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Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newsletter, Newsletter, No. 232 February 2017
Contents: • 1967 - A Year of Change by Jim Connor • Our Next Meeting - Wednesday 8th February (Trivia Night) • Open Day at Our Local History Centre - Saturday 4th March • The Shillinglaw Legacy by Russell Yeoman • Eltham District Historical Society by Jim Connor • Eltham Racecourse by Brian Membrey • The Eltham Report 1856 • 2017 Program • Victorian Collections • ... and also • Contacts for the Eltham District Historical Society The Shire of Eltham Historical Society was formed in October 1967. The first newsletter of the Society was issued May 1978 and has been published continuously ever since on a bi-monthly basis. With the cessation of the Shire of Eltham in late 1994, the Society's name was revised to Eltham District Historical Society and this name first appeared with issue No. 103, July 1995. The collection of the Society's newsletters provides a valuable resource on the history of the Society's activities, office bearers and committee members, guest speakers and subjects of historical interest pertinent to the former Shire of Eltham and the Eltham District.A4 photocopied newsletter distributed to membersnewsletter, eltham district historical society, shire of eltham historical society -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newsletter, Newsletter, No. 234 June 2017
Contents: • A Hotel or two! by Jim Connor • 14th June Meeting - Walter Withers in Eltham • Heritage Excursion - Saturday 1st July - Eltham Lower Park - Walk and Talk • Some Important Changes - Please Note • Whatever happened to Jailhouse Rock? by Maureen Jones • Support from Eltham Rotary • Eltham District Historical Society: Alistair Knox by Jim Connor • Round the Bend Conservation Co-operative Ltd (The Co-op.) • Not Far Away • Subscriptions • Office Bearers 2017-2018 • One Hundred Years Ago: Eltham and District - January-December 2017 by Liz Pidgeon • Victorian Collections • Our Sponsors • Contacts for the Eltham District Historical Society The Shire of Eltham Historical Society was formed in October 1967. The first newsletter of the Society was issued May 1978 and has been published continuously ever since on a bi-monthly basis. With the cessation of the Shire of Eltham in late 1994, the Society's name was revised to Eltham District Historical Society and this name first appeared with issue No. 103, July 1995. The collection of the Society's newsletters provides a valuable resource on the history of the Society's activities, office bearers and committee members, guest speakers and subjects of historical interest pertinent to the former Shire of Eltham and the Eltham District.A4 photocopied newsletter distributed to membersnewsletter, eltham district historical society, shire of eltham historical society -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newsletter, Newsletter, No. 81 November 1991
Contents: • Next meeting, guest speaker; Victorian Archaeological Survey • November Meeting • Christmas Break-up • Eltham Festival Parade • School Residence Kangaroo Ground • Andrew Ross Reminiscences The Shire of Eltham Historical Society was formed in October 1967. The first newsletter of the Society was issued May 1978 and has been published continuously ever since on a bi-monthly basis. With the cessation of the Shire of Eltham in late 1994, the Society's name was revised to Eltham District Historical Society and this name first appeared with issue No. 103, July 1995. The collection of the Society's newsletters provides a valuable resource on the history of the Society's activities, office bearers and committee members, guest speakers and subjects of historical interest pertinent to the former Shire of Eltham and the Eltham District.A4 photocopied newsletter distributed to membersnewsletter, eltham district historical society, shire of eltham historical society -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newsletter, Newsletter, No. 83 March 1992
Contents: • Next meeting, guest speaker; Gordon Ford: My Eltham • Annual General Meeting • Victorian Heritage Festival • Society’s 25th Anniversary • Committee of Eastern Historical Societies • Eltham Campers • More Brief Items • Nothing Ever Changes The Shire of Eltham Historical Society was formed in October 1967. The first newsletter of the Society was issued May 1978 and has been published continuously ever since on a bi-monthly basis. With the cessation of the Shire of Eltham in late 1994, the Society's name was revised to Eltham District Historical Society and this name first appeared with issue No. 103, July 1995. The collection of the Society's newsletters provides a valuable resource on the history of the Society's activities, office bearers and committee members, guest speakers and subjects of historical interest pertinent to the former Shire of Eltham and the Eltham District.A4 photocopied newsletter distributed to membersnewsletter, eltham district historical society, shire of eltham historical society -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newsletter, Newsletter, No. 88 January 1993
