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The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph - Photograph - Reproduction, W. D. Gibbon, Early 1900s
This photograph was taken in 1911 at Three Mile Creek, about five kilometers south of Beechworth town. Significant digging took place at this location from late 1855, which led to a flood of workers and stores to follow, though daily earnings were slim compared to the nearby Woolshed site. This remained the case even after workers at Three Mile Creek attempted to protest around Beechworth during an election in November 1855. Three Mile Creek was one of seven significant divisions of the Beechworth Mining District formalised by the Governor-in-Council in 1858, though by the time this photograph was taken, the boundaries of the original seven districts had shifted to create seventeen divisions. The Three Mile Goldfields was a site of rich alluvial gold deposits located about 5km south of Beechworth in Victoria. Today, the location of this gold deposit is called Baarmutha. It was a popular area for gold mining in the 1850s but became largely abandoned by the following decade. In 1865, a man named John Pund (a man second from the left in the back row of this photograph shares this surname) recognized that the area could be potentially rich if a better water supply could be obtained. He secured a 15 year license with three other miners. Within the next five years, these men had constructed 19 km of water race going from Upper Nine Mile Creek to Three Mile Creek. By 1881, these four men had delivered 950,000 gallons to the Three Mile Sluicing area which is depicted in this photograph. Pund would later go into partnership with John Alston Wallace who would become owner of the Star Hotel in Beechworth. The Three Mile sluicing location continued to be operational until 1950. The eleven miners in this photograph are: Back row: Led Guthrie, P. Pund, F. Beel, [Unknown] Miller Front row: Paddy McNamara, J. King, W. Beel, [Unknown] Garland, J. Clarke, J. Ryan, H. Bartsh In the background of the photograph is a huge dirt wall that appears to suffer damage caused by hydraulic sluicing. Hydraulic sluicing is a specialised mining technique that involves directing high pressure water flows at dirt to uncover gold. The technique played a significant role in shaping Beechworth's landscape during the gold rush to create the topography seen today.The search for gold is ingrained into the history of Victoria and therefore, images like this one which portray an open cut sluicing site can reveal important information for society and technology for the date when the photograph was taken. This image is of important historical significance for its ability to convey information about sluicing and the methods used to find gold in the late 1800s and early 1900s. It also shows a location where sluicing was undertook which provides insight into the impact of sluicing on the environment at a time when it was done. Images, like this one, of Australian gold rush history can reveal important information about the social and environmental impact of this period. This image depicts diggers standing in a mining location and therefore, this image has the capacity to reveal or support significant information for researchers studying the fashion and social status of diggers in Australia in approximately 1911. It can also provide information on the landscape of Australia in this period and the impact of mining for gold on both society and the Australian landscape. The Burke Museum is home to a substantial collection of Australian mining photographs which can be used to gain a deeper understanding into life on the gold fields, technology used in mining, the miners themselves and the impact of the gold digging on the environment.Black and white / sepia rectangular reproduced photograph printed on glossy photographic paper mounted on board.beechworth, beechworth museum, mining, mining team, three mile creek, sluicing, hydraulic sluicing, photography, gold sluicing, gold mining, pund mining -
The Beechworth Burke Museum Research Collection
Card (Series) - Index Card, George Tibbits, Ford Street, Beechworth, 1976
George Tibbits, University of Melbourne. Faculty of Architecture, Building and Town & Regional PlanningIndex system that support the research for Beechworth : historical reconstruction / [by] George Tibbits ... [et al]Arranged by street names of BeechworthEach index card includes: street name and number of property, image of property, allotment and section number, property owners and dates of ownership, description of the property according to rate records, property floor plan with dimensions.beechworth, george tibbitsbeechworth, george tibbits -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Golden Square Choral Society, City Hall, Bendigo. Handel's Messiah. Conducted by Cyril Warne. Soloists: Nance Grant, Soprano. Anne Levin, Contralto. Stanley Hillman, Tenor. Morris Williams, Bass. Pianist: Shirley Clark. Organist: Hedley R Jones. Trumpeter: Brian Coogan. Programme One Shilling. Patrons - Kindly refrain from giving any applause until Interval and Finale. Programme: Messiah. Chorus. Ladies of the Choir - Mrs J Arnold, W Ashman, Miss C Beard, Mrs N Blake, Miss R Bright, Mrs J Chamney, Miss M Doyle, G Douglas, Mrs M Duguid, Miss E Glen, A Graham, D Harry, K Harry, Mrs G Hayes, E Jenks, H Jones, W Junck, G Leech, Miss B Mamouney, V McCracken, Miss D Mauger, Mrs G Mayne, R Mellis, Miss R Miller, Mrs H Mustey, Miss J Nixon, Mrs E Norris, Miss W Perrin, G perry, E Randall, Mrs W Richards, J Samson, Miss M Sparkman, Mrs H Trabinger, E Vapp, M Warne, Miss E Westgarth, E Wilson, L Winzar. Members of the Orchestra - 1st Violins- Mr R Smyth (leader), D Brumby, Mrs Salter, P Brennan. 2nd Violins- Mr G Sykes, Miss H Williams. Viola- Mr E Burston, J Oldmeadow. Cellos- Dr. M Robinson, Miss S Horowitz. Double Bass- Mr G B Richmond. Clarinets- Mr J Skinner, Mr F Lucas. Trumpet- Mr Braian Coogan. Hon. Secretary: Mr J E Mamouney.program, music, golden square choral society, golden square choral society, city hall, bendigo. handel's messiah. conducted by cyril warne. soloists: nance grant, soprano. anne levin, contralto. stanley hillman, tenor. morris williams, bass. pianist: shirley clark. organist: hedley r jones. trumpeter: brian coogan. programme messiah. ladies of the choir - mrs j arnold, w ashman, miss c beard, mrs n blake, miss r bright, mrs j chamney, miss m doyle, g douglas, mrs m duguid, miss e glen, a graham, d harry, k harry, mrs g hayes, e jenks, h jones, w junck, g leech, miss b mamouney, v mccracken, miss d mauger, mrs g mayne, r mellis, miss r miller, mrs h mustey, miss j nixon, mrs e norris, miss w perrin, g perry, e randall, mrs w richards, j samson, miss m sparkman, mrs h trabinger, e vapp, m warne, miss e westgarth, e wilson, l winzar. members of the orchestra - 1st violins- mr r smyth (leader), d brumby, mrs salter, p brennan. 2nd violins- mr g sykes, miss h williams. viola- mr e burston, j oldmeadow. cellos- dr. m robinson, miss s horowitz. double bass- mr g b richmond. clarinets- mr j skinner, mr f lucas. trumpet- mr braian coogan. hon. secretary: mr j e mamouney. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - THE BENDIGO CHORAL SOCIETY, 10 December 1918
The Bendigo Choral Society, Season 1918-Third Concert. Seventh Grand Concert, Masonic Hall, December 10th, 8pm. Artists: Miss Phillis Hannaford,L.A.B., Miss Claire Colgan, Miss Beryl Leggo L.A.B., Mr Gerson Krost. Conductor: Mr W C Frasier, A.R.C.O. Pianiste: Miss Muriel Hyett, L.A.B. Admission 1/- and 1d. Tax Patron: His Worship the Mayor, Ambrose Dunstan. Office bearers: President-mr H M Leggo. Vice Presidents-Mr M G Giudice & Cr J H Curnow. Sub Conductor-Mr E A Miller. Treasurer- Mr W H Dolpin. Lobrarian-Mr R J Duguid. Assistant Librarians-Messrs W B & G L M'Coy. Assistant Secretary-Mr F A Wittscheibe. Committiee-Office Bearers- Mesdames Perry & Scott, Misses Colgan, Veale, Gall and Weeks and Messers Duguid, Sleeman, W Brown, F Witscheibe and F J Walter. Executive O fficer-Messers Frank Wittscheibe and H Walker. Hon. Secretary- J Hudspeth, 85 Wills Street, Bendigo. Programme: God Save the King, Lift up your Heads, Nocturne op.9, No. 2, Inflammatus, Ballade in A, With Verdure Clad, Sanctus, Liberty, O Lieb, Danse Negre, Sweet and Low, Shadow Song, Air for G String, Hallelujah. Season 1919 Subscriptions. For the Season 1919, subscribers of 1 pound/1/- will be entitled to reseved seats for each Concert. Those subscribing more than one guinea will be entitled to two seats for each subscribed. Performing members who subscribe 10/6 for the Society (in addition to their membership fee) shall be entitled to 2 reserved seats for each Concert.Bolton Bros, Printers, Bendigoprogram, music, the bendigo choral society, the bendigo choral society season 1918 third concert seventh grand concert artists committee members programme -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine, Extra Muros: Journal of the Ballarat Teachers' College, 1929, 1929
The 1929 Magazine Committee were John H. McNaughton (President and Editor), Miss I. Dickman (Secretary) , Mr E.B. Tregoning (Business Manager) and Miss P. Bunnett. John McNaughton was also president of the 1929 Ballarat Teachers' College Dramatic Club. The 1929 Ballarat Teachers' College Council comprised of Miss A. Ballinger, Mr R. Broben, John H. McNaughton, Mr R.P. Warriner and Miss Monahan.Crimson soft covered booklet of 50 pages relating to the Ballarat Teachers' College. It belonged to John McNaughton. The magazine includes the following images: Ballarat Teachers' College Staff and Students; women's tennis; football, men's tennis; hockey; Ballarat Teachers' College Council; visit of Bendigo Teachers' College. The Ballarat Teachers' College Football team included: C. Goltz (Captain), A.M. McPherson (Vice-captain), S.C. Hender, Rex Broben, N. Povey, F. Hickey, J. Heard, J. Johnson, J. Thomas, R. Watson, J. Braden, F. Spencer, H. Parker, I. Young, J. McNaughton, E. Errey, R. Moosman, G. Neumann, R. Nicholls and R. Warriner. The magazine reported "There are undoubtedly three outstanding players in the team - C. Goltz, R. Broben , and A. McPherson. 'The last page is autographed by members and staff of the Ballarat Teachers' College. The autographs include: W.H. Elwood (Principal), A.P. Hamano, H.B. Jones; M.H. Miller; W. Braden, Rose Battye; Jean Renkin; Mabel Roll; Nancy Schroeter; O.K. McLeod; George E. Neumann; Z. Zerby; Ada J. Looney; O. Van Bertel; R.P. Warriner; R.R. Watson; C. Goltz; Charles Hender; E.B. Tregoning; Bunnett; Henry J. Parker; H. Duggan; C.F. Kirk; Gladys Dunstan; Clare M. Cummin; J.B. Hickey; Norman Povey; Joan McKebery; Monica J. Monaghan; Elsie E. Bruhn; Muriel E. McDonald; Kathleen Fitzgerald; Mary Fogarty; Peggy Skene; Frances Craig; Andrew B. Morton; Ron E. Mosman; Rex Braben; Doris Jarman; A.R. Gready; Monica J. Monahan; Ina Dickman; Himmie Brothers; Jean Green; Alex A. Brown; Eva Varae; H.A. Frost; E.O. Jones; Florence Old; C.A. Harrison; J. Leath-Kingsley; Jack Heard; A.M. McPherson; W. Ian Youngballarat teachers' college, mcnaughton, john mcnaughton, dickman, tregoning, bunnett, ellwood, j. brown, a. ballinger, warriner, g. goltz, a.m. mcppherson, s.c. hender, rex broben, n. povey, f. hickey, j. heard, j. johnson, j. thomas, r. watson, j. braden, f. spencer, h. parker, i. young, j.mcnaughton, e. errey, r. moosman, g. neumann, r. nicholls, r. warriner -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Glen Eira Road, 244, Elsternwick
