Showing 927 items
matching house committee
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Document - House Creek School 2266 Inspector's Register Book 1881 - 1905
... . Godde served as Correspondent of the Committee in 1911. House... as Correspondent of the Committee in 1911. House Creek was unstaffed ...This folder contains the official Inspector's reports for House Creek School Number 2266. Inspections were carried out every six months for all Victorian Government Schools. On 8th October 1879 Mathew Parnaby and others applied for the establishment of a school, between Huon and House Creeks, about four miles southwest of Wodonga. The District Inspector approved and Albert Schlink offered two acres of freehold land as a site, four chains from the southeast corner of Allotment Eight, Section 10, of the Parish of Wodonga in the County of Bogong. A portable classroom, 22ft x14ft, with quarters was erected at a total cost of £192, and SS2266 opened on 1st of June 1880 with Edwin Davis as Head Teacher. In 1883 the average attendance ranged between 12 and 20. Both school and quarters fell into a very bad state of repair. Temporarily closed in 1894, the school reopened as a result of a petition by Ferdinand Godde and others. By 1902 the school had a nett enrolment of 37, the grounds had been fenced, and a shelter shed erected by local effort. By 1907 the nett enrolment had risen to 45 with an average attendance of 37. Ferdinand V. Godde served as Correspondent of the Committee in 1911. House Creek was unstaffed in February 1917 and closed on 8th of November 1917. It reopened on 4th August 1921, but with a nett enrolment of 6, closed on the 24th July 1926. The building was sold for removal. Many of the reports in this Register were written and signed by Henry Finch Rix. He was a pioneer of the Victorian School Inspection System and from 1884 to 1887 worked as a Chief Inspector in the Beechworth Education District. He had previously played with the Carlton Football Club for one season. Henry Rix was a highly regarded educator and a staunch advocate of the establishment of school libraries to teach children of "the rich stores of profitable pleasure to be found in books."This item is significant because it documents progress and recommendations for students at an early government primary school in the Wodonga district.A large bound folder of printed forms. The majority have been completed in handwritten reports including names, notes and statistics. On cover: INSPECTOR'S REGISTER BOOK STATE SCHOOLShenry finch rix, house creek school, victorian school inspectors, school 2266 -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph - Photo, A record of comradeship activities
A variety of photos from a Comradeship album. The Comradeship committee gathered photos of events and compiled them in a Comradeship photo album for Legatees to look through. 01033.1 A photo of legatees seated around tables. The caption said: L/Donovan Joynt, V.C. at an Anzac party. 01033.2 A page of photos including "Meet the Pres." party in 1971. The photos of Legatees in fancy dress have 23 April 1970 stamped on the back. Also a party at Legatee Norman Lofts' house in London in 1974 and on the back it says Norman was preparing for Ascot June 1974. A legatee at lower right is Howard Hider. 01033.3 A post card of a first world war memorial in Albany WA. 01033.4 A photo of soldiers from the first world war made into a postcard. The names on the photo are L. Liddell, Sgt Harvey Etchins (?), W Brown of the 24th Battalion P__. On the back, handwritten in blue pen, "Yesterday to Day. To Frank from Wal Brown". L Liddell may be David Leslie Liddell, service no 680A (source AWM). Wal Brown may be Walter Charles Brown, Service no 3278 (source AWM). 01033.5-6 Two colour photos of "Meet the Pres. L'tee Bradie Healesville 1974. 01033.7 A black and white photo of Legatees at a table and labelled Anzac Parade 1974. 01033.8 A black and white photo of three Legatees, possibly in fancy dress (cowboy hat, fez). 01033.9-10 Two colour photos of Legatees on the overland train to Perth for the National Conference in 1977, including L/ Frank Doolan, L/ Louis and Amorel Lothian. The other photo is L/s Frank Doolan and Rex Hall sitting together. 01033.11 A colour photo of L/ Rex Hall being awarded first prize for a rendition of Maurice Chevellier "Leetle girls were make to love and kees", in July 1976 - event and venue not known. 01033.12 L/ Rex Hall sitting with Mrs Pat Cahill on the SS Oriana on 10 March 1974. Mrs Cahill was the daughter of David H Dureau whose associate donated funds that enabled the purchase of Legacy House in his memory. 01033.13 L/ Escott in Tewantin Qld in 1986 found an aged care home with his name. The handwriting on the back of the photo pointed out he was not a resident. 01033.14 L/ Escott with Sir Walter Campbell, Governor of Queensland on 11 April 1986 at Government House Qld. 01033.15 The governor of Queensland presenting Legatee Escott with the B.E.M. on 11 April 1986. The items were part of a photo album of Comradeship activities (from 1930 to 1977) see items 01027 to 01036.The Comradeship photo album was put together by the Comradeship committee and records events that Legatees did and places they lived or visited. Some appear to be trips to visit other Legatees living overseas and social occasions held in different places. It shows the bond that Legatees have with each other.Colour photo x 20 from a Comradeship committee photo album.Various labels for the photos.anzac day, comradeship -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, A summary of the work and scope of the Committees and Sub-Committees of the Club. December 1937. (H11), 1937
