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matching garden equipment
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Craft - Craft equipment, wool winder, c1860
Pioneers migrating to Moorabbin Shire brought items they thought would assist them in the new Country. They had to be self reliant and made their own clothing and utensils while establishing their market gardens and farms. A wooden wool winder, with extending arms for winding hanks of wool into balls prior to knitting. For ease of use the winder also rotates. Circa 1860s this winder was made in Ireland.The pioneer settlers and market gardeners of Moorabbin Shire had to be self reliant and made their own clothing and utensils. This is one of many items used to exhibit the skill and craftsmanship of the women in these families. Phillip Jones migrated from Ireland c1852 and his son, James Jones 1857 – 1940 was born in East Brighton , married Mary Ann Moore and raised his family in Bentleigh, as the area became known. A wooden wool winder, with extending arms for winding hanks of wool into balls prior to knitting. For ease of use the winder also rotates. Circa 1860s this winder was made in Ireland.brighton, moorabbin, pioneers, bentleigh, market gardeners, wool, craft work, early settlers, knitting, craft equipment, jones mary ann, jones james, jones phillip, herron john -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Domestic object - Kitchen equipment, sad iron, c1880
Sad-irons or "solid" irons were made by blacksmiths and used to smooth out material by pressing the hot iron over it. A piece of sheet -iron was placed over the kitchen fire and the irons placed on it could be heated whilst remaining clean of ash.. The women used 2 irons - one heating while the other was used. Thick cloth or gloves protected their hands from the hot irons. The handle was removed from the cool iron and re- attached to remove the hot iron from the fire. The cool iron was replaced on the fire or stove to heat again. These irons were cleaned with steel wool to prevent them marking the material. If the iron was too hot the material would scorch. Most homes set aside one day for ironing and some large households had an ironing room with a special stove designed to heat irons. However, most women had to work with a heavy, hot iron close to the fireplace even in summer.These sad irons remind us of the difficult circumstances experienced in their daily routines by the pioneers and early settlers of Moorabbin Shire. The family of Miss M Curtis were early settlers in Moorabbin Shire. Sad-iron, domestic, flat, cast iron, Silvester's Patent, No 6, Salter, England, c. 1890-1900s A sad iron made from cast iron was heated over a fire or on a stove and used for pressing clothing and table wareSILVESTER'S/ PATENT/ SALTERS / No 6 with the pretzel & a arrow going through the centresad iron, kitchen equipment, pioneers, early settlers, market gardeners, sewing, craftwork, clothing, moorabbin, brighton, bentleigh, fireplaces, stoves -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Domestic object - Kitchen equipment, gas-fuelled flat iron, c1900 - 30
Sad-irons or "solid" irons were made by blacksmiths and used to smooth out material by pressing the hot iron over it. A piece of sheet -iron was placed over the kitchen fire and the irons placed on it could be heated whilst remaining clean of ash.. The women used 2 irons - one heating while the other was used. Thick cloth or gloves protected their hands from the hot irons. The handle was removed from the cool iron and re- attached to remove the hot iron from the fire. The cool iron was replaced on the fire or stove to heat again. These irons were cleaned with steel wool to prevent them marking the material. If the iron was too hot the material would scorch. Most homes set aside one day for ironing and some large households had an ironing room with a special stove designed to heat irons. However, most women had to work with a heavy, hot iron close to the fireplace even in summer. Thomas Fletcher (1840-1903). By 1880s he had a gas appliance manufactory in Thynne Street, Warrington. By 1895 the company had become Fletcher Russell and Co Gas Engineers, his firm having merged with Alexander and William Russell of Pendleton Iron Works. Circa 1950, the firm merged into Radiation Ltd which was later acquired by 'TI New World'; 1902: Fletcher, Russell & Co. Ltd., Palatine Works, Warrington In 1880 gas -fuelled irons were connected by rubber tubing to the gas light-fittings of the house or to gas canisters. However , not many houses had access to a gas supply until much later and this iron was popular in 1920’sThese sad irons remind us of the difficult circumstances experienced in their daily routines by the pioneers and early settlers of Moorabbin Shire The