appointed)„ appointed by debenture holders on the 11 th July, 1966, hereby gives notice that any debenture holders and others having any claim against or to Australian Essential Oils Ltd (Receiver and Manager Appointed) are required to send particulars of their debenture or claim to the Receiver, Roy Leslie Pegler, at c.o. Messrs Pegler, Ellis & Co., Chartered Accountants, 235-7 Elizabeth Street, Sydney, N.S.W., on or before the 27th September, 1968, at the expiration of which time the Receiver and Manager will distribute the assets of the said Company to the persons and/or companies entitled, having regard only to the claims of which he then has notice.—Dated 24th July, 1968. PEGLER, ELLIS & CO., Chartered Accountants, 235-7 Elizabeth Street, Sydney, N.S.W. 8744—$5 White cardboard box printed in dark green with a round blue and white sticker on one side, containing a cream paper leaflet printed in dark green, wrapped around a greaseproof paper wrapped rectangular cake of translucent brown soap with impressed text on one side.Impressed on one side of the cake of soap ' A PRODUCT OF AUSTRALIAN ESSENTIAL OILS LTD SYDNEY'. On reverse of soap impressed 'TI-TROL ANTISEPTIC TOU\ILET SOAP'. Printed on the box 'TI-TROL ANTISEPTIC AND GERMICIDAL TOILET SOAP. Printed Leaflet wrapped around cake of soap 'Germicide TI-TROL Antiseptic, Toilet Soap ELEVEN TIMES MORE POWERFUL THAN CARBOLIC. NON IRRITANT ………NON POISONOUS. “Ti –Trol” GERMICIDAL ANTISEPTIC SOAP is the most modern of all toilet soap …..Distilled and manufactured by Australian Essential Oils Ltd., the pioneers of Tea-Tree Oil Industry in Australia, and manufacturers of that famous antiseptic solution Melasol. It has taken years of patient research, of test, trial and experiment to reach the pinnacle of perfection which Ti-Trol Soap is now offering to the public. Ti-Trol is a hand-made glycerine base soap in which only the finest ingredients are used. One of its most attractive features is that it contains a full three per cent. of “Ti-trol”. In medical and clinical practice, both in Australia and abroad, Ti Trol has given remarkable results…particularly in its cleansing properties: its soothing HEALING action on dirty and inflamed septic wounds. By incorporating Ti-Trol in a glycerine base soap, experts are agreed that the result….. Ti-Trol soap is unequalled-anywhere- for its soft soothing healing and germicidal properties. Ti-Trol soap is non-irritant and non-poisonous and can be used on the tenderest skins…babies’ or the most delicate peach-bloom complexions, with most excellent results. . PRODUCT OF A SOAP MAKER OF INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE Australian Essential Oils Ltd., have been fortunate in procuring the services of a soap-maker of International experience and world-wide knowledge of Soap Production, whose genius has produced Ti-Trol, and whose uncanny sense of blending has made Ti-Trol the most famous of all Germicidal Toilet Soaps. Ti-Trol is non-irritant and non-poisonous and has been proved by medical and specialised authorities top\ possess great healing and cleansing properties. It is a powerful Germicide and antiseptic….ELEVEN TIMES QUICKER THAN PURE CARBOLIC. . DANDRUFF CAN’T LIVE WITH Ti-Trol. Dandruff ......that horrible “give away” which many men and women suffer from…..can easily be dispelled by using Ti-Trol Soap this way : Rub a little Olive Oil into the scalp before retiring at night, and the following morning wash your head thoroughly with Ti-Trol Soap, allowing the lather to remain on the scalp for about a minute and a half. Then rinse the hair thoroughly in warm water. .WASH BRUSHES AND COMBS WITH Ti-Trol SOAP When you’ve done this and dried your hair, wash all your brushes and combs in a strong, soapy solution made with Ti-Trol Soap, and then carefully sponge the inside of the hat bands with a flannel or cloth moistened with this soapy solution. Follow these directions and you’ll never need to fear dandruff. .Ti-Trol…WONDERFUL HEALER OF CUTS. SORES, WOUNDS, ETC. There never was a more patent healer of CUTS, SORES, WOUNDS, ABRASIONS AND SEPTIC SORES than Ti-Trol… Here’s how to use it : Wash the affected parts with a fairly strong Ti-Trol soapy solution made with warm water, and then apply with lint soaked with Melasol, which is the miscible form of Ti-Trol (Melasol is obtainable at all chemists and stores everywhere). . Ti-Trol SOAP……..A DEODORANT, A BEAUTIFIER……a safeguard for tender skins Ti-Trol Soap, because of its delicate, pungent, aroma and antiseptic properties, is unequalled as a deodorant, and is never failing when used for this purpose. Ti-Trol Soap can be used on the tenderest skins, and even baby’s skin, with greatest safety. It’s delightful fragrance will give added pleasure to your toilet. . DO NOT WASTE Ti-Trol Soap is too valuable to waste. Therefore, use it carefully. Do not leave it in the water. To obtain greatest economy it is preferable to use a face cloth when using Ti-Trol Soap. For health, for the most economical means of insuring against disease, use Ti-Trol Ointment…..for cuts, bruises etc. Ti-Trol….for boils, cuts, sores, abrasions and septic conditions. MELASOL…..for Tinea, Mouth Wash and as a Dentifice. . All are products containing Ti-Trol, distilled and provided by Australian Essential Oils Ltd. 18 Loftus Street, Sydney. N.S.W.'. tea tree oil, soap, glycerine, antisptic, germicide -
Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
Bottle glass, c. 1918 - c. 1925
TROVE : The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) Thursday 22 August 1918 p 6 Article 'Doctors and Lodges. Malvern Medical Association. The friendly societies of Malvern have formed a medical association in connection with the Malvern and District U.F.S. Dispensary. This has been registered as the Malvern and District U.F.S. Medical Association and Dispensary. Practically all the societies have joined it. The committee has appointed as medical officer Dr. J Weir, who is now carrying on the work of the institution. Another doctor is to be appointed shortly to assist him. The committee lately purchased a property in Valetta-street, formerly used by the Church of Christ. Structural alterations have been made, and the business will be transferred from High-street to the new building early in September'. TROVE : The Prahran Telegraph (Vic. : 1889 - 1930) Friday 23 January 1925 p 6 Article 'Malvern Dispensary. ANNUAL REPORT AND BALANCE SHEET. The 16th report and balance sheet for the year ending December 31st last of the Malvern and District U.F.S. Medical Association and Dispensary signed by the president (Mr.Chas. A. W. Smith) has been issued. It is the first annual report since the erection of the new hall and dispensary in Valetta street, and discloses a satisfactory state of affairs. Mr. Smith, who is now a past president of the Dispensary, has been commended on. all sides for the active interest He at all times took in the work of the dispensary, and he has every reason to feel pleased and gratified that the erection of the new building was put in hand and completed during his tenure of office. The enterprise is a credit to the district, and shows that, those associated with friendly societies work in Malvern are imbued with a true progressive spirit. The dispensary is assured of a successful and useful future.........................................'. Hexagonal clear amber glass bottle 1/4 full of liquid with a black bakelite screw top. Two white paper labels with printed red and hand written text. Bottle had three plain sides, two sides with 'x' stipple pattern either side of panel with embossed text. Side panel 'NOT TO BE TAKEN' and '2' near base. On base some indistinct embossed characters near one edge, and an 'AGM' monogram over '1072'. Paper label (top) 'POISON', ''NOT TO BE TAKEN' in red text. Handwritten under 'Apply on pad for 10 to 30 minutes'. Two red printed lines followed by red printed text 'MALVERN & DISTRICT U.F.S., M.A. & DISPENSARY. H.H. PHILLIPS, Chemist VALETTA STREET, MALVERN. Paper label (base) printed in white on a red panel, 'POISON'.poison, friendly societies, amber glass, bakelite, pharmacy -
Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
Bottle, glass, c.1818 - c.1925
TROVE : The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) Thursday 22 August 1918 p 6 Article 'Doctors and Lodges. Malvern Medical Association. The friendly societies of Malvern have formed a medical association in connection with the Malvern and District U.F.S. Dispensary. This has been registered as the Malvern and District U.F.S. Medical Association and Dispensary. Practically all the societies have joined it. The committee has appointed as medical officer Dr. J Weir, who is now carrying on the work of the institution. Another doctor is to be appointed shortly to assist him. The committee lately purchased a property in Valetta-street, formerly used by the Church of Christ. Structural alterations have been made, and the business will be transferred from High-street to the new building early in September'. TROVE : The Prahran Telegraph (Vic. : 1889 - 1930) Friday 23 January 1925 p 6 Article 'Malvern Dispensary. ANNUAL REPORT AND BALANCE SHEET. The 16th report and balance sheet for the year ending December 31st last of the Malvern and District U.F.S. Medical Association and Dispensary signed by the president (Mr.Chas. A. W. Smith) has been issued. It is the first annual report since the erection of the new hall and dispensary in Valetta street, and discloses a satisfactory state of affairs. Mr. Smith, who is now a past president of the Dispensary, has been commended on. all sides for the active interest He at all times took in the work of the dispensary, and he has every reason to feel pleased and gratified that the erection of the new building was put in hand and completed during his tenure of office. The enterprise is a credit to the district, and shows that, those associated with friendly societies work in Malvern are imbued with a true progressive spirit. The dispensary is assured of a successful and useful future.........................................'. Hexagonal clear amber glass bottle, 1/3 full of liquid with cork stopper, paper label adhered to bottle. Bottle has 3 plain sides, 2 sides with 'x' stipple pattern either side of a panel with embossed text. Base of bottle with embossed monogram, letters and numerals.Embossed on side of bottle 'NOT TO BE TAKEN', '8' (near base). On base of bottle AGM monogram, over 'M422M'. Paper label with red printed text and indecipherable hand writing in blue ink - ink had 'bled'. Red printed text on label 'POISON NOT TO BE TAKEN', illegible handwriting, red printed text 'MALVERN & DISTRICT U.F.S., M.A. & DISPENSARY. VALETTA STREET, MALVERN'.poison, friendly societies, amber glass, pharmacy, topical medications., dispensary -
Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
Bottle, glass, c.1918 - c. 1925
TROVE : The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) Thursday 22 August 1918 p 6 Article 'Doctors and Lodges. Malvern Medical Association. The friendly societies of Malvern have formed a medical association in connection with the Malvern and District U.F.S. Dispensary. This has been registered as the Malvern and District U.F.S. Medical Association and Dispensary. Practically all the societies have joined it. The committee has appointed as medical officer Dr. J Weir, who is now carrying on the work of the institution. Another doctor is to be appointed shortly to assist him. The committee lately purchased a property in Valetta-street, formerly used by the Church of Christ. Structural alterations have been made, and the business will be transferred from High-street to the new building early in September'. TROVE : The Prahran Telegraph (Vic. : 1889 - 1930) Friday 23 January 1925 p 6 Article 'Malvern Dispensary. ANNUAL REPORT AND BALANCE SHEET. The 16th report and balance sheet for the year ending December 31st last of the Malvern and District U.F.S. Medical Association and Dispensary signed by the president (Mr.Chas. A. W. Smith) has been issued. It is the first annual report since the erection of the new hall and dispensary in Valetta street, and discloses a satisfactory state of affairs. Mr. Smith, who is now a past president of the Dispensary, has been commended on. all sides for the active interest He at all times took in the work of the dispensary, and he has every reason to feel pleased and gratified that the erection of the new building was put in hand and completed during his tenure of office. The enterprise is a credit to the district, and shows that, those associated with friendly societies work in Malvern are imbued with a true progressive spirit. The dispensary is assured of a successful and useful future.........................................'. Hexagonal clear amber glass bottle, 1/4 full of liquid with black Bakelite screw top, paper label adhered to bottle. Bottle has 3 plain sides, 2 sides with 'x' stipple pattern either side of a panel with embossed text. Base of bottle with embossed monogram, letters and numerals.Embossed on side of bottle 'NOT TO BE TAKEN', '1' (near base). On base of bottle AGM monogram, over 'F1072', over 'M'. Some indistinct embossed characters on edge. Paper label with red printed text and hand writing in blue ink. Red printed text on label 'POISON NOT TO BE TAKEN', handwriting 'Use on a pad for 15 to 30 minutes. Mr. Williams', red printed text 'MALVERN & DISTRICT U.F.S., M.A. & DISPENSARY. H.H. PHILLIPS, Chemist. VALETTA STREET, MALVERN'.poison, friendly societies, bakelite, amber glass, pharmacy, dispensery -
Puffing Billy Railway
Victorian Railways Fuel Can for Trolly
V.R Fuel Can for Trolley - Victorian Railways Fuel Can for Trolly Motor Spirit Highly Inflammable Transporting Tin Container "Motor Spirit" is just another name for petrol. "K" and the "KS" Kasey Trolleys were two stroke petrol motors Operation, Care and Maintenance of Track Motors Victorian Railways, 1959 gives the following : Inspection motor type B, - straight petrol Inspection motor type V, - pre-mixed petrol Motorised tricycle type M.T., - pre-mixed petrol Gang motor type K.S., - pre-mixed petrol Gang motor type K - pre-mixed petrol Motor cars altered for rail uses (Wiki) Petrol Inspection Car This was a small car numbered '1' and named the Inspection Car. It was built in England in 1923, but was not found in the 1936 stocktake. Gang Motor The eight-horsepower Gang Motor held five people, and was built at Arden Street in late 1923. In 1950 the vehicle was removed from the rolling stock register and given to "Way and Works" as a track motor. Motor Car The Motor Car was put into service in mid 1925, after being fitted with rail wheels in lieu of tyres. In 1927 the car was named "Mr Molomby's Inspection Car", and allocated to Seymour. It was scrapped in 1952. Dodge Cars There were seven Dodge cars in rail service. The cars were numbered 1 to 6, with car 7 listed "No 7 Repair". The cars were built by the Dodge Company of Melbourne and assembled at Newport. Construction was in 1925 and they lasted until 1949.Historic - Victorian Railways - Permanent Way and Works - track equipment - V.R Fuel Can for TrolleyV.R Fuel Can for Trolly - Metal Fuel TinMotor Spirit Highly Flammable V.R 8 ?puffing billy, victorian railways, fuel can, trolley, trolly -
Bialik College
Newspaper article, 'Education Week', The Herald, 1966, 1966
Newspaper Article 1, "Education Week: and you shall tell thy son...", published in The Herald, 12 August 1966. Newspaper Article 2, "Education Week Open Days", published in The Herald, 12 August 1966. Newspaper Article 3, "New Head for Bialik", probably published in The Jewish News, 19 August 1966. Newspaper Article 1: "As in previous years Jewish schools will participate in Education Week which will be held in Victoria from August 14-21, 1966. Most schools have arranged "Open Days" at which parents are expected to attend the school and visitors are cordially invited..." Newspaper Article 2: " The following schools have registered their "open Days" as published hereunder. It is possible that schools which have not informed the Board of Deputies might also have arranged "open Days" and should be contacted as to dates and times etc..." Newspaper Article 3: "Mr. Moshe Meretz arrived in Melbourne on Tuesday to take up his position as Headmaster of Bialik College. Mr. Meretz who is accompanied by his wife and five-year old son, is Israeli born and educated. He is a graduate of Teachers' Seminary institute in Haifa and was a teacher and headmaster of primary and more recently secondary schools in Hafia. Apart from his tecahing qualifications Mr. Meretz has a law degree from Tel Aviv branch of Hebrew University. Mr. Meretz was already at the college on Wednesday and was welcomed by the staff and pupils. Bialik College Council is confident that Mr. Meretz' presence in Melbourne will not only benefit the school but will have an impact on Hebrew education in the community as did that of his predecessor Mr. A. Chowers."shakespeare grove, kindergarten, hebrew school, elc, early learning centre, principal -
Melton City Libraries
Document, Design of Dinner, c.1970
Melton Fire Brigade history In a letter to George Minns of 24th March 1942 from the Forests Commission the brigade was registered Class ‘F’ with the certificate of Registration N. 425. In December 1935 a public meeting was held with the purpose of forming a bush fire brigade. Constable Roy Corbett was elected Captain a position he held until 1941 and 1945 –1949. 1942 EW Barrie. 1st Lieut 2nd Lieut TL Barrie 1943 EW Barrie 2nd Lieut 1944 : : MELTON RURAL FIRE BRIGADE Established under CFA act 1944 1945- 1953 EW Barrie Apparatus Officer 1951- 1965 EW Barrie Captain 1967- 1979 EW Barrie elected Group Communication Officer of the Mt Cotterill Fire Brigades. RADIO In 1954 the Fire Brigade introduced 2 HF (high frequency) radios, one was installed in the Fire truck and the other in the Captains utility. 1956- 16th March Licence granted to the County Fire Authority Melton to establish a MOBILE transmitting and receiving station. Area of operation, Melton and District on the frequency (kc/s) 3836 for the exchange of messages relating to the fighting and prevention of fires during actual fires or periods of fire hazard with the CFA Bacchus Marsh base station VL3OX. 1958- 22nd May Commonwealth of Australia, Postmaster-General’s Department Special Licence No H 702 under the Wireless Telegraphy Act 1905-1950 is hereby transferred to Mr. E.W. Barrie, Captain, Melton Rural Fire Brigade to establish a MOBILE transmitting and receiving station. Call sign VL3 OX 6 and VL 3OX 7Group officer Bon Barrie's invitation to a Fire Brigade formal dinner emergency services -
Parks Victoria - Cape Nelson Lightstation
Furniture - Cabinet
The tall, two‐door cupboard with curved shelves is without a back and is taller than the bench cupboard on the lower lantern room of the lighthouse . The curved shelving suggests that this practical storage cupboard was custom‐built or adapted to serve in this location on the landing level below the lantern room. It is not known when it was provided to the lightstation. It shares the structural features of this furnishing as well as other nineteenth century utilitarian cabinets that were made for Victoria’s lightstations, such as those fitted beside fireplaces in the keepers’ quarters (for example CNLS 0016) or serving as lantern room cupboards. They have doors simply framed and bevelled around central panels. This particular cupboard, which is painted grey with four white panels, is unusual both for its height and the four doors, with the twin top panels taller than those underneath. This panel arrangement repeats the design of the lightstation’s door cases. Further research may reveal more about its manufacture. It is not known whether it is attached to the wall or movable; if attached it is considered to be a fixture and included in the Victorian Heritage Register listing for the lightstation (VHR H1773). Other similar cabinets which have been constructed to fit the curved wall of a lighthouse survive at Cape Schanck, varnished wood benchtop, 2‐door cabinet with brass door knob, no drawers); Point Hicks, benchtop, 2‐door, painted green with silver doors, no drawers) and Gabo Island bench top, 2‐door, no drawers, green paint removed to reveal cedar timber), and Cape Nelson, benchtop, 2‐door, 2‐drawer, partially varnished). Cape Nelson’s tall cupboard with curved shelves and back profile is unusual among the lighthouse furnishings. The cabinet is a unique, original feature of the lighthouse and has first level contributory significance for its historic values and provenance.The tall, two‐door cupboard with curved shelves is without a back and has curved shelving. Painted grey with four white panels, on the four doors, with the twin top panels taller than those underneath. -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, Circular to the Members of The Melbourne Legacy Club and The 'Carry on' Club (H10), 1937
