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matching kew historical society
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Kew Historical Society, Tour of the Boroondara (Kew) General Cemetery, 1977
... kew historical society — walking tours...The Kew Historical Society, founded in 1958, is one... of the cemetery, led by members of the Kew Historical Society for members... Historical Society / Mr Greer Member of Society / Mr Cothill Member...Kew Historical Society...Kew Historical Society Inc 1 Civic Drive Kew melbourne ...The Kew Historical Society, founded in 1958, is one of the oldest continuing historical societies in the Greater Melbourne region. For over 60 years, the Society has worked with local government and other community organisations to stimulate interest in Kew’s history and heritage. Over this period, the Society has regularly held heritage walking tours in the district including at the Boroondara General (Kew) Cemetery. This and other photos taken in the same year are examples of a walking tour held for members of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria.One of a series of photographs of a guided tour of the cemetery, led by members of the Kew Historical Society for members of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria.Reverse: "1977. ?Outside Cemetery. Far left Mrs J Stewart Secretary KHS 1876-78 / Marshall Slattery President of Kew Historical Society / Mr Greer Member of Society / Mr Cothill Member of Royal Historical Society."boroondara (kew) general cemetery - victoria - australia, kew historical society — walking tours -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Kew Historical Society, Historical Exhibition, Festival of Kew, 1976
... kew historical society - exhibitions...The Kew Historical Society, founded in 1958, is one...Two foundation members of the Kew Historical Society...Reverse: "KH27. Kew Historical Society member Mr Clark...Kew Historical Society...Kew Historical Society Inc 1 Civic Drive Kew melbourne ...The Kew Historical Society, founded in 1958, is one of the oldest continuing historical societies in the Greater Melbourne region. For over 60 years, the Society has worked with local government and other community organisations to stimulate interest in Kew’s history and heritage. The Society has regularly held local exhibitions, sometimes in shop windows, on other occasions in civic halls, and now at the Kew Court House and Kew Library. This and other photos taken in the same year are examples of an exhibition in the Kew City Hall.Two foundation members of the Kew Historical Society at an early exhibition mounted by the Society. The historic 1890s oil painting of Adeney Avenue, donated to the Society in 1965 [1965.0002], can be viewed on one of the screens in the background. Reverse: "KH27. Kew Historical Society member Mr Clark, and Mrs Reed in attendance at the Historical Exhibition, Festival of Kew 1976. Kew Civic Centre (Town Hall), Mr Clark, background, Mrs Reed, facing camera."kew historical society - exhibitions, kew city hall, kew (vic.) -- history -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Photographs [Series], Noel Kelly, 60th Anniversary Meeting, Kew Historical Society, September 2018, 12/09/2018
... 60th Anniversary Meeting, Kew Historical Society, September...Kew Historical Society inc -- anniversaries...The Kew Historical Society was founded at a meeting called...AGM of the Kew Historical Society coinciding with the 60th...Kew Historical Society Inc 1 Civic Drive Kew melbourne ...The Kew Historical Society was founded at a meeting called by the Kew Association in September 1958 at the home of Cr. WHS Dickinson, who was to become the first president of the Society.AGM of the Kew Historical Society coinciding with the 60th anniversary of the Society. The guest speaker was the Mayor of Kew, Cr. Jim Parke, while the patron of the Society, Sir Gus Nossal made presentations and cut the birthday cake. Presentations in recognition of service were made to Assoc. Prof. Don Garden, Brad Miles, and David Benwell.kew historical society inc -- anniversaries, kew historical society inc - agms -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Kew Historical Society constitution
... Kew Historical Society constitution....Kew Historical Society...Kew Historical Society Constitution... Mitcham melbourne Kew Historical Society constitution Kew ...Kew Historical Society Constitution.Kew Historical Society ConstitutionKew Historical Society Constitution.kew historical society, constitution -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Digital photographs, L.J. Gervasoni, Kew Historical Society in the Former Kew Court House, c2009
... Kew Historical Society in the Former Kew Court House...kew historical society... Historical Society and the East Kew Community Bank are working...Colour photograph of the Kew Historical Society holding... Historical Society and the East Kew Community Bank are working ...Environmental approach to preserving Kew Court House 4 June 2010 Paint stripping from older buildings can be a hazardous task. The City of Boroondara has found an environmentally sustainable solution for the works at local heritage icon, the Kew Police Station and Court House. Council used an organic based paint stripping alternative as part of the repairs to the rendering on the building facade. Over nearly three months, the damaged and unsound render was removed, the paint was stripped and the render was repainted. Usually, paint is removed via high pressure water cleaning or sandblasting. This is a harsh method and involves combining extreme high amounts of pressure, water and sand and is highly toxic. It also creates high noise levels. In this 'green' project, Council used a soy bean paint stripper. The process uses a paste-like substance, which is highly effective, non toxic and biodegradable, and applied by hand. Initially, a bandage is applied (much like a leg waxing strip) over the top of paste. It is allowed to dry and then the bandage is stripped off. Noise was kept to a minimum by using the paint stripping alternative. Scrapings and bandages are then bagged and sent to the tip as landfill, so it does not end up in our water supply. The waste and debris don’t run-off into drains, and the bags and bi-products are biodegradable. Studley