family of Miss M Curtis were early settlers in Moorabbin Shire.A gas-fuelled flat iron, made in USA , It would have been attached to a gas hose fitting that was also used at night for light in the house. There is a small chimney to allow for air and to try to control the amount of heat in the iron. A 'shield' is under the leather covered handle to protect the user's hand from the heat, however it is made of copper metal - a heat conductor.FLETCHER RUSSELL CO. / LIM/ PATENT/ WARRINGTON on right side of handle 'Registered' on left side of handle ' Fletcher Russell Co L / Warrington, Manchester / & London.sad iron, kitchen equipment, fletcher russell co. ltd., england, warrington, manchester, pioneers, early settlers, market gardeners, sewing, craftwork, clothing, moorabbin, brighton, bentleigh, fireplaces, stoves, domestic gas supply, gas-light, gas cannisters -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Domestic object - Kitchen Equipment, flat iron with trivet stand, c1880
Sad-irons or "solid" irons were made by blacksmiths and used to smooth out material by pressing the hot iron over it. A piece of sheet -iron was placed over the kitchen fire and the irons placed on it could be heated whilst remaining clean of ash.. The women used 2 irons - one heating while the other was used. Thick cloth or gloves protected their hands from the hot irons. The handle was removed from the cool iron and re- attached to remove the hot iron from the fire. The cool iron was replaced on the fire or stove to heat again. These irons were cleaned with steel wool to prevent them marking the material. If the iron was too hot the material would scorch. Most homes set aside one day for ironing and some large households had an ironing room with a special stove designed to heat irons. However, most women had to work with a heavy, hot iron close to the fireplace even in summer. These sad irons remind us of the difficult circumstances experienced in their daily routines by the pioneers and early settlers of Moorabbin Shire The family of Miss M Curtis were early settlers in Moorabbin Shire. A) A heavy cast iron, flat iron with B) horseshoe shaped trivet stand c1880 The trivet can be attached to a table by an adjustable clamp.A) 5 on tip of ironsad iron, kitchen equipment, pioneers, early settlers, market gardeners, sewing, craftwork, clothing, moorabbin, brighton, bentleigh, fireplaces, stoves -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Domestic object - Kitchen equipment, spirit-fuelled sad iron, c1920
Sad-irons or "solid" irons were made by blacksmiths and used to smooth out material by pressing the hot iron over it. A piece of sheet -iron was placed over the kitchen fire and the irons placed on it could be heated whilst remaining clean of ash.. The women used 2 irons - one heating while the other was used. Thick cloth or gloves protected their hands from the hot irons. The handle was removed from the cool iron and re- attached to remove the hot iron from the fire. The cool iron was replaced on the fire or stove to heat again. These irons were cleaned with steel wool to prevent them marking the material. If the iron was too hot the material would scorch. Most homes set aside one day for ironing and some large households had an ironing room with a special stove designed to heat irons. However, most women had to work with a heavy, hot iron close to the fireplace even in summer. Late in the 19thC designers experimented with heat retaining fillings for these irons. William Coleman began selling Kerosene lanterns in 1900 in Kingfisher, Oklahoma, USA. He moved to Wichita, Kansas in 1902 and the company became world wide. The company also produced a range of cooking stoves and domestic irons. This spirit- fuelled flat iron was very popular in 1920s - 30s These sad irons remind us of the difficult circumstances experienced in their daily routines by the pioneers and early settlers of Moorabbin Shire The family of Miss M Curtis were early settlers in Moorabbin ShireA) spirit- fuelled, sad iron with chrome plated sole c1920, and metal trivet The iron is blue enamel with a white speckled body, with a hemispherical tank for the Coleman 'Lighting Petrol' that provided the heat for smoothing the material B) Coleman Fuel measuring can and funnellMetal Trivet/stand " COLEMAN" ; Petrol can " COLEMAN" / MEASURING CAN / for INSTANT LIGHTING IRON/ with printed instructionssad iron, kitchen equipment, coleman william, kansas, oklahoma, pioneers, early settlers, market gardeners, sewing, craftwork, clothing, moorabbin, brighton, bentleigh, fireplaces, stoves, petrol fuelled irons, spirit flat irons, coleman lamp stove co. ltd. -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document - Kitchen equipment, charcoal sad iron, c1880
