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matching victorian missions to seamen
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Flyer, Annual Meeting, 1886
... September 1886, page 2 VICTORIAN SEAMEN'S MISSION... September 1886, page 2 VICTORIAN SEAMEN'S MISSION ...The Annual Meeting presenting the Annual Report was held on the 21st of September 1886 at the Melbourne Athenaeum. In the Standard (Port Melbourne, Vic. : 1884 - 1914), Saturday 25 September 1886, page 2 VICTORIAN SEAMEN'S MISSION. This institution held its annual meeting in the Melbourne Athenæum on Tuesday evening under the most favourable auspices. The hall was filled in every part, a very large pro portion of the audience being seamen. The half hour previous to the com mencement of the meeting was very pleasantly occupied bv listening to the capital playing of the band of the Naval Brigade, and precisely at eight o'clock the musicians heralded the entrance of the vice-regal party by playing ' The National Anthem.' Sir Henry and Lady Loch were received by the Mayor of Melbourne (Mr. Stewart), the Hon. F. T. Derham, Captain Pasco, Mr. H. R. Reid (hon. secretary), and Lieutenant - Colonel Templeton, and His Excellency imme diately took the chair. The venerable ex-chaplain, the Rev. Kerr Johnson, was present, but as he did not feel equal to taking part in the proceedings, the Rev. E. T. Miles opened the meeting with prayer. Nothing could have been more cal culated to give a distinctive character to the meeting than the singing of the Sailors' Hymn by the 300 odd seamen present. The rugged yet tuneful voices of the men blending with those of the ladies present, who heartily joined in, gave a most spirit-stirring effect to the beautiful words of the refrain : — Rocks and streams I'll fear no more, When on that eternal shore; Drop the anchor ! furl the sail ! I am safe within the vail. Next followed His Excellency's address as chairman. The Governor threw himself heartily into the pro ceedings, and his remarks, expressive of the utmost sympathy with the sea men of the empire, were applauded to the echo. In fact from the start all the speakers struck the right key-note. The institution was not held up as a charity on which Jack was more or less dependent. According to the gentlemen who one and all welcomed him as a friend, and a right useful friend too, the thing was all the other way. To the sailor it was, they de clared, that they owed all that the colony possessed, and more — the great ness and prosperity of the Empire, He was the sort of man who never turned his back on a fellow creature, or refused to give a hand to a comrade in distress. Therefore it was deter mined that Jack should not come to these shores and think there were none to care for the comfort of his body or the welfare of his soul, and with the object of greeting the sailor on his arrival, of grasping his hand as a friend, beguiling his hours on shore, and saving him from the scores of dangers and temptations which beset a sea-faring man's stay in port, the institution had in '57 been started. Its claims on the Victorian public, not as a charity, but as a means of show ing some recognition of the services of the brave men who man our mercan tile marine, were ably put before the meeting. The Rev. G. D. Buchanan de clared that if the Melbourne merchants contributed to the mission a tithe of the amount they spent in insurance, they would find their goods better looked after by the seamen than by the insurance companies. Captain McCallum, the treasurer, read the following report of the com mittees of the Port Melbourne and Williamstown Rests : — In no part of the Queen's dominions have there been more changes during the last thirty years than in the colony bearing her gracious name ; and it is therefore all the more pleasant to report that the Victorian Mission to seamen, which started so long ago as 1857, still pursues an active career of usefulness, holding out a helping hand to mariners of all nations, without distinction of colour, race or creed. Eight years ago, some of the supporters of the Mission, feeling the want of a Temperance Club, where the crews of the various ships might recreate themselves and enjoy the three ' C's' — Coffee — Comfort — Company, appealed to the public for assistance, resulting in sufficient funds being obtained to justify the establishment of Sailors' Rests at Sandridge and Williamstown. Both these institutions were opened by a distinguished gentleman who has always taken a practical interest in sea men, and who, but for illness, would have been present at this meeting — Sir W. F. Stawell — and the result jof several years' experience fully justifies the statement that these institutions have supplied a felt want — the attendance of visitors reaching now about 30,000 per annum ; whilst so economically are they managed, that the annual cost to the public is less than L150 The thanks of the committee are specially due to those ladies and gentlemen who so kindly made a special and successful effort to supply both of the Bests with new piano fortes, to the great enjoyment of ' Jack ashore.' The instrument which was pre sented to the Port Melbourne institution by Mr. J. M. Bruce, on behalf of the sub scribers, the funds having been collected by his daughter yet in her teens, being espec ially one of great value. Concerts free to all seamen, given by amateur singers, are held weekly on both sides of the bay, and are largely attended and much appreciated. The building at Port Melbourne, which, being of wood, is merely of a temporary character, is free from debt ; but there is a mortgage of L500 on the Williamstown institution, which cripples its usefulness. The committee have regretfully to report that during the year under review they have lost, through the weakness of increas ing years, tbe loving services of the Rev. Kerr Johnston, their venerable friend and chaplain, whose life is, indeed, the history of the Mission, for he has been connected with it from the commencement of the work. Mr. Johnston has proved himself a true disciple of his Divine Master, and the com mittee trust that in the evening of his days he may enjoy that peace and rest which he lias so well earned. The com mittee presented Mr. Johnston, on retiring, with an honorarium of L100. Mr. E. James has been appointed iu Mr. JohuBton'u room, and the committee believe that their choice lias been a fortunate one. The Mission aud Sailors' Bests have been kept afloat by the unwearied and self -deny-ing exertions of the Ladies1 Committee, who have personally collected nearly the whole of the income ; but it may fairly be asked whether, in this great seaport, where last year there entered in at Her Majesty's Customs 1711 ships, manned by 61,256 men, the mercantile community of Melbourne should net take a more active interest in the welfare of the thousands of brave men who, for a few weeks, temporary sojourners on our shores, away from friends and relatives, have a special claim on our sympathy and help. We are of the old land, ' that gem sunk in the silver sea and we can re-echo Mr. Gladstone's recent words to the crew of the yacht Sunbeam, ' The calling which you follow is a noble one, and is calculated to bring forth the highest qualities of our common nature ; ana if it is possible for any occupation to make a man, in the highest and wideBt sense of the word, it is ' the occupation to which your lives are given. How closely it is connected with the the prosperity and fame of tbi» great nation ; how closely, indeed, it is connected with advancement of civilisation, and tiie general welfare of the world, it needs no words of mine to tell yon, for in your work and life you know it well, and feel it truly.' Look ing at what we Victorians owe to the British sailor, the committee earnestly trust that, with the blessings of the Almighty God, increased success will attend the work of the Mission and Rests. Mr. James read the chaplain's re port: — Since my appointment as chaplain to tbe Seamens' Mission, I have met