Ward Councillor Phillip Healey explained that soy bean paint removal is not greatly used in Melbourne or the local government sector. "We know of special cases where it has been used, such as high profile projects like Sydney Harbour Bridge, but Boroondara is one of the first in Victoria to employ this natural plant-based paint-stripping treatment to a large-scale building," Cr Healey said. "What this means is that no harmful substances were used and no injury was caused, soy paint removal also preserves, protects and restores the heritage integrity and decorative stone masonry features of the historic building. "This is a terrific example of our commitment to 'enhancing the environment' which is one of our key directions in the 2010–15 Council Plan." The restoration of the Kew Court House and Police Station is expected to be completed in the year ahead. Council purchased the heritage building in 2007 with the intention for it to be restored and used for the community. The building required extensive renovation including repair of the slate roof and ventilation dome, and the renovation plans include a new foyer, bathrooms and kitchen to ensure the venue meets a broad range of community needs. Heritage Victoria helped fund the cost of the roof repairs with a grant of $250,000, along with the Australian Government contributing $330,000 through its Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program. Restoration Underway Concept plans for a new performance and exhibition space at the Kew Court House and Police Station have been developed by the City of Boroondara. Two years ago, Council Purchased the Kew Court House and Police Station from the State Government for $825,000 with the intention for it to be restored and used for the community. The building requires extensive renovation including repair of the slate roof and ventilation dome. The renovation plans include a new foyer, bathrooms and kitchen to ensure the venue meets a broad range of community needs. The restoration has been assisted with a Federal Government grant of $330,000 under the Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program. In 2008, Council was also successful in obtaining a Heritage Victoria Grant of $250,000 towards the costs of the roof repairs. Having satisfied the necessary permit requirements, works are about to commence using slate of a similar quality to the original. The City of Boroondara would like to thank all residents and businesses who have contributed to the Kew Court House Restoration Appeal which has raised $650,000. Special thanks go to a private donor who donated $250,000 and the Kew Senior Citizens Club which contributed $50,000. NEWS FLASH 14th March “Council moves to provide certainty for the restoration of the courthouse”. In a historic meeting last night 13th March 07 at Boroondara Council voted overwhelmingly to complete the purchase of the Kew Court House. The partnership continues between the Kew Court House Restoration Appeal and the Council to see this project through. The project now has the overwhelming support of Council. “It is no longer about “if” it is about “when” the doors will re open” said Prof Peter McIntyre. With the property secured the fundraising can now be completed without the encumbrances and we know the restoration will be undertaken as the funds become available from the appeal. Work can commence as soon as significant fund raising is achieved. “The community, philanthropists and corporations can now enter this project with certainty. 7th March At the Council meeting on 5th March, following many hours of debate a motion was passed by 5 to 4 vote to purchase the Kew Court House and Police Station outright. As of 7th March Cr Dick Menting lodged a rescission notice. This means that there was another Council meeting at 6pm, Tuesday 13th March at Council Chambers. MEDIA RELEASE - Kew, 3rd December 2006 APPEAL LAUNCHED TO SAVE A NATIONAL TREASURE On the morning of Saturday 18th. November 2006 the people of Kew were aroused by the triumphant sound of the Boroondara Brass which had assembled outside the former Kew Police Station. After four long years of neglect, the precinct was being heralded back to life, and what a heartwarming sound it was for all those early shoppers who gathered to hear Cr. Phillip Healey introduce Patrons and supporters of the Save the Court House campaign. Following the speeches, the "Thermometer" was unveiled and the Appeal was formally under way. The various committees have worked very hard during these past weeks. The Kew Court House Arts Association Inc. has been formed under the leadership of Graeme McCoubrie. This organization brings all the amateur theatre groups in the City of Boroondara together with a view to providing them with a permanent performing space within the former Court House. As well as intimate theatre, there will be provision for the staging of instrumental and choral performances before an audience of 40 to 50 people. The Police Station will compliment the function of the Court House by providing a venue for artist groups to exhibit their work, for the Historical Societies of Boroondara to meet, and for study groups to meet, for activities such as play and poetry readings. It will be a Hub for the Arts in Kew. Of course none of this can happen unless the money to pay for restoration of the buildings is raised, and we only have until March 2007 in which to do this. The City of Boroondara, Kew Historical Society and the East Kew Community Bank are working together as a team to make this dream a reality, but WE NEED YOUR HELP. This is a fantastic one-off opportunity, and it must not be wasted. Donations to the Appeal can be made through the Kew East Kew Community Bank or any branch of the Bendigo Bank, or through the Kew Historical Society Inc., P.O. Box 175 Kew Vic 3101. All donations over $2 are tax deductible through the Community Enterprise Foundation. End Media Release Kew Courthouse future looks bright The State Government has accepted an offer from the local government of Boroondara to purchase the former Kew Courthouse and Police Station, Minister for Finance John Lenders said today. In a joint statement with the Mayor of Boroondara, Councillor Jack Wegman, Mr Lenders said he was pleased that agreement had been reached and the contract of sale document