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matching the white house
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Photographs – Set of 9 black and white photographs and photocopies of original photographs depicting the early days of Bogong Village during the 1940’s, circa 1940's
Bogong Village, which was known as “The Junction”, is well recorded. The first tent camp was at the junction of Pretty Valley and Rocky Valley streams in the early 40’s. Further downstream were the sawmill, stables and blacksmith’s forge. Horses were the main mode of transport in the early days. The road to Bogong had reached the lookout spur just beyond Roper’s Spur track just before the 1939 fires. The early forties saw rapid growth of the village, with single and married men’s quarters, workshops, mess huts and administrative offices. The facilities necessary for communal living were quickly in place- a post office, police station, co-op store, medical centre, community hall/theatre, tennis courts and school. Much of the temporary accommodation that housed groups such as the Albion Quarrying Company were in the area now under water.Pictorial history of the early years of Bogong Village including one photo taken following the devastating fires of 1939. Photos show the terrain in which Bogong Village was built, the early construction used for the temporary buildings and the housing and the amount of infrastructure required to accommodate the needs of the residents of the area including workers, their families and other support staff. Set of 9 black and white photographs and photocopies of photographs depicting early buildings at Bogong Village . Photos show very early construction buildings as well as the village in various weather conditions, including snowing and after bush fires. (some official SECV photographs) 1. Bogong Village in heavy snow 2. Bogong Township during heavy snow (SECV Official Photo) 3. VIP Lodge at Bogong in the snow 4. Bogong Village - circa 1940’s 5. Bogong Village under street lights 6. Lewis Construction Camp (SECV Official Photo) 7. Albion Quarrying Co. Camp (SECV Official Photo) 8. Tent camp and early buildings following 1939 fires 9. Typical house – Bogong Village 1. Handwritten under photo – August 1948 2. Printed under photo: STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA Date: 25.8.48 Time: 9am No:K 4680 Kiewa Hydro-Electric Works. Bogong Township 3. Handwritten on back of photo- V.I.P. Lodge, Bogong 4 – 5. No markings 6. Printed under photo: STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA Date: 28.11.40 Time: 1.40pm No:K284 Kiewa Hydro-Electric Works. Lewis Construction Camp 7. Printed under photo: STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA Date: 11.1.41 Time: 10.40am No:K294 Kiewa Hydro-Electric Works. Albion Quarrying Co. Camp – Bogong. Handwritten on back of photo: On the floor of the present dam 8. No markings 9. Printed under photo: STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA Date: 11.1.46 Time: 1.23pm No:K2181 Kiewa Hydro-Electric Works. Bogong – Typical House bogong village; 1939 fires; kiewa hydro electric scheme; -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Two black and white photos, Photo downstream view of Junction Dam Wall and photo of Bogong Village and Lake Guy, c1950
Photo No. 1 - Junction Dam wall was commenced in February, 1940 and completed in March 1944. Type - reinforced concrete slab and buttress. Height 25.9m, and crest length 121.9m. Lewis Construction company had the original contract, but was replaced by the State Electricity Commission in 1942. Photo No. 2 - Bogong Village was the first village built to house workers and their families working on the Hydro electric scheme. Construction commenced 1940. The single men's quarters are slightly right of centre on the foreshore. Lake Guy was named after a former resident engineer.Shows the type of terrain where the village is located resulting in the tiered layout that was necessary in order to erect housing.set of 2 black and white photos - Photo No. 1 - downstream view of Junction Dam Wall Photo No. 2 - Lake Guy and Bogong Village. Both are on photographic paperPhoto No. 1 - Upper right hand corner, back of photo, handwritten in ink or biro, Bogong 1950 Photo No. 2 - Left lower corner, front of photo in white, Bogong.bogong village, lake guy, secv -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
12 small black and white photgraphs of Junction Dam and surrounding area, Photo No. 1 c1940, all others c 1948
Junction Dam is a reinforced slab and buttress type construction and was commenced in February, 1940 by Lewis Construction Company. Stiff leg derricks were erected at appropriate locations at the site of the dam and used for the disposal of excavated material and the placing of concrete. A rock crushing and screening plant was established at a site a short distance upstream from the dam site and concrete was supplied from a central mixing plant placed close to the upstream toe of the structure. The SEC took over the construction in April 1942 and the dam wall was completed in March, 1944. Bogong township was commenced in early 1940 with the construction of a workmen's camp housing 96 men, (known as Junction camp). Construction of housing for families commenced shortly after. Forty houses, plus office, workshops, stores and laboratory accommodation were completed over the next 5 years,Of historical significance as a pictorial record of Junction Dam, Lake Guy and Bogong Village, as the photos were taken only 4 years after completion and one photo taken on completion of the dam wall but before the lake was filled with water.12 small black and white photographs of Junction Dam, Bogong Village and surrounding area.Photo 1 - On the back upper edge in pen 'Junction Dam'. Then '12' in