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matching a. h. hall
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Ringwood Horticultural Society Show Committee - March 1919, Mar-19
Black and white photographs- 2 large, 2 smaller copies. Photograph taken outside Mechanics Hall, later Ringwood Town Hall, 1919.Back Row (L to R) T Hamilton, - , Claude Howship, F Wright, Alf Bloom, - , Harry Brewer Middle Row Herman Pump, J Aird, AT Clarke JP, H Pratt, A Milner, Bessie Mackinlay, Tilley, Stuart C Wallace, P Laurie, Nick Madden Front Row W Everard MLA, PT Young, - , A Kennedy, L Burghard, F Pollard Photographer was Darge, The Soldier's Photographer, 176 Collins Street, Melbourne -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document, Packet: Ringwood Coolstore Cuttings, Historical Notes, Equipment Sale, Rule Book. 1911-1959
Miscellaneous documents relating to the Ringwood Coolstore and Horticultural Society.Packet includes: . 3793(f): Hand written notes on the development of Ringwood Cool Stores in the early 1900's. . 3793(h): Typed document titled 'Fruit Cool Storage Symposium' dated 1963, produced by the Department of Agricultue and the Orchardists and Fruit Cool Stores Association. . 3793(g): Hand written minutes and general notes of the Ringwood Horticultural Society meetings and Shows, from 1899 to 1902. . 3793(e): Small booklet- 'Rules of The Ringwood Co-operative Cool Stores Society Limited, 1934.' . 3793(b),(c),(d): Typed documents: 1. How to lay out a packing shed. 2. Notice of the Forty-third Ordinary General Meeting of The Ringwood Co-operative Cool Stores Society Limited held in the Ringwood Town Hall on 31st March, 1959. 3. Notice of Important Auction Sale of 'Cool Stores Machinery and Plant Buildings for Removal' on December 2nd, 1959. . 3793(a): 2 Newspaper articles by J. K. McCaskill, J.P. on the Early History of Parish of Ringwood and Official Opening of the Ringwood Cool Stores in 1911. (Mail 3/12/1950 and 10/12/1959). -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Letter, Property for sale - Ringwood Shop and Dwelling Estate, Ringwood, Victoria - circa 1925
ID 5225 note: Further information relating to allotments marked on the hand-drawn plan are included in ID 5224 - Ringwood Station Estate.Typewritten letter from A.V. Greenwood with hand drawn plan of Ringwood Shop and Dwelling Estate, detailed description of property for sale, and top and side elevation views of house. (7 pages)(Transcript of first page - to unknown recipient) Phone 988 Central, 331 Canty Greenwood Pty. Ltd. 5 Flinders Street Melbourne. Dear Sir, 1. Attached please find drawings of my house at Ringwood. 2. It is for sale at £4,865 or to let at £5 per week to an approved tenant. 3. I sold it to Mr. De Garis and vacated it, but it is now back on my hands. 4. I leased another place instead of living in my own. I may be able to cancel same; in the meantime, however, I propose to sell or let my own. The painters are now going through the place; re-varnishing, re-oiling and re-polishing so that in about five days it will look "spick and span". 5. The house was specially built under my own supervision. 6. It is very suitable for a high class Guest House, Doctor's residence, Hospital or Convalescent Home. If you know of anyone whom it might suit, please communicate with them. DESCRIPTION 7. It stands on 305 feet of land facing Greenwood Avenue. It is cement, roughcast and hardwood, well oiled, and is now being redone so that the house is as good as new; red tile roof; verandahs three sides; two sleep-outs; five bedrooms; large dining room; very large music room with nooks, upstairs lounge, study; sewing room; built-in wardrobes and cupboards throughout; handsome kitchen with handsome pantry cupboard with drawers and glass front; one bath room; one shower room; wash house with patent copper and laundry. Every modern convenience, hot water system (through copper pipes with large copper cylinder) electric lights everywhere, outside and in, Yan Yean water laid on everwhere throughout house and gardens. Floors throughout are the very best, close set, stained and polished; dainty lead light windows etc. 8. There is a big garage, with tiled roof and two rooms with all conveniences for a married couple. Property is well drained with a system of its own. The house stands upon the top of a hill close to Railway Station, say 500 feet from the Footbridge. 9. The garden has expansive shrubs; sheds; fernery; tennis court. 10. A handsome piece of furniture goes with the house; a combination pantry and storeroom for groceries, milk, bread etc., consisting of drawers, glass and wire doors, as mentioned above. 11. It is within easy distance of Melbourne as it is only two minutes from Ringwood Station, which is a frequent electric train service bringing it within 39 minutes of the City. It is thought better by some to go further out into the country atmosphere and walk a short distance at the end than to go by train 20 minutes then walk 15 to 20 minutes. 12. The price quoted of £4,865 is made up as follows - 305 feet of land @ £5 ... £1,515 Garage and dwelling ... £300 House hot water system, American cupboard ... £2,600 Water, fencing, sheds & drain ... £250 For the lot ... £4,865 Should you require copies of the enclosed drawings I shall be pleased to supply same. 13. Mr. J.B. McAlpin is the local agent, Phone Ring. 7 (after hours Ring. 44) or you may phone me Central 988. 14. The house is south of the line, facing Greenwood Avenue and immediately at the back of Ringwood House, which is also my property. Yours sincerely, A.V. Greenwood (illegible) ..... (Transcript of second page) RINGWOOD SHOP AND DWELLING ESTATE See these letters on plan attached (H.) Ringwood House and Shops on 100 by 150 feet of land fronting Bedford Road 100 feet @ £10 per foot - £1,000 House and shops - £2,400 ... £3,400 Ringwood House consists of Boarding House, (Phone 101) and two shops, mainly brick; 9 inch walls. Will carry another story. Has music room, dining room, entrance halls, 10 bedrooms, large verandahs, all conveniences, hot and cold water, and stands on what will become a most valuable business corner. (F.)(G.) Mr. Greenwood's house, garage and sheds, stands on 307 feet of land fronting Greenwood Avenue. See detailed description attached ... £4,865 (J.) Cottage on Block 81 in William Street ... £750 (K.) Cottage in Pitt Street ... £650 (Total) £9,665 ..... (Description of third page - Subdivision Plan) Drawn by Edyth Greenwood, phone 988 Central. Subdivision includes Station Street, Pitt Street, Bedford Road, Wantirna Road, James Street, William Street (later Kendall Street), Greenwood Avenue, Ellison Street, and Haig Street. Circles denote blocks for sale. Squares denote house properties for sale. Other features marked include location of businesses along Main Street (Maroondah Highway), cool store, railway station, shop and police station on Bedford Road, church on Station Street, site of schoolmaster's residence and State School, and location of proposed public baths -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Lt. Col Baldwin receiving Freedom of Ringwood City from the Mayor, Cr. B.J. Hubbard - 27 March, 1965. ( 2 photographs)
Typed on back of one photograph, 'Lt. Col Baldwin receiving the key and the certificate of Freedom from the Mayor. Town Clerk, F. Dwerryhouse seated at back. The unit paraded on the reserve at the back of the Town Hall. 27 Mar. 1965'. Written on back of another picture, "Mayor Ben Hubbard handing "Freedom of City" to Capt.. 3rd Div. Engineers'. Last photograph states below it, 'Freedom of the City' on back of same picture, '27th Mar. 65. Mayor (Cr. B.J. Hubbard presenting scroll of Freedom of City to Royal Australian Engineers'. Typed below 11172-2: 1965 Mayor Cr. B. Hubbard presenting scroll qwith Major General His Honour Norman A. Vickery & Major Gen R. J. H. Risson, and handwritten on the reverse: "This is the Scroll presented to the Royal Australian Engineers 3rd Division on 27 March (1965) granting them the freedom of the City of Ringwood. From Left the Mayor of Ringwood (Cr Benjamin Hubbard), The Commander 3rd Division (Major General His Honour Judge Norman A. Vickery) and Major General RJH Risson who represented the Colonel Commandant, Royal Australian Engineers" -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Ringwood Citizens Brass Band, 1920
Typed below enlargement photograph, "Ringwood Citizens Brass Band, 1920". Written on back of another copy, "Ringwood Band (formed 19th September 1921). Photo taken at Reserve, 27th November 1921. Back: C. French, C. Morgan, M. Hodgkins, G. Burns, M. Joseph, H. Hammond, S. Brown, T. Mackey, H. McLoone, W. Fitzell, M. Leach. Middle: N. Wieland, W. Guy, H. Willis, L. Little, H. Bradley (Conductor), E. Homewood, W. Brown, G. Davis. Front: L. Hall, S. Hyden". -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Peter Payens, Ringwood Council Staff when Ringwood was declared a city in March, 1960
Black and White Photograph (2copies) and list of staff names. Catalogue card reads, '1960. Council Staff when Ringwood was declared a city, March 1960'. One copy has stamp of "Peter Payens of Ringwood Studios". Second copy has stamp of Brian Pump. On separate typed sheet: Typed below photograph, "Ringwood City Council Staff - 1960". Typed sheet in sleeve lists the staff in photograph and reads, "Photograph of Town Hall staff taken on the occasion of Ringwood being proclaimed a CITY 1960. Standing (back row left to right) Robert Moore (Rates Office), James Allen (Health Inspt), Robert Glassford (Eng. Asst.), James Rouse (Rates), Howard Tyrell (Dept. City Engr.), Jozsef Benzinger (Supt. Parks & Gdns.), David Wilson (Eng.) and Jeffrey Porter (Eng.). Second Row down, Wally Ross (Traffic Insp), Murray Jones (Eng.), Jim Clerk (Bldg. Insp.), Ernie Dall (Bld. Dept.), Jim Johnson (Rates), Les Steeth (Dog Ranger), Billy Duff (Hall Kpr). Clarrie Burns (Works Supt.), Keith Gore (Ch. Hall Kpr).Second row up from bottom - Marg McAdam (Health Ctre), Gwen Collocott (Rates - Accts. Machinist), Mabs Cleverly (Sec. D.T.C.), June Eyres (Steno), Nancy Gibson (H. Help), Judy Hubbard (Steno), Hazel Lyons (Sec. C/Eng.), Wilhelmina van Wijngaarden, (rates), Sr. Hildebard Weinroider (Health Care), Maureen Charlwood (Telephonist).Bottom row - Sr. Edna Ahlslton (Health Care), Lindsay Ewart (Rate Colltr), Jean Matthews (Sec. T/C.), Vic Faravoni (D.T.C.), Dr. Wm. Hewitt (Med.O.Health), Fred Dwerryhouse (Town Clerk), Alan Robertson (City Eng.), Ray Forde (Con.Eng.), Kit Gurling (typist/engrs.), Des Steele (Bldg.Suryor), Sr. Linda Turnley (Health Centre-H'mont). -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Military Ball, Ringwood 1953
