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Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Flyer, What is the Ladies' Harbour Lights Guild?, c. 1912
Charity organisation, Ladies' Harbour Lights Guild,was formed within The Missions to Seamen Institute to provide a home away from home, for visiting seamen. The flyer was to recruit members. The flyer mentions the sinking of the Titanic in 1912 and the bravery of the seamen staying in the engine room. The flyer mentions also Lady Talbot Margaret Jane nee Stuart-Wortley (1855-1937), wife of Governor Reginald Taldot, actively promoted advanced social welfare projects.This paper flyer holds historical significance at a local level because it illustrates the Ladies' Harbour Lights Guild involvement in the Mission to Seafarers.The Ladies' Harbour Lights Guild formally named in 1907 grew to become a significant charity in Melbourne raising large amounts of money which helped to establish the current MTSV building, supporting seafarers. In 1960s the LHLG merged with the Flying Angels Club of the MTSV.A cream colour paper flyer describing in blue ink the work and value of membership of The Ladies' Harbour Lights Guild, in order to recruit new members. Also includes a photocopy of the flyer. (2 copies)The photocopy of the original has written in blue "1912". ladies' harbour lights guild, australian wharf, chapel, ephemera, titanic, 1912, lhlg, mission to seamen, seamens' mission, mission to seafarers, alice sibthorpe tracy, reverend alfred gurney goldsmith, philanthropy, charity, welfare, sailors, tragedy, heroism, honorary members, working members, norwegian, foreign language, pit, card game, animal grab, le jeu des animaux, margaret jane (née stuart-wortley), lady talbot, lady margaret jane talbot (nee stuart-wortley), ethel augusta godfrey 1861-1935, knitting, woolies -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Flyer - Subscription, Mission to Seamen Institute, The Ladies' Harbour Lights Guild in Connection with The Victoria Mission to Seamen, 1921-1926
The charity organisation, Ladies' Harbour Lights Guild, was formed within the Missions to Seamen Institute to provide a home away from home, for visiting seamen. The flyer was to recruit new members or for former Members of the charity to renew their subscription. The patroness was always the governor's wife: here the Countess of Stradbroke whose husband, the Earl of Stradbroke was governor of Victoria between 1921 to 1926.This paper flyer holds historical significance at a local level because it illustrates the Ladies' Harbour Lights Guild involvement in the Mission to Seafarers.The Ladies' Harbour Lights Guild grew to become a significant charity in Melbourne raising large amounts of money which helped to establish the current MTS building, supporting seafarers.Cream colour paper flyer's in blue ink that are also subscription forms in order to become Honorary Members/Working/School Members or renewals of previous Membership of the Ladies' Harbour Lights Guild. (9 copies)missions to seamen institute, ladies' harbour lights guild, australian wharf, lhlg, subscriptions, countess of stradbroke, patroness, lady irvine, lady creswell, lady madden, the lady mayoress, ethel augusta godfrey 1861-1935, miss b. peebles, alice sibthorpe tracy -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Flyer, The Victoria Missions to Seamen (being the Victorian Seamen's Mission and the Melbourne to Seamen amalgamated), c. 1920
Charity organisation, Ladies' Harbour Lights Guild,was formed within The Missions to Seamen Institute to provide a home away from home, for visiting seamen. The flyer invited seafarers to use the institutes for 'Reading, Smoking and Writing and Special Events such as 'Sacred Song Service' and Concerts. This paper flyer holds historical significance at a local level because it illustrates the events and services that seafarers were invited to use and attend organized by the Mission to Seafarers.The Ladies' Harbour Lights Guild grew to become a significant charity in Melbourne raising large amounts of money which helped to establish the current MTS building, supporting seafarers as well as attending social events such as the ones promoted in the flyer. Paper Flyer in blue ink inviting seafarers to use the institutes for 'Reading, Smoking and Writing ;. Also invites them to Special events including dates venues for Socials, 'Sacred Song Services' and Concerts. Written in Black ink on the back: "The crues of the Cashelot" (?)missions to seamen institute, williamstown, port melbourne, special events, ladies' harbour lights guild, australian-wharf, lhlg, flinders street, seafarers, seamen, sailors, reading, smoking, writing, religious services, mission to seamen, seamen's institute, mission to seafarers -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Document - Rules, Mission to Seamen, Rules for Branch Secretaries, c. 1915
Charity organisation, Ladies' Harbour Lights Guild, was formed within The Missions to Seamen Institute to provide a home away from home, for visiting seamen. This paper illustrates the rules for branch secretaries as well as the membership types at the bottom. This paper holds historical significance at a local level because it illustrates the Ladies' Harbour Lights' Guild organization and membership types that were essential to for the success of the charity. The Ladies' Harbour Lights Guild grew to become a significant charity in Melbourne raising large amounts of money which helped to establish the current MTS building, supporting seafarers as well as attending social events.Cream colour document with typed text in blue ink about the rules for Branch secretaries and written inscriptionWritten in black ink 'Blue card' next to '1. Honorary Members' and 'White card' next to '2. Working Members' and 'Red card' next to '3. School Members'. missions to seamen institute, williamstown, port melbourne, ladies' harbour lights guild, lhlg, branches, rules, secretaries, seamen's mission, mission to seafarers, flinders street, australian wharf, honorary members, working members, school members, knights of the guild -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Card - Membership card, School branches, Missions to Seamen Institute, c. 1915
Charity organisation, Ladies' Harbour Lights Guild, was formed within The Missions to Seamen Institute to provide a home away from home, for visiting seamen. These cards illustrate the rules for different type of Members and the suggested Intercession. These cards hold historical significance at a local level because it illustrates the membership types of the Ladies' Harbour Lights' Guild organization and how each member (according to membership) contributed to charity. The Ladies' Harbour Lights Guild grew to become a significant charity in Melbourne raising large amounts of money which helped to establish the current MTS building, supporting seafarers as well as attending social events. Small bright pink membership card typed in blue ink. Font is for the name of the member and her branch. On the back rules and the suggested Intercession.missions to seamen institute, williamstown, port melbourne, rules for members, ladies' harbour lights guild, australian wharf, school branches, membership -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Plaque - Wall Plaque, Lightkeepers of the Mission to Seamen, c.1950
Original owner Nora O’Connor the donor’s adopted aunt, migrated to Canada during WW2 and also worked as volunteer at the Vancouver Mission to Seamen where she met her husband Edward O’Connor who later migrated to Australia. NB Lightkeeper membership category across many of the Missions globally, was usually reserved for women busy as home-makers with children and also as a Junior membership category for children.The platter was accompanied by other materials from the Vancouver club of Senior Light keepers and together the material provides a parallel insight and reference to this group. It also provides a historical link within the worldwide network that is now recognised as the Mission to Seafarers. The Lightkeepers Auxiliary was also active with the Mission in Williamstown where they helped raised the funds to set up the new mission in the E,S & A Bank in 1943 which was furnished thanks to the High Commission of Canada.Circular , varnished wooden tray or plaque with beaded edge froming 'lip". Oval hand painted design of two flags on flag pole, one yellow hoist above blue flag with horizontal white stripe across centre, on a ground of turquoise green. U.C. Lettering in gilt around edge of design (see title). On verso, ink stamp plus an old hanging metal wire.indigo ink stamp : hand painted (1st word almost indecipherable)wooden platter, mission flags, nora o'connor, lightkeepers' auxiliary, lightkeeper, overseas missions, vancouver, canada, british columbia, mission to seamen -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Souvenir - Rope Sample, before September 1891
The rope was part of the distress rocket used during the time that the sailing ship Fiji was in distress, before it became a wreck. The three-masted iron barque Fiji had been built in Belfast, Ireland, in 1875 by Harland and Wolfe for a Liverpool based shipping company. The ship departed Hamburg on 22nd May 1891 bound for Melbourne, under the command of Captain William Vickers with a crew of 25. The ship’s manifest shows that she was loaded with a cargo of 260 cases of dynamite, pig iron, steel goods, spirits (whisky, schnapps, gin, brandy), sailcloth, tobacco, coiled fencing wire, concrete, 400 German pianos (Sweet Hapsburg), concertinas and other musical instruments, artists supplies including brushes, porcelain, furniture, china, and general cargo including candles. There were also toys in anticipation for Christmas, including wooden rocking horses, miniature ships, dolls with china limbs and rubber balls. On September 5th, one hundred days out from Hamburg in squally and boisterous south west winds the Cape Otway light was sighted on a bearing differing from Captain Vickers’ calculation of his position. At about 2:30am, Sunday 6th September 1891 land was reported 4-5 miles off the port bow. The captain tried to put the ship on the other tack, but she would not respond. He then tried to turn her the other way but just as the manoeuvre was being completed the Fiji struck rock only 300 yards (274 metres) from shore. The place is known as Wreck Bay, Moonlight Head. Blue lights were burned and distress rockets fired whilst an effort was made to lower boats but all capsized or swamped and smashed to pieces. Two of the younger crewmen volunteered to swim for the shore, taking a line. One, a Russian named Daniel Cartland, drowned after he was swept away when the line broke. The other, 17 year old able seaman Julius Gebauhr, a German, reached shore safely on his second attempt but without the line, which he had cut lose with his sheath-knife when it become tangled in kelp. He rested on the beach a while then climbed the steep cliffs in search of help. At about 10am on the Sunday morning a party of land selectors - including F. J. Stansmore, Leslie Dickson (or Dixon) and Mott - found Gebauhr. They were near Ryan's Den, on their travels on horseback from Princetown towards Moonlight Head, and about 5km from the wreck. Gebauhr was lying in the scrub in a poor state, bleeding and dressed only in singlet, socks and a belt with his sheath-knife, ready for all emergencies. At first they were concerned about his wild and shaggy looking state and what seemed to be gibberish speech, taking him to be an escaped lunatic. They were reassured after he threw his knife away and realised that he was speaking half-English, half-German. They gave him food and brandy and some clothing and were then able to gain information about the wreck. Some of the men took him to River nook, a nearby guest house owned by John Evans, where he was cared for. Stansmore and Dickson rode off to try and summon help. Others went down to the site of the wreck. Messages for rescuing the rest of the crew were sent both to Port Campbell for the rocket rescue crew and to Warrnambool for the lifeboat. The S.S. Casino sailed from Portland towards the scene. After travelling the 25 miles to the scene, half of the Port Campbell rocket crew and equipment arrived and set up the rocket tripod on the beach below the cliffs. By this time the crew of the Fiji had been clinging to the jib-boom for almost 15 hours, calling frantically for help. Mr Tregear from the Rocket Crew fired the line. The light line broke and the rocket was carried away. A second line was successfully fired across the ship and made fast. The anxious sailors then attempted to come ashore along the line but, with as many as five at a time, the line sagged considerably and some were washed off. Others, nearly exhausted, had to then make their way through masses of seaweed and were often smothered by waves. Only 14 of the 24 who had remained on the ship made it to shore. Many onlookers on the beach took it in turns to go into the surf and drag half-drowned seamen to safety. These rescuers included Bill (William James) Robe, Edwin Vinge, Hugh Cameron, Fenelon Mott, Arthur Wilkinson and Peter Carmody. (Peter Carmody was also involved in the rescue of men from the Newfield.) Arthur Wilkinson, a 29 year old land selector, swam out to the aid of one of the ship’s crewmen, a carpenter named John Plunken. Plunken was attempting to swim from the Fiji to the shore. Two or three times both men almost reached the shore but were washed back to the wreck. A line was thrown to them and they were both hauled aboard. It was thought that Wilkinson struck his head on the anchor before s they were brought up. He remained unconscious. The carpenter survived this ordeal but Wilkinson later died and his body was washed up the next day. It was 26 year old Bill Robe who hauled out the last man, the captain, who had become tangled in the kelp. The wreck of the Fiji was smashed apart within 20 minutes of the last man being brought ashore, and it settled in about 6m of water. Of the 26 men on the Fiji, 11 in total lost their lives. The remains of 7 bodies were washed onto the beach and their coffins were made from timbers from the wrecked Fiji. They were buried on the cliff top above the wreck. The survivors were warmed by fires on the beach then taken to River nook and cared for over the next few days. Funds were raised by local communities soon after the wreck in aid of the sufferers of the Fiji disaster. Captain Vickers was severely reprimanded for his mishandling of the ship. His Masters Certificate was suspended for 12 months. At the time there was also a great deal of public criticism at the slow and disorganised rescue attempt to save those on board. The important canvas ‘breech buoy’ or ‘bucket chair’ and the heavy line from the Rocket Rescue was in the half of the rocket outfit that didn’t make it in time for the rescue: they had been delayed at the Gellibrand River ferry. Communications to Warrnambool were down so the call for help didn’t get through on time and the two or three boats that