Showing 181 items
matching r cameron
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Ship's Wheel, 1871 or earlier
... of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York... of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York ...The ship building company E. & A. Sewall, from Bath, Maine, USA, built many ships that had wheels with the same decorative, starburst pattern on them as this particular wheel segment, including the Eric the Red. The wheel was manufactured by their local Bath foundry, Geo. Moulton & Co. and sold to the Sewall yard for $100, according to the construction accounts of the vessel. Eric the Red was a wooden, three masted clipper ship. She had 1,580 tons register and was the largest full-rigged ship built at Bath, Maine, USA in 1871. She was built and registered by Arthur Sewall, later to become the partnership E. & A. Sewall, and was the 51st ship built by this company. The annually-published List of Merchant Vessels of the U.S. shows that Bath was still the home port of Eric the Red in 1880. The vessel was named after the Viking discoverer, Eric the Red, who was the first European to reach the shores of North America (in 980AD). The ship Eric the Red at first traded in coal between America and Britain, and later traded in guano nitrates from South America. In 1879 she was re-metalled and was in first class condition. On 10th June 1880 (some records say 12th June) Eric the Red departed New York for Melbourne and then Sydney. She had been commissioned by American trade representatives to carry a special cargo of 500 exhibits (1400 tons) - about a quarter to a third of America’s total exhibits - from America for the U.S.A. pavilion at Melbourne’s first International Exhibition. The exhibits included furniture, ironmongery, wines, chemicals, dental and surgical instruments, paper, cages, bronze lamp trimmings, axles, stamped ware, astronomical and time globes, samples of corn and the choicest of leaf tobacco. Other general cargo included merchandise such as cases of kerosene and turpentine, brooms, Bristol's Sarsaparilla, Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, Wheeler’s thresher machine, axe handles and tools, cases of silver plate, toys, pianos and organs, carriages and Yankee notions. The Eric the Red left New York under the command of Captain Z. Allen (or some records say Captain Jacques Allen) and 24 other crew including the owner’s son third mate Ned Sewall. There were 2 saloon passengers also. On 4th September 1880 the ship had been sailing for an uneventful 85 days and the voyage was almost at its end. Eric the Red approached Cape Otway in a moderate north-west wind and hazy and overcast atmosphere. Around 1:30am Captain Allen sighted the Cape Otway light and was keeping the ship 5-6 miles offshore to stay clear of the hazardous Otway Reef. However he had badly misjudged his position. The ship hit the Otway Reef about 2 miles out to sea, south west of the Cape Otway light station. Captain Allen ordered the wheel to be put ‘hard up’ thinking that she might float off the reef. A heavy sea knocked the man away from the wheel, broke the wheel ropes and carried away the rudder. The sea swamped the lifeboats, the mizzenmast fell, with all of its rigging, then the mainmast fell and the ship broke in two. Some said that the passenger Vaughan, who was travelling for his health and not very strong, was washed overboard and never seen again. The ship started breaking up. The forward house came adrift with three of the crew on it as well as a longboat, which the men succeeded in launching and keeping afloat by continually bailing with their sea boots. The captain, the third mate (the owner’s son) and others clung to the mizzenmast in the sea. Then the owner’s son was washed away off the mast. Within 10 minutes the rest of the ship was in pieces, completely wrecked, with cargo and wreckage floating in the sea. The captain encouraged the second mate to swim with him to the deckhouse where there were other crew but the second mate wouldn’t go with him. Eventually the Captain made it to the deckhouse and the men pulled him up. At about 4:30am the group of men on the deckhouse saw the lights of a steamer and called for help. At the same time they noticed the second mate and the other man had drifted nearby, still on the spur, and pulled them both onto the wreck. The coastal steamer Dawn was returning to Warrnambool from Melbourne, its sailing time different to its usual schedule. Cries were heard coming from out of the darkness. Captain Jones sent out two life boats, and fired off rockets and blue lights to illuminate the area. They picked up the three survivors who were in the long boat from Eric the Red. Two men were picked up out of the water, one being the owner’s son who was clinging to floating kerosene boxes. At daylight the Dawn then rescued the 18 men from the floating portion of the deckhouse, which had drifted about 4 miles from where they’d struck the reef. Shortly after the rescue the deckhouse drifted onto breakers and was thrown onto rocks at Point Franklin, about 2 miles east of Cape Otway. Captain Jones had signalled to Cape Otway lighthouse the number of the Eric the Red and later signalled that there was a wreck at Otway Reef but there was no response from the lighthouse. The captain and crew of the Dawn spent several more hours searching unsuccessfully for more survivors, even going back as far as Apollo Bay. On board the Dawn the exhausted men received care and attention to their needs and wants, including much needed clothing. Captain Allen was amongst the 23 battered and injured men who were rescued and later taken to Warrnambool for care. Warrnambool’s mayor and town clerk offered them all hospitality, the three badly injured men going to the hospital and others to the Olive Branch Hotel, then on to Melbourne. Captain Allen’s leg injury prevented him from going ashore so he and three other men travelled on the Dawn to Portland. They were met by the mayor who also treated them all with great kindness. Captain Allen took the train back to Melbourne then returned to America. Those saved were Captain Z. Allen (or Jacques Allen), J. Darcy chief mate, James F. Lawrence second mate, Ned Sewall third mate and owner’s son, John French the cook, C. Nelson sail maker, Clarence W. New passenger, and the able seamen Dickenson, J. Black, Denis White, C. Herbert, C. Thompson, A. Brooks, D. Wilson, J. Ellis, Q. Thompson, C. Newman, W. Paul, J. Davis, M. Horenleng, J. Ogduff, T. W. Drew, R. Richardson. Four men had lost their lives; three of them were crew (Gus Dahlgreen ship’s carpenter, H. Ackman steward, who drowned in his cabin, and George Silver seaman) and one a passenger (J. B. Vaughan). The body of one of them had been found washed up at Cape Otway and was later buried in the lighthouse cemetery; another body was seen on an inaccessible ledge. Twelve months later the second mate James F. Lawrence, from Nova Scotia, passed away in the Warrnambool district; an obituary was displayed in the local paper. The captain and crew of the Dawn were recognised by the United States Government in July 1881 for their humane efforts and bravery, being thanked and presented with substantial monetary rewards, medals and gifts. Neither the ship, nor its cargo, was insured. The ship was worth about £15,000 and the cargo was reportedly worth £40,000; only about £2,000 worth had been recovered. Cargo and wreckage washed up at Apollo Bay, Peterborough, Port Campbell, Western Port and according to some reports, even as far away as the beaches of New Zealand. The day after the wreck the government steam ship Pharos was sent from Queenscliff to clear the shipping lanes of debris that could be a danger to ships. The large midship deckhouse of the ship was found floating in a calm sea near Henty Reef. Items such as an American chair, a ladder and a nest of boxes were all on top of the deckhouse. As it was so large and could cause danger to passing ships, Captain Payne had the deckhouse towed towards the shore just beyond Apollo Bay. Between Apollo Bay and Blanket Bay the captain and crew of Pharos collected Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, nests of boxes, bottles of Bristol’s sarsaparilla, pieces of common American chairs, axe handles, a Wheelers’ Patent thresher and a sailor’s trunk with the words “A. James” on the front. A ship’s flag-board bearing the words “Eric the Red” was found on the deckhouse; finally those on board the Pharos had the name of the wrecked vessel. During this operation Pharos came across the government steamer Victoria and also a steamer S.S. Otway, both of which were picking up flotsam and wreckage. A whole side of the hull and three large pieces of the other side of the hull, with some of the copper sheathing stripped off, had floated on to Point Franklin. Some of the vessels yards and portions of her masts were on shore. The pieces of canvas attached to the yards and masts confirmed that the vessel had been under sail. The beach there was piled with debris several feet high. There were many cases of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York. There were also many large planks of red pine, portions of a small white boat and a large, well-used oar. Other items found ashore included sewing machines (some consigned to ‘Long and Co.”) and notions, axe and scythe handles, hay forks, wooden pegs, rolls of wire (some branded “T.S” and Co, Melbourne”), kegs of nails branded “A.T. and Co.” from the factory of A. Field and Son, Taunton, Massachusetts, croquet balls and mallets, buggy fittings, rat traps, perfumery, cutlery and Douay Bibles, clocks, bicycles, chairs, a fly wheel, a cooking stove, timber, boxes, pianos, organs and a ladder. (Wooden clothes pegs drifted in for many years). There seemed to be no personal luggage or clothing. The Pharos encountered a long line, about one and a half miles, of floating wreckage about 10 miles off land, south east of Cape Otway, and in some places about 40 feet wide. It seemed that more than half of it was from Eric the Red. The ship’s crew rescued 3 cases that were for the Melbourne Exhibition and other items from amongst the debris. There were also chairs, doors, musical instruments, washing boards, nests of trunks and fly catchers floating in the sea. Most of the goods were saturated and smelt of kerosene. A section of the hull lies buried in the sand at Parker River Beach. An anchor with chain is embedded in the rocks east of Point Franklin and a second anchor, thought to be from Eric the Red, is on display at the Cape Otway light station. (There is a photograph of a life belt on the verandah of Rivernook Guest House in Princetown with the words “ERIC THE RED / BOSTON”. This is rather a mystery as the ship was registered in Bath, Maine, USA.) Parts of the ship are on display at Bimbi Park Caravan Park and at Apollo Bay Museum. Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village also has part of the helm (steering wheel), a carved wooden sword (said to be the only remaining portion of the ship’s figurehead; further research is currently being carried out), a door, a metal rod, samples of wood and a medal for bravery. Much of the wreckage was recovered by the local residents before police and other authorities arrived at the scene. Looters went to great effort to salvage goods, being lowered down the high cliff faces to areas with little or no beach to collect items from the wreckage, their mates above watching out for dangerous waves. A Tasmanian newspaper reports on a court case in Stawell, Victoria, noting a man who was caught 2 months later selling tobacco from the wreckage of Eric the Red. Some of the silverware is still treasured by descendants of Mr Mackenzie who was given these items by officials for his help in securing the cargo. The gifts included silver coffee and tea pots, half a dozen silver serviette rings and two sewing machines. The wreck and cargo were sold to a Melbourne man who salvaged a quantity of high quality tobacco and dental and surgical instruments. Timbers from the ship were salvaged and used in the construction of houses and sheds around Apollo Bay, including a guest house, Milford House (since burnt down in bushfires), which had furniture, fittings and timber on the dining room floor from the ship. A 39.7 foot long trading ketch, the Apollo, was also built from its timbers by Mr Burgess in 1883 and subsequently used in Tasmanian waters. It was the first attempt at ship building in Apollo bay. In 1881 a red light was installed about 300 feet above sea level at the base of the Cape Otway lighthouse to warn ships when they were too close to shore; It would not be visible unless a ship came within 3 miles from it. This has proved to be an effective warning. The State Library of Victoria has a lithograph in its collection depicting the steamer Dawn and the shipwrecked men, titled. "Wreck of the ship Eric the Red, Cape Otway: rescue of the crew by the Dawn". “The Eric the Red is historically significant as one of Victoria's major 19th century shipwrecks. (Heritage Victoria Eric the Red; HV ID 239) The wreck led to the provision of an additional warning light placed below the Cape Otway lighthouse to alert mariners to the location of Otway Reef. The site is archaeologically significant for its remains of a large and varied cargo and ship's fittings being scattered over a wide area. The site is recreationally and aesthetically significant as it is one of the few sites along this coast where tourists can visit identifiable remains of a large wooden shipwreck, and for its location set against the background of Cape Otway, Bass Strait, and the Cape Otway lighthouse.“ (Victorian Heritage Database Registration Number S239, Official Number 8745 USA) Segment of a ship's wheel, or helm, from the wreck of the sailing ship Eric the Red. The wheel part is an arc shape from the outer rim of the wheel and is made up of three layers of timber. The centre layer is a dark, dense timber and is wider than the two outer layers, which are less dense and lighter in colour. The wheel segment has a vertically symmetrical, decorative copper plate inlaid on the front. The plate has a starburst pattern; six stars decorate it, each at a point where there is a metal fitting going through the three layers of timber to the rear side of the wheel. On the rear each of the six fittings has an individual copper star around it. The edges of the helm are rounded and bevelled, polished to a shine in a dark stain. Around each of the stars, front and back, the wood is a lighter colour, as though the metal in that area being polished frequently. The length of the segment suggests that it has probably come from a wheel or helm that had ten spokes. (Ref: F.H.M.M. 16th March 1994, 239.6.610.3.7. Artefact Reg No ER/1.)flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, ship's-wheel, eric-the-red, helm, shei's wheel, ship's steering wheel -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Furniture - Door, 1871 or earlier
... of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York... of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York ...The wooden door was salvaged from the wreck of the sailing ship Eric the Red, which was a wooden, three masted clipper ship. Eric the Red was the largest full-rigged ship built at Bath, Maine, USA in 1871, having had a 1,580 tons register. She was built and registered by Arthur Sewall, later to become the partnership E. & A. Sewall, the 51st ship built by this company. The annually-published List of Merchant Vessels of the U.S. shows Bath was still the home port of Eric the Red in 1880. The vessel was named after the Viking discoverer, Eric the Red, who was the first European to reach the shores of North America (in 980AD). The ship Eric the Red at first traded in coal between America and Britain, and later traded in guano nitrates from South America. In 1879 she was re-metalled and was in first class condition. On 10th June 1880 (some records say 12th June) Eric the Red departed New York for Melbourne and then Sydney. She had been commissioned by American trade representatives to carry a special cargo of 500 exhibits (1400 tons) – about a quarter to a third of America’s total exhibits - from America for the U.S.A. pavilion at Melbourne’s first International Exhibition. The exhibits included furniture, ironmongery, wines, chemicals, dental and surgical instruments, paper, cages, bronze lamp trimmings, axles, stamped ware, astronomical and time globes, samples of corn and the choicest of leaf tobacco. Other general cargo included merchandise such as cases of kerosene and turpentine, brooms, Bristol's Sarsaparilla, Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, Wheeler’s thresher machine, axe handles and tools, cases of silver plate, toys, pianos and organs, carriages and Yankee notions. The Eric the Red left New York under the command of Captain Z. Allen (or some records say Captain Jacques Allen) and 24 other crew including the owner’s son third mate Ned Sewall. There were 2 saloon passengers also. The ship had been sailing for an uneventful 85 days and the voyage was almost at its end. On 4th September 1880 the Eric the Red approached Cape Otway with a moderate north-west wind and hazy and overcast atmosphere. Around 1:30am Captain Allen sighted the Cape Otway light and was keeping the ship 5-6 miles offshore to stay clear of the hazardous Otway Reef. However he had badly misjudged his position. The ship hit the Otway Reef about 2 miles out to sea, south west of the Cape Otway light station. He ordered the wheel to be put ‘hard up’ thinking that she might float off the reef. A heavy sea knocked the man away from the wheel, broke the wheel ropes and carried away the rudder. The sea swamped the lifeboats. The mizzenmast fell, with all of its rigging, then the mainmast also fell and the ship broke in two. Some said that the passenger Vaughan, who was travelling for his health and not very strong, was washed overboard and never seen again. The ship started breaking up. The forward house came adrift with three of the crew on it as well as a longboat, which the men succeeded in launching and keeping afloat by continually bailing with their sea boots. The captain, the third mate (the owner’s son) and others clung to the mizzenmast in the sea. Then the owner’s son was washed away off the mast. Within 10 minutes the rest of the ship was in pieces, completely wrecked, with cargo and wreckage floating in the sea. The captain encouraged the second mate to swim with him to the deckhouse where there were other crew but the second mate wouldn’t go with him. Eventually the Captain made it to the deckhouse and the men pulled him up. At about 4:30am the group of men on the deckhouse saw the lights of a steamer and called for help. At the same time they noticed the second mate and the other man had drifted nearby, still on the spur, and pulled them both onto the wreck. The coastal steamer Dawn was returning to Warrnambool from Melbourne, its sailing time different to its usual schedule. Captain Jones sent out two life boats, and fired off rockets and blue lights to illuminate the area. They picked up the three survivors who were in the long boat from Eric the Red. Two men were picked up out of the water, one being the owner’s son who was clinging to floating kerosene boxes. At daylight the Dawn then rescued the 18 men from the floating portion of the deckhouse, which had drifted about 4 miles from where they’d struck the reef. Shortly after the rescue the deckhouse drifted onto breakers and was thrown onto rocks at Point Franklin, about 2 miles east of Cape Otway. Captain Jones had signalled to Cape Otway lighthouse the number of the Eric the Red and later signalled that there was a wreck at Otway Reef but there was no response from the lighthouse. The captain and crew of the Dawn spent several more hours searching unsuccessfully for more survivors, even going back as far as Apollo Bay. On board the Dawn the exhausted men received care and attention to their needs and wants, including much needed clothing. Captain Allen was amongst the 23 battered and injured men who were rescued and later taken to Warrnambool for care. Warrnambool’s mayor and town clerk offered them all hospitality, the three badly injured men going to the hospital for care and others to the Olive Branch Hotel, then on to Melbourne. Captain Allen’s leg injury prevented him from going ashore so he and three other men travelled on the Dawn to Portland. They were met by the mayor who also treated them all with great kindness. Captain Allen took the train back to Melbourne then returned to America. Those saved were Captain Z. Allen (or Jacques Allen), J. Darcy chief mate, James F. Lawrence second mate, Ned Sewall third mate and owner’s son, John French the cook, C. Nelson sail maker, Clarence W. New passenger, and the able seamen Dickenson, J. Black, Denis White, C. Herbert, C. Thompson, A. Brooks, D. Wilson, J. Ellis, Q. Thompson, C. Newman, W. Paul, J. Davis, M. Horenleng, J. Ogduff, T. W. Drew, R. Richardson. Four men had lost their lives; three of them were crew (Gus Dahlgreen ship’s carpenter, H. Ackman steward, who drowned in his cabin, and George Silver seaman) and one a passenger (J. B. Vaughan). The body of one of them had been found washed up at Cape Otway and was later buried in the lighthouse cemetery; another body was seen on an inaccessible ledge. Twelve months later the second mate James F. Lawrence, from Nova Scotia, passed away in the Warrnambool district; an obituary was displayed in the local paper. The captain and crew of the Dawn were recognised by the United States Government in July 1881 for their humane efforts, being thanked and presented with substantial monetary rewards, medals and gifts. Neither the ship, nor its cargo, was insured. The ship was worth about £15,000 and the cargo was reportedly worth £40,000; only about £2,000 worth had been recovered. Cargo and wreckage washed up at Apollo Bay, Peterborough, Port Campbell, Western Port and according to some reports, even as far away as the beaches of New Zealand. The day after the wreck the government steam ship Pharos was sent from Queenscliff to clear the shipping lanes of debris that could be a danger to ships. The large midship deckhouse of the ship was found floating in a calm sea near Henty Reef. Items such as an American chair, a ladder and a nest of boxes were all on top of the deckhouse. As it was so large and could cause danger to passing ships, Captain Payne had the deckhouse towed towards the shore just beyond Apollo Bay. Between Apollo Bay and Blanket Bay the captain and crew of Pharos collected Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, nests of boxes, bottles of Bristol’s sarsaparilla, pieces of common American chairs, axe handles, a Wheelers’ Patent thresher and a sailor’s trunk with the words “A. James” on the front. A ship’s flag-board bearing the words “Eric the Red” was found on the deckhouse; finally those on board the Pharos had the name of the wrecked vessel. During this operation Pharos came across the government steamer Victoria and also a steamer S.S. Otway, both of which were picking up flotsam and wreckage. A whole side of the hull and three large pieces of the other side of the hull, with some of the copper sheathing stripped off, had floated on to Point Franklin. Some of the vessels yards and portions of her masts were on shore. The pieces of canvas attached to the yards and masts confirmed that the vessel had been under sail. The beach there was piled with debris several feet high. There were many cases of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York. There were also many large planks of red pine, portions of a small white boat and a large, well-used oar. Other items found ashore included sewing machines (some consigned to ‘Long and Co.”) and notions, axe and scythe handles, hay forks, wooden pegs, rolls of wire (some branded “T.S” and Co, Melbourne”), kegs of nails branded “A.T. and Co.” from the factory of A. Field and Son, Taunton, Massachusetts, croquet balls and mallets, buggy fittings, rat traps, perfumery, cutlery and Douay Bibles, clocks, bicycles, chairs, a fly wheel, a cooking stove, timber, boxes, pianos, organs and a ladder. (Wooden clothes pegs drifted in for many years). There seemed to be no personal luggage or clothing. The Pharos encountered a long line, about one and a half miles, of floating wreckage about 10 miles off land, south east of Cape Otway, and in some places about 40 feet wide. It seemed that more than half of it was from Eric the Red. The ship’s crew rescued 3 cases that were for the Melbourne Exhibition and other items from amongst the debris. There were also chairs, doors, musical instruments, washing boards, nests of trunks and fly catchers floating in the sea. Most of the goods were saturated and smelt of kerosene. A section of the hull lies buried in the sand at Parker River Beach. An anchor with chain is embedded in the rocks east of Point Franklin and a second anchor, thought to be from Eric the Red, is on display at the Cape Otway light station. (There is a photograph of a life belt on the verandah of Rivernook Guest House in Princetown with the words “ERIC THE RED / BOSTON”. This is rather a mystery as the ship was registered in Bath, Maine, USA.) Parts of the ship are on display at Bimbi Park Caravan Park and at Apollo Bay Museum. Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village also has part of the helm (steering wheel), a carved wooden sword (said to be the only remaining portion of the ship’s figurehead; further research is currently being carried out), a door, a metal rod and samples of wood. Much of the wreckage was recovered by the local residents before police and other authorities arrived at the scene. Looters went to great effort to salvage goods, being lowered down the high cliff faces to areas with little or no beach to collect items from the wreckage, their mates above watching out for dangerous waves. A Tasmanian newspaper reports on a court case in Stawell, Victoria, noting a man who was caught 2 months later selling tobacco from the wreckage of Eric the Red. Some of the silverware is still treasured by descendants of Mr Mackenzie who was given these items by officials for his help in securing the cargo. The gifts included silver coffee and tea pots, half a dozen silver serviette rings and two sewing machines. The wreck and cargo were sold to a Melbourne man who salvaged a quantity of high quality tobacco and dental and surgical instruments. Timbers from the ship were salvaged and used in the construction of houses and sheds around Apollo Bay, including a guest house, Milford House (since burnt down in bushfires), which had furniture, fittings and timber on the dining room floor from the ship. A 39.7 foot long trading ketch, the Apollo, was also built from its timbers by Mr Burgess in 1883 and subsequently used in Tasmanian waters. It was the first attempt at ship building in Apollo bay. In 1881 a red light was installed about 300 feet above sea level at the base of the Cape Otway lighthouse to warn ships when they were too close to shore; It would not be visible unless a ship came within 3 miles from it. This has proved to be an effective warning. The State Library of Victoria has a lithograph in its collection depicting the steamer Dawn and the shipwrecked men, titled. "Wreck of the ship Eric the Red, Cape Otway: rescue of the crew by the Dawn". “The Eric the Red is historically significant as one of Victoria's major 19th century shipwrecks. (Heritage Victoria Eric the Red; HV ID 239) The wreck led to the provision of an additional warning light placed below the Cape Otway lighthouse to alert mariners to the location of Otway Reef. The site is archaeologically significant for its remains of a large and varied cargo and ship's fittings being scattered over a wide area. The site is recreationally and aesthetically significant as it is one of the few sites along this coast where tourists can visit identifiable remains of a large wooden shipwreck, and for its location set against the background of Cape Otway, Bass Strait, and the Cape Otway lighthouse.“ (Victorian Heritage Database Registration Number S239, Official Number 8745 USA) Door from the wreck of the ship Eric the Red. The wooden singular rectangular door includes three insert panel sections. The top section is square shaped and is missing its panel or glass. The centre timber panel is about a third of the height of the top panel and the bottom timber panel is approximately equal in height to the total height of the two upper panels. The door fastenings include both a metal door latch and traditional door bolt. They are both attached to the front right hand side of the door. The bolt is just below the top panel, and the door latch is in approximately the centre of that side. The door latch has a round mark where a handle could have been attached. The wood of the door has scraping marks in a semi-circle around the door latch where the latch has swung around on its one remaining fastening and grazed the surface. There is a metal hinge at the top section of the door on the opposite side to the latch. The painted surface has been scraped back to expose the wood. The door is shorter than the average height of a person. On the reverse of the door there are lines on the panels, just inside their edges, is what appears to be pencil. The door is not aligned straight but is skew to centre.warrnambool, flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime village, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, great ocean road, shipwreck artefact, eric the red, jaques allen, sewall, 1880, melbourne exhibition 1880, cape otway, otway reef, victorian shipwreck, bass strait, eric-the-red, door -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Decorative object - Sword, 1871 or earlier
... of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York... of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York ...This wooden sword is said to “possibly be the only remaining part of the figurehead from the sailing ship Eric the Red.” It was previously part of the collection of the old Warrnambool Museum and the entry in its inventory says “Wooden sword, portion of the figurehead, held by “Eric the Red” at the bow.” A large part of the ship’s hull was found on the rocks and a figurehead may have been attached or washed up on the shore. The shipping records for E. & A. Sewall, the builders, owners and managers of Eric the Red, are now preserved in the Maine Maritime Museum. There is no photograph on record of Eric the Red but photographs of other ships built around that time by the same company show that these did not have figureheads, and there is no record found of a figurehead for Eric the Red being ordered or paid for. Further research is being carried out. The ship building company E. & A. Sewall, from Bath, Maine, USA, built Eric the Red, a wooden, three masted clipper ship. She had 1,580 tons register and was the largest full-rigged ship built at Bath, Maine, USA in 1871. She was built and registered by Arthur Sewall, later to become the partnership E. & A. Sewall, and was the 51st ship built by this company. The annually-published List of Merchant Vessels of the U.S. shows that Bath was still the home port of Eric the Red in 1880. The vessel was named after the Viking discoverer, Eric the Red, who was the first European to reach the shores of North America (in 980AD). The ship Eric the Red at first traded in coal between America and Britain, and later traded in guano nitrates from South America. In 1879 she was re-metalled and was in first class condition. On 10th June 1880 (some records say 12th June) Eric the Red departed New York for Melbourne and then Sydney. She had been commissioned by American trade representatives to carry a special cargo of 500 exhibits (1400 tons) - about a quarter to a third of America’s total exhibits - from America for the U.S.A. pavilion at Melbourne’s first International Exhibition. The exhibits included furniture, ironmongery, wines, chemicals, dental and surgical instruments, paper, cages, bronze lamp trimmings, axles, stamped ware, astronomical and time globes, samples of corn and the choicest of leaf tobacco. Other general cargo included merchandise such as cases of kerosene and turpentine, brooms, Bristol's Sarsaparilla, Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, Wheeler’s thresher machine, axe handles and tools, cases of silver plate, toys, pianos and organs, carriages and Yankee notions. The Eric the Red left New York under the command of Captain Z. Allen (or some records say Captain Jacques Allen) and 24 other crew including the owner’s son third mate Ned Sewall. There were 2 saloon passengers also. On 4th September 1880 the ship had been sailing for an uneventful 85 days and the voyage was almost at its end. Eric the Red approached Cape Otway in a moderate north-west wind and hazy and overcast atmosphere. Around 1:30am Captain Allen sighted the Cape Otway light and was keeping the ship 5-6 miles offshore to stay clear of the hazardous Otway Reef. However he had badly misjudged his position. The ship hit the Otway Reef about 2 miles out to sea, south west of the Cape Otway light station. Captain Allen ordered the wheel to be put ‘hard up’ thinking that she might float off the reef. A heavy sea knocked the man away from the wheel, broke the wheel ropes and carried away the rudder. The sea swamped the lifeboats, the mizzenmast fell, with all of its rigging, then the mainmast fell and the ship broke in two. Some said that the passenger Vaughan, who was travelling for his health and not very strong, was washed overboard and never seen again. The ship started breaking up. The forward house came adrift with three of the crew on it as well as a longboat, which the men succeeded in launching and keeping afloat by continually bailing with their sea boots. The captain, the third mate (the owner’s son) and others clung to the mizzenmast in the sea. Then the owner’s son was washed away off the mast. Within 10 minutes the rest of the ship was in pieces, completely wrecked, with cargo and wreckage floating in the sea. The captain encouraged the second mate to swim with him to the deckhouse where there were other crew but the second mate wouldn’t go with him. Eventually the Captain made it to the deckhouse and the men pulled him up. At about 4:30am the group of men on the deckhouse saw the lights of a steamer and called for help. At the same time they noticed the second mate and the other man had drifted nearby, still on the spur, and pulled them both onto the wreck. The coastal steamer Dawn was returning to Warrnambool from Melbourne, its sailing time different to its usual schedule. Cries were heard coming from out of the darkness. Captain Jones sent out two life boats, and fired off rockets and blue lights to illuminate the area. They picked up the three survivors who were in the long boat from Eric the Red. Two men were picked up out of the water, one being the owner’s son who was clinging to floating kerosene boxes. At daylight the Dawn then rescued the 18 men from the floating portion of the deckhouse, which had drifted about 4 miles from where they’d struck the reef. Shortly after the rescue the deckhouse drifted onto breakers and was thrown onto rocks at Point Franklin, about 2 miles east of Cape Otway. Captain Jones had signalled to Cape Otway lighthouse the number of the Eric the Red and later signalled that there was a wreck at Otway Reef but there was no response from the lighthouse. The captain and crew of the Dawn spent several more hours searching unsuccessfully for more survivors, even going back as far as Apollo Bay. On board the Dawn the exhausted men received care and attention to their needs and wants, including much needed clothing. Captain Allen was amongst the 23 battered and injured men who were rescued and later taken to Warrnambool for care. Warrnambool’s mayor and town clerk offered them all hospitality, the three badly injured men going to the hospital and others to the Olive Branch Hotel, then on to Melbourne. Captain Allen’s leg injury prevented him from going ashore so he and three other men travelled on the Dawn to Portland. They were met by the mayor who also treated them all with great kindness. Captain Allen took the train back to Melbourne then returned to America. Those saved were Captain Z. Allen (or Jacques Allen), J. Darcy chief mate, James F. Lawrence second mate, Ned Sewall third mate and owner’s son, John French the cook, C. Nelson sail maker, Clarence W. New passenger, and the able seamen Dickenson, J. Black, Denis White, C. Herbert, C. Thompson, A. Brooks, D. Wilson, J. Ellis, Q. Thompson, C. Newman, W. Paul, J. Davis, M. Horenleng, J. Ogduff, T. W. Drew, R. Richardson. Four men had lost their lives; three of them were crew (Gus Dahlgreen ship’s carpenter, H. Ackman steward, who drowned in his cabin, and George Silver seaman) and one a passenger (J. B. Vaughan). The body of one of them had been found washed up at Cape Otway and was later buried in the lighthouse cemetery; another body was seen on an inaccessible ledge. Twelve months later the second mate James F. Lawrence, from Nova Scotia, passed away in the Warrnambool district; an obituary was displayed in the local paper. The captain and crew of the Dawn were recognised by the United States Government in July 1881 for their humane efforts and bravery, being thanked and presented with substantial monetary rewards, medals and gifts. Neither the ship, nor its cargo, was insured. The ship was worth about £15,000 and the cargo was reportedly worth £40,000; only about £2,000 worth had been recovered. Cargo and wreckage washed up at Apollo Bay, Peterborough, Port Campbell, Western Port and according to some reports, even as far away as the beaches of New Zealand. The day after the wreck the government steam ship Pharos was sent from Queenscliff to clear the shipping lanes of debris that could be a danger to ships. The large midship deckhouse of the ship was found floating in a calm sea near Henty Reef. Items such as an American chair, a ladder and a nest of boxes were all on top of the deckhouse. As it was so large and could cause danger to passing ships, Captain Payne had the deckhouse towed towards the shore just beyond Apollo Bay. Between Apollo Bay and Blanket Bay the captain and crew of Pharos collected Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, nests of boxes, bottles of Bristol’s sarsaparilla, pieces of common American chairs, axe handles, a Wheelers’ Patent thresher and a sailor’s trunk with the words “A. James” on the front. A ship’s flag-board bearing the words “Eric the Red” was found on the deckhouse; finally those on board the Pharos had the name of the wrecked vessel. During this operation Pharos came across the government steamer Victoria and also a steamer S.S. Otway, both of which were picking up flotsam and wreckage. A whole side of the hull and three large pieces of the other side of the hull, with some of the copper sheathing stripped off, had floated on to Point Franklin. Some of the vessels yards and portions of her masts were on shore. The pieces of canvas attached to the yards and masts confirmed that the vessel had been under sail. The beach there was piled with debris several feet high. There were many cases of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York. There were also many large planks of red pine, portions of a small white boat and a large, well-used oar. Other items found ashore included sewing machines (some consigned to ‘Long and Co.”) and notions, axe and scythe handles, hay forks, wooden pegs, rolls of wire (some branded “T.S” and Co, Melbourne”), kegs of nails branded “A.T. and Co.” from the factory of A. Field and Son, Taunton, Massachusetts, croquet balls and mallets, buggy fittings, rat traps, perfumery, cutlery and Douay Bibles, clocks, bicycles, chairs, a fly wheel, a cooking stove, timber, boxes, pianos, organs and a ladder. (Wooden clothes pegs drifted in for many years). There seemed to be no personal luggage or clothing. The Pharos encountered a long line, about one and a half miles, of floating wreckage about 10 miles off land, south east of Cape Otway, and in some places about 40 feet wide. It seemed that more than half of it was from Eric the Red. The ship’s crew rescued 3 cases that were for the Melbourne Exhibition and other items from amongst the debris. There were also chairs, doors, musical instruments, washing boards, nests of trunks and fly catchers floating in the sea. Most of the goods were saturated and smelt of kerosene. A section of the hull lies buried in the sand at Parker River Beach. An anchor with chain is embedded in the rocks east of Point Franklin and a second anchor, thought to be from Eric the Red, is on display at the Cape Otway light station. (There is a photograph of a life belt on the verandah of Rivernook Guest House in Princetown with the words “ERIC THE RED / BOSTON”. This is rather a mystery as the ship was registered in Bath, Maine, USA.) Parts of the ship are on display at Bimbi Park Caravan Park and at Apollo Bay Museum. Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village also has part of the helm (steering wheel), a carved wooden sword (said to be the only remaining portion of the ship’s figurehead; further research is currently being carried out), a door, a metal rod, samples of wood and a medal for bravery. Much of the wreckage was recovered by the local residents before police and other authorities arrived at the scene. Looters went to great effort to salvage goods, being lowered down the high cliff faces to areas with little or no beach to collect items from the wreckage, their mates above watching out for dangerous waves. A Tasmanian newspaper reports on a court case in Stawell, Victoria, noting a man who was caught 2 months later selling tobacco from the wreckage of Eric the Red. Some of the silverware is still treasured by descendants of Mr Mackenzie who was given these items by officials for his help in securing the cargo. The gifts included silver coffee and tea pots, half a dozen silver serviette rings and two sewing machines. The wreck and cargo were sold to a Melbourne man who salvaged a quantity of high quality tobacco and dental and surgical instruments. Timbers from the ship were salvaged and used in the construction of houses and sheds around Apollo Bay, including a guest house, Milford House (since burnt down in bushfires), which had furniture, fittings and timber on the dining room floor from the ship. A 39.7 foot long trading ketch, the Apollo, was also built from its timbers by Mr Burgess in 1883 and subsequently used in Tasmanian waters. It was the first attempt at ship building in Apollo bay. In 1881 a red light was installed about 300 feet above sea level at the base of the Cape Otway lighthouse to warn ships when they were too close to shore; It would not be visible unless a ship came within 3 miles from it. This has proved to be an effective warning. The State Library of Victoria has a lithograph in its collection depicting the steamer Dawn and the shipwrecked men, titled. "Wreck of the ship Eric the Red, Cape Otway: rescue of the crew by the Dawn".The Eric the Red is historically significant as one of Victoria's major 19th century shipwrecks. (Heritage Victoria Eric the Red; HV ID 239) The wreck led to the provision of an additional warning light placed below the Cape Otway lighthouse to alert mariners to the location of Otway Reef. The site is archaeologically significant for its remains of a large and varied cargo and ship's fittings being scattered over a wide area. The site is recreationally and aesthetically significant as it is one of the few sites along this coast where tourists can visit identifiable remains of a large wooden shipwreck, and for its location set against the background of Cape Otway, Bass Strait, and the Cape Otway lighthouse. (Victorian Heritage Database Registration Number S239, Official Number 8745 USA)This carved wooden sword, recovered from the Eric the Red, is possibly the only portion of the figurehead recovered after the wreck. There are spirals carved from the base of the handle to the top of the sword. The hilt of the sword is a lion’s head holding its tail in its mouth, the tail forming the handle. The blade of the sword has engraved patterns on it. Tiny particles of gold leaf and dark blue paint fragments can be seen between the carving marks. There are remnants of yellowish-orange and crimson paint on the handle. At some time after the sword was salvaged the name of the ship was hand painted on the blade in black paint. The tip of the sword has broken or split and the remaining part is charcoal in appearance. On both the tip and the base of the handle are parts made where the sword could have been joined onto the figurehead There is a white coating over some areas of the sword, similar to white lead putty used in traditional shipbuilding. The words “ERIC the RED” have been hand painted on the blade of the sword in black paint sometime after it was salvaged.flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, great ocean road, shipwreck coast, sword, wooden sword, eric the red, carved sword, figurehead, snake head on sword -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Wood Sample, about 1871
