Showing 356 items
matching ballarat shire
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo-Dalgleish, Richards & Co. Photos Ballaarat, J.Dalgleish,Councilor, "Circa 1886"
... ballarat shire council..." PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT,G. RENNIE ESQ. TO THE BALLARAT... ballarat shire council dalgleish john " PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT ...Councilor John Dalgliesh was elected as a member of council in 1866 until 1872 and again in 1880 until 1887.He was appointed Shire President for three terms, 1869-70,1883-84,1884-85.Origin Historic photo which is part of a composite photo of councilors for the year 1885-86.Photo of Councilor John Dalgleish in sepia.It is oval and set at top right of light grey horse shoe shaped mount which is on a deeper grey mount,it has a gold edging around mount." PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT,G. RENNIE ESQ. TO THE BALLARAT SHIRE COUNCIL. 1885-86."1885 1886, ballarat shire council, dalgleish john -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo-Innes, Richards & Co. Photos Ballaarat, J.Innes, "Circa 1886"
... ballarat shire council..." PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT G. RENNIE ESQ. TO THE BALLARAT...-86,of which this photo is part of. ballarat shire council ...Councilor John Innes was elected as of member of council in 1878 - 1887.He did not become President during his term.Original Historic Photo of councilors for 1885-86,of which this photo is part of.Sepia photo of Councilor John Innes,is set on a light grey "horse shoe " shaped mount, second from bottom of right side of horse shoe,and is on deeper grey mount.It has gold edging around photo." PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT G. RENNIE ESQ. TO THE BALLARAT SHIRE COUNCIL. 1885-86."ballarat shire council, innes john 1885 1886 -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Edmonston, Richards & Co. Photos Ballaarat, C.Edmonston, "Circa 1886"
... ballarat shire council..." PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT G. RENNIE ESQ. TO THE BALLARAT... councilors for the council year 1885-86. ballarat shire council ...Councilor Charles Edmonston was elected as a member of council in1885 until 1897 and was President in 1890-91.Section of Original Historic Photo which depicts all councilors for the council year 1885-86.Photo of Coucilor Charles Edmonston,in Sepia,is oval,set on a light grey " horse shaped " mount edged with gold and on a darker grey mount and on the bottomright of the " horse shoe ". It is part of a composite collection of photos of councilors,1885-86." PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT G. RENNIE ESQ. TO THE BALLARAT SHIRE COUNCIL.1885-86.ballarat shire council, edmonston charles, 1885 1897 -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Shire Office, Shire Offices & Boar War Photo
... ballarat shire offices...A photo of the Boar War monument front of the Old Ballarat... of Commerates the Boar War boar war ballarat shire offices The Boar War ...A monument built in memory of Commerates the Boar WarA photo of the Boar War monument front of the Old Ballarat Shire Offices at Learmonth, this photo has been mounted in a brown frame.The Boar War monument has the inscription "Erected by In Memory Ofboar war, ballarat shire offices -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Baird 1942, Thornton Richards & Co, D.Baird,(J.P.),Councilor 1942-43, "Circa 1943"
... ballarat shire council 1942 43...Presented to the Ballarat Shire Council by Councilor R... Photo of Councilors for the year 1942-43. ballarat shire council ...Councilor David Baird,(J.P.),was elected as a member to council in 1928 until 1960.He was Shire President in 1931-32,1940-41,1946-47, and 1956-57.Original Historic Photo of Councilors for the year 1942-43.Sepia photo, in brown mount,(rectangular), of Councilor David Baird,(J.P.), situated right hand side of second row of collection of photos of all councilors for the year 1942-43.Presented to the Ballarat Shire Council by Councilor R(Russell).T.White,(J.P.),President 1942-43.ballarat shire council 1942 43, d baird j p -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Medwell R.L, Richards & Co.Ballarat, Councilor R.L.Medwell,President 1917-18, "Circa 1918"
