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matching murray's
Port of Echuca
Photograph, 1984
The P.S Adelaide was launched on 21st July 1866. It was owned by J.G.Grassie from Poon Boon Station and the Officer Family of Murray Downs Station Swan Hill. The Adelaide was named after the niece of the Officer Bros, Adelaide Blackwood. The shipwright who built her was George Linklater. The Adelaide brought wool and passengers from the wool stations on the Murray and Darling Rivers down to the Echuca Wharf. In 1872 she was sold to David Blair & Sons. She was used to bring timber from the Barmah Forest to the Echuca Wharf. She did this work for the next 80 years. In 1953 she was tied up near the Mill and left. In 1958 she went to Paringa South Australia to work in the sawmill industry again. In 1960 the Echuca Apex Club and The Echuca Historical Society raised enough funds to buy the P.S. Adelaide and return her to Echuca. In November 1963 she was lifted out of the water and placed in Hopwood Gardens as this was thought to be a way of preserving her. In 1984 it was decided to return her to the water to resume work as a passenger vessel. In that time the Port of Echuca and the Echuca Wharf had been restored as a Tourist Precinct. This photograph shows the beginning of the task to return her to the river. It took several weeks in March and April 1984.The P.S Adelaide is extremely significant as it it the oldest known wooden hulled paddle steamers in the world. She was built in Echuca in 1866 and still operates on the Murray River today. She has worked in the Wool Industry, the Timber Industry and the Tourist Industry.Colour photograph of the P.S Adelaide, having been hauled out and dry-docked. The P.S Adelaide is resting on a log platform with a winch attached to the front.p.s. adelaide, grassie, j.g, port of echuca, linklater, george, poon boon station, blair, david, murray river, darling river, logging industry, officer brothers., barmah forest, fulton & shaw, hutchinson, kevin, murray downs station, blackwood, adelaide, 1866, 1984 -
Clunes Museum
RECEIPT BOOKS, BLUE CARDBOARD COVER WITH LINEN SPINE. VICTUALLERS LICENCE 25 POUNDS. .1 Licence Numbers 4541 - 4550 dated 31/12/1890 - 24/12/1892 issued to: 4541 - 2 McCartney James, Club Hotel Fraser St Clunes 4543 Heffernan , James The Ristori Commercial Hotel, Allendale 4544 Gelbert Fred The Town Hall Hotel, 4545 Cocking Wm The Telegraph Hotel, Clunes 4546 Murray, David The Speculation Hotel, Clunes 4547 Rintel Janne The Club Hotel, Clunes 4548 Cocking Wm The Telegraph Hotel Clunes 4549 Heffernan, James The Ristori Commercial Hotel, Allendale 4550 Malley Wm The Club Hotel Clunes .2 Licence Numbers 4521 - 4530 dated 24/12/1886 to 27/12/1888 4521 Cocking William Telegraph Hotel Clunes 4522 Gelbert, Frank Town Hall Hotel, Clunes 4523 Bassett Christopher Nags Head Hotel, Clunes 4524 Burns Wm Burt Club Hotel, Clunes 4525 Cocking Wm Telegraph Hotel Clunes 4526 Gilbert Frederick Town Hall Hotel, Clunes 4527 Burns Wm Burt Club Hotel Clunes 4528 Bassett, Christopher Nags Head Hotel, Clunes 4529 Gilbert Frederick Town Hall Hotel, Clunes 4530 Cocking Wm Telegraph Hotel, Clunes .3 Licence Numbers 4531 - 4540 dated 1/1/1889 - 1/1/1891 4531 Wilson Geo. Sutherland Club Hotel Clunes 4532 Gilbert Frederick Town Hall Hotel, Clunes 4533 Heffernan James Ristori Commercial Hotel Allendale 4534 Cocking Wm Telegraph Hotel Clunes 4535 Murray David Speculation Hotel, Allendale 4536 McCartney James Club Hotel, Clunes 4537 Heffernan James Ristorii Commercial Hotel, Allendale 4538 Cocking, Wm Telegraph Hotel, Clunes 4539 Gilbert Fred. Town Hall Hotel Clunes 4540 Murray David Speculation Hotel, Allendale.1 SOFT COVER BOOK IN BLUE CONTAINS CONTAINS RECEIPTS OF VICTUALLER'S LICENCES 1890 - 1892 FOR CLUNES AND SURROUNDS HOTELS SERIES 4541 - 4550 INCLUSIVE .2 SOFT COVER BOOK IN BLUE CONTAINS CONTAINS RECEIPTS OF VICTUALLER'S LICENCES 1886 - 1888 FOR CLUNES AND SURROUNDS HOTELS SERIES 4521 - 4530 INCLUSIVE .3 SOFT COVER BOOK IN BLUE CONTAINS CONTAINS RECEIPTS OF VICTUALLER'S LICENCES 1888 - 1890 FOR CLUNES AND SURROUNDS HOTELS SERIES 4531 - 4540 INCLUSIVE .4 SOFT COVER BOOK IN BLUE CONTAINS CONTAINS RECEIPTS OF VICTUALLER'S LICENCES 1887 - 1892 FOR CLUNES AND SURROUNDS HOTELS SERIES 1 - 50 INCLUSIVE .5 SOFT COVER BOOK IN BLUE CONTAINS CONTAINS RECEIPTS OF VICTUALLER'S LICENCES 1888 - 1890 FOR CLUNES AND SURROUNDS HOTELS SERIES 1 - 50 INCLUSIVE .6 SOFT COVER BOOK IN BLUE CONTAINS CONTAINS RECEIPTS OF VICTUALLER'S LICENCES 1890 - 1891 FOR CLUNES AND SURROUNDS HOTELS SERIES 1- 50 INCLUSIVE .7 SOFT COVER BOOK IN BLUE CONTAINS CONTAINS RECEIPTS OF VICTUALLER'S LICENCES 1890 - 1892 FOR CLUNES AND SURROUNDS HOTELS SERIES 1 - 25 INCLUSIVE .8 SOFT COVER BOOK IN BLUE CONTAINS CONTAINS RECEIPTS OF VICTUALLER'S LICENCES 1891 - 1892 FOR CLUNES AND SURROUNDS HOTELS SERIES 1 - 25 INCLUSIVE .9 SOFT COVER BOOK IN BLUE CONTAINS CONTAINS RECEIPTS OF VICTUALLER'S LICENCES 1892 - 1893 FOR CLUNES AND SURROUNDS HOTELS SERIES 1 - 25 INCLUSIVE .10 SOFT COVER BOOK IN BLUE CONTAINS CONTAINS RECEIPTS OF VICTUALLER'S LICENCES 1893 - 1893 FOR CLUNES AND SURROUNDS HOTELS SERIES 1 - 25 INCLUSIVE .11 UNBOUND 15 CERTIFICATES DATED 1889 "CERTIFICATE TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUE OF A VICTUALLER'S LICENCE" .12 UNBOUND 32 CERTIFICATES DATED 1887 "CERTIFICATE TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUE OF A VICTUALLER'S LICENCE" .13 UNBOUND 26 CERTIFICATES DATED 1889 "CERTIFICATE TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUE OF A VICTUALLER'S LICENCE" LABEL ON FRONT COVER: .1.2.3 VICTUALLER'S LICENCE 25 POUNDS, INITALIALED RG 5/8/1886 .4 VICTUALLER'S LICENCE 15 POUNDS .5 VICTUALLER'S LICENCE 15 POUNDS BOOK 228 .6 VICTUALLER'S LICENCE 15 POUNDS BOOK 263 ORANGE CRAYON HANDWRITING ON FRONT COVER "EXHAUSTED AFTER AUDIT 7-12-91" .7 VICTUALLER'S LICENCE 15 OUNDS BOOK 350 .8 VICTUALLER'S LICENCE 15 POUNDS BOOK 344 ORANGE CRAYON HANDWRITING ON FRONT COVER "EXHAUSTED AFTER AUDIT 7-12-91" .9 VICTUALLER'S LICENCE 15 POUNDS BOOK 398 .10 VICTUALLER'S LICENCE 15 POUNDS BOOK 399 (LABEL TORN IN HALF) RED INK HANDWRITING ON FRONT COVER "NO.1 EXHAUSTED AFTER AUDIT 24-8-93" local history, book, receipts, clunes hotels -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Album - Ringer's River by Des Martin - Cast, Credits & Introduction