... of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York... of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York ...This piece of timber from the ship Eric the Red has been eaten through by the marine animals called Teredo Worms, sometimes called sea worms or ‘termites of the sea’. The worms bore holes into wood that is immersed in sea water and bacteria inside the worms digest the wood. Shipbuilders tried to prevent this problem by using coatings of tar, wax, lead or pitch. In the 18th and 19th centuries the outside of their ships were sheathed in copper or a combination of copper and zinc (called Muntz metal) and would be re-metalled periodically to ensure the sheathing would remain effective. In more recent times the ships are protected with a toxic coating. The American ship Eric the Red was a wooden, three masted clipper ship. She had 1,580 tons register and was the largest full-rigged ship built at Bath, Maine, USA in 1871. She was built and registered by Arthur Sewall, later to become the partnership E. & A. Sewall, the 51st ship built by this company. The annually-published List of Merchant Vessels of the U.S. shows Bath was still the home port of Eric the Red in 1880. The vessel was named after the Viking discoverer, Eric ‘the Red-haired’ Thorvaldsson , who was the first European to reach the shores of North America (in 980AD). The ship Eric the Red at first traded in coal between America and Britain, and later traded in guano nitrates from South America. In 1879 she was re-metalled and was in first class condition. On 10th June 1880 (some records say 12th June) Eric the Red departed New York for Melbourne and then Sydney. She had been commissioned by American trade representatives to carry a special cargo of 500 exhibits (1400 tons) – about a quarter to a third of America’s total exhibits - for the U.S.A. pavilion at Melbourne’s first International Exhibition. The exhibits included furniture, ironmongery, wines, chemicals, dental and surgical instruments, paper, cages, bronze lamp trimmings, axles, stamped ware, astronomical and time globes, samples of corn and the choicest of leaf tobacco. Other general cargo included merchandise such as cases of kerosene and turpentine, brooms, Bristol's Sarsaparilla, Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, Wheeler’s thresher machine, axe handles and tools, cases of silver plate, toys, pianos and organs, carriages and Yankee notions. The Eric the Red left New York under the command of Captain Zaccheus Allen (or some records say Captain Jacques Allen) and 24 other crew including the owner’s son third mate Ned Sewall. There were also 2 saloon passengers on board. The ship had been sailing for an uneventful 85 days and the voyage was almost at its end. As Eric the Red approached Cape Otway there was a moderate north-west wind and hazy and overcast atmosphere. On 4th September 1880 at about 1:30am Captain Allen sighted the Cape Otway light and was keeping the ship 5-6 miles offshore to stay clear of the hazardous Otway Reef. However he had badly misjudged his position. The ship hit the Otway Reef about 2 miles out to sea, south west of the Cape Otway light station. Captain Allen ordered the wheel to be put ‘hard up’ thinking that she might float off the reef. The sea knocked the helmsman away from the wheel, broke the wheel ropes and carried away the rudder. The lifeboats were swamped, the mizzenmast fell, with all of its rigging, then the mainmast also fell and the ship broke in two. Some said that the passenger Vaughan, who was travelling for his health and not very strong, was washed overboard and never seen again. The ship started breaking up. The forward house came adrift with three of the crew on it as well as a longboat, which the men succeeded in launching and keeping afloat by continually bailing with their sea boots. The captain, the third mate (the owner’s son) and others clung to the mizzenmast in the sea. Then the owner’s son was washed away off the mast. Within 10 minutes the rest of the ship was in pieces, completely wrecked, with cargo and wreckage floating in the sea. The captain encouraged the second mate to swim with him to the deckhouse where there were other crew but the second mate wouldn’t go with him. Eventually the Captain made it to the deckhouse and the men pulled him up. At about 4:30am the group of men on the deckhouse saw the lights of a steamer and called for help. At the same time they noticed the second mate and the other man had drifted nearby, still on the spur, and pulled them both onto the wreck. The coastal steamer SS Dawn was returning to Warrnambool from Melbourne, its sailing time different to its usual schedule. She was built in 1876 and bought by the Portland and Belfast Steam Navigation Co. in 1877. At the time of this journey she was commanded by Captain Jones, and was sailing between Melbourne and Portland via Warrnambool. The provedore of the Dawn, Benjamin Lear, heard cries of distress coming through the portholes of the saloon. He gave the alarm and the engines were stopped. Cries could be heard clearly, coming from the land. Captain Jones sent out crew in two boats, and fired off rockets and blue lights to illuminate the area. They picked up the three survivors who were in the long boat from Eric the Red. Two men were picked up out of the water, one being the owner’s son who was clinging to floating kerosene boxes. At daylight the Dawn then rescued the 18 men from the floating portion of the deckhouse, which had drifted about 4 miles from where they’d struck the reef. Shortly after the rescue the deckhouse drifted onto breakers and was thrown onto rocks at Point Franklin, about 2 miles east of Cape Otway. Captain Jones had signalled to Cape Otway lighthouse the number of the Eric the Red and later signalled that there was a wreck at Otway Reef but there was no response from the lighthouse. The captain and crew of the Dawn spent several more hours searching unsuccessfully for more survivors, even going back as far as Apollo Bay. On board the Dawn the exhausted men received care and attention to their needs and wants, including much needed clothing. Captain Allen was amongst the 23 battered and injured men who were rescued and later taken to Warrnambool for care. Warrnambool’s mayor and town clerk offered them all hospitality, the three badly injured men going to the hospital for care and others to the Olive Branch Hotel, then on to Melbourne. Captain Allen’s leg injury prevented him from going ashore so he and three other men travelled on the Dawn to Portland. They were met by the mayor who also treated them all with great kindness. Captain Allen took the train back to Melbourne then returned to America. Those saved were Captain Zaccheus Allen (or Jacques Allen), J. Darcy chief mate, James F. Lawrence second mate, Ned Sewall third mate and owner’s son, John French the cook, C. Nelson sail maker, Clarence W. New passenger, and the able seamen Dickenson, J. Black, Denis White, C. Herbert, C. Thompson, A. Brooks, D. Wilson, J. Ellis, Q. Thompson, C. Newman, W. Paul, J. Davis, M. Horenleng, J. Ogduff, T. W. Drew, R. Richardson. Four men had lost their lives; three of them were crew (Gus Dahlgreen ship’s carpenter, H. Ackman steward, who drowned in his cabin, and George Silver seaman) and one a passenger (J. B. Vaughan). The body of one of them had been found washed up at Cape Otway and was later buried in the lighthouse cemetery; another body was seen on an inaccessible ledge. Twelve months later the second mate James F. Lawrence, from Nova Scotia, passed away in the Warrnambool district; an obituary was displayed in the local paper. Neither the ship, nor its cargo, was insured. The ship was worth about £15,000 and the cargo was reportedly worth £40,000; only about £2,000 worth had been recovered. Cargo and wreckage washed up at Apollo Bay, Peterborough, Port Campbell, Western Port and according to some reports, even as far away as the beaches of New Zealand. The day after the wreck the government steam ship Pharos was sent from Queenscliff to clear the shipping lanes of debris that could be a danger to ships. The large midship deckhouse of the ship was found floating in a calm sea near Henty Reef. Items such as an American chair, a ladder and a nest of boxes were all on top of the deckhouse. As it was so large and could cause danger to passing ships, Captain Payne had the deckhouse towed towards the shore just beyond Apollo Bay. Between Apollo Bay and Blanket Bay the captain and crew of Pharos collected Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, nests of boxes, bottles of Bristol’s sarsaparilla, pieces of common American chairs, axe handles, a Wheelers’ Patent thresher and a sailor’s trunk with the words “A. James” on the front. A ship’s flag-board bearing the words “Eric the Red” was found on the deckhouse; finally those on board the Pharos had the name of the wrecked vessel. During this operation Pharos came across the government steamer Victoria and also a steamer S.S. Otway, both of which were picking up flotsam and wreckage. A whole side of the hull and three large pieces of the other side of the hull, with some of the copper sheathing stripped off, had floated on to Point Franklin. Some of the vessels yards and portions of her masts were on shore. The pieces of canvas attached to the yards and masts confirmed that the vessel had been under sail. The beach there was piled with debris several feet high. There were many cases of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York. There were also many large planks of red pine, portions of a small white boat and a large, well-used oar. Other items found ashore included sewing machines (some consigned to ‘Long and Co.”) and notions, axe and scythe handles, hay forks, wooden pegs, rolls of wire (some branded “T.S” and Co, Melbourne”), kegs of nails branded “A.T. and Co.” from the factory of A. Field and Son, Taunton, Massachusetts, croquet balls and mallets, buggy fittings, rat traps, perfumery, cutlery and Douay Bibles, clocks, bicycles, chairs, a fly wheel, a cooking stove, timber, boxes, pianos, organs and a ladder. (Wooden clothes pegs drifted in for many years). There seemed to be no personal luggage or clothing. The Pharos encountered a long line, about one and a half miles, of floating wreckage about 10 miles off land, south east of Cape Otway, and in some places about 40 feet wide. It seemed that more than half of it was from Eric the Red. The ship’s crew rescued 3 cases that were for the Melbourne Exhibition and other items from amongst the debris. There were also chairs, doors, musical instruments, washing boards, nests of trunks and fly catchers floating in the sea. Most of the goods were saturated and smelt of kerosene. A section of the hull lies buried in the sand at Parker River Beach. An anchor with chain is embedded in the rocks east of Point Franklin and a second anchor, thought to be from Eric the Red, is on display at the Cape Otway light station. (There is a photograph of a life belt on the verandah of Rivernook Guest House in Princetown with the words “ERIC THE RED / BOSTON”. This is rather a mystery as the ship was registered in Bath, Maine, USA.) Parts of the ship are on display at Bimbi Park Caravan Park and at Apollo Bay Museum. Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village also has part of the helm (steering wheel), a carved wooden sword (said to be the only remaining portion of the ship’s figurehead; further research is currently being carried out), a door, a metal rod, several samples of wood and a medal for bravery, awarded to Nelson Johnson, a crew member of the S.S. Dawn by the U.S. President, for the rescue of the crew. Much of the wreckage was recovered by the local residents before police and other authorities arrived at the scene. Looters went to great effort to salvage goods, being lowered down the high cliff faces to areas with little or no beach to collect items from the wreckage, their mates above watching out for dangerous waves. A Tasmanian newspaper reports on a court case in Stawell, Victoria, noting a man who was caught 2 months later selling tobacco from the wreckage of Eric the Red. Some of the silverware is still treasured by descendants of Mr Mackenzie who was given these items by officials for his help in securing the cargo. The gifts included silver coffee and tea pots, half a dozen silver serviette rings and two sewing machines. A Mr G.W. Black has in his possession a medal and a purse that were awarded to his father, another Dawn crew member who was part of the rescue team. The medal is inscribed and named “To John Black ….” (from “Shipwrecks” by Margaret E. Mackenzie, 3rd edition, published 1964). The wreck and cargo were sold to a Melbourne man who salvaged a quantity of high quality tobacco and dental and surgical instruments. Timbers from the ship were salvaged and used in the construction of houses and sheds around Apollo Bay, including a guest house, Milford House (since burnt down in bushfires), which had furniture, fittings and timber on the dining room floor from the ship. A 39.7 foot long trading ketch, the Apollo, was also built from its timbers by Mr Burgess in 1883 and subsequently used in Tasmanian waters. It was the first attempt at ship building in Apollo bay. In 1881 a red light was installed about 300 feet above sea level at the base of the Cape Otway lighthouse to warn ships when they were too close to shore; It would not be visible unless a ship came within 3 miles from it. This has proved to be an effective warning. Nelson Johnson, recipient of the medal for bravery, married Elizabeth Howard in 1881 and they had 10 children. They lived in South Melbourne, Victoria. Nelson died in 1922 in Fitzroy Victoria, age 66. In 1895 the owners of the S.S. Dawn, the Portland and Belfast Steam Navigation Co., wound up and sold out to the Belfast Company who took over the Dawn for one year before selling her to Howard Smith. She was condemned and sunk in Suva in 1928. The State Library of Victoria has a lithograph in its collection depicting the steamer Dawn and the shipwrecked men, titled. "Wreck of the ship Eric the Red, Cape Otway: rescue of the crew by the Dawn".The wood (timber) sample is listed on the Collections Australia Database, Heritage Victoria, number 239 00010 A “The Eric the Red is historically significant as one of Victoria's major 19th century shipwrecks. (Heritage Victoria Eric the Red; HV ID 239) The wreck led to the provision of an additional warning light placed below the Cape Otway lighthouse to alert mariners to the location of Otway Reef. The site is archaeologically significant for its remains of a large and varied cargo and ship's fittings being scattered over a wide area. The site is recreationally and aesthetically significant as it is one of the few sites along this coast where tourists can visit identifiable remains of a large wooden shipwreck, and for its location set against the background of Cape Otway, Bass Strait, and the Cape Otway lighthouse.“ (Victorian Heritage Database Registration Number S239, Official Number 8745 USA) Wood sample from the wreck of the ship Eric the Red. Triangular shaped, full of sea worm (Teredo worm) holes. The wood is dark in colour and is very light in weight.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, shipwreck-artefact, eric-the-red, zaccheus-allen, sewall, 1880, melbourne-exhibition, cape-otway, otway-reef, wood-sample, s.s.-dawn -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Wood Sample, About 1871
... of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York... of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York ...This piece of timber from the ship Eric the Red has been eaten through by the marine animals called Teredo Worms, sometimes called sea worms or ‘termites of the sea’. The worms bore holes into wood that is immersed in sea water and bacteria inside the worms digest the wood. Shipbuilders tried to prevent this problem by using coatings of tar, wax, lead or pitch. In the 18th and 19th centuries the outside of their ships were sheathed in copper or a combination of copper and zinc (called Muntz metal) and would be re-metalled periodically to ensure the sheathing would remain effective. In more recent times the ships are protected with a toxic coating. The American ship Eric the Red was a wooden, three masted clipper ship. She had 1,580 tons register and was the largest full-rigged ship built at Bath, Maine, USA in 1871. She was built and registered by Arthur Sewall, later to become the partnership E. & A. Sewall, the 51st ship built by this company. The annually-published List of Merchant Vessels of the U.S. shows Bath was still the home port of Eric the Red in 1880. The vessel was named after the Viking discoverer, Eric ‘the Red-haired’ Thorvaldsson , who was the first European to reach the shores of North America (in 980AD). The ship Eric the Red at first traded in coal between America and Britain, and later traded in guano nitrates from South America. In 1879 she was re-metalled and was in first class condition. On 10th June 1880 (some records say 12th June) Eric the Red departed New York for Melbourne and then Sydney. She had been commissioned by American trade representatives to carry a special cargo of 500 exhibits (1400 tons) – about a quarter to a third of America’s total exhibits - for the U.S.A. pavilion at Melbourne’s first International Exhibition. The exhibits included furniture, ironmongery, wines, chemicals, dental and surgical instruments, paper, cages, bronze lamp trimmings, axles, stamped ware, astronomical and time globes, samples of corn and the choicest of leaf tobacco. Other general cargo included merchandise such as cases of kerosene and turpentine, brooms, Bristol's Sarsaparilla, Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, Wheeler’s thresher machine, axe handles and tools, cases of silver plate, toys, pianos and organs, carriages and Yankee notions. The Eric the Red left New York under the command of Captain Zaccheus Allen (or some records say Captain Jacques Allen) and 24 other crew including the owner’s son third mate Ned Sewall. There were also 2 saloon passengers on board. The ship had been sailing for an uneventful 85 days and the voyage was almost at its end. As Eric the Red approached Cape Otway there was a moderate north-west wind and hazy and overcast atmosphere. On 4th September 1880 at about 1:30am Captain Allen sighted the Cape Otway light and was keeping the ship 5-6 miles offshore to stay clear of the hazardous Otway Reef. However he had badly misjudged his position. The ship hit the Otway Reef about 2 miles out to sea, south west of the Cape Otway light station. Captain Allen ordered the wheel to be put ‘hard up’ thinking that she might float off the reef. The sea knocked the helmsman away from the wheel, broke the wheel ropes and carried away the rudder. The lifeboats were swamped, the mizzenmast fell, with all of its rigging, then the mainmast also fell and the ship broke in two. Some said that the passenger Vaughan, who was travelling for his health and not very strong, was washed overboard and never seen again. The ship started breaking up. The forward house came adrift with three of the crew on it as well as a longboat, which the men succeeded in launching and keeping afloat by continually bailing with their sea boots. The captain, the third mate (the owner’s son) and others clung to the mizzenmast in the sea. Then the owner’s son was washed away off the mast. Within 10 minutes the rest of the ship was in pieces, completely wrecked, with cargo and wreckage floating in the sea. The captain encouraged the second mate to swim with him to the deckhouse where there were other crew but the second mate wouldn’t go with him. Eventually the Captain made it to the deckhouse and the men pulled him up. At about 4:30am the group of men on the deckhouse saw the lights of a steamer and called for help. At the same time they noticed the second mate and the other man had drifted nearby, still on the spur, and pulled them both onto the wreck. The coastal steamer SS Dawn was returning to Warrnambool from Melbourne, its sailing time different to its usual schedule. She was built in 1876 and bought by the Portland and Belfast Steam Navigation Co. in 1877. At the time of this journey she was commanded by Captain Jones, and was sailing between Melbourne and Portland via Warrnambool. The provedore of the Dawn, Benjamin Lear, heard cries of distress coming through the portholes of the saloon. He gave the alarm and the engines were stopped. Cries could be heard clearly, coming from the land. Captain Jones sent out crew in two boats, and fired off rockets and blue lights to illuminate the area. They picked up the three survivors who were in the long boat from Eric the Red. Two men were picked up out of the water, one being the owner’s son who was clinging to floating kerosene boxes. At daylight the Dawn then rescued the 18 men from the floating portion of the deckhouse, which had drifted about 4 miles from where they’d struck the reef. Shortly after the rescue the deckhouse drifted onto breakers and was thrown onto rocks at Point Franklin, about 2 miles east of Cape Otway. Captain Jones had signalled to Cape Otway lighthouse the number of the Eric the Red and later signalled that there was a wreck at Otway Reef but there was no response from the lighthouse. The captain and crew of the Dawn spent several more hours searching unsuccessfully for more survivors, even going back as far as Apollo Bay. On board the Dawn the exhausted men received care and attention to their needs and wants, including much needed clothing. Captain Allen was amongst the 23 battered and injured men who were rescued and later taken to Warrnambool for care. Warrnambool’s mayor and town clerk offered them all hospitality, the three badly injured men going to the hospital for care and others to the Olive Branch Hotel, then on to Melbourne. Captain Allen’s leg injury prevented him from going ashore so he and three other men travelled on the Dawn to Portland. They were met by the mayor who also treated them all with great kindness. Captain Allen took the train back to Melbourne then returned to America. Those saved were Captain Zaccheus Allen (or Jacques Allen), J. Darcy chief mate, James F. Lawrence second mate, Ned Sewall third mate and owner’s son, John French the cook, C. Nelson sail maker, Clarence W. New passenger, and the able seamen Dickenson, J. Black, Denis White, C. Herbert, C. Thompson, A. Brooks, D. Wilson, J. Ellis, Q. Thompson, C. Newman, W. Paul, J. Davis, M. Horenleng, J. Ogduff, T. W. Drew, R. Richardson. Four men had lost their lives; three of them were crew (Gus Dahlgreen ship’s carpenter, H. Ackman steward, who drowned in his cabin, and George Silver seaman) and one a passenger (J. B. Vaughan). The body of one of them had been found washed up at Cape Otway and was later buried in the lighthouse cemetery; another body was seen on an inaccessible ledge. Twelve months later the second mate James F. Lawrence, from Nova Scotia, passed away in the Warrnambool district; an obituary was displayed in the local paper. Neither the ship, nor its cargo, was insured. The ship was worth about £15,000 and the cargo was reportedly worth £40,000; only about £2,000 worth had been recovered. Cargo and wreckage washed up at Apollo Bay, Peterborough, Port Campbell, Western Port and according to some reports, even as far away as the beaches of New Zealand. The day after the wreck the government steam ship Pharos was sent from Queenscliff to clear the shipping lanes of debris that could be a danger to ships. The large midship deckhouse of the ship was found floating in a calm sea near Henty Reef. Items such as an American chair, a ladder and a nest of boxes were all on top of the deckhouse. As it was so large and could cause danger to passing ships, Captain Payne had the deckhouse towed towards the shore just beyond Apollo Bay. Between Apollo Bay and Blanket Bay the captain and crew of Pharos collected Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, nests of boxes, bottles of Bristol’s sarsaparilla, pieces of common American chairs, axe handles, a Wheelers’ Patent thresher and a sailor’s trunk with the words “A. James” on the front. A ship’s flag-board bearing the words “Eric the Red” was found on the deckhouse; finally those on board the Pharos had the name of the wrecked vessel. During this operation Pharos came across the government steamer Victoria and also a steamer S.S. Otway, both of which were picking up flotsam and wreckage. A whole side of the hull and three large pieces of the other side of the hull, with some of the copper sheathing stripped off, had floated on to Point Franklin. Some of the vessels yards and portions of her masts were on shore. The pieces of canvas attached to the yards and masts confirmed that the vessel had been under sail. The beach there was piled with debris several feet high. There were many cases of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York. There were also many large planks of red pine, portions of a small white boat and a large, well-used oar. Other items found ashore included sewing machines (some consigned to ‘Long and Co.”) and notions, axe and scythe handles, hay forks, wooden pegs, rolls of wire (some branded “T.S” and Co, Melbourne”), kegs of nails branded “A.T. and Co.” from the factory of A. Field and Son, Taunton, Massachusetts, croquet balls and mallets, buggy fittings, rat traps, perfumery, cutlery and Douay Bibles, clocks, bicycles, chairs, a fly wheel, a cooking stove, timber, boxes, pianos, organs and a ladder. (Wooden clothes pegs drifted in for many years). There seemed to be no personal luggage or clothing. The Pharos encountered a long line, about one and a half miles, of floating wreckage about 10 miles off land, south east of Cape Otway, and in some places about 40 feet wide. It seemed that more than half of it was from Eric the Red. The ship’s crew rescued 3 cases that were for the Melbourne Exhibition and other items from amongst the debris. There were also chairs, doors, musical instruments, washing boards, nests of trunks and fly catchers floating in the sea. Most of the goods were saturated and smelt of kerosene. A section of the hull lies buried in the sand at Parker River Beach. An anchor with chain is embedded in the rocks east of Point Franklin and a second anchor, thought to be from Eric the Red, is on display at the Cape Otway light station. (There is a photograph of a life belt on the verandah of Rivernook Guest House in Princetown with the words “ERIC THE RED / BOSTON”. This is rather a mystery as the ship was registered in Bath, Maine, USA.) Parts of the ship are on display at Bimbi Park Caravan Park and at Apollo Bay Museum. Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village also has part of the helm (steering wheel), a carved wooden sword (said to be the only remaining portion of the ship’s figurehead; further research is currently being carried out), a door, a metal rod, several samples of wood and a medal for bravery, awarded to Nelson Johnson, a crew member of the S.S. Dawn by the U.S. President, for the rescue of the crew. Much of the wreckage was recovered by the local residents before police and other authorities arrived at the scene. Looters went to great effort to salvage goods, being lowered down the high cliff faces to areas with little or no beach to collect items from the wreckage, their mates above watching out for dangerous waves. A Tasmanian newspaper reports on a court case in Stawell, Victoria, noting a man who was caught 2 months later selling tobacco from the wreckage of Eric the Red. Some of the silverware is still treasured by descendants of Mr Mackenzie who was given these items by officials for his help in securing the cargo. The gifts included silver coffee and tea pots, half a dozen silver serviette rings and two sewing machines. A Mr G.W. Black has in his possession a medal and a purse that were awarded to his father, another Dawn crew member who was part of the rescue team. The medal is inscribed and named “To John Black ….” (from “Shipwrecks” by Margaret E. Mackenzie, 3rd edition, published 1964). The wreck and cargo were sold to a Melbourne man who salvaged a quantity of high quality tobacco and dental and surgical instruments. Timbers from the ship were salvaged and used in the construction of houses and sheds around Apollo Bay, including a guest house, Milford House (since burnt down in bushfires), which had furniture, fittings and timber on the dining room floor from the ship. A 39.7 foot long trading ketch, the Apollo, was also built from its timbers by Mr Burgess in 1883 and subsequently used in Tasmanian waters. It was the first attempt at ship building in Apollo bay. In 1881 a red light was installed about 300 feet above sea level at the base of the Cape Otway lighthouse to warn ships when they were too close to shore; It would not be visible unless a ship came within 3 miles from it. This has proved to be an effective warning. Nelson Johnson, recipient of the medal for bravery, married Elizabeth Howard in 1881 and they had 10 children. They lived in South Melbourne, Victoria. Nelson died in 1922 in Fitzroy Victoria, age 66. In 1895 the owners of the S.S. Dawn, the Portland and Belfast Steam Navigation Co., wound up and sold out to the Belfast Company who took over the Dawn for one year before selling her to Howard Smith. She was condemned and sunk in Suva in 1928. The State Library of Victoria has a lithograph in its collection depicting the steamer Dawn and the shipwrecked men, titled. "Wreck of the ship Eric the Red, Cape Otway: rescue of the crew by the Dawn".The wood (timber) sample is listed on the Collections Australia Database, Heritage Victoria, number 239 00010 A “The Eric the Red is historically significant as one of Victoria's major 19th century shipwrecks. (Heritage Victoria Eric the Red; HV ID 239) The wreck led to the provision of an additional warning light placed below the Cape Otway lighthouse to alert mariners to the location of Otway Reef. The site is archaeologically significant for its remains of a large and varied cargo and ship's fittings being scattered over a wide area. The site is recreationally and aesthetically significant as it is one of the few sites along this coast where tourists can visit identifiable remains of a large wooden shipwreck, and for its location set against the background of Cape Otway, Bass Strait, and the Cape Otway lighthouse.“ (Victorian Heritage Database Registration Number S239, Official Number 8745 USA) Wood sample from the wreck of the ship Eric the Red. Oblong shaped, full of sea worm (Teredo worm) holes. The wood is dark in colour and is very light in weight. flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, shipwreck-artefact, eric-the-red, zaccheus-allen, sewall, 1880, melbourne-exhibition, cape-otway, otway-reef, wood-sample, s.s.-dawn -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Award - Medal, Nelson Johnson, November 1880
... of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York... of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York ...This medal for bravery, for rescue of the crew from the shipwreck “Eric the Red” on 4th September 1880, was awarded to one of the crew of the steamer S.S. Dawn by the President of the United States in July 1881. The medal is engraved with the name “Nelson Johnson” (the anglicised version of his Swedish name Neils Frederick Yohnson). It was donated to Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village in 2013 by Nelson’s granddaughter. Nelson had migrated from Sweden to Sydney in 1879. The next year in 1880, aged 24, he was a seaman on the steamship Dawn and involved in the rescue of the survivors of the Eric the Red. Nelson Johnson was a crew member of the S.S. Dawn and was one of the rescue team in the dinghy in the early morning of September 4th 1880. Medals were awarded to the Captain and crew of the S.S. Dawn by the President of the United States, through the Consul-general (Mr Oliver M. Spencer), in July 1881 “ … in recognition of their humane efforts in rescuing the 23 survivors of the American built wooden sailing ship, the Eric the Red, on 4th September 1880.” The men were also presented with substantial monetary rewards and gifts. The city of Warrnambool’s care of the survivors was also mentioned by the President at the presentation, saying that “the city hosted and supported the crew ‘most graciously’. Previously, a week after the shipwreck, the Australian Government had also conveyed its thanks to the Captain and crew of the S.S. Dawn “Captain Griffith Jones, S.S. Dawn, The Hon. Mr Clark desires that the thanks of the Government should be conveyed to you for the prompt, persevering and seamanlike qualities displayed by you, your officers and crew in saving the number of lives you did on the occasion referred to. The hon. The Commissioner has also been pleased to award you a souvenir in commemoration of the occasion, and a sum of 65 pounds to be awarded to your officers and crew according to annexed scale. I am, &c, W Collins Rees, for and in the absence of the Chief Harbour Master.” The Awards are as follows: - Crew of DAWN'S lifeboat-Chief Officer, Mr G. Peat, 15 pounds; boat's crew-G. Sterge, A.B., 5 pounds; T. Hammond, A.B., 5 pounds; J. Black, A.B., 5 pounds; H. Edwards, A.B., 5 pounds. Dinghy's Crew-Second Officer, Mr Christie, 10 pounds; boat's crew -F. Lafer, A.B., 5 pounds; W. Johnstone, A.B., 5 pounds; Mr Lear, provedore, 5 pounds; Mr Dove, purser, 5 pounds. Captain Jones receives a piece of plate. (from “Wreck of the ship Eric the Red” by Jack Loney) The medal’s history, according to the Editor of ‘E-Sylum’ (the newsletter of The Numismatic Bibliomania Society “… appears to be an example of an 1880 State Department medal, catalogued as LS-3 (page 322 of R. W. Julian's book, Medals of the United States Mint: The First Century 1792-1892). The reverse is mostly blank for engraving, surrounded by a thin wreath. It was designed by George Morgan, chief engraver for the Philadelphia Mint, and struck in gold, silver and bronze. The one pictured here (in The Standard newspaper, 2nd July 2013) appears to be silver.” The following is an account of the events which led to the awarding of this medal. The American ship Eric the Red was a wooden, three-masted clipper ship. She had 1,580 tons register and was the largest full-rigged ship built at Bath, Maine, USA in 1871. She was built and registered by Arthur Sewall, later to become the partnership E. & A. Sewall, the 51st ship built by this company. The annually-published List of Merchant Vessels of the U.S. shows Bath was still the home port of Eric the Red in 1880. The vessel was named after the Viking discoverer, Eric ‘the Red-haired’ Thorvaldsson, who was the first European to reach the shores of North America (in 980AD). The ship Eric the Red at first traded in coal between America and Britain, and later traded in guano nitrates from South America. In 1879 she was re-metalled and was in first-class condition. On 10th June 1880 (some records say 12th June) Eric the Red departed New York for Melbourne and then Sydney. She had been commissioned by American trade representatives to carry a special cargo of 500 exhibits (1400 tons) – about a quarter to a third of America’s total exhibits - for the U.S.A. pavilion at Melbourne’s first International Exhibition. The exhibits included furniture, ironmongery, wines, chemicals, dental and surgical instruments, paper, cages, bronze lamp trimmings, axles, stamped ware, astronomical and time globes, samples of corn and the choicest of leaf tobacco. Other general cargo included merchandise such as cases of kerosene and turpentine, brooms, Bristol's Sarsaparilla, Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, Wheeler’s thresher machine, axe handles and tools, cases of silver plate, toys, pianos and organs, carriages and Yankee notions. The Eric the Red left New York under the command of Captain Zaccheus Allen (or some records say Captain Jacques Allen) and 24 other crew including the owner’s son third mate Ned Sewall. There were also 2 saloon passengers on board. The ship had been sailing for an uneventful 85 days and the voyage was almost at its end. As Eric the Red approached Cape Otway there was a moderate north-west wind and a hazy and overcast atmosphere. On 4th September 1880 at about 1:30 am Captain Allen sighted the Cape Otway light and was keeping the ship 5-6 miles offshore to stay clear of the hazardous Otway Reef. However, he had badly misjudged his position. The ship hit the Otway Reef about 2 miles out to sea, southwest of the Cape Otway light station. Captain Allen ordered the wheel to be put ‘hard up’ thinking that she might float off the reef. The sea knocked the helmsman away from the wheel, broke the wheel ropes and carried away the rudder. The lifeboats were swamped, the mizzenmast fell, with all of its riggings, then the mainmast also fell and the ship broke in two. Some said that the passenger Vaughan, who was travelling for his health and not very strong, was washed overboard and never seen again. The ship started breaking up. The forward house came adrift with three of the crew on it as well as a longboat, which the men succeeded in launching and keeping afloat by continually bailing with their sea boots. The captain, the third mate (the owner’s son) and others clung to the mizzenmast in the sea. Then the owner’s son was washed away off the mast. Within 10 minutes the rest of the ship was in pieces, completely wrecked, with cargo and wreckage floating in the sea. The captain encouraged the second mate to swim with him to the deckhouse where there were other crew but the second mate wouldn’t go with him. Eventually, the Captain made it to the deckhouse and the men pulled him up. At about 4:30 am the group of men on the deckhouse saw the lights of a steamer and called for help. At the same time, they noticed the second mate and the other man had drifted nearby, still on the spur, and pulled them both onto the wreck. The coastal steamer SS Dawn was returning to Warrnambool from Melbourne, and its sailing time was different to its usual schedule. She was built in 1876 and bought by the Portland and Belfast Steam Navigation Co. in 1877. At the time of this journey, she was commanded by Captain Jones and was sailing between Melbourne and Portland via Warrnambool. The provedore the Dawn, Benjamin Lear, heard cries of distress coming through the portholes of the saloon. He gave the alarm and the engines were stopped. Cries could be heard clearly, coming from the land. Captain Jones sent out crew in two boats and fired off rockets and blue lights to illuminate the area. They picked up the three survivors who were in the long boat from Eric the Red. Two men were picked up out of the water, one being the owner’s son who was clinging to floating kerosene boxes. At daylight, the Dawn then rescued the 18 men from the floating portion of the deckhouse, which had drifted about 4 miles from where they’d struck the reef. Shortly after the rescue the deckhouse drifted onto breakers and was thrown onto rocks at Point Franklin, about 2 miles east of Cape Otway. Captain Jones had signalled to Cape Otway lighthouse the number of the Eric the Red and later signalled that there was a wreck at Otway Reef but there was no response from the lighthouse. The captain and crew of the Dawn spent several more hours searching unsuccessfully for more survivors, even going back as far as Apollo Bay. On board the Dawn the exhausted men received care and attention to their needs and wants, including much-needed clothing. Captain Allen was amongst the 23 battered and injured men who were rescued and later taken to Warrnambool for care. Warrnambool’s mayor and town clerk offered them all hospitality, the three badly injured men going to the hospital for care and others to the Olive Branch Hotel, then on to Melbourne. Captain Allen’s leg injury prevented him from going ashore so he and three other men travelled on the Dawn to Portland. They were met by the mayor who also treated them all with great kindness. Captain Allen took the train back to Melbourne then returned to America. Those saved were Captain Zaccheus Allen (or Jacques Allen), J. Darcy chief mate, James F. Lawrence second mate, Ned Sewall third mate and owner’s son, John French the cook, C. Nelson sail maker, Clarence W. New passenger, and able seamen Dickenson, J. Black, Denis White, C. Herbert, C. Thompson, A. Brooks, D. Wilson, J. Ellis, Q. Thompson, C. Newman, W. Paul, J. Davis, M. Horenleng, J. Ogduff, T. W. Drew, R. Richardson. Four men had lost their lives; three of them were crew (Gus Dahlgreen ship’s carpenter, H. Ackman steward, who drowned in his cabin, and George Silver seaman) and one a passenger (J. B. Vaughan). The body of one of them had been found washed up at Cape Otway and was later buried in the lighthouse cemetery; another body was seen on an inaccessible ledge. Twelve months later the second mate James F. Lawrence, from Nova Scotia passed away in the Warrnambool district; an obituary was displayed in the local paper. Neither the ship nor its cargo was insured. The ship was worth about £15,000 and the cargo was reportedly worth £40,000; only about £2,000 worth had been recovered. Cargo and wreckage washed up at Apollo Bay, Peterborough, Port Campbell, Western Port and according to some reports, even as far away as the beaches of New Zealand. The day after the wreck the government steamship Pharos was sent from Queenscliff to clear the shipping lanes of debris that could be a danger to ships. The large midship deckhouse of the ship was found floating in a calm sea near Henty Reef. Items such as an American chair, a ladder and a nest of boxes were all on top of the deckhouse. As it was so large and could cause danger to passing ships, Captain Payne had the deckhouse towed towards the shore just beyond Apollo Bay. Between Apollo Bay and Blanket Bay, the captain and crew of Pharos collected Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, nests of boxes, bottles of Bristol’s sarsaparilla, pieces of common American chairs, axe handles, a Wheelers’ Patent thresher and a sailor’s trunk with the words “A. James” on the front. A ship’s flag-board bearing the words “Eric the Red” was found on the deckhouse; finally, those on board the Pharos had the name of the wrecked vessel. During this operation, Pharos came across the government steamer Victoria and also a steamer S.S. Otway, both of which were picking up flotsam and wreckage. A whole side of the hull and three large pieces of the other side of the hull, with some of the copper sheathing stripped off, had floated onto Point Franklin. Some of the vessels' yards and portions of her masts were on shore. The pieces of canvas attached to the yards and masts confirmed that the vessel had been under sail. The beach there was piled with debris several feet high. There were many cases of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York. There were also many large planks of red pine, portions of a small white boat and a large, well-used oar. Other items found ashore included sewing machines (some consigned to ‘Long and Co.”) and notions, axe and scythe handles, hay forks, wooden pegs, rolls of wire (some branded “T.S” and Co, Melbourne”), kegs of nails branded “A.T. and Co.” from the factory of A. Field and Son, Taunton, Massachusetts, croquet balls and mallets, buggy fittings, rat traps, perfumery, cutlery and Douay Bibles, clocks, bicycles, chairs, a fly wheel, a cooking stove, timber, boxes, pianos, organs and a ladder. (Wooden clothes pegs drifted in for many years). There seemed to be no personal luggage or clothing. The Pharos encountered a long line, about one and a half miles, of f locating wreckage about 10 miles off land, southeast of Cape Otway, and in some places about 40 feet wide. It seemed that more than half of it was from Eric the Red. The ship’s crew rescued 3 cases that were for the Melbourne Exhibition and other items from amongst the debris. There were also chairs, doors, musical instruments, washing boards, nests of trunks and flycatchers floating in the sea. Most of the goods were saturated and smelt of kerosene. A section of the hull lies buried in the sand at Parker River Beach. An anchor with a chain is embedded in the rocks east of Point Franklin and a second anchor, thought to be from Eric the Red, is on display at the Cape Otway light station. (There is a photograph of a life belt on the verandah of Rivernook Guest House in Princetown with the words “ERIC THE RED / BOSTON”. This is rather a mystery as the ship was registered in Bath, Maine, USA.) Parts of the ship are on display at Bimbi Park Caravan Park and at Apollo Bay Museum. Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village also has part of the helm (steering wheel), a carved wooden sword (said to be the only remaining portion of the ship’s figurehead; further research is currently being carried out), a door, a metal rod, samples of wood and this medal awarded for the rescue of the crew. Much of the wreckage was recovered by the local residents before police and other authorities arrived at the scene. Looters went to great effort to salvage goods, being lowered down the high cliff faces to areas with little or no beach to collect items from the wreckage, their mates above watching out for dangerous waves. A Tasmanian newspaper reports on a court case in Stawell, Victoria, noting a man who was caught 2 months later selling tobacco from the wreckage of Eric the Red. Some of the silverware is still treasured by descendants of Mr Mackenzie who was given these items by officials for his help in securing the cargo. The gifts included silver coffee and teapots, half a dozen silver serviette rings and two sewing machines. A Mr G.W. Black has in his possession a medal and a purse that was awarded to his father, another Dawn crew member who was part of the rescue team. The medal is similarly inscribed and named “To John Black ….” (from “Shipwrecks” by Margaret E. Mackenzie, 3rd edition, published 1964). The wreck and cargo were sold to a Melbourne man who salvaged a quantity of high-quality tobacco and dental and surgical instruments. Timbers from the ship were salvaged and used in the construction of houses and shed around Apollo Bay, including a guest house, Milford House (since burnt down in bushfires), which had furniture, fittings and timber on the dining room floor from the ship. A 39.7-foot-long trading ketch, the Apollo, was also built from its timbers by Mr Burgess in 1883 and subsequently used in Tasmanian waters. It was the first attempt at shipbuilding in Apollo Bay. In 1881 a red light was installed about 300 feet above sea level at the base of the Cape Otway lighthouse to warn ships when they were too close to shore; It would not be visible unless a ship came within 3 miles from it. This has proved to be an effective warning. Nelson Johnson married Elizabeth Howard in 1881 and they had 10 children, the father of the medal’s donor being the youngest. They lived in 13 Tichbourne Place, South Melbourne, Victoria. Nelson died in 1922 in Fitzroy Victoria, age 66. In 1895 the owners of the S.S. Dawn, the Portland and Belfast Steam Navigation Co., wound up and sold out to the Belfast Company who took over the Dawn for one year before selling her to Howard Smith. She was condemned and sunk in Suva in 1928. The State Library of Victoria has a lithograph in its collection depicting the steamer Dawn and the shipwrecked men, titled. "Wreck of the ship Eric the Red, Cape Otway: rescue of the crew by the Dawn". The medal for bravery is associated with the ship the “The Eric the Red which is historically significant as one of Victoria's major 19th century shipwrecks. (Heritage Victoria Eric the Red; HV ID 239) The wreck led to the provision of an additional warning light placed below the Cape Otway lighthouse to alert mariners to the location of Otway Reef. The site is archaeologically significant for its remains of a large and varied cargo and ship's fittings being scattered over a wide area. The site is recreationally and aesthetically significant as it is one of the few sites along this coast where tourists can visit identifiable remains of a large wooden shipwreck, and for its location set against the background of Cape Otway, Bass Strait, and the Cape Otway lighthouse.“ (Victorian Heritage Database Registration Number S239, Official Number 8745 USA) This medal was awarded to Nelson Johnson by the U.S. President for bravery in the rescue of the Eric the Red crew. The obverse of the round, solid silver medal has an inscription around the rim. In the centre of the medal is the head of Liberty to the left, hair in a bun, with a sprig of leaves in the top left of a band around her head. There is a 6-pointed star below the portrait, between the start and end of the inscription. There are two raised areas on the rim, horizontally opposite each other, from the edge to just below the lettering and coinciding with the holes drilled in the edge. Slightly right of the top is a round indentation in the rim. The reverse has a wreath of leaves as a border, joined at the bottom by a ribbon bow. In the centre of the medal is an inscription, decorated with 3-pronged design and dots. The edge is plain with 2 small, rough and uneven holes horizontally opposite to each other, as though they had been used for mounting the medal at some stage. The medal has a matte finish on both sides and is slightly pitted and scratched.“PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES” around the perimeter of the obverse of the medal. “TO / Nelson Johnson, / seaman of the British, / str “Dawn”, for bravery, / at risk of life, / in / rescuing the crew of / the American Ship / “Eric the Red.” “M” on obverse, truncation of the portraitwarrnambool, flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime village, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, great ocean road, shipwreck artefact, eric the red, zaccheus allen, sewall, 1880, melbourne exhibition, cape otway, otway reef, victorian shipwreck, medal, nelson johnson, neils frederick yohnson, s.s. dawn, george morgan, hero -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Victoria Education Gazette and Teachers' Aid, 1911-1919, 1910-1919