Contents: • Next meeting, Shire Heritage Study • February Meeting • Annual General Meeting • 1993 – What’s Happening • Kath Stephenson • Victorian Heritage Festival • Launching the Museum: Mick Woiwood • Working at the Museum: Wendy Bradley • Andrew Ross School House Museum Project The Shire of Eltham Historical Society was formed in October 1967. The first newsletter of the Society was issued May 1978 and has been published continuously ever since on a bi-monthly basis. With the cessation of the Shire of Eltham in late 1994, the Society's name was revised to Eltham District Historical Society and this name first appeared with issue No. 103, July 1995. The collection of the Society's newsletters provides a valuable resource on the history of the Society's activities, office bearers and committee members, guest speakers and subjects of historical interest pertinent to the former Shire of Eltham and the Eltham District.A4 photocopied newsletter distributed to membersnewsletter, eltham district historical society, shire of eltham historical society -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newsletter, Newsletter, No. 89 March 1993
Contents: • Next meeting, guest speaker; Grace Mitchell: My Eltham • Annual General Meeting • Grace Mitchell • 1993 – Our Year’s Program • Victorian Heritage Festival • Andrew Ross Schoolhouse Museum • List of things we need • Other Matters • Eltham Festival 1992 Eltham Discovery Walks The Shire of Eltham Historical Society was formed in October 1967. The first newsletter of the Society was issued May 1978 and has been published continuously ever since on a bi-monthly basis. With the cessation of the Shire of Eltham in late 1994, the Society's name was revised to Eltham District Historical Society and this name first appeared with issue No. 103, July 1995. The collection of the Society's newsletters provides a valuable resource on the history of the Society's activities, office bearers and committee members, guest speakers and subjects of historical interest pertinent to the former Shire of Eltham and the Eltham District.A4 photocopied newsletter distributed to membersnewsletter, eltham district historical society, shire of eltham historical society -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newsletter, Newsletter, No. 95 March 1994
Contents: • Next meeting, guest speaker; Nell Bell: My Eltham • Nell Bell • Annual General Meeting • 1994 Program • The Research Horse Trough • Victorian Heritage Festival, Sunday 10th – Sunday 24th April 1994; Heritage on the Move • Art in Public Places The Shire of Eltham Historical Society was formed in October 1967. The first newsletter of the Society was issued May 1978 and has been published continuously ever since on a bi-monthly basis. With the cessation of the Shire of Eltham in late 1994, the Society's name was revised to Eltham District Historical Society and this name first appeared with issue No. 103, July 1995. The collection of the Society's newsletters provides a valuable resource on the history of the Society's activities, office bearers and committee members, guest speakers and subjects of historical interest pertinent to the former Shire of Eltham and the Eltham District.A4 photocopied newsletter distributed to membersnewsletter, eltham district historical society, shire of eltham historical society -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newsletter, Newsletter, No. 107 March 1996
Contents: • Next meeting, guest speaker; Jock Read: My Eltham • Jock Read • Montmorency Footpath Mosaics • Annual General Meeting • The Eltham Society • Alan Marshall Festival • High School Birthday • Society Program • Notice to Members 19th April 1996 o Furphy Festival o Victorian Heritage Festival The Shire of Eltham Historical Society was formed in October 1967. The first newsletter of the Society was issued May 1978 and has been published continuously ever since on a bi-monthly basis. With the cessation of the Shire of Eltham in late 1994, the Society's name was revised to Eltham District Historical Society and this name first appeared with issue No. 103, July 1995. The collection of the Society's newsletters provides a valuable resource on the history of the Society's activities, office bearers and committee members, guest speakers and subjects of historical interest pertinent to the former Shire of Eltham and the Eltham District.A4 photocopied newsletter distributed to membersnewsletter, eltham district historical society, shire of eltham historical society -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newsletter, Newsletter, No. 108 May 1996
