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Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Specification, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "Design, Manufacture and delivery of 100 only all-electric trams", Jun. 1965
Specification or Tender Document - titled "Design, Manufacture and delivery of 100 only all-electric trams", and "Background Information and Preliminary Specification", dated June 1965. Bound into a brown foolscap card cover. Details the conditions of tender, conditions of contract, notes, specification, gives background information about Melbourne, dimensions, performance, drivers and conductors, trucks, wheels, brakes, electrical equipment, control panels and drawings. The drawings give a map of the system, typical city route, Glenferrie Road route (grade diagram), concrete track construction, min. radius curves, loading gauge, all-electric tram and mounting details for the trolley base, schedule of prices, tender form, form of contract, schedule of information to be provided by the tenderer. Comprises: 1 - Conditions of Tendering - 1 page 2 - Conditions of Contract - 4 pages 3 - Contents - 3 pages 4 - Notes for prospective tenderers - dated June 1965 5 - General nature of contract - 21 pages 6 - Appendix A - climate data - two sheets 7 - List of 14 appended drawings 8 - O.6887A - cross section of trolley wire 9 - P.13855 - Glenferrie Road, Longitudinal Section 10 - P.13856 - Wattle Park Route 11 - P.13857 - East Preston Route 12 - P13858 - Concrete track construction 13 - P13859 - Open track construction 14 - P.13860 - Paved ballast track construction 15 - P.13887 - Tram Route - locations of substations and section switches 16 - P.13888 - Minimum radius service curves to give minimum clearance between tramcars 17 - P.13889 - Grooved Rail - 102 pounds per yard and tire profile 18 - R10-301 - Loading gauge, proposed electric tramcars 19 - R9706K - Rolling stock data, tramcars 20 - R10306 - Collins Points Shifter - Wiring diagram. 21 - Schedule of data to be supplied by the tenderer 22 - notes on Automatic Points shifters - 2 sheets 23 - Tender prices and delivery periods - 2 sheets. See Reg Item 2266 for the 1972 version and 1583 for the August 1966 version. See Reg Item 4049 for associated newspaper cuttings. See file htd4667i1.pdf for scans of the drawings.In ink in top right hand corner - "Lees"trams, tramways, specification, tenders, z class, mmtb, melbourne -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph - Photographs, Serie, Mission to Seafarers Victoria, The sea is all around us, 29 May 2015
EXHIBITION in the DOME The Sea is All Around Us - Margaret Woodward 11-21 May 2015 Dome Gallery – Mission to Seafarers, 717 Flinders Street, Melbourne, Australia. 37 º 49'21" S 144º 57'03"E Hours: Daily 11.00am - 4.00pm The sea is all around us is a multi-layered event which will create a memorable experience for those visiting the Dome Gallery and the Mission to Seafarers in Melbourne’s Docklands. The event will acknowledge and raise awareness of the working lives and journeys of seafarers by making visible their role in transporting commodities, materials and objects to and from Australia’s shores. This installation invites seafarers and visitors to participate in a global project which aims to witness sea journeys and trace the mobile life of seafarers and souvenirs. For a fortnight in May 2015, the Dome Gallery will become an architectural large scale compass, with the circular floor marking the intersection of its latitude and longitude (37 º 49'21" S 144º 57'03"E). Over these two weeks the Dome Gallery will be inscribed with marks recording journeys made by seafarers, recording destination and departure ports, home lands and waterways, and in doing so making visible a small segment of the global patterns of seafaring. Custom-made souvenirs designed for the installation will be given to seafarers as gestures of welcome and a memento of their visit. The souvenirs originating in Poland will continue their journey by sea, to destinations beyond the Dome becoming part of the global network of seafaring, with an invitation for seafarers to record their future journeys using QR code scanning technologies. It is hoped that by releasing the 200 limited edition souvenirs accompanying the seafarers the mobile life of souvenirs and seafarers will also become visible. For more information visit the website: Margaret Woodward is Associate Professor of Design at Charles Sturt University For a fortnight in May 2015, Margaret Woodward was ‘in residence’ at the Mission to