Des Martin lived all his life in Wodonga, except for his years of service during World War Two. He was raised on the family property Aherlo in the Huon Creek Valley. In 1937 he joined the 8th Light Horse Regiment but in May 1940 led his Wodonga Troop into the 2/2nd Australian Pioneer Battalion, which saw service in Syria, Java, New Guinea and Borneo. After the war, Des returned to Aherlo and his horses. He was granted permission by the Victorian Racing Club to participate as an amateur “gentleman” rider. He was a founder of the Victorian Amateur Riders Association and also the Murray Valley Hunt Club, for which he was Master for 21 years. He was a prolific writer, cartoonist, photographer and poet, contributing to The Border Morning Mail, The Age, and the Herald and Weekly Times amongst other publications. Des Martin’s other literary works included Australia Astride (1959), A Tale of Twin Cities, Part One (1981) and Backing up the Boys (1998). In 1976, Des wrote an historical novel, “Many a Mile”, based on a fictional region which highly resembled the Albury-Wodonga and Upper Murray area of Victoria. It was set in the last 10 years leading up to Federation. Throughout this period tensions (caused by fluctuating border duties, including an infamous impost on cattle and horses) occasioned the intermittent posting of heavily armed police detachments along the River Murray. Des also wrote eight 50-minute scripts from “Many a Mile” as a television series and were presented to Michael Pate, one of Australia’s leading actors and producers. Also, funding was sought through the Australian Broadcasting Commission ... unfortunately the series never came to fruition. This album is a pictorial precis, including photos and scene descriptions, created to promote the concept of the series and have it produced locally in North Eastern Victoria featuring local settings, skilled horsemen and actors. It was to be called “Ringer’s River” ... Ringer being the title accorded to either a top cattle hand, or the fastest shearer in the wool shed. Des Martin died on 12th April 1995.These albums and images are significant because they document literature written by a prominent member of the Wodonga community. The presentation of this precis was supported by several significant district families and individuals.Documents written to introduce the concept of "Ringer's River" to gain interest for the development of a television seriesdes martin, many a mile, ringer's river, northeast victoria stories -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Luise Hercus, This is what happened : historical narratives by Aborigines, 1986
This book is devoted to the contact history of a hunting and gathering people where they themselves tell the stories in their own languages. Presented as transcriptions of the original stories in Language in facsimile with introductions, gloss and translations by the transcribers. Contains stories by B. Kerwin, R. Moses, H.P. Kulambunt. B. Roberts, M.M. Irinjili D. Harris, J.S. Karntin, C.G. Wurramarrba, Barrengwa, B. Murray, W. Clegg, S. Day, T. Ejai, A. Baranga, I. Joshua, B. Clarmont and C. Omeenyo, H. Goetz, A. Coulthard, J. Boxer; (Lalarin), B.A. Sommer, J. Jack, E. Kennedy, L.J. Kyngayari, V. Lingiari, J.C. Maliwanga and J. Flinders, separately annotated.maps, b&w photographs, word listsyandruwandha, innamicka, nicholson river, djaru, wawarl, western dialect, murinypata, alawa, mission, wangganguru, ngiyambaa, cobar, cape keerweer, wik-ngatharra, macassar, anindilyakwa, dhirari, afghan, chinaman, wagaya, wemba wemba, bilikin brothers, bardi, ngarinjin, massacres, hodgson downs, warndarang, mindiri, wangganguru, old paddy, umpila, native police, gugu-badhun, boninb, atynyamatana, constable mcleay, bowman, oykangand, kukatj, roper creole, paradise, dhirari, fanny brown, wave hill strike, gurindji, vincent lingiari, mainoru station, rembarrnga, land rights, flinders island -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Postcard, Murray Views, Murray Views No. 20 - Sturt Street, Ballarat Vic.", c1955
Yields information about the appearance of Sturt St in the early 1930's, tram operations, buildings and motor vehicles.Postcard - black and white - titled Murray Views No. 20 - Sturt Street, Ballarat Vic.", looking east from Doveton St with the Town Hall in the background. Tram 35 is westbound, showing Sebastopol. On the corner of Doveton and Sturt is the Sturt Hotel with an auction notice, next door is Palmdale Frocks, Stansfield and Smith, Coles, Homecrafts and Myer. Divided back postcard with details of the maker on the right hand side, MV symbol and a space for a stamp. btm7363bw - black and white version of the image used for the Long Gallery - 9/2021 2nd copy added 28-12-2021 - most likely a reproduction of the original as it does not have a postcard back.on rear of 2nd copy in ink "Ballarat No. In Sturt St, eastwards at" and Keith Kings stamp.trams, tramways, sturt st, doveton st -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Golden Square High School Class photographs
