Showing 2174 items
matching money
Melbourne Legacy
Slide, Legacy House, 1961
A slide image of Legacy House from 1961. after it had been repainted. Junior Legacy Melbourne purchased 289-299 Swanston Street Melbourne (previously called Red Cross House) in 1956 from the Commonwealth Government with money gifted to Legacy in memory of David H Dureau. The donation was initially used to purchase a different building at 342 Swanston St, which was sold in 1954, and 289-299 Swanston St was purchased. Melbourne Legacy is still using three floors of the building, with tenants on the ground floor.A record of what the Legacy House building looked like when just after it was acquired by Melbourne Legacy.Colour slide of Legacy House from 1961.Slide mount has 'Legacy House after repainting 19-6-61' handwritten in blue pen.dureau house, properties, streetscape, swanston st -
Melbourne Legacy
Pamphlet - Document, brochure, You, Too Can Help. Legacy War Orphans Appeal, 1951
This is an example of Sydney Legacy promotional material from 1951s for Sydney Legacy. It promoted the War Orphans Appeal which was an early means of fundraising. It suggests that a person could make a pledge of a small amount of money weekly. For instance, 3 pence per week from 40 contributors would equal £26 and provide for 1 ward. The brochure shows different stages of junior legatees life, from baby to school, and post school roles such as office girl or tradesman. Each stage is supported by Legacy.An example of promotional material from the 1950s. Promotional brochure about fundraising for Sydney Legacy in 1951.legacy promotion, war oprhans -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, 1957
Correspondence showing the return of money borrowed to fund the writing of the biography of Legatee Savige. 00782.2 and 00782.3 are letters to H.G. Brain as one of the donors who financed the publication of the biography of Sir Stanley Savige, enclosing receipts for 200 pounds (00782.1). Of particular interest is the 3d (threepenny) Victorian Stamp Duty stamp stuck to the receipts and overwritten in blue ink to denote they are duplicates, which indicative of government regulations at the time (1957). 00782.4 is a copy of a letter sent to W.B. Russell (the author) confirming the arrangements for writing and payment of the book.A record of some of the financial arrangements made by the publishing committee in order to get the biography written and published. Receipt copies x 3, with green 3d. Victoria Stamp Duty stamps affixed White typewritten letters x 3.Receipts signed, dated and marked 'Duplicate' in blue ink. 00782.2 signed in blue ink 'W.W. Cooper' and annotated in pencil (writing illegible) 00782.3 signed in blue ink 'W.W. Cooper'savige book, committee -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, President's Fund Accounts 1971-1986, 1986
The President's Fund was created in 1932 by a donation from Legatee Walter W Berry from his late father's estate "to help temporarily embarrassed Melbourne Legatees" towards the end of The Great Depression. The aim of the fund was the give the President a way to help needy cases with discretion and without having to gain approval from committees. In many cases the money was repaid by the recipient. This sheet of accounts was compiled in 1986 to show the income and expenditure over the previous 15 years. Donations continued to come from the Berry Fund and also from the Over 70s Legatees. The over 70s was a group of legatees that met up socially and after their annual meeting they forwarded a cheque to Legacy. Also appears to be donations from legatee Dono Joynt. The expenditure is marked as ANON to protect the identity of the recipients and amounted to $7,600 over the 15 years. The note mentions some of the amounts are estimates. This document was in a folder labelled President's Fund Origin and Authorisation with many other documents that included correspondence, receipts of donations and material about when money was given to help appropriate cases. The folder was marked with H40 which is part of an early archive project from the late 1960s and early 1970s.The Presidents Fund was a significant help to legatees and junior legatees who were unable to obtain help from other sources.White lined paper with hand written columns of income and expenditure and a note that accompanied the account. Handwritten figures in blue help, presidents fund -
City of Ballarat
Public Artwork, Ruth by Charles F. Summers, Circa 1885
Ruth was designed and carved by Charles Francis Summers, one of five white marble statues housed in the Statuary Pavilion, Ballarat Botanical Gardens. The Pavilion and its statues were unveiled in 1888 by Premier Duncan Gillies, a former colleague of James Russell Thompson whose bequest to the City enabled the purchase, in Italy, of the statues. The Flight from Pompeii and the four accompanying statues are housed in the Statuary Pavilion in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens. The Flight from Pompeii, in the centre, was designed by Professor Carlo Benzoni and carved by Charles Francis Summers while the four accompanying statues were all designed and carved by Charles Francis Summers. The octagonal Pavilion was specially designed by T.E. Molloy in 1887 to house the