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matching lettering book
Mont De Lancey
Book, W.V. Aughterson, M.A., Ph.D. et al, A Handbook of English; For Junior and Intermediate Pupils in Victorian Secondary Schools, Unknown
This handbook of English is composed of: 1. Composition 2. The Approach to Poetry 3. Grammaran orange fabric covered hardcover book with the title - A Handbook of English for Junior and Intermediate Pupils in Victorian Secondary Schools, in black lettering at the top with horizontal black bands around the title. The Whitcombe and Tombs publisher symbol is at the bottom in black. Some damage to the covers and Lance Sebire is written in pencil at the top. There is an Analysis Table of Sentences on p.211. The back cover shows titles of two more books by the publisher Whitcombe and Tombs. 227p.non-fictionThis handbook of English is composed of: 1. Composition 2. The Approach to Poetry 3. Grammarhandbooks, textbooks, schools -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Sunday School Union, Arthur's Victory, 1873
A story depicting life in the C19th and schools. Arthur is a kid thoughtful pupil who goes through many trials and tribulations as he manages life each school day. Strong religious themes throughout to help with character development of boys who read this story.Small red cloth covered hardcover book for children with gold imprint picture of boys at school sitting at a desk in a classroom. The title and author are in red with a gold background. There are black lined patterns of fleur de lis on the front cover as well. Full page black and white illustrations are throughout as well as floral decorations at the top of each we chapter. Illuminated style lettering is used for the first word of each chapter. Gold edging to the pages and a printed coloured Presented To, page is at the front of the book. The back cover has a fleur de lis symbol in the middle. This is a fine book depicting the world of the C19th. It is believed to be published in 1873. 174p.fictionA story depicting life in the C19th and schools. Arthur is a kid thoughtful pupil who goes through many trials and tribulations as he manages life each school day. Strong religious themes throughout to help with character development of boys who read this story. religious stories, school stories, stories for boys -
Mont De Lancey
Book, M.A.P, The Treasure on the Beach and What it did for Gilbert West, c late 1800's
A young boy finds what he thinks is treasure when he walks along the beach near his home. The story has religious themes and depicts family life in England in the late 1800'sSmall blue hardcover children's book - The Treasure on the Beach and what it did for Gilbert West by M.A.P. The front cover has a black floral design which continues onto the spine and the back, with the title surrounded in gold boxes and the word, Illustrated, in gold lettering underneath. On the back is a symbol for the publisher Sunday School Union. Black and white illustrations throughout with one on the frontispiece of Gilbert West on the beach. Black and white illumination style lettering is used for the first word of each new chapter. Tissue paper covers the title page. 107p.fictionA young boy finds what he thinks is treasure when he walks along the beach near his home. The story has religious themes and depicts family life in England in the late 1800'schildren's fiction, family life fiction, adventure stories -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Mrs. C.M. Clarke, Con's Acre - a tale of Gillcourt Farm, c late 1800's
A story about young women growing up in England with the trials and tribulations of young love and friendship. Family life in the late 1800's is depicted with strong religious themes.Faded khaki coloured Children's fiction book - with the title Con's Acre by Mrs C.M. Clarke written in yellow lettering in a box at the top surrounded by yellow and pink flowers. Author's name in black is at the bottom underneath an illustration of a man helping a lady alight from a carriage with another woman close by. 160p.fictionA story about young women growing up in England with the trials and tribulations of young love and friendship. Family life in the late 1800's is depicted with strong religious themes. religious stories, family life stories -
Mont De Lancey
Book, H. Frederick Charles, Gentleman Jackson: An Outline, c late 1800's
A story of a young boy Ned and his difficult life growing up in England in the late 1800's with a drunken father and mother who dies. He is a kind boy and becomes a young man who does good deeds for many people. Religious themes throughout.Blue cloth covered hardcover Children's book with the title in gold lettering, Gentleman Jackson by H. Frederick Charles. A gold, black and red illustration is featured on the front cover of a man saving a young boy from a house on fire by lowering him in a knotted sheet. The spine has the title, a picture of a boy holding a book and the initials RTS in gold. Black and white illustrations are throughout with the same front cover one at the frontispiece opposite the title page. There is a tissue paper page protecting it. 255p. At the back are 16 pages of The Religious Tract Society's List of Books for Presentation. 255p.fictionA story of a young boy Ned and his difficult life growing up in England in the late 1800's with a drunken father and mother who dies. He is a kind boy and becomes a young man who does good deeds for many people. Religious themes throughout.religious stories, adventure stories, family life fiction -