with greater success than I anticipated. I have visited all the ships that have come into port, also many of the vessels on the Yarra, and am pleased with the civil and courteous manner in which I have been received by captains, officers and men, and in most cases my invitations to them to attend our meetings have been most heartily responded to. . The attendance at the services in the Bethel has much improved — on some occasions scarcely sitting room is to be found. The services have proved a great blessing to many Christian seamen ; whilst several who have come into port caring for nothing of a religious nature, have left praying. God fearing men, with the request that those left behind would remember them in their supplications, that they should be kept through all the trials and temptations to which seamen are exposed. The weekly Tuesday evening concerts got up bj the ladies of the committee and others, have proved a great benefit to the Mission, and a source of great enjoyment to the seamen in port. The programmes are excellent; and are spoken of by the sailors as the best they have heard in any port. The Sailors* Rest is provided with a library, the daily papers, and illustrated literature, with games of chess, draughts, dominoes, quoits, and other amusements, which are much taken advantage of during the evenings. Seamen ' are alio provided with writing materials, free, bo that everyone may have any opportunity of writing to their friends; for many an anxious parent is counting the days and hoping for .the time to come when they shall get a line from their sons in the far distant land, and many a son is reminded of his obligation by the opportunity thus afforded. I am much pleased at this time to acknowledge the kindness of the committee, and the great help I have received from them, also from Mr. Douglas, the manager of the Best. I do not think I could have been blest with a better co-worker. I have no hesitation in recommending the seamen to go to the Best, and telling them that they will receive a most hearty welcome, to which they can all testify ; my thanks are due to the voluntary workers, who have given every assistance ft their power, especially to Miss Lloyd, who is an invaluable help, attending in all weathers, and playing the organ at every service. The Sunday School is progressing, and we aie now about to make another addition to the library, of good readable books. The work at Williamstown is also pro gressing well, the Wednesday night concerts being well attended, and the singing and reciting supplied by local talent really good; the sailors contributing largely to the programmes. Captain McCallum is the backbone of the work at Williamstown, well supported by many warm friends of the sailors. The services held every Sunday night are productive of mnch good. The work here, too, is very encouraging, having much improved of late. I am thank ful to God that He has so blessed the efforts of His people, and hope they may be long spared to carry on the work. The Rev. G. D. Buchanan in an eloquent speech proposed the first re solution : — ' That the Reports now read be adopted, and that the following ladies and gentlemen be the Committee for the ensuing year : — SEAMEN'S MISSION. Ladies Committee. — Mesdames Templeton, Campbell, Chamberlin, Elworthy, Lormer, Gourlay, Gowan, B. Johnston, Webb, Young, Plummer, Misses Elwortny, Webb, Gowan, and M. Hastie. Gentlemen's Committee. — Captains Pasco, R. N., Adams, McCallum, J.P., Dalgarno, Garside, Messrs. Courtis, A. J. Smith, Macpherson, H. R. Reid, J.P., Henry Berry, J.P., Revs. Kerr Johnston, and A. R. Edgar.' Captain Pasco seconded, and in formed the audience that Baron Von Mueller had written regretting his inability to attend, but had sent a substantial cheque. (Applause.) A collection was then taken up and liberally responded to, the band mean-time playing airs suitable to the occa sion, such as ' The Death of Nelson' and ' Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep.' The hon. F. T. Derham next pro posed the second resolution : — ' That the success which has attended the working of the Port Melbourne Sailors' Rest justifies this meeting in taking imme diate steps to raise the funds necessary to erect a Seamen's Institute worthy of the in creasing trade and commerce of Victoria.' This was seconded by the Rev. A. R. Edgar, and both were carried by ac clamation. The Mayor of Melbourne moved a vote of thanks to His Excellency, and Sir Henry in the course of his reply said his sympathies were not only with sailors because he had been much brought into contact with them, but because he had been a sailor himself and had had the honour and privilege of serving in Her Majesty's navy. At this the men sprang to their feet and gave three deafening cheers for the Governor and another for Lady Loch, who bowed her acknowledgment and appeared very pleased at the hearty reception accorded to her. During the evening Mrs. Pearce, and Messrs. Walsh, Woods, and Robinson, members of the Liedertafel, contributed songs. The lady, who has sung at the Tuesday evening concerts, sang ' When the Tide comes in' so charmingly that an encore, although against the rule of the evening, was insisted upon, which was responded to by a beautiful rendering of the old ballad ' Robin Adair,' Altogether the meeting was a com plete success, and will doubtless afford the committee fresh encouragement in their well-directed efforts. Printed programme for the 1886 annual meeting taking place in the Melbourne AthenaeumWritten in black ink at the back by WHC Darvall: annual meeting, melbourne athenaeum, 1886, baron ferdinand von mueller, sailors' rest, hugh ronald reid, captain fullarton, captain mccallum, henry loch, captain pasco, reverend kerr johnston -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Instrument - Reed organ, W Bell & Co, c. 1888
... to the then Victorian Seamen's Mission, originally founded by the Bethel Union... Brass plaque on front board: Presented to/The Victorian Seamen's... to the then Victorian Seamen's Mission, originally founded by the Bethel Union ...This organ was gifted by the Bethel Community in 1890 to the then Victorian Seamen's Mission, originally founded by the Bethel Union in 1857. The gift was intended to assist with worship. Despite all appearance, this organ is not a pipe organ but a reed organ that works in a similar manner to an accordion. In May 1890, the sum of seventy pounds was put towards the purchase of the organ. The sum being raised via subscriptions. The organ was inaugurated in September 1890. Jabez Carnegie (1832-1892), importer of piano and organs in Melbourne, had made a trip to Europe and Canada in 1887 and had secured the agency of Bell organs. W. Bell & Co were a Canadian organ and piano manufacturer, considered the premier organ manufacturer of the time. W Bell & Co changed its name to Bell Organ and Piano Co in 1888 meaning this organ had to be manufactured prior to the name change. The organ was first used in the mission main room from 1890 to 1915 when the St Nicholas chapel was built at the back (see item 0548. It was transfered to the new Port Melbourne mission in 1937 (link on postcard from State Library Victoria). In 1972, it was transferred to the Holy Trinity Church in Bay Street after the closure of the Mission In the late 1980s during a National Trust campaign to save the building, the organ was sold by the Anglican Men's Society to the Trust's organ committee, who carried out some restoration work and returned it to the former Missions to Seamen chapel. In 1991 the Office of Major Projects had control of the whole 'Bayside' development site. With the Mission to Seamen Building emptied and proposed for demolition, the Office of Major Projects removed the organ and placed it in storage in various locations - finally, in the Museum of Victoria store in Abbotsford. In 1995-6, enquiries by Jim Hillis resulted in the return of the organ to the control of the Port Melbourne HIstorical & Preservation Society. As the Society had no suitable location for the organ, several churches and schools in Port Melbourne were approached to take the organ with no results. The nearby suburbs were suggested next. Finally the Melbourne Maritime Museum (Polly Woodside) was approached and agreed to place it in their Museum on a long term loan. In 1997 it was on display in no 5 shed South Wharf (23/3/1997). In 2006, the Polly Woodside South Wharf site was to be re-developed, and they could no longer retain the organ. Accordingly, on 4 May 2006, the organ was transferred to the Mission To Seafarers building in Flinders Street Extension as an indefinite loan (refer OL 022) The PMHPS deaccessioned it to finally transfered it in 2018 to MTSV.