... settlers pioneers moorabbin brighton market gardeners craftwork ...This type of Charcoal iron was used by early settler families in Moorabbin Shire. The body or ‘box’ of the iron was filled with red-hot coals from the Kitchen hearth. This made for hot as well as smoky ironing and the handle would have become very hot. This type of iron is still used in some countries where electric power is unavailable. This Charcoal flat iron was used by the Curtis family who were early settlers in Moorabbin Shire c1880. A charcoal sad iron with leather covered handle c 1880 The cast iron body or ‘box’ of this sad iron was filled with red-hot coals from the hearth and great care had to be taken to prevent scorching the material to be smoothed.iron charcoal, flat iron, early settlers, pioneers, moorabbin, brighton, market gardeners, craftwork, sewing, laundry equipment, kitchens -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Functional object - Laundry Equipment, wooden double wash trough, c1900
c1900 This large wooden double wash trough with 'Acme' clothes wringer came from the old 'Exchange Hotel' now known as The Tudor Inn, Nepean Highway, Cheltenham.The Exchange Hotel, Point Nepean Road, Cheltenham, (now The Tudor Inn Hotel Nepean Highway,) was built in the late 1800s. By 1915 it was a prominent meeting place for early settler families of Moorabbin Shire. The trough is typical of those used in large laundries c1900 The ACME wringers were used in most households until c1960 Wooden, double washing trough, on a wooden stand c1900moorabbin, cheltenham, brighton, nepean highway, exchange hotel, the tudor inn hotel, clothing, early settlers, pioneers, market gardeners, acme manufacturing company, glasgow. -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Functional object - Laundry Equipment, washing machine, c1919
Eduard Lehman, Zurich Switzerland patented a metal barrel shaped hand washing machine with a hand crank to operate a metal plunger in 1919. Such hand washing machines were used by settlers in Moorabbin Shire An 83 year old Visitor on site remembers using this type of washing machine. He had to push the agitator for 5 minutes. Prior to his mother buying the washer, all laundry was hand washed in troughs.Such hand washing machines greatly reduced the workload of the women of pioneer familes in Moorabbin ShireThis hand washing machine c1919 consists of a metal barrel, standing on 4 legs, and has a hand crank to operate a cone shaped metal agitator.THE / LEHMAN/ COMPRESSED AIR AND / VACUUM WASHING MACHINE / Pat. No. 50614/30lehman eduard, hand washing machines, laundry equipment, pioneers, early settlers, market gardeners, moorabbin, brighton, cheltenham -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Functional object - Kitchen Equipment, Coolgardie Safe, c1900
The invention of the Coolgardie Safe is credited to Arthur Patrick McCormick, a contractor in Coolgardie, and later the Mayor of Narrogin. Coolgardie is in the Eastern Goldfields region of Western Australia. Gold was first discovered there in 1892; the townsite became a municipality in 1894, and by 1898 its population of 15,000 made it the third largest town in Western Australia after Perth and Fremantle. In the last decade of the 19th century, Coolgardie was the capital of the West Australian goldfields. Being 180 kilometres from the nearest civilisation, food supplies were initially scarce and expensive. As fresh food was a valuable commodity there was incentive to preserve it, and keep it out of reach of scavengers such as birds, dingos, dogs, ants, and flies. It was in an effort to do this, in the extreme heat of the Australian Interior, that McCormick came up with his design for the Coolgardie Safe. McCormick noticed that a wet bag placed over a bottle cooled its contents. He further noted that if this bottle was placed in a breeze, the bag would dry out more quickly, but the bottle would get colder. What McCormick had discovered was the principle of evaporation: ‘to change any liquid into a gaseous state requires energy. This energy is taken in the form of heat from its surroundings.’ Employing this principle, McCormick made a box for his provisions which he covered with a wet hessian bag. He then placed a tray on top, into which he poured water twice daily. He hung strips of flannel from the tray so that water would drip down onto the hessian bag, keeping it damp. As the water evaporated, the heat dissipated, keeping the food stored inside cool and fresh. The success of McCormick’s invention would not have worked without a steady supply of water. Fresh water was scarce in the eastern goldfields at this time but the demand for water from a steadily growing population encouraged innovation. The solution was to condense salt water. Heating salt water in tanks produced steam that was condensed in