This circular was issued to both Legacy Club of Melbourne and The 'Carry On' Club of Melbourne, and signed by presidents: JHB Armstrong for Legacy and WL Sinclair for Carry On. It was after a series of annual conferences between the two clubs and shows an agreement between the clubs on the spheres of work carried out by each club to prevent duplication of effort. As a general rule, Legacy would concentrate on the care of widows and children of DECEASED servicemen; the 'Carry On' Club would focus on the LIVING ex-servicemen and their dependents. A note was made that the Intermediate Legacy Club was a group formed of sons of deceased soldiers who had progressed through the Junior Legacy Club and now 'interest themselves in the physical well-being of totally and permanently incapacitated ex-servicemen.' When an ex-serviceman dies leaving dependents the case will be transferred from the Carry On Club to Legacy, with the occasional exception. Employment: 'Legacy will pass to 'Carry On' the employment opportunities or vacancies that can be filled by ex-servicemen or their dependents in instances were Legacy is unable to fill such vacancies from it's own register' and vice versa. Welfare: close liaison is important and copies of reports will be transferred when transferring cases. These resolutions and discussions about them are shown in the minutes of the "Combined Meeting of Members of Legacy and 'Carry On' Clubs held at Legacy Club Rooms on 27 May 1937, which is the second document included here. Present for Legacy were Legatees Armstrong, Russell, Birrell, Kemsley, Clements. And present for the 'Carry On' Club were Messrs Hall, Pears, Masterson, Neil and Ramsay. The notation H10 in red pen shows that it was part of the archive project that was trying to capture the history of Legacy. A record that Legacy was in contact with similar clubs with the intent of sharing the work load and not duplicating effort. Notice to the members of Melbourne Legacy and 'Carry On' clubs 15 October 1937 outlining the agreed spheres of work of each club.Handwritten H10 in red pen. history, carry on club, intermediate legacy club -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Bethanga Bridge
The Bethanga Bridge was built between 1927 and 1930 as a joint venture between Victoria and New South Wales and was a key element of the River Murray Waters Agreement. It consists of nine spans of 82 metres long. Each span is supported between double reinforced concrete pylons and a riveted steel camel back Pratt truss. The overall span of the bridge is a length of 752 metres. It was completed in 1929 at a cost of £194,000. The road deck was initially constructed from timber but was replaced in 1961 with a concrete waffle slab deck 7.7metres wide. In 1961 the bridge deck and truss structure were raised 300 millimetres to allow for the enlargement of the lake. The bridge was designed in NSW by road engineer Percy Alan and the trusses were built by the Charles Ruwolt Pty. Ltd. Charles Ruwolt Pty. Ltd. was originally established by Charles Ruwolt as a foundry at Wangaratta in 1902 and transferred its operations to Richmond, Melbourne in 1914. By 1938 it had become one of the biggest engineering companies in Australia. After Charles Ruwolt’s death in 1946, Vickers Ltd. acquired the company and in 1948 the firm became known as Vickers Ruwolt Pty. Ltd. Because of the Bethanga Bridge’s unique location, over the waters of a dam with the border running down the centre of the body of water, the Bethanga Bridge is the only built structure shared by both Victoria and New South Wales. As the border of New South Wales aligns with the southern bank of the Murray River all of the other bridges along its length are deemed to be in New South Wales. The Bethanga Bridge is listed on both the New South Wales State Heritage Register and the Victorian Heritage Database. In 2015 the Bethanga Bridge was nominated for a heritage award by the Institution of Engineering Australia.These images are significant because they document the construction of a bridge which links Victoria and New South Wales and has been recognised for its historical, technical and engineering significance.A collection of photos documenting the construction of the Bethanga Bridge which links the States of Victoria and New South Wales as part of the construction of the Hume Dam .bethanga bridge, hume dam constuction, charles ruwolt, percy allan engineer -
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Log Branding Hammers (various)
Metal branding hammers were the most common way to control the sale and movement of hardwood timber produce like logs, railway sleepers, fence posts, and poles from Victorian State forests. Royalty was also paid on this basis. Hammers most commonly had a crown stamp on one end with a unique number in the middle which identified its owner, and a crows foot or broad arrow on the other. The broad arrow was a symbol traditionally used in Britain and its colonies to mark government property. Other local configurations were used by sawmillers, post cutters and pulpwood contactors. Forest regulations state that an authorised officer may use the crown mark to identify produce which has been sold and may be removed from the forest, whereas the broad arrow can be used to brand and mark trees which are not to be felled, or to indicate forest produce which has been seized. Hammers were traditionally only ever issued to forest officers and were an important, and closely guarded tool-of-trade. They were not transferred between staff and lending hammers was not permitted. But it was an onerous task for staff to hammer and tally hundreds of logs, or thousands of fence posts each week, so in about 1990 a system was introduced whereby hammers were allocated to logging contractors to grade logs and tally them instead. But there was still spot checking by authorised officers. A register was kept, and contractors paid a substantial deposit to make sure they didn't lose them, but they occasionally turn up by fossickers with metal detectors. While branding hammers are still used in some smaller locations, plastic tags and barcodes are now more common.Log Grading hammersforests commission victoria (fcv), hand tools, forest harvesting -
Seaworks Maritime Museum
Shipbuilders model, MV Binsnes
BINSNES (3) 1974: Ordered by Dillingham, Jebsen Shipping Corp, Liberia, from Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd., Uraga (Yard No. 986). 3.12.1976: Launched. 27.4.1977: Completed. (O.N. 6815). As built: 19,196g. 12,572n. 34,544d. 180.02(BB) x 28.45 x 10.891 metres oa. Post 1997: 20,589g. 11,810n. 34,545d. 7-cyl. 2 S.C.S.A. (760 x 1,550mm) Sulzer 7RND76 type motor engine, manufactured by the shipbuilder at Tamashima, geared to a shaft with a controllable pitch propeller. 14,000bhp, 15½kts. Bulk carrier with four 15-ton cranes capable of operating grabs carried aboard. Leased to the British Phosphate Commission. 1981: Transferred to Pacnorse Shipping International Ltd. 1982: Transferred to Sanders Shipping Ltd., (AS Kristian Jebsens Rederi, managers), Philippines, and renamed GENERAL ROXAS. 1986: Transferred to Pacnorse Shipping Nine Ltd., (same managers). 1986: Sold to the USSR-Black Sea Shipping Company, Russia, and renamed VASILIJ (VASILIV?) AZHAYEV. 1997: Hero Maritime Ltd., (Ocean Agencies Ltd., managers), St. Vincent and The Grenadines, and renamed KARAGOL. 1999: Sold to Flagship Company Ltd., (Barclay Shipping Ltd., managers), Malta, and renamed MILTIADIS M. Sold to Shandong Province Marine Shipping, named Shun Ying or Shunying (Apr 2008?). Ship builder's model of bulk carrier M.V. Binsnes IMO 7426203 built in Japan 1976, 19,196 gross tonnes. Model - Hull painted in burgundy and grey, with four cranes and detailed deck fittings with white and gold highlights, a Liberian flag flying from the stern, raised on a laminated wooden base (lacking perspex cover). Original ship 590.66' x 93.34' x 35.73' (180.02 x 28.45 x 10.89m). Original ship was built by Sumimoto Heavy Industries and leased to the British Phosphate CommissionPlaque at base: " M.V BISNES/ PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS OF 33,750 LTDW/ DIESAL BULK BARRIERS/ Length (overall) abt. 180.00 M/ length (between perpendiculars) 170.00 m, breadth (moulded) 28.40 M, Depth (moulded) 15.00 M/ Draft (designed loaded, moulded) 10.84 M/ Deadweight abt. 33.750 LT/ Gross Tonnage abt. 18,800 T/ Cargo Hold Capacity abt. 42,500 M/ Main Engine/ Type Sumitomo - Sulzer 7RND68 type main diesel engine/ Max Continuous Output BHP 14, 00 PSat 122 rpm/ Service speed at designed draft abt. 15.7 knots/ classification Lloyd's register of Shipping/ Keel -- Laying September 1976/ Launching December 1976/ Delivery April 1977/ Owner : Dillingham Jebsen Shipping Corporation, Liberia/ Builder: Sumitome Heavy Industries Ltd., Japan" second plaque: "MANUFACTURED BY/ FUJI BIJUTSU MOKEI CO., LTD/ TOKYO JAPAN" On model "Binsnes Monrovia" -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Anglo-Australasian Photographic Company, Junction of the River Watt and Contentment Creek, c. 1876
Nicholas Caire was born on Guernsey in the Channel Islands in 1837. He arrived in Adelaide with his parents in about 1860. In 1867, following photographic journeys in Gippsland, he opened a studio in Adelaide. From 1870 to 1876 he lived and worked in Talbot in Central Victoria. In 1876 he purchased T. F. Chuck's studios in the Royal Arcade Melbourne. In 1885, following the introduction of dry plate photography, he began a series of landscape series, which were commercially successful. As a photographer, he travelled extensively through Victoria, photographing places few of his contemporaries had previously seen. He died in 1918. Reference: Jack Cato, 'Caire, Nicholas John (1837–1918)', Australian Dictionary of Biography.An original, rare photograph from the series 'Views of Victoria: General Series' by the photographer, Nicholas Caire (1837-1918). The series of 60 photographs that comprise the series was issued c. 1876 and reinforced a neo-Romantic view of the Australian landscape to which a growing nationalist movement would respond. Nicholas Caire was active as a photographer in Australia from 1858 until his death in 1918. His vision of the Australian bush and pioneer life had a counterpart in the works of Henry Lawson and other nationalist poets, authors and painters.Albumen Silver Photograph, mounted on Board. printed in ink on support l.c.: JUNCTION OF THE RIVER WATT AND CONTENTMENT CREEK. / COPYRIGHT REGISTERED. printed in ink on support reverse c.: VIEWS OF VICTORIA. / (GENERAL SERIES.) / No. 1. / JUNCTION OF THE RIVER WATT AND CONTENTMENT CREEK. / This scene is situated about two miles to the westward of Fernshawe, a small but extremely romantic township. / The river, at this juncture, is crossed by a fallen tree, as may be seen in the illustration. The track which is seen on / the opposite side of the river leads to the summit of Mt. Munda (3,500 feet high), 4 miles distant, from which place / visitors can see the Australian Alps, in all their mighty grandeur, stretching for hundreds of miles on either side, / and, as far as the eye can reach, impressing a beholder with the appropriateness of their title, being that of the Great Dividing Range. printed in ink on support reverse l.c.l.: J.W. FORBES, Agent, printed in ink on support reverse l.c.: ANGLO-AUSTRALASIAN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY, MELBOURNE. printed in ink on support reverse l.c.r.: 10 Temple Court, Collins Street West.nicholas caire, views of victoria - general series, landscape photography -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Anglo-Australasian Photographic Company, Junction of the Rivers Yarra and Watt, Near Healesville, c. 1876