(See also acquisition details re 21st C finalisation of acquisition) This organ is a tangible reminder of the longevity of the Mission to Seafarers, a link with the original Bethel Union which was instrumental in 1856 calling a public meeting and inviting subscriptions by various non-conformist churches to found a mission to Seamen. Rev Kerr-Johnson delivered the first service in 1857 aboard the Emily. The Mission to Seafarers has been in operation ever since and continues to operate to the same purpose today.Large reed organ that looks like a pipe organ with fifteen elaborately painted pipes bearing a floral motif. The body of the organ is elaborately decorated in carved wood. It has 17 knobs above the keyboard both which can be concealed when the keyboard cover is lowered. There are two foot pedals at the bottom of the organ with "Mouse Proof Pedals" cast into the framing iron. list of stop names: Viola 4Ft Diapason 8Ft Dolce 4Ft Violetta 2Ft Sub Bass 16 Ft Octave Coupler Vox Humana Forte Picciolo 2Ft Hautboy 8Ft Aeoline 8Ft Cremona 16Ft E---bone 16Ft Echo 8Ft Celeste 8Ft Melodia 8Ft Flute 4FtMaker's mark in gold lettering above keyboard: W. Bell & Co Brass plaque on front board: Presented to/The Victorian Seamen's Mission/by/Congregation worshipping in Bethel/& friends./1st September 1890 Behind the stops a wooden plaque: J. CARNEGIE & SONS, SOLE AGENTS FOR VICTORIA MELBOURNE organ, worship, bethel, pipes, reed, bethel union, pipe top, jabez carnegie, w. bell & co, port melbourne, mission to seafarers, seamens' mission, mission to seamen, guelph, ontario, canada, pmhps, polly woodside, harmonium, reed organ -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Flyer, The Victoria Missions to Seamen (being the Victorian Seamen's Mission and the Melbourne to Seamen amalgamated), c. 1920
... The Victoria Missions to Seamen (being the Victorian... the Victorian Seamen's Mission and the Melbourne to Seamen amalgamated ...Charity organisation, Ladies' Harbour Lights Guild,was formed within The Missions to Seamen Institute to provide a home away from home, for visiting seamen. The flyer invited seafarers to use the institutes for 'Reading, Smoking and Writing and Special Events such as 'Sacred Song Service' and Concerts. This paper flyer holds historical significance at a local level because it illustrates the events and services that seafarers were invited to use and attend organized by the Mission to Seafarers.The Ladies' Harbour Lights Guild grew to become a significant charity in Melbourne raising large amounts of money which helped to establish the current MTS building, supporting seafarers as well as attending social events such as the ones promoted in the flyer. Paper Flyer in blue ink inviting seafarers to use the institutes for 'Reading, Smoking and Writing ;. Also invites them to Special events including dates venues for Socials, 'Sacred Song Services' and Concerts. Written in Black ink on the back: "The crues of the Cashelot" (?)missions to seamen institute, williamstown, port melbourne, special events, ladies' harbour lights guild, australian-wharf, lhlg, flinders street, seafarers, seamen, sailors, reading, smoking, writing, religious services, mission to seamen, seamen's institute, mission to seafarers -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Book (item) - Visitor log book, Victorian Seamen's Mission, 1981- 1984
... Visitor log book Victorian Seamen's Mission ...This book records the date, name and ship of seafarers who visited the mission. The book tells a story of which ships were visiting Melbourne in 1981 the nationalities of visiting crew members were predominantly asian, pacific and philipino.Cover: Visitor Log 1981 - 1984ship, crew, visitor, logbook, sailors, seamen, seafarers, mission, mission to seafarers, seamen mission, flinders street -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Magazine (Item) - Newsletter, The Victoria Missions to Seamen, Jottings From Our Log, 1906-1937
... . Published for some 30 years by the Victorian Missions to Seamen ...Likely to be the idea of Reverend Alfred Gurney Goldsmith, and first published in January 1906 (missing), the newsletter was issued quarterly (printed generally in January, Easter, Midwinter and Michaelmas) but became annual from 1932. 110 Jottings were printed from January 1905 till October 1937; although there was an error in the numbering or a special edition number 88. And unfortunately a few issues are missing The Mission holds a photograph of this publication being packed in calico by the members of the 'Ladies Harbour Lights Guild' for distribution to branches and supporters.Published for some 30 years by the Victorian Missions to Seamen issued to supporters the series contributes to the history of the organisation. Although incomplete, the set is a likely to be the only one remaining. It is a key cross reference supplying many details and dates of ships, crew members, supporters, committee members, chaplains and LHLG, activities in both Melbourne, Port Phillip and other States where Missions were gradually established and information not able to be included in Annual Reports. It is an invaluable source of images. Some of photographs published are still in the missions heritage collection.newsletter, victorian seamen's mission, melbourne misson to seamen, jottings from our log, lhlg, ladies harbour lights guild, alfred gurney goldsmith -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Card - Invitation card, The Victoria Missions to Seamen, 1906
... victorian seamen's mission 1907 siddeley street alfred gurney ...The original date for the laying of Foundation stone for the first Mission building at Australian Wharf in 1906 had to be changed to the 5th of February 1907 due to industrial action at the Wharves. See scrapbooks and clippings for details. Lord Northcote the Governor General officiated. The invitation marks the establishment for the first time at the Australian Wharf official recognition of the need to establish a Mission for seafarers in this location, some six years after presentation of the letter in 1897 from 22 Captains urging and requesting a respectable and convenient facility. Just ten years later the Mission would have to move to an adjacent site and raise funds for yet another Mission building in 1916. A heavy card with crimped edge with commercially printed invitation in cursive scripts from the Archbishop of Melbourne and the Members of the Committee of the Mission. A blue flying angel Missions to Seamen flag is printed in the top left corner. The invitee name is written in sepia ink as is an altered date. Ink inscriptions: the Rev A.G. Goldsmith and Mrs Goldsmith // ; printed date of Friday 14th of December 1906 is crossed out and superscribed in handwritten ink as: Tuesday 5th of February 1907 lord northcote, governor general, rev gurney goldsmith, foundation stone, australian wharf, the melbourne missions to seamen, victorian seamen's mission, 1907, siddeley street, alfred gurney goldsmith, walter richmond butler -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Postcard - Postcard, Colour, Alison Kelly, c. 1990