... Typed below photograph, 'L. to R.: Sgt. W. Hall, Brig. H. H....: Sgt. W. Hall, Brig. H. H. Hamer (Brigade Commander) Major K. D ...Typed below photograph, 'L. to R.: Sgt. W. Hall, Brig. H. H. Hamer (Brigade Commander) Major K. D. Green (O/C 10th Ind. Field Sqdn) - Photo by J. Gallagher'. 'Mail 18/12/53'. -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Furniture - Chair, Harnisch & Co, 1876-1918
... Town Hall or the Toc H Group in Warrnambool. The Warrnambool ...The design of this pair (RN 758 & 759) is based on Thonet’s No. 18 chair, which was originally produced in 1876 by Thonet, and is still one of the best-selling designs for café and restaurant owners. It is elegant, sophisticated and durable. The label notes the design as “AUS MASSIV GEBOGENEM HOLZE vorm” which translates to “solid curved sandals shape”, a good description for the back of the chair. The chairs have marks, paper labels and symbols on them that show that the maker was Harnisch & Co., Neuschler (also called Banská Bystrica) Furniture Factory in Neuschol (Beszterczebanya), Hungary, privileged makers for the Imperial and Royal Austrian-Hungarian Empire 1867 – 1918. Bentwood chairs are made by a process of wetting wood in water, bending it into curved shapes, then allowing it to dry so that the shape becomes permanent. This process originated by Michael Thonet, who had been given the right to bend wood into desired curves by the Austrian Courts in 1842. In 1856 he was granted a 13 year patent to manufacture chairs and table legs of bent wood treated by steam or boiling water. In 1859 his company Gebruder Thonet produced his original design. Thonet’s early designs also featured hand carved or laminated wooden seats. His Model No. 14 produced in the 1850’s, was his most popular design. After Michael’s death in 1871 the family went on designing and producing chairs. The No. 18 chair was produced in 1876, one of a group of chars with back inserts consisting of curves and loops of bentwood. These bentwood chairs are believed to be associated with the either the original Warrnambool Town Hall or the Toc H Group in Warrnambool. The Warrnambool Town Hall played a significant role in the both the local government and the social events of local and district areas. It was a place for Council meetings, community events and entertainment, theatrical and musical.Chair, bentwood, 'French Bistro Chair' with a floral pattern carved in seat. Backrest has inverted U shape inside that extends to the seat. Supports on either side of backrest's base join to back of seat. Legs have a wooded bracing ring. Marks are embossed into rim under seat. Paper label, cream with black print, on rim; Right side of label has the symbol of Heraldic Shield. Text on label. Made by NEUSOHLER FABRIK FUR MOBEL, AUS MASSIV GEBOGENEM HOLZE, vorm. HARNISCH & Co, NEUSOHL (BESZTERCaZEBANYA) UNGARN ' Hand written under seat "T H" in black paint, "T H " in white chalk.Marks; pressed into rim under seat is "3", and "Crown [over] (N)", Paper label, cream with black print, on rim; Left side has Mark “N inside circle under crown”. Right side has symbol of Heraldic Shield. Text on label “Trade – K.u.K.- Mark / NEUSOHLER FABRIK FUR MOBEL/ AUS MASSIV GEBOGENEM HOLZE, vorm. HARNISCH&Co / NEUSOHL (BESZTERCaZEBANYA) UNGARN ' Hand written under seat "T H" in black paint, "T H " in white chalk. flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, bentwood chair, café chair, restaurant chair, thonet design chair, neusohler fabrik fur nobel, k.u.k. approved manufacturer, hungry, harnisch & co, k.u.k., public hall chair, toc h -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Furniture - Chair, Harnisch & Co, 1876-1918
The design of this pair (RN 758 & 759) is based on Thonet’s No. 18 chair, which was originally produced in 1876 by Thonet, and is still one of the best-selling designs for café and restaurant owners. It is elegant, sophisticated and durable. The label notes the design as “AUS MASSIV GEBOGENEM HOLZE vorm” which translates to “solid curved sandals shape”, a good description for the back of the chair. The chairs have marks, paper labels and symbols on them that show that the maker was Harnisch & Co., Neuschler (also called Banská Bystrica) Furniture Factory in Neuschol (Beszterczebanya), Hungary, privileged makers for the Imperial and Royal Austrian-Hungarian Empire 1867 – 1918. Bentwood chairs are made by a process of wetting wood in water, bending it into curved shapes, then allowing it to dry so that the shape becomes permanent. This process originated by Michael Thonet, who had been given the right to bend wood into desired curves by the Austrian Courts in 1842. In 1856 he was granted a 13 year patent to manufacture chairs and table legs of bent wood treated by steam or boiling water. In 1859 his company Gebruder Thonet produced his original design. Thonet’s early designs also featured hand carved or laminated wooden seats. His Model No. 14 produced in the 1850’s, was his most popular design. After Michael’s death in 1871 the family went on designing and producing chairs. The No. 18 chair was produced in 1876, one of a group of chars with back inserts consisting of curves and loops of bentwood. The popularity of the Bentwood chair, even now, is due to its versatility and timeless quality. Its style, whether varnished or painted, suits any room in the house. The lightweight chairs are also popular for café and restaurant seating, as well as for public gatherings. They can be easily moved around and grouped in a variety of ways to suit any occasion.Chair, bentwood, 'French Bistro Chair' with pattern carved in seat. Backrest has inverted U shape inside that extends to the seat. Supports on eitherside of backrest's base join to back of seat. Legs have a wooded bracing ring. Marks; pressed into rim under seat. Paper label, cream with black print, on rim. Right side of label has symbol of Heraldic Shield. Text on label. Made by Harnisch & Co.Marks; pressed into rim under seat is "3" and "4", and "Crown [over] N", Paper label, cream with black print, on rim; Left side has Mark “N inside circle under crown”. Right side has symbol of Heraldic Shield. Text on label “Trade – K.u.K.- Mark / NEUSOHLER FABRIK FUR MOBEL/ AUS MASSIV GEBOGENEM HOLZE, vorm. HARNISCH & Co / NEUSOHL (BESZTERCaZEBANYA) UNGARN ' Hand written under seat "T H" in black paint, "T H " in white chalk. flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, great ocean road, shipwreck coast, bentwood chair, café chair, restaurant chair, meeting hall chair, thonet design chair, harnisch & co, k.u.k., neusohler fabrik fur nobel, approved manufacturer, neusohl (besztercazebanya) ungarn -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Ballarat Teachers' College, 1953
The Ballarat Teachers' College is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. This photograph is reproduced in the 1953 edition of 'Extra Muros', the annual magazine of the Ballarat Teachers' College. Group of first year student of the Ballarat Teachers' College in the grounds of Dana Street Primary School, where their College was located. Back Row: D. Henderson, R. Veal, J. Brasier, D. Nunn, Ken Johnson, G. Osborne, P. Brumby, Graeme Anson, R. Williams, R. Romanes. M. Brennan, M. Jeffey, A. Brown. 2nd Row: John Dixon, K. Ryan, L. Coad, P. Callahan, John Gilbert, H. McLachlan, S. Morgan, J. Campbell, G. Keller, Ian Webster, R. Bryant, J. Hullick, K. Rogers, K. Greenway, B. Thomas. 3rd Row: J. Cameron, M. Simpson, M. McNeil, H. Cornish, C. Brown, A. Mead, Margaret Bywaters, D. Wallish, T. Everett, B. Wallace, A. Flavell, Gwen Brereton, M. Gebbie, V. Rodber, R. Dudley. 4th Row: M. Harvey, M. Beeson, Pat Wilkinson, M. Stevenson, L. Place, M. Barker, J. Bray, Gl. Evans, Gw Evans, D. Vary, Janifer Rogerson, P. Grubb, J. van Leeuwan, D. Bautovich. 5th Row: J. Filcock, J. Watts, B. Peterson, J. McArdle, Helen Sadler, J. Plush, Bette Harvey, R. Rule, E. Leach, D. Carroll, A. unn, B. Laurissen, V. James, J. Higgins. 6th Row: J. Turton, T. Nicoll, J. Wiltshire, A. Bolster, L. Howard, M. Corbett, M. Mill, M. McKay, I. Paul, J. Phelan, P. Ross, J. Piper, W. Jones. Front Row: N. McPherson, G. Lougheed, B. Tonks, I. Work, L. Hall, R. Mason, E. Menadue, E. Mercovich, J. McMillan, P. Fogarty. ballarat teachers' college, d. henderson, r. veal, j. brasier, d. nunn, k. johnston, g. osborne, p. brumby, g. anson, r. williams, m. jeffey, a. brown., k. ryan, l. coad, p. callahan, j. gilbert, h. mclachlan, s. morgan, j. campbell, g. keller, i. webster, r. bryant, j. hullick, k. rogers, k. greenway, b. thomas., m. simpson, m. mcneil, h. cornish, c. brown, a. mead, m. bywaters, d. wallish, t. everett, b. wallace, a. flavell, g. brereton, m. gebbie, v. rodber, r. dudley., m. beeson, p. wilkinson, m. stevenson, l. place, m. barker, j. bray, gl. evans, gw evans, d. vary, janifer rogerson, p. grubb, j. van leeuwan, d. bautovich., 5th row: j. filcock, j. watts, b. peterson, j. mcardle, h. sadler, j. plush, b. harey, r. rule, e. leach, d. carroll, a. unn, b. laurissen, v. james, j. higgins., t. nicoll, j. wiltshire, a. bolster, l. howard, m. corbett, m. mill, m. mckay, i. paul, j. phelan, p. ross, j. piper, w. jones., g. lougheed, b. tonks, i. work, l. hall, r. mason, e. menadue, e. mercovich, j. mcmillan, p. fogarty., r. romanes, m. brennan, j. dixon, j. cameron, m. harvey, j. turton, n. mcpherson, ken johnson, graeme anson, john gilbert, ian webster, margaret bywaters, gwen brereton, 4th row: m. harvey, pat wilkinson, helen sadler, bette harvey, a. nunn, john dixon -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Letter - Glen Huntly Road, Elsternwick