Seafarers Norla Dome Gallery with her participatory installation project "The Sea is All Around Us". The floor of the gallery became a large scale compass. Seafarers were welcomed to the gallery their ships, journeys and destinations were recorded and mapped on the floor drawing. Seafarers were welcomed with cake and souvenir mugs of tea. These mugs, a momento for the seafarers, were inscribed with a scannable QR code and an invitation for seafarers to record their journeys on a dedicated project website. Around 120 souvenirs are now continuing their journey by sea and seafarers have scanned the mugs from locations including Singapore, Brisbane, Fremantle, Adelaide, Busan and Johor! After the exhibition Margaret Woodward was able to follow the seafarers' whereabout: ""The Sea is all Around Us". I am in awe of where this project might go, well done Margaret. One week has passed since finishing up at the Mission to Seafarers Victoria. Today I check my website and can see that the cup-carrying seafarers are reaching warmer climates, they tell me it’s getting hot as some are already in Suva and Port Lautoka. I’ve watched the souvenirs travel and fan out from Melbourne, some West to Adelaide and Fremantle, others going north to Sydney Brisbane, Singapore and Busan. Another seafarer scans in from Changi Airport, excited to be going home for some time with his family in the Phillipines. I keep an eye on my ‘fleet’ of 22 ships that visited the Dome Gallery, and see where they are on the Live Shipping website, watch some of them sail up the coast of Western Australia and marvel at the steady pace this journey takes. I am so used to flying over coastlines and countries in a matter of hours, impatiently watching the tracking screen from my airline seat, this shipping pace seems so much more real, so much more of a passage. I feel connected to these ships, to the people on board, to know that an object has passed from my hands to theirs, now holding in it my cargo of concern."margaret woodward, installation, exhibition, norla dome, 2015, sea voyage, sea journey, cultural events -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Journal series, Law Times, The law reporter : the law times : reports containing all the cases argued and determined in the House of Lords, the Privy Council, the Court of Appeal in Chancery, the Rolls Courts, V. C. Kindersley's Court, V. C. Stuart's Court, V. C. Wood's Court, the court of Queen's Bench, the court of Common Bench, the court of Exchequer, the Bail Court, the Exchequer Chamber, the court for Crown cases reserved, the Probate Court, the court for divorce and matrimonial cases, the Admiralty Court, the Bankruptcy Court, the Insolvency Court, at Nisi Prius, Maritime law cases, together with a selection of cases of universal application decide in the Superior Courts in Ireland and in Scotland, [1860]
Previous owners: T. H. Smith, T. W. Smith, W. F. L. Owen (Langer Owen) No. of volumes: 686 Volume range: Law Times & Law Reporter - Vol. I N.S. (November 1859) - Vol. CLXXVII (December 1947), Weekly Notes - Vol. 1925-26 - Vol. 1952, Weekly Law Reports - Vol. 1953 - Vol. 2014 Missing volumes: Vol. XLI N.S. (September 1879 - February 1880) Also known as: The law reporter : the law times : reports containing all the cases argued and determined in the House of Lords, the Privy Council, the Court of Appeal in Chancery, the Rolls Courts, V. C. Kindersley's Court, V. C. Stuart's Court, V. C. Wood's Court, the court of Queen's Bench, the court of Common Bench, the court of Exchequer, the Bail Court, the Exchequer Chamber, the court for Crown cases reserved, the Probate Court, the court for divorce and matrimonial cases, the Admiralty Court, the Bankruptcy Court, the Insolvency Court, at Nisi Prius, Maritime law cases, together with a selection of cases of universal application decide in the Superior Courts in Ireland and in Scotland Weekly notes Weekly law reports Most volumes, especially early contain a book plate and stamp for W. F. L. Owenlaw reports: digests: etc. -- great britain -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Film - Compact Diskette with video, Yarra Trams, "Melbourne all over", Aug. 2006