tall cylinders, cooled and then collected in catchment trays. By 1898 there were six companies supplying condensed water to the goldfields, the largest company producing 100,000 gallons of water a day. In the early 20th century, Coolgardie Safes were also manufactured commercially. These safes incorporated shelving and a door, had metal or wooden frames and hessian bodies. The feet of the safe were usually placed in a tray of water to keep ants away. (MAV website) The early settlers of Moorabbin Shire depended on this type of Food Safe to protect their food from flies and vermin as they established market gardens in the fertile area around the notorious Elster Creek A metal framed, 4 sided structure standing on 4 legs with 2 hinged doors on one side, a metal tray at base of food safe and a metal cover over top. Ridges on which to rest trays carrying food are inside safe. The Safe is enclosed by fly-wire mesh.'...IN.....GEELONG' A manufacturer's oval metal plate is embossed on one side of Safe but it is illegible.elster creek, moorabbin, brighton, dendy's special survey 1841, market gardens, infant mortality, disease, cemeteries, fruit, vegetables, pioneers, coolgardie safe, mccormick arthur patrick, dendy henry, vaccination, jones martha, jones ethel may -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Tool - Gold-miner's Pick, Ballarat c 1920, c1920
... they abandoned their farms and market gardens in the District of Brighton ...This gold miner's pick from the Ballarat Goldfields c 1920 was donated by Mr David Hopcraft, a dealer at the Arkuna Market Berwick, Victoria in December 2010. When Gold was discovered in Victoria c1853 most of the labourers and some landowners left the market gardens and farms to try their luck on the goldfields. Local Blacksmiths made picks similar to this one for them. There was a great shortage of labour in Melbourne and at the same time, due to the huge influx of people lured by the Gold, there was an increased demand for food. The market gardeners were getting very good prices for their produce and many increased their wealth considerably and many of these tenant farmers were able to purchase their blocks of land and live a profitable life. There was such a shortage of labour that J.B.Were applied for Irish immigrants to work the farms. This pick is an example of the hand made tools many pioneers took with them when they abandoned their farms and market gardens in the District of Brighton to try their luck at prospecting when gold was discovered in Ballarat and Bendigo c1853. Some were successful , most were not and retuned again to the hard life of farming. A forged steel pick with a wooden handle. The steel pick-head was hand-forged by a blacksmith. This miner's pick was used on the Ballarat gold-fields c1920gold mining, ballarat, bendigo, early settlers, market gardeners, moorabbin, bentleigh, mining equipment, gold rush, immigrants, blacksmiths, forges, tools -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Tool - Tools, Blacksmith's leg vice, c1900
The Blacksmith could take this portable 'leg vice' and make repairs away from his forge.He could mend wheel bands, tools, farm equipment and also fine tune generic sized horseshoes on site. He would build a fire and secure his leg vice to a stable point thus allowing him to work on any heated metal as required. A Blacksmith was an essential person for the maintenance and making of farm and household equipment, and shoeing horses, in the pioneer settlements of Brighton, Moorabbin, Cheltenham c1900Blacksmith's 'leg' vice. Sturdy blacksmith leg, post (vice). 15cm jawsblacksmith, vise, moorabbin, bentleigh, brighton, market gardeners, forges, tools, early settlers, pioneers, ploughs, carts horse-drawn, anvils -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Craft - Craftwork, tape measure c 1880, c1880
c1880 This tiny tape measure, in Imperial measurements, was part of a Victorian era lady's sewing basket. The case is of polished timber, and the little winder, to retract the tape, is made of brass with a small ivory handleEarly settlers and market gardeners of Moorabbin Shire had to be self reliant producing their own food and making their farm equipment and clothing. The women of these families were skilful in all craftwork.c1880 this tiny, retractable, tape measure, in Imperial measure, is made of polished timber with a brass winder and ivory handle. Imperial ‘inch’ measurements on tape dressmaking, tape measure, sewing, craftwork, pioneers, early settlers, market gardeners, moorabbin, brighton, bentleigh cheltenham -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Domestic object - Kitchen Equipment, sad iron with lifter, c1900