pencil, circular stamp, printed in centre 'Print by Willson White Albury'. Photo 2 - On the back upper edge in pen 'Junction Dam October 1948'. Stamp as no. 1 photo. Stamp '998L' lower centre. Photo 3 - on the back upper edge in pen 'Junction Dam October 1948'. Circular stamp with 'Kodak Print' . Lower centre back is stamped 'velox' and '998L'. Photo 4 - upper back, in ink - 'Junction Dam Spion Kopje in background. October 1948'. Stamps as photo no. 4. Photo 5 - upper back, in ink - 'Lake Guy (orange filter) October 1948'. Centre back, in pencil '29' and circular stamp with words 'Print by Willson White Albury'. Photo 6 - upper back edge 'Junction, Bogong from Radio Receiving Shack Dec. 1948'. In pencil '14'. Photo 7 - On back of photo 'View of Mountains from Little Arthur Fire Track October 1948'. Two circular stamps with 'Kodak Print', another two stamps - 'Velox' and '998L'. Photo 8 - On back in ink 'Loone's Store Bogong with Spion Kopje in background. October 1948'. Lower down, stamps 'Velox' and '998L'. Part of circular stamp with one word 'Kodak'. Photo 9 - on back in ink 'Junction Camp, Bogong Village & Lake Guy from Little Arthur Fire Track. October 1948'. Stamped across writing '998L'. Lower down stamped 'Velox' and circular stamp with words 'Kodak Print'. Photo 10 - on back in ink 'Junction Camp & Bogong Village Lake Guy in Foreground. October 1948'. Stamps as photo 9. Photo 11 - on back in ink 'Junction Camp & Bogong Village, Lake Guy in Foreground. October 1948'. Lower stamp '998L'. Photo 12 - 'Junction of Rocky & Pretty Rivers with tennis courts in foreground October 1948' . Circular stamp with words, 'Print by Willson White Albury'. Number '29' written pencil.junction dam; bogong village; kiewa hydro electric scheme; lake guy -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Photograph - Folder of Photographs – Photocopied set of 10 black and white photographs (pages 19 - 28) from the display folder put together by KVHS to document life on the Kiewa Valley Hydro-electric Scheme
Although the Kiewa Hydro-Electric Scheme was first proposed in 1911, construction did not commence until 1938. As part of the push to cut electricity costs and diversify supply, the Victorian Government (circa 1930) initiated the conversion from primarily brown coal supply to hydro – electricity. Field investigations during the 1940’s resulted in a new proposal for a scheme that had more than double the capacity of the 1938 scheme. The Kiewa Hydroelectric Scheme became the largest scheme of its kind in the State Of Victoria and the second largest scheme in Australia. The number of personnel involved in the planning and construction of the scheme increased dramatically. During the late 1940’s, most activity centred around the construction of the West Kiewa Power Station, Rocky Valley Reservoir, McKay Creek Power Station and the Bogong Creek Aqueduct.A common thread across all the larger hydro scheme constructions was the need for workers, both qualified and unqualified who came from around the world seeking a new life for themselves and their families. New accommodation and facilities were required for the army of workers engaged in construction in often remote and wild areas. The SEC had a high demand for timber, and set up the first of a number of sawmills at Bogong Creek in 1939 and set up the first hardwood logging in the headwaters of the Kiewa River. These new ‘towns’ such as Mt Beauty and Bogong, survived, serving the needs of operational personnel and their families, and expanding with growth of new industries. Mount Beauty, and to a lesser extent Bogong, are among these places. Large A3 size spiral bound display folder containing 21 pages of photocopied black and white photographs of various aspects of the early days of the Kiewa Valley Hydro-electric scheme including equipment, various work sites and photographs of workers and their families. 1-Allis Chalmers Tractor School 2- Gardens outside Administrative Office – Mt Beauty 3- Mt Beauty house – 1950 4-Bridge over Pretty Valley River, Bogong 5-Rocky Valley Spillway Tunnel break through 6-Ni 1 Headrace Tunnel drilling face 7-No 4 Power Station Drilling 8-Clover Dam Flood Waters 9-No1 Head Race Tunnel Portal Building 10-Clover Dam 1-STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA Date: 5.9.49 Time: 10amm No K5174 Kiewa Hydro Electric Works Allis Chalmers Tractor School Page number 19 2-STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA Date: 22.2.50 Time: 3.30pm No K5601 Kiewa Hydro Electric Works Gardens outside Administrative Office – Mt Beauty Page number 20 3-Mt Beauty house – 1950 Page number 21 4-STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA Date: 23.10.50 Time: 11.15am No K6331 Kiewa Hydro Electric Works Bogong-Bridge over Pretty Valley River Page number 22 5-STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA Date: 23.6.50 Time: 2.30pm No K5844 Kiewa Hydro Electric Works ROCKY VALLEY SPILLWAY TUNNEL BREAK THROUGH Page number 23 6-20/3/52 – No. 1 Headrace Tunnel Drilling face (E.E.E. contract) Page number 24 7-6/6/52 – No 4 Power Station – Drilling Page number 25 8-STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA Date: 6/6/52 Time: No K7113 Kiewa Hydro Electric Works Clover Dam Flood Waters Page number 26 9-STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA Date: Oct 1952 Time: No K7239 Kiewa Hydro Electric Works No. 1 HEAD RACE TUNNEL PORTAL BUILDING. Handwritten underneath – This information from Ron White-the later Principal Hydro Engineer of the SEC. Oct 1952 Location incorrect? All work on No 1 had ceased after financial crash of 1951. This photo would refer to No 4 Headrace Tunnel? Page number 27 10-STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA Date: Jan 1953 Time: No K7307 Kiewa Hydro Electric Works CLOVER DAM Page number 28 secv; kiewa hydro electric scheme; bogong; mt beauty; construction area -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Photograph - Folder of Photographs – Photocopied set of black and white photographs (pages 49 -58) from the display folder put together by KVHS to document life on the Kiewa Valley Hydro-electric Scheme