Also known as the King George V memorial building this branch of the Mission to Seamen opened in 1937 as a replacement for the old Mission in Port Melbourne. The Foundation stone was laid by the Victorian State Governor and a photograph of the event is also held in the MTSV collection. The Art Deco style building was commissioned by merchant and philanthropist, Alfred Michael Nicholas (1881-1937) and designed by prolific Melbourne-based architect Harry A. Norris (1888-1966) in 1937 best known for his commercial work in Melbourne city centre. NB PMHPS Kindly allowed MTSV heritage to take scans of the Kelly series notes in their collection for reference in 2019.One of the few full colour images of this building originally classified by the National Trust and now demolished. An example of architect Harry Norris' work 1937. All that remains are a ceramic plaque, a brick and several items of chapel artefacts. Alison Kelly, a photographer, was part of the group supporting the Port Melbourne Seamen's Mission in the 1980s and 1990s. She took a series of photographs of the building now held by the Port Melbourne Historical and Preservation Society.Full colour Postcard featuring colour image of a large red brick building in a 1930s era Architecture. There is a green wrought iron gate ajar in the foreground with the word SEAMAN spelled out. MISSIONS TO SEAMEN can also be seen spelled ut in white across and down the central clock tower of the building and this is surmounted with a white flagpole.On verso: Printed: "Heritage Series / POST CARD " at right angles in small print from lwr edge to upper: "PHOTOGRAPHY BY ALISON KELLY PORT HERITAGE SERIES NO 6". At Lwr left crnr printed:" Missions to Seamen Building, Port Melbourne/ Designed in the Modern style by architect Harry Norris,/ this 1937 National Trust classified structure was until 1972 / an entertainment and spiritual centre for seamen, with / important roles during the war [WW2] and immigration periods"king george v, memorial chapel, harry a. norris, brick, art deco, alfred m. nicholas, beach street, mission to seamen, alison kelly, 1937, arts centre, seamen mission, mission to seafarers, port melbourne -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Magazine (sub-item) - Newsletter, The Victoria Missions to Seamen, Jottings From Our Log, Issue 16 - Michaelmas 1909, 1909
... a source of images. newsletter victorian seamen's mission melbourne ...Content: Page 1: - The Missions Patron, President, Committee - Photograph of the Siddeley Street Mission Page 2: - Lost ship SS Waratah (from the Blue Anchor Line founded by Wilhelm Lund - Death of able seaman, Leslie Mumford of the ship Wendur - Death of German seaman, Matthew Hummelsheim after 3 months in hospital - Visit of Rev. Gurney Goldsmith to the Sydney Mission - News from the Newcastle Mission and Port Adelaide - News from the LHLG (drawing room meetings) - League of the Souther Cross Page 3: - 3rd Annual Seafarers Service - Thanks for gifts - Ships and Sailors Collections list - Address and timetable of activities in the 3 missions - Advertising from Inglis, SMith & Co. Page 4: - Advertising from Robur Tea, Jas. F. McKenzie & Co. , Diocesan Books Society The Mission holds a photograph of this publication being packed in calico by the members of the 'Ladies Harbour Lights Guild' for distribution to branches and supporters.Published for some 30 years by the Victorian Missions to Seamen issued to supporters the series contributes to the history of the organisation. It is a key cross reference supplying many details and dates of Chaplain and LHLG activities in both Melbourne, Port Phillip and other States where Missions were gradually established and information not able to be included in Annual Reports. It is also a source of images.newsletter, victorian seamen's mission, melbourne misson to seamen, jottings from our log, lhlg, rope, flying angel, seagull, advertising, port melbourne, williamstown, sailors' home, australian wharf, seamen's institute, sailors' rest, services, concerts, events, socials, deaths, w.h.c. darvall, motor boat, geelong, woolies, michaelmas, quarterly, ladies harbour lights guild, reverend alfred gurney goldsmith, charles arthur holmes, reverend a.t. pitt, harold kingston vickery, boatman, southern cross, crotonhurst, myrniong, s.s. waratah, seamen's guild, wendur, leslie mumford, matthew hummelsheim, blue anchor line, wilhelm lund -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Magazine (sub-item) - Newsletter, The Victoria Missions to Seamen, Jottings From Our Log, Issue 17 - Christmas 1909, 1909
... a source of images. newsletter victorian seamen's mission melbourne ...Content: Page 1: - The Missions Patron, President, Committee - Photograph of the Siddeley Street Mission Page 2: - Lost ship SS Waratah (from the Blue Anchor Line founded by Wilhelm Lund - Death of able seaman, Leslie Mumford of the ship Wendur - Death of German seaman, Matthew Hummelsheim after 3 months in hospital - Visit of Rev. Gurney Goldsmith to the Sydney Mission - News from the Newcastle Mission and Port Adelaide - News from the LHLG (drawing room meetings) - League of the Souther Cross Page 3: - 3rd Annual Seafarers Service - Thanks for gifts - Ships and Sailors Collections list - Address and timetable of activities in the 3 missions - Advertising from Inglis, SMith & Co. Page 4: - Advertising from Robur Tea, Jas. F. McKenzie & Co. , Diocesan Books Society The Mission holds a photograph of this publication being packed in calico by the members of the 'Ladies Harbour Lights Guild' for distribution to branches and supporters.Published for some 30 years by the Victorian Missions to Seamen issued to supporters the series contributes to the history of the organisation. It is a key cross reference supplying many details and dates of Chaplain and LHLG activities in both Melbourne, Port Phillip and other States where Missions were gradually established and information not able to be included in Annual Reports. It is also a source of images.newsletter, victorian seamen's mission, melbourne misson to seamen, jottings from our log, lhlg, rope, flying angel, seagull, advertising, port melbourne, williamstown, sailors' home, australian wharf, seamen's institute, sailors' rest, services, concerts, events, socials, deaths, w.h.c. darvall, motor boat, geelong, woolies, michaelmas, quarterly, ladies harbour lights guild, reverend alfred gurney goldsmith, charles arthur holmes, reverend a.t. pitt, harold kingston vickery, boatman, southern cross, crotonhurst, myrniong, s.s. waratah, seamen's guild, wendur, leslie mumford, matthew hummelsheim, blue anchor line, wilhelm lund -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Card - Invitation card, The Victoria Missions to Seamen, 1959
... for the Williamstown branch of the Victorian Seamen's Mission, the former E,S ...A Williamstown local, Ethel Margaret Musther nee Barber (1872-1956) was the daughter of Captain John Henry Barber (1842-1924), a sea pilot and Janet Lidell (1846-1891) Her grandfather, Captain Lidell, was also a seaman. In 1900, she married Nathan George Musther,(18..-1933) a chemist, and dentist in the Navy. They had two daughters: Rosamund Janet Musther(born 1903) and Nanoya Gwendoline Musther (born 1906). She was the principal of the Ladies' College in Footscray. She was involved in many philantropic associations especially for sailors but also during WWI and WW2. She worked for the Anzac Club, the Red Cross, She formed: 1941: the R.A.N. Friendly Union of Sailor's Wives and Mothers. 1943: the Lightkeepers Auxiliary to help the Mission raised funds. The plaque was a gift of the Lightskeeper Auxiliaire and unveiled on 30 July 1959 at the St Nicholas Chapel, by her eldest daughter, Mrs Jean McDonald.It was originally on stained and polished hardwood mount made by Mrs Murdoch (AR1959, page 24). On the day, a desk service-book was also dedicated in memory of Dr John Thompson at the request of his daughter, Mrs Sparrow.In early 1943, Ethel Margaret Musther formed the Lightkeepers' Auxiliaire and raised funds for the third building purchased for the Williamstown branch of the Victorian Seamen's Mission, the former E,S & A Bank. Thanks to her philanthropic work, she was rewarded with a Medal of the British Empire in 1953 for all her charitable work.Invitation card to the dedication of a brass plaque in memory of Ethel Margaret Mustherethel margaret musther, st nicholas' mariners' chapel, nelson place, williamstown, lightkeepers' auxiliary -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Booklet - Chapel service, The Victoria Missions to Seamen, Dedication of Ethel Musther, 1959