... ballarat shire council...Late Councilor R.L.Medwell,J.P.President Ballarat Shire... Photo. ballarat shire council medwell r j jp president 1917 18 ...Councilor R.L.Medwell was elected as a member of council in 1910 until 1919.He served one term as Shire President in 1917-18.He died on May 2nd 1919. Original Historic Photo.This photo is of Councilor R.L.Medwell,1917-18.Sepia colour,rectangular,in wide plain brown wooden frame with gold trim on inside of frame.Mount is a lighter brown and at the base is a inscribed gold plaque.Late Councilor R.L.Medwell,J.P.President Ballarat Shire Council 1917-18.Died May 2nd 1919.ballarat shire council, medwell r j jp president 1917 18 -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo, Council of the Shire of Ballarat 1987/88, Circa 1988
... Council of the Shire of Ballarat 1987/88 ...ballarat shire council 1987-88....Council of the Shire of Ballarat.1987/88... in office for the year 1987 to1988. ballarat shire council 1987-88 ...Photo recording the Council for the year 1987 to 1988. Back row- Mr J.W.M.Johnson (Shire Secretary), Cr.W.M.Flynn, Mr T.J.Barrington (Deputy Shire Secretary), Cr. M.J.Vallance, Mr.P.G.Winter (Deputy Shire Engineer), Cr.G.H.Spittle, Cr G.C.Walton, J.P., Cr. R.A.McDonald, Mr. R.H.Hollioak (Shire Engineer). Front Row- Cr.K.C.Edmonston, Cr. B.L.Hughes, Cr.D.A.Baird,J.P. Cr.G.S.Giot,J.P.(Shire President) Cr.C.A.Crick,J.P. Cr. I.M.Nelson J.P. Cr.R.Kinnersley J.P.This gives a pictorial record of councillors in office for the year 1987 to1988. Coloured Photo set on beige cardboard mount.Council of the Shire of Ballarat.1987/88ballarat shire council 1987-88. -
Federation University Historical Collection
Map, Shire of Ballarat Road Location Map, 1968, 05/06/2014
... Shire of Ballarat Road Location Map, 1968...shire of ballarat... ballarat shire of ballarat roads dowling forest lake burumbeet lake ...White paper road location map. Scale 1 mile to 1 inchballarat, shire of ballarat, roads, dowling forest, lake burumbeet, lake learmonth, ascot, windermere, tourello -
Federation University Historical Collection
Badge, Chatham-Holmes Collection: Shire of Ballarat badge
... Chatham-Holmes Collection: Shire of Ballarat badge... Ballarat was no longer a Shire with the amalgamation of smaller ...Ballarat was no longer a Shire with the amalgamation of smaller Shires into Cities during the early part of the 1990s.ballarat, shire, chatham-holmes collection -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Shire of Ballarat Crest, Circa 1963
... Shire of Ballarat Crest...shire of ballarat.crest.shire of ballarat logo... of the former Shire of Ballarat building in Wendouree after the Council...Crest of the Shire of Ballarat,Circular in shape,with gold... was on the outside of the former Shire of Ballarat building in Wendouree ...A very large version of this crest was on the outside of the former Shire of Ballarat building in Wendouree after the Council moved there from the original Shire Hall site in Learmonth.Official Logo/Crest of the Shire of Ballarat.Crest of the Shire of Ballarat,Circular in shape,with gold edging then a white band with the words THE SHIRE OF BALLARAT in gold paint at the top,a star on either side below this and at the base the date MDCCCLX111.In the centre, on a gold painted background is the Shire Crest which shows two figures(in white) each side of the crest which is in the shape of a shield,divided into four and shows at top left a "landscape" on red background,bottom right, on red,a spade and pick crossed.Top right on gold and blue stripe,is a sheep, in white outlined in gold, and bottom left, on blue and gold stripe,is a sheath of wheat in gold.Beneath this is the word PRAEVIUS on a "ribbon"decoration.THE SHIRE OF BALLARAT.PRAEVIUS.MDCCCLXIII.shire of ballarat.crest.shire of ballarat logo -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Lawrence, Thornton Richards & Co. Ballarat, Lawrence, E.R. Councilor 1954, 1954 (exact); 20th /21st century
... ballarat shire council 1954...PRESENTED TO BALLARAT SHIRE COUNCIL BY SHIRE PRESIDENT... of Councilors for the year 1954. ballarat shire council 1954 queen ...Councilor Edward (Ted) R.Lawrence was elected as a member of council in 1953 until 1957.He did not have a presidential term.This photo which is part of a collection of photos was taken to commemorate the 1954 visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11, and was presented by the Shire President G.A.Fraser, to mark the occaision.Section of Original Historical Photo of Councilors for the year 1954.Sepia/ Brown photo of Councilor Edward (Ted).R. Lawrence right hand side of top row of composite photo of Councilors for thne year 1954.PRESENTED TO BALLARAT SHIRE COUNCIL BY SHIRE PRESIDENT TO COMMEMORATE THE VISIT OF HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH 11,1954.ballarat shire council 1954, queen elizabeth 11 visit, edward r lawrence -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo _ Walton, Thornton Richards & Co Ballarat, Walton. J.C, 1954 (exact)