statuary. The five statues and Pavilion are believed to be unique in Australia. The Flight from Pompeii, Modesty, Rebekah, Ruth and Susannah are aesthetically significant as they are a group of statues, which are a fine example of the design of Professor G.M. Benzoni [Flight from Pompeii] and the design and carving of Charles Francis Summers. The carving of the Flight from Pompeii is both sensitive and finely done and both the design and carving of Modesty, Rebekah, Ruth and Susannah is sensitive and delicate with great attention to detail. The group is historically important as it epitomises the 'beautification' of the city in the 1880s by men who made their money from gold and who wished to give to the city money for projects such the statuary Pavilion and its contents. The Flight from Pompeii group is located in the Botanical Gardens, which were then also being developed in the Victorian style. This also illustrates the social feeling of the time in which the wealthy had made their money and were wanting to develop in a most substantial way, as well as to 'beautify' the city in which they lived. The Pavilion, designed by the major Ballarat architect T.E. Molloy, is unusual for its top-lit central lantern and curved roofs. The statues are seen to their best advantage because of the provision of all-round and top natural lighting. Classified: 03/03/2003 Victorian Heritage Database. the artwork is of historic and aesthetic significance to the people of BallaratWhite marble statue, Ruth is in a seated position with a loosely draped dress.Ruthruth -
City of Ballarat
Artwork, other - Public Artwork, Modesty by Charles Francis Summers, Circa 1885
Modesty was designed and carved by Charles Francis Summers, one of five white marble statues housed in the Statuary Pavilion, Ballarat Botanical Gardens. The Pavilion and its statues were unveiled in 1888 by Premier Duncan Gillies, a former colleague of James Russell Thompson whose bequest to the City enabled the purchase, in Italy, of the statues. The Flight from Pompeii and the four accompanying statues are housed in the Statuary Pavilion in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens. The Flight from Pompeii, in the centre, was designed by Professor Carlo Benzoni and carved by Charles Francis Summers while the four accompanying statues were all designed and carved by Charles Francis Summers. The octagonal Pavilion was specially designed by T.E. Molloy in 1887 to house the statuary. The five statues and Pavilion are believed to be unique in Australia. The Flight from Pompeii, Modesty, Rebekah, Ruth and Susannah are aesthetically significant as they are a group of statues, which are a fine example of the design of Professor G.M. Benzoni [Flight from Pompeii] and the design and carving of Charles Francis Summers. The carving of the Flight from Pompeii is both sensitive and finely done and both the design and carving of Modesty, Rebekah, Ruth and Susannah is sensitive and delicate with great attention to detail. The group is historically important as it epitomises the 'beautification' of the city in the 1880s by men who made their money from gold and who wished to give to the city money for projects such the statuary Pavilion and its contents. The Flight from Pompeii group is located in the Botanical Gardens, which were then also being developed in the Victorian style. This also illustrates the social feeling of the time in which the wealthy had made their money and were wanting to develop in a most substantial way, as well as to 'beautify' the city in which they lived. The Pavilion, designed by the major Ballarat architect T.E. Molloy, is unusual for its top-lit central lantern and curved roofs. The statues are seen to their best advantage because of the provision of all-round and top natural lighting. Classified: 03/03/2003 Victorian Heritage Database. The artwork is of historic and aesthetic significance to the people of BallaratWhite marble statue, Modesty standing with right arm folded over chest, robed and with veil over face.Modestymodesty -
City of Ballarat
Artwork, other - Public Artwork, Charles F. Summers, Susannah, Circa 1885
Susannah designed and carved by Charles Francis Summers and accompanies four statues in the Statuary Pavilion in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens. The Pavilion and its statues were unveiled in 1888 by Premier Duncan Gillies, a former colleague of James Russell Thompson whose bequest to the City enabled the purchase, in Italy, of the statues. The Flight from Pompeii and the four accompanying statues are housed in the Statuary Pavilion in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens. The Flight from Pompeii, in the centre, was designed by Professor Carlo Benzoni and carved by Charles Francis Summers while the four accompanying statues were all designed and carved by Charles Francis Summers. The octagonal Pavilion was specially designed by T.E. Molloy in 1887 to house the statuary. The five statues and Pavilion are believed to be unique in Australia. The Flight from Pompeii, Modesty, Rebekah, Ruth and Susannah are aesthetically significant as they are a group of statues, which are a fine example of the design of Professor G.M. Benzoni [Flight from Pompeii] and the design and carving of