A document explaining all the committees and sub-committees of Legacy in 1937. The foreword mentions it has been prepared for the information of members to better acquaint them with the many phases of the Club's activities. Such as: 1 Board of Management 2 Advisors Committee 3 Anzac and Armistice Observance Committee 4 Comradeship Committee 5 Finance Committee 6 Personnel Committee 7 Programme Committee 8 Wardens, Intermediate Legacy Club 9 Junior Legacy Club Committee 10 Junior Legacy Boys' Club - Sub-committee of JLC 11 Boys' Swimming - Sub-committee of JLC 12 Boys' Physical Culture - Sub-committee of JLC 13 Girls' Group - Sub-committee of JLC 14 Education and Baillieu Trust - Sub-committee of JLC 15 Employment - Sub-committee of JLC 16 Welfare - Sub-committee of JLC 17 Medical/Dental - Sub-committee of JLC 18 Probation officers - Sub-committee of JLC 19 Rooms management - Sub-committee of JLC 20 Records Officer - Sub-committee of JLC 21 Camps - Sub-committee of JLC The notation H11 in red pen shows that it was part of the archive project that was trying to capture the history of Legacy. Note on camps: 'The club possesses, at Somers on Western Port Bay, a property consisting of buildings and equipment erected and acquired at a cost of approximately £1400 spread over a period of 11 years. Permanent buildings included: Mess hut seating 100, galley, hospital (4 beds), Staff hut (4 beds), Cooks' hut, nine bunk houses (90-100 bunks).'A comprehensive record of the structure of Melbourne Legacy Club in 1937.White quarto paper with black type x 9 pages summarising the committees of Legacy Club in 1937.Handwritten H11 in red pen. history, organisation structure, rules, 100exhibit -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, History of Legacy 1953 (H18), 1954
A document summarising events significant to Legacy in the year 1953. The coronation of Queen Elizabeth II was a highlight, with Legatee Stan Savige travelling to London to attend as a representative of Legacy (his account of the event is at 01164). 1,200 children attended a rally at the South Melbourne Town Hall to watch films of the life of the Queen, her visit to Canada and the Coronation. (A copy of the programme of this event is at 01163). It was decided that the Intermediate Legacy Club had degenerated into a club without a distinct purpose. They were encouraged to help the Legatees in the senior Club. For instance in the repairs to widow's houses. There is mention of the country clubs with a new club formed in Benalla. Education of Legatees was seen as something that needed to be addressed and a formal induction process with proper training would be necessary. A two page report was included as attachment 'C', which is stored as 01492. Welfare committee had prepared reports with were attached as 'D' but the whereabouts is not known. Camps and holidays. Country clubs would take city children and work had started at Blamey house to clear land for tent sites and country children could have a holiday in the city. The annual conference was held in Brisbane, a general report was attached as 'J' but the whereabouts is not known. Widows - childless and aged widows were identified in the Brisbane conference as needing more attention and a committee was formed to look into it. A report marked 'G' was mentioned but the whereabouts is not known. Dureau House. It was recognised the premises purchased some years before was not suitable as too much renovation was required and should be sold. The original donor, Mr Goldsmith of the B&G Corporation in New York was approached and he agreed the money could be used directly for the widows and children if provision of a headquarters was not important, but the decision was to be up to Legacy to make. The building was sold to Mr Bernard Evans for £57,000. Contact committee reported that the need for contact outstripped the present membership and new members were needed. The dental committee there were issues with payments by the Repatriation Department. The medical committee had decided that children in all classes would be given a Mantoux test for TB. The notation H18 in red pen shows that it was part of the archive project that was trying to capture the history of Legacy. A report covering the main work of Legacy in 1953.White foolscap paper with black type x 4 pages of the history of Legacy in 1953.Handwritten H18 in red pen.history, annual summary -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, History (H33) By Frank Meldrum, 1976