... for the Williamstown branch of the Victorian Seamen's Mission, the former E,S ...A Williamstown local, Ethel Margaret Musther nee Barber (1872-1956) was the daughter of Captain John Henry Barber (1842-1924), a sea pilot and Janet Lidell (1846-1891) Her grandfather, Captain Lidell, was also a seaman. In 1900, she married Nathan George Musther,(18..-1933) a chemist, and dentist in the Navy. They had two daughters: Rosamund Janet Musther(born 1903) and Nanoya Gwendoline Musther (born 1906). She was the principal of the Ladies' College in Footscray. She was involved in many philantropic associations especially for sailors but also during WWI and WW2. She worked for the Anzac Club, the Red Cross, She formed: 1941: the R.A.N. Friendly Union of Sailor's Wives and Mothers. 1943: the Lightkeepers Auxiliary to help the Mission raised funds. The plaque was a gift of the Lightskeeper Auxiliaire and unveiled on 30 July 1959 at the St Nicholas Chapel, by her eldest daughter, Mrs Jean McDonald. It was originally on stained and polished hardwood mount made by Mrs Murdoch (AR1959, page 24). On the day, a desk service-book was also dedicated in memory of Dr John Thompson at the request of his daughter, Mrs Sparrow.In early 1943, Ethel Margaret Musther formed the Lightkeepers' Auxiliaire and raised funds for the third building purchased for the Williamstown branch of the Victorian Seamen's Mission, the former E,S & A Bank. Thanks to her philanthropic work, she was rewarded with a Medal of the British Empire in 1953 for all her charitable work.Folded booklet on creamy colour paper and black inkethel margaret musther, st nicholas' mariners' chapel, nelson place, williamstown, lightkeepers' auxiliary, dr john thompson -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Postcard - Postcard, Colour, Mission to Seafarers Victoria, The Mission To Seafarers Melbourne 717 Flinders St: Caring for Seafarers in Victorian Ports since 1857, 2011
During the Open House Melbourne 2011 artist nicknamed "586" participated in one of the Norla Dome Project Space events sponsored by Bendigo Wealth. The original large print was on display and smaller prints were also sold to raised funds for the Mission. The postcard was printed as a marketing to raise awareness of the work of the Mission.The postcard llustrates the typical early 21st services such as money exchange, modems, sim cards et al and facilities such as a free bus service and collection available through the Mission. Also documents the continuity of services offered to Seafarers over 100 years in the current building at 717 Flinders St (1917-2017).Full colour promotional and information postcard featuring artwork collage print ( MTSV 0650) on one side and black on white information about the Flying Angel Club on the reverse.flying angel club, flinders street, mission to seafarers, seamen's mission, artist 586, open house, fundraising, marketing -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph - Photograph, copy, The Age, St Nicholas' Mariners' Church, at Williamstown Mission to Seamen, with the lay reader in charge (Mr Stewart Murray) conducting a service, 14 June 1958
... williamstown victorian-seamens-mission 139 nelson place e,s and a bank ...The photograph wa published in the Age, 14th of June 1958. The picture shows the round stained glass dedicated on Sunday 14 December 1947 and the reredos with hangings donated by Maud Breaks in memory of her sister Louise Breaks and dedicated on 26 August 1954 by the Bishop of Geelong.This is a rare picture of the interior of the St Nicholas chapel which was erected behind the former E, S & A Bank building used by the Williamstown Seamen's Mission branch from 1944. Article in the Age reading: "Seamen's Window Dedicated - A window in St. Nicholas' Mariners' Church, at Williamstown, in memory of the merchant seamen who were killed on active service In the last war, was unveiled and dedicated yesterday.The ceremony was performed by the Bishop of Geelong (Rt. Rev. J. D. McKie). The window, erected by the Williamstown Lightkeepers' Auxiliary of the Victoria Missions to Seamen is placed behind the altar. It shows a quartermaster, with his hand on the wheel, and the figure of Christ pointing ahead. Bishop McKie paid a tribute to the spirit of the men who gave their lives at sea in the service of their country. He said the work of the auxiliary would still be of great value, although the war was over." The decision of the window was published in August 1947, Mrs Musther -who created the Lightkeepers' Auxiliary branch in Williamstown - ordered it from Brooks, Robinson & Co. (job books 1923-1966). The furniture and window were donated in 1979 to the Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village in Warrnanbool, and located in the chapel.Black and White Gloss print photograph - Image features a minister delivering a chapel serviceHand written in black texta; ... Mission to Seamen, Williamstown Chapel service... Circa 1957randall stewart murray, st nicholas the mariner chapel, chapel, lay reader, williamstown, victorian-seamens-mission, 139 nelson place, e,s and a bank, english, scottish and australian bank, stained-glass window, pews, lightkeepers' auxiliary, warrnambool, mrs musther, brooks, robinson & co, hymn board, david conolly -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Plaque - Memorial Plaque, Rev. Alfred Gurney Goldsmith, 1925
... meeting organised by the Victorian Mission to Seamen he entered ...Reverend Alfred Gurney Goldsmith has two memorial plaques at the Mission to Seafarers Victoria. One in the the Mission's club room and this one in the Chapel of Saint Peter. He served as Senior Chaplain from 1905 to 1924 through a considerable period of upheaval including the building of two Missions between 1906 and 1917. For more information see 0639 an invitation to the laying of the foundation stone, 0704 a photograph of Reverend Goldsmith and his wife as well as the Mission's annual report from 1925 or contact the curator.Rev'd Gurney Goldsmith arrived in Australia in 1905, an experienced missionary with the intention of establishing a branch of the London Mission to Seamen. After a public meeting organised by the Victorian Mission to Seamen he entered into an amalgamation forging formal links with London, enabling a continuation of the services to seafarers, first commenced in 1857. Goldsmith also conceived the formation of an auxiliary, the Ladies Harbour Lights Guild, which was to play a significant role in support of the Mission and seafarers.Long rectangular brass plaque mounted to brick wall.To the glory of God and in loving memory of Rev. Alfred Gurney Goldsmith M.A. Chaplain 1905 to 1924reverend alfred gurney goldsmith, brass, plaque, memorial, chapel, hong kong, kobe, melbourne, lhlg, seamen mission, mission to seafarers, mission to seamen, chaplain -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Plaque - Memorial plaque, Mary Danne, 1927
