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Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Film - Video (VHS), Diamond Creek Fire Brigade, c.1955-1987
Combination of three movie films. Movie One (1950s): 00:00 – 13:14 Black and white footage of Diamond Creek firemen practising in Diamond Street in the 1950s for forthcoming demonstrations of abilities. Mentions of Gordon Brandy and Joe Hislop Running out hoses from old hose reels along Diamond Street, Diamond Creek Displays from various brigades running out and connecting hoses. Also scenes from the 1950s of Diamond Creek Fire Brigade competing in various locations around Victoria and Tasmania. Mentions of Brigade members Dave Kidd, Bruce Hackett, Ron Kirkbride, Jack Marks, Graham Upton who are prominent in these events. Members of Kyneton Fire Brigade also present. Members competing in running out hose reels, connecting hoses togethers and to hydrants then climbing towers to direct water from hose or at a target hanging above the road. Diamond Creek members identified wearing a diamond on their chest and back. Includes scenes of Scottish pipe bands at the events and significant crowds of spectators. Footage of Mel Stone and Beryl Marks, Stan Redpath and Ron Kirkbride, then Ron Kirkbride and Eric Holt viewing flower displays. Film changes to colour at Diamond Creek oval for practice with fire engine entering oval. Members depicted include Bill May, Jack Sinclair, Jim Cox, Bob Beale, Dave Kidd, Bruce Hackett and Captain Clarrie Stone. Reverts to black and white in the 1950s where the Brigade joins forces with the Diamond Valley Community Hospital for a Gala Day on the Diamond Creek Oval. Changes to colour again, possibly same event and scenes of children on bikes and scooters or with prams and carts racing around the oval. Mention of young lad Brian Laurie who has his own fire truck. Dart throwing, pony rides. Scenes with Dr Don Cordner, Gus Lyons, Vic Cohn (?) and spinning wheel and Diamond Creek School children entertain a large crowd with Maypole dancing. Movie Two (1950s): 13:25 – 19:00 This black and white film was taken by a TV film crew in the 1950s depicts a typical call out for the Diamond Creek Fire Brigade. In this case the careless action of a member of the public throwing a lighted match from a car, which can cause extensive damage. Footage features the Shire of Eltham War Memorial tower at Kangaroo Ground before it was modified with a fire spotter’s cabin. Discusses fire spotting operations from the tower. Shows a fire spotter walking around the top of the tower. A fire is detected, and the information is relayed to the nearest fire station, in this case, Diamond Creek. The telephone call is received, and the alarm sounded. Captain Clarrie Stone and firemen May and Shaw leave their workplaces and prepare for action. Scenes of running across the Main Hurstbridge road showing the shops (Shell service station and Chemist prominent). Scenes entering the fire station which has a pictorial warning covering the entire door “Only you can prevent forest fires – If you’re careless – we’re homeless!” Eric Holt pinpoints the location of the fire while Captain Clarrie Stone and Fireman Shaw take note. The advance vehicle (an FE Holden ute, rego GTE-696) leaves to assess the extent of the fire. Having assessed the fire, Fireman Shaw communicates with base showing radio with call sign VL3JZ. Eric Holt takes the call. In the meantime, Captain Clarrie Stone and Fireman Shaw undertake some limited action to address the fire. Firemen Bill May, Jim Bates and Hugh Bar (?) man the tanker. A photo portrait of Queen Elizabeth is visible hanging on the wall. They are later joined by Firemen Jim Cox, Eric DeBuse (?) and Jack Marks. The tanker is seen departing the station and diverging off before the bridge. Captain Clarrie Stone and Fireman Shaw are seen pumping water on the flames with hand pumps when the tanker arrives. The hose is unreeled, and water turned on the flames. Jack Sinclair joins the action. Jim Cox directs water to the high stuff. The fire put out, Jack Marks and Eric DeBuse wind in the hoses and the team head back to town. It’s peaceful again at the memorial tower. Movie Three (1969-1987): 19:14 – 34:34 Colour film “Fired with Dedication”, Country Fire Authority Victoria, produced by I.L. Wadeson, Commentary by A.M. Hem. Credits with CFA Victoria emblem and then placed over a view of an old-style ladder engine. Opens with the scene of a fire engine outside the Diamond Creek Fire Station then various trophies reflecting the competition success of the brigade in various track and disciplined events. Two trophies shown of particular pride to the brigade were for first place in the Torchlight Procession at the State Championships in Mildura in 1986 and also at Swan Hill in 1981. Still photo scenes of ex Captain Clarrie Stone, Brigade Captain for 21 years; ex Captain Jack Marks, 10 years; ex Captain Ian Douglas, 10 years. Cuts to scene of radio control room, January 1969, and news of a fire on the northern side of the township of Diamond Creek. With scenes of flames in bush, the narration explains that until the early 1960s the area was an orchard district which protected the town against the savagery of bushfires. But due to competition from other areas more suitable for orcharding and easier transport to Melbourne the district could no longer remain competitive, and orchards were replaced by grassed areas, which together with the bush areas were a feeding ground for fire. On 8th January 1969, high temperatures and strong north winds, were, with the carelessness of some individual all that was necessary to produce the worst fire the district had seen. Cuts to scene of blackened fields and cattle - Hundreds of hectares of grass land were blackened, and cattle had to be transported to other areas for agistment. Scene of destroyed buildings in the township – 13 houses and the public hall in the town were destroyed as was the theatre equipment which was owned by the fire brigade. The Church of England Hall and bell tower were badly damaged. The whole town could have been burnt out but for the determination, skill, and courage of the Diamond Creek Fire Brigade. Scenes of all that was left of the home on the hill on the west side of the Church of England. Also, the remains of the old Pisy (?) home on the top of the same hill near Lambert Street, and the ruined Crocker home. Cuts to a scene in the mid-1970s to mid-1980s of a house fire in Haley Street attended by the Diamond Creek Fire Brigade. Although the house was severely damaged, it was saved. Mentions that whilst assistance is appreciated, in some circumstances, those doing so are not properly dressed for fighting fires. Breathing apparatus is a must in structure fire attack. Next scene (either on Mangarook or Coventry oval) showing off four Diamond Creek Fire Brigade efficient and very expensive firefighting units. Features a forward control vehicle Toyota 4WD used for conveying task force personnel to the required areas; a Hino Model 3.2 tanker, diesel powered and carries 3,000 litres of water and has a 16 HP petrol driven pump which delivers 900 litres of water per minute; an International tanker (registration TCM-418) which carries 3,000 litres of water with pumping capacity of 600 litres per minute. The Ford diesel powered pumper (registration MXE-754) is a well-equipped vehicle with a water capacity of 1,000 litres and capable of pumping 1,900 litres of water per minute from the main pump, has many lockers which hose equipment such as breathing apparatus and various types of hose nozzles and foam making equipment. The vehicle carries 360m of 64mm diameter hose which can be laid out from the rear lockers and a portable lighting plant, an Oxy Viva resuscitator to revive smoke inhalation victims and forcible entry tools to gain access to structure fires. Views of the main pump and control panel on the vehicle. As well as the main pump, the vehicle is equipped with an auxiliary pump which allows the facility to pump whilst moving. Fire fighters must undergo constant training and hone their skills, Scenes of a training exercise using the pumper to pump from static water. First, the short lengths of suction hose are coupled, a strainer fitted to ensure debris does not foul the pump. Gauges must be constantly monitored to ensure manageable water pressures are maintained. Pressures are normally controlled to allow two fire fighters to work at each nozzle outlet. Two nozzles are tested, one adjustable jet fog type which is used on flammable gasses or within a structure fire to absorb heat. A straight jet nozzle to project water long distances to protect exposed surfaces close to a fire radiated heat. The pumper is