Nicholas Caire was born on Guernsey in the Channel Islands in 1837. He arrived in Adelaide with his parents in about 1860. In 1867, following photographic journeys in Gippsland, he opened a studio in Adelaide. From 1870 to 1876 he lived and worked in Talbot in Central Victoria. In 1876 he purchased T. F. Chuck's studios in the Royal Arcade Melbourne. In 1885, following the introduction of dry plate photography, he began a series of landscape series, which were commercially successful. As a photographer, he travelled extensively through Victoria, photographing places few of his contemporaries had previously seen. He died in 1918. Reference: Jack Cato, 'Caire, Nicholas John (1837–1918)', Australian Dictionary of Biography.An original, rare photograph from the series 'Views of Victoria: General Series' by the photographer, Nicholas Caire (1837-1918). The series of 60 photographs that comprise the series was issued c. 1876 and reinforced a neo-Romantic view of the Australian landscape to which a growing nationalist movement would respond. Nicholas Caire was active as a photographer in Australia from 1858 until his death in 1918. His vision of the Australian bush and pioneer life had a counterpart in the works of Henry Lawson and other nationalist poets, authors and painters.Albumen Silver Photograph, mounted on Board.printed in ink on support l.c.: JUNCTION OF THE RIVERS YARRA AND WATT, NEAR HEALESVILLE. / COPYRIGHT REGISTERED. printed in ink on support reverse c.: VIEWS OF VICTORIA. / (GENERAL SERIES.) / No. 3. / JUNCTION OF THE RIVERS YARRA AND WATT, NEAR HEALESVILLE / The junction is situated about 3 miles from Healesville, and 35 miles from the mouth of the Yarra. The souces / of the Watt are to be found at the head of the Black Spur, and, being fed by a number of creeks and springs, its / waters gain considerable force for several miles before joining those of the Yarra. The "Old Bridge," at the junction, / is the name given to this crossing-place, which has been partly swept away by late floods. The depth of the Yarra here / is from 15 to 20 feet; that of the Watt, about 10 feet. printed in ink on support reverse l.c.l.: J.W. FORBES, Agent, printed in ink on support reverse l.c.: ANGLO-AUSTRALASIAN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY, MELBOURNE. printed in ink on support reverse l.c.r.: 10 Temple Court, Collins Street West.nicholas caire (1837-1918), yarra river, watt river, bridge, wooden bridge, healesville -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Anglo-Australasian Photographic Company, View of the Hanging Rock, near Mount Macedon, c. 1876
Nicholas Caire was born on Guernsey in the Channel Islands in 1837. He arrived in Adelaide with his parents in about 1860. In 1867, following photographic journeys in Gippsland, he opened a studio in Adelaide. From 1870 to 1876 he lived and worked in Talbot in Central Victoria. In 1876 he purchased T. F. Chuck's studios in the Royal Arcade Melbourne. In 1885, following the introduction of dry plate photography, he began a series of landscape series, which were commercially successful. As a photographer, he travelled extensively through Victoria, photographing places few of his contemporaries had previously seen. He died in 1918. Reference: Jack Cato, 'Caire, Nicholas John (1837–1918)', Australian Dictionary of Biography.An original, rare photograph from the series 'Views of Victoria: General Series' by the photographer, Nicholas Caire (1837-1918). The series of 60 photographs that comprise the series was issued c. 1876 and reinforced a neo-Romantic view of the Australian landscape to which a growing nationalist movement would respond. Nicholas Caire was active as a photographer in Australia from 1858 until his death in 1918. His vision of the Australian bush and pioneer life had a counterpart in the works of Henry Lawson and other nationalist poets, authors and painters.Albumen Silver Photograph on Boardprinted in ink on support l.c.: VIEW OF THE "HANGING ROCK," NEAR MOUNT MACEDON. / COPYRIGHT REGISTERED. printed in ink (vertically) on support reverse u.c.l.: J.W. FORBES, Agent, printed in ink (vertically) on support reverse c.l.: ANGLO-AUSTRALASIAN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY, MELBOURNE. printed in ink (vertically) on support reverse c.: VIEWS OF VICTORIA. / (GENERAL SERIES.) / No. 6. / VIEW OF THE "HANGING ROCK," NEAR MOUNT MACEDON. / The Hanging Rock is situated about 5 miles in a north-easterly direction from the Railway Station at Woodend, / and is a very picturesque spot. Its formation is singularly peculiar, consisting of gigantic masses of basaltic rock / thrown up on end in a projecting or hanging position. Our illustration represents but a portion of the Rock, as it / is not possible to obtain a view of the whole of it in one picture. The height of these large boulders of rock vary / from 150 to 200 feet. printed in ink (vertically) on support reverse l.c.l.: 10 Temple Court, Collins Street West.nicholas caire (1837-1918), landscape photography -
Mont De Lancey
Glass bottles, G.H. Bennett, Bottle no. 6) Between 1884 - 1916
Bottle no. 6) After having worked with Mr Lane at his Exelcior Brewery in Melbourne, George Henry Bennett established his aerated water business in 1884 at 236 Church Street Richmond, in Melbourne. He sold the business in 1916.Seven glass bottles. 1) 1 small clear oblong bottle with circular indentation on front face and a glass stopper. 2) 1 blue-tinged, oblong, glass "Tricopherous" bottle with circular indentation on base and no stopper. 3) 1 pale blue glass bottle with no stopper. 4) 1 squat, clear glass bottle with wide neck and no stopper. 5) 1 large green-tinged glass bottle with no stopper. There are straight and spiralling embossed patterns at the top and on the neck of the bottle. There is a circular indentation on the base. 6) 1 large green-tinged glass bottle with screw-in stopper of unknown material. 7) 1 multi-faceted (8) blue-tinged glass bottle with no stopper.1) None 2) "Tricopherous for the skin and hair" on front face of bottle and "Directions in the pamphlet" on the opposite face. "Barry's on one side panel and "New York" on the other. "C6" inscribed inside the circular indentation on the base and a diagonal glass join across the base of the bottle. 3) "Kruses prize medal magnesia" on front of bottle and "Felton Grimwade & Co. Melbourne" on the back. 4) " Commonwealth Trade Mark Jams & Jellies" surrounding the trader's mark, (a diagonally placed flag/pennant) around the main body of the bottle. "Made in Holland" appears around the base of the bottle. 5) "O.T. Registered. Refilling by others is illegal. This bottle is the property of O.T. Ltd. Australia & London" 6) 2 oval shapes on bottle with "G.H. Bennett Richmond" and two crosses around the outer border and "G.H.B" on the maker's mark (diagonally placed flag/pennant) inside the inner oval. "Please replace the stopper" appears on the other side of the bottle. 7) "A M Reiss" down the front side of the bottle.bottles, containers, beverage storage, food and beverages -
Dandenong/Cranbourne RSL Sub Branch
Flag - The Australian Red Ensign Flag and New Zealand Flag, unknown
Likely from WWIPair of miniature flags on small black flag poles with wooden caps. The Australian Red Ensign, or the Australian Civil Ensign, is simply a red version of the Australian National flag. It is for use only at sea and officially never on land, but can be used by private citizens. At sea, it is the only flag allowable for merchant ships registered in Australia under the Navigation and Shipping Act 1912 and The Shipping Registration Act 1981. Pleasure craft, however, may fly either the Red Ensign or the National Flag. The history of the Red Ensign is intertwined with the history of the Australian National flag. From 1901 to 1954 the Red Ensign was used as the National Flag by State and Local Governments, private organisations and individuals. The Blue Ensign was for Government use only, reflecting British practice with its ensigns. The design of the Australian Red Ensign was always kept in step with the Blue Ensign (i.e. with respect to the number of points on the stars, etc.) but there was often public confusion about which was the `correct′ flag to fly. Many thought the choice was merely one of fashion or preference. In 1941, Australia′s Prime Minister Robert Menzies stated that there should be no restrictions on private citizens using the Blue Ensign on land and, in 1947, Prime Minister Ben Chifley reaffirmed this position but it wasn’t until the passage of the Flags Act 1953 that the restriction on civilians flying the Blue Ensign was lifted after which, use of the Red Ensign on land became a rarity. Since 2008, 3 September has been officially commemorated as both Australian National Flag/Merchant Navy Day which allows the Australian Red Ensign to be flown on land for the occasion as a matter of protocol. The blue flag is the New Zealand National Flag.flag, ensign, anzac, new zealand, navy, naval -
Mont De Lancey
Book, D.W. Chandler Ltd, D.W. Chandler General Hardware Ltd. Catalogue, 1937
A comprehensive 1937 catalogue of general hardware for household and farm use for buyers to order in Melbourne and rural cities in Australia. The company was established in 1876. This is the 49th issue.A comprehensive thick catalogue book: D.W. Chandler General Hardware Ltd. Catalogue established 1876 which has a very decorative busy front cover with green, burgundy and cream colours for the title, full details of the contents, address, Registered Trademark, phone numbers and more. It is bound on the spine with red tape, 27.5 Inside on the left front end paper are details about Chandler's mail orders, a map of the Melbourne city location and addresses for Melbourne, Fitzroy and country cities. Opposite is a NOTICE page, explaining prices were current at the time of issue, (October 1937) with several altered prices since printing. Pp. 180 with four thin blue paper Order Forms at the back; two which have been filled in and two with a child's scribble on them. There is a comprehensive four page Index at the back. Hundreds of black and white drawings of hardware items and general life of the times are included throughout. Inserted in the catalogue are four dried plants or flowers, a small leaflet which shows illustrations and information about "Rega" spraying nozzles with diagrams and handwritten prices. A leaflet of a Parts Price List for Stewart No.1 Clipping machine and clipping heads. A copy of a D. W. Chandler Ltd Fitzroy order dated 12 March 1937 for "Ringlock" Fencing. On page 146 is a light blue thin paper Note for P146 about models of Churchill's and Jeffery's guns. Attached to this paper with cellotape is a typed copy dated 10/11/37 for an order for Square Iron Tanks to be delivered by rail. The back cover has advertising for "Perfect" Welded Fencing from Chandler's hardware stores. There is a manufactured hole by the publisher in the top left hand corner to hang it for future reference.non-fictionA comprehensive 1937 catalogue of general hardware for household and farm use for buyers to order in Melbourne and rural cities in Australia. The company was established in 1876. This is the 49th issue. social history, australian history, history, hardware, catalogues, objects, tools -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Photograph - Ship, Alma Doepel, 1931-1934