... -Johnston chaplain of the Victorian Seamen's Mission 1857 to 1883... -Johnston chaplain of the Victorian Seamen's Mission 1857 to 1883 ...Mary was the fifth daughter of Reverend Kerr Johnston and his wife Elizabeth. Mary married Reverend Richard Vallencey Danne (1846-1904), they had 8 children. One of their son Noel also became a reverend. She continued her father's work by becoming part of the Mission's committee in 1905. On 9 November 1906, for King's Birthday, she hosted a sailors' picnic at the property she rented, Glenfern on Inkerman Road (see item 1637), where she was running a school, Newington. She died on the 30th of July 1926 at her residence, Seymour Grove in Camberwell. The plaque was erected on the 9 October 1927 (AR 1927).The Kerr Johnston Family migrated to Tasmania in 1854. The Reverend took up his appointment with the Victorian Bethel Union for Seamen in 1857 and moved all his family in the "floating church", the ex water police hulk Emily, first Chaplain serving the seamen in Hobsons' Bay.Large rectangular brass plaque with smaller plaque mounted onto it of Mission to Seamen insignia. The Larger plaque is mounted to a brick wall.Mission to Seamen. To the glory of God In loving memory of Mary Danne member of the executive committee of the Victoria Missions to Seamen from 1905 to 1920 and daughter of the REv. Kerr -Johnston chaplain of the Victorian Seamen's Mission 1857 to 1883 "The greatest of these is love"mary alice isabelle danne nee johnston, 1851-1926, reverend kerr johnston, reverend richard vallencey danne, 1846-1904, bethel, hulk emily, hobson's bay, glenfern, flinders street, st peter chapel -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Book, Jane Sandilands, Helen Macpherson Smith: Her Life and Lasting Legacy, 17 April 1874-19 April 1951, 2011
... the Victorian Missions to Seamen (now Mission to Seafarers), the RSPCA ...Helen Macpherson Schutt (née Smith) was a remarkable woman for her time. Born in 1874 to a prosperous Scottish-Australian family, Helen lived comfortably in the financial and social legacy of her family in Melbourne, Victoria. She was also an active supporter of, and donor to, organisations including the Victorian Missions to Seamen (now Mission to Seafarers), the RSPCA, the Royal District Nursing Service, the Royal Children’s Hospital and the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind.Hard cover book of 145 pages; Apps A-F, Acknowledgements, Bibliography and Index, by Jane Sandilands. The mainly black cover features a photograph of Helen Macpherson Smith as a young woman. The title is printed in pink. non-fictionHelen Macpherson Schutt (née Smith) was a remarkable woman for her time. Born in 1874 to a prosperous Scottish-Australian family, Helen lived comfortably in the financial and social legacy of her family in Melbourne, Victoria. She was also an active supporter of, and donor to, organisations including the Victorian Missions to Seamen (now Mission to Seafarers), the RSPCA, the Royal District Nursing Service, the Royal Children’s Hospital and the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind.helen macpherson smith (1874-1951), philanthropy, jane sandilands, benefactor, hmst, helen mcpherson smith trust -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph - Digital photograph, Geraldine Brault, 25 August 2019
The foundation stone of the Victorian Seamen's Institute, which is to be erected in Beach street, Port Melbourne, was laid on Wednesday afternoon by His Excellency the Governor, in the presence of Lady Loch, the Post master-General (Mr. F. T. Derham), Sir James MacBain, Colonel Sargood, and Mr. S. Fraser, M's.L.C., the Dean of Melbourne, the members of the local council, Mr. John Blyth, and a large concourse, of spectators. Captain Pasco then presented His Excellency with a silver trowel and a silver-mounted ivory mallet, whereupon the stone was lowered into position. The stone was placed in the 1937 building then given into the care of the Port Melbourne Historical and Preservation Society during the demolition in 1995. Then it was placed in the bluestone wall in front of the building with the other building stones.The 1888 Mission was sold in the 1930s when the new building, designed by Harry Norris was open in 1937. The 1888 building is still standing but is now for commercial use (restaurant). Colour photograph depicting the foundation stone of the Port Melbourne Mission to Seamen 1888.THIS MEMORIAL STONE WAS LAID BY HIS EXCELLENCY SIR HENRY B. LOCH C.C.M.C. K.C.B. GOVERNOR OF VICTORIA ON WEDNESDAY THE 5TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER A.D. 1888.lord henry brougham loch, frederick sargood, sir james mcbain, simon fraser, john blyth, captain crawford pasco, port melbourne, beach street, nott street, frederick williams, brick, frederick thomas derham, pmhps, port melbourne historical and preservation society, port melbourne mission -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
administrative record (item) - Letter book, W.H.C. Darvall, The Victorian Seamens' Mission, Institutes and Rests: No 1 Letter Book, late 19th Century
... of operations for the original mid 19th C founded Mission to seamen ...One of 2 volumes of late 19th early 20th Century letter books. Each volume provides us with extensive listings of correspondence with supporters, fundraisers, patrons, architects, Mission staff and business transactions carried out by the Honorary Secretary Mr WHC Darvall over the period of a decade. Queen Victoria, Governors of Victoria: Earl of Hopetoun, Lord Brassey, Sir George Sydenham Clark, Lord Talbot and Governors General: Baron Northcote, performers such as Nellie Melba, Kitty Grindley, Sir Samuel Gllott president of the Law Institute, Hugh Reid, Crawford Pasco R.N. FRGS are just a few. The late 19th C - early 20th C period covered by the 2 vol collection of correspondence records together with annual reports and minutes documents a significant transition period not only across centuries but also towards a new framework of operations for the original mid 19th C founded Mission to seamen. The death of a long-standing Chaplain, Wesleyan, Ebenezer James in 1901 eventually led to a proposed merger in 1905 which resulted in the amalgamation of the Victorian Mission with the Anglican based Mission to Seafarers under the leadership of Rev'd Gurney Goldsmith who arrived in 1905. The new Mission was launched in 1906 with a long planned and much needed new central building opened in 1907 on the Australian Wharf. Mr Darvall, in his time produced a handwritten 40 page epitomised history, drawn from annual reports and was exceptionally meticulous in his efforts to cross reference related correspondence, press clippings, report material and documents. He was a strong supporter of Libraries and first town clerk of Beechworth.Primary inscription on title page ( see title field this record) also: "Commencing on Sunday 1st of February , 1895. / Ending on Saturday 18th December , 1902 / Indexed to / Page 18,22,29,32,34,35,44,45,48,53,63,75,80,82, 90, 112, 120, 121,136,151,167,171,173,174, 185, 200, 212, 216, 218, 232, 233, 241, 361, 362, 373, 375, 378, 428, 455, 477, 508, 509, 516, 520, 521, 543, 562, 607, 657, 658, 667, 669, 706, 718, 724, 732, 735, 738, 741, 745 748, 749 ./ WHC Darvall / Hon'y Secretary. "correspondence records, seafarer advocacy, seafarer shore facilities, ship to shore, index, missions to seamen, seamen's missions, mission to seafarers, correspondance, letters, letter book, welfare, nellie melba, kitty grindley, crawford pasco, lord thomas brassey, william henry charles darvall (1830-1906) -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
administrative record (item) - Letter book, W.H.C. Darvall, The Victorian Seamens' Mission, Institutes and Rests: No 2 Letter Book, c. 1890