Mont De Lancey
Book, W.f. Morris, Bretherton: Khaki or Field-Grey?, 1929 - (reprint 1935)
A tale of mystery and identity, first published in 1929 is an account of the brutal conditions at the battlefront in WW1 between English and German soldiers. It is an espionage thriller with a twisting and unusual plot with the English soldier G Bretherton as the main character.Green hardcover book for boys, with the title Bretherton Khaki or Field-Grey? by W.F. Morris as well as the publisher Geoffrey Bles printed in black lettering with the symbol of a bird. 319p. 319p.fictionA tale of mystery and identity, first published in 1929 is an account of the brutal conditions at the battlefront in WW1 between English and German soldiers. It is an espionage thriller with a twisting and unusual plot with the English soldier G Bretherton as the main character.war fiction, romance fiction, spies fiction -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Michael D. Gibson, The Air Wreckers, 1944 (reprinted 1948)
A story set in Scotland of young men and their adventures flying monoplanes.A red hardcover novel for boys with the title Air Wreckers by the author Michael D. Gibson written in black lettering with double zigzag lines on the left side of the front cover. The title, author and publisher are written on the spine in black letters. There is a black and white illustration on the frontispiece of men fighting. 222p.fictionA story set in Scotland of young men and their adventures flying monoplanes.aeroplanes fiction, adventure fiction, friendship stories -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Edith C. Kenyon, Eveline's Key-Note or In Harmony with Life, late 1800's
Victorian fiction with a moral slant for young women about life, growing up and relationships in an English village.Brown fabric hardcover book - Eveline's Key-Note by Edith C. Kenyon has an illustration in black. pink and green of two young women sitting on a garden seat with a girl lying on the grass next to them reading. In the background a couple are chatting. The top of the edges of the pages are gold. The Endeavour Library is written at the top in black lettering with the title in yellow underneath. The spine has the title, series and publisher initials at the bottom for The Sunday School Union, The frontispiece has a black and white illustration the same as is on the front cover. and there are five full page black and white illustrations throughout. The chapter heads have an Illuminated style decoration called a vignette. 192p.fictionVictorian fiction with a moral slant for young women about life, growing up and relationships in an English village. family life fiction, religious stories -
Mont De Lancey
Book, A.M. Irvine, The Two J.G's - A Story for Boys, early 1900's
A story about two teenager boys who swap identities to fool a long term older man who has kindly offered to take them in to his care to tutor them due to the boys' family and behaviour problems.A red cloth hardcover book The Two J.G's - A story for Boys by A.M. Irvine with a black outline of a boy reading at the top of the front cover. The spine has the title, author and publisher in black lettering. The frontispiece has a black and white illustration of a man and boy rescuing a boy from a river. 96p.fictionA story about two teenager boys who swap identities to fool a long term older man who has kindly offered to take them in to his care to tutor them due to the boys' family and behaviour problems. fiction boys, family life, friendship stories -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Joseph Brown Morgan, The Christian Endeavour Hymnal, 1906
This hymnal is issued under the auspices of the Council of the Christian Endeavour Union of Great Britain and Ireland. It is noted to have been recognised in the great Australian Commonwealth.Very badly damaged red cloth covered hardcover book, The Christian Endeavour Hymnal. The title is written at the top of the front cover in gold and black lettering with the symbol E in a circular pattern in the middle. Black lines surround the edges. 532 p.non-fictionThis hymnal is issued under the auspices of the Council of the Christian Endeavour Union of Great Britain and Ireland. It is noted to have been recognised in the great Australian Commonwealth.religious books, hymnals -
Mont De Lancey
Book, The Holy Bible
Owned by Henry SebireSmall leather bound bible with hinged metal clasp. Gold lettering on spine and cover. Metal around front and back edges of Bible. Has gilt edging. Presented to Henry J Sebire on his 21st Birthday by his affectionate mother Martha Sebire.bibles, religious books -