... ballarat shire council...PRESENTED TO BALLARAT SHIRE COUNCIL BY SHIRE PRESIDENT.... ballarat shire council visit of her majesty queen elizabeth 11 1954 ...Councilor J.C.Walton was elected to council in 1940 until 1955. He served two terms as Shire President, 1945 - 46 and 1951 - 52.This photo, which is part of a collection of photos, was taken to commemorate the 1954 visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11, and was presented by the Shire President, G.A.Fraser, to mark the occaision.Section of the Original Historical Photo of Councilors For The financial year 1954. Sepia/brown photo of Councilor J.C.Walton, Situated middle of second row of composite photo of Councilors for the year 1954. PRESENTED TO BALLARAT SHIRE COUNCIL BY SHIRE PRESIDENT TO COMMEMORATE THE VISIT OF HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH 11,1954ballarat shire council, visit of her majesty queen elizabeth 11 1954, councilor j c walton -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Paterson, Thornton Richards & Co Ballarat, Paterson. H.A. Councilor 1954, 1954 (exact)
... ballarat shire council 1954...PRESENTED TO THE BALLARAT SHIRE COUNCIL BY THE SHIRE... Photo of Councilors for the finanacial year 1954. ballarat shire ...Councilor H.A.Paterson was elected as a member of council in 1953 until 1964.He served one term as Shire President in 1961-62. This photo which is part of a collection of photos was taken to commemorate the 1954 visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11,and was presented by the Shire President G.A.Fraser, to mark the occaision.Section of the Original Historical Photo of Councilors for the finanacial year 1954.Sepia Brown photo of Councilor H.A.Patterson,situated second from left,bottom row,of composite photo of Councilors for the year 1954. PRESENTED TO THE BALLARAT SHIRE COUNCIL BY THE SHIRE PRESIDENT TO COMMEMORATE THE VISIT OF HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH 11,1954.ballarat shire council 1954, h a paterson queen elizabeth 11 visit -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Baird,D.1954, Thornton Richards & Co. Ballarat, David Baird. (J.P.) Councilor 1954, 1954 (exact); 20th /21st century
... ballarat shire council 1928 1960...PRESENTED TO BALLARAT SHIRE COUNCIL BY SHIRE PRESIDENT... Elizabeth 11,to the Shire of Ballarat. david baird jp ballarat shire ...David Baird (sr) was elected as a member of council in1928 until 1960. He served four terms as Shire President,1931-32,1940-41,1946-47,and 1956-57.This photo which forms part of a collection of photos was taken to commemorate the 1954 visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11. and was presented by the Shire President G. A. Fraser, to mark the occaision.Section of Original Historical Photo of Councilors for the Financial year 1954,commemorating the visit of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11,to the Shire of Ballarat.Sepia/Brown photo of Councilor David Baird.(J.P.). Situated second from right top row of composite photo of councilors for the year 1954. PRESENTED TO BALLARAT SHIRE COUNCIL BY SHIRE PRESIDENT TO COMMEMORATE THE VISIT OF HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH 11. 1954david baird jp, ballarat shire council 1928 1960, president 1931 1940 1946 1956, visit of her majesty queen elizabeth 11 1954 -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Edwards, Thornton Richards & Co Ballarat, Edwards. E. Councilor, 1954, 1954 (exact)
... ballarat shire council...PRESENTED TO BALLARAT SHIRE COUNCIL BY SHIRE PRESIDENT... Historical Photo of Councilors for the year 1954. ballarat shire ...Councilor E.Edwards was elected to council in1951 until 1970.He served two terms as Shire President 1957-58 and 1965-66.This photo, which is part of a composite collection of photos, was taken to commemorate the 1954 visit of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11,and was presented by the Shire President,G.A.Fraser, to mark the occaision.Section of The Original Historical Photo of Councilors for the year 1954.Sepia/brown photo of Councilor E.Edwards. Situated second from left,middle row of composite photos of Councilors for the year 1954.PRESENTED TO BALLARAT SHIRE COUNCIL BY SHIRE PRESIDENT TO COMMEMORATE THE VISIT OF HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH 11. 1954..ballarat shire council, e edwards, visit of her majesty queen elizabeth 11 1954 -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Slattery, Thornton Richards & Co Ballarat, Slattery. J.P. (J.P.) Councilor 1954, 1954 (exact)