... A. Stevens, Charles E. W. Chester, Stanley R. Green, Walter Baker... A. Stevens, Charles E. W. Chester, Stanley R. Green, Walter Baker ...Black hard covered book with red spine, holding Victorian Education Gazettes for one calendar year. .1) 1910 .2) 1912 .3) 1911 .4) 1914 .5) 1918 Images: Open Air Classroom Black Rock; Open Air Classroom, Jeetho, Gippsland; Open Air Nurses bedroom, Mildura; Gym at Canterbury School ; Babies and Nurses at Melbourne Foundling Hospital; Camp at Portland; Alexander Peacock Opens a Melbourne School; Unveiling Major Mitchell Memorial at Mt Arapiles; Agricultural Plot; School Interior; Swimming Drill; Graham Dux Prize Board; Bathing Place; Classroom with blackboard and pictures; Major Mitchell's Map; Melbourne, Derbyshire; Market Place Melbourne; The Blackwood; World War One Send-off at The Athenaeum; Scarsdale Old Boy's logo; Sloyd articles for the Field Hospital; World War One; Gifts for Transport to the Wharf; soldiers; ANZAC Day; ANZAC Day Medalion .5) 1915: Education Department's War Relief Fund, William Park obituary, Closer Settlement Act 1912, Agriculture, needlework, Swimming and Life Saving, explorers, Gregory Blaxland, Matthew Flinders, Composition, Geography, potatoes, onions, gardens, Needlework for Infants, Iona and Staffa, Trained Primary Teacher's Course, Electricity, Electrical Technology, hygiene, Arbour Day, Horticulture, Wattle Day, Bird Day, Technical Schools, Landing at Gaba Tepe, Evils of Alcohol, Old Boys of Scarsdale, Belgium, Teachers' College Images: The British at War, The Sonnet, History and Patriotism, Male Swimming Teachers Summer School at Geelong, Women Swimming Teachers at Port Fairy, Buln Buln State School, Burwood East State School, needlework plans, methods of Rescue and Resucitation. plan of the journey of Gregory Blaxland, Macquarie House, teachers killed (William Ross Hoggart, Stanley Robert Close, William Roy Hodgson, Campbell McDiarmid Peter, William Henry Dawkins, William Hugh Hamilton, Frederick McRae Neal, Vernon Brookes, Frank J. Olle, Alfred J. Collins, Ernest R. Fairlie, William J. McLaren, A.E. Smith, Thomas Patton, Francis W. Kemp, Frederick G. Hall, Rupert O. Hepburn, Woolston J. Govan), Frederick Harold Tubb VC, Botanic Gardens Red Gum, Shelter Pavillions, Head of Wheat, Australian Commonwealth Flag, Iona Cathedral, Drawing exercises, ANZAC Madallion, School Rolls of Honor .6) 1916 - Nature Study, war relief, school gardening, horticulture, singing class, geography of the war, School Rolls of Honour, Ponsonby Carew-Smyth, Astronomy, ANZAC Day, Empire Day, Arbor Day, "Some Suul of Goodness in Things Evil" by Frank Tate, War Relief Gardeners' League, ANZAC Day medallion, Solar System, Abolition of German Schools in Victoria, ANZAC Avenues, avenues of honour, Geography of the War: The West, War relief and handwork, Victorian State Schools Horticultural Society, Patrick Maloney obituary, formalin lamps, Victoria League of Victoria, Wonwondah East Roll of Honor Images - Teachers killed (John Clarke, A.C.H. Jackson, Alexander Robertson, Noel Gambetta, Ralp E. Leyland, Laurance J. Woodruff, Walter E. Cass, Percy D. Moncur, Thomas M. Carmichael, Edward G. Brain, Reginald N.F. Woods, George E. James, William Colvin, David Dobson, Stanley L. Robinson, Charles Allen, G.E. James, H.F. Curnow, Franl L. Cousins, James R. Thompson, Henry H. Campbell, George E. Read, Ernest D. Morshead, Wilfred S. Merlin, Henry R. Wright, George B. Webb, Noel Nicholas, David H. Thomas, Charles A. Levens, Thomas R. Fenner, John M. Daniell, P.J. Larkin, Ralph Smith, Philip Ormsby), school rolls of honour, Swimming Instructors at Queenscliff, The Southern Sky, Map of the North Sea and its Littorals, Easter School of Horticulture at Oakleigh, Map of the Eastern Front, Map of Mesopotamia, Map of the War Area in the Egyptian Campaign, leeches for the Melbourne Hospital .7) 1917 - Swimming and Life-Saving, Childre's FLower Day, Education Department's War Relief Fund, State War Council, Horticulture, Bird Day, Swimming, Growing Chicory at Cowes Images - Teachers killed during World War One (G.M. Nicholas, William C.W. Spencer, J.W.C. Profitt, Ivon C. Bromilow, John Colwell, Robert W. Campbell, Arthur P. Bourchier, Francid G. Houston, Claude N. Harrison, Edgar Williams, Leslie A. Stevens, Charles E. W. Chester, Stanley R. Green, Walter Baker, Arthur G. Scott, Harry L. Swinburne, Horace W. Brown, Arnold Bretherton, Edward W. Jenkins Aubrey Liddelow, Ewen A. Cameron, Edmund R. Lyall, John H. Martin, Harry Bell, Frank L. Nicholls, Melville R. Hughes, Edwin W. Hauser, Walter S. Filmer, Walter G. Barlow, Henry A. Donaldson, Edward H. Jones, Walter W. Raw, Alfred W. Dean, Wiliam Lea, Frederick G. Drury, J.T. Richards, Norman G. Pelton, Lance-Corporal Doran, Kenneth F. McKenzie, William F. Robertson, Wiliam Jarrott, Norman Graham, George G. Paul, Victor Green, Arthur William Rennie, Alfred J. Glendinning, Robert B. Liston, Eward P. Toll, George Jones, Errol E. Rodda, Christian P. Christensen, Charles F. Sydes, H.G. Clements, Norman C. Fricker, J.M. Romeo. Eric N. Lear, Thomas J. Bartley, Norval Birrell, Frederick H. Tubb. J.T. Hamilton Aram, Arthur Wilcock, William M. Conroy, Alex. H. Miller, Patrick J. Cunningham, Charles S. Mitchell, John R. Maddern, James Roadknight, Harry Arundel, Jack C. McKellar, duncan M. McKellar, George S. Manfield, Edgar C. Holmes, George A. Young, Raymond A. Gardiner, William B. Bell, William Opie, George R. Scott, Richard V.B. Vine, Herbery S. Marshall, Hugh St Omer Dentry, George B. Fullerton, Harry Oulton, Iva F. Morieson), School Honor Books, Drawing, Presentation of 30,000 pounds to the British Red Cross at Melbourne Town Hall .8) 1918 .9) 1919 - Photographs of World War One soldiers from the Education Department, Margaret Montgomery Memorial, 1918 Act relating to State School Teachers, State Scolarships, Victorian State Schools' Horticultural Society, Pneumonic Influenza, Spanish Flu, epedemic, swimming and life savinfJunior cadet training, vacancies in Fiji, School Committees, Arbor Day, Arbour Day, Henry Harding of Yinnar, Planting Trees and Shrubs, Juvenile Crime, The use of 'Get', Soldier-Teachers from Overseas in Congress London, Australia's Effort in the War, Military, Working Bees, Tree Planting, fence building, Welcoming Home a Returned Soldier, Avenue of Honour planting, Discipline, Unveiling an Honor Board, School gymnasium, school tennis court, E. E. Crogger grave at Aldershot, The School Honor Book. War Relief Fund, Commonwealth War Record, Caulfield Military Hosptial, ANZAC Day Pilgrimage, Jimmie Panikin, Donald Fraser, Arthur Mee, Card Sun Dial, Balboa Day in Honolulu, William Hamilton, Alfred Jackson, The Backward Child, Flies, Language Teaching and Learning, Spelling, The Education of the Adolescent, victorian education gazette, education gazette and teachers' aid, sloyd, william a. cavanagh, james i froebel, school, education, world war one, memorials, alfred williams, exploration and settlement, cadets, australian naval college, bernard o;dowd, birds, swimming, drawingempire league, eucalypts, paper in history, forestry, arbor day, identification of trees, forestrey museums, fiji, gravel hill school band, horticulture, hygiene, gould league of bird lovers, life saving, la perouse, bandin, j. holland, w. hamilton, charles sturt, principles of archimedes, james holland, william hamilton, scarsdale old boys' reunion, foundling home melbourne, montessori education, open air schools, james hughes, marie corelli, flinders sydney harbour, major mitchell's map, tooth brushing, r.h.s. bailey -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Correspondence, Richard Squire Mining Correspondence
... . Also included was a one page letter from Neil W Cameron to R B.... Also included was a one page letter from Neil W Cameron to R B ...Seems that Tom pays Ned's wages. Numerous bores were sunk , some were opened out and driven in the direction of the reef. Numerous Cross cuts were also made from the main tunnel.Unless otherwise stated the letters are from Dad (Richard Squire) to Tom, Hazel & Kiddies all. .1) Handwritten two page letter from Richard Squire to 'Tom & Hazel & little men' with information regarding the Leigh River Tunnel at Mount Mercer, dated 6/8/28. .2) Handwritten three page letter with information regarding mining operations dated 27.6.29. .3) Handwritten three page letter from Richard Squire to 'Tom & Hazel & Flock' with queries regarding the health of one of their children, other personal information and information regarding mining operations dated 18/7/29. .4) Handwritten one page letter from Richard Squire to 'Tom' dated 20/7/29, regarding the enclosed handwritten receipt with stamp for Call of two shares costing 8 pounds 7 shillings and 2 pence in Leigh River Tunnel Syndicate from Richard Squire dated 13th July 1927. .5) Handwritten two page letter from Richard Squire to 'Tom & Hazel & Pinchers' regarding his health, other personal information and information about the four page report of position of work at 'Leigh River Tunnel' enclosed. The letter is dated 29/11/29 and the report dated Nov 28th 29. .6) Handwritten two page letter with personal information and a suggestion that Tom learn to swim dated 13th Jan 30. .7) Handwritten two page report by Richard Squire regarding Leigh River Tunnel Syndicate plus a one page 'Rough Section' drawing of the tunnel dated 29th April 1930. .8) Typed one page report by Richard Squire regarding Leigh River Tunnel Syndicate and the findings of a new shaft dated 9th December 30. .9) Handwritten one page letter by Richard Squire to 'Tom' regarding mining operations and four handwritten receipts for payment of Calls from Richard Squire and Mr H McLeod and Mr E McLeod with stamps. .10) Handwritten two page letter regarding a meeting he had with the Secretary for Mines, Mr Whitehead dated 22 Feb 1931. .11) Handwritten two page letter regarding the difficulties in financing the mining operation occasioned by the interference of the government department dated 12th Mar 31. .12) Handwritten one page letter regarding the delay in the submission of his letter to the Gold Committee and with details of plans he had sent to Tom separately, dated 1st April 31. .13) Handwritten two page letter by Richard Squire to 'Tom' regarding personal matters including his health and also information regarding Tunnel work, dated May 11th 31. .14) Handwritten two page letter regarding the mine work, how his new employee, Ned, was going and also his health, dated Thur 21st May 31. .15) Handwritten two page letter regarding the Tunnel progress and financial matters dated Tue 26th May. .16) Handwritten three page letter regarding the Tunnel progress dated Thur June 11th. .17) Handwritten two page letter regarding the Tunnel progress, an issue relating to Ned's taxation assessment and his own health, dated 28th June 31. .18) Handwritten three page letter with detailed information on the Tunnel progress and information regarding his health, dated Thur July 23rd. .19) Handwritten two page letter regarding the Tunnel progress and some personal greetings, dated Thur July 30th 31. .20) Handwritten two page letter regarding the Tunnel progress, an agreement with Messrs Read & Peers? and a renaming of a Prospect as Lawaluk instead of Mount Mercer, dated Sun 2nd Aug 31. .21) Handwritten three page letter regarding the Tunnel progress, the lease agreement on Mr Read's property at Mount Mercer which he had been unable to pay and a parsley root remedy which a Ballarat Chinese herbalist had prescribed for his catarrh and had been effective, dated Thur 13th Aug 31. .22) Handwritten two page letter regarding the efficacy of the parsley (root) water in healing his catarrh and detailed progress report on the Tunnel which showed a little gold in the uncovered 'wash', dated Mon 24th Aug. .23) Handwritten three page letter regarding the progress of the Tunnel and one of the bores sunk also mentions his health, dated Mon Sept 7th. .24) Handwritten three page letter regarding the Tunnel progress in detail and an account of his illness, dated Thur 24th Sept. .25) Handwritten two page letter regarding the Tunnel progress in detail and his health which had been poor, dated Thur Oct 8th 31. .26) Handwritten four page letter regarding the Tunnel progress in detail, dated Thur Oct 22. .27) Handwritten four page letter regarding a detailed report of the Tunnel progress including the news of some show of gold and other personal matters including advising Tom not to drive there when he would have to drive home in the dark because of the accidents caused by 'Boosy Drivers', dated Thur Nov 19th 31. .28) Handwritten two page letter regarding the continued promising Tunnel progress, dated Thur Nov 26th. .29) Handwritten two page letter regarding Tunnel progress and personal matters relating to the coming Christmas visit, dated Thur Dec 3rd 1931. .30) Handwritten two page letter regarding Tunnel progress and personal matters regarding the impending visit by the family, dated Sun Dec 6th 31. .31) Handwritten two page letter regarding his health and the treatment proscribed by a Chinese herbalist and also some information about his expenses, dated Sunday 25/1/32. .32) Handwritten four page letter regarding Tunnel progress including a small diagram and further information on his health, dated Thur 25th Feb 32. .33) Handwritten three page letter regarding Tunnel progress and some personal and family information, dated Mon 21st 32. .34) Handwritten one page letter regarding some personal matters and information about the Tunnel progress, dated Thus 31st Mar. .35) Handwritten two page letter regarding detailed information about the Tunnel as well as a one page diagram of the Drives being excavated, dated Sun night 3rd April. .36). Handwritten three page letter from his home in Prahran regarding a mixture of personal matters and matters relating to the Tunnel, dated 18/4/32. .37) Handwritten one page letter regarding enclosed three shares which were to be placed as he was very short of funds, dated 19-4-32. .38) Handwritten two page letter from his home in Prahran regarding work carried out by Ned at the Tunnel and family matters, dated 6/5/32. .39) Handwritten one page letter from his home in Prahran regarding work carried out by Ned at the Tunnel, dated 10/5/32 plus an attached one page letter written by Ned (E. Woodlook) to 'Mr Squire' regarding regarding Tunnel progress, dated Saturday. .40) Handwritten two page letter from his home in Prahran regarding Tunnel progress and some personal matters, dated 27/5/32 plus an attached one page letter written by Ned to 'Mr Squire' regarding Tunnel progress and with the information that the rats were bad in Richard's hut, dated Friday. .41) Handwritten two page letter from his home in Prahran regarding Tunnel progress, dated 3/6/32 plus a two page letter written by E.Woodlock to 'Mr Squire' regarding Tunnel progress as well as person matters regarding his health, dated Friday (27th May 32 written in pencil by Richard). .42) Handwritten three page letter from his home in Prahran regarding tunnel progress and financial matters, also detailed information about the Madison's Tunnel, dated 8/6/32, plus a one page letter from E. Woodlock (Ned) to 'Mr Squire' regarding Tunnel progress dated Saturday (4 June, 32). .43) Handwritten three page letter from his home Prahran regarding a sketch he had made of Madison's Tunnel and the Mercer Shaft (not present) and the similarity of other mines with barely Payable gold, dated 13/6/32. plus a one page letter from E. Woodlock to 'Mr Squire' regarding Tunnel progress dated Saturday. .44) Handwritten one page letter by Richard Squire to 'Tom' from his home in Prahran with some personal information as well as the hope to return to Mt Mercer as he felt he was now well, not dated, plus a two page letter from E. Woodlock to 'Mr Squire' regarding duty stamps sent and Tunnel progress dated Saturday. .45) Handwritten two page letter from his home in Prahran regarding the progress of the Tunnel, dated 21/6/32, plus a one page letter from E. Woodlock regarding the progress of the Tunnel work, dated Monday (20/6/32). .46) Handwritten three page letter from his home in Prahran regarding the price of gold and the effect that mining Payable gold in the Madison Tunnel could have, dated 27/6/32. .47) Handwritten three page letter by Richard Squire to Tom, Hazel & Kiddies all' from his home in Prahran regarding his thoughts on the Madison Tunnel at Piggoreet, dated Mon 4th July 32, plus two one page letters by E Woodlock to 'Mr Squire' regarding the Tunnel work and more personal things, dated Wednesday (June 29th 32) and Saturday (July 2nd). .48) Handwritten two page letter from his home in Prahran regarding his intention to return to the diggings in a small car procured for his use and his intention to re-peg the Leigh River Lease in another name, dated Sun 17/7/32, plus a two page and a one page letter by E Woodlock to 'Mr Squire' regarding progress at the Tunnel dated Thursday (7th July) and Tuesday (12th July 32). .49) Handwritten one page letter by E Woodlock to Mr Squire detailing the tunnel work and other work related details dated Saturday (16th July 32), plus a one page letter by 'Dad' (Richard Squire) to 'Tom, Hazel & Kiddies all' regarding the letter sent by Ned (E Woodlock) and the ongoing work. He also talks about the health of Mam, his wife, dated 19th July 32. .50) Handwritten one page letter regarding the work at the tunnel and with the information that he was to finally return to the mine, dated 22/7/32, plus a one page letter by E Woodlock to Mr Squire about the ongoing work, dated Wednesday (20th July). .51) Handwritten two page letter written from Mt Mercer, regarding the works in the Mt Mercer Tunnel (mentioning South Cockloft). He also details that the drive from town (Melbourne) took 4 gallons of petrol, dated Thur 28th July 32. .52) Handwritten 3 page letter detailing the work carried on at the tunnels and with the information that underground gas had halted work temporarily. He was keen that Tom should visit one weekend soon, dated Sat 6th Aug 1932. .53) Handwritten four page letter detailing the work and new bore holes near Madisons Tunnel. The No 1 tunnel work had to be suspended due to continued gas filling the diggings every time the barometric pressure dropped. On the last page was a rough sketch of the area which was being worked, dated 19th Aug 32. .54) Handwritten two page letter regarding Tom's proposed visit to the site and some plans that he should bring with him. He also spoke of a pup that he was housing till Tom came, dated 21/8/32. .55) Handwritten one page letter encouraging Tom to bring skid chains for his vehicle as the road was muddy when he came on the weekend. He gave a brief account of the work and of the pup's progress, dated 25/8/32 .56) Handwritten three page letter regarding the weather and the relief he felt at knowing Tom and his companions had arrived safely home. He also thanked Tom for the cheques for Ned and detailed a little of the work at the tunnel and the need for more explosives as well as the fact that they had had to put a lock on the door of the hut to stop intruders, dated Sun Sept 4th 32. .57) Handwritten one page letter regarding the ongoing work at the tunnel, dated Thur Sept 8/32. .58) Handwritten two page letter written from Prahran, regarding his trip home, work at the tunnel and with information about the enclosed receipts, dated 16/9/32. Also included was a one page letter from E Woodlock to Mr Squire regarding the work at the tunnel, dated Wednesday. .59) Handwritten one page letter from Dad (Richard Squire) to 'Tom, Hazel & Kiddies all' written from Mt Mercer, regarding the work at the tunnel and the effect that 2 inches of rain had on the work, dated Wed Sept 20th 32. .60) Handwritten two page letter regarding the work at the tunnel and with the information that Mr Read who owned the property where the tunnel was located, had a serious accident in Melbourne, dated Thur 29th Sept 30 (this 1930 date is a mistake as the information contained in this letter follows on from his previous letter dated 20th Sept 32). .61) Handwritten one page letter regarding the work at the tunnel with the encouraging information that flecks of gold were found in about half a dish (mining pan), dated Thur Sept 22nd. .62) Handwritten two page letter regarding the progress at the tunnel and the difficulties of the work and thanks for Ned's cheque. Also mentioned was the information that Mr Read had a fractured pelvis and would be in hospital for two months, so Mrs Read with her father was looking after the shearing, dated Thur 6th Oct. .63) Handwritten two page letter with a third page of a diagram of a cross section of the Leigh River Tunnel, including the new tunnel and Madisons tunnel, with detailed description of the work in the tunnel, dated Sat 8th Oct. .64) Handwritten two page letter written from Prahran, giving detailed information of the tunnel and the expected outcome of the work. He also commented that he was to visit Mr Read in hospital, dated 14/10/32. .65) Handwritten two page letter written from Mt Mercer, giving information about the work in the tunnel and his visit to Mr Read, dated Wed 19th Oct. Enclosed also was a one page letter from E Woodlock to Mr Squire giving an account of his work in the tunnel, dated Thursday. .66) Handwritten one page letter regarding the work in the tunnel, dated Sun Oct 23/32. .67) Handwritten two page letter from Dad & Jim (Richard Squire) to 'Tom, Hazel & Kiddies all' regarding the receipt of Ned's wages cheque and the insurance of Ned's person as well as a detailed description of the tunnel and its relationship to Madisons Tunnel. He also gives some indication of his health, dated Tue Nov 1st 32. .68) Handwritten on page letter written from Prahran, giving a small amount of information about the tunnel work as well as his visit to see Mr Read and some personal information, undated. Enclosed also is a one page letter by E Woodlock to Mr Squire about the work in the tunnel, dated Thursday. .69) Handwritten one page letter with little information, dated 11/11/32. Also enclosed is a one page letter from E Woodlock to Mr Squire about the work in the tunnel, dated Thursday. .70) Handwritten three page letter with detailed information about the tunnel work and an aside about Jim's help and the he suffered from "Imaginitis imagines he sees a speck of gold in every bit of gravel met", dated 10/11/32. .71) Handwritten two page letter with detailed information on the work as their tunnel crossed with the old Madison Tunnel, dated Thur 17th Nov. .72) Handwritten three page letter detailing information on an application for a 500 acre lease which was posted at the Grenville Post Office and how it would impact on their lease. The upshot was that their leases would need to be re-pegged and the fee to publish a Notice of Application on their Leigh River claim was necessary to pay and he wondered if one of their investors would pay the 10 pounds necessary to secure the claim. He also spoke of perhaps forming a Company to put a plant on their Mt Mercer shaft as he felt that the gold would be of a payable quantity, dated Sunday 20th Nov, Also included was a note written by Ned (Edward Woodlock) who had copied the Notice of Application. .73) Handwritten two page letter detailing information found in Madison's Tunnel as it related to their own tunnels, particularly No 2 tunnel and how far he felt he would