This file contains two items, Photocopied photo of Tudor Style garage, c. 1954 taken by Laurie Richards Studio 1954, Hand written names of occupiers at number 244 and neighbours from Sands and McDougal’s directories, Research note dated 09/08/2013 by Claire Barton concerning some of the residentsglen eira road, elsternwick, laurie richards studio, photographic studio, garages, tudor, architectural styles, warburton, a.p, shepard, geo.r, seward, norman h, glover, robert e, tudor service station, landvogt, j.h, ruddal, albt., barrett, a.m, goonan and barrett, macey, r.h, miller, g.t, bennett, e and c, evan, l.p, petalas, t, goracz, j, huggins, t, doval american dry cleaning, dry cleaners, delicatessens, boot makers, estate agents, dairy products, butchers, service stations -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Alan Scarlett, Morwell War Memorial, 2015, 2015
The Morwell War Memorial Morwell War was unveiled on 06 June 1921. The Memorial was originally the level crossing between Commercial Road and Station Street (later Princes Highway). It was later moved to its present position on the Princes Highway opposite Hoyle Street. ( Names Inscribed on War Memorial – World War 1 *Killed in action * Allis G. Francis J. Pettit H. Amiet C. Graur R. L. Pryor W. * Amiet F. D. Hall J. A. Pryke R. Anderson C. Hall S. D. Rowell F. Billingsley A. H. Hare Bert Rowe C. Butters C. * Handler P. Ronald A. Q Butters R. Hogan E. J. Rintoull W. G. (D.C.M.) Brown H. H. Kleine F. W. Saddler J. Brinsmead F. S. Whitelaw A. Smith C. Collins W. Whitelaw D. Symons H. Collins J. S. F. Keegan F. Thomas L. G. Cooper H. S. Little K. Thomas R. W. Capon W. V. Lock E. * Thomson R. H. Davey R. R. Lyons C. * Tulloch J. Davey E. W. Lyons R. P. Vunell C. R. E. Davey W. R. Miller F. Vinall H. V. Davey C. E. Maher A. Wood A. Duncanson J. Maher L. Wilkins F. Dusting C. * McIntosh A. Warnett J. * Dusting H. Neal A. E. Warnetyt W. H. Derham H. * O’Donnell T. Young J. A. World War 2 – Killed in action Allen H. A. Eason L. W. McDonald D. Angus C. P. Evans H. T. Muncaster J. Bolitho H. Ferguson R. W. Murray A. M. Bolton C. R. A. Gair N. Peter T. Bowden N. J. Green D. I. A. Read L. H. M. Brudge W. G. Hewat G, A, Roy E. W. Catterick J. H. Horsefall L. Sillcock R. R. Deanne A. Johnson F. Stagg J. L. Deering C. J. King L. S. Templer R. C. Doolan W. T. Lawrence F. E. Tienery R. Dickson L. H. McArthur D. Turner R. H. Williams R. K. Vietnam War – Killed in action Adrian RichColour photograph of a life sized Australian soldier wearing a slouch hat, on top of a large raised platform. A commemorative plaque is depicted in the foreground. The front inscription of the memorial reads: "This plaque was erected in memory of those who paid the Supreme Sacrifice in the Boer War [Names] Erected by the residents of Morwell riding as a tribute to the men resident in the riding who enlisted and in memory of those who made the Supreme Sacrifice in the Great War 1914-19 [Names] This plaque is erected in memory of those who paid the Supreme Sacrifice in World War II and Korea [Names] In affectionate remembrance of A. Rich R.A.R killed in action Vietnam 1962-72"The plaque in the foreground reads" "Centenary Commemoration Plaque This plaque commemorates 100 years since the first World War commended in 1914 and Australian and New Zealand (ANZAC) troops landed at Gallipoli on 25th April, 1915. Members of the Morwell RSL Sub-Branch will always remember the sacrifices made by service personal to give us the freedom we enjoy the this day. They Shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them Lest We Forget."morwell, morwell war memorial, world war one, anzac centenary, gippsland -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Film - Video (DVD), Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works, Yarra River Conference Proceedings; a Board of Works centenary event, 13-16 April 1991
Yarra River Conference History Segment [Noted on VHS tape jackets "Due to unavoidable circumstances, the quality of these tapes in some setions is less than desired."] The Yarra River Conference, organised by the Board of Works as part of the Centenary Celebrations, was held in the Board's Head Office Theatrette from 13-16 April, 1991. A segment of the Conference focussed on the role that the Yarra River has played in relation to the historical development of Melbourne. Conceived and presented by a group of prominent historians as a chronological 'trip down the river in time', and profusely illustrated with slides, this segment traced the various impacts that urban and rural growth, development of marine commerce, recreational uses, and environmental problems have had on the Yarra during a century and a half of European occupation. As no formal written paper of this combined presentation is available, these two video-tapes provide a record for anyone who has an interest in tis fascinating aspect of the Yarra's history. The speakers who combined to present this segment are identified on the cover of Tape 2. Tape 1 (2 hours) 1838-1863 Deputy ?? to Utility Early navigators of the Yarra River; developing the port of Melbourne; the gold rush and its effect on the new colony; punts and bridges; water supply; pollution of the Yarra; the discovery of gold and early settlement of the Yarra valley; floods of 1839 and 1863. 1863-1891 Formation of the Harbour Trust; Coode Canal; pollution of the Yarra by industry; aborigines, gold miners, timber getters in the Upper Yarra areas; bridges; the flood of 1891. Tape 2 ( 1 1/2 hours) 1892-1934: People Begin to See Beauty and Romance to the River Henley-on-Yarra; realignment of the Yarra; MMBW is responsible for a sewerage system; new docks to cope with increased overseas trade; development of recreational parks; new reservoirs; timber production and timber tramways; bushfire; flood of 1934. 1935-1970: The River is Neglected Still, Except When it Proves Useful Bushfirs of 1939; the end of many sawmills; birth of tourism; increased interest in conservation and preservation of land for open space; further augmentation of water supply system; birth of containerisation changes the port; environmental concerns gain momentum. Speakers Dr Tony Dingle *, Department of Economic History, Monash University Dr Carolyn Rasmussen *, History Consultant Prof. Graeme Davison, History Department, Monash University Mr. Tom Griffiths, Lecturer in Public History, Monash Uiversity Mr. Patrick Miller, History Consultant Mr. Colin Jones, Author and Historian * Co-authors of the Board's history, 'Vital Connections'.video recording, yarra river, conference proceedings -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Ballarat Illustrated : Under the Seals of the City & Town Councils, c1920
This book was a donation to Federation University Australia's Professor David Battersby from Vice-Chancellor Professor Scott Bowman of Central Queensland University.Soft cover. Front cover with some red. 80 pages. Back cover Plan of Ballarat Map. Photographic plates. Brief history of Ballarat and the topics photographed. . Ballarat City Municipal Chambers . The Ballarat Banking Company Limited . Art Gallery Ballarat . The Ballarat Trustees, Executors & Agency Company Limited . John MacLeod & Coy Pty Ltd . The Ballaarat Gas Coy . Ballarat's Homes . J. J. Goller & Co. . Ballarat East Views . Star Office . The Ballarat Courier . Morshead's . M. B. John Ballarat - The largest Inland Brass Foundry in Australia . Rowlands Koomah Spa . Huttons the Jewellers . Botanical Gardens Ballarat . Millers the Clothiers . Jas Smith Agricultural Machinery . Views of Lakes Learmonth & Burrumbeet . Coles & Pullum Stock & Station Agents . Harry Davies & Co. . Views about the City . Benoit's Sun Foundry . Ballarat College (for Boys) . Wm Paterson's . Lydiard Street Views . Eureka Terra-cotta & Tile Co. of Australia Limited . Churches of Ballarat . The Ballarat Woollen & Worsted Co. Ltd Sunnyside Mills . Red Shop Tea Rooms . Tyler's - Bridge Street, Ballarat . Allchin Bros Ballarat . Loreto Abbey Mary's Mount Ballarat . Brinds - Dunnstown . Ballarat Brewing Co. . Turnbridge's Arcade . Zoological Gardens Ballarat . A. Cant Plumber & Gasfitter . Interiors of some Ballarat Churches . Hugh Jones & B . W. F. Coltman . Views in Eureka Reserve . Loveland & Haslem, Moter Engineers . Public Institutions Ballarat . G. Warner & Co. Prop. Ltd . The Electric Supply Company of Victoria Limited . Ballarat East Views . Longhurst's Specialities . P. C. Thornton Proprietor Sturt St Ballarat . Cowley's Eureka Ironworks Pty Ltd . W. Owen Sports Depot & Tobacconist . Clarendon Ladies' College . Crocker's . Evening Echo Office . London Bank Chambers . Proprietors of Business . Broadbent Bros & Co. Gifted by Vice-Chancellor Professor Scott Bowman Central Queensland University, 2014.ballarat, school of mines, evening echo, john scullin -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, University of Ballarat, Research@YourUB, 2007 -2010
Research@YourUB is a newsletter highlighting research at the University of Ballarat.1) Spring 2009 .2) Spring 2007 - Rob Wallis, green packaging, mould, food safety, Zhaohao Sun, Widcorp, Jesica Block, Arts Academy anniversary, Dorothy Wickham, Dora Pearce, Loris Button, SmartGreen, Marilyn Davidson, Overcoming bullying in schools, overweight patients. .3) Autumn 2009 - Australian Security Laboratory to fight cybercrime, brewing better beer, John Yearwood, Centre do Informatics and Applied Optimizaton, John Smyth, Angela Murphy? Willows by the water. Patrice Braun, Laura Kostanski, preventing injuries, why should we research art. .4) October 2009 - Future Research Directions .5) January 2009 - Research themes, Wayne Robinson, John yearwood, Andrew Stranieri, Peter Gell, Julian Lowe, John Smyth, John McDonald, Caroline Finch, Dennis Else, Informatics and Applied Optimization, Regional Futures, Disadvantage and Inequality in Education and Health, Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion. .6) Spring 2010 - Frank Stagnitti, Brad Mitchell, Diane Clingin, Robyn Brandenburg, Amanda McGraw-Pleban, Charlynn Miller, Fadi Charchar, Robert Hodder, Amber Stabek, ACSL maps, Murray Darling Basin, Peter Gell, John Smyth, Kate Brass, gaming machines, John McDonald, Helen Aucote, Andrew Cooper, Deborah greeenslade, Dara twomey, Andrew Warnock, synthetic grass, .7) Autumn 2006 - Wayne Robinson, toenail research, Dora Pearce, biodiversity in modified lansdscapes, Centre for Informatics and Applied Optomization (CIAO), John Yearwood, Lawrie Angus, Barry Golding, Georgina Tsolidis, John Smyth, Maxine Cooper, Mary Hollick, Emil Milos, Jeff Woodger, Michelle Ziccolo, Rosemary Green, Raelene Gregory, Julian Lowe, Jessie Harman, Debora Campbell, John McDonald, Denise Corboy, Catherine Knox, Henry Lawson, Meg Tasker, Warren Young, Amanda of ballarat, wallis, wickham, wayne robinson, toenail research, dora pearce, biodiversity in modified landscapes, centre for informatics and applied optimization, john yearwood, lawrie angus, barry golding, georgina tsolidis -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Town Hall, The Bendigo Choral Society. Souvenir program 3d. With and oval picture of Mr. W C Frazier A.R.C.O.-Conductor on front cover. Gounod's 'Faust'. For Bendigo Benevolent Asylum, 5000 pounds. Town Hall, Bendigo, Wednesday, June 14th, 1992, at 8pm. Principals: Miss Phyllis Hannaford (Mrs J R Clark); Miss Essa McSwiney, L.A.B. Mr E H Collett, Mr E A Miller, Mr Gerson Krost, Conductor: Mr W C Frazier, A.R.C.O. Pianiste: Miss Eileen Hains, A.T.C.L. Picture of Benevolent Asylum on front cover. J G Austen, Secretary Appeal Fund. J Hudspeth & Z S Martin Secretaries Choral Society. Concert to commence at 8pm. Artists; Mr Gerson Krost, Miss Essa McSwiney, Mr E A Miller, Miss Phyllis Hannaford. Cast; Mrs J R Clark, Miss Essa McSwiney, Mr E H Collett, Mr E A Miller. Choruses, etc. by Choral Society. In the Homeland Mr Frazier found it the increasing practice to take the great opera masterpieces and give them on the concert platform in more of less liberal excerpts. With characteristic generosity. He purchased the copies and presented them to the Choral Society. Bendigo has thus an opportunity to hear the latest idea. We are sure the musical public will appreciate this, though of course. . . . . It is interesting to note that when this great work was first performed in Paris, on March 19th, 1859, it was somewhat coldly received, to the composer's great grief, as he, with the instinct of genius, . . . . The Compact: Introduction: Faust, aged and worn, weary with long pondering over learned treatises, in a pessimistic mood wonders whether the work is worth while. Memories of an early love stir strangely in his being, and he, in his doubting mood, questions all things, In despair he would welcome death, and finding no answer from the heavens, he appeals to the powers of ill. To his great surprise, he is at once answered by Mephistopheles and a colloquy then ensues in which the Evil One promises him Gold? Glory? A Kingdom? No! No! It mist be 'Youth!' That can be done also. Faust is dubious, but on Mephistopheles bringing a vision of beauteous Margarita at is dubious, but on Mephistopheles be 'Youth!' That can be done also. Faust is dubious, but on Mephistopheles bringing a vision of beauteous Margarita at her wheel he agrees, and signs the compact. 