A document written in 1976 by Legatee Frank Meldrum containing his account of the start of Legacy. He was responding to a request for information about the history of Legacy that the archive committee was collating. He mentions several key members by name and what they achieved. As with other similar accounts he mentions the original objective was to see diggers placed in employment. When two years later the focus changed to the families 'thanks to Frank Doolan Legacy found its SOUL'. Many other accounts have also used the term 'soul' when referring to Frank's suggestion. It seems many Legatees had been quietly helping families of their comrades; Frank 'said he was helping a widow with two children of an old army mate. It was discovered that several of the Board were doing the same. Stan Savige had taken over the care of his widowed sister and her two boys, whose father had died at Passchendale. I had a widow with two little ones whose father was one of my best mates at Anzac. He died of flu virus after returning to Australia. I think eleven members of the Board or Committees were already giving similar service. Frank's proposal caught on immediately. Legacy had found its Soul!' 'Harold Peters started his Lit and Debating Class and I was asked by Stan to find a PT instructor', Frank Meldrum asked for the 'Billy' Williams to helped, and a cobber from Anzac, Louis Vavjanezki, to take on boxing and wrestling classes. 'All committees carried their own expenses amongst themselves - nothing was charged to JLC. Hugh Brain started the Education Committee and was given a donation, I think of $1000 (a heck of a lot in those days) by the Ballieu Bros.' He also mentions 'For the first 5-10 years practically all administrative costs were borne by the members.' 'Stan Savige was, of course a tremendous driving force in all the work for the Juniors. He put on a Christmas Camp at Balnarring on his own property and was Camp Commandant and Camp Cook.' Legatee Keith Mitchell helped Frank Meldrum in doing a dental examination of all children in the classes and then Frank did the necessary treatments in his rooms. When it was known they were treating over 400 children and their mums, Syd Birrell then got the board to co-opt two more dentists into the Club and form a Dental Clinic. Syd Birrell also started a Legal Committee to provide free legal advice. 'Committees quietly vied with each other to give better services to the Juniors and their mums. It was an atmosphere that was unbelievably happy - SERVCE WITHOUT SELF'. He mentions picnics, including one at Grimwade house - photos are at 01382 - where legatees were dressed up. The first demonstration was held in the 'Playhouse, just over Princes Bridge and was a great success.' Aaron Beattie and Mrs Gilles were mentioned. The notation H33 in red pen shows that it was part of the archive project that was trying to capture the history of Legacy. A summary of the first fifty years of Legacy written by a key founding member.White foolscap paper with black type x 6 pages of Frank Meldrum's account of Legacy's history dated 6 March 1976.Handwritten H33 in red pen and 'from Meldrum' in blue pen on first page. Stamped 'COPY ONLY' in purple ink.history, founding legatee, frank meldrum -
Melbourne Legacy
Journal - Document, newsletter, Legacy Newsletter 1961, 1961 and 1962
Copies of newsletters to Legacy widows in 1960s. There were usually 4 editions per year (February, May, July and November - plus two special one pages editions in October and November 1961). Newsletters include a notice from the Senior Widows Club coordinator F R G Strickland and information about events and meetings. The editor was Mrs B E Shephard. There were so many widows that the meetings were spread over three groups - yellow, green and red - each meeting on a different Wednesday of the month at Legacy House. On the free Wednesday a Card party was open to all widows and their friends to play cards (entry fee of 1/-). Some months all groups met on the same day and the meeting had to be held at the Melbourne Town Hall to accomodate the numbers. November's meeting as a picnic in the Botanical Gardens and January the widows met in Fitzroy Gardens. In November there were calls for nominations for the committee members for the following year. Committee comprised of a President, 2 Vice presidents, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Assistant Secretary and 14 members of the committee. The first edition in the new format was in 1960, previously there had been a quarterly magazine but the distribution was limited, they changed to a 4 page newsletter format to reach more of the widows. The newsletter was priced at 1D a copy. Various pages of interest have been added to show different news items. Not all editions have been scanned.Brings to life the activities provided for the widows and the work of Melbourne Legacy in the 1960s.Black typed newsletter x 10 editions from 1961 and 1962. 1961 editions: 28 Feb ; 31 May ; 21 Jul ; 10 Oct ; 30 Nov 1962 editions: 23 Feb ; 11 May ; 20 Jul ; 30 Novnewsletter, activities -
Melbourne Legacy
Letter, Enez Domec-Carre, 10/07/1970