Although the Kiewa Hydro-Electric Scheme was first proposed in 1911, construction did not commence until 1938. As part of the push to cut electricity costs and diversify supply, the Victorian Government (circa 1930) initiated the conversion from primarily brown coal supply to hydro – electricity. Field investigations during the 1940’s resulted in a new proposal for a scheme that had more than double the capacity of the 1938 scheme. The Kiewa Hydroelectric Scheme became the largest scheme of its kind in the State Of Victoria and the second largest scheme in Australia. The number of personnel involved in the planning and construction of the scheme increased dramatically. During the late 1940’s, most activity centred around the construction of the West Kiewa Power Station, Rocky Valley Reservoir, McKay Creek Power Station and the Bogong Creek Aqueduct.A common thread across all the larger hydro scheme constructions was the need for workers, both qualified and unqualified who came from around the world seeking a new life for themselves and their families. New accommodation and facilities were required for the army of workers engaged in construction in often remote and wild areas. The SEC had a high demand for timber, and set up the first of a number of sawmills at Bogong Creek in 1939 and set up the first hardwood logging in the headwaters of the Kiewa River. These new ‘towns’ such as Mt Beauty and Bogong, survived, serving the needs of operational personnel and their families, and expanding with growth of new industries. Mount Beauty, and to a lesser extent Bogong, are among these places. Large A3 size spiral bound display folder containing photocopied black and white photographs of various aspects of the early days of the Kiewa Valley Hydro-electric scheme including equipment, various work sites and photographs of workers and their families. 1-Workmen working inside one of the tunnels. 2-Workman drilling in West Kiewa Tunnel 3-Junction Dam wall construction 4&5-2B&W photographs Kiewa House residents ready to go to a ball in Mt Beauty 6-Workmen warming up in front of a fire at No 1 bench 7-Workmen being hauled in at No 4 P.S Shaft 8-No 4 Power Station – Drilling 9-Workmen eating a hot meal in the tunnel. 10-2 photographs (a)Pretty Valley camp showing workman’s huts and construction materials & (b)Worker in Langford Gap Basalt Hill Tunnel face 11-Tunnel entrance (unlabelled) with rail tracks in foreground 12- Workmen drilling at No 1 Head race tunnel-Drilling face 13- No 1 Power Station 14-Workmen at the entrance to one of the SECV tunnels under construction 1-SECV number at bottom of picture Half obscured possibly K8461 Page number 53 2-In West Kiewa Tunnel Page number 54 3- Construction of Junction Dam wall – approximately 1941 Page number 55 4&5- Residents of Kiewa House at Bogong ready to go to the ball at Mt Beauty-1946. Handwritten on a copy of the photo on opposite page Mrs Lorna Crosset filled out the names *Dad was Des Crossett – his daughter is Gael Petcopoulis Greta engaged to John broke it off. Charlie, Rosalind, Bill, Priscilla, Max Lawrence-Dad’s Boss, Mary & Max married, Mary, Kay, Gwen McPherson Mum’s boss, John McCluskey (c) At No. 5 Bench Page number 56 6- STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA Date: 27.2.51 Time:2.15pm No K6373 Kiewa Hydro Electric Works No. 4 P.S. Shaft – Haulage of men in buckets (b) As above Handwritten at top of photo Appendix 4 page number 57 7- STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA Date: 6.6.52 Time:… No K7122 Kiewa Hydro Electric Works No. 4 POWER STATION – DRILLING page number 58 8-No markings page number 59 9-(a)Handwritten under photograph Approx. 1948/49 (b) STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA Date: 28.10.54 Time:.. No K7860 Kiewa Hydro Electric Works LANGFORD GAP BASALT HILL TUNNEL FACE Page number 49 10-(a) No markings 11- STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA Date: 20.3.52 Time: No K6979 Kiewa Hydro Electric Works No. 1 HEAD RACE TUNNEL – DRILLING FACE (E.E.E. CONTRACT) ‘The Frenchies’ (E.E.E) as they were affectionately known Page number 50 12-31.5.56 No. 1 Power Station Aggregate Stock Piles. Page number 51 13&14-No markings Page number 52 secv; kiewa hydro electric scheme; bogong; mt beauty; construction area -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Miscellaneous - Pictorial - Snow, Georgian House, The Australian Snow Pictorial, c1952
This book records the history of skiing in Victoria with photos of places and people showing equipment used in the snow fields and used by skiers.Falls Creek and the Bogong High Plains are included in this book showing photos of local people and machinery etc. Dorothy Anderson (nee Ryder) owned and used this book. She lived at Tawonga.This is a bound pictorial book with a blue cover and white printed title.. The subject is Alpine resorts and ski areas in the Australian High Country in the 40s and 50s. 'To our very dear friends, Mr and Mrs Ryder, with our best wishes for a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year from Harold and 'Rel / Ril ?' 'snow, skiing, photography, pioneers, enthusiasts, heritage, st elmo, secv machinery, ryder family, bogong high plains, rope tow -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Photo - Tawonga Store