This photograph is of the square-rigged schooner "Alma Doepel". Details added to the back of the photograph incorrectly describe the vessel as "Amy Doepel / ketch / Amy Doepel". The rigging on the vessel dates the photograph to sometime between 1931-1933. The location is yet to be determined. Frederick Doepel was a shipping agent in Bellinger Valley, NSW. He employed an experienced shipwright to build Alma Doepel, which was made from local timber. He named the ship “Alma Doepel” after his baby daughter Alma. The ship was registered in Sydney and launched 19th October 1903, and her first sea voyage was in December. She traded in timber Port Macquarie/Bellinger River and New Zealand. “Alma Doepel” was purchased by Henry Jones & Co., Hobart jam makers, in partnership with Harry Heather, her new captain, in 1916. The ship was then registered in Hobart. She carried jam and timber to the mainland, particularly Melbourne, and brought back cargo for Tasmania. She even carried the piles for the building of Portland Harbour. When Harry Heather passed away in 1937 he was succeeded by Eric Droscoll. Before the square-rigged "Alma Doepel" left for Tasmania on March 8th 1937 she was fitted with a new set of sails, becoming a fore-and-aft rigged schooner. She had been the last 'top sail' schooner in Bass Strait trade! "Alma Doepel" continued her coastal trading until 1942, when she was requisitioned by the Army. In January 1943 she was left in Melbourne by her crew and the Army took her over, taking her to Sydney in February, 1943. She was relaunched by the Army in 1944 minus two of her masts and her small 1936 engine, and was fitted with three large bus engines. In March 1945 she headed for the war zone, delivering cargo up and down the coast of New Guinea, at one time carrying over 400 troops. In 1946 she returned to Hobart where the Army re-converted her back for Bass Strait trading and returned her. In January 1947 Eric Driscoll took “Alma Doepel” to the eastern Tasmanian coastal port of St. Helens, trading cargo of local mountain ash timber to Melbourne on the mainland until 1959. She was then stripped down to her hull with only a single mast and two engines, and fitted with wooden bins on rails in her hold. From 1961 to 1975 she carried limestone to a factory to make carbide. Michael Wood and David Boykett, two of the governors of "Sail and Adventure", then bought her for the price of her two Gardiner engines and in 1976 they brought her to Melbourne. An Alma Doepel Supporters Club was formed to support the ship’s major restoration to a topsail schooner. In 1987 she was overhauled in Adelaide, with the support of Elders IXL and she returned to Sydney to lead the Parade of Sail on Bicentenary Day, 25th January 1988. She returned to Melbourne in February and began sail training voyages in Port Phillip Bay, operating from an office on Station Pier. The Alma Doepel Voyagers Club was started. Trainees joined the crew in sailing the ship over nine or ten days of instruction in sailing and seamanship. These trips plus chartered trips and fund raisers continued until early 1999, when she was no longer in a condition to operate; she needed a lot of attention. She lay idle in Victoria Dock for quite some time. In April 2001 “Alma Doepel” was taken to Port Macquarie’s Lady Nelson Wharf where she became a museum ship maintained by volunteers. In 2008 she had time in dry-dock and after sea-trials headed off to Victoria Harbour, Docklands, in Melbourne, where she is currently being restored with the help of The Supporters.This phot graph is significant for its connection with the Bass Strait trade, being the last top-sail schooner to brade across the strait. The photograph is also significant in its representation of the the sailing ships that traded around Australia in the 1930s.Photograph of "Alma Doepel " a wooden, 3 masted, square rigged sailing schooner built in Sydney, launched in 10/10/1903. Photograph is sepia coloured, mounted on card, inscription on the back. Information also provided with photograph. Photograph (marked incorrectly on back) "Amy Doepel / ketch / Amy Doepel". Sticker with "91" in pencil. Information provided (dated incorrectly) "1943, Sydney, New South Wales"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwreck coast, maritime museum, maritime village, photograph, alma doepel, frederick doepel, henry jones and co, harry heather, eric droscoll, alma doepel supporters club, elders ixl, parade of sail, bicentenary day, alma doepel voyagers club, last top sail schooner in bass strait trade, square-rigged, fore-and-aft rigged -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Domestic object - Sewing Machine, Singer Sewing Machine Company, 1922
In 1867 the Singer Company decided that the demand for their sewing machines in the UK was sufficiently high to open a local factory. Glasgow was selected for its iron-making industries, cheap labour, and possibly because at the time the General Manager of the US Singer Sewing Machine Company was George McKenzie, who was of Scottish descent. The company obtained a lease on land near Queen Street Station and machinery and machine parts were shipped over from the US. Demand for sewing machines outstripped production at the new plant and by 1873 a new larger factory was completed near Bridgeton Cross. By now Singer employed over 2,000 people in Scotland but still, they could not produce enough machines. In 1882 George McKenzie, the soon to become President of the Singer Sewing Machine Company undertook the ground breaking ceremony on 46 acres of farmland at Kilbowie, Clydebank and the largest Singer factory in the world started to be built. Originally two main buildings were constructed. Built above the middle wing of the factory was a huge clock tower with the 'Singer' name displayed for all to see from miles around. Many miles of railway lines were laid throughout the factory to connect the different departments and to aid in the shipping of their goods. Railway lines from the factory connected Glasgow, Dumbarton, and Helensburgh stations. The factory was regarded as the most modern facility in Europe at that time. As different departments in the factory were completed, the workers moved from the old sites to the new one at Kilbowie and the factory was finally finished in 1885. With nearly a million square feet of space and almost 7,000 employees producing on average 13,000 machines a week, making it the largest sewing machine factory in the world. The Clydebank factory was so productive that in 1905 the US Singer Company set up the Singer Manufacturing Company Ltd. as a UK registered company. The invention of the sewing machine had several very significant impacts on the lives of many people. It changed the domestic life of many women as more households began to own sewing machines, women as the ones who traditionally stayed home to do chores including making and repairing clothing, found themselves with more free time. Previously several days a week would be dedicated to sewing clothing for herself and her family, a housewife could now complete her sewing in merely several hours, allowing for more free time to pursue hobbies and attain new skills. Sewing and clothing production, in general, became more industrialized activities, taking place less in the home and more in large factories. Industrial sewing machines, in combination with the cotton gin, the spinning jenny, and the steam engine, made clothing production much easier and much cheaper. Sewing machine, treadle operated, "Branded Premier" 5-7-9-2-0-0-" Serial Number Y6243048 (denotes 1922 year of manufacture) flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, sewing machine, hand operated, dressmaking, textile machinery, portable, premier sewing machine, premier, singer treadle sewing machine -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Domestic object - Sewing Machine, Singer Sewing Machine Company, 1907 -1920 (see note section this document for further information regards model identification)
In 1867 the Singer Company decided that the demand for their sewing machines in the UK was sufficiently high to open a local factory. Glasgow was selected for its iron-making industries, cheap labour, and possibly because at the time the General Manager of the US Singer Sewing Machine Company was George McKenzie, who was of Scottish descent. The company obtained a lease on land near Queen Street Station and machinery and machine parts were shipped over from the US. Demand for sewing machines outstripped production at the new plant and by 1873 a new larger factory was completed near Bridgeton Cross. By now Singer employed over 2,000 people in Scotland but still, they could not produce enough machines. In 1882 George McKenzie, the soon to become President of the Singer Sewing Machine Company undertook the ground breaking ceremony on 46 acres of farmland at Kilbowie, Clydebank and the largest Singer factory in the world started to be built. Originally two main buildings were constructed. Built above the middle wing of the factory was a huge clock tower with the 'Singer' name displayed for all to see from miles around. Many miles of railway lines were laid throughout the factory to connect the different departments and to aid in the shipping of their goods. Railway lines from the factory connected Glasgow, Dumbarton, and Helensburgh stations. The factory was regarded as the most modern facility in Europe at that time. As different departments in the factory were completed, the workers moved from the old sites to the new one at Kilbowie and the factory was finally finished in 1885. With nearly a million square feet of space and almost 7,000 employees producing on average 13,000 machines a week, making it the largest sewing machine factory in the world. The Clydebank factory was so productive that in 1905 the US Singer Company set up the Singer Manufacturing Company Ltd. as a UK registered company. The invention of the sewing machine had several very significant impacts on the lives of many people. It changed the domestic life of many women as more households began to own sewing machines, women as the ones who traditionally stayed home to do chores including making and repairing clothing, found themselves with more free time. Previously several days a week would be dedicated to sewing clothing for herself and her family, a housewife could now complete her sewing in merely several hours, allowing for more free time to pursue hobbies and attain new skills. Sewing and clothing production, in general, became more industrialized activities, taking place less in the home and more in large factories. Industrial sewing machines, in combination with the cotton gin, the spinning jenny, and the steam engine, made clothing production much easier and much cheaper. Singer sewing machine treadle type wooden stand with six drawers plus instruction manual Lotus decoration to machinewarrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, sewing-machine, clothes repair, singer sewing machine -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Plaque - Nameplate, ca. 1970s