Photocopy of a typed letter from Enez Domec-Carre to Legatee J.M.L. Clarke, Chairman of Girls' Classes Committee, tendering her resignation effective from 31st December 1970. Enez was the supervisor of the girls classes held at Legacy House for many years. She organised many annual demonstrations and was held in high regard by Legacy. The library at Legacy House is named in her honour. See also a newspaper article at 00978 which outlines her achievements, a summary of her career at 00458 and 00129. She was a former Miss Victoria and was known for her physical education skills and for introducing grace and culture to Melbourne. In 1932 she joined Melbourne Legacy as assistant to Mrs Gilles (wife of a Legatee) later became the chief instructor of girls' physical education until she retired aged 65. In the post World War II baby boom the Legacy evening classes were attended by about 400 girls. She helped organise Legacy Widows and Legatee wives to sew the costumes for performances. Among her proudest moments was a display by 1000 Junior Legatees at the MCG during the 1954 visit of Queen Elizabeth II. As well her work for Legacy she ran physical education, ballroom dancing and debutante preparation classes.Resignation of Miss Enez Domec-Carre as Chief Instructress of Legacy Girls' Classes after having served Legacy for 36 years.Off-white foolscap paper photocopy of a typed letter from Enez Domec-Carre to Legatee J.M.L. ClarkeStamped in purple "CONFIDENTIAL". "COPY TO .... FOR INFORMATION ONLY" and blue handwriting "Executive Officer"girls' classes, enez domec carre -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, History & purposes of residences
... a Residences Committee recommended that Blamey House and Harelands... declined during the 70s, and in 1975 a Residences Committee ...A paper which was delivered to the Legacy in Victoria Conference in 1980, detailing Melbourne Legacy's involvement in housing the children of Legacy widows since 1942. By 1950 Melbourne Legacy administered four houses - Holmbush, Stanhope, Blamey House and Harelands - and cared for approximately 100 children. The houses were designed to be as homely as possible, and each one was largely autonomous. Children, many of whom came from country Victoria, would go to their own homes during school holidays and the Christmas season. The stated objectives were to 'pass out into the world young men and women with high ideals of citizenship, who are self-reliant and self-supporting.' Also 'to provide affection, security and a future goal and essential discipline.' The country Clubs and Groups would send provisions such as preserved fruit, cheese, eggs, honey, citrus fruit, butter, and potatoes throughout the year to support the residences. Numbers of residents declined during the 70s, and in 1975 a Residences Committee recommended that Blamey House and Harelands should be closed, leaving only Stanhope in operation, the first Blamey House having closed in 1955 with Holmbush being renamed the second Blamey House. By 1980 the only remaining house was Stanhope with an average occupancy of 20. See Cat. No. 00785 for a first hand account of being a resident at Stanhope.Melbourne Legacy established residences to aid children of deceased servicemen complete their education, take further education and find employment. The document reveals details of the residences through the years. It shows the effort the Legatees invested in looking after Junior Legatees and how seriously they took this responsibility.White foolscap paper x 3 pages, with black type.Some pencilled ticks and bracketing, W.T. Lewis handwritten in blue biro on last page.residences, conference -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Document, report, Report by Residences Review Sub-Committee, 1972
An unattributed draft report dated 19/04/1972 (to be read in conjunction with Cat. No. 01670) which updates Cat.No. 01672. The report gives details of the situation at that date and projected changes to the functions of the residences, occupancy rates, costs and likely trends in accommodation needs. It explores at length auxiliary and alternate accommodation such as the Salvation Army, YMCA, YWCA and church hostels, before recommending that when the number of residents over the age of 14 falls below 34 in two consecutive years Blamey House be disposed of or developed for other needs, Stanhope is converted to co-ed accommodation for over 14s, and Harelands is used as co-ed accommodation for the under 14s. The report also recommends investigating as a separate project maintaining a separate cottage for problem children.Part of the history of Melbourne Legacy's involvement with residential care for children.White foolscap sheets x 8 pages, with black type. Two holes punched for filing, and add-in. Page 1: in pencil: 'DRAFT 19/4/72 Discussed with J. Chancellor and G. Rosman 19-4-72 Page 3: pencilled 'A' circled and inserted before Item 5. Page 7: In pencil: 'See conclusions attached' at foot of page. 01673(8): in pencil circled 'A', in blue biro 'end of Para 4' 01673(9): in pencil: (i) 'de' scribbled out (iii) 'or re-development of site for other Legacy needs' after 'Disposal of Blamey House, 'Extend' changed to 'Limit', 'limit' deleted, 'for' changed to 'to', 'Havelands' changed to 'Harelands', 'Haveland plus' deleted, '(See addendum ---)' at end.residences, review, blamey house, harelands, stanhope -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Document, report, Report by Residences Review Sub-Committee, 1972