This photo was taken in the 1950's when Pearce Bros. owned the Tawonga Store. I.R.Northey's van is parked outside the store. Kodak photos are advertised. The Bakery existed. The road is sealed and telephone and electric wires are shown. The Pearce Bros owned the Tawonga Store in the 1950s when the population of the area in the Upper Kiewa Valley and High Plains was high due to the construction of the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme by the State Electricity Commission of Victoria.Sepia photo of Pearce Bros. Tawonga Store including a house next door, cars in the sealed street and part of the Bakery opposite. It has a slim wooden frame & white cardboard border. It has a clear glass cover. The back is lined with brown paper with a white cord across for hanging the photo.tawonga store. pearce bros. tawonga bakery. i.r.northey. -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Folder - Early Photos of Mt Beauty
Mt Beauty township was built during the 1950's to house the employees of the State Electricity Commission working on the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme. After the completion of the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme many houses were sold and the public buildings handed over to the Alpine Shire. Mt Beauty has always been a tourist destination especially with its proximity to the ski fields at Falls Creek.This folder contains many early photos of Mt Beauty showing the construction town during its development during the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme and its early days of tourism. A3 size black plastic folder with clear plastic sleeves holding early black & white photos of Mt Beauty township. Also included are: 1. 3 foolscap pages -Nov., 1953 Kiewa Hydro-Electric Scheme Progress. 2. SECV Drawing Plan (No. K6242) of Mt Beauty House - 3 angles and floor plan, English Pre-cut Type 3B.ILA with note that all houses with prefix 3B are similar. 3. Orange, black and white pamphlet "Welcome to Kiewa" 4. Tourist postcard 'fold-up' of 11 postcards "Mt Beauty and the Kiewa Scheme, Victoria 5. Drawing Plan of 'Mt Beauty Housing. Use of Prefabricated Cubicles for Houses. Type C.1 6. Drawing Plan of 'Kiewa Scheme Mt Beauty Housing Type "G". 7. 5 pages on "Twelve Tips on Caring for Old Buildings 8. Booklet advertising Mt Beauty housing for sale including activities available in the area. (1960's) 9. List of Photos from SECV held by KVHS Some photos have handwritten labels mt beauty. secv. kiewa hydro electric scheme.tourism. housing. construction town. falls creek. -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book - Book of photographs, John Stoddard, Portfolio of Photographs of Famous Scenes, Cities and Paintings, c.1900
A book with a collection of world wide photographs owned by a member of the Swinton familyThis is a book containing printed text and black and white photographs. There are several loose pages at the back. The book has lost its cover and has been inserted into a folder not relevant to the contents.non-fictionA book with a collection of world wide photographs owned by a member of the Swinton family world travel, swinton family of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Functional object - Hospital window, Ernie Harris, Warrnambool builder, 1938
This window was removed from the Marcus Saltau House building in the Warrnambool and District Base Hospital when the building was demolished in 2009. Marcus Saltau House was erected in 1938 to provide for intermediate, private and midwifery patients. The builder was Ernie Harris of Warrnambool. The building commemorated the work of Marcus Saltau who was on the Warrnambool Hospital committee for over forty years and the President of that committee for thirty years. Marcus Saltau (1869-1945) was a Warrnambool produce merchant and politician involved in many Warrnambool ventures, including the establishment and development of the Warrnambool Woollen Mill and the Nestles Milk Factory at Dennington. The Jean Buick Saltau Maternity Ward at the Warrnambool Hospital was established by Marcus Saltau in 1928 in memory of his first wife. This window is retained as a memento of a significant building in Warrnambool that no longer exists.This is a circular window with four triangular panels of glass contained within a white painted ridged wood frame.marcus saltau house warrnambool, marcus saltau, ernie harris warrnambool, jean buick saltau maternity ward, warrnambool woollen mill -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Framed photograph of Warrnambool 1887, Town Panorama. Warrnambool Queen's Jubilee 1887, 1887
This is a framed photograph of a panoramic section of the Warrnambool township taken in 1887 to commemorate the Jubilee of the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1887). The photograph is taken from Booval Hill (Liebig Street north) and shows the fencing in that area with groups of people in the foreground posing for the photograph. The panorama covers Liebig Street and Raglan Parade and includes private houses, a windmill and three tanks, St. John's Church, St. Joseph's Church, Tattersalls Hotel and the Saleyards.This photograph provides us with historical information on a section of the Warrnambool township in 1887 and is a valuable resource for researchers.This is a black and white photograph in a brown wooden frame and enclosed in glass. The photograph has a gilt metal edging outlined with ornate kite-shaped pieces on the corners and depicts a section of a town from an elevated position. At the top of the photograph is a crest in a shield shape and at the bottom is another shield shape containing the title of the photograph. The left centre section of the photograph is splotched or water-stained.Warrnambool Queen's Jubilee 1887warrnambool 1887, queen victoria's jubilee -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Plate souvenir, Royal Copenhagen, New parliament house