quite a versatile vehicle in handling structure fires, but it also carries specialist equipment needed in containing hazardous chemical incidents. Cuts to scene of parade – the Diamond Creek Fire Brigade has with other neighbouring brigades participated in most town fairs and earns the respect of the watching public. It can be seen why this brigade has been so successful at disciplined contests. Views of Plenty Fire Brigade Road Rescue unit which is equipped with the “Jaws of Life” Scenes of athletic competitions – many neighbouring brigades indulge in friendly but keen competition at the Diamond Creek Town Fair. The young are also encouraged to participate in all aspects of Junior Fire Brigade activities and become tomorrow’s generation of volunteer fire fighters. Scene of the 1986 Diamond Creek Town Fair which was the last time veteran Captain Clarrie Stone BEM marched with the brigade. Clarrie was awarded the British Empire Medal for his service to the Country Fire Authority. Also, scenes of vehicles in the parade. Cuts to scene of brigade members in drill formation for inspection by Acting Chief Harry Rothsay (?) on the occasion of the opening of the new fire station extensions on August 29, 1987. Rudy Libel (?) Captain at the time. Scenes of crowds including many dignitaries of neighbouring brigades present including Lieutenant Gordon Grandy (who came down from Queensland for the occasion) and ex-Secretary David Kidd and wife Betty, also ex Captain Clarrie Stone and Mrs Nel Stone, a life member of the Ladies Auxiliary, the Reverend Jock Ryan, son of J.L Ryan, founder of the Diamond Creek Fire Brigade, Foundation Captain of the fire brigade, Keith Bradbury and Mrs Bradbury. Pauline Dick accepts a community service award for services to the CFA. Recognising over 47 and a half years of service, a presentation is made by Mr Neil Marshall, Acting Chairman of the CFA to ex Captain Clarrie Stone with response by Clarrie. Other members of the official party include Cr. Martin Wright, Shire President Wayne Phillips and local Member of Parliament, Mrs Pauline Toner. Ex foreman John Bennett is presented with a life member’s awards by Captain Rudy Libel. The camera also catches Gwen Cox, Jean Ryan and Bessie Layton (?) Provides historic footage of people, places and equipment and a record of the worst fires expoerienced in Diamond Creek in 1969BASF Standard Quality SQ E-180 VHS dubbing (poor quality) of three films Converted to MP4 file format 0:34:38, 1.85GBOn label: "Donation - August 2000 Diamond Creek Unit Old films made up from Fire Brigade shows at competitions - also Kangaroo Ground Tower being used"video recording, diamond creek fire brigade, 1986 diamond creek town fair, a.m. hem, acting chief harry rothsay, athletic competitions, beryl marks, bessie layton, betty kidd, bill may, bob beale, brian laurie, bruce hackett, captain clarrie stone, chemist, church of england hall, clarrie stone, clarrie stone bem, country fire authority victoria, coventry oval, cr. martin wright, crocker home, dart throwing, dave kidd, david kidd, diamond creek, diamond creek fire station, diamond creek oval, diamond creek school, diamond creek town fair, diamond street, diamond valley community hospital, dr don cordner, eric debuse, eric holt, fe holden ute, fire damage – buildings, fire spotter, fire spotter’s cabin, fire station extension, fired with dedication (film), firefighting units, fireman shaw, firemen jim cox, ford pumper, foundation captain, gala day, gordon brandy, gordon grandy, graham upton, gus lyons, gwen cox, haley street, hino model 3.2 tanker, house fire, i.l. wadeson, ian douglas, international tanker, j.l ryan, jack marks, jack sinclair, january 1969, jaws of life, jean ryan, jim bates and hugh bar, jim cox, joe hislop, john bennett, kangaroo ground, kangaroo ground tower, keith bradbury, kyneton fire brigade, lambert street, main hurstbridge road, mangarook oval, maypole dancing, mel stone, mildura 1986, mrs bradbury, mxe754 vic registration, neil marshall, nel stone, orchard district, oxy viva resuscitator, pauline dick, pauline toner mp, pisy home, plenty fire brigade road rescue unit, pony rides, radio control room, reverend jock ryan, ron kirkbride, rudy libel, shell service station, shire of eltham war memorial, shire president wayne phillips, spinning wheel, stan redpath, state championships, swan hill 1981, tcm418 vic registration, torchlight procession, toyota 4wd, trophies, vic cohn, victorian bushfires - 1969, vl3jz -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, First Communion at Our Lady Help of Christian's, Eltham, c.1950
L-R: ? , ? , ? , Charlie Layfield, Kenneth Ingram, ? , Albert Feldbaueralbert feldbauer, charlie layfield, holy communion, our lady help of christian’s primary school, pam thoonen (nee ingram) collection, kenneth albert ingram -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Pam Ingram's Holy Communion, Our Lady Help of Christian's, Eltham, c.1953
Pam Ingram undertook Holy Communion at Our Lady Help of Christian's in Eltham when she was 8 years old or younger.pam thoonen (nee ingram) collection, pamela lorraine ingram, pamela thoonen (nee ingram), holy communion, our lady help of christian’s primary school -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Film - Video (DVD), Nillumbik Shire Council, Edendale Farm Community Environment Centre: History, c.2009
EDENDALE FARM Edendale Farm is Nillumbik Shire Council's environment centre situated in Gastons Road, Eltham between the railway and the Diamond Creek. The homestead on the property was built in 1896 and is of historical significance, being the subject of a Heritage Overlay under the Nillumbik Planning Scheme. The Edendale property was originally part of an extensive land purchase in 1852 from the Crown by pioneer Eltham farmer Henry Stooke. He initially purchased 51 acres and later expanded his holdings by purchasing another three adjacent Crown allotments extending northerly from Josiah Holloway's Little Eltham subdivision. Despite clearing the land, Stooke did not build on this property, choosing to live on his property "Rosehill" at Lower Plenty. In 1896 Thomas Cool, Club Manager of the Victoria Coffee Palace in Melbourne purchased 7 acres of the original Stooke land and built the house now known as Edendale. Cool did not farm the land, instead using it as a gentleman’s residence, retiring to Eltham at weekends. In 1918 he purchased an additional 7 acres but in 1919 he sold the property. Later owners included J.W. Cox, the Gaston family and D. Mummery. In the 1980s the Eltham Shire Council purchased the site for use as a Council depot, but this use did not proceed. Subsequently, it was used as the Council pound. The Edendale Farm Pet Education and Retention Centre was established in the summer of 1988/1989 and was set up to replace the existing dog kennels with a high standard pet retention centre. The design style of the building was established to compliment the features of the existing house. It was equipped with 10 retention pens, a veterinary room and a pet education area where school children and other interested parties learnt about pet care procedures. It was later developed into a community farm and was run by an advisory committee and in 2000 it became an Environment Centre. In early 2006 an advisory committee was established for the development of a master plan for future development at Edendale Farm. The committee included Russell Yeoman, a former long-time shire planner and founding member of the Eltham District Historical Society. At the time of filming the Master Plan and future for Edendale was about continuing to develop Edendale as a centre of environment learning and looking at expanding displays and school program, running a lot more of life-long learning and workshops around sustainable living.edendale community farm, eltham, gastons homestead, gastons road, shire of nillumbik, video recording -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Macmillan, Donald