Charles Francis Summers. The carving of the Flight from Pompeii is both sensitive and finely done and both the design and carving of Modesty, Rebekah, Ruth and Susannah is sensitive and delicate with great attention to detail. The group is historically important as it epitomises the 'beautification' of the city in the 1880s by men who made their money from gold and who wished to give to the city money for projects such the statuary Pavilion and its contents. The Flight from Pompeii group is located in the Botanical Gardens, which were then also being developed in the Victorian style. This also illustrates the social feeling of the time in which the wealthy had made their money and were wanting to develop in a most substantial way, as well as to 'beautify' the city in which they lived. The Pavilion, designed by the major Ballarat architect T.E. Molloy, is unusual for its top-lit central lantern and curved roofs. The statues are seen to their best advantage because of the provision of all-round and top natural lighting. Classified: 03/03/2003 Victorian Heritage Database.The artwork is of historic and aesthetic significance to the people of Ballarat White marble statue, female seated with cloth draped over lower body.Susannahsusannah, summers -
Dutch Australian Heritage Centre Victoria
Small framed tiles
Set of three small framed tiles with humourous Dutch sayings.(a) Ik hoef niet te zwemmen in het geld maar pootje baden vind ik fijn. (I don't need to swim in money but I enjoy paddling in it). (b) Mannen moeten zijn als coffee, sterk goed en warm. (Men need to be like coffee, strong good and warm. (c Praat niet over jezelf, dat doen wij wel als je weg bent. -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, C1900
This is a photograph of a group of people dressed up in traditional Japanese costumes for a Church of England bazaar and fete C 1900. in the late 19th and early 20th centuries Churches in Orbost provided venues for social activities, fellowship and entertainment. Many concerts, festivals and money-raising fetes were held by the church committees. St. James' Anglican Church, Orbost, was conceived and built as a memorial to the men 'who served and suffered during the Great War' as noted on the foundation stone. The Right Reverend GH Cranswick, DD, Bishop of Gippsland, laid the stone on 1 October 1927.This item is reminiscent of the late 19th - mid 20th centuries when church-going was more commonA black / white photograph on grey buff card. It is of a large group of men and women dressed in traditional Japanese costume.on front at top - handwritten - "E. H. NIXON" with an arrow pointing to the first lady standing in the back row.churches-orbost church-of-england-orbost anglican-church-orbost festivals celebrations -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newspaper - Newspaper clipping, Diamond Valley Leader, Aims of annual festival, Mal Harrop, 2005
Opinion piece by Mal Harrop, Eltham regarding the origina of the first Eltham Communitry Festival in 1975, the brainchild of then Shire President, Alistair Knox. Discusses the funding of the festival with the help of Eltham Apex Club Ltd leading to the Eltham Ohienix Club which ran the festival for the next nine years with assistance from service cluybs and community members. Discusses the original objective of the festival toi bring together old and new Eltham, to help newcomers undersrtand the environmental and artistic heritage of the area, and to help local groups and schools to raise money and attract new members.Newsprinteltham festival, 2005, eltham community festival, rotary club of eltham, rotary eltham town festival, eltham phoenix club, eltham apex club, alistair knox, graeme bell, montmorency garden club, montsalvat jazz festival -
Seaworks Maritime Museum
In 2010, the Government announced that the ETV fleet would be no longer be funded by the MCA from September 2011, saving £32.5m over the Spending Review period. The Department stated that "state provision of ETVs does not represent a correct use of taxpayers money and that ship salvage should be a commercial matter between a ship's operator and the salvor".Two days after the announcement that the fleet was to be disbanded, Anglian Prince was sent to the aid of the UK's newest and largest nuclear submarine HMS Astute, which ran aground off the Isle of Skye in Scotland during sea trials.Builder's plaque, Imai Mfg Co, for the 'Jaramac 48' - Text is impressed into the front and painted red. A red painted border surrounds the edge of the plaque. A small silver plate is attached to the upper right hand corner with engraved text on it.1979 circa. Jaramac 48 - 4,200 HP, Harbour Tug, Built 1975. Renamed 'Mac Tide 48'JARAMC 48/OWNER J. RAY MCDERMOTT & COMPANY INC/ OFFICIAL NO./ GROSS TONNAGE 554t.84/ NET TONNAGE 71t.00/ CONTRACTOR HASEGAWA & CO., LTD./ BUILDER IMAI MFG. CO., LTD/ HULL NO. SHIP NO. 145" Gold Plaque "DONATED BY/ J Ray McDermott (Aust) P/l)/ 1979" -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Souvenir - Commemorative Sandwich Plate - The MacRobertson Trophy Air Race, c. 1934