finalised. “I welcome the Council making this step towards purchasing this property after recent negotiations,” Mr Lenders said. “The settlement date for the purchase of the property is March 2007. The State government sold the property to Council at a reduced cost of $825,000 for community use. The full value of the buildings on the commercial marketplace was estimated to be about $2million,” he said. Cr Wegman said the Contract of Sale provides that if the funds cannot be raised to restore the property for use as community buildings then they will be returned to the State government. In relation to this additional funding to restore and modernise the buildings, Council and the community will work together over the next eight months, with the encouragement of the State government, Cr Wegman said. Mr Lenders said both he and the Premier had advised the Council of fundraising opportunities to help the Council convert the property for its future use. Cr Wegman noted that applications for funding from the Community Support Fund and for State government heritage grants were being processed. “Council has agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding with the Kew Historical Society outlining arrangements for the Kew Court House Restoration Appeal and Council is delighted with the level of support shown by the community and is confident of a bright future for these historic buildings.” Mr Lenders said the Bracks Government is committed to securing the best outcome when buildings that have once served the community outlive their original purpose. “There is a responsibility for Governments to practice good financial management and achieve the best possible price when an asset is longer used by the State,” he said. “There is also a responsibility to consider the local community. The Government and City of Boroondara have worked hard to achieve a balance between these two interests.” The building ceased to operate as a courthouse in 1971 and as a police station in 2002. Part of the building was also used as a post office and this section of the building was sold by the Commonwealth in 1992 to a private owner and is currently run as a licensed restaurant. It is listed on the State's Heritage Register as a place of historical and architectural significance and is protected by the Victorian Heritage Act. Created: 30 August 2006 Last Update: 10 January 2007 Colour photograph of the Kew Historical Society holding an event in the Former Kew Court House.kew, kew court house, kew historical society, meeting, city of boroondara -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Booklet, Kew Historical Society, City of Kew Centenary 1860-1960, 1960
... kew historical society... by the historian Dorothy Rogers, that was donated to the Kew Historical...A history of Kew produced by the Kew Historical Society...Kew Historical Society...Kew Historical Society Inc 1 Civic Drive Kew melbourne ...This work forms part of the collection assembled by the historian Dorothy Rogers, that was donated to the Kew Historical Society by her son John Rogers in 2015. The manuscripts, photographs, maps, and documents were sourced by her from both family and local collections or produced as references for her print publications. Many were directly used by Rogers in writing ‘Lovely Old Homes of Kew’ (1961) and 'A History of Kew' (1973), or the numerous articles on local history that she produced for suburban newspapers. Most of the photographs in the collection include detailed annotations in her hand.The Rogers Collection provides a comprehensive insight into the working habits of a historian in the 1960s and 1970s. Together it forms the largest privately-donated collection within the archives of the Kew Historical Society.A history of Kew produced by the Kew Historical Society to commemorate the centenary of Kewcity of kew centenary, kew historical society -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Booklet, Kew Historical Society, City of Kew Centenary 1860-1960, 1960
... kew historical society... by the historian Dorothy Rogers, that was donated to the Kew Historical...A history of Kew produced by the Kew Historical Society...Kew Historical Society...Kew Historical Society Inc 1 Civic Drive Kew melbourne ...This work forms part of the collection assembled by the historian Dorothy Rogers, that was donated to the Kew Historical Society by her son John Rogers in 2015. The manuscripts, photographs, maps, and documents were sourced by her from both family and local collections or produced as references for her print publications. Many were directly used by Rogers in writing ‘Lovely Old Homes of Kew’ (1961) and 'A History of Kew' (1973), or the numerous articles on local history that she produced for suburban newspapers. Most of the photographs in the collection include detailed annotations in her hand. The Rogers Collection provides a comprehensive insight into the working habits of a historian in the 1960s and 1970s. Together it forms the largest privately-donated collection within the archives of the Kew Historical Society.A history of Kew produced by the Kew Historical Society to commemorate the centenary of Kewcity of kew centenary, kew historical society -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Booklet, Kew Historical Society, City of Kew Centenary 1860-1960, 1960
... kew historical society... by the historian Dorothy Rogers, that was donated to the Kew Historical...A history of Kew produced by the Kew Historical Society...Kew Historical Society...Kew Historical Society Inc 1 Civic Drive Kew melbourne ...This work forms part of the collection assembled by the historian Dorothy Rogers, that was donated to the Kew Historical Society by her son John Rogers in 2015. The manuscripts, photographs, maps, and documents were sourced by her from both family and local collections or produced as references for her print publications. Many were directly used by Rogers in writing ‘Lovely Old Homes of Kew’ (1961) and 'A History of Kew' (1973), or the numerous articles on local history that she produced for suburban newspapers. Most of the photographs in the collection include detailed annotations in her hand. The Rogers Collection provides a comprehensive insight into the working habits of a historian in the 1960s and 1970s. Together it forms the largest privately-donated collection within the archives of the Kew Historical Society.A history of Kew produced by the Kew Historical Society to commemorate the centenary of Kewcity of kew centenary, kew historical society, city of kew, centenary -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Document - Manuscript, Dorothy Rogers, Lovely Old Homes of Kew by Mrs Rogers : Kew Historical Society, 1960