had been notified of the wreck failed to reach it in time. Much looting occurred of the cargo that washed up on the shore, with nearly every visitor leaving the beach with bulky pockets. One looter was caught with a small load of red and white rubber balls, which were duly confiscated and he was ‘detained’ for 14 days. Essence of peppermint mysteriously turned up in many settlers homes. Sailcloth was salvaged and used for horse rugs and tent flies. Soon after the wreck “Fiji tobacco” was being advertised around Victoria. A Customs officer, trying to prevent some of the looting, was assaulted by looters and thrown over a steep cliff. He managed to cling to a bush lower down until rescued. In 1894 some coiled fencing wire was salvaged from the wreck. Hundreds of coils are still strewn over the site of the wreck, encrusted and solidified. The hull is broken but the vessel’s iron ribs can be seen along with some of the cargo of concrete and pig iron. Captain Vickers presented Bill Robe with his silver-cased pocket watch, the only possession that he still had, as a token for having saved his life and the lives of some of the crew. (The pocket watch came with 2 winding keys, one to wind it and one to change the hands.) Years later Bill passed the watch to his brother-in-law Gib (Gilbert) Hulands as payment of a debt and it has been passed down the family to Gilbert Hulands’ grandson, John Hulands. Seaman Julius Gebauhr later gave his knife, in its hand crafted leather sheath, to F. J. Stansmore for caring for him when he came ashore. The knife handle had a personal inscription on it. A marble headstone on the 200m high cliffs overlooking Wreck Beach, west of Moonlight Head, paying tribute to the men who lost their lives when Fiji ran aground. The scene of the wreck is marked by the anchor from the Fiji, erected by Warrnambool skin divers in 1967.This rope is part of the collection of artefacts from the wreck of the Fiji. Flagstaff Hill’s Fiji collection is of historical significance at a State level because of its association with the wreck Fiji, which is on the Victorian Heritage Register VHR S259. The Fiji is archaeologically significant as the wreck of a typical 19th century international sailing ship with cargo. It is educationally and recreationally significant as one of Victoria's most spectacular historic shipwreck dive sites with structural features and remains of the cargo evident. It also represents aspects of Victoria’s shipping history and its potential to interpret sub-theme 1.5 of Victoria’s Framework of Historical Themes (living with natural processes).Rope, plaited, brown in colour, cut straight at one end, and the other end is separated into 3 pieces, from distress rockets used during the wreck of the sailing ship Fiji. Rope was in envelope printed with an address, and a description, and there was a display card with further details on it. Printed on the envelope: "Shire of Hampden / PO Box 84, Camperdown 3260" Hand written "rope of wreck of Fiji / 7cm / Mr Wm "Boyce" Display card with rope includes words "Piece of Rope from the Fiji distress rockets and was donated to Flagstaff Hill by a private donor in 1989"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, rope, the fiji, william boyce, distress signal, rocket rescue, life saving equipment -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Badges, Welcome to my home town & I like Warrnambool, C 1970
These two styles of badge are a typical promotional type object used at social and celebratory events in the town.The larger badge type are often used to denote volunteers or helpers at such function. Common social items with which many people would identify.001132.1 .2 .3 .4 There are four identical badges. Large tin badge white with lime green edge. Navy blue text with Warrnambool Victoria logo at the bottom. pin on the reverse. 001132.2 Small tin badge with yellow background with black text. Pin on the reverse.All have a plastic coating on the front.001132.1 .2 .3 .4 Welcome to my home Town Warrnambool 001132.2 I like Warrnambool.warrnambool, i like warrnambool, warrnambool badges, welcome to warrnambool -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Mitchell, Grace
Grace Mitchell (nee Whieldon) was born in Yarram Gippsland, second of nine children. After her father died, the family moved to Creswick. She left home at age 12 to earn a wage to help the family, including as a matron at the School of Mines in Creswick and, after moving to Melbourne, as dietitian at Royal Melbourne Hospital. After marrying Arthur Mitchell, they moved to Mount Pleasant Road, Eltham, in 1948. Because Arthur had an accident and was not able to work, she did various jobs before starting a cake shop in their house; she also cooked at Montsalvat,. She was also a tailor and dressmaker, studied psychology and journalism, her crochet.patterns were published in 'New Idea' as a girl when she also started carving wood.She knew many artists, writers, etc.As a widow, in her late 60s, she enrolled in a diploma of arts course, majoring in sculpture and print-making. Contents Newspaper article: "Amazing Grace!", Diamond Valley News, 7 July 1981. Newspaper article: "A way with wood", The Age, ?1999. Diamond Valley News, 30 April 1985. Describes life of Grace Mitchell, just turned 80, who began carving wood as a girl. Newspaper article: "Paging women to celebrate", Heidelberg and Diamond Valley Weekly, 12 February 2008. To promote nominations for 'Celebrating Nillumbik Women', designed to honour women, Grace and Jenni Mitchell are featured. Newspaper article: "Celebrate history and her story", Diamond Valley Leader, 20 February 2008. To promote nominations for 'Celebrating Nillumbik Women', designed to honour women, Grace and Jenni Mitchell are featured. Newspaper article: "Eltham artist's will to live", Diamond Valley Leader, 27 October 2010. Grace Mitchell recovering in Austin Hospital. Order of Service: A celebration and thanksgiving for the life of Grace Mitchell, Montsalvat Eltham, 19 April 2011. Newspaper article: "Death of an Eltham icon", Diamond Valley Leader, ?20 April 2011. Obituary of Grace Mitchell with tributes from Ona Henderson, Sigmund Jogensen, Jenni Mitchell. Newspaper article: "Amazing Grace remembered", Diamond Valley Leader, 27 April 2011. Report of Service for Grace Mitchell at Montsalvat. Newspaper article: "Thanks Eltham for your kind messages", Diamond Valley Leader 18 May 2011. Letter from Jenni Mitchell, thanks for messages. Newspaper article: "Eltham all-rounder a remarkable gem", The Age, 13 May 2011. Obituary for Grace Mitchell. Newspaper article:"Search for home for ark art", Diamond Valley Leader, 11 November 2011. Grace Mitchell's work 'The Ark" 1983, is on display at local MP's office, seeking a home in a public collection. Newsletter article: "Jenni Mitchell - 'May mother Grace'", Eltham District Historical Society newsletter No.207, November 2012. Notice that Jenni Mitchell will talk about her mother's work at the November meeting. Flier: Eltham South Fine Art Studios and Gallery, 7 October-18 November 2012"Grace Mitchell 1916-2011: The Artist's Work: A Selected Retrospective". Handout: Sheet to accompany Eltham South Fine Art Studios and Gallery, 7 October-18 November 2012"Grace Mitchell 1916-2011: The Artist's Work: A Selected Retrospective". Biography of Grace Mitchell.Newspaper clippings, A4 photocopies, etcgrace mitchell, jenni mitchell, alan marshall, clifton pugh, robert helpmann, katherine hepburn, phillip institute of technology, celebrating nillumbik women, austin hospital, mount pleasant road eltham, montsalvat eltham, sigmund jorgensen, ona henderson, helen coleman, gail pritchard, school of mines creswick, mitchell's homemade cakes and pies, susan toole, eltham cemetery, arthur mitchell, mervyn hannan, vicki ward -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - News Clipping, Jodie Guest, Residents have their say on former shire offices, Diamond Valley News, October 16, p9, 1996
Nillumbik Commissioners used 'reserve power's to permit a controversial Shell service station and Hungry Jackls restaurant development at the former Eltham Shire Office site at 895 Main Road. More than 200 people attended the Council meeting in the public gallery and protested at the decision. 32 personal submissions were made to Council's Planning Special Committee meeting whose members vioted 3-2 against the development. The Committee consisted of the three Nillumbik Commissioners and three community members (Jim Connor, Bronwyn South and Janet Mattiske). Chief Commissioner Don Cordell, a former Shell employee excused himself from voting and the three communbity memebrs voted against the submission. The other two commissioners, Vin Heffernan and Kevin Abbott voted against it. They then immediately closed the meeting and opened a Council meeting lasting just seconds to use special reserve powers to overturn the decision. Community residents who made submissions included Russell Yeomans speaking on behalf of the Eltham Gateway Action Group and Eltham District Historical Society, Des Ryan on belaf of Eltham Senior Citizens, Angela Newhouse, others on behalf of Our Lady Help of Christians Primary School and Judge Book Village, Tom Munro, Ian Jennings, Margartet Ball a fifth generation descendant of the Shillinglaw family, one of the early settlers of the area and owner of the land that was sold to Council, Frank Burgoyne who said "there will be a lot of creaking and rumbling in the cemetery if this goes through. So many old people who have done so much for Eltham are buried up there and it is up to us to pass on what they left to the younger generation. Eltham is a beautiful spot; why louse it up?" A second article "Anger over reserve power" by Laeta Antonysen provides commentary from the three Planning Special Committee community members, former Eltham Shire Councillor Jim Connor, Bronwyn South and Janet Mattiske about the process that took place and the first time use of the spoecial reserve power to overturn the decision of the committee. Barry Rochford, Nillumbiuk CEO defends the use of the power.The demolition of the former Shire of Eltham offices and proposed sale and development driven by the Commissioners for Nillumbik Shire Council brought the community together in substantial protest at the infrigement of ratepayers democratic say in local government and ciommunity assets combined with protests about inappropraite development of Eltham's Gateway. This issue led to the formation of the Eltham Community Action Group which still operates strongly today (2023) on behalf of the community to ensure appropriate development within the community.895 main road, commissioners, dallas price homes, development application, eltham hub, hungry jacks, nillumbik shire council, re-zoning, shell service station, town planning, eltham gateway, eltham gateway action group, eltham shire offices, shillinglaw farm, shillinglaw trees, jim connor collection, dallas howgate, nillumbik planning special committee, jim connor, bronwyn south, janet mattiske, don cordell, vin heffernan, kevin abbott, russell yeomans, eltham district historical society, eltham senior citizens, des ryan, our lady help of christians primary school, judge book village, angela newhouse, tom munro, ian jennings, margaret ball, shillinglaw cottage, frank burgoyne, andrew biasci, barry rochford -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Map (item) - Sales Brochure, Plenty Township Estate and Bryn Teg Hill's Estate, Coghill & Haughton, Melbourne, c.1924
Plenty Township Estate "The rapid growth of Greensborough and the great traffic development on the main road between Heidelberg and Eltham augurs well for Plenty Township Estate. Already a Store, Post Office and State School have been started, and the activities of the Local Progress Association will help the district forward considerably. Within walking distance of the Montmorency and Greensborough stations." Bryn Teg Hill's Estate "Better known as "The Old Sand Hill, "within walking distance of the Montmorency and Greensborough railways stations." "Some few years back Mrs Thomas subdivided portion of the Sand Hill Paddocks, and the areas sold have been settled and many converted into charming outer suburban garden homes with cultivation and orchard plots. The south-eastern slope gives the land a grand outlook over the Yarra Valley on to the Dandenoings, and the are is very picturesque and homely." "A number of the blocks contain large deposits of valuable building sand, which should prove good speculation in view of the forecast for further rapid home development along the Eltham Suburban Electric Service." Sand Hills Road (Old Eltham Road) Date estimated as c.1924 - Electricification of railway line to Eltham referenced on map occured April 1923 and Mrs Mary Thomas died August 1925. Her home Bryn Teg became part of the Heidelberg Golf Club in 1927.The establishment of Lower Plenty as a suburban growth area supported by easy commuting facilitated by the elctrification of the Eltham railway linebonds road, bridge, bryn teg hill's estate, coghill & haughton, eltham road, heidelberg golf club hotel, houses, lower plenty, lower plenty bridge, lower plenty road, main road, plenty hotel, plenty river, plenty township estate, real estate agent, sales brochure, sand hills road, the old sand hill, sand hill paddocks, woodfull road, old eltham road, bryn teg, mrs m thomas -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Peter Pidgeon, Grave of Peter Lawlor and children, Eltham Cemetery, Victoria, 5 April 2021
The Victorian gold rush came to Eltham in the early 1850s and with it came a crime wave. Local traders called for police protection. This led to the appointment in 1857 of Irish-born Peter Lawlor as Senior Constable at Eltham. In 1859 Peter and his wife Kate were able to move into an official police residence at the corner of Maria Street (now Main Road) and Brougham Street, with stables out the back and a large paddock for grazing across the road. Some of their children went to Eltham Primary School. That 1859 police residence is now the home of the Eltham District Historical Society. The small wooden building on the very corner is a modern replica of the separate police station/office built around 1885-1900. Cases investigated by Constable Lawlor included murders, stealing (horses, cattle, fowls, watches, linen, clothing), a search for a missing person, and two separate instances of abandoned children seeking help. He was officially commended in 1866 for bringing to justice a man who had indecently assaulted an 11-year old girl. Sadly, there was a similar but unconnected case only a few months later. But events had a lighter side; in 1871 Kate lent her piano to the Snowflakes Christy Minstrels for a Catholic Church fund-raising concert. Peter was transferred to Prahran in 1872. He died in 1876 and is buried in Eltham Cemetery with four of his children. His headstone was stolen some time after May 1990 but was returned anonymously (broken into three pieces) in August 2013. It is resting on his grave but has not been re-erected. The Inscription reads: Peter Lawlor Who died February 12th 1876 Aged 55 years Also his children Michael Margaret Maud and EdithBorn Digitaleltham cemetery, gravestones, edith lawlor, margaret lawlor, maud lawlor, michael lawlor, peter lawlor -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Watts