From Wikipedia: The MacRobertson Trophy Air Race (also known as the London to Melbourne Air Race) took place in October 1934 as part of the Melbourne Centenary celebrations. The race was devised by the Lord Mayor of Melbourne, Sir Harold Gengoult Smith,[1] and the prize money of £15,000 was provided by Sir Macpherson Robertson, a wealthy Australian confectionery manufacturer, on the conditions that the race be named after his MacRobertson confectionery company, and that it was organised to be as safe as possible.[2] A further condition was that a gold medal be awarded to each pilot who completed the course within 16 daysClear glass sandwich plate, commemorating the Air Race from UK to Australia. Map of UK and Australia, aeroplanes, etched into glass.Front: VICTORIAN AND MELBOURNE CENTENARY 1934-1935 - etched from beneathuk australia air race, macrobertson air race, 1934, melbourne centenary -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Soldiers’ Memorial World War 1 in Main Street -- Different angle
Soldiers’ Memorial World War 1 with wreaths at base. The "Girl's Remembrance League" worked to raise money for the memorial to be built. Cost was 643.0.0 pounds. The memorial was unveiled on Saturday 10th Nov. 1923, by Archdeacon T.P. Bennett, (a respected pardre and old Stawell boy). Photo was copied from original donated by Mrs. L Matthew's whose mother Mrs. A. V. Cornish was a member of the Girls Remembrance League. Memorial was partly built by Robson & Grey, when partnership dissolved Mr. G.M. Robson completed the work. The Borough Council donated the land for the memorial.Black & white photograph of a World War 1. memorial. The fallen soldier statue is on a tiered granite base with flowers and wreaths around the base and steps of the memorial. There are two black & white photos one an enlargement. stawell ww1 -
Vision Australia
Programme - Text, Twenty-sixth Presentation of the 3KZ Carols by Candlelight program 1963, 1963
Carols by Candlelight is a Christmas concert held at the Sidney Myer Music bowl. Programs and candle holders were sold, and collections made during the event to raise money for the Austin Hospital and the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind. 3KZ also recorded the concert, which was played on radio on Christmas Day with a phone number to ring to donate. Prior to the Carols program at 9pm, the performance was opened by the Melbourne Lord Mayer and the process of torchbearers (100 girls dressed in white flowing dresses walk slowly in time with the music to the stage, trained by Vera Hopton) as a prelude to the event.1 volume with photographs and illustrationscarols by candlelight, austin hospital, margot sheridan, lawrence warner, royal victorian institute for the blind, gwen bowdler, norman swain, philip gibbs, sir maurice nathan, syd morgan, vera hopton, norman k mcleod, cherbourg mission, dorothy baker -
Vision Australia
Programme - Text, Twenty-seventh Presentation of the 3KZ Carols by Candlelight program 1964, 1964
Carols by Candlelight is a Christmas concert held at the Sidney Myer Music bowl. Programs and candle holders were sold, and collections made during the event to raise money for the Austin Hospital and the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind. 3KZ also recorded the concert, which was played on radio on Christmas Day with a phone number to ring to donate. Prior to the Carols program at 9pm, the performance was opened by the Melbourne Lord Mayer and the process of torchbearers (100 girls dressed in white flowing dresses walk slowly in time with the music to the stage, trained by Vera Hopton) as a prelude to the event.1 volume with photographs and illustrationscarols by candlelight, austin hospital, margot sheridan, lawrence warner, royal victorian institute for the blind, gwen bowdler, norman swain, philip gibbs, syd morgan, vera hopton, e. leo curtis, judy jacques, mrs curtis, charles scott, salvation army staff band -
Sunbury Family History and Heritage Society Inc.
Photograph, Sunbury Red Cross 1915, 1915
The women in the photograph were members of the Sunbury Red Cross in 1915 and was taken during the years of World War 1 at 'Rupertswood Mansion' one of the Clarke family's homes. Over those four years the local people supported the war effort in many ways. School children knitted garments for the soldiers, Food parcels were sent away to the Front. Local events were held to raise money for the war effort. Many events supporting the war effort took place at Rupertswood and the Sunbury Red Cross frequently gathered at the mansion.On the Homefront members of the Sunbury community worked tirelessly to support the war effort and leading this movement was the local Red Cross.A non-digital sepia photograph with a narrow cream border of a group of well-dressed women posing for a photograph in front of a large mansion. A note on the back states that it is an original photograph which was taken in 1915. sunbury red cross, red cross, world war 1, rupertswood mansion, sir william clarke -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, David Andrew Roberts, Journal of australian Colonial History: Eureka: Releasing the Spirit of Democracy, 2008