... Lovely Old Homes of Kew by Mrs Rogers : Kew Historical... by the historian Dorothy Rogers, that was donated to the Kew Historical... Historical Society"... Historical Society"...Kew Historical Society Inc 1 Civic Drive Kew melbourne ...This work forms part of the collection assembled by the historian Dorothy Rogers, that was donated to the Kew Historical Society by her son John Rogers in 2015. The manuscripts, photographs, maps, and documents were sourced by her from both family and local collections or produced as references for her print publications. Many were directly used by Rogers in writing ‘Lovely Old Homes of Kew’ (1961) and 'A History of Kew' (1973), or the numerous articles on local history that she produced for suburban newspapers. Most of the photographs in the collection include detailed annotations in her hand. The Rogers Collection provides a comprehensive insight into the working habits of a historian in the 1960s and 1970s. Together it forms the largest privately-donated collection within the archives of the Kew Historical Society.An original manuscript of Lovely Old Homes of Kew by the historian Dorothy Rogers. Rogers used this version to receive the signoff and approval of the owner/occupiers of the houses included. The signatures of owners date from 1960 a year before the works eventual publication. Annotation: "Lovely Old Homes of Kew by Mrs Rogers. Kew Historical Society"Annotation: "Lovely Old Homes of Kew by Mrs Rogers. Kew Historical Society"dorothy rogers, lovely old homes of kew, historic houses -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Kew Historical Society, Tour of the Boroondara (Kew) General Cemetery, 1977
... kew historical society — walking tours...The Kew Historical Society, founded in 1958, is one... of the cemetery, led by members of the Kew Historical Society for members...Kew Historical Society...Kew Historical Society Inc 1 Civic Drive Kew melbourne ...The Kew Historical Society, founded in 1958, is one of the oldest continuing historical societies in the Greater Melbourne region. For over 60 years, the Society has worked with local government and other community organisations to stimulate interest in Kew’s history and heritage. Over this period, the Society has regularly held heritage walking tours in the district including at the Boroondara General (Kew) Cemetery. This and other photos taken in the same year are examples of a walking tour held for members of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria.One of a series of photographs of a guided tour of the cemetery, led by members of the Kew Historical Society for members of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria.Reverse: "KH-89. Mrs Walker Lilydale Historical Society / Mr Cuthill (Royal Historical Society) Tour Organiser / Mr Greer (KHS Member) / Mr M Slattery President KHS 1976-77"boroondara general (kew) cemetery, kew historical society — walking tours, royal historical society of victoria -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Kew Historical Society, Tour of the Boroondara (Kew) General Cemetery, 1977
... kew historical society — walking tours...The Kew Historical Society, founded in 1958, is one... of the cemetery, led by members of the Kew Historical Society for members...Kew Historical Society...Kew Historical Society Inc 1 Civic Drive Kew melbourne ...The Kew Historical Society, founded in 1958, is one of the oldest continuing historical societies in the Greater Melbourne region. For over 60 years, the Society has worked with local government and other community organisations to stimulate interest in Kew’s history and heritage. Over this period, the Society has regularly held heritage walking tours in the district including at the Boroondara General (Kew) Cemetery. This and other photos taken in the same year are examples of a walking tour held for members of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria.One of a series of photographs of a guided tour of the cemetery, led by members of the Kew Historical Society for members of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria.Reverse: "KH-90. 1977. Mr MH Slattery President of KHS / Left of President Mrs J Mills KHS member / Right of President Mr G Green KHS member / Front holding paper Dr Murray Verna MB BS FRHSV President of RHSV."kew historical society — walking tours, royal historical society of victoria, boroondara general (kew) cemetery -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Kew Historical Society, HALL, Winifred, 1978
... kew historical society - archives...Since its foundation in 1958, members of the Kew Historical... Historical Society. The archive file includes written reports...Kew Historical Society...Kew Historical Society Inc 1 Civic Drive Kew melbourne ...Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Winifred Hall was at one stage a President of the Kew Historical Society. The subject file includes written reports that she made to the Society (1977-78), and notes that after her death (c.1983) that a trust account was opened in her name to which the Penguin Club of Australia and other parties contributed amounts.kew historical society - archives, winifred hall, kew historical society - members - office bearers, penguin club of australiakew historical society - archives, winifred hall, kew historical society - members - office bearers, penguin club of australia -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Kew Historical Society, Historical Display, Kew Festival, 2001, 2001