Photographs of Golden Square High School students. The year covered is 2002 Year 7 students. junior sub school coordinator: Sally Rule. Year coordinators: Kim Saddler, Sheryl Retallick. Year 8 students. junior sub school coordinator: Sally Rule. Year coordinators John Murray, Kate Rantall. Year 9 students. junior sub school coordinator: Rod Schober. Year coordinators: Phil White, David Graham. Year 10 students. junior sub school coordinator: Rod Schober. Year coordinators: Jillian Kerr, Lynn Roder. The photos are in blue folders, two photos for each year. students' photographs, golden square high school, 2002 -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Album - Hume Reservoir Australia Album - Driving first row of piles for coffer dam across the river, December 1925
This set of photos is from a leather bound album bearing the inscription "HUME RESERVOIR AUSTRALIA" plus 'The Rt. Hon. L. C. M. S. Amery, P. C., M .P.' all inscribed in gold. It was presented to The Rt. Hon. L. C. M. S. Amery, P. C., M. P, Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs on the occasion of his visit to the Hume Reservoir on 2nd November 1927. This album is of local and national significance as it documents the planning and development of the Hume Reservoir up to 1927. It was the largest water reservoir in the British Empire. The album records the pioneering engineering work that went into its construction.DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, N.S.W. RIVER MURRAY WATERS SCHEME. HUME RESERVOIR. 19. Driving first row of piles for coffer dam across the river. New South Wales. December 1925. Cofferdams are temporary structures used where construction is being carried out in areas submerged in water. They are most commonly used to facilitate the construction or repair of dams, piers and bridges. To divert the river, a Coffer Dam was built across the old bed above and below the Dam site and tying into the end of the concrete wall built inside the levee bank. This completely surrounded the remainder of the site of the Dam and south wing wall, including an area of 12½ acres. hume reservoir australia, river murray waters scheme, hume reservoir construction -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo Advertiser ''The way we were'' from 2003. best of the best: winners of the Prescott Trophy in season 1899-1900. Back row from left: A. Junck, Wyn Murray, R. Drew, A. Mackay, J. Sarvaas and J. Manallack. Middle row: H. Hall, J. Garlick, G. H. freeman and J. Edwards. Front row: J. Hastings and F. Leivesley. Bendigo Advertiser ''The way we were'' from 2003. photograph sparks memory: reader Wayne Friswell, The Strand, Bendigo wrote a letter following the publication of the photo about the winners of the Prescott trophy. The letter details the life of Arnold Junck. The clip is in a folder.newspaper, bendigo advertiser, the way we were -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Badge - Melbourne Olympic Souvenir 1956 Badges x 15, 1956
The Melbourne Olympic games were mainly conducted at the Melbourne Cricket Ground and were one of the most successful in terms of medals for Australia. Among the medal winners were Shirley Strickland, Betty Cuthbert in Athletics and Dawn Fraser and Murray rose in swimming. The games commenced in November 1956. The games were noted for the 19 Hungarian athletes who applied for asylum with their home country undergoing upheaval at the time. The Melbourne games also enjoyed the advent of television with the technology having recently been introduced to the country. These badges note ten of the many athletes who competed for Australia in 1956. These items are of social significance and interest. Among the names listed, Dawn Fraser and Shirley Strickland were two of Australia’s best known athletes.001042.1 Dawn Fraser Swimming 001042.2 Dawn Fraser Swimming 001042.3Gary Chapman Swimming 001042.4Gary Chapman Swimming 001042.5Gary Chapman Swimming 001042.6Jim Bailey Athletics 001042.7 Winsome Cripps Athletics 001042.8 Lionel Cox cycling 001042.9 Hector Hogan Athletics 001042.10 Kevin O’Halloran Swimming 001042.11 Shirley Strickland Athletics 001042.12 Merv Wood Sculling 001042.13 Jon Henricks Swimming Items 001042.1-001042.13 are white background with green wreath , black text on yellow background and have B & W photo of Olympian in centre. 001042.14 Melbourne Olympics Souvenir dark blue text, pale green with wattle 001042.15 Melbourne Olympic Games 1956 with red text Straight pin at the back. Patrick Pty Ltd on edge.1956 olympics, melbourne olympics, souvenir badges, dawn fraser, gary chapman, jim bailey, winsome cripps, lionel cox, kevin o'halloran, hector hogan, shirley strickland, jon hendricks, merv woods, melbourne olympic games -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Oyston, Peter
Peter Oyston died in 2011. His career included being Founding Dean of drama at the Victorian College the Arts and director of Playbox Theatre. He was a champion of theatre companies including The Murray River Performing Group, The Flying Fruit Fly Circus, West Theatre and Theatreworks. He taught at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London and directed more than 200 productions in Australia and other countries. He had one daughter. Contents Newspaper article: "Director takes his curtain call", Diamond Valley Leader, 19 October 2011, Obituary of Peter Oyston.Newspaper clippings, A4 photocopies, etcpeter oyston, victorian college of the arts, bend of islands, playbox theatre, the fying fruit fly circus, theatreworks, royal academy of dramatic arts london, dominque oyston, ray mooney, west theatre, the murray river performing group -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Barnes Railway Station, Moama, NSW, November 1962