'Up Here I am at thy command, Down There thou servest me!' At The Fair: Mephistopheles then asks Faust to the Fair where they mix with the revelry of the students, soldiers and merry maidens. He gets a glimpse of Margarita. The Evil One is again busy putting Suspicious and quarrelsome thoughts into good comrades minds. . . . The Wooing: Poor Siebel, the ardent, faithful lover of Margarita, finds himself somewhat overshadowed by the young and handsome Faust. Mephistopheles in a mocking mood tells him that every flower that he plucks will perish in his hands. He finds this prediction verified when he plucks the flowers for his lady love, but when in faith he scouts the Evil One, he conquers, and the spell is broken. Faust, filled with an ardent and pure passion, approaches the dwelling of Margarita, with an offering of priceless jewels, provided by the . . . . . The Return Of Valentine: Valentine, the soldier brother of Margarita, leaves for the wars, giving the care of his sister to her faithful lover, Siebel. On his return, covered with glory, and ardent to meet his people again, he hears the story of the flouting of Margarita by Faust. In this part the soldiers are welcomed home by their comrades in the male part of the song 'Fold the flag my brothers,' followed by the celebrated chorus (usually known as the 'Soldier's Chorus' Glory and love to the men of old.' It has been set, in this edition, for full choir. Mephistopheles, the evil genius, in a spirit of raillery, and exultant that his plans are working to . . . . The Price: Faust, repentant, desires to do justice to Margarita and again be her lover. Margarita is almost demented at the loss of her brother. Mephistopheles not to be cheated, thwarts the good impulse of Faust and demands his price. He also endeavors to make Margarita despair, but owing to the simple faith of the . . . . The End. A Question You give you name, your time, your pelf To ease your woe: But what do you give of your own self To pay the debt you owe? You open a Home for helpless ones, And you shut them in with care; Of what think you is their share? You talk and you write; you organise; All this, we know, is true; But how do you spread the spark divine, The deep-down soul of you? -A Simkins. Benevolent Asylum Appeal. The Committee of Management directing the works of the Asylum desire to bring before an always generous public the claims of the Instruction for financial support. The Appeal for 5000 pounds has been launched in the full belief that the case is a good one, and in the confident hope that it will be successful. The work carried on by the Asylum covers a big field, extending as it does from Swan Hill in the north and Melbourne in the south. Inmates from all parts of the State are given a comfortable home, and properly cared for in the eventide of their lives. There are at present in the Asylum 164 old men and women. In addition to this work the Committee thoroughly investigate and dispense relief in food to from 150 to 200 adults and from 300 to 400 children each week, and also issues a large number of blankets, boots and clothing garments to necessitious applicants. The recipients of this relief are principally widow and their little ones, and the wives and children who are dependents of miners suffering from the dread Miners' Complaint. The Committee in orgainising this branch of its charity work, has, to a great extent, prevented a large amount of waste, through overlapping and duplication of effort. It now appeals to the public for the above amount in order that be may still be able to continue charity work among the poor and necessitous of Bendigo and District. 'Organized Charity is Love with Judgment.'Cambridge Press Printprogram, theatre, town hall, town hall, the bendigo choral society. souvenir program 3d. with and oval picture of mr. w c frazier a.r.c.o.-conductor on front cover. gounod's 'faust'. for bendigo benevolent asylum, 5000 pounds. town hall, bendigo, wednesday, june 14th, 1992, at 8pm. principals: miss phyllis hannaford (mrs j r clark); miss essa mcswiney, l.a.b. mr e h collett, mr e a miller, mr gerson krost, conductor: mr w c frazier, a.r.c.o. pianiste: miss eileen hains, a.t.c.l. picture of benevolent asylum on front cover. j g austen, secretary appeal fund. j hudspeth & z s martin secretaries choral society. concert to commence at 8pm. artists; mr gerson krost, miss essa mcswiney, mr e a miller, miss phyllis hannaford. cast; mrs j r clark, miss essa mcswiney, mr e h collett, mr e a miller. choruses, etc. by choral society. in the homeland mr frazier found it the increasing practice to take the great opera masterpieces and give them on the concert platform in more of less liberal excerpts. with characteristic generosity. he purchased the copies and presented them to the choral society. bendigo has thus an opportunity to hear the latest idea. we are sure the musical public will appreciate this, though of course. it is interesting to note that when this great work was first performed in paris, on march 19th, 1922. the compact. at the fair. the wooing. the return of valentine. the price. benevolent asylum appeal. the committee of management directing the works of the asylum desire to bring before an always generous public the claims of the instruction for financial support. the appeal for 5000 pounds has been launched in the full belief that the case is a good one, and in the confident hope that it will be successful. the work carried on by the asylum covers a big field, extending as it does from swan hill in the north and melbourne in the south. inmates from all parts of the state are given a comfortable home, and properly cared for in the eventide of their lives. there are at present in the asylum 164 old men and women. in addition to this work the committee thoroughly investigate and dispense relief in food to from 150 to 200 adults and from 300 to 400 children each week, and also issues a large number of blankets, boots and clothing garments to necessitious applicants. the recipients of this relief are principally widow and their little ones, and the wives and children who are dependents of miners suffering from the dread miners' complaint. the committee in orgainising this branch of its charity work, has, to a great extent, prevented a large amount of waste, through overlapping and duplication of effort. it now appeals to the public for the above amount in order that be may still be able to continue charity work among the poor and necessitous of bendigo and district. 'organized charity is love with judgment.' -
Federation University Historical Collection
Poster, 'Lysistrata ' Production Poster, 1974, 1974
White paper poster with black text and drawing of a woman in front of some gruesome looking people. The the poster was for a State College Victoria (formerly Ballarat Teachers' College) production held at the college hall in Gillies Street, Ballarat.Front: "S.C.V. Ballarat, formerly - Teachers Collge, Lysistrata, in the College Hall, Friday and Saturday, 12th and 13th, and Wednesday to Saturday, 17th to 20th July, 1974, at 8 pm, Admission - $1.00 Students, $1.50 non students, Bookings - Phone 341 202" Back: "Lysistrata, by Aristophanes, CAST LIST, Lysistrata: Liz Stubbs, Kalonike: Joy Dunstan, Lampito: Jenny Tait, Myrrhine: Denise Maroney, Stratyllis: Ann Bilston, Interviewer: Tina Conroy, Kinesias: Michael Russo, Police Commisioner: Tony Ryan, Spartan Ambassador: Terrence Dorian, Spartan Herald; Shane Quick. WOMEN'S CHORUS, Sue Richards, Tina Conroy, Ann Bilston, Anne Giles, Glenda Hamilton, Janette Marshall, Gillian Hogan, Janine Grieg, Robyn Stanesby, Stephanie Buchanan, Janeen McCullough, Wendy Gray, Elizabeth Evans, Jenny Tait (Leader of Spartans), Mary Staindl, Barbara Price. MEN'S CHORUS, John Rowe, Stephen Schneider, Chris Slater, Peter Hassell, Errol Elbourne, Peter Orford, Kieth McDougall,Terrence Dorian, Robbie Eastcott, Shane Quick, Gary Oliver. MUSIC, Piano: Robbie Eastcott. Drums: Alex Traianou. Congas: David Murphy. Rhythm Guitar: Kim Hatcher. Bass Guitar: Shane Quick. Clarinet: Steve Albon. Flute: Tina Conroy. Acoustic Guitar: Tony Ryan. TECHNICAL CREW, Lighting: Austin Rickell, Sound: Stuart Tolliday, Keith McIvor, Design: Bruce Miller, Terrence Dorian, Set Construction: Bruce Miller, Terrence Dorian, Ken Jones, Choreograph: Cheryl Brown, Costumes: Gillian Hogan, Mary Staindl, Props: Denise Maroney, Jenny Tait, Publicity and Front of House: Ruth Newall. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, Meena Bazaar for the Jug, Turner Audio Systems. DIRECTED BY, Miichael D. Edwards. DIRECTOR'S NOTE, The sexual power of women is all persuasive. If, as Germaine Greer says, they stopped loving the victors, there would be genuine revolution. The idea of a sex strike to stop a war seems preposterous.... What else is left to the aware but politically emasculated woman? Aristophanes, like us, had been appalled by a pointless and hopeless war. Outrageous indignation had failed to stop it - so he resorted to comic absurdity; perhaps to shame the warmakers. Our version of the play is colloquial and probably ' in vogue'. It is colorful, musical, flippant, and not a little risque. It is, however, based on an awareness of the power of sex roles and the arrogance of a male-dominated society and a profound sense of frustration at the apparently immovable forces that make our wars and enact repression in all its forms."ballarat teachers' college, production, state college of victoria, ballarat, gillies street, liz stubbs, joy dunstan, jenny tait, denise maroney, ann bilston, tina conroy, michael russo, tony ryan, terrence doran, shane quick, sue richards, anne gillies, glenda hamilton, janette marshall, gillian hogan, janine grieg, robyn stanseby, stephanie buchanan, janeen mccillough, wendy gray, elizabeth evans, mary staindl, barbara price, john rowe, jeff moore, stephen schneider, chris slater, peter hassell, errol elbourne, peter orford, keith mcdougall, terrance doran, robbie eastcott, gary oliver, david murphy, alex traianou, kim hatcher, steve albon, austin rickell, stuart tolliday, keith mcivor, bruce miller, ken jones, cheryl brown, ruth newall, michael d. edwards, norman lindsay -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Bones Day - Army Survey Regiment Versus RAAF School of Radio. Fortuna, Bendigo, c1982