A number of images for this journal were supplied by the University of Ballarat Historical Collection,Brown and Black soft covered book of 200 pages. Chapters include and introduction (Geoffrey Blainey); Eureka: gathering the 'Oppresed of all Nations (Anne Beggs-Sunter); The 'Southern Cross': a radical legacy (Drew Cottle); Ballarat of Eureka (Keith McKenry); 'Men of Colour' John Joseph and the Eureka Treason trials (Jeffrey Atkinson); 'Blood, Sweat and Tears': Women of Eureka (Dorothy Wickham); 'Why should they pay money to the Queen?: Aboriginal Miners and Land Claim (Fred Cahir); Raffaello Carboni's Perception of Australia (Gaetano Rando); Democracy, Political Rhetoric and the Conservative Response to manhood Suffrage in Colonial New South Wales (Gregory Melleuish); 'Foreign to their feelings as freemen': Liberal politics in a goldfields community, Bendigo 1853-1883.ballarat, bendigo, eureka, aborigines, southern cross, women, charles hotham, australian democracy, agitation -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document. Greeting Cards. Single, light beige card with a picture of an older woman. She is wearing a peaked type of hat and has her finger up to her mouth. A printed border surrounds the picture. At the top is written in ink: 'This is how I spent my money at Luna Park'. Beneath the picture is printed in black with some words in bold type: Your Second Wife should conform to the general lines of this picture. I advise you to drop another coin in the same slot and secure a photo of your First Wife. There is some important personal advice on love and marriage for you in another section and do not fail to secure a photo of your first baby. Underneath is printed 7-G-5person, greeting cards, malone collection, malone collection, greetomg cards. -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s - set of 3, Eldon Hogan, early 1960's
Set of three Kodak cardboard mounted slides - have handwritten captions and slide numbers - no date, post dash canopy lights but with the largely green front - early 1960's. From the Eldon Hogan collection. Scanned on the Canon scanner at the depot 15/12/1971 at the time of the installation of the scanner. .1 - No. 16 and a bogie car at Charing Cross, early 1960's with the City Club Hotel in the background. .2 - No. 18 at Charing Cross with the destination of Quarry Hill and with the City Club Hotel in the background .3 - No. 25 at the Eaglehawk terminus with two crewmen standing in front of the tram. Tram has the destination of Eaglehawk. The Town Hall in the background has a money raising thermometer for the Olympic Swimming Pool fund..1 - "Trams at Bendigo" .2 - "Trams at Fountain at Bendigo" .3 - "Tram at Eaglehawk" all in penciltramways, trams, bendigo, eaglehawk, charing cross, tram 16, tram 18, tram 25 -
Melbourne Legacy
Administrative record - Document, minutes, Minutes of Advisory, Tradition & History & Archives Committee 25/11/1986, 1986
A copy of the minutes of a committee meeting that discussed The Presidents Fund and the Over 70 meetings. It mentions that the annual gatherings for member over 70 years of age, originally meant it was primarily for those who fought in World War 1. Now WWII members were nearing that age and criteria might need to be reassessed. The Over 70 meeting was a major contributor of funds for the Presidents Fund. Perhaps by 1986 the annual amount donated by the Berry Trust had ended (for many years $1000 a year was received from the fund set up by Legatee Walter Berry). The President's Fund was created in 1932 by a donation of £50 from Legatee Walter W Berry from his late father's estate "to help temporarily embarrassed Melbourne Legatees" towards the end of The Great Depression. The aim of the fund was the give the President a way to help needy cases with discretion and without having to gain approval from committees. In many cases the money was repaid by the recipient. This document was in a folder labelled President's Fund Correspondence with many other documents that included correspondence, receipts of donations and material about when money was given to help appropriate cases. The folder was marked with H40 which is part of an early archive project from the late 1960s and early 1970s.A record that there was an Advisory, Tradition and History Committee at Legacy. The Presidents Fund was a significant help to legatees and junior legatees who were unable to obtain help from other sources.Minutes of the Advisory, Tradition and History Committee, black type on white A4 help, presidents fund -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Sikh Hawkers in Wodonga
Sikh hawkers were a regular sight throughout the Wodonga and Upper Murray district in the early 20th century. The regular visitors to the area included Pola Singh and Gambil (Gamble) Singh. Gamble Singh often camped on McKoy’s Moorefield property in West Wodonga and several other places around the district. Gamble was also a horse breeder and had several draught horses to pull his wagon. Like many of the hawkers he worked hard to send money back to support family in India. He apparently returned to India about 1950, but left some money in the Bank of NSW in Wodonga in case he returned. He allegedly died soon after and the money was eventually able to be claimed by his nephews in India. A small overlooked park in Wodonga is named the “Gamble Singh Park” in his memory. J. Flanagan who operated the Halfway Hotel commented on having as many as seven or eight bullock teams “yoked” overnight to the fence outside