Contents: • Next meeting, guest speaker; Russell Yeoman: Hume and Hovell’s Victorian Trip • May Meeting and Autumn Excursion • Office Bearers 1996 • Furphy Festival • Subscriptions • Other Happenings The Shire of Eltham Historical Society was formed in October 1967. The first newsletter of the Society was issued May 1978 and has been published continuously ever since on a bi-monthly basis. With the cessation of the Shire of Eltham in late 1994, the Society's name was revised to Eltham District Historical Society and this name first appeared with issue No. 103, July 1995. The collection of the Society's newsletters provides a valuable resource on the history of the Society's activities, office bearers and committee members, guest speakers and subjects of historical interest pertinent to the former Shire of Eltham and the Eltham District.A4 photocopied newsletter distributed to membersnewsletter, eltham district historical society, shire of eltham historical society -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newsletter, Newsletter, No. 199 July 2011
Contents: • Next meeting, Speaker Panel: Memories of Eltham • July Meeting • July Excursion • Montmorency Railway Station • Harry’s Research o Heidelberg Baptism Records o Eltham, The Victorian Gazetteer - 1865 • The Famous Draper Apple Cake • And Also The Shire of Eltham Historical Society was formed in October 1967. The first newsletter of the Society was issued May 1978 and has been published continuously ever since on a bi-monthly basis. With the cessation of the Shire of Eltham in late 1994, the Society's name was revised to Eltham District Historical Society and this name first appeared with issue No. 103, July 1995. The collection of the Society's newsletters provides a valuable resource on the history of the Society's activities, office bearers and committee members, guest speakers and subjects of historical interest pertinent to the former Shire of Eltham and the Eltham District.A4 photocopied newsletter distributed to membersnewsletter, eltham district historical society, shire of eltham historical society -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Parliament Papers 1853 - 1880s
Documents presented include the annual reports of all government agencies, reports of royal commissions and other government inquiries, parliamentary committee reported. The papers are documents tabled in Parliament. For further reference see the article in the magazine - "Ancestor" Volume 37 Issue 2 June 2024.Historical Victorian Government papers from the 1850s to the 1880s. Topics include relevance to the Kiewa Valley and its inhabitants.Parliament Papers are mostly blue bound together under a topic / heading pertaining to a particular year in the government of Victoria. The papers are not complete but cover the years 1853 to 1880s.parliamentary papers, victorian government -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Medal, Australian Peace Medal 1919
Awarded to: School Children of the Commonwealth of Australia Other Details: Of the commemorative medals issued to mark the end of the First World War, the most common was the so-called 'Peace' or 'Victory' medal issued to every child in Australia aged 0-14 years (and aged up to 16 if parents were in the armed forces). The medal was designed by Charles Douglas Richardson, better known for his work as a sculptor. Time constraints as well as pressure from the production of other victory medals meant that no single manufacturer could make the 1,670,000 medals. Six were therefore selected: Amor, Stokes, Schlank, Parkes, Angus & Coote (who later withdrew) and Platers. The medals were silvered bronze, with silver issues for special presentations. The Defence Department supplied a red, white and blue striped ribbon and pin. Distribution began in March 1919. Victorian school children received their medals on Friday 18 July and on 'Peace Day' on Saturday 19 July.White metal, circular. Peace with two flying doves on pedestal inscribed, PEACE / 1919 below AUSTRALIA; figure in chains on left and another entangled in bush to right (obverse) Australian sailor and soldier support wreath; above, VICTORY; within, THE / TRIUMPH / OF / LIBERTY / AND / JUSTICE; below on plaque, THE PEACE OF 1919(reverse)peace medal, world war 1 -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Medal, Stokes and Sons, Honor to the AIF, Anzac Day 1918