These four photographs were taken at Bones Day, an annual sports competition between the Army Survey Regiment and the RAAF School of Radio at Bendigo c1982. The two units took turns each year to host the event. The day competition usually comprised basketball, cross country, golf, sailing, squash, softball, tennis, touch football, rifle shooting, tug-of-war and volleyball. The two sports featuring in these photos are touch football and tug-of-war. The “big bone” trophy comprising a large bone from a beast housed inside a wooden framed glass case, was awarded to the winner of the day competition. The evening competition often included darts, carpet bowls, hookey, quoits and billiards/snooker. The “little bone” (a mounted chicken bone) was the consolation trophy awarded to the winner of the evening competition. The 3-hour bus trip for the visiting unit on their return was typically very raucous. The history of the Bones Day competition is best described in the booklet titled - Bones of Contention Souvenir Program. 1965. Refer to Item 6267.These four photographs were taken at Bones Day, an annual sports competition between the Army Survey Regiment and the RAAF School of Radio at Bendigo c1982. The photographs are on 35mm negative film. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographic negatives were scanned at 96 dpi. There are additional photos in this set that have not been scanned due to poor quality or low historical value. .1) - Photo, black & white, 1982, Touch Football Team Back Row L to R: Brian Fauth, Bruce Bowers, Bob Mason, Paul Baker, Danny Galbraith, John Hook, Scott Payne. Front Row L to R: Roy Hicks, Peter Imeson, Alan Glanville, John Gilbert, Wally Chilcott. .2) - Photo, black & white, 1982, Tug-of-War Team Back Row L to R: Cliff Webb, Peter Treble, John Lane, Andy Wilson, Rick Warren, Rusty Williams, Brian Paul. Front Row L to R: Brian Fauth, Rick Downie, unidentified, Ken Slater, Rhys De Laine, John Smith, unidentified. .3) - Photo, black & white, 1982, Tug-of-War Team L to R: Peter Treble, Brian Paul, Rusty Williams, Rhys De Laine, unidentified (2), John Smith. Army personnel in background standing L to R: Rick van der Bom, Paul Hopes, Ian Nelson, Mick Dempster, John ‘Flash’ Anderson, Geoff Havelberg, John ‘Stormy’ Tempest, Bruce Gordon, Dan Cirsky, Neil Jones, Gerry Gates, Peter Main, Bob Thrower, Barry Miller, Gill Park. Army personnel in background seated L to R: Roger Pearson, Mick Gillham, Penny Knott, Leanne Shirley. .4) - Photo, black & white, 1982, Tug-of-War Team L to R: Rick Warren, Cliff Webb, Andy Wilson, Peter Treble, Brian Paul, Rusty Williams, Rhys De Laine, unidentified. Army personnel in background standing L to R: Rick van der Bom, Ian Nelson, Mick Dempster. .1P to .4P – No personnel are identified.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, raaf school of radio, bones day -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Richards & co, Ballarat Junior Technical School Senior Cadet Team, 1918
In 1918 the Ballarat Junior Technical School Cadets were the champions of the Maryborough, St Arnaud, Mildura, Colac and Ballarat Districts. According to Neil Leckie, Manager of the Ballarat Ranger Military Museum: * Originally 12 – 14 year olds went to Junior Cadets attached to their school. * From age 14 – 17 they were Senior Cadets attached to the local militia unit. * After 1 July of the year a Cadet turned 18, the Cadet left the Senior Cadets and became a member of the Citizen Military Force. * In October 1918 the AIF, Militia and Cadets were renamed to give some connection to the AIF battalion raised in the area. Ballarat saw: 8th Australian Infantry Regiment comprising: * 8th Battalion AIF renamed 1st Battalion 8th Australian Infantry Regiment * 70th Infantry Militia renamed 2nd Battalion 8th Australian Infantry Regiment * 70th Infantry Cadets renamed 3rd B, 8th Australian Infantry. 39th Australian Infantry Regiment comprising: * 39th Battalion AIF renamed 1st Battalion 39th Australian Regiment * 71st Infantry Militia renamed 2nd Bn, 39th Australian Infantry Regiment * 71st Infantry Cadets renamed 3rd Bn, 39th Australian Infantry Regiment Prior to the reorganisation in 1918 the 18th Brigade was the 70th, 71st and 73rd Infantry. It is thought that the 18th Brigade Cadet units in 1920 were those that came from the old: * 69th Infantry (Geelong/Queenscliff) * 70th Infantry (Ballarat/Colac) * 71st Infantry (Ballarat West) * 72nd Infantry Warrnambool) * 73rd Infantry (NW Vic) The next name change came in 1921! The Ballarat Star, Saturday 22 June 1918, Page 4 Junior Technical School Cadet Team. The Ballarat Junior Technical School Cadet Team, which was very successful in the competitions recently held at Colac, hopes to be able to compete in similar events at Maryborough. Mildura, and St. Arnaud, but unfortunately they have no funds available for the purpose. An appeal is to be made to the citizens of Ballarat to assist them in defraying the cost of their participation in the competitions at the places mentioned. The Ballarat Star, Saturday 6 July 1918, Page 3 MARYBOROUGH MILITARY SPORTS SUCCESS OF BALLARAT CADETS Maryborough, Friday, The following were the principal results of the events held here on the occasion of the handing over of' the 1900 quota of cadets to the Citizens' Forces, the ceremony in connection with which' was supplemented by arranging a programme of military events. Rifle Exercises, - Ballarat Technical School (85 pts:). l; St: Arnaud (75 pts.). 2; Maryborough High School (68 pts.). 3. Maryborough (66 pts), also competed. Despatch Race. 400 yards— Maryborough (No. 1); 1; Ballarat Technical School, 2. Squad Drill with Arms — Ballarat Technical. School (85. pts): 1; St. Arnaud (72 pts.) 2; Maryborough High School (70- pts), 3. Maryborough No. 1 (68 pts.) 3. Night Alarm: — Ballarat Technical School (3 min. 35. sees), 1; Maryborough High School (4 min. 4 secs), 2; Maryborough No. I (3- min 50 secs), 3. St. Arnaud (4 min. 10 secs). Placing Indian Club. — Maryborough No. 1,1; Ballarat Technical School, 2 Physical Training. Ballarat Technical School (85 pts), 1 ; Maryborough High School, (76 pts). 2; St. Arnaud (70. pts), .3. Tunnel Ball: Maryborough No. 2, 1'; Ballarat Technical School, 2; St. Arnaud; 3. Chase Ball in Two Lines.— Ballarat Technical School. 1; Maryborough; 2. Obstacle Race.. — Sergeant C. F. W. Krahnert (Ballarat), 1; T. Brown (High School) 2; Aggregate Points — Following are the aggregate points scored by the four leading teams :— Ballarat Technical School; 21; Maryborough. 9; Maryborough High School, 6; St. Arnaud 6. The Ballarat Star, Monday 28 October 1918, Page 4. Junior Technical School Cadet Team. —The Junior Technical School's cadet team, which won the championship at the South street competitions this year, was tendered a dinner by the staff in appreciation of the honor they had brought to the school. The function was held at Miss Brazenor's tea rooms, and a most dainty repast was served, the tables being arranged in the artistic fashion which is characteristic of these ladies. Mr W. H. Middleton (president of the School of Mines), Mr H. Smith (principal of the Art School), Lieut. P. Miller (instructor of the High School team), and Sgt. S. Fry were also present. Mr A. W. Steane (head master of The Junior Technical School) presided. After the toast of the King, Mr Middleton proposed, and Mr H. Smith supported, the health of the team and their instructor, Lieut. H. Wakeling, who suitably responded. The toast of the High School team was proposed by Mr. R. Cutler.; and Lieut D. Miller responded. The cup won at the recent competitions was then handed over to Mr - Steane; in accepting the trophy, said he was pleased to see swell a clean, sportsmanlike spirit between the rival teams. He hoped it would continue. He was proud to accept the cup from the team for the school. The Ballarat Star, Monday 12 April 1920 SENIOR CADET COMPETITION. 18th BRIGADE CHAMPIONSHIP. WON BY HIGH SCHOOL. On Saturday afternoon the championship of the 18th Brigade was decided as a preliminary to the State Championship, which will be held on the M.C.C. ground, Melbourne, on Anzac Day. Results, after a keen contest : Ballarat High School .... 1, Junior Technical School .. 2 As a result of this competition, High School will represent the 18th Brigade which embraces Ballarat, Geelong, Colac and the Western District, in the State event. Black and white photograph of 23 men in military uniform. Most wear a slouch hat, with the number 71 on the hat band. Two trophies are positioned in the front. Four men in the front row hold rifles. Back: R. Hirt; Percy Trompf; J. Nicholls; Robert Serjeant; J. Jones; A. Hannah; A. Duncan; L. Lindsay. Centre: H. Ashley; H. Beanland; J. Finlayson; F. Larkin; G. Chambers; A. McCallum; T. Shattock; E. Rowsell. Front: Sergeant A. Roe; John Dulfer, Major Tucker; Lieutenant Harold Wakeling; Sergeant-Major Reeves; Sergeant K. Krahnert; W. Middleton. .1) Mount and frame are wood grain. Top right hand corner of frame is chipped. .5) Framed black and white print of 1918 Ballarat Junior Technical School senior cadet team. 23 men in uniform. The St Arnaud event was for boys born in 1900 (the Quota). They would turn 18 in 1918..2) Reverse of photograph - "Ballarat Tech School Cadet Corp, 1918 / H Wakeling in charge / Photo property of H. Beanland / A Williams not in photo / H Wakeling & A Williams completed teacher training courses as I did but were 3 or 4 years my senior." .5) Top of mount - "Ballarat Junior Technical School Senior Cadet Team / champions 1918" Bottom of mount - "Winners of Following Competitions:- Stawell Colac Maryborough St Arnaud Mildura South Street "A" Grade" r hirt, percy trompf, j nicholls, robert serjeant, j jones, a hannah, a duncan, l lindsay, h ashley, h beanland, j finlayson, f larkin, g chambers, a mccallum, t shattock, e rowsell, a roe, john dulfer, tucker, harold gordon wakeling, reeves, krahnert, w middleton, world war 1, world war i, world war one, ballarat junior technical school, ballarat school of mines, wakeling, harold wakeling, royal south street competitions, 71st regiment, howard beanland -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Reporter District Cricket Association, 1983
A list of cricketers photographed and mounted in a frame which was presented to H.S. Kent, President of reporter District Cricket Association, July 1924.A list of cricketers photographed and mounted in a frame which was presented to H.S. Kent, President of reporter District Cricket Association, July 1924. This photograph in frame deposited with the Nunawading Historical Society and was returned to the Association in 1983.A list of cricketers photographed and mounted in a frame which was presented to H.S. Kent, President of reporter District Cricket Association, July 1924. cricket, reporter district cricket association, kent, h.s., fidler, w, stone, m.a., jarvis, a.s., johnston, s, barker, j, hall, b, leleu, f.m., hunt, f.l., edwards, a.w., watt, e.h., luke, a.t., aumann, a.h., mackinlay, g.t., shepperd, f.c., culliton, j.c., mullens, s.s., hummerton, miller, a.f., webb, a.v., beale, j., j.s., broadbent, honeybone, nisbet, m, crouch, a, stirling, albon, a.j. -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - CSP In-house Bid Announcement, Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo, 1994