Ten documents concerning the redevelopment of 543-555 Glenhuntly Rd., Elsternwick in the early 1980s by B. P. Food Plus to create a 24 hour drive-in convenience store. Includes newspaper articles and correspondence from local residents, small business and community groups stating their objections and concerns. Also a report by the MMBW, 1982, on the development of guidelines for such planning appeals tribunal, de silva m., de silva m. a., b. p. australia ltd., city of caulfield, riley john, buckner john, wright h. mcm., cook r., burleigh brian, caulfield progress association, wilson lawrence john, murphy barry oliver, messrs. whiting and byrne solicitors, messers t. j. mulvaney co., mckimm russell, robinson g. a., watt h. w., kinder alan, commercial development, white o. a., van hoon joan, van hoon john, smith p., ben s. g., lee g. b., gibbs les, brennan h. p., pretty f. w., rasmussen l., orchard a. r., lopek m., carpenter mrs., pearce mrs., mcgrowan e., owens p., brawn j. e., harron g., brittingham w. c., lindsey m., de silva s., horton mary, james m., walker e., bennett h. l., riley s., b. p. food plus, coltex, glen huntly rd., hopetoun gardens, pickerd c. w., doolan g. n. (cr), the retail confectionary and mixed business association, town planning, land values, peak susan, white ted, ingleby june, elsternwick chamber of commerce, moore h. r., melbourne metropolitan board of works, ‘convenience premises and convenience shops report and guidelines’, legal documents, hawthorn road, petitions, north road, petrol stations, hopetoun hospital, foster street, winton hall (special accommodation home), caulfield council, resident action, murray street, councils -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains 2 items: 1/A handwritten note, undated and source unknown, regarding the foundation stone at Church of Christ Ormond. It details the date that the stone was laid and by whom. 2/A typed church of Christ Annual Report for the year 1975-1976.ormond, church of christ, north road, arnott street, henrichsen e.c., buchanan f.e., williams louise r., clayden c.p., carnegie, mansell david mr., towns bruce, towns heather, richter peter, richter heather, mckenzie’s ray, kilgour russell, moorabbin town hall, barber susan, bauich barbara, padey leanne, hunt margaret, meihuizen peter, brumley lynlea, morffew dong, mullen jan, mullen ian, nebauer anne, nebauer dan, grant jean, grant dennis, grant ruth, kay dennis, knee brian, cole don, parker alan, parker shirley, clayden carl, clayden mrs., knee aif, martin mrs., barker mrs., mathieson mrs., randall mrs., mckenzie mrs., joyce mrs., the oakleigh senior citizens, keneley mrs., walker mrs., howard marge mrs., churches of christ nursing home, vafiopolus mrs., bean mr., bean mrs., goodin d. miss, mcmillan h., mcmillan j., whittaker i., cann betty mrs., streader joy m., christian men’s fellowship, parker a.g., tippett mrs., manson v., hood r., hood jillian, hood ruth, hunt carol, woolnough g. mr., cole p. mr., malvern – caulfield club, oakleigh club, faragher l., enzi c., ghys peter, knee ian, hunt l.m., alabaster r.l., keneley m., young j.m., howard m., crittle c., alabaster robert, jones v., ennor e., woolnough g., ryan mrs., knee m., rose l., harris p., ryall d., religious structures and establishments, religious groups, church groups, congregations (religious), monuments and memorials, documents, clergy, baptism, rites and ceremonies, festivals and celebrations, annual reports. -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains 9 items relating to the purchase of ‘Helenslea’ for Shelford Girls’ School and its early years there. 1/1 photocopy of a notice advertising a public meeting on 04/12/1922 concerning fundraising for the purchase of ‘Helenslea’ for Shelford Girls’ School, dated 29/11/1922, publication unknown. 2/1 leaflet requesting donations and gifts for the purchase and fitting out of ‘Helenslea’ for Shelford Girls’ School, dated 04/12/1922, publication unknown. 3/1 photocopy of 2 pages from the ‘St Mary’s Church Chronicle’ dated 16/12/1922., describing Shelford’s history, the purchase of ‘Helenslea’ and related fundraising efforts. 4/1 photocopy of an invitation to Mr & Mrs Reeves to attend the dedication of ‘Helenslea’ for use by Shelford Girls’ School on 22/02/1923. 5/1 photocopy of an article and 5 photographs in ‘Punch’, 01/03/1923, about the dedication of ‘Helenslea’ for use by Shelford Girls’ School. The photographs are of various visitors, staff and students with one showing the front of ‘Helenslea’. 6/1 photocopy of a one-page prospectus including rules for Shelford Girls’ School and Kindergarten with a photograph of the school dated approximately 1922-23. Date and publication unknown. The photograph shows ‘Helenslea’ prior to the alterations done for the school. 7/1 Photocopy of a photograph titled ‘Retrospect’ of the staff of Shelford Girls’ School in 1923 including E.H. Naylor, Rev. James Townsend, A.M. Thomas, D. Champion, P.M. Evans, and L. Fulton. Another photocopy of a second photograph of the school approx. 1923 and a list of teaching staff. Date and publication unknown. 8/2 photocopies of an article from an unknown, undated publication containing an extract from the ‘The Argus’, December 1928 describing the Shelford Speech Night. Also contains several notes about Shelford events and a photograph of the school in 1929. 9/1 photocopy of an undated photograph of Shelford Girls’ School from an unknown publication. Development of the gardens indicates a later date than mary’s church, caulfield, shelford girls’ school and kindergarten, glen eira road, ‘helenslea’, hood crescent, hayman archdeacon, eggleston f.w., fundraising events, public meetings, schools, st mary’s school hall, blundell dora miss, allison road, school committees, mansions, stables, hood justice mr, views, churches, clergy residences, classrooms, halls, langley h.t., st mary’s church of england, moffit graham j, swale. d.h. mr, children, kindergartens, smith ogg and serpell (architects), smith sydney, dodgson miss, falls councillor, prendergast a.i. (churchwarden), slaney f miss, dumas mr, thomas miss, pollard mr, gill miss, beggs f.g. miss, beggs c miss, hollow s mr, irwin t mr, lloyd m.c. mr, graham j.m. mr, fredrickson mrs, langley canon, askew a.j. mr, scales a.w. mr, dixon emily miss, seymour road, stephen george sir, douglas sholto mr, ludbrook e.c. mr, langley mrs, reeves mr, reeves mrs, openings (events), lees harrington mrs, brookes mrs (mayoress), mayors, crotty c reverend, crotty mrs, wells j.s. reverend, wells mrs, scheiger c.p. reverend, scheiger mrs, cole t. reverend, cole mrs, gumas g. mr, gumas mrs, creswick h.e. mr, creswick mrs, askew mr, askew mrs, falls mrs, mowle councillor, mowle mrs, scales mr, scales mrs, welshford smithers t mr, welshford smithers mrs, walker h.k. mrs, lansell clarke mrs, head mrs, slaney miss, moffit graham mrs, whittington mrs, horsley a. mrs, townsend l. reverend, britten a.e. reverend, burns h. reverend, burns mrs, crockett reverend, crockett mrs, mclennan mr, mclennan mrs, mclellan miss, schofield reverend, brain reverend, wagg reverend, reeves reverend, archer f.h., archer mrs, akehurst miss, hoggart mrs, mcgowan mr, mcgowan mrs, chalk a.s. mr, chalk mrs, godley mrs, nattrass miss, gill miss, farmer mrs, biggs mrs, fulton mrs, armstrong mrs, thompson g.h. mr, thompson mrs, hall councillor, hall mrs, murray councillor, murray mrs, robertson h.j. mrs, thomas a.m. miss, education, naylor e.h. miss, townsend james reverend, champion d. (female), evans p.m. miss, fulton l. (female), davidson m.j. miss, allen e miss, smart m mrs, giderson h mrs, dunstan g mrs, forte e mrs, morres t miss, pollard e miss, varley m miss, tuckwell charles, howden l miss, massey ella miss, mitchell m miss, mollison f miss, lascelles k miss, england s.p. mr, miller e miss, smith m miss, speech nights, baker donald bishop, patton councillor (mayor), old girls association, dances and balls, green bishop, scarlett captain, king frank reverend, choirs, hayman archdeacon, awards -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains 2 pamphlets relating to Shelford Girls School: 1/1 pamphlet titled ‘St. Mary’s Church, Glen Eira Road, Caulfield, The First One Hundred Years, 1863-1963’ dated 01/06/1963, containing a brief history of the school on page x. Author unknown. 2/1 pamphlet from the ‘Dedication and Opening of the C. C. Cowling Wing’ at Shelford Girls School, 26/07/1987, containing an order of proceedings for the ceremony. Author mary’s church, glen eira road, caulfield, churches, shelford girls school and kindergarten, hood crescent, dixon emily miss, seymour road, blundell miss, cowling c. c. reverend, allison road, langley h. t. canon, green bishop, thomas a. m. miss, ‘helenslea’, hood judge, st. margaret’s hall, ripley grove, criswick wing, thewlis j. s. miss, thewlis wing, baddams v. t. miss, woods archbishop, cooper e. franklin, cooper wing, v. t. baddams wing, caulfield grammar school, c. c. cowling wing, wilson john bishop, mccaughey jean mrs., pitt marie e. j., welsford smithers esq., cowling nancy mrs., downie peter, gregson tom, frank mas carol miss, parents clubs, clubs and associations, schools, education, openings (events), centenaries -
Glen Eira Historical Society
3 items about this person: 1/Two twelve page carbon copied documents, purportedly written by William Letchte, son of George, written in c1935/36. He writes of his jobs as a dairyman, cow minder at the age of ten tears. He recollects streets, people, residences, business and general landscape in the area, as he takes you on a tour of the area. 2/Photocopied photo of Katrina Lechte (nee Bolch?) donated by Ian Lechte, 15 Adrian Street, East Bentleigh. 3/Photocopied copy of first pages and cover of William Lechte’s booklet on ‘Caulfield 1869 – 1935 Memories of the Past’, published by the City of Caulfield, 1992. The Society has the full booklet in its book collection (not yet catalogued as of 07/07/2015).grange road, glenhuntly, glen huntly station, alma road, dairies, caulfield park, swamp, queens avenue, station street, cross street, racecourse, heywood j. g., turf club hotel, dandenong road, royal hotel, koornang road, north road, murrumbeena road, mclaurin archibald, crosbie j. w., poath road, newton mr., hooker mr., peck family robert farmer, dairies, ross murray, rosstown, hansen hans, arnott family, peppin family, ormond station, malane family, fraser simon, overtons, shepherds, spring road, mohlers, brighton cemetery, mall kim, market gardeners, long john farmer, fiedler mr., booran road, reservoir, summers mr., maddocks mr., holland mr., caulfield council, glen eira road, harriman benjamin c., kambrook road, bambra road, princess park, marriott john, hawthorn road, brickworks, hyam mr., cottages, jasmine street, sycamore street, paddy o’briens swamp, arnold tom, london tavern hotel, guess john-grocer, topp mr., poath road, pine trees, colonel le marehand, balaclava junction, chemist shop, bell mr., nicholls mr. william h., wine shop, orme mr., pepperorn mr. john, balaclava road, orchards, harvey mr. robert tailor, schubert mr., blew charlie – gardener, philpott mr. richard b., farquhar mr. william farmer, newing t. r., glen eira road, payne john, brockhoft mr., dickson mr. james, snipe t., bevan mr., mckean family john, murray family, francis mr., hart mr., mcdougall james, brady peter, cad, elsternwick station, webb mr., masters mr. samuel, master street, ford mr., anderson mr. joseph gardener, slaney mr., boxhill mr. richard, post office, newsagent, hotham street, service james, bunn mr., sargood mr., orrong road, arnold tom – dairy, officer mr., grimwade mr., alexandra street, oakleigh hall, degraves mr., wilson samuel, ‘manifold’, house names, miller septimus, alma road, knox mr. james gardener, smith mr., coachman, ‘cumloden’, lange mr., holyrood justice mr., cronin mrs. mary, mcgivenys dairy, ‘belle vista’, lloyd c. d., caulfield council, hughes mr., armstrong j. a., tom healey’s market garden, kooyong road, inkerman road, tom roe’s market garden, mcleod captain, daish captain, plumridger mr. frederick, gardeners, tester mr. thomas, kent mr., kent