Mont De Lancey
Book - Hymn Book, Wesleyan Methodist Sunday School Department, The Methodist School Hymnal, Early 1900's
Hymnal book, imported by Mr Thomas Sebire in 1911, with Organ, Organ stool and Instruction book from Cornish Company, Washington, New Jersey, USA.A damaged vintage red leather bound Methodist School Hymnal Book. The title is stamped in gold lettering on the front cover with a decorative pattern embossed around it. religious books, hymn books, hymns, hymnals -
Mont De Lancey
Book, The Methodist Hymn Book With Tunes
Used by Mr. W.J. Sebire, Conductor of Church Choir.Brown leather bound Methodist hymn book, edited by Sir Frederick Bridge.Front Cover: "W.J.S." stamped in gold lettering. religious books, religious music -
Mont De Lancey
Textile - Book, Fancy suitings swatch book No. 3, Spring 1923
Donated by Mrs. Barbara Lloyd nee McLeod.Book of suiting materials with red cardboard cover with gold lettering and diamond with the letter "V" written inside.books, swatch books, textiles -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Vere Foster's Watercolour Series, Landseer and Animal Painting in England, c1890's
A useful book for artists wishing to learn the techniques of drawing and painting animals by Edwin Landseer and other notable English artists in the early 1890's. The reproduced coloured plates and engravings support the text and advice.An antique green hardcover Edwin Landseer and Animal Painting in England book - Vere Foster Series with the title printed in gold lettering at the top right hand corner with a large head of a stag with black and brown lines in the bottom left hand corner.There is a thin black line surrounding the edge of front cover. The spine and back cover are plain green. There is gilt on the edges of the pages. Inside are guidelines for drawing and painting animals as suggested by Landseer and other well known English artists of the time with several reproductions of coloured plates as well as black and white engravings. Stephen T. Dadd gives practical hints. At the back are lists of Vere Foster's water-colour books and Blackie Publications.Pp 84.non-fictionA useful book for artists wishing to learn the techniques of drawing and painting animals by Edwin Landseer and other notable English artists in the early 1890's. The reproduced coloured plates and engravings support the text and advice.painting, art, art books, artists, artworks, etchings -
Mont De Lancey
Book, The Book Depot, The Lord's Supper and Other Services, Unknown
Order for the Administration of the Lord's Supper and Other Services for the use of The Methodist Church of Australasia. Prayers included are - The Holy Communion, Baptism of Infants, Reception of Members and Covenant Service.A very small grey covered paperback book titled - Order for the Administration of The Lord's Supper and Other Services for the use of the Methodist Church of Australasia. At the bottom of the front cover is printed the publishing details. On the back cover is printed underneath a symbol of the printer - Epworth Press 218 Castlereagh St., Sydney. Pp.56.non-fictionOrder for the Administration of the Lord's Supper and Other Services for the use of The Methodist Church of Australasia. Prayers included are - The Holy Communion, Baptism of Infants, Reception of Members and Covenant Service. religious books, religious services, prayer books -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Ruth M. Arthur et al, The Crooked Brownie, c.1944
A school reader for children ages 8 to 9 years. The brownie has many adventures.A small green format school reader No 353 from the Whitcombe's Story Books series : The Crooked Brownie for Ages 8 to 9 Years. The title is printed in red lettering on the front cover with the series above and age group beneath in black lettering. Inside a black lined rectangular shape is a lined drawing of a frog talking to the brownie - on a sign is written 'Samuel Frog Furniture Maker'. 1/- for the cost is in the right hand bottom corner. Inside the front and back covers are additional series Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd publishes. The story has 10 chapters with black and white illustrations. Pp62.non-fictionA school reader for children ages 8 to 9 years. The brownie has many reader, australian schools, school equipment -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Pamela Sandbrook, Laundry Bygones, 2004