This is a set of 14 photographs of an All-Staff meeting held by the lake at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo on the 24th of April 1994. At this meeting CO LTCOL Duncan Burns announced that under Defence’s Commercial Support Program (CSP), the In-House bid submitted in 1993 by a team led by then CO LTCOL Bob McHenry was successful. The In-House bid proposed the establishment of an organisation based at Fortuna to carry out non-core production with 150 of the 373 Survey Corps positions converted to Defence civilian positions. 110 of the Defence civilian positions would be filled voluntarily by military personnel under Section 81B of the Public Service Act 1992 with the remaining 40 positions filled by Public Service recruitment. Other options offered to Survey Corps personnel were postings to 1st Topographic Survey Squadron in Enoggera, QLD, transfer to another Corps in the Australian Army or discharge from the ADF. The In-House bid also proposed 143 Survey Corps military positions to remain at Fortuna to perform ‘core strategic non-sovereign tasks.’ However, Army subsequently decided to abolish the 143 positions, disband 4th Field Survey Squadron, Adelaide, SA and lastly, the demise of the Royal Australian Survey Corp in June 1996. This period of the Army Survey Regiment’s history is covered in more detail in pages 160 to 162 of Valerie Lovejoy’s book 'Mapmakers of Fortuna – A history of the Army Survey Regiment’ ISBN: 0-646-42120-4.This is a set of 14 photograph of an All-Staff Meeting held at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo on the 24th of April 1994, to announce the success of Army’s Defence’s Commercial Support Program (CSP) In-house Bid. The Black and white photos are on photographic paper and scanned at 300 dpi. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) to .3) - Photo, black & white, 1994. CO LTCOL Duncan Burns briefing Army Survey Regiment personnel and civilians. .4) to .5P - Photo, black & white, 1994. D-SVY COL Simon Lemon briefing Army Survey Regiment personnel and civilians. .6) - Photo, black & white, 1994. L to R: D-SVY COL Simon Lemon, unidentified civilian. .7) - Photo, black & 1994. L to R: SCMA WO1 Alan Hancox, unidentified civilian. .8) - Photo, black & 1994. RSM WO1 Phil Meagher. .9) - Photo, black & 1994. WO2 Rob Bogumil. .10) - Photo, black & 1994. Left Row: all unidentified. Centre Row L to R: unidentified (x2), SGT Jim Ash, CPL Steve Linane, CPL Andrew Quin, SGT Craig Kellet, unidentified. Back row L to R: unidentified (x2), SGT Barry Miller, SSGT Steve Winner, SPR Shane Campbell, SPR Karen McQuaigue, CPL Geoff Webb. .11) - Photo, black & 1994. L to R: CPL Warren ‘Waldo’ Shirley, COL COMDT COL Don Swiney MBE. .12) - Photo, black & 1994. L to R: LT Scott Seefeld, CAPT Bin Fashar Sutiman (Indonesian Army), LT Darren Radford, CAPT Gary Warnest, unidentified US exchange officer. .13) - Photo, black & 1994. L to R: unidentified, SGT Mark Host, LT Anthony Chamberlayne, unidentified (x2), Mr Tony Spurling. .14) - Photo, black & 1994. L to R: unidentified US exchange officer, CAPT Bill Griggs, CAPT Matt Jackson CSM, LT Darren Radford, unidentified, LT Scott Seefeld, SGT Mark Host, LT Gordon Muir, CAPT Gary Warnest, LT Anthony Chamberlayne, unidentified (x2), LT Colin Davidson.No personnel are identified. Annotated with date on folder sleeve.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army svy regt, army survey regiment, fortuna, asr -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
A program for the 1989 play Annie Get Your Gun, now playing for the second time in Bendigo since 1971. Playing at the J. B. Osbourne Theatre in Kangaroo Flat and featuring Carol McKenzie- Grose as the director and the actors Sheryn Long and Craig Thomas as the main roles, Annie Oakley and Frank Butler. Also featuring the actors Wayne McCashen as Charlie Davenport, Glad Weatheritt as Dolly Tate, Glenn Grose as Tommy Wheeler, Heather Jelbart as Winnie Tate, Andrew Jenkin as Buffalo Bill, Kenn Dunn as Sittig Bull, John Adams as Pawnee Bill, Travor Bailey as Foster Wilson. Starring as the Indians are Grant Thomas, Hilary Bottcher, Deryck Jenkin, Clare O'Sullivan, Kerryn Miller, Kate O'Sullivan, Dan Clancy, Paul Veitch, Rob Jealous, Ross Jones, Starring as the children of the story are Darrah Hanley, Kirsty Wilson, Melinda Coughlin, Linda Robertson, Dougal McArthur, Shae McCashen, Rochelle Rowe, Amy McArthur. Starring as the Chorus of the show are Danielle Rowe, Colleen Heenan-Warnecke, Melinda Rowe, Sue Stanyer, Juliette Frietschi, Angela Rashleigh, June Long, Kathy Howard, Marion Malpass, Grace Cox, Kate Adams, Christine Howard, Renee Wilson, Melinda Saunders, Margaret Maher, Alistair Rowe, Jack Paynting, Jim Dunn, Mathew Frank. Featuring the following as Dancers, Fiona Coyle, Terri Watson, Toni Brandie, Christine Fitzgerald. And for the people behind the play itself, Rosemary Overton as the Musical Director, Alex Campbell as the Pianist, Geoff Hamblin as the Stage Manager, Mary Ferguson as the Wardrobe and Viktoria lee as the Choreographer Also featuring advertisements from local Bendigo businesses such as Roy Leache Music Centre in Allans Walk, Pall Mall, Ron Poyser Holden in High St, Ideal Greenhouse in Huntly Bendigo Mail Centre, John J. Kennedy Accounting at Pall Mall, Barton Buckle Casting Co, Horseworld in 122 Mollison Street, Brooks Catering, Phil Beer & Fletchers Photographics at 100 Mitchell St, The Green Carnation in 101 Queen Street, Karl's Koffee Haus in 95-97 View Street, Ganet's Art Supplies in Allans Walk, Bendigo Building Society in Bull St.bendigo, entertainment, capital theatre, bendigo theatre co, inc. bendigo operatic society. roy leache music centre in allans walk, pall mall, ron poyser holden in high st, ideal greenhouse in huntly bendigo mail centre, john j. kennedy accounting at pall mall, barton buckle casting co, horseworld in 122 mollison street, brooks catering, phil beer & fletchers photographics at 100 mitchell st, the green counation in 101 queen street, karl's koffee haus in 95-97 view street, ganet's art supplies roy leache music centre in allans walk, pall mall, ron poyser holden in high st, ideal greenhouse in huntly bendigo mail centre, john j. kennedy accounting at pall mall, barton buckle casting co, horseworld in 122 mollison street, brooks catering, phil beer & fletchers photographics at 100 mitchell st, the green counation in 101 queen street, karl's koffee haus in 95-97 view street, ganet's art supplies in allans walk, bendigo building society in bull st. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Sixteen theatre programmes from the Royal Princess Theatre: 1) ''A chapter in her life'' with Claude Gillingwater, Jacqueline Gadsen & Jane Mercer - ''Within the law'' with Norma Talmadge. 2) ''Who's Who'' directed by William Anderson. 3) ''The old woman who lived in a shoe'' with Lily Clarke, Fred Heinz, Neal Connelly, Gladys Spencer, Nellie Hornby, Willie Howard, Mary Nuttall, Frank Rossmore, George McGuire, May Bryer, Claud Chevely, Vera Nuttall, Vera Bromley, Dorothea Liddle, Coral Spencer, Ruby May, Irene McGuire, Nellie McGuire, Euston Moloney. 4) ''Splendid Fellows'' with Isabelle Mahon, frank Leighton, Eric Colman, Leo Franklin, Frank Bradley. 5) ''David Copperfield'' with W.C. Fields, Lionel Barrymore, Madge Evans, Maureen O'Sullivan, Edna May Oliver. 6) ''The Gay Divorcee'' with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. 7) ''One Night of love'' with Grace Moore. 8) grand Operettas ''Life at sea'' by the pupils of the Marist Brothers' College. On Saturday, December 16th, 1916. 9) ''John Gilpin'' music by Sr Frederick Cowen. First appearance of the Marist Bros. Boy's brass band with miss Pauline Bindley, Miss Mary Bentley, Miss Vera O'Donnell, Mr. Hector Goldspink, Mr. Tom Pritchard, Mr. Frank Bensen. Wednesday, December 7th, 1910. 10) ''A night at a Maori Pah'' featuring forty full blooded Maoris from the thermal regions of New Zealand. 11) Royal Princess Bendigo eighty first birthday souvenir programme. 31st August, 1955. 12) '' The Merry Widow'' royal comic opera company with Gladys Moncrieff, Arthur Stigabt, Leslie Holland, Lance Lister. 13) ''Grand National Concert'' Tuesday, 17th March, 1925 with Rita Miller, Vera O'Donnell, Percy Blundell, W. Donohue, Donald McNeath, Pat Coleman, Arthur Douglas. 14) 15th Annual tour of the original ''Blind Entertainers'' Monday, September 3rd, 1928. 15) The joy event of the year. 5th annual Paramount week, August 31st to September 5th. 16) Princess Bendigo, programs December 5 to January 4, 1933entertainment, theatre, royal princess -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
Lara Memorial Gate Photo 1928, Lara Recreation Reserve Memorial Gate Photo 1928, 1928
Following World War One, the present Memorial Gates at the front of the Lara Recreation Reserve (opposite the service station), were erected and the names of 104 men and woman who enlisted from Lara Districts were added. Twenty four paid the supreme sacrifice. They were erected at a cost of £380 by Barklamb Brothers of Caulfield. His Excellency The Governor Lord Somers officially opened the gates on 22 December 1929. RSM Cadwell was in charge of the program. The ceremony involved a large gathering where Lord. Names on Gates of WW1 Veterans Listed below - Following World War One, the present Memorial Gates at the front of the Lara Recreation Reserve (opposite the service station), were erected and the names of 104 men and woman who enlisted from Lara and districts were added. Twenty Four paid the supreme sacrifice. His Excellency The Governor Lord Somers officially opened the gates. RSM Cadwell was in charge of the programme. Sommers inspected a guard of honour from the 23rd Battalion (City of Geelong Regiment). In addition to a parade of returned soldiers, music was provided by the Geelong City Band. Names on Gates of WW1 Veterans Listed below - Andserson W.A. Fry J.F. Mullins M. Bates J. * Gabrielson E. * McDonald H. Bates G. Gardiner H.A. McDonald G. Beggs J.S. Gibbons H. * McHarry E.J. Bennett E.J. (3755) Gibbons W. McEwan G. Beardsell T. Gibbons G. McIntyre J.L. (3421) Branch W.J. (3029) Grass E.J. (687) McIntyre J.W. (7049) Callaghan C. Grass C.H. McIntosh J. Carter W.J. Groves H. McKellar G. Cashmore J.A. Harris W. McLeod R. Cashmore F.J. Heal H. P. (1134) Nicholls J. Cashmore A.G. Heal F.W. (1135) Olive C.A. * Cashmore A.J. Heal E.L. (1133) Oliver D.H. Chirnside J.L. Heyward F.C. * Owens S.J. Clayton J.H. * Heyward W. O'Neill J. Connop J. * Hill E.J. * Parsons M. Connop E. * Howard H.L. (4138) Parker S. Collins F.H. * Inglis H. Perkins C.E. Collins R.B. * Izon C.E. Shannahan J. Collins H. James R. Spitty C. Collins A. Jenkins W. Steele J. Coogan M.T. * Jenkins H. Tayler R. Curle O. Kee H.K. Tayler W.H. (794) Duggan H.J. * Keneally J. Teesdale V.B. (5241) Duggan R. Kent G.G. Thomas D.H. Duggan T.M. Kortright J. Tregilas S. * Dunn W. Lodge J.A. * Trim A. Dodesmaide F. * Lodge G.L. * Tipping S. * Edols R.W. Lodge T.S. * Turnbull J.W. * Farrelly P. Miller P. * Walker H.D. Farrer R. * Minogue P. Watt W. Firth D.H. * Moodie E. Wembridge W.P. * Firth A.C. Morgan C.E. Sister McNaughton K. Foot M.T. Moroney L.F. (4088) Sister McIntosh S. Foot C.H. * The Supreme Sacrifice Sommers inspected a guard of honour from the 23rd Battalion (City of Geelong Regiment). In addition to a parade of returned soldiers, music was provided by the Geelong City Band. The Memorial Gates are of local heritage significance and are included as Heritage Overlays in the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme,unveiled by the govenor Lord Somers on the 22 dec 1929. Read comments on bottom of photoComprising four square granite piers with central vehicular and flanking pedestrian metal gates.The gates commemorate the names of the 104 men and women of the Lara region who served in World War One.lara, memorial gate, ww1, world war 1, lara recreation reserve, lord somers, rsm cadwell, 1928, monument, 23rd battalion, city of geelong regiment, geelong city band -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photocopy of a photo by Vincent Kelly of the Hanro Staff and Workers taken on the steps of Bendigo Post Office appros 1933. Names on the back are: Allan Crossley, G Evely,T Hall, M ?sen, M Owens, I Hutchinson, L Ash, C Tyers, L Thornton, R Dixon, I Newson, Phill Ipson, E Kent, L Comte, D Pinnell, M Thomas, C Washington, K Bowman, M Kelly, M Tussup, R Shaw, ? Henson, C Washington, E Rodgers, S Brown, P Pearce, D Thornton, L Rielly, L Truscott, R Brereton, P Taylor, Norris, D Miller, C Enderlin, D Harward, J Lockyer, D Butters, Marc Curnow, B Organ, E Lindsay, L Smart, E Ogilvie, G Crossley, M Newwand, Newmand, Truscott, C Ildae, O Richards, B Richards, C Kingsley, ?, F Mylon, Z Wallen, J Thom, P Trehair, E Crawford, F Chandler, E Hogan, G Blandthorn, J Thom, L Henson, E Stephens, J Gerrand, L Doney, M Williams, C Brauman, R Shaw, L Rushmeyer, R F Wr, L Wright, L - R, A McCormack, S Swalling, I West, J Bolger, L Swalling,B Patterson, T Williams, M Shepherd, J Aitken, A Phillips, M Smith, M Williams, S Ross, J Punch, S Dunne, P Warren, E Keck, J Pinder, W Stock, V Akers, J Neate, M Doyle, M Neate, M Marchingo, C Collard, Iris