This item is a souvenir of the Bi- Centenary of Australia (1988) It features the new Parliament House in Canberra which was opened in May 1988 and cost more than one billion dollars to build and contains four thousand seven hundred rooms. This item came from the estate of a well known Warrnambool lawyer and is retained as a high quality souvenir of the Bi-Centenary of AustraliaCircular ceramic plate. White concave surface with blue drawing of Parliament House, Australian Coat of Arms, flowers including banksia, Sturt Desert Pea, eucalypt and seven pointed stars. Reverse has raised inner rim and includes text in blue. Front 1988 Reverse ROYAL COPENHAGEN DENMARK and crown. COPYRIGHT THE A.B.A 1981 REG.TRADE MARK OF THE A.B.A. USED UNDER LICENCE BY ROYAL COPENHAGEN NEW PARLIAMENT HOUSE, CANBERRA Logo Australia 1788-1988 Signature " Gorn Uestezaul"(?)parliament house, bi centenary of australia -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
China, The Federation Parliament HRH Duke of York, 1920s
This cup and saucer set was issued as a souvenir of the opening of the Federal Parliament in Canberra in 1927. The building was opened by Prince Albert, the Duke of York who was accompanied by Elizabeth, the Duchess of York. The Duke of York later became King George VI of England. The colonies in Australia became Federated States in 1901 and from that date to 1927 the Australian Federal Parliament sat in Melbourne. When Canberra became the capital of Australia a Parliament House building was erected at a cost of £600,000 but it is now known as Old Parliament House as the present Parliament House was opened in 1988. This cup and saucer set is of interest as a memento of an important event in Australia’s history – the creation of a capital city and the opening of the first Federal Parliament House. It will be useful for display. This is a white china cup and saucer set. Both the cup and saucer have two gold bands around the rims and are decorated with black ornamentation and the portraits of the Duke and Duchess of York contained within gold oval patterns. There is also black lettering on both objects. The name of the maker is printed on the bottoms of both objects. On both objects: ‘The Federal Parliament opened by H.R.H. The Duke of York at Canberra 1927’ ‘Foley China E.B. & Co. Made in England’ opening of federal parliament 1927, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Household, Glass Jug, Early 20th century
This jug is decorative and attractive and may have been used on special occasions to hold water or cordial. It could also have been used as a vase. There may have been a set of glass tumblers to match the jug. This vase is retained as an excellent example of a jug used in a household in the past. It is a timeless piece and would grace any table in a house todayThis is a glass jug with a round base and a body tapering slightly to a fluted rim and opening. The handle is clear glass. The upper section of the jug has a white raised decorated pattern with a band of pink raised decorations above it. There are six small red dots in the white decorated section. household items, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Household, Mans Dress box. Studs. Collars x4. Arm bands. Bowtie x2, Early 20th century
This man’s dress box contains accessories that a man would use, perhaps in a formal situation – bow ties,buttoning studs and detachable collars. The contents of the box may not be what was originally in the box. Bow ties and studs are still used on occasions but detachable collars are no longer in vogue because wash and wear shirts are freely available. Both of the companies which made the detachable collars, Pelaco and Cremorne, were based in Richmond in Melbourne. The Warrnambool jewellery business of M. Salamy and Son, has the known dates, 1912 to 1938. There were two Salamy shops, one in Timor Street, opposite the Post Office and one at 179 Liebig Street. This box and contents are retained because they are reminders of accessories men used in the past, especially for formal occasions. Also, one of the items came from the well-known Warrnmbool jewellery business of M. Salamy and Son..1 This is a circular-shaped leather box with a lid attached by stitching and a strap and a metal buckle for closing the box. Inside the box is a blue cardboard lining. The leather is scuffed. .2 & .3 These are two black cloth bow ties with metal clips at the back. The ties are housed in a blue wooden box. .4 These are seven elasticised bands for holding back shirt sleeves. Two of these are covered with red and blue cloth and five are made of silver-coloured metal .5 & .6 These are two white detachable collars. They are somewhat stained. .7 These are four metal studs with white inserts. .2 The box is marked ‘M.Salamy & Son, Jewellers’ .5 ‘Pelaco Best Quality Made in Australia’ .6 ‘Cremorne Collar Co. Melbourne’ men’s accessories, history of warrnambool, detachable vintage collars, winged detachable collars -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph Album, 1960s
This album contains photographs that belonged to Warrnambool residents, Dorothy and Agnes Ardlie and appears to date from the 1960s and beyond. Dorothy Ardlie (1910-1993) and Agnes Ardlie (1915-1993) were the daughters of Arthur and Ethel Ardlie of Warrnambool, the granddaughters of the prominent Warrnambool lawyer, Williams Ardlie and his wife, Mary and the great granddaughters of John and Mary Ardlie, pioneer settlers in Warrnambool.This album is of minor interest as a record of the lives of Dorothy and Agnes Ardlie, members of a prominent 20th century Warrnambool family. The photographs, especially those taken of interiors of houses, will be useful for display and research. This is a brown hard cover photograph album with 16 black and white photographs and one loose newspaper cutting. The cover has a gold decorative pattern around the edges. The photographs are inserted into plastic folders, two to a page. The album has plastic spiral binding.Photo Albumardlie family -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Label, Gaspar’s Modern Print, E.B.Phillips, Early 20th century