g., fiddes mr., billings mr., semple mr., fosberry mr., howitt or., merrett mr., orchards, hawthorn road, hines mr., ‘rosecraddock’, langdon h. j., ‘crotonhurst’, webb justice mr., renwick s., ‘garrell’, barry mr., drinsdale family, st. mary’s church, sunday school, newing miss, teachers, stephen justice mr., stephen wilberforce, mount l., grimwade’s, ‘grimwade house’, danby’s, spence mr., venables family, mr. moss’ congregational church, barnhill mrs., porter miss, webb’s, ferguson, orange, police stations, kooyong road, pennington mr., health inspectors, engineers, inkley mr., farriers, mckeon mr., ‘sylverly’, dixon mr. edward, turner mr., marriott robert, ‘ravenhurst’, thompson j. j., wott t., architects, perrin mr. francis, tennis courts, royal parade, sayce mr. joseph j. p., ricketson h., ‘glen eira’, mansions, hospitals, turner mr., evans family, stephens miss, registers, mcculloch lady, convalescent homes, prentice street, edward street, strickland, keany pat, brentwood charlie, fordham lewis, hopetoun gardens, higgins mr. joseph f. engineer, railway construction bill, evans mr., beavis mr., twycross family john, medina captain, cowderoy mr. benjamin, murray mr., moore mr., ‘glenfern’, st. georges road, glen huntly road, cedar street, hunt bill – ‘bandy hunt’, jessamine street, alder street, le page’s store, post offices, balaclava junction, stephens frank, solicitors, parkside street, robinson j., ilbery mr. and family, mclennan mrs., victoria street, savings bank, riddell parade, elworthy mr. richard, butchers, shaw mr. william, armstrong mr., guess’ hotel, sycamore street, bagshaw mr., clack joe, wawn alex, sisson family, north road, younger mr., kooyong road, sheridan joseph, anketell family – john, wren john – carpenter, wills mr. peter, attrills arnold, heffernan family, cox peter, ilbery john, hotham street, glen huntly road, page j. w., bakeries, forests, godfrey mr., blacksmiths, thompson j. j., olive street, cedar street, letchte w., tierney richard, alma road, st. kilda east, murray peter, letchte’ cows – grazing, holland grove, eskdale road, lechte katrina, lechte ian, lechte catherine, lechte warren, lechte stuart, lechte elaine -
Glen Eira Historical Society
... . Krepp J. Glossop S. Burrows H. Hudson B. Hall B. Dent D. Randall ...This file contains 2 items: 1/A letter to Caulf Historical Society, requesting any history of Murrumbeena Football Club, from R. Gould. Reply from T.J. Hart advising that no information on the club is held by the society. 2/A fifty page book on the history of Murrumbeena Football Club, from foundation in 1927 to 1976. Includes 7 team photocopied photographs and one of the pavilion after completion in 1922, book written by R. Gould.gould ross, murrumbeena football club, football, football clubs, ‘dick’s horse paddock’, butchers, murrumbeena, great dandenong road, murrumbeena road, n.r. cooper, market gardens, orchards, carnegie rovers, oakleigh juniors, oakleigh district junior, football association, committees of management, murrumbeena junior football club, dick r., armstrong j., silverman dr. i., phillips r. cr., mudge les, truman v., bristow l., richardson , truman t., robertson, carnegie rovers, bentleigh, oakleigh juniors, ted pelling’s horse stables, stables, kangaroo road, moore george, armstrong fred, tinsley roy, naylor reg, ward bill, hunter mr., cox mr., scivenor mr., marian mr., wilde mr., townley mr., mudge mr., hay mr , ferguson mr., wilde wal, pelling e., watkins e., giles mr., young mr., paterson mr., reid mr., ross mr., walker mr., lyre mr., cannon mr., ronaldson tom, pearson , hall , collaghan jack, dennis, wlash, cannon, rickets, ferguson, wotes, hay, washbrooke, wilde , phillipson, welch, brown, cox, sharp, thomas, palmer, harris e., dick a., caulfield-dandenong, junior football association, metropolitan amateurs, pavilions, caulfield city council, murrumbeena amateurs, miss football queen, ralph miss, welch vic, emmins ‘titch’ g., bone r., havell, ellis r. (bob), pew t., stock a., riley wal, harris ‘codger’ roy, biddington j., nicholson a., bernes a.c., healey g., riley w., summerfield d., lee e., harris j., bass j., denning j., phillips c., king f., weatheral n.w., stewart s., rolfe h., dalgleish s., malone l., simpson e., kain a., rennie w., sloan a., painter e., bernes c., biddington g., parker c., willmott n., murrumbeena cricket club, corbett, murrumbeena districts, holden ‘rusty’, crundy, dean, taylor, bourke, moore, stewart, hause, clarke, gear, page, rowe bill, mathers alf, awards, farrell r., oakley r., escott l., callaghan t., mathers r., andrew j., halfpenny j., howland w., m -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains seven items: 1/One double sided pamphlet regarding the Caulfield Centenary Carnival at Caulfield Park from 25/10/1957 to 05/11/1957, listing attractions and special events. Includes advertising for Bunny Industries on the back. 2/One pamphlet for the Children’s Carnival at Caulfield Racecourse on 29/10/1957 as part of the City of Caulfield Centenary celebrations. The pamphlet includes a timetable for the day’s events. 3/One six page pamphlet for a film festival organised by the Caulfield Film Society as part of the City of Caulfield Centenary Celebrations. The pamphlet includes a programme for each of the four days of the film festival, 14/10/1957, 17/10/1957, 23/10/1957 and 25/10/1957. The pamphlet also includes information about the Caulfield Film Society regarding their formation, their values, their manifesto and their officials. 4/An eight page programme for the centenary Thanksgiving Service on 13/10/1957 featuring prayers and hymns. 5/Two copies of a pamphlet regarding City of Caulfield Centenary Celebrations from 13/10/1957 to 05/11/1957 created by H.G. Nelson, Town Clerk. Events listed include Thanksgiving Service, Music Festival, Film Festival, Special Centenary Council Meeting, Gymkhana, Parade of Decorated Floats, Spring Flower Show, Massed Bands Display, Display of Art, Naturalisation Ceremony, Solemn High Mass, carnivals and plaque unveiling. 6/One original and one photocopy of an eight page notice paper for the Special Meeting of Caulfield City Council to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the proclamation and declaration of the Caulfield Road District, to be held on 15/10/1957. The booklet includes the agenda, a council summons, a picture of Caulfield’s City Hall and a list of current and past councillors, chairmen, presidents, mayors and Shire Secretaries and town clerks. 7/A letter addressed to F. Campbell from Hazel Da Costa, dated 07/11/1997 regarding the acquisition of pamphletts for the Caulfield Centenary Carnival. For further information refer to the Oakleigh and Caulfield Times 09/10/1957 and Caulfield-Elsternwick Advertiser 05/11/1957 and 22/10/1957 stored in the Newspaper Archive room 4.caulfield centenary carnival, queen crowning ceremony, dandh bunny pty ltd, caulfield film society, carnegie memorial hall, caulfield park, hawthorn road, balaclava road, glenhuntly road, parades and processions, fire works displays, festivals and celebrations, bunny industries, glen press, hardware stores, builders suppliers, plumbers suppliers, centenary celebration, caulfield centenary, children’s carnival, caulfield racecourse, sinclair a.j.g., sporting events, film festival, new supper room, town hall, methodist hall, saint john hall, birch street, orrong road, princes park, caulfield hospital, daughters e.f., ward miss n., madigan mr. r, ritchie miss e., weichelt mr f., machin l.r., green w.c., jenner e.r., thomas w.r., centenary thanksgiving service, hymns, prayers, naturalisation ceremony, caulfield and district horses and pony club, special centenary council meeting, caulfield horticulture society, saint aloysius church, packer reserve, oakleigh road, caulfield memorial youth centre, commemoration, caulfield road district, mayors, presidents, chairmen, councillors, town clerks, parton e.m., bunny f.c.d., sims h.e., thomson w.r., wallace g.e., gunn e.e., gamble h.a., yorston j.s., handasyde g., murry ross w., stephen j.w., masters s., lloyd j.c., watts thos., watts t., nelson c., webb g.h., stephen f.j., crosbie j.w., watts w.c., holland j.c., lempriere w.g., millar w., newing t. r., ballantyne j., cotton a.d., long j., kirkham c.f., lloyd c.du p., wood f.g., akhurst a.c., riddell w.j.c., sharp t.c., phillips r.l., lempriere j.t., bayston w.s., dunbar a., hall p., saint j., fiske w., thompson h., murphy e.c., eggleston f.w., murray n.l., wood h.s., tyner w., wharington w.a., packer j.t., falls t., brooks w.r., lord r.h., morris a.e., page j.w., porter f.w., england e.f.s, patton r.t., mcculloch r., richie h.g., packer j.t., mackinnon d.c., mackinnon g.a., smith h.c.h., shillabeer f.e., pullman c.a., stewart l.mcr., tyers s.w., morris t.w., prior p.l., brooks w.r., webster h.c., sims h.e., prior p.l., thomson w.r., gunn e.e., parton e.m., wallace g.e., dempsey w., hart j., jowett f., briggs j.r., nelson h.g. -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains four items 1/Two copies of a twenty-four page booklet titled CITY OF CAULFIELD CENTENARY 1857-1957, created by the Caulfield City Council and printed by Peter Isaacson Pty Limited, Melbourne. The booklet details important aspects of Caulfield’s history including council procedures, the Caulfield Road District Proclamation, the first election and a summary of 100 years of local government with a description of the present Caulfield in 1957. The booklet also includes several pictures of various Caulfield landmarks and people including one of Caulfield City Councillors (11 men and 1 woman). Also one photocopied version of this booklet. 2/Eleven pages of typed notes for the City of Caulfield Centenary booklet. All notes are undated and incomplete. Two pages titled NOTES on THE HISTORY and PROGRESS OF THE CITY OF CAULFIELD, author unknown. Three and a half pages titled THE STRUCTURE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN VICTORIA, author unknown. Five pages titled 100 YEARS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT – EARLY CAULFIELD, by Mrs A. P. Bell. 3/A typed letter to Miss V. Webb-Langdon from the Town Clerk H.G. Nelson, acknowledging her contribution to historical details for the Caulfield Council’s Centenary booklet, dated 24/12/1957. 