Physical description

The Kewriosity Sheet (1979-83) was first published in the City of Kew (Victoria) in June 1979 as a two-sided 'community newssheet'. It aimed to: 'share news about Kew happenings and Kew people, and to exchange ideas about living in Kew'. Later issues gradually evolved into a 4-page, quarto sized publication. The Kewriosity Sheet was superseded by the Kew Council publication 'Kewriosity' (1983-1994).

Publication type



Fete [Kew Elder Citizens] / p1. Televising the service of worship [Uniting Church East Kew] / p1. Desperately needed [7th Kew Cub Pack] / p1. For sale ... The Artists of Kew [Elizabeth Mackie; Kew Historical Society] / p1. Art exhibition [Australian art] / p1. Afternoon movie [Missionary Sisters of St Peter Claver] / p1. Movement and dance in Special education [Caritas Centre] / p3. Day Care Centre [Caritas Centre] / p3. What is a blitz? [Yarra Bend Pakr; South African Boneweed]/ p3. The David Allen Memorial Scholarship [Concert; Old Presbyterian Church, Kew; Ian Frederick Lowe, Kaye Allen, Miriam Leuba] / p4. Kew Garden Club / p4. Child development and play - Eastern Region / p4. Caregivers needed [Family Day Care Centre] / p4.