Sad-irons or "solid" irons were made by blacksmiths and used to smooth out material by pressing the hot iron over it. A piece of sheet -iron was placed over the kitchen fire and the irons placed on it could be heated whilst remaining clean of ash.. The women used 2 irons - one heating while the other was used. Thick cloth or gloves protected their hands from the hot irons. The handle was removed from the cool iron and using the lifter the cool iron was replaced on the fire or stove to heat again. These irons were cleaned with steel wool to prevent them marking the material. If the iron was too hot the material would scorch. Most homes set aside one day for ironing and some large households had an ironing room with a special stove designed to heat irons. However, most women had to work with a heavy, hot iron close to the fireplace even in summer.These sad irons remind us of the difficult circumstances experienced in their daily routines by the pioneers and early settlers of Moorabbin Shire. The Curtis family were early settlers in Moorabbin ShireA) This heavy sad iron, made from cast iron, was heated over a fire or on a stove and used for pressing clothing and haberdashery. B) The separate tapered handle was used to lift the hot iron from the fire and when a "Potts" Handle was attached the ironing commenced. sad iron, kitchen equipment, fireplaces, stoves, pioneers, early settlers, market gardeners, sewing, craftwork, clothing, moorabbin, brighton, bentleigh -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Domestic object - Kitchen Equipment, household soap, c1900
Common soap was made from mixing animal fat with potash a form of the potassium based alkali present in plant and wood material. Early settlers, made their own soap from the waste fats and ashes they saved from their daily work. They did not then have to rely on waiting for soap to be shipped from England and waste their goods or money in trade for soap. In making soap the first ingredient required was a liquid solution of potash commonly called lye. Animal fat, when removed from the animals during butchering, must be rendered to remove all meat tissues and cooking residue before soap of any satisfactory quality can be made from it. To render, fats and waste cooking grease were placed in a large kettle with an equal amount of water. Then the kettle was placed over the open fire outdoors, because the smell from rendering the fats was too strong to wish in anyone's house. The mixture of fats and water were boiled until all the fats had melted. After a longer period of boiling to insure completion of melting the fats, the fire was stopped and into the kettle was placed another amount of water about equal to the first amount of water. The solution was allowed to cool down and left over night. By the next day the fats had solidified and floated to the top forming a layer of clean fat. All the impurities being not as light as the fat remained in water underneath the fat. In another large kettle or pot the fat was placed with an amount of lye solution ( known by experience ). This mixture was boiled until the soap was formed - 6-8 hours - a thick frothy mass, and a small amount placed on the tongue caused no noticeable "bite". The next day a brown jelly like slippery substance was in the kettle and this was 'soft soap' . To make hard soap, common salt was thrown in at the end of the boiling and a hard cake of soap formed in a layer at the top of the pot. But as salt was expensive most settlers used 'soft soap',. The soap could be scented with oils such as lavender for personal use. These 3 cakes of home-made soap are examples of the self sufficiency of the early settlers as they had to be self reliant ,growing food and making and mending their own farm equipment, tools and clothes while establishing their market gardens in Moorabbin Shire3 cakes of home-made, white hard household soap. 1 cake of soap eaten by a brush tailed possum when he entered the Cottage via the chimney 27/4/2014soap making, market gardeners, pioneers, early settlers, moorabbin, brighton, dendy's special survey 1841. kitchen equipment, laundry equipment, bentleigh -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Furniture, Wardrobe 3 piece 3 drawers c1900, c1900
The sections of this wardrobe can be lifted apart so that it can be transported easily and when assembled provides suitable hanging and storage space for the clothes and bed covers of an early settler family This wardrobe is of a type commonly used by early settler families in Moorabbin Shire c1900Wooden Wardrobe with 3 sections- top, hanging space with a central oval glass window, a shallow central drawer and 2 doors with key locks, and drawer section with 2 deep drawers early settlers, market gardeners, poultry farmers, mechanics institutes, furniture, kitchen equipment, clothing, drapery, haberdashery, green pederson carol, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, parish of moorabbin, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Kitchen Equipment, egg cup holder floral, 20thC