Family research queries John and Sarah Watts William and Mary Watts Both families were shoemakers. John and Sarah Watts arrived in Eltham circa 1850. John Watts was recorded in the initial 1858 Eltham Roads District Board rates book living in Little Eltham, also 1859 and 1860. The property then appears to be in the name of Thomas Watts from 1861 to 1863 at least. Thomas was married to Ann. According to a Facebook contact from family researcher Rosie Watts in Queensland, the children of John and Sara were Betsy aka Elizabeth, Ann, Maria, Robert and Sarah (later Jones). Sarah was born 1850, the only child born in Australia. Sarah Watts remained in Eltham and married a man by the name Meadows. On 24 January 1860 John Watts was asaulted by a beligerant drunk (John Castle) whilst sitting at the bar of the Fountain Hotel that evening. Castle without warning grabbed Watts by the throat, pushed him over and kicked him in the head with his heavy boots. Constable Lalor was called and Castle attempted to assault him as well. Watts was helped up, was sick and was taken home by his son and a Mr Wallace. He went to bed. Watts died April 11 and his wfe Sarah advised the Coroner's inquest held April 11 that he had never left his bed from that time. Castle was charged with manslaughter. He was found guilty by jury and sentenced to 18 months hard labour on the roads. John Watts is buried in Eltham Cemetery in an unmarked grave before records were kept. His wife, Sarah later Sarah Meadows (previously Watts, nee Tew) is buried there also along with her daughter Ann Southerly Head (nee Meadows). john watts, william watts, mary watts, john castle, manslaughter, fountain hotel, constable peter lalor, shoemaker, sarah meadows, sarah watts (nee tew) -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Nicholes Photographers, Bird family, c.1905
Bird family, c.1905 Back row, L-R: Janet Bird (nee Kilpatrick), George Bird, Ellen May (Nell) Bird Front row L-R: George Hugh Bird, Ernest Reginald Bird, Arthur Andrew Bird, Edwin John Bird Nicholes Photographer, Alphington According to the Sands McDougall Melbourne Directory, George. Nicholes, Photographer was first listed on the north side of Heidelberg Road, Alphington in 1904 and again in 1905. By 1906 he was still listed but with no profession. From 1907 on he was listed as a bicycle agent. On July 23, 1878, George Bird married Janet Kilpatrick (born Ayrshire) at Northcote by Presbyterian minister, Duncan Fraser. The witnesses were daughters of the minister. George gave his profession as farmer. Around 1880 or possibly earlier he acquired the property known as View Hill at the top of Pitt Street, Eltham between Pitt Street and Mount Pleasant Road and what is now Eucalyptus Road. George and Janet developed an orchard and farm around the View Hill home and had 10 children, three of whom died young. George Bird is listed in the 1977 history of the Eltham Methodist Church as Steward and trustee in the early years. In the 1950 history he is mentioned as Sunday School Superintendent. In the early 1900s, Janet regularly went to the church by horse and jinker. Janet died September 2, 1915, age 60 of endocarditis and bronchial pneumonia. At about this time, three children had married (Sarah, George and Ada) and four were living at home. However, Edwin joined the AIF in August 1915 and Ellen married in 1916 leaving two sons, Arthur and Reg, to look after their father and the property although some of the married children may have lived at View Hill for some time. From Edwin's letters, Hilda Pepper, a cousin on their mother's side) stayed with the family for some time to help. In later years, George developed glaucoma and became blind. He died December 6, 1920, aged 75 years, of diabetes mellites. Both Janet and George are buried at Eltham Cemetery, but the gravestone incorrectly gives 1921 for the death of George. The estate was divided into equal portions and distributed to the surviving members with Arthur and Ted Pepper being Executors. Ada Janet Lowe received a portion above what is now Rockliffe Street and Sis Pepper (Sarah Ann nee Bird) the portion below Rockliffe Street. Ernest Pepper built in the 1930s on the Pepper block at the Pitt Street end. George's share was along Wattle Grove and Arthur received the portion at the eastern end. Presumably the other two received portions including the top of the hill and slopes down to Pitt Street, Mount Pleasant Road and Wattle Grove. Read's (at the corner of Pitt Street and View Hill Crescent) was the first additional house brought in on wheels by a Mr Walkenden. The View Hill house was occupied by the Johanssons in the 1930s and was later damaged by fire. Source: Info provided to Marg Ball by Neil and Lyn Pepper (both deceased) abt. 2018. PANEL 1875-1920 Panels began to be produced around 1875, and were particularly suited, because of their larger size, for capturing family, or even larger, groups. They measured 8.5 by 6.5 inches (22 cm x 16.5 cm). - Frost, Lenore; Dating Family Photos 1850-1920; Valiant Press Pty. Ltd., Berwick, Victoria 1991marg ball collection, 1905, arthur andrew bird, bird family, edwin john bird, ellen may (nell) bird, ernest reginald bird, george bird (1845-1921), george hugh bird, janet bird (nee kilpatrick), nicholes photographer alphington, straw boater -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Orford family
... our valued Local History Centre helped develop our home base... our valued Local History Centre helped develop our home base ...The Orford family, a pioneer family remained continuously living and working in Eltham for 170 years from 1854 to 2024. James and Sarah Orford arrived in Sydney in 1839 aboard the ship “Orestes”; they had several children there before settling in Eltham in 1854. Three children, James Mathias, Sarah Amelia and Thomas Henry initially remained in the Eltham area. James eventually moved to Brunswick. Sarah married Arthur Butler Young and finally lived in Bunyip. Thomas who was six years old when the family arrived in 1854 remained in Eltham, married Helen Logan who died, leaving a large family. They lived in a slab hut by the Yarra at Laughing Waters and Thomas managed the Panton Park Estate, a selection owned by Magistrate Thomas Panton. Thomas’s son, Ernest Orford was born 1892 at Pitt Street, Eltham and also lived his entire life in Eltham working as a labourer, orchardist and later as a gardener and grounds keeper for Sir William Irvine, a former Chief Justice and Premier of Victoria. Ernest married Kate Thomas; their two sons Ron and Doug stayed in the area. Another of Thomas' sons, Arthur, also lived in Eltham. Four Orford generations attended Eltham schools. Doug Orford was born on the kitchen table (reference, son Ted Orford) of the family home at the corner of Reynolds Road and Mount Pleasant Road. Doug married Gwen and they established a family however Gwen died at a young age from cancer. Doug eventually remarried another Gwen and they lived for several decades in Napoleon Street, Eltham. Doug was actively involved in EDHS over many years, including serving as a committee member and vice president. Contributions by Doug and Gwen, his wife, assisted EDHS to continue to develop as a not-for-profit group intent on promoting and preserving our local history. Both Doug and Gwen were made Life Members of EDHS. His significant work with assisting to establish our valued Local History Centre helped develop our home base and supported the continued growth of our society. Doug’s local knowledge, suggestions and family connections were highly valued, Until recent times, he continued to regularly attend our Collections Team workshops providing his insights and historical information about photographs and society records. Doug died peacefully July 8, 2024, and represents the last link in the Orford Eltham chain which spanned 170 years. His funeral was held Thursday, July 18, 2024, at Le Pine Funerals, 848 Main Road, Eltham. Contents: Typed notes, no date: Memories of Ernest Orford [taped 1979] about his school days. Handwritten notes, no date: History of Ernie Orford Typed notes, no date: History of Thomas Henry Orford and family. Photocopy: Shire of Eltham General Rate Receipts. Received from D Orford 7 June 1923 and Received from E F Orford, 4 August 1924. Letter, no date: Nillumbik Shire to Russell Yeoman, Gwen Orford to receive Volunteer Recognition Award. Newsletter article: "The Orford Family, Eltham", Shire of Eltham Historical Society, No.80 September 1991. History of Orford family. Handwritten notes: 21 March 2011, genealogy of George Orford. On reverse Melways map makred with Orford and other land ownerships. Newspaper advertisement, 21 March 2011: "264 Reynolds Road, South Eltham", property for sale [land in ownership of Orford family]. Letter: St Margaret's Anglican Church Eltham to Doug Orford, 17 November 2011, Extracts from church records relative to Orford family. Newspaper article: "Timely facelift at war memorials', Diamond Valley Leader, 30 April 2024, Nillumbik war memorial will have some work and a bronze plaque will be installed at the Eltham Avenue of Honour, Wingrove Park; photograph of Doug Orford Newsletter item: "Welcome home medal", Eltham District Historical Society newsletter no.216 May 2014, World War I two 'Welcome Home Medals' in ownership of local men, being Harry Gilham and Doug Orford. Order of Service, Le Pine Funerals (Eltham), In Loving Memory of Douglas Frederick Orford 22nd August 1929 - 8th July 2024Newspaper clippings, A4 photocopies, etcdoug orford, harry gilham, welcome home medal, eltham avenue of honour, nillumbik war memorial, wingrove park, henry dendy, alfred armstrong, james orford, 264 reynolds road south eltham, george orford, george joseph orford, maryanne george joseph, thomas henry orford, ernest orford, e f orford, eltham cemetery, helen orford, joseph panton, panton park, gordon lyon, banyule estate heidelberg, james matthias orford, wurundjeri, constable peter lawlor, george hill, franklin street eltham, ronald orford, eltham primary school, john brown, robert gamble school inspector, sarah orford, mary ann orford, james mathias orford, sarah amelia orford, james peet, arthur butler young, watsons creek victoria, kangaroo ground victoria, helen logan, william orford, jane orford, arthur orford, frederick orford, florrie orford, victor orford, chem orford, sunnymede eltham, panton hill estate, sir william irvine, gordon lyons, kate thomas, north eltham gospel church, harold clapp, eltham cricket club, research primary school, dalton street school eltham, keith banks, betty banks, benjamine boyd, laughing waters road eltham, freddie gilsinen, douglas frederick orford, eltham district historical society, funeral service, le pine funeral home, life member, order of service -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newspaper - Newspaper articles, Sun News-Pictorial, They Flee Night Peril, The Sun News-Pictorial, Wednesday, January 17, p1, 1962
Various news articles pertaining to the January 1962 Victorian bushfires in the Dandenong and Healesville districts which by the third day had encompassed large areas of the State. Specific Eltham Shire districts mentioned include Panton Hill and Hurstbridge on page 1, Warrandyte on page 2, 3, 4 and 5, Hurstbridge, Smith’s Gully, Kinglake on page 3 and 4, Strathewen, Kangaroo Ground, Panton Hill, St. Andrews, Smith’s Gully on page 4 and Pound Bend, Smith’s Gully and Warrandyte on pages 20-21 • They Flee Night Peril, p1 (Illust.) • Their grim picnic; A flash fire strikes, p2 (Illust.) • Night of terror as towns quitted, p3 • Fought till he dropped, p3 (Illust.) • Rain in fire area, p3 • Wye River town goes, p3 • Black Friday Hero Dies In Fire; with wife, grandsons, p4 • Surrounded!, p4 (Illust.) • Main street houses ablaze, p4 • Hurstbridge is evacuated, p4 • Scores jump in river at Warrandyte, p5 • Hills people leave homes, p5 • “Fire” cry at Parlt., p5 • Blind – he’s safe now, p5 (Illust.) • Police Chief Runs Battle, p7 • From Fire Front: Hospital treats 34, p7 • Firms send help, p7 • Tragedy and Ruin: Third Day; Ferntree Gully; Warrandyte; Pound Bend; Smiths Gully; Escape for 18, pp20-21 (Illust.) • Church was a haven for the hurt, weary, p39 (Illust.) • A home is lost, p40 (Illust.) tom fielding collection, victorian bushfires - 1962, victorian bushfires – 1962, panton hill, hurstbridge, five ways crossroads, warrandyte south, dandenongs, upwey, mt. evelyn, monbulk, olinda, sassafras, st. andrews, warrandyte, christmas hills, yarra river, mitcham, whitehorse roiad, donvale, park orchards, metropolitan fire chief, w.t. aldridge, loughnan’s hill, ringwood, woori yallock, leslie ockwell, linda ockwell, kalorama, healesville, daylesford, fire damage – buildings, wye river, portland, eganstown, ballarat, sherbrooke park forest, forest commission headquarters, kallista, r.t. seaton, montrose, yallourn, central gippsland, smith’s creek, black friday, geoffrey ockwell, ronald ockwell, preston town hall, e.j. tenner, strathewen, kangaroo ground, eric farnsworth, adele farnsworth, robin farnsworth, roy cleland, ann cleland, belgrave, sassfras, kaloramalice commissioner porter, mansfield, box hill hospital, pound bend, ferntree gully, ferntree gully state school, w. carew, ann quinton -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Pearson, Lilian Maud and family
When Lilian Maud Pearson was 12 on 16 June 1933, her mother, Amelia (Millie), died; her sister Thelma had died a year earlier. Lilian worked at Sutherland Homes and later at the Diamond Creek pub to help support the family. She enjoyed the dances held by the Diamond Creek Fire Brigade and Panton Hill Cricket Club. Her best friend was Alice Grandy and her dance partners included Ken Stevenson, Jeff Brock (father of Peter Brock) who eventually opened Hurstbridge Garage service station, and Mick Rumney. Lilian married Mick who's real name was Charles Robert Rumney. Contents Paper, no date: "Lilian Maud Pearson" by Sue Rumney. Biography of Lilian Maud Pearson, mother-in-law of Sue Rumney.Newspaper clippings, A4 photocopies, etclilian maud pearson, lilian maud rumney (nee pearson), sue rumney, amelia pearson, millie pearson, thelma pearson, sutherland homes, joe pearson, nookie pearson, diamond creek pub, diamond creek fire brigade, panton hill cricket club, ken stevenson, jeff brock, peter brock, hurstbridge garage, alice grandy, mich rumney, charles robert rumney -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - Joyous Gard