This book illustrates the simple, rare but often extremely beautiful traditional laundry aids as well as machines which were used before and in the first quarter of the twentieth century.A small brown and blue covered book, Laundry Bygones, with the title in white lettering at the top of the front cover with the author Pamela Sambrook printed in blue underneath. The cover has a full sized photograph of the old fashioned laundry at Shugborough, Staffordshire Arts and Museum Service in England. The contents show the history of laundries from the past with information as well as black and white photographs. There is a List of Further Reading and Places to Visit at the back. Pp.32.non-fictionThis book illustrates the simple, rare but often extremely beautiful traditional laundry aids as well as machines which were used before and in the first quarter of the twentieth century. laundry aids, laundry equipment, laundry irons, laundry dollies, washboards, washing machines -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Dorothy M. Giles, Dainty Dishes for Children, Invalids and Convalescents, c.1930's
A useful third edition text book for Mothers and Nurses originally compiled by Miss Lucy Drake (Trained Cookery Teacher of the Education Department, Melbourne, Victoria) in the 1920's. Lucy trained as a Cookery teacher in London, England. This edition was revised and enlarged by Dorothy M Giles (Diploma of Domestic Economy, Trained Teacher of Domestic Arts, Melbourne, Victoria) and was used as a text book for Nurses' Cookery Certificate required by The Royal Victorian Trained Nurses' Association in Victoria. Both sometimes Head of Cookery Section of Swinburne Technical College, Glenferrie, Victoria.A slim brown badly damaged paperback book with the title, Dainty Dishes for Children, Invalids and Convalescents printed in black lettering inside a black lined patterned square shape which has full details of the author and her qualifications as well as other titles available in the series. Price 1/-, 1/1 posted is listed too. There are many advertisements supporting the use of ingredients throughout the book as well as on both sides of the covers. There is a Preface and Index to Recipes. Pp. 46.non-fictionA useful third edition text book for Mothers and Nurses originally compiled by Miss Lucy Drake (Trained Cookery Teacher of the Education Department, Melbourne, Victoria) in the 1920's. Lucy trained as a Cookery teacher in London, England. This edition was revised and enlarged by Dorothy M Giles (Diploma of Domestic Economy, Trained Teacher of Domestic Arts, Melbourne, Victoria) and was used as a text book for Nurses' Cookery Certificate required by The Royal Victorian Trained Nurses' Association in Victoria. Both sometimes Head of Cookery Section of Swinburne Technical College, Glenferrie,, recipes, textbooks, mothers -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Wells Gardner, Darton & Co. Limited, Chatterbox, 1915
A vintage 1915 Chatterbox collection of puzzles, poetry and stories for children with black lined illustrations and coloured plates throughout.A badly damaged vintage 1915 hardcover children's book with the title Chatterbox. printed in white lettering at the top of the front cover which has a green coloured background with an illustration in a large circle of a dog with a red bandana wrapped around its head, lying in a straw lined box. A black cat is sitting looking at the dog and is wearing a blue ribbon with a bow around its neck. It is sitting near the dog's food bowl. The yellow and red coloured outside of the back cover has an advertisement for "Pears" soap with 'The Night of the Bath' printed underneath. The title page is missing as is the frontispiece coloured illustration usually found in these books. The pages 1 - 18 are missing. There are black and white illustrations, diagrams and coloured plates in the collection as well as puzzles, poetry, and stories for children. Pp. 400. The endpapers have several advertisements related to children, their health, food and sweets included. Its condition shows it was very well used.fictionA vintage 1915 Chatterbox collection of puzzles, poetry and stories for children with black lined illustrations and coloured plates throughout. children's books, books, children's stories, adventure stories -
The 5th/6th Battalion Royal Victoria Regiment Historical Collection
Book, Pictorial History of Australia at War 1939 - 1945 5 Volumes, 1958
Set of 5 volumes bound with green material covers title "Pictorial History - 1939 - 1945 " gold lettering on spine. "Pictorial History - 1939 - 1945 "regimental property, ww2, pictorial history -
Mont De Lancey
Book, James Nunn, A Sailor Boy's Adventures in the Land of the Sun, c1900's
Set in the early 19th century days of sailing and shipwrecks with a young boy as the main protaganist telling of his many adventures in far away lands. It has very strong religious themes.A small tan hardcover children's fiction book - A Sailor Boy's Adventure in the Land of the Sun by James Nunn who was the author of The Realm of the Ice King and Saved from the Wreck. The front cover has the title printed in gold lettering at the top with bands of black lines and leaf outlines. The spine too has the title in gold lettering with black leaves. The frontispiece in black and white depicts a lion attacking a man with hunters in the background. There are a few similar black and white illustrations throughout the book.128pp.fictionSet in the early 19th century days of sailing and shipwrecks with a young boy as the main protaganist telling of his many adventures in far away lands. It has very strong religious themes.religious stories, religious books, religious fiction, adventure stories, adventure fiction, stories for boys -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Oxford University Press, 1. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments 2. Daily Light on the Daily Path, Unknown