As the population of Melbourne grew, and market gardens flourished, profits from food production enabled early settler families to enjoy nicer crockery and furnishingsTypical crockery used by residents of City of Moorabbin during 20thCA floral china eggcup holder with 4 four eggcupsmoorabbin shire, city of moorabbin, early settlers, kitchenware, china plates, egg cups, market gardeners, poultry farms, pottery, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Kitchen Equipment, green casserole dish with lid, early 20thC
Early settler market gardeners had a good source of nourishing food and casseroles and stews were common meals for the families in Moorabbin Shire. Typical of the crockery used in early 20thC homes to cook casseroles and stews for early settler families in Moorabbin ShireA green crockery casserole dish with a lidkitchen equipment, cooking, crockery, casserole, stewed meat, vegetables, early settlers , market gardeners, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, cheltenhsm, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Kitchen Equipment, assorted metal pastry cutters 20thC, 20thC
The early settler women of Moorabbin Shire managed the household while their market gardener husbands cultivated the produce to be sold at the market Normal daily life involved washing clothes, ironing, cooking meals and baking cakes, scones, bread, and pastries. whilst caring for the children and making and mending the family's clothes The early settler women of Moorabbin Shire had to be self sufficient and were skillful cooks providing meals for their familiesAn a assortment of metal pastry, biscuit and scone cutters and tartlet tins with straight and scalloped edges in original condition with no repairs. kitchen equipment, cooking, baking, early settlers, pioneers, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, cheltenham, market gardeners, farmers, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Kitchen Equipment, Silver serving bowl with lid c1900, c1900
Market gardeners in Moorabbin Shire had many successful seasons and bought luxury items with their profitsAs market gardeners and other early settlers achieved prosperity they purchased luxury items.A silver embossed serving bowl with 4 curved legs and a lid with finial and embossed rim silverware, serving bowls, dinnerware, early settlers, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, moorabbin shire, cheltenham, market gardeners, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Kitchen Equipment, cup, 2 saucers c1950, c1950
A white china cup with 2 saucers c1950 commonly used by post World War 2 residents of the City of MoorabbinAfter World War 2 more market gardens were sold in allotments to the returning soldiers and the population of the City of Moorabbin increased dramatically. White china cup and 2 two saucers c1950Japankitchen equipment, crockery, post war settlers, city of moorabbin, bentleigh, cheltenham, highett, tea sets, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Kitchen Equipment, 'the edmay' Pot mender, c1930
Early settlers in Moorabbin Shire used large cast iron pots, pans and kettles, that were suspended over the open fire in the kitchen, for cooking meals. They had to be frugal and self-sufficient and so repaired the equipment to prolong its useful lifetime. Blacksmiths also made and repaired household equipment. James McEwan & Co 1852 - 1993 once dominated the the hardware retailing scene in Victoria. Established in 1852 to service the booming gold rush in Victoria the company went on to become one of the longest established retailers in Australia. Over it’s 140 year history the company went through many booms and busts. The McEwans name finally left the Australian retail scene with little fanfare when the last store was re-badged Bunnings in 1993Early settlers were frugal and self sufficient so they repaired their kitchen equipment when possible . McEwans Pty Ltd. was an established hardware company in Melbourne 1852-1993. Bunnings Pty Ltd is currently a successful hardware retailer for trade and public customers.Two metal discs with screw and nut for mending holes in cast iron pots, pans and kettles c1930 packing strip; THE edmay POTMENDER / Price tag ; McEWANS 77 - 11early settlers, market gardeners, cooking utensils, kitchenware, castiron cooking pots, blacksmiths, slow cooking, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, mckinnon, highett, cheltenham,mcewan james pty ltd, melbourne, bunnings pty ltd, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Tool - Hammer, wood metal taper head, c1900