... This medal is an example of the type issued... Macleod melbourne This medal is an example of the type issued ...This medal is an example of the type issued by the Victorian Education Department and sold on behalf of the Australian branch of the British Red Cross Society. It was made by Stokes and Sons, Melbourne, in a variety of metals including bronze, silvered bronze (as with this one), sliver, and gold. The mintage quantity is not known. and the initials HH refer to Harry Harvey, an art assistant at the EVD who designed the bust. 26mm dia bronze coloured medal on red,white & blue ribbon lGallipoli, France, Palestine, EVD, ANZAC DAY 1918 medal, honor to aif -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Title Peace of 1919 medalet issued to Australian schoolchildren Object type Medalet Place made Australia: Victoria, Melbourne Date made 1919 Summary Designed by C Douglas Richardson, 'The Peace of 1919' medalet was issued by the Defence Department to school children throughout Australia to commemorate the signing of the Versailles Peace Treaty in 1919. The medals were originally suspended from a narrow piece of red, white and blue striped cotton ribbon. This medalet is associated with one of the children of Lance Corporal Giles Daniel, 1st AIF. Born in Ballarat, western Victoria on 16 December 1870, Giles Felix Daniel moved to Oakleigh, Victoria aged 15. A member of the Victorian permanent forces, he served as a corporal (regimental number 8) with the First Victorian Mounted Infantry Company, part of the first Victorian Contingent to the war in South Africa in 1899. This unit was one of the first Australian formations to see action during the Boer War. It was largely drawn from serving members of the Victorian forces. Demoted to private following a Court Martial on 19 November 1900, Daniel returned to Australia in December of the same year. During the First World War, he was again one of the first to enlist, joining the AIF on 19 August 1914, and becoming Lance Corporal number 32 with the First Divisional Signals Company. He served with this unit during the Gallipoli campaign and until his return to Australia on 11 April 1916. Silver-plated brass Circular medalet with a plain edge and integral suspension loop. The obverse features a symbolic female figure of Peace, holding a sword and standing on a plinth marked 'PEACE 1919'. Behind her flies a dove, and at her left and right feet are two figures freed from their shackles. The reverse features a central panel surrounded by laurel leaves, surmounted by the King's Crown with the word 'VICTORY' over the rays of the rising sun. A sailor and a digger stand at ease on either side of the panel on which is cast 'THE / TRIUMPH / OF / LIBERTY / AND / JUSTICE'. Below the leaves is a very small panel with the words 'THE PEACE OF 1919' and the manufacturer's name.peace medal 1919 -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Book, Banyule City Council Aboriginal Heritage Study prepared by Austral Heritage Consultants, 1998 July
... issues and the proposed Victorian planning provisions...., planning issues and the proposed Victorian planning provisions ...A draft report on the pre-European Aboriginal achaeological sites in the city of Banyule, including results of previous field surveys; Banyule covers a small part of the former lands of the Woi Wurrung. The report discusses heritage overlay, planning issues and the proposed Victorian planning provisions.100p, 30 cm.Marked "Draft"aboriginal heritage banyule, woi wurrung -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Clothing, Warrnambool Urban Fire Brigade Belt, Mid 20th century
This belt was worn with the jacket issued to members of the Warrnambool Fire Brigade in the mid 20th century. The jacket was part of the uniform that served both as a dress uniform and a work uniform. The Warrnambool Fire Brigade was formed in 1863 following unsuccessful attempts to establish a permanent fire service in the town. It was prompted by a fire at the Flying Buck Hotel in Liebig Street. The Warrnambool Fire Brigade, now located on the Mortlake Road, has been successful in Victorian Fire Brigade competitions and demonstrations, particularly in the 19th century. The owner of the belt and uniform was John (Jack) Sizeland, a member of the Warrnambool Fire Brigade for over 37 years. This belt is of interest as it was part of a Warrnambool Fire Brigade uniform during the second half of the 20th century. It also has individual local provenance as it belonged to Jack Sizeland, a member of the Warrnambool Fire Brigade who retired in 1977 after 37 years of service. This is a brown leather belt with a gold metal buckle and nine punched holes on the buckle, two of them hand-punched. It has a leather attachment to keep the belt end in place. It has the name of the owner, John Sizeland, written in biro on the inside of the belt. This belt is meant to be worn with the Warrnambool Fire Brigade jacket with the brass buttons. ‘J. Sizeland, W’bool’warrnambool fire brigade, jack sizeland, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Booklet, Anglo-Irish Colonists in Australia, 1970s