Barnes station building photographed in November 1962. The railway reached Echuca in 1864 and transformed the town into a major river port, with a famous wharf and substantial urban growth in the 1870s. In 1876 the Deniliquin and Moama Railway Company opened its 71 km (44 mi) private railway northwards to Barnes and Deniliquin, and the line at Echuca was extended across the Murray River into Moama to join the railway. This section was taken over by Victorian Railways in 1923, as part of the 1922 Border Railways Act. Barnes station was closed in 1979. Deniliquin railway line TIFF file Scan of 35mm Ilford FP3 black and white negative transparencybarnes railway station, echuca, george coop collection, moama -
Federation University Historical Collection
Article - Student catalogue, One, 2002
Promotional pack created by University of Ballarat, Bachelor of Visual Arts (Graphic Design / Multimedia) third year, graduating students, 2002. 22 Students: Kristian Pechotsch, Josh McGregor, Stuart Murray, Dean Gorell, Mary Thomas, Simon Hunt, Michael Renga, Kristen Retallick, Alana Smyth, Claire Robson, Jarred Rouhan, Stuart Sullivan, Glen McClay, Leigh Ryan, Luke Monssen, Daniel Buckingham, Melissa Price, Rose Kim, Melinda Radojevic, Claire Hards, Dominic Carey, Peta Wallace. A square format case version was also produced (see photos for 29178.2).Promotional pack created by University of Ballarat, Bachelor of Visual Arts (Graphic Design / Multimedia) third year, graduating students, 2002. DVD printed full colour single sided, housed in a clear plastic DVD box, wrapped in custom-cut brushed aluminium, two clear stickers featuring circular graphic and UB logo. All enclosed in a cellophane of ballarat, federation university, graphic design, multimedia, camp street campus, new north, arts academy, kristian pechotsch, josh mcgregor, stuart murray, dean gorell, mary thomas, simon hunt, michael renga, kristen retallick, alana smyth, claire robson, jarred rouhan, stuart sullivan, glen mcclay, leigh ryan, luke monssen, daniel buckingham, melissa price, rose kim, melinda radojevic, claire hards, dominic carey, peta wallace. -
Orbost & District Historical Society
ledgers, Prescription Book, 1953 - 1984
The chemist made an entry for each prescription for medicine that was given to a customer, and the date presribed. This entry was a handy reference for repeat prescriptions. Chemists who worked in Orbost included Henry Cottman; James Alfred Dubois Williams; Harry Arthur Murray; Miss P.E .Mason (Phyllis Estelle?); Miss Sybil Monica Buzza; Thomas James Frayer; Australia Shaw; James David Torley; John William Zimmer; Dalkeith William Steele; William Thomas Hollingsworth; E.E. Cohen; R.S. Anderson; Frances John Perry Faith Everard Pardew and Charles Anthony Wurf.These books have a clear association with Orbost. They provide a record of the ailments treated by the chemists over its long history, and the types of remedies used to treat them. They show the evolution of therapeutics and the development of diverse treatments The books are interesting in giving the names of the people who came to the shop and for the prevalence of diseases that were being treated. Sixteen ledgers to record prescriptions. Information details of patients' names, medications and prescriptions are hand-written. Details of individual ledgers are in catalogue folder.orbost-pharmacies medicine drugs prescription -records -
Heyfield & Districts Historical Society
Butter wrapper
Heyfield Butter Factory Company opened in 1891, and became a co-operative in 1892. It was a major employer in the town, and provided an outlet for local dairy farmers. It amalgamated with Traralgon and Yarram Co-operatives in 1960 to form South Eastern Milk products, which in turn amalgamated with Gippsland Consolidated Milk in 1971 to form Gippsland Amalgamated Milk. In 1973 Gippsland Amalgamated Milk became part of Murray Goulburn, who closed the Heyfield Butter Factory in May 1973. One enquiry to a resident, who arrived there in 1948, suggested this may have ceased being used before that date, or was not available locally.This wrapper is of historical significance as an example of the packaging and promotion of the main product from the Heyfield Butter Factory and Electricity Supply Company. This factory was a major employer and economic influence in the Heyfield District from 1891 to 1973, with the buildings still being an important component in the landscape of the town.Three butter wrappers for one pound blocks of Heyfield Creamery pasteurised butter. This is waxed paper, cream-coloured and pre-cut. One panel has "Cream of the Gippsland Pastures", the others are printed with the name of the factory and other detaildairy factories -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Photograph - 8 LH 1939
8th Light Horse conducted a training camp at Corowa Showground in September 1939. The 8th Light Horse AIF was disbanded in 1919, but soon after re-raised as the 8th (Indi) Light Horse in the Citizen Military Forces, superseding 16th (Indi) Light Horse. It had its headquarters at Benalla with sub-units throughout the Upper Murray and Northeast Victoria. In December 1941, the regiment converted from horse to mechanised, initially as 8th Reconnaissance Battalion then in July 1942 it became 8th Cavalry Regiment and served in Northern Territory. As Japanese threat to the mainland declined the regiment was disbanded.Black and white photograph mounted on pineboard of B Squadron 8th {(Indi ) Australian Light Horse, Corowa 1939B Squadron Indi Light Horse, Corowa 1939light horse, corowa, military, cmf -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Photograph - Lord Gowrie at Corowa Camp