... ballarat shire council...PRESENTED TO BALLARAT SHIRE COUNCIL BY SHIRE PRESIDENT... Photo of Councilors for the financial year 1954. ballarat shire ...Councilor J.P.Slattery (J.P.), was elected to council in 1943 until 1955.He served one term as Shire President, 1949 - 50.This photo,which is part of a collection of photos, was taken to commemorate the 1954 visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11, and was presented by the Shire President, G.A.Fraser, to mark the occaision.Section of the Original Historical Photo of Councilors for the financial year 1954.Sepia/brown photo of Councilor J.P.Slattery,(J.P.).Situated second from right, middle row, of composite photo of Councilors for the year 1954.PRESENTED TO BALLARAT SHIRE COUNCIL BY SHIRE PRESIDENT TO COMMEMORATE THE VISIT OF HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH 11 1954ballarat shire council, visit of her majesty queen elizabeth 11 1954, j p slattery jp -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Brown, Thornton Richards & Co Ballarat, Brown.C.E. (J.P.). Councilor 1954, 1954 (exact)
... ballarat shire council...PRESENTED TO BALLARAT SHIRE COUNCIL BY SHIRE PRESIDENT... of Councilors for the financial year 1954. ballarat shire council ...Councilor Charles Edward ( Ted ) Brown was elected to council in 1946 until 1973.He served five terms as Shire President,1952-53,1955-56,1959-60,1963-64 and1971-72.This photo,which is part of a collection of photos, was taken to commemorate the 1954 visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11,and was presented by the Shire President, G.A.Fraser, to mark the occaision.Section of the Original Historical Photo of Councilors for the financial year 1954.Sepia/brown photo of Councilor Charles Edward (Ted) Brown,(J.P.).Situated right hand side of middle row of composite photo of Councilors for the year 1954.PRESENTED TO BALLARAT SHIRE COUNCIL BY SHIRE PRESIDENT TO COMMEMORATE THE VISIT OF HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH 11, 1954.ballarat shire council, charles edward brown, visit of her majesty queen elizabeth11 1954 -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Pickford.A, Thornton Richards & Co Ballarat, Pickford. Arthur, Councilor 1954, 1954 (exact)
... ballarat shire council 1954...PRESENTED TO BALLARAT SHIRE COUNCIL BY SHIRE PRESIDENT... the visit of Queen Elizabeth 11. arthur pickford ballarat shire ...Councilor Arthur Pickford was elected as a member of council in 1941 until 1951 and again in 1953 until 1958. He served one term as Shire President in 1947-48.This photo which is part of a collection of photos was taken to commemorate the 1954 visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11,and was presented by the Shire President G.A Fraser, to mark the occaision.Original historic photo of all councilors for 1954,taken to commemorate the visit of Queen Elizabeth 11. Sepia/brown photo of Councilor Arthur Pickford,situated at bottom right hand corner of composite photo of Councilors for the year 1954.PRESENTED TO BALLARAT SHIRE COUNCIL BY SHIRE PRESIDENT TO COMMEMORATE THE VISIT OF HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH 11, 1954arthur pickford, ballarat shire council 1954, queen elizabeth 11 -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Steane, Richards & Co. Photos Ballaarat, Steane. W.P. Councilor 1893 - 1894. (Engineer), 1894 (estimated)
... Section of photo of Ballarat Shire Councilors for the year... covering the year 1893-1894. shire ballarat engineer 1893 1894 ...Photo of Councilor W.P. Steane(Engineer), which is part of a composite photo of Councilors for the year 1893-1894.Section of original photo of Councilors covering the year 1893-1894.Sepia photo, on blue background, bottom left hand corner,of Councilor W.P.Steane,(Engineer).Part of conposite photo of Councilors for the year 1893 - 1894.Section of photo of Ballarat Shire Councilors for the year 1893-1894.shire, ballarat, engineer, 1893 1894, council, steane, w p -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Cuff Links -Shire of Ballarat, Circa late 20th Century