A photocopy of a four page article in Table Talk, dated 01/01/1925, describing Joyous Gard, the Murrumbeena home of Dr J W Springthorpe. The article includes nine photographs of the house exterior and garden, the house interior and Dr and Mrs Springthorpe. It mentions that Mrs Arthur Tuckett laid out the garden, helped out by Mr Guilfoyle in the planning of it. The file also includes a photocopy of the obituary of Dr Springthorpe, published in The Argus newspaper on 24/04/1933. The obituary includes a photograph of Dr Springthorpe. Also included in the file is a list of references relevant to Dr John Springthorpe compiled by Maureen Jones on 09/11/2011. The file also includes a photocopy of a two page article by Maureen Jones, published in The Ancestor magazine in 06/2003, about Dr Springthorpe and his second wife Daisie. The article includes a photograph of the Springthorpe Memorial. The file also includes a printout of an email, dated 14/11/2001, from Maureen Jones to the Glen Eira Historical Society, providing the details of the Exhibition Inner Worlds – Portraits and Psychology, at the University of Melbourne from 18/04/2012 to 22/07/2012, which includes Dr Springthorpe.joyous gard, springthorpe john william, springthorpe annie constance, inglis annie constance, springthorpe dorothy, springthorpe enid, springthorpe lancelot john, springthorpe daisie, johnstone daisie evelyn, murrumbeena, gilbert web, tuckett arthur mrs, guilfoyle mr, springthorpe memorial, omama road, neerim road, caulfield city council, tyers s, johnstone jessie louise, boyd merric, springthorpe guy, gardens, garden plants, furnishings, brick houses, edwardian style, doctors, dentists, architectural styles, architectural features, house names -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Joy Chapman, Miss Eltham, April 1965, Apr 1965
My Recollections of Eltham Past by Margaret Joy Harding (nee Joy Chapman.) My family of Elizabeth and Alec Chapman moved to Eltham in 1946 into a cottage on the opposite side of the Diamond Creek from where the little train now operates in the Lower Park. At that time Eltham truly was a country town and the Pub was the main meeting place for most inhabitants on a Saturday afternoon in the beer garden. I attended Eltham Primary School where I started as a 4-year-old (my birthday being slightly after the mid-year intake) that happened then. My mother spent a lot of days taking me back to school when I had dismissed myself and walked the one kilomtre home alone. Bremner's Common (now Wingrove Park) was a big attraction with its dam and tad poling which I found much more entertaining than school. (Mrs Bremner ran a Service Station on the site of the current one). Another attraction at this site was the circus that came a couple of times a year. Watching them put up the circus tent was very interesting and even more of an attraction was the feeding of the Lions in cages and the monkeys and elephants among the other animals that are not found in a circus these days. At school then we were provided with hot chocolate at morning recess where the mothers would prepare it in the shelter shed. The only form of classroom heating was an open fire. Worse was the warm milk given in the summer months. By the time I was near finishing at Primary school we used to be able to walk along the Main Road at lunchtime to Mrs. Mitchell's shop to a delicious hot pie. As I recall there was no supervision for this departure from the school grounds. It is interesting that some of the other children I started school with I still have contact with, in fact one is a very good friend although now living in Perth. That is the other thing about Eltham; many who grew up here continue to live in the area. Following primary school, the natural progression was to Eltham High School. There was only the main building at that time and I can remember our first assembly at the front entrance. During the time I was at High School several new class rooms were added and the school hall. I remember the musical plays such as HMS Pinafore and other classical musicals being performed. I also remember countless hours doing marching practice. The main street shops when I was young consisted of the Blue Gum milk bar at the far end, a Grocery store and a shoe maker where Coles currently stands. Opposite there was Lyon's Garage. They also provided a bus service and when we got off the train this little bus would tour the back streets taking each individual to their home, sometimes this could take quite considerable time. There was also a Black Smith next to the Chiropractic Practice opposite Alistair Knox Park, another Milk Bar/General Store on the comer of Bridge Street/Main Road where a shop currently still operates. There was also a Butcher's shop down from the pub opposite Franklin Street. The only doctor was next to the courthouse on the other side of Brougham Street. On Saturday afternoon I was occasionally allowed to go the movies in the Town Hall which also stood on the site of the Coles centre. Often the Fire Alarm would sound and everyone would run outside to watch the fire truck leave with the volunteers clutching on the back. The other attraction during summer of course was the swimming pool which was a small concrete pool filled with water pumped from the Diamond Creek, sometimes it was like a mud puddle so for me the nearer to home Yarra/Diamond Creek junction was a much better option. We swam in the water hole which was quite deep and with fallen trees and sometimes carcasses of cows and kangaroos floating past. As recreation, the churches were another attraction for the Sunday school picnics to Mordialloc in the back of the moving van with benches tied into the back for us to "sit" on. Too bad when we went around a corner! In the early days we had an Ice Man deliver the ice once a week for "refrigeration". The green grocer came around in a horse and cart as did the milkman and the bread was delivered but I constantly got into trouble for eating the middle out on the way from the box it was delivered to in Mt Pleasant road across the paddock. The milkman finally would not come down our street after his horse bolted one morning and took off across the paddock. We also had the "Pan Man" come weekly and whose visit I would avoid. Our nearest shop was where the flower stall is located opposite the Lower Park. It consisted of a Tea Room and Milk Bar. There was a Public Telephone there which was the only contact to anyone else. We were a one car family so my mother’s movements were very limited as the Eltham Station was a couple of kilometres away and a trip to the city was an event. Being an only child growing up was a little lonely however rambling along the creek with my Mum, picking mushrooms and picking cherry plums for jam and the dogs catching rabbits which we ate if we could get them away from the dogs. We also liked to go into the Lower Park during school holidays when the Greek people came to camp and they would sing and dance around the camp fire and it all seemed so different to us as this was early days of immigration. Childhood was relatively simple and carefree and I wish the kids of today had the freedom of my youth and the healthy outdoor lifestyle of the "olden days". SHOW GIRL COMPETITION In 1965 Eltham was more like a country town than the suburb it has become today. People knew each other, if not personally then certainly of the family name. The big event for the year was a Gymkhana or show at Lower Eltham Park. I can remember marching as a teenager from the town centre to the park in the marching girls with the decorated floats. In 1965, just on a whim on the day, I decided to enter the Miss Eltham Show Girl which was a part of the festivities at the park. I seem to remember that the show mainly consisted of horse events, cattle judging and dog show. As I had not given any serious thought to entering the competition, I wore a suit that I had for work which was brown wool, with a coffee coloured shirt under, black shoes, bag, and gloves but no hat. I duly paraded for the judges and much to my surprise I was announced the winner. I eventually went on to compete at the Miss Victoria Show Girl competition which was held at the Royal Melbourne Show. There I met many country girls who were representing their rural Victoria home. I made it into a final round of judging but I think justice prevailed when someone from a country background was crowned. It was fun to go into the show as I had not really been before and to see the displays of handcraft, cooking and wood chopping events was great as well as the judging of farm animals interesting. It is hard to remember the Eltham I grew up in. The Lyons Garage company bus that actually drove you home (or close to it) when we got off the train at night. The Eltham Hotel on a Saturday afternoon a usual social meeting place where people just sat and chatted. The pictures held in the Town Hall and when the fire alarm sounded all the men just jumped up and ran to help. Suburbia has now swallowed most of that life but thankfully we at least do have the trestle bridge and parkland. Digital file only - Black and white photo print on loan for scanning by EDHSalec chapman, annie bremner, blacksmith, bremner's flat, brougham steet, bus services, circus, diamond creek, dianne bell, doctor bradbury, easter gymkhana, elizabeth chapman, eltham high school, eltham hotel, eltham lower park, eltham public hall, eltham state school, eltham trestle bridge, general store, grace mitchell, ice man, joy chapman, lyons garage, margaret harding, milk bar, miss eltham 1965, miss victoria show girl, mount pleasant road, pan man, rodda parade, shops, show girl competition, swimming pool, water hole, yarra river -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Joy Chapman parading before the judges, Miss Eltham 1965, Apr 1965
My Recollections of Eltham Past by Margaret Joy Harding (nee Joy Chapman.) My family of Elizabeth and Alec Chapman moved to Eltham in 1946 into a cottage on the opposite side of the Diamond Creek from where the little train now operates in the Lower Park. At that time Eltham truly was a country town and the Pub was the main meeting place for most inhabitants on a Saturday afternoon in the beer garden. I attended Eltham Primary School where I started as a 4-year-old (my birthday being slightly after the mid-year intake) that happened then. My mother spent a lot of days taking me back to school when I had dismissed myself and walked the one kilomtre home alone. Bremner's Common (now Wingrove Park) was a big attraction with its dam and tad poling which I found much more entertaining than school. (Mrs Bremner ran a Service Station on the site of the current one). Another attraction at this site was the circus that came a couple of times a year. Watching them put up the circus tent was very interesting and even more of an attraction was the feeding of the Lions in cages and the monkeys and elephants among the other animals that are not found in a circus these days. At school then we were provided with hot chocolate at morning recess where the mothers would prepare it in the shelter shed. The only form of classroom heating was an open fire. Worse was the warm milk given in the summer months. By the time I was near finishing at Primary school we used to be able to walk along the Main Road at lunchtime to Mrs. Mitchell's shop to a delicious hot pie. As I recall there was no supervision for this departure from the school grounds. It is interesting that some of the other children I started school with I still have contact with, in fact one is a very good friend although now living in Perth. That is the other thing about Eltham; many who grew up here continue to live in the area. Following primary school, the natural progression was to Eltham High School. There was only the main building at that time and I can remember our first assembly at the front entrance. During the time I was at High School several new class rooms were added and the school hall. I remember the musical plays such as HMS Pinafore and other classical musicals being performed. I also remember countless hours doing marching practice. The main street shops when I was young consisted of the Blue Gum milk bar at the far end, a Grocery store and a shoe maker where Coles currently stands. Opposite there was Lyon's Garage. They also provided a bus service and when we got off the train this little bus would tour the back streets taking each individual to their home, sometimes this could take quite considerable time. There was also a Black Smith next to the Chiropractic Practice opposite Alistair Knox Park, another Milk Bar/General Store on the comer of Bridge Street/Main Road where a shop currently still operates. There was also a Butcher's shop down from the pub opposite Franklin Street. The only doctor was next to the courthouse on the other side of Brougham Street. On Saturday afternoon I was occasionally allowed to go the movies in the Town Hall which also stood on the site of the Coles centre. Often the Fire Alarm would sound and everyone would run outside to watch the fire truck leave with the volunteers clutching on the back. The other attraction during summer of course was the swimming pool which was a small concrete pool filled with water pumped from the Diamond Creek, sometimes it was like a mud puddle so for me the nearer to home Yarra/Diamond Creek junction was a much better option. We swam in the water hole which was quite deep and with fallen trees and sometimes carcasses of cows and kangaroos floating past. As recreation, the churches were another attraction for the Sunday school picnics to Mordialloc in the back of the moving van with benches tied into the back for us to "sit" on. Too bad when we went around a corner! In the early days we had an Ice Man deliver the ice once a week for "refrigeration". The green grocer came around in a horse and cart as did the milkman and the bread was delivered but I constantly got into trouble for eating the middle out on the way from the box it was delivered to in Mt Pleasant road across the paddock. The milkman finally would not come down our street after his horse bolted one morning and took off across the paddock. We also had the "Pan Man" come weekly and whose visit I would avoid. Our nearest shop was where the flower stall is located opposite the Lower Park. It consisted of a Tea Room and Milk Bar. There was a Public Telephone there which was the only contact to anyone else. We were a one car family so my mother’s movements were very limited as the Eltham Station was a couple of kilometres away and a trip to the city was an event. Being an only child growing up was a little lonely however rambling along the creek with my Mum, picking mushrooms and picking cherry plums for jam and the dogs catching rabbits which we ate if we could get them away from the dogs. We also liked to go into the Lower Park during school holidays when the Greek people came to camp and they would sing and dance around the camp fire and it all seemed so different to us as this was early days of immigration. Childhood was relatively simple and carefree and I wish the kids of today had the freedom of my youth and the healthy outdoor lifestyle of the "olden days". SHOW GIRL COMPETITION In 1965 Eltham was more like a country town than the suburb it has become today. People knew each other, if not personally then certainly of the family name. The big event for the year was a Gymkhana