4/A handwritten letter and a handwritten note regarding the acquisition of notes for the Caulfield Centenary booklet. The letter is dated 03/08/2006 and the note is dated 09/02/ of caulfield centenary, caulfield road district, sinclair a.j.g., city hall, war memorials, gamble h.a., machin l.r., bunny f.c.d., caulfield park, koornang reserve, parton e.m., sims h.e., thomson w.r., gunn e.e., yorston j.s., wallace g.e. mrs, green w.c., jenner e.r., ward boundaries, dandenong road, queens avenue, normanby road, station street, bond street, glen eira road, orrong road, poath road, north road, booran road, nepean highway, glen huntly road, glenhuntly road, inkerman road, hotham street, nelson h.g., fullard w.r., mackley g.j., ellis k.i, crosbie m.r., nutting b.i., body j.h., pritchard r.j., guildford l.t.g., lund l.m., street h.c., reynolds a.w., elections , political processes, local government, springthorpe reserve, greenmeadows gardens, business and finance, roads and streets, caulfield racecourse, east caulfield reserve, mackinnon reserve, hawthorn road, balaclava road, murrumbeena road, lempriere avenue, victoria street, koornang road, lord reserve, lyons street, murrumbeena reserve, kangaroo road, ormond park, beatty crescent, foch street, packer reserve, oakleigh road, leila road, prices park, bambra road, riley reserve, playgrounds, town hall, maternal and child health centres, truganini road, grange road, senior citizens centre, barkley sir henry, moore david, handasyde gilbert, caulfield school room, harris g.w., semple john, dempsey william, brooks w.a., wilson thomas, lyall william, murrum murrumbeen lifestyle, ‘greenmeadows’ house, lempriere family, aboriginal culture, ‘rippon lea’ house, caulfield john, ‘slaney’s’ home, alma road, paddy’s swamp, racecourse hotel, caulfield technical college, bevan mr., ‘grosmont’, hart john, railways, mansions, ‘rosecraddock’, langdon h. j., caulfield cup, ‘crotonhurst’, webb judge, ‘kilwinning’, service james, ricketson henry, ‘glen eira’, house names, garden vale, ross william murray, ‘ross’s folly’, outer circle railway, caulfield grammar school, davies j. henry, lagdon william, grimwade f.s., loyd charles du plan, hope george, ‘airdrie’, kooyong hill, market gardens, dairies, lady talbot milk supply, jenner family, o’niell college, presentation sisters, glenferrie road, grimwade frederick sheppard, grimwade alice, ‘harlston’, grimwade house, ‘saint aubin’s’, ‘st. aubin’s’, ‘caulfield hall’, caulfield john p.t., st georges road, caulfield military hospital, nursing homes, health establishments, dover street, sports and recreations, rosanna street, ‘cantala’, health services, parks and reserves, community services, town planning, local government finance, local officials and employees -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains five items: 1/A program of the ‘Second Folk Song Festival’ presented by Caulfield City Choir conducted by David Plummer. Date unknown. 2/Three musical score sheets transcribed by Michael Finnissy for the Caulfield City Choir, dated 1983. 3/A black and white program for the Caulfield City Choir’s Christmas Celebrations at St. John’s Uniting Church on 06/12/1986, conducted by Douglas Heywood. 4/Two black and white programs of presentations given by the Caulfield City Choir and the Camberwell Chorale with the Camerata Orchestra, conducted by Douglas Heywood, at the Camberwell Centre. The first is of the Verdi Requiem on 03/05/1987; the second is ‘The Creation’ by Joseph Haydn on 14/05/1988. 5/A black and white program of the Caulfield City Choir Inc.’s presentation of Victorian Lollipops, conducted by Douglas Heywood at St. Stephen’s Uniting Church Hall on 13/09/1987.emms betty miss, kooyong road, caulfield, caulfield city choir, plummer david, law bernard, butler eric, finnissy michael, murrumbeena, harries rita, st. john’s uniting church, glenhuntly road, glen huntly road, elsternwick, hopetown gardens, heywood douglas, shewan joan, st. margaret’s anglican church caulfield, baptist church murrumbeena, church of christ carnegie, st. james’ lutheran church moorabbin, st. andrew’s presbyterian church caulfield south, holy cross roman catholic church caulfield south, st. john’s uniting church elsternwick, baker tim, sneddon j.f. mrs., snowdon avenue, caulfield city council, caulfield philharmonic society, sneddon marjorie, snedden marjorie, north road, ormond, barnard j., cook d., copley m., duncan d., field b., ford r., fraser g., granger t., greenhaugh h., howells c., jefferies c., kuca m., lockett j., mcalpine c., mcconchie c., mealy m., moorees j., nicholas n., nixon v., polites s., pope m., port m., provelsen m., provelson m., rose r., simmons h., terkuile k., alcock j., bannister j., barnett m., beeson b., cinaglia c., glasson m., griffon b., holmes w., sneddon m., weickhardt j., henderson v., ingram h., ketels m., nutt a., polites c., warden n., dobbin l., mccaffrey p., newbold r., prebble r, shewan j., st. stephen’s uniting church hall, balaclava road, hawthorn road, kooyong road, dobbin leo, heywood thomas, ford dellys, the scotsglen players, caulfield city hall, glen eira road, new city hall, st. stephen’s uniting church, glasson m. mrs, new caulfield city hall, nicholas n. miss, quaife merlyn, ashton-smith david, lukey desmond, reither charles, caulfield town hall, hirst susan, anderson peter, town halls, orchestras, music, people associated with culture, singers, choirs, official buildings, uniting church, festivals and celebrations, musical events and activities, cultural events and activities, musicians, conductors (music), operas, religious festivals, christmas, official buildings, clubs and associations -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains five items pertaining to plaques, memorials and monuments located in Glen Eira: 1/Three letters (1 page each) pertaining to a statue of Isabelle Webb adorning the Caulfield City Hall. The first letter, typewritten, dated 14/07/80, is addressed from J. Pollet, Honorary Secretary of the Caulfield Historical Society, to Mr. G. Calder, City Manager of Caulfield, and announces that the Society has identified the previously unidentified statue and wishes to provide a plaque for it. The second letter, handwritten, dated 20/09/1980, is addressed from Mr. R. Ballantyne of the Caulfield Historical Society to Calder, and laments that the Caulfield City Council has not responded to the first letter. The third letter, typewritten, dated 24/10/1980, is addressed from G. J. Walker, Deputy Manager-Administrator of the City of Caulfield, to Ballantyne, and notifies the latter of the Council’s acceptance of the Society’s offer to provide a plaque. Also included are the invoice and delivery docket for the plaque. 2/A typewritten letter (1 page), dated 26/06/1985, from Norma Polglase, secretary to mayor Brian Rudzki, inviting Mr. and Mrs. R. Ballantyne to an unveiling ceremony at Hopetoun Gardens. 3/A typewritten letter (1 page), dated 05/10/1986, from John Adams, Convenor of the Memorials Committee of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria, to Miss H. Bullock, thanking the latter for her contributions to the Society’s Memorials Project (which presumably consists of the recording of the location of all memorials located in Victoria), and confirming the acknowledgement of four memorials located in Caulfield. 4/A one page typewritten letter, with handwritten note, dated 07/05/1987, from Chilla Bulbeck, project coordinator of the National Register of the Australian Bicentennial Authority, to Mr. R. Ballantyne, thanking the latter for agreeing to act as a recorder for the Project. Attached are 12 pages extrapolating on the Project and a list (2 copies) of monuments thus far acknowledged, although none of this contains anything of relevance specifically to Glen Eira. 5/A typewritten letter, dated 29/11/1996, from Bob Ross, Senior Surveyor of the Geodetic Survey of the Office of the Surveyor General, to the Caulfield Historical Society, requesting the latter’s assistance in identifying any historic survey marks located within Glen Eira, as part of a greater project to identify all such survey marks located within Victoria. Also included is a leaflet extrapolating on the project and featuring a form for documenting survey marks, although this contains nothing of relevance specifically to Glen Eira.glen eira, caulfield, plaques, monuments and memorials, walker g. j., ballantyne r. mr., caulfield historical society, statues, webb isabelle, webb isabella, calder g, pollet j, city of caulfield, caulfield city council, city hall, hawthorn road, glen eira road, neville street, glenhuntly, thompson p. mr., arrow engraving & foundry co., rudzki brian j. p. cr., ballantyne mrs., cannons, festivals and celebrations, invitations, hopetoun gardens, mayors, glenhuntly road, glen huntly road, caulfield city hall, polglase norma, adams john, bullock h. miss, royal historical society of victoria, memorials committee, memorials project, ‘kadimah’, caulfield grammar school, rosstown railway, bambra park, elsternwick, begonia street, gardenvale, bulbeck chilla, australian bicentennial authority, national register of unusual monuments project, jowett memorial drinking fountain, ross bob, office of surveyor general, geodetic survey office of surveyor general -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains 13 official documents pertaining to the Rotary Club of Caulfield: 1/A typewritten copy of the constitution of the Rotary Club of Caulfield (undated). Said document is essentially an instruction manual detailing how the Club is to be administered and the duties of officials. 2/A page (unclear if intended for use as a poster or letter) announcing a Business Persons Breakfast to be held at St. Anthony’s Parish Hall on 19/11/1986, wherein Jeff Kennett, M.L.A., Leader of the Opposition of the Parliament of Victoria, will deliver a speech titled ‘Responsibility Before Rights’. 3/A booklet announcing the 25th anniversary celebration of the Rotary Club of Caulfield, to be held at Tudor Court on 24/02/1987. Contains the menu, national anthem, programme, and two lists – one of the founding members of the Club and one of the extant members of the Club. 4/Two copies of a booklet announcing a dinner, to be held at Tudor Court on 10/11/1987, wherein charter will be presented to the Rotary Club of Caulfield-Rosstown by District Governor Ian Knight. Contains a list of extant staff, the menu, the programme, a description of the history of the ‘Wembley Wheel of Friendship’, a list of charter members, and an account of the etymology of the name ‘Rosstown’. 5/Two copies of a page featuring four items of relevance to the Rotary Club of Caulfield. The first is an article (titled ‘Rotary scholar makes it’, author unspecified, source unspecified, undated) about Club scion Mark Collard receiving an MBA from Clarkson University. The second is an article (titled ‘New Caulfield Rotary’, author unspecified, source unspecified, undated) about the presentation dinner to which item 7 pertains. (This article is not present in its entirety, trailing off at the end.) The third is an announcement of a ‘progressive dinner’ to be held on 28/11/1987, also containing an announcement of a bicentennial conference to be held on 19/03/1988. The fourth is an announcement of what appears to be the initiation of some sort of historical re-enactment, the proceeds of which will fund the Rotary Club’s ‘Polio Plus’ project. A title (‘A Long Haul Through Caulfield’) suggests this item may be the header section of an article about said event, but if so, the remainder is not present. Contains three black-and-white photographs; one of Collard with an unidentified woman (presumably his wife), one of Club President Howie Dunlop congratulating Charter President Geoff Oscar, and one of some men riding on a horse-drawn cart. 6/Two copies of a booklet announcing a President Changeover Dinner, to be held on 28/06/1988. Contains the menu, programme, and a list of extant members. 