The Governor General Lord Gowrie visited the 8th Light Horse regiment when it was in camp at the Corowa Showgrounds September 1939. The second World War broke out three days later. The 8th Light Horse (Indi) Regiment superseded the 16th Light Horse in 1919. It had its headquarters at Benalla with sub-units throughout the Upper Murray and Northeast Victoria. In December 1941, the regiment converted from horse to mechanised, initially as 8th Reconnaissance Battalion then in July 1942 it became 8th Cavalry Regiment and served in Northern Territory. As Japanese threat to the mainland declined the regiment was disbanded.Rare photo of gathering at outbreak of World War 2.Black and white photograph of officers at camp September 1939 at Corowa. Governor General Lord Gowrie in attendance." Governor Lord Gowrie VC. officers of 2 Cav Div and 8th Light Horse at Corowa Camp 1st Sep 1939 " followed by list of names.military, light horse, corowa, gowrie, governor general, world war two, wwii -
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Photograph - Portrait, Monica Flood, Mayoress 1952 - 53, 1957 - 58, 1966 - 67, 1968 - 69, c 1950's
Prior to the election of female Councillors and Mayors in the 1960’s, the Lady Mayoress role was one of the few ways women could officially undertake civic duties. Mayoresses made important contributions to their local communities through their charity work and as ambassadors for their region on a state and federal level. They also undertook some Mayoral duties on occasions when their husband was unavailable. Monica Cecelia Murray was born in 1910 in Strathfieldsaye and married Thomas Flood in 1934. She served as Mayoress for four terms and died in 1973. Mayoress Flood was president of the St Mary's Past Pupul's Association and a patron of the Bendigo Girl Guildes. Reproduction of photographic studio portrait sitting behind oval photography, raymond kelly, city of bendigo mayoress, city of greater bendigo portraits, city of bendigo mayor, mayoress flood, mayor t.r. flood -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Melbourne Legacy, Central Class 1953, 1953
A photo from a newsletter from September 1953. The photo shows the Central boys competing at basketball. Names mentioned in the article include the basketball team of 'Skeeta' Shields, 'Buster Brown, 'Chook' Howell, Murray Wilson, Max Cleal, Leslie Pender. Also juniors Ray Tucker, Dave Singleton, Merve Seeney, Michael Kelly, Bill Alford. Instructor 'Sarge' Brown taking physical exercises. The Central Class was in the Drill Hall, Sturt St, South Melbourne at 7.30 on Friday nights. Individual photos being catalogued to record detail about each one.The newsletter outlining news of Junior Legatee activities with mentions of boys by name.Black and white photo of the Central boys playing basketball printed in a newsletter in September 1953.junior legatees, boys classes -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Geelong Tramway "Summer Car"
"Summer Car" 11 outside Mac's Hotel in Corio Tce. To the right is Strachan, Murray and Shannon's wool store whose facade still stands. The tramcar, shown in pristine condition was one of the two trailers motorised in 1913 with equipment identical to that of the Duncan & Fraser cars. They were built for use mainly on the new South route to the Barwon River. The coloured destination lights were from left: Red for GEELONG WEST, blank (later blue for the East route), white for SOUTH GEELONG and green for NEWTOWN. Side destination boxes have been added. Late 1913.Black and white print on paperNo. 1 inside a circle, and 13-7 written in ink on reverse. GSR7109/13/1/7 written on reverse in pencil.geelong tramway summer car 11, geelong streetscape, geelong tramway motorised trailer, geelong tram destination lights -
Orbost & District Historical Society
glass containers, first half 20th century
These items were used at the pharmacies in Orbost. Chemists who worked in Orbost included Henry Cottman; James Alfred Dubois Williams; Harry Arthur Murray; Miss P.E .Mason (Phyllis Estelle?); Miss Sybil Monica Buzza; Thomas James Frazer; Australia Shaw; James David Torley; John William Zimmer; Dalkeith William Steele; William Thomas Hollingsworth; E.E. Cohen; R.S. Anderson; Frances John Perry Faith Everard Pardew and Charles Anthony Wurf. Castor oil and Eichorn's Remedy were home based remedies for non life threatening injuries. The practices of early pharmacists are revealed through these glass containers. The items have a clear association with Orbost and indicate that many rural households had first-aid sources. .Six glass containers. 3210.7 is a deep blue coloured glass bottle. It has a narrow neck and a screw on lid. It has an embossed manufacturer's name, logo and contents (Castor Oil) on one side and identification marks embossed on the underside. 3210.8 is a small clear glass flat bottle with a metal top.It is labelled "SIGMA JUNIPER BACC'. It contains pale brown liquid 3210.9 is a a small moulded clear glass flat bottle with a white bakelite cap.It is labelled "EICHORNS REMEDY 100 ml HELP IN EVERY DROP". 3210.10 is a clear glass bottle with no lid.It has embossed manufacturer's stamp on base. 3210.11 isa clear glass beaker with a label on the front of two concentric green circles inside of which is "PYREX Made in England" with 200 ml below this. 3210.12 is a lear glass jar / bottle with a black lid. The front and sides are ridged with part of a label - "CAL". This bottle contains some pink powder.3210.7 - "Rolfes Medicinal Tasteles Castor Oil - Rolfe & Co King St Melbourne. Contents 5oz" 3210.8 - "SIGMA JUNIPER BACC SIGMA COMPANY LIMITED, Melbourne" 3210.9 - "EICHORNS REMEDY 100 mm Help in Every Drop" 3210.10 - on base -"J983 / M 2 " 3210.11 - "PYREX Made in England 200 ml" 3210.12 - "CAL"glass-containers pharmacies-orbost medicines chemists-orboet -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newsletter, Newsletter, No. 256 February 2021