or show at Lower Eltham Park. I can remember marching as a teenager from the town centre to the park in the marching girls with the decorated floats. In 1965, just on a whim on the day, I decided to enter the Miss Eltham Show Girl which was a part of the festivities at the park. I seem to remember that the show mainly consisted of horse events, cattle judging and dog show. As I had not given any serious thought to entering the competition, I wore a suit that I had for work which was brown wool, with a coffee coloured shirt under, black shoes, bag, and gloves but no hat. I duly paraded for the judges and much to my surprise I was announced the winner. I eventually went on to compete at the Miss Victoria Show Girl competition which was held at the Royal Melbourne Show. There I met many country girls who were representing their rural Victoria home. I made it into a final round of judging but I think justice prevailed when someone from a country background was crowned. It was fun to go into the show as I had not really been before and to see the displays of handcraft, cooking and wood chopping events was great as well as the judging of farm animals interesting. It is hard to remember the Eltham I grew up in. The Lyons Garage company bus that actually drove you home (or close to it) when we got off the train at night. The Eltham Hotel on a Saturday afternoon a usual social meeting place where people just sat and chatted. The pictures held in the Town Hall and when the fire alarm sounded all the men just jumped up and ran to help. Suburbia has now swallowed most of that life but thankfully we at least do have the trestle bridge and parkland. Digital file only - Black and white photo print on loan for scanning by EDHSalec chapman, annie bremner, blacksmith, bremner's flat, brougham steet, bus services, circus, diamond creek, dianne bell, doctor bradbury, easter gymkhana, elizabeth chapman, eltham high school, eltham hotel, eltham lower park, eltham public hall, eltham state school, eltham trestle bridge, general store, grace mitchell, ice man, joy chapman, lyons garage, margaret harding, milk bar, miss eltham 1965, miss victoria show girl, mount pleasant road, pan man, rodda parade, shops, show girl competition, swimming pool, water hole, yarra river -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Joy Chapman, Miss Eltham 1965 with other contestants, Apr 1965
My Recollections of Eltham Past by Margaret Joy Harding (nee Joy Chapman.) My family of Elizabeth and Alec Chapman moved to Eltham in 1946 into a cottage on the opposite side of the Diamond Creek from where the little train now operates in the Lower Park. At that time Eltham truly was a country town and the Pub was the main meeting place for most inhabitants on a Saturday afternoon in the beer garden. I attended Eltham Primary School where I started as a 4-year-old (my birthday being slightly after the mid-year intake) that happened then. My mother spent a lot of days taking me back to school when I had dismissed myself and walked the one kilomtre home alone. Bremner's Common (now Wingrove Park) was a big attraction with its dam and tad poling which I found much more entertaining than school. (Mrs Bremner ran a Service Station on the site of the current one). Another attraction at this site was the circus that came a couple of times a year. Watching them put up the circus tent was very interesting and even more of an attraction was the feeding of the Lions in cages and the monkeys and elephants among the other animals that are not found in a circus these days. At school then we were provided with hot chocolate at morning recess where the mothers would prepare it in the shelter shed. The only form of classroom heating was an open fire. Worse was the warm milk given in the summer months. By the time I was near finishing at Primary school we used to be able to walk along the Main Road at lunchtime to Mrs. Mitchell's shop to a delicious hot pie. As I recall there was no supervision for this departure from the school grounds. It is interesting that some of the other children I started school with I still have contact with, in fact one is a very good friend although now living in Perth. That is the other thing about Eltham; many who grew up here continue to live in the area. Following primary school, the natural progression was to Eltham High School. There was only the main building at that time and I can remember our first assembly at the front entrance. During the time I was at High School several new class rooms were added and the school hall. I remember the musical plays such as HMS Pinafore and other classical musicals being performed. I also remember countless hours doing marching practice. The main street shops when I was young consisted of the Blue Gum milk bar at the far end, a Grocery store and a shoe maker where Coles currently stands. Opposite there was Lyon's Garage. They also provided a bus service and when we got off the train this little bus would tour the back streets taking each individual to their home, sometimes this could take quite considerable time. There was also a Black Smith next to the Chiropractic Practice opposite Alistair Knox Park, another Milk Bar/General Store on the comer of Bridge Street/Main Road where a shop currently still operates. There was also a Butcher's shop down from the pub opposite Franklin Street. The only doctor was next to the courthouse on the other side of Brougham Street. On Saturday afternoon I was occasionally allowed to go the movies in the Town Hall which also stood on the site of the Coles centre. Often the Fire Alarm would sound and everyone would run outside to watch the fire truck leave with the volunteers clutching on the back. The other attraction during summer of course was the swimming pool which was a small concrete pool filled with water pumped from the Diamond Creek, sometimes it was like a mud puddle so for me the nearer to home Yarra/Diamond Creek junction was a much better option. We swam in the water hole which was quite deep and with fallen trees and sometimes carcasses of cows and kangaroos floating past. As recreation, the churches were another attraction for the Sunday school picnics to Mordialloc in the back of the moving van with benches tied into the back for us to "sit" on. Too bad when we went around a corner! In the early days we had an Ice Man deliver the ice once a week for "refrigeration". The green grocer came around in a horse and cart as did the milkman and the bread was delivered but I constantly got into trouble for eating the middle out on the way from the box it was delivered to in Mt Pleasant road across the paddock. The milkman finally would not come down our street after his horse bolted one morning and took off across the paddock. We also had the "Pan Man" come weekly and whose visit I would avoid. Our nearest shop was where the flower stall is located opposite the Lower Park. It consisted of a Tea Room and Milk Bar. There was a Public Telephone there which was the only contact to anyone else. We were a one car family so my mother’s movements were very limited as the Eltham Station was a couple of kilometres away and a trip to the city was an event. Being an only child growing up was a little lonely however rambling along the creek with my Mum, picking mushrooms and picking cherry plums for jam and the dogs catching rabbits which we ate if we could get them away from the dogs. We also liked to go into the Lower Park during school holidays when the Greek people came to camp and they would sing and dance around the camp fire and it all seemed so different to us as this was early days of immigration. Childhood was relatively simple and carefree and I wish the kids of today had the freedom of my youth and the healthy outdoor lifestyle of the "olden days". SHOW GIRL COMPETITION In 1965 Eltham was more like a country town than the suburb it has become today. People knew each other, if not personally then certainly of the family name. The big event for the year was a Gymkhana or show at Lower Eltham Park. I can remember marching as a teenager from the town centre to the park in the marching girls with the decorated floats. In 1965, just on a whim on the day, I decided to enter the Miss Eltham Show Girl which was a part of the festivities at the park. I seem to remember that the show mainly consisted of horse events, cattle judging and dog show. As I had not given any serious thought to entering the competition, I wore a suit that I had for work which was brown wool, with a coffee coloured shirt under, black shoes, bag, and gloves but no hat. I duly paraded for the judges and much to my surprise I was announced the winner. I eventually went on to compete at the Miss Victoria Show Girl competition which was held at the Royal Melbourne Show. There I met many country girls who were representing their rural Victoria home. I made it into a final round of judging but I think justice prevailed when someone from a country background was crowned. It was fun to go into the show as I had not really been before and to see the displays of handcraft, cooking and wood chopping events was great as well as the judging of farm animals interesting. It is hard to remember the Eltham I grew up in. The Lyons Garage company bus that actually drove you home (or close to it) when we got off the train at night. The Eltham Hotel on a Saturday afternoon a usual social meeting place where people just sat and chatted. The pictures held in the Town Hall and when the fire alarm sounded all the men just jumped up and ran to help. Suburbia has now swallowed most of that life but thankfully we at least do have the trestle bridge and parkland. Digital file only - Black and white photo print on loan for scanning by EDHSalec chapman, annie bremner, blacksmith, bremner's flat, brougham steet, bus services, circus, diamond creek, dianne bell, doctor bradbury, easter gymkhana, elizabeth chapman, eltham high school, eltham hotel, eltham lower park, eltham public hall, eltham state school, eltham trestle bridge, general store, grace mitchell, ice man, joy chapman, lyons garage, margaret harding, milk bar, miss eltham 1965, miss victoria show girl, mount pleasant road, pan man, rodda parade, shops, show girl competition, swimming pool, water hole, yarra river -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Peter Pidgeon, The original Miss Eltham 1965 sash, 17 May 2019
My Recollections of Eltham Past by Margaret Joy Harding (nee Joy Chapman.) My family of Elizabeth and Alec Chapman moved to Eltham in 1946 into a cottage on the opposite side of the Diamond Creek from where the little train now operates in the Lower Park. At that time Eltham truly was a country town and the Pub was the main meeting place for most inhabitants on a Saturday afternoon in the beer garden. I attended Eltham Primary School where I started as a 4-year-old (my birthday being slightly after the mid-year intake) that happened then. My mother spent a lot of days taking me back to school when I had dismissed myself and walked the one kilomtre home alone. Bremner's Common (now Wingrove Park) was a big attraction with its dam and tad poling which I found much more entertaining than school. (Mrs Bremner ran a Service Station on the site of the current one). Another attraction at this site was the circus that came a couple of times a year. Watching them put up the circus tent was very interesting and even more of an attraction was the feeding of the Lions in cages and the monkeys and elephants among the other animals that are not found in a circus these days. At school then we were provided with hot chocolate at morning recess where the mothers would prepare it in the shelter shed. The only form of classroom heating was an open fire. Worse was the warm milk given in the summer months. By the time I was near finishing at Primary school we used to be able to walk along the Main Road at lunchtime to Mrs. Mitchell's shop to a delicious hot pie. As I recall there was no supervision for this departure from the school grounds. It is interesting that some of the other children I started school with I still have contact with, in fact one is a very good friend although now living in Perth. That is the other thing about Eltham; many who grew up here continue to live in the area. Following primary school, the natural progression was to Eltham High School. There was only the main building at that time and I can remember our first assembly at the front entrance. During the time I was at High School several new class rooms were added and the school hall. I remember the musical plays such as HMS Pinafore and other classical musicals being performed. I also remember countless hours doing marching practice. The main street shops when I was young consisted of the Blue Gum milk bar at the far end, a Grocery store and a shoe maker where Coles currently stands. Opposite there was Lyon's Garage. They also provided a bus service and when we got off the train this little bus would tour the back streets taking each individual to their home, sometimes this could take quite considerable time. There was also a Black Smith next to the Chiropractic Practice opposite Alistair Knox Park, another Milk Bar/General Store on the comer of Bridge Street/Main Road where a shop currently still operates. There was also a Butcher's shop down from the pub opposite Franklin Street. The only doctor was next to the courthouse on the other side of Brougham Street. On Saturday afternoon I was occasionally allowed to go the movies in the Town Hall which also stood on the site of the Coles centre. Often the Fire Alarm would sound and everyone would run outside to watch the fire truck leave with the volunteers clutching on the back. The other attraction during summer of course was the swimming pool which was a small concrete pool filled with water pumped from the Diamond Creek, sometimes it was like a mud puddle so for me the nearer to home Yarra/Diamond Creek junction was a much better option. We swam in the water hole which was quite deep and with fallen trees and sometimes carcasses of cows and kangaroos floating past. As recreation, the churches were another attraction for the Sunday school picnics to Mordialloc in the back of the moving van with benches tied into the back for us to "sit" on. Too bad when we went around a corner! In the early days we had an Ice Man deliver the ice once a week for "refrigeration". The green grocer came around in a horse and cart as did the milkman and the bread was delivered but I constantly got into trouble for eating the middle out on the way from the box it was delivered to in Mt Pleasant road across the paddock. The milkman finally would not come down our street after his horse bolted one morning and took off across the paddock. We also had the "Pan Man" come weekly and whose visit I would avoid. Our nearest shop was where the flower stall is located opposite the Lower Park. It consisted of a Tea Room and Milk Bar. There was a Public Telephone there which was the only contact to anyone else. We were a one car family so my mother’s movements were very limited as the Eltham Station