Compact Diskette with video (DVD), titled "Melbourne all over", Yarra Trams promotion video, first made in 2004 and then revised August 2006. Has copy right to "Metrolink Victoria". Length 10mins 15 secs. Has intro from announcer Alan Pearson. Has a printed image on the DVD itself and contained within a clear front, black plastic base CD case. Features the use of low floor trams, Melbourne's city attributes, the tram system, public transport, how the city works with the trams, some spoken words from Peter Batchelor, Minster for Transport, images of views of the C class being offloaded from the ship. Explains the relationship between Transdev and Transfield Services, the franchise arrangement, passenger growth, many views of the C class operating. Dennis Cliche speaking about the Think Tram project, Eastern Roads Operations Centre (EROC). Clip from 7 news about the launch of the C class trams. short clips with Steve McEvoy, Rod Beet, Chris Bela Anthony Nichols - disability consultant of Yarra Trams. .1, original version, in shaped case. Added 28-8-2017.trams, tramways, yarra trams, melbourne, public transport, the met, c class, route 109, superstops, events -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Braille and Talking Book Library 91st Annual Report 1894-1985: that all may read, 1985
Annual report of the Braille & Talking Book Library including Minutes of the AGM, Board of Director's Report, President's report and financial statements. Items also included are: embedding the new philosophy 'that all may read', VIP Tours began with tour of library and lunch at 'Onions' restaurant afterwards, increased loans but also a 5 month waiting list for new borrowers, Children's Christmas Party conducted, Barrett Reid, Joyce Nicholson and Dr Stephen Murray-Smith continue to be the literary panel for Braille Book of the Year, Annual Garden Party at Benalla, 63rd work anniversary of Alice McClelland, computerisation of card catalogue has received funds and should be completed by early 1986, and have the added benefit of eliminating wait times for new borrowers, resignation of Clare Lovegrove and Beverley Johnson and appointment of Seija Makinen and Alana McCann, first joint commission of braille books from RIDBC by Library and 8 state organisations, and purchase of an electric conveyor belt to help load the Australia Post truck with the daily 30 bags of mail received and the same outgoing.1 volume of text and illustrationsbraille and talking book library, annual report -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Magazine, Vogue Living, "All the Good Things of Life" Vogue Living Australia Vol. XX, No. 2, Whole No. 109, 1986
Softcover MagazineNote on the front cover with name "Raymond McGrath". Postcard found on page 108 from 6th May 1987 at Durras NSW. "Dear Trish, We are on our third day at Durras and having a wonderfully healthy holiday going for long beach walks and getting quite exhausted. Yesterday the more hardy of us (Ben, Amy & me) even swam. Just prior to our swim four dolphins had been frolicking in the bay where we were picnicking. Ben, Amy and Rupert are anxious to do some fishing so we are off to buy some bait and post this card in Batemans Bay some 20km south. Happy Mother's Day for Sunday. Love from us all, Penleigh." The postcard sent to Mrs John Davies and features the SS Merimbula approaching home wharf, photo credit unknown.walsh st library -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Interview with George Seddon by John Garner, 24 April 2006, Gardener and Foreman at the Ballarat Botanical Gardens, 24 April, 2006
George Seddon, Gardener and Foreman, Ballarat Botanical Gardens. Carole Townsend, daughter of George Seddon at opening of the "Faces in the Street: Portraits of Ballarat Lives" exhibition at the Gold Museum. Courier newspaper. Also Royal Visit of Queen Elizabeth to the Ballarat Botanical Gardens, 1954. Also snow in the gardens, November 1949 at 7.30am, matron and nursing sisters from the Ballarat Base Hospital.Firsthand account of a Gardener and Foreman of the Ballarat Botanical Gardens for 25 years, c.1952-1977.All visibleAll visiblejohn garner collection, garner, dr, seddon, gardener, ballarat, ballarat botanical gardens, interview, townsend, courier, newspaper, gardens, foreman, tom beaumont, keel house, quarantine, begonias, statues, ballarat city council, changes in the ballarat botanical gardens over time., queen elizabeth, mayor, 1954, snow, nurses -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Gardener, Ballarat Botanical Gardens, Donald Victor BLACK, gardener, WW11, Dedication of Tree, 19th March 1944, March, 1944