... Cuff Links -Shire of Ballarat.... of the Shire of Ballarat, set in a gold base and gold Anchors....THE SHIRE OF BALLARAT,MDCCCLX111, PREAVIUS.... to visiting personell. jewellary cufflinks THE SHIRE OF BALLARAT ...These Cuff Links were possibly worn by members of the Shire Council,and may also have been given as gifts to visiting personell. Enamelled round Cuff Links showing the Coat of Arms of the Shire of Ballarat, set in a gold base and gold Anchors.THE SHIRE OF BALLARAT,MDCCCLX111, PREAVIUS.jewellary cufflinks -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
... Spoon made as souvenier of the Shire of Ballarat, for gifts...Gold Plated spoon with Ballarat Shire Crest on end...Shire of Ballarat. MCCCLX111.... of Ballarat, for gifts or purchase. souvenier spoon. Shire of Ballarat ...Spoon made as souvenier of the Shire of Ballarat, for gifts or purchase.Gold Plated spoon with Ballarat Shire Crest on end of Handle.Shire of Ballarat. MCCCLX111.souvenier spoon. -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - MacTroup. W, Possibly Drummond Studios, Councilor W.MacG.Troup,(J.P.)1959, "Circa 1959"
... ballarat shire council...Presented to Ballarat Shire Council, by Shire President... centre opening 20th november 1959 ballarat shire council troup w ...Councilor W.MacG.Troup,(J.P.), was elected as a member of council in 1953 serving till 1970.He was shire President in 1960-61.Section of Original Historic photo of councilors for the year 1959, taken to commemorate the Wendouree Municiple Opening 20th November of that year.Councilor W. MacG.Troup,(J.P.).Sepia photo,(rectangular),on white mount, Situated Middle of bottom row of composite photo of all coucilors for the year 1959.Presented to Ballarat Shire Council, by Shire President Charles Edward "Ted" Brown, to Commemorate the opening of Wendouree Municiple Centre, 20th November 1959.wendouree municiple centre opening 20th november 1959, ballarat shire council, troup w macg j p, councilor 1959 -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Ford T.W, Possibly Drummond Studios, Councilor T.W.Ford, "Circa 1959"
... ballarat shire council 1959...Presented to Ballarat Shire Council, by Shire President... of all Councilors for the year 1959. ballarat shire council 1959 ...Councilor T.W.Ford was elected as a member of council in 1955 and served till 1975. He served a term as Shire President in 1964-65.Section of Original Historic photo of all Councilors for the year 1959.Councilor T.W.Ford,sepia photo,(rectangular),on white mount,situated right hand side,bottom row of composite photo of councilors for 1959Presented to Ballarat Shire Council, by Shire President Charles Edward "Ted" Brown to commemorate the opening of the Wendouree Municiple Centre on 20th November 1959.ballarat shire council 1959, wendouree municiple centre opening 20th november 1959, ford t w -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Trowel, Circa 1977
... This Trowel was presented to Ballarat Shire Council...Presented to Ballarat Shire Council by Lloyds (Aust.... trowel tool symbolic item Presented to Ballarat Shire Council ...This Trowel was presented to Ballarat Shire Council by Lloyds (Aust) Ltd on 22nd March 1977,when Councilor R.Kinnersley was Shire President.The reason is unknown.Silver Trowel is in a rectangular wooden box lined with felt.on the inside of the lid is a silver plaque with inscription.Presented to Ballarat Shire Council by Lloyds (Aust) Limited 22nd March 1977,Shire President Councilor R.Kinnersley. trowel, tool, symbolic item -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Medal - Queen Victoria 1897, Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee 1837-1897, Circa 1897