These labels were used in the business of E.B.Phillips, firstly when he as in partnership with Thomson in the late 1890s and later when he was the sole proprietor. Ernest Brighton Phillips (1875-1924) was a furniture maker and seller with a business at the corner of Liebig and Koroit Streets. At the beginning of the 20th century it was the largest furniture warehouse and factory in Victoria outside of Melbourne. Samples of his furniture making are still in use in various parts of Australia. Philips built his home, ‘Heatherlie’, diagonally opposite his business and this site today is occupied by ‘Heatherlie’ flats for the elderly.These labels are of interest as mementoes of the Warrnambool furniture shop and factory of E.B.Phillips, a prominent businessman in Warrnambool a hundred or more years ago. .1 A sheet of cream-coloured paper with cream printing on an orange background and a space for an address. The sheet has two ragged edges. .2 A circular label or sticker pasted on to an irregular-shaped sheet of brown paper (part of the original wrapping). The label has an image in brown and white tonings of a woman with an easel, some stylized decoration and blue and white printing. The edges of the label are worn away. .1 Late with J.J.O’Mullane From Phillips, Thomson and Co. General House Furnishers Corner Liebig & Koroit Sts. Warrnambool .2 Framed by E.B.Phillips The Artistic House Furnisher and Picture Framer Warrnambool ernest brighton phillips, history of warrnambool, labels, heatherlie -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo Album, Ardlie, 1940s +
This album belonged to Dorothy and Agnes Ardlie of Warrnambool. Dorothy Ardlie (1910-1993) and her sister Agnes Ardlie (1915-1993) were the daughters of the Warrnanbool law clerk, Arthur Ardlie and his wife Ethel, the granddaughters of the prominent Warrnambool lawyer William Ardlie and his wife Mary and the great granddaughters of John and Mary Ardlie, pioneer settlers in Warrnambool . Dorothy and Agnes Ardlie lived in their early years at ‘Aroona’ in Princess Street, Warrnambool. This album is of interest because of its association with Dorothy and Agnes Ardlie of Warrnambool and because it has photographs of some historical interest, especially those of Warrnmbool houses and their interiors in the mid 20th century. This is photograph album with a red cover with a suede finish. It has silver-coloured printing on the front cover and has gold-coloured spiral binding. The pages contain mainly black and white photographs, usually eight to a page. There are some loose photographs.Ardlieardlie family, warrnambool, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document (Sketch Plan of Dunmore), Stan Baulch, 1972
This card has a sketch map showing the properties surrounding Dunmore on one side and a detailed sketch plan of Dunmore homestead in the early 1970s on the other side. The plan of Dunmore homestead shows interesting features such as the brick oven for bread making, the croquet lawn, the site of the aboriginal mia mias, the Turkish baths and the fowl house used later as a poison house. Francis and Ann Baulch were pioneer settlers in the Kirkstall area and their son Samuel worked at Dunmore in the Macarthur area before purchasing in the early 1870s the property he named Rose Park. In the 1890s he acquired property in the Dunmore estate and his son Stan Baulch gained a section of the Dunmore property after his father’s death. Stan Baulch named this Dunmore section, Rose Park, a property to the west of his father’s original Rose Park property. Stan Baulch was a long time member of the Warrnambool & District Historical Society and he contributed many local history articles and donated many local artefacts to the Society.This sketch plan is of interest as it tells us what the historic homestead of Dunmore in Western Victoria was like in the early 1970s. It will be useful for research. This is a sheet of white lightweight cardboard with a pencilled sketch on one side and a blue ink sketch plan of a house on the other side. The edges of the card have some torn sections. The card is enclosed in an oval cardboard cylinder (recycled and torn at the ends). Both the card and the cover have handwritten titles in ink. Dunmore Homestead & History by S. Baulch Dunmore Homestead drawn by Stan Baulch c.1972 dunmore property, western victoria, baulch family -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Booklet, Country Women’s Association, Warrnambool Branch, History of Warrnambool Branch CWA, 2016
The Country Women’s Association of Australia advances the rights and equity of women, families and communities in Australia through advocacy and empowerment, especially for those living in regional, rural and remote Australia. The Country Women’s Association of Victoria was founded in 1928 and the Warrnambool Branch was founded in 1931. The branch has given assistance through the years to the Red Cross, Baby Health Centres, the Warrnambool Hospital, bush fire relief, mental health and aged care and it has regular displays of country arts and crafts. In 1961 the C.W.A. Centre and Rest Rooms were opened in Kepler Street, Warrnambool. In 2016 the group celebrated the 85th anniversary of its founding.This booklet is of interest to researchers and others wanting a brief outline of the history of the Warrnambool Branch of the Country Women’s Association. This is a small booklet of 12 pages. The front cover is white with black printing and it has a yellow back cover. The booklet has black plastic spiral binding. The pages contain printed information, photocopies of newspaper articles, a knitting pattern and other photocopied material. The booklet has been produced in-house by the Warrnambool Country Women’s Association.‘Looking Back at 85 Years, the History of the Warrnambool Branch of the Country Women’s Association of Victoria Inc. 1931 until 2016 and Still Going Strong.’country women’s association, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