This nameplate is a reproduction of the Ross & Duncan nameplate and was displayed on the Rowitta vessel activation at Flagstaff Hill. Ross & Duncan of Glasgow manufactured marine engines and boilers from the time it was established in 1860 and growing to employ 450-500 workers by 1911. SS ROWITTA: - The 1909 steam ferry, SS Rowitta, was installed as an exhibit at Flagstaff Hill in 1975 and was enjoyed by many visitors for 40 years. Rowitta was a timber steam ferry built in Hobart in 1909 using planks of Huon and Karri wood. It was a favourite of sightseeing passengers along Tasmania’s Tamar and Derwent rivers for 30 years. Rowitta was also known as Tarkarri and Sorrento and had worked as a coastal trading vessel between Devonport and Melbourne, and Melbourne Queenscliff and Sorrento. In 1974 Rowitta was purchased by Flagstaff Hilt to convert into a representation of the Speculant, a historic and locally significant sailing ship listed on the Victorian Heritage Database. (The Speculant was built in Scotland in 1895 and traded timber between the United Kingdom and Russia. Warrnambool’s P J McGennan & Co. then bought the vessel to trade pine timber from New Zealand to Victorian ports and cargo to Melbourne. It was the largest ship registered with Warrnambool as her home port, playing a key role in the early 1900s in the Port of Warrnambool. In 1911, on her way to Melbourne, it was wrecked near Cape Otway. None of the nine crew lost their lives.) The promised funds for converting Rowitta into the Speculant were no longer available, so it was restored back to its original configuration. The vessel represented the importance of coastal traders to transport, trade and communication in Australia times before rail and motor vehicles. Sadly, in 2015 the time had come to demolish the Rowitta due to her excessive deterioration and the high cost of ongoing repairs. The vessel had given over 100 years of service and pleasure to those who knew her. The nameplate was reproduced to represent the Glasow marine engineers and boilermakers, Ross & Duncan, that were the makers of the engine for the exhibition steam ferry Rowitta. The Tasmanian-built vessel had a long career in Tasmania and Victoria. The nameplate is significant for its connection with the Rowitta, representing the importance of coastal traders to transport, trade and communication in Australia in conjunction with the new rail and motor vehicles. The nameplate is a record of an exhibit at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village from its early beginnings. Maker's brass nameplate; brass, with embossed text and a hole in each corner. The background is painted red. There are five rows of text; the top row is arranged in an arc. On the bottom row is a number. The nameplate is a replica that was once displayed on the Rowitta vessel at Flagstaff Hill. The reproduction nameplate is for the company Ross & Duncan of Glasgow."ROSS & DUNCAN / ENGINEERS / WHITEFIELD WORKS GLASGOW / NO. 779" flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, great ocean road, shipwreck coast, steamer, steam ferry, ross & duncan, marine engineers, marine boilers, glasgow engineers, whitefield works, reproduction, scotland, steamer engine, rowitta, sorrento, ss rowitta, navigation, marine technology, steam power, hobart, tasmania, devonport, tasmanian-built, ferry, 1909, early 20th century vessel, passenger vessel, tamar trading company, tamar river, launceston, george town, tarkarri, speculant, peter mcgennan, p j mcgennan & co. port phillip ferries pty ltd, melbourne, coastal trader, timber steamer, huon, karri, freighter, supply ship, charter ferry, floating restaurant, prawn boat, lakes entrance -
Orbost & District Historical Society
display cabinet and tools
This display was put together by the Curlip Committee and used as promotion in the shed during the construction of Curlip 11 A community project, this boat was constructed out of local hardwood timbers utilizing the traditional skills of wooden boat builders and is powered by a steam engine. Paddle Steamer Curlip II is a replica of an historic paddle steamer of the Snowy River, in Far East Gippsland, Victoria. The original Paddle Steamer Curlip was built by Sam Richardson and his sons Mark, Albert and Frank, at their sawmill at Tabbara, a pioneering settlement on the Brodribb River, a tributary of the Snowy River. The keel was laid on 14th October 1889 and PS Curlip was launched in 1890. The name “ Curlip” is derived from the indigenous name for the area where Tabbara is located and includes land to the east of the Snowy and Brodribb Rivers towards Cape Conran. PS Curlip was registered in 1893 and the Passenger Certificate issued on 30th January 1903 to Captain Alan Richardson by the Marine Board of Victoria entitled her to carry 25 passengers and only 10 passengers when engaged in towage service. Two children under 12 years of age to be reckoned as one passenger. PS Curlip towed five barges at a time, traveling upstream as far as Bete Bolong, 20 km upstream of the mouth to collect produce to be transferred to schooners near Marlo. She towed vessels in and out through the Snowy river entrance and was also used for social functions such as Sunday School picnics. She was the main means of transport for imports and exports on the Snowy River for almost 30 years. The Curlip era ended abruptly on Friday 28th February when a flash flood carried her and 2 barges down river and out to sea, where she washed ashore at Marlo and broke up.More than eighty years after the original Paddle Steamer Curlip was wrecked at sea, the Orbost community launched a replica which it hoped would draw tourists to the region. The P.S. Curlip II, is based on drawings of the original Curlip that made its home in the Snowy and Brodribb Rivers of East Gippsland in the 1890s and early 1900s, It took six years of planning and hundreds of hours of volunteer work from the local community.A display cabinet containing tools and sundry items related to the Paddle Steamer Curlip. (More information on individual items in Catalogue 1400-1600)p.s.curlip richardson-samuel boat-building-tools transport -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Tool - Caulking Tool, Ward & Payne Ltd, Late 19th century
Caulking is the traditional technique used on wooden vessels built with butted or clinker-built planks to fill the gaps between these planks while still allowing the wood to flex and move. This involved driving the irons, hammered in with the mallet, deep into the seams to open them up. After this, spun yarn, oakum (hemp) or cotton was driven deep into the gaps. The hemp or cotton was soaked in creosote or pine tar to make the joins watertight. Caulking also played a structural role in tightening up the hull or deck by reducing the longitudinal movement of the neighbouring planks. The subject item was made by Ward & Payne of the Limbrick Works at Hillsborough, Sheffield England manufacturers of hand-forged tools. Their trademark registered in 1850 was a Letter "W" & "P" stamped into the steel. The firm was established by David Ward (1767-1822) in 1803 the company became David Ward & Sons, in 1837 after Ward's son Edward joined the firm. In 1845 Henry Payne the founder's son-in-law became a partner but died in 1850 after which the company reverted to the Ward family. The business then concentrated on making carving tools, chisels and gouges. In 1882 David Ward's grandson David Ward Jr. (1835-1889) purchased land and built a factory at Sheffield North known as the "Limerick Wheel". For a time Wards operated from both 106-114 West Street Sheffield and at Limbrick Road, Hillsborough on the river Loxley. By 1911 they had expanded into making spades, forks, sheep shears and many other types of edged tools including drills and wood planes. In 1967 Wilkinson Sword purchased all the company's share capital and continued to sell Ward & Payne tools until 1970 when a fire burned the factory down and housing development was built on the site. The subject item is significant as it gives a snapshot of the technological development of sailing ships and their operation before steam-powered vessels took over around the world. Tools such as the subject item demonstrate the traditional craftsmanship and skill of the shipwright and the aesthetic quality of the timber ships designs of the time. Caulking tool with square end"WARD Sheffield"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, flagstaff hill maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, james s steele, caulking iron, caulking tool, shipwright tools, ward & payne sheffield, forged tools -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Ceramic - Tile, circa 1878