... This is a certificate issued by the Victorian Country Fire... This is a certificate issued by the Victorian Country Fire Authority to John ...This is a certificate issued by the Victorian Country Fire Authority to John Sizeland, a member of the Warrnambool Urban Fire Brigade. The date is 13th April 1977 and the certificate marked John (Jack) Sizeland’s retirement from the Warrnambool Fire Brigade after more than 37 years’ service (the certificate is exact – 37 and five-twelfths years). In our collection we have Jack Sizeland’s Fire Brigade uniform and accessories. This certificate is of interest because it documents the years of service of a Warrnambool identity, John Sizeland. This is a 1977 certificate issued by the Country Fire Authority to John Sizeland. It is a white sheet with a blue tinge around the edges. It has the emblem of the Country Fire Authority, the name of the Authority in a cream, yellow and black ornate setting and printing in black and yellow. There are three signatures (blue ink) on the certificate. Three signatures – P. Ea….., C. Howe, J. Allen warrnambool urban fire brigade, john sizeland, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Printed in England by Redwood Burn Ltd, Trowbridge and Esher. ISBN 0-85664-698-9, Silent Sisterhood. Middle-class Women in the Victorian Home. Author Patricia Branca, Printed 1977
Study of the place and life of middle-class Victorian era women.Black paperback with gold text. Front cover depicts Sepia toned photograph of six women having tea. Back cover is black with recommendations and information about contents of the book.non-fictionStudy of the place and life of middle-class Victorian era women.victorian, middle-class, women, nineteenth century, women’s health education, modernization, warrnambool -
Orbost & District Historical Society
certificate, 29th August 1889
... sufficiently educated" issued by the Victorian Education Department... educated" issued by the Victorian Education Department for Mary ...This is a certificate for Mary Stratford indicating that she has attended school to a sufficient standard. It has been signed by the inspector A. Jackson.A small white paper certificate with black print and hand-written details. It is a "certificate of a child being sufficiently educated" issued by the Victorian Education Department for Mary Stratford of Banyena. In the top left corner is the seal of the Victorian Education stratford-mary -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Badges, Badges and Coins 1939-45: 50 years of Queen Victoria's Reign; ANZAC Pins, King George and Queen Elizabeth; City of Wangaratta; etc, 1939 - 1945
Many issues - ANZAC DayBadges and coins. Refer photograph. +Additional Keywords: Pratt, G / GibbonTop Row L_R:; Victoria - 50 Years of Reign. Diam 3cm.; RDFA/Time Keeper (2 badges); Plastic 7-pointed badge (2 badges): Palestine-Gallipoli, FRANCE, Egypt, Mesopotamia, North Sea, New Guinea. In Centre: Lest We Forget printed across a map of Australia.; Assorted ANZAC pins/badges (5 badges); Middle Row L-R:; Side 1: King George VI & Queen Elizabeth (5 badges); Side 2: City of Wangaratta. Wangaratta Proclaimed a City.; Bottom Row:; Royal Life Saving Society, Established 1891. Centre: Awarded to G. Gibbon 1945.; Awarded to G Pratt v 1945; Victorian Rifle Association (2 badges); Legacy Badges/Pins (2 badges); Map of Australia on metal pin; Badge: Side 1 Centenary of Victoria 1934. On undeveloped scene embossed)/ Side 2 Centenary of Victoria 1935. (On city skyline embossed) Diam 2.6 cm.; Pavilion Fund Bayswater 1947-1948 -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Train Tickets, Victorian Railways, Train tickets - Heathmont/Melbourne 2nd Class Weekly and a Workers Weekly Ringwood/Melbourne - circa 1950s, c. 1950
Train tickets:; 1. Train tickets Heathmont/Melbourne 2nd Class Weekly. Each stamped with a large two digit number which identifies the week of issue. Known as a Workers Weekly which cost 9/6 Ringwood/Melbourne. The date of issue is stamped across the end of each ticket. Qty 23 tickets.; 2. Train ticket with end torn off. Heathmont to Boronia. Particular of service: 2XR - Extension of service from Heathmont to Boronia. Issued at Canterbury. The date of issue 29JA is stamped across the end of the ticket. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Magazine, Education Department of Victoria, School Papers Grades 3 and 4 February 1968 - December 1968
Green cardboard string binder containing Victorian School Papers for Grades 3 and 4 issued by the Education Department of Victoria from February to December in 1968. Name: J. Paine, Grade: 1vb, School: Norwood (Ringwood, Victoria). -
Orbost & District Historical Society
ticket voucher book, Victorian Railways Commission, c. 1939 - 1987