need to tunnel to reach an improvement in the 'wash', dated Thur 24th Nov. .74) Handwritten one page letter thanking him for the cheque the investor, Mr Wilkinson had provided for the Notice of Application for the Mt Mercer old Lease of 828 acres. He also gave some information about how it was originally farm labourers who only worked this lease and only when they had no other work. He also gave some personal information about Mam's birthday, dated Mon Nov 28th 32. .75) Handwritten two page letter by Dad (Richard Squire) to 'Tom, Hazel & Kiddies 3' written from Prahran, telling them that they had received Ned Cheque and that that Jim and He had come home. He also detailed an incident that Jim had had with a tyre blowout whilst on his way to get explosives and post the Notice of Application in the Warden's Office in Ballarat. The stub axle had bent and Jim had to ride a bike to get a new one and after changing the inner tube of the tyre they were able to drive back to Melbourne and were in the process on having the tyre re-treaded, dated 6/12/32. .76) Handwritten one page letter explaining how he and Mam had contracted colds and that his kidneys had some of their of trouble. He hoped to return to Mt Mercer on the weekend, dated 18th Jan 33. Also included was a handwritten two page letter by E Woodlock to Mr Squire giving information about the tunnel work, an injury to his hand and the fact that he had only 3 picks that were any good. He also asked for some vegetables, tomatoes and bacon when Richard returned, dated Saturday. .77) Handwritten one page letter written from Mt Mercer, giving information about the tunnel work, now 97'6" in and how he had expected to have already come upon the Madison's gold bearing gravel wash, dated Wed 25th Jan 33. .78) Handwritten two page letter with detailed information about how the tunnel had cut across a second Madison's tunnel and the prospects in this tunnel looked more promising. He also stated that he had not been well the last few days, dated Frid 27th 33 .79) Handwritten one page letter with information about the shotty gold found and the tunnel work and that he would test the value of the wash where the gold was found, dated Mon 30th Jan. .80) Handwritten short note of one page giving sketchy information about the tunnel work, dated Tue 31st Jan 33. .81) Handwritten two page letter giving information about his dealings with the Secretary for Mines relating to the fact that because the application for lease was identical to the old lease, they therefore should not need to pay for a full survey costing 7 pounds, just an inspection. He also detailed the workings and asks for more parsley roots to be sent to him, dated Thur Feb 9th 33. .82) Handwritten one page letter stating that he had received Ned's cheque and information about the workings, the coarse gold found and the fact they were going home for fresh food, dated Tue 14th 33. .83) Handwritten two page letter giving detailed information on the progress of the tunnelling as well as the information that Len and Max had come to visit the site and that Len had brought with him Keating, who he detested and pondered the reason for his bringing the man. As they were leaving Max "told Ned he thought they were going down to Ice Mam". Richard was worried about paying the 7 pounds ten shillings for the Department of Mines survey and was loath to put in another 20 pounds for another share of the mine to pay for it. He gave his thanks for a parcel of parsley he'd received , dated Tue 21st Feb 33. .84) Handwritten two page letter written saying that he had received Ned's cheque (for wages) and giving detailed information on the progress and for the need to timber the drive and have the bottom stoped up. He had no timber or laths left and was concerned about the cost necessary to satisfy the Mines Department. He mentions the possibility of insolvency. Fine gold had been found but not like the Madison's tunnel, dated Tue 28th Feb 33. .85) Handwritten two page letter written giving detailed information of the progress in the tunnel and with the expectation that they would soon meet the same wash which was in Madison's Tunnel. He also personal information about his health. the parsley roots received and the apples which Jim had "burgled", dated Sun 5th Mar 33. .86) Handwritten four page letter by with a very detailed account of the progress of the tunnelling and the reason why the expected intersection with the Madison wash did not occur, but with the hope that this intersection would soon occur, then they would be able to meet expenses. He also talked about not being able to pay for the lease but had the hope they they would not be too rigid in their case. He added some personal information about Jim not having the makings of a miner, catching rabbits "for the pot" and the fact that Mr Read was so much better that he was able to ride his horse, dated Sat 11th Mar 33. .87) Handwritten one page letter written from Prahran, acknowledging the receipt of Ned's cheque, a note about the work at the tunnel and some personal information, dated 21/3/33. .88) Handwritten one page letter written from Mt Mercer, saying that there was little change in the tunnel but that he was would open a cross cut north, dated Thur 23 March 33. .89) Handwritten note of a half page telling them that he had cross cut the tunnel, dated Sat 25th Mar. .90) Handwritten one page letter with progress of the tunnelling and where it is in relation to Madison's Tunnel, dated Thur 30th Mar 33. .91) Handwritten three page letter with the first part of the letter talking about the personal and financial worries he and his family had with travelling and mining expenses as well as Ned's wages which could not have been managed without Judy's little car, Jim's help and the payment of Ned's wages by Tom. He went on to give detailed information of the tunnelling and then talked about a letter received by the Department of Mines regarding the non payment of the lease and that a Notice of Abandonment would be published if not paid. Lastly he talked about the struggle he had had with this process and that it was only because of Tom's help that he had been able to continue this far, dated Sun 2/4/33. .92) A one page letter with information about the progress as well as the information that he had not heard from the Mines Department regarding the lease, and the the 1000 sq ft Miners Right Claim was secure, dated Thur 6th April. .93) A three page letter with detailed information about the work in the tunnel and also detailed explanation of the leases he has pegged and repegged. He also thanked Tom for paying the balance which was owed to the Department and informed Tom that he was going home, dated Tues 11th April 33. .94) A four page letter written from Prahran, thanking Tom for Ned's cheque and with information about the work still being carried on by Ned. He also talked about the pegging of the Mt Mercer claim and the cost of the advertisement and application and survey fees to secure the site as well as his opinion of the probable value of the gold from this site. He also stated that he really needed more investment from those who had initially invested with him or from new investors, dated 17/4/33. Included was a one page letter from Edward Woodlock (Ned) to Mr Squire regarding the work he was carrying out at the tunnel, dated Saturday. .95) A three page letterwritten from Mt Mercer, regarding the work in the tunnel and the quality of the gold found and the direction they will take. He also stated that he was posting letters to the original investors to see if they would contribute to the cost of the lease and also talked about another man who had a Notice of Application posted at Grenville for the water rights for a 25 miles long area and a dam. His Capital is 300 pounds and the supposition is that he wants to 'unwater' the leads, dated Frid 20th April. .96) A one page letter regarding the continued work in the tunnel and how his suppositions seemed to be correct, dated Thur 27th April 33. .97) A three page letter thanking Tom for Ned's cheque of 6 pounds 7 shillings and 6 pence. He also gave detailed information about the tunneling and the type of ground found and his next intentions. He also gave further information about the Notice of Application at Grenville which was posted by B Ryan, Agent for Western Deep Leads Coy Limited for 6000 acres, dated Sun 30th April 33. As well is a note detailing the information copied from the Notice. .98) A two page handwritten letter detailing the work being carried out as well as a complaint that he had not heard from the men he had written to, dated Thur 4th May 33. .99) A one page handwritten letter regarding the tunnel work and informing Tom that the gold found is shotty, dated Sat 6th May 33. .100) A four page handwritten letter written from Prahran, detailing the tunnel work and informing that the gold prospects were better in no.1 cross cut south and there was also payable fair gold where they were currently working, if worked in bulk. He also talked about the possibility of new investors as the old ones had not responded to his letter and the necessity of securing the leases, dated 11th May 1933. .101) A one page handwritten letter by E. Woodlock (Ned) to Mr Squire regarding the work going on, dated Thursday. .102) A six page handwritten letter written from Prahran historically detailing the acquisition of the two leases at Mt Mercer, 35 years earlier, with M C Donnely/Donney and Jas Clements, including Madisons. He goes on to clarify Tom's suggestion regarding the Leases and the Companies to be floated, then details the the shafts, bores, tunnels and Deep Leads held in the leases and then goes on to say what his next steps would be, dated 13th May 33. .103) A two page letter written from Mt Mercer detailing the continued work in the tunnel with the added information that because of the incline it was taking two men to push the truck up the tunnel. Richard also told of the need to take more parsley water for his condition, dated Thur 18th 33. .104) A three page letter with a very detailed description of the work in the tunnel. Richard also told that he had run out of metal rails and was having to use timber as a substitute. He was also to re-peg the North and South Leases in the morning, dated Sun 21st May 33. .105) A two page letter detailing the work in the tunnel and saying that there was a hundred feet of rail locked in by a fall in the No.2 Tunnel and he was hoping to get them out to replace the wooden rails as they made for heavy work on the inclines. He also said that he had a letter from the Department telling him to communicate with the Surveyor in Ballarat, dated Wed 24th May. .106) A three page letter acknowledging Ned's cheque as well as information about the work in the tunnel, including that he had been able to retrieve 45 feet of rail and would get more when needed. He said he was pleased that Tom and Mr Wilkinson were making a trip on Saturday to see him. He talked of the weather and the fact that the bread was a week old, so to bring enough to last till the Monday. Among other things he also spoke of Tom revising the Plans and also having a Share book printed and the name was to be the Ballarat Deep Leads Extension for which there could possibly be 3 Companies, dated Sun 28th May. .107) A one page letter with information about the work in the tunnel and also a weather update and the best way to come, dated Wed 31 May 33. .108) A two page letter written from Prahran, explaining a visit to the Leigh River Shaft to get whim rope, whip wheels and sundry items. He shifted some equipment and built a new forge and was to fix and mount a windlass and rope to enable Ned to get the truck up the incline of the tunnel. He also spoke of the work being undertake by Ned then when on to more personal correspondence about a birthday present for one of Tom's boys, dated 9/6/33. .109) A two page letter acknowledging receipt of the 'Prospectus of the Ballarat Deep Leads Extension Syndicate' and 'Share Certificate'. The No.1 Lease was in Ned's name and the No.2 Lease was in Jim's name to avoid inquisitive interest. Jim logged a Notice of Application and paid the fees. Richard acknowledged receipt of Ned's cheque and asked for 5 pounds as his finances were 'rather tight', dated 14/6/33. Included was a 1 page letter from Ned to Mr Squire regarding the work in the mine, dated Saturday. .110) A one page letter written from Mt Mercer giving information about what was happening in the new x cut N near the mouth of the tunnel, dated Friday 16/6/33. .111) A one page letter telling about the work and that he had fixed an old shed of Mr Reads for the forge. Mr Read and Mr Cameron visited and Richard was hopeful that Mr Cameron, the owner of the land in the North Lease would be easy as regards an agreement, dated June 22/33. .112) A two page letter which talked about his health, the mine, the local J.P. who had lost his eye in a shearing accident and the surveyors visit, He also spoke about contacting the Gold Mines Ltd and the Berry Leads Company, dated Tue 27th 33. Also included was a letter to the Mines Department and a receipt from the Mines Department for the sum of 7 pounds 10 shillings as well as the Lease Applications from the newspaper dated June 13th 1933. .113) A two page letter complaining of the charge made by the Mines Department for a Surveyors Inspection. He also wrote of trying to set up a float for the mine which he would do when he returned home.He also explained the current findings at the mine, dated Sun 2nd July 1933. .114) A one page note written from Prahran informing Tom that he had not yet heard from Gold Mines Ltd and also that there was a hitch with the lease on the house, but this was to hopefully be fixed the following day. He also spoke of Tom's trip home (completed in tow), dated 18/7/33. .115) A two page letter recounting some of the difficulties they were having with the new owners of the house they leased in Prahran. He also spoke of the fact that the Mines Department had requested another 10 pounds although they had not yet completed the survey on either mine, dated 21/7/1933. Also included was a one page letter from E. Woodlock (Ned) to Mr Squire about the workings, dated Tuesday and a letter from the Gold Mines of Australia Limited saying that the information he had supplied was now with their engineers, dated 20th July, 1933. .116) A three page letter written from Armidale saying that Mam (his wife) was fretting with the move to this house. He also told of the rejection by the Gold Mines of Australia Limited of his proposal to invest in his Mt Merser Mine, stating that he believed that Jim Clements who had been the manager when the mine had previously been opened, had most likely "thrown all the cold water he could" on the proposal. He spoke at length about how this man had run the mine into the ground and his own involvement with the winding up of the company. He went on to say that he would approach Ryall to see if he was interested in investing, dated 28/7/33. Included was the letter from Gold Mines of Australia Limited, dated 26th July, 1933. .117) A two page letter written from Prahran telling of the move to another house where Mam was quite settled. He also wrote of the work Ned was carrying out at the mine as well as personal and family news. He wrote that as he had not heard from Ryall, he would visit him the following day, dated 6/8/33. Also included was a two page letter from E Woodlock to Mr Squire giving detailed information of the progress at the tunnel, as well as asking for a new pair of boots as the ground was so wet his were letting in the water, dated Thursday. .118) A two page letter explaining about a letter he received from Mr Cameron who believed he had found gold as well as some personal information and his health, dated 8/8/33. Also included was a one page letter from Neil W Cameron to R B Squire telling about some specks of gold he'd found in a post hole, dated July 31st 33. Thirdly was a one page letter from Ned to Mr Squire explaining the work he was doing in the tunnel, dated Saturday. .119) A one page note saying that he did not like the enclosed 2 copies of the typed Agreement of the Leigh River Gold Mining Company with William Ryall, but asked Tom's advice. dated 9/8/33. .120) A two page letter dealing mainly about the work going on at the new house and the settling in process. He also wrote about the proposed Agreement with Ryall, dated 11/8/33. Also included was a one page letter from Mr Ryall to R B Squire from which part of the left hand side had been severed, dated 10th August 1933. .121) A one page note from R B Squire to W Ryall dated 14/8/33, with attached one page of information and figures. Also attached a one page letter from R B Squire to W Ryall asking if Ryall would be interested viewing the plans for an alluvial mining proposition, dated 27/7/33. .122) A three page letter mainly about the visit to Ryall and a Mr Cundy about the proposed agreement with his concerns about the language and terms of the agreement, dated Sun 21st 33. Also included was a letter from Ned to Mr Squire about the continued work in the tunnel and the fact that two of the pick heads had cracked and would have to be fixed, dated Thursday. .123) A two page letter dealing with a meeting had with Ryall and others in a private office regarding the interest in investing in the mining proposition, dated 23/8/33. .124) A four page letter dealing mainly with the work at the tunnel and exploratory diggings at the spot Mr Cameron had written about as well as the damage done to the car on the way to the workings, dated 29/8/33. .125) A one page letter telling of a proposed meeting with Mr Taylor and a Mr Bowler, who may turn out to be Alan Bowler who he knew, regarding the Mr Mercer Float scheduled for the following day, dated 30/8/33. .126) A five page letter explaining the content of the meeting held with Mr Bowler, who represented an English consortium which was interested in the Mt Mercer site. He explained the terms that the consortium would offer if they went ahead, This included 25 % shares in the mine but no money, which he bemoaned because of the shortness of their cash reserves. He went on to detail the 4 distinct deposits of wash in this field, which he believed were unique in the Ballarat district. He also stated that he had not heard from Mr Ryall. He closed by talking about the water levels in the mine, dated 1/9/33. .127) A two page letter saying that he had written an 11 page report on the Mt Mercer field for the English consortium as well as a private letter for the chairman.He also reported that he had been to see Ryall. Neither party knew that he was talking to the other. added was some personal information, dated 6/9/33. .128) A one page letter telling of a meeting with Mr Bowler and Mr Tayler who carefully went through his report. It was then being typed. He believed he had two strong supporters, dated 7/9/33. Also included was a 2 page note from A Bowler to R B Squire asking him to bring the report into the office the following day to be perused and typed, dated Sept 6th 33. .129) A two page letter with personal encouragement for one of the children. The letter then goes on with more information about the meeting with Mr Tayler and Bowler and his impressions of their interest. He also talked about the one of the experts who was to examine the site and also about the report which was now typed and a copy sent to Tom, dated 8/9/33. .130) A one page letter keeping him informed of progress. The expert was away but would be briefed on his return. He also thanked Tom for a cheque, which was used to get the car 'Liz' back in order for the trip to be made with the experts at a later date. He informed Tom of his intention to return to Mt Mercer, dated 13/9/33. .131) A one page letter written from Mt Mercer telling of the trip from Melbourne and the weather. He spoke of what was happening in the tunnel and that he had not yet heard from any of the interested parties, dated Tue 19th Sept. .132) A five page letter written from Prahran with detailed information about the tunnels, the washes and the shows. He also detailed his meeting with Bryant 38 years ago at the No 1 at Carisbrook and how he had given him assistance at that time and subsequently as well as giving his version of a potted history of Bryant, dated 29/9/33. .133) A two page letter with information about the arrival of the chairman of the English group and that Ned had shown Mr Kermode around the site, dated 6/10/33. Also included was a cutting from the Age about the arrival of Mr F W Baker, representing a large English financial group interested in Victorian deep lead propositions, dated Oct 6th. As well were two, one page letters from Ned (E Woodlock) to Tom, regarding the work in the tunnels, the bad air and the hopes of a successful float, dated Tuesday and Wednesday. .134) A one page letter thanking them for the gift of eggs and parsley. He also talked about a letter from Bowler regarding the business of the experts and that their leases would be seen in due course, dated 10/10/33. Included was a one page letter from A Bowler to P B Squires saying that Mt Mercer site was receiving attention but that no decision had as yet been made, dated Oct 9th 1933. .135) A three page letter written from Prahran giving information about Richards visit and conversation with Mr Ryall, who indicated that no decision had as yet been made regarding his proposal. He also included some personal information about members of the family, dated 18/10/33. Included was a one page letter from Ned (E Woodlock) to Tom with information about the tunnelling progress in no.2 tunnel and the bad air that drove them out for a time, dated Saturday. .136) A one page letter containing a brief update on the state of affairs , dated 20/10/33. Included was a one page letter from Ned to Mr Squire with an information on the progress at the tunnel and with the information that his hands were cracked so badly that he was wearing two socks on each hand, dated Saturday. .137) A one page letter which family news and a paragraph about the figures in his calculations, dated 21/10/33. On the back side was a letter from E Squire (his wife) to Tom, Hazel & boys again with family and personal information, dated 22nd 10/33. .138) A three page letter with the disappointing news that the English consortium would not take up the option on the Mt Mercer lease and gave his opinion that it was self interest that stopped it going ahead. He then gave two options as to the way forward, dated 24/10/33. Also included was a typed one page letter from W C Tayler to R B Squire informing him of a letter stating that the proposal had been turned down, dated 23rd October 1933. .139) A three page letter informing of further developments with Mr Tayler who asked for the plans to be left at the office till the following week as there was another company who may yet be interested to take up the option, dated 27/10/33. .140) A one page letter asking for 9 copies of the old agreement to be typed for the 3 Syndicate members, Rice, Cameron and McNaughton, dated 5/11/33. .141) A three page letter regarding the decision by the Syndicate to reopen the LRG shaft and the practical issues of timber acquisition and probable costs. He then went on to talk about Mam's indisposition and treatment by the herbalist, Goon, dated 8/11/33. Also included was a newspaper clipping from the Age entitled 'Inquiries for properties at Ballarat'. .142) A three page letter giving all the news regarding the agreements, the costs and the way forward. He also spoke of his wife's improvement and other personal information, dated 11/11/33. .143) A two page letter written from Mt Mercer regarding the difficulties in obtaining the timbers and tanks needed to reopen the shaft and the state of all the existing fittings and what would be needed to get the site operational again. His agreement with Mr Read had duly been signed, dated Thurs 16th 33. .144) A two page letter with further information about the progress with acquiring and repairing the shaft site, dated Mon Nov 20th 33. .145) A three page letter informing that the timber for the whim & shaft were being delivered and the area had been cleared out for the poppet heads. The top of the shaft had been cleared ready for re-framing and other work had been carried out. Liz, the car had broken down and Jim was in the process of fixing her. He concluded with information about his and his wife's health, dated Sun 26th Nov 33. .146) A four page letter with news of Mam's health, the problems associated with fixing the car and the floods which stopped Jim from going to Ballarat and washed away the Gary Bridge which affected the mail and had halted work at the shaft, as well as delaying the second delivery of timber, dated Sun Dec 3rd. .147) richard squire, william ryall, jim clements, gold mines of australia limited, e woodlock, ned woodlock, neil w cameron, alan bowler, mr cundy, don mcnaughton, mr rice -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, Australian Glass Manufacturers, before 1894