Donald Victor BLACK, gardener, served and died as a result of WW11 service, an oak tree in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens is dedicated to him, 19th March 1944. Donald V. Black was highly regarded as a gardener in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens before he saw action in the Middle East and New Guinea during World War 2. The dedication and plaque in his memory attests to one of the many sad stories of a young man lost to his family, the work he loved and his home city.All visibleAll visiblejohn garner collection, garner, dr, black, donald black, gardener, ww11, ballarat botanical gardens, ballarat, gardens, plaque, tom toop, donald victor, memorial oak tree, tablet dedication -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Tom Beaumont, Curator, (Superintendent) Ballarat Botanical Gardens, 1947-1971. Founding member, Friends of the Ballarat Botanical Gardens, Thomas (Tom) BEAUMONT, Courier, Special Publication, December 1999 - research by Roy Mosman, 1999
Article for December 1999 Ballarat Courier, about Tom Beaumont and the Ballarat Botanical Gardens, researched by Roy Mosman and summary of article, November 1999.Tom Beaumont was pre-eminent amongst the Curators of the Ballarat Botanical Gardens as a grower and propagator of many plants, especially tuberous begonias and many trees to be found in the Gardens today. He achieved a national and international reputation and yet remained a humble man.All visibleAll visiblejohn garner collection, garner, beaumont, mosman, courier, ballarat botanical gardens, gardens, ballarat, curator, superintendent, thomas toop, begonias, blackmore and langdon, begonia festivals, ballarat horticultural society -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Trams: 67% Say Yes", "Put tram plan to the vote", "Lets make sure we all get on the right tram", "Trams would be bad for mall: manager", 13/07/2002 12:00:00 AM
Set of four cuttings from The Courier, Ballarat dated Saturday 13/7/2002 regarding the reintroduction of trams to Ballarat. 2239.1 - Front page with caption "Trams: 67% Say Yes", written by Alex Easton regarding a survey of 312 residents by the Courier. Also has a photo by Jeremy Bannister of former tram driver Alan Jeffreys at the controls of a tram in Wendouree Parade with Roger Salen in the background. 2239.2 - page 9 - Editorial written by Stuart Howie titled "Lets make sure we all get on the right tram" discussing the positive and negative attributes and problems of spending a large amount of money to return trams to Ballarat. Has a digitally composed photo of No. 13 in Lydiard St. North, showing destination "CITY" and a photo of the Eureka Stockade. 2239.3 - Page 4 - lead article titled "Trams would be bad for mall: manager", written by Alex Easton quoting David Nolan and the impact of trams on the mall, along with a cartoon about a tram ticketing machine being out of order. Cartoon by inkcinct. Also continues from page 1, lead article. Notes that readers can have they say on a web poll. 2239.4 - Page 8 - Letter to the Editor, by William J Hoath titled "Put tram plan to the vote", asking for any tram proposal to be put to the vote of ratepayers. Also on the side in a column titled "Short Takes", titled "Link lake to the tram line", provided by Joan C. Ryan of Ballarat.ballarat revival, letter to the editor, ballarat city tramway, lydiard st. nth -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Equipment - 'KIX' Insecticide Powder, DAVID CHEMICALS PTY LTD, for dogs, cats and all animals, 20thC
Kix was first manufactured by Clark King & Co.after World War II. The offices were located in 237 Queen Street Melbourne. Clark, King &Co Pty Ltd started business in the early 1920's and were known as the poultry food specialist. The head of the firm, Mr Clive Harrison Clark was know as a successful poultry farmer and exhibitor of prize birds, he was the secretary of the Brighton Poultry Society.KIX was used by citizens of MoorabbinA yellow heavy cardboard container with metal swivel top containing a white powder. Front: KIX - STRONGEST - INSEDTICIDE - keeps on killing - FLEAS - SILVERFISH - BUGS - LICE - MOTHS - ANTS - COCKROACHES - FOR DOGS, CATS AND ALL ANIMALS BACK: DIRECTIONS Fleas and Lice. Kix keeps on killing fleas and lice for weeks. An occasional dusting will FLEA-PROFF dogs and cats. Dust Kix on the hair of dogs commencing at the neck and ru it in with the fingers. If the dog appears irritated after treatment, it will be due to the efforts of fleas to escape and indicates both the effectiveness of Kix and the necessity of treatment. Sprinkle Kix on the head and neck of cats and rub well in. Use Kix on poultry also. In personal hygiene against fleas Kix may may dusted on underwear socks etc. Use Kix also for head lice and body lice. Silverfish, cockroaches, Bugs, Ants. Duct Kix where necessary and it will remain effective for months. These pest take some hours to die, but death is certain. Active Constituents: 5% Para Para Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, 2.5% Isobornly Thiocyanoacetate. DAVID CHEMICALS PTY LTD. Clayton, Victoria Contents 1½ ozskix, insecticide, ddt, pets, moorabbin, poultry -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, MEMORIAL, The All-Australia Memorial Book (Vic Ed.), 1917