1. A Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments. At the back there is an Indexed Atlas to the Holy Bible with a List of maps and a List of Biblical Names. This is followed by twelve yellow and blue coloured maps of the Lands and Nations of the Bible. 2.A miniature book titled Daily Light on the Daily Path, A Devotional text book for everyday in the year..1. A black leatherette softcover Holy Bible contains the Old and New Testaments with the title and publisher Oxford printed in gold lettering on the spine. There are five embossed double lines on the spine too. On the front cover at the bottom right there is printed in gold lettering J.H.L. At the back there is an Indexed Atlas to the Holy Bible with a List of maps and a List of Biblical Names. This is followed by twelve yellow and blue coloured maps of the Lands and Nations of the Bible. The pages have gilt edges. 348p. Inside the front right hand side endpaper written in small blue handwriting is a prayer as written in the Inscription box below. 2. A miniature brown leatherette softcover book titled Daily light on the Daily Path - a devotional text book for every day of the year. The faded title is printed on the front cover at the top and on the spine. At the back there is a section For Special Occasions: Easter, Affliction, Marriage, Bereavement and others. There are two lists of the Daily Texts - the morning and evening hour arranged in biblical order. The edges of the pages are gilt. In the front is handwriiten in black ink - Neville Lordnon-fiction1. A Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments. At the back there is an Indexed Atlas to the Holy Bible with a List of maps and a List of Biblical Names. This is followed by twelve yellow and blue coloured maps of the Lands and Nations of the Bible. 2.A miniature book titled Daily Light on the Daily Path, A Devotional text book for everyday in the year..religious books, bibles, prayers -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Oxford University Press, The Book of Common Prayer Hymnal Companion, c. 1800's
A miniature The Book of Common Prayers and Hymnal Companion.A faded badly damaged black miniature leatherette softcover book, The Book of Common Prayer Hymnal Companion. On the front cover and the spine is stamped in gold lettering - Common Prayer Hymnal Companion. At the back there is an Index of First Lines. The pages have gilt edges. 549p. Inside there is a small paper Book-mark with a bunch of yellow and orange flowers printed on a green background with the words - Order my steps in thy word PSA 119.133. At the back of the book is inserted a small Christmas gift card with a black and white church drawing on the front surrounded by a grey frame with gold leaves and green and red holly. The words printed on the front are - With Every Good Wish in ornate lettering. Inside the card is printed - 'With all the Season's Greetings To - Emily ( handwritten in black ink) and printed Wishing you a Joyous Christmas from (handwritten) Mrs and Mrs S Dunn. Do come over for Xmas Love to Katu.non-fictionA miniature The Book of Common Prayers and Hymnal Companion.religious books, hymns, prayers -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Church Service, Unknown
A very old miniature embossed thick brown leather and brass Church Service book with a decorative brass clasp which works. The title is stamped on the spine in small gold lettering with four ornate bands across it. The edging is brass. Due to severe damage to the book there is no title page with the necessary details of publication. The front and back covers have decorative edging with a large patterned symbol embossed in the middle. The edges of the pages have faded gilt. Possibly from the 1800's.religious books, prayers, churches -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Wesleyan Conference Office, The Methodist Hymn Book with tunes, September 1. 1904