This book was used by Orbost Cemetery Trust to record letters written especially to provide a running account of the trust's activities. Although the cemetery was officially gazetted in November, 1891, it seemed certain that burials had taken place before that time. The early trusts were diligent in their record keeping and visionary in their planning.The original Trust members approved by the Public Health Department included C. N. Henderson, E. Watt (Ernest), D. Munro (Donald), M. R. Coote (Massy) and James Cameron (recorded at the first meeting of the Trust dated 29th May 1891. The first mention of a Mr. C. Richardson wasn’t until 25th February 1916 whilst the cemetery was under the control of the Orbost Shire Council with select councillors on the committee. Orbost Cemetery is an important part of Orbost's history. Its records are essential in research of local history.A grey covered letter book used by the Orbost Cemetery Trust to record letters written between 1894 and 1907.On spine-Letter Bookorbost-cemetery letter-book -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, W C RICE, 1914 -1918
Patriotic Fund Raising days were held in order to raise money and support for the soldiers fighting overseas. In the photograph are L to R: Marion Gilbert; Annie Nixon; Jean Cameron; Hattie Nixon and Grace Cameron' The Australian Red Cross Society (ARCS) was formed just after the outbreak of the First World War in August 1914, originally as a branch of the British Red Cross. It came into being as a branch of the British Red Cross Society on August 13th 1914 to succour the wounded in the First World War.This is a contemporary record of a significant event in Orbost. It reflects the involvement of Orbost, a small town, in the efforts of the Australian Red Cross Society to provide comforts to soldiers during World war 1.A black / white photograph / postcard of four ladies and one little girl dressed in Red Cross outfits standing in front of a cart loaded with patriotic goods for sale. A sign on the cart has ":SOLDIERS' COMFORTS" on iton back is a list of namesorbost-red-cross ww1 -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph
This is a photograph of Tambo and Orbost Shire Councillor, Hugh Cameron (born 1850 died 1921) who represented S R/ Bendoc Riding in 1184-1886 and from 1891-1892. Hugh Cameron was also on the Orbost Shire council from 1892-1915. (more info. in O.D.H.S. newsletter -Tambo Shire)This item is associated with the Orbost Shire Council. The shire covered an area of 9,347 square kilometres and existed from 1892 until 1994 when it became part of the East Gippsland Shire Council. It is also associated with Hugh Cameron.A black / white head and shoulders portrait photograph of a bearded man in a suit.There is also a framed photograph.cameron-hugh orbost-shire-council -
Orbost & District Historical Society
invitation, 1953
This was an invitation to the Premiership and Grand Final Dinner. The invitation belonged to Mrs R. Smith, 20 Raymond Street, Orbost, 3888. Roma Smith (nee Cameron) was the daughter of Harry Purchase Cameron and Lilian Gladys (nee Harding. Roma married Ronald Richard SMITH in 1944 Harry's father, James Cameron, came to Bellagoogan on Majors Creek in 1882. Bellagoogan was on Majors Creek near Orbost and was the site of the first race course. Like many others at the time, the Camerons bred race horses.Harry died in 1964 aged 75.Orbost Football Club through its many changes has always been an important social fabric of the Orbost community. Sport is often regarded as an important part of life in rural Australia, contributing to community identity, sense of place, social interaction and good health.A cardboard invitation in the shape of a football. It has a menu inside and a program for the evening. on the back is a list of the team players for both teams.invitation orbost-football-club recreation sport -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, Howard D. Bulmer, 1907
This photograph shows the Orbost Shire Council in 1907. In the back row are : A. Hillyard; John Draffin (sec.); David Jonson; Archie Rodwell; Hugh Cameron; Geotge Nixon; J. Hassett; Percy Watt; Wm Anderson (engineer); Wm Ross (S.R. Mail) Seated in front on chairs are : Sam Lynn; R. Pearse; John Johnston; Henry Luke (pres.); Donald Munro; Bill Cumming; Charles Grove The shire covered an area of 9,347 square kilometres and existed from 1892 until 1994 when it became part of the East Gippsland Shire Council. Orbost was at first included in the Bairnsdale Shire from 1882 and was later part of the Tambo Shire. Because of travelling distances the Croajingalong Shire was created in 1892 (name changed to Orbost Shire 17.2.1893 with James Cameron as the first Shire President. In 1994 it amalgamated to become part of East Gippsland Shire Council.This item is associated with the Orbost Shire Council. The shire covered an area of 9,347 square kilometres and existed from 1892 until 1994 when it became part of the East Gippsland Shire Council. A large black / white photograph of a group of men in two rows - front row seated; back row standing. The photograph has been taken outdoors with trees in the background and to the right a wooden building and tank. There is a copy.on front - "Orbost Shire Council - 1907" on back - "March, 1907, Shire Council"orbost-shire-council-1907 local-government -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, October 1931
This is a photograph of the first committee and members of the Orbost Bowling Club in 1931. L-R: Rev. Montgomerie, Ab Trewin, Dave & Dick Pardew, Jack Cameron, Harry Cameron, Carl Dreverman, Lance Herbert, Rupert Mosley, J. McKeown, Sam Lynn, T. Bartold - Geo. Haymes. The first meeting was held on 23/3/1922, then the Orbost bowling Club was formed in 1929 when the funds for the construction of the green were issued by debentures of five pounds each. These were all taken up and a six rink green was laid down. Inaugural President, Sam Lynn and Secretary T. Bartold, the first Club Champion was M. Rothberg. It was not until 1951 that women were admitted as associates albeit restrictions.Associate members were not to exceed 25 and ladieswere to be of good character with preference to be given to wives of male members. Ladies had tot be off premises by 4pm. It was not until 1935/1936 that Orbost became a member of the Central Gippsland Bowling Association. Bowling clubs play a significant role in community recreation needs. The Orbost Bowling Club plays an important role in the Orbost community.A small black / white photograph of a group of men wearing lawn bowling uniforms. In front of them are two balls.on back - handwritten - "Opening Orbost BC Committee Oct 1931" -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Doug Orford, 1914-1918 Roll of Honour Board, Eltham State School No. 209, c.2000
1914-1918 Roll of Honour board located at Eltham Primary School Scholars of Eltham No. 209 State School Who Fought In The Great War Anderson, H. Ball, A. Bird, E. * Bromfield, C. * Bromfield, P. Brown, G. * Brown, J. * Cameron, T. * Cameron, W. Carrucan, J. Clayton, T. Cone, L. Crellin, W. * Crossley, N. Gilsenan, H. Gollings, L. Hill, G. Hill, Reg MM Hill, R. MM Jarrold, J. Knapman, E. Lyons, M. Morris, A. Morris, C. Morris, F. Morris, H. McColl, J. McGavin, G. McGavin, P. Orford, F. Orford, W. Pryor, J. Pryor, R. * Scarce, H. Scott, R. Shillinglaw, E. MM Somerville, G. * Thomas, L. Thomas, P. Williams, G. * * - Paid the ultimate sacrifice for their country MM - Awarded the Military Medal1918, a. ball, a. morris, aif, c. bromfield, c. morris, e. bird, e. knapman, e. shillinglaw mm, eltham state school no. 209, f. morris, f. orford, first world war, g. brown, g. hill, g. mcgavin, g. somerville, g. williams, great war, h. anderson, h. gilsenan, h. morris, h. scarce, honour board, honour roll, j. brown, j. carrucan, j. jarrold, j. mccoll, j. pryor, l. cone, l. gollings, l. thomas, m. lyons, n. crossley, p. bromfield, p. mcgavin, p. thomas, r. hill mm, r. pryor, r. scott, reg hill mm, roll of honour, t. cameron, t. clayton, w. cameron, w. crellin, w. orford, ww1, eltham primary school -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newspaper - Supplement, Leader Associated Newspapers, Shire of Eltham Centenary; 100 Years of Progress, March 30, 1971
Poduced as a supplement to the Diamond Valley News in celebration of the centenary of the Shire of Eltham in 1971. Contains stories of historical note about people and places of the shire as well as numerous advertisng by local businsesses. Also on page 1 lists the program of events commencing Friday, April 2 commencing with a dinner and previewing of paintings by Justus Jorgensen at Montsalvat attended by the Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. W. H. McMahon running through to the publication of Pioneers & Painters edited by Alan Marshall. Contents: Page 1 Program of Events Page 2 Wingrove . . man of Eltham Page 3 Council people of 100 years Page 5 Capt. Sweeney, Eltham’s first Irish settler Page 6 Station a tribute to ex-concillor Page 7 Eltham 25 Years Ago just a street Page 9 Kangaroo Ground – once the hub of the shire Page 10 Festival of Arts and Crafts at Montsalvat Page 11 Obelisk honours their memory Page 11 Henry Dendy – an Eltham venture Page 12 Free by rail – if they worked Page 12 The long shadow of Ween Cameron Page 13 McMahon’s – a momentous era Page 14 50 Years Ago . . . Lyon Bros Ford Page 15 Beer at 3d. a pint Page 17 Oldest Home Built in 1850 Page 19 History in black and white . . . . Page 20 Historical Pigeon Bank Page 22 Bridge over log crossing Page 22 Pioneer shot by outlaw Page 23 Milestone for Smith Family Page 24 The Eltham Chamber of Commerce Mardi Gras Advertisers: F.J. & R. Favier (Butcher & Delicatessen Lower Plenty) Eltham Hotel Country Art Store (Eltham) A.R. Warren (Eltham) Heidelberg Travel Service Williams Butcher (Lower Plenty) Greensborough Bulk Store Mac’s Meats (Eltham) Buxton Garden Ornaments (Eltham) Hugh Fisher Photographer (Eltham) Para (Mach. Trading Co. (Greensborough) Westfield Shoppingtown (Doncaster) Clinton’s (Eltham) Gillespie & Lewis P/L (Soft Furnishings Greensborough) T. Hutchinson’s Engineers (Greensborough) Knox & Hellemons Pty Ltd (Builders) Angliss Butchers (Eltham) Rainbow Real Estate (Research) Research Licensed Supermarket Gibsons Research Meat Supply Owen Holmes Motors (Greensborough) Research Pharmacy R. & P. Humphries Delicatessen (Eltham) Montsalvat Eltham Apex Mowerama (Eltham) R.H. Dean & Son Real Estate (Greensborough) L.J. & J.D. Avery Butchers (Eltham) Deylen & Torikov (Motor Engineers Eltham) George Lovitt & Co. Pty Ltd Precision Engineers and Toolmakers Montmorency) Fred’s Mower Repairs (Lower Plenty) Gray’s Milk Bar (Montmorency) Maranne Beauty Salon (Montmorency) Evans Bros. & Newell Pty Ltd (Printing Greensborough) La Ronde Restaurant (Eltham) Terry & Margaret’s Garage (Caltex Lower Plenty) Kevin Dawson Building & Joinery Contractors (Eltham) Montmorency Authorised Newsagency Eltham Produce Store (W.J. Cameron) Consolidated Aluminium (Aust.) Pty Ltd (Eltham) Briar Hill Timber & Trading Co. Pty Ltd Diamond Valley Coaches (Eltham) Lyon Bros Ford (Eltham) The Natural Development Association (Eltham Shire) Alan Whitmore R.E.S.I. (Eltham) Keith Wilkie’s Mensland (Montmorency) Eltham Home Supplies (Eltham) Safeway (Greensborough) Lower Plenty Fish Supply Blue Gum Milk Bar (Eltham) W. Hutchinson Sand Soil & Gravel Suppliers (Greensborough) Keyzers Milk Bar (Greensborough) P.J. Timber & Trading Pty Ltd (Eltham) Diamond Valley Motocycles (Honda Macleod) Neville F. Emerson Real Estate (Lower Plenty) Edon Engineering (Eltham) Mobil Service Centre (Eltham) C.A. & J.M. Kohlman (Panton Hill General Store) C.A. & J.M. Kohlman (Smiths Gully General Store) ANZ (Eltham) Diamond Valley Demolition (Eltham) Volkswagen Specialists (D. Young Greensborough) N.F. Thorpe Pty Ltd Precision Engineers (Briar Hill) Ashley’s Milk Bar (Montmorency) J. Turnbull (General Blacksmith Greensborough) Airlook Service Station (Montmorency) A. & L. Mallios (Grocer Hurstbridge) United Refrigeration Pty Ltd (Greensborough) Peter McDougall & Associates Real Estate (Eltham) Hurstbridge Bus & Taxi Service Pty Ltd Browne Bros. Safeway (Eltham) St Andrews Hotel Eltham Real Estate Pty Ltd Eltham Chamber of Commerce B.P. Evergreen Service Station (Eltham) A.R. Warren Fuel Merchant (Eltham) W. Penna Chemist (Eltham) PPH Produce Paint Hardware (Eltham) Eltham Cake Kitchen (Eltham) Fred Ramak Continental Hairdresser (Eltham) Clinton’s (Eltham) Thompson’s Pharmacy (Eltham) Tillings Timber Supermarket (Eltham) Lyon Bros Ford (Eltham) Bob Clarke’s Men’s Wear (Eltham) Eltham Glen Service Station (Eltham) Miss V. Rampton Naturopath (Eltham) Eltham South Milk Bar (Eltham) Eltham Jewellers (Eltham) Baines Supa-Valu Supermarket (Eltham) Sibbel Builders P/L (Eltham) G. & E. Reivers Fly and Shower Screens (Eltham) Kenton Shoeland (Eltham) Eltham Newsagency (Eltham)One copy marked '1971' on fronta. & l. mallios (grocer hurstbridge), a.r. warren (eltham), a.r. warren fuel merchant (eltham), airlook service station (montmorency), alan whitmore r.e.s.i. (eltham), angliss butchers (eltham), anz (eltham), ashley’s milk bar (montmorency), b.p. evergreen service station (eltham), baines supa-valu supermarket (eltham), blue gum milk bar (eltham), bob clarke’s men’s wear (eltham), briar hill timber & trading co. pty ltd, browne bros. safeway (eltham), buxton garden ornaments (eltham), c.a. & j.m. kohlman (panton hill general store), c.a. & j.m. kohlman (smiths gully general store), clinton’s (eltham), consolidated aluminium (aust.) pty ltd (eltham), country art store (eltham), deylen & torikov (motor engineers eltham), diamond valley coaches (eltham), diamond valley demolition (eltham), diamond valley motocycles (honda macleod), edon engineering (eltham), eltham apex, eltham cake kitchen (eltham), eltham chamber of commerce, eltham glen service station (eltham), eltham home supplies (eltham), eltham hotel, eltham jewellers (eltham), eltham newsagency (eltham), eltham produce store (w.j. cameron), eltham real estate pty ltd, eltham south milk bar (eltham), evans bros. & newell pty ltd (printing greensborough), f.j. & r. favier (butcher & delicatessen lower plenty), fred ramak continental hairdresser (eltham), fred’s mower repairs (lower plenty), g. & e. reivers fly and shower screens (eltham), george lovitt & co. pty ltd precision engineers and toolmakers montmorency), gibsons research meat supply, gillespie & lewis p/l (soft furnishings greensborough), gray’s milk bar (montmorency), greensborough bulk store, heidelberg travel service, hugh fisher photographer (eltham), hurstbridge bus & taxi service pty ltd, j. turnbull (general blacksmith greensborough), keith wilkie’s mensland (montmorency), kenton shoeland (eltham), kevin dawson building & joinery contractors (eltham), keyzers milk bar (greensborough), knox & hellemons pty ltd (builders), l.j. & j.d. avery butchers (eltham), la ronde restaurant (eltham), lower plenty fish supply, lyon bros ford (eltham), mac’s meats (eltham), maranne beauty salon (montmorency), miss v. rampton naturopath (eltham), mobil service centre (eltham), montmorency authorised newsagency, montsalvat, mowerama (eltham), n.f. thorpe pty ltd precision engineers (briar hill), neville f. emerson real estate (lower plenty), owen holmes motors (greensborough), p.j. timber & trading pty ltd (eltham), para (mach. trading co. (greensborough), peter mcdougall & associates real estate (eltham), pph produce paint hardware (eltham), r. & p. humphries delicatessen (eltham), r.h. dean & son real estate (greensborough), rainbow real estate (research), research licensed supermarket, research pharmacy, safeway (greensborough), shire of eltham centenary, sibbel builders p/l (eltham), st andrews hotel, t. hutchinson’s engineers (greensborough), terry & margaret’s garage (caltex lower plenty), the natural development association (eltham shire), thompson’s pharmacy (eltham), tillings timber supermarket (eltham), united refrigeration pty ltd (greensborough), volkswagen specialists (d. young greensborough), w. hutchinson sand soil & gravel suppliers (greensborough), w. penna chemist (eltham), westfield shoppingtown (doncaster), williams butcher (lower plenty), a. roy ford, a.g. thomas, agnes bell, albert h. price, andrew ross, anton w. brinkkotter, arthur brindley, b. bessant, b.w. plant, bell family, charles wingrove, culla hill, dave lyon, david w. bell, e.j. andrew, edwin smith, eltham court house, eltham obelisk, ewen hugh cameron, f.e. griffith, f.v. squire, frank mcmahon, george green, george stebbing, h. eric rundle, harold e. bartlett, henry dendy, henry hurst, henry stooke, herbert a. davies, herbert hewitt, i.g. smedley, j.a. mcdonald, jack baker, jack williams, james k. brice, james rossiter, john lyon, john s. smedley, justus jorgensen, kangaroo ground, larry burke, martin mcmahon, menzies jackson, mott family, mrs andrew, mrs harper, p. harmer, p.j. lester, patrick joseph mcmahon, r.j. galbraith, robert burke, robert charles harris, rosehill, s. willey, shillinglaw cottage, shire of eltham war memorial tower, thomas sweeney, tiny carroll, tom orford, w.b. thomas, william morris -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - St David’s Uniting Church, Glen Huntly
Order of service for the induction of Rev. K Moorhead into the Parish of Glen Huntly 19/01/1984 Order of service for the celebration of the life of Ronald. Henry Summers 1921 – 1999 at St David’s Uniting Church, Glen Huntly, dated June 08/06/1999. Reprinted service of holy communion for Glen Huntly Uniting Parish date unknown. Pamphlet, including photograph of St David’s Uniting Church Parish of Glen Huntly, for the rededication of the Peace Memorial. Pipe organ; for the uniting of the Congregational Methodist and Presbyterian in the Glen Huntly Parish. Reprinted leaflet, with order of service for re-dedication of organ at St David’s 03/03/1985.moorhead kenneth h rev., st david’s uniting church., glen huntly, hunkin edward rev., grange road, waters r rev., rayment rosalie rev, stuart-murray j. dr., duke s. mrs., wallis ken, denholm robin rev., summers ronald henry, gray robin dr., roach harry, roach rene, purcell mr., purcell mrs., stephen cathy, harkness jeff, funston neil, funston robin, sypott e., neerim road, hutchison a, rosedale avenue, barnes peter, fenton r, rockell d, clarke j miss, ness p miss, osborne ivy miss, brownbill jim, courtnay s., fenton leo, johnston e, leather t, moyle b, ness r, peden a, pregnell max, rockell d., jones a., halls, uhe mrs., milligan m miss, chapman may, choirs, abhaywickrema m, theobald j, jones f, abhaywickrema p, riegelhuth j, riegelhuth j, bates t, bates l, ballantyne m, kuhn m, kite l, cameron m, hoare j, roach r, avery d, holmes j, havie j, chapman m, brownbill ella, barren b, pregnall joy, hearn edward henry, toolambool road, mcintyre ted, moyle jenny, avery daisy, powney maisie, vertigan olwyn, dawson harry, davidson eileen, mitchell mabel, mccowan roger, wright lyn, yeaman j, courtnay j, smith j, yeaman d, fenton s, jones f, penfound j, wright l, lord e, brownbill j, brownbill e, hunter j, mitchell m, barren b, moores e, donaldson j, coulson o, moyle b, johnston e, peden a, osbourne i, mccowan r, waters r rev, duke s mrs., adam a. j. rev, hewitt john, davis lyle, organs, cowan john n, organists, scotland betty, musicians, vertigan earle l rev., muirhead j, andrewartha c. w., lomas chas., foundation stone, anderson george rev., fraser finley dr., hadley s. c. rev., simon r. p., mcnair mr, fender mr, forster k rev., flynn john dr., vertigan s. a. rev., muirhead j, smith a.w.f., glen huntly plant nursery, alcock bruce, callen graeme, murrumbeena, neerim road -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Letter - Oak Avenue, 7, Elsternwick, 'Leongatha/ Corpach'
A typed copy of correspondence from Brighton Historical Society, dated 29/11/1988, detailing the history of residents from construction of 7 Oak Ave, Elsternwick in 1888 through to 1974. The letter also details the names Leongatha and Corpach, giving a brief history on the name Corpach. The second document is handwritten working notes with the same details as the correspondence.oak avenue, wimble h (mrs), hazard f.a., elsternwick, cuthbert kingston, weymuss charles, leongatha, cuthbert e (mrs), cameron william c., corpach, teague maggie, gardener hugh (rev), mcnaughton james, teague j.h. (mrs), sabelberg thomas, crawford edward, cameron margaret, platt james w, platt ellis. r, anderson a. m. (mrs), bullock h. (miss), landells rosalind., postal workers, depression 1890s, anglican church -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Appendix, M.B. Watson, Shire Secretary, List of Former Road Board Chairmen and Shire Presidents (1856-1966), 28 Nov 1966
Appendix to Shire Secretary’s Report, 28 November 1966 SHIRE PRESIDENTS Local Government in this part of the State could be said to have commenced with election in 1846 of three trustees for "The Parish Road, leading from the Suburban Allotments in the Parish of Jika Jika, near Melbourne, to the Village Reserve in the Parish of Nillumbik". The Upper Heidelberg and Old Eltham Road follow approximately the original line of road proclaimed in 1840. The Eltham Road District was proclaimed on 24.9.1856. A meeting of landowners and householders of the Eltham Road District was held on 14.10.1856 at the Fountain of Friendship Hotel, Little Eltham, for the purpose of forming a District Road Board. To date I have been unable to locate any record of the names of the members elected, or of the first Chairman. Further research may yield the desired information. The Shire of Eltham was constituted on 28.3.1871. The proposed Roll of Shire Presidents should, I believe, also include the Road Board Chairmen. It may also be considered fitting to recognise the Heidelberg or Nillumbik (or Warringal) Road Trust in the same way. The first Minute Book of the Board, covering the period 1856 to 1863, has apparently been missing for many years. The Shire Minute Book for the period 1878 to 1885 is also missing. The absence of these vital records makes difficult the compilation of a complete and accurate list of Chairmen and Presidents. Although an early letter book yielded the names of the Shire Presidents in 1878, 1879 and 1800. The names prior to 1863 were derived from Rate Books and Government Gazettes. The information contained in the Municipal Directories 1875 to 1885 is at variance to some extent with such Council records as are available for that period, and consequently cannot be relied upon for the years where the Presidents names have not been shown. shire of eltham archives, series listing, a. armstrong, a. beale, a. brinkkotter, a. donaldson, a.h. price, a.j. braid, c.h. bath, c.m.a. pelling (mrs.), c.t. bell, d.c. o'beirne, e.d. butler, e.h. cameron, e.j. andrew, e.p. harmer, f.e. griffith, f.v. squire, f.w. nankervis, g. love, g. robertson, h. dendy, h. hewitt, h. stooke, l.t. wilmot, j. cox, j. murray, j. barr, j. bell, j. fitch, j. herbert, j. lawrey, j. mealy, j. pape, j. ryan, j. smedley, j.b. shallard, j.l. beale, l. c. docksey, r. mcadam, r.a. bell, r.c. white, r.r. woolcott, rutter, s.s. addison, s.w. scott, t. armstrong, t. irvine, w. horris, w. hubbard, w. lorimer, w. morris, w. taylor, w.c. farrell, w.f. ford, w.g. gray, w.h. bradbury, w.j. taylor, w.v. houghton -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Photograph, Ballarat College Football Premiers 1889, 1889