Dobie, M Irvine, D Nalder, M McPherson, Marg, Alma Rank, D Edwards, Z Excell, M McGuiness, A Christie, ? Beer, Male R. J Preston, J Mueller, F Harris, T Robertson, R Hiscock and T Lund. Names by Moreen Betts (Marchingo). Two pages are the same and one only has part of a photo on it. Written beside it is: Hanro Mills, Bendigo. Photo of Staff & Employers. Approx 1933 - 34. Picture with Allan Crossley. x On last page is Alans Sister.Vincent Kellybendigo, history, long gully history group, the long gully history group - photo hanro staff & workers approx 1933, vincent kelly, hanro mills bendigo, allan crossley, g evely, t hall, m ?sen, m owens, i hutchinson, l ash, c tyers, l thornton, r dixon, i newson, phill ipson, e kent, l comte, d pinnell, m thomas, c washington, k bowman, m kelly, m tussup, r shaw, ? henson, c washington, e rodgers, s brown, p pearce, d thornton, l rielly, l truscott, r brereton, p taylor, norris, d miller, c enderlin, d harward, j lockyer, d butters, marc curnow, b organ, e lindsay, l smart, e ogilvie, g crossley, m newwand, newmand, truscott, c ildae, o richards, b richards, c kingsley, ?, f mylon, z wallen, j thom, p trehair, e crawford, f chandler, e hogan, g blandthorn, j thom, l henson, e stephens, j gerrand, l doney, m williams, c brauman, r shaw, l rushmeyer, r f wr, l wright, l - r, a mccormack, s swalling, i west, j bolger, l swalling, b patterson, t williams, m shepherd, j aitken, a phillips, m smith, m williams, s ross, j punch, s dunne, p warren, e keck, j pinder, w stock, v akers, j neate, m doyle, m neate, m marchingo, c collard, iris dobie, m irvine, d nalder, m mcpherson, marg, alma rank, d edwards, z excell, m mcguiness, a christie, ? beer, male r. j preston, j mueller, f harris, t robertson, r hiscock, t lund, moreen betts (marchingo), bendigo post office -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Victorian Symphony Orchestra, Royal Princess Theatre, Bendigo. Conducted by Juan Jose Castro. Soloist: Isador Goodman (pianist). This series of concerts is arranged by the Australian Broadcasting Commission in conjunction with the Government of Victoria. Royal Princess Theatre, Bendigo. Thur., 1st May. Star Theatre, Shepparton, Friday, 2nd May at 8pm. Direction: Australian Broadcasting Commission. Juan Jose Castro (write up on the life of). Harmony and Home. Linking 'Home and Family Week' with this Visit. Bendigo faces the challenge brought through the medium of 'Home and Family Week.' Issues arising out of the relationship of Marriage, Parenthood and the family have been discussed by possible solution. Rather than compete with the Concert, negotiations were effected with the A.B.C., resulting in the acknowledgement of this function as part of our week, and the reciprocal arrangement of space in this booklet. Music, as truly as Education and other Culture, influences the outlook and the stability of the home. Ancient Jewish history gave common paternity . . . Programme. Programme notes. Page 6: photo of Isador Goodman. Page 7: photo of John Brownlee. Associate Artist: Raymond Lambert (pianist). Conductor: Juan Jose Castro. First violins: Jorgensen B, Hutchins H, Schieblich F, Deerson N, O'Brien P, Glassford W, Michael R, Burlakov A. Second violins: Lenzer H, Badley R, Pattison B, Whitelaw M, Pietruschka I, Braithwaite N. Violas: Kerr C, Kogan M, Roberts W. 'Cellos: Howley D, Touzeau H, Awburn V, Neri E. Basses: Howley T, Shiffron S, Morton W. Flutes: Chugg R, Barklamb L. Oboes: Richmond E, Woolley D. Clarinets: White T, Crowley C. Bassoons: Wightman T, Hunt. Horns: White R, Miller G, Grieve G, Bickford G. Trumpets: Simpson M, Roberts S. Trombones: Code S, McGlade J, Willis H. Tuba: Coram C. Tympani: Craig G. Percussion: Crawford B, McManamny T. Harp: Bendall A. Musical Autobiographies The London Daily Graphic's record critic praised Eugene Goossen's musical autobiography, Overture and Beginners, as excellent Story . . . Photographs of Elena Nikolaidi and Michael Rabin along with a write up on each. Advertisements: Georges, Melbourne. Railway.program, theatre, concert, victorian symphony orchestra, royal princess theatre, bendigo. conducted by juan jose castro. soloist: isador goodman (pianist). this series of concerts is arranged by the australian broadcasting commission in conjunction with the government of victoria. royal princess theatre, bendigo. thur., 1st may. star theatre, shepparton. juan jose castro harmony and home. linking 'home and family. family week.' issues arising out of the relationship of marriage, a.b.c., resulting in the acknowledgement of this function as part of our week, and the reciprocal arrangement of space in this booklet. music, as truly as education and other culture. ancient jewish history gave common paternity. programme notes. page 6: photo of isador goodman. page 7: photo of john brownlee. associate artist: raymond lambert (pianist). first violins: jorgensen b, hutchins h, schieblich f, deerson n, o'brien p, glassford w, michael r, burlakov a. second violins: lenzer h, badley r, pattison b, whitelaw m, pietruschka i, braithwaite n. violas: kerr c, kogan m, roberts w. 'cellos: howley d, touzeau h, awburn v, neri e. basses: howley t, shiffron s, morton w. flutes: chugg r, barklamb l. oboes: richmond e, woolley d. clarinets: white t, crowley c. bassoons: wightman t, hunt. horns: white r, miller g, grieve g, bickford g. trumpets: simpson m, roberts s. trombones: code s, mcglade j, willis h. tuba: coram c. tympani: craig g. percussion: crawford b, mcmanamny t. harp: bendall a. musical autobiographies the london daily, eugene goossen's, photographs of elena nikolaidi and michael rabin along with a write. advertisements: georges, melbourne. railway. -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Commissioned Officers of the Army Survey Regiment, c1962-1965, 1972, c1973-1974
These photographs of Royal Australian Survey Corps commissioned officers was taken at the Army Survey Regiment circa 1962-1965, 1972 and circa 1973-1974. Officer appointments to the Army Svy Regt were typically the CO, 2IC, Adjutant; and an OC, 2IC and Troop Officers assigned to the Headquarters, Topographic/Air Survey, Cartographic and Lithographic Squadrons. RAN and RAAF liaison officers were usually appointed to the Regiment; and occasionally exchange officers from other Corps, the USA or UK.This is a set of photographs of RASvy Officers at the Army Survey Regiment, Bendigo. The photographs were printed on photographic paper and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 300 dpi. .1) - Back row – L to R: Unknown Philippines officer, LT Merv Marks, LT Jorge Gruszka, LT Bill Greer, CAPT Peter Constantine, LT Freddy High, MAJ Brian Dalton.Front row – L to R: CAPT Carol Castor, MAJ NRJ Hillier, MAJ Bill Howarth, CO LTCOL Frank Buckland, DSVY-A COL Don Macdonald, GEN Miller – US Director Mapping, MAJ John Nolan, MAJ Eddy Anderson MBE, unknown UK Exchange Officer. .2) - Photo, black & white, c1972. Back row – L to R: CAPT Jack Gore, LT Royal, FLT Sinclair, LT Fred Brown, LT John Winzar, LT Gary Kenney, LT Reg Smith, 2LT Terry Edwards, LT Bob Roche. Front row – L to R: CAPT McNeale, 2LT William, MAJ Keith Todd, MAJ Don Ridge, LTCOL Bill Howarth, MAJ Brian Dalton, MAJ John Bullen, LT C. Chittleborough, LT Bailey .3) - Photo, black & white c1972. Back row – L to R: 1st 2LT Terry Edwards, 7th LT Gary Kenney, 9th LT Bob Roche. Front row – L to R: 1st CAPT Jack Gore, 3rd LT Bailey, 4th MAJ Keith Todd, 5th MAJ Don Ridge, 6th LTCOL Bill Howarth, 7th MAJ Brian Dalton, 8th MAJ John Bullen, 9th FLT Sinclair, 10th CAPT McNeale. .4) - Photo, black & white, c1972. Personnel named as per .3) .5) - Photo, black & white, c1973-1974. Back row – L to R: 1st LT Graham Baker, 4th MAJ John Sinclair , 7th CAPT Reg Smith, 8th LT Terry Edwards. Front row – L to R: 3rd MAJ Peter Constantine, 4th LTCOL Don Ridge 5th MAJ John Cattell. .6) - Photo, colour print of .5), c1973-1974 Personnel named as per .5).1 no annotation, .2 Personnel (surnames, no rank) annotated on back, .3 to .6 no annotationroyal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Pamphlet, Yarra Trams, "Important Tram Service Changes", 2012 to 2016
Set of 24 pamphlets, DL size when folded, Full colour, titled "Important Tram Service Changes", giving details of interruptions to the tram system due to Roadworks or events. Have been number .1 to .3 and .5 to .26. Have the logos of Yarra Trams, VicRoads, PTV, .1 - Grand Prix 2016 .2 - Roadworks - Clarendon St, Normandy Road and Whiteman St Southbank, track reconstruction of Southbank or Port junction accessible tram stops, 3/1/16 to 15/1/16 - put in siding for the Restaurant Tram .3 - Route 11 - reconstruction of junction into Preston Workshops - Oct. 2015 .5 - Victoria Parade and Nicholson St intersection reconstruction - April 2014 .6 - Reconstruction of junction - Abbotsford St and Flemington Road - July 2016 .7 - Route 86, VicRoads bridge works - Plenty Road - Oct. to Dec. 2012 .8 - Route 70, Swan St, Burnley track renewal - June 2012 .9 - as for .7 .10 - Route 70, Riversdale Road, Camberwell track renewal, Nov. 2012 .11 - Chapel and Carlisle Sts, Trackwork - June 2013 .12 - ditto .13 - Route 86 - Gertrude and Smith Streets Collingwood .14 - Route 78 and 79 - track renewal Chapel St Sept. 2013 .15 - Elizabeth St track reconstruction and accessible tram stops - Oct. 2013 - see also Reg Item 859. .16 - Tram track renewal, Mt Alexander Road - Ormond Road and Kent St - Routes 55 and 59 - Feb. 2014 .17 - St Kilda Road, between Southbank Blvd and Park St - Feb. 2014 .18 - Overhead Renewal Camberwell depot - March 2014 .19 - Gilbert Road and Miller St - track and overhead renewal - July 2014 .20 - Tram stop works - Melbourne and Olympic Park - August 2014 .21 - Tram stop works - Melbourne Town Hall - Collins St - August 2014 .22 - Matthews Ave, Airport West, route 59 - September 2014 .23 - Tram stop works, Flinders St - Sept. 2014 .24 - Tram stop works - Bourke and Swanston St - Oct. 2014 .25 - Tram stop works - Flinders Jan. 2015 .26 - Elizabeth St works - May and July 2013trams, tramways, grand prix, trackwork, overhead, southbank, tram stops, route 11, victoria parade, nicholson st, preston workshops, abbotsford st, flemington rd, route 86, chapel st, carlisle st, gertrude st, smith st, riversdale rd, swan st, route 70, route 55, route 59, mount alexander rd, st kilda rd, camberwell depot, gilbert rd, miller st, collins st, route 59, matthews ave, flinders st, port junction -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Booklet - Programme, City of Ringwood, Australia Day Citizenship Ceremony 1992, 23rd. January 1992
Used on 23rd. January 1992 at the Ringwood Convention Centre with the order of proceedings, names of candidates for Citizenship, Parliamentary Representatives, Federal and State, and list of members of the Ringwood City CouncilWhite A5 bifold card programme white , with gold and green printing, gold frame on front with City of Ringwood 1960 logo. +Additional Keywords: WIlliams, Max, mayorCANDIDATES FOR CITIZENSHIP Mortimer ANGUS Alberto MARTINEZ Mohammad ARAGHIZADEH Andrew MAXWELL Mane ARAGHIZADEH Susan MAXWELL Mavis BELL Ian MILLER Caroline BENETATOS Bronwynn NOTHNAGEL Habibe BILGIC Sandra OSWALD Fiona BIRCH Anthony PIETERSEN Joseph BOMNICI liana PIETERSEN James BREMNER Margaret PIETERSEN Maria BREMNER Tanya PIETERSEN Bridget BROWNE Ankia PIETERSEN Robert G BROWNE Sascha PIETERSEN Cora BROWNE Serge PRATESI Robert E BROWNE Sotiris PTOCHOPOULLOS Eileen BROWNE Bridget QUINN Colm BROWNE Gerard QUINN Lesley CASSIDY Danielle QUINN Leah CASSIDY Edel QUINN Li Ping CHIANG Judith RABI Colette CORE-PHILPOT Elizabeth RIVETT Mala DE SILVA Catherine ROBERTSON Saman DE SILVA Erzsebet SARI Manarangi DE SILVA MihalySARI Shalendra DEO Dominiua SARI Martin FOREMAN Benedek SARI Milan GOJIC Peter SKINNER MIra GOJIC Jenny MAN-YING SO Snezana GOJIC Andrew WAI-YING SO Silviu GRECEA Zdzislawa STANGIERSKA On IM Kenneth STEVENS Roshan IRANI Katalin SZALLASI Ronald JOHNSTON Kirsty SZIRQN George KAPPAS Sakan TEK Henry KARCZMARCZUK Steven TOWNEND Dorota KOLACZ Stanley WAIGHT Martin KULIC Karen WALKER Muhammad LAHZA William WALKER Valerie LESTER John WELLER Lajos LEVAI Maureen WELLER Louise LITTLE Freda WHITAKER -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Negative - Photograph, Albert Jones, 'Golden Glen' at Wattle Glen and the Wattle Glen General Store, c.1910