Pictorial book contains the names of Victorians K.I.A 1914 - 1916 and those who enlisted during the same period. Also stories and a list of bravery awards. Each book has a place for a photo inside The MULLER Brothers. Two of the three boys photos are in the book, Albert & Edgar. They All came from Nhill Victoria. Albert Herbert Muller No 448 enlisted in the 4th L.H.Regt C Sqd on 19.8.1914 age 21 years 7 months. Embarked for Egypt 19.10.14 and then to Gallipoli on 20.5.15, KIA by a sniper on 1.8.1915 at Gaba Tepe Gallipoli. Buried Shell Green Gully 2.8.1915. John Herman Muller No 1102 enlisted in 8th reinforcements 8th L.H Regt on 2.7.15 age 22 years, embarked for Gallipoli 20.8.1915, hospital with Mumps 25.10.15, return to unit 17.11.1915, embark for Alexandria 25.12.1915, hospital 16.9.1916 with Tonsilitis, WIA 19.4.1917 GSW to chest, left leg & arm, hospital 28.11.1917 with Diarrheoa, hospital 1.9.1918 (unclear), promoted T/Sgt 13.3.1919, discharged from the AIF 9.12.1919. Edgar Percy Muller No 3227 enlisted in 26th reinforcements 8th L.H.Regt on 9.11.1916 age 18 years 7 months. Attended Signal School 10.11.1916 to 14.2.1917, embarked for Egypt 20.2.1917, hospital 26.6.1917 with Debility, return to unit, WIA 1.12.1917 GSW to Chest, return to unit 9.1.1918, hospital 4.6.1918 with Malaria, return to unit 31.7.1918, hospital again 9.8.1918 (appears to be Malaria severe), return to unit 29.10.1918, discharged from the AIF 20.10.1919.Memorial Book Australia's Roll of Honour 1914 - 1916. History, Heroes and Helpers. Includes illustrations, photos, drawings, maps, portraits, personal records. Includes fold out pictures inside front cover. Photo and details of A. H. MULLER pasted onto first page. Gilt edged pages. Leather bound cover.books - military - reference, memorials -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Booklet - Catalogue, Margaret Woodward, The Sea is All Around us, 2015
Margaret Woodward is a an artist and an an associate professor of design at Charles Sturt University. Artist statement: "The Sea is All Around us is a multi-layered event which creates a memorable experience for those visiting the Dome Gallery and the Mission to Seafarers in Melbourne’s Docklands. The event acknowledges and raises awareness of the often difficult and dangerous working lives and journeys of seafarers by making visible their role in transporting commodities, materials and objects to and from Australia’s shores. This installation at the Dome Gallery in the Mission to Seafarers in Melbourne’s Docklands marks the third stage of an ongoing research project which seeks to reveal the ‘social life’ of souvenirs. Beyond their representational role souvenirs also trigger intangible, affective qualities – reminders of journeys and places, new associations with tastes, sounds and people, and thereby becoming objects which focus and hold memories. This installation invites seafarers and visitors to participate in a global project which aims to witness sea journeys and trace the mobile life of seafarers and souvenirs. For a fortnight in May 2015, the Dome Gallery became an architectural large scale compass, with the circular floor marking the intersection of its latitude and longitude (37 º 49'21" S 144º 57'03"E). Over these two weeks the Dome Gallery was inscribed with marks recording journeys made by seafarers, recording destination and departure ports, home lands and waterways, and in doing so making visible a small segment of the global patterns of seafaring. Custom-made souvenirs designed for the installation are given to seafarers as gestures of welcome and a memento of their visit. The souvenirs originating in Poland continue their journey by sea, to destinations beyond the Dome becoming part of the global network of seafaring, with an invitation for seafarers to record their future journeys using QR code scanning technologies. It is hoped that by releasing the 200 limited edition souvenirs accompanying the seafarers the mobile life of souvenirs and seafarers will also become visible. Like messages in bottles they leave our shores, becoming ambassadors, representing the Dome Gallery at the Mission to Seafarers, the waters of Port Phillip Bay, Australia’s red soil and vegetation, and carrying memories of visiting Melbourne." The Mission has always been open to the community and has a tradition of hosting cultural events: shows, concerts, exhibitions, festivals.Small flyer in PDf for the art installation by artist Margaret Woodward at the Mission to Seafarerscultural events, norla dome, mso, 2015, art installation, margaret woodward -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Crochet Work, Tray Cloth, Mat and Cuff off-cut all with crochet edging. Belonged to the Maggs Family Ringwood. Examples of crocheting and Hardanger work.c1940's, c. 1940s