Donald MacMillan (widower) with his six children eft Inverness, Scotland, in 1849, and worked as a shepherd on Plenty River property of Captain Aneas McPerson, under the manager Thomas Walker. MacMillan married again and son Hugh was born 1860, first of another six children. They lived at Morang but, in 1866, selected land at Arthurs Creek. Hugh and his sister Ann attended the Hazel Glen School. Later Hugh carried mail from South Yan Year (now Mernda) to Arthurs Creek School (also the post office); he was Sunday School teacher at the Arthurs Creek Methodist Church. Hugh married Helena Heatley from New Zealand who managed the farm after Hugh died, growing fruit and vegetables, carted by wagon to the Victoria Market. Their firstborn was Ken. Contents Newspaper article: "Donald MacMillan - a romantic", Diamond Valley News, 29 October 1985, pp30-31; history of MacMillan family. Newspaper article: "An alternative road to happiness", Diamond Valley News, 29 October 1985, p29; Mic Webb's travels and philosophy, now living at Hurstbridge.Newspaper clippings, A4 photocopies, etcdonald macmillan, plenty river victoria, captain aneas mcpherson, thomas walker, morang victoria, arthurs creek victoria, ann macmillan, hazel glen school victoria, south yan yean victoria, mernda victoria, arthurs creek school victoria, arthurs creek methodist church, malcolm macmillan, helena macmillan nee heatley, ken macmillan, mic webb, hurstbridge learning co-op, hurstbridge victoria, cottlesbridge victoria, st andrews victoria -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Book, Community Services Victoria, Social Profile: North Eastern Suburbs Region, May 1990
Local Government summaries for Diamond Valley, Eltham, Heidelberg, Northcote, Preston, Whittlesea. Provides census data and comparisons between years with summaries on topics including: Population, Age Distribution, Marital Status, Single Parents, Family Annual Income, Personal Annual Income, Social Security Income, Psychiatric Hospitla Admissions and departures, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, Persons born Overseas and country of origin, Langauges, English competence of overseas born persons, Occupancy of dwellings, Structure of occupied dwellings, type of occupanncy, private rents, monthly mortgages, households with no vehicle, level of qualifications, occupational status, employment, industry groups, unemployment, school attendance.119 pagesnon-fictionLocal Government summaries for Diamond Valley, Eltham, Heidelberg, Northcote, Preston, Whittlesea. Provides census data and comparisons between years with summaries on topics including: Population, Age Distribution, Marital Status, Single Parents, Family Annual Income, Personal Annual Income, Social Security Income, Psychiatric Hospitla Admissions and departures, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, Persons born Overseas and country of origin, Langauges, English competence of overseas born persons, Occupancy of dwellings, Structure of occupied dwellings, type of occupanncy, private rents, monthly mortgages, households with no vehicle, level of qualifications, occupational status, employment, industry groups, unemployment, school attendance.statistics, population, demographics, social profile, census data -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Program, Diamond Valley News, Festival tipped to be the best ever, Diamond Valley News, Tuesday, October 23, p2, 1984
Events and information concerning the 10th Eltham Community Festival held 16-18 November, 1984 [Photo of Keir Baker of Research Primary School] On the reverse (page 1) Fireman officially honoured, Diamond Valley News, Tuesday, October 23, 1984, p1 Opening of the Panton Hill Firemen's Memorial Park by the Member for Evelyn, Mr Max McDonald on Sunday 21 October, 1984 in memory of the five firemen who lost their lives on Ash Wednesday (1983) fighting the fire at Upper Beaconsfield - Maurie Atkinson, Stuart Duff, Neville Jeffrey, Bill Marsden and Peter Singleton [Photo of the memorial and Mr Max McDonald]]Newsprint1984, apex club, eltham community festival, eltham festival, eltham jazz festival, eltham living and learning centre, eltham rotary, eltham service club, eltham town park, grand parade, jaycees, keir baker, lions club eltham, main road, phoenix club, research primary school, ash wednesday, bill marsden, cal martin, diamond valley big band, evelyn, maurie atkinson, max mcdonald mp, neville jeffrey, panton hill firemen's memorial park, peter singleton, stuart duff, victorian bushfires - 1983 -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Eltham Rotary
1. Pride awards for dedication, The Advertiser, Tuesday, July 2, 1996, p4 2. Pride awards for dedication, The Advertiser, Tuesday, July 2, 1996, p4 3. Local Rotarians in PNG, The Advertiser, Tuesday, September 24, 1996, p3 ; also "Allan, this is your life. On reverse side, lettes to the editor from Sigmund Jorgensen about the sale and planned redevelopment of the Shire of Eltham office site at 895 Main Road 4. Research youth escapes Japan quake, The Advertiser, January 24, 1995 895 main road, dallas price, eltham gateway action group, eltham shire offices, john lordon, nillumbik shire council, sigmund jorgensen, courtesy and kindness award, diamond creek baseball club, diamond creek fire brigade, diamond creek primary school, diamond valley progress association, eddie galea, eltham rotary, ern wardell, geoff swan, graeme hardiman, greensborough apex, greensborough lions, hadden schoble, hurstbridge bowling club, jim leigh, lyn gunning, mike dunlop, mike hall, rotary club of diamond creek, sgt chris mcintyre, snr cnst allan benney, victoria police, pride of workmanship award, dean o'callaghan, david bowen, district youth exchange committee, gordon wright -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - News Clipping, Jodie Guest, Residents have their say on former shire offices, Diamond Valley News, October 16, p9, 1996
Nillumbik Commissioners used 'reserve power's to permit a controversial Shell service station and Hungry Jackls restaurant development at the former Eltham Shire Office site at 895 Main Road. More than 200 people attended the Council meeting in the public gallery and protested at the decision. 32 personal submissions were made to Council's Planning Special Committee meeting whose members vioted 3-2 against the development. The Committee consisted of the three Nillumbik Commissioners and three community members (Jim Connor, Bronwyn South and Janet Mattiske). Chief Commissioner Don Cordell, a former Shell employee excused himself from voting and the three communbity memebrs voted against the submission. The other two commissioners, Vin Heffernan and Kevin Abbott voted against it. They then immediately closed the meeting and opened a Council meeting lasting just seconds to use special reserve powers to overturn the decision. Community residents who made submissions included Russell Yeomans speaking on behalf of the Eltham Gateway Action Group and Eltham District Historical Society, Des Ryan on belaf of Eltham Senior Citizens, Angela Newhouse, others on behalf of Our Lady Help of Christians Primary School and Judge Book Village, Tom Munro, Ian Jennings, Margartet Ball a fifth generation descendant of the Shillinglaw family, one of the early settlers of the area and owner of the land that was sold to Council, Frank Burgoyne who said "there will be a lot of creaking and rumbling in the cemetery if this goes through. So many old people who have done so much for Eltham are buried up there and it is up to us to pass on what they left to the younger generation. Eltham is a beautiful spot; why louse it up?" A second article "Anger over reserve power" by Laeta Antonysen provides commentary from the three Planning Special Committee community members, former Eltham Shire Councillor Jim Connor, Bronwyn South and Janet Mattiske about the process that took place and the first time use of the spoecial reserve power to overturn the decision of the committee. Barry Rochford, Nillumbiuk CEO defends the use of the power.The demolition of the former Shire of Eltham offices and proposed sale and development driven by the Commissioners for Nillumbik Shire Council brought the community together in substantial protest at the infrigement of ratepayers democratic say in local government and ciommunity assets combined with protests about inappropraite development of Eltham's Gateway. This issue led to the formation of the Eltham Community Action Group which still operates strongly today (2023) on behalf of the community to ensure appropriate development within the community.895 main road, commissioners, dallas price homes, development application, eltham hub, hungry jacks, nillumbik shire council, re-zoning, shell service station, town planning, eltham gateway, eltham gateway action group, eltham shire offices, shillinglaw farm, shillinglaw trees, jim connor collection, dallas howgate, nillumbik planning special committee, jim connor, bronwyn south, janet mattiske, don cordell, vin heffernan, kevin abbott, russell yeomans, eltham district historical society, eltham senior citizens, des ryan, our lady help of christians primary school, judge book village, angela newhouse, tom munro, ian jennings, margaret ball, shillinglaw cottage, frank burgoyne, andrew biasci, barry rochford -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Alan King, Original Kangaroo Ground Primary School No. 2105 building, Eltham-Yarra Glen Road, Kangaroo Ground, 28 December 2007