... shire of ballarat... on one side. And on the other side is the Shire of Ballarat 's... "SHIRE OF BALLARAT. E.BUTLER. PRESIDENT". Also... victoria shire of ballarat diamond jubilee The two faces of Queen ...To mark the diamond jubilee of Queen Victoria reigning as the monarchy for 60 years. She died four years later in 1901. These medals were mass produces by Stokes & Sons of Melbourne, many of the local government bodies had them made.Marking the 60 years that Queen Victoria was on the throne. A round medal with a young and older faced Queen Victoria on one side. And on the other side is the Shire of Ballarat 's "Coat of Arm". This medal was issued by the Ballarat Shire as did many of the local government bodiesThe two faces of Queen Victoria, one as a young woman, the other later in life with the words, "QUEEN VICTORIA'S 60th YEAR OF REIGN. 1837 TO 1897". On the front. On the back is written "SHIRE OF BALLARAT. E.BUTLER. PRESIDENT". Also there is the Ballarat Shire "Coat of Arms", written underneath is the words "BY THESE WE FLOURISH".queen victoria, shire of ballarat, diamond jubilee -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Bregenzer, Richards & Co. Photos Ballaarat, L.Bregenzer, Shire Secretary 1883-84, "circa 1884"
... ballarat shire council...Mr.Louis Bregenzer was Secretary for Ballarat Shire Council... for Ballarat Shire Council in1883-84. Part of original collection ...Mr.Louis Bregenzer was Secretary for Ballarat Shire Council in1883-84.Part of original collection of photos showing all councilors for the year 1883-84.Photo of Mr. L.Bregenzer is in sepia and oval in shape,set in a "light tan" mount with gold trim around edge of "cutout".Around photo is a fine line and decorative features which connect it with the next photo.It is at the bottom of the circle of photos showing all councilors for 1883-84.At the bottom of photo is inscribed L.Bregenzer, Secretary.PRESENTED by the PRESIDENT J. DALGLIESH ESQ. to the BALLAARATLSHIRE COUNCIL.1883-84.ballarat shire council, louis bregenzer secretary 1883 84 -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo -White, Possibly Drummond Studios, White, D.L. Councilor 1959, 1959
... ballarat shire council 1959...Councilor D.L.White was elected to Ballarat Shire Council... to Ballarat Shire Council in 1957 serving till 1960. Original ...Councilor D.L.White was elected to Ballarat Shire Council in 1957 serving till 1960. Original Historical photo of Councilors for the year 1959.Councilor D.L.White, Sepia rectangular photo on white mount, situated third from right, of top row of composite photo of all councilors for the year 1959. Collection of photos of Councilors, commemorating opening of Wendouree Municiple Centre 20th November 1959.ballarat shire council 1959, white d l councilor, opening wendouree munciple centre 20th november 1959 -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Ross, Unknown, J.T.Ross,Collector & Valuer
... ballarat shire council...Mr J.T.Ross was the Collector and Valuer for the Ballarat... and Valuer for the Ballarat Shire Council from 1863-91. Original ...Mr J.T.Ross was the Collector and Valuer for the Ballarat Shire Council from 1863-91. Original Historic PhotoPhoto of Mr J.T.Ross, sepia,set in wide brown "shadow box" frame with scalloped carved edging,mount is lighter brown,and photo rectangular. J.T.Ross. Collector and Valuer 1863-91ballarat shire council, ross j t, collector and valuer, 1863 91 -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Baird.D, Richards & Co Photos, Mr. D. Baird, Learmonth ANA Branch No 75, "Circa 1912"
... ballarat shire councilor 1928 60... no 75.He also served as a Ballarat Shire Councilor from 1928... of the Learmonth ANA Branch no 75.He also served as a Ballarat Shire ...In 1912 Mr.D.Baird was a member of the Learmonth ANA Branch no 75.He also served as a Ballarat Shire Councilor from 1928 to 1960,and was President in 1931,40,46,and 56.Photo is part of a set of original photos showing all 1912 members of the Learmonth ANA Branch No 75. Black and white photo of D.Baird,rectangular with arched top.To the left are decorative features in white ink and his name is inscribed in white at the base.It is in the second row and second from right in a collection of photos of all members of the 1912 Learmonth ANA Branch No 75. LEARMONTH ANA BRANCH NO 75. PRESENTED TO C.MEDWELL ESQ. BY HIS FELLOW MEMBERS AS A MARK OF ESTEEM & APPRECIATION OF VALUABLE SERVICES RENDERED TO THE BRANCH AS SECRETARY. LEARMONTH 1912.baird d, learmonth ana branch no 75 1912, ballarat shire councilor 1928 60 -
Federation University Historical Collection
Plan, Shire of Ballarat Motorcycle Training Building, 1983, 24/03/1983
... Shire of Ballarat Motorcycle Training Building, 1983...shire of ballarat...Plan for the Shire of Ballarat Motorcycle Training Building... of ballarat motorcycle motor bike Plan for the Shire of Ballarat ...Plan for the Shire of Ballarat Motorcycle Training Building shoing ground plan, Section A-A, Front Elevation and Side Elevation. shire of ballarat, motorcycle, motor bike