7/Two copies of the weekly bulletin of the Rotary Club of Caulfield, dated 28/06/1988. Contains lists of faculty, notification of the Club’s decision to admit women, notification of upcoming events, a biography of guest speaker Fred Epstein, and a list of the times and places of alternative meetings. 8/Two photocopied statements of the receipts and expenditure of the Rotary Club of Caulfield, one for the period 01/10/1989 – 30/06/1990, and one for the period 01/07/1990 – 27/08/1990. 9/The photocopied minutes of a New Members Committee Meeting of the Rotary Club of Caulfield, dated 02/08/1990. Objects of discussion include fundraising methods and application of funds. 10/A booklet announcing Change Over Night, dated 21/06/1994. Contains the programme, menu, national anthem, and a list of extant faculty. 11/4 unbound pages announcing the winners of the Rotary Youth Photographic Awards, dated 1995 (a more specific date than this is not given). (Pages contain no photographs.) 12/A small note announcing the Murrumbeena Community Market, to be held on 04/12/2010, of which the Rotary Club of Caulfield is one of the sponsors. 13/A booklet announcing a dinner to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Rotary Club of Caulfield, to be held on 23/02/2012. Contains the programme, menu, a list of past presidents, a description of the history of the Gifu Vase (a trophy in the Club’s possession), and a list of some of the charity projects the Club has been engaged in.rotary club of caulfield, clubs and associations, charitable organisations, kennett jeff m.l.a., st. anthony’s parish hall, grange road, neerim road, glenhuntly, festivals and celebrations, tudor court, gray robin, baird jack, lord john, king john, crittenden doug, gelme anthony, hunkin ed. rev., fryer roy, quine john, bedford f., bell jim, bunny d., cripps e., don john, epstein fred, hattam j., howard w., kerry g., kumnick j., kurrie s., lord l., morrison charles, nelson h., parton willis, perry bruce, pollard r., price f., skuse e., stillwell g., tilley norman, tomlinson charles, watson don, webster j., wilson duncan, fincher roy, wheller john, allen selwyn, christopher don, cohen godfrey, davis keith, davis lloyd, dornbierer w., dunlop howie, fillmore wally, ford john, ford peter, forshaw ken, gales brian, green myer, hind jim, humphreys john, hunter ian, lewis ray, melville jack, oscar geoff, penaluna harry, perlen louis, rampling ross, ronaldson keith, sherlock max, sicklemore graham, smith barry, stapleton ted, summers ron, tovey david, rotary club of caulfield-rosstown, knight ian, tudor court, kooyong road, bellmaine mark, langfelder kurt, morris rob, rome graeme, alma club, wilks street, wills david, blankfield mark, awards, wembley wheel of friendship, bellmaine loretta, cunningham david, cunningham jean, davis pam, davis rex, davis judith, forshaw hannah, graham jeremy, graham kara, hassing andre, hassing arlette, jacobs frank, jacobs june, langfelder judy, morris robert, morris angela, nettlebeck rosalie, oscar enid, rattray john, rattray diana, rome lorraine, sarah ted, sarah denise, sherlock helen, smith suzanne, stapleton jackie, turner brook, turner vicki, tuhiwai tamati, tuhiwai ravina, will arnold, will claire, rosstown, ross william murray, rosstown sugar works, collard mark, rotary foundation, keller chuck, campbell felicitie mrs., campbell jack cr., knight genny, albury civic centre, green tess, tantram avenue, quine gwen, beaver street, rosalind ray, rosalind lweis, devon street, little company of mary hospital, polio plus, smith ian, jackson adrian, miller peter, spence bert, wheller denise, coffey bill, financial documents, receipts, gilmartin e., moran d., kaan a., fillmore wal, coleman peter, coleman moyrha, wesley college elsternwick big band, puddy mark, fradkin barry, fitzgerald gerald, renton robert, herschberg gedeon, kinston david, montgomery peter, dawes shane, silberberg henry, zazryn ben, cohen michael, rotary youth photographic awards, photographic competitions, photography, terry ted mr., terry e. a. mr., eldridge hannah, cottral anne, abdullahi khalid, gostin cassie, podlabeniouk lena, diyab ahmed, draca julijana, pevkoski danilla, wooster heath, lesar dion, sansoni rachel, leatham chelsea, townsend jessie, barker megan, fitzgerald megan, maokhamphiou anthony, smith naomi, fraser sue-ellen, white tanya, murrumbeena community market, koornang uniting church, murrumbeena road, welsh heather, robinson david, kesselschmidt sima, potasz sophie, southwick david, cheyne gordon, ryall keith, arianti listy, westbrook natasha, pollard bob, hancock irey, lovett jack, cooper alby, rundle john, patkin nehama, mcmullen adele, douglas jennie, preston mark, resubal loreto, gifu vase, aoki seiichi, operation firewood, alfred hospital, bus of knowledge, australia day breakfast, bethlehem hospital, caulfield hospital -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - Bentleigh Baptist Church Vickery Street Bentleigh
Reflections reprinted history extracts from Bentleigh Baptist Church Diary from September 1989 to March 1993. Issues includes a CD with digital photos Reflections reprinted history upon the centenary of Bentleigh Baptist Church 1984 by DL Audemard from May 1985 The Way We Were Feb 1990 pamphlet notes reflections on the churches ministery over the last 50 years by unknown author A brief printed history author unknown and undated on Bentleigh Baptist Church, 10 Vickery Street Bentleigh Two computer generated articles of correspondence between Claire Barton and Robert Bell on the gathering of Bentleigh & Korean Baptist Church history April 2010bentleigh, baptist church, brewer mr, tucker road, box henry, lush gp rev, east boundary, north road, bentleigh baptist church, brighton baptist church, tucker road church, box francis, box edith, clay jack, clay joy, lipman vern, lipman bronwyn, watt family, pioneers, watt richard, watt martha, market gardens, centre road, jasper road, watt herbert, horse drawn vehicles, stamp mr, hall annie, vickery street, watt may, clay family, marriott hector, watt don, watt family, box chris, lipman joy, grewar family, alexander chas, shephard f, chapman samuel rev, chambers h, eunson ta rev, boreham e rev, fletcher w rev, marriott hec – market gardens, kennedy jack, kennedy lil, kennedy isa mary, herron john, seawright celia, streckfuss edith, cole alice, grewar annie, grewar hall, faulkner ern, graham tom, cross mabel, cross w rev, trenches, grewar jean, ormond, wadley mr, wellum mr, hinton wh, rees gp rev, hinton mrs, wade ken rev, wadley mrs, bent st, wade mrs, bell powell, warner lawrence, architects, winckel l rev, richards jl, builders, streckfuss bert, marriott may, streckfuss family, sach florrie, sach family, reid mrs, reid lesley, mcmillan mrs, drapers, mckinnon road, streckfuss edith, simpson mrs, wellum mrs, leadlights, main mary, evans william john, cooke j, cooke mrs, cahill samuel george, smith kate, freeman nancy, wanless mrs, redmore ab, redmore mrs, audemard phil rev, hawkins margaret, ord elton, hawkins shiela, pith ron, bell mr, wallace pat, bell margaret, audemard joan, docker sandra, hubbard mark, thomas bernie, thomas mrs, lamprell mrs, herron mr, herron mrs, freeman mrs, beach mrs, paton john mrs, george lloyd, aspinal eric, bell gwen, sutton mrs, winkel mrs, neil mary, costain mrs, main mrs, baker mrs, cross mrs, kershaw mrs, smith millie, smith jack, freeman alf, harwood lindsay, harwood doreen, bell lesley, bell roberta, bentleigh korean baptist church, barton claire, hoare mike, hoare margaret, bott muriel, bridgeman pat, cook don, small hugh, trewin bill, smith eddie, iggulden sid, neve keith, horsford david, spencer wally, mcewan bill, holmes ron, holmes joyce, pullman peter, pullman elly, probbel peter, robinson john, bott laurie, main alice, disney clarrie, taylor kath, woff miss, rutledge peter, cameo playgroup, bentleigh baptist church, bentleigh, tucker road, foundation stones -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains 8 items about members of the Langdon family including a family tree: 1/Photocopies of a photograph of the wedding of Mary Langdon and Ewan Campbell on 26/11/1903. 2/Photocopy of an article, source and date unknown, describing the wedding of Mary Langdon and Ewan Campbell. 3/Photocopy of newspaper wedding notice, date and source unknown, announcing the wedding of Dorothy Langdon and J. H. C. Campbell on 11/06/1913. 4/Handwritten and drawn family tree of the Langdon family tree from Henry and Elizabeth Langdon and three generations subsequent. Author and date unknown. 5/Photograph of Order of Service for dedication of a memorial window at St Mary’s Anglican Church, Caulfield to Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Langdon on 28/09/1913. 6/Colour photograph of Marie Langdon and Margaret Moxham with the statue of Isabella Webb, Half-sister of Mrs. D. Langdon. 7/Photocopy of photograph of Grace Peterkin, formerly Langdon, and two boys, Stuart and Lang. Date unknown, photographer R. Ballantyne. 8/Photocopy of extracts from ‘Langdon Court – the History of an English Manor House’ dated 1983/1984.campbell ewan, langdon mary, campbell mary, campbell j. h. c., langdon dorothy, campbell dorothy, ‘rosecraddock’, langley h. t. rev., st mary’s anglican church caulfield, langdon henry joseph, langdon elizabeth laetitia lane, caulfield city hall, webb isabella, langdon d. mrs., langdon marie, moxham margaret, peterkin grace, langdon grace, garnett ian maxwell, langdon vernon, statues, somers charles -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Typescript text of a talk given to the Caulfield Historical Society on Wednesday, 17 June 1981, by Cyril H. Henshaw. 