... Original Kangaroo Ground Primary School No. 2105 building... School No. 2105 building, Eltham-Yarra Glen Road, Kangaroo Ground ...Kangaroo Ground's first school began in 1851 with 22 pupils from the district's ten families. It was a single room school located further south on the site, which also served as a Presbyterian church. The first teacher was Andrew Ross. The school building was used as a Post Office between 1854 and 1858 and during 1857 also served as a Court of Petty Sessions. With a growing farming community, a new building was warranted and the original Sate School No. 352 was closed and a new building, State School No. 2105 was oipened October 1, 1878. A residence for Head Teacher Henry Wallace School was erected in 1879 attached to the left of the school building. That residence is now home to the Andrew Ross Museum, which opened in 1993. Covered under Heritage Overlay, Nillumbik Planning Scheme. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p35This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, kangaroo ground, eltham-yarra glen road, kangaroo ground primary school no. 2105, kangaroo ground state school, state school no. 2105 -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Alan King, Jarrold Cottage, 701 Main Road, Eltham, 29 January 2008
Jarrold Cottage or White Cloud is known by many to be associated with the Skipper family, and has been since 1944 when Lena Skipper, wife of Mervyn Skipper purchased the cottage. She purchased it from the Estate of Thekla Jarrold who had died in March of the previous year. By the time Thekla died, she had lived in the Jarrold Cottage for 50 years. Thekla Alvenia Sissilia Ellian married John William Jarrold in 1888 at Clifton Hill. They started their family there but when John’s father William (who was married to Hannah Coleman) died in 1893 the family moved to Eltham. William had married Hannah Coleman in 1856 at his home in Eltham. William had arrived in the colony in 1848 so it is believed the Jarrold Cottage goes back at least to 1856 and possibly early 1850s. For a short period of time the cottage was rented to the Police as a temporary Police Station whilst a new and more permanent station was built further up the hill in 1859. The cottage was originally located closer to the Diamond Creek but was subject to flooding so was relocated to its present position on top a mound of rubble placed there from the nearby quarry next to the Dalton Street school (on Main Road). By 1916, John Henry Clark, a photographer who took many early photos of Eltham relocated from Fitzroy to Eltham and boarded with recently widowed Thekla Jarrold and her family. He changed professions from photographer to boot and harness maker around 1931 and Thekla had a small bootmakers shop built ifor him in the corner of her property next to the family home. J.H. Clark remained living at the property until his death in December 1956. At some stage after Clark's death, Lena Skipper is recorded living at the property having relocated from Montsalvat following the death of her husband Mervyn. The property continues to remain within the Skipper family as of 2023. Covered under Heritage Overlay, Nillumbik Planning Scheme. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p47This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, bootmaker's shop, hannah coleman, jarrold cottage, john henry clark, john william jarrold, lena skipper, police station, thekla alvenia sissilia jarrold (nee ellian), white cloud cottage, william jarrold -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Alan King, Former bootmaker's shop, Main Road Eltham, 29 January 2008
The former bootmaker's shop is one of only three remaining original shops from the early 20th century in what was once Little Eltham, the others being the present day Cafe Zen-Den at 736 Main Road and the former Burgoyne General Store and Post Office, present-day San Antonio Barbershop at 820 Main Road. Jarrold Cottage or White Cloud is known by many to be associated with the Skipper family, and has been since 1944 when Lena Skipper, wife of Mervyn Skipper purchased the cottage. She purchased it from the Estate of Thekla Jarrold who had died in March of the previous year. By the time Thekla died, she had lived in the Jarrold Cottage for 50 years. Thekla Alvenia Sissilia Ellian married John William Jarrold in 1888 at Clifton Hill. They started their family there but when John’s father William (who was married to Hannah Coleman) died in 1893 the family moved to Eltham. William had married Hannah Coleman in 1856 at his home in Eltham. William had arrived in the colony in 1848 so it is believed the Jarrold Cottage goes back at least to 1856 and possibly early 1850s. For a short period of time the cottage was rented to the Police as a temporary Police Station whilst a new and more permanent station was built further up the hill in 1859. The cottage was originally located closer to the Diamond Creek but was subject to flooding so was relocated to its present position on top a mound of rubble placed there from the nearby quarry next to the Dalton Street school (on Main Road). By 1916, John Henry Clark, a photographer who took many early photos of Eltham relocated from Fitzroy to Eltham and boarded with recently widowed Thekla Jarrold and her family. He changed professions from photographer to boot and harness maker around 1931 and Thekla had a small bootmakers shop built ifor him in the corner of her property next to the family home. J.H. Clark remained living at the property until his death in December 1956. At some stage after Clark's death, Lena Skipper is recorded living at the property having relocated from Montsalvat following the death of her husband Mervyn. The property continues to remain within the Skipper family as of 2023. Covered under Heritage Overlay, Nillumbik Planning Scheme. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p47This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, bootmaker's shop, jarrold cottage, john henry clark, lena skipper, thekla alvenia sissilia jarrold (nee ellian), white cloud cottage, shops -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Alan King, Former Police Residence, 728 Main Road, Eltham, 28 December 2007
The institutions of law and order in Colonial Victoria included the police, courts and prisons. The 1852 report of the Snodgrass Select Committee appointed to "identify the policing needs of the colony” noted there existed seven independent police forces that did not co-operate or regularly communicate. Following the committee's report all these police entities were merged into the Victoria Police, founded on 8 January 1853, to implement law and order responsibilities throughout the Colony of Victoria. The Eltham Courthouse (1860) and adjacent Police Residence (1859) formed a justice precinct established in the immediate aftermath of the 1852 police inquiry and the effects of the gold rush. The physical presence of these buildings, in the centre of the early Eltham township, defined centralised control over law and order. In the early days the Police Constable in charge would conduct his duties travelling around the district by horse; a stable was located at the rear of the residence. At times the horse would be grazed on the paddocks across the road. Horseshoes were forged by the blacksmith beside the Courthouse on the high side of “Policeman’s Hill”. Along with the stable, there was a two-cell bluestone lockup where prisoners were held awaiting trial in the adjacent Courthouse. Their meals were usually provided by the policeman’s wife or from the hotel just up the road. With the arrival of the railway in 1902 the town centre gradually shifted towards the railway station. The Police Station and operations were moved into the town centre in 1961 to a renovated house in Pryor Street, which was later replaced by the current Police Station. From 1961-1981 the residence was occupied by the Vermin and Noxious Weeds Destruction Section of the Department of Crown Lands and Survey. Prior to August 1967 the former Police Station was dragged to the rear of Police Residence to make way for the construction of a driveway and access from Main Road. The building was placed on the site of a former Scullery and modified for Lands Department use. In 1981 the Shire of Eltham took over management of the former Police Residence in Eltham. It remained unoccupied for a period whilst its future was discussed in Council. It was then used for a community job creation scheme until 1985. In 1985 the Shire of Eltham Parks and Environment occupied the residence. Council improved the driveway but later added a second rear access from Brougham Street due to the dangerous nature of the Main Road entrance. Additionally, a rear toilet facility between the Police Residence and the relocated former Police Station, which was doubling up as a lunchroom. Council also commenced discussions to re-establish a replica Police Station. Around November 1986 the former Police Station was demolished; believed to have been suffering termite damage. About 1989, after some years of discussion, a replica Police Station was built, based on photographs, to act as a lunchroom and meeting room for the Parks and Environment staff and volunteers doing community service. In 1996 Eltham District Historical Society held discussions with Nillumbik Shire Council commissioners throughout the year regarding a home for the Society. A proposal was put forward by the Society in October to occupy the former Police Residence. In March 1997 Eltham District Historical Society gained access to former Police Residence and on July 12, 1998, moved into its Local History Centre. In July 2018, Eltham District Historical Society gained access to the replica Police Station (which had been used as a music library and storage for the Eltham Concert Band) for use as part of regular heritage tours for schools and community-based groups. Covered under Heritage Overlay, Nillumbik Planning Scheme. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p65This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, eltham, main road, eltham district historical society, eltham justice precinct, little eltham, local history centre, police residence, police station -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Alan King, Former St Andrews State School No. 128 building, 23 January 2008
In 1858 the Caledonia Common School No.128 opened at Queenstown, about 1.6km upstream on Diamond Creek from the present site of the old St Andrews school. The school was renamed Queenstown Common School No. 128 in 1867. In 1882, due to declining numbers of pupils at Smiths Gully and increasing numbers in Queenstown the school was moved from a leased building, owned by Head Teacher Robert Harris, into a new larger building on the corner of School and Heidelberg-Kinglake roads which incorporated the original single room school building, which had been moved from Smiths Gully, and included a teacher’s three-roomed residence. In 1887 the school was replaced by the Queenstown State School No. 128. The school and town were renamed St Andrews in 1952. In 1983 a new school was built, 500 metres south of the old school and the old school became the St Andrews Community Centre. Of significance is the c1887 school building (including part of the c1876 Smith's Gully school moved to the site and incorporated into the c1887 school building), the c1911 new room, the c1929 cloakroom, the c1930 renovations, the c1956 new infant room; the c1961 office and storeroom, as well as the c1950 Himalayan Cedar tree and the entire site to the title boundaries. The school building is historically significant for its links with the early settlement of the area and because its use of materials from the former Smith's Gully State school illustrates the common 19th and early 20th century practice of relocating State school buildings based on need. The school building is historically and socially significant because it served the local community, as a school, from 1887 to the late 1970s/early 1980s and because since then it has been used for other community purposes. Covered under Heritage Overlay, Nillumbik Planning Scheme. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p69This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, st andrews, queenstown state school no. 128, smiths gully state school -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Marguerite Marshall, Strathewen Primary School, 20 August 2008
... Eltham District Historical Society Inc 728 Main Rd Eltham ...The school building originally owned by locals was lost in the Black Saturday 2009 bushfires. Land was purchased in 1914 to build he Strathewen State School on School Ridge Road, Strathewen. Residents and the Education Department contributed funds for the building which the Education Department then leased for a small annual fee. The school opened with one teacher in 1917 with no equipment. In 1921 the Education Department provided desks and a hexagonal shelter shed and took control in 1925. After this photo was taken, the school was destroyed in Black Saturday on 9 February 2009. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p89This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, strathewen primary school -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Marshall, Anthony
Anthony Marshall had a shop, County Bookshop, selling antiquarian and second hand books in Rutland, England. For twelve months, he and wife Cecile had swapped homes and businesses with Lloyd Holyoak and wife Jill, of Roycroft Booksellers in Eltham. During the stay in Melbourne, he had followed his interests of cricket and choral singing; his children attended the Wattle Glen Primary School. Contents Newspaper article: "Shop swapping's the thing to do", Diamond Valley News, 7 July 1987, outlines Anthony Marshall's life and his swap with Lloyd Holyoak of Roycroft Booksellers in Eltham.Newspaper clippings, A4 photocopies, etcanthony marshall, lloyd holyoak, roycroft antiquarian booksellers, roycroft booksellers, jill holyoak, wattle glen primary school -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Masefield, Bert and Ethel
Bert Masefield's parents came from Lancashire to Surrey Hills, his education ending because of the depression when he went to work at an orchard at Hastings. When his father list his job as a cabinet maker, he bought an orchard at Cottlesbridge and Bert joined them, ploughing with a horse. He met and married Ethel Smith who had grown u at Panton Hill; her great grandparents Sarah and Samuel Smith came from Lancashire where they had a cotton mill and iron foundry, settling at Smith Gully between Panton Hill and St Andrews. Their son Edwin married Louisa Purcell whose parents owned the Caledonie Hotel at Smiths Gully; they had 12 children and settled on a property in Cherrytree Road. Son Edwin left Panton Hill school aged 11 in 1885 and worked with his father and uncle fencing the family property. Edwin had nine children, Ethel being the seventh. Aged 14, she gained a scholarship to Stotts Business College. Berth and Ethel, when they married, bough a property in Cherrytree Road. In 1941 Bert, a ham radio enthusiast, joined the RAAF as a radio mechanic, serving in Townsville and New Guinea until 1945. Over time, they subdivided their property. Bert worked for ten years as property officer for Eltham Shire Council; his work included coverting Three Chain Road (or Gumtree Road) into a huge firebreak. Now retired, Bert spends time speaking with radio operators around the world and the couple are involved with sports including the Montmorency Bowling Club; they were foundation members of the Hurstbridge Bowling Club. Marjorie North (nee Cooper) was 14 when her family moved from the city to Montmorency when the railway station was first built in 1923. Marjorie described her memories of Montmorency at that time. She and sister Connie were keen tennis players, playing at Greensborough. By 1927, they had arranged, though shire engineer Ben Johnson, to rent land from the Council for 10 pounds a year; Mr Paragreen levelled the land. The club held a dance every three weeks in a school room with piano for music. She won the singles, doubles and mixed doubles championships in 1929 at the first championship. Contents Newspaper article: "Round the world on radio waves," Diamond Valley News, 30 September 1986, outlines Bert and Ethel Masefield's lives. Newspaper article: "Stalwart recalls the early days," Diamond Valley News, 30 September 1986, outlines Bert and Ethel Masefield's lives.Newspaper clippings, A4 photocopies, etcbert masefield, elthel masefield, ethel smith, cherrytree road panton hill, samuel smith, sarah smith, smith gully victoria, caledonie hotel smiths gully, stotts business college, montmorency bowling club, hurstbridge bowling club, eltham shire council, edwin smith, louisa purcell, parragreen of para road, ben johnson, montmorency tennis club -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Mathews, Mary
Mary Mathews, aged 86, lived in Panton Hills for 80 years. She remembers her childhood and the 1914 and 1962 bushfires. Contents Newspaper article: "The world's her oyster, and at 86 she says 'safe home,' not 'goodbye'," Diamond Valley News, 24 June 1986, outlines Mary Mathews' life.Newspaper clippings, A4 photocopies, etcmary mathews, panton hill, jack mathews, panton hill primary school, bushfires -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Montmorency State School Girls Marching Squad