... , market gardens, farms, orchards and various businesses. Early ...Among the early settlers in Moorabbin Shire were blacksmiths who made tools for the other settlers who were establishing the homes, market gardens, farms, orchards and various businesses. Early settlers were self reliant and repaired their own equipment for kitchen,dairy, farm, horses, carts using various tools . This hammer is typical of the type used by early settlers in Moorabbin Shire c1900c1900 Hammer with a wooden handle and metal head. The metal head a circular striking edge and a tapered wedge shaped edgehammers, early settlers, market gardeners, blacksmiths, tools, building equipment, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, mckinnon, highett, cheltenham,mcewan james pty ltd, melbourne, bunnings pty ltd, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Tool - Hammer, Ball & Peen , metal wood c1900, c1900
... , market gardens, farms, orchards and various businesses. Early ...Among the early settlers in Moorabbin Shire were blacksmiths who made tools for the other settlers who were establishing the homes, market gardens, farms, orchards and various businesses. Early settlers were self reliant and repaired their own equipment for kitchen,dairy, farm, horses, carts using various tools . Besides for peening (surface hardening by impact), the ball-peen hammer is useful for many tasks, such as striking punches and chisels - usually performed with the flat face of the hammer. The peening face is useful for rounding off edges of metal pins and fasteners, such as rivets. The ball face of the hammer can also be used to make gaskets for mating surfaces. A suitable gasket material is held over the surface where a corresponding gasket is desired, and the operator will lightly tap around the edges of the mating surface to perforate the gasket materialThis hammer is typical of the type used by early settlers in Moorabbin Shire c1900A hard faced ball & peen hammer, also known as a machinist's hammer,[ is a type of peening hammer used in metalworking. It has two heads, one flat and the other, called the peen, rounded.early settlers, market gardeners, blacksmiths, tools, building equipment, hammers, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, mckinnon, highett, cheltenham,mcewan james pty ltd, melbourne, bunnings pty ltd, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Tool - Hammer, bootmaker c1900, c1900
... , market gardens, farms, orchards and various businesses. Early ...Among the early settlers in Moorabbin Shire were blacksmiths who made tools for the other settlers who were establishing the homes, market gardens, farms, orchards and various businesses. Early settlers were self reliant and repaired their own equipment for kitchen,dairy, farm, horses, carts using various tools . Bootmakers made shoes for early settlers and being leather workers also made saddles and other leather productThis hammer is typical of the type used by early settlers in Moorabbin Shire c1900 Hammer with wood handle and steel head. One side of head is rounded and the other chisel shapedearly settlers, market gardeners, blacksmiths, tools, building equipment, hammers, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, mckinnon, highett, cheltenham,mcewan james pty ltd, melbourne, bunnings pty ltd, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Tool - Hammer small sledge, c1900, c1900
... gardeners, blacksmiths, tools, building equipment, hammers ...A hammer is a tool consisting of a weighted "head" fixed to a long handle that is swung to deliver an impact to a small area of an object. This is a small sledgehammer whose relatively light weight and short handle allow single-handed use. It is useful for light demolition work, driving masonry nails, and for use with a steel chisel when cutting stone or metal. Among the early settlers in Moorabbin Shire were blacksmiths who made tools for the other settlers who were establishing the homes, market gardens, farms, orchards and various businesses. Early settlers were self reliant and repaired their own equipment for kitchen,dairy, farm, horses, carts using various tools . This hammer is typical of the type used by early settlers in Moorabbin Shire c1900This is a small sledge hammer with a wood handle and double sided round metal headearly settlers, market gardeners, blacksmiths, tools, building equipment, hammers, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, mckinnon, highett, cheltenham,mcewan james pty ltd, melbourne, bunnings pty ltd, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Tool - Tenon Saw 20thC, 20thC