20 single-sided sheets bound in binder, plus two additional sheets (addendum) separately, in polyester sleeve (typescript, signed C. Henshaw in ink.) Note: Despite the title, this talk contains so much material pertaining to the history of Ormond that it has been filed and catalogued to reflect that, rather than being filed with material relating to the cricket club.ormond cricket club, ormond park cricket club, ormond state school, ormond junior presbyterian cricket club, ormond katandra road 20, ormond katandra road 26, ormond katandra road 30, history of ormond, rosstown railway, henshaw cyril h., sporting clubs, ormond railway station, briggs james r., lord harry, dawson eileen (mrs. rae), rae eileen (nee dawson), lord edwin, lord allan, lord estate agent (katandra road 8 north road ormond, outhred keith, jones hugh rev., jones lorna, arundel e. (ted), nutt e., stock w.g. (george), caulfield eumeralla road, ormond wheatley road, ormond north road, ormond murray road, ormond park (e.e. gunn reserve), e.e. gunn reserve, presbyterian church hall (fraser street and north road ormond), ormond plant farm, queen’s hall caulfield, stock len, ormond presbyterian cricket club, ellis harry, coulsons mac, jones w. sergeant, jones bill, ashton r., mclean a., ellis r., de garis mr., whitelaw’s cafe (dalmor avenue & north road ormond), gunn e.e., russell mr. & mrs., ormond picture theatre (north road ormond), ormond park committee, stock lilian mrs., morgan w. rev., cohn alan, livesey miss, riley miss, birch f., laver lloyd -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Two sets of this man's handwritten memories: 1/Five pages of handwritten personal memories, written by William Hogarth Hunt 13/07/1977. He outlines his family, their travels and settlement in 1908 at Glenhuntly: a detailed account of residents, shop owners, land sales and identities, Murray Ross, Mr Burr of Burr’s Gun Oil and Mr Zarman. Also details Glenhuntly Methodist Church, football, athletics, Glenhuntly Aerodrome and an extensive list of local residents and their stories. 2/Two pages of handwritten personal memories, written by William Hogarth Hunt 02/09/1977. A detailed account of residents, shop owners, identities, athletes, local policemen and their stories in the Glen Huntly area.personal memories, hunt william hogarth, glenhuntly, grange road, trams, plumber, stone mary ann, neerim road, wanalta road, schurme mrs, private hospital, hospitals, watson grove, hunt jessie, hunt alfred, hunt charles, smith mr, fisher mr, smith mrs, jockeys, dore george, ‘willis’, builders, house names, mernda, roseberry grove, el nido, neerim road, glenhuntly post office, mrs fielder’s sweetshop, mrs beer’s sweet shop, paddocks, confectionery, fielder fred, maroona road, murrumbeena, grocers, callister dave, carnegie state school, hay and corn store, james street, woodyard, hillards chemist, hughes body works, chemists, davidson’s, glenhuntly printing, hay and corn stores, railway gates, anz bank, fox mr, martin jack, fox mrs, clothing stores, steam rollers, radio and tv shop, beasley j, delicatessen/ham and beef shop, butchers, schurme’s private hospital, gellatley george, tailors, commonwealth banks, watson grove, banks, preston peter, e.j. & h. amos, hardware stores, estate agents, glenhuntly picture theatre, whittle mr, theatres, newsagency, cooper and cooke, station street, f.j. long and co, jennings a.v, timber yards, builders, ‘the estate’, hillcrest estate, grange road, marara road, rosedale avenue, hobart jack, mackie road, confectionery stores, ross murray, glenhuntly athletic club, godfrey evelyn, athletics clubs, railways, glenhuntly junior football club, elsternwick, princess park, carnegie oval, booran road, koornang park, ormond oval – ee. gunn reserve, glenhuntly oval, oakleigh road, victorian amateur turf club, koornang road, glenhuntly aerodrome, neville street, glenhuntly state school, rosslyn street, geary mr, lauriston tennis courts, bakers, carnegie r.s.l., east bentleigh, bowling clubs, tucker road, tennis clubs, centre road, murrumbeena road, larman mr, hollway street, nurseries, parker street, lyle marshall, burr mr, solicitors, builders, bones nursery, ‘burr’s gunoil’, glenhuntly methodist church, carnegie, smith alf, ezard family, clemens family, noy family, noy clarrie, dickie family, storey family, storey george, davis family, joss house, chinese community, wattle avenue, grange road, glenhuntly amateur football club, football clubs, glenhuntly athletic club, athletic clubs, glen huntly junior football club, carnegie oval, koornang park, glenhuntly oval, victorian amateur turf club, glenhuntly aerodome, glenhuntly state school, geary mr., bakers, east bentleigh, tucker road, centre road, larman mr, nurseries, lyle marshall, solicitors, bones nursery, carnegie, "the estate", royal avenue, mckay avenue, dumsday bertha miss, love family, gilmour family, waratah ave, sinclair mr, tuckpointers, bricks, donegan mr, plumbers, frazer mr, frazer and jenkinson printers, frazer arthur, ezard manufacturing, jewellers, private hospital, maroona road, o'carroll mr, beattie mr, horse trainer, morton tom, lord harry, estate agents, ormond, councillors, taylor mr, builders, gibson family, westley alf, o'carroll j (jack) d, glenhuntly athletics club, athletes, jack page's bakery and cake shop, nay clarrie, hunt william h., hunt alf, page jack, armstrong jack, manchester grove, morgan advertising, cusdin sid, farrier, glenhuntly cricket club, caulfield racecourse, neerim road, hoffman's plumbing, emma street, st. agnes school, st. agnes church hall, jenkin 'boss' mr, teachers, hawthorn miss, quinn miss, chitty charlie, chitty's timber, crystal palace picture theatre, theatres, marsh bill, hardware shops, watson arthur w, j.s. kidd and company, marshes hardware, kidd's hardware, bruce ivy, 'belgrave', house names, belgrave road, dandenong road, hunter 'pud', police officers, hunt jess, kangaroo road, murrumbeena, glen huntly -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Two items about this church: 1/Photocopied details of the Church’s preliminary stages of development at Coatesville Uniting Church. 2/Photocopied article with brief details of Coatesville parish history which includes East Bentleigh Presbyterian and South Oakleigh Methodist parishes.south oakleigh methodist church, reid a, north road, coatesville uniting church, bray mr, mackie road, harris mr, phillips l.g. rev, okey mr, adams mr, williams w.j. rev, murrumbeena, harris mr, iliffe w.r, hallibone mr, fielding mr, reynolds mr, nancarraw mr, reic a mr, thomas miss, winter mr, lanym a. mr, sturgess h mr, sturgess mrs, duncan annie, duncan gordon, sturgess edith, evans chas, ralton mr, architects, coatesville parish, uniting church, east bentleigh presbyterian church, cecil street, peerman alex rev, east bentleigh presbyterian, market gardens, st christopher’s church, bell a.f. rev, body alan rev, jassa street, manses, trevorrow mr, halls, sunday schools, bentleigh east -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - Murrumbeena Park Bowls Club
This file contains documents pertaining to the history (1958-83) of Murrumbeena Park Bowling [sic] Club, viz. Notes on the formation of the Club, 1957-59 (two handwritten sheets) History of the Club, on its twenty-fifth anniversary (1983), compiled by J.W. Brown and J.A. Forrest (title page MURRUMBEENA PARK BOWLING CLUB, twenty-fifth ANNIVERSARY, 1958-1983, plus eight sheets, typescript. All documents stapled to comprise a single item.lawn bowls, murrumbeena park bowls club, murrumbeena park bowling club, murrumbeena gerald street 26-28, sporting clubs, caulfield historical society, brown j.w., machin alan, machin arthur, machin e., horne sam, cugley a.c., harvey a.c., harvey e., trumble c.c., walker f.w., forresst j.a., prior p.l., watson a.j., kirk tom e., beatty hunter s., gamble h.a., ferres ossie, chisholm l.a., francis s., peterson h., schrape f.m., miller i., smith n., bentley e., keeling les., taylor bob., mcleod p.w., dunstan w., mccann tom j., hall a., bunny councillor and mrs. -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Book - St. Giles Presbyterian Church, Murrumbeena
This file contains four items about the history of the church: 1/Typed letter dated 17/05/1977 from Mrs. C. Fergusson for the Murrumbeena United Church to accompany Item 2. 2/Four original copies plus a photocopy of ‘St. Giles Presbyterian Church Murrumbeena (An Outline of Sixty-five Years of Progress) 1890-1955’. These include lists of clergy, significant congregational members etc. One of the books is noted ‘Doble’ on the cover, as sent by Allan Doble in Item 3. 3/Handwritten letter dated 15/01/1999 from Allen Doble which accompanied one of the books at Item 2. This letter includes information on Dr Seymour, first Minister at St. Giles. There is also a typed excerpt from the letter. 4/Handwritten note, undated, by person unknown about two Foundation Stones and the Aeneas McDonald Memorial Hall at St. giles presbyterian church, murrumbeena united church, murrumbeena, murrumbeena road, carnegie, rosella street, doble allan, pollock a.l. rev., mclaurin archibald, thomson jean a., ferguson c. mrs., davey. e.t., frith d., riach f.j., doble mrs., memorials, mclaurin jean, ‘frogmore’, ardyne estate, carnegie, rosstown, woornack road, oakleigh road, koornang road, will h. clay nursing home, wahgoo street , innellan road , ardyne street, dunoon street, bute street, toward street, ariadne avenue, burns avenue, thomson avenue, barkley-thomson jean, scott william jones, scott william, scott george, scott john, scott mrs., shearer john, lacey mr., merry mr., hitchcock mr., wilson mr., dawson mr., matters mr., shearer janet bone mcewan, shearer ariadne, shearer elizabeth, mclaurin elizabeth, carpenters, shearer peter, mclaurin archibald, seymour j.a. rev. dr, cullen robert j.s., hamilton james, hethersett grove, sutherland i.b., manses, churches, presbyterian church, clergy, ministers, robertson john kirkland rev., sunday schools, liddelow elsie, seymour elsie, day linda, macdonald aeneas, borland frank, falconer messrs n. and s.a., kelly hugh rev., shearer mary macpherson, mcnabb hugh, william louis r., architects, crabb t.f., murrumbeena presbyterian church, mcleod robert, elmore frank, cayser stella, dowding keith mccallum, howden william b., thompson w.h., lyle n., anderson mr., angus mr., inglis mr., donald w.g., thompson j.g., gilbert w.r. , dickson percy, van nooten j.w., moore r.s.m., wreen w., chambers paris, brown c., lavender e., price n., birtchnell o.e., shearer m., rae w.f., hurdman m., bates clarice, lawrie tom, morris t.w. and son, builders, macdonald elspeth, mckinnon j.s., buntine w.j., kerr w.j., porter a.j., cooper mrs., haddon and henderson, foundation stones, church groups, halls, mclean r.w. rev., macdonald a.e. rev., williams louis r. (architect), crabb t.f. (builder), aeneas macdonald memorial, millar d. right rev. moderator, falcolner n. and s.a. (builders), koornang uniting church -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Certificate stub book, School of Mines Ballarat, Ballarat School of Mines Certificate Stubb Book, 1938-1964