Final report dated April 1972 submitted by the Residences Review Sub-Committee (J.E. Chancellor. Chair, H.C.G. Rogers, G.K. Rosman) - see drafts at Cat.Nos. 01672 and 01673. The report of the Forcasting Committee, Cat. No. 01670, is included as Appendix I, and comparative costs statements 1963-1971 are included as Appendices II-V. The report gives details of the situation at that date and projected changes to the functions of the residences, occupancy rates, costs and likely trends in accommodation needs. It explores at length auxiliary and alternate accommodation such as the Salvation Army, YMCA, YWCA and church hostels, before recommending that when the number of residents over the age of 14 falls below 34 in two consecutive years Blamey House be disposed of or developed for other needs, Stanhope is converted to co-ed accommodation for over 14s, and Harelands is used as co-ed accommodation for the under 14s. The report also recommends investigating as a separate project maintaining a separate cottage for problem children.Part of the history of Melbourne Legacy's involvement with residential care for children.10 doublesided foolscap sheets, black on white. Two holes punched for filing. Page 1: in pencil: 'FINAL REPORT'residences, review, blamey house, harelands, stanhope -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, 10. The Residence: "Blamey House" Extract from Minutes 23.10.73
Pages 2 and 3 extracted from minutes of an unnamed committee meeting held on 5.11.73, probably the Residences Committee. The items discussed seem to be mostly about Blamey House and the need to renovate various areas at a possible cost of $20,000-$25,000. The minutes emphasise the need to bring forward a complete Works Programme for Blamey House to bring it up to the standard of Harelands and Stanhope.Part of the history of Melbourne Legacy's involvement with residential care for children.Foolscap sheets x 2, black type on white. Two holes punched for filing. 01675.3 Pencilled notes: 'HR & JC to talk about forecast', occupancy rates for Blamey House, Stanhope and Har elands in '74.residences, blamey house -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Document, minutes, Minutes of meeting of Steering Committee (Residences) held at "Legacy House" on Wednesday, 30th January, at 12.30 p.m
Draft Minutes of a meeting held on 30/01/1974. The Steering Committee (Legatees Quale, Chair, Berg, Rodgers and Trebilcock) had been formed to look into the issue of what to do with Blamey House, Stanhope and Harelands in light of the issues raised in a report by the Residences Review Sub-Committee (Cat.No.01674) in 1972. The Steering Committee favoured the demolition of Blamey House to build units to accommodate senior students and ultimately widows, and the eventual sale of Harelands with a transfer of residents to Stanhope. Further investigations were to be made and the next meeting was set for 14 February 1974.Part of the history of Melbourne Legacy's involvement with residential care for children.3 foolscap sheets, black type on white carbon copy. Two holes punched for filing. 'L/H.C.G.Rodgers' in blue biro on the back.residences, review, blamey house, stanhope, harelands -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, Re: Blamey House
Letter dated 11 September 1974 from (Legatee) H.L. Berg of Bernard Evans, Murphy, Berg & Hocking Pty. Ltd., Architects & Town Planners, to Legatee A. Quayle, Chairman of the Housing Steering Committee. The plan (01677.2) is undated and unnumbered, but produced by the same architects and sitting next to the letter in the file. The letter refers to a Drawing No.5 and sets out the difference in accommodation and areas from Drawing No. 1. It is unclear whether the plan is No.1 or No.5. At this time Melbourne Legacy was considering demolishing Blamey House and developing the site to build units to accommodate senior children initially and ultimately widows. (Cat. No. 01676). This was never put into practice.Part of the history of Melbourne Legacy's involvement with residential care for children.Photocopied unsigned letter and an architectural plan. residences, blamey house -
Melbourne Legacy
Letter, Re: Residences - Future of Individual Residences