... kew historical society - exhibitions...The Kew Historical Society, founded in 1958, is one...Photograph of historical items displayed by Kew Historical...Kew Historical Society...Kew Historical Society Inc 1 Civic Drive Kew melbourne ...The Kew Historical Society, founded in 1958, is one of the oldest continuing historical societies in the Greater Melbourne region. For over 60 years, the Society has worked with local government and other community organisations to stimulate interest in Kew’s history and heritage. From its beginnings, the Society held local exhibitions, sometimes in shop windows, on other occasions in civic halls, and now at the Kew Court House and Kew Library. This and other photos taken in the same year are examples of an exhibition in the Phyllis Hore Room at the Kew Library. The modern kew Festival wa initiated in 1974. Initially held every two years, it soon became an annual festival. The Society was a founding participant in the festival, mounting regular displays and participating in marches. In 2001 they mounted a large display in the Phyllis Hore Room of the Kew Library.Photograph of historical items displayed by Kew Historical Society in the Phyllis Hore Room at the Kew Library during the 2001 Kew Festival.kew historical society - exhibitions, kew festival --2001 -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Kew Historical Society, HAWKINS, Leo, 1958
... kew historical society - archives...Since its foundation in 1958, members of the Kew Historical...Archive file containing a letter from the Kew Historical...Kew Historical Society...Kew Historical Society Inc 1 Civic Drive Kew melbourne ...Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Subject file containing a letter from the Kew Historical Society to Cr Hawkins congratulating him on his election to the office of Mayor (1971) and his obituary by Noel Tennison, published in the Age newspaper (5 May, 2006).kew historical society - archives, mayors of kew (vic), lev hawkins, leo hawkinskew historical society - archives, mayors of kew (vic), lev hawkins, leo hawkins -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (series) - Subject File, Kew Historical Society, Hawthorn & Kew Sketchbook, 1982
... kew historical society - archives...Since its foundation in 1958, members of the Kew Historical..., to and or between the Kew Historical Society, Rigby Publishing and A. Roger...Kew Historical Society...Kew Historical Society Inc 1 Civic Drive Kew melbourne ...Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Subject file including an index to the ‘Hawthorn and Kew Sketchbook’ (Powell, Ian G, 1982) and correspondence from, to and or between the Kew Historical Society, Rigby Publishing and A. Roger-Gernersh relating to permission to use illustrations from the text on the Society’s letterhead. There is no response on file from the author providing permission.kew historical society - archives, hawthorn - illustrated history, kew - illustrated history, hawthorn and kew sketchbookkew historical society - archives, hawthorn - illustrated history, kew - illustrated history, hawthorn and kew sketchbook -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Kew Historical Society, Historical Exhibition, Festival of Kew, 1976
... kew historical society - exhibitions...The Kew Historical Society, founded in 1958, is one...Reverse: "2-14. Kew Historical Society member, an (sic...Kew Historical Society...Kew Historical Society Inc 1 Civic Drive Kew melbourne ...The Kew Historical Society, founded in 1958, is one of the oldest continuing historical societies in the Greater Melbourne region. For over 60 years, the Society has worked with local government and other community organisations to stimulate interest in Kew’s history and heritage. The Society has regularly held local exhibitions, sometimes in shop windows, on other occasions in civic halls, and now at the Kew Court House and Kew Library. This and other photos taken in the same year are examples of an exhibition in the Kew City Hall. Mrs E. (Betty) Robertson at the Festival of Kew Exhibition, 1976.Reverse: "2-14. Kew Historical Society member, an (sic) co'organiser of Historical Exhibition, at Festival of Kew, 1976. Miss E. Robertson (Betty) nearest camera. KH36"kew historical society - exhibitions, kew (vic.) -- history, kew civic hall, kew city hall, exhibitions — kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Series) - Subject File, Kew Historical Society, Histories of Kew, 1958
... kew historical society - members...Since its foundation in 1958, members of the Kew Historical... individuals, some of who were members of the Kew Historical Society...Kew Historical Society...Kew Historical Society Inc 1 Civic Drive Kew melbourne ...Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Subject file containing short general histories of Kew, or geographic parts thereof, and timelines compiled by various individuals, some of who were members of the Kew Historical Society. Authors of content include Isaac Selby, Dorothy Rogers, Dione McIntyre and Graeme Lindsay. Other authors are not identified. Some of these histories were used on annual bus trips of the suburb during the Kew Festival. Notes on specific aspects of Kew’s history relate to early exploration, settlement in Cotham Road, the influence of the environment, northern and eastern Kew and Studley Park. The majority of these monographs remain unpublished texts. The file also contains summaries and or transcripts of talks given to the Society by Geoff Clarke (1975) and Allan Wakefield about their recollections of Kew’s history.kew (vic) - history, kew - early landowners, kew - environmental history, geoff clarke, allan wakefield, kew historical society - members, kew historical society - researchkew (vic) - history, kew - early landowners, kew - environmental history, geoff clarke, allan wakefield, kew historical society - members, kew historical society - research -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Kew Historical Society, Historical Display, Kew Festival, 2001, 2001
... kew historical society - exhibitions...Photograph of historical items displayed by Kew Historical...Kew Historical Society...Kew Historical Society Inc 1 Civic Drive Kew melbourne ...The modern kew Festival wa initiated in 1974. Initially held every two years, it soon became an annual festival. The Society was a founding participant in the festival, mounting regular displays and participating in marches. In 2001 they mounted a large display in the Phyllis Hore Room of the Kew Library.Photograph of historical items displayed by Kew Historical Society in the Phyllis Hore Room at the Kew Library during the 2001 Kew Festival.kew historical society - exhibitions, kew festival -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Booklet, Kew Historical Society, City of Kew Centenary 1860-1960, 1960