A Methodist Hymn Book which is a lineal descendent after a lapse of 125 years of the volume known as Wesley's Hymns for which John Wesley wrote a celebrated preface in 1779. It has the words and music for all the hymns included. It is an Australasian Edition specially prepared for and copyrighted in the Australian Commonwealth and New Zealand.A black speckled self textured covered Methodist Hymn book with tunes. It has a ribbon bookmark attached. The title is printed in gold lettering at the top of the front cover and spine. On the endpapers at the front is The Lord's Prayer printed inside a red ornate frame and opposite is the hymn, Gloria with music similarly framed. The back endpapers have the hymn music for Dorology and the prayer, Benedictions - both are framed in red lines. The edges of the pages are in gilt. At the back of the book there is an Index of tunes alphabetically arranged, a metrical index of tunes, composers and sources of tunes and hymns with tunes and metres, plus a list of ancient hymns and canticles. On page vi at the front is a note stating it is an Australasian Edition prepared for and copyrighted in the Australian Commonwealth and New Zealand. 948p.non-fictionA Methodist Hymn Book which is a lineal descendent after a lapse of 125 years of the volume known as Wesley's Hymns for which John Wesley wrote a celebrated preface in 1779. It has the words and music for all the hymns included. It is an Australasian Edition specially prepared for and copyrighted in the Australian Commonwealth and New Zealand.religious books, hymns -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Methodist Conference Office, The Methodist Hymn - Book for use in Australasia and New Zealand, December 1933
A Methodist Hymn - Book with It has the words for 1035 hymns and includes at the back an Index of first lines, an Index to the first line of every verse, except the first, in each hymn and an Index of authors.A thick black Methodist Hymn - Book with self texture and embossed lines around the edges of the front and back covers. It has a black and pink handmade embroidered bookmark with a black beaded tassel included. The title is printed in gold lettering on the spine with four bands of indented stripes. On the endpapers at the front is The Lord's Prayer printed inside a red ornate frame and opposite is the hymn, Gloria with music similarly framed. The back endpapers have the hymn music for Dorology and the prayer, Benedictions - both are framed in red lines. The edges of the pages are gilt. At the back of the book there is an Index of first lines, an Index to the first line of every verse, except the first, in each hymn and an Index of authors. On the title page as well as the title - The Methodist Hymn - Book, there is included, For use in Australasia and New Zealand. 992p.non-fictionA Methodist Hymn - Book with It has the words for 1035 hymns and includes at the back an Index of first lines, an Index to the first line of every verse, except the first, in each hymn and an Index of authors.religious books, hymns -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Oxford University Press, The Book of Common Prayer Hymnal Companion, c. 1800's
A miniature The Book of Common Prayers and Hymnal Companion.A faded badly damaged black miniature leatherette softcover book, The Book of Common Prayer. The Church of England together with The Psalter or Psalms of David. On the front cover and the spine is stamped in gold lettering - Common Prayer Hymnal Companion. At the back there is an Index of First Lines. The pages have gilt edges. 406p. On the title page there is handwritten in blue ink - J Moore Wandin. There is handwritten at the back in blue pencil - T W Bussell Wandin.non-fictionA miniature The Book of Common Prayers and Hymnal Companion.religious books, hymn books, prayer books -
Mont De Lancey
Book, E.W. Cole, Sketches by Boz
Charles Dickens' first published book, Sketches by Boz is a funny and touching observation, fancy and fiction showing the London he knew in all its complexity - its streets, theatres, inns, pawnshops law courts, prisons and of course the river Thames.A small faded green hardback novel, The Sketches of Boz by Charles Dickens. The front cover has no title but the spine has faded gold lettering of the title, author and publisher as well as decorative symbol. 558p.At the front is a page with an inscription in black ink handwriting and a date.fiction Charles Dickens' first published book, Sketches by Boz is a funny and touching observation, fancy and fiction showing the London he knew in all its complexity - its streets, theatres, inns, pawnshops law courts, prisons and of course the river Thames.books, fiction books, historical fiction -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Union Tune Book, Unknown
An introduction to singing prepared with a view to assist those who wish to acquire a sufficient knowledge of the science to sing the praises of God correctly; and also to encourage the cultivation of vocal music in schools. It is of use for beginners.A very damaged antique brown and black covered introduction to singing music book. The title page is missing. The spine has four double gold bands with the title printed in gold lettering. It has 319 songs or hymns included as well as Preliminary remarks addressed to learners, musical characters, intervals, time, diatonic scale, major and minor modes or keys and transposition.non-fictionAn introduction to singing prepared with a view to assist those who wish to acquire a sufficient knowledge of the science to sing the praises of God correctly; and also to encourage the cultivation of vocal music in schools. It is of use for books, singing books, singing