A ticket voucher book used on the railway line between Bairnsdale and Orbost which closed in 1987. Escept for special events, passenger trains ceased in 1937 and after that time, passengers wishing to travel by train had to take the good trains and be issued with this ticket. The train guard may have issued these tickets.This item is associated with the history of the Orbost-Bairnsdale railway line and therefore reflects the role that the rail line played in the social and economic history of Orbost.A Victorian Railways ticket voucher book. This is a tear-off ticket book, stapled at the left margin. It was used for passengers travelling on goods trains from Bruthen Railway Station.TR88 Victorian Railways BRUTHEN 6879 STATION 7/1/1939. In consideration of my being able to travel by the ......goods train on the 7/1/39 from BRUTHEN 6879 to NOWA NOWA, I hereby unertake ........................... etc.railway-history orbost-bairnsdale-railway-line -
Orbost & District Historical Society
ruler, B.Smith & Sons, first half 20th century
This ruler was issued as a promotional item by flour manufacturer J.McAlpin & Sons, Abbotsford, whose products were sold under the McAlpin brand,.This item is an example of a commonly used pre-decimal item. McAlpin's was a Victorian company that became pre-eminent in its product range throughout Australia in the first half of the twentieth century.A wooden ruler. It is marked in inches/tenths. On it is "McAlpin's Flour - The rule for Better Baking since 1900".B.S. & S. MELB. AUSTpromotional-item mcalpin-&-sons ruler -
Orbost & District Historical Society
booklet, 1958 Road Safety Colouring Competition, second half 1950's
Between the 1950s and 1970s, road safety was redefined as a medical and social problem, rather than a moral and legal one. This was a time before seat belts. The Road Safety Colouring Competition was a free colouring competition for children, organised by Commonwealth Oil Refineries Ltd., started in August 1954 with the , aims of teaching road safety. There were 1,000 prizes, valued at £1,200. The winner would receive a £100 bursary and a free plane trip with one parent to Canberra to receive the prize from the Federal Minister for Transport, Senator.G. McLeay. This booklet is the one used by the children in Orbost in 1958. This booklet was designed to promote road safety awareness, with messages and activities specifically considered for children. Its aim was to teach road safety in a fun, but educational way. This item was an important educational tool. A booklet of competitions - Road Safety- Victorian Section for Children It was issued by the Australian Road Safety Council. The front cover is blue, red, black and white. It contains crosswords, colouring competitions with entry forms.road-safety competitions-colouring -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazine, NEWSRAIL Vol 44 Issue 4 April 2016, April 2016
Established in 1945, the Australian Railway Historical Society Victorian Division Inc. has a proud history of over 70 years of catering for all who have an interest in the railway history of Victoria. It has a membership of over 500 members throughout Australia and overseas. This item was donated at the Centenary of the Orbost - Bairnsdale Railway exhibition held in Orbost April 2016. This item is a record of the the history of the Orbost-Bairnsdale railway line and therefore reflects the role that the rail line played in the social and economic history of Orbost. A magazine/booklet titled, NEWSRAIL. It is Vol. 44 Issue 4 dated April, 2016. There is an article on 'Orbost Railway Bridges. The magazine has a cost of $9.50. On the front cover is a coloured photograph of a train passing over the Wairewa trestle bridge on the Bairnsdale - Orbost line. -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazine, The Gap -1985
This is a special edition of The Gap to celebrate 150 years of Victorian settlement. The first edition of this magazine was produced by associated elementary schools in the Omeo Shire. The magazine was published from 1920 to 1927 and 1963 to 1969. This is a special issue in 1985. In all issues there is writing by children from schools that have since closed down.This item reflects the changes in education in East Gippsland and is a useful comparison tool for literacy teaching. It also has historical articles for research.A 174 pp magazine with an olive green and cream coloured cardboard cover. On the front is a sketch of a small schoolhouse on a hill overlooking a gap in the hills below. The title, "The Gap" is at the top in green print on a cream background. There is a logo for Victoria 150. It contains historical articles, photographs and examples of children's work. -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Medal - Centenary of Victoria, Centenary of Melbourne 1935