Top photo: The property 'Golden Glen', home of photographer, Albert Jones. At the right of the photo is an apple orchard over the other side of Watery Gully creek. The middle building in the photo is still standing, located on Wattle Glen - Kangaroo Ground Road between Pretty Hill Lane and Millers Road (Melway 271 A6) but on the opposite side of the road. Bottom photo: The Wattle Glen General Store in this photo was located at the same intersection as the present Wattle Glen General Store (cnr of Reynolds Road and Kangaroo Ground Road) but on the diagonally opposite corner. [Comment from Valda via Victorian Collections June 11, 2018] "The addition to the store on the left, and the building at the back, were not part of the store/post office owned by the Keenan's. They were added by Mr and Mrs Alan (Janet) Frencham's in the ?mid-1950s." See also EDHS_03112: See Ref: EDHS_03112 A WINDOW ON THE PAST by Roger Sanders, The Sun, Wednesday, Auguist 11, 1976, pp 38-39 A fascinating window has been opened on the early life of the Eltham district. It is a rare collection of 3,000 perfectly preserved glass plate photograph negatives. The collection is the work of the late Albert Jones, a Diamond Creek orchardist and amateur photographer. About 500 of the negatives have been printed and 100 are on display at Gallery 4, Eltham, as part of the Eltham Festival," which started on Friday. They capture in fine detail rural and village life around Eltham, Hurstbridge, Kangaroo Ground, Yarra Glen and Diamond Valley from 1900 to 1930. While the natural beauty of the district was painted in this period by Arthur Streeton (later Sir Arthur), Tom Roberts and Charles Conder, among others, photography was relatively new. Yet Albert Jones used the new medium to compile a weighty album of pioneers at work, at home, at sport and on holidays. He was at the first Yarra Glen race meeting, early Diamond Valley football matches and photographed soldiers from the district leaving for war. He photographed early gold mines, men with horses laying the Diamond Creek-Hurstbridge rail track and the arrival of the first steam train at Hurstbridge. He took his cameras on holiday around Victoria and the collection includes scenes from St. Kilda and Portsea and many country towns. The Jones collection of negatives was found by Mr A. J. "Ned" Spark, of Balwyn, under a house he bought from Mr Jones' widow. The plates almost went to the tip with a pile of rubbish before Mr Spark realised their potential value. Mr Spark, who is retired, will continue the identification and recording of the photographs when he returns from holidays. The exhibition of the Jones' photographs is open each afternoon until August 21 at Gallery 4, 1016 Main Rd., Eltham. Photographs included in article: • The priceless collection of glass plate negatives were found under this house in Eltham [actually Wattle Glen], home of Albert Jones and his wife. • A quiet country pub - Panton Hills Hotel. • Teams of draught horses were used in the building of the Diamond Creek-Hursbridge railway in 1910. • Chinaman Jimmy using a gold cradle in Wattle Glen Gully. • The photographer and orchardist Albert Jones. His work is on show as part of the Eltham Festival • St Kilda Pier – several of the houses are still standing, but the waterfront has changed dramatically since this was taken before 1920. • A picnic was a dressy affair at the start of the century – the women in this family group are decked in lace and pearls.Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 4 stripsKodak Safety 5035albert jones, golden glen, shops, wattle glen -
Federation University Historical Collection
Programme, Ballarat Teachers' College, Ballarat Teachers' College Grand Concert, 1947, 1947
Ellwood was the Principal of the Ballarat Teachers' College. Ballarat Teachers’ College was opened on 04 May 1926, at S.S. 33 Dana Street, with an enrolment of 61 students. Its original staff consisted of the Principal, Mr W.H. Ellwood, M.A., M.Ed. (Chairman of the Teachers’ Tribunal from its inception in 1946 until 1954), Miss A. Bouchier, B.A., and Mr A.B. Jones, BA., (lecturers). In 1927 Miss P.A. Hamano joined the staff. In 1927 the college moved to the old Ballarat East Town Hall (remodelled for their use) in Barkly Street. During 1927 the numbers in the College were augmented by 26 Manual Arts students, who had formerly received their training at Ballarat High School. Manual Art students continued till 1930 when, on grounds of economy, their training was concentrated at Melbourne Teachers’ College. During the four succeeding years, approximately 60 students annually entered the primary course. Inclusive of Manual Arts students, and private fee-paying students, exactly 400 trainees passed through the College in its brief span of life (1926-1931). Five per cent of each year’s students were granted an extension of their studentship to enable them to proceed to Melbourne Teachers’ College, and to take the first year’s course for a University degree. With the advent of the economic depression of the ‘thirties, Ballarat Teachers' College closed its doors in December, 1931. Fourteen years were to pass before the College opened again on February 2nd, 1946. The college re-commenced at SS Dana Street, under the guidance of Mr W.F. Lord, M.C., M.M., B.A., Dip. Ed., (acting, later Principal 1946-1950) and a staff consisting of Miss E.B. Hughes, B.A., Dip. Ed., Mr C.B. Bryan, B.A., B. Com., Dip. Ed., Miss Monica H. Miller, L.Mus.A., and Miss G. Kentish, Dip. Phys. Ed. The opening ceremony was performed by the Minister of Education at that time, the Hon. F. Field, M.L.A., accompanied by the Hon. T.T. Hollway, M.L.A., and the then Director of Education, Mr J.A. Seitz. It was originally intended to cater for women students only but, at the last moment, men resident in Ballarat were also accepted. A co-educational college was thus set up instead, and it has continued as such. 1951 saw the introduction of the two-year course, successful students being presented with the Trained Primary Teacher’s Certificate at the final College Assembly each year. In December 1955, College held its first Graduation Ceremony, with its own Graduation Hymn, the words of which were written by Miss C.M. (Mavis) Canty of the staff. Lord remained as principal until 1951 when he transferred to establish a teachers' college at Toorak. Tom William Turner was Lord's successor. A highlight of his term was the construction of new college buildings at Gillies Street with the students commencing their lessons there in February 1958. Turner retired in 1970, having overseen a period of substantial growth in the institution. In that year alone more than one hundred and forty students completed their primary teaching qualification to meet a severe shortage of teachers. Doug Watson commenced as principal in 1971. In 1973 Ballarat Teachers' College became the State College of Victoria at Ballarat. Three years later Ballarat College of Advanced Education was formed and the teacher education students moved to the Mount Helen Campus. In 1990 Ballarat College of Advanced Education became Ballarat University College, an affiliated college with the University of Melbourne. The University of Ballarat was formed in January 1994.Yellow folded card programme for the Ballarat Teachers' College Grand Concert held at Alfred Hall Ballarat on Thursday 28 August 1947. Student Teachers from the 1947 class performed, including Jessie Batson, Ruth Tozer, Joy Love, N. Kerr, Arthur Lelean, D. Cooper, John Collins, Ann McKinnnon, Peg Purdue, Lindsay Harley.ballarat teachers' college, education, alfred hall -
Federation University Historical Collection
Programme, Ballarat Teachers' College Reunion Programme, 1934, 1934
Ellwood was the Principal of the Ballarat Teachers' College. Ballarat Teachers’ College was opened on 04 May 1926, at S.S. 33 Dana Street, with an enrolment of 61 students. Its original staff consisted of the Principal, Mr W.H. Ellwood, M.A., M.Ed. (Chairman of the Teachers’ Tribunal from its inception in 1946 until 1954), Miss A. Bouchier, B.A., and Mr A.B. Jones, BA., (lecturers). In 1927 Miss P.A. Hamano joined the staff. In 1927 the college moved to the old Ballarat East Town Hall (remodelled for their use) in Barkly Street. During 1927 the numbers in the College were augmented by 26 Manual Arts students, who had formerly received their training at Ballarat High School. Manual Art students continued till 1930 when, on grounds of economy, their training was concentrated at Melbourne Teachers’ College. During the four succeeding years, approximately 60 students annually entered the primary course. Inclusive of Manual Arts students, and private fee-paying students, exactly 400 trainees passed through the College in its brief span of life (1926-1931). Five per cent of each year’s students were granted an extension of their studentship to enable them to proceed to Melbourne Teachers’ College, and to take the first year’s course for a University degree. With the advent of the economic depression of the ‘thirties, Ballarat Teachers' College closed its doors in December, 1931. Fourteen years were to pass before the College opened again on February 2nd, 1946. The college re-commenced at SS Dana Street, under the guidance of Mr W.F. Lord, M.C., M.M., B.A., Dip. Ed., (acting, later Principal 1946-1950) and a staff consisting of Miss E.B. Hughes, B.A., Dip. Ed., Mr C.B. Bryan, B.A., B. Com., Dip. Ed., Miss Monica H. Miller, L.Mus.A., and Miss G. Kentish, Dip. Phys. Ed. The opening ceremony was performed by the Minister of Education at that time, the Hon. F. Field, M.L.A., accompanied by the Hon. T.T. Hollway, M.L.A., and the then Director of Education, Mr J.A. Seitz. It was originally intended to cater for women students only but, at the last moment, men resident in Ballarat were also accepted. A co-educational college was thus set up instead, and it has continued as such. 1951 saw the introduction of the two-year course, successful students being presented with the Trained Primary Teacher’s Certificate at the final College Assembly each year. In December 1955, College held its first Graduation Ceremony, with its own Graduation Hymn, the words of which were written by Miss C.M. (Mavis) Canty of the staff. Lord remained as principal until 1951 when he transferred to establish a teachers' college at Toorak. Tom William Turner was Lord's successor. A highlight of his term was the construction of new college buildings at Gillies Street with the students commencing their lessons there in February 1958. Turner retired in 1970, having overseen a period of substantial growth in the institution. In that year alone more than one hundred and forty students completed their primary teaching qualification to meet a severe shortage of teachers. Doug Watson commenced as principal in 1971. In 1973 Ballarat Teachers' College became the State College of Victoria at Ballarat. Three years later Ballarat College of Advanced Education was formed and the teacher education students moved to the Mount Helen Campus. In 1990 Ballarat College of Advanced Education became Ballarat University College, an affiliated college with the University of Melbourne. The University of Ballarat was formed in January 1994. Programme for the 1934 Ballarat Teachers' College Reunion run by the Ballarat teachers' College ex- Students Association. Inside the programme is an image of W.H. Ellwood and copy of his 14 points. ballarat teachers' college, ellwood, reunion, w.h. elwood, elwood's fourteen points -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat Teachers' College, Ballarat Teachers' College Handbook, 1968, 1968