This pennant was used by one of the school houses at Warrnambool Technical College. Warrnambool Technical School was established in Warrnambool in 1913. The name was changed to Warrnambool Technical College in 1958. In 1974 the junior section of the Technical College was moved to Caramut Road and is now called Brauer College. The senior section became the Institute of Adult Education and moved to Sherwood Park in 1984 , this is now Deakin University. and Timor Street is now Technical and Further Education. The name of the house " Shomberg" comes from the ship that was wrecked near Peterborough, Victoria in 1855.This pennant is retained because of its connection with Warrnambool Technical School, an important educational establishment.A triangular red felt pennant with white felt loops for attaching to a stand. It has white printing and a white image of a sea horse stencilled on.WARRNAMBOOL TECHNICAL COLLEGE " Schomberg" -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Amazon Printing, William Francis Brebner 1880-1852, 2018
This book documents the lives of William and Agnes Brebner and family. William’s father, Isaac had come to Warrnambool in the 1860s and had a tailoring business in the town. By the beginning of the 20th century he was the caretaker at the Sea Baths in Gilles Street, Warrnambool and the family lived in the caretaker’s cottage (Les O’Callaghan History House today). William Brebner established a paint shop in Timor Street in 1916 and this prominent business remained in the Brebner family until 1977. It continued in other hands until the early years of the 21st century. This book is of significance as it documents the life and times of William Brebner and his family. The Brebners have been important, particularly in the 20th century, in the business and community world of Warrnambool.This is a soft cover book of 132 pages. It has a blue cover with a black and white photograph of William Brebner and black printing on the front cover. It has four sections – one on the life of William Brebner and his wife and family, one on his ancestors and two on his descendants. The book contains many black and white and colour photographs.brebner family,, history of warrnambool -
Port of Echuca
Black and white photograph of Shackell's Bonded Stores, Shackell's Bonded Stores, Murray Esplanade, Echuca, late 1870's, 1980
Shackell's Bonded Stores in Murray Esplanade was a very early building in Echuca. Mr Shackell was shipping agent. He built the building with a Jewish Star right at the top to show his interest in his religion. He was also an early town councillor and may have even served a term as Mayor. His leasee was William McCulloch who was also a shipping agent, amongst other things. Written on the front of the building are the words "Shackell's Bonded Stores / Wm. McCulloch & Co. Proprietors / Forwarding Agents / Steamer Agents /. & Contracting Carriers & / Customs House Agents." Written on the window "Office of the Murray, Murrumbidgee and Darling Steamers."This photograph shows the importance of shipping agents in the early life of Echuca. It also shows the state of the roads in the 1870's. This building is still in use in the 21st Century with some of the wording still intact on the building. Wm McCulloch and Co went on to become a major international trading company. James Shackell made many contributions to early life in Echuca and there is a street named after him. A black and white copy of a photo of Shackell's Bonded Stores in Murray Esplanade. Also written on the front of the building 'Wm McCulloch $Co. Proprietors. Steamer Contracting & Agents Carriers. Custom House Agents. Forwarding Agents.' The Jewish star at the top of the building is partly visible. Murray Esplanade is dirty and muddy with stones strewn around.Written in lead pencil on the back is "Esplanade end. Could have been late 1870's or early 1880's when McCulloch's took it over. May have been taken when "Courtyard" added. Note Star & Shackell wording in same place as now, near Star."james shackell, bond store, murray esplanade, william mcculloch & co., william mcculloch, echuca, murray river, shipping companies, darling river, murrumbidgee river, jewish star, mccullogh & sons, shackell, james -
Port of Echuca
A black and white photograph, 24/09/1984
This is a copy of a photograph from the Price Collection. The river and town are unknown. The photograph shows how locks were constructed using long vertical planks to form a wall. One of the cranes is floating on a pontoon.This shows how the river was locked to develop the irrigation industry in the early 20th Century.A copy of a black and white rectangular photograph of a lock being constructed . The river is in the foreground and in the background, cranes and rigs can be seen. A wooden wall dominates the centre of the photograph. Houses and buildings can be seen in the distance.In pencil on the back is written; 'Price / Lock construction? 'Jenkins Print Mildura.'lock construction, price family collection, mildura, jenkins print, irrigation -
Port of Echuca
Black and white photograph, 1980? A note has been added by C.J (Claire Jackson) saying that the photo was taken about 1973-74