the hotel as well as 100 or more Indian hawkers – led by the fondly known Pola (Pollah) Singh. The hawkers returned to Wodonga annually to renew their hawkers’ license and camped on the flats, or also came to Wodonga to collect orders at the railway station to stock up their supplies. Pola Singh was often based at the Colac Colac reserve near Corryong and had on board his compatriot Isar Singh. He often acted as an intermediary between the individual hawkers and the authorities. Unfortunately, it was Pola’s habit to walk in front of his wagon at the start of each day. On the morning of 23 June 1923 his horses were restive and hard to control. They took flight and ran Pola down on the road near Cudgewa. He was rushed to the Corryong Hospital but died there a few days later, aged 65. Pola was cremated, with some of his ashes scattered in the Murray River and some returned to his homeland to be scattered in the Ganges River. His cremation was listed in the Obituary page of the Weekly Times, Melbourne on Saturday 14 July 1923. A small memorial to Pola Singh is located in the Corryong Cemetery.These images are significant because they help to document the history of the Sikh Hawkers who plied their services to Wodonga and throughout rural Australia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.A collection of black and white images featuring Sikh Hawkers Gamble Singh and Pola Singh take in the Wodonga area.indian hawkers, sikh hawkers, gamble singh, pola singh -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
Memorial Plaque and Scroll, Dead Man's Penny, World war One
Bronze Memorial plaque and Memorial Scroll issued to families whose relative was killed in action during word war 1. The history of the dead man's penny began in 1916 with the realisation by the British Government hat some form of an official token of gratitude should be given to the fallen service men and women's bereaved next of kin. Production of the plaques and scrolls, which was supposed to be financed by the German reparation money began in 1919 with approximately 1,150,00 issued. There were some relatives who returned the pennies to the Australian Government in protest as b they felt it was insulting and it did not replace their loved one's life.Killed in Action William Edward Ernest Bond joined the 58th Bn on the 24th November 1915 as a labourer from Geelong. As a private (4296), he was sent to France and the Western Front. He initially went missing in action in the Fleurbaix area on 19th of July 1917. It took a court of Inquiry in the field in September,1917 to determine he was killed in action, although his body was never recovered. He died aged 18. His name can be found on Panel 14, VC Corner Australian Cemetery and Memorial, Fromelles, Lille, Nord Pas de Calais, FranceMemorial Bronze Plaque and Scroll. The Memorial Plaque was also known as the WW1 'Death Penny' in memory of William Edward Ernest BONDBrass Plaque " He died for Freedom and Honour William Edward Ernest Bond" Scroll Commemoration to Pte Edward Ernest Bond 58th Bn AIFbrass memorial plaque and scroll dead man's penny bond william lara geelong killed in action world war one kia -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - Miller, Hon Henry, MLC
Three items about other Miller family members: 1/Photocopied article and photograph of Muriel Miller (born 1890 approx.), wife of Septimus ‘Money’ Miller. Article from ‘who’s who in the world of women’, c1930s, giving brief family history, the charities she was involved with and her hobbies and interests. 2/Reprinted article from Argus newspaper dated 30/06/2013, regarding the will of the late Septimus Miller, husband of Murie Miller. 3/Photocopied copy of Miller family tree (1784 – 1990), where Muriel becomes Mrs. Miller 1912.miller septimus, miller helen mary muriel, henderson john, miller henry, miller ronald nevill damien, ‘cantala’, housenames, dandenong road, caulfield, wills -
Ithacan Historical Society
Photograph, Ithaca House, c1970s
Ithaca House, the home of the Ithacan Philanthropic Society, is located at 329 - 335 Elizabeth Street. The site was purchased in the mid 1950s to build the club rooms. The money for the venture was raised by the issue of non-redeemable 10 and 50 pound debentures to members. Nicholas Sofarnos, a young Ithacan architecture graduate, designed the building. Construction was completed in 1958. Up until 2020 Yamaha were long standing ground floor tenants. Prior to the building of Ithaca House, from 1917 up until 1958, the club rooms were located on the top floor of Michael's Building on the corner of Lonsdale and Elizabeth Streets. The Ithacan Philanthropic Society has been a focal point initially for expatriate Ithacans and as the years have passed it holds many happy memories for Australian born Ithacans through the generations.A coloured photograph of a three storey grey building in a city street with two cars being driven along the road. The Yamaha Motor Bicycle company occupies the ground floor, and in the adjacent building Honda motorbikes are sold. There are curtained windows across the width of the second floor and signage on the top floor windows indicates this level is used for social events such as receptions and dances. -
Victorian Interpretive Projects Inc.