Photograph shpws details of sports and formal student and staff attire; several of the group went on to serve their country in the Boer and Great Wars. Formal grouping of 24 students with teacher, sepia photograph, 2 copies; one with simple wooden frame and broken glass covering; one on oversize mount onlyTitle on photograph: Ballarat College-Premiers, 1889 Names at base of photograph: A Young, H Levien, J Cameron, A Bregazzi, G Esplin, Mr Thompson, T Hood, J Hargreaves, B Martin, P Hotchin, A Greenfield, A Stephens, D McClelland, J Olney, T Cowan, D Smith (Capt), J Rintoule, H O'Farrell, F Anderson, G Holgate, H Hunt, W Smith, J Southern, R Irwin Printed at base of photograph: A FLEGELTAUB. PHOTOGRAPHERballarat-college, football, premiers, 1889, flegeltaub, thompson, young, levien, cameron, bregazzi, esplin, hood, hargreaves, martin, hotchin, greenfield, stephens, mcclelland, olney, cowan, smith, rintoule, o'farrell, anderson, holgate, hunt, irwin, southern -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Lithographic Squadron Personnel and Equipment, Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo, 1992
This collection of 34 photos of Lithographic Squadron personnel and equipment was taken in at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo, in 1992. The photos were mainly taken in the Camera, Contacting, Printing, BARCRO and Production Control work areas, as well as outside Fortuna’s buildings. Although these photos are not annotated most personnel are positively identified. This is a set of 34 photographs of Lithographic Squadron personnel and equipment at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo, 1992. Photographs .1P to .32P are on 35mm negative film and scanned at 96 dpi. Colour photos .33P and .34P are on photographic paper and scanned at 300 dpi. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) - Photo, black & white, 1992, back row L to R: Andrew Arman, unidentified Mark McCulloch, Dale Hudson, front row L to R: Daryl South, unidentified (x2). Janet Murray, LT Dave Weston. .2) - Photo, black & white, 1992, back row L to R: unidentified, CPL Paul Baker, Shona Hastie, front row L to R: LT Craig Hersant, Darren Maher, Chad Hardwick, Rob Jones. .3) - Photo, black & white, 1992, WO2 Steve Egan. .4) - Photo, black & white, 1992, LT Craig Hersant. .5)- Photo, black & white, 1992, CPL Warren Shirley, Jeff Willey, Gary Kerr. .6) - Photo, black & white, 1992, L to R: CPL Penny Knott, Janet Murray, Shona Hastie. .7) - Photo, black & white, 1992, L to R: MAJ Terry Edwards, LT David Weston. .8) - Photo, black & white, 1992, Frank Lenane, WO1 Trevor Osborne. .9) - Photo, black & white, 1992, L to R: WO2 Rob Bogumil, WO2 Steve Egan. .10) - Photo, black & white, 1992, back row L to R: Terry Winzar, Roy Hicks Marty Stradbrook, Janet Murray, Nick Vanderzwan, Mark Bird, front row L to R: SGT Dale Hudson, SSGT Russ Mollenhauer, Ross Anza, SGT Kim Reynolds, SGT Stuart Ridge, WO2 Jeff Willey, Peter Hamilton, Garry Lord, Gavin McLean, unidentified. .11) - Photo, black & white, 1992, Janet Murray, Mick Muzeen. .12) and .13) - Photo, black & white, 1992, Janet Murray. .14) to.16) - Photo, black & white, 1992, SPR Scott Cameron, CPL Warren Shirley. .17) - Photo, black & white, 1992, L to R: SPR Shane Campbell, SGT Brian Paul. .18) - Photo, black & white, 1992, LCPL John Bragg. .19) - Photo, black & white, 1992, SPR Allison (Ottaway) Wooldrage. .20) - Photo, black & white, 1992, map inspection station, LT Colin Davidson. .21) - Photo, black & white, 1992, map inspection station. .22) - Photo, black & white, 1992, map inspection station, LT Colin Davidson. .23) and .24) - Photo, black & white, 1992, map inspection station, SPR Nicole Midgley. .25) - Photo, black & white, 1992, map inspection station. .26) - Photo, black & white, 1992, map inspection station, unidentified. .27) - Photo, black & white, 1992, CPL Penny Knott. .28) - Photo, black & white, 1992, CPL Ken Peters. .29) - Photo, black & white, 1992, WO2 Rob Bogumil. .30) - Photo, black & white, 1992, L to R: WO2 Peter Imeson, WO2 Rob Bogumil. .31) and .32) - Photo, black & white, 1992, L to R: SGT Brian Fauth. .33) - Photo, colour, 1992, Klimch Camera, CPL Damien Cole. .34) - Photo, colour, 1992, Speedmaster Printing Press, L to R: SGT Gary Kerr, unidentified, SGT Kim Reynolds, SPR Shane Campbell.No personnel are identified.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr, litho -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Ballarat School of Mines Council President's Report, 1930-1933, 1930-1933
.6 "...The big difficulty facing students today is the falling of in positions offering; it is to be hoped that the present state of depression will terminate. In several cases of hardship students have been admitted to classes upon signing an agreement to pay fees so soon as they get back into employment. ...'Twelve handwritten report from A.G. Heseltine.ballarat school of mines, a.g. hesiltine, woolclassing, creswick, l. crouch, f. ewart, andre mclean, royal melbourne show woolclassing prize, old scholars reunion, repatriation students, council studentships, thomas a. adams, spencer day, macklam kerby, edward butler, john eccleston, walalce hughes, harold dawber, colin neyland, milford day, john kearney, walter luke, h. potter, mary stapleton, k. wightwick, thomas brown, thelma clendenning, r. draper, h. tresize, david ferguson, adam wilson, claude creelman, noreen baker, donald cameron, james downey, allan wilson, norman rowe, george bowers, lillian pickford, g. murnowood, k. wilkie, lillian hi, rita kewley, john bell, jean aldridge, kath eccleston, florence luke, rena handy, arthur amor, edna findlay, sheila moss, w.h. steane w.h. steane retirement, donald clark, donald clark death, m.g. cornell, ballarat school of mines battery, g. leviston, l.g. stevens, rex warwillow, l.j. hillman, e.n. pickering, j. hulse, k.c. mathes, j.o. elliott, j. wight, b.j, cculloch, j.f. sullivan, w.t. stevenson, a. collins, great depression, ballarat school of mines procession, model locomotive, museum, henry kim yuen, pharmacy, materia medica, botany, staff reductions, woolclassing shield, g.r. king, gordon institute, f.g. heseltine, daniel walker, daniel walker death, spitzkarsten -
Federation University Historical Collection
Ephemera, Various papers relating to Richard Squire Mines
In 1905 Richard Squire was manager of the West Berry Consols at Allendale, and developed an improved system of mine ventilation, which was supported in "The Age."[4] He was successful in combating and remedying the gas and ventilation troubles of the Deep Mines of Creswick and Allendale Districts after all had failed. MINE MANAGERS’ ASSOCIATION. Ballarat Branch. ... Mr R. B. Squire, manager of the West Berry Consols, at Allendale, submitted a paper detailing what he had done tor the betterment of ventilation in the alluvial mines of Smeaton and Mary borough districts- Members gave Mr Squire every credit for the results that he claimed to have effected; the adoption of his ideas had testified to their value to mine-owners. It was painted out, however, that for want of a thorough debate of the subject with experienced men the author had unwittingly included some general statements that required modifying in some points and extending in others, in justice to other workers among the earlier and the present day managers of mines. It was decided to invite the author to meet a sub-committee on this subject!Various papers relating to Richard Squire Mines including telegrams, reports, receipts, letters and newspaper clippings. .1 Souvenir Telegram .2 Telegram .3 Telegram .4 Telegram .5 Telegram .6 Telegram .7 Telegram .8 Telegram .9 Telegram .10 Telegram .11 Telegram .12 Telegram .13 Telegram .14 Telegram .15 Telegram .16 Newspaper article Mt Mercer Lease 8109, Ballarat .17 Report on the Southern Extension of Main Ballarat Goldfield .18 Letter from Harwood & Pincott Solicitors and Notaries re: Agreement .19 Ballarat Deep Leads Extensions .20 Leigh River Tunnel Syndicate Voucher x 4 .21 Debt Collector Letter .22 HY. W. Pearson Account .23 William Barrett Mining and General Blacksmith Quote and Account .24 Letter from Department of Mines, Melbourne dated 5th December 1934 .25 Letter from Mines Department, Melbourne dated 27th August 1937 .26 Documentsrelating to the purcghase of a wreath for R. Woolley .27 Prospectus of the Southern Leads .28 Propsal prospectus of Leigh River .29 Letter to Tom Squire from his brother Jim .30 Letter to Mr Squire from C Hayes regarding wages owed .31 3 copies of report on mine 8th August 1935 .32 Letter regarding unpaid account .33 Contributary causes of Collapse at Mt Mercer .34 Letter from D. Crawford re payment for timber .35 Letter from John McLeod apologising for not sending cheque .36 Letter from Department of Mines regarding Neil Cameron purchases of portions 64, 65. 66 and 71 .37 3 Letters from Department of Mines granting an extension of time to pay overdue rent. .38 Letter from Department of Mines regarding Mining Lease No. 8217 .39 Letter from Department of Mines regarding Lease Rents .40 Letter from the Department of Mines regarding further boring at Mt Mercer .41 Letter from E.R Hodge requesting that Richard Squire meet with Board members of Glenfine South .42 Letter from G Brown regarding Leases not being paid for .43 Letter from daughter Judy .44 Newspaper article regarding Berry United Deep Leads .45 Envelope addressed to R.T Squire Box 2 Tresco .46 Letter to Richard Squire from A.L. Read Date stamps richard squire, tom squire, jim squire, reports, contributary causes, account, c. hayes, proposal, prospectus, leigh river, southern leads, una cooperative society ltd., wreath, r. woolley, department of mines, e. woodlock, a.l. read, geo brown, hy. w. pearson, william barrett, ballarat deep lead extension, harwood & pincott, edmund woodlock, leigh river tunnel syndicate, federal debt collecting coy, the southern extension of main ballarat gold fields, telegram, received telegram, mt mercer lease, souvenir telegram, mining -
Federation University Historical Collection
Letter, Letters written by Richard Squire to his son Tom Squire 1937
In 1905 Richard Squire was manager of the West Berry Consols at Allendale, and developed an improved system of mine ventilation, which was supported in "The Age."[4] He was successful in combating and remedying the gas and ventilation troubles of the Deep Mines of Creswick and Allendale Districts after all had failed. MINE MANAGERS’ ASSOCIATION. Ballarat Branch. ... Mr R. B. Squire, manager of the West Berry Consols, at Allendale, submitted a paper detailing what he had done tor the betterment of ventilation in the alluvial mines of Smeaton and Mary borough districts- Members gave Mr Squire every credit for the results that he claimed to have effected; the adoption of his ideas had testified to their value to mine-owners. It was painted out, however, that for want of a thorough debate of the subject with experienced men the author had unwittingly included some general statements that required modifying in some points and extending in others, in justice to other workers among the earlier and the present day managers of mines. It was decided to invite the author to meet a sub-committee on this subject!A variety of Letters written by Richard Squire to his son Tom Squire about the goings on at Mt Mercer Mine 1937richard squire, tom squire, hazel squire, jack squire, jim squire, ned, mt mercer, plant, skids, pump, poppet, carburetor, shaft, balance weight, pulleys, syndicate, suction, lease, reports, estimates, flat fields, reef, trucks, pipeclay, sandstone, suction pipe, valves, honeycomb rock, yarrowee, ballarat, reef combs, cheques, yellow slate, leigh river, dyke, quartz, ballarat deep leads, ballarat deep leads extension, bore, reads, bedrock, cemented sand, g m of a, gold mines of australia, liz the car, geoff squire, lode, cameron and sutherland, hayes timber, alan squire, ethel, ross creek field, ross creek gold mining co., frank herman, lillas, jack hayes, eyres brothers, & co, buninyong, glenfine, the star mine of avoca fields, talbot alluvials, guildford plateau, a.b.c. special supply store, geological branch, shell coy, lawaluk, almanac, mcbinny, bingley's paddock, cargaire valley and lead, stand and deliver demands, sheehan's, smeaton hotel, john charleson, aleck charleson, ted brown, billy jordan, mr banks, ballarat main lead, binney, goon, illabrook, mrs trenery, bre, max, june, mary, len, barry, hunter, herman, martin, aunt annie, bella, pitfield coy, mcnaughtons, donaldson, dereel, hogan, the bay leads, avoca field, ballarat alluvials, neil cameron, haddon field, courier, tom cotton, llewellen, stanley hunter, mr leonard, tom mitchell, school of mines, bryant, a.c. connely, dodson, constable mcmullins, adam ronaldson, bewick mining & co., reginald murray, r.c. selwyn, craig's hotel, broken hill syndicate, morrison's lead, wilkinson, j. hayes, mr nichol, burglary, baragwanath, wilkinson ross, creswick, seville, mr. ross, o'connor, c. mcgrath, alfred mica smith, henderson ross, angus kelly, a. r. dodson, duke of wellington plant, the moorabool lead, williams, paralysis, woodlock, squire, whipp, joe williams, peacock, moran, buchanan, hoare, bree kutchel, kohinoor band and alluvian, star of the east, bonshaw, epidemic, polio, mining -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Education Department Certificates 1908 - 1922
School of Mines Ballarat was a predecessor of Federation UniversityBlack cloth covered book with handwritten pages and loose foolscap pages at the front and sticer on front cover with CERTIFICATES written on department, school of mines ballarat, leslie bennett, eulali perry, hector osborne, doris mcdougall, mary mullins, john mclean, mary morrish, francis kelly, robert gullan, henry bull, clara clegg, john david, albert ferguson, ina westcott, vera walker, agnes walker, eileen tremain, florence smith, lizzie pier, annie reynolds, charles peverill, william pearson, doris patterson, rebecca mcphan, constance mchenry, jean mcgregor, florence mingst, gwen mann, roz kelly, edward jones, freddi jacobi, percy baker, doris carter, stephen chambers, ruth catt, arthur dousey, d'arcy, bessie doncaster, alan eggleston, lena featherstone, clarice fisher, sylvia williams, james walker, annie treloar, shearer, cora sandberg, elsie pearce, jan mcgregor, cyril mcgibbon, margaret moore, thomas kierce, william james, alice horan, lucy hamilton, beatrice blake, catherine bowers, mona callow, lillian cameron, joyce dopel, iva denovan, william thompson, irene hewitt, catheriine kardens, beatrice stuart, hugh ross, mavis regelhuth, isabelle bell, melba perriman, vera muny, alan bernaldo, kathleen conway, dorothy darling, walter dunston, mary dwyer, agnes fraser, enid gates, maude williams, violet wheeler, jean tunbridge, maud auberry, john b. allen, rose c. andrews, willie banagwanath, john n. bennett, alfred bayley, geo h. blake, ida bolte, allison brown, eva brown, harold r. brown, henry f. bull, arthur burge, olive cotton, gertrude f coxon, alice culph, curtain, r.l. cutter, florence davis, w.m davies, helen dempster, ed dopel, l.c.m. dovey, ernest duncan, hugh elliott, nelson h. ferguson, mary featherstone, amelia field, david cochrane, phyllis polson, frederick proctor, geoff richards, bessie robertson, catherine ronald, cora saudberg, mary sheppard, scott smith, leonard steele, j.b. suttcliffe, nellie thornhill, vernon fisher, gordon fletcher, elsie ford, constance furness, grace m. geddes, ada giacometti, mary gleeson, v. hall, harold herm, dorothy hambley, clemence hill, evelyn hodgson, annie holmes, glynis humphreys, augus henderson, joseph james, queenie johnson, harold jolly, francis n. king, william knott, mary kinnear, adelaide leash, doris lonie, a lilbourne, f.j. llewellyn, herb malui, muriel mathew, nellie moloney, mabel morris, ernest morshead, w.k. moss, winifred moyley, eileen mcinerney, jack mclean, chas mcnamara, maryanne medwell, alice osbourne, elsie pitts, percy trompf, basil tunbridge, david walker, ruby walton, annie whitla, kenneth whittle, walter wilberforce, alb e williams, masie wise, amy wolff, olive wunhym, beryl atkins, hector ashby, geo banagwanath, g.n.j. barker, marion r. bailey, kathleen bowe, lelia brough, cecil campbell, basil craddock, ida chapman, iris campbell, una campbell, eileen cleary, reg m.l. cuttter, lyle eves, violet elston, eric embling, violet evans, f.l. ellsworth, vera fisher, una fowles, colin graham, victor greenhalgh, clarence grose, dororthy hall, margaret hannaby, leslie henderson, harold herbert, effie holmes, herbert hopkins -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Victorian Collections Award for Excellence in Museum Cataloguing, 2016
Judge's comment "The Federation University Australia Historical Collection was chosen as winner of the Award for their records which contain good provenance and stories, wonderful clear photographs, and a great range of items across their collection."In 2016 Federation University Geoffrey Blainey Research Centre won the Victorian Collections Award for Excellence in Museum Cataloguing. The award was accepted by curator Clare Gervasoni. L-R ? , Clare Gervasoni (Federationi University), Belinda Ensor (AMAGA VIC). Cameron Auty (AMAGA)clare gervasoni, belinda ensor -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Correspondence from SMB Girls' Ex students association
School of Mines Ballarat was a predecessor of Federation University.Correspondence from SMB Girls' Ex students association including letters from the secretary, invitations to attend meetings, apologies and acceptances, minutes, inaugral dinner menus and members lists. All documents vary in of mines and industry ballarat, girls' ex student association, b. dulfer, g. kingsley sutton, dorothy richards, phyllis mcgregor, s. shillington, mrs a.l. arkinstall, mrs s. francis, miss ouida worthington, mrs k hale, mrs jones, mrs m mckenzie, mary green, lorna yates, denise kidd, peg wells, eileen hayes, barbara paddle, lynette atkinson, francis dowler, janet wells, rita lewis, joy mills, bonnie cody, elizabeth kinnane, beverley jennings, fay cosgrove, miss m chamberlain, gwen williams, maureen mann, nonie robertson, margaret lyttle, kathleen button, marilyn jones, rosemary paddick, nancy rimmington, mrs mary osborne, mary nolan, r. anglin, janet steele, margaret maun, mrs clare attwood, mrs d. ditchfield, heather mccallum, evelyn ditchfield, joan shearer, glenis sleeth, mrs m. mctaggart, betty hearn, mrs k. campbell, d. clemence, m. clemence, beth dalton, florence shurs, claudia mason, gwen murdoch, june murdoch, m. bailey, j. baker, j. banes, i. barr, w. beckwith, j. bilston, f. blake, v. boddinar, a. bosher, b. brookman, j. cameron, h. chasey, d. coad, r. cockburn, b. coombs, e. coombs, p. coombs, m. connell, l. cooper, m. coulter, p. crosbie, e. curnow, h. darby, d.j. davis, n. dunstan, b. elliott, o. elliott, n. eltringham, h. everleigh, m. everleigh, e. fitzgerald, m. gallie, g. gough, e. greenwood, b. guy, d. hambly, p. halse, g. harrison, h. hearn, o. hellings, d. henderson, n. henderson, m. hewitt, g. hoffman, v. hoffman, c. king, h. knox, b. lancaster, b. law, d. lawrie, g. lawry, m. lochhead, p. maloney, m. malpass, m. martin, j. matthews, morgan, g. murdock, j. murdock, b. murfett, i. murfett, c. mcilvena, e. norris, m. norris, b. patterson, h. patterson, e. prowse, l. rollan, b. ross, f. saunders, f. sheers, e. stevens, g. stevens, l. strick, v. taylor, j. trescowthick, b. veitch, j. waller, j. wallis, ms, d. williams, s.e. williams, b. william, b. willian, k. windsor, s. wyres, t. yeoman -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Correspondence from SMB Girls' Ex students association
School of Mines Ballarat was a predecessor of Federation University.Correspondence from SMB Girls' Ex students association including letters from the secretary, invitations to attend meetings, apologies and acceptances, minutes, inaugral dinner menus and members lists. All documents vary in of mines and industry ballarat, girls' ex student association, b. dulfer, g. kingsley sutton, dorothy richards, phyllis mcgregor, s. shillington, mrs a.l. arkinstall, mrs s. francis, miss ouida worthington, mrs k hale, mrs jones, mrs m mckenzie, mary green, lorna yates, denise kidd, peg wells, eileen hayes, barbara paddle, lynette atkinson, francis dowler, janet wells, rita lewis, joy mills, bonnie cody, elizabeth kinnane, beverley jennings, fay cosgrove, miss m chamberlain, gwen williams, maureen mann, nonie robertson, margaret lyttle, kathleen button, marilyn jones, rosemary paddick, nancy rimmington, mrs mary osborne, mary nolan, r. anglin, janet steele, margaret maun, mrs clare attwood, mrs d. ditchfield, heather mccallum, evelyn ditchfield, joan shearer, glenis sleeth, mrs m. mctaggart, betty hearn, mrs k. campbell, d. clemence, m. clemence, beth dalton, florence shurs, claudia mason, gwen murdoch, june murdoch, m. bailey, j. baker, j. banes, i. barr, w. beckwith, j. bilston, f. blake, v. boddinar, a. bosher, b. brookman, j. cameron, h. chasey, d. coad, r. cockburn, b. coombs, e. coombs, p. coombs, m. connell, l. cooper, m. coulter, p. crosbie, e. curnow, h. darby, d.j. davis, n. dunstan, b. elliott, o. elliott, n. eltringham, h. everleigh, m. everleigh, e. fitzgerald, m. gallie, g. gough, e. greenwood, b. guy, d. hambly, p. halse, g. harrison, h. hearn, o. hellings, d. henderson, n. henderson, m. hewitt, g. hoffman, v. hoffman, c. king, h. knox, b. lancaster, b. law, d. lawrie, g. lawry, m. lochhead, p. maloney, m. malpass, m. martin, j. matthews, morgan, g. murdock, j. murdock, b. murfett, i. murfett, c. mcilvena, e. norris, m. norris, b. patterson, h. patterson, e. prowse, l. rollan, b. ross, f. saunders, f. sheers, e. stevens, g. stevens, l. strick, v. taylor, j. trescowthick, b. veitch, j. waller, j. wallis, ms, d. williams, s.e. williams, b. william, b. willian, k. windsor, s. wyres, t. yeoman, margaret steele, r.w. richards -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, At the Beach, 1952
One of four photographs donated by Ian Hannan.Large Black & White photograph of local school children at the beach. Back Row: L-R: Charles Jones, Michael Metzzer, Donald Cameron, John Cadogan, Howard Dixon. Middle Row: L-R: kneeling, Eileen Jones, Kaye Jeffrey, Ilze Pakalns. Front Row: L-R: seated, Robert Jeffrey, Ian Ferguson, Shirley Booth, Jenny Jones, Marie McGuigan.cowes beach, ian hannan, cowes state school -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, The Puppeteers, 1953
One of a collection of 4 photographs donated by Ian Hannan.Large Black & White photograph of local schoolchildren with puppets. Back Row, L-R: Julie Duggan, Lorraine Spaven, Kaye Jeffrey, Howard Dixon. Front Row, L-R: Jenny Jones, Pat Grachan, Shirley Booth, Ian Ferguson, Donald Cameron.puppeteers, ian hannan, cowes state school, donald cameron., howard dixon., lorraine spaven, kaye jeffrey, pat grachan, julie duggan, jenny jones, shirley booth