Contents: • A Very Special Year by Jim Connor • A Very Different Year • Heritage Walk – Woodridge Wander – Saturday 6th March with Russell Yeoman • My School Excursion by Rose Dumaresq • Our Coronavirus Pandemic Year by Liz Pidgeon • Eltham Cemetery Shares Unique Christmas Stories by Rita Woolley • Mud Brick in the Nillumbik Shire by Frank Taylor • . . . from Dust to Dust by Neil Douglas • William (Jock) Frater • Eltham Cemetery Stories by Richard Pinn o John Wright Murray o Thomas Henry Orford • Contacts for the Eltham District Historical SocietyThe Shire of Eltham Historical Society was formed in October 1967. The first newsletter of the Society was issued May 1978 and has been published continuously ever since on a bi-monthly basis. With the cessation of the Shire of Eltham in late 1994, the Society's name was revised to Eltham District Historical Society and this name first appeared with issue No. 103, July 1995. The collection of the Society's newsletters provides a valuable resource on the history of the Society's activities, office bearers and committee members, guest speakers and subjects of historical interest pertinent to the former Shire of Eltham and the Eltham District.A4 newsletter distributed to members (Digital and A4 photocopy)newsletter, eltham district historical society, covid-19, coronavirus pandemic -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Photograph - Images from 2nd Div Camp 1940
Second Cavalry Division conducted camp of full time training at Torquay near Geelong Victoria from January to April 1940. One of the regiments attending was 8th Light Horse. This was one of the last large gathering of horsed cavalry in Victoria. The 8th Light Horse (Indi) Regiment had its headquarters at Benalla with sub-units throughout the Upper Murray and Northeast Victoria. In December 1941,the regiment converted from horse to mechanised, initially as 8th Reconnaissance Battalion then in July 1942 it became 8th Cavalry Regiment and served in Northern Territory. As Japanese threat to the mainland declined the regiment was disbanded.Images of citizen soldiers from North East Victoria at beginning of world War 2.Collection of six black and white photographs of 8th Light Horse in camp near Geelong, January to April 1940.Shows mounted horsemen,tents and horse, camp, torquay, cavalry, 8th light horse regiment -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Lithographic Squadron Personnel and Equipment, Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo, 1992
This collection of 34 photos of Lithographic Squadron personnel and equipment was taken in at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo, in 1992. The photos were mainly taken in the Camera, Contacting, Printing, BARCRO and Production Control work areas, as well as outside Fortuna’s buildings. Although these photos are not annotated most personnel are positively identified. This is a set of 34 photographs of Lithographic Squadron personnel and equipment at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo, 1992. Photographs .1P to .32P are on 35mm negative film and scanned at 96 dpi. Colour photos .33P and .34P are on photographic paper and scanned at 300 dpi. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) - Photo, black & white, 1992, back row L to R: Andrew Arman, unidentified Mark McCulloch, Dale Hudson, front row L to R: Daryl South, unidentified (x2). Janet Murray, LT Dave Weston. .2) - Photo, black & white, 1992, back row L to R: unidentified, CPL Paul Baker, Shona Hastie, front row L to R: LT Craig Hersant, Darren Maher, Chad Hardwick, Rob Jones. .3) - Photo, black & white, 1992, WO2 Steve Egan. .4) - Photo, black & white, 1992, LT Craig Hersant. .5)- Photo, black & white, 1992, CPL Warren Shirley, Jeff Willey, Gary Kerr. .6) - Photo, black & white, 1992, L to R: CPL Penny Knott, Janet Murray, Shona Hastie. .7) - Photo, black & white, 1992, L to R: MAJ Terry Edwards, LT David Weston. .8) - Photo, black & white, 1992, Frank Lenane, WO1 Trevor Osborne. .9) - Photo, black & white, 1992, L to R: WO2 Rob Bogumil, WO2 Steve Egan. .10) - Photo, black & white, 1992, back row L to R: Terry Winzar, Roy Hicks Marty Stradbrook, Janet Murray, Nick Vanderzwan, Mark Bird, front row L to R: SGT Dale Hudson, SSGT Russ Mollenhauer, Ross Anza, SGT Kim Reynolds, SGT Stuart Ridge, WO2 Jeff Willey, Peter Hamilton, Garry Lord, Gavin McLean, unidentified. .11) - Photo, black & white, 1992, Janet Murray, Mick Muzeen. .12) and .13) - Photo, black & white, 1992, Janet Murray. .14) to.16) - Photo, black & white, 1992, SPR Scott Cameron, CPL Warren Shirley. .17) - Photo, black & white, 1992, L to R: SPR Shane Campbell, SGT Brian Paul. .18) - Photo, black & white, 1992, LCPL John Bragg. .19) - Photo, black & white, 1992, SPR Allison (Ottaway) Wooldrage. .20) - Photo, black & white, 1992, map inspection station, LT Colin Davidson. .21) - Photo, black & white, 1992, map inspection station. .22) - Photo, black & white, 1992, map inspection station, LT Colin Davidson. .23) and .24) - Photo, black & white, 1992, map inspection station, SPR Nicole Midgley. .25) - Photo, black & white, 1992, map inspection station. .26) - Photo, black & white, 1992, map inspection station, unidentified. .27) - Photo, black & white, 1992, CPL Penny Knott. .28) - Photo, black & white, 1992, CPL Ken Peters. .29) - Photo, black & white, 1992, WO2 Rob Bogumil. .30) - Photo, black & white, 1992, L to R: WO2 Peter Imeson, WO2 Rob Bogumil. .31) and .32) - Photo, black & white, 1992, L to R: SGT Brian Fauth. .33) - Photo, colour, 1992, Klimch Camera, CPL Damien Cole. .34) - Photo, colour, 1992, Speedmaster Printing Press, L to R: SGT Gary Kerr, unidentified, SGT Kim Reynolds, SPR Shane Campbell.No personnel are identified.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr, litho -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, 1915