Photograph - Photograph - colour, Clare Kathleen Gervasoni, World War One Memorial Stained Glass Window, Former Barkly Street, Ballarat East, 2015, 05/04/2015
The World War One Memorial Stained glass windows in the Barkly Street Uniting Church resulted from a request made in 1919 by the Barkly Street Young Men's Club to be given permission to raise money to pay for the project. The window was designed by Fisher Co. Pty Ltd, and was unveiled by a former army chaplain - either Rev. J.A. Gaunt or Rev. Bladen on the 14th March 1920. The total cost of the windows was 171 pounds 10 shillings. The window cost 150pounds, the window was fixed into position for 15 pounds, and three wire screens cost 6 pounds 10 shillings.Digital Photographs of the World War One memorial stained glass windows in the Barkly Street Uniting Church, Ballarat East.Repousse World War One tablet: 1914-1919 For God, King and Country The windows above have been erected as a memorial to the heroic lads of this school and church who fell in the Great War. Brittain, H.O. Butcher, J.C. Cornish, H. R. MM (Richard) Eady, James Arthur Edmends, William H. Ferguson, F. Farrar, A.Z. Gist, C.H. Gates, Stanley C. Grave, Howard B. Hughes, Arthur W. Hughes, George A.C. Jones, William Stanley (Stan) Marshall, Robert R. McConnell, A.R. (Ralph) Muller, A.V. Polkinghorne, E.C. (Clifford) Ridgwell, Herbert R. Sansum, Arthur H. Smith, Alfred G. Tait, Robert E. Tait, Lawrence (Laurie) Veal, Thomas P. Vincent, Leslie A.barkly street uniting church, barkly steet methodist church, barkly street weseyan church, j.a. gaunt, bladen, stained glass, soldier, world war, world war one, mmm -
Victorian Bands' League
Circular, Richmond City Contest Band, Richmond City Contest Band : To the Citizens of Richmond, 1917
This is a unique item of band history. Here we have a circular that was sent around to the citizens of Richmond advising them to check the identity of their collectors to make sure they weren't from the rival band! The Richmond City Band was formed in 1900 but only lasted another 30 years. The rival band was the Richmond Boys' Band. The circular also outlines the success of the band in competitions as well as the amount of money it has raised for charities. This circular presents a window on the past activities of the band which is special considering records of the band are few and far between - their band hall was destroyed by fire in 1926.This circular is significant as a record of the activities of the Richmond City Band. As most of the records of the band are presumed to be lost due to a fire in 1926, this is one record that shows the activities of the band as well as rivalries with other bands in the district.Printed on newspaperrichmond city band, richmond city contest band, richmond boys' band, victorian bands' association, city of yarra, richmond burnley historical society, richmond -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Letter - Miller, Hon. Henry M.L.C
1.Handwritten notes on Henry Miller, his business ventures and property holdings. Served as a member of the Legislative Council from 1851 to 1866, and was on various other boards. Mayor of Richmond, banker. He earned the nickname ‘Money Miller’ as he was Melbourne’s richest man, author unknown. 2.Reprinted notes, 01/12/2009 7 pages on Henry ‘Money’ Miller, includes family tree, author unknown. 3.Handwritten list of references regarding Septimus Miller taken from three newspapers, author unknown. 4.Photocopies letter from Rev. A. De Q Robin to Mrs Landells, giving details of Septimus Miller’s marriage to Clara Johnstone Bell dated 12/02/1974. Handwritten page with inscriptions in the Miller family mausoleum, author unknown. Two photocopied articles , taken from who’s who in the world of women, date unknown, of Lady Mary Elizabeth Darlot Miller and Mary Miller. 2 pages of jottings regarding family tree by unknown author and undated. Possible sources are 1. The Dictionary of Australasia Biography, London 1892 by P. Mennell. 2. War services of old Melburnians 1914 to 1918 Melb 1923 by J.B. Kiddle. 3. A Biographical Register of the Victorian Parliament 1859 to 1900 Canberra 1972 by K. Thomson and A.G. Serle. 4. Who’s Who in Australia, various.miller henry, miller eliza, miller mars morphett, miller charles morton, miller albert, miller septimus, miller herbert -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Film - Video (Digital), Geoff Paine, Skipper Cottage: Stories of the Nillumbik Shire with Geoff Paine, June 2020
One of a series of videos "Stories from the Nillumbik Shire with Geoff Paine" A brief overview of the Skipper Cottage or Whitecloud and the Bootmakers cottage (mid 1850s) with Sue Thomas, partner of Adam Skipper who have lived there for about 40 years. Includes a view inside the Bootmaker's cottage. Discusses the flood plain and how the house was moved to its present site on high ground due to flooding. The high ground came about due to dumping of rubble from the quarry where the school car park is which was used to source stone to build the schoolhouse across the road. It was moved on horse and wagon approximately 200 metres. The cottage was previously a Cobb and Co stopping station for mail. When Montsalvat was being built in the 1940s, Lena Skipper who was originally from Sydney invested her money into buying Whitecloud rather than putting money into Montsalvat like many others. Upon her death, Matcham Skipper inherited the house. Seaweed was used as insulation in the ceiling and after Matcham owned it a spark from the fireplace set the seaweed on fire and gutted the front of the house which is now all one big room. Also illustrates some of the changes to the house over the years and its construction. The Elm forest has grown naturally from suckers spread from one tree.MP4 Digital file 00:05:50; 674MBvideo recording, bootmakers cottage, lena skipper, lena thomas, matcham skipper, school residence, skipper house, whitecloud cottage -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Opening of Eltham Library, 17 Aug 1971