This certificate stub book contains the subject certificates of the graduates of the School of Mines and Indutsries, Ballarat, a predecessor of Federation University Australia.This item highlights the subjects studied and graduates of the School of Mines between 1938 to 1964. It also records the change of cursive over that time.This book includes stubs of subject certificates from the School of Mines and Industries, Ballarat. This also contains a number of uncollected certificates. It is a brown hardback book with black binding. Its contents covers certificates between 1938 to 1964. Names of recipients include: Charles Holt, Henry Elford, Irvin Singleton, J. H. Hughes, John Morcom, Alfred Amor, John Wastell, John Rudwick, Jared Hines, Harry Allan, L. F. J. Hillman, Arthur Davies, Letitia Stanley, Victor Wright,Raymond Ball, Mary O'Callaghan, Ethna Burke, Alec Foyster, James Duggan, Leonard Auchettl, Reeves Collins, James Patterson, Stanley Douglas Webb, Oswald Lyle, Marvis Orr, Eric Roberts, Jack Clennell, A. R. Millar, Heith Smyth, Walter Hines, Harold Leslie, Joseph Fisher, Geoffry Burns, Alick Dait, George Hill, Raymond Wines, Robert Manson, Albert O'Neill, Thomas Green, William Stargatt, William Harrison, Reginald Allen, Albert Wilson, Allan Curtis, Arthur Donald, John Wynn, Sydney Robinson, John Blackic, Percy Elsdon, Hubert Jenkins, Kingsley Callister, Douglas Hall, Norman Lawson, Winfield Tonkin, Artuhur Williams, Allan Curtis, Ernest, Billinge, John Daelon, Harold Bunting, Stanley Wilton, Robert Sugden, Heith Foster, Winsome Stevens, Herbert Stanbridge, Robert Pittard, Henry Brew, Ernest Berriman, Carlyle West-Onley, William Blackic, Lorna Dunstan, Cedric Pike, Stanley Jephson, Hugh Hendrick, Joseph Fisher, Ernest Grove, Ronald Fisher, Heith Halsall, Henry Harris, Maxwell Silvey, Stanley Trengove, Donald Trescowthick, Harold Tolliday, Russell Lucas, John Boyd, John Keys, Stanley Betteridge, Ernest Betteridge, Michael Ross, Robert Stewart, Joseph Beasley, William Beasley, Ray Deveson, George Hennessy, Charles Matthews, Maxwell Silvey, Ian Creek, Geoffrey Moorhouse, Hector Tonks, John Donald, Hugh Hendrick, Stanley Jephson, Ian McIntosh, Robert Nice, Ralph Scott, Walter Martin, Grant Coutts, Lindsay Hannah, John Tainsh, Hubert Robinson, John Donald, George Beaton, Heather Harris, Brian McCarthy, Samuel Perry, Valentine Pascoe, Philip McLean, Geoffrey Hewish, Hubert Robinson, John Borch, Frederick Gale, Ian Grundell, Albert Perry, Frank Hutchinson, Horace Shuttleworth, Kenneth Mason, David Hatt, Malcom Foster, George Jones, Graham McKinnon, Ronald Newton, John Betts, Leonard Wade, Robert McClure, David Beaumont, Leslie Powell, Samuel Perry, Donald Treweek, Edgar McArthur, Russell Fraser, Edgar McArthur Bartrop, Clive Carmichael, Leslie Fuhrmeister, Lindsay Coon, Zigurds Plavina, Victor Gingell, Rupert McKenna, Graham McKinnon, David Fairley, Johannes Meennen, Ronald Murphy, Johannes Naus, John McConville, Graham Melonie, William Cutter, Thomas Chalkley, Kenneth Morton, Stanley Shears, Robert Auld, Donald Campbell, John Cofield, Brian Whykes, William Milford, Noel Richards, Stewart Jacobs, James Robertson, Clement Rose, Eric Brown, Allan Raworth, Ernest Salter, Neville Cartledge, Peter Stacey, Robert McClure, Antonius Goossens, Rodney Cartledge, Rodney Hayes, Bevan Grigsby, James Robertson, Neil Stephens, John Riddle, Andreas Aaus, Bruce Fletcher, Keith Pedler, Allen Flavell, Robert Cartledge, Ronald Shaw, Kenneth Hibberd, William Lockland, Percival Bilney and Petrus Damen. Uncollected certificates for James Patterson, Robert Sugden, Ernest Berriman, Stanley Jephson, Henry Harris, Maxwell Silvey, Joseph Beasley, Charles Matthews, Maxwell Silvey, Ian Creek, Geoffrey Hewish, Robert McClure, Kingsley Callister, Winfield Tonkin, Raymond Wines, Oswald Wilde and Kenneth Mason are included within. The subjects covered include: Printing, mining, geology, metallurgy, mining geology, mine surveying, mechanics applied to mining, electric welding, machine shop practice, algebra, trigonometry, mechanics and heat, applied mechanics, heat treatment, graphics, oxywelding, engineering drawing, blacksmithing, shorthand theory advanced, shorthand speed, commercial English, intermediate English, plain dressmaking, dressmaking advanced, electric wiring, physics, electric technology, carpentry, machine shop, plumbing, trade science, carpentry and joinery, building construction, heat treatment, wiring, oxyacetylene welding, foremanship, turning and fitting, electric wiring, arithmetic, social studies, commercial correspondence, office routine, bookkeeping, typewriting, shorthand, electric refrigerator servicing, refrigeration, radio mechanics, trade maths, sheetmetal, wool sorting, motor mechanics, human relations in management and industrial supervision. Many of the stubbs are signed by principal Dick Richards. Each certificate is signed by the current principal of the School of Mines and Industries, Ballarat, and a number have also been signed by the of mines, school of mines andindustries, certificate, richard w. richards, horace william shuttleworth, dick richards, charles holt, henry elford, irvin singleton, j. h. hughes, john morcom, alfred amor, john wastell, john rudwick, jared hines, harry allan, l. f. j. hillman, arthur davies, letitia stanley, victor wright, raymond ball, mary o'callaghan, ethna burke, alec foyster, james duggan, leonard auchettl, reeves collins, james patterson, stanley douglas webb, oswald lyle, marvis orr, eric roberts, jack clennell, a. r. millar, heith smyth, walter hines, harold leslie, joseph fisher, geoffry burns, alick dait, george hill, raymond wines, robert manson, albert o'neill, thomas green, william stargatt, william harrison, reginald allen, albert wilson, allan curtis, arthur donald, john wynn, sydney robinson, john blackic, percy elsdon, hubert jenkins, kingsley callister, douglas hall, norman lawson, winfield tonkin, artuhur williams, allan curtis, ernest billinge, john daelon, harold bunting, stanley wilton, robert sugden, winsome stevens, herbert stanbridge, robert pittard, henry bre, ernest berriman, carlyle west-onley, william blackic, lorna dunstan, cedric pike, stanley jephson, hugh hendrick, joseph fisher, ernest grove, ronald fisher, heith halsall, henry harris, maxwell silvey, stanley trengove, donald trescowthick, harold tolliday, russell lucas, john boyd, john keys, stanley betteridge, ernest betteridge, michael ross, robert stewart, joseph beasley, william beasley, ray deveson, george hennessy, charles matthews, maxwell silvey, ian creek, geoffrey moorhouse, hector tonks, john donald, hugh hendrick, stanley jephson, ian mcintosh, robert nice, ralph scott, walter martin, grant coutts, lindsay hannah, john tainsh, hubert robinson, john donald, george beaton, heather harris, brian mccarthy, samuel perry, valentine pascoe, philip mclean, geoffrey hewish, hubert robinson, john borch, frederick gale, ian grundell, albert perry, frank hutchinson, horace shuttleworth, kenneth mason, david hatt, malcom foster, george jones, graham mckinnon, ronald newton, john betts, leonard wade, robert mcclure, david beaumont, leslie powell, samuel perry, donald treweek, edgar mcarthur, russell fraser, edgar mcarthur bartrop, clive carmichael, leslie fuhrmeister, lindsay coon, zigurds plavina, zig plavina, victor gingell, rupert mckenna, graham mckinnon, david fairley, johannes meennen, ronald murphy, johannes naus, john mcconville, graham melonie, william cutter, thomas chalkley, kenneth morton, stanley shears, robert auld, donald campbell, john cofield, brian whykes, william milford, noel richards, stewart jacobs, james robertson, clement rose, eric brown, allan raworth, ernest salter, neville cartledge, peter stacey, robert mcclure, antonius goossens, rodney cartledge, rodney hayes, bevan grigsby, james robertson, neil stephens, john riddle, andreas aaus, bruce fletcher, keith pedler, allen flavell, robert cartledge, ronald shaw, kenneth hibberd, william lockland, percival bilney, petrus damen, james patterson, robert sugden, ernest berriman, stanley jephson, henry harris, maxwell silvey, joseph beasley, charles matthews, maxwell silvey, ian creek, geoffrey hewish, robert mcclure, kingsley callister, winfield tonkin, raymond wines, oswald wilde, kenneth mason, trades -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Little Gem tintype, American Studio, Portrait of a Woman, (exact)
The tintype (or ferrotype or Melainotype) was produced on metallic sheet (not, actually, tin) instead of glass. The plate was coated with collodion and sensitized just before use. It was introduced by Adolphe Alexandre Martin in 1853. The most common size was about the same as the carte-de-visite, 5.5cm x 9.0cm, but both larger and smaller ferrotypes were made. The smallest were "Little Gem" tintypes, about the size of a postage-stamp, made simultaneously on a single plate in a camera with 12 or 16 lenses. They were often produced by travelling photographers, and were cheaper than Ambrotypes so made photography available to working classes, not just to the more well-to-do. The print would come out laterally reversed (as one sees oneself in a mirror). Being quite rugged, tintypes could be sent by post. Tintypes were eventually superseded by gelatin emulsion dry plates in the 1880s, though street photographers in various parts of the world continued with this process until the 1950s. (Above information abridged from The firm of Gove and Allen opened in Sydney in 1880 and were responsible for the belated popularizing of the gem tintype in Australia. The firm traded as both The American Gem Studio and The American Studio. Others franchises were opened in Melbourne, Ballarat and Sandhurst (Bendigo). The Sandhurst branch closed in 1882 and Adelaide in 1884. All Gove and Allen studios had ceased trading by 1885. The studio addresses were: 23 King William St, Adelaide; 324 George St, Sydney; 95 Swanston St, Melbourne; Howard Place, Sandhurst; 7 Queen St, Brisbane; The card mounts used in Gove and Allen studios in Australia are identical to those used in America. They were initially made of plain white card with embossing around the oval image opening in the mount while some also had simple geometric and floral printed designs as well. Although Gove and Allen studios produced the majority of gem tintypes in Australia, other studios offered them including: - London, American & Sydney Photo Company, 328 George St, Sydney; - David Edelsten, 55 & 57 Bourke St, Melbourne; - Burman's Portrait Rooms, St. George's Hall, 209 Bourke St, Melbourne; - Bell's Gem Portrait Studio, 57 Bourke St East, Melbourne; - R. H. Kenny, Bridge St, Ballarat; - Marinus W. Bent, Sandhurst (Bendigo); - George Fisher, Victoria; - Anson Brothers, Hobart Town. (Abridged information from A tintype portrait of a woman's head, attached to a card.Printed lower left hand side of the card "American Studio, 324 Geo. St."tintype, american studio, woman, unidentified woman, women, photograph