This is a photograoh of students at the Higher Elementary School at Orbost. Mary Gilbert has identified those in the photograph. From L-R Back Row - ? Irvine; Madge Macalaster; Rhoda Perry; Daisy Scouller; Dorrie Napier; Lila Perry; Don Cameron_____________________- Rita Murray; Raay Fisher; Grace Morris; Reston Nish; Bill Irvine; Stella Rodwell; Headmaster Mr W. Guy; ?; Annie Stirling; Harold Napier; R Lay; Dora Smith; Doris Shortell; Percy Hambrock Nellie MacPherson; Irene Parker; Gertie Griebenow; Vera Saunders; Mr Jack Blaikie; Bernice Feltis; Dillkys Broome; Vera Spink; Jean Irvine; Lexie Nixon; Eda Ross; Maggie Whillance; Violet Scouller; Jean Stirling; Miss Zoe Hazlett; Lily Daly; Jack Parker; Eric Herbert; ?; Tom Henderson; Frank Richardson; Vance Moysey; Vernon Nevins; Frank Rodwell; Bill Fisher; ? Murray Kerr Molly Dreverman; Emmy Gibbs; Hilda Kerr; Charlie Richards; Mick; Spink; Tom Swan; Ronnie Gluth; Annie Gibbs; Madge Grose; Mary Reynolds During 1910-11 the first approaches were made to the Department for the establishment of a HES in Orbost and this became a reality in 1912. Orbost HES supplied post-primary education in the district until a high school was built in 1948.Orbost High School / Orbost Secondary College has played a significant part in the education of senior students in the Orbost district . It is the sole senior educational institution. This photograph is representative of its history.A black / white photograph of children in front of a timber building with an open door. One female and two adult male teachers are with the children. At the front centre is a drum. Behind the drum is a boy holding a board with H.E.S. Orbost hand-written in what appears to be white chalk on a blackboard. There are three smaller boys holding brass musical instruments. The photograph is mounted on a brown card which is damaged. a card with names written in it has been attached to the photograph, on the front of the card at the bottom - "X Frank Richardson Bill Guy H.T. 1915".education-orbost-higher-elementary -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Razor and case, E.M. Dickinson, 1895-1930
E M Dickinson was a cutlery company in Sheffield that made all types of cutlery knives of all types and patterns, razors domestic electroplated cutlery etc. Edwin Murray Dickinson started recruiting workers for his new cutlery firm at 11 Cambridge Street Sheffield England in 1870. The original premises consisting of warehouse, offices, cutlers shops fitted with the latest steam-powered equipment however this premises was offered for let in November 1887, and new premises were secured at 51 Division Street and were occupied by Dickinson's in early 1888. By October 1890 Dickinson was advertising the Division Street premises to let and moved the company into other new works (still called Murray Works) at 122 Rockingham Street. On 12th October 1901, Dickinson gave notice that the firm was to be converted to a limited company and by March 1908 the Rockingham Street works had been advertised for sale. In 1909 the deeds for other new premises at 203 Arundel Street Sheffield were deposited to secure a £3,000 loan from the Sheffield Banking Company. Then on Christmas Eve 1926 several hundred pounds worth of damage was caused by a fire at the Arundel Street works. The founder, Edwin Dickinson died on 21st October 1930 aged 81 at his home at 449 Crookesmoor Road and on the 23rd May 1939 the firm went into voluntary liquidation.An item made by a company that made many different types and patterns of cutlery for domestic use and export.Straight razor with black celluloid handle and it’s boxBlade has marking, INVICTA" with decorative engraved design, on the other side engraved "E M DICKINSON SHEFFIELD ENGLAND"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, razor, e m dickinson ltd, e m dickinson ltd sheffield england., cut throat razor, cutlery -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Tool - Sieba Gordon Gas Mask - North East Water Authority, Siebe Gorman & Co. Ltd, c1960
This mask set is part of the North East Region Water Authority collection in the Wodonga Historical Society. Wodonga's drinking water and wastewater operations were originally managed by the Wodonga Waterworks Trust, which was established in 1897, after Wodonga became a separate shire in 1876. In 1923 a Wodonga Waterworks Trust referendum to provide funding for new infrastructure to supply more water of better quality to Wodonga was passed. This included building the Wodonga Water Tower and it was completed in 1924. It supplied water to Wodonga until 1959, when it was drained and decommissioned after the No 1 Basin on Huon Hill was completed in 1958. In 1983 the Wodonga Waterworks Trust and the Wodonga Sewerage Authority became part of the Wodonga Council. And by 1989 a filtration plant at Huon Hill was completed, which provided filtered water of improved quality to Wodonga, in accordance with the World Health Organisation’s guidelines. In 1994 the Kiewa Murray Region Water