The architect of Eltham's new library, Harold Bartlett of Messrs Leith & Bartlett Pty Ltd at the opening of the Eltham Library in 1971. The Eltham Branch of the Heidelberg Regional Library Service was opened on 17 August 1971 by Victoria’s Chief Secretary R. J. Hamer. The library was designed by the firm Leith and Bartlett and was the southern wing of the Shire of Eltham Offices in Main Road Eltham. Visitors entered a “book plaza” which embodies the display techniques of a bookshop. Through this area was located a quieter area for reference and the more “purposeful” reader. The library was opened as part of the Shire of Eltham’s centenary celebrations. Diamond Valley News, 24 August 1971 Wisdom of Solomon. "The architect of Eltham's new library, Mr Harold Bartett, at the opening of the library last week said: " Decisions to build such cultural builidngs as this with so little money and so many other basic items on the priority list are not taken without long hours of thoughtful debate demanding the wisdom of Solomon, the knowledge of a Moses, the business acumen of a money changer, the tender heart of a Rachael, the couriage of a David and last, but not least, the armour of a centurion." Thus, he described the attributes required in a municipal councillor. Mr Bartlett is a former councillor and is still honorary planner for the shire." H. E. Bartlett was on the Shire of Eltham Council 1954-1961. The library and Shire Offices were demolished exactly 25 years later in 1996. This photo forms part of a collection of photographs gathered by the Shire of Eltham for their centenary project book, "Pioneers and Painters: 100 years of the Shire of Eltham" by Alan Marshall (1971). The collection of over 500 images is held in partnership between Eltham District Historical Society and Yarra Plenty Regional Library (Eltham Library) and is now formally known as 'The Shire of Eltham Pioneers Photograph Collection.' It is significant in being the first community sourced collection representing the places and people of the Shire's first one hundred years.Digital imagesepp, shire of eltham pioneers photograph collection, shire of eltham, shire of eltham centenary, eltham library, opening day, h. bartlett, harold bartlett, sppech -
Sunshine and District Historical Society Incorporated
Receipt (1912), HUGH V. McKAY - SUNSHINE HARVESTER, 6 March 1912
Interpreting from the details that can be read it is believed that on 6/3/1912 Mr. M. Norton paid by cheque the sum of 5 Pounds 19 Shillings and 5 Pence, of which 5 Pounds 3 Shillings and 11 Pence was for a Summons possibly issued on 23/2/1912, while 15 Shillings and 6 Pence was the charge for the costs of the Summons. This is not a document issued by a Court of Law so use of the word 'Summons' is confusing to us at this stage. Was it just standard practice to send out a bill and call it a Summons, or was Mr. Norton late in paying and so had to pay an extra charge after being 'summoned' a second time. Could this receipt be part of a 'promissory note' exchange, payment for which had to be summoned? Another thing that can't be explained at this stage is the use of the symbol % after the amount of money written in figures, just after the Pence amount. The symbol for Pence in those days, and until decimal currency, was d as can be seen from the Duty Stamp. In 1912 and before did % also stand for Pence when the money amount was written by hand, or could it have been a shorthand way of indicating something like 'portion of amount'? This receipt is very intriguing and so we will endeavour to try to fully understand the information it contains. If any person can provide information that may assist us, then please contact the Sunshine & District Historical Society. The receipt is significant to our Society because it was issued by Sunshine Harvester / Hugh V. McKay more than 100 years ago. It also appears to contain information that at this stage is not fully understood, such as the use of the % sign, and why the word summons is used. Of further interest, but perhaps not surprising for the times, is that only Mr. is printed on the receipt. It appears that they never expected to issue these type of receipts to females.Very light tan coloured paper receipt No.1773 issued on 6/3/1912 by Sunshine Harvester / Hugh V. McKay to Mr M. Norton. The receipt has fire damage on the left side and so some details are missing. Details are hand written in ink in the spaces provided. A greenish coloured one penny (1d) Victoria Stamp Duty stamp is affixed.6 3 1912 ......ved by Cheque from Mr. M Norton the sum of Five ...... nineteen Shillings and five Pence, with ......being £5.3.11% of Enclosed Summons 23. 2.12 & 15/6 % Costs of Same.receipt no. 1773, sunshine harvester, hugh v. mckay, mr m. norton, 1912, victoria stamp duty, 1d