
A Special committee, part of the Greek Community in Melbourne, which will collect and record information of significanct about Greek the settlement in Victoria

Our collection

The Plutarch Project is a project that we hope will encompass the collections of most organisations in Victoria of Greek background. Some of these organisations have been around for more than 100 years in Melbourne. And it will be difficult to assess their archives as to what exactly they contain. However we're sure that there are thousands of valuable items out there that mark the history of settlement of Greeks in Australia. The first generation migrants to this state have almost passed away in total. Their descendants are not as interested as the first generation about objects used in expressing themselves, establishing themselves, co-ordinating settlement of their families, organising community groups, excelling in arts, sports, medicine, law etc. This history will eventually be completely lost unless there is a serious look at what is there. So partially Plutarch Project is a way of identifying the objects in question as well as making sure they're not ending up into the rubbish tips. Australia has a lot to benefit from recording its own history. We do not need to go into that topic. The Plutarch Project is an avenue that will not only identify but also record what is really out there and nobody really knows to-date.

Themes: Building Victoria?s industries and workforce, Building towns, cities and the garden state, Shaping cultural and creative life