Belonged to the Maggs Family. Examples of crocheting and Hardanger work.Three pieces of work with crochet edging:; 1. Tray Cloth with cotton diamond pattern edging.; 2. Mat with fan and shell cotton edging and Handanger drawn thread work.; 3. Diamond edging on cuff cut off a sleeve. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, National School Photography, Ringwood East Primary School: Photograph of all children at the school when closed 1993, 1993
Ringwood East Primary School 4180 started in 1924 and this photograph was taken of the 190 children at the school when it closed in 1993.Blue covered photograph with sketch of school on front, logo, 1924-1993; Inside cover has names, photo of whole school final year 1993 -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Booklet, The Ruskin All-about Ringwood. 1954, 1954
Community booklet - Ringwood 1954 - covering the facilities and activities of the Borough of Ringwood and other local organisations and associations.rinx -
Bendigo Military Museum
From back cover- "FROM THE BOER WAR 1900/ TO EAST TIMOR 2000/ MILDURA WAS THERE! / A HISTORY OF SERVICE IN WAR & PEACE."Soft Cover Book. Cover - cardboard with adhered paper cover with gloss finish. Red colour print on front, spine and back cover. Illustrated, front colour photograph of a building entrance - "MILDURA RSL". Back - colour photograph of a stained glass memorial window. 205 pages, cut, plain white paper. Illustrated black and white and colour photographs, portraits and cartoons. Commissioned by the "MILDURA RSL SUB-BRANCH INCORPORATED".books, history, mildura rsl sub branch -
Christ Church Anglican Parish of Warrnambool
Memorial Window: John Edward BENNETT, Crucifixion "I, if I be lifted up from the earth/ will draw all men unto me"
John Edward Bennett was born in Leeds, Yorkshire, 1862. He was devoted to his family and his church, being a churchwarden and a verstryman of this Parish. He was a lay preacher for 40 years in the Dioceses of Melbourne and Ballarat. He was the first Manager of the Warrnambool Woollen Mill. He died on Nov 10th 1928.He was the first manager of Warrnambool Woollen Mill.Stained glass memorial lancet window, central light, west wall, north nave, depicting the crucifixion of Jesus.To the Glory of God and in loving memory of/John Edward Bennett/ sometime Churchwarden and Vestryman of this Parish, and for/40 years a Lay Reader in the Dioceses of Melbourne and/ Ballarat, born in Leeds, Yorkshire, 1862, entered into rest Nov 10th, 1928/ A devoted husband and father,/ a faithful servant of God and His Church/Not slothful in business, fervent in spirit, serving the stained glass window lancet window bennett je bennett john edward bennett warrnambool woollen mill -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document, That's all right
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Series Listing, Fraser Faithfull et al, Series 62: Shire Staff group photographs 1994 - all Departments, 2000
Colour photographs of Shire staff in Departmental groups and as a whole. Large (25Sx200) and snapshot size prints. Individuals are not identified, however accompanying documentation appears to list persons in the complete staff photo. Series includes 8 larger photographs and approximately 30 snapshot size prints.shire of eltham archives, series listing -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newspaper Clipping, Anecdotes for all, Dimanond Valley Leader, 21 September 2005, 2005
Article on book launch of Writing Nilluimbik; comprising about 30 snapshots of poetry, prose and illustrations celebrating the 30th anniversary of Living and Learning Nillumbik First Published by the Nillumbik Writers' Cooperative at Living and Learning Nillumbik, Eltham. Printed and bound by Adept Printing, 33 Nevin Drive, Thomastown, Vic. 3074Newsprintshort stories, reminiscences, living and learning centre, 30th anniversary, book launch, living and learning centre, writing nillumbik -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