Letter dated 29 November 1973 from (Legatee) A. Quale, Chairman, Residences Committee, to Legatee H.C.G. Rodgers appointing him to the Steering Committee (Residences) and laying out the terms of reference, and the investigations to be undertaken in order make recommendations about the future of the Melbourne Legacy residences. Members of the committee were selected with particular reference to their experience in certain fields and responsibilities allocated accordingly; Legatee Rodgers was tasked with forecasting occupancy levels for the following 10 years. Legatee Rodgers noted that copies of the titles for Blamey House and Harelands were to follow.Part of the history of Melbourne Legacy's involvement with residential care for children.Photocopied letter on letterhead, some original typing, black on white. Signed in blue biro 'Allan Quale, per (illegible)'residences, blamey house, harelands, stanhope -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Document, letter, Report & Valuation as at 21st January 1974 (Blamey House)
Valuation of Harelands by Ernest Trebilcock & Revill Pty. Ltd dated 21 January 1974, accompanied by copies of the title documents dated 29 March 1943. The valuation of $168,000 was subsequently submitted to the Steering Committee (Residences) (Cat. No. 01676). Photos of the auction are at 01844. Part of the history of Melbourne Legacy's involvement with residential care for children.Photocopied letter on letterhead, black on white. Also a photocopied title document, black on yellowing paper 'Blamey House'' handwritten in red biro on the title document 01679.3residences, review, valuation, blamey house, title deed -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, Blamey House
... for children. residences review committee Blamey House Photocopies x 3 ...Documentation dated January 1974 obtained by Legatee Trebilcock as a member of the Steering Committee (Residences) which had been formed to advise on the future of the Melbourne Legacy residences. See also Cat.No. 01676. The document describes the location and the buildings in detail noting that the location on Burke Road is a very good one and the buildings were quite sound. See also Cat. No. 01677. Main building had been built about 50 years before and the annex 40 years before document. There was an asphalt tennis court used for basketball and a small library. Part of the history of Melbourne Legacy's involvement with residential care for children.Photocopies x 3 pages, with black type. residences, review, committee, blamey house -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, Steering committee - Future of Residences
Draft report of the Steering Committee (Residences) dated 29/3/74 on the accompanying note, which was addressed to Hugh (Legatee H. Rodgers) and signed Allan Q. (Legatee A. Quayle). The Steering Committee was in favour of demolishing and re-building Blamey House in stages: 1. constructing motel type units on SW corner of the site, 2. Demolishing Blamey House 3. Moving occupants in from Stanhope 4. Moving occupants from Harelands to Stanhope and selling Harelands. The plan would also provide future accommodation for widows in the long term. These recommendations were never implemented. See also Cat. No. 01677.Part of the history of Melbourne Legacy's involvement with residential care for children.White foolscap paper x 5 pages with black type. Two holes punched for filing. 2 handwritten add-ons, one black biro on unpunched white paper, the second black biro on faintlined paper with double holes punched. In black biro: Page 1 line 4 - 'the' inserted Page 1 3.1.2 'u' deleted Page 2 - 3.2 (A) and (B) inserted Page 3 - 3.3 split into (A) and (B) Page 3 - 4.1.2 crossed out and rewritten on separate sheet Page 3 - 4.2.2 'Move occupants from 'Stanhope' into the new complex' added. Page 4 - 4.2.3 Crossed out and rewritten as 'Move the occupants from 'Harelands' to 'Stanhope' and sell 'Harelands'. Page 4 - 6.1.1 'However, the Page 4 - final para 'detail of what these funds might be available' replaced with 'detailed information on the availability of these funds' Page 5 - 6.1.3 'implemented' replaced 'put in hand Page 5 - changed to read 'Suitable short-term housing of our Junior Legatees at a standard commensurate with the responsibility of Legacy'.residences, review, blamey house -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Document, letter, Re Legatee Carter's letters on Residences Review Sub-Committee Report
Response by Legatee J.E. Chancellor, Chairman of the Residences Review Sub-Committee dated 30th August 1972 to the letters from Legatee Carter (Cat.No. 01685), and addressed to the Chairman of Junior Legacy Club, with copies to the recipients of Legatee Carter's letters. In his detailed response, Legatee Chancellor refutes Legatee Carter's claims with detailed reasons and explanations. Part of the history of Melbourne Legacy's involvement with residential care for children.White foolscap sheets x 3 pages, with black type. Two holes punched for filing. Page 1: two vertical pencilled lines Page 3 verso: L/H.C.Rodgers in blue biroresidences, review, blamey house, harelands, stanhope -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Document, memorandum, Re: Steering Committee - Future of Residences