was a couple of kilometres away and a trip to the city was an event. Being an only child growing up was a little lonely however rambling along the creek with my Mum, picking mushrooms and picking cherry plums for jam and the dogs catching rabbits which we ate if we could get them away from the dogs. We also liked to go into the Lower Park during school holidays when the Greek people came to camp and they would sing and dance around the camp fire and it all seemed so different to us as this was early days of immigration. Childhood was relatively simple and carefree and I wish the kids of today had the freedom of my youth and the healthy outdoor lifestyle of the "olden days". SHOW GIRL COMPETITION In 1965 Eltham was more like a country town than the suburb it has become today. People knew each other, if not personally then certainly of the family name. The big event for the year was a Gymkhana or show at Lower Eltham Park. I can remember marching as a teenager from the town centre to the park in the marching girls with the decorated floats. In 1965, just on a whim on the day, I decided to enter the Miss Eltham Show Girl which was a part of the festivities at the park. I seem to remember that the show mainly consisted of horse events, cattle judging and dog show. As I had not given any serious thought to entering the competition, I wore a suit that I had for work which was brown wool, with a coffee coloured shirt under, black shoes, bag, and gloves but no hat. I duly paraded for the judges and much to my surprise I was announced the winner. I eventually went on to compete at the Miss Victoria Show Girl competition which was held at the Royal Melbourne Show. There I met many country girls who were representing their rural Victoria home. I made it into a final round of judging but I think justice prevailed when someone from a country background was crowned. It was fun to go into the show as I had not really been before and to see the displays of handcraft, cooking and wood chopping events was great as well as the judging of farm animals interesting. It is hard to remember the Eltham I grew up in. The Lyons Garage company bus that actually drove you home (or close to it) when we got off the train at night. The Eltham Hotel on a Saturday afternoon a usual social meeting place where people just sat and chatted. The pictures held in the Town Hall and when the fire alarm sounded all the men just jumped up and ran to help. Suburbia has now swallowed most of that life but thankfully we at least do have the trestle bridge and parkland. Born digitalalec chapman, annie bremner, blacksmith, bremner's flat, brougham steet, bus services, circus, diamond creek, dianne bell, doctor bradbury, easter gymkhana, elizabeth chapman, eltham high school, eltham hotel, eltham lower park, eltham public hall, eltham state school, eltham trestle bridge, general store, grace mitchell, ice man, joy chapman, lyons garage, margaret harding, milk bar, miss eltham 1965, miss victoria show girl, mount pleasant road, pan man, rodda parade, shops, show girl competition, swimming pool, water hole, yarra river -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Joy Chapman in rear playground of Eltham High School, 1959, 1959
My Recollections of Eltham Past by Margaret Joy Harding (nee Joy Chapman.) My family of Elizabeth and Alec Chapman moved to Eltham in 1946 into a cottage on the opposite side of the Diamond Creek from where the little train now operates in the Lower Park. At that time Eltham truly was a country town and the Pub was the main meeting place for most inhabitants on a Saturday afternoon in the beer garden. I attended Eltham Primary School where I started as a 4-year-old (my birthday being slightly after the mid-year intake) that happened then. My mother spent a lot of days taking me back to school when I had dismissed myself and walked the one kilomtre home alone. Bremner's Common (now Wingrove Park) was a big attraction with its dam and tad poling which I found much more entertaining than school. (Mrs Bremner ran a Service Station on the site of the current one). Another attraction at this site was the circus that came a couple of times a year. Watching them put up the circus tent was very interesting and even more of an attraction was the feeding of the Lions in cages and the monkeys and elephants among the other animals that are not found in a circus these days. At school then we were provided with hot chocolate at morning recess where the mothers would prepare it in the shelter shed. The only form of classroom heating was an open fire. Worse was the warm milk given in the summer months. By the time I was near finishing at Primary school we used to be able to walk along the Main Road at lunchtime to Mrs. Mitchell's shop to a delicious hot pie. As I recall there was no supervision for this departure from the school grounds. It is interesting that some of the other children I started school with I still have contact with, in fact one is a very good friend although now living in Perth. That is the other thing about Eltham; many who grew up here continue to live in the area. Following primary school, the natural progression was to Eltham High School. There was only the main building at that time and I can remember our first assembly at the front entrance. During the time I was at High School several new class rooms were added and the school hall. I remember the musical plays such as HMS Pinafore and other classical musicals being performed. I also remember countless hours doing marching practice. The main street shops when I was young consisted of the Blue Gum milk bar at the far end, a Grocery store and a shoe maker where Coles currently stands. Opposite there was Lyon's Garage. They also provided a bus service and when we got off the train this little bus would tour the back streets taking each individual to their home, sometimes this could take quite considerable time. There was also a Black Smith next to the Chiropractic Practice opposite Alistair Knox Park, another Milk Bar/General Store on the comer of Bridge Street/Main Road where a shop currently still operates. There was also a Butcher's shop down from the pub opposite Franklin Street. The only doctor was next to the courthouse on the other side of Brougham Street. On Saturday afternoon I was occasionally allowed to go the movies in the Town Hall which also stood on the site of the Coles centre. Often the Fire Alarm would sound and everyone would run outside to watch the fire truck leave with the volunteers clutching on the back. The other attraction during summer of course was the swimming pool which was a small concrete pool filled with water pumped from the Diamond Creek, sometimes it was like a mud puddle so for me the nearer to home Yarra/Diamond Creek junction was a much better option. We swam in the water hole which was quite deep and with fallen trees and sometimes carcasses of cows and kangaroos floating past. As recreation, the churches were another attraction for the Sunday school picnics to Mordialloc in the back of the moving van with benches tied into the back for us to "sit" on. Too bad when we went around a corner! In the early days we had an Ice Man deliver the ice once a week for "refrigeration". The green grocer came around in a horse and cart as did the milkman and the bread was delivered but I constantly got into trouble for eating the middle out on the way from the box it was delivered to in Mt Pleasant road across the paddock. The milkman finally would not come down our street after his horse bolted one morning and took off across the paddock. We also had the "Pan Man" come weekly and whose visit I would avoid. Our nearest shop was where the flower stall is located opposite the Lower Park. It consisted of a Tea Room and Milk Bar. There was a Public Telephone there which was the only contact to anyone else. We were a one car family so my mother’s movements were very limited as the Eltham Station was a couple of kilometres away and a trip to the city was an event. Being an only child growing up was a little lonely however rambling along the creek with my Mum, picking mushrooms and picking cherry plums for jam and the dogs catching rabbits which we ate if we could get them away from the dogs. We also liked to go into the Lower Park during school holidays when the Greek people came to camp and they would sing and dance around the camp fire and it all seemed so different to us as this was early days of immigration. Childhood was relatively simple and carefree and I wish the kids of today had the freedom of my youth and the healthy outdoor lifestyle of the "olden days". SHOW GIRL COMPETITION In 1965 Eltham was more like a country town than the suburb it has become today. People knew each other, if not personally then certainly of the family name. The big event for the year was a Gymkhana or show at Lower Eltham Park. I can remember marching as a teenager from the town centre to the park in the marching girls with the decorated floats. In 1965, just on a whim on the day, I decided to enter the Miss Eltham Show Girl which was a part of the festivities at the park. I seem to remember that the show mainly consisted of horse events, cattle judging and dog show. As I had not given any serious thought to entering the competition, I wore a suit that I had for work which was brown wool, with a coffee coloured shirt under, black shoes, bag, and gloves but no hat. I duly paraded for the judges and much to my surprise I was announced the winner. I eventually went on to compete at the Miss Victoria Show Girl competition which was held at the Royal Melbourne Show. There I met many country girls who were representing their rural Victoria home. I made it into a final round of judging but I think justice prevailed when someone from a country background was crowned. It was fun to go into the show as I had not really been before and to see the displays of handcraft, cooking and wood chopping events was great as well as the judging of farm animals interesting. It is hard to remember the Eltham I grew up in. The Lyons Garage company bus that actually drove you home (or close to it) when we got off the train at night. The Eltham Hotel on a Saturday afternoon a usual social meeting place where people just sat and chatted. The pictures held in the Town Hall and when the fire alarm sounded all the men just jumped up and ran to help. Suburbia has now swallowed most of that life but thankfully we at least do have the trestle bridge and parkland. Digital file only - Black and white photo print on loan for scanning by EDHSalec chapman, annie bremner, blacksmith, bremner's flat, brougham steet, bus services, circus, diamond creek, dianne bell, doctor bradbury, easter gymkhana, elizabeth chapman, eltham high school, eltham hotel, eltham lower park, eltham public hall, eltham state school, eltham trestle bridge, general store, grace mitchell, ice man, joy chapman, lyons garage, margaret harding, milk bar, miss eltham 1965, miss victoria show girl, mount pleasant road, pan man, rodda parade, shops, show girl competition, swimming pool, water hole, yarra river -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Joy Chapman (left) with Dianne Bell in HMS Pinafore, 1960, 1960
My Recollections of Eltham Past by Margaret Joy Harding (nee Joy Chapman.) My family of Elizabeth and Alec Chapman moved to Eltham in 1946 into a cottage on the opposite side of the Diamond Creek from where the little train now operates in the Lower Park. At that time Eltham truly was a country town and the Pub was the main meeting place for most inhabitants on a Saturday afternoon in the beer garden. I attended Eltham Primary School where I started as a 4-year-old (my birthday being slightly after the mid-year intake) that happened then. My mother spent a lot of days taking me back to school when I had dismissed myself and walked the one kilomtre home alone. Bremner's Common (now Wingrove Park) was a big attraction with its dam and tad poling which I found much more entertaining than school. (Mrs Bremner ran a Service Station on the site of the current one). Another attraction at this site was the circus that came a couple of times a year. Watching them put up the circus tent was very interesting and even more of an attraction was the feeding of the Lions in cages and the monkeys and elephants among the other animals that are not found in a circus these days. At school then we were provided with hot chocolate at morning recess where the mothers would prepare it in the shelter shed. The only form of classroom heating was an open fire. Worse was the warm milk given in the summer months. By the time I was near finishing at Primary school we used to be able to walk along the Main Road at lunchtime to Mrs. Mitchell's shop to a delicious hot pie. As I recall there was no supervision for this departure from the school grounds. It is interesting that some of the other children I started school with I still have contact with, in fact one is a very good friend although now living in Perth. That is the other thing about Eltham; many who grew up here continue to live in the area. Following primary school, the natural progression was to Eltham High School. There was only the main building at that time and I can remember our first assembly at the front entrance. During the time I was at High School several new class rooms were added and the school hall. I remember the musical plays such as HMS Pinafore and other classical musicals being performed. I also remember countless hours doing marching practice. The main street shops when I was young consisted of the Blue Gum milk bar at the far end, a Grocery store and a shoe maker where Coles currently stands. Opposite there was Lyon's Garage. They also provided a bus service and when we got off the train this little bus would tour the back streets taking each individual to their home, sometimes this could take quite considerable time. There was also a Black Smith next to the Chiropractic Practice opposite Alistair Knox Park, another Milk Bar/General Store on the comer of Bridge Street/Main Road where a shop currently still operates. There was also a Butcher's shop down from the pub opposite Franklin Street. The only doctor was next to the courthouse on the other side of Brougham Street. On Saturday afternoon I was occasionally allowed to go the movies in the Town Hall which also stood on the site of the Coles centre. Often the Fire Alarm would sound and everyone would run outside to watch the fire truck leave with the volunteers clutching on the back. The other attraction during summer of course was the swimming pool which was a small concrete pool filled with water pumped from the Diamond Creek, sometimes it was like a mud puddle so for me the nearer to home Yarra/Diamond Creek junction was a much better option. We swam in the water hole which was quite deep and with fallen trees and sometimes carcasses of cows and kangaroos floating past. As recreation, the churches were another attraction for the Sunday school picnics to Mordialloc in the back of the moving van with benches tied into the back for us to "sit" on. Too bad when we went around a corner! In the early days we had an Ice Man deliver the ice once a week for "refrigeration". The green grocer came around in a horse and cart as did the milkman and the bread was delivered but I constantly got into trouble for eating the middle out on the way from the box it was delivered to in Mt Pleasant road across the paddock. The milkman finally would not come down our street after his horse bolted one morning and took off across the paddock. We also had the "Pan Man" come weekly and whose visit I would avoid. Our nearest shop was where the flower stall is located opposite the Lower Park. It consisted of a Tea Room and Milk Bar. There was a Public Telephone there which was the only contact to anyone else. We were a one car family so my mother’s movements were very limited as the Eltham Station was a couple of kilometres away and a trip to the city was an event. Being an only child growing up was a little lonely however rambling along the creek with my Mum, picking mushrooms and picking cherry plums for jam and the dogs catching rabbits which we ate if we could get them away from the dogs. We also liked to go into the Lower Park during school holidays when the Greek people came to camp and they would sing and dance around the camp fire and it all seemed so different to us as this was early days of immigration. Childhood was relatively simple and carefree and I wish the kids of today had the freedom of my youth and the healthy outdoor lifestyle of the "olden days". SHOW GIRL COMPETITION In 1965 Eltham was more like a country town than the suburb it has become today. People knew each other, if not personally then certainly of the family name. The big event for the year was a Gymkhana or show at Lower Eltham Park. I can remember marching as a teenager from the town centre to the park in the marching girls with the decorated floats. In 1965, just on a whim on the day, I decided to enter the Miss Eltham Show Girl which was a part of the festivities at the park. I seem to remember that the show mainly consisted of horse events, cattle judging and dog show. As I had not given any serious thought to entering the competition, I wore a suit that I had for work which was brown wool, with a coffee coloured shirt under, black shoes, bag, and gloves but no hat. I duly paraded for the judges and much to my surprise I was announced the winner. I eventually went on to compete at the Miss Victoria Show Girl competition which was held at the Royal Melbourne Show. There I met many country girls who were representing their rural Victoria home. I made it into a final round of judging but I think justice prevailed when someone from a country background was crowned. It was fun to go into the show as I had not really been before and to see the displays of handcraft, cooking and wood chopping events was great as well as the judging of farm animals interesting. It is hard to remember the Eltham I grew up in. The Lyons Garage company bus that actually drove you home (or close to it) when we got off the train at night. The Eltham Hotel on a Saturday afternoon a usual social meeting place where people just sat and chatted. The pictures held in the Town Hall and when the fire alarm sounded all the men just jumped up and ran to help. Suburbia has now swallowed most of that life but thankfully we at least do have the trestle bridge and parkland. Digital file only - Black and white photo print on loan for scanning by EDHSalec chapman, annie bremner, blacksmith, bremner's flat, brougham steet, bus services, circus, diamond creek, dianne bell, doctor bradbury, easter gymkhana, elizabeth chapman, eltham high school, eltham hotel, eltham lower park, eltham public hall, eltham state school, eltham trestle bridge, general store, grace mitchell, ice man, joy chapman, lyons garage, margaret harding, milk bar, miss eltham 1965, miss victoria show girl, mount pleasant road, pan man, rodda parade, shops, show girl competition, swimming pool, water hole, yarra river -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Rodda Parade looking towards the creek, 1960. Chapman home to the right, 1960
My Recollections of Eltham Past by Margaret Joy Harding (nee Joy Chapman.) My family of Elizabeth and Alec Chapman moved to Eltham in 1946 into a cottage on the opposite side of the Diamond Creek from where the little train now operates in the Lower Park. At that time Eltham truly was a country town and the Pub was the main meeting place for most inhabitants on a Saturday afternoon in the beer garden. I attended Eltham Primary School where I started as a 4-year-old (my birthday being slightly after the mid-year intake) that happened then. My mother spent a lot of days taking me back to school when I had dismissed myself and walked the one kilomtre home alone. Bremner's Common (now Wingrove Park) was a big attraction with its dam and tad poling which I found much more entertaining than school. (Mrs Bremner ran a Service Station on the site of the current one). Another attraction at this site was the circus that came a couple of times a year. Watching them put up the circus tent was very interesting and even more of an attraction was the feeding of the Lions in cages and the monkeys and elephants among the other animals that are not found in a circus these days. At school then we were provided with hot chocolate at morning recess where the mothers would prepare it in the shelter shed. The only form of classroom heating was an open fire. Worse was the warm milk given in the summer months. By the time I was near finishing at Primary school we used to be able to walk along the Main Road at lunchtime to Mrs. Mitchell's shop to a delicious hot pie. As I recall there was no supervision for this departure from the school grounds. It is interesting that some of the other children I started school with I still have contact with, in fact one is a very good friend although now living in Perth. That is the other thing about Eltham; many who grew up here continue to live in the area. Following primary school, the natural progression was to Eltham High School. There was only the main building at that time and I can remember our first assembly at the front entrance. During the time I was at High School several new class rooms were added and the school hall. I remember the musical plays such as HMS Pinafore and other classical musicals being performed. I also remember countless hours doing marching practice. The main street shops when I was young consisted of the Blue Gum milk bar at the far end, a Grocery store and a shoe maker where Coles currently stands. Opposite there was Lyon's Garage. They also provided a bus service and when we got off the train this little bus would tour the back streets taking each individual to their home, sometimes this could take quite considerable time. There was also a Black Smith next to the Chiropractic Practice opposite Alistair Knox Park, another Milk Bar/General Store on the comer of Bridge Street/Main Road where a shop currently still operates. There was also a Butcher's shop down from the pub opposite Franklin Street. The only doctor was next to the courthouse on the other side of Brougham Street. On Saturday afternoon I was occasionally allowed to go the movies in the Town Hall which also stood on the site of the Coles centre. Often the Fire Alarm would sound and everyone would run outside to watch the fire truck leave with the volunteers clutching on the back. The other attraction during summer of course was the swimming pool which was a small concrete pool filled with water pumped from the Diamond Creek, sometimes it was like a mud puddle so for me the nearer to home Yarra/Diamond Creek junction was a much better option. We swam in the water hole which was quite deep and with fallen trees and sometimes carcasses of cows and kangaroos floating past. As recreation, the churches were another attraction for the Sunday school picnics to Mordialloc in the back of the moving van with benches tied into the back for us to "sit" on. Too bad when we went around a corner! In the early days we had an Ice Man deliver the ice once a week for "refrigeration". The green grocer came around in a horse and cart as did the milkman and the bread was delivered but I constantly got into trouble for eating the middle out on the way from the box it was delivered to in Mt Pleasant road across the paddock. The milkman finally would not come down our street after his horse bolted one morning and took off across the paddock. We also had the "Pan Man" come weekly and whose visit I would avoid. Our nearest shop was where the flower stall is located opposite the Lower Park. It consisted of a Tea Room and Milk Bar. There was a Public Telephone there which was the only contact to anyone else. We were a one car family so my mother’s movements were very limited as the Eltham Station was a couple of kilometres away and a trip to the city was an event. Being an only child growing up was a little lonely however rambling along the creek with my Mum, picking mushrooms and picking cherry plums for jam and the dogs catching rabbits which we ate if we could get them away from the dogs. We also liked to go into the Lower Park during school holidays when the Greek people came to camp and they would sing and dance around the camp fire and it all seemed so different to us as this was early days of immigration. Childhood was relatively simple and carefree and I wish the kids of today had the freedom of my youth and the healthy outdoor lifestyle of the "olden days". SHOW GIRL COMPETITION In 1965 Eltham was more like a country town than the suburb it has become today. People knew each other, if not personally then certainly of the family name. The big event for the year was a Gymkhana or show at Lower Eltham Park. I can remember marching as a teenager from the town centre to the park in the marching girls with the decorated floats. In 1965, just on a whim on the day, I decided to enter the Miss Eltham Show Girl which was a part of the festivities at the park. I seem to remember that the show mainly consisted of horse events, cattle judging and dog show. As I had not given any serious thought to entering the competition, I wore a suit that I had for work which was brown wool, with a coffee coloured shirt under, black shoes, bag, and gloves but no hat. I duly paraded for the judges and much to my surprise I was announced the winner. I eventually went on to compete at the Miss Victoria Show Girl competition which was held at the Royal Melbourne Show. There I met many country girls who were representing their rural Victoria home. I made it into a final round of judging but I think justice prevailed when someone from a country background was crowned. It was fun to go into the show as I had not really been before and to see the displays of handcraft, cooking and wood chopping events was great as well as the judging of farm animals interesting. It is hard to remember the Eltham I grew up in. The Lyons Garage company bus that actually drove you home (or close to it) when we got off the train at night. The Eltham Hotel on a Saturday afternoon a usual social meeting place where people just sat and chatted. The pictures held in the Town Hall and when the fire alarm sounded all the men just jumped up and ran to help. Suburbia has now swallowed most of that life but thankfully we at least do have the trestle bridge and parkland. Digital file only - Black and white photo print on loan for scanning by EDHSalec chapman, annie bremner, blacksmith, bremner's flat, brougham steet, bus services, circus, diamond creek, dianne bell, doctor bradbury, easter gymkhana, elizabeth chapman, eltham high school, eltham hotel, eltham lower park, eltham public hall, eltham state school, eltham trestle bridge, general store, grace mitchell, ice man, joy chapman, lyons garage, margaret harding, milk bar, miss eltham 1965, miss victoria show girl, mount pleasant road, pan man, rodda parade, shops, show girl competition, swimming pool, water hole, yarra river -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Joy Chapman at the river junction, February 1962, Feb 1962
My Recollections of Eltham Past by Margaret Joy Harding (nee Joy Chapman.) My family of Elizabeth and Alec Chapman moved to Eltham in 1946 into a cottage on the opposite side of the Diamond Creek from where the little train now operates in the Lower Park. At that time Eltham truly was a country town and the Pub was the main meeting place for most inhabitants on a Saturday afternoon in the beer garden. I attended Eltham Primary School where I started as a 4-year-old (my birthday being slightly after the mid-year intake) that happened then. My mother spent a lot of days taking me back to school when I had dismissed myself and walked the one kilomtre home alone. Bremner's Common (now Wingrove Park) was a big attraction with its dam and tad poling which I found much more entertaining than school. (Mrs Bremner ran a Service Station on the site of the current one). Another attraction at this site was the circus that came a couple of times a year. Watching them put up the circus tent was very interesting and even more of an attraction was the feeding of the Lions in cages and the monkeys and elephants among the other animals that are not found in a circus these days. At school then we were provided with hot chocolate at morning recess where the mothers would prepare it in the shelter shed. The only form of classroom heating was an open fire. Worse was the warm milk given in the summer months. By the time I was near finishing at Primary school we used to be able to walk along the Main Road at lunchtime to Mrs. Mitchell's shop to a delicious hot pie. As I recall there was no supervision for this departure from the school grounds. It is interesting that some of the other children I started school with I still have contact with, in fact one is a very good friend although now living in Perth. That is the other thing about Eltham; many who grew up here continue to live in the area. Following primary school, the natural progression was to Eltham High School. There was only the main building at that time and I can remember our first assembly at the front entrance. During the time I was at High School several new class rooms were added and the school hall. I remember the musical plays such as HMS Pinafore and other classical musicals being performed. I also remember countless hours doing marching practice. The main street shops when I was young consisted of the Blue Gum milk bar at the far end, a Grocery store and a shoe maker where Coles currently stands. Opposite there was Lyon's Garage. They also provided a bus service and when we got off the train this little bus would tour the back streets taking each individual to their home, sometimes this could take quite considerable time. There was also a Black Smith next to the Chiropractic Practice opposite Alistair Knox Park, another Milk Bar/General Store on the comer of Bridge Street/Main Road where a shop currently still operates. There was also a Butcher's shop down from the pub opposite Franklin Street. The