... for the other settlers who were establishing the homes, market gardens ...This small fine-toothed saw with a strong back, used especially for cutting tenons on hard and soft woods, usually a Tenon saw will have between 10 and 14 teeth per 2.5cm (inch), this allows more control over the depth and direction of the cut. Among the early settlers in Moorabbin Shire were blacksmiths who made tools for the other settlers who were establishing the homes, market gardens, farms, orchards and various businesses. Early settlers were self reliant and repaired their own equipment for kitchen,dairy, farm, horses, carts using various tools . This tenon saw is typical of the type used by early settlers in Moorabbin Shire 20th CA small fine-toothed steel saw with a strong back and wood handle, used esp for cutting tenons - fitted pieces of wood to insert into a cavity.saws, tenon saws, early settlers, market gardeners, blacksmiths, tools, building equipment, hammers, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, mckinnon, highett, cheltenham,mcewan james pty ltd, melbourne, bunnings pty ltd, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Tools, Slide-hammer Nail puller,c1880, c1880
... , market gardens, farms, orchards and various businesses. Early ...c1880 Many tools were imported from USA manufacturers by early settlers in Moorabbin Shire and local blacksmiths modified and maintained these tools for the other settlers who were establishing the homes, market gardens, farms, orchards and various businesses. Early settlers were self reliant and repaired their own equipment for kitchen,dairy, farm, horses, carts using various tools . This slide-hammer nail puller is typical of the type used by early settlers in Moorabbin Shire c1900A steel slide-hammer nail puller c1880SMITH & HEMENWAY CO.N.Y. / Pat July (18) 78, Oct 79, July 81/ TRADEMARK 'GIANT' No.1slide hammer nail pullers, carpenters, builders, early settlers, market gardeners, blacksmiths, tools, building equipment, hammers, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, mckinnon, highett, cheltenham,mcewan james pty ltd, melbourne, bunnings pty ltd, smith & hemenway co. new york usa, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Tools, Nail remover snip c 1900, c1900
... the homes, market gardens, farms, orchards and various businesses ...These forged nail snips we used to remove embedded nails by builders. Among the early settlers in Moorabbin Shire were blacksmiths who made tools for the other settlers who were establishing the homes, market gardens, farms, orchards and various businesses. Early settlers were self reliant and repaired their own equipment for kitchen,dairy, farm, horses, carts using various tools . This hammer is typical of the type used by early settlers in Moorabbin Shire c1900This forged steel nail snip was used to remove embedded nails by builders c1900forged nail snips, early settlers, market gardeners, blacksmiths, tools, building equipment, hammers, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, mckinnon, highett, cheltenham,mcewan james pty ltd, melbourne, bunnings pty ltd, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Tools, Pliers, adjustable locking 20thC, c1900
... , market gardeners, blacksmiths, tools, building equipment, hammers ...These multi function pliers were imported and used in Moorabbin Shire Many tools were imported by early settlers and also among the early settlers in Moorabbin Shire were blacksmiths who made tools for the other settlers who were establishing the homes, market gardens, farms, orchards and various businesses. Early settlers were self reliant and repaired their own equipment for kitchen,dairy, farm, horses, carts using various tools . This pair of multi purpose pliers is typical of the type used by early settlers in Moorabbin Shire c1900 Steel adjustable locking pliers c1900 with lion head vise, and spring loaded multi grip FOREIGNadjustable pliers, early settlers, market gardeners, blacksmiths, tools, building equipment, hammers, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, mckinnon, highett, cheltenham,mcewan james pty ltd, melbourne, bunnings pty ltd, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Tools, steel pipe threader c1900, c1900
... , market gardens, farms, orchards and various businesses. Early ...Among the early settlers in Moorabbin Shire were blacksmiths who made tools for the other settlers who were establishing the homes, market gardens, farms, orchards and various businesses. Early settlers were self reliant and repaired their own equipment for kitchen,dairy, farm, horses, carts using various tools . This pipe threader is typical of the type used by early settlers in Moorabbin Shire c1900A steel tool with 2 long arms and central square plate perforated with specific shapes secured by a long screwpipe threader, early settlers, market gardeners, blacksmiths, tools, building equipment, hammers, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, mckinnon, highett, cheltenham,mcewan james pty ltd, melbourne, bunnings pty ltd,