This Minton floor tile is from the wreck of the LOCH ARD. Other examples of this manufacture have been recovered from the wreck site and form part of the collection at Flagstaff Hill. The iron-hulled clipper ship from the Loch Line was heading for Port Phillip from London when it ran into the cliffs of Mutton Bird Island near Port Campbell and was wrecked on the early morning of June 1, 1878. The LOCH ARD was laden with high-value cargo including luxury goods intended for display at the Melbourne International Exhibition in 1880. One notable survivor from the ship’s freight manifest was the well-packed Minton porcelain peacock, a two-metre-high ceramic masterpiece of vivid glazed colours. The almost total loss of life and property from the LOCH ARD registered as a shocking tragedy for the Colony of Victoria, at a time when social confidence and economic optimism were otherwise high. The wealth generated from gold and wool was increasingly being spent on magnificent private residences and imposing public buildings. The demand for quality furnishings and fittings was therefore strong. Among the products consigned to burgeoning colonial markets by the Milton Pottery at Stoke upon Trent were their new range of colourfully patterned but very durable floor tiles – ideal for the high-traffic spaces in the large civic buildings then being constructed in Australia and America. These new floor tiles were “encaustic”, meaning that their designs and colours were encased within the depth of the tile. Rather than their decorative patterns being glazed onto the surface of the tile, their inlaid designs were created during the manufacturing process, as “coloured slips” (or liquid clay) that were poured into a deep pre-moulded casting. When fired, the resulting tile was colour-fast and design-fast.The Minton encaustic floor tile is significant for its method of manufacture which makes it durable as well as decorative. The shipwreck of the LOCH ARD is of State significance. Victorian Heritage Register S417. Flagstaff Hill’s collection of artefacts from LOCH ARD is significant for being one of the largest collections of artefacts from this shipwreck in Victoria. It is significant for its association with the shipwreck, which is on the Victorian Heritage Register (VHR S417). The collection is significant because of the relationship between the objects, as together they have a high potential to interpret the story of the LOCH ARD. The LOCH ARD collection is archaeologically significant as the remains of a large international passenger and cargo ship. The LOCH ARD collection is historically significant for representing aspects of Victoria’s shipping history and its potential to interpret sub-theme 1.5 of Victoria’s Framework of Historical Themes (living with natural processes). The collection is also historically significant for its association with the LOCH ARD, which was one of the worst and best-known shipwrecks in Victoria’s history.A square Minton floor tile with a black and beige pattern against a white base. This encaustic floor tile was recovered from the shipwreck of the LOCH ARD. On the back, or base, of the tile is inscribed the number “46” and the letters “Minton & Co Patent Stoke upon Trent”.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, loch line, loch ard, mutton bird island, loch ard gorge, minton floor tile, encaustic tile, melbourne international exhibition, floor tile -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Balaclava Road Tram Shelter, Circa 1972
This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. From Victorian Heritage Database citation H0174 TRAM VERANDAH SHELTER CORNER BALACLAVA AND ORRONG ROADS CAULFIELD NORTH - Vic Heritage Register (as at 28/10/2020) The waiting shelter at the corner of Balaclava Road and Orrong Road, Caulfield was constructed in 1916/17 for the Prahran and Malvern Tramways Trust and is one of only three remaining tram shelters in Melbourne designed in the form of a verandah. The shelter has a corrugated iron roof fixed to an angle iron roof frame. The roof, which extends in the form of a skillion over the pavement, is supported on three squared, chamfered timber posts at the rear and three cast iron reeded columns with round bases and Corinthian capitals at the front. (The columns are hollow and function as downpipes, with rainwater discharging from the verandah roof, through the columns and under the ground). The shelter has a rinceau pattern frieze along the road frontage with centrally placed shield motif (which does not contain a coat of arms). The side and rear panels are lined with ripple iron and the upper panel at the rear is lattice work. The shelter has two timber slatted bench seats.From Victorian Heritage Database citation for H0174 TRAM VERANDAH SHELTER CORNER BALACLAVA AND ORRONG ROADS CAULFIELD NORTH - Vic Heritage Register (as at 28/10/2020) How is it significant? The waiting shelter at the corner of Balaclava Road and Orrong Road, Caulfield is of historical and architectural significance to the State of Victoria. Why is it significant? The waiting shelter is of historical significance for its association with the development of the suburban (electric) tram network which assisted the expansion of Melbourne as a suburban metropolis. It is also of historical significance for its connection with the Prahran & Malvern Tramways Trust. The Prahran & Malvern Tramways Trust (1907-1920) was the first municipal electric tramway in Melbourne, becoming the largest and most successful of all the municipal tramway trusts. Its services played a key role in facilitating suburban expansion and the development of the southern and eastern suburbs. The growth of tramways was one of the greatest municipal developments in Victoria during the first decade of the twentieth century. The waiting shelter is an important remnant of this period of Melbourne's transport history and a tangible reminder of the Prahran & Malvern Tramways Trust. The shelter indicates the extent of the Prahran & Malvern tram network. The waiting shelter at corner of Balaclava Road and Orrong Road, Caulfield is one of only three remaining tram shelters in Melbourne designed in the form of a verandah. The waiting shelter is of architectural significance for the distinctive design and construction which is unique to the Prahran & Malvern Tramway Trust tram network. The shelter was designed by notable Melbourne architect Leonard J. Flannagan (1864-1946). Flannagan was responsible for a number of buildings for the Prahran and Malvern Tramways Trust including the early waiting shelter at the junction of Dandenong Road and Hawthorn Road, Caulfield, and sections of the tram depot at Malvern, and also designed a depot for the Hawthorn Tramways Trust. The waiting shelter, a conservative design influenced by Victorian architecture, is based on the Melbourne City Council late 19th century standard cast iron verandah. It is of significance as an intact example of the cast iron type shelter and for its detail, including Corinthian columns and a 'rinceau' pattern cast-iron frieze. The shelter is largely in keeping with the original design and retains its integrity. The cast iron waiting shelter is also of significance as an unusual example of early twentieth century street architecture. Page 155 of Photograph Album with one landscape photograph of a tram shelter on Balaclava Road.Handwritten: BALACLAVA ROAD TRAM SHELTER [top] / 155 [bottom left]trevor hart, verandah, garden, grimwade house, grimwade, orrong road, balaclava road, melbourne grammar, melbourne grammar junior school, mgs, m.g.s, school, tram shelter, waiting shelter, prahran & malvern tramway trust, leonard j. flannagan, cast iron verandah, cast iron type shelter, corinthian columns, 'rinceau' pattern cast-iron frieze, rinceau, cast iron frieze, victorian style, caulfield north, leonard flanagan, cast iron work, prahran and malvern tramways trust, trams -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Craft - Ship Model, S.S. Rowitta
This remote-controlled ship model was made by the blacksmith at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village in the likeness of the Village's display passenger ferry, the S.S. Rowitta. SS ROWITTA: - The 1909 steam ferry, SS Rowitta, was installed as an exhibit at Flagstaff Hill in 1975 and was enjoyed by many visitors for 40 years. Rowitta was a timber steam ferry built in Hobart in 1909 using planks of Huon and Karri wood. She was a favourite of sightseeing passengers along Tasmania’s Tamar and Derwent rivers for 30 years. Rowitta was also known as Tarkarri and Sorrento and had worked as a coastal trading vessel between Devonport and Melbourne, and Melbourne Queenscliff and Sorrento. In 1974 Rowitta was purchased by Flagstaff Hilt to convert into a representation of the Speculant, a historic and locally significant sailing ship listed on the Victorian Heritage Database. (The Speculant was built in Scotland in 1895 and traded timber between the United Kingdom and Russia. Warrnambool’s P J McGennan & Co. then bought the vessel to trade pine timber from New Zealand to Victorian ports and cargo to Melbourne. She was the largest ship registered with Warrnambool as her home port, playing a key role in the early 1900s in the Port of Warrnambool. In 1911, on her way to Melbourne, she was wrecked near Cape Otway. None of the nine crew lost their lives.) The promised funds for converting Rowitta into the Speculant were no longer available, so she was restored back to her original configuration. She represented the importance of coastal traders to transport, trade and communication in Australian times before rail and motor vehicles. Sadly, in 2015 the time had come to demolish the Rowitta due to her excessive deterioration and the high cost of ongoing repairs. She had given over 100 years of service and pleasure to those who knew her. The remote-controlled model of the S.S. Rowitta is significant for its association with the Tasmanian early to mid-1900s passenger ferry, the wooden screw steamer Rowitta. It is is connected to the history of the Rowitta, that was a large exhibit on display at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village from the museum’s early beginnings until the vessel’s end of life 40 years later. The display was used as an aid to maritime education. The Rowitta represents the importance of coastal traders to transport, trade and communication along the coast of Victoria, between states, and in Australia before rail and motor vehicles. The vessel was an example of a ferry built in the early 20th century that served many different roles over its lifetime of over 100 years. Model of the wooden steam ferry "S.S. Rowitta". This is a radio-controlled model built by the Flagstaff Hill blacksmith.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, ship model, remote controlled steam ship model, s.s. rowitta, tarkarri, speculant, purdon & featherstone of hobart, passenger ferry 1909, tasmanian passenger ferry, vessel, charles street wharf launceston, sorrento, remote control boat, rowitta model, remote-controlled model -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Instrument - Hydrometer, 1878 to 1930s