... kew historical society - publications...History of Kew written by members of the Kew Historical...Kew Historical Society...Kew Historical Society Inc 1 Civic Drive Kew melbourne ...Local History produced by Kew Historical SocietyHistory of Kew written by members of the Kew Historical Society and published in 1960 on the occasion of the City's Centenary. This booklet was donated by John Rogers in 2016non-fictionLocal History produced by Kew Historical Societykew - history, kew historical society - publications -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Booklet, Kew Historical Society, City of Kew Centenary 1860-1960, 1960
... kew historical society - publications...History of Kew written by members of the Kew Historical...Kew Historical Society...Kew Historical Society Inc 1 Civic Drive Kew melbourne ...Local History produced by Kew Historical SocietyHistory of Kew written by members of the Kew Historical Society and published in 1960 on the occasion of the City's Centenary. This booklet was donated by John Rogers in 2016non-fictionLocal History produced by Kew Historical Societykew - history, kew historical society - publications -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kew Historical Society, Newsletter No.140, September 2022
... Kew Historical Society (Vic.) -- Periodicals.... Historical Society contain significant research by members...Kew Historical Society...Kew Historical Society Inc 1 Civic Drive Kew melbourne Kew ...Rare books / Judith Scurfield pp1-2. History News [Publications; Social media; The Collection; Members] / p3. Anne Fraser Bon: A Scottish widow in Kew / David White pp4-5. The Municipality of Kew / Brad Miles p6. As it happened ... / p6. Letters to families of Australian Prisoners of War / John Torpey pp7-8. Cliff Judge: an advocate for people with an intellectual disability and for their families / Desley Reid pp9-11. Stories They Tell: a history of Kew through objects.Published quarterly since 1977, the newsletters of the Kew Historical Society contain significant research by members that explore aspects of the Victorian and Australian Framework of Historical Themes. Frequently, articles on people, places and artefacts are the only source of information about an aspect of Kew, and Melbourne’s history.non-fictionRare books / Judith Scurfield pp1-2. History News [Publications; Social media; The Collection; Members] / p3. Anne Fraser Bon: A Scottish widow in Kew / David White pp4-5. The Municipality of Kew / Brad Miles p6. As it happened ... / p6. Letters to families of Australian Prisoners of War / John Torpey pp7-8. Cliff Judge: an advocate for people with an intellectual disability and for their families / Desley Reid pp9-11. Stories They Tell: a history of Kew through objects. kew historical society (vic.) -- periodicals., kew historical society (vic.) -- newsletters, kew historical society (vic.) -- journals -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kew Historical Society, Newsletter No.114, March 2016
... kew historical society (vic.) -- periodicals.... Historical Society contain significant research by members...Kew Historical Society...Kew Historical Society Inc 1 Civic Drive Kew melbourne kew ...Public and Private Gardens / Robert Baker p1. What's On March to June 2016: Exhibitions, Future Events p3. Kew Festival 2016 p4. Cobblers of Kew / Robert Baker p4. Kew Goes to War: Part 1 Kew men enlist, or not / Andrew Frost p5. Questions & Answers p7. The Remarkable A.W. Dakin / Robert Baker p8. Baldur [Grammar School] and the Art of 'Female Muscle Culture' / Suzanne McWha p9. More Examples of Lost Kew: Elm Lodge, Kew Lunatic Asylum, Range View, Reno p11. Membership & Donations p12.Published quarterly since 1977, the newsletters of the Kew Historical Society contain significant research by members that explore aspects of the Victorian and Australian Framework of Historical Themes. Frequently, articles on people, places and artefacts are the only source of information about an aspect of Kew, and Melbourne’s history.non-fictionPublic and Private Gardens / Robert Baker p1. What's On March to June 2016: Exhibitions, Future Events p3. Kew Festival 2016 p4. Cobblers of Kew / Robert Baker p4. Kew Goes to War: Part 1 Kew men enlist, or not / Andrew Frost p5. Questions & Answers p7. The Remarkable A.W. Dakin / Robert Baker p8. Baldur [Grammar School] and the Art of 'Female Muscle Culture' / Suzanne McWha p9. More Examples of Lost Kew: Elm Lodge, Kew Lunatic Asylum, Range View, Reno p11. Membership & Donations p12. kew historical society (vic.) -- periodicals., kew historical society (vic.) -- newsletters, kew historical society (vic.) -- journals -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kew Historical Society, Newsletter No.113, December 2015
... kew historical society (vic.) -- periodicals.... Historical Society contain significant research by members...Kew Historical Society...Kew Historical Society Inc 1 Civic Drive Kew melbourne kew ...Creative Communities / Robert Baker p1. Exhibitions p3. Quarterly Book Sale p3. Meetings & Lectures p3. Kew Historical Society Online p3. Chandler Hwy Upgrade options / Brad Miles p4. Lost Melbourne / Robert Baker p4. Heritage Issues: 14 Irymple Avenue / Debbie McColl-Davis & Richard Peterson p5. The Diaries of Chris Robinson / John Torpey p7. Patriotic Buttons / Suzanne McWha & Robert Baker p9. Coley of Kew / Suzanne McWha p10. Some Examples of Lost Kew: Byram; Chipperfield's Boat House; Rotunda Alexandra Gardens; Kilby Lodge / Various authors p11. Membership & Donations p12.Published quarterly since 1977, the newsletters of the Kew Historical Society contain significant research by members that explore aspects of the Victorian and Australian Framework of Historical Themes. Frequently, articles on people, places and artefacts are the only source of information about an aspect of Kew, and Melbourne’s history.non-fictionCreative Communities / Robert Baker p1. Exhibitions p3. Quarterly Book Sale p3. Meetings & Lectures p3. Kew Historical Society Online p3. Chandler Hwy Upgrade options / Brad Miles p4. Lost Melbourne / Robert Baker p4. Heritage Issues: 14 Irymple Avenue / Debbie McColl-Davis & Richard Peterson p5. The Diaries of Chris Robinson / John Torpey p7. Patriotic Buttons / Suzanne McWha & Robert Baker p9. Coley of Kew / Suzanne McWha p10. Some Examples of Lost Kew: Byram; Chipperfield's Boat House; Rotunda Alexandra Gardens; Kilby Lodge / Various authors p11. Membership & Donations p12.kew historical society (vic.) -- periodicals., kew historical society (vic.) -- newsletters, kew historical society (vic.) -- journals -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kew Historical Society, Newsletter No.112, September 2015