Authority took over the Wodonga Council’s water and wastewater operations, and then in 1999 the Kiewa Murray Region Water Authority combined with the Ovens Region Water Authority and became the North East Region Water Authority or NERWA. NERWA then became known as North East Water. Siebe Gorman was a British manufacturer of industrial respirators that served the mining industry, the chemical industry, and the agricultural industry from 1938 until the 1980s. The "Puretha" line refers to the canister included, which was designed to tackle industrial hazards.Siebe Gorman "Puretha" Type C Kit with Vista Vision Facepiece. The facepiece consists of a formed plastic lens held on by a white retaining ring that stretches around the rubber facepiece and is connected by two thumbscrew lugs. The exhale assembly is covered by a steel mesh.The hose is a standard industrial hose. The canister is attached by a khaki webbing material. An instruction sheet is included. The kit is a small leather case with two front latches. Safety instructions and chemical information on canister label. On label: EVERYTHING FOR SAFETY EVERYWHERE Date filled 28 DEC 1961 NO. 675 north east region water authority, gas mask, respirator, sieba gordon -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph Folder, 1940's - 1950's approx
8 photographs in a fold-out pack entitled: "Camera Highlights Illsutrating Coes, Phillip Island, Vic. The Isle of Enchentment" Black & White Souvenir Folder of 8 photographs taken around Phillip Island. 1. Summerland Surf Beach 2. Koala in a tree 3. Breakers at The Nobbies 4. The Jetty at Cowes with many people and the Cowes Jetty Shed on left of photo. 5. Seals on Seal Rocks 6. The Newhaven - San Remo Suspension Bridge 7. Penguins coming in after a day's fishing at Summerland Beach 8. The Nobbies and Seal Rocks.Each photograph similar to Physical Description. On back: Postage Rates within the British Empire. Without correspondence, in an unsealed envelope, will be 1.1/2d. If correspondence is added, postage will be 2.1/2d. whether envelope is sealed or unsealed. Foreign rate, 3.1/2d. Front Cover: Camera Highlights Illustrating Cowes Phillip Island, Vic. The Isle of Enchantment. Photos by A. J. Murray.summerland surf beach phillip island, wildlife - koala, wildlife - seals, wildlife - penguins, the nobbies phillip island, cowes jetty phillip island, cowes pier phillip island, suspension bridge phillip island, seal rocks phillip island, stan harris -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document, Collett and Bain, Notice of meeting Warrnambool Shire, 1963
This booklet commemorates the 100th anniversary of the proclamation of the Shire of Warrnambool. The original proclamation was read from the Government gazette 13/12/1863 Pg 2958. This follows from being proclaimed a roads district in 1854 which was then partly portioned and proclaimed the Municipal district in 1855. Portion of the shire was again annexed to the city in 1955. The Warrnambool shire covers the area on north east and western sides of the city of Warrnambool covering approximately 600 square miles and has a rich history of farming and dairy products. A program which commemorates 100 years of the shire of Warrnambool. It contains a comprehensive list of councillors who served during that time.White light card cover with royal blue text and tied with royal blue ribbon.Pale blue vertical lines. Shire crest with dates either side at top centre of page.Back cover has list of councillors names who have served from 1863 up to 1963. Photographs in green tinge inside front and back covers. 8 pages. Cr Cyril Geoffery Boyle. Thursday 12th December 1963.Mr Robert Burke, Cr C S Brown, Cr C G Boyle, A F Ponting,The Honourable Murray Porter, Hon R W Mack, Cr J Pascoe, Mr J W Crawley, Mr L Crawley, J Wm Crawley, Jnr, R L Crawleywarrnambool,, warrnambool shire, cr c g boyle, warrnambool shire 1863, warrnambool shire 1963 -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Sign - Notice Board, Rodney Irrigation and Water Supply Trust
Made to commemorate the first meeting of the Rodney Irriagation and Water Supply Trust.Commemoration Board of dark brown wood with gold writingRodney Irrigation and Water Supply Trust First meeting held on 28th May 1889 Commissioners M Cussen Chairman W Bray, M Minter, J Cooke, J Morrisey, T Hogan, J Stewart, M Kavanagh, J Teese, S Lancaster, C W Wilson, J McKenzie Engineer W S Murray Secretary J A Careym cussen, w bray, m minter, j cooke, j morrissey, m kavanagh, j stewart, j teese, s lancaster, c w wilson, j mckenzie, w s murray, j a carey, rodney irrigation and water supply trust -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - BENDIGO RSL ANNUAL DINNER, Aug 1988
Bendigo RSL Annual Dinner held in the Soldiers Memorial Institute Main Hall in 1988. The white Cross was placed on the stage for such each Dinner. .1) Standing is Bruce Ruxton Guest speaker, State President of the Victorian RSL, seated to his left is Max O'Haloran Bendigo RSL President, others are unknown. .2) On the right of the photo at end of the table is possibly Col Mc Murray Rats of Tobruk Association, 2nd from right is Harold Trahair Eaglehawk RSL.. .3) Standing from the left is Max O'Haloran, refer Cat No 8129P, Bruce Ruxton, Frank ................, seated is Jack Plant, refer Cat No 8129PThree photographs, colour re an Annual Dinner Bendigo RSL Sub Branch. .1) Shows the head table at the stage end of the Soldiers Memorial Institute Main Hall, Standing is the guest speaker Bruce Ruxton, seated are 6 others. .2) Further out view of .1) showing one standing and 8 seated. .3) Shows 3 standing and 1 sitting.brsl, smirsl, annual, dinner