This Sikes brass hydrometer was manufactured by the optical and scientific instrument makers Kasner & Moss of 17 Collins Street West, Melbourne, in the latter part of the nineteenth century. The firm adverted hydrometers, as well as optical instruments, as early as August 13th, 1864, in The Age, Melbourne. This hydrometer set was donated to Flagstaff Hill in 1979 by local wine and spirits merchants Lynch Bros of Fairy Street, Warrnambool. Giffen Russell had established the business in 1878, and Harry Lynch took it over in the 1930s, and after he passed away in 1953 Kevin Matthew Lynch became proprietor of K M Lynch Food and Liquor. The business closed in the 2010s. The hydrometer may date back to the establishment of the business in 1878, as Kasner & Moss were selling hydrometers in Melbourne from 1864. Hydrometers were used to measure the density, or relative density, of liquids from the late 1600s. In 1816 Bartholomew Sikes won the competition for the most useful accurate hydrometer. Hydrometers were commonly used by distillers, vintners, and brewers to establish accurate measures of alcohol concentration in their beverages. Following this manufacturing process, government inspectors and excise officers used them to check that the labelled indications of alcohol-proof were correct and that the right amounts of duty were being paid. This hydrometer and its fitted and hinged wooden container show signs of heavy and protracted use in a working environment. Although the instrument has some parts missing and has been recently repaired, the original quality of the inlaid box and the fine engraving on the instrument and the attachable weights, are indications of the hydrometer’s very real value when new. This Sikes hydrometer, bearing the maker's mark of “Kasner & Moss Melbourne” and the registered number “20373”, was presented to the purchasing public as a precision-made instrument designed for professional use. The Sikes hydrometer is of local significance because of its implied association with the alcohol trade in the southwest region of Victoria. It was donated by a family member of Lynch Bros, a local licensed outlet for wines and spirits in the period before the general relaxation of liquor licensing laws in the State of Victoria. It may have belonged to Griffin Russell who established the liquor store in 1878.Hydrometer; original Sikes brass hydrometer in a polished wooden case with an inlaid plaque on the lid. The brass float is a sphere with a thin flat upper stem and a short, lower stem with a bulb-shaped end. The upper stem is engraved scale on both sides with the numbers 1 to 10, and five divisions between each number. There are ten fixed pegs in the base to secure the thick brass horseshoe-shaped, numbered, various-sized weights (20, 30, 40, 80, 90); the free pegs would have originally stored another five weights (10, 50, 60, 70, and 100). The empty compartment in the box suggests another part in the initial set, probably a thermometer. The fitted, fabric-lined box has two brass closures and two brass hinges. The scientific instrument shows signs of heavy use and repairs. The Serial Number on the float matches the Serial Numbers on the weights. The plaque on the lid, the float and the weights have inscriptions. Made by Kasner & Moss, Melbourne. Plaque: “SIKES HYDROMETER / KASNER & MOSS / MELBOURNE” On float's lower stem: “SIKES 20373” On one thin edge of the float's scale, engraved in script “Kasner & Moss” and stamped “MELBOURNE”, and symbol“P” rotated 90 degrees. On the opposite thin edge of the float: “N20.373”, “SIKES”, “I P % II O” (in ornate capitals). Each weight has s unique number, and the same serial number “20373”.flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, great ocean road, shipwreck coast, sikes hydrometer, scientific instrument, pressure measurement, measuring instrument, ullage tool, customs, excise duty, tax, alcohol content, proof, calibrate, standard weights and measures, tariff, kasner & moss, scientific instrument makers, specific gravity, liquid density, alcohol testing, technology, alcohol measurement, proof spirit, wine and spirits merchants, local business, brass measuring instrument, k m lynch, giffen russell, harry lynch -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Photograph - Maritime, John Murray, 1909-1917
The image in this photograph is the 'John Murray', which was owned by the Government of Victoria from 1909 to 1917 as a training vessel. It was built and registered in Glasgow, UK in 1877 as the 'Loch Ryan'. This photograph is a copy of the original photograph, which was owned by Dr J. Douglas, brother o the donor. The iron baque 'Loch Ryan' was a three masted, 1207 ton sailing ship built by James & George Thomson in Glasgow in 1877. It was purposed as a general cargo vessel and owned by the General Shipping Company, known as the Loch Line because the ships were named after Scottish lochs. The company had a fleet of 25 colonial clipper ships that traded between the UK and Australia between 1866 and 1909, mainly from Glasgow to Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide. Many of the sips, including the Loch Ryan, had a distinctive white stripe on their dark coloured hulls. The 'Loch Ryan' was purchased in 1909 by the Victorian Government's Défense Department and converted for the purposes of a training in Williamstown. In 1910 it was renamed John Murray, whose namesake, John (Jack) Murray (1851-1916) was born near Koroit. He was the 23rd Premier of Victoria (1909-1912), and a Warrnambool Member of Parliament for twenty years. The government commissioned the ship from 1910-1917 for reforming juvenile offenders, training them as seamen for the Navy and Merchant Navy. The training project ceased after reports of the treatment of the boys. Although 411 did their training under this scheme, the success rate of them qualifying to serve on other vessels was less than twenty percent. In 1917 the John Murray was sold to the Government of Australia to serve during WWI. The ship was loaded with a cargo of dynamite and petroleum at San Francisco then departed for Melbourne when, during its passage, it was wrecked at Malden Island reef in the mid-Pacific Ocean on May 29th, 1918.The photograph of the John Murray , formerly the 'Loch Ryan' is significant for its connection with the Loch Line of the General Shipping Company of Glasgow, the same company that owned the Loch Ard, which was wrecked and tragically lost 52 lives. The photograph is also significant for its connection with Victoria's training ship John Murray, which aimed at reforming delinquent juveniles, to be suitable as seamen for Australia's Navy or Merchant Navy. The ship was the namesake of John Murray, so the photograph is also significant for its connection with Victorian and local Government, as John Murray was the 23rd Premier of Victoria and a Warrnambool Member of Parliament for over 20 years. He was born in the local town of Koroit. The photograph is significant as an image of the many clipper ships that traded between the United Kingdom and Australia, with goods collected from other countries along the way.Photograph, black and white, behind glass, matt, framed in black with gold trim. Image is the Government of Victoria's training ship "John Murray". Label attached to back of frame with inscription. Also a square white sticker with handwritten number.Text on label includes: "The "John Murray" / A training ship for delinquent boys about 1910 / Formerly the Loch Ryan / John Murray - Premier of Victoria and Member for Warrnambool for over 20 years / Donated by Elizabeth O'Callaghan / Original photo in possession of Dr J. Douglas / (Brother of Elizabeth O'Callaghan - nee Douglas)" Sticker; handwritten "57"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, the john murray, loch ryan, john murray, loch line, general shipping company, government of victoria, training ship, juvenile reformation, delinquent boys, james & george thomson, iron barque, three masted ship, clipper ship, uk to australia trade, dynamite cargo, petroleum cargo, maldon island reef, 1909-1917 -
Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
Bottle, glass, 1918 - c. 1925
TROVE : The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) Thursday 22 August 1918 p 6 Article 'Doctors and Lodges. Malvern Medical Association. The friendly societies of Malvern have formed a medical association in connection with the Malvern and District U.F.S. Dispensary. This has been registered as the Malvern and District U.F.S. Medical Association and Dispensary. Practically all the societies have joined it. The committee has appointed as medical officer Dr. J Weir, who is now carrying on the work of the institution. Another doctor is to be appointed shortly to assist him. The committee lately purchased a property in Valetta-street, formerly used by the Church of Christ. Structural alterations have been made, and the business will be transferred from High-street to the new building early in September'. TROVE : The Prahran Telegraph (Vic. : 1889 - 1930) Friday 23 January 1925 p 6 Article 'Malvern Dispensary. ANNUAL REPORT AND BALANCE SHEET. The 16th report and balance sheet for the year ending December 31st last of the Malvern and District U.F.S. Medical Association and Dispensary signed by the president (Mr.Chas. A. W. Smith) has been issued. It is the first annual report since the erection of the new hall and dispensary in Valetta street, and discloses a satisfactory state of affairs. Mr. Smith, who is now a past president of the Dispensary, has been commended on. all sides for the active interest He at all times took in the work of the dispensary, and he has every reason to feel pleased and gratified that the erection of the new building was put in hand and completed during his tenure of office. The enterprise is a credit to the district, and shows that, those associated with friendly societies work in Malvern are imbued with a true progressive spirit. The dispensary is assured of a successful and useful future.........................................'. TROVE : Digitised newspaper articles.- The Dispensary Hall in Valetta Street, Malvern was used as a meeting place and dance hall after 1925.Hexagonal clear amber glass bottle, 1/4 full of yellow / brown liquid with cork stopper secured by string. White paper label with red printed text and hand writing. Bottle has 3 plain sides, 2 sides with 'x' stipple pattern either side of a panel with embossed text.Embossed on side of bottle 'NOT TO BE TAKEN', '8'. Embossed on base of bottle '8', followed by an AGM monogram, over one indistinct character and '422M'. On the white paper label printed in red 'POISON' NOT TO BE TAKEN', followed by hand written script in blue ink 'Use on pad as directed. Mr. Williams' , then printed in red, double red lines followed by MALVERN & DISTRICT U.F.S., M.A. & DISPENSARY, VALETTA STREET, MALVERN.poison, friendly societies, amber glass, pharmacist, dispensary, topical medications.