Memo dated 28.5.74 written by Chairman Legatee Quayle after the Steering Committee had submitted their report on the future of the residences to the Board (Cat.No. 01684) recommending that an in depth study should be carried out. The Steering Committee was appointed to carry out the study and Legatee Quayle confirms the terms of reference and the matters to be discussed at the first meeting on 26 June 1974. Gives an insight into Legacy thinking about the way in which the residences should be used.1 foolscap photocopy, black on white. Two holes punched for filing. In pencil: #(b) underlined and annotated 'say $1250' #(c) underlined and annotated 'Mid Sept Board Mtg' 'H.Berg' #(d) underlined and annotated 'H Berg go back to council' H.Rodgers ticked in red in distribution list.residences, blamey house, stanhope, harelands -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, Future of Residences Sequence of Proposed Developments
The Steering Committee Residences developed this PERT (Programme Evaluation Review Technique) as noted in a memo dated 28.5.74 written by Chairman Legatee Quayle (Cat. No. 01689). The chart shows the sequence of developments for rationalising Blamey House, Stanhope, and Harelands, and potentially allowing for the long term transitioning of Blamey House into accommodation for elderly widows; this was never carried out. Gives an insight into Legacy thinking about the way in which the residences should be used.White foolscap photocopy, black type on white. Two holes punched for filing. In ink bottom right hand side 'HR 3/4/74' This would have been Legatee Rodgers.residences, blamey house, stanhope, harelands -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Minutes, Minutes of meeting of Steering Committee (Future of Residences)
Minutes of the meeting held on 20 June 1974 to discuss the in-depth study authorised by the Board of Management. Items considered included the development of plans, forward planning, and funding of the project to look at options for Blamey House, Stanhope and Harelands. See also Cat Nos. 01689 and 01690. Further investigations were called for. Gives an insight into Legacy thinking about the way in which the residences should be used.White foolscap photocopy, with black type. Two holes punched for filing. Double sided.Page 2: 'L/tee H.C.G. Rodgers' hand written in blue biro.residences, review, blamey house, harelands, stanhope -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Document, report, Steering committee - Future of Residences
Report presented by the Steering Committee to the Board of Management dated 18 March 1975 with their recommendations for the future of Blamey House, Harelands and Stanhope. The Committee was chaired by Legatee A. Quayle and composed of Legatees J. Chancellor, H. Berg, H. Rodgers and E. Trebilcock. They noted that occupancy rates were falling (Appendix 'A') and it would not be economically viable to renovate the buildings. They recommended that: Harelands should be sold and Blamey House redeveloped for widows' accommodation, and that Stanhope should be modified for co-ed accommodation. The Committee requested that the matters raised in the report should be considered urgently. In a file with documents pertaining to the residences. Part of the history of Melbourne Legacy's involvement with residential care for children.Foolscap sheets x 3 pages, black on white copy. Two holes punched for filing. '18-3-75' pencilled on first sheet.residences, blamey house, harelands, stanhope -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Document, minutes, Minutes of meeting of Steering Committee (Residences), 1975
Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd February 1975. Having ascertained that there was no State Government subsidy available for children's homes they reported that the proposed development of Blamey House was not viable and suggested two alternatives: moving children over 16 years of age into auxiliary accommodation, and selling Harelands and Blamey House whilst using Stanhope for co-ed accommodation. Further investigations were to be made into modifying Stanhope and to obtain occupancy figures for children under 16 years. (See Cat. No. 01692). In a file with documents pertaining to the residences. Gives an insight into Legacy thinking about the way in which the residences should be used.Fading photocopy, originally black on white, now brown on cream. Two holes punched for filing. residences, blamey house, harelands, stanhope, review -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Document, minutes, Minutes of meeting of Steering Committee (Residences)
Minutes of the meeting held on 28th February 1975 which updated the information in Cat. No. 01693. Red Cross, which owned Stanhope and leased it to Melbourne Legacy, had been approached to consider Legacy's request to modify the residence. The numbers of children 16 years and under had averaged 35-40 with 26 currently in residence. The Committee now proposed that Harelands should be sold and Stanhope should become co-ed and modified to accommodate 40 children. Chairman Legatee Quayle undertook to ring other Committee members for their approval to pass these recommendations to the Junior Legacy Club. In a file with documents pertaining to the residences.Gives an insight into Legacy thinking about the way in which the residences should be used.Fading photocopy, originally black on white, now brown on cream. Two holes punched for filing. residences, review, blamey house, harelands, stanhope -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Document, letter, Re: Blamey House