... of operations for the original mid 19th C founded Mission to seamen ...One of 2 volumes of late 19th early 20th Century letter books. Each volume provides us with extensive listings of correspondence with supporters, fundraisers, patrons, architects, Mission staff and business transactions carried out by the Honorary Secretary Mr WHC Darvall over the period of a decade. Queen Victoria, Governors of Victoria: Earl of Hopetoun, Lord Brassey, Sir George Sydenham Clark, Lord Talbot and Governors General: Baron Northcote, performers such as Nellie Melba, Kitty Grindley, Sir Samuel Gllott president of the Law Institute, Hugh Reid, Crawford Pasco R.N. FRGS are just a few. The late 19th C - early 20th C period covered by the 2 vol collection of correspondence records together with annual reports and minutes documents a significant transition period not only across centuries but also towards a new framework of operations for the original mid 19th C founded Mission to seamen. The death of a long-standing Chaplain, Wesleyan, Ebenezer James in 1901 eventually led to a proposed merger in 1905 which resulted in the amalgamation of the Victorian Mission with the Anglican based Mission to Seafarers under the leadership of Rev'd Gurney Goldsmith who arrived in 1905. The new Mission was launched in 1906 with a long planned and much needed new central building opened in 1907 on the Australian Wharf. Mr Darvall, in his time produced a handwritten 40 page epitomised history, drawn from annual reports and was exceptionally meticulous in his efforts to cross reference related correspondence, press clippings, report material and documents. He was a strong supporter of public Libraries and first town clerk of Beechworth.In handwritten black ink primary inscription on title page (see title field this record...) also: "Commencing on 19th October 1902 Ending ...1905 / Indexed to:.../ WHC Darvall / Hon'y Secretary. "correspondence records, seafarer advocacy, seafarer shore facilities, ship to shore, william henry charles darvall (1830-1906), letters, sailors' rest, welfare, seamen's mission, mission to seamen, mission to seafarers, correspondence, letter book, nellie melba, kitty grindley, lord thomas brassey, crawford pasco -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Magazine (sub-item) - Newsletter, The Victoria Missions to Seamen, Jottings From Our Log, Number 4 - Michaelmas 1906, 1906
... years by the Victorian Missions to Seamen issued to supporters ...Content: WHC Darvall's death Mission's motor boat New central mission Institute Williamstown Rest condition LHLG and their work Thanks Opening hours AdvertisingPublished for some 30 years by the Victorian Missions to Seamen issued to supporters the series contributes to the history of the organisation. It is a key cross reference supplying many details and dates of Chaplain and LHLG activities in both Melbourne, Port Phillip and other States where Missions were gradually established and information not able to be included in Annual Reports. It is also a source of images.newsletter, victorian seamen's mission, melbourne misson to seamen, jottings from our log, lhlg, rope, flying angel, seagull, advertising, port melbourne, williamstown, sailors' home, australian wharf, seamen's institute, sailors' rest, services, concerts, events, socials, deaths, captain press, w.h.c. darvall, motor boat, geelong, boat builder, manx king, glenlui, dovenby, marion woodside, ainsdale, robert reid, bagatelle board, billiard table, sir wilmot fawkes, lady fawkes, book bags, woolies, michaelmas, 1906, ladies harbour lights guild, captain strickland, quarterly, patron, sir reginald talbot, president, archbishop of melbourne, vice president, f.t. derham, w.h. allard, frederick thomas derham (1844-1922), william henry allard (1860-1927), committee membres, archdeacon hindley, archdeacon crossley, william george hindley, owen thomas lloyd crossley, mary danne, mrs e.w. underwood, captain parsons, captain creswell, captain j.h.fearon, ethel augusta godfrey, hugh r. reid, charles blunt, ditty bags, donachy and sons, rope manufacturers, robur tea, mackenzie mustard, excelsior baking powder, admiral wilmot fawkes, bobs, games -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Magazine (sub-item) - Newsletter, The Victoria Missions to Seamen, Jottings From Our Log, Issue 14 - Easter 1909, 1909
... by the Victorian Missions to Seamen issued to supporters the series ...The earliest example of this newsletter published two to three times per year issued by the Mission to Seamen and LHLG. The Mission holds a photograph of this publication being packed in calico by the members of the 'Ladies Harbour Lights Guild' for distribution to branches and supporters.Published for some 30 years by the Victorian Missions to Seamen issued to supporters the series contributes to the history of the organisation. It is a key cross reference supplying many details and dates of Chaplain and LHLG activities in both Melbourne, Port Phillip and other States where Missions were gradually established and information not able to be included in Annual Reports. It is also a source of images.newsletter, victorian seamen's mission, melbourne misson to seamen, jottings from our log, lhlg, rope, flying angel, seagull, advertising, port melbourne, williamstown, sailors' home, australian wharf, seamen's institute, sailors' rest, services, concerts, events, socials, deaths, captain press, w.h.c. darvall, motor boat, geelong, boat builder, manx king, glenlui, dovenby, marion woodside, ainsdale, robert reid, bagatelle board, billiard table, sir wilmot fawkes, lady fawkes, book bags, woolies, michaelmas, 1906, quarterly, ladies harbour lights guild, captain strickland, pulpit, mr haire -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Book (item) - Ledger, The Victorian Seamen's Mission Institutes and Rest
... melbourne The Victorian Seamen's Mission Institutes and Rest Book ... -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph, Picnic at Orchard House, Cup Day 1909, 1909
The photograph depicts a large group (around 100) of merchant seamen, apprentices and officers at Malvern property, Orchard House, belonging to Mr George Higgins, in November 1019. Mr Higgins was a civil engineer, MCE, engineer in chief for the Victorian Railway, he also managed the contractors for the Princes Bridge.His sister Ina Higgins was first woman to graduate in Horticulture at Burnley and may have known another graduate there, Frederica Godfrey who established the Mission garden circa 1917-18. This image adds to the record of significant supporters and hosts across Melbourne that the Mission could call on to entertain seafarers in the early 20th C.Small monchrome photograph, fading to upper righthand quarter1909, cup day, malvern, george higgins, orchard house, beatrice elizabeth higgins (nee shuter), mrs shuter, charles shuter, ina higgins, picnics, social events, entertainments, sailors, goldsmith album -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph - Photograph, Black and white, Mrs Weller, A Sunday lunch group in the Chaplaincy garden, Dec. 1925, December 1925
Dora Walker (married 1928 taking the name Simpson) had a long association with the Mission as a member of the Ladies Harbour light guild. This image is similar to another image in the collection which depicts the garden of the Walker family where many fund-raising events and hosting of seafarers took place. Rev Weller dates the image to around mid to late 1920s. In the 1960s and 70s Dora was president of the LHLG which later merged with the Flying Angels. She was awarded the MBE for her services to the community in the 1970s. Dora's son David Simpson is a volunteer still iat MTS n the 21stC. The Walker and Simpson families are examples of long association and commitment supporting the Mission to Seafarers. As they are researched it is clear the stories of these families document not only support for the Mission but are also shown to have been significant contributors, leaders and donors to the broader Melbourne and Victorian community from the 19th Century and up to the present day. The photograph shows the garden in its early years.Group portrait depicting 4 men in suits standing (reverend Weller on the right), a man sitting on the grass, next to a woman in white summer dress (Dora Walker), sitting on a chair in front of the men. They are photographed outdoor probably in the mission's garden (in the background we can see the letters E-EX on a building wall, thought to be from the Extension Bond and Free Stores located next to the mission at the time)dora walker, reverend reginald weller, picnic, cadets, officers, lhlg, amy dora walker, dora simpson, mission's garden, flinders street, mission to seafarers, seamen's mission, mission to seamen, ladies harbour lights guild, melbourne, lawn, grass, trees, plants, peppercorn tree, weller album, dora simpson nee walker -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph - Photograph, Sepia, First picnic of the Mission, Graylings, St Kilda, King's Birthday 1905, 13 November 1905