The photograph shows the state of the Echuca wharf in 1973 or 1974. The P.S Pevensey looks like it has just received a fresh coat of paint. There is also a train parked on the wharf behind the school students. The river also appears to be quite high. This photograph shows the state of the wharf in the early 1970's. It shows the fence between the wharf and Murray Esplande was relatively new. The tourism industry was very new to Echuca in the 1970's but the P.S Pevensey looks ready to take Tourists cruising on the Murray River. It also shows schools were using the port as a valuable resource for teaching History.A black and white photograph of the P.S Pevensey tied up to the Echuca Wharf. There is a group of school children leaning over the wire fence at the edge of the wharf. There is also one teacher supervising the children. The Steam Packet Inn and the Customs House can be seen in the background.Pevensey; Melbourne can be seen clearly written on the paddle steamer. On the back of the photograph is written "This photograph is with the compliments of the Ministry of Tourism, Government of Victoria. Please acknowledge photo; Michael Cheshire. There is also a purple Port of Echuca stamp on the back of the photograph.echuca wharf, p. s pevensey, ministry of tourism, cheshire, michael -
Port of Echuca
Black and white photograph, Before 1920
The P.S Clyde was built in 1884 by W.Wilson, in Echuca and was owned by the Evans Bros. It sunk in the Murrumbidgee river in 1920 and was raised and converted into a barge in 1922. The barge Excel was built as the Barge Adam in 1897. It was owned by the Permewan Wright Co. and renamed barge 'Excel' in 1909. (Ref ; Parsons, Ronald, "Ships of the Inland Rivers" This photograph must have been taken before 1920 when the P?S Clyde was still a paddle steamer.One of two black and white photographs of the P.S Clyde and the barge Excel moored to a wharf, possibly at Swan Hill. People are on the wharf and both vessels. There is a crane fitted on the Clyde loading, bags of wheat. A woman is standing in front of the wheel house. There is a man inside the wheel house. Steering mechanism appears to be attached at the back of the barge, and there also appears to be a flag flying on the back of the barge. Three men are on the barge supervising the loading process.Written on the back of the smallest photograph are the words "2nd copy in Clyde file." On the barge in the photograph is the word 'EXCEL' 'and the word 'Clyde' can be seen on the bow of the paddle steamer .p.s.clyde, excel, adam, evans bros, murrumbidgee river -
Port of Echuca
Black and white photograph
P.S Decoy was built in Scotland and reassembled in 1878 in Melbourne. It steamed to Goolwa, arriving in July 1878. It was used on the Darling River, and as a South Australian tug. In 1905 it sailed to Fremantle W.A for use as an excursion vessel. It was towed back to work on the inland river trade on the Darling -Murray system in 1909. It is now a house boat at Mannum. It's owner is Dick Bromhead.( Ref; Parsons, Ron. "Ships of the inland Rivers. P. 65.)The P.S Decoy is significant because it worked as a passenger vessel as well as a transport vessel. It was built in Scotland and reassembled in Melbourne. It was built to use coal, but when it started work on the inland rivers system it was converted to wood fuel.Two black and white photographs ( P000385.1 is missing) of the P.S Decoy passing under a bridge. There are high banks behind the boat and there are nine people on board.On the boat is the word 'Decoy' written on the bow and under the wheelhouse.p.s decoy, darling river, murray river, goolwa, mannum, passenger vessel, bromhead, dick -
Port of Echuca
Black and white photograph, Early 20th Century
P.S Decoy was built in Scotland and reassembled in 1878 in Melbourne. It steamed to Goolwa, arriving in July 1878. It was used on the Darling River, and as a South Australian tug. In 1905 it sailed to Fremantle W.A for use as an excursion vessel. It was towed back to work on the inland river trade on the Darling -Murray system in 1909. It is now a house boat at Mannum. It's owner is Dick Bromhead.( Ref; Parsons, Ron. "Ships of the inland Rivers. P. 65.)The P.S Decoy is significant because it worked as a passenger vessel as well as a transport vessel. It was built in Scotland and reassembled in Melbourne. It was built to use coal, but when it started work on the inland rivers system it was converted to wood fuel.A black and white copy of a photograph of the P.S Decoy tied up to a riverbank with a barge alongside . The banks are high and there are buildings on the top of the banks.On the boat is the word 'Decoy' written on the bow .p.s decoy, darling river, murray river, goolwa, mannum, passenger vessel, bromhead, dick -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Booklet, A band of gypsies: employees of Niel Black & Co in the pre-goldrush era: a work in progress, August 2011
Niel Black was an early settler in the Western District of Victoria who held large tracts of land including Glenormiston and The Sisters estates. Black was responsible for bringing many employees to the area. The employees' names, birthplace, arrival date, marriage partner/s, other employers are tabulated. An overview of Black's properties and conditions of the time is also included.This booklet documents those who came to the Western District to work for Niel Black prior to the goldfishes of the 1850s.In-house booklet with plastic sleeve outer cover, with black & white images of sheep shears, wool and a map of the Black property. All text is in black.emigration, employment, family history, early victorian squatters -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Australian Aboriginal Native Words and Their Meanings, 1925
Aboriginal words and their English meaningsThis is a book of 48 pages. It has a red cover with black printing. The pages contain printed material and black and white photographs.non-fictionAboriginal words and their English meaningsaustralian aboriginal words and their meaning