... kew historical society (vic.) -- periodicals.... Historical Society contain significant research by members...Kew Historical Society...Kew Historical Society Inc 1 Civic Drive Kew melbourne kew ...Historic Maps of Kew / Robert Baker p1. Exhibitions p3. Quarterly Book Sales p3. Meetings & Lectures p3. New Members p3. For Whom the Bell Tolls / Suzanne McWha p4. Tuesday Volunteers p5. The Red Menace / Robert Baker p6. Philip Slobom p7. Daily Life in Kew: The Summer of 1885/86 / Andrew Frost p8. Recent Acquisitions / Robert Baker p10. Annual General Meeting / Tony Michael p10. Form of Appointment of Proxy p11. Nomination Form p11. Membership & Donations p12.Published quarterly since 1977, the newsletters of the Kew Historical Society contain significant research by members that explore aspects of the Victorian and Australian Framework of Historical Themes. Frequently, articles on people, places and artefacts are the only source of information about an aspect of Kew, and Melbourne’s history.non-fictionHistoric Maps of Kew / Robert Baker p1. Exhibitions p3. Quarterly Book Sales p3. Meetings & Lectures p3. New Members p3. For Whom the Bell Tolls / Suzanne McWha p4. Tuesday Volunteers p5. The Red Menace / Robert Baker p6. Philip Slobom p7. Daily Life in Kew: The Summer of 1885/86 / Andrew Frost p8. Recent Acquisitions / Robert Baker p10. Annual General Meeting / Tony Michael p10. Form of Appointment of Proxy p11. Nomination Form p11. Membership & Donations p12.kew historical society (vic.) -- periodicals., kew historical society (vic.) -- newsletters, kew historical society (vic.) -- journals -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kew Historical Society, Newsletter No.111, June 2015
... kew historical society (vic.) -- periodicals.... Historical Society contain significant research by members...Kew Historical Society...Kew Historical Society Inc 1 Civic Drive Kew melbourne kew ...No 111 JUNE 2015. A historian's legacy (Dorothy Rogers) / Robert Baker p1. Exhibitions, Meetings & lectures, New members, 2015 meeting calendar / p3. What's in a box? / Suzanne McWha p5. New acquisitions / Robert Baker p5. A history of community activism / Valerie Bourke p6. Kew Tram Depot / p7. Boroondara Remembers: Stories of World War 1 / p7. Daily Life in Kew: the summer of 1885-86 / Andrew Frost p8. The textiles and clothing collection / Collections Activity Group p10. Kew Tram Depot celebrates 100 years / Tony Michael p11. Membership & Donations p12.Published quarterly since 1977, the newsletters of the Kew Historical Society contain significant research by members that explore aspects of the Victorian and Australian Framework of Historical Themes. Frequently, articles on people, places and artefacts are the only source of information about an aspect of Kew, and Melbourne’s history.non-fictionNo 111 JUNE 2015. A historian's legacy (Dorothy Rogers) / Robert Baker p1. Exhibitions, Meetings & lectures, New members, 2015 meeting calendar / p3. What's in a box? / Suzanne McWha p5. New acquisitions / Robert Baker p5. A history of community activism / Valerie Bourke p6. Kew Tram Depot / p7. Boroondara Remembers: Stories of World War 1 / p7. Daily Life in Kew: the summer of 1885-86 / Andrew Frost p8. The textiles and clothing collection / Collections Activity Group p10. Kew Tram Depot celebrates 100 years / Tony Michael p11. Membership & Donations p12. kew historical society (vic.) -- periodicals., kew historical society (vic.) -- newsletters, kew historical society (vic.) -- journals -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kew Historical Society, Newsletter No.110, March 2015
... kew historical society (vic.) -- periodicals.... Historical Society contain significant research by members...Kew Historical Society...Kew Historical Society Inc 1 Civic Drive Kew melbourne kew ...Unexpected gifts / Robert Baker p1. Exhibitions; Meetings & lectures; 2015 meeting calendar; New members / p3. The Kew Festival / p4. Tribute: Graeme Frank Lindsay (1933-2015) / p5. News from the past: 150 and 100 years ago / p5. Gallipoli & Beyond 2015 / p6. Heritage issues: 'Fairyland' 57 Malmsbury Street; The 'Electric House' Harp Road / p7. Kew in the 1890s Depression: Part 3 relief efforts /Andrew Frost p8. Membership & Donations p10.Published quarterly since 1977, the newsletters of the Kew Historical Society contain significant research by members that explore aspects of the Victorian and Australian Framework of Historical Themes. Frequently, articles on people, places and artefacts are the only source of information about an aspect of Kew, and Melbourne’s history.non-fictionUnexpected gifts / Robert Baker p1. Exhibitions; Meetings & lectures; 2015 meeting calendar; New members / p3. The Kew Festival / p4. Tribute: Graeme Frank Lindsay (1933-2015) / p5. News from the past: 150 and 100 years ago / p5. Gallipoli & Beyond 2015 / p6. Heritage issues: 'Fairyland' 57 Malmsbury Street; The 'Electric House' Harp Road / p7. Kew in the 1890s Depression: Part 3 relief efforts /Andrew Frost p8. Membership & Donations p10.kew historical society (vic.) -- periodicals., kew historical society (vic.) -- newsletters, kew historical society (vic.) -- journals -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Kew Historical Society, Horse Trough & Hitching Post [Kew], 1966