... Eltham District Historical Society Inc 728 Main Rd Eltham ...Montomorency State School Girls Marching team were the marching champions of the Victorian State Schools for four years in a row 1955-1959. This photo is 1955 or 1956. There was also a separate boys marching team. Top row from left: Pat Turnbull, Nina Sislov, Una Robb, Kineare Buckton, Christine Anthony, Jill Stone, Helen Hedly, Verna Wright. Middle row from left: Ina Eiklemboom, Maureen Smith, Bonny Pimlott, Christine Brasnor, Jacqueline White, Beverly Fry, Pam Hudosn, Dianne Hickenbotham, Jeana Woods. Front Row from eft: Anne Wigley, Valerie Williams, Unknown, Wendy Dales, Claudetee Childs (Captain), Heather Murphy, LOrraine Abbot, Margot Storey and Marie WalshCopy of original black and white photographmontmorency state school, girls marching team, trophy -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Book, the colonisation of Australia . . . as told by a nine-year-old in 1960 by Robbo Bennetts, 2020
"The Colonisation of Australia is a record of what was taught in a small-town Victorian primary school sixty years ago about the arrival of the first European explorers and settlers, and what they saw when they got here. Included are over 50 scanned pages of the author's Grade 5 and 6 Social Studies workbooks."--Back cover. Retired teacher Robbo Bennetts book is part biographical, part history of education and part commentary. Robbo documents his childhood growing up in Lower Plenty and his attendance at Lower Plenty State School between 1955 and 1961. Most of the book is based on his interest of the First Nations history and reflections on what he was taught at school, acknowledging shortcomings at the time.Paperback; 100 pages; illustratednon-fiction"The Colonisation of Australia is a record of what was taught in a small-town Victorian primary school sixty years ago about the arrival of the first European explorers and settlers, and what they saw when they got here. Included are over 50 scanned pages of the author's Grade 5 and 6 Social Studies workbooks."--Back cover. Retired teacher Robbo Bennetts book is part biographical, part history of education and part commentary. Robbo documents his childhood growing up in Lower Plenty and his attendance at Lower Plenty State School between 1955 and 1961. Most of the book is based on his interest of the First Nations history and reflections on what he was taught at school, acknowledging shortcomings at the time. robbo bennetts, lower plenty state school, reminiscences, childhood, school work, lower plenty -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Book, Robert Marshall, Panton Hill Diary, 2021
Arranged in chronological order 1910 -1949. Featuring historical photographs and newspaper reports. Includes the World War One period focusing on local enlistments and local efforts to support the war. The coming of the motor car and expansion of the State School, community work to improve the township and its social and sporting life. The Orchard industry and personal reminscences with references to local bushfires and the founding of the fire brigade, World War two and the peace that followed. The book also includes a timeline and some detailed family trees. The book is by former Shire of Eltham and Shire of Nillumbik councilor and long time resident of Panton Hill Robert Marshall.Paperback; 592 pages; illustrated. Poor binding with loose pages re-affixednon-fictionArranged in chronological order 1910 -1949. Featuring historical photographs and newspaper reports. Includes the World War One period focusing on local enlistments and local efforts to support the war. The coming of the motor car and expansion of the State School, community work to improve the township and its social and sporting life. The Orchard industry and personal reminscences with references to local bushfires and the founding of the fire brigade, World War two and the peace that followed. The book also includes a timeline and some detailed family trees. The book is by former Shire of Eltham and Shire of Nillumbik councilor and long time resident of Panton Hill Robert Marshall.panton hill, timeline -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Map (item) - Sales Brochure, Plenty Township Estate and Bryn Teg Hill's Estate, Coghill & Haughton, Melbourne, c.1924
Plenty Township Estate "The rapid growth of Greensborough and the great traffic development on the main road between Heidelberg and Eltham augurs well for Plenty Township Estate. Already a Store, Post Office and State School have been started, and the activities of the Local Progress Association will help the district forward considerably. Within walking distance of the Montmorency and Greensborough stations." Bryn Teg Hill's Estate "Better known as "The Old Sand Hill, "within walking distance of the Montmorency and Greensborough railways stations." "Some few years back Mrs Thomas subdivided portion of the Sand Hill Paddocks, and the areas sold have been settled and many converted into charming outer suburban garden homes with cultivation and orchard plots. The south-eastern slope gives the land a grand outlook over the Yarra Valley on to the Dandenoings, and the are is very picturesque and homely." "A number of the blocks contain large deposits of valuable building sand, which should prove good speculation in view of the forecast for further rapid home development along the Eltham Suburban Electric Service." Sand Hills Road (Old Eltham Road) Date estimated as c.1924 - Electricification of railway line to Eltham referenced on map occured April 1923 and Mrs Mary Thomas died August 1925. Her home Bryn Teg became part of the Heidelberg Golf Club in 1927.The establishment of Lower Plenty as a suburban growth area supported by easy commuting facilitated by the elctrification of the Eltham railway linebonds road, bridge, bryn teg hill's estate, coghill & haughton, eltham road, heidelberg golf club hotel, houses, lower plenty, lower plenty bridge, lower plenty road, main road, plenty hotel, plenty river, plenty township estate, real estate agent, sales brochure, sand hills road, the old sand hill, sand hill paddocks, woodfull road, old eltham road, bryn teg, mrs m thomas -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Negative - Photograph, Harry Gilham, Grave of Alfred and Margaret Armstrong, Eltham Cemetery, Victoria, Sep 2009
... building of State School No. 209 (Eltham Primary) and was a Trustee... building of State School No. 209 (Eltham Primary) and was a Trustee ...Alfred Patrick Armstrong was born in England in 1825 and was employed under the renowned Isambard Kingdom Brunel as a civil engineer during the construction of the Great Western Railway and the South Wales Railway. He came to Melbourne in 1852 and purchased property in Eltham. He became a mining surveyor and was Inspector of Mines and the Mining Registrar for the St Andrews Division of the Castlemaine Mining District. In 1855, he chaired a meeting calling for a bridge to be erected across the Yarra River between Eltham and Temple Stow. He was registered as an innkeeper in 1858, was a recognised collector of the £110 raised for the building of the first building of State School No. 209 (Eltham Primary) and was a Trustee for the Church of England site on the Eltham Cemetery Trust in 1860. He was elected to the Eltham District Road Board (forerunner of Eltham Shire Council) from 1867 to 1871 and then served as an Eltham Shire Councillor from 1871 to 1878 (including Shire President in 1873). Margaret Armstrong to whom he was married in 1854 at St Pauls Church, Melbourne, died on the 27th March 1887. Alfred died in 1893, having been in ill health for some time, and is buried in Eltham Cemetery with his wife Margaret. The monument features a tall pillar capped with a draped urn: a symbol of death. In Loving Memory of Alfred Armstrong Died May 27tth 1893 Aged 68 years Also of his wife Margaret Died March 27th 1887 Aged 63 years This burial site is of special interest as the monument has the tallest pillar-a vase-a draped cloth top (unfulfilled life) and additional panels of names around the sides and the base, which include: Ada Gertrude Armstrong, beloved daughter of Alfred & Margaret Armstrong, died May 30th 1878, aged 21 years Mary Armstrong, beloved mother to Alfred Armstrong, died April 10th, 1886 aged 82 years Arthur Vivian Harrison, died 4th Nov. 1899, aged 8 years Arthur Reynolds Stockwood Armstrong, son of Alfred Armstrong, died 4th Nov. 1908, aged 43 years Laura Augusta Harrison nee Armstrong, died 26th July 1921, aged 64 yearsRoll of 35mm colour negative film, 6 stripsKodak GC 400-9eltham cemetery, gravestones, alfred armstrong, margaret armstrong, ada gertrude armstrong, arthur reynolds stockwood armstrong, arthur vivian harrison, laura augusta harrison (nee armstrong), mary armstrong -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Peter Pidgeon, Grave of Violet Feldbauer (nee Teagle), Eltham Cemetery, Victoria, 5 April 2021