History of the Ballarat Teachers, College as outlined on page 9 of the handbook. Ballarat Teachers' College was opened on may 4th, 1926, at Dana Street State School (no 33), with an enrollment of sixty-one students, its original staff consisted of the Principal, Mr W. H. Ellwood, M.A., M.Ed. (Chairman of the Teachers' tribunal from its inception in 1946 until 1954), Miss A. Bouchier, B.A., and Mr A.B. Jones, B.A. (lecturers). In 1927 Miss P.A. Hamano joined the staff. Teaching practice and special rural school work were carried on in schools in or near Ballarat - drawing, crafts and singing were taught by local teachers. In 1927 the college moved to the former Ballarat East Town Hall (remodelled for their use) in Barkly Street. During 1927 the numbers in the College were augmented by twenty-six Manual arts students who had formerly received their training at Ballarat High School. Manual Arts students continued until 1930, when, on grounds of economy, their training was concentrated at Melbourne Teachers' College. During the four succeeding years approximately sixty students annually entered the primary course. Inclusive of Manual Arts students, and private fee-paying students, exactly 400 trainees passed through the college in its brief span of life (1926-1931) Fourteen years were to pass before they were again opened to students on February 2nd, 1946. The college was re-commenced at S.S. Dana Street under the guidance of Mr W.F. Lord, M.C., M.M., B.A., Dip.Ed., (Acting Principal 1946-1950), and a staff consisting of Miss E.B. Hughes, B.A., Dip. Ed., Mr C.B. Bryan, B.A., V.Com., Dip.Ed., Miss M.H. Miller, L.Mus.A., and Miss G. Kentish, Dip.Phys.Ed. The opening ceremony was performed by the Minister for education at that time, the Hon. F. Field, M.L.A., accompanied by the Hon. T.T. Hollway, M.L.A., and the then Director of Education, Mr J.A. Seitz. It was originally intended to cater for women students only (for whom 130 Victoria Street was purchased as a hostel) but, at the last moment, men were also accepted. A co-educational college was thus set up instead, and has continued as such. The original Staff has been considerable augmented, and the number of Students has been more than trebled. 1951 saw the introduction of the two-year course, successful students being presented with the Trained Primary Teachers' Certificate at the final College assembly each year. In December, 1855, College held its first Graduation Ceremony, with its own graduation hymn, the words of which were written by Miss C.M. (Mavis) Canty of the staff. Mr Ellwood, former Principal, delivered the occasional address and presented the Ellwood Prize to the outstanding student of the year (Mr C.P. Handreck). Students who had successfully completed the course received their certificates from Mr E.B. Pederick, Chief Inspector of Primary Schools. College accomodation having been strained for several years, it was pleasant news when tenders were called in July, 1956, for the building of the first section of the new Ballarat Teachers' College in Gillies Street, near the Botanical Gardens. At the beginning of 1958 the new College was occupied, and staff and students have appreciated greatly the appointements and cacilities of the new building. In 1968 the three-year Diploma Course began, co-existent with the other courses which will continue during the transitional period. Successful students in the course receive the Diploma of teaching (Primary). Orange and black soft covered booklet with a childlike image of a woman on the cover. The 44 page book is the handbook of the Ballarat Teachers' College and includes: history of the college, 1968 programme, courses, teaching Practice, practising school, classification, certification, Ellwood Prize, Lord Prize, hostels, college tripsInside front page signed "Peter Fryar".ballarat teachers' college, peter fryar, t.w.h. turner, tom turner, frank lord, monica miller, dana street primary school, art collection, hostels -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - TOWN HALL, THE BENDIGO CHORAL SOCIETY, 24 Apr 1928 - 27 Nov 1928
Town Hall, The Bendigo Choral Society. 3 Programs for 1928: First Concert, Second Concert & Third Concert. a/ First Concert 38th Grand Concert, Town Hall, Bendigo. Tue. April 24th, 1928. Conductor MR W C Frazier ARCO. Artists: Miss A Caddell, Mr L Bienvenu. Pianiste: Miss Eileen Hains, ATCL. Hon. Sec. E H Collett. Asst. Sec. W F Mansell. Other Artists from BCS; Miss Essa McSwiney, Miss Jean Thompson, Miss May McGauchie, Hector Taylor. Programme: Price 3d. Programme: In These Delightful Pleasant Groves, Like To A Damask Rose, When The King Went Forth To War, Lament Of Isis, Tell I Tell Me, The Princess, Autumn's Storms, Prelude (The Cycle of Life), How Fair is Thy Face, God's Son Hath Set Me Free, Jesus Christ Our Lord Is Risen, I Heav'n Above, King Arthur. b/ The Bendigo Choral Society, Season 1928. Second Concert. 39th Grand Concert. Town Hall, Bendigo. Wednesday, Sep. 19th 1928. Conductor: Mr W C Frazier ARCO. Sub-Conductor: Mr E A Miller. Artists: Coral Trenerry, Muriel Bolt, Leslie Jephcott, Eileen Hains, Bendigo Choral Society. Hon. Sec. E H Collett. Asst. Hon. Sec. W F Mansell. Programme: The Hexhamshire Lass, Prelude and Allegro, M'Appari Tutt 'Amor', Rhapsody, Sweet Stay Awhile, There is a Lady Sweet and Kind, Danse Negre, Study, Merry Andrew, Gracious and Kind Art Thou My Queen, Secrecy, Sweet Honey-Sucking Bees, Mazurka, Sigh No More, Faery Song, Fantasie, Courage Brothers. Picture of W C Frazier is on cover. c/ The Bendigo Choral Society. Season 1928. Third Concert. 40th Grand Concert. Town Hall, Bendigo, Tuesday, November 27th, 1928. Conductor: Mr W C Frazier. Artists: Gwen Prockter, Lotte Daniell, A E Sayer, Eileen Hains ATCL, Joyce Connell LTCL. Hon. Se. E H Collett, Asst. Hon. Sec. W F Mansell. Programme 3d.Programme: Rest Sweet Nymph, Fine Knacks for Ladies, Adagio, Allegro, The Maiden's Complaint, I've Been Roaming, Down in a Valley, Flora Gave Me Fairest Flowers, Gipsy Dance, Songs of Love, Elegie, Songs of Love, Moonlight, The Nut-Tree, Songs of Love, Traumerei, Zigeunertanz, Nymphs and Fauns, Romance, Budmouth Dears, Bonny Fisher Lad, Rolling Down to Rio.Boltons Print, Bendigoprogram, music, the bendigo choral society, town hall, bendigo, the bendigo choral society. 3 programs for 1928 a/ first concert 38th grand concert. tue. april 24th, 1928. conductor mr w c frazier arco. artists: miss a caddell, mr l bienvenu. pianiste: miss eileen hains, atcl. hon. sec. e h collett. asst. sec. w f mansell. other artists from bcs; miss essa mcswiney, miss jean thompson, miss may mcgauchie, hector taylor. programme: in these delightful pleasant groves, like to a damask rose, when the king went forth to war, lament of isis, tell i tell me, the princess, autumn's storms, prelude (the cycle of life), how fair is thy face, god's son hath set me free, jesus christ our lord is risen, i heav'n above, king arthur. b/ second concert. 39th grand concert. wednesday, sep. 19th 1928. sub-conductor: mr e a miller. artists: coral trenerry, muriel bolt, leslie jephcott, eileen hains, bendigo choral society. hon. sec. programme: the hexhamshire lass, prelude and allegro, m'appari tutt 'amor', rhapsody, sweet stay awhile, there is a lady sweet and kind, danse negre, study, merry andrew, gracious and kind art thou my queen, secrecy, sweet honey-sucking bees, mazurka, sigh no more, faery song, fantasie, courage brothers. picture of w c frazier is on cover. c/ the bendigo choral society. season 1928. third concert. 40th grand concert. town hall, bendigo, tuesday, november 27th, 1928. conductor: artists: gwen prockter, lotte daniell, a e sayer, eileen hains atcl, joyce connell ltcl. programme: rest sweet nymph, fine knacks for ladies, adagio, allegro, the maiden's complaint, i've been roaming, down in a valley, flora gave me fairest flowers, gipsy dance, songs of love, elegie, songs of love, moonlight, the nut-tree, songs of love, traumerei, zigeunertanz, nymphs and fauns, romance, budmouth dears, bonny fisher lad, rolling down to rio. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo Town Hall - The Bendigo Choral Society - Eighth Grand Concert, 8th July 1919. (Nett proceeds for Soldiers' Memorial Institute.) Artists: Miss Winnie Mayberry, Dorothy Penfold, A.R.C.M., Myrtle Knight, Mr John Danks. Conductor: Mr W C Frazier, A.R.C.O. Pianiste: Miss Muriel Hyett, L.A.B. Admission- 2/2 Reserved. 1/1 Ordinary. Subscribers may book at flights on and after 3rd July without extra fee. Holders of 2/2 tickets may also book without fee. Holders of 1/1 tickets may book paying the difference, 1/1. Patron: His Worship the Mayor Cr. Ambrose Dunston. President: Mr H M Leggo. Vice-Presidents; Sir John Quick, Cr W Beebe, Mr Oscar Flight, Mr E S Cahill, Mr D Berriman, Mr A L Bolton, Mr G E Bolton, Dr W J Long, Dr O Penfold, Mr J G Oliphant, Mr Alf E Wallis, Mr A Whitehead, Mr W Watts. From the performing Members: Mr E H Collett, Mr A W McGibboney. Conductor: Mr W C Frazier, A.R.C.O. Sub-Conductor: Mr E A Miller. Pianiste: Miss Muriel Hyett, L.A.B. Treasurer: Mr W H Dolphin. Librarians: Mr R J Druid and G L McCoy. Auditors: Mr H T Bayton & Mr D H Holden. Committee Office Bearers with Mesdames T Scott & Chisholm & Misses Colgan, Gail Field & Wheaton & Messrs Sleeman, Jeffery, McClure, Brown, F J Walter & Frank Wittscheibe. Programme. 'Gloria' 12th Mass, 'Allegro Moto Vivace', 'My Heart is Weary', 150th Psalm, 'Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind', 'Land of Hope and Glory', 'Resting Place', 'Vesta', 'Hungarian Rhapsody', 'Eri tu' (Un Ballo in Maschera), 'O, Little Snowflake', 'Ave Maria', 'The Hunting Song', 'God Bless Our Splendid Men.' The Bendigo Choral Society. Has for its primary object, the desire of giving all those interested in this beneficial branch of Musical Culture, the opportunity of learning by becoming members, and hearing by becoming subscribers, the fine Choral works of the great composers. We feel that the splendid qualities of our gifted conductor, Mr W C Frazier, are becoming more and more known to the public of Bendigo, and it is the constant Endeavour of . . . .Bolton Bros. Printers Bendigoprogram, theatre, the bendigo choral society, bendigo town hall - the bendigo choral society - eighth grand concert, 8th july 1919. (nett proceeds for soldiers' memorial institute.) artists: miss winnie mayberry, dorothy penfold, a.r.c.m., myrtle knight, mr john danks. conductor: mr w c frazier, a.r.c.o. miss muriel hyett, l.a.b. admission- 2/2 reserved. 1/1 ordinary. subscribers may book at flights. holders of 2/2 tickets may also book. his worship the mayor cr. ambrose dunston. president: mr h m leggo. vice-presidents; sir john quick, cr w beebe, mr oscar flight, mr e s cahill, mr d berriman, mr a l bolton, mr g e bolton, dr w j long, dr o penfold, mr j g oliphant, mr alf e wallis, mr a whitehead, mr w watts. from the performing members: mr e h collett, mr a w mcgibboney. conductor: mr w c frazier, a.r.c.o. sub-conductor: mr e a miller. pianiste: miss muriel hyett, l.a.b. treasurer: mr w h dolphin. librarians: mr r j druid and g l mccoy. auditors: mr h t bayton & mr d h holden. committee office bearers with mesdames t scott & chisholm & misses colgan, gail field & wheaton & messrs sleeman, jeffery, mcclure, brown, f j walter & frank wittscheibe. programme. 'gloria' 12th mass, 'allegro moto vivace', 'my heart is weary', 150th psalm, 'blow, blow, thou winter wind', 'land of hope and glory', 'resting place', 'vesta', 'hungarian rhapsody', 'eri tu' (un ballo in maschera), 'o, little snowflake', 'ave maria', 'the hunting song', 'god bless our splendid men.' the bendigo choral society. has for its primary object, the desire of giving all those interested in this beneficial branch of musical culture, opportunity of learning members subscribers mr w c frazier