White metal medal issued to commemorate Melbourne's centenary 1934-35. This medal was given out to Victorian school children; 325,600 white metal medals were struck. There were also a few VIP pieces in other metals, including two in gold. The medal references Portland, the location of Victoria's first settlement. The Henty brothers, entrepreneur farmers and whalers, established the state's first permanent European settlement in Portland in 1834. Melbourne was established the following year by a party of settlers led by John Batman. In 1934, as Melbourne planned to celebrate the centenary of European settlement, it seemed to some that there was little to celebrate. The financial strains of the depression, unemployment and the scandal of the city's slums all undercut claims of unbridled progress. Perhaps because of such troubles, the organisers of the centenary celebrations tried doubly hard to be positive. The themes of the celebrations were conservative, reflecting the desire of some Melburnians for security in troubled times. The widely promoted image of the 'Garden City' and 'Queen City of the South' emphasised the idea of Melbourne as a very British city. A visit by the Duke of Gloucester, son of George V, the ageing king, provided a reassuring strengthening of Melbourne's imperial connections. The presented view of Melbourne's history stressed the 'myth of the pioneer', embodied in the person of John Batman. Elevated to heroic status, he was reinvented as a courageous pioneer whose life exemplified the rewards of self-improvement. Such a portrayal ignored Batman's dubious 'treaty' with local Aborigines and the less savoury details of his personal life. Melbourne's indigenous people were excluded from this triumphant view of Melbourne's past. The centenary celebrations now seem dated, but the image of Melbourne as a conservative city largely influenced by Britain has been more enduring.Details the settlement of Portland, Melbourne and Victoria, 1834 - 1935Double sided round white metal medal, featuring on front face, the bay of Portland showing a ship in the harbour. On the reverse side of the medal is John Bateman overlooking the city of Melbourne and the Yarra river.The front is inscribed, "CENTENARY OF VICTORIA" 1934, across the top, bottom right has the words "PORTLAND 1834". Reverse side shows "CENTENARY OF MELBOURNE 1935", and the date 1835 at the bottom. melbourne, medal, portland, centenary of victoria 1935 -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Peace 1919 Medal, Medal Peace 1919, 1919
Awarded to: School Children of the Commonwealth of Australia Other Details: Of the commemorative medals issued to mark the end of the First World War, the most common was the so-called 'Peace' or 'Victory' medal issued to every child in Australia aged 0-14 years (and aged up to 16 if parents were in the armed forces). The medal was designed by Charles Douglas Richardson, better known for his work as a sculptor. Time constraints as well as pressure from the production of other victory medals meant that no single manufacturer could make the 1,670,000 medals. Six were therefore selected: Amor, Stokes, Schlank, Parkes, Angus & Coote (who later withdrew) and Platers. The medals were silvered bronze, with silver issues for special presentations. The Defence Department supplied a red, white and blue striped ribbon and pin. Distribution began in March 1919. Victorian school children received their medals on Friday 18 July and on 'Peace Day' on Saturday 19 July.To commemorate the end of World War 1.Round white metal medals issued to mark the end of WW1. On the front "PEACE 1919", and on the reverse, "VICTORY", middle of the medal "THE TRIUMPH OF LIBERTY AND JUSTICE". on the bottom "THE PEACE OF 1919". With a plain edge.Peace with two flying doves on pedestal inscribed, PEACE / 1919 below AUSTRALIA; figure in chains on left and another entangled in bush to right (obverse) Australian sailor and soldier support wreath; above, VICTORY; within, THE / TRIUMPH / OF / LIBERTY / AND / JUSTICE; below on plaque, THE PEACE OF 1919(reverse)world war 1, peace, victory medal australia -
Australian National Surfing Museum
Magazine, Australian Surfers Journal, Volume One, Number Four, 1/9/1998 (estimated)
The Australian Surfers Journal was based on The Surfers Journal (USA) and ran for 2 years. This issue contains feature articles on world surfing champion Nat Young, iconic surf destination Tahiti, Kneeboarders and Victorian based surfing artist/musician Jeff Raglus.The Australian Surfers Journal is an iconic Australian surfing magazine which enjoyed a positive reponse from the Australian surfing community during the 1990's. It's feature articles, photographs and editorials were of a high literary standard by world standards.Australian Surfers Journal (Volume One, Number Four, Spring 1998), A4 full colour gloss magazine with cover headings about articles on Nat Young, Tahiti, Kneeboarders and Jeff Raglus. Close up of surfer (Patterson) on backlit aqua wave.Gold cover art featuring Colour photograph (Paul Paterson in Western Australia. Image by Jon Franknat young, australian surfers journal, tahiti, kneeboarders, jeff raglus, drew kampion, gerry lopez, makaha, albert falzon, steven valiere, jason foster