FELDBAUER / TEAGLE Theodore Albert ‘Curly’ Feldbauer was born 15 October 1909 at Melbourne, the son of Theodore Henry (a naturalised German) and Jessie Margarette Feldbauer. The family moved several times during his childhood but before he was 20 he was living and working in the Eltham district. He became a well-known local sportsman. He played cricket for the Montmorency Imperials in 1929 and 1930 in the Eltham Cricket Association and excelled as a footballer and football coach. There are press references at the time to minor misdemeanours and accidents: evidently he was up for a brawl or two, but he was also able to do a recitation at a social night to launch the Eltham Girls Club in 1932. He married a local girl, Violet Amelda Teagle, in 1933, the 12th of 13 Teagle offspring who lived in Frank Street. Curly and Violet’s first child, June, was born the following year. By 1935 Curly was honorary secretary of the Research Cricket Club. He continued playing cricket regularly, mainly for Research, through till the 1940 season, after the war had begun. The girls started at Research State School in 1939 and 1940, respectively. They lived near Violet’s parents in Frank Street. Curly and Violet’s daughter, Valerie Waller recalls: “We lived near my Teagle grandparents, who had a cow. Dad took over the milking. He would rest his head against the cow and sing to her. When he left to join the army, it took weeks before she would settle down to allow anyone else to milk her.” Curly’s service record is not yet accessible from the National Archives of Australia. Valerie Waller gives us some insight into that period between Curly joining and ultimately embarking for Singapore: “Before he sailed to Singapore, Mum would travel by train, to Seymour, to spend a few hours with him. He sent her postcards and called her his “dear love”. His idea was that the sooner everyone eligible joined up, the sooner the war would be over. He had a great love for Australia.” “While he was a prisoner, Mum received a few postcards from him, not in his neat handwriting, but in block letter printing, to tell her he had received no mail or parcels from her. He must have felt we’d forgotten him, because, of course, Mum had sent lots of parcels and letters, and the Japanese hadn’t handed them on.” Theo was one of over 2,000 Allied prisoners of war held in the Sandakan POW camp in north Borneo, having been transferred there from Singapore as part of B Force. The 1,494 POWs that made up B Force were transported from Changi [Singapore] on 7 July 1942 on board the tramp ship Ubi Maru, arriving in Sandakan Harbour on 18 July 1942. Sergeant Feldbauer, aged 35, died as a prisoner of the Japanese on 27 March 1945 at Sandakan Number 1 Camp. The Japanese recorded his death from Malaria. He has no known grave, but it is believed to be at Sandakan Number 2 Camp. His death was not reported in Australia until some months later. Valerie noted: “I will never forget the sound my mother made when she received the telegram saying Dad had died months earlier, ostensibly from Malaria, but he died during the march. The sound still haunts me.” Violet’s husband Theo is recognised on the Eltham Roll of Honour, which was commissioned by the Eltham War Memorial Trust to be hung in the Baby Health Centre opened in 1952; the first of three buildings, the others being the Eltham Kindergarten and Children’s Library, that were established as the Eltham War Memorial a living memorial, with a specific focus for the welfare of children of the district. Violet and Theo’s son Albert, being the youngest child of the children of soldier fathers attending a school in the district, was given the honour of turning the first sod for the Eltham War Memorial Building, 15 July 1950. In Loving Memory of Violet Feldbauer Died 7. 11 .1982 aged 88 Loved wife of Theo (Curly) Died P.O.W. Borneo 1945 Re-united Alongside Violet lay her parents, John Thomas and Margaret TeagleBorn Digitaleltham cemetery, gravestones, charles louis layfield, edwina may layfield (nee teagle), john thomas teagle, margaret teagle, theodore feldbauer, violet feldbauer (nee teagle), annie lillian devine, frederick raymond devine, eltham war memorial, honour board, roll of honour -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Peter Pidgeon, Grave of Alfred and Margaret Armstrong, Eltham Cemetery, Victoria, 5 April 2021
... building of State School No. 209 (Eltham Primary) and was a Trustee... building of State School No. 209 (Eltham Primary) and was a Trustee ...Alfred Patrick Armstrong was born in England in 1825 and was employed under the renowned Isambard Kingdom Brunel as a civil engineer during the construction of the Great Western Railway and the South Wales Railway. He came to Melbourne in 1852 and purchased property in Eltham. He became a mining surveyor and was Inspector of Mines and the Mining Registrar for the St Andrews Division of the Castlemaine Mining District. In 1855, he chaired a meeting calling for a bridge to be erected across the Yarra River between Eltham and Temple Stow. He was registered as an innkeeper in 1858, was a recognised collector of the £110 raised for the building of the first building of State School No. 209 (Eltham Primary) and was a Trustee for the Church of England site on the Eltham Cemetery Trust in 1860. He was elected to the Eltham District Road Board (forerunner of Eltham Shire Council) from 1867 to 1871 and then served as an Eltham Shire Councillor from 1871 to 1878 (including Shire President in 1873). Margaret Armstrong to whom he was married in 1854 at St Pauls Church, Melbourne, died on the 27th March 1887. Alfred died in 1893, having been in ill health for some time, and is buried in Eltham Cemetery with his wife Margaret. The monument features a tall pillar capped with a draped urn: a symbol of death. In Loving Memory of Alfred Armstrong Died May 27tth 1893 Aged 68 years Also of his wife Margaret Died March 27th 1887 Aged 63 years This burial site is of special interest as the monument has the tallest pillar-a vase-a draped cloth top (unfulfilled life) and additional panels of names around the sides and the base, which include: Ada Gertrude Armstrong, beloved daughter of Alfred & Margaret Armstrong, died May 30th 1878, aged 21 years Mary Armstrong, beloved mother to Alfred Armstrong, died April 10th, 1886 aged 82 years Arthur Vivian Harrison, died 4th Nov. 1899, aged 8 years Arthur Reynolds Stockwood Armstrong, son of Alfred Armstrong, died 4th Nov. 1908, aged 43 years Laura Augusta Harrison nee Armstrong, died 26th July 1921, aged 64 yearsBorn Digitaleltham cemetery, gravestones, ada gertrude armstrong, alfred armstrong, arthur reynolds stockwood armstrong, arthur vivian harrison, laura augusta harrison (nee armstrong), margaret armstrong, mary armstrong -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Peter Pidgeon, Grave of James Hans Morrison and Beatrice Wanliis Morrison, Eltham Cemetery, Victoria, 5 April 2021
Beatrice Irvine was the daughter of former Victorian Premier Sir William Irvine. From age 13 she lived at ‘Killeavey’ off Laughing Waters Road (later accessed from Reynolds Road). In 1923 she married James Morrison and the couple received Killeavey as a wedding gift. The property supported fruit and vegetable growing as well as an impressive botanical garden. But James died in 1936 after a period of ill health, leaving Beatrice to support their six children. To make matters worse, the house was totally destroyed in the Black Friday bushfires in 1939 but was rebuilt. Beatrice became involved in community issues. In particular, she was an active member of the Eltham Women's Auxiliary, which was formed in 1945 to raise funds for the establishment of an Eltham War Memorial. From the outset, it was decided that this would take the form of a Baby Health Centre, a Pre-School and a Children’s Library, set in a garden of remembrance. Thanks to tireless fund-raising, the project came to fruition in the 1950s when, one by one, the three children's welfare buildings opened in Main Road (having previously been in temporary premises): they are collectively known as the Eltham War Memorial site. Beatrice continued to live at Killeavey and became well regarded as a botanist and naturalist. She died in 1989 and is buried in Eltham Cemetery with her husband and one of their sons. The (rebuilt) house has since been demolished. All that remains is a fragment of the garden. In Fond Memory Of James Hans Morrison Croix de Guerre Born St Peters Pass Oatlands Tasmania 6th June 1880 Died Killeavey Eltham 16th November 1936 And his beloved wife Beatrice Wanliss Morrison (nee) Irvine Born St Kilda Victoria 22nd January 1899 Died 5th November 1989 Who rest here James Hans Irvine Morrison Born Melbourne 11th October 1927 Died Gorora New Guinea 1st October 1971Born Digitaleltham cemetery, gravestones, beatrice wanliss morrison (nee irvine), james hans irvine morrison, james hans morrison, croix de guerre (france) -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Peter Pidgeon, Graves of George and Janet Bird and family, Eltham Cemetery, Victoria, 5 April 2021