Carbon copy of a letter from Legatee H.L. Berg dated 4th October 1974 to A.Quayle, Esq., Chairman of the Housing Steering Committee in which Legatee Berg confirms the completion of the Stage Two design for Blamey House. The plan was to be submitted to the Board of Management. Costs of $170,000 were estimated and the plans would also have to be submitted to Kew Council, which Legatee Berg undertook to do. See also Cat. No. 01696. In a file with documents pertaining to the residences. An example of the detailed work Melbourne Legacy did to house Junior Legatees.1 x carbon copy, black on white. Two holes punched for filing. residences, blamey house -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Document, letter, Re: Blamey House
Carbon copy of a letter from Legatee H.L. Berg dated 6th September 1974 to A.Quayle, Esq., Chairman of the Housing Steering Committee in which Legatee Berg advises that he has sent Drawings Nos 1-4 illustrating the proposed re-development of Blamey House. He notes that these are preliminary drawings for approval or amendment by the Steering Committee for later submission to the Board. See also Cat. No. 01695. An example of the detailed work Melbourne Legacy did to house Junior Legatees.Carbon copy of a letter about Blamey House, black on white. Two holes punched for filing. Blue ball point tick next to the name H.C.G. Rodgers on the distribution list.residences, blamey house -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, Notes
Notes containing thoughts about what to do with the residences from L/ Hugh Rodgers and addressed to L/ Allan Quayle. Handwritten notes dated 2/4/74, signed 'Hugh' (Legatee Rodgers) and addressed to 'Allan' (Legatee Quayle, Chair of the Steering Committee - Residences). He refers to the draft report (Cat.No. 01673) and makes suggestions for rewording the draft. Reference is made to an 'attached block diagram' which he offers to produce for appending to the report. The final report can be found at Cat. No. 01674. Part of a folder of documents relating to the residences.Gives an insight into the work involved in administering the residences, and shows the high degree of cooperation between Legatees to achieve the best result for their wards.Handwritten sheets x 2 pages, black on faded white. Three holes punched for filing. residences, stanhope, blamey house -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Widows activities, 1996
Two photos of Legatee Saltmarsh with widows in Legacy House. L/ Saltmarsh was the Widow Committee Chairman and was involved in organising events for widows and in publishing the newsletter. The photo shows him with two widows, Marion Scammell was working on a her tapestry under the guidance of Nancy Crooks, the instructor. One was published in the newsletter in April 1996 to show widows the types of activities that Legacy provided. For many years there were workshops for craft and others for painting. The timetable for activities was published in The Answer (prior to Sept 1992 it was called the Melbourne Legacy Widows' Newsletter) each month. These regular meetings and workshops provided important opportunities for widows to meet, socialise and be active.A record of the type of activities Legacy provided as a social outlet for the widows.Colour photos of widows and Legatee Saltmarsh during craft meeting at Legacy House.widows, craft, activities -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph - Portrait, Legatee Saltmarsh, 1996
A photo of Legatee Saltmarsh. L/ 'Salty' Saltmarsh was the Widow Committee Chairman and was involved in organising events for widows and in publishing the newsletter. This photo appears to be a professional shot and was used in publications. He had recently taken on the role of Chairman after 4 years of working with the Disabled Dependants of Legacy Widows.A record of Legatee Saltmarsh taking on the role of Chairman of Widows Committee.Colour photo of Legatee Saltmarsh at Legacy House.legatee, saltmarsh -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Comradeship event - Dugout
Photos of an event at Legacy House for the Legatees approximately 1992 or 1993.There are flags including the Union Jack, Australian flag, the Navy flag and possibly a French flag. There is a display of military hats as well. Likely to be a 'Dugout Night' where Legatees have a comradeship event around the time of Anzac Day in April. As well as flags there are signs such as 'Tiger Balm, Arrack, Jack Juice, Rice Wine, Suez Canal Water'. Identifiable legatees include John Stevenson (President in 1992), Fred Holdsworth (in airforce cap), Don Simonson (President in 1991) and Charles Munnerley who was chairman of the widows committee for many year to 1993. Also a legatee playing piano. A record of the comradeship of the Legatees.Colour photo x 8 of a legatee event with flags and military hats.legatee event, comradeship, dugout