only doctor was next to the courthouse on the other side of Brougham Street. On Saturday afternoon I was occasionally allowed to go the movies in the Town Hall which also stood on the site of the Coles centre. Often the Fire Alarm would sound and everyone would run outside to watch the fire truck leave with the volunteers clutching on the back. The other attraction during summer of course was the swimming pool which was a small concrete pool filled with water pumped from the Diamond Creek, sometimes it was like a mud puddle so for me the nearer to home Yarra/Diamond Creek junction was a much better option. We swam in the water hole which was quite deep and with fallen trees and sometimes carcasses of cows and kangaroos floating past. As recreation, the churches were another attraction for the Sunday school picnics to Mordialloc in the back of the moving van with benches tied into the back for us to "sit" on. Too bad when we went around a corner! In the early days we had an Ice Man deliver the ice once a week for "refrigeration". The green grocer came around in a horse and cart as did the milkman and the bread was delivered but I constantly got into trouble for eating the middle out on the way from the box it was delivered to in Mt Pleasant road across the paddock. The milkman finally would not come down our street after his horse bolted one morning and took off across the paddock. We also had the "Pan Man" come weekly and whose visit I would avoid. Our nearest shop was where the flower stall is located opposite the Lower Park. It consisted of a Tea Room and Milk Bar. There was a Public Telephone there which was the only contact to anyone else. We were a one car family so my mother’s movements were very limited as the Eltham Station was a couple of kilometres away and a trip to the city was an event. Being an only child growing up was a little lonely however rambling along the creek with my Mum, picking mushrooms and picking cherry plums for jam and the dogs catching rabbits which we ate if we could get them away from the dogs. We also liked to go into the Lower Park during school holidays when the Greek people came to camp and they would sing and dance around the camp fire and it all seemed so different to us as this was early days of immigration. Childhood was relatively simple and carefree and I wish the kids of today had the freedom of my youth and the healthy outdoor lifestyle of the "olden days". SHOW GIRL COMPETITION In 1965 Eltham was more like a country town than the suburb it has become today. People knew each other, if not personally then certainly of the family name. The big event for the year was a Gymkhana or show at Lower Eltham Park. I can remember marching as a teenager from the town centre to the park in the marching girls with the decorated floats. In 1965, just on a whim on the day, I decided to enter the Miss Eltham Show Girl which was a part of the festivities at the park. I seem to remember that the show mainly consisted of horse events, cattle judging and dog show. As I had not given any serious thought to entering the competition, I wore a suit that I had for work which was brown wool, with a coffee coloured shirt under, black shoes, bag, and gloves but no hat. I duly paraded for the judges and much to my surprise I was announced the winner. I eventually went on to compete at the Miss Victoria Show Girl competition which was held at the Royal Melbourne Show. There I met many country girls who were representing their rural Victoria home. I made it into a final round of judging but I think justice prevailed when someone from a country background was crowned. It was fun to go into the show as I had not really been before and to see the displays of handcraft, cooking and wood chopping events was great as well as the judging of farm animals interesting. It is hard to remember the Eltham I grew up in. The Lyons Garage company bus that actually drove you home (or close to it) when we got off the train at night. The Eltham Hotel on a Saturday afternoon a usual social meeting place where people just sat and chatted. The pictures held in the Town Hall and when the fire alarm sounded all the men just jumped up and ran to help. Suburbia has now swallowed most of that life but thankfully we at least do have the trestle bridge and parkland. Digital file only - Black and white photo print on loan for scanning by EDHSalec chapman, annie bremner, blacksmith, bremner's flat, brougham steet, bus services, circus, diamond creek, dianne bell, doctor bradbury, easter gymkhana, elizabeth chapman, eltham high school, eltham hotel, eltham lower park, eltham public hall, eltham state school, eltham trestle bridge, general store, grace mitchell, ice man, joy chapman, lyons garage, margaret harding, milk bar, miss eltham 1965, miss victoria show girl, mount pleasant road, pan man, rodda parade, shops, show girl competition, swimming pool, water hole, yarra river -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Albert Jones, Photographer, c.1910
Photo supplied by B. Heddle reproduced on p137 of The Diamond Valley Story by Dianne H. Edwards, Shire of Diamond Valley 1979. "Albert Jones, photographer. Born in 1879, Albert Jones owned the property Golden Glen at Wattle Glen. He was an orchardist and a very busy photographer, travelling over the Diamond Valley area recording everyday events, street scenes, and visiting homes to take family groups. With the help of Claude Burrows, cousin of Mrs Arthur Jones, he built hides from which to photograph local bird life. His hundreds of glass negatives lay forgotten in the basement darkroom until A,J. Spark of Balwyn purchased Golden Glen from Albert Jones's widow in the 1970s. His unclassified negatives are gradually being sorted by Mr Spark. All photos in this book from the Spark/Jones Collection are the work of Albert Jones."Black and white copy of photo printed on glossy photographic paper 30.5 x 40.5 cm (12 x 16 inch); image size approx. 18.5 x 28 cmalbert jones, diamond valley story, golden glen, photographer, wattle glen -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newspaper clipping, Romantic, charming . . . ''SUNNYBROOK', Diamond Valley Local, 31 March, 1954, p4, 1954
Romantic, charming . . . ''SUNNYBROOK'' ON the slope of a hill on the East side of Bolton street and overlooking willows that trail gracefully in a creeklet which shows no great haste to blend with Diamond Creek and so to the Yarra, there stands a great old-fashioned home. Outwardly it speaks of past opulence rather than beauty of design, but the velvet green lawns and the formal neatly weeded rose gardens, the well established trees, tennis courts, wisteria covered pergolas and the great curved fronds of old palms produce an atmosphere that cannot be built-up in less than decades. Here is irresistible old-world charm. The jangle of today cannot penetrate ... it is a place to remember ... a place where events to be remembered have a perfect setting ... it is "Sunnybrook." From the neighbouring ‘Beranto Lodge’ Mrs. Lenne can catch glimpses of ‘Sunnybrook,’ but the old home is well hidden from all quarters and only the faultlessly kept lawn can be seen by the curious. Like many other people, Mrs. Lenne was curious. Who can blame her. ‘Sunnybrook’ is a name to conjure with in Eltham. When the elderly men of the township were young bucks ‘Sunnybrook’ stood alone, a proud home that was known and established. Amongst the simple homes of the valley of the Diamond Creek, ‘Sunnybrook’ was Queen. In the roistering days of the Diamond Valley, when Kangaroo Ground was the seat of the Shire and when five pubs dotted the road from Lower Plenty to the civic centre, ‘Sunnybrook’ was off the track of the boisterous and tipsy. ‘Sunnybrook’ is still off the beaten track . . . but only slightly so; it no longer looks over cow pastures, but the neat, newly built houses which dot the length of the Main Road. They are still no closer than half a mile and while these houses have sprung up the fine trees and shrubs have quietly closed in around the boundaries of ‘Sunnybrook' as if to keep the old place to itself. That is how it has become something to whet the curiosity. When the course of events put the place on the market Mrs. Lenne bought it. When a modern house is bought it is pliable in the sense that the owner moulds it according to personality. It can remain severe, utilitarian and with a little neglect soon run to an ugly shabbiness. But with old 'Sunnybrook' it is different. There is in existence a character indelibly written into every line of the place . . . it is a LOVE OF ENGLAND. Upon ‘Sunnybrook’ has been lavished the devoted love of England to such a degree that it must be seen. The gardens and lawns are formal, and though lovely and speaking of the leisure of past years they are not English . . . they are just lovely, with the beauty that only the long established seem to possess. It is inside ‘Sunnybrook’ that the intense love of England is seen. Years ago the home was bought by a Mr. Martin, who was getting on in years, as a home for his much younger wife. The couple spent thousands of pounds as well as endless care and imagination in the complete redecorating of their home. Oak panelling imported from England was built in. Huge fireplaces shed their Colonial appearance to be become the fireplaces of England . . . and they were so in every sense because they were also imported from England. One lovely specimen whose gracious lines are remarked upon by all who see it, is a certified antique of finest English Oak. Care was taken to see what hand made wrought iron light fittings were in keeping. The old place has three lounge, dining or living rooms according to taste and requirements, and all are bigger than the biggest attempted in a “big” modern home. This does not include an outside living space of ample proportions, all fine flywired in and enclosing a fernery. A turn of a tap and spray as fine as mist is released over the rockery. On a scorching summer day when no relief short of a swim could help ordinary people, the resident of ‘Sunnybrook’ found the coolness of a dell in which to sit and enjoy their evening meal. What is more, the temperature of the whole house could be reduced by merely turning on this extensive spray water system. Yes, comfort to luxury standard is built in. And what happens to 'Sunnybrook' now? Mrs Lenne is famous to thousands for her quite fabulous catering. Her home and her "Wanda Inn" at Hepburn Springs have long been a Mecca for those who want the different in catering . . . different in the sense that every client is treated as a friend, not a customer and the hospitality and attention one would give to an honoured friend is accorded. And the food! – ask anyone who has enjoyed the privilege. Ask those who attended the reception given to Mr. Menzies by Eltham Shire Council; ask those members of the Diamond Valley Chamber of Commerce who enjoyed it! [See EDHS_04736-1/2] There is only one word anyone ever uses . . . “unbelievable!” it must be seen and eaten to be believed. And ‘Sunnybrook’ will ring to the laughter, and offer its spaciousness for the fun of all who join in the happiest occasion in the life of those just married, whose wedding reception is intended to be “remembered.” Mrs. Lenne is a dynamic ball of energy whose enthusiasm is not to be brooked. She has acquired the home of her dreams. 13 March 2020 Note: Historian Stella M. Barber via the GSV members Forum cites that Clair Samwell and Doris Good ran a nursing home in Balwyn called Penquite (1946-1952). Prior to that the women had run a rest home called Beranto in Eltham. Single newsprint page separated rest of paperberanto lodge, bolton street, houses, mrs. lenne, prime minister, properties, robert gordon menzies, sunnybrook -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Book - Scrapbook, Ballarat College of Advanced Education: Scrapbook of newspaper cutting, Book 11; May 1982 to November 1982
Newspaper cuttings relating to Ballarat College of Advanced Education. These are from various newspapers and include The Age, Ballarat Courier, The Australian, The Herald. The cuttings cover the period from 8 May 1982 to 30 November 1982. . Book with grey cover, front. Spiral bound.employment advertisements, application for enrolment, outline of courses, dr dennis else, warning on hearing hazards, sculptures to suit the home, repairs to bcae building, environment the key to good health, potter milton moon, harnessing of wind power, chemistry contest winners, companies help students, mildura shire buys sculpture, peter blizzard, wind power unit, steve palmer, turn on the tap, national safety council award, andrew barnard, work value recognised, stan sweatman, reorganisation for colleges, seminar for tertiary education, hopes come true, bcae new creche, unis out to earn a dollar, open day at bcae, victorian industrial safety convention, dennis else from england, ralph vernon from texas, canoeing display, cinema's great sin, film expert jerzy toeplitz, tim palmer to study in united states, educationalist daryl siedentop from america, life on groote eylandt, wendy berglin, will longstaff ballarat artist, not represented at art gallery, winning with sports psychology, recognition for peter fryar, exercise can save $274m, course in human behaviour, hostel take-over serious threat, beaufort house hostel, sandy blythe, full recognition for bcae librarianship course -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Book - Scrapbook, Ballarat College of Advanced Education: Scrapbook of newspaper cutting, Book 12; November 1982 to May 1983
Newspaper cuttings relating to Ballarat College of Advanced Education. These are from various newspapers and include The Age, Ballarat Courier, The Australian, The Herald. The cuttings cover the period from 30 November 1982 to 19 May 1983. . Book with beige cover, front. Spiral bound.employment advertisements, application for enrolment, outline of courses, new technology, special concerts in founders hall, spiros rantos, exhibition by students, new computer course, electrical engineeringto the fore, beaufort house to remain open, bogus surveys warning, young potters show wares, adolescent drinking, sheryl upton research, ballarat leads in industrial safety, marooned in antarctica, dick richards, student accommodation second priority, victor edward greenhalgh ballarat sculptor, myths about pocket money, rosemary selkirk, women turn to tertiary study, health safety factors in new technology, screen based equipment, breaking the sound barrier, euan pescott achievements despite deafness, mars factory to use wind power, foundry way ceramics display, data bank in ballarat, trading hours truths exposed, fashion and fabric design, greg mannix formerly of ballarat, science courses could be tougher, farmer-turned-teacher, barrymacklin, teachers urged to encourage students, drawn into war, geoff mainwarring, when people need help, anz bank gives new computer, deans meet in ballarat, mining education returns 'home', bcae centre of mining engineering, high technology not a solution, printmaker buys rare old press,