George Bird was born in England in 1845 and arrived in Australia in 1856 as a child of assisted migrants. Soon afterwards he came out to Eltham to live with his uncle George Stebbings, working for him as bricklayer's assistant in building, amongst others, Shillinglaw Cottage and the Anglican and Methodist Churches in Eltham. He later purchased 72 acres at the eastern end of Pitt Street (bounded by Eucalyptus Road, Mount Pleasant Road and present-day Rockliffe Street) and established the property ‘View Hill’, which was worked as a mixed farm and orchard (including berries). In 1878 he married Janet Kilpatrick, who had emigrated from Scotland. They had ten children, three of whom died in infancy. The wedding in 1904 of their eldest surviving daughter Sarah (‘Sis’) to Edward Pepper appears to have been quite a society event. George was a staunch Methodist and was a Church Steward and a Sunday School Superintendent in about 1890. Janet died in 1915 and George died in 1920 (though his gravestone says 1921). George's will stated that his property was to be divided between all his children in equal shares. This necessitated subdivision of the View Hill property, which took place progressively between 1922 and 1926. One son, George Hugh Bird, operated a drapery store in Main Road (near Bridge Street) in around 1915. Later, in the 1920s, he ran a greengrocer's shop (also selling confectionery) in Main Road opposite Eltham Station. It was the first shop in Eltham to have plate glass windows. At the same time, his brother Reg had a grocery store on the station side of Main Road. George and Janet are buried together in a family plot in Eltham Cemetery. Several descendants are also buried in the cemetery. In Loving Memory Of George Bird Died 5 December 1921 aged 76 years And his beloved wife Janet Bird Died 5 Sept 1915 aged 57 years Also their children William James Bird Died 25 Feb 1888 aged 8 years Mary Jane Bird Died 8 Oct 1891 aged 7 years Pte Edwin John Bird Killed in action in the Great War 11 Aug 1918 aged 30 years Buried in France And on the base stone George Hugh Bird Died 26 Feb. 1965. Aged 79 years Arthur Andrew Bird Died 25 Mar. 1970 Aged 75 years To the left In Loving Memory of Dr. J. R. (Roger) Bird 1927 2001 Son of Arthur & Helen (nee Lyon) Bird Husband of Betty Father of Janet & Alison Grandpa of Evan & Helen Scientist & Gentleman To the right In Loving Memory of Harold Edwin Bird OAM 1922 - 2015 Son of Arthur & Helen (nee Lyon) Bird Husband of Yvonne Father of Estell & Russell In our hearts Forever moreBorn Digitaleltham cemetery, gravestones, arthur andrew bird, arthur bird, edwin john bird, george bird, george hugh bird, harold edwin bird, helen bird (nee lyon), j. r. (roger) bird, janet bird (nee kilpatrick), william james bird, yvonne bird -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Peter Pidgeon, Brinkkotter family graves, Eltham Cemetery, Victoria, 5 April 2021
German-born Anton Brinkkotter, a skilled metal-worker by trade, migrated to Australia in 1880. His initial job was to supervise the installation of ornamental ceilings in the Melbourne Exhibition Building. He moved to Research in about 1900, working first as a plumber and tank-maker. But he is best known for having established a poultry farm (on Main Road between Research Primary School and the Maroondah Aqueduct) in 1906, which steadily grew to become one of the largest in Victoria, supplying customers all over Australia. By 1935 it was a thriving business, with buildings housing 6,000 birds and incubators capable of hatching 8,000 eggs. He died suddenly from a heart attack in 1938 and is buried with his wife Anna in Eltham Cemetery. The business was carried on by his son Anton William Brinkkotter. When electricity came to Research in 1940, the Brinkkotter Poultry Farm was the very first customer, enabling further expansion and modernisation. Two electric incubators were installed with a capacity of 10,000 eggs each. Anton William Brinkkotter became active in public affairs, a trustee of the Eltham Public Hall in Henry Street and was an Eltham Shire Councillor between 1941 and 1961 serving three years as Shire President. The Brinkkotter house in Dudley Street was used to house the Eltham Library prior to a dedicated Library being completed with the southern wing of the Shire offices in 1971. He died in 1970 and is buried with his wife Bridgene in Eltham Cemetery, alongside his parents. In Loving Memory Of Anton William Brinkkotter Passed away 29th Sept. 1970 Aged 72 years Bridgene Josephine Brinkkotter Passed away 5th Feb. 1995 Aged 90 years R.I.P. and In Loving memory Of Anton Brinkkotter Loved husband of Anna & loving father of Anton Died 7th June 1938 aged 71 yrs. Also the above Anna Died 12th Jan. 1954 aged 80 yrs. R.I.P.Born Digitaleltham cemetery, gravestones, anna brinkkotter, anton brinkkotter, anton william brinkkotter, bridgene josephine brinkkotter -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Students, Research State School No. 2959, Research, Vic, 1942
1942, class photo, research (vic.), research state school no. 2959 -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Negative - Photograph, Harry Gilham, Grave of Christopher Watson, Eltham Cemetery, Victoria, 1 Aug 2007
George Bird was born in England in 1845 and arrived in Australia in 1856 as a child of assisted migrants. Soon afterwards he came out to Eltham to live with his uncle George Stebbings, working for him as bricklayer's assistant in building, amongst others, Shillinglaw Cottage and the Anglican and Methodist Churches in Eltham. He later purchased 72 acres at the eastern end of Pitt Street (bounded by Eucalyptus Road, Mount Pleasant Road and present-day Rockliffe Street) and established the property ‘View Hill’, which was worked as a mixed farm and orchard (including berries). In 1878 he married Janet Kilpatrick, who had emigrated from Scotland. They had ten children, three of whom died in infancy. The wedding in 1904 of their eldest surviving daughter Sarah (‘Sis’) to Edward Pepper appears to have been quite a society event. George was a staunch Methodist and was a Church Steward and a Sunday School Superintendent in about 1890. Janet died in 1915 and George died in 1920 (though his gravestone says 1921). George's will stated that his property was to be divided between all his children in equal shares. This necessitated subdivision of the View Hill property, which took place progressively between 1922 and 1926. One son, George Hugh Bird, operated a drapery store in Main Road (near Bridge Street) in around 1915. Later, in the 1920s, he ran a greengrocer's shop (also selling confectionery) in Main Road opposite Eltham Station. It was the first shop in Eltham to have plate glass windows. At the same time, his brother Reg had a grocery store on the station side of Main Road. George and Janet are buried together in a family plot in Eltham Cemetery. Several descendants are also buried in the cemetery. In Loving Memory Of George Bird Died 5 December 1921 aged 76 years And his beloved wife Janet Bird Died 5 Sept 1915 aged 57 years Also their children William James Bird Died 25 Feb 1888 aged 8 years Mary Jane Bird Died 8 Oct 1891 aged 7 years Pte Edwin John Bird Killed in action in the Great War 11 Aug 1918 aged 30 years Buried in France And on the base stone George Hugh Bird Died 26 Feb. 1965. Aged 79 years Arthur Andrew Bird Died 25 Mar. 1970 Aged 75 years To the left In Loving Memory of Dr. J. R. (Roger) Bird 1927 2001 Son of Arthur & Helen (nee Lyon) Bird Husband of Betty Father of Janet & Alison Grandpa of Evan & Helen Scientist & Gentleman To the right In Loving Memory of Harold Edwin Bird OAM 1922 - 2015 Son of Arthur & Helen (nee Lyon) Bird Husband of Yvonne Father of Estell & Russell In our hearts Forever moreeltham cemetery, gravestones, memorials, arthur andrew bird, arthur bird, edwin john bird, george bird, george hugh bird, harold edwin bird, helen bird (nee lyon), j. r. (roger) bird, j.r. (roger) bird, janet bird, janet bird (nee kilpatrick), william james bird, yvonne bird