... kew historical society - archives...Since its foundation in 1958, members of the Kew Historical..., Secretary of the Kew Historical Society, dated 13 Feb 1966...Kew Historical Society...Kew Historical Society Inc 1 Civic Drive Kew melbourne ...Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Correspondence and published articles relating to the horse trough and hitching post outside the gates of the Boroondara General Cemetery. The earliest item of correspondence is a typed and signed letter from the historian Dorothy Rogers to Mrs West, Secretary of the Kew Historical Society, dated 13 Feb 1966. It relates to transport, including horse trams that travelled through Kew. Another letter from B F Bade in 1986 identifies the hitching post as having been once located outside the old Kew Town Hall in Walpole Street, and dating from 1907. The latter was acquired in 1987 and installed in 1988 during the Bicentennial. The horse trough was originally located on this site and restored in 1988.kew historical society - archives, kew - history, boroondara general (kew) cemetery, george bills, annis bills, horse transport - melbournekew historical society - archives, kew - history, boroondara general (kew) cemetery, george bills, annis bills, horse transport - melbourne -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kew Historical Society, Newsletter No.139, June 2022
... kew historical society (vic.) -- periodicals.... Historical Society contain significant research by members exploring...Kew Historical Society...Kew Historical Society Inc 1 Civic Drive Kew melbourne kew ...Aquatic adventures / Robert Baker p1. Office Bearers / p2. History News: exhibitions; new acquisitions; memberships / p3. Hussey Burgh Macartney / Felicity Renowden & Tony McCutcheon p4. Where is North Kew? / Brad Miles p6. June 1922 / Trove p6. Harold Blair's Kew Committee / David White p7. Pickwick Portfolio: new acquisition / Robert Baker p9. The Rotary Club of Yarra Bend / Anne Josefsberg p10. Membership & Donations p12. 12ppPublished quarterly since 1977, the newsletters of the Kew Historical Society contain significant research by members exploring relevant aspects of the Victorian and Australian Framework of Historical Themes. Frequently, articles on people, places and artefacts are the only source of information about an aspect of Kew, and Melbourne’s history.non-fictionAquatic adventures / Robert Baker p1. Office Bearers / p2. History News: exhibitions; new acquisitions; memberships / p3. Hussey Burgh Macartney / Felicity Renowden & Tony McCutcheon p4. Where is North Kew? / Brad Miles p6. June 1922 / Trove p6. Harold Blair's Kew Committee / David White p7. Pickwick Portfolio: new acquisition / Robert Baker p9. The Rotary Club of Yarra Bend / Anne Josefsberg p10. Membership & Donations p12. 12ppkew historical society (vic.) -- periodicals., kew historical society (vic.) -- newsletters, kew historical society (vic.) -- journals -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kew Historical Society, Newsletter No.141, December 2022
... Kew Historical Society (Vic.) -- Periodicals.... Historical Society contain significant research by members exploring...Kew Historical Society...Kew Historical Society Inc 1 Civic Drive Kew melbourne Kew ...Planning and [natural] disasters / David White pp1-2. History News [New walking tours; Application for Grants funding; Social media; The Collection; New member] / p3. Onward Upward: a history of Kew East Primary School / Desley Reid pp4-5. Kew Scout District swimming sports / Brad Miles p5. As it happened ... / p5. Leopoldine Mimovich: sculptor, etcher and painter / Felicity Renowden pp7-9. Kew as it might have been / David White pp9-11. Application for grants funding / Judith Voce p11. Membership Renewals/Applications / p12.Published quarterly since 1977, the newsletters of the Kew Historical Society contain significant research by members exploring relevant aspects of the Victorian and Australian Framework of Historical Themes. Frequently, articles on people, places and artefacts are the only source of information about an aspect of Kew, and Melbourne’s history.non-fictionPlanning and [natural] disasters / David White pp1-2. History News [New walking tours; Application for Grants funding; Social media; The Collection; New member] / p3. Onward Upward: a history of Kew East Primary School / Desley Reid pp4-5. Kew Scout District swimming sports / Brad Miles p5. As it happened ... / p5. Leopoldine Mimovich: sculptor, etcher and painter / Felicity Renowden pp7-9. Kew as it might have been / David White pp9-11. Application for grants funding / Judith Voce p11. Membership Renewals/Applications / p12. kew historical society (vic.) -- periodicals., kew historical society (vic.) -- newsletters, kew historical society (vic.) -- journals, melbourne: report of the metropolitan town planning commission 1929 -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kew Historical Society, Newsletter No.109, December 2014
... Kew Historical Society (Vic.) -- Periodicals.... Historical Society contain significant research by members exploring...Kew Historical Society...Kew Historical Society Inc 1 Civic Drive Kew melbourne Kew ...Images in light [leadlight] / Robert Baker p1-2. Society Activities: Exhibitions [Beyond the Gate, A Model Kew Home]; Past meetings; Future meetings; New members; Quarterly book sale / p3. President's Report / Alex Wilson OAM / p4-5. Making News [150-years ago; 100-years ago] / p5. Birth and death in Kew [Edward Gough Whitlam, 46 Rowland Street] / Lea Ram p6. Unpacking the past [costume conservation] / Robert Baker p7. New acquisition [Victorian cape] / p7. Kew in the 1890s Depression: Part 2 Distress in Kew / Andrew Frost p.8-9. Membership & Donations / p10.Published quarterly since 1977, the newsletters of the Kew Historical Society contain significant research by members exploring relevant aspects of the Victorian and Australian Framework of Historical Themes. Frequently, articles on people, places and artefacts are the only source of information about an aspect of Kew, and Melbourne’s history.non-fictionImages in light [leadlight] / Robert Baker p1-2. Society Activities: Exhibitions [Beyond the Gate, A Model Kew Home]; Past meetings; Future meetings; New members; Quarterly book sale / p3. President's Report / Alex Wilson OAM / p4-5. Making News [150-years ago; 100-years ago] / p5. Birth and death in Kew [Edward Gough Whitlam, 46 Rowland Street] / Lea Ram p6. Unpacking the past [costume conservation] / Robert Baker p7. New acquisition [Victorian cape] / p7. Kew in the 1890s Depression: Part 2 Distress in Kew / Andrew Frost p.8-9. Membership & Donations / p10. kew historical society (vic.) -- periodicals., kew historical society (vic.) -- newsletters, kew historical society (vic.) -- journals