... This was the official first picnic of the Amalgamated Victorian Seamen's Mission ...Gathering of seafarers and LHLG members carrying the Mission flag, at Graylings, property of Frederic Race Godfrey, in St Kilda, on 13 November 1905. Sixty-three men and boys were invited to the picnic. Miss Ethel Godfrey is kneeling on the right hand side, wearing a dark dress and hat. The man holding the ball in the center is thought to be Hugh H. Reid. In an article published in the Church and the Sailor in July 1930 after she resigned from her position of Honorary Secretary, she described this occasion as the first picnic organised by her after Reverend Gurney Goldsmith pleaded for women's help during a sermon at All Saints church in St Kilda the same month. See also item 1643This was the official first picnic of the Amalgamated Victorian Seamen's Mission and the first picnic organised by Miss Ethel Godfrey. A year later she was nominated Honorary Secretary of the newly Ladies Harbour Light Guild. The Melbourne Guild was the first one of its kind and was so successful that the scheme was spread around the world.Small sepia tone photograph with thin white border, slightly blurred, depicting a group of men and women; some standing, sitting, kneeling and lying on the grass. At the back the Flying Angel flag. In front the English flag. One man (Hugh Reid) is holding a footy ball. The photograph was previously in a photographic album.Handwritten in pencil on verso: 82 Handwritten in white ink on the album page: First picnic of the Mission, Graylings, St Kilda, King's Birthday 1905 1905, graylings, st kilda, ethel augusta godfrey, lhlg, reverend a. gurney-goldsmith, king's birthday, picnic, hugh h.reid -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph - Photograph, Sepia, First picnic of the Mission, Graylings, St Kilda, King's Birthday 1905, 13 November 1905
... This was the official first picnic of the Amalgamated Victorian Seamen's Mission ...Gathering of seafarers and LHLG members carrying the Mission flag, at Graylings, property of Frederic Race Godfrey, in St Kilda, on 13 November 1905. Sixty-three men and boys were invited to the picnic. Miss Ethel Godfrey is standing on the right hand side next to another lady, wearing a dark dress and hat. In the article published in the Church and the Sailor in July 1930 after she resigned from her position of Honorary Secretary, this was the first picnic organised by her after Reverend Gurney Goldsmith pleaded for women's help during a sermon at All Saints church in St Kilda the same month. The Ladies Harbour Lights' Guild was formed on 1st October 1906 and she was nominated Honorary Secretary and Treasurer on 4 December 1906. See item 1642This was the official first picnic of the Amalgamated Victorian Seamen's Mission and the first picnic organised by Miss Ethel Godfrey. A year later she was nominated Honorary Secretary of the newly Ladies Harbour Light Guild. The Melbourne Guild was the first one of its kind and was so successful that the scheme was spread around the world.Small monochrome photograph, quite blurred, depicting a group of sailors and ladies in a park. The Flying Angel Mission to Seamen flag behind them.In the centre wearing dark dress and hat is Ethel Godfrey.Handwritten in pencil on verso: 12 Handwritten in white ink on the album page: First picnic of the Mission, Graylings, St Kilda, King's Birthday 19051905, graylings, st kilda, reverend a. gurney-goldsmith, lhlg, ethel augusta godfrey, king's birthday, picnic -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Plaque - Memorial Plaque, Ethel Margaret Musther, 1959
... for the Williamstown branch of the Victorian Seamen's Mission, the former E,S ...A Williamstown local, Ethel Margaret Musther nee Barber (1872-1956) was the daughter of Captain John Henry Barber (1842-1924), a sea pilot and Janet Lidell (1846-1891) Her grandfather, Captain Lidell, was also a seaman. In 1900, she married Nathan George Musther,(18..-1933) a chemist, and dentist in the Navy. They had two daughters: Rosamund Janet Musther(born 1903) and Nanoya Gwendoline Musther (born 1906). She was the principal of the Ladies' College in Footscray. She was involved in many philantropic associations especially for sailors but also during WWI and WW2. She worked for the Anzac Club, the Red Cross, She formed: 1941: the R.A.N. Friendly Union of Sailor's Wives and Mothers. 1943: the Lightkeepers Auxiliary to help the Mission raised funds. The plaque was a gift of the Lightskeeper Auxiliaire and unveiled on 30 July 1959 at the St Nicholas Chapel, by her eldest daughter, Mrs Jean McDonald. It was originally on stained and polished hardwood mount made by Mrs Murdoch (AR1959, page 24). On the day, a desk service-book was also dedicated in memory of Dr John Thompson at the request of his daughter, Mrs Sparrow.In early 1943, Ethel Margaret Musther formed the Lightkeepers' Auxiliaire and raised funds for the third building purchased for the Williamstown branch of the Victorian Seamen's Mission, the former E,S & A Bank. Thanks to her philanthropic work, she was rewarded with a Medal of the British Empire in 1953 for all her charitable work. Large rectangular with decorative clover corner Engraved: "In affectionnante and grateful memory / of / Ethel Margaret Musther, M.B.E. / Founder of / The Williamstown Lightkeepers Auxiliary / Of the / Victoria Missions to Seamen / Remembered always for this and many other / Philantropic works / Died 17th of September 1956 / Her deeds live after her.1956, ethel margaret musther, m.b.e., medal of the british empire, 1953, lightkeepers' auxiliary, williamstown, seamen's mission -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Magazine (sub-item) - Newsletter, The Victoria Missions to Seamen, Jottings From Our Log, Issue 15 - June Quarter 1909, 1909
... by the Victorian Missions to Seamen issued to supporters the series ...The earliest example of this newsletter published two to three times per year issued by the Mission to Seamen and LHLG. The Mission holds a photograph of this publication being packed in calico by the members of the 'Ladies Harbour Lights Guild' for distribution to branches and supporters.Published for some 30 years by the Victorian Missions to Seamen issued to supporters the series contributes to the history of the organisation. It is a key cross reference supplying many details and dates of Chaplain and LHLG activities in both Melbourne, Port Phillip and other States where Missions were gradually established and information not able to be included in Annual Reports. It is also a source of images.newsletter, victorian seamen's mission, melbourne misson to seamen, jottings from our log, lhlg, rope, flying angel, seagull, advertising, port melbourne, williamstown, sailors' home, australian wharf, seamen's institute, sailors' rest, services, concerts, events, socials, deaths, captain press, w.h.c. darvall, motor boat, geelong, boat builder, manx king, glenlui, dovenby, marion woodside, ainsdale, robert reid, bagatelle board, billiard table, sir wilmot fawkes, lady fawkes, book bags, woolies, michaelmas, 1906, quarterly, ladies harbour lights guild, captain strickland -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Programme - Order of Service, Victorian Seamen's Mission, 1916
... paper Programme Order of Service Victorian Seamen's Mission ...2 fold booklet in cream paperfoundation stone, st peter chapel, flinders street, melbourne, 1916, mission to seamen, lady stanley -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Document - Report, Heritage Council Victoria, Victorian Heritage Database Report - Mission to Seamen, 20 August 1982
... Victorian Heritage Database Report - Mission to Seamen... Database Report - Mission to Seamen Document Report Heritage ...VHR Registration August 20, 1982victorian heritage database, 1982, heritage council victoria, victorian heritage register, vhr, heritage listed, vhr 1496, built heritage