News Clipping, All ready for festival, Diamond Valley Leader, 12 October 2005, 2005
Newsprint2005, alistair knox park, eltham festival, eltham high school, eltham idol, rotary club of eltham -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Jim Wandin, Wurundjeri Elder welcomes all to this site of his people, Rededication Ceremony, War Memorial Tower, Kangaroo Ground. 8 November, 2001, 08/11/2001
(Contained in an album originally put together by Harry Gilham. Photos subsequently relocated to photosafe archival storage.) [2001]Colour photograph printkangaroo ground, war memorial tower, rededication ceremony, diamond valley vietnam veterans, jim wandin, wurundjeri -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newspaper clipping, You're all invited to a real powwow by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, 22 July 1998, p10
Article about Tony Ghosthawk a full-blood native of the Santee Sioux tribe from South Dakota who has been living at Yarrambat and touring schools and Victorian communities showcasing his native-style music, dance and culture. Photograph includes friends, Carol Bodin, Sue Nolan and Steve Stranks.Digital file only scanned by EDHS from item on loancarol bodin, pow-wow, santee sioux tribe, south dakota, steven stranks, sue nolan, tony ghosthawk -
Bendigo Military Museum
Pamphlet - PAMPHLET, YMCA, YMCA (Australasian), Cordial welcome to Capetown for all the ANZAC's, 1914 - 1920
Troop convoys stopped at Capetown. The pamphlet has things to see and do. On the rear page are "Don'ts".This is a single sheet of paper folded twice to make a rectangular pamphlet. The colour is beige/khaki. The printing is in black and red ink. Near the centre is the YMCA triangular badge. At the top is the Aust. Rising Sun and the NZ Army Badge. The words "Cooee & Kia Ora".Written in pencil at bottom is 78.738-4-T.passchendaele barracks trust, ww1, capetown, ymca -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
Book, The Greatest Raid of All Author C.E. Lucas Phillips, 1958 Companion Book Club
Historical WWII recount of the successful raid on the battleship dock at St. Nasiere. This was an action which could only be attempted precisely because it must appear to the enemy, to be absolutely impossible to undertake and for this reason alone it required courage and determination of a quite unusual order to carry out. The operation had been planned in great detail. Once the forces were committed each individual small ship and little group of soldiers had to fight it out by their own initiative in communication from the home front.A naval deployment during WWII in Normandy.Hardcover blue with red swatch, gold trim and gold writing. Photographs, Maps, Illustrations.Foreword by Admiral of the Fleet, the Earl of Mountbatten of Burma KG. " A deed of glory intimately involved in high strategy" Winston Churchill An original Companion Bookclub advertisement leaflet is tucked inside the back raid, german informants, normandie dock, mountbatten, c.e. lucasphillips, robert ryder, the dock busters, caissons, the jaguar, navigation -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
R .A.F. Form 1250 [ R ], Identity card for all ranks of Royal Air Force ,Woman's auxiliary Air Force&the dominion Air Forces
An identity profile of a member of the R A F W W 2Representative.Identity Card No 108430 - R.J. BranchSerial no .419022 Signatures R.J .BRANCH &? -
Bendigo Military Museum
Newspaper - NEWSLETTER WW2, TABLE TOPS, It's All Over, c.1945
Part of the HEWSTON collection re WW1 & WW2.Four page military newsletter dated Wednesday 15.8.1945, sepia with black print & red heading, Issue No 73.documents - newspapers, military history, table tops, newsletter -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of the Fall of Singapore and the service and sacrfice of all Australian Prisioners of War, 2017
Program for a service held at The Australian Ex-Prisioners of War Memorial in BallaratSmall boooklet with khaki cover and photographs throughout from the war and the fall of Singapore 1942non-fictionProgram for a service held at The Australian Ex-Prisioners of War Memorial in Ballaratfall of singapore, world war two, anniversary, 75th anniversary, australian prisoners of war -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book, Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet on The Western Front, 4.1930
Translated from The German by A W WheenGrey buckram hard cover, black printed title, 320 pages, black & white print.books, military history, world war 1